#still think like helluv more but
fzrticv · 8 months
...idk what say about me I find the side plots/stuff in both shows, more interesting
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
I personally am not sure what Dino squad is 😭 but MLP is a personal no for me, just because I’ve seen a lot of people on the internet ruin it by turning it into… those kind of things (not that I am saying you would, I’m more worried somebody might try requesting those or taking your work and saying that’s what you’re doing) I am curious though if you’re going to still post anything for wof au? Sorry if I missed an announcement on that!!- 🦋
Hey, request period is open til 8pm tomorrow night, Silk 🦋 Anon! No worries! With MLP, and anything I write, I keep them strictly platonic, leave out s*x, and will not have romance between Reader and anyone else. With MLP, I don't like when others s*xualize it. It's ponies, made for children. I'm not even sure if they're adults or not! Same thing can be said about Pokemon. You can still request Wings of Fire, as well as Hazbin Hotel/Helluve Boss and Naga AUs. Fair warning, I do have a Drone/Brood AU or Teo, but they aren't s*xual. I made them more so Reader can be forcefully cuddled and forced to relax and feel happy. (I keep all AUs platonic and leave out adult themes. I write dark stuff, but not in the adult activities way). Are there any future AUs or crossover AUs you think would be neat? (Try an episode of Dino Squad, it's free to watch on YouTube)
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lacontroller1991 · 4 years
Someone To You (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
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Summary: Reader gets jealous of Daryl and Carol’s relationship, feeling like he is neglecting her for Carol, so she avoids him and he confronts her about it
Author’s Note: Can I talk about how much I can’t stand Carol in season 10. She was so selfish and for what? I mean I still love her, but season 10 Carol wasn't it. ALSO ANGSTY AS FUUUUCCC, also Daryl is a bit of a dick in this
Warning: Language
You didn’t know when you and Daryl had become a ‘thing’ so to speak, but you did know when you started to really notice his relationship with Carol. It was the first night at the prison when they were on watch together and you were walking the length of the gates for something to do when you heard Daryl say ‘I’ll go down first’ and Carol shouting back ‘even better’. You knew deep down that they were probably joking with each other, it still stung. You shook it off, knowing that Daryl had stated explicitly multiple times that he and Carol were just friends. 
Then Lori died and Carol was missing. Daryl was a mess. You tried consoling him, ensuring him that she was fine, that she wasn’t dead, but he turned a cold shoulder, lighting a cigarette and releasing a shaky breath. You walked away from him, expecting him to call out to you, but he didn’t. Deep down you knew they were more than just friends. 
When Carol showed up in Daryl’s arms extremely dirty and almost passed out, you stood there in shock as Daryl brushed passed you and placed her in her cell. What really got you questioning his loyalty was that he wouldn’t leave her bedside. 
“Can I get you anything?” You asked softly as he shrugged his shoulders, not even glancing at you. Walking away, you saw Rick look at you with sorrow. Offering a small smile, you went down to get some food that you had cooked for everyone. Getting a bowl, you poured the stew and grabbed a spoon, heading back to Carol’s cell, hoping that Daryl would eat something.
“Here, you need to eat something babe,” you stated softly, handing him the bowl gently as he took it and stared at it before throwing it at the wall next to you, getting stew all over your clothes and hair.
“What they fuck Daryl? I’m just trying to help!” You exclaimed in frustration as he looked at you with that infamous Dixon temper.
“Yeah, we don’t need yer help. Get outta here,” he yelled as you stood still, taking in the ‘we’ more than anything else, “go!” Running out of the cell, you passed Maggie and Glenn who looked at you in shock before turning back to each other.
“I’ll go talk to her,” Maggie suggested as Glenn nodded his head. Running after you, Maggie exited the prison to see you sitting on the floor in sobs. Placing a hand on your shoulder, she took a seat next to you and rubbed circles into your back.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it sweetie,” she whispered as you sniffled, looking at her through bangs before wiping your tears away.
“What does she have that I don’t?” You asked as she sighed and looked at the clouds in the sky as if searching for an answer.
“He just needs space.”
