#still having troubles with the gif sizes sometimes
thatonegeekygirl · 4 months
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Shark Arm Murders - Q+A
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kissedloveletters · 2 months
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hand holding , multi. ₊˚ ♱
♱ note . aaa hi my loves ! sorry for the lack of inactivity (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞.. i’ve got a few fics in the drafts to make up for it! here is part one.
♱ characters . muichiro , inosuke , zenitsu , genya , tanjiro
♱ warnings . head canons, angst on genya’s part if you squint
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muichiro’s hands are tough from the consistencies of training and hard work, didn’t became a hashira in 2-3 months for nothing. but it isn’t sandpaper bad. cuts liter his palms often — also gets some what clammy
his hands are average in size for his age, or even dainty. he has slim fingers with average sized palms.
his nails run a little unkempt and are sometimes cracked, his cuticles are a little roughed up from fighting. also doesn’t care much for nail care but likes it when you take care of it for him, or even tells you to do it — he likes the feeling of your hands on his; the warmth radiating from your hands is pleasurable.
he gets a lot of cuts often, sometimes when he’s reading he gets on purpose to ask you to help him tend them or bandage his wounds, he likes your touch, a lot.
extra. physical touch is actually one of his love languages and quality time, which is why he does these on purpose.
if you scold him he would have puppy eyes and say it won’t happen again ( it will ).
^ but is happy you care for his wellbeing!!
defiantly plays and / or massages with your fingers. traces the wrinkles on your hands, oh and also kisses your fingers one by one so very gently and lovingly, like if he pushed down too hard you’ll shatter like glass
his fingers are cold but not uncomfortably so it’s comforting to feel on a warm day
swings your hands when your holding hands
his grip is soft and he likes intertwining your hands, he gets this stupid little smile and can’t stop staring at both your hands intertwined
he doesn’t care who stares or comments he loves holding your hands so it happens often, if he can’t for some reason he’ll hold your inner arm or a piece of your clothing ( most likely your hoari / back of your shirt )
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genyas’s hands are on the rough side, but his touch is still just as gentle despite the textured skin. because of him eating demon flesh gives the after effects of his skin being more thick and hard.
especially his fingers from using a gun instead of a kitana
his hands are above average with wide fingers, most likely from him eating demon flesh. but nevertheless his hands temperature can go from warm and cold, it mostly runs on cold though.
he has a few cuts littering his fingers but they disappear as much as they appear.
when he ‘becomes’ a demon his nails grow more than his average and more sharper, has a hue of yellow and black — naturally, his nails are sorta uneven and short.
he likes it when you offer to cut his nails and take care of it for him, it saves him trouble but feels bad he’s letting you take care of it and not him, so he tries to help the best he cans.
his hands are clammy when you hold hands cause of how flustered and nervous he is, but you don’t comment or mind it.
his grip is loose, but tender. it firms up at times—like while in a crowd so he won’t lose you or in vulnerable moments
sanemi used to hold his hands when younger and those memories come around his minds when he spaces out while holding your hand, it usually causes his grip to firm up and if you comment how hard he’s squeezing your hand he’ll apologize and stop
he’s flustered and embarrassed holding your hand in public but is proud of himself if he initiated it first. generally way more affectionate in private but still gets red
extra . you two could be watching fireworks at a festival and then he goes in and holds your hand while your looking at the fireworks aaa
so by that, holding hands with him is somewhat rare, unless if your overly affectionate then it would be way more, he doesn’t mind it or anything he’s just shy doing pda — you could just hug him and he’s tomato red.
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tanjiro’s hands are pretty rough for the high amounts of training and combats he’s endured especially after the hashiras’ training, but nothing like sand paper bad like inosuke’s. there’s a few cuts littering his fingers but it isn’t major
his hands are above average with slightly slim fingers.
his hands run on the slightly above average size, his hands run warm; good for the winter!
his nails are taken care of, not as much as it was before. trims his nails short from time to time since they grow a bit long since he neglects nail care often.
but offers to do yours! if you aren’t good at taking care of yourself cause of your living circumstances as a demon slayer then he’s happy to do it for you even if you can for yourself — he’s happy to help you.
likes it when you do it for him also, the touch of your hand will always be a enjoyment for him!!
tanjiro’s grip is tender yet firm, you’re one of his reason to live and fight for and would do anything to protect you at all costs. he squeezes your hands especially if either of you came back from a mission.
hand holding with him is regular, if you are a demon slayer then he holds your hand while walking to or back from your missions. he also holds your hands for comfort, expect in serious situations.
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inosuke’s hands are rough, he grew up on the mountains so his hands are somewhat close to sandpaper texture, though his hands get clammy. he has scars and cuts on his hands—one or two bruises—cuts regularly pop up.
his hands are above average with big palms and thick fingers, it’s regular for his hands to have dirt on them
his nails and cuticles aren’t the greatest compared to when you took care of them for him, he does a lot of training so his hands’ appearances take the brute of it.
more times than none he’ll accept your help on keeping them trim and dirt free, but he doesn’t really try much to help since it feels a tad pointless to him, but he likes your hands on his.
while training he’s prone to a lot of nail crack/breaking and half the time it slips his mind unless it scratches his skin or something. in which he stops training to search for you to help him clean it.
extra . the same actually goes to muichiro and genya ^ lmao
inosuke’s grip is all over the place, his hold is clammy and there’s always dirt involved to an extent. he’s not really sure how to do the whole hand holding without squeezing too hard and breaking your hand or holding it too loose he loses your hand
he gets jealous if you hold someone else’s hand for helping them and will turn it into a competition for the other person of who held your hand the most, and the person is like : ????
you can scold him but it doesn’t sound very scary coming from you, but it makes him feel fuzzy when you express you care for him.
extra . probably ruins the pure moment by saying lord inosuke can handle anything and then you go along saying that you forgot he’s the the king of the mountain and that he can endure anything LMAO
holding hands with inosuke he’s secretly touch starved so he’ll sometimes take to holding other parts of you if your hands are busy or he really tends to silently hug you
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zenitsu’s hands are average in size, they run stupidly warm and occasionally clammy when he’s flustered.
his cuticles and nails are unbothered, surprisingly his nails are cut since he takes care of himself often.
LOVES it when you take care of his nails and you both talk about everything and nothing, or just a silence is so nice with your hands on his — and defiantly looks at you with a awe expression
holding hands with zenitsu is common. he’s lovesick and touch starved, especially for comfort or reassurance when he’s scared.
when you first held his hand was probably for reassurance, his hands was clammy during the time since he was flustered by your action — and scared of the demons — but it was nothing you minded
another one who would swing your hands ^^
saying he will protect you while holding your hand tightly and eyes moist, threatening to almost sob from fear.
extra . he probably feels ashamed because all he did was cry and then you reassure him it’s alright since it’s literally flesh eating demons and you both were about to piss your pants
defiantly sees couples comparing hand sizes and intertwining their hands slowly, then has a thought of wanting to do it with you. ( you both did )
his grip is firm and soft, he knows how to hold a woman’s hand and treats you delicately, though what i said before he does hold your hand too tight, apologizes if he thinks it’s too tight but sometimes doesn’t notice because of the fear he’s accumulating
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your wolf king husband defends your honor
General Plot: A visiting king and his son start trouble with Joel and Sterling
Wolf King (Sterling) x female bunny reader
Word Count: 2.5k
W: sfw werewolf fluff, some fighting
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“I’m going to grind you into mush!” Joel shouted and your attention flickered from the servant holding china patterns for you to choose across the garden where he should have been playing. 
“Joel! Get off of him!” you howled as you rushed across the lawn in your fluffy dress. You hurriedly tried to peel your newly adopted son off of the lion cub he was pummeling. Hearing your voice he threw another solid punch into the cub’s nose before standing in front of you defensively, growling and frothing at the mouth. 
“She’s not a real queen!” the lion cub, who happened to be the son of a visiting King pouted, smearing the blood that was running down his nose across his face. Joel had done a number on the slightly larger cub, leaving him with a big black eye in addition to the bloody nose. 
“I’m telling my father! We’ll- we’ll go to war with you and then I’ll eat her for dinner!” he cried as he ran away. 
You sighed watching the little prince go before turning your attention to Joel. 
“Baby, what’s going on?” you asked, turning his face to you to examine the little scratches the cub had given him trying to fight back. 
“He said you’re not my momma and that a herbivore can’t even be Queen, but he’s wrong. You are Queen and you are my momma!” 
You sighed, pulling him into your skirt and giving him a hug before reprimanding him. 
“While I agree with you,” you stated, “being a Prince means you have to use your words not your fists. You can’t start a whole war over me!”
He pouted up at you. 
“Yes I CAN!” he snapped back at you. 
You frowned and he at least looked a little contrite. 
“Do not raise your voice at me Joel,” you said firmly. 
He pouted but nodded. 
“Now let’s get you to the doctor to look after your cuts,” you said, taking his hand and leading him out of the castle garden. 
“He doesn’t know anything,” Joel said to you, squeezing your hand as you made your way through the castle, “he’s just a stupid lion. If he starts a war with me, I’m starting a war with him and MY daddy will win!” 
“There will be no wars,” you assured him, carefully hiding your smile. It was sweet that he was so protective of you. He’d declared himself your hero and went all around the castle correcting anyone who dared disrespect you. 
“We still have to have dinner with King Harold and his son this evening. It’s your duty as a prince to receive your guests with kindness and grace.” 
“But he disrespected you!” he argued. 
“Lots of people disrespect me, but I don’t go around punching every one of them in the nose!” you replied. 
He laughed. 
“Of course not! You’re a bunny! That’s my job! I’m a strong wolf. I will protect you.”
You wouldn’t lower his self esteem telling him he wasn’t quite a strong wolf, yet. 
“Sometimes we can protect people with words,” you explained, “you don’t have to fight everyone.” 
Joel bit his lip and you hoped he’d heard what you were trying to teach him as you showed the doctor the cuts and bruises he’d gathered. 
“How dare you?!” a high pitched voice echoed in the doctor’s office and a very angry looking lion Queen came barging in holding the lion prince in her arms as if he were just a baby despite his size. Her eyes immediately focused on you as you placed yourself between her and Joel. 
“That child is a monster! Look what he did to my boy!” she snarled and the sniveling prince peeked out over her arms looking as pathetic as he could, “he’s just like his mother! Unhinged! Unstable! A complete disgrace!”  
You had to hold in your sigh as the little boy appeared to be just fine, just with a few bruises, but everyone knew about Joel’s biological mother. How she’d gone mad and tried to set the castle on fire, in the end killing herself and several servants. She’d never been well liked to start with. She was a cruel wolf despite Sterling’s attempts to tame her and her legacy hung over Joel like a dark cloud. 
“I'm very sorry Amelia,” you said trying to placate the visiting Queen, “the boys were just roughhousing and I think things got out of hand. Joel is very sorry.”
“No I’m not!” Joel announced from behind you.  
“Well of course the boy is running wild with a weak mother…if I can even call you that!” she snapped, glaring at you, “and it’s QUEEN Amelia to you.” 
You tried not to narrow your eyes at her, Joel was technically in the wrong, but the little cub should have been well trained enough not to insult another prince in his own castle. Trying to be diplomatic, you brushed the insults away, turning your attention to the doctor. 
“I think he’s finished with Joel, Amelia,” you said evenly, “let’s have the doctor have a look at those bruises. I’m sure a lion cub can withstand a couple of bumps, don’t you? Or is Joel that much stronger than him?”
Amelia looked like she would have eaten you whole if she could, but you didn’t bother sticking around to continue taunting her, picking Joel up and plopping him on the floor so you could guide him out of the doctor’s office.  
“I told you lions are jerks,” Joel pouted as you made your way to your living quarters, hoping to keep the precocious pup occupied until dinner. 
“It’s not right to say all lions are jerks, you don’t know all lions,” you said and then gave him a little smile, “only she is a jerk.” 
Joel grinned up at you and you gave his hand a conspiratorial squeeze. 
Dinner started about as well as you had expected, which was not great. Amelia shot lasers at you from across the table, while Joel made faces at the little lion cub, whose name was Harry, after his father. 
“The chicken is dry, take it away and bring me another,” Amelia complained to your servants and with a flick of your eyes you gave your servant your approval to replace it. 
It had taken some time for the carnivores in the castle to accept you as their Queen, but the herbivores, which made up most of the staff adopted you immediately, thrilled to have a bunny represented in the aristocracy. They were always hovering around you, worried that you weren’t being cared for properly. 
A sheep servant gracefully set a new plate of chicken in front of Queen Amelia and you smiled your thanks. 
“I heard the boys had a bit of a tussle today,” Sterling said as he worked on his steak and you winced, hoping no one would bring it up. 
“Yes,” Amelia snarled, “your brat attacked my son and his so-called mother did absolutely nothing about it!” 
“Well of course not, Amelia,” Harold spat, “she’s just a bunny with a crown, what do you expect her to do with a wild wolf pup? He needs a carnivore mother to keep him in line.” 
