#(as you could probably tell from my download problem)
i know i don’t write about twst but i sure as hell want to talk about it jsjsh
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alphajocklover · 5 months
I love your stuff bro! Do you think you could help me out? I’m a younger small guy but I’m trying to become a bodybuilder jock. Is there anything you can do to help me grow huge like that? 💪💪
Hm… I’ll admit, I don’t normally do that kind of thing. So far my job has been detailing the stories I find of nerds getting turned into jocks, usually unwillingly or accidentally, by various methods. I warn people of them so that they can avoid them (or seek them out). I’m more of a reporter than anything. I’ve never transformed anyone myself.
But… I have picked up a few methods during my travels. It’s hard not to with all I’ve learned. Now let’s see what I have on hand.
First is a jar filled with the sweat of an Alpha. When I say Alpha I mean Alpha with a capital A. The ones from my earlier story, that can change people with their sheer dominance. Drinking their sweat can give someone their powers, for a short time. But there are some… side effects. Normal people aren’t meant to have Alpha powers, even if the powers are only temporary. Maybe another transformation method will do.
Next is a piece of the Reality Stone. Yes, that reality stone, the one that changed Spider-man into a cocky jock. I had a lot of fun getting it out from between those juicy pecs of his. I didn’t hurt him if that’s what you're worried about. I wasn’t even able to get it entirely out of him so he kept some of those reality altering powers of his. But the fragment I got is enough to make some changes. The only problem is the reality stone is… very powerful. I mean you’ve read the comics right, or at least seen the movies? Even the bit of it I have is powerful enough to be dangerous, so you could accidentally do something very bad with a spare thought. So maybe that’s not the best. I hear Big Pete Parker is having fun with his part though.
How about this smartphone? It has a version of InstaJock downloaded on it. You’re probably wondering how I got one without getting transformed myself, but that’s a whole other story. Use the app and you’ll be a jock. Instantly. Of course if you do that I’ll have to find another phone with the app on it, which would be a pain. How about instead…
Ah. Now this is perfect. The energy of a supernova. A very specific supernova actually. You may recognize it from some of my first stories. Usually the supernova jockifys whoever wishes on it by granting their wish, but it’s less mystical than you might think. I’m not sure how it works, but the star doesn't change reality with magic. The energy from the star is what makes the change. So, with a slightly adjusted solar panel, I was able to make this. It looks like a regular battery, but if you speak your (muscle growth related) wish into it, it will come true. I think this one will work perfectly. No side effects, no danger, and you can customize.
So go ahead, say your wish. I’m sure you’ll-
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-whoa. That worked quicker than I thought. You look amazing. Bouncy pecs, killer abs, a good amount of manly hair and stubble. I think you’re even a bit older too. You’re a total bodybuilder jock, through and through. So go, enjoy it!
And make sure to tell your friends. This might have been the first transformation I personally oversaw, but I don’t think it’ll be my last.
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antiquatedplumbobs · 9 months
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Lupine Cottage
A CC Free Victorian Beachside Cottage
Lot size: 20x20 Price: §40,013 Lot type: Residential Location: Bedlington Beachhouse, Brindleton Bay
This build will be familiar to all of you who have downloaded Antiquated Brindleton, where it's previously been released as a cc-lite build. This build is really no fun to play without Romantic Garden, so in honor of it being free to download I wanted to release a cc-free version of it. It also gave me the chance to refresh it with some of the new assets we've gotten since then, and it's turned out so well.
This lot is potentially my favorite build I've ever done and I'm so in love with how it's turned out here. Even if you have the previous one, I'd certainly give this version a try, because humbly; I think it's better.
Background info and download under the cut:
I'm not sure how many of you will recognize this lot, or have already, but it's based off the cottage from the children's book Miss Rumphius, which tells the tale of the lupine lady who spreads lupine seeds along Maine's roadways in the early twentieth century. You can see the inspo pics below as well as a shot of lupines in Maine in the spring, where they really do look like someone rode around just throwing seeds as they went. I highly recommend the book for any history lovers the illustrations are beautiful.
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Lupine's are unfortunately not native to Maine and are considered invasive, so loving them does come with a smidgen of guilt, but luckily we don't have that problem in Sims.
I picture this cottage as the perfect home for your loner, spinster characters, and that's exactly who lives there in my save. This lot is in some ways a love letter to Maine and Brindleton Bay as I see it. So please enjoy.
This build is appropriately furnished for the late nineteenth to early twentieth century; no indoor plumbing and lots of candles. It's really only suitable for one sim as built, but could probably be edited quite easily for a couple. Fully playtested.
Please, please, please tag me if you use this lot, it's got a special place in my heart.
SFS | Google Drive
Gallery ID: antiqueplumbobs
@publicvanillabuilds @twentiethcenturysims @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters
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octuscle · 9 months
Hello Sir! I know you can help me with my problem. Soon new year, and in new year I want become big brut hairy bear, with bald head. I ready pay any price for it. Can you help me in this question?
You couldn't necessarily tell by looking at Liam. But he was already 19 years old. He constantly had to show his ID. He was annoyed. At least he wasn't ugly. On the contrary. He had hundreds of followers on TikTok. But most of them thought he was a kid. No one believed that he had finished school and wanted to start training as a draughtsman the following year. When he asked a construction company for an internship until then, they told him that they didn't accept underage trainees.
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"Guys, how old do you think I am? And what can I do to be thought of as older?" Liam added to his new pic. Comments poured in. bears_and_boys_1982 sent him a link. Looked interesting. Probably something similar to FaceApp, Liam thought. He downloaded the app. And nothing happened. One of his buddies had replied that he should meet them for a cigarette and a beer at the bus stop. If he smoked enough, he would soon look older too. Liam laughed, put on his fake Moncler jacket and set off to meet his mates.
It was already after 11 p.m. and Liam was just about to turn out the lights when his cell phone beeped. "Installation complete, defining profile" was on the display. What the hell? Ah, the app from the bear and boy guy, Liam remembered. Let's see. It really was something similar to FaceApp. And it seemed to be free. You could capture a whole range of things. Age, occupation, hobbies, weight, height. Liam played around a bit. But it was awkward to use, the interfaces were old-fashioned, and there were no pictures or graphics anywhere. Liam lost the fun pretty quickly. He was also tired. He locked the phone, put it on the bedside table, turned off the light and soon fell asleep. The cell phone buzzed a few times during the night. Messages lit up. "Settings saved", "Target defined" and finally "Transformation started". After that, there was silence. Until the alarm clock rang at 04:30.
Quietly, so as not to wake his parents, Liam went to the bathroom. This internship was exhausting, but also fun. He was assigned to the bricklayers. Actually, he would have preferred to do something in the office on the computer. But his colleagues were nice and he had the feeling that working in the fresh air was good for him. Showering before work was silly. Liam sprayed some Axe under his arms, brushed his teeth and set off. The bus always picked him up at 05:00 and drove him to the construction site with the other colleagues.
After work, Liam drove back to his parents' house. His father needed help building the new carport. In other words, Liam was supposed to build a new carport. Initially, Liam's parents had grumbled that Liam didn't want to study, but only wanted to be a craftsman. Nowadays, the two wizened academics were happy that at least one of the family knew how to work. Before it got dark, Liam prepared the concrete for the foundations, dug the holes for the foundations, built the formwork and poured the foundations for the carport. Tomorrow he would install the support beams. Liam declined his mother's offer to stay for dinner. He had an appointment with a few colleagues for a beer. And even though the work had been exhausting enough, he would still like to go to the gym for an hour beforehand. He was increasingly developing a paunch from too much beer and too much junk food.
Life on the construction site was a man's world. The containers were small and stuffy. Especially for a colossus like Liam. The bunk bed, where Liam slept downstairs for safety reasons, was hardly more spacious than in a submarine. The air reeked of sweat, beer and male farts. But mostly also of cum and testosterone. Liam loved this world. He was almost always sorry to go back home at the weekend. Here there was always the opportunity for a quick fuck or a blowjob, just like tonight in the shower room. The apprentice looked almost greedily at Liam's fat, cheesy and uncut cock. It didn't matter whether colleagues were about to join him. At best, an orgy would develop.
The weekend at last. Liam had been a foreman on the construction site for a long time, but his boss still called him home at weekends to do smaller jobs. Hehehe, Liam knew what these tasks were. As a rule, his boss's wife wasn't at home on weekends like that. The boss would then cover the beds with the leather sheets that he hid from his wife in the tool shed and Liam would then fuck him on the sheets, in the hot tub or on the kitchen table.
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He always felt a little uncomfortable in his boss's house. He hated the pictures of that princess who died a hundred years ago hanging at the shithouse. And he constantly had to be careful not to lose any of his body hair or beard, which could make his boss's wife suspicious. And Liam was constantly losing hair everywhere. Especially from his head. But Liam also didn't give a shit about his boss's problems. There was a good commission for the weekend work. And there was also commission if he pissed standing up and didn't lift up the toilet seat or if he shot his cum on the carpet while he was cumming. The rest wasn't his problem. By the time his boss's wife came back from the yoga weekend, he was long back in his man cave. With a bit of luck, with the hot apprentice's head between his thighs.
Pic of the former Liam found @toughukladz and pic of the current Liam found @eurobeef
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Electric Love - Full Chapters
Want early chapters? Read on Ao3!
Chapter 1: Not What I Expected
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Notes: Support me by reading on Ao3! Kudos and comments help motivate me to see multi-chapter fics through to the end! I'll be posting announcements for the updates here. Chapters will come out on Ao3 BEFORE tumblr.