“Well, he can have it. I’m done looking after him while all he does is mope in her cell,” you stated harshly, grabbing one of the metal pipes before heading down to the fences.
You avoided Daryl and Carol like the plague. You even went as far as sleeping in an empty cell, away from them, trying to collect your thoughts. It had been a week since Carol has been up and running around. She would offer you smiles but you would never return them, always getting food after everyone else so that you could avoid the pity talk and avoid them. You laid in your cell, backed in the furthest corner but you could still hear everything happening outside. Your ears immediately perked up at the mention of your name.
“’ave ya talked to her? She won’t talk to me,” Daryl commented as you heard Rick sigh, blocking the entrance to your cell that you were almost certain that Daryl didn’t know about.
“Look, you messed up. I would even go as far as saying that you fucked up,” Rick replied, and you could image what they looked like. Rick with his hands on his hips and Daryl leaning against the wall.
“’ow the fuck did I fuck up? Carol wasn’t ‘erself.”
“I don’t know, brother. But throwing a bowl of stew at (Y/n) when she was just trying to help isn’t the greatest thing in the world.”
“I did what?” The surprise in his voice shook you. How could he not know what he did? Wasn’t he explicitly clear that he didn’t want your help just days before.
“She was bringing you food, you threw it at her,” Rick stated as you leaned closer in without making a sound.
“Shit,” was all that Daryl said before his heavy footprints walked away, leaving Rick at the entrance to your new cell. You stared at him as he walked in, taking a seat on your bed next to you.
“You should talk to him,” he suggested as you shook your head.
“No, I’m done talking to him. I don’t want to be a second choice to anyone. If it were me or Carol, he would choose her every time. Guarantee it.”
“No he wouldn’t.”
“Yes he would, Rick. You saw him. All he did was sit there in her cell, holding her hand and spoon feeding her. It was a mistake joining the group,” you whispered, trying to push the tears down, “maybe if I had never joined the group then I wouldn’t have fallen in love with that jerk.”
“Don’t say that, you belong with us and you know it. You contribute just as much as anyone else does, we all appreciate you and want you here.”
“I don’t know. I should just leave. Take my chances.”
“I can’t stop you, but if you ever decide to come back, you are always welcomed.”
“Thanks Rick,” you offered him a smile as he pulled you in for a side hug.”
“Of course. Although can you take watch tonight?” He asked with a smile as you laughed and shoved his arm playfully.
“Yeah, I got it.”
The breeze from up in the guard tower blew your hair across your face. You leaned against the rail, not paying attention to the door opening and who was coming in.
“Don’t leave,” a gruff voice said, causing you to spin around to see Daryl standing there as awkward as ever with some flowers and food in his hand. Your heart skipped a beat, urging to go back to him and forgive him, but you ignored the feeling and turned away, going back to look out at the empty field. 
“Not your decision.” He sighed, placing the flowers down and walking over to you, offering you the bowl of stew. Taking it from him, you copied him and threw it at the door.
“Guess I deserved that,” he commented as you shot him a glare.
“Ya think?” He moved to stand next to you.
“I know I fucked up. Please don’t leave, we need you here.”
“We? You gotta be kidding me.” You spat out as you avoided his stare.
“The hell is yer problem girl?” He asked, his temper flaring up as you looked at him in disbelief.
“My problem? My problem is you and Carol. You care for her more than you do me. You couldn’t even look at me when she was down, all you could do was just sit in her cell. My problem is you. And here you come, with flowers asking me not to leave. Because you guys need me here. Not you. The truth is,” you whispered out the last part, wiping the tears away, “I fucking love you Daryl. But you love her more than me, and it really shows. I want you to pick me, choose me, love me.”
“That’s what ya think?”
“It’s what I know.”
“Then yer an idiot,” he whispered, pulling you into him, kissing your lips with passion as you stood there, gradually returning the kiss before he pulled apart, “I care for her. But I love ya so much it ‘urts. If ya decide to leave, it will kill me. I need ya here. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep ya here. Hell, I’ll even stop talking to ‘er.”
“Don’t do that.”
“But I will.”
“I just want to be someone to you,” you whispered, hugging him, tightly wrapping your arms around his waist as he held you close to him.
