#but imp or the hotel? its there i guess
fzrticv · 8 months
...idk what say about me I find the side plots/stuff in both shows, more interesting
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catboymoments · 15 days
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Some hotel purgatorium/hellaverse redesign/rewrite info yahoo !! I really don’t know if I’m gonna be doing anything with the imp guys but I just wanted to try my hand at reworking them .
Also it bothers the shit out of me that viv didn’t do enough research on biblical lore so I guess being raised Catholic has its advantages sometimes /lhj
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flower-boi16 · 7 months
Hellaverse's World Building Problems (100 Follower Special!)
World-building is one of the most important things in any fantasy show, it fleshes out the setting the characters live in and tells you how things work. Unfortunately, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have several issues when it comes to they're world-building that harm both series and in this post, I'm going to discuss them.
1. Obsession with Pride
An issue I have with Hellaverse's world-building is that, for some reason, sinners aren't allowed in any other ring outside of the pride ring. So, this creates a few problems. The first is that Hazbin Hotel can now only use one setting rather than the other six it has because the characters are forced to be stuck there, so we'll have to use the same exact setting in a world with six more.
This wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for the fact that the pride ring itself is an extremely boring setting, it just looks like our world except red, and there's nothing unique or interesting about it aside from there being demons there.
The only place in the pride ring that has any potential to be interesting is cannibal town, and even then, it just looks like a normal town, there isn't exactly any cannibalization in it to be seen.
The other rings at least have interesting themes to them that make them distinct from each other, the pride ring is just some boring city painted in red. Then there's the issue of why sinners are even kept in the pride ring at all?
I'll go into this more later but the hierarchy in hell is very inconsistent at times. Imps are supposed to be lower class than sinners yet they have access to all the rings while sinners can only be in one. So why would Lucifer keep the sinners in the pride ring and only in the pride ring? The show doesn't bother giving an explanation for this at all.
I've seen the argument go around that it makes the exorcists do their job more effectively which while does make sense...it also doesn't exactly do very well for Lucifer as a character if he intentionally kept his own people in one ring so killing them would be easier. It loses a lot of sympathy points for him for me.
Besides, the show itself still needs to explain these plot holes rather than forcing fans to make fan theories over it. Seriously, I searched this question up on Google and I found so many people asking this, and all of the responses to the posts were people just making educated guesses because the show itself never bothered to actually EXPLAIN this.
So it's not even all of Hell having an overpopulation problem, it's just the pride ring specifically because sinners are confined there forever. If Charlie wants to solve Hell's overpopulation problem, why not ask her daddy to let sinners into other rings? (Assuming she doesn't know the actual reason why Heaven does this which totally does create serious issues with the show) Again, it's just the pride ring having an overpopulation problem, not all of Hell, so why Charlie never figured this out is beyond me.
But confining the characters to the pride ring creates more issues than just that, because now the show can't flesh out the other rings because it forces the characters to be stuck in just one.
So, you get the next issue with Hellaverse's world-building...
2. Packing World Building in a spin-off
Because Hazbin Hotel can't flesh out its world itself, it needs to rely on its spin-off, Helluva Boss, to flesh it out instead. This becomes a problem when you look at Hazbin as a stand-alone show separate from Helluva Boss; if you did not watch Helluva Boss, Hazbin's world-building would come across as fairly underdeveloped due to the characters being confined to one ring, so the other rings wouldn't get much fleshing out or development causing Hell as a setting to feel underdeveloped.
Hazbin Hotel is the main series of Hellaverse, it should be able to stand on its own as a stand-alone show and should not need a spin-off to flesh out its world-building. A new viewer should not have to watch a spin-off show to get more out of the main show's world-building, the main show should've fleshed out its world itself rather than rely on a spin-off for it.
This is why confining the characters to just the pride ring is a bad idea, the show can't flesh out its world now and it has to rely on a spin-off series to do that, so in order for a new viewer to experience more of the other rings, they would need to watch a spin-off show which is entirely supplemental material that one normally does not need to watch to understand things about a story.
Without HB, the other rings in Hazbin are very underexplored and underdeveloped, because we never get to see them or flesh them out. It needs to rely on its spin-off to flesh out its world, and that's bad because a spin-off is SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL. A viewer should not need to watch supplemental stuff to understand things about the main show, it should not be a required watch to get more of the world-building fleshed out.
Though, if anything, Helluva Boss just creates more world-building problems within the franchise, such as...
3. Hell's Hierarchy
So, in the Hazbin Hotel, there is a hierarchy in Hell. The order from most power to least is...
Charlie and Lilith
The Seven Deadly Sins
Ars Goetias
Hell Borns
Imps and Hell-Hounds
The problem here is that Hell's hierarchy is constantly ignored or broken by both of the shows. For example, Sinners and Overlords are confined to only the pride ring, meanwhile, Imps and Hell hounds, who are LOWER CLASS than Sinners and Overlords, are allowed to go to any ring that they like.
Then there's Beelzebub, whose mere existence causes issues. Let's get the obvious out of the way; why is a HELLHOUND one of the deadly sins when those are supposed to be just as lower class as imps? This could work if Beelzebub specifically had the least amount of power of the sins, but she doesn't.
FURTHERMORE, once we just ignore the fact that Beelzebub is a sin despite being a hellhound, we then have to open the can of worms that is her having a boyfriend who is also a hellhound, and...nobody cares about this?
I'm sorry, if a sin is perfectly allowed to date a hell hound in public, then why is it such a big deal when Stolas and Ozzie are caught fucking imps? Do the other sins not know about this??? Does Lucifer not know about this??? If so, why not??? Surely one of them being in a relationship with a hellhound would get they're attention...right?
And if they do know about this then again, why is it such a big deal that a Goetia Prince is sleeping with an imp and a sin, who is ABOVE HIM IN TERMS OF POWER, being in a relationship with a hellhound, who are just as if not MORE lower-class than imps, not? It's a confusing inconsistency.
Also, and I JUST REALIZED THIS, but what even happens when a sin or goetia is found out to be fucking an imp or hell hound? Seriously, what consequences does that sin or goetia even face? Stolas has been exposed for fucking Blitz ever since the end of season 1 yet he has received NO consequences at all, and like I said, Beezlebulb is allowed to be in a relationship with someone who is on the SAME LEVEL AS IMPS.
So why would Ozzie even need to hide his relationship with Fizz at all? What are the consequences for being in a relationship with a hellhound or imp? So far, there appears to be absolutely none! So why is it even that big of a deal when Stolas gets found out? Why does Ozzie need to hide his relationship with Fizz if there aren't going to be any consequences for it?
These plot holes hurt my BRAIN to think about. There is no consistency here, Hell's Hierarchy barely fucking matters in either of the shows, and characters higher up in the hierarchy are allowed to do SEVERAL things with lower classes and face no consequences despite the show trying to say they would. Oh, but all of what I just mentioned are just issues with HELL's world-building, now it's time to get into...
4. Heaven
I already talked about the problems with Heaven in the show so I won't dwell on the issues I've already talked about too much, however, Heaven still has many world-building issues like Hell does. For one, as I've already pointed out, we don't even know how Heaven even WORKS.
I already asked these questions before but like. How does one get into Heaven? What are the requirements for what make a good or bad person? We don't actually know and we never will because Heaven for SOME REASON doesn't have it's own criteria for what does or doesn't make a good person...