Some shit in this will probably be really OOC, but it's fanfiction so who cares? Enjoy!
Word Count: 6090
It was a day in hell like any other. Flashing cameras, idiots who came to Vox with questions below his caliber, the whole works. The overlord was half tempted to cancel any appointments he had after the current debut he was waiting to go on stage for. The only thing he wanted was to go home and eat an obscene amount of junk food while he zoned out to reruns of one of the shitty soap operas that ran on one of his channels.
He could hear the crowd of anxious paparazzi and ass-kissers just past the stage as he pocketed his phone with a deep sigh. Ignoring the concerned crewman who signaled it was time for him to go on stage, Vox grit his teeth and stepped onto the stage, immediately adopting an entirely different persona with a practiced smile. 
Cameras flashed and the crowd got louder as people cheered, shoved each other out of the way and paparazzi rapidly fired questions at him with microphones pointed his way. Vox resisted the urge to roll his eyes. You’d think that any experienced reporter with half a brain cell would know the chances of getting a response to such behavior was zero to none, and yet he was so familiar with the approach that it was boring.
Despite his disdain, Vox waved and grinned proudly as he stepped up to a podium in front of a large screen. "Hello my loyal audience and fans,” he speaks with a clear and confident tone. “Today we at VoxTech have quite the exciting announcement to make. For too long, we have been limited to regular television and radio media, well no more! Introducing VoxTube, the new innovative way to stream content and enjoy it at any time.." the crowd cheered and whistled louder at the sound of the word 'streaming' and then they all gasped at once during the reveal.
Vox paused to dramatically look away from the crowd for a moment, his eyebrows arching and the corner of his mouth curling up slightly, before looking back towards the crowd again with a smug grin on his face. "And now.. for the moment you've all been waiting for... the grand reveal!" Vox said as the crowd grew even louder with excitement.
Just as the screen behind him shifted to reveal the new platform, the screen flickered before showing a logo that was very much not his. In fact, it was the logo of the damned rival company that had been a thorn in his side for the past few months. “Oh for fucks, sake, not this again,” he muttered as he looked to the side to see his production crew scrambling behind the scenes to shut down the takeover.
The large screen was supposed to be demoing the “new” platform that was really just a rehashed regurgitation of an older platform. This was supposed to be just a quick cash grab, but now it was just a problem. Vox glared at the stupid halo logo as an unfamiliar, but jovial voice seeped through his speakers like a virus.
"Tired of being controlled? Tired of not being about to tell if your information is being leaked or if VoxTech is brainwashing you?" The voice asked as it revealed distasteful footage of mindless sinners in front of VoxTech products. "Then try Eternal Entertainment. Your anti-Vox streaming and video platform, completely free of VoxTech networks. Take back control of your experience!"
The crowd was silent as the screen played a jingle before going dark. It took all the self-restraint Vox had not to glitch out on the stage when he knew the cameras were still rolling. Immediately, the crowd had their phones out, downloading the new app. Reporter cameras were flashing as sinners got as close to the stage as they could. Microphones were shoved in Vox's direction as a dozen voices asked him about the new competition.
"Ah-ah-ah... Now, let's not be so hasty, hmm?” Vox turned to the crowd with a strained grin. “This so-called 'Eternal Entertainment' is merely slander propaganda! There’s no history, nor a face to the name of this company. There’s nothing to trust! At VoxTech, we care about users' safety and provide hell-wide coverage that this ‘competition’ simply can’t beat." Vox said, trying to convince the crowd that it was a mistake to download the rival platform.
"What about the rumors of Vox programs being coded with hypnotic influence?” A reporter asked as they shoved down another. “This new rival platform promises protection from the threat of corporate dating mining and influence. What do you have to say about that?" A reporter asked.
"Hypnosis? No no, no.. that’s ridiculous!" Vox scoffed, shaking his head as he tried to sound convincing. "It’s already been proven that any rumors about such malware were nothing more than scandalous lies created to discriminate against the powers of tech demons like myself,” Vox said, theatrically shaking his head as he played the card his PR team had him prepared for at all times. 
“Look, you know you can trust and rely on the wonderful VoxTech. We have been nothing but honest and transparent... unlike those frauds at 'Eternal... uhh..'," Vox tried to remember the name of the rival platform.
"Eternal Entertainment!" Someone from the crowd yelled. "It already has 300,000 downloads!"
"See? That’s nothing!” Vox laughed with a strained smile. It was something. Low numbers for a platform overall, sure. But to already have that many downloads mere minutes after the hijacked debut? Yeah no, Vox was freaking the fuck out. 
The crowd continued to get louder, and Vox felt anxious electricity thrumming through his veins. Everything was getting overwhelming and he only had so much bullshit he could come up with on the spot before he started contradicting himself. He continued to smile as his magic pulsed through the nearby cables of the stage as he searched for anything he could use as an escape. He found a security camera in an alleyway a few blocks over and put on a professional grin. He just needed a closing statement, and he'd get out of there. Easy.
"Well then," Vox cleared his throat and put on his best, most charismatic smile. "I promise you all, this so-called “Eternal Entertainment”, is nothing but a passing fad! It's just a desperate attempt by the competition to try and take you away from the best hell has to offer. The very best streaming and media..." Vox's eyes narrowed as he looked around at the crowd and his smile slowly faded. "Me."
The chaotic crowd suddenly fell silent as his screen flooded their vision with red and black spirals. The sound of a pin dropping would be deafening compared to the frantic clamoring that had filled the space only moments ago as Vox flooded the crowd’s minds with VoxTech propaganda and affirmations. Once he was content, Vox used the camera to teleport to the alleyway while the crowd was left temporarily mindless.
“F̸̛̫̝̉u̴͑͜c̵̮̀ḱ̷̩̆î̴̩͘n̴̯̬͐g̷̮͌̚ piece of shit m̷̨͙͗o̴̲͎͐t̸͉̜͒h̷̙̃e̶͎̦͋r̵̟͘f̷̱̄͒û̸̥ć̵̙ͅḱ̶̡́ę̷͎̄ŕ̵̠̳ś̶̝͗,” Vox swore as his screen glitched hard the moment he was out of sight. He continued to swear and vent out his frustrations as he kicked an empty paint can on the ground next to a dumpster. Fortunately, there weren’t any sinners passing by to witness his tantrum. He wasn’t in the mood to drop another fucker until they were brain-dead.
Once Vox got the rest of his frustrations out of his system, he collected himself and sighed. He pulled out his phone and opened the app store, cringing as he saw the rival app rising in the trending downloads. He closed his eyes and focused his abilities as his power surged through the network and hunted down the source engine running the app. With so many devices accessing the network, he was able to narrow down the location quickly.
"Perfect,” Vox said with a sinister grin. “Now to take care of this problem once and for all."
Any time he’d tried to hunt down Eternal before, Vox had run into dead end after dead end. He couldn’t track down the sinners running the rival software, nor could he track down any of their host servers. The hubris of his newfound enemy would be their undoing. Anyone in the entertainment industry worth their salt knew how easily things could be exposed upon release. By loudly announcing their debut when they hijacked Vox’s presentation, the company had left themselves wide open for him to latch onto the smallest flaws and hunt them down properly. 
Vox wanted to destroy the place and make sure that their platform never gained any kind of popularity or power in Hell ever again. He finally pinpointed the location where the platform was being hosted and was pleased to find it wasn't anything impressive. There was no polish. The building didn’t even look like it was any sort of office or official business. If anything, it looked uninhabited. He pulled up the address on his screen to see what he could find out about the location’s history. 
The building was a rundown observatory run by some random sinner he couldn’t care less about before one of the biggest exterminations of the past century. The neighborhood the building was near had been so thoroughly gutted by the angels that the entire area was abandoned due to superstition. Well… as abandoned as any corner of the overcrowded ring of hell could be. It was the perfect place for unsavory types to hide in the shadows. 
Vox scanned the exterior and his smirk only grew as he took note of the lack of any sort of security. "This will be easy..." Vox said to himself as he locked on to a computer screen he sensed inside of the building. Wanting to get the drop on his cocky competition, he teleported his way inside the old, abandoned observatory. Vox was expecting a potential fight. Maybe guns. Probably a lab full of desk jockeys. What Vox didn’t expect was for his feet to barely touch the ground before he found himself suddenly in agonizing pain. His vision was clouded over with purple smoke and he heard the sound of glass shattering as his entire body short-circuited hard from the overwhelming pain.
Vox screamed, dropping to his knees as his systems malfunctioned from the icy-hot burning sensation shooting across his skin. His face bluescreened and his vision went dark. The last thing he heard as he lost consciousness was the sound of someone swearing and footsteps rapidly approaching him as he passed out.
Vox gasped as he felt his systems finally reboot. He ran an internal diagnostic as he sat up to look around, dazed and disoriented. The burning sensation had faded, but his head was pounding. His vision slowly cleared as he took in his surroundings. It looked like he was in some sort of office.There was a large, overflowing bookshelf by an open window and a desk with an impressive computer set-up on it. Vials filled with purple, sparkling mist were scattered around the entire room, all with different labels on them. The space was messy, yet somehow… cozy. At least, it felt more comfortable than the majority of the sleek areas of hell he was more familiar with. 
Vox looked down and quirky an eyebrow as he held up the soft blanket draped over his lap. He tried not to think of what sort of diseases could be lurking in the old couch he was lying on as he processed the situation.
"W... what..? Where am I… How did I get here...?" Vox said as he blinked a couple of times, trying to remember what had happened before he lost consciousness. "What the fuck is this place?"
