shmowder · 4 months
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Andrey is peak orange cat you can't change my mind
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ellecdc · 12 days
Hi Elle! I have a here for the drinks prompt for ya:)) James Potter with the forced proximity trope.
I hope I did this right 🫶
yes!! thank you for playing!
♧ here for the drinks: pick a character & trope [or idea/prompt], and I'll give you my headcanons!
so my immediate thought with this is James is running from Filch after a prank and you happen to be in the hall at the same time, so to avoid either of you getting into trouble he grabs you and shoves the two of you in a broom closet
you start to squawk at him and he's quickly placing a hand over your mouth, his chest heaving as he was quite literally running for his life (read: his educational hopes and dreams)
you have half a mind of licking the palm of his hand just to get him to remove it from your face but you hear Mrs. Norris coming down the hall and his eyes widen in warning
You end up holding your breath which makes you tense as hell; pressed up against the James Potter (and...iykyk) and he slowly removes his hand from your mouth to your side and starts rubbing his thumb just below your ribcage - his smirk reading "you can breathe, angel"
finally, the two of you hear Mrs. Norris and Filch carry on down the hallway and let out a breath of air, waiting a few minutes before trying to open the door, only to realize it's locked
"You've got to be kidding me, Potter." "I didn't do it!" "then who did? Mrs. Norris??" "I wouldn't put it past that wretched cat.." "This was your plan all along, wasn't it?" "What? to get you alone in a broom closet?..... actually, you know what? I'm not mad at the outcome; I sort of wish I had planned this"
after an unknown amount of time, most of which was spent bickering though his hands never left your sides nor yours from his chest, the door opened rather unceremoniously and Peter was standing there with a look of concern, Remus with a look of exasperation, and Sirius salaciously.
"Well...doesn't this look cozy?" Sirius would offer before you went shoving past him
"Well? did you kiss her?" Peter asked James once you were out of earshot. "that was you guys?!"
Remus would roll his eyes. "listen, you nearly blew the whole prank, and we had the chance to get you to stop waxing poetic about the poor witch, we had to capture the moment while it was here."
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spidrzfall · 2 months
I'm Not Her. ⤑ Peter Parker.
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Hello Everyone to my very first post !! oh my gosh, im literally so nervous about uploading this, but here it is, i hope you guys enjoy it and love it! feel free to comment if you guys want a part 2, lol! Love you guys, and i hope you enjoy !!
☆° Peter Parker x Male Reader
☆°• ANGST !
°•▪︎ Fem readers DNI ♡♡
♧ warnings: None ♧
Part two :
Good Ending: Click me! Bad Ending: Click me!
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Peter didn’t know what he was doing, it was all subconscious for him. It’s been a year since Peter and (M/N) got together, at first everything was just ideal; they hit off for a couple of weeks of going on dates, having mutual interests and mutual likings. They had a good relationship, except for when it all took a turn for the worst. It was strange for Peter to start being off out of nowhere, maybe something had happened regardless of what it was (M/N) hated it, he was patient enough, at first thinking Peter just made a slip up but for it to happen every other minute it was infuriating
“Gwen would’ve loved this place” Peter said aloud, interrupting (M/N) mid conversation on their date to a brand-new restaurant that had opened in their area. (M/N) scowled, cursing in his mind ‘here we go again’ as the man put a somewhat tired smile up trying not to cause a scene and finally call Peter out on his little comments. “Yeah, I’m sure she would've loved it here” (M/N) replied, his voice laced with tiredness and slight annoyance. This was the 3rd time in the whole day Peter was talking about his ex-girlfriend, Gwen. Nevertheless (M/N) had to make the most of tonight, he wasn’t going to let comments like those get to him and his relationship with the brunette, afterall Peter loved him, right?
The night progressed, they ate dinner together (M/N) really trying to hold down a conversation for them both to enjoy only for Peter to not get the gist and go back to talking about Gwen. “I still don’t know why you bothered to order the steak; you know Gwen would’ve ordered salmon. It looked good on the menu and immediately thought about her.” Peter pointed out as (M/N) took a bite out his steak, a smile once plastered onto his lips before frowning. “Well, It’s a good thing I’m not Gwen.” (M/N) mumbled, already tired of Peter’s jabs. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Peter blankly looked at his boyfriend, as he set his fork down on his plate seeing as the man across from him had a tired expression. – “It means I’m not Gwen and I have my own likes, Peter” the other exclaimed as he put his fork down as well his eyes meeting the same old brown doe eyes who once looked at him with love now staring at him with nothing.
“I know you’re your own person. (M/N)”
“Then why do you keep bringing her up”
“I’m not. You make it seem like I’m mentioning her every 3 seconds when all I did was make two comments the whole night.” Peter retorted as he crossed his arms, blinded by his own ego to admit his faults. “Are you serious? It’s not just about today, Pete. It’s about every other day! You always bring her up, it’s always Gwen this! Gwen that!” – “That's far from true” – “is it?” silence filled their small booth, that uncomfortable silence until a small mutter evaporated the tension.
“Gwen wouldn’t have started a fight.”
That shattered something in (M/N), “Well maybe you should’ve asked her out instead of me!” (M/N) replied, wanting to sound normal but his voice faltering as it slightly cracked in between sentences. “Well maybe I should’ve!” Peter snapped back “At least then I wouldn't have to pretend to love somebody I don't!” Shit. It all hit Peter so fast as soon as the words left his mouth, he felt ill and sick to his stomach, his regrets crawling on his skin as he saw the other man's eyes lose their spark..their shine. 
“Wait (M/N) – I didn’t mean that I swear it was just the heat of the moment. I promise I love you; I always have but these past few weeks have been stressful between work and Spider-Man” Peter tried to explain the slip up, but it was too late. (M/N) wasn’t taking it as Peter's heart shattered seeing the other’s eyes coat that pinkish color as tears escaped his eyes, Peter's own starting to form tears as well. “(M/N)...”
“Save it, Peter…I think you’ve cleared things up plenty” (M/N) whispered his voice broken as the man got up his seat and left, leaving Peter behind at the booth alone to think about what had just happened. 
