#still at least I learned some more about animating in csp
mollyjames · 1 year
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Windmill (Weekly Sketch Poll Winner)
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lico-arts · 3 months
Quick update + A little treat!
Hello! I won't be very active during July because of ArtFight and a few illustrations i have planned (on top of my job, send help), so to make up for the upcoming lack of content, here's some insight on how i animate my Twst Chibis :)
(shoutout to the person who sent an ask about this topic! idk if i misclicked or if you took it down yourself, but it made me really happy to be asked and i spent 4 hours writing this as an answer, so i'm posting anyway lol)
Rigging & Animation talk below the cut, feel free to scroll by if you were just here for the update (and have a great day 👋)
I'll be taking Mafuyu as the exemple here, because he's the most complete one i made so far.
Firstly, here's some WIPs i saved showing off his faces and hair bones
Basically i went ahead and made an entire rig for him, since i know i'm eventually going to come back and make him more reactions and outfits. I started from scratch so it took a while, but at least now i have a nice base ready to go!
The original sketch was made on CSP, then the model itself and animation were made on Toon Boom because i haven't learned to use Live 2D yet.
Great thing about that is that it ended up being fully vectorized, which is always a plus if i ever need to resize him.
Here's a zoom (or huh, as close up in as my screen will allow) on all the elements, and their hierarchy. From the left are the elements that show up on top of everything (pearls, hair, head & face), to the ones that are behind everything on the right (cardigan back, braid, shadow):
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It's kinda tricky to describe but all elements have their individual pegs (the green bits), which then get linked up additionally and in groups, so for example if i start selecting from the hand and go up, it goes:
Hand -> Hand + Forearm -> Hand + Forearm + Upper arm -> Both Arms + Torso + Head + Hair -> Upper Body + Pelvis + Both Legs
Once the model was done it was onto animating!
No secrets here, i really just tried my best to match the rhythm of how the in-game models move, what movements came back regularly etc... So typically: the heads often bop up and down in a specific way when they laugh or look up, the entire body stretches slightly when they jump or get startled, things like that.
I keep thinking that technically i shouldn't have animated the bangs because the in-game models have pretty limited hair animations, but hhh it felt too important to skip for Mafuyu (and mostly i was just having fun lol).
Just for fun, here's what most of my timeline looks like for the idle animation:
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I'm confident that the og animations are fully tweened, so i did that too. But ofc with some adjustments to the timing so it doesn't look stiff. Since everything is on ones I didn't have the patience to go back and modify frames by hand lol.
It was especially tricky to figure out how to make the elbows look good, because of the pattern on his cardigan. I had to redraw the arms like 4 times to have them work in all positions. I spent many minutes looking at in-game models that had checkered sleeves (White Rabbit Deuce ended up being my main reference) to analyse how they made theirs work. I could've bothered making a clipping texture that I could warp to match the movement of the arm but,,, that probably would've killed my motivation entirely, i was determined to make this look good, but not THAT much lmao
The bangs, braid and cardigan were the only elements that i animated with bones and warps, for everything else i just used basic pegs to rotate and stretch the limbs
After that i just threw a Ramshackle themed bg behind him and gifed him up, and Voilà!
Random/fun facts, because why not:
The shoes took me 4 hours to make, because im really not used to drawing with vector tools, all those details made it hell lol
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His proportions are mostly based off of Ruggie's model :)
I think that about covers it! I tried going into details without being boring, so hopefully it's still understandable, and maybe even interesting for curious folks 🤞
If you made it all the way here, holy shit thank you!!
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delta-gambit-au · 4 months
FAQ about Delta-Gambit
As I mentioned before, I think this post should clarify a lot of questions behind my project. If anything is missing, be kind to tell me so and I'll edit.
((15/SEP/2024 -- Still trying to catch up on pending stuff for my blog, now that I'm getting more confident with Ibis Paint on the phone and combining it with CSP, I'll be able to focus on doing some organizing on this blog soonish. After that I'll focus on the stuff I owe to other people 😳 (not 3D because I still can't buy a GPU replacement for my broken one, but at least I can draw picturs... if RL stops nagging me with their selfish requests) ((18/AUG/2024 -- I gotta do some cleanup in this post later down the month now that I'm learning how to handle better the blog's presentation by watching how other people do theirs. Please disregard the present mess until then.))
