#stomach ache hoseok
soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
Hi I know you mostly wrote for Jungkook, but now that Hobi is in military service I have missed him most, and lately I can't find new Fics to read. So is it possible to ask for one where Hoseok is sick, probably not that bad, but you know, a bad bug a lot of tummy ache and a lot of vomiting?
If it's possible I would love for Jungkook to be the caretaker, like for example Hoseok visiting Jungkook in his home, but he already has a bad bug, and while doing karaoke or something to spend their day together Hobi has like first a lot of tummy noises and upsets, like his belly really hurts, but he tells Kookie he just ate too much, but then he starts throwing up on Jks bathroom and he is ashamed to be messing his bathroom but his cute bunny friend just reassured him, and now feels honored to be able to take care of his older bro.
If this is imposible sorry about this ask and feel free to ignore me!!
Thanks for all your great works out there!! I'm enjoying them so much!! 🫶🏽
Hobi-hyung? (Sick HS)
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Sick: Hoseok
Caretaker: Jungkook
Tw: vom*****, mentions of nausea, stomach pain, descriptions of illness, fevers, emeto
Word count: 870
(AH, this is for all the armys missing J-hope 🫶 I will forever love that man)
(Thanks for the submission nonnie!!!!! I loved this!! I'm glad you're enjoying my works!!! It means a lot 🥰)
(I'm a bit nervous because this is my first time writing sick Hobi 🤧)
Hoseok, the ray of sunshine he is, has always been making the effort to come over and visit each of his members. Now with the solo projects, they have reduced to mainly messaging each other, but of course, J-hope has to vist them every other week at least. They're his brothers after all.
A couple hours before heading to Jungkook's house, a dull ache formed in Hoseok's stomach, he took some medicine and a few antacids and hoped that would do it. Now at Jungkook's house, his stomach is still hurting but he easily keeps it from showing visibly on his face.
"Euphorrriiiaaaaaaa~~~ ha~~~ ha~ hæă~~" Jungkook cackles at Hoseok's attempt to hit the notes of his song, butchering it only slightly. Although, when his voice is warmed up, the rapper proves to be a decent vocalist.
Jungkook continues the song with minimal effort, it's muscle memory for the younger anyways. With Jungkook distracted, Hoseok palms his stomach, giving it a soft rub. He then takes a sip out of his beer, probably a bad idea. His mouth is lined with a strange coating, making him feel icky and sick.
Jungkook continues singing another song and Hoseok forces himself to bust a few moves, doing whatever comes to mind. He doesn't want to over exert himself but also doesn't want to worry Jungkook.
The two of them dance and sing along to music, Jungkook's silky voice and Hoseok's (sightly) strained one. Eventually they're both puffed out and Jungkook pauses the music. Well Hoseok is a little more than puffed out, his middle started cramping and all the movements are riling up his stomach. They sit on the couch, sipping their drinks. A relative silence falls over them and Hoseok's stomach gives a menacing gurgle.
Jungkook's eyebrows go up, "was that your stomach, hyung?" The youngest giggles, "oh–yeah I think I ate too much." Hoseok laughs, hoping Jungkook won't look into it. The youngest gives him sceptical look but seems to brush it off. Although Hoseok's hand glued to his middle doesn't help convince Jungkook that he's fine.
"You want an antacid or something, hyung?" Jungkook asks, eyes on the tv as he scrolls for something they can watch. There's mild concern in his voice but Jungkook knows Hoseok can run into tummy issues from time to time.
"Yeah actually, are they in the bathroom?" Hoseok replies and by Jungkook's face, he didn't expect the older to take up his offer. "Yep, I'll show you. It's in one of the cupboards." Jungkook stands and Hoseok follows him to the hall bathroom.
While Jungkook rummages through various drawers and cabinets, Hoseok has to hold the edge of the counter to not fold in half as his stomach clenches. It feels like it's trying to turn inside out and Hoseok cringes. His breath hitches and 3/4 of the colour is drained from Hoseok's face.
"Ah! Here it is—they should make you feel better, Hobi-hyung—woah, are you okay? You've gone pale hyung?" Jungkook frowns, concerned as he watches Hoseok attempt to smile. The rapper opens his mouth to reassure the youngest but quickly spins around and lifts the toilet seat up.
Hoseok coughs before a wet gag seizes him. Jungkook is flustered but is quick to sooth his hyung. He traces along his spine and rubs Hoseok's sides. "Let it out hyung. You should've told me you were feeling this bad..." Jungkook pouts. Hoseok feels terrible, sick to his stomach but also guilty that he's sick in Jungkook's house and the younger has to take care of him.
Hoseok winces and his stomach cramps up before sending a wave of puke into the toilet. It startles Hoseok and Jungkook. "That's it, you'll feel better." Jungkook reels his mind for other things he can do to help his hyung and suddenly becomes aware of the unnatural heat coming from under Jungkook's palm.
He places a hand on the older's forehead in time for him to jerk with more vomit. "You have a fever, Hobi-hyungie..." Jungkook says, sad he hadn't noticed the older's condition earlier. "Don't—don't worry, k-Kook I'm fine–" the dancer tries, failing and throwing himself back over the toilet.
"Don't say silly things Hobi-hyung." Jungkook says, fetching a thermometer from the medicine cabinet, eyeing Hoseok so he doesn't fall into the toilet water. Hoseok gets a small break and pants quietly. His stomach is churning and still hurts, usually a bad sign. He feels something press into the centre of his forehead and a beep that follows. "38.7° well, that's not good." Jungkook says, mainly to himself.
"I'm sorry Kook-ah.." Hoseok slurs, grabbing a wad of toilet paper and cleaning up his mouth and the toilet seat. "I've made a mess of your bathroom.." the older says, guilt laced in his voice.
"Ayy, hyungie. Don't say that. I'm honoured to take care of you and my bathroom needed cleaning anyway, don't worry about it." Jungkook smiles, pulling Hoseok into a side-hug.
"Cmere hyung, let's get you into bed and medicated." Jungkook's muscles flex as he assists Hoseok off the floor. Hoseok feels a rush of gratitude that they all taught Jungkook so well. To be so caring and accommodating.
"Thank you, Kookie."
"You're welcome, hyung."
26 notes · View notes
borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Day 20 - Gunplay]
Pairing: Gangster!Jungkook x f.Reader
Kinks: Dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, arranged marriage, gunplay, oral to a gun, big cock, praise, body worship, nippleplay, strength kink, size kink, tattoos & piercings, thigh riding, spanking, dirty talk, sexy possessiveness, multiple orgasms (f. & m.receiving), creampies, squirting, overstimulation, rough & passionate sex in front a window, she rides him, the trope of “this is the first night where the sex feels real and not like a marital duty”
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: i feel...feelings. too many of them. most of carnal nature. some of deeply emotional nature. this story did too many things to me, holy fuck i need air. besties, Kinktober hits different because we can be totally unhinged together and i am loving the adventure ❤
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You fucked up. You are aware that you did. Five men are dead, slaughtered because you trusted the wrong person. Seven barely escaped death and the rest were either hurt or pissed. 
Taehyung’s with you, cleaning the cut on your cheek a broken bottle left. You think someone threw it at you, but you blacked out before you could see who did it. 
“Hurts”, you groan. 
“I know, sorry. It must be done”, Taehyung answers you, replacing the blood soaked cotton swap with a new one. Soaked in disinfectant, he presses it against your wound, eliciting another hiss of discomfort from you.
“So what are we gonna tell him?” Jimin asks the question the rest of the group was too afraid to ask. 
“The truth, what else?” Namjoon says dryly, fingers busy with stopping the bleeding on his arm by pressing a cloth to it.
“Yeah and risk her getting shot? Nah thanks”, Seokjin says, shaking his head. 
“People died”, Namjoon hisses, eyes lowered in anger, “Yoongi’s still out and guess shit about how Hoseok’s surgery is going.” 
“She didn’t shoot them did she?”
“She could have very well pulled the fucking trigger.”
You avoid looking at Namjoon, knowing very well that he would probably kill you with just a look if he could. You understand him. You’re angry at yourself as well. You weren’t careful enough and let the details of the meeting meet the wrong people, ending in the cops busting you in the middle of the deal. 
“Where is she?!” Jungkook’s loud voice cuts through the air like thunder.
Your stomach twists in fear. He’s back.
“Oh fuck”, Seokjin gasps, looking at the opened door and regretting not having closed it. 
“Where is she? Where’s my fucking wife?” Jungkook screams outside.
You exchange a panicky look with the others. 
"Is she in there?" Jungkook spits, voice sounding as if he is just by the door.
“Sir wait, they aren’t done-“, one of your guards stumbles into the room and falls forcefully. 
“What the hell?” Jimin exclaims, staring at the groaning guard.
Seconds later the reason for his fall appears in the door frame. 
Jungkook. Black hair messy, eyes dangerously dark in anger and tattooed knuckles bruised from the punch he just threw.
“Don't fucking talk to me like that, cunt”, he spits at the guard.
“I-I'm sorry Sir”, the guard stutters, holding his aching cheek.
Jungkook rolls his shoulders and lifts his head, eyes running over the room and landing on you.
They lower in anger, head tilting to the side in this distinct almost hunter like manner Jungkook always gets when he is in the mood for carnage.
“You wanna fucking tell me what happened?” he hisses, voice calm but you know better than to trust it. You know what Jungkook does with traitors and you are currently the main suspect for the leak.
“I didn’t know Yeonseok would leak that shit”, you say. 
“Don't give me that bullshit, you knew exactly what kinda fuck he is”, Jungkook spits. 
“I didn’t. Listen. I really didn’t. If I had, I’d have shot him.”
“Bullshit. You’re working for them. Ugly fucking undercover pig”, Jungkook growls, reaching for the side. Hidden behind his suit jacket and strapped into a belt, his gun is waiting to be used.
“Hey Kook”, Jimin’s on his feet and in front of Jungkook instantly, “I believe her. She didn’t know Yeonseok was the snitch. We thought Lee would leak the shit, but he got shot. Nobody suspected Yeonseok, especially not ___.”
"I don't believe this", Jungkook growls, taking a step closer with his dark eyes never leaving your face. Jimin stops him, strong hand on Jungkook’s heaving up and down chest and muscles tensing under the turtleneck.
“Think”, he insists, “why would she work for them? The fucking pigs killed her brother, the last thing she'd do is kiss their fucking boots.”
Jungkook fights Jimin, lips curled back in an angry huff of air.
“Let alone betray you. She’s your wife. She chose you, didn’t she?” Jimin adds, finally managing to change Jungkook’s gaze from you to him. 
His hand slips from his gun, he stops fighting Jimin. Now standing still.
“She didn’t choose shit”, Jungkook spits and pushes himself away from Jimin. He walks to the door in heavy steps, “clean this fucking shit up once you’re done”, he hisses. 
“Where are you going?” Seokjin asks. 
Jungkook looks over his shoulder.
“Making sure Yoongi’s got someone with him if he decides to actually bite the dust”, he spits, eyes landing on you for one last deadly look, “fucking shitshow”, he whispers and turns to leave. 
The front door slams closed seconds later. 
“Well fuck”, you press out, sinking in on yourself, “thanks man.”
“Don’t mention it”, Jimin answers you, currently helping the guard back up on his feet.
The air is tense in the room. You all know very well that this wasn’t over yet. 
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The penthouse is empty when Jungkook returns. Safe for the guards out front, everyone else left. 
You didn’t. Obviously, because you live here even if the downstairs was poisoned by work. Upstairs maybe a little bit of home was present. Stuff like memoirs or sweet pictures of you and your husband weren’t present, but at least the lingering stench of blood, drugs and metal wasn’t present upstairs. 
You don’t know if you loved your husband. You are pretty sure he doesn’t love you. Your marriage is a business contract between two wealthy crime families, making sure their money gets secured. You accepted, Jungkook accepted and that was the story of your love. Sex was okay because he's obsessed with perfection and that goes for sex too. Passion or tenderness obviously wasn’t present during those moments, because Jungkook sees sex as much of a task as his other things. Torture, fighting, murder, bringing in money with little loss. Those things have to be calculated and follow a certain pattern to be perfect in his eyes. The same goes for sex. Intimacy wasn’t present either, safe for the moments where he walked around naked in front of you or told you to show off a set of lingerie for him, but that was only because you were married and he saw those acts as duty. Romance was present once. You remember it clearly. It was a Sunday. The 16th of July two years ago. The sun was warm and the organisation was quiet for once. Jungkook took you out for ice cream that day and told you that he thought the dress you wore was pretty. You saw him smile that day and thought that he almost looked innocent when he smiled. You never saw him smile again since that day.
You don’t know if you loved Jungkook and you know he didn’t love you. But that was okay because you didn’t expect him to.
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You were sleeping when Jungkook came home. You wake when he has already showered. He is sitting by the foot end of your bed, legs spread and arms resting on his thighs so he can make his lower arms tangle between them. He is shirtless, giving view to his tattooed torso. His lower body is covered by a towel, his hair is tied into a messy bun. He is overlooking the city. The Empire, which one day will be his' with you as the ruling Queen by his side. That is if he doesn’t decide to murder you tonight.
“Husband?” you try quietly, hoping for a moment that he won’t hear you. 
He inhales loudly, straightening his back.
“Go back to sleep”, he says coldly, eyes never once breaking away from the city. It looks so small from your bedroom window, but this is only an illusion made by just how high up you are.
You often walk in on him jerking off right by the windows and with his hand in a punishing rhythm. Jungkook fucking loves standing by the windows and getting off to how small and tiny everything looks. The king standing on his throne and looking down at his suspects. He fucking cums like crazy to that thought.
“How is Yoongi?” you ask him.
“Alive for now.”
“That's such a relief to hear”, you say honestly.
“And the others? How did the surgeries go?”
“Good. They’ll all live.”
“That’s amazing, I’m so relieved right now.”
You sit up to crawl to him. You snake your arms around him, making him tense up and lift his head proudly. You aren’t wearing much more than panties and a bra. Not very comfortable, but you thought that maybe if you dressed yourself in Jungkook’s favourite set tonight, he won’t kill you the instant he laid eyes on you. It seems to be working, given how you are still breathing. 
The little clothing results in your naked stomach coming into contact with his naked back. His skin feels cold in comparison to yours. 
“Tae and Jin captured Yeonseok. He tried to take one of the boats to flee to Jeju. Did you hear?” you tell him.
“What will happen to him now?”
“Why? So you can save him? Well, too fucking late. I already skinned the bastard. Cut off his cock too, made him eat it cause it’s what lying fucking pigs deserve”, he says almost nonchalantly. 
You feel your stomach twist in disgust. You mask the gag you wanted to do by inhaling deeply, dancing your hands to Jungkook’s sculpted pecs. You don’t really want to touch him right now, this is solely to fight for your life.
“That's good to hear”, you whisper, kissing his shoulder, “I would have done far worse to him.”
“Tzt yeah sure”, Jungkook scoffs, moving away from you.
You study his face as best as you can see it from this position. His brows are creasing, eyes as dark as the night and lips turned downwards into a frown. You rest your chin on his shoulder, hands coming to rest on his pecs. His heart is racing like crazy in his chest, letting you know that despite his calm exterior he was in utter distress inside. You rub slow circles on his skin, making him react by flexing his pecs because his nipples are sensitive and the touch is affecting him.
“I'm loyal to you, husband”, you say, trailing your kisses to his neck, “please believe me.”
Jungkook rolls his head to the side, exposing his neck to your lips. You kiss his skin. He tastes like hints of his cologne. Smells like it too. 
He keeps on staring out at the city, lips pursed in anger and eyes cold. 
“And I’m loyal to the organisation. It’s all that matters to me”, you say, taking his pierced ear between your teeth to nibble on it softly.
Jungkook closes his eyes, relaxing his brows. You don’t see it happening as you are too busy licking and kissing his piercings. You know that he’s into that shit.
“I'd suffocate you”, he rasps.
You try not to falter in your kisses, hoping that he can’t feel your heart speeding up in fear. 
“I'd want you struggling and fighting for life. I'd do it with my bare hands to feel your last breath leave you.”
Only now do you notice the gun tangling from his fingers. Did he bring this here to shoot you? Are you currently kissing your murderer's neck? Is that why his heart is racing? Because deep down he is nervous to kill his wife, but he knows that he has to?
“That's how I'd kill you if you ever betrayed me”, he says, eyes flitting to the distorted version of your bodies in the window’s reflection. Him towering over the city and you holding him close. The image could be beautiful if the air wasn’t so tense and you cared so very little for each other. He locks eyes with you. 
You gulp, barely controlling your breathing. This is it. This is the moment you’re looking into death's eyes.
“How's your cheek?” Jungkook however asks, flustering you.
“It's… it won’t scar”, you say, stumbling back when Jungkook turns. 
He pulls you back by grabbing you by your chin. He moves your head from left to right, dark eyes glued to the now bandaged cut on your cheek. 
“Did you see who did that to you?” he asks. 
“No, it happened way too fast.”
“Mhm”, Jungkook brushes his thumb over the band aid, “thank fuck it missed your eye.”
“Uh..yes…I guess…”
One must know that stuff like genuine worry for each other, affection and concern were nonexistent in your marriage. It is important to know so one can understand why you were so entirely flabbergasted by your husband’s concern right now. Jungkook never cares. Did seeing Yoongi almost die tonight affect him so much that he is becoming affectionate now? Or is this his way of saying goodbye before he finally kills you? 
Jungkook pulls you closer, making you gasp and squeeze your eyes shut in fear. His strong hand lands on the back of your head.
His kisses your bandaged cheek.
Your breath trembles as it leaves you.
Your eyes open quickly, locking with his’. They are still dark, racing between yours and looking almost hypnotising from the close proximity you and him find yourselves in.
Jungkook moves in and kisses your lips as he keeps on staring at you, fingers tightening more and more on the back of your head.
You sigh shakily, squeezing your eyes shut because you can’t bear to look into his eyes when his lips claim yours so angrily. His teeth bite your lower lip, his tongue licks over it, his lips suck harshly. You reach for him for support, nails scratching down his arm as softly as possible.
The kiss breaks, strings of saliva keep you connected but they break just seconds later, now covering your skin. You peel your eyes open, meeting his unfaltering gaze. Your hands slip from him again.
He can see the uncertainty and confusion on your face, but he won’t call you out on it.
“You and your loyalty are mine, don’t forget that”, he rasps.
“I won’t”, you whisper, “and I never did”, you add just in case it wasn’t clear to him yet.
Jungkook slips his hand from your head and turns back to the city. He is playing with his gun mindlessly, eyes racing over the millions and millions of lights down below. You are sitting, daring not to move let alone breathe. The air shouldn’t be so tense anymore, but it is. Jungkook cared for your cheek, kissed you and told you his version of an I Love You. You don’t know what is happening. This isn’t your husband.
You let your eyes flit to the reflection of your bodies, coming to the scary revelation that Jungkook wasn’t staring at the city, but at you. He twists the gun in his fingers, making the safety click once.
You gulp. Now you understand. This was his goodbye. His last attempt to be affectionate before he shoots you.
“I’m sorry”, you whisper shakily, eyes burning in tears.
Jungkook acknowledges you with a cock of his right brow, outlining the inside of his cheek with his tongue. He lowers his head, eyes locking on the gun. His thumb runs over the cold metal, his jaw clenches.
“Stand up”, he finally says.
You follow with shaking knees, biting down on your tongue in order not to start sobbing.
Jungkook grips your wrist and tugs you right in front of him. You try not to squeak, let alone breathe too quickly.
He lets go of your wrist once he is happy with your position, placing both his hands on your waist. The coldness of the gun feels unbearable on your skin, digging into your flesh and leaving deep shivers behind.
He dances his hands up your torso. His thumbs are on your tummy, tracing the pearl netting which is spanning itself over your upper stomach.
You don’t dare to look down, eyes glued to the mirror behind your bed. There was another mirror right above your bed because Jungkook is obsessed with watching himself when you fuck. He also fucking loves it that you have to stare at yourself when he’s got you on your back, folded in half and with his huge cock drilling into your puffy pussy.
Jungkook leans in, connecting his lips with your tummy.
You can’t stop yourself from gasping or flinching for that matter. You bite down on your lower lip to stop more noises from slipping out of you, shifting your gaze even further up the wall just so you can’t accidentally look down at him.
His tongue darts out just to lick a thick stripe up your stomach until the position naturally breaks the contact.
Your skin prickles where he licked it, the air of the room feels ice cold while your body is burning up. All of this isn’t your husband. All of this swerves so far out of the patterns he made up for sex and you don’t know what that means.
“You’re so fucking sexy”, he rasps, lifting his head and realising that you aren’t looking at all. He furrows his brows, clenching his jaw. Why aren’t you looking? You are supposed to look when he’s worshipping you.
“Get on your fucking knees”, he orders in a growl.
You follow instantly, folding your hands on your lap and looking at the ground. Jungkook tilts your head up with the gun under your chin, forcing you to lock eyes with him even if that was the last thing you currently want to do.
“Why are you avoiding eye contact?” he asks, pupils dilated in anger.
“I-I…I’m sorry”, you stutter, widening your eyes for good measures.
Jungkook studies your features and your body. You carry fear in your eyes, your thumbs fumble with each other secretly, your thighs are pressed together in nervousness. Jungkook looks at the gun under your chin and understands.
He pulls it away and with a press, releases the magazine. It falls into his palm. He twirls it between his fingers and shows it to you. 
Your eyes widen in shock.
It’s empty.
Jungkook presses the button to let you know the barrel was empty too.
Your eyes flit up to Jungkook’s face, racing restlessly in an attempt to make sense of all of this.
Jungkook slams the magazine back into the gun and takes your face between his fingers. He tugs you closer, leaning in to meet you in the middle.
“This isn’t your fucking punishment, get that outta your head”, he hisses.
“O-okay”, you stutter, feeling your heart skip a few beats from having him so close. His breath smells like minty toothpaste.
“You think I’m gonna shoot you? Like a coldblooded murderer?” he squeezes your cheeks, “I told you how I’d kill you, didn’t I? You think I’d not already have done it if I wanted you dead? That I’d let you sleep while I was taking a shower? No”, he moves closer, brushing his lips against yours to whispers darkly, “if I wanted you dead, you’d already be dead. Wife.”
“Oh”, you press out, shoulders sagging in relief and eyes spilling tears. He forgave you. Jungkook forgave you. You aren’t going to die tonight. The gun is solely a prop in some sick play of power and sex.
Jungkook wipes your tears away with a rough thumb, taking your cheeks back between his fingers afterwards.
“Don’t cry. I’m not gonna hurt you. You know that I don’t do that”, he whispers softly.
"I know", you get out, sniffling like crazy to get rid of the desire to sob.
"Good", he says and with one push to your lips feeds you his thumb.
You suck on it instantly, having done so a thousand times before. That shit is familiar to you. Having to suck off Jungkook’s fingers is a routine to you.
You were so ready to do it for minutes, but Jungkook already pulls out after nothing but five eager sucks, leaving you to chase him with a trembling sigh.
He straightens up and pulls the gun back into your vision. He holds it tightly, positioning it right between his thighs in a way so that the barrel would face the ceiling.
“Suck it like you’d suck my cock”, he orders.
You hesitate, looking up at him with confused eyes.
“Did I stutter? Suck my fucking gun”, he hisses, placing his hand at the back of your head to push you closer.
You eye the cold gun, gulping nervously. You know that it was empty and safe, but the thought still scares you. Sucking his cock is easy because his shape is familiar to your lips and tongue. But the gun is new. He never asked you to do that before. Of course he didn’t, because it wasn’t part of the pattern on normal nights.
Jungkook tightens his grip on your head, giving you an impatient push. There is no going back. You scoot closer, placing your hands over his’ and lowering your lips to the gun. You kiss the tip first like you would do his cock, feeling his fingers twitch on the back of your head. You can’t see it but Jungkook is staring down at you without ever blinking, frowning but with his chest heaving up and down quickly.
You close your lips around the barrel and sink down slowly.
Jungkook exhales loudly and opens his thighs just slightly, acting as if you finally took in his cock. Even his fingers tighten on your head.
The gun tastes weird. Metal and grease. You are pretty sure that you shouldn’t have those things in your mouth, but you won’t say anything. You slip off of it for a catch of breath, getting pushed back down instantly.
“Don’t stop”, he orders in a rasp, moving your head up and down slowly, “fucking suck it like you mean it.”
You moan for him, squeezing his hand. Your eyes are squeezed shut, your breathing is ragged. You don’t suck on it like you would his cock, merely letting the barrel glide over your tongue. It hits the back of your throat with each movement, tickling out your gag reflex more and more.
“There we go, so fucking good”, Jungkook rasps above you, staring down at you with blown-out pupils. Your lips look so good wrapped around the black metal. They move so nicely as you fuck your face with it.
The barrel is a lot smaller than Jungkook’s cock. Both in length and in girth. It is an easy task to have it in your mouth, even if the square shape and hardness is something to get used to. Other than that however, the size in itself isn’t all that bad. Sometimes when you suck Jungkook’s cock, your jaw hurts afterwards because of his size, so the gun is a welcome change. Even if the taste needs some getting used to.
It hits the back of your throat and finally triggers your gag reflex. You gag loudly, slipping off of it to prevent the worst case scenario. You wheeze and gasp for air, swallowing heavily.
“You sound so sweet”, Jungkook lulls, caressing the back of your head, “lick it for me.”
You place your tongue at the base of the gun, brushing against his fingers accidentally. Jungkook takes a deep breath in reaction, moving his hips in a slow squirm. Just once and then he is in control again.
You moan as you finally drag your tongue up the barrel, licking it as if you were licking the big vein on the underside of his cock. It feels so different than when you do it to him. Hard metal, unmoving unlike his vein which is always pulsating and throbbing when you lick it. You miss those sensations, craving them against the tip of your tongue.
“There we go, that’s it”, Jungkook whispers, voice shaky in arousal, “lick the tip, go on.”
You follow, swirling your tongue over the tip and moaning oh so hungrily.
“That’s it, fuck”, Jungkook tenses his thighs, relaxing them in a tremble, “such a good girl, fuck.”
Whimpering, you press the flat of the tongue right against the tip, grinding it back and forth quickly. Jungkook fucking loves when you do that to his tip, reacting with a sharp intake of breath now that he watches you do it to the gun.
“Fucking amazing, that’s fucking amazing”, he praises, voice raspy and just slightly lulled, “feels so fucking good, doesn’t it?”
You mewl, nodding your head. And you mean it. Maybe it’s Jungkook’s praise and the utter pleasure in his voice, but licking his gun is starting to genuinely feel fucking good. You dig the tip of your tongue into the bullet hole, eliciting a deep growl from Jungkook.
“That’s it”, he whispers breathily, hand slipping from the back of your head to cup your cheek, “fuck, that’s it, doll.”
The nickname sends heat to your pussy. Honestly moaning, you take the gun back inside, letting it sink into your mouth until you can feel it at the back of your throat. It is a lot more difficult to get it inside than Jungkook’s cock. Not because of its size but because of its unmoving character. Jungkook’s cock bends, no matter how hard and swollen you’ve gotten him, there is still a slight bend to it, which makes it easier to get it inside. But the gun doesn’t bend, forcing you to bend yourself instead to get it inside.
You keen, dropping tears onto your cheeks. A needy shake courses through  you, your left hand slips from his hand just to grab his thigh instead. His skin is hot as fire, his muscles are so hard under your palm. You squeeze desperately, whimpering around the gun. Somehow holding his strong thigh is helping you stay grounded. Maybe it even soothes you.
“Such a good girl”, Jungkook praises, slipping his hand back to your head. He grabs a bundle of your hair and twists softly, “Is that tasty? Mhm? Do you like how my gun tastes?”
You break away from it just to gaze up at him, almost forgetting what you wanted to say to him in the process because of his cock. You look at it for just a second too long. Completely hard and swollen, it’s standing against his toned stomach, having escaped the towel. It is even leaking, tip looking so wet and sticky. Holy fuck. Your pussy clenches around nothing. Holy fuck, he’s so hard.
“I…” you clear your throat, breaking your eyes away from his cock to look into his eyes, “…I love it”, you whisper shakily.
Jungkook drags his thumb over your cheek to wipe the tears away, eyes lowering in arousal.
“Yeah? You love it? More than my cock?”
You gulp.
“Tell me.”
“N-no your c-cock’s better”, you stutter, hoping that this is what he wanted to hear.
Jungkook lets out a breathy chuckle, lips curling into a cocky smirk.
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say”, he rasps, squeezing your chin softly, “take off my towel.”
You scramble to your knees and reach for the knot. Jungkook rests back on his hands, having the drool covered gun resting beside him for now. He watches you with a quickly moving chest as you undo the knot and pull the towel open. Not that a lot of new stuff gets exposed because of it, give how his cock’s already been freed before that. Only his neatly trimmed pubes and heavy balls see the new light of the day, hypnotising you.
You may not love Jungkook and, hell, Jungkook may not love you, but the sexual attraction you both feel for each other was sometimes unbearable. Jungkook’s a sexy, attractive man, even if he sometimes scares you. He never hurt you in your years together, so you have no idea why you are scared of him, but you are. You are scared and so goddamn, achingly attracted to his body.
Especially tonight, because Jungkook is disregarding every single pattern you established over the years and that shit turns you on like nothing else.
“There we go, good girl”, Jungkook praises, straightening back up. He cups your cheek and makes you look up at him.
You swallow heavily, hands falling to his thighs just so you can hold something of him.
He smiles.
Jungkook fucking smiles.
For the second time ever since you’ve became his’, Jungkook is showing you his smile.
And it’s flustering you so much that your breath actually hitches in your throat.
“You’re such a pretty girl”, he whispers, tracing your lips.
You exhale shakily, feeling your head pound from those overwhelming feelings in your chest. Jungkook is smiling. He called you pretty. Jungkook called you pretty and is smiling. Holy fuck.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, studying your frown and glassy eyes.
“Nothing”, you barely get the word out.
“Mhm”, he hums, smile slowly fading into a relaxed expression. He lets go of your cheek just so he can dance his hand down to your throat to hold it as gently as possible, “I want you to take off your bra.”
You reach behind yourself without hesitation. Jungkook keeps your eyes on him not through force but through sheer attraction. Your heart’s racing like crazy.
The clasp opens easily. You tug the straps from your shoulders and let the piece of clothing fall onto your lap.
He looks down at your newly exposed chest, slipping his hand from your throat for it.
“Hm”, he hums, nodding his head with a frown on his face. It’s the same frown he gets when he likes food.
Jungkook places his hands over your tits, making you arch your back just to chase him. His palm is slightly callused from fighting, but his touch is tender. He gathers them and squeezes strongly. The sensation crawls down your body and makes your pussy so goddamn wet in your panties.
“Pretty”, he rasps, moving his fingers over your tits until he can pinch your nipples, tugging at them until you whimper. He smirks lazily, massaging them as his eyes flit back to your face just to take in how your lips part in a gasp. “you’re the prettiest, baby.”
“Kook”, you whimper, hands sliding to his inner thighs and eyes burning in new tears. It feels so good to be called baby by him. He only did that during your ice cream date and ever since that day, all you ached for was for another repetition of the nickname.
Jungkook dries your tears with the back of his hand, eyes softening slightly.
“Why do you keep crying, mhm?” he asks.
“I, I don’t know”, you stutter, sniffling like crazy.
"Do you not want me to play with you, mhm?" 
"Please don’t stop", you breathe, meaning it honestly.
“Mhm”, he hums and gives your cheek a soft pinch, “stand up for me”, he orders.
You struggle so much. He’s got you so weak that you don’t want to get up. So he helps you, placing his strong hands on your waist to tug you to your feet. He stands up as well once you’re safely on your feet, holding your waist and stepping closer. Like this, he is towering over you, making you lift your head just so you can keep looking into his eyes. He doesn’t feel scary right now. Just strong and like he’d protect you from the world. The feeling is so foreign to you that you want to scream, but you can’t bring yourself to produce any other sound than soft whimpers and shaky intakes of air.
“Now you wanna keep looking at me, don’t you?” he speaks softly, eyes racing between yours.
You nod your head.
“Touch me, baby”, Jungkook whispers.
You place your hands on his chest, eliciting a shaky exhale from him.
He steps closer, hands sliding down to your hips to pull you into him. His head tilts down, nose brushing against yours.
“There we go”, he breathes, “do you like how I feel?”
“Yes”, you sigh, meaning it honestly.
“Baby”, Jungkook whispers, cupping your cheeks to pull you into a deep kiss. His head is tilted to the side, his shoulders are lifted to his ears, his lips move slowly yet desperately against yours.
You stare at him in shock. He’s got his eyes closed. Jungkook’s got his fucking eyes closed as he kisses you. The kiss is real to him. He’s actually feeling it.
“Fuck”, you press out in a shaky sigh, hooking your arms behind his neck to pull him close. Your eyes fall closed and your tongue finally chases his’ in a slow yet needy rhythm.
Jungkook moans, slipping his left hand from your cheek just so he can snake his arm around your waist and press you against his chest. Naked tits against naked pecs. Hot skin against hot skin. Cock against your stomach and hearts beating quickly in both your chests. All of this so far away from the patterns, that they aren’t even on the same map anymore. And you fucking love it, dragging your nails over his undercut until you touch his bun. With sloppy tugs, you open it. His hair falls down in messy waves, getting gathered and twisted by you.
Jungkook keens almost needily, lifting you easily. He isn’t just working out to be ready for whatever fight his life throws at him, but also to lift you whenever you want him to. He never did it before, but all he’s thinking about is lifting you when you’re both naked and lost in a kiss. Your weight makes the muscles in his arms shift and tense, his abs flex right against your pussy. Jungkook loves how you whimper into the kiss and how small you seem to make yourself just to fit into his arms easier.
Your legs snake around his waist, squeezing it tightly. You hate that you’re still wearing your panties. All you want to feel is his skin against your pussy. You’re so fucking into him right now. You need him like crazy.
The truth was that Jungkook is so goddamn vulnerable tonight. He is shaken to the core from everything that happened today, aching for affection he is very well aware you probably have to work very hard for to gather for him. He’s aware that you don’t love him, even if he can’t imagine his life without you. And today he had to. He had to imagine how life would be without you, because he almost lost you to a misunderstanding. He was so angry at you at first and so goddamn hurt. Not you, he thought, not his fucking wife. His heart broke when he heard that you were the one leaking the details, because that meant he had to kill you. Then it ached in confusion when he had to decide whether or not he could still trust you, all while he had to be there for Yoongi. The man, he considers as his own fucking brother. He came home, exhausted from crying over Yoongi way too much and skinning the real traitor, expecting you to have fled, only to see you sleeping in your shared bed and if Jungkook hadn’t been so dirty from murdering Yeonseok, he’d have climbed right into bed with you just to hug you against his chest. Your refusal to flee, even if that meant that he could potentially kill you, was all the proof he needed to know that your loyalty for him never faltered.
And now he’s a mess. Going from anger, heartbreak, confusion, worry and relief left him so goddamn needy for affection. He’d never tell you, because he possibly couldn’t share his feelings with you, but he fucking aches for you like nothing else. Even if it’s just pretend from your side.
He walks to the big windows, pressing you right against them even if that makes you gasp from the cold. The kiss still doesn’t break however, only deepening as your limbs seem to pull him closer and closer. Jungkook presses himself against you, moaning right with you as this makes your pussy press against his cock. He rocks his hips slowly, forcing his cock to glide between his stomach and your clothed pussy.
“Fuck”, he croaks, lips faltering in the kiss.
You chase him, moaning his name.
“I need you”, he gets out, cockhead grinding against your clothed clit and making your fingers scratch down his undercut.
“Need you too”, you answer him.
There is a chaise lounge to your right. Jungkook takes the necessary step and sits down on it, right on its edge. Your body hits his lap, hips chasing his muscular thigh in a needy roll.
He lets the kiss break for the sake of looking at you. His strong hands are on your thighs, your knees are on each side of his hips. His eyes are half-lidded and heavy in arousal.
“Lift your hips”, he orders and you follow.
Jungkook hooks his fingers in your panties and twists the fabric. In one rough tug, he’s got them ripped from your body, leaving behind burning skin and a racing heart. 
“Those were your favourites”, you whisper.
“Doesn’t matter”, he dismisses you, throwing the ruined panties on the ground. He grips your hips and pulls them back onto his lap. He rocks them back and forth slowly, making your wet pussy grind right against his thigh.
Your breath trembles, fingers twisting in his long hair. His skin is so soft and hot, his muscles are so defined.
“You’re already dripping”, he says, voice deep in arousal. He wanted to get you wet on his cock and now has to live with the knowledge that you’re already wet for him. He’s so fucking into you, it’s insane.
“Yeah”, you sigh, chasing his thigh desperately.
“Fuck baby”, he presses out, gripping you by the back of your neck, “get on my fucking cock. Now”, he growls, pupils dilated to the point where his eyes appear black.
You follow without hesitation, lifting your soaked pussy from his thigh just to shimmy up his lap and align yourself with his cock. You grind your hole against his tip twice and then Jungkook squeezes your hips in warning, eyes lowering dangerously.
You let yourself drop.
“Oh”, you croak, head falling against his shoulder and body trembling. He’s so fucking big. It’s stretching you out so much.
“There we go. Take that cock”, he rasps, rubbing the small of your back soothingly.
Inch by inch he’s gliding into you, making you feel fuller and fuller. He barely manages to bottom out, eliciting the shakiest moan from you. He growls against your skin, hands slipping to your ass to squeeze it angrily, “that’s it. Your pussy’s so fucking good. Move.”
You circle your hips slowly, whimpering into him and trying to close your legs even if that is impossible in the position and only ends with you squeezing his hips. You feel like bursting.
“Jun-Jungkook”, you get out.
“Yes, baby?” he asks.
“You’re, you’re so big.”
“I know”, he tilts your hips differently to make the breach a little easier, “do you like it, mhm?”
