summerjadegleekaway · 7 years
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Fact: Gingers get a freckle for every soul they steal #stolensoul #ginger #freckles #blueeyes #redhead #incredibleredheads #weloveredhair #smile #longhair #natural #loveyourself #happy #love #photooftheday #soul #gingershavenosoul #summer #longhairdontcare #nofilter #naturalredhead #naturalginger #ilr
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
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//ok so I’m naming stolen-soul!Salem “Gold!Salem” bc of the color of Morgana’s magic flowing through him. As such, I’ve decided to give him a new look, which he’d totally adopt after coming to terms with what happened to him.
//He takes a more Assassin’s creed look to him and does his best to distance his current “life” with his past life, including using aliases instead of his name. He doesn’t feel, thanks to his soul being stolen, but he’s lived long enough to have a definite definition of “right” and “wrong”. He doesn’t relish killing and prefers to kill someone peacefully (via sleeping poisons) or as quickly and painlessly as possible.
//He can make golems with reanimated troll corpses, influence spirits with his songs almost to the point of thralling them, and use said spirits to power and use the golems.
//He tries to be gentle and avoids as much collateral damage as possible. Being known is NOT something he wants, and will do his best to obscure his identity. The closest thing he’s taken as a moniker is “phantom” or “grey ghost”. He thinks they’re very fitting.
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brazenbullock · 3 years
An oc of mine called Stolensoul, he commonly only speaks in cryptic verses and is extremely skilled in medicine
He's a loner that lives around the sacred moonpool and can often be found staring into the water unblinking. All in all a very strange boy
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frankienocera · 3 years
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@yourlovely @stolensoull 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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imgoingn0where · 6 years
I don’t really know if anyone is ever going to read this. This is probably going to be the most brutally honest and most informative thing I’ve ever written about myself.  First of all, I’ll explain a few things about me:   * I’m male, also ROMANTICALLY attracted to males.  * I’m somewhere on the asexual spectrum.   * I’m a vegetarian with a tendency towards vegan if given an option.  * I consider myself part of the Goth subculture.   * I’m not religious. Atheist/Agnostic if anything. The reason I felt I needed to share these things is that where I was born...”different” is frowned upon. When I was young, there were a lot of things I kept locked away...because I didn’t know how to express them at that age...and even if I did know how, I would have been too afraid to. My family has adjusted to my “peculiarities” surprisingly well...I never would have expected that. They’ve been very accepting, so in that department...I’ve been very lucky.  Besides all of the things that make me stand out where I live...I’ve always felt unusual. Out of place. Like I don’t belong. I’ve had friends...and I’m a friendly person. I’ve been a cashier for a combined total of 5 years...and while it’s helped me a lot socially, it’s done nothing for my sense of self...or belonging. In order to be good at socializing, and get along with absolutely everyone I meet...I have to hide a major portion of myself. So I quickly figured out that fake smiles are the way to go. As long as everyone else is happy, why does how I feel matter, right? It doesn’t matter that I feel trapped. As long as every single customer has a good, positive experience on the surface...why does what’s inside me matter?  I’m very thankful for the help I’ve had in getting every job I’ve had so far...but something else I need to mention for all of this to hopefully make some sense at all to someone: I was raised by someone who I suspect has Borderline Personality Disorder. I don’t have anything against her or blame her for anything, I know it couldn’t be helped. Due to a lack of willpower...and no sense of boundaries...I let myself be powerless. I sacrifice my own will for the sake of others. No matter what. It’s like I’m a real life version of Ella Enchanted (a fantasy movie I like). I have morals...and I have standards...but sometimes even that doesn’t matter. I can’t say “No”. I can’t say “I’m doing something at the moment, maybe later.” I can’t say “I’m busy”. I can’t say “I have plans.” So I get taken advantage of in a lot of situations.  Especially in work situations. Managers and bosses LOOK for people like me because we do everything we’re told without question or complaint. Nevermind what’s going on inside us. What matters is that we’re willing slaves.  I can explain at least some of the reasons I’m different. I’ve thought about it a lot. I relate to the Goth subculture mostly because of the aesthetic and the music. I grew up with black and white horror movies, because that’s what my grandmother watched. My dad considers himself a “Redneck Goth” (yes, that does actually exist). So I also grew up with Tim Burton movies. My grandmother introduced me to Edward Scissorhands and I always related to him. I related to Lydia in Beetlejuice. I related to “darker” Disney characters. Background characters in shows I liked. Etc. I remember when we read Edgar Allen Poe in class. Everyone else seemed to be either creeped out or bored...but I felt a connection to it. I’ve always loved Alice in Wonderland, too...in any form.  I love nonsense...because for a brief moment, it’s a distraction from the harshness of reality. Nonsense and confusion distract you, even if only for a moment, from what’s really going on around you. Like Fantasy (my favorite genre)...it’s an escape. In reality, I’m powerless...because I make myself powerless...but I don’t know how to stop it. Sure, I COULD walk up to my boss and quote my favorite movie (Jim Henson’s Labyrinth). “You have NO power over me!”...but this doesn’t work as well in reality as it does in fantasy. No one would fly away. I’d be stuck to finish the very real confrontation..and very likely, I’d be fired and have no way to pay for food, rent, and bills. I understand necessity. I get it. “That’s how it works.” “How it works” just happens to rip my soul apart. My whole life...all I’ve known is self inflicted servitude. I’d “tone it down” or “try to look/be normal”. I’ve had to sever myself from who I truly am just so everyone else is happy.  