((05/AUG/2024 -- I think I should add some disclaimer here -- currently I'm working on the project very slowly due to several RL issues that doesn't give me enough spare time a day -- until I get a new tablet (now a new GPU) to work faster I'll keep posting sketches and other things that I can do on the phone and 3D renders of my AU and OCs of other people -- I apologize for the slow trickling of content on my blog and thank you for dropping by))
🔵 What is this AU about?
This AU branches out after a half-baked Pacifist Route in which the plea of Spamton has been ignored by Kris for too long. Everything else is as a normal Pacifist Route, but with a tasteful twist. The story revolves around Spamton mostly, but he isn't the sole protagonist of this story, as other characters come to prominence later on and get tangled in a deep conspiracy that puts all of their lives at stake. It's roughly a story about the lives of the Darkners in a Dark World more than character centric drama, but I get to weave a ton of narrative devices that so far is being loved by all my proof-readers.
🔵 Is this AU related to any other AU?
Nope. This AU was created without any knowledge about anybody else's AU in the past. In fact, I didn't know other people made theirs until I read about it and that's when I came to the realization that what I did was called as "AU" 👀 I started writing the prologue draft at the end of January 2024, but I did not make any contact with the fandom up until the end of March 2024.
🔵 Why you make so many experimental art not related to the visual novel?
Because that's my way of training art, and I'd rather pick my characters as theme and focus of my training than practicing with something else to be honest. I also need to practice drawing my characters more often so that I can stay consistent with the designs when I start to build up the visual novel in Unreal Engine 5.
🔵 Do you have any samples of the visual novel?
Currently nope, as I'm still in training, learning through an Udemy course a friend of mine gifted me to learn how to make visual novels in Unreal Engine 5. Until I get the script of the first season done, I'll not work on the visual novel, because it would be dumb to work on it and not have any complete chapters done to start sharing them.
🔵 Will the visual novel be free to play or?
The visual novel will be free to download, but of course, you can always give a tip of kromer if you think my work is worthy of it 😁
It will be published on Locals, Itch.io and on Steam (this last one further down the line because of how it must be setup and the $100 that costs to get a game slot on Steam).
I'd also upload gameplay of it on my YouTube and Rumble channels if you are more of watching others playing it than playing the game yourself.
🔵 You mentioned a "season". Is your visual novel split in seasons?
I thought about calling them "arcs" but then I settled with the word "seasons" because of how animated they are and visual-novel format is almost like watching a movie but with huge captions. I've enough material for 1 season (of roughly 12~15 chapters, depending if I need to split chapters more because of their length) and I have ideas for a Season 2 that can survive on its own up until Chapter 3, 4 and 5 of the original Deltarune comes. Then after we get more official Deltarune story, I'll be able to produce a third season.
(moved updates to a different post)
🔵 Why Spamton though?
idk, brainrot? My Spamton should be called DG!Spamton, to distinguish it from the original (or other Spamton in the fandom). Though both are similar (if not identical) mine has something that made a few Spamton haters to start to like Spamton. I don't know how to explain it… It just works ._.
🔵 How do you pronounce "Spwatchton"?
🔵 Are you a Spaniard?
Born and raised, and it shows in my odd way of writing. Hope you don't mind some typos here and there but I try my utmost to quash them when I see them 😅
Also and just in case, you may address me as he/him or they/them but since I'm NB you may use whatever pronouns you feel comfortable with 😉I love you all 💌 (in the most respectful way)
You may call me Spwatchton or Spwatch, we're not picky.
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nessypanda-art · 9 months
Welcome to the last days of 2023 you animals, here's to hoping that 2024 is better
In case it wasn't obvious, but I'm a nasty whore for making vague posts about whatever projects I'm working on (or better known as 'things' because 'projects' isn't vague enough). But if I keep this shit up I might just explode, so here I am to give a short rundown on what 'things' are:
● Klątwa (eng: The Curse): It's a comic that I've worked on here and there for a few years, 2023 was when I actually started making progress on it. I've managed to finish the first draft of the script, will more than likely write a second draft. There's a werewolf, there's Slavic mythology, and there's a guy that can't seem to catch a break.
I've made a few pieces of art for it (this one X is my favorite), namely of the main character Mirosław. I haven't really decided on how the other characters should look, let alone how I'm going to go about drawing the comic itself. (I have ambitious plans to make a trailer for the comic, here's the song I'd use X)
● I don't have fancy names for this section but we'll just divide it between two bulletpoints. The first piece of fanart is a sort of edit to a smaller chunk from Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago. I've got a handful of sketches and a dream.