“Yes”, you mewl, meaning it honestly. He may be a lot and he may make you feel like you’re being ripped in half, but that shit feels so good. It feels amazing on normal days and feels like paradise tonight. You don’t want to stop, you want to keep rutting against him until your pussy is finally stretched enough and stops burning.
“Yeah? You do?” Jungkook forces your head to lift with his hand on your neck. He moves his hips, basking in the widening of your eyes and the clenching of your wet pussy.
“K-Kook”, you squeak, brows furrowing in pleasure.
“There we go, relax. I know I’m big, but you’re my girl, aren’t you?”
You nod your head, gasping for air when his cock fills you up completely again. And he leaves you again, making you chase his girth instantly.
“Yeah you are”, Jungkook slips his thumb to your throat, keeping it resting there without applying pressure, “and my girl’s made for my cock, isn’t she?”
You nod your head, feeling new arousal seep out of you. Jungkook never called you his girl before. It feels so good now that he does.
“Tell me baby”, he orders.
“I’m made for your cock”, you whisper, pussy throbbing around his cock.
“And why is that?” he stresses, feeling you tremble on his lap and loving the shit out of it.
“Because I’m your girl”, you croak, falling around his neck a moment later to kiss him.
Jungkook gasps, hand slipping from your throat to bury itself in your hair at the back of your head. He moans, tensing his thighs desperately when you finally begin to actually move on his cock. Quick movements up and down and skilled circles whenever he’s balls deep inside you. It sounds wet and nasty, filling both of you with the desire to keep going and fucking going.
Tongues tangle, hands grope desperately, hips rut against each other. Breathing is hard when you’re kissing so much and the sex feels so fucking good. Hot and addicting. So without any kind of patterns and rules. So honest and fucking real. There is no order in your movements, just honest desperation to get off on each other as quickly and as intensely as possible. And you don’t want this to stop. Please don’t ever let this stop.
Jungkook doesn’t want it to stop either. Breaking patterns and ignoring rules. The thought normally gives him the fucking ick. But he doesn’t care right now. He doesn’t want patterns or rules, he wants you. All of you. The unfiltered, honest you. The sex tonight is his apology. He hopes you can see that it is. His apology for ever doubting you, his apology for yelling at you in front of the others and his apology for being so goddamn needy for you. He hopes you can feel how sorry he is and how goddamn into it he is.
Jungkook breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours. His shaky breath intermingles with your trembling one, his thumbs brush over your temples, his eyes are closed.
And because his eyes are closed, he doesn’t see that you have yours closed as well. Maybe if he did, he wouldn’t feel so fucking sorry for being needy. Because you are fucking needy for him too. Being married is only fun when you’re desired, otherwise it leaves one with a constant ache in one’s chest. And Jungkook’s spilling over in desire tonight, soaking you with it just as much. It feels so good to fuck honestly and like you actually want to fuck.
“I’m so fucking into this”, Jungkook rasps, voice trembling because he bottoms out right this moment, feeling your pussy clench in reaction.
“Me too”, you answer him shakily, lifting yourself just to drop back down on him.
“Fuck”, he croaks and pulls you back into a deep kiss. You squeak as you weren’t ready for it, fingers squeezing his shoulders tightly and hips trembling on his lap. He is kissing you so desperately, moaning so much. It affects you so much. Jungkook isn’t vocal in bed. The penthouse is never truly empty. Guards, one of the others, some of the other goons. The penthouse is never truly empty and Jungkook decided for himself that being quiet was part of sex. Nobody needs to know how into it he is, especially not all the idiots downstairs. So to have him moan and growl and gasp so freely tonight, feels like sex in itself.
Jungkook breaks the kiss, moving just far away enough that he can look at your face. He dances his thumb over your cheek, letting his left hand slide to your hip just so he can squeeze it.
“Is this real for you?” he asks, eyes droopy and barely staying open.
You look at them and how they are filled with so much pleasure, pain and hopefulness. You nod your head honestly.
“Yeah, it’s real”, you whisper.
“Fuck”, Jungkook presses out, voice trembling and eyes squeezing shut.
He wraps his arm around you, pressing your face into the crook of his neck with his hand on the back of your head. His lips are on your shoulder, his nose is inhaling desperately. His legs broaden their stance so he can finally meet your movements. He thrusts into you deep and strong, forcing your body to tremble involuntarily.
“Kook”, you whimper, tensing up in surprise.
“I’ve got you, I’ve fucking got you”, he whispers against your skin, “fucking hold onto me, baby.”
You drag your nails up his back and neck, burying your fingers in his hair as deeply as possible. Like this your chests are almost melting with each other and his cock is so deep inside you, stomach grinding against your clit.
“That’s it”, he rasps, “that’s fucking it. Your husband’s got it. Gonna fuck you so slow, so fucking deep. Fuck”, he moans, body twitching as pleasure shoots through him. His hips thrust into you so much rougher afterwards, making your toes curl from how good it feels, “I fucking got it, got you so good. So fucking good.”
He had his eyes on his city once, thinking to himself how pretty those lights look. But not anymore. His face buried in the crook of your shoulder and his eyes are squeezed shut so tightly that his brain is coming up with its own sparkles of light. You feel like heaven around him. Maybe he’s imagining it, but he could swear that you feel so much wetter than you do on other nights.
Jungkook always makes sure that you are wet. Because getting you wet gives him an ego boost. But tonight it feels so real. So honest. It’s covering his cock and is running down his balls. He’s never experienced that sensation before, cradling you in his strong arms because of it.
You are also twitching and writhing like you never did before. They feel so honest and intense, making his own body shudder in reaction.
“I’m really close”, you whimper against his neck.
“Fuck, really?”
“Yeah”, you say and sob into him loudly, “Jungkook, please don’t stop, I’m so close”, you wail.
“Fuck baby”, Jungkook hugs you tighter, hips faltering just once before they find their rhythm again. Slow and deep, making your wet walls convulse around him rhythmically and for your smaller body to tremble against his bigger, oh so much stronger, frame. “Stop crying”, he soothes you in shaky whispers, “I’ve got you baby, don’t cry.”
“I, I can’t. It, it feels so good”, you stutter and hiccup a loud sob, “it feels so good”, you wail loudly and convulse on top of him, “oh god it’s happening”, you squeak out, hugging him with an almost scared desperation.
“It’s okay. I’m right here. Your husband’s right here, baby. Let go”, he soothes you, throwing you over the edge so intensely that for a second, you feel like passing out.
“Ah-“, you get out and then your voice cuts off and you begin shaking without having any sort of control over it.
Jungkook holds you close, rocking into you carefully because you are so tight that all other movements are impossible. He swears he’s never gotten you that good before.
Jungkook always makes sure that both of you have at least one orgasm during sex, because that is what perfection means to him. Well, at least until now it’s what it meant. Jungkook realises that this right now is so much more perfect than any well-calculated orgasm ever was. This right here feels real and makes his eyes tear up and once your aggressive tensing stops, his hips can’t seem to want to stop. He is chasing your tight pussy, putting rough desperation into his movements. The kind which makes his huge thighs slap against your ass each time he’s deep inside you and the kind which shakes you on top of him.
“Please”, you squeak out, voice so much higher than it normally is, “w-what are you doing?” you wail, “please oh god!”
Jungkook growls, pinning you against him and forcing your fleeing hips to take the fuck that way.
“Take me, I want you to take me”, he spits, feeling his heart pound in his brain.
“It’s too much”, you wail all while pulling him closer, “please, please, please.”
“Just say the word and I’ll stop”, he grunts.
You shake your head vigorously in denial, sobbing into his shoulder and soiling his skin with your tears. Why would you want to say it? Why would you want to stop this when for the first time ever, Jungkook fucks you with honesty? Why would you want to stop the kind of sensations he never gave you before?
“I knew it. I fucking knew it”, Jungkook spits and pulls your hips into him just to land a harsh spank on your ass. You scream his name, scratching his back bloody as you try to grasp him for support. 
Jungkook growls, head pounding from the pain.
“Fucking do that again, I liked it”, he orders, connecting his big hand with your ass. The heavy rings he is wearing add another layer of burn to the spank, leaving you to convulse on his cock.
“Please”, you sob, scratching his back open. The black tiger on his right shoulder blade cries red tears from your scratches, his skin burns like crazy.
“You’re so fucking good”, he growls, forcing your back to arch with a push of his arm. Like this your ass is sticking out and your pussy stretches around his cock visibly. Jungkook can see her shift around his cock. All puffy and swollen and oh so wet. The view may be a little distorted from the weak window reflection, but it’s still enough for him.
"You're so sexy, your pussy's so fucking pretty. Fuck baby", he growls and growls again. He spanks you, soaking up the view of your jiggling ass like an addict. The broken sound you make in reaction fuels him, makes his cock twice as hard as it already is.
Jungkook spanks you again, eliciting the most desperate, almost painful, sob ever. The reason for it presents itself to him just seconds later as your pussy convulses in another orgasm.
You claw at him, biting into his shoulder because nothing helps. Your pussy is so sensitive, your ass hurts so much, your body is so weak in his arms. All of this paired with the fact that Jungkook feels the same as you, makes you cum like you never orgasmed before. You convulse and shake and tremble until it gets too much for your pussy and she squirts angrily.
“Fuck yes”, Jungkook growls, reaching between your legs to rub your clit instantly. He pulls you off his cock for the sole purpose of giving your pussy the unplugged chance to squirt everywhere. And you do, oh you do. The entire floor in front of the chaise lounge gets covered in you, his cock is getting soaked in it too now that it’s right under your pussy, aching to be back inside.
"That's it. Squirt for me. Holy fuck, keep squirting baby. Fuck, you’re mine. Fucking mine", Jungkook is chanting whatever comes into his scrambled brain, rubbing your clit like a madman.
You scream and wail, twitching so aggressively that your muscles ache. You don’t even know anymore if he is making you squirt or if you’re just straight up pissing yourself. You know however that you don’t want him to stop, clawing at him with all the desperation in the world.
Jungkook moans loudly, back burning from your nails and head pounding like crazy. He’s got you fucking squirting. Holy fuck, it’s so hot. Jungkook presses his fingers tighter to your clit, rubbing her quickly.
"O-oh" you squeak, fleeing him with an arch of your back. 
Jungkook however chases you, pinning you back against him, "don’t fight it. Let it happen", he growls, pinching your clit just to rub her between his fingers.
“Stop please”, you beg now that overstimulation is eating you alive, “holy fuck oh god”, you croak, writhing atop of him as his fingers press against your clit repeatedly.
“Don’t flee”, he orders, pinning your hips back against him, "I know you’re made for this. You're my fucking girl, you’re made for this", he chants and bucks his hips up, forcing his huge cock to slip back into you.
You squeak and grow completely still on top of him. The stretch goes oh so deep and hard. Holy fuck, your pussy feels like it's going to burst.
"Please", you beg.
Jungkook knows it’s because you are so goddamn tight and his cock is huge. He runs his hands down to your ass, soothing the burning skin with slow circles. 
“Take a breath for me”, he orders, making it easier for you by grabbing your ass and parting it, which results in your pussy getting all open for him as well.
You whimper into his neck, barely taking breaths.
“There we go. I don’t wanna hurt you, baby”, Jungkook soothes you.
“You’re so big”, you mewl.
“I know. I know I am, but you can take me. You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
“Yeah…” you keen, relaxing around him in a desperate shudder.
“Yeah you are. You’re my good girl and you’re gonna take my big cock like you’re made for it, aren’t you?”
“F-for how long?” you stutter, twisting his hair as your body once again tenses without you having any kind of control over it. You are so tight and Jungkook’s so big. It burns so addictively, almost feeling too much and yet not enough. You don’t know whether to flee or to chase him. But you do know that for however long you have to take him still, the result will be the same. You are changed. If Jungkook thinks he can go back to his calculated patterns after tonight, he is mistaken. You never ever want to have other sex with him again. Just raw, honest, rough fucking.
“Not for long anymore. I’m really fucking close”, he answers you, picking up in his movements.
He is giving you long, drawn-out strokes. The kind which makes his entire cock leave your pussy before stuffing her again within one rough second. And which make his balls slap against your ass from the sheer force. Your skin is so sensitive from the spanking that getting his heavy balls against your ass feels like addicting paradise.
“Gonna cum so good baby. Gonna cum so fucking good”, Jungkook growls against you.
“Oh god”, you whimper, hugging him tightly, “are you gonna cum inside me?”
“Yes baby. Gonna stuff you.”
“Kook”, you sob, convulsing around him in desperation, “please stuff me, please.”
“I will, gonna fill you up till you’re dripping. Hear me? Want you dripping and leaking ‘cause of me.”
His hips falter, he squeezes your hips.
“Fuck”, he spits, “it’s…difficult…”
You understand him. When he made you cum like crazy, you couldn’t move either. It must be so difficult for him to keep moving his hips. You lift your head just so you can see how he reacts when you take over for him.
You may be entirely spend and tired, but making him cum is filling you with a spurt of energy. You slam your hips down on him, lifting them quickly afterwards just to begin your ruthless bouncing up and down his huge cock.
Jungkook widens his eyes, gasping for air. He scrunches his entire face up in pleasure, head rolling back and mouth falling open.
He moans loudly, voice sounding way more high-pitched than you ever heard him sound.
His very obvious enjoyment, motivates you to speed up. You add little movements back and forth to your bounces, biting down on your tongue solely because your own thighs want to give up on you. His cock feels so good inside you.
“Baby”, Jungkook keens, falling back on the chaise lounge. His head tangles over the edge just enough that his hair is hanging over the edge in messy strands. He throws his own arm over his eyes, moaning so loudly that you can hear it echo in the penthouse.
“Jungkook”, you mewl, slamming your hands on his chest for support. Like this you can arch your back and therefore force his cock to rub right against your walls.
Jungkook lets out a sob, almost making you falter in your movements. Your widened eyes are glued to his face in shock, your pussy is clenching like crazy in arousal. Jungkook drags both his hands over his face and buries them in his own hair. Like this his arms are tensing, sweat is running down his skin and soaking his hair.
“I’m cumming”, he croaks out and sobs.
“Do it, fill me up. Mark me as yours”, you growl, slamming down on him.
“Aaah!” Jungkook screams and arches his back. He gets stuck in that position as he finally breaks, chasing you with squirms while producing the most high-pitched and desperate squeaks ever.
“That’s it. Fuck. I’m yours Kook, fucking yours.”
“Oh god”, Jungkook arches his back even more, cock releasing another wave of cum inside you, “don’t stop please don’t stop, it feels good”, he begs, thighs trembling like crazy and stomach tensing so much that he fears he’ll develop a new set of never-seen-before-abs.
You fuck him and fuck him and fuck him and Jungkook keeps on shaking in his high as his cock is pumping you full of endless cum.
“Shit”, you croak, eyes rolling back and body trembling out of control now that you realised what was actually happening, “baby”, you croak, crumbling around him a third and last time, prolonging his orgasm to fiery levels of intensity.
“I can’t stop! It, it doesn’t stop”, he wails, feeling it run out of you by now. Did he seriously never cum before? What the hell is happening to him? What are you doing to him? Jungkook is crying and shaking and cumming and he has no control over it.
“Me neither”, you sob, collapsing with him as your body gives up on you, "fuck baby, oh baby."
"I fucking love this, holy shit", Jungkook growls, meeting your sloopy movements with equally as sloppy movements.
Now you are rutting against each other like tired, yet needy animals. Arms holding each other close and heads pounding like crazy. The sloppy grinding is enough to force your endless highs to die down gradually. Slowly, but at least they are dying down. Truly, you don’t think you could have stopped on your own if your bodies didn’t actually give up on you.
The room is silent, safe for your heavy breathing and the occasional sound when a droplet of your juices is dripping onto the ground. His cock is still inside you. Hard as a rock and getting squeezed by your tight walls. In theory none of those nice juices should escape you, but with the amount of cum he pumped into you, losing a few droplets is unavoidable.
Your head is resting on his chest right where his collarbone blends into his shoulder. You can hear the heavy pounding of his heart even from here. It mixes with the sound of your own rushing blood.
You don’t quite know if you actually fell asleep or not. The minutes after tonight’s fuck are a blur in your mind. Maybe you fell asleep, it would explain why you started drooling on Jungkook.
You slurp quietly, forcing your heavy eyes to open.
Jungkook’s chest heaves up and down slowly, his heartbeat calmed down. You are shivering like crazy, feeling so goddamn cold all of a sudden. Even his cock feels different, sitting inside you all limp and soft.
Okay you definitely fell asleep. 
Groaning softly you lift yourself to your elbows.
Jungkook is very obviously sleeping. Mouth open widely and eyes closed. He looks so funny like that, making you giggle. Something you never did before, but tonight changed you. You can’t deny it. You feel fuzzy in his presence. Fuzzy and warm and maybe a little giddy.
You lift yourself even more, shimmying your hips to make his cock slip out.
Jungkook jerks awake, gripping your hips strongly to prevent it from happening.
“Don’t”, he croaks, voice heavy in sleep.
“Oh. I-“, you freeze up in the position, “I didn’t think you’d wake up.”
“I didn’t sleep”, Jungkook says, with his voice contorted in exhaustion now that he is forcing himself to sit up.
You snort, “yeah sure.”
“Does it matter?”
You shake your head, eyes racing between his’. Jungkook’s eyes do the same, hands running up and down your ass. He opens his mouth to talk only to chicken out and close it again.
You place your hands on the sides of his neck.
Jungkook exhales shakily because of it. He inhales and opens his mouth again.
“What”, he begins, having to clear his terribly dry throat, “what did this mean to you?”
You swallow down the heavy lump in your throat. Jungkook gulps as well, eyes widening in both nervousness and hopefulness.
“What did it mean to you?” you ask him, wanting to stall time.
“Don’t avoid my question”, he says in a shaky voice.
You lower your eyes and take a deep breath. When you lift your gaze seconds later, Jungkook’s eyes have filled with tears of unbearable nervousness.
“It meant everything…baby”, you say, gnawing on your lower lip in nervousness.
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut and pulls you close, hiding his face in the crook of your neck just so you can’t see his stupid tears roll down his cheeks. You aren’t calling him husband anymore.
“I feel the same”, he presses out, cradling you oh so strongly.
“Good”, you whisper, holding him against you.
“It’s you and I, yeah?”
“Yeah, you and I”, you promise him.
“Fuck, baby”, he exhales, standing up with you even if his legs are wobbly.
You hug him tightly, sighing his name. Maybe being his wife isn’t that bad. Maybe you actually do love him and maybe he actually loves you too. Maybe it is way too soon to make such decisions and maybe the magic will stop come tomorrow. But at least tonight you are sure that you love him and Jungkook knows that he loves you too.
He places you atop your bed, climbing on top of you.
“Wait, we’re dirty”, you gasp, “shouldn’t we shower first?”
Jungkook cups your face, “why? Just to get dirty again?”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what that means”, Jungkook breathes and finally pulls you into a kiss.
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Master List
Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Chapter summary: You and Hoseok might be missing each other during his heat, but you get the opportunity to become closer with another pack member.
warnings: mentions of past trauma, fire, death, assault (nothing detailed), tbh aside from some pining, this chapter is pretty fluffy.
wc: 6k
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When you woke up on the fifth day of your heat, you felt almost normal. Your limbs didn't weigh quite so heavy, and the ache between your legs was gone. Yoongi laid beside you in bed, his cheek pillowed cutely on his arm. He looked so peaceful, you couldn't help staying a while to watch him. You had few moments to look at him like this when he wasn't looking back at you. You'd never noticed how lovely the dip above his cupid's bow was, even though you'd spent so long admiring his smile. His black hair was disheveled from sleep, cutting dark black shards against his pristine white cheek. It took every ounce of restraint to not brush his hair back, but you wanted nothing less than to wake him. He'd earned a good sleep after giving you anything and everything you needed for the past five days. 
Jimin was absent from bed already, you noted, and after indulging in several minutes of watching your alpha sleep, you decided it was time to attend to your bladder's needs. You slipped off the bed as gently as you could and quietly opened the door. 
After washing your face and brushing your teeth, you went down stairs, hoping you would run into Hobi, but no one was there, not even Jimin. Maybe your brain wasn't working as well as you'd assumed because you could smell every pack member but Jimin in the house, but there wasn't a person in sight. Coffee hadn't even been made. You shrugged it off, guessing everyone was sleeping in like Yoongi. You wouldn't be going to work since your hormones were still above normal, and it could attract unwanted attention even though you were feeling better. So you looked around for something to occupy you until the others got up or Jimin came home.
You found baskets full of laundry in the room connected to the kitchen and debated for a minute whether it was intrusive to do the pack's laundry for them. Ultimately, you decided that Hobi wouldn't mind and got to work. There were towels left in the dryer from last night and you folded them, looking around for anyone before you indulged in burying your face in a particularly soft and fluffy one. It reminded you of how Jungkook smelled, even though you hadn't been particularly close to him since you moved into the house. You weren't afraid of Jungkook like you were the others, maybe because you'd already been close enough to him when you first met to know he wouldn't hurt you or maybe just because he wasn't an alpha. But you were afraid he was going to arrest you anytime you saw him in uniform, and that feeling would take time to fade.
When the folding was done you decided to have a bowl of cereal to fill your grumbling stomach until everyone else woke up. You had to drag a chair from the kitchen table to the fridge to be able to reach the boxes on top. You didn't realize Jimin was home until you heard him laugh. You froze, your hand still reaching for a box of sugary cereal, and turned your head to look at him. 
"I get it now," he chuckled.
You dropped your hand. "Get what?" 
"Why people always laughed at me for being short. This is objectively funny," he explained as he walked over and grabbed the box you were going for with ease.
"I had it," you mumbled as the box floated past your face, and he set it on the counter. 
"Sure you did. Come here before you hurt yourself." Jimin grabbed your waist and lifted you from the chair, and put your feet on the ground.
"Where were you?" you asked softly.
"Did you miss me?" he teased, and you looked away without responding. "I just went to the grocery store. Can you help me bring stuff in?" he asked, and you eagerly nodded. 
"I didn't know you could drive." Although you normally would have tried to carry several bags at once, your limbs were still a little weak, so Jimin only handed you light things like paper towels and bread.
"I can. There are just so many people in this house who prefer to drive. It's never really been my thing, but I can do it when I need to."
"Isn't grocery shopping usually Taehyung's thing? Why didn't he go with you?" You wondered as you walked back into the kitchen.
"Hobi's in heat," Yoongi said from the bottom of the stairs, his hair wild and his eyes still droopy from sleep.
"Oh," you breathed. You should have realized sooner. You couldn't explain why that left you feeling disappointed. 
"He started yesterday. He tried to tell you but you were–"
"Yeah, it always gets deepest at the end."
"How do you feel today?" Yoongi asked. Coming closer, he pushed your hair back to look into your clear eyes. You had to tilt your head back to look up at him.
"I'm fine," you answered as he wrapped his arms around you. You hugged him back, and he hummed happily. "Shouldn't you be with him?" you asked softly.
Yoongi pulled back to look at you. "No, princess. We're yours."
"But…" you huffed air through your nose, trying hard to get a grasp on your own feelings. They should be with him, right? You shouldn't be keeping them from that. Hobi needed and deserved them. "He needs you."
Jimin shook his head. "He doesn't. He has more than enough alphas to get him through it."
Your face scrunched in frustration as you picked at your nails. Yoongi might be able to appreciate how adorable you looked more if he wasn't concerned. "What's on your mind, princess?" He prodded softly. 
"I know you're my pack. But you're his pack, too. And–" you looked at Yoongi and he gave you a nod to go on. "All three of you made my heat better, and I want Hobi to have the best heat, too, so I think you should be with him."
"Sweet thing," Jimin cooed, unable to resist patting your head. 
Yoongi reached for your hand and pulled you close. "It makes me really happy to hear that your heat was better. It's still not over quite yet, so we will stay with you. We want to stay with you. Hobi wants us to as well. So you don't need to feel bad about it. He's just fine."
Your lips still pouted as you mumbled an 'okay.' Yoongi watched you as you tried to blink away the moisture in your eyes, but you had to look away from him. The washing machine sounded like a church bell calling you to service. You turned and wiped the last of the unshed tears from your eyes. 
"Okay. I'll just put in another load of laundry and then I'll make some breakfast, okay?" 
"Baby, you don't have to clean," Yoongi said, but you shook your head at him. 
"Is this my home or isn't it, Yoongi?" You questioned, voice stronger than he expected. 
"Of course it is, but–"
"Then it's my home to clean. It's what I need to do."
He smiled lovingly at you. He couldn't be more proud that your omega instincts were calling you to take care of the house. It was like a special omegan way of claiming ownership, and nothing could have made him happier. "I get it. I only meant you shouldn't overwork yourself. You're still recovering."
"I'll be fine. I like doing housework," you assured him as you pulled away and went to the laundry room. 
By the evening, you had all of the laundry washed, folded and sorted. You'd even been able to iron Yoongi's uniform before he left. He was reluctant to do so, but you assured him that you would be fine with just Jimin for the night. It would feel weird though, to sleep in your nest without Yoongi after so many nights together. But you didn't let it show. 
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After dinner, Jimin convinced you to settle down and watch a movie with him on the couch, so that was how Jungkook and Taehyung found you, cuddled and happy in front of Jimin as you both laid facing the TV. When you saw them, you tried to get up, but Jimin held you down, unwilling to let his personal heater go. 
"Is everything okay?" you asked. 
Jungkook nodded. "We just came to get food."
"I made two trays for you for dinner. I wanted to take them up but Jimin said to wait."
"That's sweet, pup. Thank you. But you don't have to," Jungkook said as he went to the kitchen. 
"You're watching Harry Potter?" Taehyung asked as he came to sit on the edge of the couch near your feet. He wore sweats and a sleeveless shirt, and his blonde hair fluffed around his head, making him look softer than ever. 
Jimin hummed. "The pup has never seen them."
"How is that possible?" Tae chuckled.
"My parents were really strict about us not reading or watching things about magic or anything like that. But I read all the books last year," you explained.
Taehyung nodded his head. "Are you enjoying it?"
You smiled and nodded eagerly before Tae reached out to ruffle your hair. He did it easily as if he'd done it a thousand times before, but it left you wide-eyed with heated cheeks. He didn't seem to notice though. He merely leaned over to kiss Jimin on the cheek, lingering a little to appreciate your scent, and then left to help Jungkook in the kitchen.
"You like Tae Tae, little pup?" Jimin whispered in your ear when he was gone. His teeth nipped at your throat and you wriggled away from him, finally escaping his grasp, but only because he let you.
"I hope this is okay," you said softly as you walked into the kitchen. "Do you need me to make anything else? Jimin said light stuff is better, but I'm not exactly an expert."
"This is great, Y/N. Thank you," Jungkook replied as he gathered water from the fridge.
"What do you like to eat when you're in heat?" Taehyung asked. Lucky for him you didn't seem to notice the intense interest of his inquiry. 
"I don't know. I don't usually eat much," you shrugged. Taehyung frowned, remembering the time two months ago when you passed out from not being taken care of. It was packmates' jobs to take care of an omega in heat, and he felt relieved you'd had a pack to help you this time.
"She'll eat anything as long as Yoongi feeds her by hand," Jimin said loudly from the living room. The two men watched as your face darkened with embarrassment. 
"I-is Hobi okay? Does he need anything?" You asked after you were able to compose yourself again.
"You are a sweet little thing, aren't you?" Taehyung said. There was something in the way you lowered your head, maybe to hide a smile, that he found heart-poundingly endearing.
"Hobi is doing fine. Happy as a clam. We'll take all this up, and he'll be even happier," Jungkook answered. 
Seeing that they were short a few hands with all the bottles of water and other drinks, you quickly grabbed one of the trays and took it upstairs. Your steps halted at the top of the stairs and you waited for Jungkook to open the door. When he did, you couldn't help taking a glance inside, to see if you could get a glimpse of Hobi and know he was okay. But when you did, it suddenly felt intrusive, like you shouldn't be there. Even after the two men entered, you could only bring yourself to the threshold of the door and wait for them to take the tray from you. Once he did, you disappeared back down the stairs before Taehyung could thank you and shut the door.
"How are they?" Hobi asked when Taehyung came back to the bed. He was relatively lucid for the moment. 
"They're good, hyung. Y/N made some food for us," Tae told him, helping him get up into a sitting position to eat. "It looks like she's been keeping busy."
Hoseok whined softly, causing Jin to wrap his arm around his back to comfort him. "I'm sure Jimin would come cuddle you for a bit if you asked."
When Hoseok didn't say anything and merely frowned, Taehyung answered for him. "It isn't Jimin that he wants, hyung." 
Hobi sighed. "I didn't know what it would be like to be with her. I've been with my sisters during heats, but it was different. I miss her scent and the way she fits in my arms," he said, sounding bereft.
"Maybe she could give you a pillow or something," Jungkook suggested. 
Hobi looked to Jin, not knowing how the pack alpha would react to an outsider's scent in the nest. "It's your nest, my love," was his answer to his husband's longing eyes.
He turned to Namjoon, who was still lying on his other side. The alpha shrugged. "It's not like we're not used to her scent now. It's all over the house. And it's nice. I don't mind, especially if I would make you happy, darling." 
Hoseok smiled slightly and turned onto Jin, burying his face in his neck. "We need to eat," Jin reminded him with a kiss to his head.
The remaining days of Hoseok's heat left a lingering weirdness. It felt like just at the point when you were wanting to see more of them, especially Hoseok, but even Taehyung too, everyone was suddenly occupied. Even Yoongi was working a lot, taking extra long shifts with only 8 hours in between to get a little sleep and some food before he went back. You felt guilty, knowing he was trying to make up for all the time he'd taken off with you, but you couldn't say that to anyone. He had to do it, and you were grateful he had, but you hated seeing him suffer for it now, even more than you hated not being able to see him much at all.
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Jimin has been sleeping with you in your nest every night, but you were finding it hard to sleep without Yoongi, especially when you awoke from your nightmares. Jimin didn't wake easily, and you could cuddle into him without causing any disturbance. But tonight, your nightmare had been so upsetting that you didn't want to go back to sleep, so instead of turning in toward Jimin you rolled toward the edge of the bed, sending a quick text to Yoongi to see if he was busy. 
While there were times when he wouldn't be able answer because of an emergency, there were also long stretches of time when he didn't have anything to do at all. He always told you that you could text him anytime while he was working and if he could answer you then he would, but not to worry if he didn't. You'd been lucky a few nights ago when you woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. You'd texted him and since he wasn't busy he texted with you until you got sleepy again. Tonight, you weren't so lucky. A few minutes ticked by while your message sat unread. Finally, you decided to get out of bed since you were feeling awake and didn't want to lay in the darkness, lest your nightmares should catch up with you. 
You descended the stairs, expecting more darkness, but light filtered softly down the hall from one of the rooms at the front of the house. You knew that was Taehyung's studio. Other than the pack's room, it was the only other room that was omitted from your post-heat cleaning frenzy earlier in the week. You'd never been inside of it, but you found yourself walking quietly down the hall to the cracked open door. Low-fi music played softly inside, quiet enough that you couldn't hear it until you were just outside. Within, Taehyung stood behind a canvas propped on an easel. You couldn't see his face, but even if you didn't know it was him, you would know him by his heady scent that even the smell of paint couldn't smother. 
"You can come in," he said loudly enough for you to hear. Without leaning around the large canvas to see you, he had identified you by your apple scent, too.
You crept cautiously around the door to stand just inside. "I didn't mean to bother you."
His head poked around to look at you, smiling. "You're not. You can have a seat," he told you, pointing to the couch against one wall. You sat and curled your knees to your chest, picking at your nails as you took in the room. Odds and ends scattered about, quite the opposite of the rest of the house. "What's keeping you up, sweet little?"
You blushed at the nickname he had begun to call you a few days ago. "It's 'sweet thing,'" you corrected him the first time with Jimin's pet name for you. "Maybe to Jimin, but to me you're a sweet little thing," he'd argued.
"I had bad dreams."
Taehyung nodded with a thoughtful frown. "Me, too." He applied a careful stroke of paint before he looked at you. "Do you want to tell me about it?"
You shook your head. "I don't really remember it. But you can tell me about yours," you prompted. 
Taehyung shrugged. "Mine are pretty similar most nights. I dream about a fire, and the screaming, and when I wake up it feels like minutes before I'm able to move. When I can move, it feels like I have to get up. So I come here."
"When were you in a fire?" you wondered. 
"I wasn't. My birth pack's house caught on fire when I was away at art school. I wasn't there, and they all died," he explained distantly. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered. 
Taehyung looked at you and smiled softly. "Nothing for you to be sorry for."
You wrang your hands together, not sure what to do with the uneasy feeling in your stomach. "You must miss them a lot," you said softly. 
He nodded. "Yeah, I do."
"Is that why you don't like to leave the house much?" you asked before you could stop yourself. You wished you could stuff the words back into your mouth. 
Taehyung huffed and then chuckled. "Yeah, that's part of it. If I go out somewhere for too long, I get worried. Like I won't make it back in time if something goes wrong." He sighed, "I know it's kind of silly. I just–"
"It's not silly," you assured him. "It's good that you have people you loved, who loved you. And now you have more people who love you. Was your birth pack big?"
He shook his head and put down his brush and paint in favor of sitting down with you. "It was just my parents, my mom's sister and her husband. They didn't have any kids, so I was an only child. They spoiled me, but I loved them a lot."
"It's nice you had so many adults to raise you and teach you."
He hummed. "Yeah, but I always wished I had some siblings or cousins to play with. When I first met Jungkook and he introduced me to the others, it really felt like I had gained those brothers I always wanted. It wasn't until almost a year later that I started having deeper feelings for them."
"Jimin told me once that when you joined the pack you were looking for family," you said.
"That was what I needed back then," he agreed.
You fixed your eyes on your knees. "I wish I could have been adopted by a family like yours instead," you said gently. "I could have been your sister."
Taehyung smiled sweetly at you. "That would have been great. But then we wouldn't be together now. And I like you being here now." At his words, you hid your face, but it only endeared him more. "I can be like a brother to you, if that's what you need. But I'd rather–" he cut himself off and shook his head.
You lifted your head just a bit to peek at him. "Rather what?"
He blushed slightly and put on a strange kind of smile. "I would rather be your alpha—one of your alphas. I know you're probably not ready for that, and that's perfectly fine. I'm not like Yoongi or Jin, but I do want to make you comfortable and happy, and I want to protect you as best I can. I know it's not an enticing offer but…" he rambled and you unconsciously put out a hand and touched his arm to soothe him.
"I'm sure you're a great alpha. I…I don't know if I can…one alpha is a lot for me already and Yoongi…I don't know. But I could use an older brother," you admitted. 
Taehyung tried not to show the tinge of disappointment he felt and gave you a boxy smile. It didn't hurt too much though. As long as he got to be around you, he didn't care. As a big brother he could still protect you and help you, and maybe someday, your feelings would open up to something more. The silence stretching between you was broken by a rumbling in your stomach. 
Taehyung's eyebrows rose with a question. "Are you hungry?"
You smiled sheepishly. "Yeah."
He took your hand and pulled you to your feet. "Let's find you something to eat."
He dragged you to the kitchen before you could say a word to stop him. When he opened the refrigerator, he frowned, discovering what you already knew. Supplies were limited. There wasn't even milk for a bowl of cereal.
"There's stuff for breakfast tomorrow," you assured him. "And Yoongi said he would stop by the store on the way home and grab a few things in the morning. We didn't realize how bad things were until we'd finished making dinner. Eight people is a lot of food and–"
"It's okay, sweet little. You don't need to stress about it," he smiled down at you. "But it doesn't exactly help our current situation." By the look in his eyes, you could tell he meant you.
"I'm fine. It's no problem for me to miss a meal or two." You had missed more than that before and been fine. 
His eyes narrowed at you. "Did you skip dinner?"
You shrank from his gaze. "I just wanted to be sure you all had enough. You've been–'
"You don't need to do that for us. Ever. We will always work something out. It's our job to make sure that you are provided for. Not the other way around," he said, an edge of anger in his voice that had you pulling away. 
"You're not my alpha. Yoongi is…"
"And how do you think Yoongi will feel when he finds out?" He continued. 
You grabbed his arms in your hands and shook your head. "Shh. Keep your voice down. You don't have to tell him. It's really not a big deal, Tae."
"How can you say that?"
"Alphas eat first. That's most important," you told him matter-of-factly.
Tae's heart broke, and he took a deep breath before he could respond to you. "The alphas who told you that were wrong. That's not how things work here. You're never going to be last. Do you understand?"
You knew you wouldn't get away with saying no, so you didn't say anything at all for a moment. "Are you going to tell Yoongi?" you asked softly.
"That depends," he answered vaguely.
"What do you want to eat right now?"
You shrugged. "I'm really okay."
"Tell me what you're craving," he said, but it sounded like a demand.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and thought. A smile tugged at your lips when an idea came to you.
"Name it," he said. His smile grew as yours did. 
"Mcnuggets and fries," you answered. 
"That's it? You can have anything you want!"
"I'm a simple girl, Taehyung!"
He chuckled, enjoying the way you said his name. "Fine. I think we can still have it delivered."
You scoffed. "It's less than a mile away. Let's just go."
"It's late," he mumbled. 
"It won't take long. I promise we'll be back soon," you said, thinking that leaving the pack was the source of his hesitation. 
"It's not that. I…I don't go out at night," he admitted.
You leaned in to whisper to him. "Are you afraid of the dark?"
He pushed you away gently. "It's not that…exactly." You looked at him, waiting for further explanation. He dropped onto a stool and sighed, looking for the words. "You remember how you knew my painting from the one you saw on the building downtown?" You nodded. "Well, I used to do a lot of stuff like that. Street art. And of course the best time to do street art is in the middle of the night. Once I was out alone and I got jumped by a group of saps. Ended up in the emergency room. Since then, I don't like to go out at night, unless I'm with other people."