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brain-palace · 1 year
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Notes: This post is created as an archive for myself so I can easily find the fics I love. If you're looking for something new to read feel free to have a look I recommend everything here. I read many different characters/universes, so I'll list them all so you don't waste time looking at something that isn't relevant to you. If you find something you like please show the fics and their authors some love! Also, this is a long post!
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Disclaimer: None of the works below belongs to me unless it explicitly says so. © - All rights reserved to the authors. If a fic does not have a name I will make one up for the sake of archival purposes.
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Characters/Universes TWD (The walking dead) - Daryl & Rick | Criminal Minds - Hotch & Ried | Stranger Things - Eddie, Steve, Billy | MCU - Peter Parker | Peakcy blinders - Tommy, John, Arthur, Alfie | The devil all the time - Arvin russel | Sherlock
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Key ➸ Angst ☁ | Fluff ♡ | Crack ❈ | On-going ✎ | Completed ✓ | Smut 🔞 |
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Daryl Dixon (TWD) ↴ Series ↴
Spitfire | by @rfsak2 | OC (Original character) | "Everyone always thought Daryl was the rough one." | ✎
Close to home | by @paintyoureyeswithavividmind | "When a run goes poorly and Daryl is separated from his group, a stranger and her companion help get him out of a sticky situation. Little does Daryl know this stranger is much closer to home and his life is going to get a bit more complicated" | ✎♡ ☁
Return | by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | "Daryl loses Y/N when they head into Atlanta to rescue Beth. Her absence colours his years until they find each other again." | ♡ ☁ ❈ ✎
Till dead do us part | by @xwritingdixonx | "Daryl Dixon hasn't seen his wife in 3 years until he strolls through the gates of Alexandria. Reunited with his love and his family, he should feel peace, tranquillity, warmth. Instead, he's faced with confusion, shock, and heartache. Just like so many others put through the abuse and torment of the world, it changes people. Twists your mind, makes all your morals disappear. The kind waitress, the brave bartender, Georgia's delight, Mrs. Dixon. Now, mother of nothing - daughter of rage. The whore of Alexandria. A conqueror with tits. Why can't the Blackwell family get a word in before the people of Alexandria point fingers and create storybook titles? It's finally your turn to talk and Daryl's turn to listen." |
Oneshots ↴
The regulars | by daryl-dixon-daydreams | "Based on watching your interactions, Daryl thinks you, a bartender at a local dive, may actually have a thing for his older brother Merle, but a series of events at the bar may begin to show him otherwise" | ♡
All I'm living for | by @alldevilsharehere90 | "Just when you finally got the man you wanted, another surprise could threaten your relationship, especially when a herd of walkers is almost at your doorstep." | ☁ ♡
Old childhood fools | by @r66dus | "Drunk Daryl and y/n fooling around at the CDC" | 🔞
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Rick Grimes (TWD) ↴ Series ↴
The Claim | by @woman-of-balnain | Despite everything that’s going on, despite the world going to shit, despite wanting to stay on Hershel’s good side, despite his marriage falling apart, despite the way he knows he’s broken… despite it all, Rick can’t fight how badly he wants you. | 🔞✓
Undone in sorrow | by woman-of-balnain | "Finally coming face to face with Negan threatens the ties that bind your relationship with Rick together. After that first meeting, the two of you try to pick up the broken pieces of one another and become whole again." | ☁ 🔞
The nurse | by @itsgrimeytime | " Before all this, you were a nurse. A nurse who had patients, one of which was a man in a coma. A sheriff, you think, it was all kinda fuzzy now. When it all went sideways, you set up what you could for the man - but had to leave. You'd always wondered where he'd ended up; until in your search for shelter, you run into a familiar face" | ✎♡ ☁
Magnolia in May | by itsgrimeytime | "Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumours of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing." | ✎♡ ☁
Swear | by @daryandricky | "Shane tells reader that Rick didn't make it after the hospital was overrun, causing reader to travel with her former military brother to find somewhere safe." | ✎♡ ☁
Oneshots ↴
The life we could have had | by itsgrimeytime | "Rick knows you're gone, he does. He just keeps seeing you in everything" |
Everything I wanted | by @bloatedandalone04 | "The one where both you and rick are really bad at communicating your feelings." |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Peter Parker (MCU) ↴ Oneshot ↴
Stacked against you (tasm)| by @delicate-dorothea | "Summary: You confront Spider-Man about his true identity, manila envelope style (literally)." |❈
No chance (tasm) | by @spider-stark | "Thinking he has no chance with y/n as himself, Peter begins approaching them as Spider-Man." |
Are you busy (tasm)| by @luveline | "You’re worried you don’t know how to kiss. your best friend Peter offers to teach you how among other things" | ♡
In the real world | by luveline | "You notice something about Spider-Man during a violent villain showdown, then you have to save his life."