● The second piece of fanart is probably the most out of my wheelhouse (and frankly (he he) the most ambitious) because it's supposed to be a storyboard animation using a snippet from episode 14 of MOTH (link here) (The snippet I want to use is from 33:00 to 35:20). It's the bane of my existence and a thorn in my side. It reminds me of the fact that I never took the time to actually learn how CSP works outside of the baseline stuff and that I have a very vague understanding of what goes into animation. I'm going to finish it, I won't let a project get the better of me. Besides, I've already thumbnailed and drafted the majority of it, so I think it would be a waste to not at least attempt to finish it.
● It started out as a silly little speedpaint video, with just some music and sped up footage of an old piece of fanart (the fanart in question being a piece I submitted for the contest GB held back in April of this year). It turned into a big ass thing with multiple illustrations and a silly voice over. I've been working on this thing since May/June of this year. I have a portion of the illustrations done and recorded, but there's still a bunch more to make and a voice-over to record. I just keep giving myself more work.
In short, if I'm referring to "working on a thing" I'm probably referring to one of the above-mentioned. I can't give specific dates as to when everything will be finished, but if I had to order it from most to least likely to be done next year it would be: BW thing, first MOTH thing, second MOTH thing and Klątwa.
I'll still post other things, of course, don't worry, I'd personally lose a marble or two if I didn't do anything else outside of my projects.
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jemwolf · 11 months
Little Bear here again to ask if you have any tips on how to start with the more complex side of animation!
I'm self taught so it's so hard to find proper resources because half the stuff I already know/do (Like when I start on the basics) but the minute I look for more complex stuff it's WAY too much to understand KLGJFDLK,,,, Do you have any middle ground between beginner and complex?
HI!!! Sorry I didn't reply earlier; it's been a crazy week as far as college assignments.
Unfortunately idk if I'm the best person to ask about starting to learn animation, because I've been lucky enough to have schools that offer animation courses since I was in middle school; I haven't necessarily done a lot of self-taught animation by this point.
Currently I use ToonBoom Harmony for class, which is an incredible animation program, but it also may not be the most affordable if you're not a student. (My university provides it to animation students for free.) The most basic option is currently sitting around $30 (USD) per month, which I will say isn't as bad as I thought, though. I use TB for rigged and hand drawn animation.
If you're able to use ToonBoom, I definitely recommend the free tutorials made by my professor, Matt Watts! He is a super cool guy and it's such an honor to call him my professor! He works at Disney and with Odd1sOut, and ToonBoom actually hired him to make tutorials, so you know he's a good resource!
I'm currently learning 2D rigged animation from him and my other professors, and he has a course on making a rig from start to finish here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVv7vmBaoUs&list=PLAixTSGooiioZ53TveysaKURS_bOOx-E-&pp=iAQB
I haven't gone through that tutorial myself, but a few of my classmates did, and having him as a professor, I've gone from knowing nothing about rigged animation to having a pretty decent understanding on how to build a rig from scratch and best industry practices!
As for hand drawn on a stricter budget... Flipaclip was my go-to before I got access to TB, though I'm pretty sure that's mobile only. It's free though, and there's tons of helpful tutorials for it on youtube! Clipstudio Paint also has animation tools, but unless you have CSP Ex, they're very limited; I personally haven't used it for animation.
Sorry I don't have more advice than that, but if you have any questions about certain aspects of animation or in using a certain program (assuming I'm familiar with it, of course) please feel free to ask me! I'd still consider myself a rookie, but I've been learning about animation for several years at this point, so I might be able to give some tips, at least ;w;
If anyone else wants to chip in with good resources for getting into animation, by all means share!
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shwaim · 4 months
About the Hiatus
Last year I said I was entering a hiatus and that I would explain the reason once 2024 came... Before I realised, it's already June.
First of all, happy Pride!
Second of all, sorry for the silence the past months. A lot has been going on and I needed a break from social media and posting my art.
Under the cut is more info about some stuff that's been happening, there's also a tl;dr.
Because of some health reasons, I was going to have surgery in December 2023 - January 2024, but some family matters got in the way and I had to replan everything to happen in to April - May 2024.
I don't wish to enter in details about the surgery, but I wouldn't be able to draw for at least 1-2 months, so I planned to make a post after surgery... Until things got more complicated to the point that I couldn't get my surgery in May; and, the fact that I'm moving to another state altogether because of family matters will make it difficult to get into the airplane (or leaving the house altogether) after surgery.