“Yer my everythin’.”
Author's Note: AHDHEJWbfoewhfNEqoHFEP, think this might be my favorite fic I’ve ever written. In no way would I ever beg on my knees for a guy to choose me over another chick, but if it were Daryl Dixon I would make one helluv an exception. 
Also Peep Grey’s reference
Also poor Rick, he has to deal with their shit when he just lost Lori. RIP
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corinnamamameya · 7 years
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((Pictures Edited By: @lindamonroe))
"Okay, Coco Bean... No peeking!" Mollie would say as I followed her while being blindfolded by her hand. I was on a date...we were on a date..I felt giddy and nervous all in one. My sense were in overdrive from not being able to see. I heard the grass crunch under our shoes, and once in a while the snap of a twig under my boot or hers. The sound of grasshoppers off in the distance playing their song in peace, here I thought they would be hibernating or something with the cold but I guess not. We walked in silence I don't know how long it felt like forever...I finally broke the silence "Can I open my eyes yet? I wanna see, how about a hint pleeeease molliiiiie?" Maybe my cuteness would get me some answers as she guided me to stop. I could hear her laugh in return, before replying. "Patience Coco Bean, keep those eyes closed, and don't move until I say when, okay?" Damn cuteness charm ineffective, but I kept my eyes closed giving an evident pout "Okay, okaaaay." I'd say, keeping my eyes closed as she removed her hand. I could hear her walking off then silence. I'm sure most would have been worried at something like that but Mollie wasn't the type to leave someone out in the woods! "Mollie...?" I'd whisper shifting from one foot to the other, now even more tempted to open my eyes.
Before a mini freak out could assume from yours truly I'd hear her let out a soft chuckle "Okay when!" she'd say. My eyes snapped open, blinking them a few times so they could adjust to my surroundings. Finally, as everything came into view I took in the sights of a makeshift tent, right in the center of the secluded area we stood in, lite by the moon, stars, and fireflies themselves. The area looked so tranquil and magnificent, with the grasshopper's song playing in the background, it felt magical. It was like a scene from those romantic films, where you're like that would so not happen in reality. But nope there it was standing right smack dab in the front of me. What do you say to someone who took time out of their day to set all this up?! Thank you, just didn't cut it. I'd crouch for a moment to look inside the tent, seeing plush pillows and tiny lanterns lighting the inside. I grinned like a dork, looking from Mollie to the setup and back again. Deciding a response was in order at this point, how long had I'd just been standing in silence. Clearing my throat as I stood back up "Mollie.. It's freaking gorgeous! I don't wanna be lame... and cry on our first date but..no ones ever done anything like this... I love it!" stupid tears starting to fall as I finished, I'd wipe at my face quickly She'd smirk "Don't get sappy on me now Coco Bean." she'd tease, and pull me into a tight hug "Come on, no tears. I want you to be all smiles tonight."
I'd giggle, hugging her back just as tight giving her neck a soft nuzzle "You're right...thank you!" I'd pull back beaming at her "It's an awesome surprise!" "That's not all." she grinned, while taking my hand urging me to follow. Giggling again I'd follow after her. "Oh?" I questioned, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. If we somehow managed a second date I wanted to do something just as special, my mind running through ideas, not realizing we had reached our destination until practically colliding with Mollie's back "Oop! sorry!" smiling meekly, before looking around. We were on a bridge, shrubbery lined along it and out ahead a clear view of the lake, the moon's ray making it shimmer as if jewels lined the bottom. Fireflies danced among themselves along the water, making the lake's surface glimmer even more. Further out trees circled the area, and an abandoned boat bobbed along the river's gentle push. I stood in awe, nature was just on Mollie's side this day it felt and looked so surreal. I stepped ahead, slowly afraid to break the magic.
