#still not super happy w them but i'm not willing to put even more time on these asdjfhlsfskjfahsjdfh
Whump Intro
Hi, hello! 
Um, I’ve been avoiding this intro bc I am a shy awkward hermit that usually just lurks and likes stuff, but that doesn’t really work on Tumblr so here I am! Plus I wanted to use Whumptober to force myself into sharing my writing and figured it might be useful to introduce myself first.
You can call me starlit, or anna, or hey you, I don’t really care lol. She/her pronouns. I love reading fantasy & fantasy romance, writing, and playing RPG video games when I have the time (usually fantasy based-are we sensing a theme here? 😂)
Before we get to more about me nonsense-
Shout out to @i-can-even-burn-salad
For beta reading for me and then being brave enough to share her stories with me. And for sucking me into Tumbler lol. And for talking to me all the time and making me laugh. And for being such a great person. <3
I love her writing and stories so much. Please, please, check her writing out. It's worth it, I promise! Bring tissues though!!
Best internet friend ever trophy, where is it? I need to send it… oh, there it is. Here you go, Elli! 🏆🎉💜
I haven't had the opportunity to check out many other blogs yet, bc someone has such an extensive back catalog 👀 😂 but tagged below is the one I have read. I devoured Traces in one day because it was so good. Highly recommend!
Traces by @whumping-in-the-wings - Thanks for writing such a great story! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
(Obligatory disclaimer: heed the warnings. They are well-tagged.)
I've got my eye on several other blogs once I have a little more time. Hope ya'll like spam likes/reblogs/comments, bc I'm a bit enthusiastic 😂
Ok, back to me, I suppose. Under the cut 🤣
I tend to use emojis excessively, but don’t expect me to know the meaning of them beyond face-value expressions. I shamelessly claim elder millennial status as an excuse (which means I’m 18+, obviously).
I’m audhd (combo autistic/adhd), but I didn’t find that out until earlier this year, so I’m still very used to tiptoeing around people and holding myself back out of self-preservation. Working on that though, bc I’m tired of that shit. 
Erm, also… fuck is my favorite word. If you don’t like foul language, I might not be a great fit for you. 
I joined Tumblr about a month ago, so I am still learning and ask for your patience. (I will probably be learning for quite some time, tbh) If I’m doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
Asks are welcome, although not sure what you would ask me lol. With asks, keep in mind that I’m literal as fuck and context is everything :D
As is fairly common from what I’ve seen in this community, I’ve daydreamed whump for as long as I can remember, and it’s nice to:
1. know what to call it 🥲
2. find someplace where I don’t feel weird about getting it out of my head and putting it on digital paper. Well, not quite as weird haha.
I’m super nervous to post on here, but that’s what I’m here for, so… deep breaths 😶
*Fantasy whump 
Magic w/ consequences
Emotional whump/angst 
Defiant whumpee
Breaking whumpee to the point of hopeless despair before building them back up again
Revenge against whumper 
Creepy/intimate whumper 
Named characters 
Recovery arcs, bonus points for romance <3
Eventual Happy endings after copious amounts of suffering
I write what I like, btw. I have written explicit romance previously, but I’m not sure if I will here.
I will try to be diligent with my warnings, but as those are new for me as well, I may miss some. Please let me know if I do and I will fix it! (within reason, don't ask me to tag something like sadness. that's a typical emotion. extremes like depression, yes. sadness, no.)
* Disclaimer: I will only ever write fantasy. I prefer to read fantasy as well, but I have made exceptions when I get the tropes I want :D 
I’m willing to try most anything once. 
In general though, I tend to avoid cannibalism, major character death, hard-core conditioning, whumper redemptions, bad caretakers 
I’m excited to join the community here and looking forward to participating in Whumptober! I have no idea how well I’ll keep up since I only decided to write for it 3 days before the event, but I’m willing to try 😅
Even if I can’t keep up during October's events, I do plan to finish the storyline and there will be a happy end :D  
Fuck, this got long. Sorry!!!
See you all around! 💜
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kyros-tha-soldier · 1 year
🏵️OP fathers day list🏵️
Hewwo, looks like I'm a bit late but happy father's day for all the dad's out there who love their kids (deadbeats Btfo we don't want you ugh) and a happy father's day for the actual one piece dilfs as well!
today i wanted to make a list for my beloved one piece papis!
Okay, let's go!
🦩 Doflamingo
i know, i know some of you are saying "ummm, who?" Yes, i agree, I'm a little biased on doffy, but hear me out. Doffy is a good dad, how? Why? The fact that he recruited kids is a bad thing, at least for irl standards, but he still cared for them, he knows that sugar is older than she looks yet he cares for her by assigning Trebol to protect her, also when he was making a toast, he gave Law, Baby 5 and Buffalo juice instead of wine. Now that's a good papi
🏰 Capone Bege
The Chad, the goat, the big father and the greatest mafioso daddy in this list, while Capone seems like a terrifying bloodthirsty gangster, he's an amazing husband and an even better father, always there for his kid, playing with him, entertaining him, and loving his wife, a real family guy!
🌊 Neptune
Cry-hoshi's (and her three brothers') father is also included in our list, yep yep! i figured that he needed to be recognized as a father more. What i liked about Neptune is that i liked how he's still loyal to his wife, but i kinda don't like how he sometimes looks weak willed, either way we Stan a mer-daddy!
🍊 Genzo
Most new OP fans may not remember him, but he's one of the Bravest civilians in one piece. He was there when Belle-mère and her daughters were attacked by Arlong and tried to defend them, making him get heavily injured resulting in his iconic scar and somewhat acted like a father figure for Nami when Belle-mère was gone (whomstdve make fun of him, he's precious and btfl 😤) he's now living his best life while following all of Nami's news and achievements.
💊 Hiriluk
Dr Hiriluk, one of the earliest father figures in OP, i liked how he went from treating chopper as a random deer, to an apprentice, to straight up treating him like his son (I'd do that too he's just super duper kyuttttte!) Sure he had his shenanigans and moments where he looked bad, but he's an overall good father figure for chopper, seeing how good he was to him and how he was the one who made him decide to become a doctor.
🍘 Sengoku
"no way, Sengoku has no kids!" ahem, did you forget that he literally adopted Corazon? We don't see much about them interacting, but from what we've seen Sengoku loved Rocinante as if he was his own child, he cared for him and would call him every now and then, and cried real hard when he died and at the end of Dressrosa when he was talking to law it felt like he held him real dear to his heart. Rocinante may have been a marine to the other admirals, but to him, he was his son.
🍳 Zeff
move over Judge, Sanji's real father is here!
He sacrificed his leg for Sanji, LITERALLY, just so the little boy won't die of hunger. And even after that, he ditched piracy and took him under his wing to teach him how to cook and be a real gentleman, he might've been harsh a little, but his heart is in the right place!
🍢 Oden
The true definition of the muscle brain trope, Oden is HUGE, kinda dum dum, he likes to goof around, extremely strong but has a soft spot for his family. He's a perfect family guy to his wife and kids, and despite all, he decided to put his family, disciples and friends at his top priorities, and that's why we totally Stan!
🏜️ Cobra
One of the OP characters that i didn't expect to be SO BRAVE for a non-fighting character. I like how he greatly cared for his daughter, but what i didn't like is how pervy he acts at times (bath scene) but other than that, he's such a beloved father, especially whenever he looked out for his daughter (along with Igaram), such a goof.
🐾 Kuma
We still don't know much about Kuma's past and his relationship with Bonney, why he chose to become a cyborg, why he's climbing the redline...etc etc. But from what Oda has shown us, Bonney loved him so much that she was willing to protect a pacifista since it reminded her of him, and ofc that speaks volumes about him.
🖤 Corazon
Ahhhhh, i remember how hard i cried during law's flashback when it first dropped in the manga, Corazon treated like as if he was his own son, he looked like an insane man at first when he kicked and beat buffalo and baby 5 (which i dunno, was uncalled for) but he's a really good father figure. He did all he could to save law, keep him entertained, made him food (they were grilling sweet potatoes in that one manga cover) and gave him all the love he needed. That is one hell of a reason for law to seek revenge against doffy!
Yep yep, Oyaji is here, i really like Whitebeard for how he would literally take any fatherless child (be them actually fatherless or just mentally) and make them his child. He's a VERY forgiving father as well, even when he got attacked by one of his sons, he just didn't hold it against him and forgave him. GOOOOOOOD that was sad af i cried!
🌻 Kyros
Once someone asks who's the best OP father the first person that comes to mind is Kyros. Trapped inside a toy's body, forgotten by everyone, if he tells his daughter who he is he will be thrown into the scrape heap, he had to organize a revolution. bro never took a break and ALL of this while taking care of his daughter! If this isn't one of OPs peak dad material then i dunno what he is!
And there you have it! The best OP dad's in my book!
Future dads? Take notes please!
