#also the diasomnia/ chapter 7 (?) trailer
i know i don’t write about twst but i sure as hell want to talk about it jsjsh
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hanafubukki · 2 months
The third anniversary trailer of twst is interesting to me because of its foreshadowing/ominous feelings with the way it cuts the scenes. Well, in terms of Lilia and Malleus when you think about it.
This is, of course, going off of certain assumptions.
For one, the shadow below being Malleus and not another student 🤔 (we already saw Leona enter Ramshackle by this point and Vil and Rook is already there at the party idia and his brother are in their room and Cater and Trey are baking, so it’s highly likely that is it Malleus)
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Assuming this shadow is Malleus, we see he’s alone with no one around.
Going forward to the rest of the trailer:
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Someone walking up the stairs, alone. No one is next to them and the sign we saw before? Is behind them.
You’re probably wondering why do I get that ominous/foreshadowing feeling and it’s because of the next few scenes.
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Vil and Rook looking towards the newcomers to the party and lo and behold.
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Our faes of Diasomnia, with Lilia right there next to Malleus.
Lilia was not there before. There was no shadow of him being there at all in the beginning with the anniversary sign, and even with the stair scene, no floating lower half of said fae (no matter how high he’s floating, you should see at least a part of his body or shadow)
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And we see Grim being patted by the invite.
Invites of any kind have significant meaning for Malleus. We know how much he wants to be invited and we know how they will have already been/will be used in Book 7.
So I can’t help but wonder. What could this mean?
Does this have some connection to Lilia? A foreshadowing of the future? Why isn’t Lilia there?
But then, if you recall, Malleus offered Lilia his happiest dream in book 7, one without Malleus in it.
And then the thought hit, what if? This is Malleus’ dream? One where he is invited? To a celebration where everyone can have fun and be merry?
A party that’s not celebrating his father’s departure and no one is sad at the end of it?
What if Lilia’s shadow missing is the hint to all this?
Wouldn’t that be the best way to show this? Lilia who Malleus loves so much and doesn’t want to lose and the reason why Malleus OB.
It would make sense if this was Malleus’ dream, wouldn’t it?
We all wondered why did this anniversary trailer focus only on the third years? And not the rest like previous years right?
The third years are important in the aspect that those are who Mal is “closest” with and they are his classmates who he spent all these years with (people who are not Lilia, Silver, and Sebek specifically and people who he can essentially talk to without them running away in fear as we have seen).
Another point that I believe adds onto this theory is the release date for this trailer, and in correlation, main story release.
The third anniversary trailer was released in March 2023, while Book 7 chapter 2 was released the month before, specifically 2/27/23. (Thank you Mumble for helping me find this info @irafuwas 💞💚)
Chapter 2, the chapter where Malleus puts everyone to sleep, giving them their happiest dreams. The chapter where, you know, Lilia gives Malleus an invite to his….going away party hahaha 🙃🥲
Everyone except Malleus is asleep. Now wouldn’t this be a devious way of foreshadowing on the twst devs side? A hint of not only Malleus’ dreams and the possibility of him falling asleep but also the way the invites will be used in the future (as we now see with Idia’s plan)?
This trailer being Malleus’ dream would also explain the discrepancies between the Grims in the trailer.
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Despite the size change inconsistency with Grim (he has such a big head lmao), you see the outfits as well. Grim isn’t wearing his ceremonial robes (something he is so proud of and I doubt he would just take off) and he’s back to his ribbon (his everyday uniform)
Also take in the fact of the backgrounds, the one with Vil and Rook has bright colors and saturation while the other is darker with the sun setting. (Don’t get me started on the symbolism of the sun or sunset)
This can also show how it’s dream vs reality. Especially if you consider what Malleus considers a happy dream.
Malleus, who didn’t understand or, rather, can’t accept/is in denial (I’m going to run him over with Crewel’s car) that his hatching was Lilia’s happiest dream. That all that pain and suffering led to something so joyous.
He, the one who continued to offer a happy dream that didn’t include him but his parents and Silver to Lilia.
Would the bright colors not show this? How he thinks “happy” dreams should be? As oppose to reality with the darker hues in the other scene?
And then we see currently, how the twst boys are fighting/rejecting the “happy” dreams as well. Which adds onto these points as well. Them fighting against this path chosen for them.
[also, the emphasis of invites, getting along with others, being empathetic, caring (/guarding Silver), and understanding others’ views (as well as wanting to be understood) as we saw with Malleus’ tsum card adds on to this does it not? 👀🤔 Tsum tsum events, after all, does give hints to main story as well]
If this was the twst devs way of foreshadowing future events and giving us hints of Malleus’ dream, then I can’t wait to see what we have in store.
In short, no one hold me back! I have a mallet with Malleus and Lilia’s names on it and I’m not afraid to use it!!!! 😖😤
(Absjsjshs I can’t stop laughing omg, Mumble said he was ‘strangely’ invited for once and I’m dying of laughter 😂😆 *covering eyes 😅😅* he’s going to be strangely invited to Idia’s party alright absjsjffnfnf 😆🤣😅)
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lucyfloyenworkshop · 7 months
Awakening the Dragon : Malleus Draconia Overblot Theme
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It's been now one year since Diasomnia Arc, “Ruler of the Abyss“ began...
There so many things, too many topics that I wish to talk and write about. About the tribute to Eyvind Earle's art in the esthetics and ambiance of Briar Valley. About the connections between the Arc narrative and its inspirations. About Night Faeries folk and Silver Owl Knights. About Silver, Malleus, Lilia and all the others characters... For tonight I will write down about Malleus Draconia's Overblot Theme.
When the Diasomnia Arc pre-trailer was released, some notes of Overblot Malleus's theme can be heard. The complet musictrack had been finaly revealed during the first fight against Malleus. Even with the few notes in the pre-trailer, this music really give goosebumps. It is dark, eerie, dangerous and yet graceful and noble.
Diasomnia’s Chapter is an intense turmoil of emotions and, after all that happened in the Main Story so far, I realized that Malleus Overblot's theme not just represent the Arc's climax like it had being the case for the six previous Chapter. Not just only about an epic battle music, but also about a character.
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[Beware : the following post content some spoilers for Chapter 7 : Ruler of the Abyss]
Featuring song and music
There is something about Malleus and music.