...WHY??!? Why don't they have this??? So how does one even GET into Heaven at all???? We have no idea of how Heaven works because the show never actually bothers putting in the effort to explain that.
Who even decides whether or not to get into Heaven??? Who is in charge of that??? Answer: We don't fucking know. Sera mentions the "divine judgment", which, after a quick Google search, says "the action of God's retributive justice by which the destiny of rational creatures is decided according to their merits and demerits"
So basically god decides who goes into Heaven or Hell, which would make sense...if it weren't for the fact, from what I've heard from other blogs...Viv said that god doesn't exist in HH or HB...so...
...divine judgment by WHO EXACTLY???? The lack of explanation of what does or doesn't get somebody into Heaven is made worse with Pentious getting into Heaven in the season finale.
I have already complained about this multiple times but like. HOW DID PENTIOUS GET INTO HEAVEN???? WHY DID HE GET INTO HEAVEN???????? He literally got killed by Adam! He should be a bunch of energy right out according to the wiki! Yet he makes it into Heaven anyway???? WHY????? The show never explains this at all! The only thing resembling a logical explanation I could find was on the wiki and even then the article was just speculating because again, the show didn't bother to actually explain this.
Viv. Can you PLEASE for the love of god (no pun intended) actually explain the rules of your world and its world-building? People should not have to create theories to patch up plot holes in your world-building, actually, EXPLAIN this shit for once.
Oh, and I'm still not done, because now there's the fact that the entirety of Heaven and most of Heaven's higher-ups except for Sera never knew of the exterminations, which creates MORE plot holes.
Did none of Heaven's citizens or other higher-ups question why the exorcists had BLOOD on them when they came back from Hell? Wouldn't have any of them put two and two together and think "Hey so they are probably killing people down there". Did none of them even question what was the point of the exorcists at all? How was Sera able to hide this stuff? Once again, the show doesn't answer ANY OF THIS.
Oh, and I'm STILL not done, because now, it's time to open the can of worms that apparently does not exist in this universe.....WHY?!?!? According to Google, the angels were created BY GOD. So, if he doesn't exist, how did the angels exist either? Who created them??? Heck, who even created HEAVEN ITSELF?????? Removing god from this universe creates so many issues and breaks the entire show. sigh, ok, I think that's enough....
5. Conclusion
So, Hellaverse's world-building has MANY issues. There are a lot of plot holes and thoughts about it that don't get answered, as well as hell itself, specifically the pride ring being incredibly boring visually. Not to mention a lot of the world-building is packed into a SPIN-OFF SHOW. So...ya, hope you liked my post, and thank y'all for 100 followers! So...bye.
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powerpuffobsession · 4 months
Charlie, a princess who grew up in hell and mind you wanders around its streets freely, strikes me not as a naiive
But more as uncaring. No naiive person could be that reckless and ignore signs of when they should apply more effort to help their loved ones. Especially the one who should have long ago learned how the world around her works (she's 200)
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let's count:
Takes as granted that Vaggie sees successfully helping Charlie as the only basis of her self esteem and personality (treating her gf more like a servant, an unfortunate consequence of Vaggie being nerfed as a character in general). Plus, Charlie dumps the responsibility of leading trust exercise on Vaggie without warning, making her feel anxious (who does that?)
Goes to Valentino's studio to "help Angel" just for brownie points. Doesn't think through an actual plan, actually thinks that Valentino would be okay with that and not abuse Angel more after he gets angry with Charlie (girl you grew up in hell), runs away crying from a bruised ego when something goes wrong instead of staying there and fixing her mistakes
Just stands there smiling when Alastor is shitting on her dad and outright lying about how he (Alastor) was supporting the hotel project since day 1 (when it was Vaggie actually...). Charlie doesnt correct him, she doesn't shut him up. She just..listens and awes. Girl, you aren't even in love with Alastor in canon. So why? My only guess is that Charlie doesn't even want to admit that someone she picked for help can act wrong and just suppresses the truth
Instead of being more mindful in the angel court, she blurts outloud how she doesnt trust angels (bad move that in real life distances someone you're trying to persuade, from you), and overall acts disrespectfully and aggressivelly (I doubt that in season 2 she's gonna be said to have learned from that mistake)
She only cares about sinners, as an object of her wonder, ignoring those who didn't have a choice of ending up in hell - imps
All in all: it even seems like Charlie's hotel wasn't organized to actually help sinners but to stroke her ego and help her get friends. We don't see Charlie putting any effort into understanding the psychology of human sinners, doing any research or at least hiring an actual shrink or other experts
Sinners at her hotel help each other out through befriending each other just because the writers want them to (seriously, try naming actual character traits that realistically intersect and provide believable chemistry). They could have easily done that without the hotel.
So what's the difference, and why does Lucifer pamper his daughter in the finale by saying that it was her who "changed their minds and touched their hearts"? (Given that he himself changed his mind after just one song that had no buildup to it lol - what a challenge that was indeed)
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irreverententity · 3 months
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── .✦ M Y B L O G
hello hello hello *tips hat* My name is Sirius but u can call me pads, z, or generational disappointment if you’re my family ! I’m legally 18 with the body of an 80 yr old
ıllı my blog will be chaotic and include everything from fit checks to anti-capitalism/facism rambles to hozier is jesus conspiracy theories to dying on the destiel was the og queerbaiting hill. this is my brain in a blog. everything will be tagged accordingly but buckle up anyway. I do have mental health issues which may be offhandedly mentioned and could be potentially triggering but that’s NOT what this blog is for. [if you’re here from my vent blog haiiii :D if you want my vent blog just dm :)]
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── .✦ A B O U T M E
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     
he/him/his they/them/theirs
xe/xem/zyr it/its/its
de/demon/demons fall/fallen/falls
imp/imp/imp star/star/stars
sin/sin/sins ze/zem/zyr
✦ .      . ˚ . . ✦ ˚
I generally identify as a problem. I’m queer, polyamorous, and have a qpp <3 gender wise…idfk anymore, but I use the labels nonbinary/transmasc/boycreature. I generally present as masc or androgynous but once i transition I plan on presenting more feminine bc I like to hoard all the genders 🤲🏼 (if you’re reading this, check your pockets, your gender may have been stolen)
I’m chronically ill (h-EDS + POTS) and disabled (autistic) !
random shit: i’m vegan, punk, a chronic caffeine/energy drink consumer, and if you haven’t guessed cliché — but there aren’t enough peer reviewed emo pre-teen claire’s rejected peircings haver bitches in the world anymore.
use tone tags with me !!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     
✦ = current special interest ・
☓﹐⊂⊃﹒➜ interests: peircings/body mods, kinks/bdsm, crafting/patch work, bone collecting, cryptids, norse&greek mythology, art, writing, editing, sleeping, dead dove fanfiction, watching movies, doom scrolling + more
☓﹐⊂⊃﹒➜ my fandoms: ✦ doctor who, ✦ supernatural, ✦ good omens, helluva boss/hazbin hotel, yaelokre, sherlock, house m.d, the walking dead, lucifer, five nights at freddy’s, the marauders era (hp), marvel, star wars, star trek, arcane, the umbrella academy, shameless, the flash, the arrow + I like a lot of other fandoms that are dead/were never really fandoms/I enjoy the films but I’m not in the fandom
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── .✦N A V I G A T I O N
do not interact. tagging system.
kintypes. credits.