White lies, red & blue tights (tasm) | by @t-lostinworlds | "You and Peter accidentally dressed up in the same costumes for Halloween. But he was not wearing a costume, it was his suit. You simply didn’t know that your favorite superhero and your boyfriend were the same. Who would’ve thought that seeing you in red and blue would be the breaking point of his lies" | ♡
Question (tom)| by @waitimcomingtoo | "Peter accidentally sends you mixed signals when he kisses you for the first time then stands you up" | ♡ ☁
It was fun, being 21 (tom)| by @loverwebs | "In which your boyfriend, Peter Parker, doesn't make it to your birthday dinner. So you walk home alone, only to run into the city's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." | ♡ ☁
Series ↴
Infinitely you (all of them) | by spider-stark | "In every universe you are the one person Peter Parker will always love more than anything; unfortunately, he always realizes it too late. Now that they've been granted a second chance none of them are willing to miss out on finally making things right." | ☁ ♡ ✎|
The red string | by @never--doubt | "Once a year, everyone over a certain age can see the Red String of Fate that connects them to their soulmate. This year, Peter Parker is ready to find his soulmate, be with them. But the question is…is his soulmate ready?" |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Steve Harrington (ST) ↴ Series ↴
Nail to the coffin | by @thetargaryenbride | "Y/N Byers wondered what would end up being the death of the small town she lived in. She never expected that the last nail on the coffin would be hammered by monsters from another dimension who would end up hunting down her friends and family one by one…" | ☁
You deserve each other | by @bimrwolf | "You and Steve have been together for five years. He's seemingly the perfect boyfriend, kisses on the cheek, knowing your orders at the restaurant. A great lover. Too bad you've had enough can't stand him." |
Oneshots ↴
The way you call me "Baby" | by @forevermoreharrington | "Steve’s been so patient with his girl but he just can’t take it anymore and neither can she" | 🔞
Love on the brain | by @vendettaparker | "You suffer from a bad case of pregnancy brain, leaving Steve to hover over you, much to your annoyance." | ♡
Almost Got It | by @mentalpolaroids | "She’s a barista at a coffee shop and always screws up Steve’s name on purpose" | ♡
Tainted Love | by @megxplryxb | ☁ ♡
Tornado warnings | by @harringtonwebs | "You and Steve had a very intense relationship now that you're up, hates to see you with someone new." |
I will always be right there | by @familyvideostevie | "you come first. you’re always my first choice." | ♡
Tell me again | by @appocalipse | "Would you stop stuffing your face with candy for one moment and listen?" |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Eddie Munson ↴ Oneshot ↴
Mechanic Eddie | by @whoahoney | "Reader’s shit box car pooped out on her once again, but at least the cute new mechanic seems eager to help." | ♡
Say you love me | by @marianita195 | "Based on the TikTok trend where girls don’t say “I love you” back to their boyfriends. " | ♡ ❈
Bookworm | by @corroded-hellfire | "Eddie has a thing for the local bookworm he just doesn't show it in the best way." | ☁ ♡
I'm Eddie - Eddie Munson | by @cosmal | "Your father finds Eddie in your room in the middle of something. eddie's a smug bastard." |
His glasses | by @pedgito | "Eddie in his glasses is just adorable" |
Grand Gesture | by appocalipse | "catching feelings for your best friend was never in your plans. when you start distancing yourself from him to protect your heart, eddie vows to do everything in his power to keep it forever." | ♡
Never Kissed | by cosmal | "eddies first date with you doesn't go how he'd planned and he hadn't even expected a kiss. still, you kiss him because you want to."
Series ↴
Worlds Apart | by @munsons-maiden | "You’re the only survivor among the Mind Flayer’s victims, thanks to your friends - but after the Battle of Starcourt, you find yourself adrift in a sea of nightmares. Until an encounter in the woods with Eddie The Freak Munson offers an unexpected lifeline and turns your world upside down." | ☁ ♡
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Spencer Ried (CM) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Passive Agressive | by @ddejavvu | "Spencer’s stressed, and he takes it out on you. You’re sure it would have hurt far worse if he’d shouted, but instead, he broke you down bit by bit, his cold demeanour leaving you crying in your car." | ☁ ♡
Tactic Admissions | by @almostgenerallyalways | "Spencer lands in the hospital, and you have to come clean with yourself." | ☁ ♡
Days off with Spencer | by @justmyheart | ♡
Back to you | by @radiant-reid | "Spencer never thought she would love him the way he loves her, but he also never thought she would come back from the dead" | ☁ ♡
No hair for you, devil! | by @thyme-in-a-bubble |
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Aaron Hotchner (CM) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Self-Made | by @her-storybooks | "The BAU gets a visitor who tares through the bullpen and leaves everyone in puddles of mush and exploded hearts." | ♡
Good for him | by @ptersparkers | "Aaron loves you. he hopes his son loves you as much as he does." | ♡
Better than morphine | by her-storybooks | "Broken Bone. When Y/N gets her leg broken by an UnSub, she clings to Aaron to help dull the pain." | ☁ ♡
Spontaneous phenomena | by @luveline | "Hotch touches your face much more than a boss should. Or, 5 times you have a nosebleed +1 time Hotch does." | ☁ ♡
Old man problems | by @hoe4hotchner | "Can you possibly write an imagine where Hotch pulls his back on a case, and the fem'reader offers to help him work it out in a friendly way because she was once a licensed massage therapist? Aaron of course is hesitant but gives in and allows it. But it gets heated" | ♡
Sweeter than fiction | By @hotchgirlsummer | "The bau decides to throw a small birthday party for Hotch. the reader is tasked with baking a cake, could this be their chance to express feelings?" |
A solitary mistake | by luveline | " You're not sure you're ready to come back. Hotch has total faith in you. Or, your transition back into the team after your abduction doesn't go as smoothly as you'd hoped." |
I'm Sorry | by @14buddy22 | "Aarons been treating you differently lately" | ☁
New mom | by @marvelslut16 |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Thomas Shelby (PB) ↴ Series ↴
Challenge of a name | by @gypsy-girl-08 | "Y/N is new to Birmingham, she works at an accountant firm. In this part, The Shelby’s arrive at her office to pick up their accounts, where she meets Thomas for the first time. She was in a long-term relationship and is recently single, having moved for a fresh start. Still recovering from the split, she has no intention of meeting anyone else."
Tachipen | by @zablife | "With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known." |
Angst | by @murphyoclock | "Your and Tommy's argument gets out of hand when you provocatively try to make him jealous at his charity party." | ☁
Oneshots ↴
Peaky caps and razorblades | by @acewritesfics | "y/n helps Tommy sew his blades into his cap." | ♡
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
John Shelby (PB) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Just play along | by @runnning-outof-time | "When the person who (Y/N) feels has been following her gets a little too close for comfort, she makes a quick decision that involves John Shelby and some good acting...or maybe no acting at all." |
Red lipstick | by @kkurades | "You feel flattered when charlie shelby asks to marry you while your husband feels like he could strangle his nephew" |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Alfie Solomon (PB) ↴ Oneshots
A very Shelby Christmas | by @cillmequick | "Alfie and his sassy little wife find themselves in the midst of the Shelby clan for Christmas because Alfie’s sister is in a relationship with Tommy." |
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Steddie (ST) ↴ Oneshots
Cookies and consoling | by @mangchai | "After a hard day, you return home to your boyfriends who want to cheer you up." | ♡
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Billy (ST) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Bartender Billy | by @billysbabyy |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Arvin Russel (TDATT)↴ Oneshots ↴
Mockingbird | by waitimcomingtoo | "Arvin joins a book club just to see you but has to pretend to be your boyfriend to stay"
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Notes: This post only contains all longer fics I will be creating a separate post for shorter fics/ i.e. headcanons, imagines, drabbles and scenarios that I love. The link to that will be here → The little things.