“Maybe the boy is just too young to play with Joel,” Sterling commented, “Joel’s quite a bit stronger. I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt the young prince. He just doesn’t know his strength and didn’t realize he needed to be delicate with him.” 
“Are you implying my son is weak?!” Harold snapped. 
Sterling shrugged.
“I’m only stating the obvious,” he said, “your boy lost the fight, he’s clearly not at Joel’s level.” 
Harold’s eyes flashed and his fork dropped. 
“My boy is NOT weak! Your son is a little monster, just like his mother,” he snapped. 
Sterling held back a growl, but he bared a sliver of fang. 
“His mother is sitting at the table with us and she is very gentle, I assure you,” he said, glancing over at you. 
You gave him a small pleading smile to stop this nonsense, but he only winked at you. 
“It’s unnatural,” Harold growled, “a herbivore mothering a carnivore…” 
“Your son’s nanny is a herbivore, is she not?” Sterling went on, poking the proverbial bear, “I’m sure she does more mothering than Amelia. I’m told she spends most of her time drunk…that’s probably why your son is so weak. He’s got poor role models.” 
Amelia growled, but it couldn’t be denied that she’d already had a whole bottle of wine by herself, not to mention whatever she drank before dinner. 
Trying desperately to guide the conversation elsewhere you inquired after Amelia’s meal. 
“Is the chicken better?” you asked, looking up from your mushroom bolognese. 
“No,” she snapped, “but of course a staff full of herbivores wouldn’t know how to cook meat properly. It’s disgusting. You should have carnivore cooks.” 
She glared at Sterling. 
“Are you letting this silly herbivore drain this castle of what’s left of its dignity?” 
“Queen (Y/N) has arranged a healthy, delicious meal that suits our tastes just fine,” he snapped, “perhaps the wine has dulled your senses.” 
“What are you implying?” Harold growled. 
“I’m not implying anything,” he snapped back, “I’m very clearly stating that your drunk wife can’t taste anything but spirits. Our cooks can’t perform miracles!” 
At that Harold jumped up from the table and bared his teeth. 
“Say that again, I dare you!” he snarled. 
“Your wife is a lush, and that’s why your son is soft,” he hissed back. 
You quickly looked at Joel who was watching the whole interaction with interest. When you glanced back Harold was flying across the table at Sterling, who was happy to receive him with a punch to the jaw. The two of them hit the ground in a pile of fists and fur and you quickly gathered Joel as your guards surrounded the two of you. 
For his part Joel was cheering his dad on, grinning from ear to ear. 
You couldn’t help but be frightened by the fight, but Sterling was significantly more fit than the lazy lion king and quickly had him pinned, while the rest of your guards surrounded Amelia and her son. Sparing the children the sight of his throat being ripped out in front of them, Sterling had the foreign king arrested and taken to the dungeon, while his wife and son were sequestered in their quarters. 
“What sort of example are you setting for Joel?” you pouted as you swabbed one of Sterling’s cuts with some cleanser, “I just got done telling him he can’t fight everyone!” 
He gave you a big grin. He didn’t need you to patch him up, but he liked when you did. So he’d forgone the doctor and you were standing in his bedroom while he sat on his bed applying ointment to his cuts. 
“He came at me first!” he argued, smirking at you, “I had to defend myself!” 
You crossed your arms and gave him a look. 
“You provoked him and you know it!” you said. 
He snorted and waved his hand, sweeping you towards him by the waist with the other. 
“He provoked me,” he said, one hand drifting up to play with your ear, as he seemed to like to do, “no one insults my Queen and the mother of my child and certainly not in my own castle.” 
“Fine,” you said, sighing, “but what now? You’ve probably started a war!” 
He shrugged. 
“We were going to war anyways. They came here with a bad attitude, intending to start trouble, not to make peace.” 
His fingers dropped to cup your chin. 
“And it was worth every lick to defend your honor.” 
Your cheeks warmed and you fluttered your eyelashes finding somewhere else to look.
“I’m not worth a whole war,” you muttered, focusing on his shoulder and brushing off a bit of dirt. 
He made a noise in the back of his throat. 
“Look at me,” he said a bit more gently, holding your chin between his large fingers he met your eyes with his shining black orbs, “you are worth this whole kingdom and more. You’re the glue that holds this family together and always have been, since Joel was just a baby and Gina…It doesn’t matter what you eat or what kind of teeth you have. You’re worth a thousand of those lions.” 
You balked a bit that Sterling didn’t even refer to her as Joel’s mother anymore. 
“I can’t do what I need to do without you and I don’t want to,” he went on, focusing on you again, “you are everything to me and Joel.” 
He leaned in to you and brushed his lips over yours. You gasped into his mouth as this was the first physical affection he’d shown you since you’d become Queen. You didn’t think romance would be part of your new job, that it was all just for Joel’s sake, but your heart pounded in your chest as warmth spread over you. He gave you another light kiss and leaned back to look at you, fingering your long ear gently. 
“So yes, I will take an insult to you as if I’d been insulted personally and I will defend you until the day I die,” he promised, squeezing your waist and holding you to him, “even if I have to go to war to do it.” 
Then he winked at you, his usual mischievousness returning. 
“And don’t bother fussing about it,” he said, “we’re going to show those lazy lions exactly how wolves protect what’s theirs, and we’ve already captured their King, so I anticipate it will be short. You’re a strong, elegant, beautiful Queen and the people love you. Don’t ever doubt yourself.” 
You nodded a bit weakly at him, a smile sneaking its way onto your lips. He gave you a gentle look and smiled back. 
“Momma! Did you see how Daddy took down that stupid lion!” Joel exclaimed, barrelling into the room, oblivious to the rising tension. 
“Yes, I saw,” you sighed, gathering Joel in your arms and giving him a little smile, “your father is very, very impressive and we are lucky to have him.”  
tag: @pinkrose1422
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
The Collection
♡ Pairing: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Bucky arrives home and panics when he notices you calling for him from your room, but upon entering— he realizes what you have been getting yourself into.
♡ Warnings: superrrrr fluffyyyy 🥹, slight panic, hints to paranoia, hints to PTSD, hints to bucky’s trauma, overall a comfort drabble
main masterlist
A/N: i have been adding to my own squish mallow collection and thought of this 🥰 i’m unhealthily obsessed with squish mallows
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Arriving back at your shared apartment, Bucky couldn’t help but notice the amount of time xtra large bags on the kitchen counter. He furrowed his brows in confusion and wandered to the fridge. Opening it in inspection, he didn’t see anything new or added.
You hadn’t gone grocery shopping…
He could hear faint shuffling from your shared room, and he couldn’t help but panic. His mind was brilliant at creating a problem from nothing. He was a professional over thinker— and sometimes it threatened to make his heart give out.
“Baby? I’m home!” He announced, shimmying off his jacket and making his way to the bedroom.
“James! Come quick— you gotta see something!” You said urgently.
He automatically thought the worst and all his suspicions were suddenly coming through. Visions of you hurt came to mind and he practically sprinted and busted through the door. The knob slamming into the wall with a loud thud.
“(Y/n)? You okay?!” He asked panicked.
His body relaxed at your calm state, only the look of confusion on your face. With a quick scan— he noticed there was nothing wrong with the room or you. In fact, if anything was different— it were the many new plushies on the bed.
Releasing a breath that he didn’t know he was holding in, and ran a hand through his hair.
“James honey— you alright? Just wanted to show you my new squishmallows.” You asked him worried, walking over to stand next to him.
Truthfully, if anything he was embarrassed that he’d let himself get in his head again. But after finding you perfectly fine, and organizing your plushies— which he found adorable— he felt fine. He was only happy that you were okay.
“M’fine baby, just thought you were in trouble is all.” He told you honestly.
You softened your gaze to him, grabbing his hand and hiding him to the bed. You gently pushed him down to sit, and he did so willingly.
“I didn’t mean to sound all panicky— was just excited to show you the new ones I got today!” You told him, smiling like the cheshire cat.
He chuckled, leaning back on his hands as he looked down at the medium sized squishmallows.
“You know— this is considered an addiction.” He pointed out.
You scoffed, waving him off like it was no big deal.
“Some consider it a hobby actually.” You defended.
He raised his brows in amusement, chuckling again when he saw you being so defensive. He thought you were adorable.
“You’re so cute.” He said out loud, causing your face to grow hot.
After all this time— he was still easily able to make you blush, flustered from his compliments.
You shook off the flush in your face, choosing to pick up a new squishmallow to show him. You held up a medium sized seal squishmallow, to which Bucky smiled at.
“This is a seal one, his name is Remmy.” You told him.
Bucky grabbed it from your hands, giving it a test hug and holding it while you grabbed another one. Next was a longhorn squishmallow, with a ring dangling from its nose.
“This is a bull one, his name is Shep.” You told him, giving it a hug and then passing it to Bucky.
You held back a giggle, Bucky holding the plushies to his chest an adorable sight. Such a tough man with these cute stuffed animals.
“I like his horns.” He noted, fiddling with the plushie.
You picked up the last one, being a bird squishmallow. You smiled wide as you looked at it, this one being your favorite.
“This is my favorite of the three. I think he’s a hawk or something, and his name is Sam.” You explained.
Bucky’s eyes went wide and he started laughing, dropping the other plushies on the bed, he reached out and grabbed the hawk and inspected it.
“Sam, really?” He asked chuckling.
You nodded your head with a sly smile.
“Does our Sam know about this?” He asked again.
“Definitely not— but I’m sure he’d appreciate it.” You told him.
You two laughed at the goofiness and you ended up being pulled by Bucky into the bed. He wrapped you up in his arms and the two of you started cuddling— just melting into each others embrace. The squishmallows surrounded you two while you both drifted off to sleep.
Nothing felt more perfect, nothing felt more right than being in his arms.
“Love you baby.” He whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“Love you more James.” You mumbled into his chest.
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TAGLIST: @billy-reads @potatothots @buckyb-stan @kmc1989 @silverfire13 @ghostofwinter @hanihoney88 @stilesofhannah @skittle479 @marvelogic @meetmeatyourworst @engie115 @wilsons-striped-ties @x209x @kandis-mom @l0kilaufeys0n7
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b1mbodoll · 6 months
Gabi I need two faced hyuka kidnapping love starved y/n PLEASE 💔💔
pairings: hueningkai x f! reader
warnings: stalking + voyeurism + masturbation + anal + virginity + dub / noncon
💌: FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING FOOD!!!!! ive been slamming my head against the wall n waiting desperately for txt asks 😞
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stalker! hyuka is so good at hiding his darker side from you. he plays off his obsession by telling you he’s just protective! follows you around late at night to ensure you get home safe n if he watches you through the window as you undress, so what? he deserves some sort of payment for his troubles, right?
kai always sticks around for a bit when you’ve made it home, hoping that you’ll play with your cute cunt or fuck yourself with a plushie that he gifted you, fisting his cock as you unknowingly put on a show and hump the stuffed toy like a bitch in heat, arching your back when you cum.
sometimes he’ll venture inside when you’re busy shopping or running errands, laying on your bed and allowing himself to bask in your scent, shoving his face into the sheets and inhaling deeply; slowly grinding his cock against one of your pillows, a little grin forming on his face when he realizes it’s the one you usually rest your head on at night.
kai’s always alert when he decides to break into your home. well, almost always. he’s too desperate to cum, groaning as he continues rutting against your pillow, the sound of your keys unlocking the door falling on deaf ears.
before he can register that you are, in fact, home, you’ve already caught him. kai’s quick to apologize, muttering excuses about how he didn’t mean to and that he’ll do anything for your forgiveness but then he glances at your face and oh? you’re not disgusted.
quite the opposite actually, pressing your thighs together and biting your lip at the sight of him covered in a sheen of sweat, his pretty face flushed from exertion.
kai reaches for you; grabbing your jaw with one hand and your waist with the other, biting back a smirk when you moan at the touch.
he knows you’ve never been kissed before, never had your virgin holes fucked and filled with cum but yet you crave it; so desperate for cock that you’ll let him do whatever he wants and still beg for more.
that’s how you find yourself beneath hyuka, nearly crying while he presses soft kisses to your shoulder and works his thick cock past the tight rim of your ass, taking pity on you and allowing you to get used to his size, rather than slamming into you all at once like he’s dreamed of doing.
he didn’t even have to try to convice you to let him, it’s sort of pathetic but he’s not complaining, needy virgins are his favorite.
it hurts so bad you can’t stop yourself from whimpering, reaching back and trying to push him away when he’s finally inside but your puckered hole is clenching around him and kai’s on the verge of losing his mind, shushing you as he tries to collect himself.
you’ll soon realize that he doesn’t care about pleasuring you, selfishly chasing his release and using your asshole like a fleshlight, not bothering to rub your clit or fuck your pussy because all you are to him is a fuckdoll; made to take his cum and nothing more. it seems to you, like he’s simply using you to jerk off and it should make you upset but all you feel is happy.
exhaustion settles in your bones and you almost pass out until he thrusts into you one last time, ropes of thick cum flooding your insides making you gasp in surprise, your eyes widening before your own orgasm washes over you, white hot pleasure completely wiping your mind of any other thoughts except kai, chanting “i love you” over and over as he fills you up.
