#stolen from google
hekateinhell · 2 years
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this is where i am emotionally
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mrrayneysstuff · 3 months
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Team RNJR Propaganda
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 11 months
More Nonsense from My Ambrosius Stan Account Post:
As someone who got on Tumblr a couple years ago not really knowing the culture and rarely posts because I don't think anyone cares about the silly worms in my brain I'd like to give everyone who thought it was funny and left a like or a tag or a reblog a very I Love You and here is some more thoughts about it I had through the day that I thought nobody would care about but am posting now
The account was named @gold_loin_love and gained notoriety for being the only stan account Ambrosius actually followed
During the live stream Ballister answered the questions (that he had his followers submit beforehand) while still in character, despite the fact that he was laughing his ass off and Ambrosius was with him.
Example: "'Do you think Ballister and Ambrosius are going to get divorced?' Absolutely. They're terrible together and honestly not even cute. They probably had some cringy beach wedding with their weird pink child officiating. Ew, next question"
Ambrosius would frequently interject
"Do I think Ambrosius was toxic for cutting off Ballister's arm?"
Ambrosius, stealing the phone: "Yes he needs to be cancelled immediately."
Ballister, taking it back: "Wrong that weird creep deserved it to be honest"
He read a couple questions that were defending him and after giving them his joke answer about how they were wrong, thanked them sincerely
(sad time) The first thing he posted after the events of the movie, during which he obviously wasn't posting although how fucking funny would it have been to be Ambrosius and see Ballister's fake stan account post "lol get his ass I hope he died" over footage of him MAIMING HIM in light of all that was happening was "I'm sorry that I've been gone, the death of the Queen really took a toll on me, she was a real role model and inspiration of mine. I'm especially sorry to Ambrosius. I wish I hadn't run away. I wish I'd been there for you through all this, I know it must have been so hard. I really hope everyone forgives him."
(sad time over, silliness resumed) He'd use the account to make fun of Ambrosius and himself in every capacity imaginable
"Check out what Ambrosius wore to the national conference, I love how it's so shiny you can't tell how busy and incongruent the patterns are 😍 we love a maximalist king!!!"
"Ballister Ballhard surprises nobody wearing armor he got at the emo booth of a Renaissance Fair."
There is so much potential for this and I'd love to see more of Ballister being a silly goofball
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kugisakiss · 1 year
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happy new year y'all! if gege isn't going to draw nobara then i'm going to have to
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unnaturalceilings · 6 months
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Merry Supercorpmas 🎄🎁☃️
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thresholdbb · 2 months
Delta Flyers: Scientific Method is mid at best
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wren-of-the-woods · 23 days
Changed my header for the heck of it! We’ll see what I think of the new vibe.
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
god i'm so tired of this shit. let's go back to the internet in the mid 2000s. set me free on pbskids.org and adventurequest.com the way they returned the wolves to yellowstone
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unsteadylilactree · 1 year
how much money has the 118 cost the lafd from replacing ladder trucks?
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goforth-ladymidnight · 7 months
So I'm shopping on Etsy for ACOTAR merch for Christmas (because I wanted to treat myself this year), and good GOD there are so many Tamlin's Tears mugs and Salty Little Bitch Tamlin candles and bookmarks. Whyyyy? At least the Suriel Tea mugs are kind of funny.
It makes me want to make my own stuff instead, to be honest.
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officesupplied · 8 days
everything sucks the world is terrible theres the forever looming feelings of guilt sadness fear and anger but theres also friendship and joy and maybe everything isnt terrible all the time
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uraandri · 6 months
thinking about her again (karst camouflage)
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Me when I recommend something
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Me when they try it
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Me when they enjoy it
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killerqueenofficial · 10 months
I feel like Tumblr is taking away the only social media I could still bear to be on. It fucking sucks and it pains me to see the internet being controlled by corporations that have destroyed all the good things about the internet.
I'm so exhausted and there is really no end in sight, I'm sure in 10 years I'll look back and nostalgically yearn for this era of the internet to return because it just keeps going further and further down the fucking drain. A year ago I genuinely believed that the future of the internet would turn back to the way things used to be, but now I see every site optimize exclusively for mobile devices, where 3/4 of your desktop screen is empty because their website is only designed to work in portrait aspect ratios, i see fewer and fewer people willing to leave the dread inducing giants like twitter and instagram.
Hell, kids 10 years younger than me barely ever use an actual computer (and why would they when they were given tablets as toddlers so their parents wouldn't have to waste what little energy they have from working insane hours just to feed their family) and haven't been taught proper internet safety so now even more laws are going to be enacted to "keep the children safe" all the while destroying the usability of the internet for anyone over the age of 18 who isn't a straight white christian mom or dad.
My heart is breaks every day upon reading or hearing yet another news story about how Google is planning to further shitify the web as a whole... or I log on to what was once my refuge to find that they have taken yet another step towards becoming something they were never meant to or designed to be...
Google is unusable, Youtube's algorithm has quickly become the actual fucking worst for both creators and fans, and they know young people especially have nothing outside of the internet so they'll do whatever the fuck they want because they know we have no where else to go and don't have the social skills, or time, or money, or energy, to make connections in real life spaces. I feel like walls are closing in on me, does anyone else feel it?
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watercolor-rainclouds · 2 months
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@coolperson96 not my best one, but i tried
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