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pretentiousbrownie · 2 months
can I just. ooooouuuuaaaagh for a second? it's been a solid couple of weeks since I was put on ssris for depression and anxiety (currently a low dose, then reevaluating to see if we've achieved the desired effects), and woooouuuuaaaagh, things have been wild (good way)!
first things first; emotional regulation has been back in check - feelings have been more stable and predictable, and my response to things has been proportional to the actual thing itself and not compounded with random, miscellaneous outlying things. good we love :3
I have been *way* more present and focused on things (just in general) - with people, with work, with activities, with reading and processing things, etc. that's huge to me! I've been relatively distant for a while, right? gatherings and activities have made me feel happy, but I just wasn't all there for them :/ now I feel like I am, or at least *more* so than before!
kinda with that, I've been able to tackle things with a sense of vigor and enthusiasm that hasn't been around for *longer than I care to admit*, so that's definitely an improvement ^.^ I can just sorta roll outta bed and do stuff !! sleep schedule has still been wonky, but it's slowly falling back into place and if/when I wake during the night, falling back asleep isn't as much of a chore/hopeless endeavor, so I'm definitely hoping that's a good sign
(also, dreams are back, and just about as lucid as they used to be, which for me is an awesome sign of my mental health - I've always been a vivid and fairly lucid dreamer, and when I lose touch with or stop dreaming, that's never a good sign for me. but heeeeey, they're back, so yippeeeeeee!!)
next up! in the general day-to-day, things like lucidity in speech (general cohesion and comprehension, how articulate I am, how willing and able I am to interact, the level of spoons I have to draw on, and the relative energy associated with each spoon) are all up! I cannot emphasize enough just how much this is an improvement; I love interacting with people. I used to be quite the extroverted personality, interacting freely w/ people, often unprompted, very chatty, and more than happy to engage in any random convo! it hasn't been that way for a while now, and even doing things like making phone calls had been putting quite the damper on my spirits and energy whenever I had to make them (which is usually pretty often w/ work and whatnot). now? little to no dread! muuuuch less energy expenditure! even if I am awkward or don't accurately connect with social cues, I'm less upset by that and can just power through calls again!
like hell yeah, we're back!!
obviously, they've had the intended effects; depression has been held at bay. anxiety isn't really as present, or is at least way more manageable. I'm more effective at work, I'm more present with my family, I'm able to give more of myself to any type of situation, I'm losing less time, I have more energy on tap, I crash less, I have to motivation to just kinda tackle things, and I don't think "no" or "not right now" has even really crossed my mind much lately - huuuuge w!
and on like a waaaaay more personal note - I kinda figured depression and anxiety and all the things rolling around my noggin could affect things like sex drive and all that too, right? like yeah, it makes sense
I may be thoroughly aroace, but I've always been super sex-positive, only lately I've just been unwilling and honestly unable to reciprocate, until now! like holy shit! having an actual sex drive again? fucking wild?? like girl, we are *so* back!!
(also also, sorry if you've been seeing my mass strings of rebagles that have been spicy/spicy adjacent - I've always enjoyed *art*, but now that I'm kinda getting that aspect of myself back, I'm like hey, I actually relate to the content, so shareeeeeee the arrrrrrts wahooo!)
but yeah no, it's been insane. it kinda came back and hit like a truck after god knows how long, and honestly, it's just been wild. teeheheheehe, it's a nice feeling to have
and hey, I've been lasting longer, so I know I'm not the only one happy with the change teehehehee ^.^
all this to say hey, I guess I didn't realize just how much my depression and anxiety and who knows what else has been affecting me, until it didn't? sure, they're still there, but it's like they stuck waiting in a perpetual queue at the dmv instead of beating me over the head with a bat, so that's nice :3
wish I'd done this sooner
now it's gonna be an issue of tackling my doctor (not literally, but eh, close) - gonna have to find a new pcp that doesn't believe hrt and gender-affirming care are "wrong"
but baby steps I guess
we'll get there soon enough !!
okay, love ya, ty for sticking around for this whole things
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shmowder · 2 months
read all of them.
i Loved absolutely all of it. kept reading it in middle of my breaks as if it were a newspaper.
my favorite one is well. well i love them all LOL but there are specific moments about each of them that i like specially.
the character study / the ideal reader. i have so much adoration for each of your writtings i cant even put it into words. the entirety of it describes peter perfectly.. . as in. . its basically as if you had pathologic programmed in your brain... i absolutely adore the last line about being human and showing him that he's one too. GOD. GGOODODDD YOURE SO RIGHT. ITS. the way you describe in the poly andrey / reader / peter fic how the feelings are beyond sexual means a lot to me because of how much i like . non sexual adoration? as in i like sex as much as the other guy but i love when sex feels more passionate rather than pornographic per say. or when its more artistic than anything... or simply when love is beyond sex, is simply enough sometimes. being so in love with someone that those feelings feel so raw, so emotional so.. potent... its beyond words... is. portrayed. flawlessly.
fuck !!! even im running out of words already to describe how much i adore your work??? you could say im feeling exactly that rn LOL
and the birthday one... its so sweet.... i read both peters and andreys but as in to not make this ask any longer im just going to say i really like how peter reminds you of death in such a blunt way but. also how personal everything he does for you feels. art, as an artist, being portrayed as a love language, is. yes. absolutely. its just. perfect. all your work is beyond perfect.
i dont... exactly have a very speficic request in mind... but im brainrotting horribly over the twins so ill eventually creep in with something... hope its not much of a bother
-🌈 anon
Writing for the twins is always a delight! Their dynamic is super interesting, codependent yet each one is still their own separate individual.
In every pair, one of them will always love the other more, and in this case, Andrey clearly cares more about Peter. Which makes an x reader dynamic very special, these two only had each other for so long, do they still hold the capacity to love another person?
Peter is the one tethering on the edge of reality, one match strike away from insanity. So much so that Alexander Saburov actually does consider him clinically insane which is why he wasn't charged with the murder of Farkhad.
Yet Peter is aware that him and Andrey are extensions of each other, which is why despite Andrey being the one to kill Farkhad, Peter describes it as if his own finger was the one who pulled the trigger.
If anything I'm surprised I've been getting more requests about Peter than Andrey, but I guess I understand. Andrey is more intimidating, not monogamous neither is he willing to settle or water himself down. While Peter is more obsessive with his love, almost consuming.
With Andrey, you'll always clearly be the second choice. With Peter, there's an off-chance he will love you so much he'll forsake his own brother.
You noticed all the details and personalisation I've given each person in the birthday gifts! Mhm! Peter's intention was to remind you of death on your birthday but not in a malice way, he genuinely thought it would be beautiful. One of the gifts I had scrabble was a tombstone he designed for your grave himself, a rare smile on his face as he shows it to you with faint excitement.
One of Andrey's scrapped gifts was lingerie actually, noted down how the gift remains the same no matter the gender. It wasn't a joke lingerie either but a very expensive and intricately designed set... which fit your measures suspiciously well.
I'm so happy you liked the Ideal reader!!! I had to rewrite Peter's section twice bc the first time was deleted by tumblr- Thank you so much for all of your praise <333 and for sharing your thoughts, I'll cherish each one of your words and read them whenever I feel down.
It was a deliberate choice to make the love in that fic nonsexaul, as in it transcends both romantic and sexual love. Something so intense yet so familiar, heavy in your chest and light in your brain.
Peter accepts it without question and lets these feelings consume him, while Andrey eyes you with reprehension and scepticism.
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macawritesupdates · 4 months
I loved the new chapter of MoL it was so good I would have commented sooner but I bought a bunch of new plants yesterday but it was way to hot to get them in the ground so I decided to wait until today so I could work in the early morning before the sun got hot enough to bake me. I saw your chapter and desperately wanted to throw those plans out the window so I could sit down and read it all in one sitting right away, but alas, it was time sensitive that damn summer sun really is lethal 😔 ah the plight of a gardener. At least I had a super fun reward waiting for me when I got done. And what a reward it was! I loved yuuji's internal strife as he tried to deal with his morals and the knowledge that his sweet childhood best friend grew up to be someone who does so many awful things. Yuuji, it's not your fault baby you are only responsible for your own actions, not his... ah man, that's a lesson cannon yuuji also needs to learn huh. I am so glad he met choso I can't tell you how often I desperately want characters to just leave abusive relationships in fiction like baby get out of there yes he loves you and you love him back but his love bears rotten fruits. He's controlling and keeps you isolated and will weaponise any fear or guilt you feel against you. It is not a betrayal to leave him because he broke trust he betrayed you first by keeping you like a pet and slowly smothering the light in your soul. But usually, it's impossible to leave a relationship like that without help, especially when he controls the finances and your entire social circle. So I'm glad yuuji met choso, who offered to take him away. It still hurts though especially when I go read the yuuji files and see a version of their relationship that works because sukuna is actually willing to make compromises and doesn't try to steal yuuji's autonomy in an attempt to keep him chained. It's not easy for him, but the fact that he puts in that effort means he gets to be way happier than mol sukuna. God, I know that this is the angst fic, so we're not getting happy, but some part of me is still crying out to mol sukuna to change his ways. Just try. I know the world is awful, but you can learn to live in it side by side with him. I keep thinking of like exotic birds when they are kept in small cages without their social and enrichment needs met, look at how they start to wither sukuna, look how they stop eating and start to pull out their own feathers. That's what you've been doing to yuuji to the person you love best in all the world. He needs to be able to fly free. I know you love him and want to keep him, but you let your fear of losing him drive you to hold him too tight and now something beautiful has shattered right in your hands. If you had just trusted him he would have flown free and been happy, and always flown back to you. But you held on too tight and now he needs to flee. Ugh ouch 😫. Now I'm really worried about how their eventual reunion will go because that chapter count looks so threatening to me right now. Beautiful work thanks now I've got to go re read the yuuji files to recover. Maybe even lessons their relationship there is also so so good those silly boys pretending to be in deep hate even as they work to take such good care of each other and build a life together ❤️.