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the-faceless-bride · 7 months
can i have yandere clawd and deuce poly 😪 iltsm( i love yr writing ur one of my fav writers btw 💞)
Omg. I love both of them so much. 🥩🐍 Bluckle the FUCK up, it's a long one. I love them so much. I gave each their own section as to how this started, then the poly together. If you want more of them... Please... Please ask me. P.s. sorry about all the monster puns, I couldn't help myself
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🌕New Ghoul in School🐍
Warnings: OOC Clawd, OOC Duce, OOC Cleo?, OOC Draculaura? Clawd being a kicked puppy, yandere content, controlling behavior, turning to stone, non-con hugging, cuddling and Kisses, forced closeness, UNHEALTHY BEHAVIOR!, accusations of cheating, emotional cheating?
Characters : Clawd × Reader × Duce
Proof read : nope
Requested?: yes
You had just transferred from your normie school, Turns out people are so accepting of finding out you're a monster. So you transferred to Monster High, and being a new ghoul didn't seem so hard until you tripped an orange werecats tail and she picked a fight with you...
"and just Who, do you think you are? I don't know how you are your Normie friends play, but you don't want to mess with me Ghoul. I'll make you sorry-"
"why don't you go and pick on someone your own size Torilie?"
"yeah, Dude. Not cool."
🐾🐍 • and that's how it started. Just two Mansters defending the New Ghoul. They knew Torilie was one to pick fights and figured they would help you stay out of trouble for the time being. And the three of you became three peas in a pod. And while you all thought it was great, their Ghoulfriends... Had other ideas.
🐍🕶️ • Cleo started having problems as soon as you had arrived. Your first day she already knew who you were, what you were, where you came from, and if you were cool enough to be popular and associate with the Ghouls she does. And she deemed you not worthy. And that was putting a strain on your friendship.
🐍🕶️ • Duce was grown increasingly tired and frustrated. He loved Cleo, he did. But she could be... Emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting. When they go out he has to change his personality to not embarrass her, she dictates who can can hang out with and when, and he has to constantly hear from her that he should be doing as she asks and says and do it happily as she goes against what her family wants to be with him. He doesn't want to do that anymore. He wants to be able to Shoot Hoops with Clawd, sit with Jackson at lunch, and talk about the Hissstory test. Listen to whatever playlist Holt made or play dodgeball with Slow Mo. Without Cleo saying when he can and can't.
But he just can't leave her. He's become so dependent on her. Hell, the last time She went to Scarise without him, he nearly went crazy as he didn't know what to do. He couldn't leave Cleo. Even if he wanted to... Unless. Maybe he didn't need to be dependent on her. Maybe. He could be dependent on you.
🐍🕶️ • Duce began to test the waters, which was the start of his obsession. For example at lunch when Cleo tells him to get the green eyed Salad and a water, he'll then turn around and ask you... Sometimes when you feel the burn of Cleo's raging stare you won't respond or say the same as Cleo, but on the days you don't pay attention or to stressed to care you recommend the meat plant sandwich and the yummy razzberry soda pop you've been drinking the past few days. And he'll pick your recommendation. And it Infuriates Cleo. He likes that with you, he has a choice, where Cleo demands and tells. You offer and recommend.
🐍🕶️ • this intimately ends in an explosive argument that Spectra has a field day covering. And Duce does something, not him. Her. Or anyone else in the school say coming. "I'm breaking up with you Cleo." a long still silence fills the halls as everyone takes a moment to process what he just said. Before Cleo screams and storms away, and Duce... Doesn't feel as heartbroken as he thought he should.
🐍🕶️ • Duce starts spending most if not all his free time with you and Clawd, well. Mostly you as Clawd gets called from Draculaura a lot. And while he's sad he can't spend more time with Clawd he's happy to spend time with you. You help groom his snakes, you help him pick which sunglasses he should wear each day, (even though they are all just different shades of red) as well as his many band sweaters. Rumors spread like wildfire, especially with Spectra's gossip site.
"Duce trades princess for new Ghoul?! Stay tuned for the possible new hot relationship??"
🐾🌕 • when Clawd first met you he thought you were great! He got a new friend to hang out with! Sure Manny, Heath, Gill, and Duce we're cool but Clawd has a thing for fashion and self-care, that's not something he really talks about with them BUT that's OK! cuz now he can talk about it with you! He ended up spending a bit of free time with you, anytime Draculaura was out and shopping or just Fanging out with her Ghoulfriends or catching up with her Cousin, he would spend his afternoon with you. Getting his hair straightened and trimmed, getting manicures so his nails don't get too sharp and ridged. And eventually, when he's comfortable with you, he'll start playing games. Like fetch or chase. The only issue is that when Duce started to come around more and Cleo trying to keep him on a leash, slowly Draculaura started calling him and needed him more and more. He didn't think much of it, until Duce's big breakup with Cleo. A week later Draculaura wouldn't leave him alone for a second, and anytime you started approaching she took his hand and pulled him in another direction.
🐾🌕 • it started becoming draining, he loves spending time with his Ghoulfriend. He truly did. But not when every two seconds she was hinting and implying all the time he spent with you was him creeping around behind her back. Nothing he did or said made her change her mind, now everything he did seemed to set her off. She was so paranoid, that he went out of his way to make her a gift to show that he loved her, but he accidentally made it worse, he had to try and hold back tears and puppy cries as she said, "Bad Clawd!" over and over while tugging his ear. He doesn't understand what he did wrong, he just made a new friend. You nor him did anything. So why was she being like this?
Any attempts to talk about it were shut down, as she tried keeping him away from you. And he just couldn't take it anymore, he liked being clingy but he was clingy because he genuinely wanted to be around his partner not just sticking to them like glue-watching like a hawk to 'catch them in the act'. He would go as far as to say this was worse than the time he was dumped for Valentine the love manipulator.
🐾🌕 • Clawd began to confide in you, Draculaura wouldn't listen to him so he was happy you did. He spent hours just sitting under a tree at the back of the school with you, drawing doodles in the dirt, ears tucked back to his head as he vented about his feelings and how the recent arguments had affected him, you tried to help every time. But eventually, word got to Draculaura about your little meetings, and stormed over one day with her ghoulfriends in toe.
Both you and Clawd had to endure the burning glare of the Ghouls, Draculaura ranting and raving and ultimately giving him an ultimatum. You or her. And Clawd's ears pinned flat to his head, he didn't want to lose his Ghoulfriend but he didn't want to lose you either. But before he could answer Draculaura said something that gave him the push to his ultimate answer. "ugh, I should've known! A guy hangs out with other guys like him! And Duce is a lying, dirty, cheater and so are you! And this new Ghoul sure has some nerve to go around sneaking with other Mansters knowing they are dating someone! If that's the kind of Manster you are Clawd then maybe... Eh *hick* MaYbe we shouldn't Be togEther!" a moment passes where Clawd looks down into Draculaura's wet violet eyes, sighs, then answers. "maybe we shouldn't." the ghoul's Gasp and Draculaura sobs, "FINE! WE ARE OVER!"
🐾🌕 • Clawd thought relieved he wouldn't be interrogated every day and being told he's bad, he's still heartbroken that the Ghoul he thought he'd spend his life with was gone. He clung to you and Duce for security and long talks to make him feel better and eventually, he did. Clawd was back to his peppy, wide-eyed, excitable self again. In fact, he's the happiest he's been. His mood wasn't Even shaken when he found out Draculaura had begun dating his sister, he just didn't care. He was happy.
🐾🌕 • It wasn't until a late-night Chat; that you and Clawd had stayed over at Duce's house after seeing a new skinwalker Scareitage Boovie that Clawd discovered that not only He had feelings for you but so did Duce... And well, he had always liked Duce maybe even more than just a bro, but this changed everything. And they agreed. A scarily wonderful idea...
"Vampy puts doggy out for good? Or does Doggy like the Dog house with his chew toy?"
🐍🐾 • now Duce and Clawd are softer yandere's than the normal. But that doesn't mean they won't use force if they need to. Duce is a Dependant, laid-back, stalker-type yandere. He's ok with letting you have wiggle room as long as he knows where you are at all times and can get to you in a short period. Whereas Clawd is a Clingy, overprotective, worshiper-type Yandere. Clawd wants to be near you all the time if you let him, but he's ok with letting you go for a while as long as he has Duce he always knows where you are because Duce knows, if at any point Duce doesn't know for some reason or he's not around Duce to find out, he'll use his nose to track you down.
🐍🐾 • You probably wouldn't know they are yandere's unless you start trying to spend more time with others that aren't them. The more you try and hang out with Operetta and Cupid they start to get a little more aggressive and demanding of your time and attention. Which can trigger some alarm bells that something isn't right. The best thing would be to try and talk and compromise they are willing to do that as long as you promise to let them keep tabs "for safety reasons," and you spend time with them immediately after.
🐍🐾 • after a month or two they start to be more openly affectionate and act like a Throuple, it went over your head at first with Duce's laid-back attitude and Clawd's over-excitable personality being normal, but the more Clawd wanted to play fetch and hug you, and Duce constantly being around you despite having the freedom to hang out with his other dudes you start to get the idea they might be romantically interested.
🐍🐾 • You opened to the idea, and the relationship seemed to be working well... Until they started to become, overwhelming. Clawd always over your shoulder, Duce always seeming to know where you are... Even when you didn't tell him where you were. And things took a turn when you tried to tell them you needed space. "You're... Breaking up... With us?" you sputtered, you definitely didn't answer and deny fast enough as you felt your body start to stiffen and cold. Duce had turned you to stone. Clawd whimpered while holding your cold stiff stone body, "im sorry sweetheart. But we can't have you running from us. Just be good ok? Please?" after that you'd been chained to them by that point. Nobody would've believed you if you told them the school's Cool guy and oversized puppy were forcing you into a relationship...
🐍🐾 • they aren't too harsh on punishments. For the most part. Once you tried to run away once, you waited for a moment to be alone before printing off trying to get somewhere, anywhere but there. But you forgot who you were dealing with and Clawd chased you down. Clawd's punishments involve many forced hugs, kisses, and closeness. If he shows how much he loves you at some point you'll see it's true and love him too! Right?
Duce will turn you to stone anytime he gets an idea you're about to run off. He makes Clawd drag you to his house. Which takes a lot of manipulation and convincing. Clawd doesn't want to lock you away to be alone. He wants you to be around them! But Duce scares him into going along with it. Even sometimes provokes him to anger to be more willing to lock you in a dirty old basement.
🐍🐾 • overall. As long as you stay and promise to love them, and don't mind clinginess it's a cute relationship... But if you reject them, you'll spend a lot of time in an old basement in Duce's home, alive but unable to move. To feel. Or scream.
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alien-magnolia · 3 months
Ani. <3
Anakin skywalker (dom-coded) + fem!reader (sub-coded) use of the force in certain <3 ways, night terrors, hurt/comfort, angst, ani shows you his strength! (Size kink) soft and then rough -ish sex, crying, etc (daddy!issues, sorry I had to)
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You wake up, shaking. You had that dream again. The one about how your father died. You missed him a lot, especially since he had passed away such a long time ago — for half your life, he was gone. You were lost when your father died. Did not know what to do with yourself. You got yourself in trouble with some slave traders on Tattooine — you were theirs for a week or so: until some Jedi saved you. That Jedi, just happened to be Anakin Skywalker, who then took you under his wing as his padawan. He knew you were force sensitive right away. He convinced the council to personally train you, himself. 
Everything was fine, at first. He was greatly skilled, and you had much to learn from him. Yet you could tell that something was brewing between the two of you. The way his big eyes looked at you, sometimes you felt that when he sparred with you, he was noticing something else besides your technique with your lightsaber.
He revealed how he felt about you, eventually. He told you that you were the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, and that he couldn’t help but devote himself to you from the first moment that he saw you. This is why you were his padawan. Shortly after, you became his woman. After that, his wife. It was a secret marriage, of course, yet you still loved him all the same. You remembered your wedding on Endor, the forest moon shining over the two of you, how beautiful he looked all dressed in black. You felt like the two of you were the only humans in the galaxy. You loved how deeply he loved and cared for you. 
Waking from this dream clearly upset you, and upset him therefore, too. Of course he would notice right away, he was extremely force sensitive, after all. His metal arm feels cool placed on your shoulder. “My love. Are you okay? I can sense fear in you.” “I had that dream again, Ani. It just hurts,” you tell him. 
He knew that dream, all the same. You kept having the dream about how your father died, in an industrial accident on Tattooine — where you were raised. You were only a little girl then, but the pain you felt when you saw how mutilated his body was, was immeasurable. It traumatized you. You relived the moment a lot in your dreams. Your dad always loved you more than your mom — it’s just how it was. Ever since he passed, you couldn’t find anyone to replace his love and care for you. Until now.