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249 notes · View notes
little-bit-obsessed · 7 months
The Chronicles of Narnia: Social Medias
I've recently been writing an AU of The Chronicles of Narnia with @thedivinemischievousspark, based on the idea that the Pevensies live in the modern world rather than during the war! The AU is basically Prince Caspian being sent to their world years after the events of the second movie (ignoring the third one because it doesn't work as well with the plot) when all the Pevensies are adults and have given up on the idea of ever returning to Narnia again. It's Peter x Caspian (and also Susan x Caspian at the beginning), but right now none of it has been posted, not sure whether it'll be posted yet (if it is it'll be on AO3) but I wanted to share their social medias! Here they are below:
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♡ Job: Beauty Specalist ♡
♡ Lives: Alone in a London flat ♡
♡ Doesn't love doing social media, only has it out of social pressure, posts mainly shots of her clothes but occasionally something related to what she's doing. She shares all her Instagram posts to Facebook. Is single, having never properly gotten over Caspian, and doesn’t have many friends. She wishes to move on from her past in Narnia ♡
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♤ Job: Studying Folklore at uni ♤
♤ Lives: With her brothers in a terraced house ♤
♤ Only recently bothered getting Instagram but she enjoys it, although she also uses TikTok an awful lot ajd has Snapchat. She always makes appreciation posts about her siblings, likes posting little quotes, and styling pretty pictures to make her life seem magical, like it was in Narnia ♤
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◇ Job: Works multiple barmen jobs ◇
◇ Lives: In a terraced house with siblings ◇
◇ Loves Instagram, finds it a fun way to commemorate his life. Posts videos/pictures of his family all the time, baking and working out, does photography to post. He glamourises his life using social media, but in reality is struggling trying to support Lucy and Edmund, and misses being king. He’s been fired a few times for being impatient with demanding customers. Has lots of friends but doesn’t get too much time to see them ◇
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♧ Job: Studying International Relations at Uni, is a student ambassador to help make money ♧
♧ Lives: In a terraced house with siblings ♧
♧ Doesn't use Instagram much, but lurks on it a lot. Likes Instagram shorts and YouTube shorts but has never tried TikTok and is never planning to. Sometimes he posts YouTube shorts of his siblings, but only rarely and isn't well-known ♧
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☆ Job: Unemployed (reigning king of Narnia) ☆
☆ Lives: In between Susan’s and the other's ☆
☆ Has been taught how to use Instagram by Lucy, and enjoys it. Is on public and has gained followers due to posting a lot of informative and well-tagged posts about sailing and astronomy. Has a lot of people thirst following him. Also has a TikTok account but he doesn’t understand how it works. Is enjoying learning more about London, but is desperate to one day go back to Narnia. He has also discovered a love for alcoholic cocktails ☆
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magicalbuttertarts · 2 months
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AEW Masterlist
The Dish & The Bruno (AU)
Wardlow x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Requested by @madhatterbri . Hope you like it.
WC: 1277
Dish - Pretty Woman ♧ Bruno - Tough guy, Enforcer in 1920/1930s slang.
Austin - Adam Cole ◇ Michael - Wardlow.
From my previous account plentyoffandoms.
©️ magicalbuttertarts 2024: do not repost or translate my work. This is the only place I post my work.
Wardlow's POV
"Will you be quiet? It is called a hideout for a reason." I scowled at her, and she closed her mouth and looked at the floor, her hands fiddling in her lap.
The look on her face made my heart clench as I knew she was upset with me, and even though I find her annoying at the best of times, I know her heart was in the right place as the two of us were shot at by one of her brother's enemies.
Speaking of her brother Austin, who is known as Adam Cole to the cops, he is the reason why her and I are even in this.
He hired me, one of his long-time friends, to watch over the only family he had left, and her and I have always fought.
Even when the two of us were younger, we fought like cats and dogs, and then one day, my father left my mother, sisters, and I, and we had to move from the only home I have ever known.
It wasn't until years later I saw Austin and he was in a fancy suit, while I was covered in dirt and grime from working at the mill in my small town.
I came to find out that Austin was meeting with the only son of Peter "Taz" Senerchia, Tyler.
Austin paid me to stand next to him as muscle, and when he put the paper in my hand, my eyes bugged out.
He paid me more in that moment than I would have gotten in six months of working in the mill.
I took the job and have been his right-hand man ever since.
But I didn't know at that time that after I was at home, Austin went back and shot up the joint, killing Tyler and many loyal men of the Senerchia family.
Which brings me back to know, two years later. Austin, knowing how much Peter and his wife want to murder him, decided to send his sister in to do a peace deal between our two families.
He usually sends her in for this stuff, knowing that she can defuse any situation, and I have seen it for myself that she does know what she is doing.
And Austin paid me double to be her bodyguard, only sending us in. "Less men will be better." Was all he said when I questioned him on why it is only her and I going in.
But it just wasn't Peter, but also his wife Theresa, who was an intimidating woman in her own right, but Austin's sister held her own.
That was until Theresa raised her hand up to silence her. "Your brother killed my son and only child. What makes you think he deserves our partnership, let alone our forgiveness."
I looked at his sister, and even she was trying to figure out what to say, knowing that Theresa was right.
"Kill them and send their bodies back to her brother." Theresa gave the command, and I already had my gun out, pulling her close to my body, trying to get us out of here alive.
The Senerchia family had blocked the two roads in and out of this small town, but luckily, there is a hideout.
"If you do not stop talking. I will shoot you myself." I told her.
"But you're bleeding Michael."
"Yes, I can feel the bullets in my body." I hissed as I moved, the pain feeling like lighting coursing through my body.
"Where is the first aid kit?"
I told her where it was, and I watched as she seemed to go into nurse mode.
We sat in silence as she she removed the bullets from my body. I hissed as she poured some alcohol on the wounds.
"How you learn how to do this?" I asked her.
"With a brother like mine, you have to learn how to do this stuff. He didn't trust anyone. Only Britt and I."
That made sense.
"This one will hurt more than the others." She grabbed another bottle of booze and handed it to me. I chugged it back, and then she placed my belt between my teeth.