"Oh shit, you're awake!" A voice startled Vox and he tossed the blanket off of him as the door to the office pushed open. He hadn’t noticed that it had been cracked open, nor had he noticed you waiting for him to wake up out in the hallway.You’d been leaning against the doorframe and scrolling through social media as you waited for him to regain consciousness.
 You stepped into the room, smiling sheepishly as you pocketed your phone, “Sorry, I didn’t want you to wake up alone and be confused, but it also felt weird to just sit in here. How are you feeling?”
Vox didn't know what to expect when it came to his new rival, but he couldn't have imagined you. Hell was full of sinners of all shapes and sizes. Vox had seen some crazy shit, but he’d never seen someone as… soft as you. You weren’t dressed to the nines or in some wild costume like most. Instead, you were just wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie with your hair pulled back in a messy bun. You looked like a burnt-out college student rather than a sinner trapped in hell.
“You know,” you smirk. “I may not have been the one running the campaign against you, but you may have wanted to take that whole anti-Vox thing a bit more seriously before just barging in here.”
"You're... the owner of the rival platform..?" Vox said as his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yes and no," you cringe. "Normally, I’d be chasing you out of here with a broomstick, but I might have royally fucked up and have no idea what I’m doing," you admit.
“What?” Vox asked flatly. He had been expecting tech bro assholes who would monologue at him in an attempt to piss him off. He’d been expecting the run-of-the-mill hellish power-hungry welcome he’d come to love tearing to shreds any time someone was stupid enough to try to overthrow him. He expected literally anything else but this.
“It… would probably be easier to just show you,” You sigh as you walk over to your computer and wake up the idle screen.
Vox stood from the couch and crossed the small office to look at the screen.  It revealed that millions of sinners had already made accounts on Eternal Entertainment’s new platform, and a decent amount of accounts had already started uploading content. To say it was successful would be an understatement.
"Millions..." Vox muttered under his breath, feeling more and more threatened by the platform as he saw the success it was already having. "How the hell did you manage to pull this off?"
You chuckle, rubbing the back of your head nervously. "Yeah, uh, about that... I don't... know."
"You don't k̴n̷o̵w̵?̴" Vox flipped on you with a spark. His eye twitched as he tried to pick apart your game. Were you bragging? Were you about to threaten him? Were you a fucking idiot?
"Excuse, the fuck, me?” Vox growled as he grabbed your hoodie and pulled you forward. “Do you mean to tell me this was just some fucking pet project or some shit?"
"Yes and no?," you cringed as Vox made it clear how fed up he was getting with that answer.
Normally, you wouldn’t let anyone yank you around, but you’d dug yourself into some pretty deep shit. The guilt that came with that kept you complicit for the time being, but you still pushed his hand off of you. 
"The truth is, I… made the platform,” you admit sheepishly. You’re quick to defend yourself as you see Vox’s expression fill with rage. “But I’m not the one who released it and I don’t work for Eternal. I swear!”
“You realize how fucking fake that sounds, right?” Vox growled as he felt his claws itch with the desire to rip you apart.
“Yup,” you swallow. “I understand the shit sandwich I landed myself in very much, Mr. Big Scary Evil Overlord Sir.”
“But,” you say as you pull back your desk chair and pull up your browser. “I have proof. If you don’t believe me after you look at it, you can kick my ass to your heart’s content. But I think you’ll quickly realize I do not know what the fuck I’m doing and I couldn’t have made this shit the way you’re thinking I did, even if I tried.”
Vox squinted at you with distrust as he looked between you and the chair. He grabbed the back of the offending furniture far tighter than was necessary and yanked it out of your hand as he sat down with a grumble.
He started scrolling through the history of your browser and clicked through the tabs you’d left open for him. It looked like you had signed up for some sort of coding workshop and had no idea what you had signed up for. What was poorly disguised as a hands-on tutorial for beginner video game coders to learn how to make mock platforms for marketing was a trap to lure in people to do Eternal’s dirty work. It was the sort of thing that would never pop up on Vox’s radar. It was obviously a scam to the trained eye and a weak attempt at throwing suckers like you under the bus.
“You’ve got to be fucking joking,” he said as he looked up at you incredulously.
Your face flushed and you looked away from him with an embarrassed frown as you crossed your arms. “Oh fuck off,” you grumble. “I’m broke as hell and it was a free course in an area I need to learn to make my games. It sounded too good to be true.”
“Because it was, dumbass,” Vox snorted as he shook his head and kept digging. He followed the data trail of the domain the workshop was hosted on and pulled up a few unrelated tabs that you hadn’t already pulled up from him so he could figure out how you’d discovered the suspicious content in the first place.
“Hey!” you gasp as you try to stop him.
“If you don’t want to end up an electrified shish kabob on the floor, you’ll let me work,” Vox said, not taking his eyes off the screen for a second as he installed some of his searching software to run in the background of your system.
You huff, watching him continue to dig through your computer before you turn on your heel and walk out. “Just don’t move or delete anything.”
Vox rolled his eyes as he continued his search. He quickly understood where your worries stemmed from. He hadn’t paid too much attention to your mention of it earlier, but it was obvious you were some sort of video game developer. There were folders filled with concept designs, dialogue chains, and amateur attempts at programming. It seemed while you thrived in the creator side of things, your tech knowledge was severely lacking. A quick invasive peek at your bank account showed that your funds were as well. You had big visions for someone with only yourself as a resource.
He paused as he opened a folder in your files that was filled with what appeared to be pictures of you and what he assumed were your friends. His eyes widened as he recognized several faces smiling innocently compared to the lewd expressions he’d seen them make in Valentino’s films. What caught his attention even more was the multiple pictures of you with Angel Dust and his little cyclops friend who had a knack for explosives.
Before he could dig any further into your personal life, several windows popped up to let him know the diagnostics had finished running the background.
Vox’s leg started to bounce with anxious energy as the reports from the programs he’d run earlier started to flood in. He immediately followed the trail of information and found several other websites connecting to Eternal that eventually led him to a secluded forum with all sorts of shady shit. He opened several threads that related to himself and the other Vees and inhaled sharply as he started to read through everything.
"Anti-VoxTech underground network…?" Vox whispered aloud. An anxious thrum of energy ran through him as he tried not to freak out. What if this person used the platform to spread propaganda against him or to leak information from his networks? What if this person was trying to destroy him from the inside out? His paranoia began to intensify and he felt small sparks licking at his skin when suddenly, a coffee mug was thrust in front of his face.
He looks up at you as you hold out one of two mugs to him. He takes it slowly from your hand as you look at him unimpressed, yet expectantly. “Thanks…?” He says slowly as he is once again thrown off by how much you didn’t match his expectations. He looks down at the liquid in his hand before looking back up at you distrustfully. For all he knew, your weirdly casual demeanor could have all been a trick. Poisoning him in the afterlife wouldn’t kill him, it’d just be a major inconvenience. Even so, he hesitated.
“Oh for fucks sake,” you roll your eyes as you realize why he was hesitating. You stick your pinky in his cup and pop it in your mouth to show him it was safe. “It’s just hot chocolate,” you huff before you take a sip from your own mug. “I was going to make one before you just zapped your ass in here and it felt rude to only make one for myself.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked the bewildered overlord over. “Shit, but your face… Can you even…? Wait no, that’s also rude. Fuck.”
Vox burst out laughing as you verbally tripped over yourself. Yeah no. There was no evil ploy here. You were just a weirdly endearing dumbass.
“I can drink,” Vox grinned as he finally lifted the cup to his lips. His eyes widened as he took in the unexpected taste. While he could eat and drink, he unfortunately had lost his sense of smell with his afterlife form. He wasn’t expecting the slightly sour tinge of raspberry syrup that mixed with the more standard flavor of the drink.
You watch him curiously and his eyes lock onto yours in an instant. Your face flushes and you turn away as you try to not-so-smoothly play over the fact that you had been trying to see how his mouth worked. “S-So, did you find anything?”
Vox sighed and set his mug down as he turned his attention back to your computer. “Yes, actually. Surprisingly enough, I’ve found more on your very shitty and outdated computer than my team has in the past six months.”
He ignores your offended protests about the quality of your setup as he looks through one of the forums. He ignores the way you lean into his personal space as you look over his shoulder and read the comments yourself.
“I just don’t get why there’s this large of an interest in working around my products,” Vox grumbled as the two of you read through the conversations.
You raise an eyebrow and peer down at him. "You and the Vee's don't exactly have the best rep with lower-class sinners. It may be hard for a big powerful dude like you to comprehend, but believe it or not, some people like their privacy."
Vox frowned as he begrudgingly sipped on his drink. He would never admit out loud how much it was soothing his nerves. “We’re in hell,” he reasoned. “Surely dating mining which pornos the average sinner watches to increase ratings and production quality isn’t the top concern these idiots have.”
You roll your eyes and sigh as you sit on the edge of your desk. Your hips carelessly pushed some things back, but you paid it no mind. “It goes deeper than that and you know it. Hell, I know it and I think this entire experience has proven how much of this shit flies over my head.”
Vox’s eyes drift to the vial you bumped with your hip and he pauses as he considers just how harmless you really were. While it was clear you weren’t the most program-savvy, Vox hadn’t forgotten the abrupt welcome he’d gotten when he tried to sneak in. Whatever that mist he’d been enveloped in was bottled and stashed all over the place. He still had more digging to do.
Sensing the shift in Vox’s attitude, your eyes follow his gaze and you cringe as you tuck the vial out of sight.
“So you’re not a complete idiot then,” Vox said as he placed his empty mug on the table and stood over you.