“It’s just a dream, sweetheart. It’s in the past. I know you are hurt. Memories are only in your mind. They won’t come to reality. Trust me,” he says, his thumb caressing your cheek, his other hand rubbing circles on your back in an attempt to calm you down. 
You stifle back a sob, he brings you in close to his chest, you listen to his heartbeat and it soothes you. You didn’t want to lose him like you lost your dad. You were so grateful to have someone care for you like that again, to feel special, to feel loved by your husband. It’s a feeling you wouldn’t trade for anything across the galaxy. 
“Your heart rate is still high, my love. Why don’t you try and sleep, hmm?,” he gently chides at you, his big eyes looking down at you in his arms. Anakin was passionate. He loved deeply. Cared deeply. 
“Can’t, Ani. Too tense,” you sigh. You told him that you’d maybe want to take a walk out on the balcony. “Dressed like this?,” he asks, fingers running over your silk nightgown. “Passerby’s might see you. Come. I have a better idea,” he kisses your temple, leads you by the waist back into your bedroom. He decorated the whole room with the moon and stars, things he knew that you loved.
“You are tense. Let me take care of you, sweetheart. Relax,” he softly commands you, and gently pushes you back onto the bed. He’s on top of you, his knee gently pressing into your core, as his hand pries your legs apart. “By the force. You’re so beautiful. My wife. Fuck,” he barely whispers, his thick fingers trail along the soft pillowy part of your thighs. His large hand comes up to cup your cheek, bringing you in for a hot kiss. His soft lips dance with yours, you feel his love through the force as his kiss deepens, you trace the nape of his neck, it’s so warm to the touch <3. He pulls away from you, his lips red and swollen from all the love he’s given you. “You’re an angel. Really,” he breathes, his hands now working to undo your silk nightgown. “Thank the force that you saved me from those slave traders, Ani,” you breathed back, your small hand reaching for his large Jedi robes. Your hand pulls away all of a sudden. A force trick.  “I’m the one taking care of you, no? Hands to yourself, my love. Just rest.” You sigh, and lay your hands to your sides. “Eager, aren’t we? Patience, sweetheart. Patience,” he chides, those emotional eyes staring through you again, as he takes off his robes, his broad, muscular chest and metallic arm shining in the pale moonlight glow. He’s on top of you again, kissing every inch of your body, slowly, smirking as you get more and more flustered. He loves to toy with you ever so gently. He knew that when it came to him, patience was one thing you could not have. You wanted him immediately, and who was he to deny you what you want? He just always loved to stall a little.
His fingers harshly squeeze your breasts, you let out a squeal, and he chuckles, his soft lips coming up to bite the fabric of your bra, and his hands coming over to undo it. As soon as it was off, his mouth was latched onto your nipple, you could tell that he used the force to put as much of your breast into his mouth as he could fit. His hands firmly squeezed your hips as he brought you as close to him as possible. The sound of his plush lips suckling against your soft and sensitive tit were driving you up the wall.
“Ani. Ani. Want more. Please!,” you beg, as the pressure his mouth is putting on you making you wetter and wetter by the minute. You attempt to squeeze your legs together for a semblance of relief. You feel his hand stop you. “Angel. Don’t interrupt me until I get my fill, hmm?,” he paused for a second, gripping your cheek, his hand a little rougher this time. You started to cry, tears slowly dripping down your cheeks. “Aww. Is my girl upset?,” he taunts you, a somewhat sinister smile could be seen from his place in between your tits. “Hurts!,” you cry out, tears streaming down your face faster. You feel his length grow, harder, thicker, it was pressing into your thigh at this point. Your crying made him thirst for you even more.
He continues on your chest, your body now covered in red marks, wet with his spit. He moves down to your stomach, your hips, pausing to take his time there. He finally reaches your sopping cunt, pressing gentle kisses onto your hot core, pausing a minute just to breathe you in. His fingers wipe some of the tears off your face. “So cute when you’re upset. Want more?,” he asks. You nod, sniffling. Without a second doubt, he dives in, practically attached to your core, making a meal of it as he does. You squirm in an attempt to get away from his lips, but his strong hands hold down your thighs, he holds you down so much that you can barely move, his metal hand making painful indents in your thighs!! 
You squeal and squirm beneath him, and he only emits that low, low chuckle that drives you insane, as he keeps his ministrations on your clit <3 harsher and harsher by the second, until you come on his face, covering his perfect cheeks, nose, in your cum. 
“Fuck. Angel. So good. You taste as sweet as you look,” he patronizes you as he presses a wet kiss to your forehead. “Up, come on, now,” he chided at you, bringing you to your feet, he knew you could barely stand from what he already gave you, yet the man was not satisfied. He loved his wife too much, and he had to give every single inch and centimeter of her body <3 the love it deserved. 
His hands grip your hips like a vice, pushing you against the wall, your body caged between his strong arms. “My wife,” he sighs, his metal hand feeling cool against your cheek as he grips your face gently, pulling you into the trap of his kisses. At this point, almost your entire body was covered in marks. His other hand trails down to cup and squeeze your wet cunt, and you almost stumble over from the pressure he’s putting on it. 
“The force made you so strong, Ani,” you moan out, in between kisses. ”Haven’t seen it all yet, sweetheart,” he huffs, spinning you around so your chest is against the wall, faster than you can blink. You feel his hard and hot bulge press against you, his soft lips come up to press a few kisses on your ear, and he gives you a little bite there <3. “Ani!! More,” you whine, incredibly flustered from this act of dominance. His broad chest presses against your back, as you hear him shuffle and take off more of his clothes. “Stay there,” he commands, and then you feel his soft, leaning tip pass through your folds. 
“Just want it in. Ani!,” you beg him. Suddenly you feel pressure on your neck. “Take what you’re given. Tired of your begging, angel,” he states, his face serious and stoic. “Okay, Ani,” you look at him in shock, more tears streaming down your face, taken aback yet satisfied with the show of power he just had over you. You liked it. He knew. 
“That’s my good girl. So beautiful. Stay still now,” he brushes your cheek and turns your face around again. His chest against yours, arms holding your body, you feel him slide in, his cock girthy, throbbing. You loved his size. He was tall and it showed!! 
You feel white hot pleasure, pressure building as he drives his cock into you, faster, faster, to the point where you start to see his hand make a crack in the wall you were pushed up against. You hear his grunts, getting louder by the minute, you feel him bury his face in the crook of your neck, his teeth biting down onto your shoulder. His heavy balls slap against your soft thighs <3 
“Fuck. Angel. Have to. Ah,” — he grunt, and finishes in you. You smiled and squeezed your thighs as you felt his hot seed dripping around your walls. “There you go, beautiful. All better now, hmm?,” he turns you around, the both of you chuckling at the cracked wall behind you. “Yes, Ani. So much better. Thanks to you,” you reply, and wrap your arms around his neck, jumping up to him for a long, chaste, kiss. He returns the kiss gratefully, his big hands smoothing down your sweat covered hair. 
“Come. Let me take you back to our room,” he offers, and as if you were as light as a feather, he carried you back to your shared bedroom, gently laying you down on the satin sheets. “Did you like it? I hope I wasn’t too rough,” he asks you, sheepishly rubbing his hand against the back of his head. “No, Ani. Was great. You always know how to make me feel so much better. So safe,” you confide in him, your hands holding his face, his hands holding yours, as the two of you lay wrapped in those silky, soft, sheets, under the soft glow of the moon. 
“A man should protect his wife, my love. Make her feel safe, loved. Loved in every way,” he whispers to you. You felt as if you and him were the only ones on Coruscant. “You sure know how to do that, Ani. I haven’t had a man that made me feel so loved, ever since my father,” you sniffle. “I don’t care about anything else in this world, you know. Only you.” he brings you in for a long kiss, his hand lifting up your chin. “Come. Sleep now. I am sure you’ll have a good dream,” he moves both of your bodies onto the pillow, and you lay your head on his chest, breathing in his scent, deeply. You fall asleep on him in under a minute, and he looks at you in adoration as he falls into a deep sleep as well.
Author’s note: My first Anakin fic! I fell in love with the whole Star Wars series (but especially him <3, he’s soooo… ugh. I hope i got his personality down nicely. I was thinking of doing a sequel, or prequel to this, something either about how reader and Ani meet, or if they decide to start a family. I wish he had all this with Padme :( . Anyways! Enjoy fellow Ani lovers <3, and comments and reblogs are always welcome!! Don’t we all want a man like him.
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a headcanon where genshin bois broke up with you but saw you years later with thier child at 3 yeares old? Scara, xiao, zhongli and tighnari
Oh, you have an evil soul, I know that for sure. You want suffering, oh you drink my tears as coffee, I like you. I'll have fun with this one a bit. Also, sorry for the spelling errors, I try to fix them when I see them, however, I tend to type wayyy to fast. Or messy.
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Scaramouche: ══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
You guys broke up because at some point in the relationship, it was getting too overwhelming, and toxic.
Scaramouche outbursts or his snide remarks became a ticking time bomb for you.
It was hard for you to feel loved at this point, and apparently it was hard for him to show it because he wanted to be stubborn.
The breaking point was where you came to him, head to head, this was going to determine your break up with him.
"Say something nice about me, say you love me, say anything, please do anything." You were pleading. You didn't want to leave but, it was starting to get to you.
His response? "What is wrong with you? Are you some kind of child?"
That was it, you broke up with him. This made his jaw drop, of course he protested, he grabbed you a lot, yelled at you. But you finally got free and left him, you went into hiding because he wasn't going to give up.
Along the way, you found out that you were pregnant, with twin boys, with his kids. In your head, you are like "How???" since he is a puppet.
Years later, your two little boys are grown and they are playful happy innocent toddlers. They were holding your hands and laughing. They both had Scaramouche face, but a happy and child like face.
You were happy, until you backed up a tiny bit and bumped into someone. You turned and saw it was Scaramouche.
You immediately panicked and picked up both of your boys and held your weapon to his face.
"W-What is this...? Who are they??" He was angry already and confused. He didn't understand why there are two little him. Was he being replaced, by better versions of himself. He grabbed her shoulder and shook her and yelled at him.
"They're your sons!" You yelled and cried, You pushed him and took her books and ran away.
He was left behind stunned, after a few minutes, he clenched his hands into fist. If you want him to be apart of the twin's life, you need to be patient. He will take a while to come around, and he will be difficult about it.
However, when he does, he becomes the most protective father, he would shield them from the past he had. He would never abandon him, he would teach them his bad attitude as way for them to stand up for themselves.
He won't admit it, but he grew fond of his boys because he felt they were children, just as him, and they understood him despite not realizing it.
As for you though, he still has issues getting along with you and would pick fights with you. He is sometimes loving but you are a little drained.
Xiao ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅✩
You guys broke up peacefully, you both agreed it was for the best, he can't provide for your mortal needs and you have nothing to offer a troubled Adepti
You two parted always peacefully.
A few months later, your belly was getting swollen, but you had no idea why, after all, there is no way you could give birth to a half adeptus and half mortal right?
Well surprising motha fucka, nature is fucked up.
You were surprised and stressed, you don't know how to take care of a baby who is half Yaksha. How do you handle Karmic Debt?
Like does he poop spirits or dreams?
Once you gave birth, you realized the little girl had his dad's Yaksha marks on her arm and his diamond on her forehead. She had his green hair.
Overtime, you ended up figuring it out, thanks to taking care of Xiao time to time, you are aware of the child's needs more than enough.
You are dealing with a teleporting Child who can throw a tantrum to the size of a stadium but you have your ways.
Years ahead, you were feeding your little girl food ordered from Wanshu inn. You wanted her to enjoy the best of the best.
What you didn't know is that Xiao was watching, he was horrified, one for that he isn't the only Yaksha anymore and moreso, that this little girl looked like him, had his demon slayer markings.
You let your little girl use the bathroom, as you waited outside for her, guarding the door to prevent anyone from entering. You wanted her to be more independent in public places, this was one way.
This was Xiao chance to catch you alone, he appeared in front of you, he was very close to you, and you jolted and got scared.
"Who....Who is that little girl?" He looked into your eyes, scared but wanted to know more.
You stuttered a bit. "U-Um..."
He comes closer to you where your chest his touching his chest. "Tell me now." He asked sternly. He was upset of course, because why did she never tell him? They never had much fights but he at least deserved to know.
You felt a hug on your leg and crying. "M-Mama!" It was your little girl. You immediately picked her up and began to comfort her. "Shh, it's okay, mommy is okay."
Xiao immediately backed away, guilt was heavy on his chest, he never meant to scare....her.
You sighed and showed her to him. "Little one, do you know who is this?"
Your little girl will mostly by shy and scared of him, and Xiao will immediately show sadness to this, however, with your encouragement, she would try her best to look at Xiao. "This is your father, sweeite."