During these past months my arm/wrist health hasn't been in the best condition, and the fact that I wasn't able to pinpoint when exactly I would be able to have my surgery was slowly draining me and making it more difficult to keep my mental health in the best condition. If my mental health wasn't helping in making me draw, even if I forced myself to sit and draw, my arm/wrist would start to hurt badly, and if I insisted, the pain would normally last for a couple of days (the longest lasting pain I felt was 6 days and the shortest 3).
I'm very lucky that this surgery isn't urgent or needed for my survival for the next 8 or so years. Even so, it was something that I was (weirdly) looking forward to and also scared of happening. In a way, I know it's needed and I do want to have it, I'm just a coward scared of pain lol.
My notebook almost died (I don't have a spare one). It's now working after a factory reset, and luckily, I saved all my drawings and little projects. I forgot to make a backup of my workspace on CSP, so now I have to manually download all the brushes I used previously, which I will do only after I'm fully moved in my new house... I've also been (Trying) to experiment with different brushes, so my art style might or not change.
Even so, because I already packed most things (including the tool that I use for drawing digitaly), I won't be able to draw for a while, I still have some art from the past couple of months that I will post glazed on social media and unglazed on my ko-fi (mostly for archive purposes), but other than that, nothing new.
These last months have been peculiar. They're not the worse and I got to rest a little, catch up to some anime and finally play Ys 2 (!!!!!).
For now, I plan to take things slowly. I probably won't post something once a week, or once every 2 weeks. There are still many story ideas and drawing ideas I wish to draw about, but for now I'm going to learn how to take it slowly.
If you're still reading this, thank you for your attention, have a nice week!
EDIT: Oh, and I finished the little Gottschalk doodles!! They're on my artfol, but I don't plan on posting them here on Tumblr because they were made in a rush in December.... I'm thinking of drawing them better once I have more time.
Was going to have surgery, got postponed 2 times, still haven't gotten it.
My mental health got worse these past months and made it difficult to draw
My arm/wrist has been hurting more frequently to the point of the pain lasting 2-4 days and making it painful to draw.
I'm moving address and will only make new art after I'm 100% moved in.
I still have some art I made during these months. I will glaze them slowly and post them on social media, while I will leave the unglazed version on my ko-fi (for archive purposes).
Won't post art every week, or once every 2 weeks anymore.
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asterryplace · 5 months
womp womp
tiny update to all the things i'm doing and will be doing and all the bullshit i'm working on [there is a lot!]
So, first of all, I know i've been super inactive, yeah. I started working on a zine [!!! as a mod!!!!!], and got a ton of health issues on the way [as per usual], so my energy levels have been all over the place. To explain all the happenings as a list;
BISU, the software!
still working out the kinks and possibilities, while settling on how to start the project so we can maybe gather some new people and coders. Would be insanely helpful.
Settled on what each version should have and what we need, just need to work out the math and all the dumb kinks of graphic tablets. Will take time, but it's headache inducing.
Zines; a masterlist
working on the disability companion for a vidya
doing a zhongven zine. there's a lot going on there but it's alright . skull emoji
kitty love zine! about 25% done. It features a ton of cats [duh] including my own dumbasses
seazine; scrapped the old version. will probably remake it in csp cause procreate kinda sucks for that
Illu projects
Doing mermay and a bunch of other competition works! Mostly using this as just an opportunity to train and get better, cause I feel like I suck!
Making a few smaller illus for prints; focusing on a simpler design that could be pleasant for a green interior. Looking for a good print-on-demand service still [cause printful doesn't have the best ratings, tbh]
biiiig backburner. Have to wait for better wifi to focus on it more, unfortunately.
Still assembling a good database of resources! If you find anything and want to add it, email me [email protected] ! I promise I don't bite [through the screen, at least]
Fanworks masterlist
tmnt fancomic still in progress! had to put it on the backburner due to all the other stuff happening
doing a bit of genshin redesigns?? it's kinda fun and i can't wait to show them all off
also drawing a manga based off of outward's world and lore! I hope to release it on a chapter by chapter basis, so all the binge readers can just go through a chapter and then wait for the next "episode" instead of a single page per week [it's also kind of better for my health state]
Working on a baby show [!!!]! still storyboarding it out and learning things on the way. I'll probably have to learn 3d to cut corners a bit here and there, otherwise this will suck real bad
there's a secret in the works. it's taking a long time but i hope it will be something enjoyable :-]
And that's that for now! Whew that's a lot of stuff. Well, see you whenever I manage to do any of these things, ciao!