“That’s different,” you mutter as you shrink in on yourself and avoid looking him in the eye.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Vox hummed as his eyes sharply searched your features like a shark drawn to blood in the water.
His clawed fingers wrap around your jaw and he slowly makes you turn towards him. His grip was firm and the sharp edges threatened to break skin, but he was also somewhat gentle, after all, you had gotten him this far. A looming threat if you suddenly decided to stop cooperating.
“You deleted your visits to those forums in your browser history before you let me access your computer,” Vox said slowly as he watched your every expression carefully. You were avoiding his eyes, which meant you knew what he was capable of. “Why?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you say slowly as you try to keep your breathing even. You couldn’t afford to panic. “I probably just accidentally cleared it when I was wiping my cache or something. Aren’t you supposed to do that every now and then, or something?”
Vox quirked an eyebrow, looking completely unimpressed. “You’re not a good liar.”
“Oh fuck off,” you frown as you look up at him without thinking. 
Vox grins and his eyes immediately spiral as he tries to pull you under his spell. You gasp and for a moment he thinks he has you… only for the spirals not to reflect back at him from your own eyes.
“What…?” Vox blinks as his grip on you loosens.
You smack his hand away and dive out from under him as you try to get away. Vox growls, whipping around and grabbing your arm before you can slip out of the office. You let out a startled yelp as he slams you against the wall and twists your arm behind your back.
“What the hell is going on? Who are you, really?” he interrogates as he twists your arm harder.
It didn’t make any sense. You were a walking contradiction. He genuinely didn’t sense any malice directed at him from you. Your search history barely skimmed anything relating to him. If anything, you had done more research on Velvette and Valentino, which he had to admit, in any other scenario may have bruised his ego a hair. You accidentally helped a rival company launch an attack against him and let him search your system without any hesitation, yet the second he locked in on those vials, you changed your tune completely.
Not only that, but you were somehow able to resist his hypnosis. He’d seen the faintest flash of connection in your eyes that told him you weren’t immune. Yet you had somehow managed to slip out of the hold he’d tried to cast over you within seconds.
“Let me go, asshole!” You shouted as you tried to slip out of his grasp. You hiss in pain as his sharp claws dig into your arm and draw blood.
“I don’t think so,” Vox growled as he tightened his grip and drew more blood. “What the hell is in those vials? And why were you on those forums in the first place? Tell me or I’ll rip your arm off.”
You bark out a laugh despite the fear, “With those fucking twigs? I’d like to see you tr-AH fuck! Alright alright!” You relent as he slams your head against the wall with his other hand.
Vox loosens his grip ever so slightly, but watches you like a hawk.
“Everything I’ve told you so far is true,” you start with a sigh. “I don’t know jack shit about most of your area in things, but I only found the workshop because I was on the forums.”
“And why would you be there?” Vox frowned. “You don’t have anything my company would care about on your systems. You’re a shit liar, but get any ideas of telling me it was for privacy out of your head.”
Your eyes dart and he can tell you’re trying to think of a way to weasel out of telling him the truth. Whatever it was, you really didn’t want him to know. Which meant he needed to know.
“Tell me,” Vox growled as he pressed you harder into the wall.
“V-Valentino,” you whimpered as the pain started to wear down your willpower. You weren’t exactly accustumed to this sort of experience despite your time in hell. You kept your head down as much as you could. You only dared to kick up dust for one reason and you’d done your best not to get caught for it up until now, but you had been careless.
“What?” Vox blinked as his grip relented.
“I,” you open your mouth, only to cringe. You really didn’t want to tell him, but if you double died without at least trying to pull something, it would only leave the very people you were trying to protect in deeper shit. Vox would figure it out after killing you anyways. Spilling the beans and trying to figure something out in the process was your only hope.
“The mist wasn’t mean to hurt you,” you say slowly. “I’ll talk, so fucking let go first.”
Vox watches you distrustfully, but releases your arm and steps back. He stands between you and the door, so he’s willing to play along if it means he’ll finally have the full picture.
“I don’t… pay much attention to hell’s politics,” you sigh. “I don’t care about power, I don’t care about overlords, but I do care about my friends.”
For the first time since Vox had gotten here, he saw something familiar flash in your eyes. The dark twisted bloodlust he’d seen in most sinners. “I don’t use my powers much,” you say as you walk over to your desk. “I’m not really trained to fight like most people down here. I’m cooped up in here most of the time, so it’s not like I’ve ever really had a reason to start shit.”
You pick up a vial and hold up your other hand as a small portal opens above your palm. “This is about all I can do,” you say. “I had a buddy who liked to research sinners abilities and I didn’t really care if he looked into mine.” 
You had to bite down the fond smile at the memory of Baxter’s pestering. “He discovered that at low enough levels of activation, magic could be collected like a liquid or a mist with all his fancy tech shit. Again, you know how much of that flies over my head.”
Vox looked between your hands and nodded silently, watching you carefully as he waited for you to put together the pieces for him.
“Using the residue of my abilities, he tried to replicate that love potion shit you guys sell. He wanted to see if he could recreate it and then make a repellent.”
Vox’s eyes widened as he looked at the vial and it finally clicked. “It’s a repellent against Valentino’s magic.”
You wave away the miniature portal above your hand and nod with a frown. You hated every part of this, but at least he hadn’t killed you yet. “Like I said earlier, there's a high demand for slipping out under the Vee's control."
“Is that how you resisted my hypnosis as well?” Vox asked carefully.
“No,” you shake your head. “That’s something else entirely. No schemes or any fancy shit like that involved there.”
“Then why did the mist hurt me?” Vox frowned.
“Well, for starters,” you smirk at the memory. It had freaked you out pretty bad in the moment, but after the shit Vox just put you through, you kinda loved that he’d gotten his ass handed to him. “The guy I told you about was here and was trying to make a new batch. You literally teleported in the middle of us making the shit and knocked over the batch we’d been producing so it was heavily concentrated.”
“Secondly, you’re around Valentino all the time. When is that guy not blowing his slut smoke all around you?” You cross your arms.
“That…” Vox thought back to how often Valentino smoked his pipe around him. How used to seeing the pink smoke around him he’d gotten. He didn’t have a sense of smell so he was entirely immune to the effects. So much so, he had no reason to notice how it was completely seeped into his clothing and probably coating his entire body in an unnoticeable residue.
"Yup," you sigh. "If I had to take a guess, then that’s why.”
"And the reason you’d help your friend make this…” Vox trailed off as he remembered the pictures he’d found on your computer. You were friends with a lot of Valentino’s sex workers, including Angel Dust. Vox was a business partner, a friend, and sometimes a lover of Valentino. Valentino was notorious for the abuse of his sex workers. An abuser of some of your closest friends.
You frown, turning away from Vox, your body language acknowledging him as a proper enemy for the first time since he's broke in. "You get it now.”
He knew about Valentino and his history of abuse towards sex workers. He had seen his behavior first hand and knew the moth’s behavior was vile and repulsive. But the worst of it was never directed at Vox himself. Some of it, yeah, but… Vox hadn't really cared about anyone else. He had better shit to think about.
"I see…,” Vox hummed as he picked up another vial off the floor and twirled it between his claws. You really could benefit from some basic cleaning around the office. “So you’re planning on beating him at his own game." Vox said, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you with a mix of suspicion and admiration. "Clever... very clever.."
You cross your arms, watching him sharply as you wait to see what he'll do about it.
"You got the information you wanted." You say flatly. He knew who was attacking him with your software now. The Eternity shit he’d found on your computer was a solid lead. However, he now knew of your efforts against Valentino. You weren’t a fighter, by any means, but you were prepared to protect yourself if you had to.
Vox's eyes narrowed as he looked at you in a new light. Your lack of personal interest in politics and the standard hell powergrabs had him intrigued. He wondered just what you’d be capable of if you did play the same game that everyone else did. It was clear you were resourceful and crafty, yet you directed those efforts towards something so… mundane.
"You’ve proved useful enough so far, and I thank you for that. Depending on your next answer, I may even let you keep your insides where they belong. So, let me ask you this..." Vox said, continuing to look at you with his eyes narrowing. "If those experiments are unrelated to my influence entirely, then how are you able to resist my hypnosis?"
Whether he meant to or not, Vox just handed you the key to your survival on a silver platter. Your eyes widen and you try to hide the excitement at the opportunity as you level your best poker face. “It’s pretty simple actually,” you say as you inspect your nails nonchalanetly. A bit too theatric, perhaps, but you were trying to play it cool. It didn’t matter that you weren’t actually succeeding. 
“Hypothetically, I may or may not have discovered how to counter your hypnosis,” you hum as Vox’s eye twitched. “Hypothetically, I could sell that information or simply just post it to the Eternal forums. I’m sure everyone would love to know how not to get sucked into your marketing schemes.”
"You want to make a deal," Vox realized, the corners of his mouth curling up slightly and dead pixels flickered to life under his lip. This just got so much more interesting for him.