I bit down as hard as I could as she dug out the bullet. I screamed out around the belt, blacking out.
I woke up to her cleaning my wounds. "Thank you." I muttered.
"I should be thanking you. You protected me."
"Your brother pays me to protect you." I told her, instantly regretting it as I saw her face fell.
I have always found Michael to be annoying. Even when we were younger, he used to annoy me. When he moved, I could see how upset Austin was, but I was happy he was gone.
He used to pull the ribbons out of my hair or pinch my arm. Then, when he walked back into my life all these years later, I was stunned, and I swear my jaw dropped.
But then he opened his mouth, and I see why I found him annoying all those years ago.
Then Austin had to kill Tyler Senerchia, and now Michael is being paid to watch me. Whenever I go, he goes.
Just as I was about to be hit, Michael came out of nowhere, the two of us falling to the ground, but he saved my life.
I saw him in a new light.
Then I realised that I have always liked him, and now being here, in this hideout, I don't know how much I can keep it together.
"Okay, your brother will be sending Mike and Matt." I groaned out loud at the thought of those two being the ones to rescue us.
"We are never getting out of here." I told him, which made him chuckle.
"They aren't that bad, and they are loyal to your brother." I rolled my eyes at him, saying that. I decided to change the subject.
"You have anyone back home?" I asked him, which he shook his head no. "I work and then go home. No normal woman could handle this. Not like you."
"I was thrust upon this life, even after trying not to be a part of it, but you know how Austin is." I told Michael.
"Yeah, I can see that. He is just protective of you, is all." I scoffed at Michael.
"I am going to grow old alone. No man wants to be with me, not with him as my brother." I thought back on the few dates I have been on and how Austin scared them off.
"Why don't I take you out." That brought me out of my memories.
"I don't need a pity date." I told him.
"This wouldn't be a pity date. It has been no secret that I have always held a torch for you, and after you almost get hit by that automobile and being shot at, I don't want to wait. To see what could have been."
"When did you realise that I liked you back?" I leaned into him as he put his arm over the back of the couch.
"When you said my name in your sleep. Professing your love for me."
I playfully slapped his chest as he kissed me. The two of us deeping the kiss, us in our own little world until my brothers right hand men come and get us.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @madhatterbri @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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voodoodaaddy · 29 days
♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch (Peter, the golden Book of Life.) :)
Alastor quickly retracted his hand. For a very petite angel he certainly has a powerful hit to him. "If you didn't want me to touch it then you should put that away don't you think? And what type of angel are you my oddly pastry looking fellow? You don't look like an exterminator to me."
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bitchyycapricorn · 2 years
Peter Parker Masterlist
Main Masterlist
♧= Series
Is She Really Your Girlfriend?*♤♡
After getting a new boyfriend, Y/N starts failing her classes.Her parents set her up for some extra help. Until that extra help becomes too helpful.
Peter’s body changes significantly after being bitten
Warm Shower and Soft Kisses♡
Peter takes care of you after you after you disappear for a week.
Peter Parker loves to play with fun gadgets he finds around the Stark tower. Especially when it comes from an alien space ship. Which is exactly how you end up completely pressed to the ceiling of Peters room without knowing when you’ll come down.
Blurb over a jealous Flash secretly watching reader ride Frat!Peter
Draw Me Like One of Your Italian Girls*
During a school trip to Venice Italy, Peter finds himself in his classmates room.
Almost There—> Series Masterlist
Peter enters his apartment that night expecting to find an empty bed. But instead, he comes face to face with your transparent glowing figure.
Peter Parker x Reader Help
Brooklyn Bridge*
Peter faces one problem constantly: Aunt May knocking on the door at the absolute worst times. Fed up, Peter decides to simply show you off to the public.
Warm Shower and Soft Kisses♡
Peter takes care of you after you after you disappear for a week.
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
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skipper19 · 2 months
Welcome to my Masterlist!
Requests are open, my loves!
JJK -- > ♡
- Gojo Satoru -
The Mate of a Merman
Stages of Pregnancy
You're not leaving this bed
Kittens and Collars
To know you like no other
- Fushigiro Toji -
No time for hesitation
A fight?
- Suguru Geto -
The soap went slipping
MHA -- > ♡
- Takami Keigo -
Shower thought #1
Alpha!Keigo x Pregnant!Omega
Time to reminisce
Alpha!Keigo x Omega!Reader
Yandere!Keigo x Reader
- Todoroki Touya -
AI Drabbles #1
Domestic Shit..
Desperate Realization
- Takami Keigo x Todoroki Touya x Reader -
The moon, the stars, and the sun.
In the absence of me dear, you still have a way.
MARVEL -- > ♡
- Matthew Murdock -
A stubborn bug
In the eye of the beholder
- Peter Parker -
Disappearing Act
- Deadpool -
A little cocky to my shy.
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comicwritesstuff · 11 months
Rules and stuff
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Right now there isn't really anything I won't write tbh, just give me something you want written and I'll probably do it. The only depending factor is age and like what fandom or thing you want it written about so these are the people I will write for :)
NSFW: ♤ Romantic: ♧ Platonic (just friends): ♢
dont be afraid to ask if I know something, cause I'm not putting everything I know on here, or ask for people I may have forgotten.
-Five Nights at Freddy's movie: Vanessa Shelly/Afton: ♤♧♢ Mike Schmidt: ♤♧♢ William Afton: ♤♧♢ Abby: ♢
-FNAF Security breach/fnaf in general: Glamrock Freddy: (depends)♧♢ Roxanne Wolf: ♤♧♢ Glamrock Chica: ♧♢ Montgomery Gator: ♤♧♢ Sundrop:♧♢ Moondrop:♤♧♢ Eclipse: ♤♧♢ Vanny:♤♧♢ Vanessa Security guard: ♤♧♢ Gregory: ♢ Cassie: ♢ Micheal afton: ♤♧♢
-Marvel: ♤♧♢ for any and all characters over 18, I know marvel, I will write for every character.
-The office: Kind of a dead fandom but mostly any character ♤♧♢
-Creepypastas: its been awhile since I've thought about them but tbh i'm dying to write for them so ♤♧♢ except for children n stuff, ben drowned gets an exception don't sue me.