You frowned. "That sounds really scary," you admitted. "But I'm other people."
He scoffed. "Hardly. I meant other alphas."
"Psh! You think they can protect you better than I can? I bet Jin doesn't even know how to fight, but I do!" You punched him playfully in the chest. With a laugh he stood and put his hand on your head, holding you at arms length so that your punches only hit air. You pouted at him so easily thwarting you. "No fair. But we'll be safe! We can go through the drive thru. We won't even get out of the car." He looked at you doubtfully. "Pleeease. You made me think about food and now I really am hungry," you whined. 
"Fine," he relented, "but you better make sure you text your alpha and let him know. I don't want him finding out later and getting mad."
"Deal." You followed him to the door and pulled out your phone as you both got your shoes on.
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You failed though. 
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You didn't see him or smell him as your shift ended, although perhaps you could have been on your guard for it. He usually came in at this time of day, between school getting out and picking Jimin up from work. But you hadn't seen Namjoon at the library since you moved in several weeks ago. He always made sure to go at a time when you weren't working. You couldn't help seeing him now as you waited outside for the purple minivan that almost always picked you up these days. Namjoon strolled casually out of the library, and you hid yourself behind a pillar as best you could, hoping to escape his notice. 
You hadn't recognized his presence inside, but he had noted yours. He knew you would be there, after all. Although you two hadn't ever spoken directly to each other, Namjoon didn't hate you the way you—or anyone else—thought he did. Most of the time he tried not to think about you too much, one way or another. He felt more secure by now that you weren't going to fundamentally change his relationship with Jin, or with anyone else for that matter. But he also didn't want to dwell on the unwanted thoughts you aroused in him when he least expected it. Wonder if she's warm enough in that sweater, he thought over his morning coffee as you moved around the kitchen with Hobi before work. Wonder if she's doing okay today, he thought one day last week during your heat while standing in the hallway as students passed from one class to another. Isn't Taehyung supposed to pick her up? Omega shouldn't be out here all alone, he thought as he watched you duck out of sight. He could've kept walking and pretend he didn't know you were there when you clearly wanted to avoid him. But then again, it seemed he couldn't.
"Hey, Y/N," he spoke softly, coming out awkward and stilted. 
"Hi," you responded so softly he almost didn't hear it. 
He cleared his throat. "Is Taehyung coming? Do you need a ride home?"
You shook your head vigorously. "He's already on his way. They should be here any second."
As if you summoned him, Tae's car pulled up only a few awkward minutes later. He put the car in park on the curb and hopped out. 
"Hyung, what are you doing here?" Tae asked, an edge to his otherwise friendly tone. Maybe it was an automatic response to the way you curled in on yourself, looking scared and shaking like a leaf.
"Just the usual," Namjoon answered, gesturing to the books in his hand. "I saw Y/N, and I thought I'd wait with her."
Taehyung nodded. "Ah. Sorry I'm late, sweet little. Are you ready to go?"
To answer him, you simply nodded your head and walked toward the car. You climbed into the front passenger seat, where Hoseok would normally be sitting and buckled in before Taehyung had even gotten to his door. 
"Where's Hoseok?" You asked as soon as he got in. 
"He's at home resting. He's pretty worn out, but he's excited to see you when we get home." Tae put the car in drive and pulled smoothly out into the street. "Your alpha is there, too."
"Let's go!" You urged, forgetting your mood from a moment ago.
"We'll be home in a little bit. We need to go grocery shopping first." He couldn't help smiling at your eagerness though. 
"Namjoon meant well, you know," he said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
You looked at him briefly before turning forward again and sat on your hands to keep from fidgeting with them. "I know," you admitted reluctantly. Whether Namjoon hated you or not, you believed no one in the pack wanted to tempt Yoongi's wrath. "I'm sorry it's taking me so long to adjust."
"Hey. There's no rush. I just wanted to reassure you since you seemed a little shaken up."
"I'm okay," you replied, a little unconvincingly.
In the grocery store, Taehyung let you push the cart while he loaded it with the pack's usual supplies. As he did, he explained which brands Jin preferred (he was picky), what vegetables each member liked and hated, and each member's favorite snack. You made mental notes and hoped you could remember them all. By the time he was finished, the cart was loaded so full, you had to keep a watchful eye for things falling off the top, and you could hardly push it. You'd never seen so much food in your life. But with seven fully grown men, all of this would barely last a week. When the price was tallied up at the register, you could only frown.
"What's that for?" Taehyung asked when he got inside the car, looking down at your outstretched hand and the bills you offered. 
"For the groceries."
He scoffed and ignored your offering as he put on his seatbelt. "Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm not. I don't want to add to your burden. You have enough mouths to feed already," you argued.
"You eat like a bird. Do you think it even makes a dent?"
"Don't be so stubborn!"
He looked down at the money still in your hand. "Do you want me to tell Yoongi about this?"
You groaned, "You can't always use that against me!"
"I can when you're being an idiot," he replied and flicked you in the forehead. You sat back with an astonished look on your face, mouth wide open until it closed into a pout. You stuffed the money back into your pocket. "Wait until I tell Yoongi about you."
"Be my guest," he laughed as he finally backed out of the parking spot.
You walked into the house carrying multiple bags in each hand despite Taehyung's scolding. As soon as you walked in, Yoongi was up off the couch where he had spent the last few hours cuddling with Hoseok.
"Hey, princess," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around you and smelled your head.
"Hi, alpha," you hummed, but you couldn't hug him back since your arms were still weighed down.
He chuckled, "Let me take those before your arms fall off."
"There's more outside," you told him as he pried the bags from your blood deprived fingers.
"I'll get them. You go cuddle with Hobi," he said before you could leave the room.
"It's okay. You can stay. I know you've missed each other."
Yoongi shook his head. "We've had plenty of time. And I think he's missed you more."
The way your eyes lit up and a smile covered your face made his heart swell. You didn't waste any time turning toward Hobi. His hair was a fluffy mess and he looked like he could sleep for another day, but he was waiting for you with open arms. You felt happy and relieved that he still wanted to cuddle with you and it hadn't only been a heat privilege.
"There's my little pup," he grinned lazily as you crawled into his makeshift nest. He was warm when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap.
"I'm stinking from work," you complained, pulling away slightly. 
He stuck his nose in your neck and sniffed deeply. "You smell like pup to me."
You rolled your eyes as he pulled you close again, until your head rested on his shoulder. Taehyung came in carrying grocery bags, followed by Yoongi, but neither of them paid attention to you. "How are you feeling?"
"I feel great, just worn out and a little sore."
You nodded. "That will happen when you have three alphas," you said quietly as the two currently home left the room once again. "I bet you don't get any sleep at all."
Hobi laughed loudly. "Not much, but I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way." You could tell by his smile that he meant it. He looked thoroughly satisfied.
"Then I'm sorry for taking Yoongi from you."
Hoseok clicked his tongue at you. "Never say that to me again," he scolded. "I've got more than I need and I'm happy to share. I know someday we'll be one pack. One way or another."
You know that was what everyone expected to happen, what they hoped for. You wished you weren't making it hard on everyone. If only you could get over your reservations. But you were trying, slowly.
"Taehyung told me he wants to be my alpha last night," you whispered to Hoseok. He already knew this. Tae had told him and Yoongi in the morning after you left.
"Do you want him to be?" Hoseok wondered. You said nothing but turned your face into his neck to hide your heating cheeks. Hopefully Hobi wouldn't notice how hot they were against his own skin. His grin spread ear to ear, and he stroked down your back without forcing an answer out of you. He knew it would come out soon enough. 
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a/n: idk about yall but I made myself so soft with this chapter. What do you think about her relationship with tae? we got a little peak in joonie's mind too. Are things coming together?? I kinda felt unsure about this chapter, but I think it turned out okay overall. Please let me know what you think <3
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justanotherarmyfangirl · 11 months
Dark&Wild (6) His Obsession
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You are an interpreter for international idols, but you soon realized their lavish lifestyle came at a cost, and somehow you became the price. The man who came to collect had a special kind of vendetta, and you, so foolishly, sparked his interest.
In this story Yoongi is the villain and you will hate him! Everyone else, well, the question becomes not if there are good guys or who will save you, but how will you save yourself?
yandere loan shark!Yoongi x blind!reader x bodyguard!Jungkook x idol singer!Jimin x idol rapper!Namjoon x idol singer!Taehyung x detective!Hoseok x detective!Seokjin
TW: 18+ only, dubcon/noncon, mental torment, physical torture, mind break, violence, Stockholm syndrome, reader is blinded before events that take place in the story, Jimin is an addict, Yoongi is a sadist, voyeur, fingering.
Alone in the bath was your favorite time. 
The warm water felt nice on your aching muscles, the relaxing smell of lavender helped calm your anxieties. 
You massage the suds into your skin, listening to the trickle of water, wondering where in this massive place your captor, Min Yoongi, might be right now. With your luck, he’s already in his bedroom, waiting for you.
You hated how even now, finally alone, you still thought of him. You couldn’t escape him, he was with you even when he wasn’t, and you feared no matter what happened in the future, you would never be able to get away, he would always be there, an irritating voice in the back of your head, low and raspy, taunting you. 
You were almost grateful you couldn’t see him, you couldn’t stand the thought of his face imprinted behind your eyelids, in your dreams like the way his touches were, the heat of his palm against your skin, against your throat, against your hip-
Min Yoongi…I’ll kill you…
You clenched your jaw in anger, ignoring everything else you felt when you thought of him. When he…
When Yoongi fucked you the white hot rage you felt deep in your chest and the heat of his unforgivable arousal in the pit of your stomach almost became indistinguishable. When you thought of those moments when he was on top of you, and the scorch of his tongue, the searing stretch in between your legs, it made everything inside you feel heavy, feel burning. 
It must be a sickness, the way your head feels hot every time you think of it, of him.
You sink lower and kick your feet out of frustration, splashing the water over the tub’s rim.
It’s quiet. There’s a small low voice that reminds you again, it’s been months now and you haven’t seen or heard of Taehyung, or anyone at all.
There’s a lingering thought to drown yourself as you splash aimlessly, and another defiant angry voice that screams you should be drowning Yoongi instead.
Oh you’ve tried to. 
To cope with your circumstances you rationalized, he was going to take what he pleases from you anyways, punish you for your continual combativeness, might as well give him a good reason to do it. Still, no matter what you do, overpowering the loan shark never works. 
So damn disappointing. 
You still remember the time you had stayed here until your toes and fingers became wrinkly, refusing to leave until Yoongi grabbed at you and you pulled him right into this nice large deep bathtub of his. 
After the initial shock wore off he easily overpowered you, took advantage of your slippery wet nakedness and fucked you like you hadn’t just tried to murder him. 
That time he wasn’t even mad you had soaked his designer suit, you remember how you could hear the smile behind his mocking words while you choked on soapy water, “If you wanted me to join you, you could have just asked.”
You almost managed to drown him again when he came, if you hadn’t needed to breathe as well.
You let the water slosh over the tub’s edge, dunking yourself under the bubbles.
And scream.
You don’t hear the knock on the door, too busy wallowing in your own lavender scented misery. A hand pulls on your shoulder, lifting your head before you can inhale water.
“What?!” you splutter, wiping your face.
“I…” Jungkook clears his throat, looking away from your nakedness, letting his initial worries subside. “You shouldn’t do that,” he mutters.
“Towel,” you say simply. Not in the mood to argue, you stand up. With Yoongi, you are used to his leering presence. He’s already seen every bit of you, and loves reminding you about it when he wants to make you feel humiliated. And now you’ve kind of let your indifference about your body extend to Jungkook as well. You knew he wasn’t going to try anything like the others might have, plus, you enjoy making the henchman stutter.
You feel soft fabric plop against your front, catching it before it falls into the tub. “Hold my shoulder so you don’t slip,” he says.
The edge of the towel exposes the side of you as Jungkook moves your hand to his shoulder. “I need-” His hand wraps around your soaking back, pulling you out of the tub and placing you on tile in one swift motion. “-t-thanks.” 
Jungkook hands you a silk robe, a pink short kimono style Yoongi chose for you that Jungkook already knows you’re not going to like. He can’t help but chuckle when he hears you groan, muttering about the thin article of clothing. You turn your head in his direction but you don’t comment on it. 
Jungkook leans in the doorway, hands in his pockets, waiting for you. 
He’s to deliver you to Mr. Min. 
Everyone has good and bad days, today is one of your better days, and also one of Mr. Min’s bad days. He’s had to kill someone, and that means, Min Yoongi is not getting his money and that pisses him off more than anything. That also means with almost certainty Yoongi is going to make today one of your bad days. 
Jungkook tries not to think about it as he listens as you hum contently, knowing what’s to come. He glances over at you. Jungkook tries to give you some modesty, but he’s still a man, and a curious one at that. He chooses to ignore that old saying as his eyes linger on your naked body as you dry yourself. As long as he doesn’t touch…
“Have you seen Tae?”
Jungkook might have ignored the question, he has ignored your questioning when it came to such matters, but he feels sorry for you, for what’s to come, and so, in hopes that you won’t let your day be ruined, Jungkook answers.
“Yeah, he came to one of our establishments the other night.”
“Really? Alone? Did you talk to him?”
“He was alone. Usually Mr. Park joins him, but not in a while,” Not since we took you. “He drank,” and fucked a prostitute, but Jungkook decides to leave that out. 
“Did he,” you pause, “Did he ask about me?”
You sound so hopeful. 
“Yes,” Jungkook says, still waiting by the door.
“He did?” you sound so excited, so happy. Perhaps if you had let his words sink in, you could have noticed the hesitation in his voice. “What did he say? Did you tell him what I told you?”
“He wanted to know how you were being cared for, that he and the others miss you.” Jungkook lies, telling you what he thinks you most want to hear. 
You stay quiet and he wonders if you see through his lies. “Did you tell him?”
“I wasn’t able to, Mr. Min was right there. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, next time.” You sound so hopeful, pleased, grateful to him. Jungkook never promised he would tell Taehyung anything for you, and he doubts that coward would do anything with the information if he did. But you still try, asking him sweetly every time, never getting mad when Jungkook gives you another excuse. Your hopes are too high, and Jungkook can’t be the one to destroy them.
You smile in his general direction. You can’t see him, so he lets himself smile back.
“We watch and bet, it’s just a couple of us that do it.”
“I want to listen! You have to let me!”
“You really like soccer that much?” Jungkook asks.
“Yes! The announcers are so animated! I can get the jist of it, and our company would hold these big parties on game day and get chicken and beer, just feeling everyone’s energy was so much fun.”
“Um I don't think it will be the same-”
“You telling me gangsters don’t know how to party?”
Jungkook laughs. “Okay okay, I’ll see.”
You laugh happily.
Yoongi can hear your laughter. It’s melodic and pleasant. However Jeon Jungkook’s laughter? Mixing with your own, tainting it? 
Yoongi’s short temper has already hit its fuse.
He watches your shadows before you enter the room and the way the larger shadow moves away slightly before you enter. You grip Jungkook’s bicep with one hand and hold his forearm with the other, using both hands, overly touchy…overly affectionate. Yoongi clears his throat. 
Jungkook leads you to the loan shark, until you are standing by Yoongi’s side. Only then does Jungkook leave you to take his spot on Yoongi’s other side.
You’re in his office, you presume. Your thigh hits the hard oak of his desk. Yoongi taps his phone. “Translate this.” He plays an audio. The volume is very low, you crouch down to hear it clearer.
“They were talking about their wives,” you frown. 
Fucking pigs, you think, and you hope their wives leave them.
Yoongi cracks his knuckles. “That’s it?”
“They were talking about their wives’…private parts,” you cross your arms, disgusted. “I rather not go into detail.”  
“Hmm, I thought they were going to double cross me.” He finally relaxes, pulling your body closer, he sets you into his lap.
You’ve learned a few things about Yoongi, the biggest revelation was that he was extremely paranoid. “Well they still could,” you note, poking at his paranoia. You lean your back against him, just to feel more comfortable, “but no, that conversation was not about that.” 
“We’re going back to Japan at the end of the month.” You stiffen in his hold. “Tokyo this time, we’ll be staying for a few weeks.”
“Two weeks? Are you setting up another parlor?”
“Close,” Yoongi clicks his tongue, amused by your curiosity of his dealings. “We have a few host bars there, just checking in. There are some regulars with high tabs we’re going to be…visiting. Need you there.”
You exhale, fingers fiddling with the string of your robe, “Okay.” 
Translating for a bunch of blubbering business men begging for forgiveness, or a longer extension, or just another chance at life, was such a stark contrast from the bubbly television interviews you used to do. 
But there was always a fakeness during press junkets that you really hated. All of it felt like such a shallow performance, and it made you feel like a circus animal at times, putting on a show, no matter how offensive the question, no matter how you felt, you had to smile and translate with a happy face. 
Hell, there’s no superficiality around you now, even if Yoongi’s targets sure put on a performance…
Traveling with the loan shark really showed you how dark the depths of humanity could sink. There was rawness and realness to the underground scene that you could just feel in the air, swirling amongst the cigarette smoke.
No bullshitting, no pleasantries, straight to business. It was one of the few things you didn’t actually hate about this predicament you were in, the few moments where you felt like you had some power. 
You were the voice of the most powerful man in the room, and by extension that meant your voice held power. The men in the room would, sometimes quite literally, be hanging on your next words.
If you didn’t like the men you were translating for, you weren’t afraid to make it obvious to the loan shark in your translations, and he would seem to punish them harsher for it. It’s happened so many times now that it was no longer a coincidence to you.
Now if only he would listen to you on other matters…
Yoongi drapes his hand over your front, under the opening in your robe. You don’t flinch like before, what’s the point in flinching? Yoongi will just grab at you tighter, make it hurt if you do.
“You smell good.” Yoongi’s nose tickles your neck.
You cough. “I just took a bath.”
He runs his hand across your suppleness, pinching your nipple.
He knows you are holding it in, staying quiet to spite him, it’s amusing to him, so he continues to play with you, letting your robe open wider and wider until he hears someone clear their throat.
Jungkook turns to leave.
“Jeon, stay.”
Jungkook was wrong. 
Yoongi wasn’t going to take out his anger on you.
He was going to take it out on him. 
“Why are you doing this?” you mutter, not used to an audience. Usually Yoongi isolates you to his bedroom when he’s home and he’s surprisingly quite professional when you’re out in company, even if everyone knew what he did to you behind closed doors.
“He is not bothered,” Yoongi turns his chair so he and you are facing Jungkook, “Are you, Jeon?” he asks the young gangster. He yanks one of your legs open.
“No.” It’s flat. It’s a lie. Jungkook knows Yoongi doesn’t want to hear the truth.
“Well I fucking mind!” 
You yell when he grabs you by the neck. “You don’t have to always do what he says, you know. You’re not like me,” you swallow, speaking to Jungkook. You’re not weak like me, you imply.
“Hohoho.” Yoongi laughs. “Hear that, want to rebel against your mean old boss, Jeon?” he hums. “Did you ever think all those nice things our Jungkookie does for you is because I ask him to? To keep an eye on you, you do your job better when you’re not a mopey brat. You should be on your knees thanking me for giving you a friend.”
“Fuck you.”
“What did you say? Say that louder.”
You stay quiet, head down.
“I could have made him be the one to dole out your punishments. Jungkook is skilled with a knife. He has a taste for blood, did you know that? People call him The Maestro…when we need someone to sing, we send him. After enough time, there's a certain pitch everyone gets to, of screaming. His favorite method is fileting his victims until they sing that tune. You know what that means? Pulling the skin back until you see muscle.” You shiver when he runs his fingertips across your arm. “That’s the kind of man he is.” Your stomach flips at his words. 
“Every bit of kindness is because of me.”
“I know,” you mutter.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Can I go, Sir?” Jungkook speaks up.
“No. Stay right there,” he says, undoing the tie around your waist. “Jeon, like what you see?”
“No.” Jungkook knew better than to ever admit he had grown fond of what Yoongi deemed was his.
“No? But she’s pretty,” he says, uncovering everything, pulling your legs open wider. “And so tight.”
You cry out, wanting nothing more than to attack the loan shark for putting you on display like this, and it takes every ounce of restraint to not fight him…to not close your legs...
“Feel for yourself, touch her.”
“Sir?” Jungkook looks very displeased at being roped into this. 
“Come here and touch her.” Yoongi waits and smiles as he watches Jungkook hesitantly step closer. 
“Please, don’t,” you whimper.
“I thought you would enjoy this. Since you are so close now, chit-chatting and making jokes all the time, hm? Don’t you ever think about-” Yoongi puts his hand between your legs, “-what it would be like? You can’t see, but our Jungkookie is very handsome.” Yoongi’s lips brush against your ear.
“I only think about ways to please you, Sir,” you grit out very unconvincingly. 
Yoongi laughs. “You don’t want Jungkook to touch you like this?” 
You try to ignore the pressure of his fingers inside you. You couldn’t bring yourself to confirm such a thing in front of the young gangster, so you admit something just as horrible. “Just you, I just want you.”
Yoongi presses his lips against yours, so forcefully you feel your teeth knock against his and you yelp, pushing him away, clearly disgusted. 
You can’t hide your hatred for him when he does that, when he kisses you like that. Even with his hands groping you, fingering you, kissing Yoongi just feels worse, feels wrong.
Yoongi grabs your chin, pulling your head back to him. Yoongi eyes the man in front of him whose gaze hasn’t left a particular painting on his wall. Jungkook refuses to look at you like this.
That just won’t do.
“You know what I think? I think someone has a little crush. And I know it’s not you,” he murmurs in your ear.
Jungkook glances over to his boss. He has you spread over his legs, his fingers pressed deep inside your cunt as you shake against him. 
“You’ll say whatever sweet little words you can think of to worm your way in my mens’ good graces, so convinced they will help you escape eventually,” he says. Yoongi manages to keep the tempo in his ministrations precise, pressing into you deeper, thumb circling your clit in such a mind numbing way you feel like your body is catching fire.
“Why would I try something so stupid?” you grunt.
“They won’t betray me, you know.”
“Oh, I know. How nice it must be for you,” you mock. “How many men did you say you have killed for crossing you again?”
Yoongi’s temper rises as you hit a nerve for him. He pushes you off his lap, and you fall at Jungkook’s feet, knees scraping against Yoongi’s hard wood flooring.
You lean against Jungkook, curled into yourself, pulling your robe closed.
Yoongi watches as you move closer to Jungkook like a scared child looking for comfort. “Jeon, punish her.” He stands up, anger overflowing. “Hurt her, since that’s what she seems to want instead. NOW!” he yells.
Jungkook looks down at you and sighs exasperatedly. 
There are a million and one different things a man could do to a woman to hurt her…
What will Jungkook pick?
Jungkook lifts you to your feet by your hair, making you cry out in pain. He ignores it, whatever he is feeling. He’s done it so many times it’s come natural: dissociating from the situation.
“It’s okay, do it, I don’t blame you.”
Goddammit, Jungkook inwardly curses. Don’t you see how much worse you are making it for yourself? Why did you say that? To make Jungkook feel better about this frustrating situation he’s in? Jungkook doesn’t have any feelings…
Yoongi raises his brow and grinds his teeth, crossing his arms, waiting impatiently for Jungkook to do something.
Jungkook releases you and for a fleeting moment you believed he was going to refuse.
In that moment you actually believed he would go against Yoongi.
In that moment you were relieved.
And then you felt a stinging across your cheek, so hard you toppled over.
“Not her face!”
Before you can cry out, a fierce kick into your stomach knocks the wind out of you, once, then twice more. Jungkook has to make sure Yoongi sees he doesn’t care about what happens to you.
You bring your knees into your body and cradle your head, not knowing where Jungkook might strike next. You're sure he’s pulling his punches for you, but holy shit it hurts, and you can’t imagine just how strong he really is. You shake from head to toe, and finally your muscles decompress and you’re able to inhale and catch your breath.
You roll over on your back, waiting for what’s next as you take in deep breaths. Jungkook grips your robe, lifting your body.
This isn’t going how either men want. Jungkook stands over over, staring at the blood dripping from your lip, frozen in place. Yoongi can see the remorse twisting in Jungkook’s expression and how you are taking the beating in strides, lips pressed together in determination. 
You are an exceptionally annoying martyr. You sacrificed yourself for Jimin and now, Yoongi now sees with a sick realization, you think you are doing it for Jungkook. His Jungkook.
“Jeon…” Yoongi looks down at you, clenching his fist. “...leave.”
Yoongi will make you regret this. The loan shark really couldn’t help himself. It was going to be him and no one else…
Jungkook looks back one last time before closing the door, and sees a glimpse of your glowering expression as his boss stands over you and pulls off his jacket. Jungkook was always calm, always collected, yet in that moment, his heart rate jumps.
Yoongi got what he wanted in the end, Jungkook was keeping his distance from you now, ignoring you almost completely when he was around.
You’re annoyed, stuck having to listen to your new “handler” Jon explain in excruciating detail his recent trip to Phuket. He’s the only other one of Yoongi’s men you can stand to be around for extended periods of time, but if you have to listen to another pun involving fornication in Phuket you’re going to jam something in your eardrums!
“What about you?”
“What about me?” you hum bored.
“...so, miss y/n. I have to confess, I did some research on you after what we talked about,” he lowers his voice. “You’re kind of a celebrity. Can I have your autograph?”
You laugh. “Shut up! JTJ are the celebrities, I was just along for the ride,” you pausing. “Any recent headlines that I might be interested in?”
“Well, the hot news is that JTJ have postponed their next album.”
“Really? I wonder why,” you ask, concerned. “Have, um, are there any articles about…what happened?”
“Nothing, only a forum thread between their fans speculating if you got fired. Boss man really worked his magic.”
You sigh, flopping over on the couch.
“Jon, any chance you’d drop me off at the corner store no questions asked?” You have begged to be released so many times now your enthusiasm has all dried up.
“Sorry honey, but I intend to live a long life.”
You snort. “As a gangster? Good luck.”
“Ha!” Jon goes uncharacteristically quiet. “How much did you say that debt of your boy was?”
You snort at the implication that Jimin, the elusive idol, was in any way ‘yours.’ “Eight billion won, something like that,” you huff.
You suspect Jon’s wincing as he sharply inhales. “Ahh shit.”
“Yeah, shit.” You change the subject. “You coming to Japan with us this time?”
“That I am!”
“Wonderful,” you say, emotionless.
“Now about that autograph.”
“You’re joking-” you cough out surprised.
“I printed out a picture and everything!”
“You’re ridiculous!” you laugh. Your fingers run over a piece of paper Jon places in your hands. “What picture?” you ask unable to contain your amusement.
“Well, there was an interview in France, you’re wearing a bright orange dress, looking like a real bigshot, I took a screenshot of it.”
“Orange, really?” you grimace, you never really questioned what coordinators put you in and it’s not like you could see yourself but you still had pride in your appearance.
“You looked nice, you match the others.”
“JTJ?” you perk up.
“Yep, well…I cropped them out.”
You giggle. You hold the picture in your hands delicately. You wish you could see the photo, see how you look now and how you might have fit in with them.
“Yeah, I’ll sign it, you weirdo.”
A pen is placed in your hands. Any other day you would have thought to jam it in your eye and end it all. Today, you try your best to scribble your name down for Jon and feel like your old self.
“What’s this?”
“You don’t recognize them?”
“I do, but-” You believed Yoongi had destroyed all your things in his anger. “You kept them?” You rummage through a whole box of your books that Yoongi has unceremoniously dropped at your feet. 
“Yes. Here, some new books for you too.” Yoongi drops a few clean and crisp books into your lap, the pages not bent and worn from multiple readings like yours were. 
You want to question why now all of a sudden, but you were too afraid the temperamental man might take your questioning wrongly and take away his gift as quickly as he gave it to you.
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
“Pick one and come with me.” You let him lead you. You suspect he did this because you’ve become practically mute around him, refusing to speak to him until your trip to Japan.
Who knew the silent treatment would actually work. You hold the book close to your chest while Yoongi drives. It’s a long drive, you try to keep track of every turn and stop but it’s impossible. 
“What place is this?” It didn’t smell like smoke or alcohol or sweat, the regular scents that usually assaulted you when you went out with the loan shark. It smelled like…baked bread.
“Just read your book.” Yoongi leads you to a cushioned seat and hands you a drink, and when you place the straw to your lips you sip on something sweet and milky, a rich coffee concoction. Yoongi sits next to you, clears his throat and doesn’t say another word.
You flip through the first pages of your book. Is this some business thing…or is this another trick… You remembered the last time you felt disarmed like this.
You remain stiff, sipping on your coffee and slowly reading. The sounds and chatter around you could only mean you’re in a cafe. There’s thousands of cafes just in the city alone, who knows where you could be. Yoongi’s arm rests on the seat behind you, his fingers touching your shoulder every couple of minutes to remind you of his presence, as if you could ever forget him. 
You finish another page, flipping the paper. “Is there…someone I know around?” you ask, trying to sound uninterested, thinking this really was a scenario like last time.
“No, but if there was, what do you think you’re going to do?” He sounds just as uninterested.
“I’ll scream-”
Yoongi’s lips brush across your cheek. “Then I’ll kill him. Not now, but I will kill him.” He leans back again. “Maybe I just wanted a croissant, this place has the best in Seoul. Want to try?”
You grunt, too confused to do anything else but open your mouth when he puts the half eaten pastry to your lips. It’s flaky and buttery with rich custard and burnt sugar on the top, it really is one of the best desserts you’ve ever eaten.
Part of you almost played along. You were about to just succumb to whatever this was, an odd date between the two of you, and suck it up and enjoy yourself. You almost reached out to him, you almost thanked him.
“If you think doing this will make me hate you any less-”
“You are so very stubborn-”
“You are the most stubborn!” You hiss back, “I don’t understand you. I don’t want to be here with you, I don’t want to be around you- s-stop…” Yoongi grips your hand, thumb rubbing circles along your palm, and doesn’t stop even when you go quiet. 
“Just drink your coffee and enjoy your book,” he says. His deep voice holds none of his usual berating tone. You wouldn’t dare call it soft, but...
“Why am I here?” you persist.
“Didn’t you tell my men you wanted to go out? That you missed going to places like cafes?” You bite your tongue. Jon is such a snitch. “We can do this again, we can do this as many times you want-”
“The ruthless gangster will spend his precious time at cafes for me?” you ask suspiciously.
“Is that what you want?”
You didn't know if this was what you wanted, being with him, was it really better than being stuck in his home alone? At least this meant you might have a chance at getting away…
“How long do I get?” You finally relax into your seat, opening your book again.
Yoongi smirks. “We’ll see, I am in no rush today.”
Yoongi watches you read, glancing every once in a while and then staring at nothing else but you, unable to look away as you run your fingers along each page, slow at times and fast at other times, like you were trying to get to the end of the scene quickly, your lips would curl up and you would sit up straighter in excitement, and then your movements would slow and your fingers would go over a line once more as you quietly laughed to yourself. 
You had your head down at first, then you looked up and far away, as if you were imagining the story in front of you. Yoongi wondered what it was exactly that you would think of, how much could you still remember by your own memory. 
“I can feel you staring,” you huff, turning in his direction.
“Not me,” he grunts, lying.
“Ah,” you hum, head tilting, “Well, they will do that, or try to completely ignore me. There’s never really an in between with strangers I’ve noticed. I guess it’s a good thing I can’t see them staring… Two good eyes and can’t mind their own business,” you mutter. 
“Lucky for me, I’m sure you would call them out, probably try to start a fight.”
You snort. Eventually your fingers slowed to a stop and you dogeared the page, closing the book. You picked up your glass and finished the drink, ice now melted to the coffee and watering down the strong flavor. Shame, you liked it strong.
“Ready to go home?”
You looked anxious over the question. You tightened your grip on your glass. “We really came just to go to a cafe, no other places you had to go?” you ask suspiciously.
Yoongi crosses his arms. Of course, you would suspect ulterior motives from him, but this time, the loan shark really did not have any other preoccupations, he only wanted to see how you would react out in public with him like this, if you could be trusted with some freedom. You were not falling into line as the other men did, but you did seem more…tame.
He tests you. “Actually, we are going to make a stop at one of my clubs. Lets go.” You seem to relax at that, like you’ve just guessed the right answer to a question asked of you, like you knew all along Yoongi wasn’t really doing this just for you, but for him, confirming he was still the selfish loan shark you had grown to know.
“That was quick,” you deflate when Yoongi steps back into the car after reaching the location to his club. You were building up the courage to try to test the door before he was already back and starting the car. As Yoongi drove in silence there was a nagging inside you, a question you did not want to know the answer to when he had told you, you did not need to actually come inside with him. It sat in the pit of your stomach and flipped around when his hand moved to your leg and rested on your thigh. Did he really just want to go to a cafe with you after all? What did Yoongi want from you?
“What are you doing?”
You flinch, removing your hand off of Yoongi’s jaw. You didn’t know he had woken up.
“Trying to kill me in my sleep?” Yoongi grunts.
“Yes,” you say. It was a lie, you both knew it. You don’t know why you did it, or perhaps you just did not want to admit it. 
You had woken up with him tangled around you, your naked bodies interweaved together under sheets, his skin against yours warm. It was not overbearing, it was an inviting heat, enveloping you. 
You woke up still groggy from sleep and you didn’t think about how much you hated the man who was holding you softly. 
You reached out and touched him just to feel a little less lonely. You’ve felt so alone now without the few interactions from Jungkook you had grown so accustomed to. The loneliness, it had become gnawing at you horribly, and it was a cruel irony Yoongi was the only one who was able to lessen it for you.
Yoongi grunts and rolls on top of you. His hands wrap around your wrists as he lifts himself up to look at you. He studies your unease. You can feel his morning wood pressing against you. You hold your breath, expecting him to continue from last night’s activities, but he doesn’t, just drops down, letting go of your wrists, resting his head against your naked chest, deciding to go back to sleep. It surprises you. Yoongi must be tired…
You don’t know what to do with your hands, so you just keep them beside your head as you listen to his steady breathing.
You want to go back to sleep, so you don’t think about him…
So you don’t have to think about how you want to hold him…
The need twists in your gut, makes you queasy, makes you want to cry out in frustration, but you just lay there, unwilling to accept the same man who was causing you this turmoil was also simultaneously bringing you a comfort.
You will yourself to fantasize about ways to kill him instead, but your fantasies don’t seem to bring you as much joy as before, instead there is another unfamiliar twisting in your stomach, a pain stabbing you right in the center where he is laying.
And eventually you do fall asleep under his embrace.
“Anything else, Sir?”
Yoongi goes through the folder of photos his associate has handed to him. He holds up one in particular, studying the couple in front of him. “Find out more about her, the new girl. Get in close, use your charm,” he smirks. He holds the photo under the light of his lamp. Even if the picture is a bit grainy, the discoloration right under the sleeve of her shirt is unmistakable.
Jungkook, positioned at his right side, leans over. “So this is him?” 
“Mhm,” Yoongi hums, grin widening.
If Jungkook had any protests or questions, he didn’t speak them. It wouldn’t have changed the loan shark’s mind anyways. When blood is in the water, a shark can only think of one thing.
He flips through more photos, choosing ones in a different folder already on his desk. Very old photos, photos of a younger brighter face version of yourself. These photos you kept in an album tucked away in the back of your closet, in a box with your old wedding ring and other memories you weren’t able to part with, hoping someday you will be able to flip through the pages again with new working eyes. Then you could decide what memories deserve to be revisited and what memories deserve to be burned.
You must have liked swimming, there’s many photos of yourself at the beach with friends. Bowling and roller blading, activities you enjoyed in the past, told a story of the person you were before you lost your vision. Yoongi stares at the candid shots of you, staring at your eyes.
Other than the obvious, Yoongi notes there is something vastly different about you now. 
Yoongi likes you better now.
The younger version of you stares at him with light behind her eyes. You still have that, the light is just burning, glowing in you like embers. 
As a kid, Yoongi liked to poke at fires, stir the embers with a stick and watch the flames dance. When the fire would roar and crackle and burst bigger as a gust of wind blew the flames, and others would instinctively step back, Yoongi would instinctively step closer, mesmerized. 
He would feel that similar pull, that instinctive desire to be closer when that fire inside you would blaze and try to scorch him.
There are moments when you burn so bright, held tight in his arms. It was so hot, it was addicting feeling you. It was becoming something he needed, after a long day of dealing with frustratingly stupid people, dull and boring people, people like a Park Jimin, sheltered and coddled, weak fires that, in Yoongi’s opinion, deserved to be snuffed out.
Not like you. You were an inferno. 
After months with him you were becoming fevered as well, ignited by his stroking of you, his fingers around you and inside you. You would burn for him so prettily when he filled your heat and tightened his grip on you. 
There are moments when you let your instincts take over, when your pleasure is mounting, and he is angling his hips into you steadily and stroking your heat so perfectly, building you up to the point where you don’t think and don’t feel exactly how you wish, when you dig your nails into his arms, wrap your legs tight around his hips, when you don’t resist his heated kisses, when you kiss him back….
Those nights, he can taste you fully, sweet and soft and so hot. 
Like fire, it’s dangerous kissing you. 
Yoongi is becoming obsessed. 
He picks up his ledger, going back to business, the photos of you still scattered across his desk. Jungkook tries to keep his eyes from wandering, but he is a curious man. 
“Should I get y/n for you?” Jungkook suddenly asks. He wants a reason, he wants an excuse…
“No,” Yoongi mutters, “let her rest.”
Now when Yoongi leaves you alone, he doesn’t lock you in his room, he is becoming lax with you finally. Perhaps he thinks you have really given up, that his methods have finally chained you mentally enough that he no longer needed real chains. 
His mistake. The loan shark rarely makes them, but in your case, he’s had some…misjudgements.