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enkidusbi · 3 months
do you have any advice on writing a masters diss?
sure thing! of course, this is all my personal subjective experience but maybe some of this will be helpful:
first of all, pick a topic you care about. that's like the number one most important thing. and you can go from there
Find Sources
look for sources in libraries AND online
look for sources in the bibliography of other sources
you know those sites people tell you not to use in case you accidentally download a paywalled article or book? they are your friends
google lens & translate are also your friends for foreign language books with no editable pdf formats
Start Out Prepared
do an outline
keep your sources organized by the outline's topics in your folders so you can easily find what you're looking for
at first read, go through only the abstracts, introductions and conclusions/summaries. once you have a vague idea of what this is all about, you can go read the whole thing
if you have to do citations in a certain format (this is probably on your university website) familiarize yourself with it from the get go so you don't have to go back and re-format everything in the end
Talk to People
talk to your supervisor as often as you need. don't be afraid to ask questions, present your current theories, ask for suggestions, etc
if you can't find a source you know you need, ask for it! chances are they have a pdf or they know someone who knows someone who works in a university library on the other side of the world and can get it for you
listen to feedback and take criticism with grace. think about how the suggestions could improve your work. but if you still feel like your way is better, i encourage you to do it your way and give a reasoning to it. your supervisor is there to help you but it is ultimately your research
if you can, during your master's years, take your work to a conference in whatever half-baked form it's in. even as just a poster. get other experts to look at it, let them ask questions and offer you new perspectives. this was the single most valuable thing that happened to me during my thesis writing process
get together with friends and work on your dissertations in the same room. like parallel play, except it's parallel research. ask about their progress, tell them about yours. it can be so motivating to hear about other people's research questions, approaches and the problems they face. and sometimes it's just nice to have people to bitch together with
Miscellanous Tips
if you need to make a database, start working on the damn database (this was the hardest part for me)
make a to-do list and give your brain rewards chemicals by ticking off tasks you finished
have more tasks you can do at the same time. if you are tired of one thing, switch to another. if you're fed up with the database, go back to your sources and read an article. if you can't read because your brain stopped processing words, go and format your bibliography or edit your figures
take regular breaks and drink lots of water
make! citation notes! as you write!!!!!! you may hear a little voice in your head telling you "oh i'll just add these afterwards" don't listen to it, that's the devil talking
let yourself be fickle. your work is going to change as you progress. your initial theory or interpretation is going to be different from what you end up with. allow yourself that. it's proof that science happened in the meantime
take yourself seriously but not too seriously. your master's thesis doesn't have to be perfect. you will have an entire career ahead of you with more chances to grow
do it scared. do it uncompetent. do it uncertain
and most importantly, take it easy. but take it.
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crowtrobotx · 18 days
It really is spectacular how much you don't realize a situation was bad until you leave it. I'm about 13 months removed from my old job now, and it came up in conversation with one of my direct reports. She commented jokingly about the security cameras we have, and I explained to her how my old company had forced software onto everyone's computers that they insisted was only a "tool" to help identify "processes that could benefit from efficiencies" but was, unsurprisingly, essentially spyware that they used to harass and terminate people for not spending every waking second of the day working. It was some AI-assisted nightmare that would begin recording if you hadn't clicked your mouse between screens or typed in 120 seconds. It logged everything you typed, whether you sent/posted it or not. It had a set "idea" of tasks it deemed value add or unproductive. It did not account for meetings or phone calls, it did not account for certain external and internal sites that were 100% job related. If you did not score a 97% average "productivity up" time at the end of the week, you were admonished. Yes, you should always assume your employer is "watching" but I cannot describe to you what it feels like to not only know that but to have that data rubbed in your face and to be made to feel like human dirt because you were sick or had a bad day or simply had a bunch of tasks that the system wasn't smart enough to deem productive. The irony of them telling me that I should utilize the company therapist/take a walk/stretch to cure the crippling depression I was experiencing at that job when their own software would punish me for not spending that time working. I know this kind of thing isn't unheard of with remote jobs, and obviously if someone is playing WoW all day every day instead of working then it's a problem. But most places you would hope would only look into that data if someone was really falling apart or you suspected like, illicit behavior. Instead they micromanaged everyone to death, uplifted the bootlickers and encouraged a culture of surveillance. I made a joke about how I still sometimes find myself frantically clicking around on my system at work as a reflex, and she was like "....dude, that's literally inhumane and I think you might be mildly traumatized." And you know what? She's probably not wrong! I remember always feeling crazy talking to friends in other jobs who were just like "yeah as long as you do your job description and aren't downloading porn to the work laptop no one really cares what you're doing." But I stayed because of my warped sense of self worth being tied to my salary and look what it got me. Yes, yes, it lead me to what is now a very good place but I also feel like... sometimes you do not need to be thankful for suffering. Sometimes it was just Bad.
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tiredcatboysinc · 1 month
Insert Car Seat Headrest lyric that relates to problems with intimacy and people.
Shrugs, KinitoPet/reader because I wanted to express my issues with intimacy or something. -Pesticide🐞
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You know, it’s really fun being a depressed senior in high school. It’s especially fun when you only have one friend, that friend being a fucking sentient and obsessive computer buddy who I’m pretty sure is a fucking virus…Don’t even ask how I managed to download a borderline virus onto my laptop, I couldn’t tell you to be honest. It kind of just… happened, you know? When you’re on the internet for over 8 years this shit happens, and it happens a fuckton; believe me. 
So now I sat, the permanent frown ever etched into my face as I doom scroll through Twitter. Twitter? X? Who cares, it doesn't matter. I’d much rather doom scroll on Tumblr, but I did that too much and I’ve basically seen everything for the next few hours. The band of my choice blasted through my headphones, Car Seat Headrest; much to before mentioned ‘computer buddy’s dismay.
Oh, I didn’t tell you his name, did I? KinitoPET, or Kinito as he liked to be called. He? It?... I’ll go with him for now, Kinito seemed to be okay with those pronounce… Ha, pronounce… Pink gills and pronounce… A chuckle escaped me at that thought, which of course caught the attention of Kinito. The little axolotl's head perked up, his small, beady eyes staring into my soul. Fuck, that was unnerving… “What are you laughing at, Friend?” He questioned, the text-to-speech voice ringing loudly as it sliced through the music. I winced at that, flinching at how loud Kinito had set his volume to.
Kinito had full system access to my laptop, a dumb decision on my part probably. If he wanted to could destroy everything, wiping the hard drive and all of the system functions. Though he chose not to, I think he understood that would kiss him in a way; which meant he would never see me again. God, what I wouldn’t give for that… But, in a way, I guess it would be a little sad. 
Kinito was my friend, my only friend. He had been there, for better and for worse. Never had Kinito laughed at me, nor was he overly harsh or critical of the things I loved. So, In a way, I suppose, I liked Kinito. At least I had grown to like him, maybe grown more than toleration. Eugh, even thinking that made me shiver…  Fuck, he’s still staring at me, isn’t he?
“Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thought of a stupid meme..” I murmured in a harsh tone, my voice hoarse and scratchy. Of course, Kinito wanted to know more. He always did, it was his nature; he was AI, even if he was sentient. A hum of curiosity left the digital buddy, pixelated and piercing. The sound made me grunt with irritation, the sound forcing me to yank an earbud out. God forbid I got fucking tinnitus from this little shit, if anything, I’d much rather get it from an airplane jet… Hell, anything really. 
Kinito noticed my reaction, and he was quick to manage his volume; which I was thankful for. “Ah, I apologize, Friend. I wasn’t aware I was so loud!” He chuckled apolitically, his disembodied, white-gloved hands rubbing together nervously. A sigh left me, my hand waving dismissively. There wasn’t any point in getting upset… even if his voice at such a high volume gave me a headache. “It’s fine… Not like you busted my eardrum or some shit.” I quipped sarcastically, a scoff of a chuckle leaving my grinning lips.
 Slowly, Kinito’s eyes narrowed as he turned his gaze back to me. Ah shit, here we go… I knew where this was going, I could feel the storm brewing in the pit of my stomach. Kinito was about to rant, and he was about to rant hard and long. 
The words started to flow from his nonexistent mouth, Kinito’s hand flying across the screen in front of himself. He rambled and ranted, going on about how snarky I was; and how I was “such a little menace” to quote him directly. I only half-assed paid attention, not really listening to the words that left the axolotl computer buddy. My focus was on something else, the way he moved his hands. 
Kinito wildly swung his hands, all of his movements violent yet skillful; as if he knew exactly where his hand was going to go before it went there. Honestly, he probably did know that. You know, being an AI and all that good stuff. Still, it fascinated me; my gaze following his gloved hands every movement. Of course, I pretend to listen. I hummed with faux agreement and nodded to his words; all of them going in one ear and out the other. 
I wonder… I wonder what his hands feel like. Were his gloves warm, or cold? Soft or rough?... If he held my hand would he interlace our fingers? 
Okay, pause, stop the thought train. What the fuck am I thinking right now?? My cheeks are warm, and my heart is beating out of my chest with just the thought of holding his damn hand??? Hell, am I really that touch starved… Probably. 
I advert my gaze from Kinito, my cheeks now flushing a soft red; the embarrassment of my own thoughts, thoughts he didn’t even know I was thinking, pooling in my gut. My heart races faster than a teenager with anxiety trying Delta 8 for the first time, and if you don’t understand that: it’s basically going at supersonic speed. 
Kinito continued to rant for half a second, his words starting to trail off when his eyes met my face. He took notice of my burning cheeks, his head tilting with confusion. “...Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry, Friend, I did not intend to upset you!! Please tell me what I said, I promise to-”  I stopped him in his tracks, tapping my trackpad softly while my cursor hovered over his head. The cursor made a soft click, the motion being akin to a makeshift pat or bonk. “Shut up, you didn’t do anything.” I stated bluntly, though I still refused to turn my gaze back to my screen. 
Augh, fuck, why did this stupid little computer buddy have to draw these thoughts ? These emotions ? Things I’ve never felt for any living, breathing, human ??? It didn’t make sense, it shouldn’t make sense. None of it was logical… but then again, I was never a logical person to begin with. 