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Hazbin Hotel Episode 3 & 4 Opinions and Story logic (mostly)
(ignore any typos, it's 3 min til midnight and I have a con in the morning and was at one all day, i'm not reading through this)
(Episode 3: Scrambled Eggs)
It’s weird to me that Vaggie wants to get rid of the egg bois cuz like??? Are they not also sinners that need redemption? Don’t they need to be saved too? The problem was that they kept building weapons that Sir Pen told them to make. They just needed something else to do, like idk, act as staff for the hotel. They can build, so maybe they can fix the hotel up a bit more.
I get it was just so one of them could spy for Alastor, but like, just have one follow him randomly. That isn’t out of character considering the eggs don’t have one.
It doesn’t make sense to me that Vaggie is so broken up by not getting the hotel guess to bond with each other. I get that she feel like she’s failing Charlie, but like, Charlie has accomplished literally nothing up at this point.
Yeah, so far there’s only 4 episodes, and the most Charlies done in all of them is get the exterminations moved up to every six mouths and fuck over Angel majorly ( I'm soft-balling that right now).
Like she signs a random paper without reading it, which, like girl, you are the daughter of the devil, there is now way she doesn’t know about the importance of contracts. Not only that it absolute FUCKS OVER everyone in hell. And it’s just brushed off??? Like no?
The exterminations is a big deal to all sinners, no matter the rank. Even if no one else knows what she did, Charlie should be more effected by this. The contract thing should have happened mid season or at the end, with her becoming more frantic to prove that her idea work so she can save sinners. But instead its treated like an oopies and she does trust falls and bond activities as if that’s going to make anyone a better person. Them liking each other doesn’t redeem them of anything.
*episode 3…im talking about that…*
Its my favorite so far. I like Zestail, Carmillia, Velvette and that dino lady are my favorite characters. Genuinely surprised I haven’t heard more about Respectless because it is my favorite song. (But it did come out next of ep 4, so it make sense.)
I hope Carmillia’s daughters are adopted or where her kids in life cuz the idea that the sinners can have kids are stuck in hell like the imps is messed up.
I’m glad Velvette gets development in this episode. I was worried that she’d just be the woman (tm) character of the Vees and be pushed to the side, so I was happy to see her upfront so soon. She’s now my favorite of the three, sorry Vox. I also like that her hair style keeps changing, that’s a nice touch for the fashion oriented one of the Vees.
The hotel gang going to the bondage…idk what to call it..Club felt like a waste of time. It was there for a joke and that’s it. Then Vaggie takes them to a city war zone and throws Pen and Angel off the building while Husk sneaks away.
Admittedly Husk sneaking off was funny to me, but like why would Vaggie think this would make them trust each other. Angel has a mafia background and family. Best bet he’s had to get into a few fights with them, and if I’m remembering lore correctly, he hates most to all of his family but okay.
At this point I’m genuinely curious how this show is going to develop Charlie’s redemption plan, because everything we’ve shown them try has failed and been show to clearly leading to fail. I have a feeling that he show isn’t going to have an ending, its just going to end. Like, nothing regarding the redemption plot line had made a single step forward. There’s just one more of them not, that’s it.
The second song doesn’t feel earned from Vaggie’s side.
Conclusion: This one is the best so far. It being mostly away from the main cast is not a good sign but it’s only number 3.
(Episode 4: Masquerade)
*gestures to that hot fucking mess* I’m not touching most of it. If you’re reading this them you’ve probably seen better points than I can provide. So I’m just going working on the logic within the story.
Personally, I think the visuals are a little too much, and I can understand where it goes way to far for a lot of people. I’d like to note that while Helluva Boss has a working screen on every single episode this has jack shit which was a huge fuck up in my opinion. I don’t care what the shows rating is, adult content and sensitive content are two different things and need to be treated as such.
Any media that handles SA, SH or abuse needs a huge label like those FBI no pirating screens from back in the day. I am not joking.
*shit I toughed it moving back a bit*
Okay, so why did Charlie goes to Angel’s job KNOWING he was in the middle of working. Like she knows he makes porn. The episode starts with the hotel gang watching one and her being visible uncomfortable. Why would she go there? And not like, wait outside or something? (she was uncomfortable at the bondage place why wouldn’t that be any different here?)
Charlie not picking up how upset Angel was that she showed up to his job THE FIRST time is child levels of ignorance. Even without the seriousness of what was really happening, that was infuriating to watch. I get that she’s supposed to have rose tinted glasses but those things are opaque. By this point all of her ‘accomplishments��� have been fucking people over majorly. She is a hindrance to those around her and it is hard to watch.
*skirting around the trash fire a little bit more.*
( I’m not trying to make a joke about this but like, I don’t know how to express how fucking yikes this episode is. Like it’s such an uncomfortable topic and it’s fumbled so hard. And then for Viz to turn around and argue about it on twitter and shit, like come on.)
Husk and Angel arguing doesn’t make sense to me. Husk says doesn’t like Angel cuz he’s fake, ignoring that it’ coping, shouldn’t Husk’s reasoning that Angel makes him uncomfortable. He is clearly shown being bothered by Angel’s aggressive flirty and sex talk. Him being ‘fake’ comes out of nowhere. As does them fighting.
Three minutes in, Angel gets pissed at Husk dismissing his porno. Flirts with him when Husk reveals he knows about the other hotel gangs’ insecurities and secrets. Then gets pissy again when Husk does the same to him. If Angel is short with Husk this episode because of Val, then let that be that, but the back and forth is jarring.
Charlie being the one to go after Angel an comfort him would have been the one good thing she could have done in the show cuz to be honest she as done nothing but ruin things for everyone at this point.
The loser song happening IMMEDIATELY after Angel’s emotional moment is a gut punch. Like WTF. I could not imagine being on the production team, seeing this shit and not saying something. Like there’s not scene cut to Charlie writing those (pointless) letters, her talking to Vaggie about how she messed up, nothing.
Angel has his break down and Husk seconds later is singing about how shit sucks and he’s a loser. Without the context, that’s bad. With the context, it’s horrific.
Husk had/has a gambling addiction. Not to downplay that or invalidate anyone who has/is going through that but it is not the same as SA. Especially as Husk isn’t going through his problems right now while Angel had to go through it…what an hour before, two maybe. For a prolong period of time and has to go back to that.
Husk is talking about his problem in the past tense. Besides the Alastor thing, it’s behind him. Angel’s problem is in the present and future. And that’s not taking into account the guy at the bar who was going to drug him. Who Angel was going to let drug him.
I could not imagine being on the production team, seeing the script for this and not immediately being like, no. This show is making miss Helluva Boss I am not joking.
Positives: The song Poison is good. Just listen to the audio and nothing else and its great. Val’s coat being moth wings was neat to see (especially if you ignore everything that happiness before and after that one still shot). I like Valentino’s design. I’ve no people have a problem with his voice, but personally I don’t mind it.
Conclusion: I have mixed feeling on the aftermath of the episode. Acting like the problem is solved and not addressing it won’t treat the SA plot-line with the seriousness it deserves. On the other hand, I do not want to the show to touch anything like this again. If it just leaves it here, then at least its only the one episode instead of more.