"Can we..sit?" asking as I continued to gawk. I wish I had a camera to capture the moment before me, but since I didn't I'd just have to soak in every detail through memory. "Of course Coco." Mollie would say already taking a seat behind me, and getting herself situated first before taking my hand yet again easing me down to join her. I could feel my cheeks heat up even against the cold air as I rested against her lap. Being so close was still foreign to me with her, nothing bad just that butterflies feeling as if they'll explode from your stomach. I didn't want to spoil anything or come off too strong or move to fast. Just nice and slow. We sat in silence enjoying the view and each others company, somewhere along the line
Mollie was the first to break the silence "Wow Coco Bean. Look at that sky." pointing up at the twinkling stars. Looking up I'd grin "It's beautiful...never seen so many stars if at all...city lights hide them... Could get use to such a beautiful sight." I'd sigh "Wish I knew the constellations tho..." I'd say while looking from star to star.
Mollie would laugh softly while pointing to the star's "See those three stars in a row there? That's Orion's belt. And that thing that looks like a shopping cart? That's Charles's Wain. My dad taught me a few of these growing up." whispering the last of her sentence as she stroked my hair with her free hand.
Listening, I'd follow her hand trying to make a mental note to not forget. "I'll try to remember...though I may just end up asking you again in the future." I'd giggle softly "Hey Mollie...are you and your dad still close..?" Was that appropriate to ask your girlfriend? Were we that far in the relationship to ask about one anothers family? I was curious but there is a saying about that kill the cat... "Sorry, not a good first date question right? Just a little nervous..like I'm gonna mess this up..somehow heh..." I'd look back to see her expression.
She was biting her lip as if contemplating something before speaking. "Uhm... He... He's dead. So... No..." My heart sunk, and I instantly wanted to go back in time and not even ask. "I'm sorry..." Ugh the typical response to death, I hated it when people did it to me, when every a question came up about my own dad. "I feel like an ass for asking now..." And I felt like a bigger ass for asking on date night, wasn't there like a rule book for things like this?! Or did you just wing it all? I spent the next few minutes mentally kicking myself as I twiddled with my fingers, and wanting to hide in a hole far off somewhere.
Mollie broke the silence, obviously feeling awkward tension. "Hey, it's okay Coco Bean. It's not as painful anymore. Don't be nervous. You haven't ruin anything." intertwining her fingers with my own. I closed my eyes a moment taking in a deep breath of cold air, her words giving me a big boost of reassurance. "Thank you....So how about those nicks?" trying to lighten things back up. Hearing her chuckle in response gave me hope I wasn't a total dope, as I joined her laughing.
"I'm kidding, I know that was lame." giving her hands a soft squeeze in my own, they were much warmer then mine, MUCH more. My own felt like little Popsicles. How long had we been outside? 30 minutes, maybe an hour, regardless the more I pondered it the chillier it felt. As if on queue I began to shiver.
"Cold Coco?" Mollie would ask "It's warmer in the tent if you want to head in." Perking up at the words of warmer, I didn't need to be told twice. "Only if you don't mind, I tend to get cold even if I have on 100 layers of clothing." I'd joke "How about a race? Last one there is a frozen snow girl!" preparing to break free and run for the tent.
You guys... I dunno how it happened or when but the next thing I know my feet weren't connected to the ground anymore which made me squeal in surprise, took me a second to realize I was being cradled. I looked to Mollie with a look of bewilderment which in return she burst into laughter. I was either less then 120 or she was just helluv strong!
"Nope, no racing." she'd say kissing the tip of my nose before carrying me off towards the tent. Talk about leaving a girl speechless, not everyday you get carried off like a princess. I was no longer cold that was for sure, my cheeks blazed as I blushed "You're gonna spoil me like this ya know..." looking down with a shy smile as I spoke.
"That's the idea Coco bean." she'd say with a grin, gently laying me down among the many pillows that filled tent. She was right it was much warmer even more so when she closed the tent's flaps. We spent the rest of the night talking about any and everything we could think of along with a few drinks of champagne and nibbles of strawberries. I even showed Mollie how I'd let the berries soak in the champagne before eating them, I don't remember saying I was tired or even falling asleep but I did. Finding myself snuggled up against a sleeping Mollie, was it weird to watch her sleep? Or watch her chest rise and fall, I already felt lucky even more so now. How did I end up dating someone so amazing, so kind, and beautiful. I Watched her oblivious to her surroundings, pondering what was going on in that sleeping head. Very slowly I'd lean forward planting a kiss along the corner of her mouth careful to not wake her. "Thank you for an amazing night molls." I'd whisper. Hopefully I could make our next date just as great for her.