In his personal data, it's say that his “talent“ is stringed instruments's practice (ref. Twisted Wonderland : Magical Archives and in game data). According to his close relatives, such as Sebek during “Harveston's Kelkkarotu“ event, Malleus appear to be a really talented musician. And yet that aspect of Malleus wasn't fully explored in the Main, Events and Personals Stories. That was just a fun fact about Malleus's hobbies outside school or his daily royal duties.
Then came the performance of Malleus longside Idia and Azul during the Symphorium in the Halloween event Glorious Mascarade : Crimson Flowers and Bell of Salvation.
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It's could be logical since Diasomnia Arc and Mascrade's events released their preview trailers around the same time. But nothing could make us suspected how much deep of that aspect of Malleus's character design is important. Not just as for characterization but also a tribute from Sleeping Beauty.
But to go with Chapter 7 and the Overblot's theme, let's return to the Symphorium, during its preparation as presented in Malleus's Mascaquerade Dress Personal Story [link]. Glorious Mascarade's iconic song Let My Wish Resound ( Twst wiki's traduction [link] ), is the gift of Night Raven College's students to the invitation for Night Bell College's Symphonium and its three main singer featuring Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud and of course Malleus Draconia. In Malleus's Personnal Story, the trio are gather in Diasomnia Lounge for practicing. Both Idia and Azul (and even Lilia), are amaze about Malleus's singing skills. Not just because of his tense practicing, even outside his royal education as confirm Lilia to Idia. If Let My Wish Resound had a special signification for Malleus and his character (his desire and fear about connect with the Outside World and meeting other peoples), the fact that such song, and by extension the music, resound deep within Malleus.
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In Chapter 7, that particular bond between Malleus and music/song is once again up under the lightspot, and even become an major element of the narrative. Just after he took his Overblot's form and cast [Fea of Maleficent] on everyone, Malleus start to humming a lullaby. The medley is the one of Once upon a Dream, Sleeping Beauty's famous and iconic song. There is many things that need to be discussed about that familiar medley and Malleus's story and personal journey and I will in the futur write a proper and complet review about. For now, we can notice that reference make not only as a tribute to the original animated pictures movie but also to Malleus's paradoxe as a character in that very sequence, and, even if it is more subtle, in the rest of the story. Indeed he is now a Dark Fea Lord, becoming in a way Maleficient just like Riddle with the Queen of Heart or Vil with the Beautiful Queen. And yet there is that lullaby medley, that medley which took after Princess Aurora's song. Malleus is depicted as both Light and Darkness, an impression that can be found in his Overblot theme.
The Choir and the Cello, picturing a story
There is two main musical elements in Overblot Malleus' track. The Choir and the Cello.
If is true that in the previous Overblot’s theme, a kinda choir is used in the medley, but its seems to have for fonction to put some extra more tension in the music like we can see in many soundtrack from cinema or video-game, but in the others Overbolt's theme, the choirs doesn't lead the medley. The instrumental instruments does.
But that was before Vil's Overblot and Mascarade Event’s theme, where the chorus and choir became the main leading of the music. In a kinda latin language with Dies Irea's leitmotif, choir become the medley's core and identity.
In popular culture, the choir is generally used as reference to Medieval Age’s music and its esthetics, real or dreamed . From Historical productions such as in Kingdom of Heaven (a Historical Movie setting during the early years of the Crusades) to Fantasy realms Lord of the Rings’s trilogy, we can tell that kinda of music had a special power to increase emotions and ambiance in a song.
In Overblot Malleus's theme, the choir became an extension of the Dragon-Fea’s power and personality. Giving to his character so much strength and presence, just like with Davy Jones's organ and it make a tribute to Sleeping Beauty’s soundtrack. One of the particularity of this Classic Disney Animation Picture, it's one of the very few movie from Disney's Silver Age, than doesn't have song like we see it in Cinderella or in Alice in Wonderland. As explained by cinema historian, Charles Solomo, in the documentary Picture Perfect: The Making of Sleeping Beauty [link], those kind of “Broadway like song“ doesn't fit to that world made of the gorgeous detailed background designed by Eyvind Earl or the music score inspired by Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty Ballet. Only songs in the movie are Once upon a Dream and choirs. Theses ones can be found in several track in the score. One of them, “Aurora's Return/Maleficent's Evil Spell“, is in my opinion, one of most powerful and representative of that directive for Sleeping Beauty's music. At one point of track a eerie and dark voice can be heard and as its materialize Maleficent's presence when Aurora is hypnotize by the curse.
Those choir segments supporting the narrative and characterizing each protagonists. Just like it's happen with Malleus's Overblot theme !
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In Malleus's Overblot theme, alongside the choir, the second main leading instrument is the cello. The using of that particular string instruments in the track make a easter egg to both Malleus’s personal talents as to Diasomnia Dorm's music theme.
Cello, as other stringed instruments, are very often used in movie, video-game or musical composition because of a rich palette of tones and sounds that those musicals instruments can create and so increase emotions. Notes created by cellos are know to be rich and deep, and how depending how it played, it can express joy and light ambiance as epic, nostalgic world, mysteries or tension and terror.
The slight presence electric guitar (recurring in the Overblot music track) give an extra sensation of danger and tension in the medley, but without shadowing the leading of the chorus and the cello. It sound like lightings bolts, and each time the electric guitar is heard it increase choir's powers in the narrative of the medley with attacking notes. Giving the feeling that we are caught into a storm.
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Conjuring the Dragon
As we start listening Malleus Overblot's theme, we fall into some dark or gothic fey world, more that Diasomnia Dorm's. Despite the presence of a electric guitar sound, the music had the same feels as Maleficent's themes from Sleeping Beauty. In fact the very first notes are very similars or at least sharing the same tones than some of Maleficent's leitmotif in “Aurora's Return/Maleficent's Evil Spell“ or in her music entrance.
The musictrack is divise in five segments. First, it start with a very aery voice sound, as we can found in mysterious or dark music track and then the storms began, leading by the choir. With the cello and the electric guitar, its give at that moment (and is reinforce in game by the image of Malleus in his Overblot form), that we are facing some kind of powerful Lord or a Dark Dragon. Malleus had a very complex personality and as far we know, at his core, ins't a evil character. But he is a Dragon-Fea and he had dark powers. If someone put in danger the persons he will care about (friends, family...), he will riposte with all his might and once of thoses times where Malleus's powers are show as dangerous and dark because its are beyond mortal understanding and standard, not as evil. It's true that consequences of some Malleus's actions are terrifying because of his non-human nature and can show him as the Dragon, the most dangerous foe of tales and legends, as the storm parts of the Overblot music despict it.