-House M.D: Been wildly obsessed with this show lately ♤♧♢ for all characters
-Criminal Minds: ♤♧♢ for JJ, Reid, Hotch, Emily, Rossi (love me an older man), Morgan. ♧♢ for Penelope.
-Harry Potter: Call me a nerd all u want, I still love these movies so much. ♤♧♢ for most characters but for NSFW they will be older. I'll also write for dilfs like Snape or Lucius.
-Wednesday: I think Wednesday Addams is mad fine so ♤♧♢ for her, ♧♢for all other characters :)
-Spiderman Into the spider verse/beyond: ♤♧♢ for Miguel or Peter b. parker, ♧♢ for mostly anyone else.
-Trolls band together: ♤♧♢ for Velvet and Veneer only. I won't write for the trolls unless you ask really nice, or if its a human au for them. But for Velvet and Veneer im prolly gonna make them human for any fics :D
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shmowder · 4 months
Alternative reality memes
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auroras-blog37 · 3 months
(I got logged out of my other account😭)
Hello Tickle Community🫐
☁︎︎Hi! I’m Aurora☁︎︎
I’m new to the tickle community so here are some things about my new blog💌
My requests are open and I will write fics and headcanons ♡︎
I only write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 characters/people and from a 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 reader perspective ✧
I will write for 𝐋𝐞𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐋𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𑁍
I’m 18 years old so I’m not very into NSFW content ☽
My prompts are 100% open! Please feel free to put through any ideas ♧︎
I write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 and also 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 from my list of Fandoms below✬
Messages are open but please be kind and respectful, you are free to ask anything whether it’s about tickling or not, just please be respectful ✫彡
Fandoms I Write For:
𝐓𝐯 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬:ꨄ
Supernatural (Sam, Dean, Gabriel, Crowley, Castiel) (Jared, Jensen, Misha) 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Sam and Dean) 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Jensen) “𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥.” (Gabriel) 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, Crowley)
The Last Of Us (Joel) (Pedro)
Gilmore Girls (Dean, Jess, Logan, Tristan, Luke) 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Jess, Dean, Logan)
Teen Wolf (Stiles, Scott, Derek, Liam, Isaac) (Dylan O’Brien
Criminal Minds (Spencer, Hotch, Derek) (Matthew)
The OC (Seth, Ryan)
Daredevil (Matt Murdock) 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Matt)
The Vampire Diaries (Damon, Stefan, Enzo, Klaus, Elijah) 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Stefan, Damon, Klaus, Elijah)
Brooklyn 99 (Jake)
Outerbanks (John B, JJ, Pope, Rafe, Barry)
The Summer I Turned Pretty (Cameron, Steven, Conrad)
American Horror Story (Tate, James, Kit) (Evan)
Stranger Things (Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, Hopper) (Joe Keery, Joseph Quinn, Finn Wolfhard)
Grey’s Anatomy (Derek, Alex, Mark) 𝐑𝐢𝐛 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (Derek Shepherd)
10 Things I Hate About You (Patrick, Cameron)
Scream 1-6 (Billy, Stu, Dewey, Chad)
Twilight (Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Charlie)
The Maze Runner (Thomas, Newt, Minho) (Dylan, Thomas)
Pirates Of The Caribbean (Jack, Will) (Johnny)
MCU (Tony, Steve, Bucky, Peter Q, Peter Parker (Tom Holland & Andrew SpiderMan) Thor, Bruce + The Actors) 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Tom!Peter Parker) Cuddles And Tickles (Andrew!Peter)
Mötley Crüe (Tommy, Vince, Nikki) 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Tommy)
Dave Grohl
Metallica (Kirk, James, Lars, Dave)
Guns N Roses (Slash, Duff)
Alex Turner
One Direction (Harry, Niall, Zayn Liam)
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spidrzfall · 2 months
I'm Not Her. Part 2 ( good ending ) ⤑ Peter Parker.
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Here's part two of I'm Not Her. There will be an alternative ending as well! This is the good ending. *bad ending will be uploaded later tomorrow, so stay tuned !! love you guys <3 - A.
☆° Peter Parker x Male Reader
☆°• FLUFF !
°•▪︎ Fem readers DNI ♡♡
♧ warnings: None ♧
♡ READ PART ONE : Click me!
♡ The bad ending: Click me!
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
It’s been weeks from now since the argument with (M/N) and Peter has been going crazy. On one hand he wanted to give (M/N) his space; let him cool down, regain his thoughts so they can talk over what had happened at the restaurant and on the other hand Peter wanted to just go and talk to (M/N) and practically beg the other to listen to his explanation and apologizes but Peter knew that wouldn’t work, it wouldn’t fix anything. The best thing was just space, and that scared Peter. It scared him because in the back of his mind there were constant thoughts of just the worst cases possible, it was something he dreaded.
Peter needed to clear his mind
So, Peter did what he did best; be Spider-Man, stop crime, occasionally get his ass kicked, go home, patch up, and sleep. For weeks this was Peter's routine and everyday he found himself always swinging to his boyfriend's place, every day he fought crime, the one neighborhood he found himself going to was (M/N)’s maybe in hope that he’d see him and they’d talk, but it never happened. That disappointed Peter, the fact there wasn’t even a sign of (M/N) in his life anymore and he had nobody else to blame but himself for being stupid and letting his own thoughts consume what he says. Sitting in his bed alone, headphones plugged into his cellphone as much played the lyrics finding their way into his head as his thoughts only crept to (M/N)...like a trance Peter imagined the warmth of the man’s body against his, looking back at the insane amount of times they cuddled on his mattress music distantly playing in the background as they forgot about the world only focused on each other. Peter could practically feel the man next to him as he held out an arm to wrap it around their waist only for it to fall onto the mattress reminding Peter he wasn’t really there. (M/N) wasn’t really there.
He was tired of waiting. Tired of just imagining him nearby only for air to greet him back, it was all such a spur of the moment for him. This was just supposed to be a normal patrol, looking around for people who needed help and keeping watch, that was it. Life sometimes throws so many different things in your way though as Peter shot out one of his webs to the familiar building's roof as he stuck to the wall, crawling his way down to the 12th floor as he peeked through the window, curtains wide open a clear view of (M/N)’s kitchen. His hidden eyes staring through as he saw the man walking back and forth, trays of freshly baked hot cookies sat on the marble counter of the kitchen. Peter smiled softly, his heart full once more as he saw (M/N)’s face once more, missing seeing all the things that made (M/N) so unique…his skin complexion…the acne scars on his cheeks, how he missed everything about the man. 