Ignoring Viz’s response to criticism over this, the executives and people with money have likely seen this shit blow up, and if anything, might not be willing to let the show go near something like this again. Which, in my opinion, is the best option. I do not trust this show to do it well, so it might as well not do it at all.
I am going to keep watching, cuz, like Helluva Boss, I want to see how this turns out. I don’t have hope for the show, but I am curious.
Overall, I hope ep 4 will be a good example of what not to do for any media hoping to cover SA in one way or another.
If anyone want to talk with me about the show send me a message and tumblr mobile and social anxiety willing, I'll be able to get back to you.
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milli-string · 7 months
Lore and design are still in concept, but here is the imp in its human form ✨️ I guess she may be my semi-Stalker OC.
The outfit is supposed to be mixed with the idea of Blue-blood tail coat, the Workshop Master's Workwear, and Someone's Memory. I might adjust her outfit in the future.
I have yet to finish my original Imps lore overall, but to make it short, they're basically world observers.
Ending spoilers ahead!
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Another Lies of P OC, heh (with a small mascot insert).
She (or "it") is mostly used for funsies in my mini comics and drawings. She has her own separate fanfic AU from Uon.
Omp is the name! The people at the hotel didn't know what to name this strange little creature, and neither did P. So, they thought to name it "Omp." One of the hotel members believed she resembled an imp, so they tried calling her imp. However, someone misheard "imp" and thought they heard "omp." So now, it's Omp.
Omp found P at Krat Central Station when he was sleeping in one of the train carts (which happened to appear to be a secret workshop by Geppetto). She found him by following a little blue butterfly since she could also hear Sophia's voice (my imps can hear any divinity voices in each world they visit). When P woke up, Omp decided to follow him. P was confused about what she was, neither human nor puppet. In the end, they ended up traveling together, and the puppet grew curious of her. The two slowly bonded, and Omp grew attached to the puppet. Eventually, they began traveling together throughout the game.
After killing the archbishop at St. Frangelico cathedral, Omp desired to be closer to the humans in this world, especially with P. Her desire was so strong that with ergo, she was able to manipulate her body to look human. (When an imp grows attached to their companion, they would mimic their forms. In this case, Omp tried to be a "puppet" and "human." She did not know a puppet was an automaton until later on, and then decided to be "human" instead.)
She was able to adapt to the environment and learn the history of Stalkers and their factions. After the earthquake and the King of Puppet's performance, she hid her identity as an imp from Simon Manus and Geppetto and pretended to be a Stalker. She does not have a confirmed faction, and she took the animal "lamb" as her mask. However, her horns stood out, so Stalker enemies along the way would think she was a goat. So, they spread her name as "The False Lamb." Her mask would bleed black tears whenever her powers became overwhelming from ergo along with her imp-like abilities merging as one. (The symbol of "lamb" represents Omp's willing to sacrifice herself for P.)
Omp's connection with P would be a "knight and prince" relationship. Oddly enough, she had a connection with P's old past self, "Carlo," but she wasn't sure why. All she knew was that she had to protect him. Though, sometimes, she would get carried away, and Gemini would find it very odd due to her overwhelming, guardian-like behavior. Then again, the two knew she wasn't quite human and was still adapting to the world. P liked her the way she was, and sometimes found her chatter and odd behavior humorous and entertaining.
Omp would attempt to be flirtatious, being charismatic, but awfully failed at them (mostly because she was doing this in front of a puppet, in which P had no clue how "flirting" worked). Gemini found this hilarious, and Omp would constantly be in embarrassment.
A very weird additional info, but my Imps have a strong and natural aroma of "honey and blueberries." (This is due to their natural diet by eating fruits constantly, and eventually their bodies mimicked the fruity scent.) Members had no idea why, but whenever she walked by, they always described Omp smelling very nice. Eugenie believed Omp must've bathed regularly, even though Omp did not. P did not understand scent, but as he became more human, he found her scent oddly "stress-reliving."
Real Boy Ending:
With the fall of P, Omp was devastated and heartbroken. She refused to let Geppetto win, and so she became the strings for P, known as the "Abyssal Strings." She used her small body to sit inside his chest cavity, where his P-Organ once was. Players would play as "Carlo" (NP) and fight the controlled Pinocchio.
Once the player successfully stopped P, Geppetto attempts to capture Omp for experiments. With Carlo's manipulation, Omp would be successfully captured and used to "save Krat."
Rise of P Ending:
Omp wanted to go home but realized she enjoyed her time in Krat. She had yet to explore more about P's growth as a human in a puppets body and the rest of the "fairytales." For now, she vowed to assist P and stop the Petrification Disease. She eventually became "The False Lamb" stalker and built a small guild of surviving stalkers to restore Krat. No one knew she was an imp, but they saw her as an odd person who could do amazing gymnastics across Krat.
Stringless Puppet Ending:
Omp realized P still had much to learn, and so she protected him along the way back to the hotel. Like the Rise of P ending, She still vowed to help P and stop the Petrification Disease. She still took "The False Lamb" name but did not build a guild of stalkers.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
we’ve touched on wealth indicators in the chart before but i was wondering if you had any thoughts on indicators for financially struggling in life? personally i’ve observed ketu in the 2nd house of the d1 of ppl with these circumstances but of course i don’t want to fear monger and say you’re doomed for certain if you have this but this is personally what i’ve seen reoccurring. do you have any observations on this?
this may be a bit obvious or ridiculous but Claire mentioned how naks like Jyeshta, Mula (or Ketu naks in general) are internally scarce and come from a place of lack so they work reallyyyy hard to accumulate wealth and I can see the logic in it but I also feel like sometimes the themes of naks manifest very literally and many of these individuals struggle with their finances a lot.
All of the Jyeshtas I know irl have had a really broke phase or have struggled with money their whole life.
I don't think the presence of one nak alone can impact whether or not you'll be rich or poor bc your whole chart has to be balanced to accumulate wealth but I feel like Lunar individuals also struggle with money, work, motivation etc because they lack that internal hunger/fire to make shit happen.
Also its imp to understand that "wealth" is a relative concept. I guess we can technically say that if someone's a millionaire, then they're wealthy but I have a Jyeshta uncle who never finished his education, never had a real job and still lives comfortably. He is by no means RICH but he has most of what he needs (from his generational inheritance).
Before you say that "okay anyone can live off of their family's money" I promise you, thats not true. You have to have a really strong chart to "enjoy" wealth, whether its inherited or accumulated. The people who make $10 million a year but work 100+ hours a week aren't "enjoying" their wealth,, many children born into wealthy families often end up not finishing their education, addicted to substances, going broke, not having a good relationship with their family etc,, not everybody who is born into money can or will benefit from it.
So making money/coming from money ≠ to "enjoying" the benefits and privileges of it.
I have some relatives who are immensely rich, they own commercial properties that are leased to 5 star hotels all over India, they own residential buildings, they make more money than some small countries lol but of their 3 children, one of them died of an overdose in college, their only daughter is a manglik whose fiancee and brother died in a car crash and she's now in her late 40s and has no contact with the outside world and has completely devoted herself to religion, and their last son is a flop actor who starred in some D list films.
Karma and destiny etc are very interesting. What guarantees wealth does not guarantee its enjoyment or a good quality of life. Blessed are those who live with contentment and have all their needs and indulgences met and have peace of mind.
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number2hazbinblue · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Short Thoughts: Ep. 1~4
It's been...a while since I've posted anything on this. Let's just say that a certain Disney cartoon about a pair of twins solving mysteries got my rapt attention.