Once you leave Yoongi’s room, if you turn to your right and follow the wall, you’ll eventually end up at the stairs. You pass by four doors before then, one you believe was the room you used to have, and another you think might be Jungkook’s room, as the young gangster is always in this house somewhere, like he must live with the loan shark. You’ve tried to jiggle the handles a few times on your trek to see if a door might open, but the rooms on the second floor are usually locked. 
Downstairs is more complicated, you’ve tried to make sense of it, but there is always someone to stop you before you can explore too much. You know exactly where the kitchen is, because it is the one place it seems you’re not allowed to be under any circumstances. Anytime you would get close to the area, someone would offer to get you food instead, or lead you to a bar stool to wait. 
The sounds of cooking are far from where they sit you, too far for you to run and try to open a drawer and search for a knife without getting caught. And the thought will only rarely cross your mind now, you would much rather have some good food. 
Tonight however, you had overheard Yoongi was going to be out until tomorrow evening, so you try again to search for an escape. 
What’s the worst thing that could happen? 
Jungkook scrolls through his phone, his one leg propped up on the small side table he is leaning on. He looks up as he hears a faint click coming from down the hall.
He sees a hand reach out cautiously before you reveal yourself, pressing yourself against the wall before moving slowly closer.
You reach the next door and grip the handle. It doesn’t budge and you sigh, moving along.
‘All locked,’ you think disappointedly before spinning around. “Who’s there? I know someone is there!” You whisper. After a long silence you slump against the wall. “Am I hearing things now?” you mutter to yourself. You wait at the top of the staircase trying to hear for voices or movement, any indication someone might be awake like you.
Well, no stopping now. You move back and forth down the stairs strategically missing all the creaky steps you’ve hit on previous occasions.
Jungkook follows your pattern, only two steps behind.
Okay, now you are definitely feeling spooked. A shiver runs down your spine. Is it because it’s night time? Is this house haunted? Just how many people have been killed here?
You hesitate half way down. You still can’t hear anything downstairs, so you take your chances. You’ll explore as much as you can, learn as much as you can, and then, figure out an escape plan!
Even if you could go for a late night snack, you avoid the kitchen. Learning what else might be downstairs is more important. This house is massive, there’s an echoing to voices sometimes. Yoongi must not have it very furnished. Despite his greedy nature, Yoongi never seemed to be too extravagant with such things. 
If you go to the left, you’ll reach the kitchen. If you go forward, you’ll find a sectional where Yoongi’s underlings will be lounging about during the day. You’ve never ever heard a television, instead you’ll hear the familiar slaps of playing cards, another game you could no longer play without a special set you were too prideful to ask for.
You couldn’t risk going forward and to the front door. You’re sure a man like Yoongi had a security system. But maybe, maybe if you could find a window… So you move toward the only direction you have yet to explore. 
What’s this? It’s sleek, it’s too big to be a window. Is it a door to the backyard?
You feel the rush of excitement and fear pump through your veins as you find the handle, but you have to be cautious, doors could set off the security system he might or might not have. It frustrates you how many things you have to speculate about, how many things you don’t know. 
For all you know there are probably cameras watching you at this very moment! Yet, no one has tried to stop you. Should you just risk it and try to run before he sends someone to collect you?
No, you decide to keep searching.
You finally find an open door. You step inside and follow the walls around, a window! It’s covered by a drape. You bend down, running your hands over the window sill. Finally.
You stand up and keep moving, curious what else you can find before you attempt to open it. You move towards the room’s center. 
It’s a table, but you don’t see it for what it is, your legs hit the edge and it reminds you of Yoongi’s desk in his office and you panic, thinking of how much trouble you will be in if he found you there, and you stumble backward.
You stumble backward into a warm body.
Hands wrap around you, cover your mouth before you can scream, and pin down your arms. 
You breathe heavily into his palm, frozen in fright.
You swallow down tears, catching your cries in your throat. He holds you so tight around the waist it stings. You can’t move or scream, so you wait, expecting the worst. The worst is what always happens.
“I’m going to let go now. Don’t scream.”
“Hey!” Jungkook lets you go and you shove him away.
In your panic, you’ve decided to just fuck it, and run to escape.
You stumble, shoulders hitting the door frame, falling when your foot hits what you think is a chair leg. You scrape your palm bracing yourself when you hit the floor. You can hear Jungkook right behind you. He’s going to bend down and grab at you, you are already expecting it, so you kick your leg out. 
He grunts in pain so you know you’ve gotten a good kick in and you scramble to your feet, knocking into walls and furniture, searching for the glass door you felt before.
You click the lock down and yank the door open, security system be damned!
You start to run. The soles of your feet hit jagged concrete, and then…air?!
Nope, that’s a pool, you realize as you fall into water. Dammit.
You swim to the surface and hear another loud splash as you wade in water. 
Did he just jump in?!
That was dumb of him. You swim hastily, a second surge of energy rushing through you, you search for the pool’s edge. Your tiny dress still feels like it weighs a ton when you heave yourself over the edge, knees scraping as you crawl out. 
You can hear him already mimicking your actions as he pulls himself out of the water quicker than you thought possible. You crawl quickly away from the noise, using every bit of the energy left inside you, you dig your heels and palms into the earth.
Suddenly, Jungkook’s entire weight is on top of you, stopping your crawl to freedom.
Jungkook grabs your wrists as you claw at dirt. “Stop!” he grunts, yelling, “There’s a ledge here, you’re going to fall off of it and die!” He moves one of your arms out above your head, letting you feel the steep slant of earth downward.
In that moment, you don’t care. This is the closest you’ve gotten to freedom in so long! It’s been so long since you’ve felt grass and dirt and earth. You used to go hiking with Namjoon all the time, you used to breathe in the cool fresh morning air almost every weekend with him. 
Your heart aches when you remember the way he would lead you over steep rocks, his fingers interlaced with yours, the way he would explain the scenery and overlooks and sunsets and sunrises to you so animatedly, you could hear the reverence of what he could see in his voice. You cry with your head buried in the tall grass thinking of Namjoon and the freedom you had. In that moment, you would rather throw yourself off a cliff.
“Don’t take me in, please. Just let me stay outside a bit longer,” you hiccup.
Jungkook rests over you until you both calm down, until he finally rolls off of you, sighing, looking at the night sky. “You know…” he pauses. “If you want to go outside, you can just ask-”
“I don’t want to–” you grit out angrily. “I don’t want to ask for permission like a child. I don’t want to be let outside like a dog! I don’t want– I can’t– Jungkook,” your bottom lip trembles as you suck in air. You let the grass blades tickle your face as you hold yourself together, “I feel like I’m not myself anymore. I-” you can’t continue, you won’t dare admit to him what sick feelings that have grabbed a hold of you.
His cold wet hand touches your cheek, why does it warm you up so suddenly? 
“Where have you been?!” you cry, fist hitting what you assume is his chest. Yoongi, that bastard was right, Jungkook was the closest thing you had to a friend here. You didn’t want to believe he was just as cruel as Yoongi, you didn’t want to believe it!
“It’s safer for you if you stay away from me,” he says softly. Or bluntly. How could you ever really know if you can’t see the longing look he gives you? 
You stay quiet, holding in your objections. You aren’t going to argue with him, you were a fool to care at all about someone who didn’t care at all about you; a criminal; one of your captors. Your eyes sting as Yoongi’s words replayed in your mind, Jungkook saw you as a job, he was being nice because Yoongi told him to, he didn’t want to be around you.
You shiver, hugging yourself. You pull at the tall blades of grass, thinking of Namjoon instead, letting yourself be carried far away from here. Your body couldn’t escape, but your mind could. You hum to yourself.
It was a tune Namjoon played over and over for you, a song of his that didn’t make the cut, it was too soft and sweet, didn’t fit with his persona, yet it was your favorite.
Jungkook sits in his wet clothes uncomfortably, watching you, listening to your sad soft humming as the night starts brightening, and he has no choice but to act. He lifts your defeated body into his arms. “We’re not going to tell anyone about this.”
“About what?” you grumble, shivering in the cold.
Jungkook sets you in the bathtub, in your clothes, the wet fabric of your dress clinging to you and leaving nothing to the imagination. You can hear the knobs squeak as he turns on the warm water. You reach out and grab his soaking jacket, gripping it tight. 
“What are you doing, y/n?”
“You’re cold too.” Jungkook pulls away but you hold on tighter. 
“I can’t be in here with you.”
“If you leave now, I swear I will drown myself.” You know you shouldn’t force him to be here with you, but you were desperate, lonely, you didn’t care how uncomfortable you were making him if it meant you felt a little less insane.
Suddenly Jungkook moves closer to you, entering the large bath. He grips your knee, bending your leg.
“W-What are you doing?!” A flood of emotions rush through you, so many at once you don’t know what you’re feeling when he begins to touch you.
“You’re bruised everywhere,” he mutters, gripping your elbow and turning your arm. “I’m going to have to tell him you tried to escape.” 
He sounds frustrated. You accept your fate but it doesn’t make it any easier, knowing Yoongi will lock you up once again, no doubt find some creative way to torture you for trying to leave.
The bathtub steadily fills with water, and the uncomfortable weight on you lessens as the water surrounds your bodies. 
You haven’t let go of him, but you move your grip slightly, feeling for buttons, and once you find them, you start to unbutton his shirt.
If someone were to ask you why you did it, you wouldn’t have been able to articulate a reason, your fingers were working of their own accord, listening to something inside you you couldn’t even hear yourself.
Jungkook hasn’t moved, he holds himself up, gripping the tub’s edges with both hands until you reach the end and push away the fabric. By now the water has filled the tub enough that you float against him. You push both his shirt and jacket off his shoulders.
You place your palm on his chest, you can’t feel the tattoos etched across his skin, you weren’t aware of the extent of his ink markings, but you can feel the cold metal of his nipple piercing and you let out a small gasp in surprise.
Jungkook hasn’t moved, so you let your hand travel down his torso, fingers running along the contours of his muscles, until you reach his belt, his pants, your palm laying along his zipper. 
Jungkook is stiffening under your palm and you gasp louder.
Jungkook finally moves, pulling your wrist away. He holds it tight against the cool ceramic of the tub. “Don’t…don’t make me hurt you.”
You were so used to pain, his warning didn’t deter you how he expected. You wanted him to hurt you. You wanted someone, anyone else, other than Yoongi to think about.
Even when he tightened his grip until you could feel the pain sting into your bones, you didn’t flinch, you didn’t tell him to stop. You let out a silent gasp this time, arching your back against him, and Jungkook saw you were more dangerous than he had believed.
If you could have seen him you could have ruined him.
You gently run your other hand down his body, let your legs wrap around him, listening to his breathing grow louder.
He stands up suddenly. “Wash the chlorine out of your hair, don’t tell Mr. Min anything.”
You pause, “Tell him what?”
Dangerous. Jungkook clears his mind of you, focusing on cleaning the house of da what happened.
When later that day, Yoongi teased you about falling down the stairs, you knew Jungkook did what you had been waiting for, for so long…
…He lied for you.
“What’s this?”
You hold the sleek piece of technology in your hand. 
Is this…a cell phone?
“You’re going to say hello and tell her you’ve taken a job out of the country, and you’re going to make it sound convincing. And if you don’t, if she doesn’t believe you, I’m going to go to her tiny one bedroom Gangnam apartment off of Inchon-ro and I’m going to kill her.” Yoongi says coldly.
You hold your breath. What? Who? What?!
Yoongi crouches down to your level, watching you so close he could see each of your individual eyelashes as you blinked rapidly. 
According to Taehyung, for some reason, one of JTJ’s makeup artists, the girl who used to help you with your makeup, has started asking about your whereabouts. 
She’s questioning other staff, wondering why you haven’t answered any of her calls or texts, with incessant suspicions upon why you have suddenly disappeared without any warning. She’s causing others to wonder as well. 
Even if you had quit on bad terms like what they’ve been telling her, you would have still answered her! It just doesn’t make any sense, she thinks, you were so happy the morning before, making plans with her and the others to have dinner the next day-
She even wanted to get in contact with your family, Taehyung told him worriedly.
“Okay,” you nod. 
Her ringtone, JTJ’s first chart topping song plays in your ear as you try to settle your breathing. 
“Hello?” she answers. Your heart rate suddenly jumps and the pounding is all you can hear as you recognize her voice. 
Yoongi grips your leg, fingers digging, shaking it. “Minah?! Hey, it’s y/n-”
“Y/n!” she gasps, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Girl, what the hell? What happened?! Where did you go?” 
Yoongi grips your knee tight. “I’m fine, I’m okay. Sorry, I’ve just been setting up my new place, I-”
“You haven’t answered my calls, not even my texts,” she says, hurt. “They told me you quit? What happened?!”
“Y-Yes. I did, I uhh, I know it’s gonna sound crazy, but I was offered this amazing job-”
“What?! Where? With who?!”
“In J-Japan, it’s a really good job, I get my own office and everything. After that tour, I just really couldn’t do it anymore, it’s just a lot, you know, that lifestyle.” You pray she doesn’t try to get you to answer her other questions.
“What?” she sounds even less convinced, pausing. “Is this your new number?”
“Y-Yeah, sorry for missing all your calls, my cell was from the company, so I had to surrender it. I really wanted to call you sooner, but it’s just been so hectic…” You hope she believes your lies.
“Anytime I bring you up, the boys act…weird. You just d-disappeared, I-I thought something horrible happened-”
“I’m fine! I think they are just upset, it was such a sudden thing-”
“It was!” She sounds mad. “They told me you were sick when you didn’t show up for our celebration dinner, and then when you weren’t on the plane, they told me you just…left?! No one knew why!” She sounds even angrier.
“Yeah. Yeah, I left, I’m really sorry I didn’t say goodbye.” The words catch in your throat and come out stilted and choppy. You have to get it together.
“But why-”
You take a deep breath, terrified for your friend. 
“Listen, Minah, that night I got into a big fight with Jimin, and I just thought it was best for me to just leave. I really didn’t mean to worry you, b-but this is a once in a lifetime job,” you swallow, trying to keep your voice light and happy. “I had to take it.”
“Oh, okay.” Your lie seems to answer some of her worries. “Have you talked to Jimin since then? He’s just been so…he doesn’t seem like himself since you left. I think he really misses you.”
“Oh, really? No, I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to him.” Your heart is pounding.
“Yeah, talk to him, please! I think he finally realizes what he lost. Everytime I bring you up…no wonder… I told you, didn’t I! He likes you!” she says, sounding happier. “Japan is not too far away, you should go for it now that you’re not under the same company! He is totally heartbroken over you.”
You laugh awkwardly. “Jimin is like my brother!”
“Yeah yeah,” she laughs, sighing. “You two are both hopeless I guess. I miss you, promise me we’ll meet up next time JTJ has a schedule in Japan.”
“I’m s-so busy, but yeah.” Your hand trembles so badly you’re worried the phone will slip between your fingers at any moment.
“I, um, promise. I miss you, Minah.”
“I miss you too!”
“I really miss you.”
“You okay? Do you like your job? They haven’t gotten a new translator since you left! You could come back, honestly, I’m sure they would take you! Joon has been translating for everyone and I’m sure he would love you back,” she jokes.
“I love my new job.” God, you hope she can’t hear the shake in your voice. “But I really have to go, I am glad I got to talk to you. I might not be able to talk for a while though, but I’m okay!”
“Oh! Can you tell Taehyung something?”
Yoongi’s presence is suddenly everywhere as you stutter out your last sentence. “It’s about that Blue Moonlight song he’s been working on with-”
The phone clicks as Yoongi snatches it away, and you feel the coldness of loneliness creep back into your body.
“You better hope she’s as dense as she sounds,” he threatens.
“Don’t you dare touch her!”
“You know what? I think we should take a visit to Taehyung then, and listen to that new song of his,” he says, gripping the back of your neck.
You swallow, excitement and fear swirling in the pit of your stomach and rising the bile into your throat.
Yoongi leans against his Rolls Royce smoking a cigarette.
The door opens and someone sits next to you.
You try not to burst into tears. You frantically reach out to him, and his slender fingers wrap around yours, gripping your hand tightly as he scoots next to you. Then you really burst, crying against him.
You quickly try to pull yourself together, whispering, “Did you get my message?”
“Um, yeah. Blue Moonlight, I’m guessing it's more than just a song title?” He whispers.
“Moonlight Blue.” You repeat the phrase in Thai. “Are w-we alone?” you whisper.
Taehyung eyes the shadow against the window as Yoongi lights up another cigarette. “Yeah, yeah.”
“It’s a club in Thailand. If you take a detective there, in the women’s restroom, inside the second bathroom from the door, my DNA should still be on the door stall, I doubt they cleaned it well. You might be able to get CCTV footage too to show that I’ve been kidnapped, or maybe someone took a picture of it-” you say hastily.
“Of what?”
“My name, I wrote it with my blood,” you say rather proudly.
Taehyung grips your hand tighter. “What? Blood?! He’s made you bleed?!”
You nod hastily. “He’s d-done w-worse,” you stutter, this time you hold in your tears.
Taehyung swallows, resting his head against the car’s seat, feeling sick.
You reach both hands out until you find his shoulder and squeeze. “Taehyung, I have the money saved for my eye surgery in my bank account, I-I’ll give it to you if you help me. Please, please.”
He takes your hand in his again. “I’m not taking your money, y/n.”
“You won’t help me?” you cry desperately. 
He grips your other hand tight, holding them close to his chest. “I’ll talk to Joon and Jimin, we’ll figure something out. Our last album just hit platinum, we have stocks in the company now. We’ll find a way to help you.”
“We’re leaving for Japan right now. Right now, Taehyung. Please hurry.” You can’t tell whether it’s you trembling now or the scared singer. Taehyung brings your hands to his mouth and kisses your knuckles and you do the same, welcoming his comforting affection. 
Yoongi watches as you and the singer cling to each other. He rolls his eyes and flicks his cigarette to the ground, stomping out his frustrations into the tarmac pavement.
“Well?” he asks once Taehyung steps out and shuts the car’s door.
“Midnight Blue.” He says the name in accented Thai. “The club you took her to in Thailand, Blue Midnight.” Taehyung gulps.
“Ahh fuck, you’re right. But why-”
“She thinks if I can get CCTV footage, we can use it in a case against you.”
“Huh really? Most of them don’t even work in that area, but I can have my men check.” Yoongi runs his hand through his hair. “Anything else?” Taehyung shakes his head, unable to look the loan shark in the face. 
“You two were talking for a long time, what else?” He grabs the singer by the collar to make a point, shoving him against the door. You flinch inside.
“She told me you cut her, made her bleed there in Thailand, is that what you did?!” Taehyung pushes against the loan shark, shoving him away.
Yoongi cocks his head to the side, looking confused. “Eh?” He rubs the back of his neck, trying to remember, “Oh, it was one of my men. I took care of it.”
“Are y-you hurting her?”
“Why do you suddenly care?” Yoongi crosses his arms, “Are you gonna stop me if I am?” he asks, challenging the singer.
“She’s done nothing wrong, It’s not her damn fault, it’s Jimin’s, if you had just killed him instead-”
“You would have liked that, huh?” he tuts, “Wanted to go solo that bad, now you’re stuck with those two idiots and your album is on hold,” he rolls his eyes. “If you’re not making money, you’re gonna be in the same boat as Jimin, and you don’t have anyone to save your ass-”
“Just let her go then!” he hisses, trying to keep his voice down so you don’t hear. “Make Jimin pay you whatever he owes you!”
“So she can go to the police?” Yoongi crosses his arms, snorting.
“Min, I-I don’t understand. What are you going to do, keep her forever?!”
“Maybe,” Yoongi says dismissively. “Why?”
“Are you s-serious?!” he stutters.
“It was the deal-”
“S-She didn’t understand-”
“She’s a grown woman, she made her choice.”
Taehyung looks at the loan shark with disbelieving eyes. “Please, Y-Yoongi-”
Yoongi grabs the singer again, done with arguing, “Want to take on Jimin’s debt on top of what you still owe me instead, yeah? Go get her, take her.” He’s met with silence. “Then shut the fuck up.” He signals for his men, who have been waiting to board. “Send me Joon’s schedule, I’ll deal with him when we get back to Korea.”
“Okay,” Taehyung mutters defeatedly. He places his hand on the car’s window. You don’t notice him of course. He says his goodbyes silently, to himself to ease his mind, like a coward.
Yoongi didn’t need to keep a low profile in Tokyo, the city was too big, so many tourists and locals crammed together, he and his associates became just another mean face in the crowd. He bought out a few penthouses in an expensive hotel for the week, with a kitchen and a private hot spring and all the amenities you could ever want. 
It was your lavish prison cell.
“What’s wrong with her?” Jon asks, setting plastic bags of Japanese convenience store food on the counter. Jungkook shakes his head, sending him a look that reads, ‘Please just shut the fuck up about it.’
Jon clears his throat, he looks around, turning on a lamp, fiddling with the shade until he’s happy with the amount of light before leaving you and Jungkook in Yoongi’s private penthouse.
Before he leaves, Jon steps in front of you, studying you with the same scrutiny as he did the new area. He lifts your head up, a crooked finger under your chin. Your eyes are bloodshot, your lids swollen from crying. “Hey, don’t give up.” 
Easy for him to say, that man acts like he doesn’t have a care in the world. You bite your lip, making sure to keep your head up no matter how heavy you feel. “Give me a reason not to give up,” you grumble softly.
Jon stays silent. He steps away from you and nods towards the younger man.
Jungkook sings in his head to drown out your crying as he unwraps the food for you.
You hear the clanging of a glass plate set in front of you.
You raise your hand, hovering over it. Jungkook puts his hand over yours. This is the most he’s interacted with you since your last altercation.
You can’t take it. You can’t take this anymore. You can’t!
“What are you doing, y/n?!” Jungkook grips your other hand quickly, before you can do any more damage. The plate lays shattered under your fist.
“J-Just let me have this, so I can hurt him.”
He yanks the glass plate shard out of your hand.
“Listen to me,” he whispers. “You’re not going to hurt him. Because you can’t hurt him. You’re lucky Jon wasn’t still here, or anyone else for that matter-”
“I’m not with anyone else. I’m with you.”
After a long silence Jungkook finally lets go of your hand, wiping the mess off the counter and into the trash and pulling more food out for you now that you’ve shattered your plate to pieces. “You're testing my patience. Yoongi is mad at me because of you. If you try anything else, I will hurt you again.”
“Hurt me, then. Kill me. Do it.” You reach out, searching for his arms and clumsily put them to your neck. “Kill me, please! I’m not going to fucking do it anymore!”
Jungkook watches you cry. Despite everything you continue to rebel. No matter how small. You refuse to let Yoongi change you.
It stirs something inside him. A question he’s never spoken aloud.
You notice his sharp intake of breath so close to your temple. Is he smelling you?
“I will only kill you if Min asks me to.” Soft, chapped lips brush against yours so quickly you question if you imagined it. “Listen to Jon, you’ve made it this far, don’t give up.”
“No.” You tremble, “You’re going to help me get out one way or another, Jungkook.” 
You feel him move away and reach for him again in desperation. His fingers are back around your throat, shoving you into hotel kitchen cabinets and lifting you off your feet in his anger.
You struggle, unable to breathe. You let your hands follow down his arms until you reach his face. And instead of what Jungkook thought you were going to do, what he would have done: tried to retaliate, fight against him, you hold his cheeks in your palms, thumb running soft lines across his face and over the scars you remembered.
Jungkook lets you drop, shuddering. You cough, inhaling air quickly.
Jungkook is a trained killer. His hands don’t shake, yet…
He looks down at you, silently crying on the floor.
He lets out a slow breath.
“Eat.” He mutters.
“I’ll only eat if you stop ignoring me,” you choke out, glaring in his general direction.
It makes him smile. “Okay, okay.”
You end up eating on the floor with the young gangster in silence, who has his body pressed up against your side. He hands you bites you take reluctantly. Jungkook pulls out his cell, opening a video he took, and you listen to soft cheering as the second half of last week's soccer match plays on his device. You quietly cry and nibble on food until you get caught up in the match, gasping along with the crowd over the very last play.
“You did well today,” Yoongi says, undoing his tie. 
You pull off your heels, frowning. “I’ve been with you for months now, so I want to know exactly how much left I owe-”
“Yes, the amount. Of Jimin’s debt, I want to know exactly how much I have left! You’ve made hundreds of thousands of won on deals I helped facilitate, haven’t you? That counts for something, doesn’t it?!”
Yoongi wasn’t prepared for your outburst, but he knew it would happen sooner or later. And it didn’t stop him from becoming furious with you. “Any other demands you want to make, want a pension plan?” He goads.
You bite back your retorts and take a deep breath. “I want to know exactly how much longer I have to suffer here with a monster like you.”
“Suffer? You ate Wagyu steak today, the jacket you’re wearing is Givenchy.” His finger pokes into your shoulder so hard you almost lose your balance. “Which, by the way, will be deducted off your earnings, of course-” 
“That’s right,” he says lowly.
“I didn’t ask for this!” You yank off your jacket and throw it on the ground at his feet. 
He’s in your space again, his body walking into yours with no intention of letting you move away from him. You would have fallen over if he hadn’t grabbed the front of your shirt. “Going to give me back this shirt too?!” Yoongi rips the buttons off as he yanks the front open. 
You yell and grab at the pieces and hold them over your chest. “Haven’t you learned anything?” he screams in your face. Yoongi holds your head in his hands. You close your eyes out of instinct as tears well up in the corners, breathing through your mouth so you don’t have to smell his cologne, clenching your jaw to keep yourself silent. “You wanted this. Remember that? When you begged Jimin to let me have you? You’re mine, y/n.”
“I’ll never be yours,” you grit out.
“You’re already mine. And I can do whatever I want with you,” Yoongi rasps out with just as much vitriol. 
And then he does what you hate most, he presses his lips against yours. His hand keeps you from pulling your head away, his lips pressed to yours tightly, so you’re forced to inhale him, so you can’t help but gasp in air and open your mouth for him.
You reach for his neck, you try to choke him, fisting his hair and pulling, but it only seems to rile Yoongi up even more as his tongue invades your mouth. 
He finally lets you breathe, pulling your hands away from his throat and securing them behind your back, mouth moving to your jaw and down your neck as he holds you tight. “Mine,” he nips your neck.
It snaps something inside you, you caught yourself before you slipped away completely, and you snapped back, fighting against him. “Get off me!” 
You squirm your way out of his hold and push him away and to your surprise, he doesn’t push you back. He is no longer in your space.
You wipe your mouth and straighten your clothes, unsuccessfully trying to put your shirt back together.
Yoongi stays quiet. You know he’s there, somewhere, watching you, but he’s so quiet! Where the hell is he?
Yoongi watches as you frown and hesitantly reach your hand out in front of you.
You flinch when Yoongi hand smacks your hand down, and swing your fist out in anger, hitting air.
Yoongi laughs tauntingly to your right.
“I’m not yours,” you finally mutter out. Your head is pulled back as Yoongi yanks you by the hair and then shoves you forward. You cry out in pain, knee hitting the corner of something hard. 
Yoongi stays quiet instead of arguing back, he is trying to drive you crazy and it’s working, it’s maddening, you bite back tears as you breathe in sharply.
You stumble, moving around furniture and bumping into a wall. You frantically search for something to grab. 
You throw your hand behind you on a hunch that the loan shark was leering behind you, and he catches it easily, pulling you off balance again. 
You scream out in anger, “You think because you force yourself on me, I’m yours? I can’t stand you, I hate you! When you touch me, I think of someone, anyone, else! You think because I’m blind, I can’t see how hideous you are? How miserable-” you choke on your words as he grabs you by the neck and his grip tightens on your throat. 
He shakes you, moves you around so quickly you stumble backward, terrified he is going to make you collide into something, you have to grip him back to you from falling. 
You struggle against his advances until he’s over you, pinning you into couch cushions. “You disgust me.”
“Yeah?” Yoongi doesn’t believe you. You are trying to anger him, you’re trying to hurt him. He’s played this game before, he knows this game. “But if I was Jimin, or Taehyung, or Namjoon, you wouldn’t be disgusted, that right?” He yells in your face. Why does he always have to bring them up?!
He moves his leg in between yours, pressing his knee against you harshly. “You would happily spread your legs, give them whatever they want because they’re famous-”
You push as hard as you can against his shoulders, yelling, “What?! They would never take advantage of me! They saved me,” you grunt. “You have no idea-”
“I have no idea?” he laughs at you. “I grew up with Taehyung in Daegu, did he forget to mention that to you during your little reunion? I know them. I know Jimin is back to getting high again, he tried to clean up his act for a hot second, but like always, he cares more about his own self gratification than anything else. What do you think will happen after he burns through all his money?” 
Yoongi runs his thumb across your dry lips. “Do you think he’ll come back groveling to me, or do you think he’ll try to convince someone else to fund his addiction? Do you think if I offered him all the drugs his heart desires he wouldn’t hurt you for it? You’re so sure he won’t, are you?”
You have your eyes closed again and he doesn’t like that. Even if you can’t see him, he likes watching your deep irises. Even if you can’t see, your eyes still redden with tears and your expression darkens for him, blazes for him. “And Kim Namjoon, is he the one you think about? When he could care less about you? He’s no knight in shining armor coming to rescue you, and you’re sure no damn princess!”
Yoongi snakes his hand between your bodies and inside your pants, letting out a deep breath when you struggle and he realizes why. “If this isn’t mine, then why does it get so wet for me? Fuck…you’re so wet…”
You feel the last threads of your sanity breaking, and you want to hurt him the only way you can now, you can’t stop yourself, “No, I don’t think about Namjoon, I think about Jungkook,” he hiss.
You try to claw at his face, which stops his advances momentarily. Yoongi pulls his hand out of your pants and holds your wrists down until you stop struggling, and then he yells, “Jeon!”
You hear the door open as someone walks in.
“Come here and hold Miss y/l/n’s hands down.”
It’s deathly quiet until you hear movement again as Jungkook crosses the room. Yoongi’s grip lessens for only a moment until it’s replaced, your hands pressed above your head. You start to cry.
The pressure of Yoongi’s knee is gone as he moves down your body.
Your belt is unbuckled.
Your zipper is pulled down.
His hands reach around your hips and you kick out, attempting to hurt him when he pulls your pants and panties off your legs.
“Stop, stop this!” You’re begging Jungkook, but his grip on you doesn’t lessen. Jungkook’s fingers might as well have been shackles as you try to pull free.
“Who are you thinking about now, y/n?” Yoongi slips his fingers easily into your heat.
You clench your teeth so hard your molars feel like they might crack under the pressure. “You’re pathetic, you know that?!” You let yourself be overcome with anger, a much more agreeable feeling than the hopelessness you felt. “You must be really hideous if you can’t find anyone else to fuck! Is that why you went into this business, huh? Couldn’t get any decent woman so you surround yourself with strippers and prostitutes, and they won’t even fuck you?!” You scream out in frustration as his steady pace quickens inside you unrelentingly.
Yoongi chuckles at your outburst, his body weight pressing on your legs. “Ahh now we both know that’s not true.” He says cockily. You chose to ignore the way the girls at Yoongi’s establishments would address him, the flirtatious tone in their voices when the courageous one would ask him if he needed anything, offering their “services” up to him.
“Then why me?!”
“Because I want you.” 
Yoongi drags his two fingers out of you, and presses three fingers inside when he enters you again, his thumb rubbing across your clit. 
Your heart beats so fiercely in your chest you think you might suffer a heart attack, you hope you do when you feel the heat inside you rise, unable to stop your whimpers no matter how hard you clench your jaw.
Yoongi knows your body now, he knows the pressure that makes you shake, the movement you can’t resist. He rocks his hand into you steadily and precisely as you try not to tremble, as you try to think of anything other than what he was doing to you so you aren’t overcome.
But it only takes a few more minutes before you are overcome, unable to stop your body arching and muscles locking, and your breath stuttering and a moan escaping.
The hands around your wrists disappear and in the next few moments you hear the door slam shut.
“Jun-” Yoongi’s hand presses over your mouth.
Yoongi doesn’t want to hear whatever you have to say, something that would surely make his blood pressure sky rocket. Yoongi looks at the closed door. He has a choice to make. Should he go after Jungkook? No, he will let the young gangster cool down. 
That’s not the only choice he has to make. He looks down at you. You look exactly how he feels, a fierce mixture of fury and puzzlement and anguish twisting at your brows and behind your unfocused glare.
He removes his hand from your mouth, gripping at your neck instead to hold you still.
Rather than letting your emotions take over you again you try to think this through. He is still over you, body in between your legs, fully clothed despite your almost nakedness. You had a choice to make.
“You upset him.” You’re met with silence. “Do you think you can treat people like this forever and they will just take it?” His hand tightens around your throat as he pushes your head back. You yell in pain, but keep trying. “Go ahead, you’ll end up all alone just like you deserve,” you gasp.
“Like you?”
His words feel like a cold shower. When you freeze, Yoongi takes the opportunity to switch the subject of conversation. He brushes his lips across your jaw, finally calming down, “Want to know what you owe me now? Nothing. And nothing you could do or say would ever make me let you go,” he says gently, licking across your neck. 
He moves his other hand back down your body, achingly slow, pushing the broken pieces of your shirt away from your chest and tugging at the uncovered flesh. Why does he have to do this to you? Why? You hate how his touches twists your emotions and you hate how he knows it too. “Like I said, y/n, you’re mine now,” he says huskily. His mouth captures your nipple as he sucks and licks across your chest.
You feel rooted against him, unable to move as you process his words. You can’t fully however, his touches making it impossible to concentrate on anything but his harsh sucking and fondling. 
You let your muscles relax and stop fighting against him, why should you? It never works, it never ever works. 
You rest your palm on the window, the glass is hotter than the surrounding air, and you move closer until your nose touches the glass, soaking in the warmth of the sun outside.
Yoongi’s voice is behind you, still in bed. “Come here, you’re giving everyone a free show.” You must have woken him up when you left the bed.
You rest your forehead on the glass. “I want to go outside today, take me to a cafe.” You don’t ask him, you tell him.
Yoongi studies your naked figure framed by the just risen sun.
He clears his throat, “I’ll have Jeon take you later-”
“I don’t want to go with him, I want to go with you.”
Yoongi pauses. “Why? He was just following orders.”
Facing the sun, the brightness allows you to see the most light possible. You don’t know if it's your imagination at this point, but you like to believe it really is orange and yellow you’re seeing in the otherwise blurry darkness.
“I want to go with you,” you say.
“I’ll see…I’ll find some time.” Perhaps it’s the tiredness still in his voice, but his tone seems to soften.
“Come here.”
You close your eyes, let the darkness settle in, focus on the heat at your fingertips.
You spent the night dissecting what Yoongi had said to you and everything that’s happened to you since finding yourself in the loan shark's service. You had been too distracted, too focused on your own desires of freedom to notice Yoongi’s desires.
You didn’t want to believe it either, that he might have become more than just fond of you. It didn’t make sense, but now that you were really picking apart his actions, it was there, twisted and dark, his own particular kind of affection...for you.
You should have realized this sooner, but you didn’t even want to accept your own twisted emotions. If you had, you would have also figured that it would make sense he was going down the same dark path.
You asked yourself all night, now what should you do? 
You have decided now, turning to him and letting your body relax.
You were going to use it against him.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter: Reunion (Update Goal: 500 notes)
Tell me what you liked, and what you hated (is it Yoongi? lol)
384 notes · View notes
deathbyyoongx · 1 year
stuck with you; part 1 — myg
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╭ parts: 1, ...
╭ word count: 5.2k
╭ summary: After your best friend Hoseok told you you could stay at his place for two weeks, you couldn’t help but be more than thrilled. A studio in the middle of the city, away from home, and close to every club you loved to go to? It couldn't get much better than that. However, when you heard the news his roommate's plans got canceled, you soon realized you had to spend those two weeks together with none other than Min Yoongi. It wouldn’t have bothered you if you had to spend two weeks together with a hot guy, but unfortunately for you, you already knew Yoongi from high school. 
And he absolutely despises your guts ever since.
╭ pairing: yoongi x brat!reader
╭ genre: smut, just smut, okay maybe a bit off fluff, can't help it
╭ warnings: enemies to lovers, angry/stubborn yoongi, y/n is an aboslute brat but that's the usual in my fanfics, ex-friends from high school, he hates you but you don't really know why, back and forth bickering, drinking, hair pulling, name-calling, hate sex (?), spitting, hickeys, slapping, voyeurism, being stuck with a hot guy that secretly would love to fuck you for two weeks, ...
╭ author's note: I had to put some fluff into it, I couldn't help it. It's the hopeless romantic in me. Also haven't reread it (24/08) I'm tired.
btw, use InteractiveFics for a better reading experience ;)
“Are you sure about this, Hobi? I mean, the man despises me.” Today was the day you would stay over at Hoseok’s shared studio apartment. It was only a few rooms away from a full-on apartment, which you were not complaining about. The plan was, that both Hoseok and his roommate Yoongi would be on vacation, which meant that you had this lovely space all for your own. But of course, fate had other things in store for you when you heard that Yoongi’s plans got canceled. His friend got a bad stomach ache after eating at some shady place downtown, pity. If this news had come to you a few years ago, you would be more than thrilled. Yoongi and you used to be good friends in high school, so the idea of spending two weeks with him wouldn’t be anything to worry about. But ever since college…things changed between the two of you.
“Look, I promised you could stay over and you’ve already adjusted your schedule to it as well, so he’ll just have to get used to it. And besides, it’s not permanent, I’ll be back in two weeks. He’s usually in his room anyways, so he won’t be bothered by you too much.” Hosoek explained, trying his best to reassure you about the sudden change of plans. “Plus, he agreed to it so-”
“Yeah, when he was still planning to go on vacation himself. But none of us expected his plans to be canceled because his friend ate a bad lobster.” You felt bad for the friend, but at least the doctors said it would be alright. But still, now you were in this sticky situation.