And at the middle of the music track, just between the two storms part, for a brief moment a calm, noble music segment is played. Its the same medley than the rest of the track but the tone is completely different as tone and ambience from what had been previously heard, even if there is still a certain tension in it. In fact Malleus Overblot's theme where there is a such calm. Yes it's true that in Leona Overblot's theme there is a kinda of “pause“ in the music but the same amount of epic tension. It's sound like if the character taking a short break, checking if everyone is is okay before return to battle. In Malleus's if we got same general medley but the music tale an other aspect of that character, of that Dragon, at the opposite of the Dark Dragon previously depicted. In that segment, the cello leading the music instead of the choir which became calm like lamentation, giving a powerful, melancholic and noble ambiance to the music before the storm restart and end once again on the eerie voice and notes.
That melancholic noble music caught in the storm show all the balance between light and dark that Malleus carries with him during his personal journey. Give him an aura of nobility and danger as we can found it in the Malzeno's theme or Elder Dragons ( Amatsu, Alatreon or Shagaru Magala) from Monster Hunter for exemple.
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Right at the beginning and at the end of the track we got some slight but clear notes of piano. Like cello, that chordophone instrument (musical instrument that use both stringed and percussion (ref, Britanica)), can create intense and emotional ambience. It's true that I wished to heard some organ note in that music track, which could fit to the medieval gothic leitmotif of Diasmonia Dorm but I think it would change the characterization of Malleus in the music track. Organs are, in popular cultures and soundtracks very very bond to the figure of the Evil Lords such as Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time or Dracula in his many adaptations from movies to video-games or it played by shady antagonists like Davy Jones or Erik, the Phantom of the Opera. Even there it's cannon that Malleus know to play organs (Endless Halloween event), it's a piano. To listen those cold and sad notes, featuring a eerie voice, as opening and ending of Malleus Overblot's music theme, give us the ton of the music but also of the character it depicts. In plus to reinforce the feeling of melancholy, its contrast with the storms that reign in most of the track. Like the calm noble leitmotif, the piano show the “softer“, tragic and lonely side of Malleus beyond his dangerous and scaring first apparence and nature as a Dragon and a Dark Fea.
As I was writing that post, I discover that during the battle between the Knight of Dawn and Maleonora, Malleus's Mother, the Overblot can be heard and that discovery make more deeper to Malleus. Making it more personal to Malleus than it's already etablished in the music itself. Far more than I originally suspected.
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During the last showdown between the Knight and Maleonora ant their tragic ending, the use of the Overblot's theme don't make that scene feels like one of Maleficient in the original picture or only reflecting the way the Humans sees Maleonora. As a dark witch, a monster.
The Overblot's theme show her as royal princess, a Crown-Heir and a mother that will do everything in her power to protect her people, the persons she love and her child. Between him and his mother there is big similarities, and not just physical. Malleus had indeed inherited some of Maleonora's traits, but in his heart and his general personality, Malleus is more close to his father Lord Revan, as it's confirmed by Lilia.
"Just like his father, he is a kind person who ins't able to be ruthless“ "(Episode 7 Ruler of the Abbys Part 6, chapter 99)
At the end, that Overblot's theme not just a dungeon's final boss theme or a musical representation of the Arc's aesthetic.
Even more than Diasomnia bgm, this is Malleus Draconia's Theme. Not just his Overblot. His theme, as character, like we discover in both Diasomnia's trailer and Twisted Wonderland's Story. That music score give us more clues about who Malleus really is.
That music can be seen as the refection of Malleus's complex personality. Noble and benevolent, fierce and powerful ..
Both the Greatest Foe than the Devoted Protector.
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Thank you for reading this review/analysis about Malleus. I hope you enjoyed it :-)
Lucy Floyen
Musictrack link : [Twisted Wonderland BGM - Overblot Malleus] (Soundcloud)
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divineofnight · 2 years
Diasomnia Theory
So it's my first theory about Twisted Wonderland and I wanted to share it with you. Also English is not my first language, I'm just saying. I didn't saw anyone wrote about it.
Ok! Back to the theory. I notice that people are saying that the line on the end of the chapter 7 trailer, this one:
"Come, give me your hand." "Let me give all of you a wonderful present." "There's nothing to be afraid of. When you're asleep, a thousand years will pass in a blink of eye." "I'll make all of you the main characters of a fairytale."
Malleus is saying to Yuu, but and hear me out I think Malleus could be saing this to Grim. In the Ruler of the Abyss when Ace, Duce, Grim and Yuu are having a "study session" Grim realise that if Yuu goes back to thier world he will no longer be a student at NRC:
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Like they just realise that Yuu could no longer be in Ramshackle Dormitory. I know that Malleus asked Yuu:
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Then player can choose an options: "I don't think there is anyone who doesn't wish that" "I don't think there is anyone who doesn't feel sad about parting"
But Yuu doesn't make a wish, but Grim.... I'm not sure if he made a wish but in the 1st anniversary trailer we see that Grim comes to see Malleus. However he doesn't waned to be seen by Silver or Sebek.
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After that Grim wakes up and he is in a classroom. But! We know that only Ace, Duce, Yuu and Grim are in the same class. So what is Epel and probably Sebek doing here?
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I personally think that this is some kind of meeting before advancing to another grade. So, in my opinion Grim asked Malleus to keep Yuu in school until the graduation from NRC.
I can be wrong about it, but this was just stuck in my head and I wanted to share it.
Let me know what you think ^-^
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Hello! Mom anon here! After playing through Chapter 6, my mom is terrified for Yuu's well-being.
First off, she was scared for life and crying her eyes out when Grim, Vil and Jamil were taken away. She especially felt bad for Kalim and Trey throughout the chapter. She also got deeply concerned because Ramshackle was destroyed.
As each boy was taken away, my mother got more scared and was pissed at Idia. She did understand he didn't want to do this though. She also refused to believe Ortho could do any harm.
When Crowley got taken away, she legit didn't even feel bad for him.
When the boys were being taken away, she thought Leona letting Riddle nap on his lap was kinda cute. She was shook at the reveal that Idia was from a famous family. "Still a capitalist I see" was what she said about Azul.
She was crying about Deuce and Ace. Crewel is now her favorite teacher.
She found it sweet that Epel and Rook wanted to save Vil but pitied Yuu.