Now that the Hazbin Hotel finally opened has finally opened its doors, I want to share some thoughts I have about this batch of episodes
{Spoilers for Episodes 01 to 04}
Episode 01 -- Overture
One helluva first episode I must say. Lilith has been missing for 7 years? And it looks like her origin closely follows the Judaism lore. And the angel Adam was indeed the first man from the Garden of Eden. Given his attitude and the things he said, I guess Heaven isn't as strict as we thought it was. Depending on ranks, I guess. Adam is no doubt a high ranking angel while the Cherubs are very much at the bottom of the food chain, like the Imps. And due to a sinner killing an Exterminator, the usually annual Cleansing has now become twice a year, the next coming in six months. That's not a cause for concern. One more thing...who's voicing Katie Killjoy?
Episode 02 -- Radio Killed the Video
The mystery of Alastor thickens. He was also gone for 7 years too? Hmmm.... And 7 is considered a holy number... Sliiiighty disappointed that Vox and Val's voices don't defaultly have an effect, but it does make their rage and power more apparent when it does have an effect. Velvet was a bit of a surprise. And a fashionista? Apparently, Alastor turned down Vox. And Vox is clearly still vexed by that. lol And, wow, on Sir Pentious' part. Of course, his little espionage wasn't gonna last long, but damn he really didn't last a day! I did think that Baxter was gonna be the mole, but Sir Pentious kinda made more sense. Still, Vox might send Baxter next time around, if Baxter even works for Vox.
Episode 03 -- Scrambled Eggs
Sir Pentious is now part of the Hazbin family! So, Camilla was the one who killed the Exterminator. And it was out of self-defense. Honestly, this is a poor reason for the Extermination to be bumped up to twice a year. I wonder how this would be handled. And that one girl that appeared in the pilot (collecting the spears off Franklin with another), she's Camilla's daughter? I swear, I heard her call Camilla 'mother'. Either Camilla basically adopted this young sinner, or sinners are capable of birth now. I'm gonna think it's the former. Found family, and all that. Velvette's opinion of taking on Heaven really is a brash move. Like, sweetie, are you 100% you can take on all of Heaven's army? I will say that my favorite scene is the Egg Bois just annoying Alastor. That eye twitch was just icing on the cake.
Episode 04 -- Masquerade
Hands down, my favorite episode so far. Yes, Charlie does need to start to be a tad bit more assertive. She can still be kind. Kindness and niceness don't always go side by side. One's an action and the other passive (sometimes to the point of doormat levels). She just needs to know when its a good idea to use that assertiveness. And Husk was a freakin Overlord? Consider my doubts dashed. It's not that a surprise that some type of relationship will form between Angel and Husk. They're kinda on the same boat, in a way. Crossing fingers that they might end up together. If not, hey, what they have right now is still something beautiful.
These are my thoughts for now. I will try to juggle between this and my Gravity Falls blog (that has had me in a chokehold since August last year).
Not to mention getting back to making Youtube videos.
Until next time, my fellow Hazbins, stay tuned.
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Ough I feel so antsy because I wanna create some new ideas for Hazbin Hotel but I have no idea where to start, plus i don't draw human figures that often anyways :sob:
I'm stuck between researching/redesigning Lilith because the whole point of her is that she refused to be submissive to Adam but now she's married to Lucifer like?? K i guess? Their marriage might be an equal dynamic but idk why Lilith would go marry Lucifer at all.
But I also want to look at the world building because:
Andrealphus' Castle and his character look REALLY out of place in the ring of pride, which is meant to be the stereotypical image of hell besides maybe wrath.
I maybe want to keep the story line about hell having an over population problem. By itself, the idea of 'eternal torment' brings question as to what eternity and torment is defined as. Maybe heaven sends out exterminators because
A) Sinners like Angel Dust can live for a long time without the torment killing them. B) Imps can breed and have families, and by that extent grow to invade the surface world (do they even have interest in that? Besides IMP and succubus/incubus, the general population doesn't seem to care about spreading sin to the surface)
With death in mind, Hazbin/Helluva does not set stakes for death I believe, we don't get much grasp to what happens if a sinner/hellborn dies. We don't really understand Charlie's incentive to save people who, since we have Helluva Boss to reference the demon culture of Hell, don't even seem worth saving other than "feels bad man :(".
Speaking of the world, apparently pride isn't even its own ring? If we are working of Dante's inferno/the divine comedy, then i don't think pride is explicitly mentioned? I guess i bring it up because Lucifer's sin, in this context, is his betrayal of God himself, not only his pride. Both are important, but I think it would be interesting to see Charlie be born in a ring of treachery more than the ring of pride.
What does royalty mean in hell, and specifically to command legions of demons? As far as I'm aware every imp and sinner has a free will, and submission is usually done through contracts/deals. Stolas does command legions in Ars Goetia i think, but we only see him have big powers. That's it. To be fair i don't think there is any form of 'commanding an army'. It seems like a dog eat dog world instead.
In conclusion im normal about Hazbin. I'm critical of vivziepop but im not going to make posts being outright mean or spreading rumors. I just want to talk about HH in a generally constructive way. and maybe talk a little shit about the merchandise
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nightmare-the-cat · 7 months
Crimson Wings III
Hunter becomes Lucifer’s equivalent of a secretary, using a Rune Stone (old time hell newspaper/mail dispenser) and the radio to keep up with current goings on-with all the facts he can gather.
There had been a rather important change in Lucifer’s routine as of late.
“Sir-I have the daily report ready, if you’re ready for it”
The voice was timid, but it was a far cry better than the complete silence they’d started with. Lucifer chuckled and turned in his seat, current project in hand, to find Hunter waiting stiffly for permission to begin.
With just a little hand wave, all the tension in his shoulders melted away, and the little blonde began his self-assigned daily report once more.
“Okay, so starting with what you seemed to care about most from previous reports, here is an update regarding the discovery of that dead Exorcist after the latest Extermination-its been released that only a severed head had been recovered, no sign of a body, so I suppose now we know why the next Extermination is in four months instead of ten” Hunter hummed, pacing back and fourth with a little bit of flourish. “Your daughters hotel on the edge of Pride has another confirmed resident-side note, the amount of disrespect towards her in the media is borderline disturbing-and that, quote, “off brand shithole” Loo Loo Land in Greed has burned down-“
The report continued on for the next ten minutes, Hunter always starting with what Lucifer would deem most important or relevant, then going down a list of things that could be of note, all ended with the flimsy “gossip” and “business” sections that were mostly there for Hunters sake.
At the end of the report, Lucifer stuck the finished rubber duck on Hunters head, this one stylized to look like a Blue Jay, another little habit they’d gotten into.
“Nope, Flapjack wasn’t one of those either-but it’s a decent guess” the blonde hummed with a smile, retrieving the little bird from his head and carefully placing it on the “Incorrect Guess” shelf, right below a tiny outcrop labeled “Flapjack”. “Shall I move on to your mail? We’ve finally reached the end of our catch-up summaries-and there’s even a few messages for today”
“Of course” Lucifer hummed, taking note of how far to the right the latest guess was placed, before gathering up his cup of lukewarm tea and settling back down. “I’m sure the Goetia are going off on me for ignoring them”
“Well, you’re half right. But for a start, last months mail-all of it was junk, but there’s some things of interest-phony ransoms via some imp mafia, a report from a hell incident on earth involving Beelzejuice and… a fish, and some tabloids speculating about possible relations between an imp and one of the big seven-nothing new there” the boy hummed, quickly moving down the scroll. “Onto current events-I’ve managed to get you off the list of all those junk adverts someone signed you up for, as today was free and clear!”