I understand the gardener's plight as I too garden u_u all my stuff is planting, now I'm just weeding, watering, and working on fixing my deck now 83 The outside work never ends!
But glad you enjoyed the chapter <3 even if this story is getting more heartbreaking by the chapter, especially next chapter where things are going to be set for what is to come ; w ; I've actually mapped out this story until the end, now just a matter of writing it all out! But I need to write some lighter things myself to recover XD The next Yuuji Files is coming up as is the last two chapters of Well Executed Failure!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
honestly, I'm so excited for pomegranate ink angst. I can't wait to see the characters in my fav jjk fic be in pain <3 Also, speaking of naoya, I'm curious to see what his reaction to seeing y/n again will be after his suspension, he must absolutely hate her and elakshi now 💀 and even though they've only interacted like twice, i love their arguing.
HAHAHA YOU’RE JUST LIKE ME FR!!! I love making characters think they’re happy and then putting them through immense pain 😁
Pomegranate Ink Naoya and Y/N thoughts below the cut because I ended up rambling as usual 😩
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING like naoya and Y/N are actually really entertaining together and while I obviously don’t ship them at all because he’s such an ass to her and in general, they ARE super fun to write because Y/N brings out the ‘best’ in naoya (which is still not that great) and he brings out the worst in her which just leads to some crazy interactions.
Honestly I feel like naoya would just not even remember elakshi. As for Y/N…their relationship is weird because I think in his own weird misogynistic way he does kind of like her. I think his feelings can be basically summed up with this quote from when they went on a mission together:
“I mean, you’re rather beautiful, and you’re engaged to Noritoshi Kamo, and it turns out you could heal if you wanted to! So what use do you have for fighting, woman?”
He kind of views Y/N as the ‘ideal’ of what a woman in jujutsu society should be (in his mind). She’s beautiful, she SEEMS subservient and only does what noritoshi allows (of course he doesn’t know about yuta or the fact that Y/N and noritoshi are p much equals in their relationship), and although she’s strong, she has the ability to heal, which means she can be pretty easily relegated to an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ type of role where she can be taken out and used as a show of status but doesn’t actively DO much (of course, as Y/N says multiple times, healing is very difficult, but I doubt naoya knows that).
His complaining comes from the fact that she’s now become a sorcerer. Instead of accepting the role that he and the higher ups designated for her, she actively rejects it, taking on missions to grow stronger and become her own person instead of just being the L/N girl that’s going to marry noritoshi. In his mind, she had the potential to be ‘perfect’ and threw that all away. She also became someone who didn’t tolerate his bullying, even occasionally talking back, which he is NOT used to from women.
I think he also has a kind of “I can fix her” mentality where he wants to be the one to force her into conforming. It would be like the ultimate ego trip for him to break sharp willful Y/N into what the higher ups want her to be, and if there’s one thing naoya loves, it’s his ego and feeling like he has power over someone.
TLDR Naoya puts Y/N on a pedestal and thinks she’s “perfect” compared the other women he knows (Maki, Mai), Y/N says fuck u to the pedestal and voluntarily jumps off to hang out w “lesser” people like Maki, Naoya is confused and wants to fix her but obviously can’t because he’s dumb and misogynistic and Y/N hates him and loves Maki because maki>>>
I actually cannot believe I put so much thought into naoya’s feelings for Y/N they have had like 1.5 scenes together. And to answer your question I think he’d probably keep treating Y/N the same post-suspension; he knows he was technically in the wrong and that he’d face consequences for it. He’s probably more mad that she still got a recommendation than that he got suspended 💀
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3vocatio · 2 years
Hello hello! Quite fun being the one to send you an ask for once, genuinely thought you’d remain a mystery to me forever lmao >w<
Anyway! While going through your blog I saw your tags on your most recent reblog of that Solomon post that’s been going around and I have to say—I’m happy to see that you also noticed that particular aspect of Solomon and Asmo’s relationship, that Sol doesn’t particularly trust him or put him on equal footing. I don’t recall what specifically gave me this impression, but I’ve always thought that they must’ve had something of a tumultuous relationship over the years, and that it’s only gotten okay around the time of the exchange program; because even though they were on good terms, according to the relationship chart the devs published (presumably around launch which is also the the time I’m assuming that Asmo’s Chapter A cards came out?) Solomon still viewed him as a tool/toy. I feel like there were moments as well that hinted that he wasn’t super happy with how overly close Asmo was behaving in S1 but I’m not sure.
And even with more recent things like Solomon saying he has trouble refusing Asmo in S3 after you meet the brothers in the human world, I kind of figured that it’s because it’s just easier to indulge him. But maybe it’s because I personally have more cynical takes on the characters’ relationships with each other? Because after some of the hard mode scenes in S2 I found myself enjoying a less rainbow and sunshine filled reading on everyone’s relationships and that there’s still plenty of baggage that hinders full trust and vulnerability.
Then again, we have Solomon saying that he still views pacts as business deals as recently as his last birthday, with Barbatos agreeing. So maybe my less fluffy takes still hold some water >.<
Anyway. Sort of just wanted to bring up Sol and Asmo because I also hardly see anyone talk about them beyond the ship + fanservice Solmare doles out and am dying to hear more about the complexities of their relationship beyond that >.< Hello again!! Still so crazy to know your personal blog omg
welcome to my abode! truth be told, i never intended on being mysterious forever. i'm someone who enjoys the satisfaction of watching others piece the puzzle together, and it goes for many occassions; my favorite being the way my friends attempt to figure out my oc lore with what information (writing) i've cleverly set out for them to find. here are some highlights from last night with a friend who refused to sleep until they've figured one (1) small piece of lore.
it's insane to think that it all inherently connects with the obm universe (because it's [godtongue]'s lore), but can easily be it's own concept without it. speaking of her ... i haven't forgotten about your other responses! i have answers for each of them neatly placed in my priv server ready to be revisited. ;)
i think you might be interesting in reading a recent ask i sent to /@.bbnibi regarding a bit of solomon's views on demons—once they respond to it of course. you mused that solomon doesn't typically like the way asmodeus behaves, and i'd like to mention that i can recall countless of times where this is something that consistently occurs. the way solomon responds to asmodeus' “i love you!”s with a curt, “i know.”? the way he went out of his way to reverse asmo's manipulative gaze when he streamed live to his audience? in the chat for, “letter from the devildom”, solomon doubted that asmodeus would be able to send any form of sincere letter. in the audio drama with sol & asmo, solomon was intensely disappointed (but not surprised) that after centuries of knowing each other, asmo knew nothing about him while mammon did. the list goes on.
imo, the only way for him to actually ensure a good relationship with someone like asmodeus (for the sake of keeping pactmates satisfied in order for them to be more willing to commit greater acts in return) is to partake in simple acts that otherwise bring no harm. persuasion doesn't seem to happen with him. if it's in his best interest, what he'd like to do anyway, or something he consider low-stakes and maybe fun to mess with, he'll let you ‘persuade’ him. he's the gatekeeper here, not you.
this is exceptionally evident in one of s4's lessons (hard mode of lesson 69) where solomon walks in on the royals mentioning him in reference to how he holds a grim reaper's emotions in the palm of his hands.