“Yeah, that's very unfortunate.” Hoseok said pitifully. “Plus, how bad could it be” That’s when you both heard the sound of keys unlocking the front door, which made you turn your heads at the same time. While Hoseok didn’t change anything in his behavior, you on the other side tried your best to stay cool and not to think too much about it. But god, did this make you nervous. Especially since it has been a while since you’ve seen Yoongi. The last time you saw him, he was rocking that bowl cut, which did look undeniably cute on him, but that was already five years ago. Where did the time go? Now you were both in your early to mid-twenties, so you knew that he wasn’t going to be the same boy from before. So when the front door finally swung open, you were captivated by Yoongi’s change of appearance over the years. Fuck. He was painfully beautiful. He grew his hair out, and the back of it even touched his shoulders. He traited his bowl cut for a middle part, and fuck, did it look good. And even though he was only wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans, you noticed how broad his shoulders had become. Yoongi briefly looked up, and that’s when he finally noticed your presence. It was of short due because your eyes only met for a second before he looked back down. “Oh, good. I was just planning to leave-” Hoseok quickly spoke to defuse the obvious tension.
“Enjoy your holiday, Hoba.” Yoongi quickly said before locking himself in his room. 
“Very bad, alright.” Hoseok looked at you, almost apologetic that this was the situation you had landed in. “Make the best of it.” Was the last thing Hoseok said before hugging you goodbye. He grabbed his luggage and headed out of the door. You just chuckled to yourself. If this is how Yoongi wanted to be me, let him. You were going to enjoy yourself, whether he liked it or not. 
Day one went by faster than you expected. The best option for you was leaving that grumpy man alone for the first day, letting him slowly accept the situation on his own. You just went to the bar with your friends, enjoying the fact that everything was so near to you now. You still lived with your parents, but you were slowly earning enough money to move out. It was just a matter of time. That’s why Hoseok did you the favor to stay at his place while he’s on vacation. He only suggested it because he knew Yoongi would be away as well, not knowing that his plans were short-due. Besides the fact that out of all people you were staying at their place, it’s the fact his expensive vacation got canceled that made him extra annoyed. Leading to situations like you bumping into each other, saying ‘hi’ to Yoongi, and him completely ignoring your ass. Nice. But today was day two. Another day of playing another game of: will Yoongi finally speak one word to me, or will he act as if I don’t even exist? Let’s find out!
So there you were, sitting on the couch Tuesday morning, eating your honey cereal as you were watching one of your favorite shows. The sound of Yoongi’s door opening up made your ears perk up, making you turn your head to the right to look at his sleepy figure walking towards the kitchen. "Good morning." You greeted, but without any luck of getting a greeting back. You child. “Hope you slept well.” You turned your head back to the television as you listened to Yoongi grabbing something out of the fridge and heading back to his room. “Great talk.” You said in a sarcastic tone, mouth full as you heard his door slam shut again. You knew he was a stubborn little guy, but you weren’t planning on giving up. Maybe he still needed some more time to cope. Yes, that’s obviously the answer.
[10:18] y/n: Joonie
[10:18] y/n: Wanna go on a coffee date with me?
Namjoon was one of your best friends, who is conveniently enough also friends with Yoongi. You could always go to him for advice or just a good time. I bet he knows what to do with Yoongi, right? 
[10:21] Namjoon: of course
[10:21] Namjoon: I’ll pick you up around 12
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“I tell you Namjoon, he just fully ignores my ass whenever I’m there. It’s like I’m a ghost.” As soon as you two sat down in the little café down the street and ordered, you started venting your heart out about this whole ordeal. “I’m real right?!” You started poking his cheek, making him scrunch up his nose and telling you to stop. It made you giggle.
“I just think he needs some time…maybe. He really started disliking you ever since college, you know.” Whenever Namjoon talked, he sounded wise. Even though he wasn’t that much older than you, he managed to sound like he had years of experience. “I never really knew why though, you two seemed to be good friends before.”
You took a quick sip from your coffee and quickly regretted it since you burned your tongue. “I know right?! It’s super weird. Besides Yoongi, is Hoseok the only one who knows, but he doesn’t want to tell me.” You sighed out of defeat and a pout formed on your lips. “I don’t remember having a fight or saying something inappropriate to him, so I have no clue what the reason is.” You took a moment to think and recollect your memories, but there wasn’t one that could indicate the reason for Yoongi’s sudden hatred towards you. You graduated high school one year after Yoongi, you went to college, and all of a sudden he stopped replying to your texts and avoided you at all cost.
Namjoon softly smiled as he gently placed his hand on your arm. “I know he’s stubborn, but he can’t ignore you forever. You’ll get through him one way or another.” His words were warm and sincere, making you feel more at ease about the whole situation. “Besides, you’re stubborn too, so I know the only option is for him to talk to you eventually.”
His comment made you laugh, ‘cause you knew it was true. “We’ll see.” You sighed. “I just feel bad for him that he needs to live with someone that he heavily dislikes. I wanna make it up to him, you know? One way or another.”
Namjoon thought for a second, stirring his little silver spoon around his coffee cup. “Maybe Hoseok’s knows what to do? You can always text him, he won’t mind”
A hopeful smile appeared on your face. “You’re right, but enough about me! How have you been? I heard you started writing a new book, that’s exciting!” After college, Namjoon started writing books. His first one wasn’t as successful as he hoped to be, but he had not lost heart, and luckily for him his last release was a hit. It’s kind of impressive how fast he could come up with new ideas. He also had a very poetic way with words, so to you it was just a matter of time until he got recognized.
“It’s going okay. I have a bit of writer's block, but I’ll get through it. And coming out of the house is fortunately one of the key factors of breaking it.” He smiled, his dimples shining through. The sudden buzz of Namjoon’s phone caught the both of you off guard. He fished his phone out of his bag, letting out an annoyed sigh as he read the caller ID. “It’s Jungkook, this is gonna take a while, sorry.”
Of course. Jungkook, your mutual friend, was known to keep himself busy with things that he knew he shouldn’t. You were just wondering in what kind of trouble Jungkook got himself into this time. 
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Day two wasn’t as successful either, but you weren’t planning on giving up. Besides, Yoongi and you used to be friends. Weird, right? Yeah, sure, it was high school, but you didn’t expect him to change his demeanor towards you that much. Besides, what could you have done to make him hate you so much? That’s why day three, you decided to ask for some help. And hey, the third time’s a charm, right?
[17:41] y/n: hobi istg this man doesn’t budge
[17:42] Hoseok: It's that bad huh?
[17:42] Hoseok: Maybe ask him to drink with you? I’ve never seen him say no to alcohol
[17:43] y/n: bet
Now you had a plan and all you had to do was wait until he got home. You just had to ask him to have a drink and he will finally be nice to you, easy right? So tonight, you decided to stay home, trying to socialize with Mister Grumpy. You were patiently waiting for him to get home as you were watching TV again. It was already 22:05, so he would arrive any minute now. So hearing the magical sound of the keys turning in the keyhole made you as ready as ever. “Welcome home, you wanna-”
“I don’t know why you keep on trying, but if it wasn’t obvious yet, I’m not interested in talking to you.”
Excuse me?! “Excuse me?” If Yoongi’s first sentence wasn’t enough to make you offended, his cold tone only added to it. Yoongi however, just ignored you again. He took his shoes off, took something from the fridge, and just went to his room again. You just scoffed before you yelled “Look, it’s only for two weeks. Then you’ll have your precious Hobi back.” But the lack of response made you even angrier. “It’s also not my fault your plans got canceled, so no need to be so mean!” You just pouted in your seat, not sure what your next move could be, if you even had that. Should you just ignore the fact that Yoongi was ignoring you? Absolutely not, you still had 11 days left with that bastard. So when day three arrived, you decided on a different approach. 
“Yoongi, can you-“ And with that, he closed the door in your face. Nevermind. You thought if you were more direct, he would finally be less of a jerk, but alas, you were wrong again. The weather seemed to be in your favor, however. It had been raining cats and dogs ever since this morning, meaning you were stuck with one another whether he liked it or not. You planned to stay in the living room for the entire day, so whenever he needed to leave to get something, he had no other choice but to be in the same room as you. But Yoongi wasn’t naive, he knew what you were doing. So this morning he grabbed enough resources to keep himself fueled for the day. The bastard.
But there it was, a sign from above.
It was already close to midnight when all of a sudden you heard a certain man curse every curse word you could imagine in the comfort of his own room. Not only that, but the living room light suddenly shut off, leaving you alone in the darkness with the only light source being the one from your phone screen. But before you could fully comprehend what was happening, Mister Grumpy had finally left his room. “Did you turn the electricity off?!” 
You couldn’t help but scoff at his accusation. “First of all, I don’t even know how to do that. Second of all, how dare you accuse me of such a thing! I’m not that desperate for a man's attention…” You nagged. “The power just cut off. I bet it’s from the storm from outside, but maybe you haven’t noticed it since you locked yourself in your room all day.”
“I have a window in my room you know-“ A loud thunder interrupted Yoongi’s sentence. “Jesus.”
You placed your phone away, looking sheepishly at Yoongi who was wearing an oversized black shirt and gray sweats that didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. “I guess you’re stuck with m-” But before you could even finish your sentence, Yoongi was already heading back to his room. Oh no, I don’t think so. You bolted out of your seat and jumped in front of Yoongi’s door, blocking his entrance. “Not so fast!” Even though his annoyed expression was enough for you to move out of his way, this was just a perfect opportunity that you couldn’t let go to waste. “You wanna drink with me?”
Yoongi scoffed at your suggestion, crossing his arms as he spoke to you. “Why would I wanna drink with you?” 
You forced a smile. “Because Hobi says you like drinking and we are gonna be stuck with each other for some time.” You explained. “Besides, because of the weather the internet is cut off. So I need some sort of entertainment.”
“So you only wanna talk to me 'cause you are bored.”
This bitch. “Ugh, stop being such a drama queen. You’re the one who keeps ignoring me.” How dare he imply that you were the reason you guys haven’t properly talked the last four days? “Now sit!” You said in a demanding way, making him well aware you weren’t planning on backing down tonight. Yoongi just did as he was told and placed himself down on the couch reluctantly. Pleased with your accomplishment, you quickly headed to the liquor cabinet, grabbing the first bottle that seemed decent to you. You placed it down on the coffee table, together with some glasses, but by Yoongi’s expression, you could tell he was not pleased.
“You got the wrong one.” He spoke softly.
“This is the cheap alcohol Hobi picks for parties and stuff. Wait-“ You and Yoongi switched places, you sitting down on the couch and he headed over to the liquor cabinet. He rummaged through it for a few seconds, quickly swapping the previous bottle with another one. “Here, this is the good bottle.” As Yoongi placed the bottle down, together with himself on the couch, a good distance away from you, you couldn’t help but notice it seemed a lot more expensive than the previous bottle. 
“You ignore me for days, but at least I deserve your expensive liquor.” You say backhanded. It didn’t help the he-hates-my-guts situation, but hey, you couldn’t help it.
He just scoffed as he poured a drink for the both of you. “Need to enjoy a quality drink if I want to tolerate talking to you.” He handed one glass to you. “Here.”
“Ah yes, of course.” That made more sense. You accepted the drink, waiting for him to clink it. “To a lovely night.” You said, forcing a smile again. You noticed he did the same before you clinked glasses, simultaneously taking a sip from your drink.
By the way you scrunched up your face as you took your first sip, Yoongi quickly realized that you usually didn’t drink stuff like this. “Not used to the hard stuff, huh?” He said in a cocky manner.
“Absolutely not.” You said, face full of disgust. “But hey, if it makes you hate me less-”
“I don’t hate you.” Yoongi quickly added, cutting off your sentence. “You just annoy me.”
You just laughed as you took another sip. “I guess that’s something.” The more you drank from it, the better it got. “Why though? We used to be friends in high school, but ever since college you started to act…different.” Yoongi didn’t answer, all he did was shrug his shoulders before he finished his drink in one sip, quickly pouring himself another glass. He was hiding something, but you didn’t know what yet. “Fine, don’t tell me then.”
“The fact that you can’t remember the reason why, makes my annoyance to you even more justified.” Yoongi explained as he was swirling his drink around. “But I guess you do have a weird sense of memory. Like that one time, when you forgot what color rose I gave you, but you seemed to have remembered I cut off the thorns so you wouldn’t prick yourself.” He said slightly annoyed. “It was lavender by the way, but I also don’t think you remembered the meaning behind it.”
“Wait, you remember that?” After all those years, Yoongi still remembered that? It was a very early memory of you two, you were both 15 at the time. It was Valentine's Day at school, and since you knew neither of you would have a valentine, you decided to be each others’. He gave you that lavender rose while you gave him a weird videogame that he was into back in the day. You were slowly sipping that nasty drink Yoongi handed to you as your mind was lost in a sea of nostalgia.
He tried to brush it off, not acting as if it was anything special. “Just a random memory I have.” But he couldn’t. “Or maybe I just treasured our friendship more than you did.” There it was.
You forgot to tell Yoongi you were a lightweight, so the dramatic gasp you let out was partially that dramatic because of the alcohol. “That’s not true! You were one of my closest friends.” An angry pout formed on your face. “But then you started to act like a meanie.”
Yoongi couldn’t help but scoff. “Oh, I was a meanie?! You were the one that started forgetting about me ever since she got into college.” 
“Heh?!” You could feel yourself getting more drunk by the sip. “You were the one who started ignoring my texts!” Yoongi’s lips parted for a second, ready to snap back, before closing them again. He was saying too much. There was a reason for his change of behavior, but his pride was the reason he couldn’t say it. “Yeah, now you don’t know what to say, huh?!”
“Whatever.” Yoongi mumbled as he took another sip of his drink, finishing it as well, making him pour another one. He wasn’t planning on staying sober tonight, especially after exposing his feelings too much.
The alcohol was starting to get to you, because the longer you started at Yoongi, the cuter you found him. You also noticed his cheeks were redder than before, but you weren’t sure if it was out of embarrassment or because of the alcohol. Unlike him, you couldn’t handle your liquor that well, making you say things like “You know, you’d be a lot cuter if you weren’t such a dick to me.”
Yoongi stayed quiet for a second, swirling his drink again as if he were searching through all the possible comebacks to that comment. “I thought assholes were your thing?” He scoffed.
You tilted your head out of confusion, mixed with a pout on your lips. “What makes you say that?” 
“Well, by all the guys you’ve been fucking, I can tell there is a pattern-” 
“Are you slut shaming me, Min Yoongi?!” You gasped, a bit over the top maybe, but still justified. “Never expected that from you, I’ve never been so disappointed.” 
Yoongi’s face turned a pale white, not expecting for this conversation to turn out this way. “No, wait-” You crossed your arms and dramatically turned your head away from him. “That's not how I wanted to come across.” 
That’s when you started to overthink this situation, which made a grin appear on your face, making Yoongi even more concerned. “Wait…so are you being an asshole because you thought that was my type?” His eyes were wide and his lips were tightly pressed against one another. He truly didn’t know what he just got himself into.
“No, not like-”
“Waaait-” You moved a bit closer to Yoongi and words escaped your mouth before your mind could fully understand them. “So, you saw me fucking a bunch of so-called ‘assholes’ and thought, lemme do the same? Didn’t know you actually liked me that much, Yoongi.” You teased.
“I think you’re looking a bit too hard into this-”
“So you were not trying to be my type?”
“Not intentionally, no.”
“What if I said that you are my type though?” 
The words came out casually, but you didn’t realize how impactful those words were to Yoongi. “W-what?” he stuttered.
“And not because you suddenly became a dick to me, just for clarification!” You quickly added, we wouldn’t want any misconceptions. Maybe you shouldn’t have had that second glass, what even was that drink? It sure wasn’t anything like the cheap stuff you got at the bars. You looked up at Yoongi and you could tell the red of his cheeks wasn’t from the alcohol. “Hehe, someone’s flustered.”
Yoongi’s body language had changed, he wasn’t as relaxed as a few minutes before, which was understandable. He was more tense and you could tell he was nervous all of a sudden. “You’re just saying things now.” Was all he could say, almost like a defense, like he couldn’t believe you just said that, let alone mean it.
Your sudden laugh caught him off guard. “Why would I lie about such a thing? You know me better than that.” You looked up at Yoongi, his eyes almost as innocent as a deer. His gaze was fixated on you and even though his mouth was shut thigh, you could tell more than a thousand words were going through his mind right now. “Ah, you’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, Yoongi.“ You leaned in ever closer, surprising him with how little distance there was left between the two of you. 
He couldn’t help but look away, this was just getting a bit too much for him. “You don’t mean that.” He said under his breath.
You pouted again as your eyes were studying Yoongi’s features. The way his black hair fell, the fluttering of his lashes, the rosy color of his cheeks, he really was a work of art. “Maybe I can prove it to you?” Yoongi’s eyes slightly widened at your suggestion, making him turn his head back to you. It painted a smile on your face. “What’s going through your mind right now?” You teased, noticing you piqued his interest.
His breathing got heavier, and you noticed the quick glance he took at your lips before he fixed them back to your eyes. “The same that’s going through yours, I hope.”
A smirk formed on your lips as you looked at his. “Is that so?” Yoongi wanted to say something back, but he couldn’t. “Is that why you’re so nervous all of a sudden?” You moved your hands up to his cheek, slowly caressing it with your fingers. “Because a lot of dirty things are going through my mind right now.” Yoongi seemed to be starstruck, unable to make a move. “You really can’t find your words, huh?” That’s when you noticed…“But your little friend says more than enough.”Your eyes drafted towards the tent in his gray sweats, making you smirk out of satisfaction at the sudden surprise. You moved your hand away from his face, laying them down on his thighs. “Can I?” You asked as you slowly caressed your fingers on his thigh, just inches away from his ever-growing erection. Yoongi took a deep breath before slowly nodding, almost seeming like he was fighting himself to give in. His response made your eyes twinkle, and you moved your hands up to caress his aching bulge. Your eyes were still focused on his’ as your hands were doing it’s own thing. You loved seeing his reaction to you touching him. The look of annoyance slowly faded into pure lust. His breathing got heavier with every caress your hand made, making his dick twitch out of response. Yoongi’s eyes moved down at your lips, almost looking desperate to have them against his’. “If you want to kiss me, then do it.” You teased. You wanted him to give in to his desires. You wanted him to admit it to himself how much he wanted you right now. And oh, did it drive him mad. You could see the hint of frustration in his face, his pride and desires were arguing, but one was obviously the winner since it only took him seconds before he leaned in to kiss you. His lips hesitated a bit to move as they touched yours, but when you were the one to start the motion, he had no choice but to follow along. You felt his hand creep in around your waist, pulling you in closer. A raspy moan left his lips since your hands had found their way underneath his gray sweats. “Nice to hear you haven’t lost your voice.” You whispered teasingly.
“Shut u-fuck.” With circular motions, you spread his precum all over his tip before giving him a hard stroke. “Please, y/n-” You never expected Yoongi to moan your name so desperately, but here you were. The man who had been ignoring you for the last couple of days was now more than desperate for your undivided attention. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you pressed your lips against Yoongi again, the sweet taste of his liquor still lingering. For a brief second, you let go of his twitching dick, leaving the comfort of the couch to sit on the ground, just the right height for easy access. You grabbed Yoongi’s sweats at its hem, dragging it down, making his erection even more visible. You were surprised by his size, making you even more excited to touch him. Saying you never expected to be in this situation would be a lie since you’ve fantasized about it multiple times during your college days. But unfortunately for the two of you, that’s when Yoongi decided to start ignoring you…
Yoongi’s eyes were fully focused on you, admiring the view you had given him. You tucked your hair behind your ear before grabbing his cock by its base, giving it a slow lick from there all the way to the top, without breaking eye contact. You circled your tongue around his tip before fully taking him in, making him let out a long heavy moan, almost sounding like a sigh of relief. Your hand followed the motion of your lips, starting out slow. The sound of you sucking Yoongi off in combination with his heavy breaths filled the room, which for you, was music to your ears. Occasionally, he would let out a small whimper, making you ever so proud of what you were doing. Yoongi’s head was thrown back in his seat, unable to continue looking at you as his hair fell in front of his eyes. He was getting lost in the pleasure, moaning your name under his breath mixed with cuss words. You removed your lips from his cock, making him let out a moan out of reflex. You quickened the pace of your hand as you kissed the inside of his thighs, eyes fully focused on him. “Don’t stop-” Managed to come out of his mouth as his heavy breathing became full of moans, making it clear to you that he was getting closer. You wrapped your lips back around him again, making him let out a raspy moan. “Fuuuck-“ You felt Yoongi’s hand finding the back of your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair, moving your head even further down so he could enjoy the gagging sounds you made. “Just like that.” Like the good girl you were, you went along with the pace Yoongi had set for you, not caring that the tears in your eyes were ruining your mascara. “You’re taking me so well.” You looked back up at Yoongi, noticing he had his eyes back on you. How could your eyes look so innocently up at him as you were absolutely ruining him at the same time? “Where do you want it?” The twinkle in your eye and the lack of response as you continued to suck him off made it clear to him where you wanted it. He threw his head back again and the subtle twitch in his legs made it obvious he was nearly there. “Shit-I’m gonna-fuck-“ You made it hard for him to speak as you increased your speed, making it all harder for him to suppress his orgasm. A raspy groan left Yoongi’s mouth as you felt him filling your mouth with white ribbons of his cum. The feeling of it against the back of your throat made you whimper for a second, but you tried your best to clean it all up. But fuck, was there a lot of it. You tried your best to clean every drop of Yoongi, and when his dick left your mouth, it was already turning limp. You couldn’t help but smirk as you wiped the excess off of the corner of your lips, enjoying the view of Yoongi being absolutely worn out. Yoongi gathered the last of his energy to sit up straight, leaning towards you to kiss you again. “I wanna make you feel good as well.” He whispered in between kisses.
A menacing grin appeared on your face, however. “Hmh, no.” You whispered back before pulling away.
“Wait, what?!” Your answer made Yoongi snap out of his high, not sure why you would refuse his offer.
You stood up from off your knees, feeling them being red from sitting that long. “Maybe if you’re a bit nicer to me the next couple of days, I’ll let you. But for now, no.” You said nonchalantly and full of attitude, even though this didn’t seem to be in your favor, ‘cause shit were you horny. You walked away from the couch and towards Hobi’s room. “Goodnight, Yoongi.”
Yoongi was dumbfounded and confused for a good minute, not sure what just had happened. All he knew was that he wished had made you cum first.
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whalyrae · 2 months
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“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
Summary : All your life, you thought you were a beta, a simple and boring beta. Until everything change. But now that you've presented yourself as an omega, how will you manage to live and hide it from your six friends and best friend, all alphas and all in the same pack? (a/n : I'm a shit for summary I'm so sorry-)
Genre : soulmate au (of course I'm a bitch for this), omegaverse, bangtan alphas au!, omega reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 5k
Warnings : the usual one I guess, like smut, angst, fluff (yeah its a warning for some people ) mention of depression, abusive parents (physically and morally), violence and blood, PTSD, scars, self harm,…
Tag list : @ghostlyworld @kawaiikpoplover268 @scuzmunkie @iamkookiesforyou @00ihatesnaku @stellauniverse @akemiixx01 @aceofcards05 @strxwbloody @seoul9711 @amara-mars @alex-walker-86 @yoongicatcat @xicanacorpse @maciesmess 
A/N : It took me more time than I thought to write this sorry (again ;-;) dealing with mental health issues is shit really I wish I was strong and courageous like my characters LMAO. So as an apology, this chapter is a little longer than usual :D Hope you'll like it !
I'll never thank u enough for all the likes and shares despite the looong time I take to write and publish the next chapters ;w; that's my only motivation to keep writing the story tbh...! (I have severe impostor syndrome yes...... ^^) so thank you again !! Don't hesitate to let a comment here, or in my inbox !! ♥
Also I made a playlist for the story ! If you have any songs who made you think about the story, you can share it to me and I'll add it on the playlist ! ♥
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad | Spotify playlist
Chapter 6 // Chapter 8
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A/N² : again it's barely proof read, sorry for the potential mistakes TwT
. . .
The day has come. The practice exam was this afternoon. 
When you woke up this morning, you felt like you wanted to throw up. Being stressed was an euphemism. You didn’t even know why you felt like that. You spent the previous weeks practicing, alone and with Wooyoung. You even had some help and advice from his boyfriend, San. 
You never get why you were so stressed. Once the music started, all the anxiety and apprehension would disappear. It had always been that way when you danced. 
These last few months, your body was really testing you, and you weren't thanking it at all. 
You knew the steps perfectly, you and Wooyoung’s coordination and synchronization were perfect. You were more than ready, you knew it. And despite that, you were anxious, sure you’d fail everything, having bad notes, failing your scholarship after working so hard…
“Y/N ?”
The sudden voice startled you. In your kitchen, you were the last remaining in this apartment. Your roommates had already left, wanting to rehearse one last time before the exam. 
You would have done the same, but the stress and anxiety had given you such a stomach ache that it took you longer to get out of bed. 
You weren’t surprised to see Jimin not really anxious. You'd never seen him stressed when it came to dancing. And from the relaxed attitude Hoseok and Jungkook had shown since you'd met them, you suspected they were in the same category as Jimin. 
When you recognized the voice and noticed Jin facing you, you couldn't hide your surprise. 
“I thought you all left for work ?” you asked him, trying to stay calm. 
“Yoongi don’t need me at this hour,” Jin replied with a chuckle, “I'll be more of a nuisance than anything else. Is everything all right?”
You noticed the two cups of coffee held in his hands when he handed one to you. You silently thanked him and took a sip after blowing on the top of the cup to not burn yourself. It was delicious. Jin's coffees were the best. He'd never forgotten how you took it, ever since the first time he'd served you on the day you met. 
"I can smell your stress from the doorway, you know?" he said after a few seconds, seeing that you didn't answer because you simply didn't know what to say. 
You chuckled and pursed your lips, it was a nervous laugh. 
"Is it that obvious?"
"Trust me there's a picture of you next to the word anxious in the dictionary!"
Okay, the next laugh was more relaxed, more sincere. Jin had this sense of humor that some might find heavy and boring, but it was just the opposite for you. You were always the first to laugh at his jokes, sometimes even against your will. But what could you do? Jin was naturally amusing. He had a way of lightening the mood quickly and with just a few words. 
“Everything will be fine, you don’t have to worry about that.” He kept talking, as he took a step towards you, "You've worked hard, you've done your best, there's no reason for you to fail. Don't forget that you're good, you're really good."
Delicately, his hand came to rest on your shoulder, provoking a slight discharge that was anything but painful. 
How had you never noticed that what you felt for them, for him, wasn't friendship? That need you felt with every physical contact, your heart racing, your stomach twisting in such a pleasurable way. 
You felt both foolish for having been so blind and in denial all this time, but at the same time relieved to have finally been able to put a word to all these things, to finally have a clear vision of the situation. 
The only thing you couldn't control, and wouldn't control, would be the boys' reaction when you admitted to them that you were an omega. Because yes, now that the end of exams had arrived, and on top of that, you were going to be entitled to two weeks' rest, you were going to have to tell them (part of) the truth. You'd promised yourself you'd do it, you couldn't back out. Especially as your next heat could come at any moment. 
Perhaps that's also where the stress came from, that uncertainty, that lack of knowledge about the coming heat you were so worried about, about how you were going to manage it, about...
"Y/N... you're overthinking again."
You bite your lips nervously, shaking her head with a nervous smile. 
“Ah, yes, I’m sorry… I guess it’ll be better at the end of the day !”
Jin shook his head with a chuckle, and his face changed quickly from a most serious one, maybe the most serious face she had seen since she met him. 
“I’m sure it’s more than just… this exam, but you won’t talk to us, nor Jimin. You know we could never leave you, or judge you, no matter what it is ?”
So they all noticed you were acting differently, didn't they? Of course, they could. You weren’t the best to hide when something was wrong. And even if you were, Jimin could read you like an open book. And you did not doubt that he would have later confided to his partners. 
“I know, and it’s the same for me, I just… need to get done with this exam first.” you began, your voice trembling, “I know I haven't been... the most agreeable person lately, and I'm sorry for that, sincerely…”
You looked away, for some reason feeling your eyes sting, as if you wanted to cry. 
“Hey, hey, listen... look at me, please,” Jin's hands rested delicately on your cheeks. He waited patiently, and resumed once your eyes met, “You don't have to apologize, we all go through moments more tense, more difficult than others that make us more tense and nervous, no one here holds it against you, believe me.”
You nodded. He wiped the few tears from your eyes and leaned to place his lips on your forehead. And it's a good thing you had a certain amount of self-control, that you could restrain your actions, your desires, and your impulses, because the only craving you had right now when you felt Jin's soft lips against your forehead, was to raise your face and have your lips meet his. 
It was the hardest thing you'd ever had to do. 
“Ah, I have an idea !” he exclaimed as he stepped back, leaving you with a very unpleasant feeling of emptiness, “I'll drive you to your class, we'll go through the café, and Yoongi will give you croissants and coffee for you, Minnie, Kook' and Hobi!”
You blinked several times, not taking your eyes off him while he moved into your apartment to grab your bag.
“Wait!” You called out as you grabbed his arm, “I thought Yoongi didn’t want to be disturbed before the opening?” 
"Oh don't worry, we’ll be quick. Plus if it's you he won't say anything." Jin shrugged with a smirk as he handed her her bag, “You know, he doesn't show it, but he has a soft spot for you.”
You raised your eyes to the sky, trying to prevent your body from betraying you, but you couldn't. You could already feel your face and ears heating up. You knew Yoongi's temperament; he had his own way of showing affection to the people he loved. You also didn't doubt that he cared for you, but to use the word “soft spot”... 
“You're blushiiing...” Jin suddenly teased. 
“I'm not!” you exclaimed as you walked past him with your head down hiding any hints of blush if there were one, “Let's go! I don't want to be late!"
You didn't want Jin to be able to see what effect this was having on you, what effects they all were having on you. And that damn body that would only betray you... the coward! 
“Yes ma'am!” Jin couldn't hold back his giggle and stepped out with you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. The warmth of his embrace, his very singular scent didn't help your mood at all. “Aaah what are we going to do with you, little tsundere!”
“I'm not a... argh, you know what, never mind!” 
You didn't know why, but you had a feeling it was going to be a very long day. 
When you arrived at the dance hall less than an hour later, you quickly spotted Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin chatting with each other. Jungkook was the first to spot you and waved to you with his eternal big smile that melted you every time. 
You looked around for San and Wooyoung, remembering the day before that Wooyoung told you that some of the second and senior-year students would be there to watch the first years, which added a layer of stress because some of them, being alphas, were the ones who had almost harassed you to be an omega at the beginning of the year. 
But as you and Wooyoung had said to each other in the café when you first met: "We'll take the opportunity to nail all those pretentious alphas who like to spend their lives looking down on us!" 
And that was your main motivation right now. 
"Noona! We're here!" he exclaimed, drawing the attention of several students to you, which you decided to ignore because all their attention would be on you in about a dozen minutes anyway. 
"Oh great pastries!" exclaimed Jimin, taking the box from your hands as you handed it to him, "They're from Yoongi hyung!"
"Thank god, I love him so much, I'm starving..." muttered Jungkook who didn't wait to open the box and take out a cupcake which he bit into instantly. 
“Oh, you have Jin's scent on you...” Hoseok didn’t seem to be interested in pastries and approached you. You almost had the impression he was humming you quickly. "Hey, you're wearing his hoodie!”
You and Jin had gone to the café where Yoongi was already, and as Jin had told you earlier, Yoongi's face, initially shut and ready to scold Jin by reminding him that he didn't like to be disturbed in the morning, had immediately softened on seeing you appear beside him. Jin noticed this immediately and didn't stop himself from pointing out that he'd been right by giving you a little nudge on the shoulder and a chuckle, making you grumble as you did your best not to blush again. 
Yoongi of course understood why Jin had brought you along, because like everyone else, he knew that this day was important for Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, and you. 
He didn't ask any questions, he didn't even say a word. He just walked away and packed some pastries he knew you or the boys would enjoy, and you even noticed that he'd slipped a Strawberry Shortcake into the box, your favorite.  
When he walked to you and handed you the box, you could have sworn he brushed his fingers against yours on purpose, sending a long shiver down your spine. But he didn't notice, or so you hoped because even if he did, you didn't see any reaction from him. 
Once back in Jin's car, you noticed that you'd forgotten your jacket at the apartment, and unfortunately, you didn't have time to go home again. Jin hadn't hesitated to give you his hoodie, a café-au-lait-colored hoodie that was far too oversized for you, and you were floating in it, which made him laugh.  
The reason you couldn't say no was his smell. Like all of them, Jin had a very particular scent, very sweet but very strong, which invaded your whole being the moment the hoodie's fabric settled on your body. That same warmth returned to your stomach and probably also to your face, but Jin couldn't see it since you'd pulled the hood over your head. 
How could a simple piece of clothing make you feel so safe? 
“Noona? Noona!” Jungkook’s voice startled you, “Is everything fine? Don’t tell me you’re stressed!”
You blinked a few times and noticed your four friends staring at you, Jimin looking a little more worried than the others. Perhaps because he knew you best. 
“Ah yes, yes I’m fine!” you assured with a small smile, "Of course I'm stressed, not to be would be a sign of recklessness!"
"Well, I'm not really..."
"That's exactly what I'm saying!" you exclaimed, cutting off Hoseok who just couldn't help but laugh, "Ah and yes it's Jin's hoodie, I forgot my jacket at the apartment..."
"You could have asked me, I would have given you mine," Jimin muttered before receiving a small elbow from Hoseok. You looked at him, confused, and rubbed the back of your head with a shy smile. 
"You can give it to me if you want. No, wait... that's not what I meant..." you frowned, more to yourself, and tried to hide the heat wave by imagining yourself having not only Jin's scent but also Jimin's on you. 
"Oh no? What did you mean then?" Jungkook leaned towards her with a small smirk, "If you want I can pass you mine too, and I'm sure Hobi will do the same!" 
You frowned as you realized that Jungkook was starting to tease you, suspicions confirmed when Hobi also tapped him on the shoulder. But the mere idea of being surrounded by all the smells of your roommates and friends was enough to send a wave of warmth through your lower belly and your whole being. 
You had to change the subject, avoid the conversation going any further, or maybe find Wooyoung... 
Just when you needed it most, Wooyoung came up behind you and almost jumped on your back, snatching a laugh in the process. 
"Yo, did you miss me?" said Wooyoung in a cheerful tone who had his arm wrapped around your shoulder, he turned to your three friends and greeted them, a thin smile on his lips as he saw Jimin's reaction. It had reached the point where Wooyoung liked to make fun of Jimin's reactions, as he was the one who was the most protective of you, and according to Wooyoung, even jealous and possessive. But you still refused to believe it, being 100% certain that Jimin felt nothing but deep friendship. 
"You can't even imagine," you said ironically, rolling your eyes before grabbing Wooyoung's wrist and pulling you away from your three friends, "there's one last thing we need to discuss, good luck for later!"
"If you think we need luck..." chuckled Jungkook, making you roll your eyes at him again.  
You quickly walked away with Wooyoung, isolating yourselves in a corner of the dance hall, before letting out a long sigh.
"Wow, you don't look good, tense? Don't worry, we'll handle it!"
"Partly, but not only, there's something really weird going on..." 
You quickly told Wooyoung what had happened with Jin, then your reaction to your previous conversation with Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok. 
He remained silent for a few seconds after your explanation, before simply shrugging his shoulders. 
"It's a common thing with omegas, it's called a nest. Well, it's not a nest, but your behavior bears a strong resemblance to one." 
Seeing your confusion, Wooyoung gave a little laugh, not a mocking laugh, but an affectionate one, because indeed, you had a lot to learn. 
He then explained to you that a nest is usually a place where an omega can be comfortable and relaxed, whether they are in heat or just having a bad day. It mostly is the omega’s couch, filled with soft things, the most smelling like their mates if they have one. When they are mated, omegas can share their nest with their partner. 
"But that's the basic definition, made by idiots who like to put us in cases. It's happened very often with us that one of our alphas made a nest himself, because as long as it comforts them, why does it have to be only for omegas?" 
You nodded and smiled. Well, of course, Wooyoung was right, and when you learned this, you wondered why you'd never heard of what a nest was before today. Having grown up in an all-alpha family, a very closed-minded family at that, you weren't surprised that they didn't practice this sort of thing. Thinking back to your mother and sister, you realize that they could both use a little bit of it. As well as a good therapy.
"So that means it's not a sign that I'm going into heat?" you asked, a long sigh of relief leaving your lips as Wooyoung nodded. "Good, I wish I could tell them before it happens, I wouldn't like to... force it on them you know." 
"I understand, don't worry. Are you planning to tell them today?" 
You'd had a long talk with him the day before, about your decision to tell Jimin and your friends that you were an omega, to tell them the whole story. 
"Don't forget that if anything goes wrong, our door is wide open to you! Hongjoong hyung will welcome you with open arms, even though I'm sure everything will go perfectly!"
Wooyoung's optimism could be contagious at times. But he was right, you shouldn't think about the negative, you knew your friends after all, and you knew Jimin better than anyone else in this world. They wouldn't reject you for that. 
You hadn't had time to reply, the teachers, and a few senior students, including San, entered the room. The first-year students fell silent, knowing that the serious part was just about to begin. 
"Wait, you're first?!"
Jungkook exclaimed, looking at the grade board a few hours later. He turned to Wooyoung and you, as did several students who whispered words you didn't even understand. 
Slowly, you walked over to the board and looked at the sheet of paper on which the grades were written.
Jungkook Jimin and Hoseok were second. It had to be said that their performance was incredible. They had successfully mixed their solo and trio performances, creating a highly original tableau while respecting the given instructions. 
But apparently, the teachers preferred you and Wooyoung's performance. Even if there were only five small points that set you apart from your friends. 