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sneek-m · 7 years
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Listening 2017: June 6–15
The last entry brought older albums to the queue, and this one has even more. Though it put me pretty behind on new releases, I’m glad I’m more eager to turn to older records because I’m the worst when it comes to listening to albums made before the ’90s. I cover four of them here, which for me is a good amount than usual.
Here’s what caught my ear these couple weeks:
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Sing Sing Death House
The Distillers Hellcat, 2002
Only a year sets apart Sing Sing Death House from Coral Fang, the punk band’s second and third release, respectively, out of their three-album run. The completeness of the latter compared to the former, though, astonishes me. Such a result most likely has to do with Coral Fang being a release on a major label, where an ability to write songs with a sharp sense of form and structure is a given as much as it is a sign of artistic growth. Sing Sing Death House, meanwhile, is a tight release in its own way. While Brody Dalle here may care less about providing full songs than a hook to shout, she still hands in a succinct half-hour rundown of the most gut-punching punk bursts. They’re proudly messy, which makes me curious to how they were received when they decided to clean up their act.
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Junior M.A.F.I.A. Undeas/Big Beat, 1995
How two legit hits can come out of a band of amateurs trying on the suits of their New York gangsta-rap heroes only speaks to the business mind of Christopher Wallace, who I assume learned a thing or two working with Sean Combs: that notorious scene of Puff Daddy pushing a Mtume-sampling record as the single to hardcore rapper Biggie’s debut comes to mind. Because most, if not all of the appeal behind both “Player’s Anthem” and “Get Money” — especially the latter’s — is the hook, not to mention its rather flashy loops. Same goes for the third, the Faith Evans-assisted “I Need You Tonight.” Rapping for rapping sake takes them only so far.
The rappers involved do fine world building that lives up to its title of Conspiracy with raps covering paranoia and double-crossing, Biggie’s favorite themes. But again, it’s the things extraneous from the actual rapping that make the non-singles to be more memorable. Straight-up rap track “Realms of Junior M.A.F.I.A.” shines less from the lyrics than the trusted sample of ESG’s “UFO.” “White Chalk” is a rather peculiar one with its stylistic focus nearing horrorcore, evoking more of Southern acts of the time. When they commit squarely to their mafioso role, it sounds exactly like a product by a gang of lesser goons under their bosses wing.
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Possibility / Bitter and Sweet
Akina Nakamori Reprise, 1984; 1985
Per recommendation, Akina Nakamori’s Best I and II served as a fine introduction to the Japanese ’80s pop royalty. A definite shift in the singer can be heard from the first to the second compilation, her work from 1986 to 1988; four years after her first single, her voice has finally grown to that of a proper ballad powerhouse. But even in Best I, her hits from 1982 to 1985, you can pick up a gradual growth by the way her voice pairs with more flamboyant accents.
I’m in no way an expert to Nakamori’s work, but personally, I pin the point in time in which she began to hit her stride around 1984 and 1985 with, respectively, Possibility and Bitter and Sweet. She sounds more comfortable to swing her voice around in both. While she showcases just how she can deliver in traditional modes through a series of ballads in the former, she tries on more playful get-ups in the latter; Bitter and Sweet works more contemporary pop productions with drum machines, funk bass lines, starry synths and such. Her 1985 record worked much better for me especially because I’ve gone to associate Nakamori as a diva figure, and the glamorous sounds from that album befits that title.
[6] / [7]
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The Pleasure Principle / Freedom of Choice
Gary Numan / Devo Beggars Banquet, 1979; Warner Bros., 1980
I don’t know what this says about me during these trying times, but I’ve lately grown a strong fondness for pop exploring humanness — and more so the lack thereof. For others, both Numan and Devo’s work in these albums perhaps feel too disconnected, but the impersonal mode these records assume from the deliberate machine-like rendering of pop is the very voice they strive to hit upon.
