nothing quite like sewing to make you realize how small you really are
like I did not expect my hip-to-ankle-length to be less than a meter even though my whole body is only 164. but still!! less than a meter!!! I'm so short!!!!!
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fangaminghell · 5 months
TW: Child Abuse, death.
Sasha's backstory isn't fuuuuully detailed. Not yet. But I have the basics down where it's easy to understand. Sasha grew up in the 7th street. I imagine that his family possibly fell to ruin and was chased down there. His mom isn't in the picture ( unsure of if she's dead or she ditched them), so it was just him and his dad. His dad was the warmest kindest man Sasha ever knew. All he wanted was for Sasha to grow up happy. Even on the streets of 7th Street, he wanted his son to be happy. But their circumstances didn't fully allow that, but he still tried his best. Sasha, being more aware of their situation, ended up stealing to get by, and had to learn how to defend himself. His dad didn't exactly approve, not wanting Sasha to let go of his childhood so soon. But again, their circumstances call for these things, so he couldn't exactly stop Sasha.
One day, Sasha tried to steal from Solaris, but got caught. He got beaten up for it, and if it weren't for the fact that 1) Solaris was actually impressed by the fact that Sasha was still conscious,let alone brave enough to try and steal from him and 2) Sasha's dad coming in and begging to let his son go. The end result was with Sasha still being taken by Meteor bc he "showed promise", but his dad was left behind....unharmed. That was the deal. Sasha would work for meteor, and in return, they would not touch his father. Sasha could also see his father if he excels in his training. So now, more than ever, Sasha could not afford to make mistakes. He had to be perfect.
To say the training was brutal would be an understatement. Solaris and Sirius have pushed Sasha to his limits again and again and again. Sirius, in a way, was always more cruel. Sasha has experienced so much pain in those times. They molded him into the perfect guard dog. Speaking of which! Alongside being The Backup for team meteor, the one they call when things really go to shit, he is mainly the guard for Taka! You would think that Sasha would hate him but no. He considers him as his little brother, and is honestly the main reason he's still standing. Both Taka and Luna: he loves them both so much, and despite his pain, or wanting Taka to leave meteor, he will stay by Taka's side no matter what. The loyal guard dog.
Obviously things go to shit. El was always nicer to Sasha, allowing Sasha to visit his dad even when he was supposed to be guarding Taka. Something that Sasha happily obliged to. One day, El once again let Sasha leave to visit his father. Which Sasha did. Only to find his father killed by some thugs bc of a deal he had made. The thugs were still there, messing with his body. Sasha saw red.
El was the one that found him. Covered in blood with a distant gaze that he has never seen on the child. Sirius wanted to punish him, but Solaris stopped him. Solaris, in his own twisted way, wanted to use experience as a means to "bond" with Sasha. They both lost their fathers to lesser man, after all. But Sasha only listened a tiny bit. He hated that man, after all.
This was when things get blurry for me, but over time, Sasha gradually "recovers". He becomes more and more like the Sasha you all know and love. He is also considered the deadliest meteor member buuuuut that's neither here nor there.
Aaaand yeah! That's Sasha :)
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dearest, daigo dojima, i solemnly swear never to make fun of your 2006 haircut ever again people CAN fuck up your shit and you DO just have to live with it
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pizzaqueen2002 · 3 months
So I watched episode 405 this morning, and oh boyyy.
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I have a slight idea of what goes on next but like stiiilllll it hurts so bad
I have theories but I'm sure the rest of the arc will tell me what I wanna know first
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twinprime · 1 year
yoo i have the tom ford noir de noir and i wish i hadn't blind bought because i stiiilllll don't know how i feel about it. i trusted all of the reviews but i feel like it smells like something i've smelt on my grandmother and that's fine and all but that's not the vibe i'm going for maybe that was just the reaction with my skin? idk i wish i'd though of buying a dupe and doing my research
nooo omg 😭 literally as much as i love tom ford i absolutely cannot afford to drop that amount of money on a scent… i just go into sephora to try them out and then find the best cheap alternative i can. the first one i tried was the dossier dupe of tobacco vanille and it was the absolute worst scent i’ve ever bought—it smelled nothing like the original and was sooo sickly sweet. the one i just ordered is from alexandria fragrances and they get absolutely stunning reviews!! if this scent proves to be accurate i’ll totally recommend them for if u wanted to try any other tom ford scents in the future!!