A week before the exam, you and Wooyoung came up with the idea of teaching each other's solo choreography to the other. The solo instruction was that the creation had to be original and from the student himself, and there was no indication that the duo dance partner couldn't participate. Several of you had this idea in your class.
It seems this technique had paid off because you were now top of the class. 
"I don't believe it... Y/n pinch me please," asked Wooyoung in a whisper, before letting out a little scream as you obeyed. "Hey, that hurts!"
"You asked me to pinch you!" you exclaimed, turning to face him. 
"But it wasn't serious! Ah, we're first noona, we made it!" Wooyoung's face lit up and he took you in his arms, making you burst into a frank laugh, but also a way of letting out all the stress accumulated over the last few weeks. 
You hugged Wooyoung for a few seconds, unable to hide your joy and relief at having achieved such a formidable accomplishment, knowing the talented dancers in your group. Of course, you couldn't help but feel a hint of satisfaction at being able to rise above Jimin and your friends. 
You, who'd always had that imposter syndrome when dancing alongside talented dancers like Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok, seeing your name inscribed in front of theirs made you realize that you belonged here, that you deserved it, like them, like Wooyoung.
San called Wooyoung, who jumped into his arms and couldn't help but share his joy with his boyfriend. San hugged him back, praising him. He stretched out his hand to you, and you gave him a high five as he winked at you.
You turned to Jimin, who was walking towards you with a smile like you'd never seen before. Behind him, Jungkook and Hoseok seemed to be just as happy for you, and that only made your heart beat faster. 
You'd always known that between you and Jimin, there'd never been any competition, but you'd had this little thought that maybe Jungkook and Hoseok wouldn't be like him, and you were so relieved to find out that you were wrong. 
“It’s amazing, you are amazing!”
Jimin couldn't resist taking you in his arms, hugging you tightly. This time, you couldn't refuse this hug, you needed it. The stress of the last few weeks was fading away, and you missed your best friend's touch more than ever. 
Anyway, you'd tell them tonight that you were an omega, you didn't want to hide anymore.
Or maybe, you could wait a little more? 
Because now that you were probably a few minutes before telling (one of) the deepest secrets you ever had, you didn’t know if it was a good idea. 
They were all here, you were all in Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi’s apartment. They had decided to order a multitude of dishes and side dishes, which you shared on the coffee table. At the center of the table was a large bouquet made by Taehyung himself, who couldn't help himself when he heard how well Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok and you'd done. 
“Y/N please, don't forget us when you'll be one of Beyoncé's main dancers, okay? I'd love to have an autograph!”
You nearly choked on your soda at Jin's remark, causing general hilarity. 
“I don't want to dance for Beyoncé!” you couldn't help but laugh despite it, and you got up to grab a towel from the kitchen to wipe yourself off, “ah I swear Jin... you do have an imagination...”
You rolled your eyes as you heard them still laughing and joking about it. From the kitchen, you had a perfect view of the living room and your friends. They were eating, laughing, and teasing each other. There was no negativity in the room. You didn't want to risk ruining it now. But at the same time, you told yourself that if you didn't do it now, you'd never have the courage to do it again. You'd then have your heat without the ability to hide it, things could then degenerate one way or another, and you could lose them forever. 
The thought only was enough to bring tears to your eyes. 
“Hey Y/N, everything okay?”
Yoongi's voice startled you, and you realized that he had joined you in the kitchen. The others didn't seem to have noticed your sudden tension, too busy with their conversations, unlike him. 
You didn't answer, just stared at him blankly at first, and could read the worry in his eyes, but also that little spark of gentleness that was so peculiar to him, a look that could give courage to anyone for whom it was intended. That look meant “You can do it, everything will be all right.” 
It was the same feeling you had when you spoke to Jin earlier this morning, except that Jin passed it on with his words. 
Your heart beat too fast, your mouth went dry. You had to do it. 
Without breaking eye contact, you finally opened your lips, and the words came out slowly, in an insecure, trembling voice. 
“I'm an omega.” 
The others didn't seem to hear you. Yoongi remained silent for a few seconds, without saying a word. Seconds that seemed to last an eternity. Seconds when you had time to imagine the worst possible scenarios, and he seemed to have guessed it.
It was only when he gently took your hand in his that you noticed it was shaking. 
“I know.” he murmured in a soft, reassuring voice, seeing your eyes widened with surprise and confusion, he shook his head with a small laugh, ” Later.”
You opened your mouth to reply but soon saw Jimin's face in your sight. 
“Noona! What's the matter? Are you alright? Did you burn yourself? you-”
“Jimin, let her talk, will you?”
This time it was Namjoon who had spoken, his voice sounding just as reassuring as Yoongi's. Everyone had fallen silent and was staring at you. You looked at each of them, ending with Jimin, whose gaze was filled with unspeakable concern.
You felt a slight pressure on your hand from Yoongi, who wanted to give you the courage to go for it. 
So, like with him, you did your best to gather your thoughts, to coordinate your voice and the words that should come from your lips.
“I... I am an Omega...”
Unfortunately, your voice was shakier than the first time. You couldn't help feeling even more ridiculous as you felt your eyes sting with tears.
“I am sorry... truly sorry I... I didn't mean to hide it...” you managed to articulate, ”I thought I was a beta until... recently and... I panicked.” you take a deep breath as you squeeze Yoongi's hand a little tighter, ”I'll understand if you're angry with me, if you don't want to be friends anymore or...”
“Don't be ridiculous!” 
You recognized Jimin's voice and embrace, which came suddenly, but which you accepted with barely hidden relief. His voice was shaking.
“You're my best friend, the most important person in my life as if that could change over something as trivial as that!”
You couldn't hold back a tear that ran down your cheek. Tear that couldn't finish its way when Yoongi ran his finger over your cheek to wipe it away. 
“It doesn't matter if you're an omega, an alpha, or a beta. You're our Y/N, we love you just the way you are!” exclaimed Jungkook, who sounded just as relieved as Taehyung and Jin. 
Namjoon nodded with a small smile and approached you. You had trouble seeing him, as Jimin had decided to cling to you. 
“It happens frequently actually. You think you are an alpha, and it turns out you're a beta, or an omega, or the other way around.” He explained, placing his hand on your hair as you acquiesced, which he began to stroke in a way that was intended to be gentle and reassuring. 
“You all don’t seem that surprised…” you said as you remembered words a few minutes ago, and when you heard Jungkook cough, you turned to him, confused. 
“I… I heard you a few weeks ago, you were on the phone with Wooyoung… Yoongi hyung heard me and we told the others…”
Ok, this one you didn't see it coming. But in the end, it doesn’t matter anymore. 
“Why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jimin finally asked, looking at you curiously, and somewhat a little hurt by your silence, which you thought was totally valid. 
“Minnie, can you let go of her ?” Hoseok asked with a little laugh. 
“No, I have months of hugs to catch up !” he exclaimed, his grip on you tightening a little, making the others sigh. But you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. You didn’t mind it at all. You need it more than anything right now.
Oh how you missed his embrace, his warmth, his scent all over you. It felt so good, so right to be in his arms. It felt like where you should be. 
It felt like home.
“I didn't tell you because... when I saw the disgust... the disappointment in my mother's eyes...” You shook your head, swallowing back your tears, “That's why she asked me not to come anymore. I couldn't have supported... I couldn't have supported losing you too...” You looked at Jimin who held you closer to him, "to lose you all..."
Admitting these words out loud was harder than you thought. You weren't the kind of person to talk openly about your feelings, fears, and anxieties. 
“I don't want things to change, I don’t want you to treat me differently...”
You bit your lower lip. Your heart was beating a hundred miles. 
“I hope I never have to meet your parents,” Hoseok said in a cold voice you'd never heard from him, and strangely you found it oddly seductive.
“What a bunch of assholes,” Taehyung said disdainfully.
“I'm not even going to correct you this time. What a bunch of jerks.” Jin shook his head, frowning.
“Look, who cares? You're an omega, so what? Is this about your heat? We'll find a way to deal with it, just like we do with our ruts. We don't care, that's not the most important.” Namjoon smiles affectionately at you, “The main thing is that you feel comfortable with us, that we're all comfortable with each other, that's how a pack works after all, isn't it?”
This time, you hid your face against Jimin's shoulder, unable to hold back your tears any longer. 
“Wait... did I say something wrong?” Namjoon asked somewhat panicked, making the others laugh, even you, between sobs. 
“Don't worry, some stress to relieve.” Yoongi grabbed Namjoon's hand, kissing his cheek at the same time, before moving back to the sofa. “She’s fine now, everything will be fine from now on.”
“Ah Noona, I was so scared!” Taehyung exclaimed as he came around to hug you from behind, his torso pressing against your back. 
All these weeks, all this stress, this tension, this constant fear of living through this fateful moment had just come to an end tonight. 
Wooyoung had been right, once again. Things couldn't have gone better. 
Perhaps there was still the feelings thing, but for the moment, you didn't want to think about it. You just wanted to enjoy this moment, this acceptance you'd never had before today. You just wanted to enjoy Jimin's warmth, which you'd missed so much, and Taehyung's, and even Jungkook, who'd added to the hug somehow. 
As Jimin said, he didn't let go of you all evening, snuggling up to you like a Koala to its branch. You don't remember how the evening ended, except that you found yourself lying in a bed between Hoseok and Jimin. 
And for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, you slept a nightmare-free sleep, your heart and soul as light as they'd ever been. 
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byuljoonie · 6 months
A helping hand // jhs
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Free you my heart 😪
pairing: dom!hobi x f!reader
genre: smut, drabble, unedited
word count: 360
warnings: cunnilingus
note: Happy Easter ig? Just something I wrote spur of the moment 😅
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“Hoseok, please” you begged pathetically, a tear slipping down your already wet cheeks. You were trembling on the bed, your pink sheets soaked and messy.
“Please what, y/n?” He said sickeningly sweet, running his finger along the slit of your sensitive pussy. “Use your words pretty girl.”
He started kissing along the inside of your left thigh, chuckling at the exasperated breath you let out. Your body was spent, you were 3 orgasms in and practically limp.
“Can’t handle more, hobi” you mewled weakly, running your shaky hands through his disheveled hair. You tried pushing his head away from your body but he only resisted.
“Oh but you can, baby” he cooed, furrowing his brows in mock worry. He placed a hand on either of your shins, pushing your legs upward. He positioned himself closer to your waiting core. Listening attentively to your cute whines of desperation.
He leaned down licking a strip up your slit, kissing each side of your pussy lips. Eyeing your glistening cunt like a mad man, hobi peered up through hooded eyes. His long lashes casting a small shadow across his cheeks. Smiling at the sight of your ruined body, he lowered his head. Placing his nose directly on your pussy, inhaling loudly.
Your cheeks burned red, legs starting to ache in the tightly folded position he placed you in. He began tongue fucking you mercilessly. Obscene slurping noises filled the room, your whimpers turning into broken cries. You felt your arousal dripping down your legs continuously. The knot in your stomach forming almost immediately.
“Mmm—“ he hummed against your soaked core, moving away to take a quick breath. He didn’t waste another second diving back in. Spitting on your cunt in a swift motion.
“Whose pussy is this?” He questioned hotly. Using a free hand to rub across your pussy. He looked at you hungrily, milking another orgasm from you with his fingers. You felt your pussy clench around his fingers, repeatedly calling his name in response.
“So gorgeous,” he breathed heavily, watching your cunt contract around his idle fingers. He ran his fingers along your folds placing them in his mouth happily.
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kingofbodyrolls · 1 year
Friendcation (m) | myg | four
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It’s the last weeks of the vacation being just you and Yoongi, and you’re going to savor every last bit of it. You do some hiking, relaxing and discover new sides to yourself that you didn’t know existed.
→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female) → Other characters: Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin. → Genre/AU: best friends to friends with benefits to lovers, non idol!au, camping!au, roadtrip!au, mechanic!Yoongi, humor, slight angst, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18 (This is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 → Status: completed! → Word Count: 17,7K (wooops!) → Warnings: smut; exhibitionism, voyeurism, period sex (period blood, but not in too much detail), period cramps, protected sex, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), handjob, nipple/breast play. → Author’s note: I’m sorry this took longer to post than the previous chapters 🙇 And I’m currently still outlining ch 5 🫥 Moving is harder than anticipated, but we are almost completely settled in, and I began writing again yesterday, so that’s good 🙂It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there.
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← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist | next →
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The calendar has ticked its way to the end of August, but Mother Nature seemed to be playing a capricious game with the weather. Just when you thought the days would be getting cooler, a sweltering heat wave envelopes the surroundings, and the sun bears down with relentless intensity. It was as though the weather had a mischievous mind of its own, teasingly extending the summer season.
The unforgiving heat was taking its toll on you. Your body, once energized by the adventures of summer, now ached from the relentless rays and the humidity that clung to your skin.
Agony surges through you, and an involuntary whimper escaping your lips, “Fuck it hurts!”
Clutching your stomach, you feel utterly helpless, as if the pain has taken control of your very being. Yoongi’s concerned gaze never left your face, and you can see the worry etched in his features. 
In that moment, his presence was a balm to your suffering. He leans in closer, his hand moving to stroke your hips in a soothing, rhythmic motion. His voice, a gentle murmur, reaching your ears like a lifeline in the darkness of your pain.
“Can I do anything to help?” 
He asked, his eyes searching yours, as if willing your agony to ebb away. It was a simple question, but in that moment, it held the power to offer you some respite from the torment.
Your frustration knew no bounds as you cursed your forgetfulness. It was a recurring issue, the way your period always seemed to sneak up on you when you least expected it, catching you off guard. The fact that you had irregular periods only added to the challenge, and this time, it had left you utterly unprepared. 
In the midst of your aggravation, you realize you have forgotten to pack any pads or even tampons. Panic starts to creep in as you consider the inconvenience of the situation. It’s a moment that made you wish you had been more vigilant and prepared for this inevitable occurrence.
Your voice, tinged with frustration, anger, and the ache of cramps, sounds like a desperate plea as you confess, “I forgot to pack pads and pain meds.” 
Your words hang heavily in the air, a stark reminder of your discomfort. In that moment, his eyes soften with genuine concern. He can see the pain etched across your face, and it pains him too, knowing he can’t bear the discomfort for you. 
“I can get those for you,” he offers earnestly, his desire to help you clear in his eyes. He can’t stand to see you in such distress; it tugs at his heartstrings.
“You don’t have to, Yoongi,” you insist, your voice trembling slightly as you inhale sharply, a fresh wave of cramps seizing your body. 
Despite your attempt to maintain your independence, you can’t hide the pain in your voice. It was clear that you were struggling, and he couldn’t stand by and do nothing while you suffered. Your words are laced with concern as Yoongi gazes at you, his eyes reflecting his genuine worry. Seeing you in such pain was breaking his heart, and he wanted nothing more than to alleviate your suffering.
“I know you can do it yourself,” he begins, his voice filled with tenderness, “but please, let me take care of you, babe. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.” 
His genuine desire to help you was evident in his eyes and in the way his hand continued to gently stroke your hip in a soothing manner.
A soft smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you relent, feeling grateful for Yoongi’s caring nature. “Okay, thank you,” you whisper, realizing that sometimes, accepting help was a way to strengthen your friendship, and in this moment, it means the world to you.
With a tender nod, Yoongi steps out of the van. 
“Okay. I’ll be back in an hour or so,” he reassures you, genuine concern still etched across his features. “I hope the pain won’t get worse,” he adds softly before closing the door behind him, leaving you in the temporary solitude of Holly.
Yoongi walks to the nearest store, the warm sun beating down on him during the 20-minute stroll in the early afternoon. Upon entering, he makes a beeline for the section with sanitary products and picks up some pads. As he stands there, he wonders if you use tampons but decides against them.
Then, an idea crosses his mind. He grabs his phone and texts his sister, seeking advice on what other items would be helpful for a woman on her period.
Yoongi [15:35]: I need your help, big sis 🆘
Sis [15:37]: What do you need help with? 😏
Yoongi [15:40]: ___ is on her period, bad cramps. I’m buying her pads and meds. Should I get her something else? What do women want on their period? 🤷
Sis [15:44]: Omg. You are the sweetest! 🥹 Buy her some dark chocolate and chips, I’m sure she’ll appreciate that. I’ll swing by with dinner for you two later 😉
Yoongi swiftly collects the items his sister suggested and makes his way back to the van, a sense of urgency and care propelling his every step.
As Yoongi returns, your face lights up with a mixture of gratitude and relief as you take in the thoughtful array of items he’s brought. 
“Wow, you didn’t have to get all that, Yoongi. Thank you so much,” you exclaim with genuine appreciation, reaching eagerly for the chocolate he purchased.
Yoongi offers you the rest of the items he bought, mentioning his sister’s involvement. 
You raise an eyebrow in surprise and then burst into laughter at his confession. “You actually told her I was on my period?” you chuckle, finding the situation rather amusing. He nods, a bit apprehensive, and adds, “She’s coming by later with dinner for us.” 
You respond with a contented nod, “She’s a thoughtful sister; I wish I had one like her.” You reach for one of the packs of pads, appreciating both Yoongi’s and his sister’s considerate gestures.
You dig into one of your bags and retrieve a fresh pair of panties, relieved to replace the ones you’re currently wearing, which have become uncomfortably soaked — and definitely not with the kind of fluid you prefer.
As Yoongi’s sister arrives, the tantalizing aroma of the food nearly drives you to drool, and you can’t thank her enough for the comforting, warm meal. While you enjoy the delicious dishes in the comfort of your bed, Yoongi takes a seat outside on one of the stools.
“You know what can really help with those cramps?” Yoongi’s sister inquires, her eyes filled with genuine concern. Exhausted from the pain and with the medication not having taken effect yet, you simply shake your head without giving it much thought.
She smirks, deliberately saying it loud enough for Yoongi to overhear, then winks at you. Your face flushes crimson, because yes, you’ve considered that option. You’ve even attempted it before in your early twenties, and remember that it can get incredibly messy.
Yoongi, sitting just outside the van, lets out an audible groan. “Aish, don’t say that,” he grumbles, clearly uncomfortable with his sister’s candid remarks. Her teasing seems to have gotten under his skin.
“I’m serious. It helps!” she insists, her tone filled with confidence as she tries to emphasize her point.
“Omg, I don’t want to imagine that,” Yoongi groans again, feigning agony. “I think the pregnancy is making you... horny,” Yoongi adds with a chuckle. 
“True,” she breathes out, her chuckle playful. “But I’ve seen the way you two look at each other,” she continues, her gaze shifting from you to Yoongi. You blush and smile, while Yoongi just shrugs, a faint blush tingeing his cheeks.
“God! Something has already happened!” 
She shrieks with delight and jumps out of the van to playfully shove Yoongi on his shoulder. “Don’t mess it up, I like her,” she says with a teasing grin, her eyes warm with affection.
“I’ll leave you two alone then,” she smiles and winks at Yoongi. You catch a glimpse of him rolling his eyes at her, but it’s clear their sibling bond is filled with affectionate banter that warms your heart.
As you lie together, wrapped in his comforting embrace, his hand gently caressing your hair and resting on your tummy, your thoughts begin to race. The warmth of his body pressed against yours stirs desire within you, and your mind inevitably wanders to thoughts of intimacy with him.
With your bodies pressed closely together, you can’t help but let your desire take over. 
You subtly grind your hips against his, eliciting a low groan from him. His grip on your hip tightens as he buries his head in your neck, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. You turn to face him, your eyes locking with his as you broach the topic of period sex.
“How do you feel about period sex, like your sister suggested?” 
You ask, searching his gaze for a sign of his willingness. He groans softly, his fingers tightening their hold on your hip. “Babe, please don’t mention my sister and sex in the same sentence,” he responds with a chuckle. “My boner will go away if you do that.”
As you press into him, you can feel his arousal growing against your back, and it sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine. 
You playfully tease him, asking for his thoughts on the matter, and he responds with affectionate reassurance. “If you think it’ll help with the pain, sure,” he murmurs, his lips brushing your neck with tenderness, “I’d never say no to you, sweetheart.”
With a mischievous smile, you express your eagerness, “It will definitely give me something else to focus on.” You continue to search his eyes, your own filled with desire, and then you turn your body fully around to face him, closing the distance between you.
Your kiss is filled with fervor, driven by the anticipation of his touch and the idea of him fucking you in a moment, despite the messiness that may follow. The intensity between you two deepens with each passing second, as you both succumb to your passionate desires.
Your fingers trace the outline of his already throbbing dick through the fabric of his sweatpants, coaxing a delicious, guttural moan to escape his lips. The sensation of his heat and hardness in your hand ignites a thrilling craving within you, intensifying the desire that courses through your veins.
With eager anticipation, you seize the waistband of his sweatpants, tugging them down along with his boxers, revealing his taut cock. It springs free, proudly standing at attention, and your eyes gleam with hunger as you wet your lips in anticipation. 
Casting his discarded garments to the floor, you then gracefully lower yourself to your knees, positioning yourself before him, ready to devour him.
His longing gaze locks onto yours, aflame with desire, and he leans in to capture your lips in a tender, yearning kiss. 
As your mouths meld together, your hand instinctively finds its way to his dick, your fingers enveloping it in a sensual caress. 
His moans of pleasure reverberate through your mouth, a symphony of desire that resonates deep within you. The intoxicating sounds he makes serve as a powerful aphrodisiac, stoking the flames of your desire.
With a few more tantalizing strokes, you draw your lips away from his, leaving a trail of burning kisses along his clothed chest and abdomen. 
Moving gracefully, you position yourself on all fours above his throbbing length, the air charged with anticipation. His eyes are locked on you, dark with desire, his breaths growing more ragged with each passing second.
You gaze up at him, your sultry eyes locking onto his, a mischievous glint dancing within them. 
“You know,” you purr, your voice dripping with desire, “you have a very beautiful dick.” 
You tease him, letting your tongue playfully out between your lips. Your warm, wet tongue glides sensually from the base of his pulsating cock to the very tip, capturing the glistening bead of precum that had formed there. 
The taste and sensation of your tongue against his sensitive flesh sends shivers of pleasure sourcing through his body, and a low, guttural moan escapes his lips. 
He inhales sharply, a hiss escaping his lips, as you continue to tease and tantalize his dick with your skilled tongue. 
His head falls back slightly, his eyes squeezed shut, and his grip on the bed sheets tightens. A deep, sultry moan reverberates through the van, filling the air with the heady scent of desire and lust. 
Your every movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through him, and he’s utterly captivated by the sensations you’re evoking.
You continue to work your magic, your mouth finally enveloping him with a voracious hunger that leaves him trembling. 
His fingers tangle in your hair, a mixture of gentle guidance and unbridled passion, as he can’t help but lose himself in the exquisite sensations coursing through him. Every wet, sultry suck sends waves of pleasure rippling down his spine, and he finds himself already teetering on the edge. 
His breath hitches, his hips instinctively shifting to meet your mouth, as he moans your name in a fervent plea for more.
As you maintain your relentless rhythm, the urgency in the van heightens. Your hand expertly complements the actions of your mouth, ensuring that no inch of his dick goes unattended. You can feel his breath hitching, his muscles tensing beneath your touch. 
The way his head falls back, exposing the long line of his throat, his half-lidded eyes, lost in a daze of pure pleasure, and the soft sinful sounds escaping his lips fuel your determination to bring him all the pleasure you can. 
It spurs you on, and you relax your throat, as you go all the way down, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can. Then you hold still and breathe in through your nose, as you hollow your cheeks. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi moans as he closes his eyes for a moment.
Once more, you go back up, and down again, your movement in rhythm with the slurping noises that fill the van. As the intoxicating sounds envelop you, you can feel a flood of arousal pooling between your legs, your initial cramps now a distant memory.
Saliva glistens at the corner of your mouth, tracing a sensual path down his shaft to his balls. Yoongi’s gentle hand cups your cheek, his voice a passionate whisper, “You’re doing perfectly, babe,” he confesses, his desire palpable. 
“But I’m close, I want to fuck you now.” His touch tenderly lifts your face to his, claiming your lips in a fervent kiss, the taste of himself evident.
With a smoldering intensity still in your eyes, you gasp for breath, your voice a sultry whisper, “Do you have any dark towels?” Yoongi nods, his understanding swift as he retrieves a stack of dark towels and a packet of condoms from one of the cabinets, anticipation lingering thick in the air. 
With a silent and fervent agreement, Yoongi gestures for you to shift, giving him space to prepare. He deftly lays one of the dark towels on the bed, his movements quick and precise, while he casually tosses the other one within arm’s reach.
“Come here,” his voice is a seductive murmur, and his lips capture yours once more. 
“Let me ease your pain.” 
His breathy words send shivers down your spine, igniting an irresistible craving that drowns out any trace of discomfort.
With every piece of clothing that falls to the floor, the anticipation in the van builds like a crescendo. He undresses you slowly, savoring the unveiling of your body, and his gaze, filled with raw desire, leaves no doubt about his intentions. 
As he sheds his own shirt and gently lowers you onto the towel, the air becomes electric with the promise of what’s to come.
With your legs gently parted, he admires the intimate canvas before him, his voice a sultry whisper as he caresses your quivering thighs. “You’re absolutely breathtaking,” he murmurs, his words igniting a fiery desire that courses through your veins, intensifying the anticipation of his touch.
He wraps his fingers around his cock, teasing it a few times before skillfully unrolling the condom onto it.  
As he prods at your entrance, a tantalizing mix of pleasure and pain courses through you, intensifying the sensation as he gradually inches deeper inside. 
Your slickness acts as a natural lubricant, allowing him to slip into you with an arousing ease that leaves you gasping for more. The stretching sensation, though initially intense, begins to meld into a delicious ache that only adds to the growing desire pulsating between you.
He finally reaches the hilt, and you can’t help but release a guttural moan. 
“Fuck,” you whimper, your voice a sultry mix of pleasure and vulnerability, “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to your girth. You’re stretching me so good,” you admit, locking eyes with him and gripping his arms tightly, your nails digging into his skin as you savor the exquisite sensation of being completely filled by him.
“You’re taking me so damn well, babe,” he breathes, his voice thick with desire, as he starts to move inside you at an agonizingly slow pace. Every deliberate, languid thrust sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making you ache for more, even as you savor the intensity of the sensation.
He withdraws, the sensation of emptiness leaving you yearning for more, and then he pushes back in, each deliberate thrust sending ripples of pleasure coursing through your body. 
You can feel him everywhere - deep within your core and the firm grip of his hands on your hips, guiding every electrifying moment.
You find yourself in a blissful haze, caught between drowsiness and intoxication as he maintains the unhurried rhythm. Every movement is tender, every touch is deliberate, and he seems acutely attuned to the signals your body is sending. 
It doesn’t feel like just sex; it feels like a passionate declaration of love, an intimate connection that leaves you utterly enraptured.
“Does it feel good, babe?” 
He murmurs, his voice a sensual melody that resonates with your desires. As he pushes himself inside once more, he searches for that sweet spot, and when he finally finds it, he teases and tantalizes it with a rhythmic precision that sends electric waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Each deliberate thrust is a symphony of ecstasy, and you can’t help but moan in response, your voice a harmonious duet with his.
You pant, your voice trembling with desire as you instinctively move your legs further up his body, resting them on his shoulders. 
With this new angle, he penetrates even deeper, hitting that perfect spot that sends bolts of pleasure racing through you like wildfire. Your arousal surges, a fierce and intoxication wave that threatens to drown you in the sea of ecstasy building within your core. 
As he continues to make love to you with a tender passion, a rush of emotions courses through you, overwhelming your senses. 
The way he moves within you, so gentle and caring, fills your heart with an intense and intoxicating love. It’s a feeling you’ve never experienced before, as if you’re floating on a cloud of affection and desire. 
In this moment you realize, no one has ever connected with you so deeply and lovingly before, and it leaves you feeling like you’re soaring, intoxicated not just by pleasure, but by the love you have for him.
As your body responds to his every touch and movement, Yoongi can feel your walls contracting around him, a sure sign that you’re getting closer to the edge. 
His experienced hands explore your body, finding one of your breasts and teasing your nipple until it hardens beneath his touch. Simultaneously, his other hand ventures lower, tracing a path to your core where he discovers your sensitive clit. 
With deliberate and sensual movements, he begins to rub it in slow, teasing circles, intensifying your pleasure and bringing you closer to the brink of ecstasy.
The moment Yoongi’s fingertips make contact with your sensitive area, it’s as if an electric current surges through your body, setting your nerve endings on fire. 
Your reaction is immediate and intense - your back arches instinctively, yearning for more of his electrifying touch. Each sensation he evokes heightens your desire, propelling you further down the path of unbridled pleasure.
As Yoongi continues to make love with deliberate slowness, his skillful touch ignites an intense longing within you. The combined sensations of his gentle thrusts, the delightful pinching of your nipple, and the rhythmic caresses of your clitoris send you hurtling towards an inevitable climax. 
Unable to contain yourself, you cry out his name, your voice filled with ecstasy as your orgasm consumes you. Your body quivers with pleasure, your inner walls contracting in waves, your abdomen tightening, and your vision briefly obscured by the brilliant burst of light that dances behind your closed eyelids.
As your orgasm washes over you, Yoongi can’t help but be captivated by your exquisite display of pleasure. 
He revels in the sight of your trembling lips, your flushed and contoured cheeks, and the mesmerizing motion of your breasts, which sway with each of his deliberate thrusts. While you ride out the waves of your orgasm, he continues to thrust into you, his own pleasure building as he relentlessly pursues his release, his eyes locked onto your euphoric expression.
He maintains his deliberate pace, keeping his thrusts slow and deep, savoring every moment. 
As you slowly descend from the euphoria of your orgasm, Yoongi leans down to capture your lips in a passionate and tender kiss. Your moans and pants mix with the soft sounds of your kisses as he continues to move inside you.
As your throbbing pussy continues to clench around him, Yoongi’s hips twitch involuntarily and he can’t hold back any longer. 
With one last, deep, and passionate thrust, he releases, filling the condom with his seed. His voice joins yours in a harmonious crescendo of pleasure as he moans your name, the intensity of the moment making it feel like time itself has come to a standstill.
As the waves of ecstasy subside, Yoongi’s ragged breaths gradually calm. 
He carefully withdraws from your pussy, tying off the used condom and discarding it in the sink. His eyes then trace the contours of your flushed, sated form, watching as your chest rises and falls with each recovering breath. 
Gently, he reaches out to stroke your cheek, the soft caress sending shivers down your spine. His fingers weave through your tousled hair, and he lowers his head to place tender, lingering kisses on your neck, leaving behind a few love marks as a reminder of your passionate love making.
“Yoongi, that was…” 
You exhale, struggling to find the right words to convey the intensity of the experience, “perfect,” you finally manage to sum up, your voice laced with contentment and admiration. His laughter dances in the air, a light, melodic sound that fills the space between you, and he places another soft, adoring kiss on your neck in response.
“Anything for you, babe.” 
He says with a warm smile, his eyes filled with affection as he reaches for the towel beside your head. Carefully, he begins to clean you up between your legs, his gentle touch offering both comfort and reassurance. 
You can feel the relief as he clears away the pooled fluids, easing the slight discomfort that lingered. Afterward, he tosses the used towel to the sink, intending to clean it later, and then he finds your panties, placing them back on you, making sure a fresh pad is in place. 
“Thank you, Yoon,” you murmur, your lips finding his in another passionate kiss. 
You draw him closer to you, your bodies molding together as you continue to exchange affectionate kisses. “I think it helped with the pain, it doesn’t feel so bad anymore,” you add, your voice laced with the drowsiness of contentment. 
As the soothing afterglow washes over you, fatigue begins to claim your senses. Yoongi hums in appreciation, his heart warmed by the knowledge that he could offer you some relief from the pain that had troubled you. 
Yoongi retrieves his boxers, slipping them on, and then gently spoons you from behind. His warm hand finds its place on your stomach, providing a sense of comfort and security. 
As he pulls the duvet over both of you, cocooning you in its warmth, you share an intimate moment of connection before succumbing to the embrace of sleep. The night’s passion has deepened your bond, and now, wrapped in each other’s arms, you drift off to dreamland, where your hearts continue to beat in perfect harmony.
The next day, a sense of relief washes over you as the cramps have eased up a bit. 
Still, Yoongi suggests a day of relaxation, cocooned in the comforting warmth of blankets and each other’s presence. You gladly accept his proposal, and the two of you settle into a cozy nook. 
The soft glow of the laptop screen casts a warm, intimate light across the room, painting everything in a gentle, cinematic hue. As you snuggle up to Yoongi, his arms wrapped around you, you can feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your back. 
With each passing minute, the world outside fades away, leaving just the two of you in this tranquil bubble of shared solitude.
As you both nestle in the warmth of your shared bed, a sense of nostalgia washes over you, prompting a heartfelt conversation about the serendipitous moment that brought you together.
10 years ago
A decade ago, the tapestry of your life bore a different pattern. 
The memory takes you back to a moonlit night when you were navigating the winding roads into Seoul. Your car, a loyal companion until that point, suddenly rebelled with an ominous sound, convulsing like a wounded creature before coming to a lifeless halt. 
Panic surged through your veins as you clutched your phone, dialing the number of your best friend, Jimin, in desperate hope of salvation. 
In hindsight, the absence of roadside assistance on your insurance plan now seemed like a glaring oversight. Inexplicably, Jimin’s response to your predicament was a burst of laughter, an outpouring of mirth that mingled with your frustration and fury. 
He casually mentioned that he knew someone who could help—a mechanic and one of his closest friends. Before disconnecting to make the necessary arrangements, he offered a cryptic piece of advice: "Be nice to him when he arrives." 
Though you couldn’t see his face through the phone, you rolled your eyes instinctively, as if he could somehow perceive your exasperation.
After a seemingly interminable hour of waiting, your irritation had grown into a simmering fury, matched only by the biting cold that had begun to gnaw at you. 
When Yoongi finally arrived, his weary smile greeted you, but your impatience was palpable in your eyes and your curt greeting. You wasted no time in describing the odd sequence of events that had led to your car’s demise—the strange sounds, the unsettling shaking, and the ultimate breakdown. 
Arms crossed beneath your chest, you impatiently tapped your foot on the frozen ground. With a sly grin, Yoongi teasingly asked if you had an urgent appointment, to which you replied with a petulant shake of your head, your only desire being to swiftly resolve the situation and return home to warmth.
As he popped the hood open and began tinkering with the engine, you couldn’t help but steal glances at him. 
He sported army-green cargo pants paired with a once-white t-shirt, though now it bore the unmistakable signs of his labor—stains of grease and oil littering its surface. His short, bleached-blond hair framed a weary but softly attractive face, one that appeared as though it hadn’t experienced a good night’s sleep in ages. His brawny, well-defined biceps flexed with each maneuver, and you found yourself admiring his physique, secretly deeming him quite attractive. 
In another universe, where he didn’t exude indifference and annoyance, you might have mustered the courage to ask him out. 
Ultimately, while he couldn’t perform a miraculous on-the-spot repair, he assured you that a colleague from his garage could tow your car, offering to personally drive you back home. 
You hadn’t anticipated his offer but accepted it nonetheless. The ride back to your home was mostly shrouded in silence, save for the occasional question about how you knew Jimin. 
You explained that you had met Jimin in college, and then an uncomfortable silence settled in the car. The irritation seemed to hang in the air; you couldn’t quite pinpoint whether it was his demeanor that rubbed you the wrong way or if it was simply the cumulative frustration from the terrible day you had endured.
Laughter bubbles up between you as you fondly reminisce about that night. 
“You seemed so cold and like helping me was the last thing you wanted to do,” you recall with a grin, and Yoongi chuckles in agreement. 
“Well, you weren’t any better; you seemed so angry and stuck up,” he playfully teases, which only makes you laugh even harder. 
“My car had just died, and I was freezing!” you retort with a grin, both of you sharing in the joy of that humorous memory.
“Thankfully, you fixed my car a few days later,” you reflect, a warm smile on your face, “and we began to hang out with Jimin.” You find yourself lost in the memories of those early days, where you discovered that Yoongi was not just a skilled mechanic but also a sweet and caring man who deeply valued his friendships and the people around him.
You linger in Daegu for an extra day, savoring the moments, before embarking on a scenic drive to a remote campsite nestled near Juwangsan National Park.
As you cruise along, a faint, unfamiliar noise emanates from Holly’s depths, causing a hint of concern to creep into your mind. You decide to bring it up with Yoongi, but his ears don’t catch the same odd sound. 
He reassures you that everything is likely okay, promising to address any issues should they arise. With his calming words, you ease back into the journey, albeit with a lingering curiosity about Holly’s mysterious hum.
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After hours of anticipation, you finally arrive at the tranquil campsite. 
The midday sun filters through the foliage as Yoongi deftly parks the Holly beside towering, lush trees. Together, you unfold the marquee, arranging it to create a cozy shelter from nature’s elements. 
With care, you set up the stools and arrange them around a makeshift table, making the campsite feel more like a home away from home. The aroma of the surrounding wilderness invigorates your senses, and you can’t help but smile as you reminisce about the delicious meal Yoongi had prepared the day before. 
With excitement, you retrieve some cold beers from the cooler, their refreshing chill a perfect contrast to the warm, sun-kissed air. Alongside the beverages, you bring out the leftover food, a testament to Yoongi’s culinary skills that continue to amaze you.
 The aroma of the meal wafts through the air, tantalizing your taste buds and setting the scene for a perfect day in the great outdoors.
As you sit down to savor your meal, the anticipation for the adventures awaiting you in the national park fills the air. Your conversation turns to the exciting possibilities, and you both discuss the sights and trails you hope to explore. 
“I think we’re going to be doing a lot of hiking these next days,” Yoongi’s laughter punctuates the conversation, a reflection of the carefree spirit that camping in the wilderness has brought out in both of you. 