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grimvestige · 2 years
Oh there are new artist asks in town!
You know the drill, numbers 2 and 5 if you please?
There are indeed!
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
I cannot believe you'd do this to me. Make me choose favorites? MY GOSH AAAAA. I will try my best!
This one's the first and most obvious one! It's one of the largest pieces I've done in a while, and took me like, at least 18hrs. (Also I linked it's post in the source bc like...it just didn't get a lot of love which makes me sad adfkjdhkjh)
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I think for my second piece, I'll actually choose a piece of writing I did! I'm still learning how to write, and it took me ages to finish this, but I'm really proud of a one-shot I wrote about Tiarnan and his partner going to explore a forgotten archive as one of their dates. I'll put a teensy excerpt here, and link to the whole thing here.
“You’re not going out to explore alone, are you?” a low voice rings out from behind Tiarnán.
“I…uhm, well,” the librarian stammers for a moment, before straightening up and turning to face the source. Leaning in the door frame behind him is a grinning crimson summer sidhe, donning cranberry and charcoal colored robes and crystalline ruby pauldrons. Strapped on their back is a large great sword, its jagged hilt glittering with magenta crystals. “I didn’t want to be a burden Móirín, you have your duties and all,” Tiarnán quickly ripostes, tucking his hands behind his back and smiling expectantly.
Móirín rolls their eyes before standing up and walking over to join Tiarnán. “Your silver tongue won’t keep the wisps from you, and I much prefer you alive than an empty husk.”
Oh god I've only picked two pieces! #3 is a commission I did for @eldritch-goth! I finally felt like I was getting a good grasp of all the tools I had available in CSP for this one!
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BECAUSE I HAVE A REALLY HARD TIME PICKING (its mostly being chronically bad at enjoying my own art, not just loving all of it) I'M JUST GONNA GO WITH SOME RECENTS I LIKE!
#4 is a reinterpretation of some dialogue from Hellboy in Hell, but for one of my NPC's in my D&D campaign, Hanzou!
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AAAAAND #5 will be a piece I finished like literally this week of a scene from some Hadreon rp! This was fun to put the background together for ^^
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OKAY I HOPE THAT WORKS?????? AAAA;;;; it's very hard to pick favorites because I draw so much and just don't get super attached to a lot of my work ^^;
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
I don't think there's a lot, but I definitely want to try more pixel art! I always enjoy it when I do it, but never remember it's an option.
Also I suppose if it counts for drawing, I'd love to do a proper action shot animation at least to relatively clean lines, something along the lines of Castlevania!
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mikkjournal · 3 years
I guess to start, I'm going to list out the programs I like to use. I'm going to put half this post under the cut to spare your dashboards.
For 2D art, I use Clip Studio Paint EX. I probably didn't need to upgrade to EX (since I don't use any of the animation tools nor do I utilize the 3D functions), but I'm not exactly upset about that; I bought CSP back when it was still Manga Studio and upgrading when it was on sale wasn't too costly.
I used to use Paint Tool Sai, and I switched because Sai just wasn't beefy enough for me (I used obscenely large canvases back then; now I restrict myself to canvases 4096 pixels wide). I also found myself hopping into Photoshop to play with adjustment layers, which CSP has. I swear by it, at least for computer artists; I'm not sure how the mobile/tablet versions compare.
I mainly use brushes from Frenden's gigantic brush pack; particularly the Graph-FIGHT pencils for sketching and lining, and the equine recline brush for rendering (though I will use the oil and comfort food sets from the pack on occasion). I've also got a plethora of free brushes from the Clip Studio assets store, though I hardly use them; my art style isn't super demanding when it comes to what brushes I need.
When it comes to 3D art, I use:
Daz Studio (forgive the horrid fucking NFT banner at the top; unfortunately they're shills, but the program itself is very useful). It's free, but the catch is a lot of the addons you'll want are paid products. If you know what you want/are internet savvy/can make your own assets, then you can get away without spending much money. It's got a learning curve, but when it comes to 3D art, it's very beginner friendly and most products for it are designed to work out of the box. It's been my gateway into 3D art.
I use Daz to make models of the characters I draw, and to create reference images so I don't have to fiddle with sketching out anatomy or composition over and over again from scratch. I'll be sharing some of the renders I take on this blog as part of my process documentation. When I started out, I wanted to spend as little time in Daz as possible, but now I spend just as much time in Daz as I do in Clip Studio; it's quite fun to work with, especially once you learn how to use all the features.