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buggknife · 1 year
1, 32, and 16 for writers asks :D
WOOUUGH hi thank you and apologies for the wait!! :3
1. I'd say at least a good chunk of the time yes. Not essential by any means but it can be nice to have some instrumental stuff quietly going in the background.
16. It's chaotic and inconsistent. I've had things that need very minimal editing for me to be happy with em, and then there's the stuff I hate and rewrite 5 times. Hard for me to really pin it down but if it's something I ever plan to like, put up here, it's totally gonna be of the 5 rewrite variety because I get so jittery about sharing things LMAO
32. I am dreading getting to the point where I need to actually write any existing character (yes I'm aware that's literally what you're supposed to do in FF). Hoping I do them justice etc. I know interpretations of the fc5 cast can vary wildly but stiiilllll... At this point in time every human character I've written about at length is completely original- so far I'm only writing fanfic by virtue of it taking place in FC5's world (and Elder Scrolls before that).
Writer's Ask Game
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accursedpenner · 3 years
Should I tell people I’m alive???
Hello I am alive and still capable of mostly coherent and individual thought. I just spend most of my brain power thinking of DnD and Genshin Impact
And when I say ‘DnD’ I mostly mean tieflings
and when I say ‘Genshin’ I mostly mean sniffing around under internet rocks for any leaks of potential Dendro characters. Like ANY DENDRO CRUMBS. I am obsessed!
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tillman · 4 years
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Thinks stupidly hard about this in particular
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lechatnoir1918 · 5 years
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Part 8 of “Missed Opportunities”
for the lovely @ladysparre
“Care for a waltz, Miss Fisher?”
“Are you sure you want to risk it?”
“What’s the risk?”
In any case it’s a risk worth taking you two idiots!!! Right, I can’t get over how adoringly Phryne looks at Jack in this scene, especially when he grasps her hand. I guess she also likes when Jack takes charge. (The other person in that “also” being me. I like that. Very much. Someone get me a dance partner like Jack Robinson. Pretty please.)
I kinda promised smut for this one. Then I wasn’t sure whether to include it. Then @ladysparre convinced me to post it and I’m happy she did, so, bonus drawing 👇
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//My school recently put up a minor for anthropology/archaeology and it sounds sooooo interesting, but I’m already minoring in Literature and in my Honours Classes on top of my major -sobs-//
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bbeelzemon · 4 years
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fkultimatecomic · 5 years
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Page 22 - Uncanny
First off, thanks @spideybub for sending me that abso-fucking-lute nightmare of a photo, then proceeding to show me the sonic movie trailer, this is what you get and I’m still crying from the trauma.
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vriskart · 7 years
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kaptain-kab · 6 years
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absinthe-ndeath · 7 years
Today has been the worse. Mood; apathetic.
My eye liner ran whilst crying over the break-up anniversary of MCR and it stained my “Come to the dark side we have cookies” shirt. Also, three studs popped off of my favorite belt from hot topic and my prop cigarette I use to take high-angled selfies finally snapped in half. My scrotum has also receded somewhere inside my lower stomach due to wearing skinny jeans three sizes too small for the past six years. My mom still doesn’t get me.
I hope tomorrow is better rawr xD
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superfrostydrawing · 2 years
*me looking at other schnees tags out of boredom* … huh would you look at that. Whitley is the second most popular schnee after Weiss. He beat winter lmao
tbh is just me and the same Whitley stans hyping him up every day 😭 but stiiilllll
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