Maybe this was some fucking plot, some scheme that a higher power was playing on me. They’d planned for me to download this little sentient AI, and they had made me fall in love with it; all for shits and giggles. And who was I to say no to such a perfectly crafted friend, lover even?... I wasn’t. If some… fucking little menace of a higher will, god, power, deity, whatever be it, wanted me to kiss this dumb AI then I would; I would find a way to. 
I had come to love Kinito, even if I wanted to strangle him at times. 
Finally, I turned to Kinito. My face was red, embarrassment showing in every pour of my cheeks. “...You’re such a little shit, and I love you.” The words came out quietly, just above a whisper. It was weird, an odd sensation to say the words “I love you” so… willingly. And apparently, it was odd for Kinito to hear me say those words as well. His eyes widened, and several times he blinked as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. 
A hue of red spread over his cheeks, Kinito’s eyes crinkling as a nonexistent smile crept onto his face. “I love you as well, Friend.” He spoke softly, happily, voice full of love, warmness, and contentment. 
I knew Kinito would never let me live it down, and I knew it was risky; it was vulnerable. Still, I did it anyway. I smiled, a small smile. 
Kinto was my friend, and I loved him. And maybe, one day, I’d get to find out how he’d hold my hand if I was lucky enough.
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dolphingirl1234 · 3 months
welcome to the first headcanons post in what will hopefully become a series unless my brain randomly decides to hyperfocus on something else
starting off with our favourite traumatised polar bear...
please enjoy my shitty picrew human version of him
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gonna be honest I hate this one he looks like my dad when he was like 12
imagine him looking like this but way older
anyway headcanons:
30-mid/late 30's
idk if there's a name for this one but is sexually attracted to females but romantically attracted to males
has never dated because of this and has no desire to
he was the last of the crew to actually recognise his sexuality
everyone came out to him and he was like inwardly homophobic because of the way he had been brought up, but made a notebook full of everyone's pronouns and stuff so he could remember, and never did/said anything homophobic to anyone else - kinda like Imogen in heartstopper yk
dark brown hair that's kinda going grey on the sides
grey eyes
always has eye bags because our boy does not sleep
he's not that strict on uniform - there are random clothes that tweak plonked the octonauts logo onto and that's what is considered uniform; everyone is allowed to wear whatever they want as long as its appropriate and has the logo on it somewhere.
basically always wears the same thing because the entire world will fall apart without his routine
played candy crush once in an ad and loved it
he secretly plays it on the web bc he can't admit to himself that he likes it enough to actually download it
everyone has called him dad at least once
gets fathers day cards from everyone every year
^^ has cried from this on multiple occasions
doesn't get sick often but when he does he is SICK. the second he wakes up his face is grey and pale and he physically cannot speak without coughing
peso makes him go to bed and when he eventually agrees he sleeps for like 2 days straight and is then immediately better
he tells kwazii off for being reckless but he's done some pretty dumb shit himself
will sacrifice himself for anyone and anything (has been told off about this many times and still continues to do it)
he and inkling are the only people in the crew who like dark chocolate
absolutely despises anything sour
his pain tolerance is very high
likes mint and will casually go to the garden pod and eat it raw
has claustrophobia (canon)
also has emetophobia (look it up) because I like projecting
once you've looked up emetophobia come back and read the next one:
when he was a cub and was learning to catch and eat fish he threw up after eating one particular fish and every time he sees it in the sea he will literally hold his breath and run away
he's actually very good at modern lingo and memes but does not understand for the life of him what a skibidi toilet is
sees peso as his son and will literally protect him with his life
other crew members have various mental health struggles and barnacles is genuinely so proud of them when they do anything that's hard for them even if its just surviving the day its so cute
he hasn't experienced the things the others go through but he has so much empathy and pride for them its insane
gives the best bear hugs and when he gets sad all he wants is cuddles but he's too scared to ask anyone
natquik and kwazii are the only people who have seen him have a full breakdown
if you've had a bad day he's your guy he will pick you up and cradle you like a baby no problem
on his birthday he literally gives zero fucks about presents but is insistent on getting/making really goof presents for everyone else
he has the deepest voice ever. and he's not terrible at singing either but he never sings. ever.
the accordion secretly pisses him off as well and he just keeps playing it because it's an ongoing joke and he doesn't want to ruin it
his paws are MASSIVE.
that's all for now I hope you enjoyed your exclusive look at Zoe's Headcanons TM I probably forgot some so you might get some more later 👀
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pudding-parade · 4 months
I think I'm in trouble...
So there's this world I want to use for Purposes™. (Yoder's Glen, if anyone cares.) It's a small world, and it's nice and rural because it's supposed to be an "Amish" world, and it's pre-populated by "Amish" families whom I will mercilessly annihilate and also bulldoze the pre-built lots because I'mma do my own thing. But, it has a shiiiiiiiit-ton of "wild" not-on-a-playable-lot harvestable plants in it everywhere, and aside from the fact that a shit-ton of harvestable plants can cause a shit-ton of lag, I just don't want them there. For Reasons™. But, you can't remove them with Edit Town, for reasons I have never been able to understand. But I want to use this world. For Reasons™. So, CAW is needed. Problem: I have never used CAW. I was never able to get it running with my Origin install, probably because I used a non-standard install path for the game.
So I decided to see if could get CAW to work with my current arrrr'ed game install, which has a standard install path. And lo and behold, it worked. And then I did some Googling and miraculously (because my Google skills are shit) found out how to import downloaded worlds for which you do not have CAW files into CAW. So I did the thing and, holy shit it worked. So now I can remove all the wild harvestables in this world. And remove all the seed spawners that I also don't want. And add/remove/rearrange lots much more easily, which I also want to do.
However, I would also like the world to be a liiiiiiiitle larger. So now I'm thinking, "How hard could it really be to make a world instead of editing this one?" But I don't want to make worlds, for the same Reasons™ that I really don't want to learn how to generally make shit for TS3. But still. There's this whispering in my brain. "How hard could it be?"
So, someone please tell me that it's really, really, really hard and that I really, really, really shouldn't bother and that I really ought to just stay in my damn lane and stick to editing this one. While you're at it, tell me if it's possible to make the CAW window larger. Because this 1024x768 shit has to go...
(Also, hi. Sorry that I haven't been in much of a Tumblring mood. I have been playing TS3, though! Just, you know, saves that aren't fit for public consumption, as usual. I'm kinda feeling like building some shit, though, so maybe I'll have pictures of that at some point. Maybe. Or maybe I'll continue to be a hermit. Who knows?)
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kittydesade · 5 months
I'm very sorry. Six months ago you commented on a Gordon Ramsey accessibility post that your job to help make websites accessible. How do I get that job? I would love that so much. I'm sure you've answered this before but I can't find it.
I, too, am sure I've answered this before, but I can't remember where and I'm not about to brave the Tumblr search feature to go looking, so you and @the0dd0ne get a twofer.
Hi, I'm not a bot, and I was wondering if I could ask you a weird career question? I saw your addition on that "Accessibility Nightmares" post where you mentioned it's your actual job to email websites about their lack of accessibility and what they need to do to make it accessible, and can I ask how you got into that? I got injured on the job and need to make a huge career change, and that type of work has always been really interesting to me, but I don't even know where to start to get into it! Also feel free to ignore this lol I know it's out of left field.
(This is actually the third question I've got on this, so no, not that out of left field.)
So the first thing to understand is that it's actually pretty hard to get into digital accessibility because there just aren't that many companies doing it. As far as I know from company meetings there aren't that many schools teaching it as a part of their core web development curriculum. It's just not that common to think about it as part of web development. Which is vastly irritating.
I started mucking around with the web when there was first a web to muck around on, but when the pandemic hit and my Mom suggested (in a hilarious twist of circumstances) that I go to one of those Learn to Code boot camps to get a certificate that said I actually knew my shit so I could get a job in web development. A number of these boot camps also have job placement programs and pipeline agreements with certain companies. and in a nutshell that's how I got into it. The company sent my boot camp a letter saying "we need N warm bodies" and they sent the company a list of names, I got interviewed, I got hired as a contractor, and after a couple years of good work for them I got invited to interview for a permanent position, which I got.
These days due to the state of the everything, there are probably 10-50 programmers for every open development position, depending on language and job type and company. It's a rough field out there and I got very, very lucky in my timing. But if you want to try it, the boot camp to job pipeline is probably your best bet. Ask the boot camp recruiters if they have connections to accessibility firms. If they don't, you can always try asking if they have connections to web development/site packaging firms and then check if the firms have an accessibility department. Tell the recruiter up front what you're looking to work in, and keep in mind that the recruiter's job is to convince you to give the boot camp your money. (Mine was $12k USD.)
For resources to study in the meantime, there's the A11y Project which has discussions, videos, articles, posts, etc about digital accessibility, a lot of good information. You can also look at the resources for the CPACC exam, I don't recommend taking it unless you have a few hundred USD to burn but you can definitely study up on the Body of Knowledge, which is a free PDF to download. And there is, in fact, an accessibility job board, although I don't have any experience with applying for any of these jobs cold.
The languages I use most in my job are HTML and jQuery, and I passively use (meaning I read and interpret but don't actually program in) JavaScript and CSS. This is mainly because we work with client sites and there's only so much of the client code we can touch; if there's a problem in the client code we can't touch we have to write it up and tell them to fix it. If you end up in house for some large brand you may end up working in more web development languages, but a lot of accessibility can be handled by basic HTML attributes called ARIA attributes (and roles) and there's the documentation on that. Another tool to have is your soft skills: communication, specificity of language, writing up good descriptions of what code does what so you can explain exactly what needs to be fixed where and why. You might also want to look at documentation on what makes good alt text, where it's needed, what kind of labels are standard, etc. I think you can find that in the A11y Project pages, but honestly I just learned it on the job working with senior developers.