ZBrush is the program I use to make/edit my own morphs for Daz, using the GoZ plugin to make my life easier. It's got one hell of a learning curve, and as a beginner to 3D I found the interface really unintuitive, but like Daz, it's a lot of fun to work with once you have an idea what you're doing. I plan on using Zbrush as part of my workflow once I start making more 3D art and my own Daz assets in earnest.
(Also no I did not pay full price for this, I'm too poor for that LMAO)
Blender is another program I like, though I don't use it nearly as much as Zbrush—and unlike Zbrush, it's completely free and open source. It can be used to make morphs for Daz, but I found using Zbrush with the GoZ plugin to be a lot more intuitive. I use Blender when I want to create something from scratch, like the first iteration of Soap's sword from Call of Honor (which I really, really need to update).
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ask-aph-baltics · 5 years
(Apologies if you've answered this before) Sometimes I consider starting to learn how to draw, but I've been on the fence about it for a while now. Any tips for how one could get started in drawing based on your own experience? Your blog makes me smile have a lovely day/night :)
Aww, that’s so nice! Thank you! I am really passionate about the thoughts of mixing history and culture with characters and stuff. XD So I am having a blast, much more than I did trying to work with the loose canon of Osomatsu san.
So I started drawing when I was about 12 or 14 or something in that age range and it was because my friend and I had OCs that were wolves and lions and we just wanted to share our stories and character designs. At first I just did from memory. I really liked South Park too... so my first sketch book was just South Park.
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Dragons and Wolves and stuff too cause yeah. I just did it from my head. Which worked, I got ideas out and even though I would be 12 with these I guess, uh. Yeah. I learned to draw South Park by watching it and drawing along. Back then in 00s we didn’t have Youtube. So now I would say, go and look up drawing tutorials for youtube and stuff. I later in about 06 or so got into anime (who doesn’t) and started to just try to emulate Detective Conan style shit...
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I again, still, had NO technique or skills. I just watched Conan and looked at the manga and picked up and a lot of my first stuff was just reproductions...
I also didn’t have a computer, nor any drawing tools... so I didn’t know about layers and I didn’t even know about how to draw traditional besides just a pencil... so all of my stuff was just that.
I pretty much stuck with Pencil Renderings and MS-Paint with a mouse. -- Sorry this is long winded. My way I started and got into drawing is so different than what people these days can do... because you guys, everyone, almost, has a digital tablet at their disposal (you can use a smartphone to draw on!!!) youtube and a sea of references that load fast as fuck. Servers and forums with fast advice and people there who wanna help. Not slow forums or anything.
So the best tip is just draw what you want, regardless of if it’s ‘good or not’. - This is, if you want to just produce for the sake of putting your ideas out there. If learning actual technical ability is what you want to do instead... 
Start piece by piece, always use a reference, Look on youtube for beginner drawing tutorials and just kinda follow along like bob ross style. Watch how people IRL move. Think of everything as tubes and shapes.  You wont get good overnight. You wont get good in a few years. So much goes down to muscle memory too. Take your time. Especially with digital, you can constantly go back and make adjustments. Don’t be scared to do that with layers!! Resize, crop, adjust, fix,. Not all works need to be finished. Sketching is the best way to learn. Don’t spend too much time on something sometimes. Sometimes it’s best to just do lots of fast sketches!
the first part you should do is learn how to do simple shapes and burn that into your muscle memory. learn to make a pattern for how you draw things because it will help with consistency in the end.
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the most fun time I have drawing is sketching... sorry, i hope this is at least motivational in that we all start from SOMETHING and get somewhere even if we don’t practice dilligently... my art quality began to falter around 2014 or so and has stagnated for the most part.... my stuff in 2009 was actually better than it is now in a lot of ways, especially the colouring and stuff.
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(this is from 2008 before my passion was completely removed from my body by my teachers, obivously i know better about perspective and stuff) but I actually used to have fun trying new things. So experiment A LOT. Now I can’t really be arsed...
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(this is one of the last pieces I actually put some effort into and it’s date 2015. There has been a few others here and there but this was a try at a very angled 1p perspective) Also I drew with a program that came out in 2002 until 2015 so!! (now I use CSP)
i doubt i helped. but just start. just start by putting your ideas somewhere out there.
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