Your little girl touches Xiao's face and Xiao blushes and smiles, as he can't help it when it comes to little hands on his face.
He was hesitant at first but, he gently put his hands up and looked at you for consent.
You nodded and smiled, he passed your little girl over to him, where your little girl became his too. Your little girl naturally snuggled into his neck, sucking her thumb as Xiao shushes and coo's her gently.
As soon as Xiao held this little girl, he immediately sworn to protect her with his life, and held her protectively. He looked at you and placed his arm around your back and pulled you in for a group hug.
He asked if he could talk to you on what he can do to fix the relationship with you, and what can he do more as a father. He immediately fell in love with you little girl and even if you don't get back together, he would often visit, with presents, he would take her with him when you need breaks. He is a good dad, with co parenting or not.
Zhongli ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
You guys broke up because you just happened to not feel connected anymore. You guys just fell out.
You guys lived in differently eras and world and its hard to connect with him on some things.
You guys never really had a fight, but you used to talk everyday and now, you guys barely talk at all, touch each other or even just, try.
Zhongli brought this to your attention, and he isn’t a time waster, so and he doesn’t want to waste your time, so you guys broke up and moved on.
Until few months later, you found you that you were pregnant, you were in between telling him or not, but you realize that he is on vacation...he wants a break, so you kept this to yourself.
You raised his son by yourself, he looked exactly like you, but his powers are no doubt Zhongli's, and his dragon habits and nature as well.
You were eating out with your wonderful son, he was running around and saying hello to everyone until he ran into Zhongli. He bummed into Zhongli and fell back.
Zhongli looked down and offered a hand and kind smile. "Are you okay, little friend?" The little boy smiles cheerfully and took his hand and got up.
Once you came and bend your knees to check for wounds and see if he is okay, Zhongli was surprised and would greet you. You would greet him back and you would smile at him, while picking your son up.
However, once Zhongli saw the little boy do his dragon habits such as teething, or biting your shirt, he recognized it immediately.
At first he won't say anything and would act like nothing happen, he actually wait for you to reveal it.
However, once you didn't and you were gonna leave him, he immediately grabbed your shoulder, and will call you out. "This child...he is mine kin isn't he? Why weren't you willing to reveal this to me?"
Zhongli wants to be in this kid's life, he wants to pass down his knowledge and memories to him, he wants to teach him everything, this was new to him but he wants to be responsible.
Despite how harsh it is, a child between two lovers is a contract where they both need to parent, and he is happy to do it. He would really want to show his son the world and his victories.
Tighnari ── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──
There would be two reason why you and Tighnari break up, one would be because he was too busy to even be in your life, and second would be that his scolding makes it hard for you to connect with him, as he was too nitpicky at the smallest things. This can be at small things such as how you handle things like chores, to bigger things like how you store items to quest to other things.
Things ended sadly, not miserable but, just it was sad and heartbreaking. It was hard to move on, the relationship you guys had was different but special.
You found out you were pregnant at a doctor check up one day, also because Sumeru had free healthcare so why not go to doctors as a hobby :)
You were freaking out, how do you take care of a fennec fox hybrid? What do they even eat? Should you only feed them veggies? Or feed them meat as well?
A lot of things were running in your head.
Years later, you got accustomed to your little girl, you groomed her tail and ears, and fed her what she liked.
You often go on walks in Sumeru forest, you wanted her to be in touch with her fox side. You want her to be free.
You patted her head, as you held her hand and walk, you stopped by a beautiful waterfall and watched. Your little girl was playing in the water.
Tighnari was behind you, stunned, he was processing, he already put two and two together, since he is a smartass from the smartass skool.
You turned around and jolted. "O-Oh, y-you are here..." You were startled.
It took him a few minutes to look at you and back at the little girl. His ears flopped a bit as she slowly pointed at the little girl speechless.
You sigh and nodded, knowing you can't outsmart him or lie to him.
You went to take your little girl's hand and brought her to him.
Tighnari kneeled down and took a good look at her, despite never meeting her, he knew, this little girl was his.
He would questioned and ask if you were a single mother and if you are seeing anyone, and would ask if maybe he can try being in her life, however he is just as busy, but he thought maybe take her on walks with him.
You were fine with it either way, you desire nothing from him though, if he wanted to be in your daughter's life, that's fine, but you want nothing to do with him.
He noticed this and felt conflicted.
Overtime, he would try and get you to trust him again, spend time with you and her as a family, but you would refuse and keep your distance.
Tighnari would be frustrated and sad over it, you can tell that his tail was losing hair, he understands why you refuse to take him back but Fennec Foxes mate for life.
It's in his nature, he wants to be dedicated to you, and he is becoming stressed from the rejection from you.
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The Secret Girlfriend
Raphael x Reader
Summary: When the boys save a human girl from some muggers, they expect her to scream, not rush into their brother’s arms.
Note: Watching OotS rn and this popped into my head. Enjoy <3
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Word Count: 0.4k
Reader is: Female
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It was a seemingly ordinary night in New York City. Well, as normal as it could be for the guys when they were out on patrol. They swept the streets, looking for signs of trouble until, as usual, they found it. A scream erupted from one of the alleys and they sprung into action, jumping down from their spot on the rooftops.
A mugger. No, three of them and one helpless college girl, fighting them off as best as she could, which was to say, not very well.
“Hey! Why don’t’cha pick on someone yer own size?” Raph all but growled, causing the nearest of the muggers to back off, intimidated by his height and the depth of his voice alone. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey helped him scare off the other two easily, and when they were done, all that was left was you, the helpless, human girl.
Leo braced for impact. Any second, you’d catch sight of the monsters in the alley and scream. But instead of a scream, like the brothers were expecting, instead, recognition flashed across your features.
“Raph!” You sighed in relief, rushing into the arms of the towering turtle. You held onto him tight. “Oh my god.”
“(Y/N).” He cradled you against himself, a large hand stroking through your hair as he held you. “Ya alright? I didn’t realize it was you.”
“I’m okay.” You assured him, pulling away to look at his face. “Are you okay?”
He grinned, confident. “I’m bulletproof, babe. Of course I’m alright.”
“My very own Superman.” You murmured, hugging him again, face resting in the crook of his neck as your heartrate slowly returned to normal.
“Um…Raph?” Leo asked, clearing his throat. “Care to explain?”
“Oh right…” Raph chuckled, looking up at his brothers. “Guys, this is (Y/N). My girlfriend. (Y/N), these are my brothers.”
“Nice to meet you, finally.” You smiled, shy. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Raph, you…have a secret girlfriend?” Mikey asked. “No way!”
“Yeah, uh…I was gonna tell ya soon, I just…” He shrugged. “Needed the quiet for a bit.”
“Does Sensei know?” Leo asked, crossing his arms.
“Nah, but April does.” Raph shrugged.
“She’s really nice.” You added. “We get coffee sometimes.”
“You do?” Raph asked, looking down at you.
You nodded. “Mmhmm. We’re getting our nails done next week.”
Leo glanced around. “Hey we better get going.” He looked at you, still skeptical, but polite nonetheless. “You’re welcome to come with.”
“Can I?” You asked, looking up at Raph, stars sparkling in your eyes. “I’m…that was really scary. I’m kinda shaken up.”
“Yeah, of course, baby.” He nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Leo’s eyes widened. Never in his life had he seen his big brute of a brother so gentle. So you had him whipped, whipped.
“We can order pizza! We’ve got a bunch of movies and video games.” Mikey smiled, his face welcoming. “It’ll be alright, girl.”
“Thank you.” You laughed, nodding. “I’d really like that.”
Tagged: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel, @leleouwu
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nolita-fairytale · 6 months
strawberries & cigarettes | carmen 'carmy' berzatto x reader | blurb
summary: falling in love with carmen berzatto sometimes means strawberries and cigarettes
or rather, the one in which both you and carmy have oral fixations. 
word count: 923
loosely based on: strawberries & cigarettes | trouble -- both by troye sivan
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“Light me up?” he asks you, as you take another bite of the super-sized strawberry you’ve been working. You set it down with a smirk, before reaching for the lighter Carmy gestures towards, an unlit cigarette perched between his lips.
You flip the lighter on, clamping down on the back end with your thumb till it produces a flame, offering it up to your boyfriend. With unwavering eye contact he leans in—and it feels almost too intimate for a picnic in the public park—but you’re not going to be the first one to break. You keep your eyes on his as you light the cigarette, as Carmy leans back, balancing on his hand behind him, as he inhales deeply. 
There’s a glimmer in your eye, one that Carmen’s come to know well, as you pick up your half-bitten strawberry, raising it to your lips once more. You polish it off, the sweetness of the strawberry hitting your tongue, as the tension between the two of you builds. 
Finally, finally, he breaks. 
Carmy scoffs, breaking the intense, prolonged eye contact he holds with you, before exhaling the cigarette smoke in the opposite direction. 
You hum as if to ask him what he’s thinking about, only met with a shake of his head as he shoots you a knowing look. It’s one that says: 
You know exactly what you’re doing, you flirt. 
You giggle, with a sigh, because two can play at that game. 
With the fresh taste of strawberry still on your tongue, you lean in while he’s in between drags, pressing your berry-stained lips against his. Carmy inhales, wanting to memorize every single moment of this: the way you smell, the way your lips feel against his, the strangest combination of strawberries and cigarettes the two of you make together. 
He lingers just for a moment longer—besides, this picnic blanket has seen much worse in its day—but something about it being in the middle of Millenium Park reminds him he’s gotta keep this picnic PG (at least this time—all bets are off when it comes to more secluded locations). 
As if you’ve read his mind, you pull away with a smile still on your lips as tease him with, “Bear, this is a family establishment. There are kids around.” 
Your lips are still inches away from his. He leans in, giving you a smacking peck on the lips earning another laugh from you. Instead of answering with words, he sends you another look, one that says, ‘then keep your hands to yourself.’
With a playfully eyeroll you sit back on your haunches, trying to regain some semblance of self-control. You’re trying—you swear—to be on your best behavior, but before you know it, you’re lunging forward for another kiss. Carmy smiles a genuine soft smile, before leaving the same smacking kisses against your lips, your nose, your cheeks, your forehead. You squeal, more laughter erupting from your chest as he continues his more-than-welcomed, kiss-filled assault. Carmy leads you down on your back, the picnic blanket providing the softest landing for you as you beam up at your lover. Your eyes search his face as if somewhere, between the slant of his nose and the tilt of his mouth as they turn up into a small smile, you’ll discover the answers to this question you can’t seem to stop asking yourself.
How the hell did you get so lucky? 
Never did you picture the two of you here, at a picnic in Chicago just six months after picking up your entire life to be with this man. 
Only he’s not just some man. He’s Carmy. He’s your Carmy. 
And now you get to love him for as long as you’d like. 
“Watcha thinkin’ about?” Carmy asks you, as if he can see the gears turning in your head. 
“Jus’-. I don’t know. Just never thought it could get this good,” you answer with a sigh as he lays down beside you. 
You’d been through it all together, and yet, this felt like just the beginning. 
“Us?” he asks. As he turns his head towards you, his deep blues meeting yours, the question suddenly feels miles long, much more complex than the one word he utters. 
“I-. Maybe. Yeah,” you hesitate, propping yourself up on your side. “I guess… all of it, Carm.” 
He shrugs, “Yeah, I uh-. I don’t know.” 
He chooses his words carefully.
A beat. 
“Don’t know much about this… about… you know… when things get good.” 
“Me either,” you reply, honestly, and it feels like your heart is caught in your throat. 
“But I like this. What we have,” he offers, a timid look in his eyes. 
What we’re building.
“Me too, Carm. Me too,” you reply, softly, the two of you sharing a look as if you’ve come to a conclusion. 
With a silent nod, Carmy brings the cigarette up to his lips once more, taking a drag from it as he stares up at the clear, blue sky. A warmth fills you as you snuggle up, your body adjacent to his. You rest your head against his rib cage, your legs stretch out in the opposite direction. After a few moments of enjoying the sounds of the park around you, the smell of second cigarette smoke, and the lingering taste of strawberry on your lips, you pick up your book, tossed somewhere on the picnic blanket minutes earlier, and begin to read it. 
Neither of you have known what this feels like… but his love, and yours, it feels good.