The deconstruction of their beloved formats — more singer-songwriter pop for Numan while Devo takes apart the romanticism of rock ’n’ roll — show admiration for the form as well as an eye to critique, mainly what pop tells us (sells us?) about our source of pleasure. And though the present-day has countless improved tools and smoother techniques to get a similar point across, the limitation of the available technology of their era brings an inimitable voice to the records. These prototypes of the man-machine hit a more poignant note than the later versions they inspire.
[8] / [7]
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Payroll Giovanni & Helluv no label, 2017
Hundreds of rap albums have sold us the cool of a Scarface poster on a bedroom wall. When it comes down to it, though, pretending to be Tony Montana on a record is still kind of a geeky form of play, isn’t it? I thought this while Payroll Giovanni referenced DC Comics superheroes in his song about neighborhood heroes, which during this time full of comic-book movies hits me extra nerdy. While his icon instead rocks chains while in the drug trade, he drives a coupe which he likens to a Batmobile — sleek and extravagant of a metaphor, sure, but a bit kitsch. (“Fuck a Wonder Woman,” if you also want a diss that’s timely.) Payroll also re-works Montell Jordan’s eternal ’90s anthem to fit his drug business in Detroit so it reads, yes, “This Is How We Move It.” These underlining cheesiness about the day in the life of pusher, told otherwise with a brute composure tailored for a gangsta rapper, just about sums up this tape, I think.
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Zone Sony, 2002
Zone apparently once got stuck with the crude category “ban-dol” because the public could not decide whether the four piece is an idol group or a band. Had they stuck with the exuberant mode of their major-label debut “Good Day” for their debut album, the latter would befit them a lot better. But the power-pop hit was a one off for Z — personally a bit disappointed because it drew me to this album expecting more. They instead stick closer to the earnestness of “Secret Base ~Kimi ga Kureta Mono~,” a staple ballad out of the group’s catalog still to this day.
The album’s sappy mood also calls to mind the dozens of other solo J-pop singer-songwriters who later in the mid-2000s got popular by selling wholesomeness and sentimentality — many of them, acoustic clad. Perhaps it’s a trend, at the very least a micro one? It’s a curious observation I’d investigate further, but even for a sentimentalist like myself, the catalog of some of those artists can be dour to get through.
Others albums that caught my interest…
Agent Bla: Agent Bla
Bleachers: Gone Now
Chief Keef: Thot Breaker
Day6: Sunrise
Gang Parade: Barely Last
Haruomi Hosono: S-F-X
Mondo Grosso: Nando demo Atarashiku Umareru
Mozzy & Gunplay: Dreadlocks & Headshots
My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade
Ryuichi Sakamoto: Beauty
Sayonara Ponytail: Yume Miru Wakusei
Sugababes: Angels with Dirty Faces
Sister Sledge: We Are Family
T-ARA: What’s My Name?
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1lovejack · 7 years
3 Must Get Tears! 4-24-17
I see a queen
Or so I thought
Figured out ,, she the type of beauty to be bought
There sittin flawless
Fine & gawgeous
That is a queen!
At least.. I thought
Presence is a grace
Very humorous I say
I still looked for sunshine even thou you turned out to be the rain showers in may
You definitely were a queen that day
Or so I thought
You're more like a magician
Hearsay.. you play tricks on the mind baby..
Baby baby I met this lil lady
Fine like a glass of wine & she shine
Everything a goddess defines
Caramel tinted
Walking canvas
Vibes so chill like the pacific I ain't been catching no waves
Then again
Did you send it?
Tried to avoid being sexual
But that ass ,, can I grip it?
Spread them legs ,, can I feel it?
I'm really tryna get to know you fore I stick it
I did mention I ain't know you well but I can fix that..
Purple like the sky with that red tint
Pretty ass view I think they make a good mix
Prolly why when we first talked ,, we just clicked
Plus you're a down ass woman
That's a good fit I ain't really hittin on you
Just speaking true shit
Don't get me wrong girl
You super lit
I just want to take my time
Cuz I cherish it
Ik you pack a lot of love
A helluv it
You the type of girl I'd cry to when I'm hella bent
You got this glow aboutcha like you heaven sent
You the type of girl I would overlook
When it was always meant
If I miss out ,, that's what I get for being incompetent!
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