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to which barbatos acts as though nothing was ever mentioned.
i don't think your view on relationships in obm is cynical in nature at all—i think that everything is laid out before the player if they choose to see it. in this specific scenario, i don't believe that solomon considers any of the cast as close friends, even simeon. solomon went out of his way to confront simeon, dealt with his blatant denial of everything that was going on alongside his sheer disrespect towards him, and yet solomon still didn't think ill of him. he knows so much about simeon and yet, can simeon say the same for solomon?
he rarely shares personal things about himself with other people, which is a juxtaposition of sorts, because what he craves most are meaningful conversations and interactions (see: lesson 46). the clincher is that while he wants to know ALL about you, he will often hold back in sharing much about who he is and what he emotionally needs from the people around him. i can't blame him, though. there isn't anyone who is able to provide him with that in the ways that matter.
apologies for the ramble, although i know you don't mind reading longer posts ^^ after seeing a recent poll of 1k+ people on twitter regarding the popularity of characters, it irked me how solomon placed 11th due to people thinking of him as someone bland and irritating (satan placed 2nd, though). i suppose that's why i'm in the mood to talk so much about solomon—to compensate for what newer players perceive him to be.
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maschotch · 2 years
This isn't about the bingo but I was looking at your post from like two days ago about Hotch being paternal with the team and I would kill to hear your opinions about the different way he's protective of all of them. I think a lot of the reason hotchniss is so popular in this fandom is because she's really the one person on this team that doesn't interact with him like a father djdj but even still the way he goes about caring for Reid and Penelope as opposed to jj and Derek is sooo interesting and I hadn't really thought about it before. I'm not sure about Rossi, but he was even super protective of Gideon, who he saw as more of a father figure
the WAYYY that he’s protective of all of them… im gonna cry writing this out i just know it 
his protectiveness of reid is the easiest to describe i think. he understands reid’s struggles and the things he deals with that not everyone thinks about, so i think that kinship helps directly with that paternal relationship. sees him a little bit as himself, a little bit as a son, but mostly for who he is. 
it’s very very similar with penelope, but instead of seeing himself in her, he sees an optimism, a joy, a vitality that he never had. he doesnt want to extinguish that, but he knows she’s stronger than she thinks. not to put this in the cringiest way possible aksjldhg but he’s protective of her like a flower? protects her from external threats but knows that he doesnt have to handle her delicately—he can be a little rough w her to help her thrive. he sees what she’s capable of even when she can’t and that scares her a little
with jj it’s a little different. i think he recognizes that jj is strong in certain ways… i think he also recognizes that jj wants to be seen as strong in certain ways. unlike reid (who i think hotch really views as emotionally young), he’s willing to be protective from a distance. he’s still attentive and ready to swoop in when something becomes too intense, but he has a little more faith and a little more respect for her independence than reid or penelope
morgan’s a little harder bc he has to be sneakier with it asjkdlhga morgan himself is so protective that accepting the same kind of care is difficult for him. it’s just easier for everyone if they both pretend hotch is completely hands off. but i think hotch realizes that if anything he needs to be more defensive of morgan—particularly his emotions/state of mind. hotch knows morgan will push himself beyond his limits and while he doesn’t want to stop him (morgan’s independence is also something hotch encourages), he wants to make sure morgan will come out in one piece lmao 
ur right in that he has a really distinct dynamic w emily. they spend so much time protecting the team that by now he trusts her ability to take care of herself. he doesnt really need to do much askjdhl she’s got it handled. i think bc more often than not she’s the one protecting him that when she suddenly is in a precarious situation, it’s harder for hotch to maintain composure. like… morgan has his back: he’ll keep him safe. but emily supports him: she’ll hold him up. so when emily ever is in danger… hotch gets a little more desperate bc he knows the situation is serious. he's more likely to go a little too far
im soooooo fucking glad you brought up gideon because hotch is more protective of gideon than anyone else. it’s a fierce, unwavering commitment. bc hotch really does see gideon as a sort of father figure (he’s also aware that there are limitations on the reciprocation of that type of relationship) but he’s also aware that while gideon is an expert in certain areas, there are also other things that he’s not so good at. hotch is more than happy to supplement when needed, and he's studied him long enough to know the man better than anyone. so that’s the “care” aspect of the protectiveness, but what makes it soo different from the others is the fervid, fiery defense that’s uncharacteristically hotheaded for hotch. like the “watch your mouth” thing… how many times do we see hotch snap like this when he’s not dealing with unsubs (or abusive fathers)?? he’s so passionate with his loyalty.. a dedication that brings that aggression right up to the surface in a way thats just so fun <3
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skybristle · 2 years
so they defeated Dork Enchantress cause the power of whatever the hell they have going on theyre all on crack tbh but Dark Enchantress turns back into White Lily, and this is everyone's reaction Pure Vanilla: Incredibly happy, sobbing happpy tears and hugging her and apologizing for being unable to help her before dark cacao: uneasy and there's tension between him and lily, but he is glad to see that she is okay but not ready to forgive her (because of what she did to Dark Choco as Dark Enchantress) hollyberry: Upset but willing to forgive Lily, but their friendship is basically over GOlden cheese: Pissed the FUCK off, not willing to forgive lily and though Lily is BEGGING to be forgiven Cheese just cannot forgive her at all and won't even talk OR look at her, ends up leaving first gingerbrave: super happy and easily forgiving lily I can see Golden as being the serious but also the least serious one of the group, she can turn serious in an instant if it calls for it
but yeah oretty much the entire ancient group fell apart and theres tension between everyone dumbing it down to an ovenbreak relationship chart White Lily's relationships: Gingerbrave- "Thank you for forgiving me..." (friendly) Pure Vanilla- "I'm so sorry... I wish I had listened..." (tensiono) Dark Cacao- "I understand if you hate me for what I did to your son." (friendly) Golden Cheese- "Wait, come back! I'm so sorry..." (tension) and here's everyones relationship w her: Pure Vanilla: "I should've stayed by your side." (Friendly) Gingerballs: "It's alright! Nobody was hurt that badly." (Friendly, i also fucking hate gingerbrave since he so would be like this and someone would 100% be dead) Dark Cacao: "You cannot undo your actions." (Tension) Golden: "You are no longer welcome in my kingdom." (Tension)
YEAH GOD. personally in my fanon i just kill DE off. im not personally fond of the idea of white lily being brought back to life,,,, it just feels like a waste of character and an erasement of all of the abhorrent shit that DE and to an extent WL did. it also erases the character growth of PV finally giving up on forgiveness and realizing the situation is unsalvagable and he needs to kill her to protect what he loves. i think thats a lot more powerful of a storyline. i do agree that golden cheese would get extremely angry with white lily, as soon as she knows the truth she's unwavering in the fact that regardless of who she was or what she is now that dark enchantress *has* to die. she's watched her kingdom, her friend's, and millions of lives be torn and shredded over this war, and she needs it to *end*. in my rewrite of oddessy, she actually shatter's white lily's stained glass portrait in a rage as she yells at pv for lying to her and obscuring the truth. white lily doesnt deserve to be pictured amongst them anymore, and she cannot *beleive* that after all this time, in the rebuilding of the kingdom she destroyed, he still puts up carefully crafted artwork, windows, an entire garden in his visage. especially since he KNEW the whole time, even in the first round of the war.
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angeldormante · 3 years
Hi!! Im the Leo-withdrawal anon! I didnt ask anything prior to the one you just answered, but I'm so happy you responded! I'd honestly listen to anything you write--I think you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself, and the way you write is just... *chef's kiss* I guess, a question I'd have for you is this: What sort of hobbies do you headcanon our fearless leader to have? Quirks? Both endearing and... less so? I think that'd be a fun start!
hokay.... finally getting around to this!! sorry for the wait and thank you for bearing with me, anon! (ty for the compliment, too -- i'm very flattered jfjflk i just like talking about turtles ok (•̥ ̫ •̥) )
now... lemme talk blue to ya.
if we're talking about hobbies, well. stop me if you think you've heard this before -- leo loves training. for all of the guys, ninjutsu is a way of life; it's how they survive the world, how they connect with themselves and one another; it's their entire culture that the foundations of their family is built upon. and that's super neat. but watch 2k3 for like, one episode, and you'll very quickly see that the only one that fully leans into it is leo. mikey and don have their own interests that they often can't get to quickly enough once the day's training session ends. i think raph actually enjoys training recreationally as well -- but he's more interested in the physical aspect, spending his energy, bulking up, not necessarily focusing on skill or technique. i like to imagine that growing up, leo and raph spent a lot of time in the dojo together doing their own thing, kind of "separate but together"; before casey came along and raph got into hanging out topside with him.
leo, though, he throws himself fully into training. he's incredibly dedicated to it not only because of his sense of responsibility, but because he genuinely enjoys it -- he enjoys improving his technique, his skill. he enjoys the repetition of learning, which helps to calm and center him. he enjoys meditation, which helps him focus and clear his mind. as an introvert, and precisely because his family doesn't hang around the dojo as often as he does, leo's solo training time is his time -- it's his chance to relax and decompress. i think it's exactly why he spiraled harder and harder in season 4 no matter how much training he did: at that point, it was no longer a hobby, but an obsession. leonardo normally uses training as a healthy outlet, but when he channeled his exodus trauma into it, he removed his main method of decompression and replaced it with the intent to fuel that exact trauma. (sidebar, though i've talked about it before: i also feel like this is why fast forward is so excellent at showing leo's character growth. he is extremely zen and such a huge advocate of healthy self-reflection in the way he coaches cody and his clone. my sweet boy, so proud of him in that season.)