In a perfect world, we should have control over our own bodies...including our external image, right?  ...I feel like my body isn’t even mine. In an effort to have SOME control over myself...I’ve dyed my hair blue-purple...and I loved it. I made a decision and stuck with it. It was mine. MY hair. My color. My choice. MY BODY.  I understand that in some states, countries, etc...hair color isn’t a big deal. Where I live, you can be fired for having “unnatural hair colors”. Sure. I COULD be like every other Goth-inclined person and “Paint it black” (my hair)...but that’s not the point. The point is MY power isn’t my own. I have no power. The color I chose is a “Bad/unacceptable” color. I’ve had people say “It’s just hair. It’s not a big deal.” That’s not even the point. It’s not actually about my hair at all. It’s about POWER. Employers feel the need to tell us how to act, dress, etc. I get it. We have to be a certain way for customers. Uniforms, while I severely dislike the concept, I understand. How else would a customer know how to find a worker? Yes. I get it...but what’s wrong with CUSTOMIZATION?...I know customers (and people in general) can be horrible. “I don’t want to shop where that purple haired freak works!”...but that’s THEIR problem...I understand as a business/corporation/etc...it’s necessary to pull in as much business as possible from as many people as possible...but it’s cruel to stifle someone’s soul simply because you have the power to do so...and even profit from that cruelty.  I’ve been stifled long enough. If I could fight without losing my job, apartment, ability to buy food and water (which are NECESSARY TO LIVE)...I would. So, yes. It feels like slavery to me. I’m getting “paid”, sure. Paid JUST enough to cover the previously mentioned food, bills, rent, etc. Again, things that are NECESSARY. So I don’t even have a life at all. I’m just stuck being everyone else’s toy. I’m “Just part of the merchandise”.  If I can ever develop enough will power to start practicing an instrument (probably Keyboard and vocals...)...I’ve had plans to start a musical project for years. I have so many ideas...so many thoughts...so much creativity and imagination...and it’s all just rotting away...because that’s “Just how it works”.
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kisstheskies · 6 years
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@stolensoul:  "Why do you look so good in those jeans? Why'd you come around me with an ass like that? You're makin' all my thoughts obscene" -Lady Gaga 
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nova0000scotia · 6 years
#TIMESUP #METO  #StolenSouls #rape #abuse #ChildrenOfTheSecret -11 year old “Lucía told the psychologist at the hospital to which she was admitted after two suicide attempts: “I want you to remove what the old man put inside me.””
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author-c-p-hickey · 7 years
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Citizens of the World “Hustling Gorgon” © C.P. Hickey © 2017
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Ph: Stephanie Yt @stephytphotography Model: Laura Gwyneth Butler @lauragwyneth #themoodcollectiv #redhair #redhead #gorgeousmodel #freckles #beautifulportrait #portraitphotography #currentmood #fairskin #gorgeousgirl #portraitphotography #moodyportrait #portrait #ginger #stolensouls
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peabodysenc-blog · 8 years
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Every now and then we do the metal show... #stolensouls #monarch #localartists #sentinelmachine #metal #livemusic #encinitas (at Mr. Peabody's Encinitas)
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Any fanfiction where klaus gives hope to Caroline to take care of or Caroline takes care of hope
The Safehouse by Angelikah
Always Been A Daughter by Quills And Inkwells
Family Tree by Jane Bennett
Never Give Up Hope by tippy093
The First Born by mysticgirl125
Eighteen Years Later by StolenSouls
She’s My Daughter, Love by writingwithaquil
You’re The Only One That I Can Trust by xoxbreyoxo
This Child Of Mine by Sandrine C (except it’s a boy)
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
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//The more I think about Golden!Salem, the more I realize how chill he actually is bc he honestly can’t feel anything. Everything he feels is only skin deep, so it’s harder to scare or rile him.
//So imagine: Salem being in Angor’s place and Strickler, Otto, + goblin having to get past terracotta golems infused with spirits specifically to keep the Grey Ghost asleep where he is. (Merlin probably used his own spirits against him in order to imprison him but once he’s out, they’re his again). He’d probably be a lot less unsettling than Angor, save for the fact that he can vanish and appear more silently than a prowling cat. (you’d swear he needed a bell to keep from startling Strickler or Otto). Also - Salem would be musically inclined, have a thing with collecting dead troll bits for his spirit golems, and having a habit of remarking on folks’ actions. (Like telling Strickler the ways he’s not being a good leader/showing good leadership in certain instances, or telling Gunmar —after being left to die by Gunmar— that he’s wasteful and expected better from someone who knew Sun Tsu.)
//He’d totally be one of those to incite spooky ghost shenanigans at the school or at the Lake home while Barbara is at work. Or, if he’s trying to kill Jim, he’ll wait until it’s late and either use spectral sleep mist to knock him out to kill him or use his music to lure him out. His music, when laced with magic, pricks the side of human curiosity that makes them go investigate. Add to it his spectral spies and we have his method of not only luring his prey into his traps, but also herding them with spooks and spirits.
//He is definitely the kind of troll Toby would say “Has a sweet voice” but “brings death” with him. whiiich he technically does.
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captaincunttt · 11 years
What happens when you try to get help
I give my sister a massive box of pills and razors. 
And she accidentally drops it all over my room.. 
I couldn't help but laugh 
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kisstheskies · 6 years
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@stolensoul: I love mirrors because they love me.
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goodvibesforgoodlives · 11 years
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Went camping with a few buddies and got to sleep in miss blue buss :) credit to stolensoul.tumblr.com shes got a rad ride
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