She thought the whole gaming part was hilarious as well as her favorite.
Now Rook is her second favorite character.
She was crying for Ortho and Grim the whole chapter.
She felt really bad for Malleus because it reminded her of when she was a teenager. Let's just say my mom used to think she didn't need friends bit it all changed when she started warming up to people.
She was so proud of Epel for getting his unique magic.
Vil kissing Epel, Rook and Yuu was so sweet.
She thought the team ups were interesting especially Jamil and Leona.
Lol she thought the monsters were a fuss.
The Shroud brothers' backstory made her BAWL her eyes out but she was also angrily wondering where the parents were.
She felt bad for Vil turning old and was happy to see him get his young self back.
White haired Riddle is her new favorite thing.
The reunion was sweet to her, especially with ADeuce, Grim and Yuu.
She now calls Malleus "Our Lord and Savior, MalMal"
She's happy that Ramshackle got fixed.
Mama legit bursted into tears of joy when she saw Ortho again. "OH MY GOD!! He's a part of the first years! I'm so happy!"
Overall, she's glad that everything's fine for now.
Now she's worried for Malleus and all of Diasomnia. The trailer for Chapter 7 made her shout "Don't you dare try to put everyone to sleep, Tsunotaro!!"
Crowley is still on her hit list 😂.
[Here’s the other installments for the Mom Anon: Ep 2 / Ep 3 / Ep 4 / Ep 5]
There’s no Ep 1 for Heartslabyul—
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Hello again and welcome back!
While I do enjoy chatting about TWST 😅 I ask that you try to cut down on the size of your asks for the future; this one and the episode 5 one have been particularly bulky. I understand that this is likely a function of the main story getting progressively longer, but please try to do your best to summarize the most relevant points.
Making each line is a new point doesn’t leave me with a lot that is meaningful to comment on, so parts of my response may be short or skip over some sections altogether 💦
Thank you for understanding! 🙏 I’m going to spoiler tag this response since 6 is just starting to be released for EN and I don’t want to spoil anyone that wants to go in blind.
I think episode 6 definitely has one of the most bombastic starts of all the main story episodes, and it manages to maintain that momentum for quite a bit. No one was quite expecting the mass raid and kidnapping 😂 we were just joking around about Vil kicking down the door and dragging Idia away from his video games kicking and screaming. 6 is when we get a lot of payoff for all of the OBs that have already transpired earlier in the plot, so the fear really kicks in. It also gives an opportunity for the non-OB boys to step up and do something in the absence of key members of their respective dorms (ie maintain order and keep the mob students from panicking).
There was an initial outcry when the first part of episode 6 released, with the rage being directed at Idia. A lot of people believed that he was the one responsible for the kidnappings and that he would subject the OB boys to unspeakable horrors as test subjects 😔 but it later turns out he’s an unwilling participant (his parents ordered him to), and the experiments mainly consist of simulated battles and playing video games. The test subjects also torment Idia as much as he torments them sooo I guess it’s even?? I just wish people hadn’t jumped to conclusions or had been so reactionary. I understand feeling worried for the safety of the characters, but some of the things being said at the time definitely weren’t warranted and went too far 💦
Something that episode 6 does well is demonstrating the bonds that have been built between the various characters in the core cast. There’s determination in Ace and Deuce rushing in to protect their friends, Pomefiore and Yuu going out of their way to rescue Vil and Grim, the strength of the vices (+ Kalim) and the NRC staff staying behind to keep the school together, and the various OB boys teaming up to venture into S.T.Y.X.’s headquarters. Everyone bands together and tries working things out in their own ways. Yeah, they hit a few (okay, a LOT of) bumps in the road, but they’re able to pull it off in the end. 6 definitely gave me a lot of food for thought, especially on the OB boys and how they have changed since their initial appearances. (I wrote this analysis of the various groupings!) I’m looking forward to rereading the localization of 6 in EN just to experience the magic again 😤
dbjssbkwns It’s good to know that Rook’s getting some appreciation 😂 He’s really the one driving this whole rescue mission with his unique magic/signature spell, so he deserves the praise!
I was in the same boat as Rook, Epel, and Yuu when Vil asked if he could hug and kiss them! I was shocked that he could be so affectionate bfjsbsksns and even funnier, that means Vil’s the first of the TWST cast to canonically kiss the player (most likely on the cheek). The TWST OC/TWSTsona community likes to romantically ship their own Yuus with various boys in the cast (and a lot of us initially got into TWST thinking it was a dating sim), so Vil giving a kiss of thanks is kind of a funny (but probably unintentional) subversion of that.
First it was Deuce in 5, then it’s Epel getting his unique magic/signature spell in 6! (I’m hoping this means Ace discovers his in 7 😭) I really liked that Rook served as a mentor figure to Epel and helped to guide him in stilling his nerves and directing his newly discovered magic! He’s like a proud parent…
Episode 6 is notorious for its time-gating snd restrictive battles (which were not seen in previous episodes). This can be very frustrating so 💦 I hope the EN players are prepared to deal with it! Some of the battles are super tough and will require a diverse card pool to achieve victory. Luckily though, some time can be saved because the JP players have already figured out and posted the answers to some of the puzzles online.
I think the Shroud brothers’ backstory was the only one of the OB boys that made me cry 🥲 It was just so emotionally resonant in a way that the others weren’t. (I also wrote an analysis about Idia, Ortho, and coping with loss, if you’re interested in that!) I believe the commonly accepted theory is that the Shroud parents are absent or hands-off when it comes to child rearing; there’s subtle hints of it throughout 6, such as Idia saying his parents care more about getting results than their son’s feelings and how it is the researchers that check on Idia a few years after Ortho’s passing rather than the Shroud parents.
Vil turning old in his selfless effort to save Idia was a clever way to incorporate the “hag” form of the Evil Queen for whom he is twisted from. It also helps his character arc come full circle 🥺 when he repeats the same words Rook spoke to him at the end of episode 5… “In this moment, I am the fairest of them all”, while looking old and decrepit… It shows that Vil has come to truly love himself in spite of how others may perceive him.
dbksbwjxnsk?vdhw Albino hair goldfishie is cute 🥰
The reunion of everyone at the end was one of the best parts of 6 (though let’s be fair, 6 had a LOT of really bangin’ parts), especially considering that this is happening so close to “the end”. You come to see and appreciate just how far you—and, by extension—all of these characters have come, the genuine friendships they’ve formed… and how that’s all going to go away very, VERY soon (due to Lilia and Malleus’s ominous conversation about the brevity of human life, and how the bonds they form make them stronger). You just KNOW the next episode will tackle mortality, loneliness, and losing the ones you love most (particularly because Yuu finding a way home will become relevant again). It makes 6’s ending super bittersweet.