now i know what you may be thinking. and you're right. there's more to leo than his life in the dojo... so let's talk about some other hobbies i like to think he has!
so here's the thing, and i think it's something else i've touched on before... but i think leo actually has a very strong bond with donnie. their temperaments are very similar, they feel similar burdens when it comes to protecting the family, etc... and to be honest, i think they bond a lot over the same nerdy hobbies too! i think leo is a huge freaking nerd.
i legit think that donatello has probably absorbed his brother into more than one of his hobbies, both unwillingly and not. some things click for leo, and some things don't. some things he has a hard time getting into until he discovers a certain aspect of it or views it from a different perspective. but he is very often willing to try anything.
for example, i imagine that growing up, leo and don played a lot of chess together. don used to overwhelmingly win, until they got older and older leo got deeper and deeper into the tactical aspect, and soon he was beating don quite soundly more often than he wasn't. don started getting into engineering manuals and physics books, while leo started getting into history texts and military treatises, but both shared a love for novels and would swap their favorites regularly. and they still play chess, of course.
don got into nerdy sci-fi shows. like, really into them. and leo couldn't quite pick up the thread on that one, but he was content to endure every fourth movie night when it was don's turn to pick. and slowly he began getting drawn into it, the same way anyone does -- he enjoyed the campiness of the plot, how absolutely ludicrous the fight choreography was, how sometimes there were actually deep and thoughtful moments. it was both a welcome respite from the intensity of his reality and something he could put to practical use if he had to, like, steal a spaceship one day, though the odds of that happening seemed pretty low⁽ˡᵒˡ⁾. he was never able to quote any of the episodes verbatim like donnie, but it was something they could discuss and lightly bicker about during the times when leo is mindlessly helping out around don's lab. (more on that in a sec.)
also? i can absolutely. totally. easily see leo as a tabletop game enthusiast. i think i'll refrain from getting lost in the weeds on that once, since this is already starting to run long, but i just want to put that in your mind. tmnt dnd gaming nights. let that sit for a second.
okay moving on.
i genuinely think that leo just likes existing in the general vicinity of his family and extended family. not necessarily doing anything; just being there, doing something with his hands. if don is working on a project, leo may drift in, and don will ask him to hand him certain tools or read aloud certain notes on the screen, because he knows the deal. if raph is lifting weights and leo wanders over from his own training session, raph may ask him to spot, or set up the next pair of weights, because he knows how it is. if mikey is sitting in the living room playing video games and leo appears on the couch next to him, he might toss him a controller, or he may just start blabbering about what game he's playing and what level he's on, because he's got it. if april and casey are tidying up her shop for a new shipment of merchandise and leo just randomly appears in the window, feathered duster in hand, april smiles and puts on water for tea and casey teases him and throws him a broom instead without blinking. because that's just how leo is.
the thing is, leo is one of those people who have such a strong presence that -- as long as he's not trying to hide it, of course -- you know he's there because he carries such an atmosphere with him. on the other hand, leonardo is the type of person who is genuinely content to just be in the background. which may sound totally at odds with the whole leader schtick, but i think it's just kind of this duality he has: he can be both at the forefront and in the background, depending on the situation and what is needed from him. does this mean he doesn't have his own hobbies or interests? of course not! but even canonically, throughout the series leo is shown to be just as happy with his hands off the reins so long as there's not a mission in front of him. and i think it's precisely this lack of that constant need for control that shows just how whole and rich leo's inner life is, how he feels full and complete without his leadership/big brother role completely defining him, and how season 4 rips that carpet from under his feet to show the unhealthy side of that particular coin.
so as much as a cop-out answer it may sound like -- i think that leo just enjoys doing things with his brothers. he likes rooftop runs with them. he likes pizza and cards with them. he likes movies, sports, and games with them. but he's also his own person, and he enjoys being in his head, and he has hobbies that help him make his head a healthy place to be; his family absolutely respects that quality, and leonardo is a much more well adjusted person for it.
er.... i didn't really get into quirks or bad habits, but this has run really long already and it's getting late, lmao. so i think i will stop here for now. =w= thank you for letting me ramble again about my blue boy, anon; i know i'm slow, but hopefully i rambled enough to make up for it!
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ktheist · 3 years
Loved your recent work!!! I was so fond of how oc and tae's relationship grew at such a quick pace yet felt nothing close to overwhelming, the trust, love and effort they're willing to put into their relationship was so lovely to read and unfold 🥺 oc is definitely my favorite character and worthy of so many hugs even though side eyed her for treating yoojung like that! Which reminds me, could you give a little extra details on jk and yoojung's relationship? You don't have to I'm so sorry if this came off as demanding I was just interested in finding out how they'd make it work or how yoojung would grow confidence within herself and her relationship with koo. Thank you for releasing such a lovely work!!!! Have a great day ❤️
First off thank you!!! I'm really happy you liked and event sent this wonderful ask to know more about the character(s) 🥺
 true, oc needs to get her act together and make up to yoojung, esp since yoojung is her best friend's girlfriend now so they'd be seeing each other a lot and the guilt is gonna catch up to her soon. but oc being oc would tell jk to invite yoojung to their get togethers bc she knows it would make jk happy that she and yoojung are getting along. then when she's alone w yoojung (taehyung's probably in on getting jk away for a bit like dragging jk to his study to geek about a new art he got and jk would follow bc he's supportive and welcomes his best friend's geeking) - anyways oc would apologize to yoojung and say that if get togethers like this make her uncomfy, oc would back off and make excuses about being busy next time but they would probably have to meet for special occasions and oc apologizes bc she probably won't be able to avoid that.
"the least I could do is leave you two alone after cockblocking for years." is something along the lines oc would say.
but yoojung being yoojung would forgive oc though the new person she is would give oc a piece of her mind first.
something like, “it’s cool i forgot about it but since you mentioned it, you do know you were an ass back then right?”
in college, yoojung thought oc was cool bc jk always talked about her before yoojung fr met oc. so when oc wasn't the person she thought she'd be, yoojung was surprised but she still joined hang outs where oc was around bc like jk said ‘maybe oc was having a bad day‘ but she was hesitant to talk to oc first bc oc was hostile at the party. later, after oc started dating taehyung, oc started not giving any mind to yoojung and yoojung was ‘oh ): i guess we’re not meant to be friends’. but given oc’s personality, the two of them would’ve been great friends if oc were’t biased against yoojung (she sees yoojung as a fickle and would dump jk when the going gets tough - but since jk and yoojung didn’t date in college we’ll never know if college!yoojung would cut and run) and if yoojung didn’t know/like jk first.
so in college, after the waterslides, her relationship or like whatever she had with jk faded away bc yoojung started distancing herself from him even though she knew he was asking her out like "oh I haven't seen that movie yet, wanna go watch together?"
but yoojung would always say no bc she was pretty traumatized to get close to rich kids even if jk is one of the decent ones. the person she was in college still sought validation from her friends or friendships but she knew when to back off when she felt like she wasn't welcomed by a certain group. so she found her own not so rich friends aka normal friends who she could relate to. actually, before she started hanging out w seonghwa who’s jk’s friend, she was a little floating cloud with lots of friends w no particular friends who she’d hang out with. so the normal friends were more like friends she was close with but never really hung out with them to get to know them until she dissociate herself from jk & co.
then, looking back, she realized that she wasn't the problem at all. it was those rich kids who were like super bratty and probably didn't like her bc she can't afford high end brands (i say probably bc she’ll never know and she defo didnt know yoojin was mean to her bc their names sounded similar lol) so she learned from that and started going "omg yes they're so cheap!!!" whenever a rich brat tried to point out that whatever she's wearing is a ripoff. she wasn't ashamed for wearing what she wore before but yoojin picking on her clothes or shoes like that kinda made her notice something wrong about what she’s wearing. but no more of those!! yoojung finds these cheap ripoffs or no name brands very practical and they last long enough that once she gets tired of them, they would be worn out and ready to go in the bin so she can change her wardrobe occasionally which is fun!
either way once she met jk again, she's like "oh he's the cute dude I had a crush on before" but that's about it. then jk being jk was very giddy to meet yoojung again. after meeting 2 times at a meeting he finally asked her out and yoojung said no unless it's for work bc she's practical and if they're gonna eat a meal together, might as well also discuss about the project they're supposed to work on. they keep meeting up several times and she accepts jk's kindness like driving her home after the supposed 'dinner-work meetin.' it was pretty confusing for jk bc no girl has ever look like she's interested in him but also be disinterested. it's like... like he's not enough for yoojung to want a relationship with but she appreciates his handsome face, treats him like a decent human being and is quite happy with working with him but that's it!! usually for jk, when a girl is nice to him, he thinks they're into him (another slap of reality to his face lmao). he kinda knows he’s oblivious when it comes to girls but don’t know how to fix that. so it takes him a lot of advice seeking from jimin the tru womanizer/personizer (since jimin would screw just about anyone) and from taehyung who’s in an established relationship. so like both friends know how to treat a possible love interest but with different approaches and jk needs all the advice he can get.
over time, after lots of lots effort put into giving flowers, chocolates etc by jk, yoojung admits she likes likes jk but she doesn't wanna be a 2nd choice and he can't be choosing oc and taehyung over her like celebrating holidays w the three of them and including her in it as an addition ; a third wheeler. jk had a lot of thinking to do after that esp about his priorities. they make it work bc yoojung explains to him why she gets upset since he's pretty oblivious to things. his previous gfs just dumped him whenever they're upset bc they get even more frustrated that he couldn't figure things out himself.
anyway, yoojung isn't as fixed on achievements being a yardstick for your self worth. unlike oc who keeps making money and expanding her business so she can be a worthy partner for taehyung. neither definition of worthiness is bad; just different. and taehyung loves oc even if she’s not building an empire as we speak.