It's a hard time to get into software development at all, let alone a niche field like web accessibility. But Europe is about to have a digital accessibility law come into effect in July of next year (that encompasses more than just the web, that's just my area of expertise) and the US is making slow but steady strides in requiring digital accessibility as well, so there are jobs out there and there might be companies hiring to capitalize on the need. There will definitely always be companies putting off conforming to regulations until the last possible minute, and then needing services and specialists. So study up, practice, and good luck!
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍… 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈
hello everyone, okay so. I wrote this from my own personal experiences and pasts. it's something that I deal with. I don't feel anything pleasurable unless it's from a toy, nor can I put anything inside because it's painful. I also can't feel anything emotionally, when I first began to write this, it started off like how my life starts, but I realised I wasn't writing a story for you about my depression. I was writing a story about what I go through with men. I hope you enjoy it and know I'm always here for you if you go through something similar- the part with johnny is a true story, but the part with ari is sadly not. I apologise if this is bad.
summary - you meet a man who brings security into your life, making the men in your past no longer matter.
warning - angst, slight smut but not really, graphic in some sense, mentions of blood and pee, hint to a traumatic experience but nothing detailed, emotionally cut off, depression, slight fluff.
18+ only please, the gif and header aren’t mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Maybe there was something wrong with you. 
Because there lying between your legs was a gorgeous man, doing everything in his power to please you, but you felt no pleasure. You could feel how his tongue swept across your folds, probably trying to locate your clit that not even you could find. You always thought that maybe you weren’t gifted one when you were born, but that couldn’t be possible, right? Because when you brought out your toy specifically made to vibrate that little button. You felt everything and more.
But this beautiful, god-like man is thrusting his tongue inside your not-so-lubricant hole, and you felt bad because you could tell he was trying his hardest to make this about you, but unfortunately, you would never feel the pleasure he wanted you to feel. And when your eyes meet his pretty blues, you offer a soft smile because you can’t let that fake moan you let others hear fall from your lips for him. He was too kind and precious, and you dread the day he realises you feel nothing because then he’ll leave, and you’ll be back to being alone and broken.
Your head falls back, and your mind begins to drift as this takes you back to the same thing that happened years ago. 
You finally turned eighteen and thought you’d give men a shot again. So you downloaded the dating app everyone else had in hopes of finding a relationship that could last. You swiped through men, chatting with some but slowly drifting away because you didn’t know how to communicate with them anymore. They seemed to want something you didn’t want to do again.
But then you found him. Johnny Storm, oh my. What a dream he was. You were stupid. You thought that the conversations you had meant something, thought that when he said he only wanted casual, he’d changed his mind when you two hung out. You were a naive girl who had already been through hell yet still wanted a fairytale ending.
You remember when you decided to meet Johnny.
You got yourself all dolled up, dressing in a short sundress that didn’t fit your body well, but no one ever told you. You made sure you were shaved and smelled lovely. You were excited because you were stupid.
Meeting Johnny was… Fun. You could remember everything. You could remember the colour of his car. His face, everything he did and said. You could remember the pain.
You didn’t feel pleasure when he went down on you. The feeling felt like a cat’s tongue. You could remember that he didn’t even see if you had finished before climbing on top of you and covering you in his cum. But you were stupid. At the time, you didn’t see that as a problem. 
You felt pain when his finger/fingers went inside you, even if they were covered in lube. The feeling hurt. It felt like someone had shoved so many knives inside of you. But you didn’t say anything. You pretended it felt good, you faked those moans, and he didn’t notice. Not even when he saw the blood on his fingers, but you remembered it all. You could still feel the stinging pain when you tried to pee. You remembered the blood and the doctor saying there was a tear. But that didn’t stop you because you were stupid. 
The pain got worse when he slid his cock inside you. It never subsided, and the pain was never replaced with pleasure. But you faked it because you didn’t want to hurt his ego. After all, you thought there was something wrong with you. 
You remember going to the doctor and asking what was wrong with you. Only for them to reply that everything will continue to hurt because your mind and body weren’t comfortable, all because of your trauma. You should’ve followed orders when your doctor said not to have sex until your mind relaxed. But you didn’t listen because you thought he would leave you if you stopped giving him what he wanted.
Johnny never noticed. He kept reminding you that this was casual and that he didn’t want a relationship. And you should’ve listened. Instead, you continued until one fateful night.
The two of you were lying next to each other, a tv show playing in the background as you talked. Somehow, you got on the topic of your weight. 
“I’m fat.” You pout, looking down at your stomach. It was playful but also the truth, but you guessed Johnny didn’t get the memo.
He looked at you smugly. “You’re not fat.” You looked up at him, hopeful. “Just a little overweight.”
Your brows furrowed. “That’s fat. You just admitted I was fat.”
He shakes his head, “No. I said a little overweight.” And he kept repeating the word like it would make things better. But it never did after that. You got into a fight, and he left. What hurt the most wasn’t the physical pain or that he left. It was finding out he got into a relationship the moment the two of you stopped speaking.
“Y/n. Y/n, baby.” You blink, sucking in a breath as your eyes connect with those pretty blues again. Ari smiles, “Hey, where’d you go?” You desperately didn’t want to disappoint this man, so you kissed him. One hand rests on his chest, and the other grabs his hand, guiding it to your entrance. Even though in the back of your mind, you know it’ll hurt.
Ari was confused. He felt like something was wrong when he was between your thighs, and it was confirmed when you seemed to zone out, but now, Ari’s unsure of what was happening. He pulls back and looks you in the eyes, “Are you sure? We don’t have to, little dove.” You nod, eyes wide as you look into his. He watches your expression as he slowly pushes a finger inside, barely being able to with how tight you are. And he stops, pulling away from you when he hears the pained whimper. 
You lie there with your eyes tightly screwed shut. Not wanting to see the one man you’ve felt something for, leave. 
Ari slowly moves closer, grabbing a blanket and covering you. “Y/n. Open your eyes.” His voice is so gentle, so caring that it scares you. His hand softly strokes your cheek, and you can feel your heart breaking when he pulls you closer to him. No one’s ever treated you so kindly before. “It’s okay. I’m here if you need me.”
You felt lucky, silently thanking the universe for sending Ari your way. You met Ari on a whim, deciding to give the dating app another go but as a more hardened and cold person. You thought you’d see how an older man would treat you, and there were some you didn’t like but Ari. Oh, he was beautiful and so kind. He never mentioned sex or anything dirty. Instead, he wanted to get coffee, but only if you felt comfortable.
So you met him, and when your eyes connected, you felt safe, something you’d never felt before. He stood and greeted you, pulling your chair out before offering to pay. Ari didn’t pressure you, and he didn’t make you feel awkward for not knowing how to continue a conversation. He was so patient, and that one meeting turned into more. You had only kissed a few times, but he’d never take anything further. 
Today was different... You wanted to give Ari the one thing you thought he wanted. But now, you ruined it. Because you couldn’t fake it with him, you couldn’t push through the pain and discomfort. You couldn’t make him believe he was pleasuring you when you felt nothing.
You slowly open your eyes, connecting with his again, but yours are both filled with sadness this time. “I’m sorry.” Ari could feel his heart breaking at the whisper of your voice, not knowing why you were apologising for something you didn’t do. “I’m a disappointment… I’m so sorry. If you want to leave, I won’t blame you.” Even as those words fall from your lips, you feel nothing. You feel empty, but there’s also a little warmth inside that you know will disappear when he does.
Ari’s brows furrow and his hold on you tightens. Your words ring in his head, and Ari can feel tears building up in his eyes. He’s already aware that you are shut off emotionally, but the way those words roll off your tongue, he knows you’ve been hurt so many times that it’s become normal for you. Ari clears his throat, holding back the sobs that desperately try to escape before he lifts your chin, your eyes connecting again.
“Don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong. You aren’t a disappointment, and I’m not leaving.” He practically growls. He leans forward and presses a rough but loving kiss against your forehead. He stares at you with so much passion that it scares you. You can feel goosebumps rise from his touch. “I won’t force you to do something that hurts or makes you uncomfortable. I’m a grown man, Y/n. I can either wait until you are ready or live without it. Because I am not letting you go, I told you I was all in. I’m not letting something like this break that promise.” His words are so full of passion that you swear you could cry. 
“A–Are you sure? Because I will understand and won’t blame you. I know there’s something wrong with me.” You roll over as you speak, hesitantly resting your chin on his chest while looking at him. 
Ari’s hands curl into fists, wanting to kill those who made you think this. “There’s nothing wrong with you, little dove. And if anyone ever tells you otherwise, I will kill them.” He pulls you flush against him, your face close to his. “We will take our time. We will go your pace, and you will not rush and harm yourself just because you think I’m disappointed. Understood?” 
You nod, your mouth opening and closing as shock fills you. “Understood…” The word falls from your lips in a soft whisper, never having someone put you first.
Ari nods. “Good, now come here.” And as those words leave him, he pulls you into the most passionate and loving kiss. And you swear…
You felt… 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Hello, I don't know if I'm the first to ask this, but how do you make gifs?
If it's not a problem, could you explain it to someone who had never made gifs, but want to try?