Ramshackle gets fixed and we get to enjoy that luxury for all of 5 seconds before heading home—
I was so pumped seeing Ortho finally being realized as his own person and a student independent of Idia 😭 He’s the robot that was able to turn into a “real boy”, against all odds. He was able to take that 0.01% and turn that slim possibility into 100%. Ortho has definitely earned his spot at school and in all of our hearts!!
I didn’t really care what happened to Crowley when I was actually playing 6, but now I want 7 to explain what he was up to during that time 🤔 Like, we never know what he was being asked about or if he was actually being interviewed at all??? I just think it’s suspicious that we’re being left in the dark about those details.
On a final note, let’s talk Malleus! I think his general struggle is something many people can relate to. Loneliness is something we’ve all experienced one way or another. Even if we’re surrounded by tons and tons of people, we can still feel isolated and alone because there’s a component of loneliness that comes from doubt, and self-imposed circumstances. In Malleus’s case, he’s so used to loneliness that it has become his status quo, and this isolation is not only perpetuated by others but also unknowingly by himself in the little ways he acts—the arrogance, the standoffishness, etc. It can even difficult to be the one to reach out, because it involves a degree of being vulnerable yourself, of letting others “see” you as you are, rather than as the front you put up for the sake of saving grace or upholding a particular image. I hope that anyone who has ever felt like this is able to overcome it and find good company as your mom has 🙏
Episode 7 ahoy! If part 1 is of any indication, we’re in for a very… exciting ride 😇 in which Malleus may or may not take any means necessary to prevent his friends and family from leaving him—
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lucyfloyenworkshop · 2 years
TWST Chapter 7 : Ruler of the Abyss -  Trailer review & theories
[SPOILERS WARNING !  Even if I will be focused on Diasomnia Arc’s trailer, I will do some references to the Chapter 7 Main Story Part 1′s events.]
I can’t believe it... After two years, there we are. Chapter 7 : Ruler of the Abyss. It’s kinda an unreal and exicinting feeling. As Malleus fan, I was so long looking for his Dorm’s Arc and now it’s happening ^^ When I saw the trailer and after the Main Story Part 1, it’s was like dream come true... Even now, everytime I watch it, my heart don’t stop skip some beat who breathtaking and heartbreaking it is. I notice some details about Malleus (character and feature) and eventual plotlines.
1) Words, Dragons and Fea
Maleficent is a Fea. Dark Fea and so it’s for Malleus. But more than that he is a Dragon. 
Until now the only gleans of Malleus’s draconique (aside of his horns, breath fire and his eyes), are show in the Halloween Event, “Scary Monsters“ where, Malleus is dressed as a Ryū Ghost and his dragon tail is visible. During the operation for chasing away the Magiccam Monsters, it’s cleary said that Malleus planned to scare the Magiccam on his true form, and during the “attack“, the roar of a gigantic, dragon-like beast and then Malleus’s voice. Since Chapter 7 is based on Sleeping Beauty, it’s sure than Malleus’s dragon form will finaly being fully releavel and I looking for it ^^
With  the mentions that Malleus had hatch form a egg, there is very fews clue about Malleus draconic identity. It’s more his Fea-side that is put on the light, but one element make the bound and remind us Malleus’s nature, more than his Horns. His eyes.
“I look at him and... I saw my self” 
That line form How to Train your Dragon about first confrontation/meeting between Hiccup and Toothless is releavant of one of the Dragon’s most intriguing, and fanstatic aspects, in both legend and fictions . Theirs eyes.
The word “dragon“ came from the ancient greek verb “ drakemai“ which means “looking with intense gaze“. In old tales and legends, meeting the gaze of Dragon, is something as perilous than confront the beast, like it’s the case for Fafnir or others legendary dragons around the world. And Dragons from modern fictions inherited of that aspect, such as Smaug, Toothless, Haku from Spirited Away etc... 
Some will say that one of the greatests weapons of a dragon his ability of using language and mastering True Names (like Fea XD), but, for me, dragon’s eyes is the fascinating feature about theses creatures. They gazing through the distance. Piercing eyes that look right into a person heart/soul like a open book and reveal who truly is the person who cross their gaze. But also the very personality of the Dragon is refected from their owns eyes !
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Dragon eyes that can having a kinda hypnotic powers and being used as weapons [final showdow beetween Tûrin Turumbar and Glamgrund (The Children of Hûrin)]. Its can be also a soul’s mirror. A mirror for the person  by dearing or misfortune, who look in it. Butn an other hand,  it’s only there where the dragon’s true heart, despite all his features, behavior that can be revealed. And Malleus is no exception to that.
In Diasomnia’s Trailer, there is at least five focus and close up on his eyes or his face.The others tailers had also to some eyes’s focus but never that much and in that kind of context. It’s true the Malleus’s eyes chartreuse lime green glow canhelp a bit but while his face stay so stern, his eyes tales more than he can told with words (like Malleus’s lines) or the animation.
In one minutes, we see a passive, calm and lone gaze to tense, fierce glance, passing by a distress/shocked look. I know that there could been a reference to the scene where Maleficent hypnozis Aurora, but I think it highlights  Malleus’s character, and in particular his status in the Main story. Even he is one the very few characters to be presented so early in the Story and his presence is everywhere in the game and in the offical artwork. In every Event Story where he appears, he play a significant or major role and ore the Story goes on, more he take a place equal to Yuu or Ace, as Main Protagonist, even his personal Arc would be the last to be explorer. Twisted Wonderland writers had made here a wonderfull job in character narrative’s construction. They give us the time and the space for meeting and discover Malleus’s personality as some clues about his backstory. First by mysteries, as his characters’s is first presented and,a s Yuu we learn more about him and at the end, we care about him, without taking away his mysterious’s aura. 
Idia once said that Malleus was the Final Boos’s type character.  In tales and fictions Dragons are the greastest challenge that a Hero can have, whatever it’s about a evil dragon like Smaug or a belovent one like Therru or Haku. They aren’t creature of monster. They are beigns, characters. Why the confrontation with a Dragon with worthhaving despiste all the danger. It’s because Dragon represents  our greastest fears, our douts... The person who success that meeting found new strengths in himself and return anew.