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pathtonowhereimagine · 3 months
What would Zoya, Bai yi and eirene reactions be to their shy, timid but very sexually energetic S/o having a bigger dick then them like I'm talking SLAB OF MEAT and they still make it fit in people
Zoya, Bai Yi and Eirene with a shy but Sexually charged S/o
TW; smut🔞, sinners are bottoms in this (Zoya is the only one with a penis), size differences, stomach bulge, breeding, creampie and aftercare
Notes; A/N
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⊱ ────────────── {.⋅ M ⋅.} ───────────── ⊰
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Zoya didn't think much of when it comes to her small S/o for most of the time they're timid and shy not really participating in most task, always find them in the corner and not much of a talker, however she does notice afew things that's surprising in a way
When they first had sex Zoya thought she'd be on top but somehow S/o was able to top her in a matter of minutes, seeing the lust and love in their eyes as they straddle her then noticing the ever growing bulge in their pants as they grope her own crotch
It's not arguable that Zoya has a big cock but when she sees S/o's own cock she was intimated it was longer than hers by an inch, the girth of it was the size of four fingers of course she took precaution first if she was taking the size of this monster. She struggled a bit when taking it in her mouth at first but eased into it all the while listening to S/o's praise and encouragement
However when it comes to actually taking it Zoya is already on her back sweating as they position themselves at her hole almost backing out, feeling them enter her gaining a groaning fuck from her feeling them slowly thrusting while jerking her off at the same time. She lost track of how many times she came already at one moment they were hugging her around her waist from behind while thrusting, then the next they're sucking her off while fingering her at the same
However by the time they're finished the bed is covered in sweat and cum as S/o comes back from the kitchen wearing nothing but Zoya's shirt, handing her water and snacks as an apology for the very rough housing causing a few bruises but the Legion Leader was more surprised and pleased then anything pulling them into her lap kissing and praising them
Bai Yi
As much as S/o loves Bai Yi sometimes her cocky and carefree attitude is too much sometimes even for the shy and timid sinner, they try to intervene when she gets in trouble like trying to market her business to Chief or when they get caught by Nightingale or K.K.
It's the perfect punishment for S/o to use as they tie up Bai Yi in bondage teasing her by not touching her in places she needs them to be or even edging only to pull away, the Whitestone boss is no stranger to her S/o's large package but sometimes seeing it again felt like she seeing for the first time everytime
Bobbing her head as she sucks their cock while tugging her hair and praising her, gagging a few times as they thrusted their hips chasing their own high first then pulling away her spitting connecting with their harden cock slapping it against her cheek
The room filled with the sounds of moaning and skin on skin contact with every thrust Bai Yi unable to do anything with her legs and arms tied up, watching her S/o destroy and arrange her insides as they please. Staring up at them with desire and love in their eyes their main focus on her cumming for the fifth time, a creamy ring forming on their cock as she herself feels her own high coming again
What felt like a day has gone by as S/o rubs lotion on Bai Yi's wrists and legs from the ropes while apologizing for everything despite it being a regular thing, as the boss just kisses and nuzzles their head all the while thinking how lucky she is to have a sweet but feral partner
Now Eirene the methodical and genius chess master is no short then being very high class and demanding due to her status, however when it comes to her S/o she can't help but tease them just to see their flustered face
Though it may cause surprise and shock to her peers if they find out that behind the scene S/o having their hand down her skirt as they leave trials of kisses along her chest, while Eirene tries to convince them not to leave any hickies as they lose themselves but after acting like nothing happened when they return
In the bedroom S/o becomes a whole different person as they effortlessly manhandle her with her legs spread out as they finger her from behind her, while whispering how much of they've been wanting to do this to all day and how much of a tease she was today
Everything went by in a blur for Eirene one moment they're in the 69 position not able to focus as S/o eat her out like she's their last meal, then she's on all fours feeling their cock creates a bulge in her stomach and having her sit on their lap as they thrust upwards in her as she whines and moans against
Afterwards Eirene and S/o will be in the tub with warm water and bubbles around them while they scrub her back flustered at the scratch marks and hickies all over her body, kissing each individual part as Eirene smiles to herself
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kissedloveletters · 3 months
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𓋜 ⠀𓏲࣪ .⠀hand holding - head canons⠀..⠀ ;⠀kny
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shinobu has incredibly soft and smooth hands with no visible scarring.
her palms are slender and her fingers thin, making her hands smaller than average. When she places them on your cheeks, you feel their coolness.
her nails appear neat and tidy, although some little cuts appears after a mission sometimes.
whenever she cleans her nails, she offers to do yours and compliments your fingers. she also gently glides her fingers over any scars or cuts.
shinobu’s grip is comfortable and loose, providing a secure hold without causing discomfort or slippage.
holding hands with her is comfortable, she doesn’t mind any teasing from tengen or others and stares if you both hold hands in public.
if you compliment her hands she’ll show you a genuine smile with a blush.
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iguro’s hands are rough with some scars, especially on his fingers. his hands are slightly larger than average and feel cool to the touch.
his nails are decently maintained, possibly by you, but his cuticles could use some attention.
iguro haves trouble with his grip when holding hands. he is unsure of how to do it correctly, going from holding too loosely to holding so tightly that it feels like something might be broken (although he doesn't appreciate any jokes about that). It's definitely a learning experience for both of you.
It's extremely rare for iguro to hold hands in public, only doing so when necessary. Instead, he usually grabs your wrist. though, in private, despite being flustered, he'll make an excuse to hold your hand. holding your hand extra tight in crowded places so you won't get seperated.
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giyu and obanai have similar hands, but giyu’s fingers are more rough.
his hands are over the average in size with slender fingers. they run warm, making them perfect to hold in the cold.
his nails are well-maintained, but occasionally cuts and scars from fighting and training.
giyu has a gentle grip but can firm up when needed. he looks like he wants to apologizes if he thinks he's holding too tightly but doesn’t utter a word, sometimes asks, also doesn’t realize if he is holding too tight sometimes.
It's not uncommon to hold hands with giyu, he doesn’t care what others say. but, he's always willing to hold your hand. he craves physical touch, so if your hands are occupied, he may hold onto other parts of you instead.
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rengoku’s hands are a bit rougher than tomiokas, but still gentle nonetheless.
his hands are large and fingers long. his hands tend to run warm.
nails appear to be well-maintained, including his cuticles, by you.
as a demon slayer, he often gets cuts and scars, and it seems like he does it on purpose. he'll ask you to tend to them with a smile, even though it doesn't really hurt. It's like he uses it as an excuse to get your hands on him.
his grip is gentle and sweet, but he apologizes if it ever becomes too tight. sometimes he doesn't even realize it.
holding hands with rengoku is similar to giyu, he pays no mind to their teasing when you two get caught. plays with your fingers or kisses them.
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sanemi’s hands are rough from training and combat, fresh cuts pop up often after missions, littering his fingers.
his fingers are thick with a above-average size palms. they feel fairly cool, perfect for a warm day. a bit veiny.
he regularly trims his nails, but his cuticles are not in the best condition.. nothing super crazy though.
when it comes to taking care of his hands, he doesn’t care for it as much as he should. he finds it endearing when you take the time to massage or rub his hands, showing that you care about his well-being. If you compliment his rough hands, acknowledging his hard work, he'll feel touched. comparing hand sizes can also be a fun way to connect with him and show that you appreciate his unique qualities, big or small.
he holds your hand firmly, yet gently, conveying both strength and care.
holding hands with sanemi is a common occurrence. like rengoku, he doesn't pay much attention to peoples teasing (if they even dared to do that).
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calmcoldevening · 8 months
may i request a fic or headcanons (whatever youre up for!) where sometimes jason will take the opportunity to show off his strength to his s/o? like maybe he lifts really heavy things or when he's chopping firewood he'll rip a log in half with his bare hands 😍
Jason Voorhees x reader, his strength headcanons
Tw: soft, comfort, little mention of murder and blood
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• All in all, Jason was a big, really big man and no less a big force. But he didn't want him to show it to you, on the contrary, he was always affectionate and gentle, trying to touch you as carefully as possible. He was a caring, kind partner, your personal teddy bear.
• And yet, sometimes he really wanted to show you how strong he is once again. Look, he's so big and strong, you're so small compared to him. You're not going to leave him, are you? He's so strong, he'll protect you!
• Rather, the desire to show your strength is caused by his lack of self-confidence, sometimes you have to prove to him that you really love him. In his life, Jason has only felt love from his mom, so now he clings to your love in every possible way like a touch-starved person. It's sweet, but sad at the same time. That's why he wants you to see him as a support and support.
• Jason loves carrying you in his arms, because this is not only a way to show how much he loves you, but also an opportunity to show all his strength again. Regardless of your weight or shape, it will lift you up like a real feather. You are so light and sweet in his arms, Jason is ready to pick you up in his arms in a wedding style at any opportunity.
• Yes, you often see him chopping wood. You go outside, into the clearing near your cabin, and you notice Jason. He's still wearing his mask, but he's completely naked from the waist up. His trousers hug his strong thighs, and his shirt hangs neatly on a tree branch. The man has an axe in his hands, and you see how your boyfriend's muscles contract and pulsate under his thin skin with each blow. Those big muscles, sexy bulging veins and sweat running down his sculpted body. You're literally salivating at the sight of your handsome man.
• As soon as Jason notices you, he grins slightly under the mask, blushing a little. Putting the axe down on the grass, the man takes hold of both parts of the log with his hands and with one sharp jerk tears it in half. He likes to impress you.
• You've often seen Jason carrying his victims, both living and dead, on his shoulder. And although they were mostly teenagers and young people, their sizes were sometimes quite large. Still, Jason had no trouble carrying them around like some kind of potato sacks.
• He can kill a man even with his bare hands, crushing the victim's skull, but that's not what Jason would want you to see.
• A couple of times you saw how, at the time of the chase, Jason knocked out the doors of other cabins in the forest just with his body.
• Due to the fact that Jason is not very confident in himself, he can be quite jealous. How annoying it is for him when one of his victims tries to steal you or flirts with you. He doesn't stand on ceremony with such victims. He would grab them and squeeze their flesh tightly, breaking their ribs and making them scream in agony. When the victim bleeds out, he will throw the body on the ground and come up to you, hugging you tightly.
• Often he does not notice how he shows his strength. Sometimes Jason doesn't really calculate his strength and squeezes you too tightly in his arms. That's why there are a lot of marks from his hands on your body, and these reddish marks look a little embarrassing.
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svkahug · 2 months
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once more to see you
[chapter three; ao3 link]
tags: slow burn, injury, forced proximity, quarry!reader, hurt/comfort
summary: On the run with the Empire on your heels, a bounty hunter seems to be your only option and your best bet to getting back home.
a/n: heard someone say tumblr has no fluff well i shall provide
Space is so… quiet . So empty. Sometimes there’s not another breathing creature for miles. Then you hit a planet. You’ve tallied all the planets you’ve been on recently as the Mandalorian goes on the search, relentless. Yavin, Geonosis, Lothal. Desolate and lifeless planets. But you never see them. The Mandalorian isn’t exactly a tour guide but he does talk to you more often as you strap yourself onto the co-pilot seat beside him. Him and the kid are gone for days at a time, no longer than a week. 
You eat, you sleep, you dream. You’ve snooped around every nook and cranny of the Razor Crest. It’s not as if he’s going to pop out of nowhere and chastise you. You can probably traverse this ship from memory alone. 
You find what you assume is his bed. But you don’t sleep in it. Not even on the days where he’s gone. It’s just as small and cramped as the ship and you simply can’t believe anyone even uses that thing. 
The worry that he might have perished out there crosses your mind. But you couldn’t let it get to you. He uses the ship's emergency comms to check in at night. Sometimes he doesn’t.  
You shuffle through the supplies, you use the fresher, you stare outside the windows of the cockpit then you sleep on the floor. Until on the nights that you don’t. You think it started when they left for Lothal. They were gone for four days and you barely slept a wink.
It was the nightmares, you think. Twisted and vile things that were a manifestation of your fears. 
You don’t like to think about it. When your ship crashed on Jakku. You lost people. Guardsmen that've been with you since childhood. People died violent deaths to protect you. 
The memories come in flashes, unwanted and painful. They chased you through that rocky and desolate planet. The Empire rained hell. You ought to be flattered seeing as how they would go through all this trouble for you. If not for the night terrors you had of being back in that rubble, of seeing people drop dead like flies, and smelling the stench of gasoline from their flamethrowers. 
You wake up, heaving and choking back sobs, the heat of the flame feeling too real and too close. On the good nights, you’re able to talk to the Mandalorian through the emergency comm on the console of the ship. 
You’re mulling around the cockpit, memorizing the console controls, wondering what each one does when a soft crackle gets your attention. You’re so used to the quiet that the soft sound causes you to perk up immediately. 
“— Hello ?”
“Took you long enough.” 
“ How’s the ship?”
You look at the blinking communicator as if it’s done you some personal offense. “...I’m fine, thank you very much. Ship’s intact, at least. Old thing.”
“... And you?”
“Are you asking if I’m still intact? Because the answer is no. I’ve lost my mind. I think I can hear colors.”
“ Yeah, isolation will do that to you .”
“What about you? Any sign of her?”
“... No. I'm in a village. No one’s seen anyone matching her description. Fob’s no help either. ” 
“Oh.” It’s nearly been two weeks. Four planets and more parsecs than you can count. “A village?”
“ Yes. Almost a day’s trek from the ship, so I’ll be back there by tomorrow. ”
You hesitate. “Can you stay? Just for a bit?”
“ Have you been sleeping? ”
“Not really.” 