“Ah, what would I have done without you?” Lucifer chuckled, to which Hunter cackled, turning to face the king of hell with amusement.
“Been buried alive like I was when you finally checked your Rune Stone-that’s what” the boy hummed, before turning back to his list, ignorant of the proud smile that was sent his way. “Now-there are some demands here from the Ars Goetia for a formal party….”
Another perk of having Hunter as a (self-appointed) sort of secretary around the manor was that the boy brought up a lot of good points about the current state of hell. For instance, despite his discomfort with voicing his personal opinions on political matters, he was not afraid to speak up if he felt something needed to be addressed.
In this case, it was more like something that needed to be checked up on.
“So, I’ve gathered you haven’t been checking in on the other major sins since… seven years ago, approximately?”
It wasn’t too out of the blue of a question-Hunter sometimes dictated Lucifer’s mail responses due to his insane speed-writing skills, not to mention his rifling and summation of all the unread mail from the last five years. Nowadays he did his secretarial work in the corner of Lucifer’s study, both from Lucifer’s own insistence, and the logical idea that he could ask relevant questions without feeling like he was intruding on something.
“Mm-yeah, pretty much. Lilith was more invested in keeping the Sins in check, though” Lucifer hummed, gently sculpting a crest on his current little red-breasted rubber-robin-duck. “They’re mostly kind of…. How to put this appropriately…. Assholes?”
“And… you don’t think it’s a BAD idea to leave the other rings of hell to their own devices? Unchecked?” Hunter questioned, which gave Lucifer pause. “Far be it from me to tell you what should be done, but I DO have experience in managing a similar political climate-even if the prophet-king in charge was an obsessive control freak-and leaving the only people who can challenge your power to their own devices can have pretty… INTENSE, consequences”
For the second time that day, Lucifer turned to look at Hunter, who had a rather strained expression on his face.
“Okay” Lucifer said slowly, filing that disturbing bit of information away for later. It was screaming “cult” vibes and he was NOT liking it-but Hunter did have a point that needed to be addressed. “What do you propose I do now?”
“Well, for starters, a voluntary meeting within the next month-it will tell you which sins are power hungry boot lickers, curious about your motives, or legitimately loyal to you. It’s enough prep time for me to make the manor look presentable, but soon enough that it will only be a priority for sins who care” the blonde explained, quickly scribbling down a little chart with the crests of the other sins and a timetable. “Then, once we know who’s interested, and you casually talk about whatever policies you want to enforce, we make a second, mandatory meeting date at a later time for ALL sins- including an escort for those who try to blow it off-and make ironclad proclamations about what codes of conduct the sins need to follow going forward-and appropriate consequences for code violations”
It was very apparent Hunter had been thinking on this for a while. If Lucifer was honest, it sounded like a fair and reasonable plan of action, gouging out supporters before making non-negotiable laws. It also gave those who held support a voice before the laws would be solidified.
This wasn’t just “political experience”, this was political EXPERTISE-at least in a climate similar to hell. The ramifications of that made Lucifer squirm a little on the inside. Hunter himself had admitted he died young-like, MINOR young, what kind of person had put a BOY in charge of a government? He didn’t know-but if he ever found the sinner responsible, it would not be a pretty execution.
“I’ll admit-this is a good plan, and you have a point about my negligence in keeping the sins in line” Lucifer hummed, slinking up to the boy and giving the little chart a look over. Hunter flinched when Lucifer then cupped the side of his face, the side with that scar, but didn’t pull away. “This… “political experience” you speak of… were you given any power of your own over others?”
“Oh, heavens no. My title was mostly just that-a title. I had no real power-just a name to be respected” the blonde admitted, trying to look away, but Lucifer held his head in place. “…I was an errand boy at best. My opinion held no weight. Anything I brought up to improve political relations was thrown out. I was a figurehead-and that was it, though I didn’t realize it until….”
Hunter went silent, and Lucifer let him look away this time, hand moving to the boys armored shoulder instead.
He never questioned the choice of armor on a sinner before, but…
It didn’t bode well for what this boys life experience had been.
“Well, you’re here with me now, and I think you have a good head on your shoulders” Lucifer chuckled, ruffling the boys hair before summoning up a little manifesto of his own. “Now, why don’t we start planning a little shindig for our impending guests? If we want to reclaim some order in hell, it’s best to have a warm welcome waiting for them!”
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dark-lina · 10 months
Morticia the Angel of Death
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Name: Morticia ( her parents like Addams family)
job/race:they have different names, some call them angels of death, others reapers, still others shinigami.
age: older then 20 younger then 58 (first episodes of Adams family show in 1964) powers: who knows ?
favorite thing: her pet It furry ball with an eye and wings
favorite food and drink: mexican food , favorite drink blood mary
character: Morticia, despite her dark appearance, is quite nice, loves Latin music and Mexican costumes, and the entire culture associated with the Mexican holiday of the dead.
She does not take her work as a reaper too seriously and sometimes she can delay the end of someone's life for a long time.
Util this person finish things that have already begun.
She prefers hell over heaven because it's more fun. She likes the taste of alcohol, but both other stimulants do not work on her.
Death angels are not good or bad, they take both good and bad, they have their own world between heaven and hell.
History: Not much can be said about Mortica, she is one of young ones of her kind . She comes to Hell regularly not only to escort more souls.
More info about race and angel of death under the cut:
Angels of death
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Hmm, that's what mortals call us most often these days. We were once known as emissaries of Anubis, guiding the soul to the afterlife, or children of Thanatos the Greek god of death, shinigami in Japanese culture. Grim reapers known from the Middle Ages.
All this has a grain of truth in it. It is our task to end the life of the mortal and return the soul to its destination.
However, we are not remembered… because our role is limited to a few short moments. Ending life, taking the soul to judgment and escorting it to heaven or hell. And then we come back together. Angels treat us with reserve, as do demons, because death is neither good nor bad… it stands in the middle, we never choose a side. We end the lives of both good and bad people in the same way… that's our role, but sometimes heaven and hell get in our way.
Our world…
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It is placed between heaven and hell in the middle, ours is neither super light nor super dark, not as colorful as heaven and hell. The colors seem faded, compared to the colors of the living world, the pastel colors of Heaven, or the neon lights that are in Hell. But it's our home and we love it.
Me, my family and my job.
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Morticia… that's what my parents named me after a character from a TV series for mortals. But it doesn't bother me, Mori… Ticia… Mor… I am called differently, for some people my name is too long. My parents are cool, but they are a bit old-fashioned, they don't understand that I don't want to just sit in the world of the angels of death when there are so many things to see.
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As you know, I am an angel of death, but not all of us are in the business of ending people's lives. My father Thanon works as a coordinator… he deicded where is angels going to fly, and whose life is about to end, or there is a slight chance that it could be end, many factors influence it.
My mother Banshee has her own cafe, it's not like there's nothing to do in our world, but hell is a bit more interesting.
Did I mention that sometimes heaven and hell prevent us from doing our job?
