#still not over multiple people saying i give kalim vibes
i know i don’t write about twst but i sure as hell want to talk about it jsjsh
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
hii it's been a while!
I'm having Thoughts again
do you ever think about how Leona and Kalim are like. polar opposites
There's the obvious stuff, of course. The way Kalim's hair is like white and Leona's is a dark brown. The fact that Kalim's the eldest son and Leona is secondborn. The way Kalim is oblivious to how he hurts people but Leona does everything with purpose on purpose. The way Kalim kinda just refuses to see Jamil as he is while Leona calls him out on his bullshit straight away. The way one look at Kalim and you know that guy's rich thanks to the gold dripping off him (I mean tbf the Scarabia uniform is very ornamental while the Savanaclaw one just isn't) but with Leona it's just. he could be any bad tempered sleepy guy idk he just doesn't give off very "princely vibes" imo. The way Kalim's an overexcited five year old in the body of a seventeen year old, while Leona's a grumpy bitter sixty-five year old in a 20 year old body.
And then there's their unique magic/signature spell. Kalim's summons rain. A lot of it. Azul is over the moon with how "profitable" it is if I remember correctly (my brain may be making this up idk I had to write an essay today it's dying)
And Leona's turns anything he touches into sand. Anything. Even living beings.
It's just such a difference you know nobody has to worry about droughts with Kalim around. With Leona? He might just turn you into a heap of dry sand if he's in a bad enough mood
I'm losing my mind I just think it's insane. And maybe this is just fuel for my leojami agenda bc honestly I feel like Jamil resents Kalim quite a bit to an extent and with Leona some part of him just went yes agdgdhdh
Sorry for the long ask! Again no pressure to respond and I hope you had/have a great day!
Heya! Yeah, it has been a while. I've been on a bit of hiatus, but I still enjoy seeing things like this.
I think I have to agree that these two are very opposite. I don't think it's exaggerating to say that Leona really hates Kalim, which is a shame because it really isn't Kalim's fault. But Leona would never admit that he's jealous. Kalim has everything he wants: the throne, his people's admiration...Jamil if were pushing that agenda. His life could've been drastically different and maybe he could have been the happy one if he had those things.
And I touched a bit on this in The Lives We Want, but I don't think Jamil's resentment of Kalim really has to do with Kalim. It's just that Kalim has to be part of it because of the position Jamil was born into. It could've been Leona and Jamil would probably still feel the same way. Can you imagine how much darker Jamil would be if Kalim were cruel? Regardless of who his master is, Jamil is trapped.
While I can't argue that Kalim refuses to see the dark side of Jamil, I want to lean more towards he wants to see the good in everyone--to the point that yes, it can blind him. Kalim has endured multiple murder attempts and it's because of his status that he almost lost Jamil. It would be easy for him to become like Leona, suspicious and despising everyone. But he instead uses his stature to give people the benefit of the doubt and tries to bring everyone even a bit of happiness.
So yeah, it definitely feels like a 2 vs 1 sort of situation. But because of reasons beyond any of their control, it was inevitable. Even if it weren't them, it would be someone else. They were all cursed from the beginning.
Anyway, I don't mind hearing other people's theories and stuff like this. It's fun exploring the deeper meanings and inner conflicts of characters. I loves me some angst.
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