Peter couldn’t help it as he knocked on the windows glass catching the attention of the man inside the complex as he saw (M/N) squinting his eyes as he approached the closed window which Peter leaned his head onto until the man opened it up. Peter sighed in relief as he stared at the other… “Hey” was all that left Peter’s mouth, quietly spoken as if he was unsure of speaking. “Hey…what are you doing here?” (M/N) spoke, his voice ringing in Peter’s ears, missing the sound of it and embracing it like a symphony. 
“I was just in the area”
“You were just in the area?”
“You’re making cookies”
He had to change the subject; he couldn’t blatantly admit his only reasoning for even being in this part of town was just to see (M/N). It’s not that it bruised his ego but more so he wasn’t sure what response he’d get and he couldn’t take a shot in the dark anymore. (M/N) looked at Peter, well at the Spider-Man mask that laid on his face, as he sighed “yes, i made cookies…” – “was there a reason?” – “Do I need a reason to bake or is that something Gwen wouldn’t do?” (M/N) spoke back more harshly than he intended. Peter sighed as he nodded, his voice muffled by the mask as he replied “No, but I was just curious. You hardly bake unless you need to take your mind off something." He leaned his head against the windows frame, “or someone” (M/N) mumbled. 
“Look, I'm sorry for what I said...I’m serious when I say I didn’t mean it, it was a stressful week for me, but that wasn’t an excuse to lash out on the person I love the most. I know you'd rather I not spew out my bullshit but I need to, (M/N). I love you; I really do love you, I'm so sorry that it took me temporarily losing you to realize that…Truth is I can’t do anything without you, my life isn’t worth living if you’re not in it. I miss just having you around to talk, to mess around with, waking up every day to at least one good morning text from you. I miss how you’d light up my day with your smile and calls throughout the evening. I miss everything, I miss you.” Peter spoke as he finally got it off his chest.
(M/N) stood there, staring at the reflection of himself in the lenses of Peter's spider suit as he had a soft smile on his face, his cheeks warm. “Thanks..for saying that, Peter. I know you’re sorry…i know you didn’t mean it but it still hurts, like really hurts. Hearing you say you technically didn’t love me, it just…it felt bad. It’s not that I don’t want to accept your apology, I do but you have to understand how I feel too, how it still hurts and it’s gonna take some time for me to fully get over it” (M/N) spoke gently as he peered down seeing Peter take his hand and intertwine their fingers together which brought a smile to his face. “I know, I understand…we can work on it together, right?” Peter mumbled. “Yeah, together.” (M/N) reassured as he gently squeezed Peter’s hand.
“Do you want some cookies?”
“Here I thought you weren’t going to ask”
It didn’t take long for (M/N) to come back with a small plastic bag, inside a few cookies enveloped in some napkins as he handed them to Peter which he gladly accepted, “Thank you, civilian” Peter thanked as he held the bag in one of his hands. “So I’m a civilian now?” (M/N) teased as he crossed his arms. “Yeah, but a handsome one” Peter quickly chimed a smirk underneath his mask as (M/N) slightly pulled it up to Peter’s nose, the both finally embracing into a short yet loving kiss, as Peter dropped the cookies onto the wooden floor of the apartment as his hands enveloped (M/N)’s cheeks before the other pulled away
“My cookies”
“Hey, I said I wanted some not that I’d take care of them”
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
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brain-palace · 1 year
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Just like my previous (sorry if you haven't seen it), this one serves as an archive for the fics I love. However, this one is for smaller things like headcanons, imagines, drabbles and scenarios. As usual, if you're looking for something new to read feel free to have a look I recommend everything here. I read many different characters/universes, so I'll list them all so you don't waste time looking at something that isn't relevant to you. If you find something you like please show the fics and their authors some love!
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Disclaimer: None of the works below belongs to me unless it explicitly says so. © - All rights reserved to the authors. If a fic does not have a name I will make one up for the sake of archival purposes.
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Criminal minds - Hotch & Ried | Stranger Things - Eddie, Steve | TWD (The walking dead) - Daryl & Rick | MCU - Peter Parker, Tony Stark | Sherlock |
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Key ➸ Angst ☁ | Fluff ♡ | Crack ❈ | Smut 🔞 |
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Spencer Ried (CM) ↴
Spencer's wife stitches him up after being injured on a case | by @radiant-reid | ♡
Spencer introduces his family's newest addition to the team | ♡
Tricking you for kisses | by @chrisevansleftpeck | ♡
Playing twister with Spencer | by @byersbootyshorts | ♡ ❈
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Aaron Hotchner (CM) ↴
Guess who has Hotch's initials tattoed | by @kryptonitejelly | ♡ ❈
Identity theft - Someone took the wrong badge | by @ssahotchnerr | ♡ ❈
Thought I'd make you breakfast | by @ddejavvu | ♡
Prompting insecurity | by @ptersparkers | ☁ ♡
Saving you from a bad blind date | by @ddejavvu | c
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Daryl Dixon (TWD) ↴
"If that’s yer light punch, yer real punch must hurt like hell...” | by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | ❈
"Parking that in my front yard wasn’t exactly subtle,” | by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | ♡ ❈
“The kids ambushed me!” | by daryl-dixion-daydreams
"Blood does seem to be a rather disturbing theme around here." | by daryl-dixion-daydreams |
"Nope, puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time!" | by @letterstotheflre |
"I'm not lost. I'm just... exploring my options" | by daryl-dixion-daydreams |
"Just some short and sweet pregnant reader" | by @babyyblues | ♡
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Eddie Munson (ST) ↴
Picking up a drunk Eddie Munson | by @munson-blurbs | ☁ ♡
Confessions in the Rain | by @appocalipse | ♡
Teaching you how to play the guitar | by @strange-mischief | ♡