As you can imagine, it's a fresh awoken need, because I think I just got a stroke watching a concert and I wanna try gifing, pls help a fangirl out 🙏
OKAY SO i use a program on my desktop called instagiffer, which actually makes gifmaking very easy once you get the hang of how it works and learn the shortcuts you can take with it. it's pretty easy to learn just messing around with it to see what everything does, but on top of that, i have a very efficient system that's been developing over the years.
this is what it looks like with no video loaded in it yet:
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i had to load in a video to see these other things for screenshots, so here it is with a video loading in(one i started a long time ago and never finished but am working on now, i've posted one gif from it already though):
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so it has the effects panel(which i never use except the enhance one but i've had to switch that off before on certain videos if it looked messed up):
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and it has the captions panel, for subtitles or anything:
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it's got the manual crop thing in the frames dropdown, so you can be more precise about cropping edges out instead of just relying on dragging the corners of the red square around:
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as far as i'm aware, the program seems like it's been abandoned for a long time, the website for it hasn't been kept up, the social media pages for it, etc., but it's still available to download in places online somewhere i believe. or if you'd prefer, i could probably send it to you! i can also help with how to use it if you wanna give it a try, and tell/show you my usual routine.
besides that, sometimes i'll use ezgif .com to do things like remove frames or change speed on gifs i've already made or to resize them if i need to because it's quick and doesn't throw a watermark on it, but i think you can make them there too. i haven't done it because it didn't work for me when i was testing it out one day, but it might have just been me being impatient.
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divinityiswasted · 2 years
Good morning Divinity Fans
Here's the copy of the project I've been working on for the past few months a copy of practically every line of divinity all in a nice convenient zip file. Wanna hear Sebille call you a "good girl", I've got it. Wanna hear every line Dallis the Hammer says, good on you it's here! Wanna try to figure out every word from the narrator I am praying for your health but it's here all in this zip. It's all available for download for any of you for, all of you (please download it i worked really hard ;-;). I wanted to do something that shows my love for the game and this felt like the perfect way to do it. Doing something that makes every Divinity's fans life a little easier.
Here's that link if you don't wanna listen to me ramble on forever: Clickety Click here
TLDR: Today is my birthday and I wanted to make a present for DOS2 fans that we could all enjoy. Here's a copy of a majority of the voicelines of the game. Ifan fans I made us a special treat in having sorted practically every single line he has. The read more has more information on the process.
Ok good still here? Awesome, so in a desperate attempt to 1.) hear Ifan's voice on repeat and 2.) feed my own brainworms to make headcanons I set out in August to create a folder that contained a majority of the sound files in DOS2. My original goal was to document and file every single line ever. To tell you what Act a line took place in and transcribe what was said.
That said there are over 40,000 lines in divinity original sins 2 and that should tell you that this was a pipe dream at best. Additionally there's another problem with that plan...for the origin characters (as well as the narrator) you have to know them like the back of your hand. For example Ifan, in total, has roughly 3,000+ singular audio files. Compare that to say Lucian who has 60. You see what kind of hole I got my self into. Additionally each file will originally be named something to the effect of: "va26a1efbcdc84cf3a7b2b2f9544add6f_h00be3e4eg3a2bg4054g83e9gbd03043a6c52.ogg" and originally there were no folders what so ever. So for every origin character and character I found interesting I made them a folder like so:
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And for Ifan fans I combed through every line of audio noting the Act and transcribing what I could of each line. (I'm not perfect some of these I could be off I'd like to note some files may happen in more places than once as well) The final result is what you'll see here:
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This took months ngl and I thought it'd be a breeze because Ifan's my favorite godwoken. (hehe see what I did there?) So of 3,000+ files I don't know about 600 of them. I cannot do that for anyone else. I'd probably be able to get the major lines of each character but I'd be missing out on a lot of that because I can't guess things for Red Prince as well as I can guess for Ifan.
So for people that have some brainrot and some time please feel free to take on a character and organize their dialogue I'd be happy to update the total folder with notes and new files.
I am tired my fingers hurt my brain hurts my partner probably has placed a missing ad for me disappearing at night to work on this. If you have any questions please feel free ask I'm happy to troubleshoot and explain what I can!
Thank you for listening and:
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otakween · 8 months
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Digital Monster: D-Project - Final Thoughts
Some quick stats:
This is my 13th Digimon game completed in less than 2 years, yay me!
This game took me 10 days to play. Love me a game that doesn't overstay its welcome.
This game was fantastic! It was probably most similar to the first Digimon World gameplay-wise, but waaay less convoluted and a lot cuter. Unlike in DW I had no problem getting the digivolutions I wanted and progressing through the game at a comfortable pace. There were a few "guide dang it!" moments here and there, but the game is mostly reasonable about hinting at what you're supposed to be doing. Full thoughts below.
I loved the meta premise of this game. Basically when you boot it up, DemiDevimon comes along and "corrupts your game file." You then get sucked into the game world, "Swan World" (geddit, cuz Wonderswan?) The rest of the game is dedicated to restoring your corrupted surroundings and returning evil digimon to their nice forms. Very satisfying.
The v-pet aspect of the game was fun. The controls for calling/releasing your digimon were very intuitive. I liked how I could release them in various places like I was putting them out to pasture. The only really annoying thing was keeping the digimon fed because you had to input 4 digits to get one meat over and over and over again.
Of course I just used a guide to figure out the right codes, but the "enter a code and get a mystery digiegg" gimmick was cute. I really liked the animation of the egg slowly generating. It was a little weird because what digiegg you started with didn't matter much in the end, but oh well.
For some reason you have the ability to praise and scold your digimon? I understand praising because maybe it raises their happiness (I never actually checked), but there is no advantage to scolding in this game as far as I could tell.
Instead of the DW1 digivolution mechanic where you need a PHD in digivolving to get the right digimon, you just raise them in a certain environment to get the desired outcome. SO much easier. I liked that I could switch from line to line going from rookie to champion to make the game go quicker.
Except for the crazy last boss, it sort of felt like the difficulty level remained the same throughout the whole game. I brought a rookie into many battles, for example, and ended up being fine.
Omg the sprites in this game are so good!! Battling was so fun to watch (you can button mash to improve accuracy, but you don't really participate). Some kind soul uploaded all the sprites for download. I thought the Kyubimon victory animation was really funny:
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Once I discovered jogress/DNA evolution I was like HELL YEAH 🔥🔥🔥 cuz the animation was so badass and took up like half the screen (wish I got more screenshots). There was also a really satisfying "BOOM!" sound effect during digivolution.
Lots of colorful, fun environments (especially compared to the last game which was blah). Another quality of life complaint is you have to go all the way to the start of the map every time you need food. There should have been more shortcuts to get from place to place.
I was actually kind of grateful that digimon die in this game. They have a pretty long lifespan, which is nice, but sometimes you need to clear up storage in your PC or you want the chance to raise a different type, so mons dying wasn't as soul crushing as in previous games.
If you can't read Japanese, I think I'd still recommend this game. The visuals and gameplay are enough to carry it and the controls/menus are pretty simple.
I give Digital Monster: D-Project an 8 out of 10
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aquawhim · 2 years
Tutorial to switch from Gshade to Reshade for ts4
The original tutorial for switching to reshade is for ffxiv, and there are some minor differences for the sims 4, so I figured out I can show you how I switch to Gshade for ts4! Credits to op for sharing the original tutorial for ffxiv.
This is intend for those who want their Gshade presets to look exactly the same on Reshade.
I’m not here to inform why you need to switch to Reshade and force everyone to do so. If you wish to know more about the situation, read this and this). Gshade still works if you’re not on the newest version (4.1.1), and is pretty much safe to use at the time writing this tutorial. Feel free to continue using it if you’re aware of the risks.
1. Backup your preset and shader folder
Go to “Documents/The Sims 4/Game/Bin/Gshade-presets” and “Program Files/GShade/Gshade-shaders” to back up respective folders. Lost/deleted your “Gshade-shaders” already? You can grab it here.
**If you use custom shaders downloaded separately (not from the Gshade program itself, e.g. full bloom multiLUT by picture amoebae), then copy the Gshade custom shader folder as well. (I’m not sure about the location, since I don’t use custom shaders and I’ve uninstalled Gshade already. Gshade should have created a shortcut on your desktop, or you could probably find it in “Program Files/GShade/” as well.)
2. Uninstall Gshade
Run Gshade uninstalled in “Program Files/Gshade/Gshade Uninstaller”, then go to your game folder and delete “d3d9.dll”. (Or “d3d9”. If it doesn’t exist, don’t worry. When you install reshade, it’ll tell you if there’s any file interfering the reshade installation.)
3. Install Reshade
Install whichever Reshade version you’d like to use. Run the exe file, choose the sims 4, then direct X9. Only check “standard shaders”.
4. Replace shaders and presets folder
Replace the content in “Reshade-shaders” in your game folder with those in “Gshade-shaders” you backed up in step 1. Copy and paste the “Gshade-presets” into your game folder, then change the name to “Reshade-presets”.
**if you use custom shaders, paste the content from “Gshade-custom shaders” to “Reshade-shaders” as well
5. Delete Gshade folders
For some reason, your GShade folder may still be there even after the uninstaller told you that the files will be deleted after restarting your pc. Go to “Program Files/Gshade”. Check if it’s still here and delete it manually if it is.
6. Edit global preprocessor definitions
Your MXAO & DOF shaders don’t work? Your game turned into a horror movie like this?
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Don’t worry, after you start the game, press “numpad 7” to bring up the menu. Go to edit global preprocessor definitions, change “RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED” to 0.
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Voilà! These shaders should work again!
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Congratulations, your Gshade presets now work on Reshade! If you have any problems feel free to pm me<33 (I’ll respond faster on my instagram)
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