In fact meeting a Dragon is meeting your fate.
2)  Broken Fate and Betray
The Spinning Wheel... Certainly one of the most famous Sleeping Beauty’s artfacts. When we saw it we associated immidiatly with Maleficent and Aurora’s tragic fate...
Fate. That is the word that entirely best definited that object.
Fate or Destiny is often represented a thread and in most European legends, Destiny is associated with the figure of Threader or most specicly a Tro of Weathers. The Scandinavieans Nores, the Moires , the three witches from MacBeth. A Trio of woman who weath human’s live, form birth to death. The Wheel of Fortune is also associate to theses myths. Even if it seems unfaire, it’s the Cycle of Life, it’s what make our existances worth living, that life is precious... And the most curious is that our modern word of Fea and Fairy is came form the latin word Fatum which means well “Fate“.
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 In Diasomina trailer, we can see the Spinning Wheel two times. The first time juste after seeing Malleus in the Dorm Lounge. The Spinning Wheel, glow of a bright green light and the ties seems being well. Like if, as Idia one day will be in charge of keeper unlock Phantoms, Malleus’s task was to take care of Time and Fate and of all the things and beings that roams in the Dark. But the second time we seen the artefact it’s when Silver wake up.  Then the light from the Spinning Wheel’s is lited and the ties break. Just after that we see Malleus, alone in middle of a pool of dark ink (blot?) and seeing thorns surronding him. Like is the Cycle  was broken...
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I think like many, I was very happy to learn a bit more about Silver’s true origins. I mean, a human infant, found in the forest, in a kingdom where of the majority of its inhabitants are Fea. It’s quite curious and now with that ring. It’s prety obvious that Silver is form royalty and it is, again, a link to his Disney inspiration, Aurora.
But... since some times, it seem to me that Silver is to good to be true or to remain that kind person we know. Look Ortho. Yes there were clues, in the previous chapter, Event Stories or voices lines that he was made after Idia’s lost little brother, but what in world could forshadowing such a twist, that him will bring the core of the Underword !  I think we goes on a similar path with Silver.
 I know that Silver is Light Magic User as Kalim or Rook. I will certainly stop to write it down, but for me one of the greates strength of Twisted Wonderland is to take characters form Disney’s classical movies and, after taking some inspirations for its, making original and genious charaters. For exemple  Kalim shear with the Sultant some easy-going live-style, without taking about conscequences. But, twist Kalim beside his precious lighthearted can show courage and sens of justice in time of need and Rook is a masterclass of rewriting !
Yes Silver is a very insteresting twist form Aurora. But And sometimes we forget that Silver is also twisted from the Sword of Truth. The very weapon gived by the Fearies to Prince for defeat and slay Maleficent. If we look closely, all Silver outfits’s desgin had his magic-pen turn into a sword-wand  at his belt. It’s could be a reference of his social statut, the Crown-Heir’scarekeeper and son’s of the great Kingdom’s Champion. 
What does it mean ? Silver will kill Malleus ? I saw some theories about that Silver could be the one who Overbolted. Even if more probaly and certain that will be Malleusl, it give an idea that game tend to show us by little details that Silver can be dangerous and he is not that much Prince Charming and the fact that we had seen Lilia’s ancient weapon, a massive sword made in a rare metal and how the Main Story goes darker and darker...  If Malleus’s Overbolt, Silver will decide to slay him for protect innocents ?
In the second Fairy Gala story, there were a line from Silver which bothered me a bit. He implided, if I record, despite their mischevelous feature, fairies are nice person. So what happen during Halloween when Lilia take his fun a bit too much by faking of being possessed and I don’t remember to have seen him being sorry... There is many kind of Fairies, and may be because Silver meet only the nice ones (or because they had respect/are afraid for Lilia and Malleus) and never a true dark fea, like Maleficent or a true Black Dragon. May be he will be dillusionned and the fact that he wake up is his awakeing form a beloven innocent/dream/illusion. He see with Rollo Flame as far fear can engended   
And also with the mention of the Enchantress Mirror form Beauty of the Beast, and the fact that there is a Beast’s vibes on Malleus character, does it mean that will we have a confrontation of Silver as Gaston and Malleus as the Beast about what is better Yuu (Belle) ?
A lot of questions that I hope will be soon answered in the upcoming part.
3) Loneliness 
As the precedent Dorms’s Trailers, we heard the main protagonist of the Arc, here Malleus, retaking some of the iconic lines of the Vilains on which they’re based on. There is here an echos to Maleficent’s quoted when she curse Aurora and in particular when her speech to Prince Phillip, emprisonned in ther fortress. “ A fairy tale come true”. It could being like we seen until Octovinelle’s trailer, just a “movie reference“.  To show to the similarities beetween the Dorm Learders and the 7 Viliains... But it was until Scarabia’s trailer. Since this Chapter, the text hearded had some echoes to the Vilians, but became truly the voice of the characters and not just a “quoting“ the  Queen of Heart, Scar or Ursula. It’s became, fully and geniously the voice of Jamil/Kamil, Vil, Idia/Ortho and now Malleus... and that so show the ton and issue of the Chapter (and by extention the core of the characters’s overbolt). Jamil/Kamil  represent social status issue and the fact to never being greeted for our true valor. Vil it is all the pression of fame and art/movie/model industry and the prize for winning at all cost. Idia’s story is about the deny of grief and the lost of close relative.  
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One sure is certain about Malleus, it’s that loneliness is part of his life. Many time in Main Story and Events we had seen how much he get used to it and still live in it because both his tremendous and dark aura/powers and his social statut, with the trailer is became accurated. 
When the trailer being, we see Malleus sitting on his throne in Diasomnia lounge, in the dark. A scene that echoe to malificent’s but his face is calm, peaceful with a sad and lonely gleam in his eyes. He stay in the shadows. Right after seen we see his bodyguards bow before their Prince and Dorm Leader but Malleus keep his eyes close even when Lilia’s show up behind him. He seems to keep his true feelings for himself and keep walking. He will continue his duties even for that  guarding his heart (even if his inner emotions had some influence on the wheather).