You know, lately there have been imps running around the world of the living, killing some people prematurely… it's causing a lot of trouble with the papers.
Or we are supposed to mow down someone life, and angels like cherubim or guardians do not allow us to take someone away.
It's frustrating sometimes… but we can't argue with the boss.
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I guess that's it… I hope I've satisfied your curiosity.
Ahh yes one more thing * pick up something*
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This is my pet It... see you soon mortals.
Morticia by me
Hazbin Hotel  by Vivziepop
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twinkrundgren · 2 years
theres a lot of things to hate hazbin hotel/vivzie pop for but it always feels so contrarian to act like the art direction and her art style are completely awful. theres a reason why the shows are appealing and why people like them! this isn't to say "like the art not the author" but rather a more nuanced "there are things people like about shitty things, so lets examine them and see what we can take from this"
its because she is INCREDIBLE at gesture. all of her designs are so full of energy and flow, but she has a real knack for getting so caught up in big sweeping lines that it ends up complicating the overall composition of her art. it doesn't help she doesn't know where to put detail, either, but the designs for helluva boss mostly fix these problems and show how good she *could* be if she focused on these issues.
the imps are genuinely well designed, the woman characters body types notwithstanding: the issue is not so much her art style but her inability to do anything outside of stereotypical appeal. however, when her designs/style are filtered out by others on her team, you get genuinely amazing designs. again, helluva boss has way stronger designs than hazbin hotel, because shes designing them for animation this time. (it's just a shame that she and her team are so toxic. but this isn't about them. this is about the art.)
ironically, one of the things i see a lot of people criticize is the fact a lot of her designs only work in a 3/4ths view. man, it's not like there are plenty of characters from the 90s and 2000s who look completely fucked when looked at from any angle than the default.
i take a lot of inspiration from her. she has the perfect art style that encompasses the late 2000s era scene dog art style, and when her stuff gets filtered through other people, it looks REALLY GOOD. i don't see why its so verboten to admit it. just would rather jump on the hate bandwagon than form your own thoughts on things i guess.
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artofapeach · 2 years
I kinda want a specific episode for a Helluva Boss season finale. I know it might not happen, but it would be awesome if it did. It would start with fizz and Octavia being captured by a rogue Goetia that is some kind of freedom fighter. Stolas, Stella and Ozzie can’t save them, because they are under the impression that one of the seven deadly sin kidnapped Fizz and Octavia for some unknown reason.
We cut to a scene where all the important leaders in hell are arguing what really happened. Everyone is convinced that it all relates to a series of attacks that have been happening against the nobility, but no one can agree how. Most of the demons present seem to believe that Stolas and Ozzie caused this insanity to happen. Some theorize Stolas and Ozzie to be working together in some sort of coup.
As all these important leaders are arguing, there is one person who is watching it all unfold. She has an idea what who could be behind all of this, but no one wants to listen to her. She isn’t even able to say a word. We do not get to see the face of this mystery figure or hear her voice. However, from looking at her clothes and design, we can guess who it is. She finally leaves the meeting, deciding to take matters in her own hands.
Meanwhile, the imp gang trying to find the rogue Goetia hideout, hoping to save Stolas. They find the hideout and a fight ensues. However, the rogue Goetia and his henchmen gets the upper hand. When all hope seems lost, she comes in. The mystery woman from earlier enters the hideout. The camera pans up to reveal that the mystery woman is Charlie Morningstar.
With a sad expression, she walks closer to the fight. The rogue Goetia taunts the princess, thinking he can overpower her easily and use her as a hostage. However, Charlie manges to effortlessly defeat the rogue Goetia and his henchmen. The imp gang watch in horror as the princess breaks each limb of the powerful Goetia.
Once the bad guys finally fall, she simply walks over to where fizz and Octavia are being held.
( By the way, throughout the episode, their is a running gag where everyone is always interrupting Charlie and not letting her actually speak. The reason would be that Charlie’s voice actor couldn’t be use for an episode of Helluva Boss.)
Charlie releases Octavia and Fizz, completely ignoring the imp gang. They return to the royal castle to clear up the situation and save Stolas and Ozzie.
As they ride, we notice the Charlie’s limo passing several Hazbin hotel characters. Fizz starts annoying Charlie ( I headcannon them having a brother and sister type of relationship.) . He asks her, “ Are you still working that silly project? What is it called?”
Then, we get the logo of Hazbin Hotel and a release date.
Anyway, this was an idea that has been in my head for days. I know that it is really dumb and weird. I just had to share it. What do you think?
I happily gasped at the ending, that would be the PERFECT way to reveal the release date goddddddd
The idea itself is super interesting! It does seem kinda Charlie focused for a Helluva episode, though. Maybe if she and Blitz teamed up, or he needed help finding Stolas and the others and she approached him?
I do like the interruption gag, though! A *very* clever way to avoid using Charlie’s voice actor.
Although, even if it’s not possible, I also love the option of Charlie being interrupted until the end, when Fizz asks about her project, and we hear Charlie’s voice reveal as she says “The Hazbin Hotel!”
Or Happy Hotel. Is she aware that Alastor changed its name? Eh that’s a question for another day.
But yeah, all in all, this was super charming and cool to read 🤩
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commenter2 · 2 years
“The Circus” breakdown and review
A new season of Helluva Boss means the return of my reviews. For those that are new, this is a series of literatures where I talk about what is happening in a Helluva Boss episode as I watch it and do a review of it at the end. Though rated M for Mature and contains major obvious spoilers I hope you enjoy it.
I like how the screenshot of the episode just has a golden 1 instead of the usual “Episode #”, showing that this is an episode of a different season.
Aww young Stolas looks adorable and I like how in the series of portraits of him growing up, we see him featherless just like actual birds. I also like seeing that “piranha” plant of his being around when he was young.
Stolas really loves that bunny. Meaning it must mean something, maybe a gift from his mom.
Stolas has siblings! We also never see Stolas’ mom in the episode, so I wonder what happened to her? Also why do I have a strange feeling Paimon has multiple wives, it doesn’t help he seems like that kind of guy.
So we now know what the Grimoire (or “The Book” as like to call it) is for but I still wonder why Stolas needs it on full moons? Could full moons be the only day he can go on Earth to study it and humans?
Aww man there going with the “loveless arranged marriage” trope with Stolas and Stella. I mean there were signs that this was going to happen, but I know I’m not alone when I say the series and the character of Stolas and Stella would have been more interesting if the two either did like each other a little bit before the marriage or were optimistically open minded about the marriage. I do want to make it clear that though I don’t like this and how I will bring this up in later works, I’m NOT hating on VIviziepop or the writers for doing this as it is Vivzie’s show after all and she can do what she wants. In the end this is just a personal opinion but still, I hope they can take this as artistic criticism for the future of the series. Also though Stella shown being a jerk while young is a bit of a letdown, I still have some hope for her character later on.
Also not liking Paimon’s attitude so far as this is something I’m hoping Stella’s parents are like, but it does give me hope that he specifically arranged the marriage with Stella BECAUSE he liked how similar they are to him. 
Paimon likes the circus, interesting. Also I like how he is acting like Stolas did in episode 2.
BLITZO’S DAD, BARBIE WIRE, AND FIZZ awesome. Wait a minute!
Ozzie: Blood is disgusting
Blitzo: No its cool
I bet Blitzo is going to change his mind on later on.