Between bites of food and sips of beer, you share your aspirations for the upcoming days, fully aware that the rugged terrain and challenging hikes will be both physically demanding and incredibly rewarding. 
The midday sun casts a warm glow on your surroundings, making it feel like a special occasion as you enjoy a beer at this unconventional hour.
With a hint of amusement in your voice, you add, “Yeah, I think it’ll be good. We’ve been enjoying some downtime in bed for the past few days.” The memory of both your cramps and  intimate moments and shared pleasures flashes in your eyes as you exchange glances with Yoongi. 
“I didn’t think you’d be up for anything active with your cramps,” he pouted in mock defense, and you playfully shoved his shoulder. “It was good, Yoon. But staying active helps too, and thankfully, I think I’m on my last day,” you almost sing-song, frustration and relief mingling in your voice as you express your disdain for your period—both the flow and the cramps.
You lean into Yoongi’s shoulder, a soft smile on your face. 
“Thank you,” you nudge him playfully with your shoulder against his. “For taking care of me and doing all that. You’re sweet. And you’re spoiling me,” you giggle, your fingers caressing his arm fondly.
“Anything for you, babe,” he says, his voice filled with warmth, and then leans in to kiss you tenderly, sealing your gratitude with a loving embrace.
Before dinner, you decide to embark on a short hiking trail, driven by the curiosity of discovering a hidden gem like a serene river or a picturesque waterfall. You navigate the winding path for about an hour, your anticipation growing with each step. 
Finally, the sound of cascading water reaches your ears, and as you turn a bend, you’re greeted by the breathtaking sight of a small, pristine waterfall – a tranquil oasis amidst the wilderness that leaves you utterly captivated.
You and Yoongi stand there in awe, gazing at the waterfall in a moment of shared wonder. 
The rushing water sparkles in the dappled sunlight, its beauty almost otherworldly. You’re both so captivated by the scene that you decide to capture it in photographs, creating lasting memories of this enchanting moment. 
With your camera, you frame shots of the waterfall: some with both of you, others with just the magnificent natural wonder as the backdrop. 
And, unable to resist the romantic atmosphere, you steal a sweet kiss, freezing that affectionate moment in time through the lens.
Surrounded by a sea of tourists, you and Yoongi remain in your own world, oblivious to the curious onlookers. It’s as if time has slowed down, and nothing else matters except the beauty of the waterfall and the warmth of each other’s presence. You exchange loving glances and share soft laughter, creating a bubble of serenity in the midst of the bustling crowd. 
The world may be watching, but right now, all that truly exists is the magic between you two.
As the sun begins its descent and the sky transforms into a canvas of warm hues, you and Yoongi make your way back to the campsite. The crackling campfire comes to life under his skillful hands, casting a flickering glow over your evening. 
The tantalizing aroma of dinner cooking wafts through the air, making your stomach growl in anticipation. The two of you settle by the fire, and Yoongi takes charge of preparing a delicious meal.
While he tends to the food, you decide to share a glimpse of your day with your friends. 
Your fingers dance across your phone screen as you select the perfect photo of you and Yoongi beside the captivating waterfall (not the one with you kissing!). It’s a moment of pure joy captured in pixels, the smiles on your faces telling a story of love and adventure. 
With a tap, you send the photo to your group chat, allowing your friends to share in your happiness, even from afar.
Jungkook [18:05]: That’s a pretty waterfall! You’re pretty too ___ 😀
Yoongi [18:07]: What about me? 🤔 
Taehyung [18:10]: Nah, you look like something the cat dragged in 😂
Seokjin [18:11]: 🤣🤣🤣
Yoongi [18:13]: That was totally uncalled for…
Namjoon [18:13]: But you asked 😆
Jimin [18:14]: Is that a hickey on your neck, ___? 😚
Hoseok [18:15]: It totally is, I had to zoom in 🤣
Jungkook [18:18]: Maybe her sleep moaning finally got to be enough for hyung and they slept together!
Taehyung [18:19]: I think you’re onto something, Kookie! 🧐
You [18:21]: No! Nothing has happened! 🙄
Hoseok [18:21]: What is this about ___ sleep moaning??? 😳
You [18:22]: We’re not gonna talk about that! 😤
Jungkook [18:22]: Buy some earplugs, just saying 😇
You [18:22]: Kook! 👿
Jimin [18:26]: You can keep telling us nothing happened, but the hickey speaks for itself. 😇
Jimin [18:26]: Congratulations both 🎉 I’m glad you finally get some quality dick, ___. Hyung, be good to her 🙂
Jungkook [18:28]: I’m so happy that my part of the vacation is over, imagine sleeping in the top bunk of the van now 🫣💀
Yoongi [18:33]: We won’t do it with one of you sleeping right above us, relax 🙄
Jimin [18:34]: 👏👏👏
Jimin [18:34]: You know that Holly isn’t soundproof, right? I could still hear you from our tent 🙃
Yoongi [18:39]: Maybe it’s a good idea to buy earplugs then 😏
Namjoon [18:40]: 😳
With a chuckle and a shake of your head, you decide it’s time to give your phone a break. 
Your friends in the group chat have already bombarded you with teasing messages, and you can practically hear their laughter through the screen. 
You put down your phone, relishing the feeling of being unplugged from the virtual world and fully immersed in the real one – a cozy campfire, a delicious meal, and the warm company of Yoongi.
As you join Yoongi by the campfire, the aroma of the cooking dinner filling the air, you can’t help but grumble in frustration as your phone continues to buzz with messages from your friends. 
With a dramatic sigh, you pull out your phone, the group chat still alive and buzzing with cheeky comments. You glance at the screen, reading words like ‘earplugs,’ ‘moaning,’ ‘about time,’ and ‘dick,’ causing a mix of embarrassment and amusement to wash over you.
“Why did you have to tell them?” 
You groan, clearly flustered by their teasing. You look at Yoongi, hoping for some sympathy or perhaps an explanation for your current predicament.
“They were going to find out sooner or later anyway. And I think Jimin had a hunch,” he laughs, his shoulders shrugging nonchalantly. His laughter is infectious, and you can’t help but join in, realizing that there’s no escaping the playful banter of your friends.
You set your phone aside, deciding to embrace the teasing and enjoy the moment with Yoongi, who seems to take it all in stride. 
The campfire crackles, and the two of you share a knowing glance, finding comfort in each other’s company amidst the good-natured ribbing from your friends.
As you settle down on your stools and start to savor the meal Yoongi has prepared, the ambiance around the campfire becomes serene. The crackling of the fire provides a soothing background melody, and the surrounding forest exudes a sense of tranquility. 
The two of you share stories and anecdotes, your laughter filling the air as you recount the adventures you’ve had together. The flickering firelight casts playful shadows on your faces, accentuating the intimate atmosphere. 
As you take bites of the delicious meal, you exchange glances, each bite strengthening the bond between you. Underneath the starlit sky, you find yourselves lost in each other’s conversation and the warmth of the campfire, cherishing these moments of togetherness in the heart of nature.
The following morning, long before the sun had a chance to paint the sky with its golden hues, you were already a flurry of activity. 
The anticipation of witnessing the magic of a sunrise from atop the mountain has stirred something deep within you, an irresistible call to adventure that you can’t ignore. In the gentle pre-dawn light, you sit down with Yoongi to a humble breakfast of yesterday’s leftovers, savoring the flavors that still linger from your campfire-cooked dinner. 
Each bite is a reminder of the simple joys that nature and Yoongi’s company bestows upon you.
After nourishing your bodies, you donn your hiking gear. The familiar weight of your backpack, filled with essentials for the journey ahead, settling comfortably on your shoulders. The laces of your sturdy hiking boots are expertly tied, ready to carry you to new heights.
Outside, the air hangs heavy, draped in a delicate shroud of mist that clings to the trees like a whispering secret. It’s as though the forest has donned a mystical cloak, transforming the ordinary woods into an enchanted realm from a fairy tale. 
As you and Yoongi venture deeper into this ethereal landscape, the fog paints the world with an otherworldly charm. The trees, their gnarled branches reaching for the heavens, looms like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the woods. 
Each step you take stirs the damp earth beneath your boots, releasing the intoxicating aroma of dew-kissed leaves and rich, fertile soil.
Your journey commences with each step, retracing the familiar path that led past the captivating waterfall you had encountered the day before. The sound of rushing water serenades you, its glistening cascade illuminated by the subtle hues of twilight. It’s as if nature itself had prepared a prelude for the grand spectacle to come.
As you venture higher into the mountain’s embrace, a gentle ascent that mirrors your anticipation, the world around you begins to transform. 
The inky darkness of night slowly relinquishes its hold, granting way to the soft, ephemeral blush of dawn. The sky, painted in a canvas of purples and blues, seems to acknowledge the imminent arrival of the sun. In the east, a delicate orange ember emerges on the horizon, a harbinger of the magnificent sunrise that awaits you. 
The very fabric of the sky begins to shift, transforming from the tranquil coolness of night into the vibrant warmth of morning. It is a slow and deliberate metamorphosis, nature’s own symphony of colors and light, playing out just for you.
A serene clearing emerges beneath the canopy of the forest, a natural amphitheater carved by the hand of time itself. While it isn’t the highest point of your journey, it offers a vantage point that feels like an exclusive front-row seat to one the cosmos’ most exquisite performances. 
Here, you decide to pause, the world around you falling into hushed reverence for the celestial spectacle about to unfold. The very essence of the morning seems to gather around this sacred spot, as if nature had designed it solely for moments like these.
As you settle down amidst the tranquil embrace of the clearing, your senses seem to sharpen, attuned to the subtle symphony of nature. The forest around you was still, each leaf holding its breath in anticipation. The air carries the earthy scent of dew-kissed leaves, the morning’s first breath imbued with the promise of a new day.
The horizon is a canvas of vibrant hues, a masterpiece of oranges and pinks intermingling with the last vestiges of the night’s indigo. The sun, still an unassuming ember, hovers just below the edge of the world, poised to set the sky ablaze with its radiance.
The sun, casting its golden hues over the world, paints an ethereal dance on Yoongi’s skin. Each ray of sunlight, as if with intention, traces the contours of his face, highlighting the exquisite features that have captured your heart. His skin, kissed by the gentle warmth of the morning sun, seem to glow from within, emanating a natural radiance that defies explanation. The dappled shadows play along the edges of his features, accentuating the depth of his gaze, the curve of his lips, and the line of his jaw.
As you hold his hand, fingers entwine in a silent testament to your bond, you marvel at how he transforms in this soft morning light. His eyes, those windows to his soul, hold a quiet wisdom that transcends words. They cradle the promise of new beginnings, just like the rising sun.
You nestle your head against the crook of Yoongi’s neck, your cheek pressing tenderly against his skin, as if seeking refuge in the warmth of his embrace. A contented sigh escapes your lips, carrying with it the weight of your feelings, heavy with love and adoration.
Your voice, soft and intimate, is a gentle caress, lacing every word with the depth of your emotions. 
“This is nice,” you whisper, the words carrying the essence of the moment—a moment where time stands still, and all that matters is the two of you, entwined in the beauty of the sunrise. His response is a silent affirmation of your sentiment, “It really is.” 
Yoongi’s fingers interlock with yours again, a tangible link that mirrors the bond of your hearts. There’s no need for elaborate declarations or grand gestures; the simplicity of this experience is enough to convey the depth of your love.
You remain in that tranquil embrace for what feels like an eternity, though it is a mere thirty minutes that passes—the very same amount of time it takes for the sun to complete its mesmerizing ascent. As the golden orb inches higher into the sky, painting the world with hues of orange and pink, you’re enveloped by an overwhelming sense of contentment.
“Ah, sorry,” a soft, apologetic voice intrudes upon your reverie, drawing your attention away from the captivating sunrise. Startled by the interruption, you turn to find a passerby, their presence briefly disrupting the cocoon of intimacy you and Yoongi have created.
Breaking the spell, you rise from your serene perch, extending a hand towards Yoongi as you seek to regain the moment’s magic. He accepts your invitation with a nod, understanding your unspoken desire to continue your adventure. Together, hand in hand, you decide to venture further up the trail, in pursuit of new vistas.
In tandem you embark on your ascent up the mountain trail, the path gradually becoming steeper and more challenging. As the elevation increases, so do the physical demands of the hike, leaving you both breathless and perspiring. Each step is a testament to your determination and shared commitment to reaching new heights.
The mountain’s relentless climb seems to conspire against you, testing your endurance and resilience. The air grows thinner, and the weight of the ascent bares down on your chests, making each inhalation feel like a battle against gravity itself. Yet, you press on, fueled by the promise of a breathtaking view awaiting you at the peak.
“We should take a break,” Yoongi suggests, his voice tinged with a hint of laughter as he gently pulls you away from the challenging mountain trail and into the soothing embrace of the forest. 
Despite your determination, the physical strain of the ascent has left you panting and gasping for breath. “You’re a panting and groaning mess,” he says, as you follow him willingly, your face displaying a playful pout behind his back.
In the heart of the forest, surrounded by the tranquil sounds of nature, you find respite from the relentless climb. The cool shade of the trees provides a much-needed refuge from the sun’s unforgiving rays. As you settle down, you can't help but admire how Yoongi’s eyes sparkle with amusement, and you share a knowing smile, appreciating the momentary escape from the strenuous hike.
“And you’re turning me on.”
Yoongi confesses with a mischievous glint in his eyes, as he playfully pushes you up against a tree. 
You can’t help but burst into laughter, utterly bewildered by his comment. 
“How the heck can I be turning you on? We’re just walking!” you exclaim, your amusement clear, but you wince slightly as you rub your shoulder. The impact with the tree isn't entirely pleasant, but thankfully, your backpack absorbed most of the force.
A feral growl escapes from Yoongi’s lips as he closes the distance between you, his gaze intense and hungry. 
His tongue darts out to lick his lips, as if he’s ready to devour you whole. “First,” he huskily begins, his voice dripping with desire, “you’re panting and groaning, and it’s making me think of sex with you. Second,” he continues, his eyes never leaving yours, “your ass in those tights is nothing short of sinful.” 
He shamelessly runs his hand down your body, slowly sliding one of his legs between yours, igniting a fiery desire impossible to ignore.
Your senses are ablaze as desire courses through you, and you can’t help but wonder if he can feel the evidence of your arousal even through your tights. 
You gulp audibly, your heart racing at his word. “Babe, you’re already wet,” he says with a teasing chuckle, his voice carrying a hint of menace that sends shivers down your spine.
Before you can react, he dives in, capturing your lips with a passionate, forceful kiss. 
Your backpack straps fall to your sides, and the backpack thuds to the ground, forgotten. You moan into his mouth, your body trembling as his thigh rubs provocatively against your clothed core, stoking the flames of desire that burn within you, leaving you yearning for him in every possible way.
“Shit, Yoongi, I want you,” you confess, your voice laced with desire and urgency. But then doubt creeps in, and you hesitate, voicing your concern, “But what if someone sees us?” 
Your arousal is undeniable, but so is your fear of being caught doing something intimate in a public place.
“No one will see, and you’ll be quiet, yeah?” 
He insists, pressing his body firmly against yours, his breath hot against your ear. You gulp, your heart racing with anticipation, and nod in agreement. 
The thrill of the risk and the promise of passion in this secret nook overwhelm your senses, making it impossible to resist his advances.
“Turn around then,” he murmurs, delivering a playful slap to your ass as you obediently pivot, your front now pressed against the rough bark of the tree. 
Your breath catches in your throat as you feel the coolness of the tree against your heated skin, contrasting with the warmth building within you. 
Yoongi swiftly discards his backpack, the thug echoing through the serene forest as it hits the ground. His strong hands find your hips, fingers gripping firmly as he grinds his already hard dick against your ass. The sensation sends a shiver of desire coursing through your body, and you arch your back, craving more of his touch.
“Do you have a condom?” you ask him in between pants.
“No,” he breaths, “did you pack some by chance?” he asks you back, slightly frustrated.
“It’s not exactly standard hiking gear,” you quip between gasps and laughter, your excitement mingling with the absurdity of the situation.
Yoongi chuckles too, a mix of amusement and frustration. 
“Don’t men carry condoms in their wallets?” 
You joke, but it falls flat as Yoongi grunts, “Not everybody does,” he remarks, frustrated as he still feels so aroused and he just wants you now. He’s thinking about fucking you raw, and just the thought alone arouses him so damn much.
“Fuck,” he says as he runs a hand through his long black hair in frustration. “I’m clean, are you?” he asks with a strain to his voice, like it’s taking all of him to hold back.
“Yeah. So what are you waiting for?” 
Your words are laced with anticipation and desire as you surrender to the intensity of the moment, ready to give in to the forbidden thrill of your passionate rendezvous in the secluded forest.
Yoongi doesn’t have to be told twice and he immediately gets to work, tugging his pants and boxers down, freeing his cock. 
Then he pulls your leggings down with your panties, and as his hard dick meets your bare skin, the tension between you both becomes palpable. His impatient growl reverberates through the stillness of the forest, intensifying the sense of urgency and longing that courses through your bodies.
“I’m sorry it has to be quick and without prep,” in the hushed tones of the forest, his apology carries a weight of longing and frustration, but your reassuring words fill the air with understanding and acceptance. 
As your bodies align in the dimly lit woods, the anticipation heightens. Each touch and movement sends waves of desire coursing through your bodies, igniting a fire that threatens to consume every rational thought.
He reaches a hand down between your legs and feels your wetness there and he’s thankful for it, because that means he will most likely slide right in. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
“Spread your legs for me.” 
The sensation of his hand on your ass sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine. His commanding yet considerate touch ignites a spark of desire as you obediently spread your legs, inviting him into the heated embrace of your longing body. 
Each movement, every whispered command, intensifies the anticipation of what’s to come.
Your heart races as you brace against the tree, your body arching in an instinctive plea for more. 
The primal tension in the air is palpable as he spreads your aching pussy and ass wide, the anticipation building with every moment. As he guides himself into your quivering core, the sensation is a heady mix of pleasure and urgency, each inch of his cock claiming you with a possessive intensity that leaves you breathless.
You grit your teeth against the initial discomfort, your breath catching in your throat. 
“I’m sorry. I promise it’ll feel better soon,” his soothing words wash over you like a balm, and you nod, your trust in him unwavering. 
As you both hold still for a moment, you feel the tension slowly ebbing away. Each measured thrust sends waves of sensation rippling through your body, transforming the initial pain into a cascade of pleasure that threatens to consume you. 
You cling to the tree, feeling the rugged bark against your palms, grounding you in the intensity of the moment, as he is fully sheathed inside you.
“Shhh, babe,” he hushes you, “you don’t want anybody to hear us.” 
His voice is a sultry whisper, a tantalizing secret shared only between you and the wilderness that surrounds you. 
Each thrust carries the promise of ecstasy, a stolen moment of passion amidst the serene backdrop of the forest. Your hushed moans blend with the sounds of nature, a symphony of desire that sings with each rhythmic plunge, creating a delicious tension that electrifies the air.
The primal intensity of him, bare and unrestrained, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Every movement, every stroke, feels like a forbidden dance in the heart of the wild, where desire meets nature’s untamed beauty. 
You bite your lip, trying to suppress the mounting sensations, but it’s a futile effort as your body betrays you with involuntary quivers and moans, blending your cries of pleasure with the rustling leaves and whispering trees around you.
“Fuck you feel incredible without a condom on.” 
He whispers in your ear and your mind is a whirlwind of ecstasy as his words send shockwaves of desire through your body. 
The feeling of him, raw and unrestrained, makes you feel more connected to him than ever before. 
You can’t help but respond, you voice a breathy symphony of pleasure, “Yoongi, don’t stop,” you moan, your nails digging into the tree bark as he continues to drive you to the brink of ecstasy. 
His words send a jolt of desire through you, igniting a fiery connection between your bodies. Your inner muscles clench around him, a natural response to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you. The sensation is electrifying, like a current of euphoria surging through your core. His hiss of pleasure only fuels you more.
With each powerful thrust, a symphony of sensation washes over you. His primal need for you drives him deeper, igniting a wild, intoxicating connection between your bodies. 
Your grip on the tree tightens in tandem with his unrelenting pace, fingers digging into the rough bark as if anchoring yourself to the moment. 
His head rests against your neck, warm breath brushing against your skin, while his teeth gently graze your shoulder, an instinctual response to stifle his moans.
As Yoongi continues his relentless pace, the boundaries between pleasure and the outside world blur into a tantalizing haze. 
Every thrust sends shivers of ecstasy through your body, and the sensations become your entire universe. 
The wild, unbridled connection between you and him transcends the awareness of the world around you. In the back of your mind, you vaguely notice the subtle symphony of nature surrounding you – the rustling leaves and twigs breaking getting closer.
Your voice trembles as you speak, the urgency of the situation sinking in. 
“Yoongi, I think somebody’s coming,” you gasp, your words barely above a whisper, but laced with fear and desire. 
The possibility of being caught adds an electrifying edge to the added arousal you feel.
“It’s probably just a squirrel,” he reassures you, his voice strained with the effort to keep his own excitement at bay. 
His relentless thrusts continue, each one driving you both closer to the edge. But in the distance, the sound of footsteps grows louder and closer, a faint but undeniable presence that sends a shiver down your spine.
Frantically, he picks up his pace even more, his hips slamming into you with a fervor matched only by the urgency of the approaching footsteps. 
Your muffled moans mix with his heavy breathing as your bodies move in unison, chasing the euphoria that hovers just beyond your reach. The tension in the air is palpable, a heady mix of desire and the fear of discovery, pushing you both to the brink.
You’re startled by a man’s voice calling out, “Anybody here? Are you alright?” 
Panic surges through you as you realize you might be caught in the act, but strangely, the thrill of being watched intensifies the sensations coursing through you body. 
Your heart pounds, and you feel your orgasm approaching like a freight train, careening toward you with unstoppable force. 
Yoongi doesn’t know if you should answer the man or not, who clearly thinks you’re in distress. He breaths against your ear all the same, “Answer him, babe. Maybe he’ll go away then.” 
His voice is laced with urgency, and he increases his pace, trying to push you both to the edge before the intruder gets any closer.
Does he really want you to speak to someone while he fucks you? You’re afraid that your unsteady voice will betray you, but you really want whoever is closing in on you to go away. So, you steady your voice and yell, “We’re fine,” in a tone that’s slightly higher than usual. The words come out rushed and strained, but you hope they’ll do the trick and make the stranger go away.
As Yoongi thrusts hard into you again, both of you teetering on the edge of climax, he whispers, “Good girl.” 
His voice is strained with desire and a hint of urgency, intensifying the sensation coursing through your body. 
The footsteps don’t retreat as you had hoped; instead, they draw even closer, sending a shiver of anxiety down your spine again. Fuck.
The fear of being discovered intensifies the sensations coursing through your body, pushing you relentlessly over the edge. Your walls tighten around Yoongi’s throbbing cock, and your vision blurs as a wave of pleasure crashes over you. 
Desperate to stifle your rising moans, you sink your teeth into your bottom lip. 
Yoongi’s release surges through him in powerful waves, and he can’t help but revel in the overwhelming pleasure. Yet, the urgency of the situation forces him to act quickly. 
He withdraws from your pulsating pussy, still throbbing with desire, and swiftly pulls up his boxers and pants. With equal haste, he helps you rearrange your clothing, his breath ragged and a mix of satisfaction and anxiety in his eyes.
“Hi, I heard weird noises,” a man stands before you, his eyes scanning your disheveled appearance and your flushed cheeks, a bead of sweat trickling down your temple. 
“I wanted to make sure that nobody was in distress,” he says with eyebrows raised in suspicion, appearing genuinely concerned. You and Yoongi exchange a brief, nervous glance, your breaths ragged and your heart races as the stranger’s piercing gaze lingers a moment too long.
The once quiet woods now hum with the echoes of your ragged breaths, a symphony of vulnerability and exhilaration. Yoongi stands beside you, attempting to regain his composure, his chest rising and falling with an uneven cadence. 
You, on the other hand, remain a quivering and panting mess, the aftermath of your orgasm still coursing through your veins. Your backpacks haphazardly discarded on the ground.
“We’re fine.” 
Yoongi eventually manages to say, his voice slightly hoarse from the unexpected interruption. The awkward silence that lingers during the stranger’s inquiries feels like an eternity, stretching time into an uncomfortable pause. As Yoongi speaks, he feels a mixture of embarrassment and relief washing over him. His earlier intense arousal begins to ebb away, replaced by a more composed state of mind.
“Are you sure?” 
The stranger directs his question to you, and your heart momentarily skips a beat. 
You hastily gather your wits, aware of the need for a convincing response. Taking a deep breath, you lock eyes with the concerned passerby. 
“Yes,” you assert, your voice trembling ever so slightly. You feel the weight of the lie as it leaves your lips, and you hope with all your might that it’s convincing enough. “This is my boyfriend – he was just pushing me too hard against the trail, and I’m in really bad shape. That’s why I’m out of breath.” 
You silently pray that your words paint a believable picture, all while Yoongi stands beside you, maintaining a façade of casual exhaustion, the intensity of the recent encounter still lingering in his eyes. The stakes are high, and the act must hold for just a little longer.
Yoongi looks at you with a mixture of astonishment and admiration, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. You can see the subtle curve of his lips, hinting at a proud and relieved smile that he tries to conceal. It’s as if he’s realizing just how quick-witted and resourceful you can be in a pinch.
To truly convince the stranger, you instinctively pull Yoongi into a tight embrace, as if seeking refuge in his arms. 
Your lips meet his in a hurried yet convincing kiss, one filled with genuine affection and a hint of urgency. As you pull away, you can’t help but feel the lingering warmth of his lips against yours, a stark contrast to the shivers coursing through your body. 
Beneath your hurried facade, you’re acutely aware of the discomfort caused by the sticky remnants of your passionate encounter. Your panties cling uncomfortably to your sensitive skin, and you can’t help but frown in concern. 
You can feel Yoongi’s cum starting to leak out of your pussy and deep down, you hope and pray that there are no visible signs of it.
The stranger regards both of you for a few more seconds, as if trying to read the truth in your eyes. 
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, hoping that your hastily crafted lie has convinced him. Sweat beads form on your forehead, and you wonder if he can see through your facade. 
Then, with a subtle nod and a skeptical yet understanding expression, the stranger seems to accept your explanation. 
Relief washes over you, like a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. You share a glance with Yoongi, and there’s a silent exchange of gratitude and relief in your eyes.
As you and Yoongi hoist your backpacks onto your shoulders, you exchange one last polite nod with the stranger. His gaze follows you, a hint of lingering curiosity in his eyes, but he says nothing more.
With a renewed sense of urgency, you and Yoongi turn away from him, your footsteps falling in sync on the trail. The forest envelopes you once again, the trees whispering secrets and the leaves cushioning your every step.
Silence settles between you and Yoongi for a moment, but it’s a comfortable silence, laced with the knowledge of the thrilling encounter you just had. Your hearts still race, and every rustle of leaves makes you turn your head, half-expecting the stranger to reappear.
“Oh my god, that was my worst nightmare come true!” 
You exclaim, your voice hushed but filled with urgency, as you and Yoongi put some distance between yourselves and the stranger. Your heart still races, and your words tumble out in a breathless rush. 
“I can’t believe we got caught like that.” 
You glance at Yoongi, your eyes wide with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. The two of you share a quick, nervous laugh.
“Ouch, was I that bad?” Yoongi pouts in mock offense, his lips forming an adorable sulk as he glances at you. But before you can respond, he playfully nudges you with his shoulder, eliciting a soft giggle from you. His laughter mixes with yours, the tension of the moment dissipating like morning mist under the sun. 
You playfully slap him across his chest, a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. “No! You know what I mean,” you tease, your voice laced with affectionate sarcasm. “You were incredible,” you add, letting your fingers linger on his chest, tracing invisible patterns, a silent promise of more to come.
“That might have been your worst nightmare, but babe,” he says, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “I felt how your pussy clenched more as he got closer.” His teasing tone is met with a hint of a smirk as he leans in closer. Your cheeks flush even redder.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You reply with a sly grin, your footsteps quickening as you lead the way up the trail. You look back over your shoulder, catching his eye with a playful glint. It’s a silent invitation for him to chase after you, a wordless promise of more adventures to come.
“Just admit you’re an exhibitionist at heart, babe.” 
He teases with a hearty laugh. You huff in response, but deep down, a rush of conflicting emotions surges through you. A mixture of embarrassment, excitement, and a newfound sense of liberation. It’s as though this unexpected encounter has unlocked a hidden facet of your desires, one you never knew existed.
“Also, can we talk about me being your boyfriend?” 
He asks, his gaze intense and searching, his eyes locking onto your blushing face. In the heat of the moment, you have forgotten your mishap when you spoke with the stranger, and now anxiety bubbles up within you. You stammer for words, your mind racing as you mumble incoherently, desperately hoping he won’t be upset.
He comes to a sudden halt, his fingers gently but firmly wrapping around your arms, and he fixes his gaze deep into your eyes. 
A hint of vulnerability shines through his expression as he says, “I liked it.” 
His voice is soft and sincere. A warm smile graces his lips, and you can sense the honesty behind those words, making your heart flutter with a mixture of relief and affection.
Your tense features immediately soften, and a wave of relief washes over you. You feel yourself melting in his embrace, his touch reassuring and warm. 
With wide eyes filled with wonder, you whisper, “You did?” 
The words hang in the air, heavy with emotion, as you search his eyes for confirmation.
“Yeah. In fact, I’ve been thinking about it for a few days,” he admits, scratching the back of his head, his vulnerability endearing. As you gaze into his deep brown eyes, you sense a whirlwind of emotions, but love shines through, swirling like a gentle current that binds your hearts together.
“I’ve been tormenting myself with this for the past few weeks,” you confess, the weight of your feelings finally spilling out. “I’ve been desperate to define what we are. And, honestly, it didn’t help when you introduced me as your ‘friend’ to your family.” The words hang in the air, charged with the uncertainty and longing that have been building within you for so long.
“If I had introduced you as my girlfriend,” he chuckles, “my mom would’ve started planning our wedding right then and there. And babies? Oh, she’d be all over that.” 
His laughter is infectious, and you can’t help but smile at his words, even if you’re still pouting playfully.
“But didn’t your sister do that anyway?” 
You playfully shove him, joining in on his laughter. “I swear, your family is all about weddings and baby plans.”
“That’s because she’s noisy and has a sixth sense,” he tells you with a playful grin, wrapping an arm around your waist as you both start walking again. “But hey, I promise not to pressure you for babies anytime soon.”
“You’re not pressuring me,” you say with a reassuring smile, looking into his eyes. “If anything, I’ll probably be the one pressuring you about that. I’m almost 30, and I’m not getting any younger. I’m not saying I want kids right now, but in the future, yes.”
He meets your gaze with a soft, heartfelt expression. “I do too,” he says, his voice filled with sincerity and a touch of vulnerability.
“So, do you want to date me, exclusively?” 
You ask, turning your head toward him, your smile radiating warmth. His eyes light up with excitement as he responds, “God, yes.” 
His hands find yours, and you intertwine your fingers, feeling a rush of emotions. In that moment, it feels like your heart might burst with love. He’s finally officially yours, and you are his. 
You turn around, catching his lips in a soft, tender kiss, sealing your newfound commitment with a sweet and heartfelt gesture.
You continue your hike hand in hand, reaching the summit of the mountain a few hours later. The view from the top is nothing short of breathtaking, with the sun casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape. The two of you stand there, silently taking in the beauty that surrounds you, feeling a deep connection between your intertwined fingers.
However, a persistent reminder of your passionate encounter still lingers – your damp panties, a consequence of both the intense hike and the thrilling escapade earlier. You can’t help but wish you had packed a spare pair, as you feel a mixture of sweat and his cum leaving you in a constant state of arousal.
The next day, you revel in the newfound bliss of having Yoongi officially as your boyfriend. 
Your morning is drenched in the soft, golden light filtering through the curtains, and you can’t resist the urge to express your love. With delicate kisses, you trace a path along his neck, leaving a trail of affectionate, crimson imprints in your wake, each mark a testament to your newfound love.
After another exhilarating hike, you stumble upon a magnificent waterfall, its cascading waters shimmering in the sunlight. The sheer force of nature’s beauty leaves you in awe. But as the day wears on, your fatigue catches up with you. 
Your feet ache from the miles you’ve trekked in the past few days. Each step back to Holly feels like a triumph over your body’s protests, a testament to the incredible adventures you’ve shared.
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow inside the van, Yoongi suggests a mutual foot massage to ease the fatigue that has settled into your limbs. You eagerly agree, both wanting to give and receive comfort after a long day of hiking.
You settle into a cozy spot on the bed, your legs stretched out, and Yoongi’s foot cradled in your lap. 
His strong, nimble fingers start working their magic, tracing delicate patterns on your skin, expertly kneading away the day’s tension. It feels like heaven as he finds and releases every knot and kink in your tired feet, making you sigh in bliss. You can’t help but marvel at how skilled he is, not just with his hands but in everything he does.
You return the favor, your fingers replicating his motions on his own tired feet. The exchange of care and affection in this intimate moment strengthens the bond between you. 
As you both lose yourselves in the rhythmic dance of your fingers, you’re reminded that it’s not just about the massages; it’s about the love and closeness you share, making each touch all the more meaningful.
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After leaving the previous campsite, you decide to explore further, heading north to Yeongdeok. 
There, you stumble upon a hidden gem—a quaint park tucked away amidst nature’s embrace. The park boasts a winding hiking trail, promising adventure and serenity in equal measure.
At the trailhead, you’re greeted by a lush canopy of trees that sway gently in the breeze, their leaves casting playful shadows on the ground. The earthy scent of the forest fills your nostrils as you begin your ascent. Birds sing melodious tunes, creating a harmonious backdrop to your journey.
As you reach the pinnacle of the trail, your efforts are rewarded with a breathtaking view that leaves you in awe. Before you, stretch the endless expanse of the sea, its azure waters stretch out as far as the eye can see. Below, mighty cliffs and jagged rocks rise from the depths, standing sentry against the relentless waves.
The sea’s rhythmic ballet is hypnotic, its waves crashing against the cliffs with both force and grace, as if engaged in an eternal dance. 
You and Yoongi stand in silence, absorbing the sheer majesty of this natural spectacle. It’s moments like these, when you’re surrounded by the untamed beauty of the world, that you feel the most alive, connected not just to nature but to each other.
“It’s really beautiful.” 
Inhaling deeply, you let the sheer beauty of the ocean and cliffs wash over you, filling your lungs with the crisp, salty air. Beside you, Yoongi, his eyes reflecting the same awe you feel, interlaces his fingers with yours, his silent affirmation of the breathtaking panorama before you.
After leaving the serene park, you and Yoongi embark on a short drive to a beach; a local secret with crystal-clear waters that rival even the most exotic of destinations. 
The moment your toes touch the powdery sand, a sense of tranquility washes over you. The sun kisses your skin, its warmth like a gentle embrace, and you slip into your bathing suit, feeling the soft fabric hug your body. Yoongi stands beside you, a grin of pure joy on his face, as you both take in the panorama before you.
The water stretches out, a palette of blues and greens merging in a harmonious blend, inviting you to explore its depths. 
Hand in hand, you and Yoongi walk along the shoreline, the cool, foamy waves lapping at your feet. It’s a sensory symphony—the sound of the waves crashing, the salty tang of the sea in the air, and the soft caress of the sand underfoot.
As you wade into the shallow water, you can’t help but steal glances at each other, laughter bubbling up as the gentle waves playfully tease you. The ocean’s embrace is both invigorating and soothing, a bittersweet reminder that your vacation days are numbered. You’re determined to savor every precious moment together, etching these memories into your hearts before the inevitable chill of autumn arrives.
Following a day of exploration and seaside delight, the two of you stumble upon a charming local restaurant, its rustic façade promising authentic flavors of the coastal town. 
With the scent of the sea still lingering in your hair, you step inside and are immediately greeted by the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked snow crabs, a local delicacy that beckons to your taste buds. Seated at a quaint wooden table with a view of the bustling kitchen, you and Yoongi embark on a culinary adventure. 
The dishes arrive, each one a work of art on the plate. The first bite of succulent snow crab sends a burst of flavor that dances across your palate, a symphony of sweet and savory notes that leave you craving more.
As you savor each mouthful, you steal glances at Yoongi, his eyes reflecting the same appreciation for the exquisite meal. There’s a shared understanding between you, an unspoken bond that transcends words—a silent agreement that this moment, this meal, is something special. 
The dim, cozy ambiance of the restaurant only adds to the intimacy of the evening. The hours slip away as you indulge in the local cuisine, the flavors becoming more than just food—they’re an experience, a memory etched into your journey. With each bite, you feel closer to the heart of this coastal town and to each other. 
As the sun begins its gentle descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape, you and Yoongi make your way to a nearby campground. 
The day has been a tapestry of unforgettable experiences, from the rugged trails to the soothing embrace of the sea. Now, under the canvas of the night sky, you find solace in the simple yet comforting embrace of your campsite. 
With the rhythmic lullaby of crickets and the distant whispers of the breeze in the trees, you set up your cozy haven for the night. The soft glow of your campfire flickers in the darkness, casting dancing shadows that seem to mirror the playful dance of your hearts. The aroma of crackling wood mingles with the scent of the forest, creating an intoxicating blend that fills the air.
You and Yoongi retire to your snug sleeping quarters, cocooned in warmth and each other’s presence. The day’s adventures have left your bodies pleasantly fatigued, and as you lay beneath a blanket of stars, the world seems to fade away. 
The hushed conversations and gentle laughter between you are the only sounds in the stillness of the night.
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As you continue your journey, the rhythmic hum of Holly’s engine is suddenly interrupted by an ominous noise again, but more prominent than before. At first, it’s a faint whisper, like a distant rumble, but it steadily grows louder and more disconcerting. The unease in the pit of your stomach mirrors the growing intensity of the sound.