“...I can keep the line open for a bit. Try to rest. ”
Two weeks later.
Batuu was green. That was the first thing you noticed. As the ship geared closer to the surface you see that those are actually trees, densely packed together to form a jungle. 
The ramp lowers and you can’t help it, you stand on the mouth of the ship, admiring the life of the planet. They’re gigantic, with bark twice the usual size and vines hanging from their branches, unlike what you had back at home.
The Mandalorian falls into step beside you and you can already sense what he’s about to say so you beat him to it.
“I’m just going to look.” The crest is parked in a clearing in the middle of the forest, flattening the long grass. It smells like damp soil and you can hear birds cawing in the distance. Surprisingly, he doesn’t stop you as you slowly walk down the ramp, grateful for the fresh air. “It’s beautiful.”
“It’s ancient.” He counters, his boots crunching on the ground as he flanks you. “These trees have been here for a thousand years. They’re sacred.”
You turn to him. “Don’t you think I should—”
“ No .” He says firmly. 
“She’s trained. Been in military command for as long as I can remember. She can outsmart you and she can fight….She wouldn’t run if she saw me.”
“Believe me, I can handle it. If she’s even here. I’m not risking you for an intel that could be weeks old.” He says, wading through a field of long grass, the little kid hovering nearby. 
“You’re no use to me dead.”
You make a face, smiling sarcastically. “ Charmed .”
“You’re welcome.” He deadpans. “Now get back on the ship.” 
There’s a storm outside when the Mandalorian comes back two days later.  You’ve fallen asleep to the sound of the smattering of rain on the roof of the ship when there’s a loud clang outside and you shoot up almost immediately.  
Suddenly, the ramp creaks awake as it opens, letting the water in. The sound of the rain is deafening now and you’re barely up on your feet before the Mandalorian sprints inside the vessel, the child’s pram zooming shortly behind him. He makes his way up into the cockpit immediately, firing up the engine before you can even hear the ramp shut below. Another crash comes from outside, and what sounded like an animal growling and clawing on the ground. Panic rises inside you as you stumble into the cockpit. 
“ What is that —?”
“Strap in now . We’re leaving.”
You do as you're told. “Did you find her?”
“No.” The ship lifts off the ground, and there’s something clanging on the side of the ship now. 
“ Who is that? ” They found us, you think. They fucking found us. 
“Wh– Seriously ?“
You’re in hyperspace when you finally notice it. You couldn’t help the gasp that escapes you, “ Holyfuckingshit , Mando—”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He says, voice a little more ragged than usual, as if he didn’t have a knife sticking out of his fucking back.
You shoot up from your seat. “Shit , what— what do we do ? Holy —fuck .” It all comes out in a tumble. He’s facing you now but you can still see the knife sticking out of him. It’s really fucking huge. Especially because it’s halfway stuck inside him.
“Wait, wait here.” You’re practically flying through the ship when you come back with the kit, ripping it open on the floor of the cockpit and rummaging through its contents. “Here, what do you need?”
“The cauterizer.” His voice sounds thinner, even through the modulator, and it only adds a layer of panic to your already worsening state. “Look for the cauterizer— That— Yeah that one. Good.” You hand it to him. “You’re doing good. Now, you’re going to take it out—”
“What? No way .” You step back.
“I don’t know how to — ”
“Hey, hey, breathe .” He grasps both your hands in his. His gloves are damp, and you see the droplets of water on his armor, his chrome visor staring up at you. “Calm down. It’s going to be alright. As long as I don’t bleed out, it’s fine.” 
“You’re kidding me right? How is that fine ?”
“Trust me, I’ve had worse.”
Trust him? That’s literally something the two of you couldn’t get right for nearly a month now. Now he’s basically putting his life in your hands and asking you to— Fuck . “Fuck, fine. I—I’ll do it.”
“Okay, you’re going to take out the dagger. Then you’re going to cauterize the wound with this.” He flicks some sort of switch and it fucking zaps . He places it in your hands. “Are you ready? You’re going to have to be quick, alright?”
He makes quick work of his chestplate, the armor clanging on the ground just as you come back with the scissors, ripping violently through his undershirt. You don’t think, you just do it and to your horror and surprise, the blade comes out easier than you expected. He lets out a long and loud groan, doubling over and gripping the console just as the bloody weapon joins the rest of his armor on the ground. You place a hand on his back to steady him, his skin warm.
“Maker, I’m sorry.” You say sincerely, gripping the cauterizer in one hand and steadying him with the other. He barks out a shout just as the laser makes contact with his skin. “ Stars , I’m sorry. Sorry, sorry… I’msosorry .” Your apologies turn into a whisper under your breath like a mantra, staying laser focused on the task at hand as he makes pained, broken noises underneath you. His fisted hand comes down onto the edge of the console.
It’s done eventually. The process felt longer than it was and there’s a moment when all you can hear is his heavy breathing mingling with the peaceful hum of hyperspace. It’s a juxtaposition of sounds. You couldn’t possibly imagine the pain he’s in and all he’s got to show for it now is a fresh jagged scar on the back of his shoulder.
You want to sit, but before you can even move an inch, he beats you to it. Suddenly, he’s tipping forward, a little too much and you recognize the fact that he’s going limp. You move just in time to catch him, letting your entire body support his weight as his helmet digs into your stomach while you try to get him back up into the chair without hurting his freshly closed wound. You hear garbling coming from underneath the armor. 
“It’s okay,” you murmur, hands on his pauldrons to support him, smearing red all over the metal. “It—It’s okay, I have you.” Literally. You don’t see any other option on how to move an injured man twice your size without hurting him right now and you’re too tired to think of a solution. So, you let him rest like that; his head on your stomach. 
You take a deep breath, your dominant hand cramping and your limbs feeling like you just strapped weights on them. You’re also getting colder and colder as the water he brought in earlier mingles with your sweat. Your hands are bloody. He makes another pained sound, a gloved hand coming up to grip your hip. 
“You ok?” You whisper. 
“ Mhm .”
“...Th—That wasn’t them, right?”
“No, it wasn’t.” Relief washes over you and you hardly feel his thumb brush a circle on your hip. 
You stay like that for longer than a moment. At some point, he’s placed his elbow on his knees to relieve some of the weight on you, still keeping his hand on your waist to steady you as you whizz through hyperspace. 
You let out a sigh, trying to focus on anything but how uncomfortable you are. 
It dawns on you you’ve never been this close before and you’ve never touched him, let alone seen his skin. It’s the first time you see him underneath all that metal. 
Suddenly, to you, there’s a lot of him. Weeks of looking at him and seeing nothing but metal and now the large expanse of his back is exposed to the cool air where you cut through his shirt. He’s a little pale from the injury and you also think it’s something to do with not being exposed to the sun that much. Your fingers grip his bare shoulder as you push him up just enough to make sure he doesn’t slip. His skin is damp, and he vaguely smells of rain, and something earthy. He’s a man underneath that armor, you almost forgot.
You watch the steady rise and fall of his torso as his lungs expand, muscles contracting as he tries to take in more air, and you notice the moles on his back. Tiny and completely unnoticeable marks scattered on the expanse of skin unless you stare really hard. You wonder if he knows this. Without thinking, you drag a clean hand, from his pauldron, to the small spot on his back, tracing it. Then to the next, and next, careful of his bad shoulder. It seemed like something you should do naturally and with no hesitation. You’re completely out of it, then, gently running your fingers along his back in a trancelike state, like your action and him feeling anything were two completely separate things. You hear him release a breath underneath you but you don’t feel the shudder that runs up his spine. You don’t see him shut his eyes underneath the helmet, don’t notice him lean back into your touch. Mando tries not to feel the throbbing pain on his shoulder, instead he focuses on the feel of your hand against his skin. He wonders if you were doing it on purpose. Or if you were in shock.
“Are you okay?” comes his question. He sounds more full now. Like he’s back to his usual self.
“Yeah,” you breathe, hand stopping in the middle of his back like you just traced a map and finally settled on a location.
You feel a squeeze on your hip, his head resurfacing from where it rested on your stomach and you’re suddenly faced with the chrome visor of his helmet.
“I’m fine. The kid’s fine. It’s over.” He says, sensing your distress. You nod silently. You can see him, and your reflection on his helmet but you can’t really… see it. Everything feels so cloudy and far away. You don’t want to look at the blood staining your hands, on his back. 
After dropping out of hyperspace, you lock yourself in the fresher and don’t come out half an hour later.
You assumed he was passed out from where he sat on the floor of the hull, resting, when you got out of the fresher until he said something. “We’re going back to Nevarro.”
“What for?” you whisper, meticulously laying out a fresh set of blankets on the floor. You were trying not to think much about anything right now. The baby is asleep, the hull is dark and silent, save for your whispers.
“I’m meeting with my employer, and we need supplies.” He’s changed out of his damp clothes now, and didn’t bother with putting the beskar back on yet.
You frown, listening to his attempt to get up. “You’re going to work for him?”
“Yes. I’m not made of credits.” You could argue that, technically, he was. But you feel like that would have been borderline offensive. He finds himself expecting you to say something back, but you’re quiet. He at least expected you to fight him on this, like you usually do. 
“Hey.” Comes the modulated tone of his voice, sounding hesitant. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” You chuck your damp clothes in the corner, not meeting his eyes—or rather, the chrome visor now staring in your direction.
“I think you’re in shock.” He takes hold of your elbow as you make your way across the other end of the hull. “Talk to me.”
You stop in your tracks, feeling oddly vulnerable in your state. “...You just scared me.” You state plainly and just when the words leave your mouth that’s when you’re able to pinpoint what it is you’ve been feeling all alone. Fear. An image flashed through your mind—limp bodies on the ground, eyes wide open but so empty and lifeless. The memories rears its ugly head at you tonight, resurfacing faster than you can help it. 
“ Maker —” You breathe out a puff of air, pressing the palm of your hand to your eyes until you can see stars. “I—I don’t want to do that again. Please don’t—don’t make me do that again. I—I don’t know why I’m—I mean, shit, you were the one with th—the knife in your back.” 
The Mandalorian’s hand drifts down from your elbow to grip your hand in a gloved hand, his filtered voice surprisingly really soft. “I think you’re just tired…. It’s alright.”
A wet sob fights its way out of you. Stars, it’s pathetic. It’s so fucking embarrassing . 
You wipe away your tears angrily with your free hand, a lump forming in your throat as you try to stifle a sob. You just stand there, frustratingly wiping away your tears as they come, sobbing quietly into the palm of your hands. It’s all really caught up to you now. How much the past few weeks—hell, months —really fucked you up. He was right. You were tired. You wanted to go home. You wanted to grieve . 
You suspect he might just leave you there, tell you to at least get some rest before going back up the cockpit to maneuver the ship to Nevarro but he doesn’t. 
The hand that’s holding yours starts to tug you closer, hesitantly and you go willingly, still wiping tears until you’re close enough to wrap your arms around him and bury your face into his good shoulder, letting him soak up your fresh tears. He’s warm without the beskar, and you practically melt into him.
“You haven’t been sleeping?” You shook your head against the soft cloth of his black undershirt running down to cover his arms, now wrapping securely around you, albeit awkwardly like he really didn’t know what to do and was simply improvising. “...It’s okay.” He runs his hand across your back soothingly and you hum softly against his shoulder.
A part of you is surprised at the gentleness in which he handles you, something you only ever see him reserve for the kid, but you can’t bring yourself to pull away. While he never showed any ill intentions towards you, you could never really read him. This was a job. You were a job to him. And he never failed to treat you as such. The things he did, you always assumed, was to benefit him and the kid. Your protection was just a byproduct.  You had no qualms about it, but months on the run, weeks alone, and the uncertainty of it all was getting to you, you admit and you just needed… you needed someone that wasn’t hunting you down or trying to kill you. 
You stay like that until your sobs subside and you’re taking calming breaths against him, his hand lingering . It was nice. This was nice. You turn your face into the crook of his neck, where there’s a spot where a patch of skin is showing. You find yourself wondering what he looked like all of a sudden
Suddenly, a soft cry pierces the silence of the ship and you’re suddenly reminded about where you were.
Slowly, you part. “I’ll get him,” you say with a nod. 
That night, you fall into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
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tokischaaaaa · 3 months
Fuck Horror Games :P
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!hamzah x !easily scared reader
summary: hamzah convinces reader to play a scary game it takes a lot of convincing since the reader is scared easily. And afterwards, the reader has trouble sleeping and he comforts her <3
warning! : fluff!, mention of vomit, u get high
word count!: 1.4k!!!
  blame it on the boogie - the jacksons
⇄              ◁◁  I I  ▷▷          ↻
00:25 ━━●━━━━━━━━ 03:34
9:32 am, you checked your phone which read july 1st. july 1st was canada day all across the country, which meant you had off work today! you wanted to take advantage of today by texting your boyfriend, hamzah. as you headed towards your bathroom to brush your teeth and do your morning chores, you noticed he had already sent a text explaining that he’d be stopping by your apartment in 15 minutes to enjoy the day off.
you sent a heart and thumbs up to his message and continued with your routine. before you knew it, hamzah was over and brought snacks. you couldn't help but giggle when you saw some of the bags of candies in his hands start to fall to the ground as you opened the door to greet him.