And yoojung is content with herself as she is. she'll welcome jk in her life but two strikes and he's out; but jk keeps showing that he's willing to listen and learn and yoojung isn't the kind to fault someone for being ignorant esp since they're eager to improve. and yeah, that's how yoojung grew into herself and how she and jk's relationship is going!
this answer turned out to be a little long. either way, may you have the wonderfullest of day <3
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elysianslove · 3 years
bae is studying all those scientific terms in german worth it,,,?
i have a choice to go to canada but i don't want to burden my parents with the money,,,
truth is, up until now i'm still super indecisive because of so many factors. on one hand, canada will definitely eliminate language barriers, and i already have a friend here to help me, plus it’s closer to the us (i lowkey wanna visit) but, on the other germany is cheaper and everyone said the standard of living is better there overall?? and germany is like known for its technological advancements,,, BUT i'm scared i won't be able to handle learning the language,,, my parents tell me to choose whatever makes me happy but the guilt of burdening them with more money to pay eats me up inside 😭
ARGH i'm so sorry i keep talking about my own stupid problems i honestly don't know who else to turn to,,, pls ignore this if you don't feel like dealing with me. love you lots, your works help me in these stressful times <333 how's ur life in uni tho?? may i know if it's like easier or harder than high school :/
— 💤 anon
hi lovely! i honestly can’t tell you if it’s worth it or not bc i’ve never been in your situation, but it’s really ultimately up to you. you were outweighing the pros and cons w like canada and stuff, and i think you should do that again in more depth, you know? especially long term. like which one will properly benefit you more in the long run, but will also not be impossible to deal with in the short run?
when it comes to money, there’s financial aids and scholarships and, when you enroll in the university and start gaining credits there’s also things like dean’s lists to give u another percentage off your tuition. if money is not too tight and not a big issue, and your parents are, themselves, telling you to think of it last, i think go through everything about both germany and canada and then consider the money. but only if money is not so much of a deciding factor. it’s different for everybody of course, and priorities differ.
i relate so much to the burden part though. like i always feel guilty when i spend money even though i shouldn’t because it’s not like i’m asking for anything unimaginable you know? dhsbdjd something we both gotta work on 😞☝🏼
anyways please don’t apologize im happy to help whenever wherever !!! im honored that you feel like you can come to me :)) <3
and well, in regards to uni ,,, it obviously depends on so, so many things, like your major, the professors you end up with, the courses you’ll be taking but technically — and i don’t wanna scare you — it is harder than high school. i graduated from a school that was incredibly demanding academics wise, so the workload wasn’t as shocking when i got to uni. it’s more of the difficulty level. you really have to put in effort to succeed at uni, so if you’re a hard worker and you’re willing to put in the work and the effort, you’ll be good to go! there will be days where you will want to drop out if we’re being realistic, but push through. it’ll be all worth it in the end when you get the results you deserve i promise :)
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kimnjss · 4 years
(same anon that hated loy yn - super long ask i sorry 🥺 pls forgive) i didn't like how she spent the whole fic making jimin go thru shit to be w her even straining his relationship w a close friend of his just bc she couldn't talk to her own friend. i totally get that miju (or was it mina? aksnksks i can't remember) was kind of a disaster, but i felt like yn kept using that as an excuse to avoid telling her the truth and jimin just had to deal w it bc he really wanted to be w yn so he went along w what she wanted.
then at the end she gets upset and breaks it off w him bc he did something that inconvenienced (not the right word at all but yk) her??? idk maybe i interpreted/remembered wrong but it seemed to me that yn wasn't willing to do the whole long distance thing even though she just put jimin thru a bunch of shit the entire fic. i get that jimin should've told her earlier so i understand being upset but she was also going thru the whole miju thing then so he didn't want to add to that stress until she figured that out so i don't blame him for waiting???
idk i feel like jimin was just more considerate the whole fic while yn was sort of . looking out for herself??? in regards to her and jimin not with her and miju. some of the decisions she made i just didn't vibe w.
and i don't like her attitude in vintage either??? like the part when he told her she was pretty and she was all ofc i'm not gonna show up looking bad. like good for her for being confident but idk it still seems a bit .. rude. ik she didn't vocalize that but idk how to explain this.
and i agree that jimin shouldn't get to waltz in and just act like everything's cool, but i feel like yn is sort of acting like she's the only one that was hurt when she was the one who broke up w him? (i think?) maybe if they had tried to make it work long distance then they could've gotten more .. closure???
idkkk also ik she's happy for namjin but for me it seemed like when she was worried about the relationship not working out after the marriage it was like . she couldn't handle the fact that her relationship didn't work out while they are happy ... ik that's most probably NOT what's goin thru her head and she has every right to be worried bc they're her friends who have been together for a relatively short time but still??? my brain is a mess im sorry 🥺
really cool how you said loy yn was the best tho!! i personally am a fan of groupie love and do it again!! but maybe that's just bc those were two of my fave fics overall so i am biased haha (unrelated but groupie love jimi is a badass and i love him)
i'll be honest it's been a while since i read loy so i might be wrong on some details and i also think that i might just be naturally inclined to hate yn bc jimi is my baby so im biased 🥺 but yeahh regardless!!! namjin married that's all that matters <33 keep up the good work!! take breaks when u need!!
hm okay i can see where you’re coming from. her breaking things off w jimin tho was to protect their relationship . they were still new and never got the chance to properly be together - so jumping into long distance at that point could’ve ruined them . she was looking out for the sake of their relationship w the thought in mind that they’d get back together when he got back . 
her not swooning at the compliment from soohyun has everything to do w her not wanting to get too emotionally involved w him . bc that’s the biggest thing she’s trying to avoid right now . and also ., it’s great that she knows she looks good and doesn’t feel that she needs validation from some dude on how she looks . 
she did break up with him before he left - but what happened after that is all on jimin . they broke up w the understanding that they would get back together when he came back . just didn’t want to put their new relationship through the strain of long distance . 
and her feelings abt namjin is one hundred percent her projecting . she doesn’t really feel that way tho - nd she’s happy for them ., it’s just being there in the moment . keep in mind she’s been burying her feelings for over a year now . she’s glad that they’re together ., but you know she’s a mess on the inside . 
OMG. FORGIVE ME. bc i forgot abt do it again yn ., she’s the best . literally i love her w all my heart - i can’t believe i forgot abt the one true queen . loy!yn would be a close second for me . 
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Hey, so I'm force to go to this xenophobic church in Manhattan- they even have an organization where they go to abortion clinics and coerce people w/ uteruses to not go forward with the abortion (they are very open with promoting this organization). I stopped paying tithes to them a long time ago, because knowing what I know abt the intricacies of childbirth & what it's like to be LGBTQ+ in particular, I literally cannot support what the church is doing bc I believe its harmful (1)
Today my mom and I were talking about finances and I’ve been in a sort of bind recently because I’ve had to pay off credit cards, one of which I used to pay for repairs to my car & another person’s car when I got into an accident over the summer, plus I still have my biweekly car payments to worry about. I’ve been managing, but I dont really have much money to myself, and because everyone’s out at either work or school, I normally buy food for myself because no one is home to cook. (2)
My mom straight up told me that the reason why I have been broke is b/c I’m not paying tithes, which kind of took me off guard bc I thought it was because I wasnt putting in as much hours for school (I have a two day break on Monday-Tuesday but decided not to put in any extra hours because I didn’t want to overwork myself like last semester + my mental health has been extremely poor). (3)
Since she said that I’ve been in a sort of panic mode, that maybe I won’t be able to be myself in the future and get surgery/HRT and find a suitable partner (I’m an aro/ace trans guy and I desire to be in a qpp with another guy), which has been debilitating because I’ve been seriously struggling with my social skills, and have literally only two friends that I’ve been keeping contact with occasionally, though its difficult because we have all gone on separate paths due to life basically (4)
Anyways this is a super long ask but I felt like it needed context because the fact that I suck as socializing & making friends has affected my self-esteem and mental health to the point where I have thoughts of s*icide, among other things, including flashbacks of traumatic events that I wouldnt have otherwise remembered. Basically I wanted to ask- am I wrong for not paying tithes to this church? Will God punish me for not paying tithes to this church? (5)__________
Hey there, anon. I’m so sorry for the delay in answering this, I’ve been having some mental health issues of my own so I’ve been taking a little break from this blog. I hope that you are hanging in there, and that things might even be looking up for you since you sent this in. 