Whether an Imp or a Goteia, anyone can have parent issues which fitting cause again this is the theme of Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel.
Honestly, though it’s nice seeing them be friendly I’m not liking how Stolas and Blitzo met when they were young but I’ll go over that later.
I wonder if adult Blitzo can still hold himself with his tail. If so, I can see a lot of Spider-Man like Stolitz kiss art in the future XD.
So Stolas can see prophecies. When episode 2 came out people theorized in his song to Octavia that he saw his/Hell’s death so I wonder if this is true or not. It would explain his affair as if he is going to die, then why not live it up?
Blitzo hiring Stolas is interesting and it gives me another idea that I might talk about one day.
Given she got under 70 seconds of screentime in the entirety of season 1, I think we should make this episode Stella’s “honorary” debut.
The marriage was that bad huh? Poor Octavia. I do strangely see this being a common party theme in Hell.
Goteita of all species cool. I wonder if any of them are OCs of the staff? I do feel like they missed out on a chance to have other royals at the party, like seeing Lucifer and Lilith flirting in the background XD.
It’s those Goetia from the pilot. I’m guessing there Stella’s best friends.
Can you TONE DOWN the nastiness of Stella! I do NOT want her to be the main antagonist of this series!
Though besides the sex joke from Stolas, I like seeing him just talk to Blitzo for a change instead of just wanting to have sex with him. 
And that is how it all started. I’m guessing Stolas didn’t have a prediction about his death, but maybe about something else.
So Stolas is bi/pan confirmed? I mean he did say he wants to “do it” with people that care about him/ have passion which compared to Stella seems like anyone. I personally like the idea and hopefully people can be mature on such a concept.
So they are fully divorced? Bummer but more on that later. Wait if he is happy here then why was he so nervous and apologizing in S1E2? Not that great of a retcon.
Now we get to the aftermath of the season 1 finale.
Stolas has a pill addiction! That won’t be good as I could see someone switching them out for something deadlier in the future.
So the song seems to confirm my theory that Stolas was bored of his royal life until Blitzo came into it.
Can’t wait to see what that page in the book translates to but it seems obvious. Since the Asmodean crystals has most of Asmodeous’ name in it followed by images of his other heads, I bet they are related to lust. Since I saw a necklace and ring in them, I feel like there some kind of either “love spell” kind of thing or whoever wears it wants to be with the wielder.  I defiantly see this playing a role in a future episode but hopefully not in a “Stella forcing Stolas to love her and thus stay in royalty” plotline.
Guess they didn’t get divorced after the pilot but its interesting seeing that she is still living at Stolas’ place from time to time. It is nice hearing that Stolas tried in the marriage and I wonder what the marriage would have been like if Stella was a bit nicer.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out in the next episode that Octavia was in the room when she heard Stolas and Stella’s argument and being heartbroken by hearing things like Stolas saying they were just there to raise her and being “done” with everything, especially that last part as in episode 2 he said he wouldn’t leave her. Though I don’t think he meant it that way, Octavia is going to think otherwise and thus leads to (spoilers) her running away in episode 2.
Nice catch Stolas. Shows that he is standing up for himself now, which I wonder what things would have been like if he did so earlier in his marriage. It is a bit much for Stella’s first true appearance though.
Andrealphus reference and from what Stolas said, it sounds like he was affected by what Andre said in the past but doesn’t seem care anymore. I wonder if it is because Andre has a lot of influence in Goetia society?
With the way Stella said Stolas would pay, I’m guessing that means Stolas doesn’t know about her hiring Striker.
Gosh this was admittedly a tough episode for Stolas and its going to get worse in the next episode which hopefully will come out soon. For a season premiere, the episode was pretty good as along with the typical great animation and backgrounds it was filled with all kinds of lore, character development, reasons why characters are the way they are, and finally explaining how all of this started. It was also interesting even though I’m not a big Stolas or Stoliz fan. I also like how Stella FINALLY got screentime but that is bitter sweet.
It does have its problems, big ones like I feel like the flashbacks should have mostly focused on a young Stolas since its rare to see him be on screen WITHOUT Blitzo and it would have been interesting to see more about him as an individual or interacting with other characters. This also just makes the episode feel like another Stolitz episode and again just hammers in that the two are destined to be together, which now I feel like will be a bit less (very less) exciting when they eventually do get together. Plus were are getting a Blitzo flashback later in the season so they should have just saved all the plot lines about Blitzo till then. 
My biggest problem with the episode was how mean, rude, and selfish they made Stella. Ever since she appeared, people have been making her out to be just that but over time I (and others) saw potential with her as a character especially as the series went on as we learned more about other reoccurring characters (like Fizz) who also got more developed, so it was a bit of a bummer that the writers just gave her a 1D personality. I feel like this would have been okay if they showed this in season 1, maybe thats why they went a bit overboard in this episode? I strangely still have hope for Stella as this is the first episode of a new season and her first TRUE main appearance, so they could have been doing this to show how much she will change in the future. It has also been shown that the writers like to clearly show things about characters and the world so fans don’t get confused so again maybe they did this on purpose. We are starting a new season and usually around season 2 in shows like this, characters start to change and if other heartless characters like her can change for the better (some slightly better) than so can Stella if the writers play there cards right.  I still hope something interesting can happen between her and Stolas later in the series. If I could rewrite the episode I would have made it be about Stolas’ birthday party where Paimon still gives him The Book but doesn’t want to spend time with Stolas as he is talking to some people, bumming out the young prince.  This leads him to meeting Stella where they interact a bit and though they have their differences don’t hate each other. We also could see them doing fun things that are not royal (like go to the circus where we see Blitzo and Fizz being friendly) but this gets them in trouble though they don’t regret it and are soon shocked to hear that they are to be married in the future. The episode then cuts to them being married where we (and Stolas) see Stella has changed but isn’t that angry at Stolas until things happen after Octavia is born which leads to a big fight resulting in Stolas meeting Blitzo and see how fun he is compared to his wife as she is now. Then we get that season 1 aftermath scene with some changes like no attempt slap from Stella.
Again I just want to state that I still respect the writer's choices and I'm still gonna watch the show but I hope they can see this as just feedback at the end of the day.
What did you think about the season 2 premiere of Helluva Boss? As always I would love to hear your thoughts and if you liked my review, give me a follow to keep up with them as well as my future Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel related content.
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zatyrlucy · 4 years
I guess that cherub episode show Heaven isn’t perfect either since they don’t tolerate one mistake. I wonder how Charlie would react to thing since she want to reform sinners. I doubt they would take the reform souls.
At first, I was thinking like you, I was like “welp, there goes charlie’s plans” but talking with a friend, we realized that the cherubs’ mistake was actually a terrible one. They killed a human being, and it was nonetheless but the one they were supposed to protect. During the episode, the cherubs destroyed a wall, said bad words, let the imps kill a ton of people, and said the “name of the lord in vain” but it was only the death of that guy what make them being exiled from heaven. 
So, its impossible for sinners to go to heaven? I think it depends on the sin. If we are talking about sinners who stole stuff, were drug dealers or are atheists (just to give some examples cuz Charlie mentions a lot more in her song), I think they have a chance to become angels, but those who killed people (even by accident)...nope, it looks like that they wont have a second chance, even if they are rehabilitated in the hotel.  
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