“shit,” he muttered, looking down at the family-size pack of haribo gummy bears. you went on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the nose to greet him. his cheeks turned a bright pink. you smiled, grabbed the fallen candies, and signaled for him to enter.
for the next few hours, you spent time with hamzah watching whatever looked appealing. eventually, you got bored of being brain-rotted by your television.
“hamzah, can we do something fun? this is kinda boring,” you sighed.
“yeah, I hear you,” hamzah nodded and whipped out his computer from his backpack.
“okay, I have a few ideas, but it might take a while to load,” hamzah said.
you looked at the clock, 4:52 pm, and took the initiative to start cooking dinner while hamzah found something on his computer to cure you of boredom. you decided to make an easy dinner, pasta with vegetables. as you were preparing the vegetables, you felt a familiar person pressed against your back. you turned around and saw hamzah smiling.
“hi, stranger,” you said, giving him a quick peck and continuing to cut the vegetables.
“so, about what we’re playing tonight,” hamzah started.
“what about it?” you asked, not lifting your eyes from your current task but adding a tone of suspicion to hamzah’s odd behavior.
“there’s this new game out and i know how you feel about horror games, but—”
“hell no! you’re crazy! you. are. crazy!” you said, now completely stopping what you were doing to tell hamzah hell no.
“jeez! y/n, all I wanted to do was find something for us to do. i’m just trying to make you happy. why can’t you just acknowledge what i’m trying to do?” hamzah groaned and stomped away to the balcony.
you took a deep sigh to recollect your thoughts. maybe i’m being too dismissive with him, you thought to yourself. the issue is, you're not just scared of horror games; you're petrified. you would rather get attacked by wolves than play a horror game. you took a deep breath, quickly finished cutting the vegetables, and got the pasta ready. you ran outside to see hamzah looking towards the city. thankfully, your apartment gave you a clear view of the city without any tall buildings in the way.
hamzah stayed silent and didn’t budge.
“listen, i’m sorry that I was being so dismissive to you. I will admit that I do lack acknowledgment of all you do for me sometimes, and I need to work on that. for us to get better, I need to take the initiative to listen to you and suck it up. i’ll play the horror game if you’re still down,” you said, looking down at your socks. though it was difficult to admit your faults, you knew that this would only help you and hamzah’s relationship flourish.
“thank you, I needed to hear that. and listen, i understand work is a lot and can be stressful and blind you from certain things, but i’m glad you’re seeing that and letting me in, and letting us do something I recommend.” as hamzah finished his sentence, he placed a kiss on your forehead and led you both inside before stopping. “i have an idea.”
hamzah’s new idea was for you to take a few hits from a cart to make you feel more chill and less stressed when you eventually played the horror game. you were all ears and didn’t oppose, so as you took a few hits inside your apartment, you went back to the kitchen to serve the food. you didn’t feel anything until about 45 minutes later. you were now lying on hamzah’s chest. as he looked down to check on you, you had the high smile. he took that as a green light to start up the game.
he started the game and placed the computer in the middle of you both, making sure you could see everything. you couldn’t help but laugh at everything: a tree branch falling, the flicker of light, hamzah’s heartbeat starting to increase. you didn’t take anything seriously until you were taken out of your high state by a bloody nun jumping onto the screen. you screamed and accidentally kicked hamzah. just as your reflexes were on, so was your digestive system. your neck dropped down, and you hurled all of your dinner.
“ah shit, i’m so sorry, y/n!” you heard hamzah say. he sounded like he was farther away. as you tried to raise your head to look for him, everything went black.
while passed out, you had a nightmare, but it was even worse since you were now high.
guys pretend i added a jumpscare gif, i found some but i don’t want y’all getting nightmares
you shook yourself awake, feeling the urge to hurl again. you ran to the washroom and began to vomit. you felt a large hand drawing circles on the back of your spine and a familiar pair of lips kissing your head. you slowly looked up and saw hamzah with a worried look on his face.
“i’m so sorry, y/n. i didn’t think that the game and blunt would make you sick,” hamzah said, rubbing his temples.
“bruh, whatever. what time is it?”
“2 am.”
“just great,” you sighed, now realizing there was no way you were going to be able to sleep after getting jumpscared back to back. you flushed the toilet and went to the sink to brush your teeth.
“i’m sorry i pressured you into playing the game. i should’ve listened to you when you said hell no.” you looked at hamzah in the mirror and saw him frowning. you walked towards him and gave him a light hug, unable to give him a normal one since you were still high.
“it’s okay. just stay up with me now because i can’t go back to sleep,” you asked while looking up at him.
“of course, princess,” he said, kissing you deeply.
for the next four hours, hamzah did anything possible to get you to a calm state and free of scary stuff. he started by telling Alexa to play your ‘chill playlist’, which kept you calm until ‘fein’ started playing and freaked you out. hamzah’s next attempt was to make you laugh, which was successful until you had trouble breathing from laughing so much. hamzah’s final and most successful attempt was talking to you, just yapping. normally, you’re always talking or it’s an equal amount of talking between the both of you, but it's rarely just hamzah talking. he had you laying on his stomach, and both of you were looking at the ceiling, which was covered with stars your cousins had put up when they visited a few weeks ago. as you looked up at the stars while listening to hamzah, you said, “thanks for dealing with my stubborn ass.”
that one sentence stopped hamzah from talking. he gently grabbed you by your hips and placed you on top of him. you took his right arm and gently pushed your neck down so he could give you a ‘regalo’, a kiss that felt like the first time you ever kissed. the butterflies came to you even stronger. though you were high, you kept the makeout session going. as you were about to remove your shirt, hamzah stopped you.
“you’re high, y/n. we’ll continue this when you’re sober so you can remember it,” he said with a smile. you nodded dumbfoundedly and bombarded him with a hug. his strong arms wrapped around your waist and became tighter, pulling you closer to him.
“fuck horror games,” you said before diving into a deep slumber.
tokischaaaaa hablas! yay! my second story! pls drop suggestions n requests pls this was so fun :P, buenas noches perras
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
Request or just saying
One piece is so good but all I was thinking is how Law can be a bit of a brat sometimes especially when he runs off and gets his ass in trouble (I'm sorry I was dying of laughter when his ass got beat by the flamingo guy, I can not spell his name for the life of me). So imagine a bigger sly reader punishing him 🤤
Like reader is happy Law survived and he punishes him, nsfw or not
This could be a good fluff or smut type thing, I don't mind!!
Love your writing
Trafalgar Law x bigger male reader
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The thing I love about one piece is that a request can say bigger reader, and I can make reader anywhere from a few inches taller than the other character, or make them 10 feet tall, and it would fit into the one piece universe.
Reader is 8 or 9 feet in this, cuz hehe, I love size difference.
You were the holder of a devilfruit, a zoan fruit more specifically, the tiger fruit. This granted you the power of any zoan fruit, and resulted in you having a striped pattern on your skin most days, as well as tiger ears and a tail flicking behind you, as that was most comfortable for you.
You had been a part of the heart pirates for a long time, and had been dating Law for a good chunk of that. You regularly used your tiger form to get him to sleep, transforming into a huge tiger and flopping down on top of him to keep him down.
He could easily use room to get away, but Law learns you’ll just follow him and keep it up. When you don’t turn into a tiger, youll still pick him up and keep him in your lap, making tiger noises in your chest as you rub your chin on the top of his head after knocking his hat off.
You end up having to pull him out of trouble a lot, at this point you are sure it’s the D in his name, as he attracts danger like a magnet. It leaves the hairs on your tail puffed up and frizzy, as you always feel the need to look out for him.
More than once you’ve had to swoop in, in tiger form, and chase off any enemy that’s too much, just to scoop Law up and carry him back to the Polar Tang as he pouts and grumbles like the brat he is.
People outside the crew can’t seem to believe you when you mutter about Law being a brat. Everyone on your crew knows it’s the truth, and he can get especially bratty with you at times when he wants to rile you up.
Law always gets this lazy but satisfied grin on his lips when he catches your tail wagging from side to side in annoyance, your teeth and claws sharper than normal as you try to suppress the urge to chase him down and punish him in one way or another.
Laws sacrificial ways have always left you feeling stressed, and after the fight with Doflamingo you want to rip all your fur out because you really felt like you were gonna lose your lover.
You thank Luffy and the strawhats for keeping him safe, even if you are also very bruised and bloodied from the fighting, before carrying Law back to the Polar Tang like you are used too, still transformed into the more Anthro looking form similar to the form Lucci takes, but a tiger instead.
The rest of the heart crew knows to give you space as you rumble deep in your chest, scolding Law as you stomp back towards the submarine, Law pouting as he lays in your arms with his arms crossed.
The wild thrashing of your tail and the twitching of your ears also tells your crew to find somewhere else to spend the night, or else they’re gonna be hearing their captains voice throughout the whole submarine.
Some of the strawhat crew seems to pick up whats up, whilst others don’t, so the ones in the know have a little laugh at Laws fate, but they leave you guys to it, since the celebrating will take a while anyways.
Law wont even look at you as you throw him into your bed, a bed big enough to feet all 9 feet of your height, his arms crossed as he stares at the wall like it’s the most important thing in the world.
You transform into your more human form, pacing back and forth at the bottom of the bed, growling and grumbling as you scold him, making sure to get your point across, till Law starts to feel bad for his behavior, at least somewhat.
His shoulders climb up to his ears and Law finally looks at you, his pout melted away into something a little softer and almost guilty. But it immediately melts away when you stop prowling and crawl up the bed towards him.
Instead, a glint appears in his eyes, that bratty satisfied grin like he has gotten just what he wanted from his behavior.
But, Law soon comes to regret that, as you take that expression as a challenge, and he soon finds himself thrown over your large bulky thighs, his pants pulled down to his knees as you spank him, making him count each strike.
In this situation, your much larger size is something Law curses, as your hand covers pretty much his entire ass as you lay into him, growling his wrongdoings at him, fangs flashing as striped fur licks up your arms and sideburns, your eyes flashing between human and those of a tiger.
Its only when he loses the ability to count and hes reduced to a blubbering moaning mess that you slow down, basking in the tears running down his face as he sobs and apologizes.
Its only after you find his cries and tears satisfactory that you pull his pants the rest of the way off and sit him up, pulling him into your lap. You have to lean down somewhat to kiss his forehead, but after such a spanking Law is so sweet and pliable.
He whimpers and shudders, face wet with tears and drool as he clings to your chest, hips lifted to not press his aching behind against your strong thighs. But the punishment has also left him aching somewhere else, his cock twitching and leaking as need burns up his spine.
You make sure to praise him and mumble how much you love him as you rub his back, comforting him through his tears until he’s calmed down enough for you to focus on something else, as the pain of the punishment lessens, and Laws lust grows.
When Law starts to whine and whimper for something else, you roll him onto his back, shucking off the rest of his clothes as you go.
Law gasps and shudders as his aching behind presses against the sheets, but his focus is quickly somewhere else as you start licking at his neck and torso, your tongue rough and sharp against his skin, your feline tongue leaving red strips across his skin from the sandpaper like texture.
Law tries to keep quiet, but with him already being so worked up from earlier, its easy to get him to wail and moan loud enough for it to fill the entire Polar Tang. Especially when your rough tongue brushes against the underside of his cock.
The first time you do that his back arches almost painfully, the noise the leaves him sounding almost tortured as he grips onto your hair, his throat burning from the intensity of his wail.
Law shudders and moans, what little shame that had been before bleeding out of his body as your large hands hold his hips down, your tongue carefully rolling against his sensitive length, never dragging or hurting too much. You rub it against him just enough for him to feel and for it to leave him shaking.
You rumble and purr as his blurry eyes fall shut, a tear running down his cheer as he lets out a soundless wail of pleasure, his entire body tensing and toes curling as white spurts leave his cock, splattering across the flat side of your tongue and across his torso.
As he goes limp you rub his hips and thighs, pulling your tongue away from his sensitive flesh to mutter praise and loving words to him as he pants and continues to moan softly.
Its only when you know he’s returned somewhat to himself that you crawl up the bed again. After laying down on your back, you pull him on top of you, letting him curl up in your arms for a bit. You’ll get up soon to get stuff to treat the bruises in a bit, but first you need to hold him as he shudders and grasps onto you, Law needing you to ground him.
You end up curling your tail around him, letting some fur appear on your torso so he can run his fingers across it in a grounding and comforting manner, a loving rumble leaving your throat and chest and leaving Law feeling tired but comfortable.
He may be bratty at times, but he’s your brat, and you’ll straighten him out when he needs it when you have too. It’s a process you both love more than you two will ever admit, and a process that annoys your crew at times, but that’s just what its like being part of the heart pirates at this point.
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