I’m sorry that you are experiencing so much distress right now; and that your mom’s comments have added to it. I know that money is tight for you right now, but if at all possible, I recommend seeking professional help to guide you through dealing with the flashbacks of traumatic events and all that; some therapists offer sliding scale payment options for patients who need it. I know that’s not what you’re asking about though, so on to tithes.
I 100% think you’re making the right decision not offering your money to this church. You disagree with their ministry and do not see God’s will in it; giving them money would be contributing to those ministries.
People offer tithes (or a smaller fraction of their financial income) to their faith community as an expression of gratitude to God, a willing response to God’s activity in that faith community. You see God’s movement in a community, and you want to be a part of that movement; so you offer financial gifts to keep the movement going. Generosity should never be pressured out of a person, it should never feel like an obligation; if the Holy Spirit is moving you to give, you’ll feel a real desire to give. 
Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 8:11-13 about our financial offerings coming from a place of desire, not obligation: 
“And in this matter I am giving my advice: it is appropriate for you who began last year not only to do something but even to desire to do something—now finish doing it, so that your eagerness may be matched by completing it according to your means. For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has — not according to what one does not have.“ 
That above quote teaches us several things about offerings made to our faith communities, the first of which applies directly to your current situation, while the other two apply to giving in general:
It assures us that we should give what we desire to give – that desire and eagerness will come to us naturally when we truly hear God’s Word read, proclaimed, and acted out. 
The quote also assures us that one only has to give “according to what one has, not according to what one does not have” – so even if you one day find a faith community wherein the Spirit moves you to desire to give, 10% of your current income is probably more than you have to give at the moment, and that’s okay.
Finally, Paul doesn’t specify finances in this quote – what you give to a church whose mission you believe God approves of doesn’t have to be money, especially if money isn’t something you have at the moment. It might be your time or your skills, your voice or your strength, your art or your presence – whatever unique gifts God has given you that you can use for the good of God’s world. 
If you don’t see God’s activity at this church, and thus are not moved to a genuine desire to offer what money you can, don’t do it. God does not oblige us to give money just for the sake of giving it; it’s not a task to check off the list of things you need to do in order to “earn” God’s love or blessing in your life. You don’t have to do a single thing to “earn” God’s love and blessing; God gives these things freely to each of us. 
Sometimes we don’t recognize that love and blessing clearly, because for better or worse God isn’t a micro-manager who swoops in and makes everything work out perfectly in our lives. Instead, humanity’s free will has built up systems that keep many of us poor, many of us oppressed; people who don’t “deserve” to suffer…suffer. Not from any fault of theirs, not because they failed to “earn” God’s help or because they did something to bring God’s punishment on them – but because that’s just the way this world is right now. It hurts people who should be protected. Even so, we trust that God is there – God is there with you in the midst of your distress, your struggles to make ends meet, your pain at the trauma you’re reliving. 
You aren’t broke because you’re not paying tithes; you’re broke because our world is broken and forces students to work long hours on top of keeping up with schoolwork and mental health stuff. I’m so sad and mad on your behalf that you’re stuck in this situation, and I hope things improve really soon.
Friend, I promise you, there will be a future where you’re able to go on hrt, where you are able to live as your full self, where you have friends and a qp partner and where you are happy and loved. There will be a future where you find a faith community that you’re thrilled to give back to, whether that’s your time and talent or your money or all of the above, because you truly see God’s activity in the work they do. It sucks that these things aren’t all true for you here and now, but I believe in that future for you. In the meantime, I promise you: God’s with you, unconditionally. 
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benhaardy · 6 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a ship for Queen and BoRhap? Xx I'm 20, 5'5, dyed hair that's currently red, 3 tattoos and glasses. I study technical theatre, specialising in stage management which means long hours and very short breaks. I get stressed very easily and suffer from anxiety and OCD. I am obsessed with history and love to sing/dance and act out scenes when I'm alone in the house. I also play bass. I am very quiet and introverted but loud when you get to know me. Hot tempered xx
i ship you with GWILYM and JOHN!
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much like gwil, you are quietttt before you get comfortable so when you were introduced to him at a party for a play, it was pretty chill and subdued. as the night came on, you both opened up and stuff to each other.
he understands how you are and what you can and can’t do very well and though he hasn’t met many people with ocd, he tries to understand as much of it as he can when you guys get more serious.
gwils very sweet and accommodating and open it's very nice
his voice is quite soothing also so when you’re all stressed he just talks you through it. and you rant and you cry and you everything but hes there 4 u and he wants to let you know that!!! he understands how hard it is to just be in a play he can’t imagine how hard it is to run it !
when you have to work late you always apologize profusely to him but he literally just shuts you down. iTS FINNNNEEE!!!!!! he says. he always understands. duty calls, yknow.
you two are that cute couple at the library whispering profusely as you both see books you like. he likes the classics and ofc you like the historical ones and sometimes you exchange books to see how both of you like them. both of you usually end up liking each other's books.
he deffffiniiiteeellyyyy understands acting out scenes when you’re on your own. you join each other often when either of you are doing it and it turns out to be pretty fun and chill.
singing!!!!! dancing!!!!!!
ok, first of all, i just wanna address: this man is a noodle. he's a big noodle and he loves messing around while dancing. it's basically just a pool noodle jumping up and down and sometimes flailing. you laugh a shit ton when he debuts it during get-togethers and everyone literally loses their shit
(hes actually a pretty good legit dancer tho)
his singing voice is so smooooothie and pretty nice even though he sings off key a lot to hide his talent. you always compliment him anyways and you can see the blush on him start to rise.
“who’s is this?” he asked, pointing to the bass in your room. “mine, silly.” “you can play?” “uh, yeah?” “i have someone who needs your help.”
enter joe mazzello and your crash course with him on playing the bass. though it wasn’t one of the requirements for joe to get cast in the film, he wanted to be sure. gwil took pictures a lot when you two were working together and they were quite cute.
lmao, he LOVES your hair and playing w it. you two are also that cute couple w the glasses that everyone knows and you twin sometimes.
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first of all, john is basically one eye of your storm. he is the calm in the middle of everything. though just a dude will not fix what’s happening, he helps you deal with it in a lot of ways.
his presence is just so chill that it’s relaxing. when you’re hurrying to make everything work for the show he can always tell when everything is just. too much. just way too much. he waits for you until you have a break and you guys just eat the food he brings and VENT. vent vent vent.
john is very patient and yes will wait for a whileee before you get a break. but it’s worth it just to be there at your side (to remind you how he still loves you, he still loves yoooooouuuu [sorry]) to just be like. i’m here for you. i love you. you have someone that’ll be there for you when you’re stressed.
he’s also a voice of reason and you both have long talks when you both can just about life and your stresses and everything. yall like talking about the future
he knows your boundaries and what you aren’t comfortable with. like anyone, you feel like you’re bothering him when he offers to go to the store and such for you. you two were very open with each other from the start and you could tell him what you could and couldn’t do pretty quickly.
you also comfort him when there are band disputes. he rants quite a bit because of all the conflict. ᵈᶦˢᶜᵒ ɴᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴏ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵍᵉᵗˢ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇ ˢᶦᵈᵉ ᴛʜɪs ᴅᴏᴇsɴᴛ ɢᴇᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙ sɪᴅᴇ. john just wants them to blease!!! stop!!! his stories are quite funny and when he dramatically retells them his impressions are pretty spot on.
buttttt your relationship is absolutely not just deep stuff and everything. he has quite the sense of humour and you guys will tend to literally just laugh at like. nothing. the guys will just watch you two giggle and be like … ?? but it’s you and john, there’s nothing quite like either of you.
the boys get used to you two’s loud laughter. you two bring out the best (and most outgoing) side in each other.