It’s really seem that Malleus is a attentive Crown-Heir/Dorm Learder and that he care about his subjects/fellow students. He kown what his statut means, what is expected form him. What he can and can’t do. That his all behavior, even faking a porposal, can have concequences on his kingdom. But Malleus possesses a more mischievous, childish and curious side about the outside world. We see him running off on his own, escaping from his carekeeper watching and having a personal time. Alone, yes but not always wandering in ruins, but also visiting the town’s libaries and antic shops, or having a good times with a certain Child of Men,  the only no- close relative person that doesn’t fear him and consider him as a person. As just Malleus.   
It’s true that Lilia, Silver and Sebek are based on a character or an element from Sleeping Beauty (Lighting, Aurora/Sword of Truth, Flora) but look their hair color. Diasomnia’s had this family leifmotif between them. a group whose ties are very close and strong. Just like Aurora was with the ThreeFearies. Lilia is well know to be Malleus’s carekeeper since his hatching. Sebek and Silver are also called by this nomination. There is also each one look the other grow old, Lilia being the father figure for three boys. But as they grow, there relations change and even if them and Malleus are close, it is now a servant/master relationships. When Silver and Sebek speak about Malleus, it’s always as “Lord“ or “Young Master“. There is distance and nothing personal. Personal as knowing Malleus own dreams and emotions. Just like the Fairies belived that Rose will be glad to learn that she is the Princess. It’s true that Malleus could, said what he had on his heart, but as he said himself, he know loneliness even when he didn’t hatch. It’s Lilia and in particulary Yuu that helped him to open to the outside world.
 To Others. 
4) Thorns of Despair
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I think of the trailer, this is the part who litteraly give me goosegumps and skip some heartbeat so much that it’s hadsome as animation but also for the story telling, and that break my heart.
That scene, of Malleus in middle of a large ink-blot surface (his unconsciousness), his face and eyes clearly show fear and distress, not being able to control the thorns that surronding and imprison him in a cage. The next scene is Malleus rising in black and lime green light, with a fierce gaze and smirk. That scene in plus to remember me the dream of Arren in Tales of Earthsea and some Ancient Magus’s Bride vides, that sequence is so heartbreaking.
First there is the thorns. In plus to be bond to Maleficent’s imagery, all plant with thorns are, according to folklore the Fea most beloved’s plants. Roses, Briar Rose, Blackthorn. For years, Malleus has maintained a private rose garden and he is very proud of it, a occupation that remind the original archetype of the Beast who also he is the keeper of a roses garden. Few times he ask if he can”t not summon some briars as extra decorations. To see its going against him it’s to hurtful and it’s seem that it’s that imprisonnement that provoc the transformation.
What doesn’t thorns means. In first hand, it could be, like the others Overbolt, the incarnations of all the bad, hurting dark feelings that Malleus keeped hidden so long for centuries inside him. May be so far inside his heart that he didn’t relealizehow powerful and dangerous, thoses burried feelings were.
But it’s seems to easy and an others interprestations fit better to Malleus. Since the end of Ignihyde Arc, Malleus relealize for the first time of his life that all life, the very very long one of the Fea have an end. For Fea, like Malleus, it’s an aspect of life, notion that is very hard handle, to understand trully. He is a Fea, a being that will live for centuries for hundreds of years. Death is rare among immortal and he never confronted to the fragility of existence until Ramshackle destruction in Chapter 6. And now Lilia is leaving after loosing his magic and is potentialy at the edge of his life and there is Yuu’s potential departure from Twisted Wonderland to his/her original world.
Who would not try to do something about to advoid losing someone dear ? Who ?   
Since I discover Twisted Wonderland, Malleus’s character give me sometimes such Elias Rainworths vibes. Both are no-humans beign thank a Child of Men, looking to the Outside World and the humans, trying to understand it. The big differents it’s that if Malleus take by himself the iniatiative to learn more about humans (and his meeting with Yuu  increase it), Elias began to wonder about humantity only after Chise’s arrival in his house. They are both have the imagery of thorns in theirs respectives features, tremendous powers and sometimes called “freak“ or “monsters“.   Coincidence, when Elias goes to the Magic College’s Libary to get a forbidden spell for helping an diying Chise, a alchemist teacher compare him the Sleeping Beauty inside her castle surronded by thorns. In the Futhark Alphabet, the Rune Thurisaz is the Rune of the Thorn. Its symbolisme is chaos and power.  In divination and magic, that rune is one of the hardess to use because it is more bond to no-humain beings and had two opposite effect: like a hall of thorns it is the perfect protection against agression but can hurt both the foe that the one inside. Elias as Malleus, inherited both of theses characterestics. In order to help some, and in particulary someone dear, they are able to to anything, even terrible things with dreafull consequences, even it’s came form a good intention.
According of what is foresharowing in Chapter 7 part 1, Malleus will may be try to put the entire campus into a kinda timeless dream world. Like this all the precious moments with Lilia, Yuu and others will be keeped save from Time. But he relealize too late that what is doing is wrong. By looking that sequence, we can see that the true victime of that “Speel“, is Malleus in himself. Even after years of knowing how must his power can be dangerous if he is loose his control on it, he never trully face it and ened to being literaly imprisonned, becoming helpless in face of such tremendous powers. Like suggested the scene where he brutaly open his eyes, he never suspected to having a such dark power in him, and hope to wake of that bad dream. 
Riddle, Leona, Azul and even Jamil are kinda victimes too because when they overbolted it was because they had being pusched to the edge and all their , (but they a bit looking for it by doing things far to be “innocents“).  Notice that after theses fourth trailers we stop to see the Overbolted form as the Main Story turning to a darker path. 
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At the end of the Pomefiore trailer, after rising up a stairs (a metaphor for the ascension to glory and fame), Vil facing like the Evil Queen a Mirror and there is that gorgeous Picture of Dorian Gray’s scene : Vil’s refection, still in Dorm Uniform as his real conterpart, don’t act as the real Vil and smirk as blot surronding him. Beauty can hide hidious soul/deeds. Idia is catched by the darkness and humanoid creepy forms aka the Phantoms of his past and his own regrets and grief.But even there is a change of rules in theses two trailers, all the six firsts Overbolted students accepted their transformations into a dark version of themself.  Malleus don’t. He seems trully afraid and surprise of that darkness that surronding him and turn him into his opposite, a new Maleficent.