Only you can touch my hair | by @bruisedboys | ♡
Boob talk | by @purplehazed-h | ♡ ❈
Need you around | by @silent-stories | ♡
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Steve Harrington (ST) ↴
Got my picture in your wallet | by @luveline | ♡
Signals | by @sanguineterrain | ♡
Cowboy Steve | by @sanguineterrain |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Peter Parker (MCU) ↴
Drunken words | by @luveline | ♡
s'it okay? | by @inkluvs |
Bleeding on your bed again | by @bruisedboys |
"You're a very good kisser" | by @ddejavvu | ♡
Re-touching the roots | by @reidslovely | ♡ ❈
Got to let you go | "Peter will always pick the pain of letting you go over seeing you in pain" |☁
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Sherlock ↴
"The Game is Afoot, Indeed" | by @marvelousmando | ♡
Held at gunpoint | by @imagine221b | ❈
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Tony Stark ↴
Trial and error | by @mostly-marvel-musings | ♡
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Notes: To see longer fics check out this post → The Archive list
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auroras-space25 · 5 months
Hello Tickle Community🫐
☁︎︎Hi! I’m Aurora☁︎︎
I’m new to the tickle community so here are some things about my new blog💌
My requests are open and I will write fics and headcanons ♡︎
I only write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 characters/people and from a 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 reader perspective ✧
I will write for 𝐋𝐞𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐋𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𑁍
I’m 18 years old so I’m not very into NSFW content ☽
My prompts are 100% open! Please feel free to put through any ideas ♧︎
I write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 and also 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 from my list of Fandoms below✬
Messages are open but please be kind and respectful, you are free to ask anything whether it’s about tickling or not, just please be respectful ✫彡
Fandoms I Write For:
𝐓𝐯 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬:ꨄ
Supernatural (Sam, Dean, Gabriel, Crowley, Castiel) (Jared, Jensen) 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Sam and Dean) 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Jensen Ackles)
The Last Of Us (Joel) (Pedro)
Gilmore Girls (Dean, Jess, Logan, Tristan, Luke) 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Dean, Jess and Logan)
Teen Wolf (Stiles, Scott, Derek, Liam, Isaac) (Dylan O’Brien
Criminal Minds (Spencer, Hotch, Derek) (Matthew)
The OC (Seth, Ryan)
Daredevil (Matt Murdock) 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
The Vampire Diaries (Damon, Stefan, Enzo, Klaus, Elijah) 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Stefan, Damon Klaus, Elijah)
Brooklyn 99 (Jake)
Outerbanks (John B, JJ, Pope, Rafe, Barry)
The Summer I Turned Pretty (Cameron, Steven, Conrad)
American Horror Story (Tate, James, Kit) (Evan)
Stranger Things (Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, Hopper) (Joe Keery, Joseph Quinn, Finn Wolfhard)
Grey’s Anatomy (Derek, Alex, Mark)
10 Things I Hate About You (Patrick, Cameron)
Scream 1-6 (Billy, Stu, Dewey, Chad)
Twilight (Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Charlie)
The Maze Runner (Thomas, Newt, Minho) (Dylan, Thomas)
Pirates Of The Caribbean (Jack, Will) (Johnny)
MCU (Tony, Steve, Bucky, Peter Q, Peter P, Loki, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Deadpool, + The Actors)
Mötley Crüe (Tommy, Vince, Nikki) 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐞)
Dave Grohl
Metallica (Kirk, James, Lars, Dave)
Guns N Roses (Slash, Duff)
Alex Turner
One Direction (Harry, Niall, Zayn Liam)
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veenus777 · 1 year
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┊ ᝰ﹕About me
You can call me Vênus, i have 19y and im from leo sign, im future fashion designer how loves write. Music is my passion and im obssesed with pinterst so you can check my playlists and profiles .          
┊ ᝰ﹕Some Points
♤ All orders placed will be in writing however it may take some time for postage so please be patient.
♧ My first language is not English so there may be some grammatical errors, if you find any please comment and let me know where it is so I can fix it
♤ I write one shots, fanfics and headcanons.
♧ Content for +18 and nsfw will have an indication in the initial description, if you are underage please ignore and move on, otherwise it will be the responsibility of the reader to consume this type of content.
♤ I do not write Content with Racism, Homophobia, Zoophilia or Incest, please do not ask.
♧ In the future the links and contents will be separated in a Masterlist
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┊ ᝰ﹕Characters list
· . ·· ✦ QSMP
↳ Pac {TazerCraft}
↳ Quackity
↳ Foolish Gamers
↳ Bagheera Jones
↳ Cellbit
↳ Wilbur Soot
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· . ·· ✦MCU
↳ Loki Laufeyson
↳ Natasha Romanoff
↳ Wanda Maximoff
↳ Pietro Maximoff
↳ Buck Barnes
↳ Sam Wilson
↳ Peter parker
↳ Yelena Belova
↳ Kate Bishop
↳ Miguel O'hara
↳ Tommy Shepard {comics}
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· . ·· ✦ Formula 1
↳ Charles Leclerc
↳ Carlos Sainz
↳ Lewis Hamilton
↳ Lando Norris
↳ Pierre Gasly
↳ Daniel Riccardo
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· . ·· ✦ Outer Banks
↳ JJ Maybank
↳ John B
↳ Sarah Camaron
↳ Kiara Carrera
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· . ·· ✦ Harry Potter Universe
↳ Wolfstar
↳ James Potter
↳ Regulus Black
↳ Marlene Mckinnon
↳ George Weasley
↳ Mattheo Riddle
↳ Cedric Diggory
↳ Draco Malfoy
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· . ·· ✦ The Chronicles of Narnia
↳ Prince Caspian
↳ Edmund Pevensie
↳ Peter Pevensie
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· . ·· ✦ Batfamily
↳ Jason Todd {comics}
↳ Dick Grayson
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· . ·· ✦ Stranger Things
↳ Eddie Munson
↳ Steve Harrington
↳Robin Buckley
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· . ·· ✦ TVD Universe
↳ Klaus Mikaelson
↳ Elijah Mikaelson
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· . ·· ✦ Devils Night Series
↳ Kai Mori
↳ Will Grayson III
↳ Damon Torrence
↳ Nikova Banks
↳ Alex Palmer
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.˚。 💋 .˚。 💌
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