you closed the door as quietly as you could, getting home from a very very long and stressful day at work. you threw your keys in the bowl, put your jacket on the stand, and plopped on the couch. you rubbed your face, your eyes, everything in an effort just to kinda… wipe off the tension and stress. you sat up and took a large breath and noticed a card on the table. that familiar teeny little-slanted writing was on there telling you to “just sit back and relax for a little. there’s food and everything in the fridge and i’m upstairs. if you’re coming back in the middle of the night, just wake me. i love you. -john”
both of you love music (ofc) and when he found out you played the bass also he was extremely happy. you’d be someone he could bounce ideas off of, someone to tell him, hey, this sucks or this is really good. you play together often.
one time you were at the studio with him, early in your guys’ relationship but after he found out you played. john handed you his bass nonchalantly and boom. you played just like normal. you looked up and the guys were all staring at you. “what is it?” you asked, handing the bass back to john. “you really are the perfect person for him,” freddie said softly, his smile genuine, happy. you blushed, it was only such a little passage of time that you two had been together.
singing! he loves your voice and you sing along to his playing quite a lot. when it’s a late night at the studio, you two just chill on the couch, you’re on one side, he’s on the other side with a bass, both of you just lying on your backs
^thats a lot of commas but anyway it’s so chill.
sometimes he sneaks up behind you when you’re acting out a scene and he loves watching you do it.
he finds your hair super cool and your tattoos nice and maybe he’d get one in a different universe but for now he’d just rather look and love yours.
hey hey hey i just wanna let you know that like wowowooww what you do is the lord’s work and its super freaking cool that you do all of that like wooaah. i rlly hope you like this and i got what i have about ocd right that was very important to me. thank you for being so willing to talk to me about it !!! if somethins wrong just shoot me a message. byebyee !!
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beenote-blog1 · 7 years
hello i'm the frustrated d/c!anon of that post you reblogged and i just wanted to say thank you for sharing those wonderful tags. "we deserve those amazing epic stories too" we do, we do. saving to look at again when i need a reminder of all the good people who are in this together, of the good things that came out of this in spite of where it has gone and where it might end.
anon, i’m sorry it took me a little while to respond to this. this is really thoughtful & sweet and i’m immensely touched that my sort of random tag rambling can serve as a little comforting reminder when the feelings get overwhelming or shipping is just a lot to handle. ♥
more accidental long rambling you probably didn’t want behind the read-more because I talk a lot
In your original message, you mentioned not having a lot of people to talk to who can understand caring so much and I relate so very much to that. I have some people who will listen to me talk it out, but they don’t really understand just how much it /means/ to me - especially when I’m feeling worried or crushed by it. Like you, intense level of reaction I’ve had to d/c had me questioning why exactly it was causing so many intense roller-coaster feelings and after thinking about it for awhile, I realized how starved I’ve been for their exact sort of epic friendship/romance story; but one which (finally) reflects (and has the potential to further reflect) some of my own experiences with dealing with my sexuality and even my own romantic experiences [okay, obviously nothing so epic in my own romantic experiences, but there’s enough there to go “yes, yes, exactly” and the rest is “this is the ideal story, who wouldn’t fall in love with this?”]. Destiel is very much what I cleave to in romance and in storytelling and it speaks to me beyond just a ship. It’s the type of story that’s always spoken to my soul [far reaching and life changing and full of love and hope and at the same time, saturated in a bit of pain and tragedy], the kind of story I’ve always sought out. I mean, of course, the dream is finding a story that could even further reflect those things & the experiences of my life and give me /more/ of the sorts of stories I’m hungry for, but the search is long and arduous for all of us and destiel has been the kind of story so many of us can carry with us and again, god, don’t we deserve those stories? the kind we carry with us? 
A big part of that, as well, is that I think d/c is sort of…wide open in a way? People with a lot of different experiences and forms of identity can find themselves reflected in d/c. Look at all of the different ways people relate to and identify with Cas.
and this is getting rambly/off track but I also think there’s a lot to be said for the ways dean and cas and their relationship highlights the lines of friendship and romance that lgbtq+ people experience and struggle with in their own unique ways. Plus, we just really want to feel like we can see ourselves in those starcrossed / will stretch across the universe and time / can survive the worst challenges type of romances and that’s fair. It’s understandable. (Those are the types of stories that have been capturing the hearts of people for ages, why wouldn’t they capture ours?) I’m not saying there aren’t canon lgbtq+ ships that aren’t out there trying to do the same and I work really hard to support them, but it doesn’t erase what destiel has meant for me and I imagine, for many others. Even with representation increasing in media, people are still struggling to find things that speak to them and it’s going to take a long time still before there’s enough representation and enough to choose from that people can find these types of stories more readily (hopefully ones which will follow through/become canon/and aren’t troubled by all of the terrible things we’ve had to deal with, with d/c). So uhm, I think, just knowing there’s a beautiful story like deancas that doesn’t have to be a strictly a straight romance and that has been unfolding slowly and so organically - even if large parts of it have had to be done in fandom -  and that has been a story ripe for inspiration and a place for people to come and feel hopeful / explore a beautiful story/ themselves/ find happiness, that’s impactful. I think it appeals to a wide array of people and it speaks to something essential in us. so, despite everything, it’s hard to just erase that from people’s minds and hearts. 
Saying that; however, I also really understand and empathize with the issues people have with the ship and especially with the way it’s been handled (I also carry around a lot of those issues and struggle with them). I also can’t divorce myself from the power of what the ship has given me or what an impact it’s had and clearly, has had for many many other people. I think there’s a reason the ship has lasted as long as it has and that it has so many people who have continued to enliven it and shape it through art, writing, content, love, ect. - even when other ships are available. I know there are people who fetishize it, like all things, but a majority of people I’ve come across are people who have found a bit of themselves, their hopes, their love, and their desire for good storytelling in the ship and for me, that’s just so special. It doesn’t erase the terrible things either; though, which is why I think it’s important to talk about those problems and make an effort to support the stories and ships that do better, as well as to be vocal about where our lines are at. I really do understand the deep pain and struggle that comes with loving this ship, especially when we’re looking at the layers added on by being part of any marginalized community - we can’t separate from that, can we? Spn has been terrible at representation across the board, period. That baggage is inevitably added on to destiel and I don’t think it can be separated. I think it’s unfair to ever demand that anyone does. 
@awed-frog, as always, has put it all much more eloquently than I ever could in most of her writing about destiel/spn, but again - I think we all have to make a choice about what we, personally, are willing to take from this. So much of the unfortunate reality of this ship has been laid out bare (the likely possibility it won’t go canon, the purposeful choice by the writers to put it in the subtext/partial text but not follow through, issues within the shipping community itself, on and on). For me, I’m in a place where I’ve cushioned myself to that reality and I’m willing to go through to the end being clear-minded about those realities (though it won’t hurt any less. it’s been a bit like preparing for someone to pass away.) I stick with it because I mostly take the best of the small things in canon to bring into my fandom space and when the show is hurting me or the cast or writers are hurting me, I take breaks and try to find more positive things to engage with. Right now, that’s just… what makes me okay/happy and it could change any time. they want to take from this show and that has included walking away for their own health and happiness and I just. fully accept and support that and understand why and I think it’s important to allow people a place to verbally work that out and support it (something I think some are doing really well with. people are hurting and it’s important to know there’s places we can go to not feel alone).
So, I keep reminding myself of where this struggle is coming from in the first place. I mean, I can’t think of many times in my life I’ve gotten /this/ emotional about a ship on a regularly, extended basis - and I’ve had a lot of special ones over the years. I think so much of it is wanting our own beautiful, reach-across-the-universe kind of stories (if… that makes sense at all). The truth is, they just aren’t easy to come by and we kind of got the terrible luck of this half accidental/half purposefully created one not being handled all that well. I like to hope that destiel will be one of the (maybe slightly failed) early prototypes to more epics that people will dive into the way we might dive into any one of those famous stories of love or adventure or sorrow that have stretched across generations and peoples, but with the representation so many of us are hungry for. And, I mean, how could anything be wrong with that, anon? I think that’s the most beautiful, human thing ever, to dream of that. So you’re super valid for those feelings and struggles regarding dean and cas. They’re special and I hope you can find a place where destiel won’t hurt you too much (even if that means trying to cope w/ the feelings and step away from it further and find better things or openly talking about it or crit writing about the show/raising awareness or writing it out or creating something even better, anything! any and all of those powerful ways of dealing). In the end, I think it’s a lot bigger than “just a ship.” People have got all sorts of desires and hopes and personal experiences tied into the stories we love. To me, that’s just… so beautiful? even when the world is sort of terrible at letting us have them. 
I really hope we all keep going forward trying to create those stories ourselves and supporting those who can. Destiel can continue to be one of our great inspirations for future stories/romances/friendships. After all, people always need inspiration and oftentimes the things that don’t reach the heights we had hoped for are the sources for building and discovering something greater. 
i wish you the best, anon. you aren’t alone. ♥ i’m happily always here if you would like an additional person to deancas feel at, but either way I wish you a lot of happiness in future ships/stories/creative endeavors/and fandom things. VwV
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