As I said at the beginning of this review, meeting a Dragon mean meeting our Fate and I think it’s exactly what is showed there. Even Malleus can be fierce and he is known for his temper which take the form of lighting storms, never he go into full Black Dragon. A pure incarnation of darkeness, power and destruction. One of the most fascinating about Malleus is that how far his personatily is form Maleficient’s. He is looking for the meeting of the Others, doesn’t treat humans as a “weak race“ unlike many of his kind (and one of his own relative). He is mischievous indeed, but he is also carring, benevolent and true. A Protector. He is so far from a Dark Lord and yet he had that dark power that can be a danger even for himself.
The Party will confront a dragon the most powerful being on earth so in a sens becoming like Champion in Old Tales and I will not surprise that Ace getting there his Unique Magic since with Yuu and Malleus, he is the most close of the Heros Archetype. He know what is right as he show many times by confronting Riddle, Eliza or Malleus himself during teh second Hallowen event. And Malleus understand his point of view and when we reseen both of them, it is for Malleus Bloomgear Birthday Story. Until that Event Story, all Ace’s interactions about Malleus was fullied with fear like when Yuu said out-loud Malleus’s nickname. But there, they are like friends, perhaps not close than Yuu and Malleus, but more than Carter (who was the only one who had the courage to talk Malleus at least as classmate). Why I talking about Ace, well, as Malleus (and Deuce and Grim), Ace is the first character with who Yuu deeply befriend. He is the last one of the main first years to don’t having discover his Unique Magic. Confront a Dragon, and in particulary a close friend of Yuu, is the ideal opportunity.
But there is more, because there is an other chalenger to the Dragon. Malleus himself. And it’s where I came with Arren’s Dream’s vibes. Between the two scenes from Tales of Earthsea and Diasomnia trailer,  there is a connection. Malleus and Arren confront themself who take the form of a Shadow. When after embracing and facing his darkness side, like the others Dorm Leader, Malleus will had the power to became the great King that he is destined to be, because he would had confront his grestest foe, his own darkness.
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It was a very long post but I really wanted to talk about that trailer and that dear dragon. I hope you enjoyed ^^
Have a nice day/evening !
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hanafubukki · 2 years
wait wait this isn’t the first i heard of this but parallels between silver and and mc? i’m not sure what you and the other anons are talking about, pls explain 😭 i really can’t get a grasp of silvers character (though reading all those theories you guys had helped me quite a bit!!)
Yes Anonie! 🙌💞 There are parallels between Silver and MC.
Me and the other anonies were talking about the parallels (and theories of book 7) between Silver and Sebek. ( 1, 2, and 3).
I also had to bring up the parallels that you see in Silver and MC too (because it lives in my head rent free). I hope that explains it better. ☺️🌺
(under the cut for details about Silver and MC parallels, and about Silver himself. There could be minor spoilers for future events and cards)
Silver, in the character introduction trailer, mentions that he has ‘seen you once upon a time.” Now, this can mean many things, but I believe we will see more of how this line plays into the story in book 7.
Silver is a knight and he has trained to be one with Lilia all his life. in his PE uniform story, one of the lines he mentions to MC is that he thinks MC has a talent for sword. Now this can mean many things, and many theories can explain it, but it means that something about MC (or maybe he has seen mc before?) tells him that they would be good with a sword.
Silver’s second birthday card (union birthday) receives a polaroid to take pictures which is parallel with MC who has the ghost Camera. this is a point that I love love love to scream about. because, the ghost camera is an item that will basically take your feelings for the people in the picture and in a way...bring that picture alive? so it measure your fondness for them. With a polaroid, you get the same thing but without that magic aspect, you take a picture with those you want to and spend time with them and get to know them while waiting for the picture to develop. in a way that also measures your feelings as you spend time with them.
At the end of chapter 6, MC talks to mickey through the mirror. Grim can't see mickey at all and vice versa. Prefect leaves for a second and when they come back mickey mentions seeing someone with Silver’s characteristics in his (mickeys) dream world. which can tie into the whole, “I’ve seen you once upon a dream’ quote mentioned at the beginning and It might also be Silver’s UM at play. the parallels here is that both are looking through a mirror to another person/world. both are somehow connected to mickey.
Silver (a human) grew up in an environment that he does not come from (the faes) and MC (a magicless human) is now living in a world that they are not used to (twisted wonderland, a world full of magic). While Silver had time and grew up with Lilia, MC has been thrusted in this world and is slowly (and stressfully) adapting.  
Probably nothing, but I love how MC and Silver are both straight forward about every situation they are in too 🤣
Silver is such an interesting character, and I wish we knew more about him and the other Diasomnia characters. (I’m glad the theories me and the anonies were talking about helped 👏🌻)
Silver is a straight forward character. His manners and speech and the way he treats others gets him labeled as the ‘disney princess (sleeping beauty) or Prince (Philip)’ of the group. Or in general Prince Charming or someone who belongs in RSA. For example, In Fairy Gala If, Silver straight up wanted to talk to the Fairy Queen so they could get the magic stone back and not have to do go the trickery route. of course, everyone rejected that idea 🤣 because that's not how these NRC students do things lolol and in the same event, where they all get caught, Silver was willing to stay behind and get captured, so his fellow classmates can escape from the angry fairies. in the second halloween event, Silver was willing to give the ‘ticket’ that they had to get from the ghosts to rescue everyone back to the ghost. because it belonged to the ghost lady and he didn't feel right having it. he literally politely offered it back to her, literally went basically “here, you can have this, since its yours.” needless to say Jamil and the Ghost lady was not expecting this and was shocked that he did it.
He cares for family. when he learned that the whole situation in the second halloween event was just trick, he did not hold back when he scolded Lilia about it. he was genuinely worried about those he considers family. He even mentions (and look, more flags) how he loves his family and how much he depends on them and don’t want to lose them.
Silver, like sebek, is protective of malleus and Lilia. as seen in several instances when Silver was ready to protect them in book 2 and even his robes card (against idia because of course idia was acting weird to him lol)
Silver has light magic (as do Kalim and Rook) which could be because these three characters do not belong in NRC because they are not the ‘villain type’. 
He’s frustrated with his curse and wants to get rid of it at all costs, but despite that, he works his hardest.
During Dance and wishes, he wished for his father to live a long and healthy life which really shows how much he loves family.
He loves to also drop random facts too. In the second Halloween event, he dropped story after story about his childhood. One of which mentioned that lilia traveled across…worlds?!? (Are we sure mc should be asking Crowley for help? I think they should ask lilia lol 😂)
I just adore Silver. I want to know more about him and cant wait to find out more about him in the future. I hope me rambling about Silver kind of helped you get to know him anonie ☺️🌻
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