Yoongi’s keen ears catch the disturbance too, and his brows furrow in concern. 
The two of you exchange worried glances, realizing that this is not a good sign. Holly, your trusted companion on this adventure, seems to be voicing its distress in the only way it knows how.
The noise reverberates through the van, making the situation impossible to ignore. It’s a reminder that even the best-laid plans can be derailed by unexpected challenges. The anticipation and uncertainty hang in the air, creating a sense of urgency as you approach Andong, hoping to find a solution to the growing problem.
With each passing mile, the noise becomes a relentless companion, a constant reminder of the unknown. Your hearts beat in tandem with Holly’s disconcerting rhythm, as you brace yourselves for whatever lies ahead in this unexpected twist of your journey.
In the heart of Andong, Yoongi’s determination leads you to a local garage that radiates a sense of authenticity and warmth. 
With a friendly smile and a humble request, he approaches the mechanics and inquires if they might have a hydraulic lift he can borrow for a moment.
The mechanics, deeply rooted in the spirit of their tight-knit community, are quick to oblige. Their willingness to help a stranger on the road is a testament to the hospitality and camaraderie of the place. They nod with understanding and offer Yoongi their trust, allowing him to work on the van in peace.
As Yoongi delves beneath the van’s chassis, the anticipation in the air is palpable. 
You watch him with admiration, the clinking of tools and the occasional muttered words of problem-solving creating a symphony of determination. As Yoongi dives into the task at hand, you find yourself drawn into the rhythm of his work. 
The garage’s dimly lit interior casts elongated shadows as he meticulously dissects Holly’s front wheel section. The metallic clinks of tools and the soft hum of the overhead lights fill the air, creating a symphony of purposeful activity.
With every piece he carefully removes, the mystery of Holly’s strange noise unravels. 
It’s as if he’s conducting a delicate orchestra of mechanics, and you’re an audience of one, enchanted by his expertise. 
His hands move with a graceful precision, each movement deliberate and calculated. In this moment, as the problem is revealed under the probing beam of his flashlight, a surge of relief washes over you. 
You realize how much you rely on him, not just as your partner in this journey, but as the unwavering troubleshooter who turns setbacks into triumphs. 
As the source of the strange noise is pinpointed, a triumphant smile spreads across Yoongi’s face. Holly, a silent witness to your adventures, almost seems to sigh in relief too.
As Yoongi kneels beside the van, his fingers deftly inspecting the worn-out drive shaft cuffs and tightening loose bolts, he begins to explain the intricacies of the van’s inner workings. 
Though the technical jargon might as well be a foreign language to you, you’re completely captivated by the way he lights up when he talks about it. 
His voice, a soothing blend of confidence and passion, weaves a story of mechanical marvels and engineering wizardry. Each word he utters carries the weight of expertise, and as you watch his hands move with the grace of a seasoned craftsman, you can’t help but admire his mastery of the subject. Even though the details might elude you, the admiration in your eyes speaks volumes. Listening to Yoongi, you realize how love can infuse even the most mundane topics with magic. 
The way he pours his heart into this moment, explaining the van’s ailments and the remedies required, makes you fall in love with him all even more.
In this garage, surrounded by the scent of grease and the echoes of tinkering tools, you find yourself not just appreciating his mechanical expertise but also marveling at the depth of your bond. 
As he wraps up his explanation, you can’t help but smile, grateful for the chance to witness his passion and to be a part of this adventure with him.
As Yoongi approaches the garage owners with a confident smile, you can’t help but admire his resourcefulness. It’s one of those moments that showcase his determination and practical problem-solving skills. 
The owners, a pair of weathered but friendly faces, nod in acknowledgment as Yoongi explains his needs. With a swift exchange of money, the spare parts are in his hands, and he’s back at work. 
The tools clink and clank, echoing in the garage like a symphony of repair. As he meticulously replaces the worn-out cuffs and tightens the loose screws, you stand by, a silent witness to his dedication. The rhythm of his movements, the focused look on his face, and the occasional muttering to himself all paint a portrait of a man wholly engrossed in his task.
“I’m done now, thank you for waiting.” 
Yoongi’s voice breaks through the ambient sounds of the garage, pulling you from your quiet contemplation. His beaming smile and the way he wipes his oiled hands on his pants are endearing, a testament to his pride in a job well done.
You rise from where you were leaning against a nearby shelf, your own smile mirroring his. With every step you take towards him, it’s not just Holly that’s been repaired; it’s your faith in each other and your ability to navigate life’s unexpected detours.
He pulls you into a warm, oil-scented embrace, his chest pressed against yours. His heartbeat, steady and reassuring, matches the rhythm of your own.
Unable to contain your admiration, you offer a compliment with a playful smile, “I enjoyed watching you work,” but your cheeks betray you with a blush that rises like a cresting wave, “you look hot.”
His fingers, stained with grease and oil, brush gently against your cheek as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. The sensation sends shivers down your spine, and you find yourself leaning into his touch, craving the warmth of his rough hands against your skin.
“My hands are dirty, babe.” 
He murmurs, his voice a low, husky timbre that sends a thrill through your entire body. He attempts to pull away, to spare you from the grime that clings to his skin.
But you can’t bring yourself to care about the dirt when his touch feels like an electric jolt of desire. With a fierce determination, you reach out and capture his hands, fingers entwining with his in a passionate embrace.
“I don’t care,” you declare, your voice breathless with longing. You pull him closer, your lips meet in a fiery kiss that speaks of desire and a bond too strong to be deterred by something as trivial as dirty hands.
His laughter dances against your lips, a carefree melody that sets your heart ablaze. 
You pull back slightly, your eyes meeting his with a mischievous spark. 
“Maybe we should take this show on the road,” he suggests, his voice a teasing whisper that sends a thrill through your body. His playful demeanor matches the twinkle in his eyes as he senses the curious gazes of onlookers.
With a soft chuckle, you lean back, breaking the passionate kiss but keeping your connection alive. You both share a knowing look, acknowledging the audience that has unintentionally gathered around. Some wear frowns, their disapproval thinly veiled, while others struggle to look away, curiosity getting the best of them.
After a heartfelt exchange of gratitude with the garage owners, you and Yoongi set out for a local campground nestled just beyond the town’s outskirts. 
Holly’s engine hums with a newfound vibrancy, the haunting clicks and pops replaced by a reassuring purr, a testament to Yoongi’s skillful repair work.
As you approach the campground, the world begins to transform. 
The air is infused with the earthy scent of the surrounding woods, and the fading sunlight casts a warm, golden hue over the landscape. Tall trees stand sentinel, their rustling leaves whispering secrets of countless stories shared beneath their branches.
Arriving at the campground, you find a secluded spot, the van settling into its new temporary home. 
As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Yoongi takes charge of creating a campfire. With practiced ease, he gathers dry twigs and kindling, coaxing life into the flames until they crackle and dance in the gathering darkness. 
The firelight cast playful shadows, creating an intimate circle of warmth and light.
Together, you prepare a simple yet delicious dinner over the campfire. The scent of roasting marshmallows and the savory aroma of grilled vegetables fills the air, mingling with the smoky fragrance of the crackling wood. 
The orange glow of the flames paints your faces in a warm, flickering embrace as you share stories, laughter, and the occasional playful banter.
Despite your best intentions, your contributions to the culinary efforts may have been minimal, but the camaraderie of preparing a meal together adds a touch of charm to the evening. 
With satisfied appetites and hearts full of contentment, you both settle in for a restful night’s sleep. The soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze plays a soothing lullaby, accompanied by the distant murmur of a nearby stream. Wrapped in your cozy duvets, you drift into dreams beneath the vast, starlit canopy of the night sky.
The next day, you are eager to immerse yourselves in the rich traditions of Andong, a town steeped in history. 
As you step onto the cobblestone streets, a sense of timelessness washes over you. Andong has a unique charm, an old-world aura that whispers stories of centuries past. Wandering through the town, you discover quaint hanok houses with curved roofs, each adorned with intricate wooden carvings and papered windows. 
The streets are lined with vibrant flowers, their colors popping against the backdrop of ancient buildings. Occasionally, you encounter locals in traditional hanbok attire, a living connection to the town’s heritage.
Though the Mask Festival, a renowned celebration of culture and art, has yet to arrive, the beginning of it was already underway as it is just one week away. Small shops and stalls display intricate masks, some whimsical, others deeply solemn. You can’t resist the allure of these artistic creations and pick up a few as keepsakes.
As the first light of dawn gently kisses the horizon, you wake up to the promise of a new day’s adventure. 
The crisp morning air, tinged with the faint aroma of last night’s dinner, fills your senses. With the remnants of a hearty meal beckoning from the campfire’s embers, you decide to start your day with a taste of yesterday’s flavors. 
Sitting beside the smoldering fire, you savor the rich and comforting taste of the previous night’s meal. The warmth of the flames caress your skin, contrasting the cool mountain breeze that rustles through the surrounding trees. 
Each bite of food is a reminder of the shared moments around the campfire and the anticipation of the journey ahead.
With a satisfied belly, you eagerly prepare for the day’s hike. 
Your hiking gear, meticulously chosen for comfort and practicality, awaits its next adventure. As you lace up your sturdy boots, the promise of rugged trails and breathtaking vistas fills your thoughts, igniting a spark of excitement. Your backpack, loaded with essentials, feels like a trusty companion ready to accompany you on this mountain odyssey.
You have heard whispers of the legendary Byongdae cliff and the enchanting Pine Tree Forest that graces these mystical mountains. The tales have woven a tapestry of intrigue in your mind, and now, standing on the precipice of reality, you feel an irresistible pull to explore these fabled wonders.
Your journey begins amidst the towering giants of the Pine Tree Forest, a cathedral of nature’s grandeur. As you step into this tranquil grove, the air is saturated with the earthy scent of pine needles, a fragrant welcome that envelops your senses.
The sun filters through the dense canopy above, casting dappled shadows that dance at your feet. 
Each step you take feels like a pilgrimage through a sacred woodland, the ancient trees bearing witness to the passage of time itself. You crane your neck to look up, their lofty branches reaching for the heavens, as if sharing secrets with the sky. 
Birds serenade you with their melodic tunes, their songs echoing through the forest like a chorus of hidden muses. With each inhalation, you taste the purity of the forest air, a crisp elixir that invigorates your spirit.
As you wander deeper into this verdant sanctuary, you find yourself in the company of nature’s most exquisite creations. The pine trees stand sentinel, their trunks adorned with mossy tapestries, and their branches, adorned with tufts of emerald needles, sway in a gentle, rhythmic ballet.
Emerging from the woodland, you find yourself at the water’s edge, where the tranquil surface mirrors the cerulean sky above. 
Here, a quaint wooden ferry awaits, bobbing gently on the crystal-clear waters. 
With each paddle stroke, the boat glides effortlessly, carrying you and Yoongi closer to your next adventure.
The cliff looms ahead, a majestic sentinel of nature’s artistry. Its rugged facade rises from the water like a monolithic masterpiece, adorned with mosses and lichens, a testament to the passage of time. The boat docks at its base, and your anticipation grows. 
The ascent up the cliff is a thrilling endeavor, each step revealing a new facet of the picturesque village below. The air is invigorating, infused with the scent of salt and pine, while the distant sounds of village life, like the cheerful chatter of locals and the distant bleating of sheep, waft up to greet you. 
With every upward stride, the panorama unfolds, transforming the village into a living, breathing diorama beneath the vast expanse of the cerulean sky.
As you finally conquer the summit, a triumphant sense of achievement washes over you. 
The world unfolds before your eyes in a breathtaking panorama, a tapestry of nature’s artistry and the village’s quaint charm. 
You find a quiet spot to rest, nestled among the craggy rocks, where the gentle breeze carries with it the scent of adventure and the distant laughter of villagers below. Sitting there, you let the serenity of the moment seep into your bones. The sun bathes you in its golden warmth, the crisp mountain air fills your lungs, and the distant chirping of birds adds a harmonious touch to the symphony of nature. 
You close your eyes for a moment, feeling the earth beneath you, grounding yourself in this tranquil haven.
As you gaze from the rugged precipice, your voice slips into a soft, almost reverent whisper, “I’ll miss this so much when our vacation ends,” your eyes tracing the contours of the village sprawled far below.
“Weekend camping trips are always an option.” 
Yoongi suggests, his gaze lingering on the delicate contours of your face, taking in your beauty.
You turn to face Yoongi, your eyes sparkling with stars, and a surge of wonder and excitement infusing your voice, “Really?”
He nods, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek, his finger lightly tracing over your soft lips, leaving a tantalizing sensation in its wake.
Reluctantly, you begin your descent, your steps lighter now, the memories of the panoramic view etched into your heart. The wooden ferry awaits, its creaking timbers echoing with tales of countless journeys. 
As you board, the gentle sway of the boat on the water lulls you into a peaceful reverie. You watch as the cliff recedes into the distance, still an indomitable sentinel against the azure sky.
Returning to the village, you carry with you the sense of wonder and accomplishment that only a day spent among nature’s wonders can bring, a memory that will forever remain etched in your mind.
Your exploration also takes you to a serene temple nestled in the hills. The scent of incense hangs in the air as you marvel at the intricate architecture and the palpable sense of tranquility. Yoongi, always with an appreciation for the cultural significance of such places, captures the moment with his camera, preserving the beauty for eternity.
Fatigued from your adventurous day, you and Yoongi decide it’s time to savor the local flavors of Andong. 
A quaint restaurant beckons with the promise of culinary delights. The warm, inviting aroma of simmering spices and savory sauces wafts through the air as you step inside.
Seated at a wooden table, you peruse the menu with eager anticipation. Your eyes fall upon the legendary Andong Soju, its allure heightened by its formidable 40% alcohol content. With a knowing glance exchanged between you and Yoongi, you agree to indulge in moderation, not wanting to let the potent elixir spoil your evening.
As you sip the clear, fiery liquid from small glasses, you can feel the warmth spreading through your veins. The Soju carries the essence of Andong, a taste that hints at the town’s history and traditions, and it adds an extra layer of authenticity to your dining experience. 
For dinner, you decide to follow the advice of the locals and order the Jjimdak, a delectable dish that embodies the heart of Korean cuisine. Braised chicken and an array of vibrant vegetables, lovingly marinated in rich Korean soy sauce, arrive at your table. The dish is a burst of colors and textures, a tantalizing blend of sweet and savory flavors that dance on your taste buds.
As you dine, you can’t help but admire the cozy ambiance of the restaurant, filled with the cheerful chatter of fellow diners and the soothing melodies of traditional Korean music playing softly in the background. 
The flickering candlelight adds a touch of romance to the atmosphere.
Under the dimly lit Andong streets, you and Yoongi stroll hand in hand, feeling the subtle sway of the evening. 
The Andong Soju, though sipped cautiously, has lent a gentle, tipsy euphoria to your steps. The world takes on a dreamlike quality as you navigate the winding paths and narrow alleys. As you walk, the night envelops you in a comforting embrace. The soft glow of streetlights casts warm, golden pools on the cobblestone streets, guiding your way. 
The air is alive with the distant murmur of laughter and the melodious hum of crickets, serenading your tipsy journey. You steal glances at Yoongi, his features illuminated by the soft city lights. His eyes sparkle with a shared secret, and his smile, slightly crooked from the Soju’s influence, is irresistibly endearing. 
Every touch of his hand in yours sends delightful shivers through your tipsy senses.
As you approach Holly, it stands as a steadfast companion, a haven of familiarity in the midst of the Andong night. You pause for a moment, swaying gently together, and share a soft, lingering kiss beneath the moonlight. 
The taste of Yoongi and Soju lingers on your lips.
With your hearts light and spirits high, you finally settle into Holly, ready for a restful night’s sleep. The world outside may spin with a tipsy enchantment, but in each other’s arms, you find balance and serenity, cherishing the memories created in the charming town of Andong.
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A few days before your planned rendezvous with Joonie, Jinie, and Hobi in Daejeon, you embark on a detour to Gumi, a place of natural beauty and tranquility. 
Your destination is the enchanting Geumosan Reservoir, a serene oasis nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests. As you approach the reservoir, the scent of pine and earth fills the air, awakening your senses to the wilderness that lies ahead. 
The anticipation builds in your chest, knowing that an adventure awaits you amidst the pristine landscape.
Upon arrival, you’re greeted by the shimmering waters of the reservoir, reflecting the azure sky like a flawless mirror. The surrounding hills are cloaked in vibrant shades of green, and the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze becomes your symphony.
You and Yoongi don your hiking gear, ready to explore the intricate network of trails that wind through this natural wonder. 
The first step onto the trail sends a jolt of excitement through you as the earth crunches beneath your boots, and you feel the rhythm of nature beneath your feet. The hike takes you along paths that meander through dense woods, opening up to breathtaking vistas that steal your breath away. 
The cool breeze carries the sweet aroma of wildflowers, and the distant call of birds adds a melodic soundtrack to your journey.
Yoongi’s hand in yours provides a reassuring anchor as you both marvel at the splendor of nature. 
Each step forward feels like an adventure, a shared exploration of the world’s wonders.
After a day of hiking, you find a serene spot near the reservoir’s edge to rest. You sit side by side, feet dangling above the crystal-clear water, and share a quiet moment of awe. The world seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the beauty that surrounds you.
“I just love nature,” Yoongi murmurs, leaning gently against your shoulder, his words carrying a sense of serenity, “the tranquility, the freedom to wander and reflect on life.”
You exhale audibly, your voice brimming with happiness, “I completely understand,” you say, your hand finding its way to his thigh, “This getaway is exactly what I needed to escape from the stresses of work,” you add, resting your head against his shoulder and savoring the moment.
He hums in contentment, “Indeed, it sounded like you were in desperate need of a break,” he says, his voice soft and reassuring.
“Yeah, you know I genuinely love my job, but recently the stress has really taken its toll.” 
You say, your voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. You can’t help but feel conflicted about your career, torn between your passion for it and the overwhelming stress it sometimes brings.
“I’m grateful this trip has been a relief,” he says, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. His words carry a warmth that reassures you, making you appreciate the escape from your daily pressures even more.
You exhale softly, your fingers finding comfort in his, and ask, “What’s your next destination in mind?” 
Your eyes meet his, filled with anticipation for the adventures yet to come.
He starts rambling with an endearing enthusiasm, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I heard about a science center nearby. I know neither of us is a science geek, but I thought it might still be a lot of fun,” he says, his smile revealing those charming gums of his. You can’t help but find it absolutely adorable.
“I’m up for it. Honestly, everything with you is a blast, so I’m all in,” you reply, your voice filled with enthusiasm. You turn your head and punctuate your agreement with a passionate kiss, locking lips with his soft, inviting ones.
Although science has never been your forte, you decide to pay a visit to the local Science Center in Gumi. 
As you step into this world of discovery and innovation, you’re pleasantly surprised by the sense of wonder that envelops you. Together with Yoongi, you explore the center’s myriad exhibits, each one a gateway to the extraordinary. 
The museum’s interactive displays and hands-on activities offer a chance to hold hands with your boyfriend while delving into the mysteries of the universe.
One exhibit captures your attention—a dazzling planetarium show that transports you to distant galaxies. With the domed ceiling overhead, you and Yoongi recline in cushioned seats, your fingers intertwined, and watch as stars and constellations come to life, painting the cosmos with their celestial beauty.
The immersive experience ignites a newfound curiosity within you, as you realize that science has the power to evoke awe and inspire even to those who never thought they’d be interested.
Leaving the Science Center, you walk hand in hand, the spark of connection between you and Yoongi shining brighter than ever.
As the day unfolds, you and Yoongi decide to hit the bowling alley. 
You both step into those classic rented shoes, each pair slightly too large, and claim your own lane, creating a private haven for laughter and competition. The joy of the game isn’t just in the strikes and spares but in the shared experience. 
Yoongi, with his effortless bowling prowess, takes the lead. He patiently guides you, showing you how to hold the ball and improve your stance. Despite his best efforts, your balls still veer off course, but it hardly matters. What truly matters is the closeness you share. With each instruction he gives, his hands gently brush against yours, fingers lingering just a moment longer. 
You cherish these stolen moments of connection, realizing that it’s not about perfect strikes but the perfect touch and laughter that make this game unforgettable. As the pins clatter and balls roll, you’re grateful for the opportunity to have fun together, even if it means embracing your ineptitude at bowling. 
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As your journey alone with Yoongi approaches its final destination, you find yourself in Yeongdong, a place where nature’s grandeur unfolds in breathtaking ways. Your destination? 
The enchanting Wolrybong peak, a majestic mountain that seems to touch the sky itself.
The ascent is filled with moments of awe as you navigate through winding trails, surrounded by lush, verdant forests. The air is crisp, carrying the scent of pine and earth, invigorating your senses with each breath. The trail occasionally opens up, revealing glimpses of the surrounding cliffs and pristine waters below, a mesmerizing sight that leaves you spellbound.
Upon reaching the summit, you find yourself standing on the edge of the world, overlooking a vast expanse of untouched beauty. 
Cliffs stand tall and proud, their rugged faces meeting the azure waters that stretch as far as the eye can see. It’s a scene that defies description, and for a moment, you feel like you’re part of a painting, a tiny speck in the grand canvas of nature.
In those tranquil moments, the world fades away, leaving you and Yoongi with nothing but the majesty of nature surrounding you. You take it all in, cherishing this time together.
As the sun sets behind the peaks, casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape, you can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to witness such beauty and to share it with the one you love. 
As the days wind down to the end of your adventurous journey, you decide to indulge in a well-deserved period of relaxation. Nestled in the cozy confines of Holly, you and Yoongi find solace in quiet moments together. The gentle hum of nature outside, the soft rustling of leaves, and the distant chirping of birds create a soothing symphony.
Wrapped in each other’s warmth, you savor the simple pleasure of just being together. The world outside may be bustling with activity, but within your private haven, time slows down, allowing you to bask in the tranquility that surrounds you.
There’s a contented sigh as you lean into Yoongi’s comforting embrace, the soft rhythm of his heartbeat echoing in sync with yours. 
Holly’s interior becomes your sanctuary, a place where laughter, stories, and stolen kisses create an intimate bond that feels like a haven of love.
As the time comes to drive to Daejeon to reunite with your friends, you do so with hearts full of cherished memories and a renewed sense of connection. 
The journey continues, but now it’s not just about the places you visit; it’s about the love and experiences you carry with you, making every mile of the road a testament to your new official relationship.
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→ Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜 → Taglist: @idkjustlovingbts, @constancelayon, @wobblewobble822, @ktownshizzle, @moonchild1, @ultimatefangirl0, @baechugff, @jimintaemin, @parapiop7, @fckkntired, @iluvfndms, @citypop-princess, @tarahardcore, @bergandysam, @massivelyfullenthusiast, @tatyhend *strikethrough means tumblr isn’t letting me tag you :(
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coupsie-daisies · 1 year
Kinktober '23: Virginity | Min Yoongi
Pairing: GN!Reader x Min Yoongi
Genre: Smut (minors DO NOT interact), Kinktober 2023
Summary: You finally tell Yoongi, the guy you probably shouldn't be fucking around with, that you're a virgin. Nothing could have prepared you for his reaction.
WC: 2.3k
Warnings: Reader is described having a vulva and breasts, but uses gender neutral pronouns, virginity loss (a dumb construct), unprotected sex, mentions of alcohol consumption, marijuana mention, fingering, Yoongi has a dirty mouth and a bit of a possessive streak, creampie, soft Yoongi
A/N: Here we go, kinktober day 1!! Hopefully yall like it, and forgive me if I fall behind schedule. Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for my kinktober fics
Tags: @dragonofthenorth0726 // @wooyussy // @burningupp-replies // @bunnypig18 // @decaffedthoughts // @brownieracha // @ferrethyun // @snow-pegasus // @wonuqrtz // @mixling-blog
Main Masterlist
Kinktober '23 Masterlist
This fanfiction is property of @/coupsie-daisies, reposting on any other platform is prohibited
You felt ridiculous underneath Yoongi, the thought clouding your mind as you kissed him, as his hands pushed up your shirt to expose more of your stomach for him to touch. And the worst part was that you felt even more ridiculous for thinking about it so much.
You had been fooling around with Yoongi for a couple of weeks now. You'd met at a party one of your older friends had invited you to, and you knew Yoongi by reputation only. He was a bit of a fuckboy, he'd slept with plenty of people and made quite a name for himself as an 'experience'. It was actually a little terrifying the way people talked about him, like he was something everyone had to experience.
But he'd been kind when you'd met him, introduced by your friend Hoseok with a request to help keep an eye on you. You'd been offended, actually, at the implication that you couldn't look out for yourself. But having Hobi's friends around to keep an eye on you had actually been quite nice, eliminating the need to socialize with strangers and all that. Yoongi had kept a drink in your hand, though sometimes swapping it out for water when he'd decided you should slow down, and eventually you ended up sitting on a couch, sidled up to him as he smoked up with his friends.
The first time you kissed Yoongi he was high, and you were maybe a little more tipsy than you should have been. But it was the start of something great. You and Yoongi were friends, maybe not the closest of friends but he wasn't a stranger. You felt safe with him, and you could go to each other with your needs. Any needs. Which was how you ended up under him now, his fingers rubbing firm, fast circles against your aching clit.
"Yoongi, please," You whined. He smirked, and you cursed him silently because you really did understand why everyone was obsessing over his skills.
"Please what, pretty baby?" He asked, leaning down to kiss your throat, and you huffed.
"Please, wanna cum. That's what you came over for, right? To get me off, help me destress." You were being annoying, you were sure, but you didn't care in the least. You just wanted to get off, and Yoongi had promised to help you relax. But instead he had you winding so tight you thought your muscles would tear.
"Not gonna make you cum on my fingers, baby. You want to be fucked stupid, right? Don't wanna think anymore? Gonna make you all dumb on my cock instead."
His words sent a rush of arousal through you, wetness dripping out to slick onto his fingers. But even so, he stopped, feeling the way you tensed under him. His fingers were slower now, barely giving you anything as he pulled back and gave you a questioning look.
"You don't want that?" He asked. You and him had never gone that far, sticking to dry humping or going down on each other, sometimes he'd slide his fingers into you, but that was different.
"No! I mean, I do! It's just..." You squirmed, blinking away your building anxiety. Yoongi stopped entirely, sitting back to give you space to breathe, but the distance only made you feel naked, much more exposed than you would have liked.
"You know you can tell me. We communicate. I promised to take care of you, I'm still gonna do that." He promised you, and you fought off a small, surprised expression. You hadn't imagined he'd taken it that seriously back then, let alone now.
"I'm a virgin." You said finally, avoiding his eye. There was quiet, and you squirmed before Yoongi was towering over you, his hand gripping your chin to lift your gaze back to him.
"You've been letting me play with you all this time, and you just weren't gonna tell me that?" He asked, his thumb tracing over your lower lip. You could swear his gaze was only getting more intense, and you swallowed.
"It's embarrassing," You admitted. He huffed out a tiny laugh, his eyebrow quirking upwards in the way that always had you going a little bit feral.
"Embarrassing? What about me being able to ruin you for any other man is embarrassing, pretty thing?" He asked. You felt a quiet squeak slip past your lips. You quickly regained your confidence though, not wanting to give him the upper hand.
"So you wouldn't be able to ruin me for anyone else if I'd already slept with another person? Good to know," You teased, lips curling into a troublesome grin. He rolled his eyes, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. Then his lips were pressed to the sensitive spot just under your ear, his tongue dragging over it before sucking hard. Your body pressed closer towards his, rolling into the warmth that washed over you.
"Oh, baby, I already have." He whispered, his attention trailing further down your neck, leaving tiny bruises that you knew would bloom bright overnight. Your fingers laced through his hair, tugging lightly as a silent plea for him to leave his teasing and move on. He groaned quietly, not seeming to want to wait either.
He sat back, taking a minute to admire you as if he hadn't seen you laying naked beneath him more times than he could count on one hand. You felt a new wave of arousal rush through you under his attention. His hands brushed your stomach, sliding up to cup your tits, thumbs brushing in feather-light touches over your nipples as if he would hurt you if he touched them too firmly. You released a breathy moan, your eyes shutting as you basked in the attention.
"Gonna make you feel so good." He said, quietly enough that it was almost like he was talking to himself, but you knew better with the way his hands lowered down to knead at your thighs, feeling the soft plush flesh under his fingertips before pushing them wider apart.
You were entirely exposed to him, and even though he'd touched you just a little while earlier, this felt so much more intimate. His fingers slid easily through the wetness leaking from your hole, teasing you with slow, careful touches before sliding two into you, scissoring them and curling them carefully. His eyebrows were furrowed as he focused on the slide of his fingers inside your pussy, his tongue poking against his bottom lip. The attention had you hot all over and you squirming which only forced his fingers to prod a little harder against that spot you loved. You keened, his name on the tip of your tongue but coming out instead as a long whine.
"Please, need you. Don't wanna wait anymore. Waited forever." You huffed. He smiled, a genuine, brilliant smile as his thumb flicked over your clit. And then, finally he was pulling his hand away, maneuvering the two of you with gentle touches until he was settled between your legs, the tip of his cock nudging against your folds.
"Say it again," He requested, the head of his aching length running teasing circles around your clit. "Say you need me, tell me how bad."
"Yoongi," You huffed, and he dipped his cock ever so slightly between your swollen pussy lips, laying enough pressure over your entrance to make you choke on your complaints. Any shame or frustration gave way to pure desperation to feel more of him, to be full of him, surrounded by him. "Please, I need you. Need you so bad I could cry, want you to be my first, want you to take me."
Your words made him hiss, his hips pressing carefully forward, nudging his cock into you inch by inch. You tipped your head back against the pillows, your back arching off the bed and pushing you closer to him, needing more of him, needing him closer. One of your hands scrambled to find his waist, pulling him down closer to you. He didn't hesitate to give in, lowering himself until your chests were pressed together, his face tucked into the crook of your neck and his hips continuing their slow, steady roll against yours. It was another few moments before he was fully sheathed in your tight, wet warmth. His weight rested on his forearm beside you, his other hand gripping at your hip, thumb tracing over the curve there.
"Feel so fucking perfect wrapped around me, shit," He grumbled, voice muffled against your skin, but you heard them all the same, your walls fluttering around him as you tried to get used to the feeling of having him inside of you. He was definitely hitting places you'd never felt before, stretching you out more than his fingers ever had and making the fire in the pit of your stomach burn hotter, the flames consuming you and turning your inhibitions to ash.
"I need more. Fuck me, baby, please. Can take it." You begged, your fingers stroking through his hair again. He shifted, the movement pulling him out of you, and you almost sobbed when he rolled his hips back to draw most of the way out before sliding back in with ease. The rolling thrusts of his hips were slow, easy, and you melted into them. You tugged at his hair with one hand, the other dragging your nails against his waist, pulling him impossibly closer until you were breathing him in.
"Can't believe I haven't done this yet." He mumbled, sucking at your shoulder until a pretty little mark was left in his wake. "You're fucking made for me, built for my dick. Never gonna let you go. All mine, gonna take such good care of you."
He was almost as fucked as you were, his breath coming out in pants as his hips sped up. He slid his hand down, pulling your thigh up to wrap around his hips, drilling himself even deeper and groaning when you moaned his name, tightening around him.
"There," You managed to gasp, and Yoongi shifted, giving himself a little more leverage to speed up, fucking against the spot that had made you react so perfectly for him. He wondered under the fog of his mind if you'd ever felt it before, if your fingers could reach it, if you had been waiting for him to find it. Or maybe, he hoped as he reached down to swirl his fingers around your clit, maybe you would only associate it with him. The spot that he hit just right, the spot that he could find with ease.
"Choking me," He hissed out, never easing up. Your legs tightened around his hips, and your walls sucked him in like every pullback of his cock was a loss you couldn't stomach. You were close, he knew that reaction, knew those sounds like the back of his hand and he was determined to feel you cum on his dick. "Go on, pretty, let go for me. I know you're almost there, you can let go."
His words were soft, sweet, washing over your like ocean waves and dragging you down into your orgasm, air ripping from your lungs as you released around him. You trembled, your hips grinding up to meet his desperate movements, and his movement slowed down to ease you through it.
His movements didn't stop even as you came down, and it was hard to say if he was urging you towards a second one or if he was just too transfixed by the feeling of your walls finally wrapping around him like they'd been waiting for him to slide into you.
"Want you to cum too," You said, the hand in his hair moving to guide his lips towards you, pulling him into a kiss. The taste of him on your lips was like a drug, his tongue slipping past your lips to map out your mouth and his teeth dragging against your lip, not hard enough to be considered a bite, but certainly enough for you to know he could. It didn't take anything more than the kiss to push him over the edge, his groan getting lost in the press of your lips, and his hips pressing flush into yours as he spilled into you.
The kiss slowed, still hungry and desperate, but languid now as if he were savoring the moment of you two pressed so close together. Once he was out of breath, he pulled away, nuzzling into your neck and dragging you as close as he possibly could given your position. He rolled you onto your side with him so the two of you were tangled together, his softening cock finally slipping out of you and his leg trapping yours between his own.
"How was it?" He asked after a few moments of stroking his fingertips against your waist. You kept your eyes closed, basking in his attention and letting a smile curl on your lips.
"It was perfect." You said, pressing closer so he couldn't see the way your smile grew.
"Only the best for my darling." He said, tipping your chin up to kiss you again. You smiled against his lips before pulling away a bit. He followed your lips, and you giggled.
"Yours, huh?" You asked, fingertips drumming against his bare chest.
"I want you to be. Always have. Now more than ever.  don't want anyone else to have you like I do." He confessed without hesitation, and the sincerity in his voice genuinely surprised you. Your teasing gaze softened, and you kissed him once more.
"Nobody will. They couldn't even if they wanted to. I'm all yours."
copyright 2023 coupsie-daisies, all rights reserved
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yoongisleftshoulder · 2 years
BTS Reacts: Their S/O Has Bad Period Pains
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Jin knew he could only do so much to aid you during your period so he would be there as much as he could emotionally. Basically an emotional support puppy. Of course, he would provide you with anything you needed, like pads/tampons, heating pads etc. Prepare to be snuggled more than you've ever been snuggled before. He would be afraid of accidentally putting pressure on the wrong spot and making things worse but once he found a comfy position for the both of you, he wouldn't be leaving. Throughout the whole week, he did anything within his power to make you smile.
If your period pains were bad enough, Yoongi would essentially parent you through it. Without you even asking, he would be cooking all of your meals every day, running you hot baths or showers, warming up your blankets in the dryer, and even running to the store to do some shopping for you. He wouldn't sit and rub your back or wherever for hours but you bet your bottom he would give you everything you needed. Yoongi would probably have the most mature response to this situation.
Soft boy™ Hoseok would be one concerned mf. Why were you in so much pain??? Were you dying??? He would probably text his older sister to ask if it was normal to experience such intense pain while being on your period. When she told him that for some people this was a regular thing, he would feel even worse. Excruciating pain was normal for you??? Wack. Like Jimin, he would absolutely baby you. You were the warmth to his sunshine and it broke him to see you like that. Back rubs, shoulder rubs, tummy rubs, all of the rubs. Hoseok would suddenly become a master in the field of heating pads and pads/tampons. Eventually, he wouldn't even need to call his sister for advice anymore.
Namjoon definitely has quite a bit of knowledge on periods from the get go. He has a younger sister and tends to have a habit of researching everything he's even slightly curious about. But when it came to you scrunched over in pain in bed because of horrible cramping?....Whole different ball game. Low-key is just as distressed as you. He definitely feels a mental strain just from witnessing you experiencing what basically felt like torture. Namjoon spends the entire week being on high alert, jumping up without a second thought anytime you needed something, no questions asked. He gets to the point where he finds himself moving around a little too fast from nerves and has to calm himself before he cuddles with you.
If your relationship was still somewhat new, he would be a little bewildered. He was aware that periods are a generally unpleasant experience for women everywhere but didn't know exactly how different they can be every month, and how strong the pains could really be. When he first experienced being around you during this time, he wanted to help you feel better more than anything. He questioned you and asked for tips on how to help and what could ease your discomfort. After that, he was basically an expert. He knew exactly what pads/tampons you needed from the store, he knew what foods helped and what foods to avoid, and he knew what pain meds actually did something for you. Even though you had been dealing with periods most of your life at this point, he would baby you a lot for the week.
Seeing his baby in so much pain and discomfort low-key made him want to cry. He knew it was awful for you but he swore it was the worst thing in the world not being able to just snap his fingers and make your pain disappear. Expect hot teas, multiple heating pads on your stomach and over your aching back, and painkillers. Taehyung would provide anything and everything for you. Anything you asked for or wanted to try, he was on it. Never had to ask twice. He would apologize to you while holding you from behind in bed, hating that he felt powerless. Logically, he knew that it wasn't his fault but he couldn't help but feel responsible when he couldn't take the misery away from the one he loved most.
Jungkook would be in almost as much distress as you were. He swore it caused real physical pain in his body to see you like that. He underestimated just how powerful the pain could be during your period and felt awful for it. While you were hunched over laying down on the couch, tears streaming down your face from the intense cramping, he ran into the bedroom and gathered up two blankets and a pillow. He propped your head up with the pillow and covered your shivering form. With a kiss on your forehead, he left the room again and started looking around the kitchen for the ingredients to your favorite hot mint tea. When it was done, he brought the hot mug over to you and set it on the table in front of the couch. Jungkook then sat onto the floor in front of you, body turned towards you, rubbing your stomach in light circles. He wanted to anything he could to help ease your pain.
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hollyhomburg · 11 months
I heard sneak peak and was summoned……
ahhhhh here you go <3 a reward for this week! and waiting patiently <3
Chapter 63 (Sneek Peek)
There is a hand in his hair, petting softly, and he snatches his arm from around your waist the second hoseok realizes he's being watched. Yoongi leans over the edge of the couch turned nest, smirking a little. The door shuts behind Tae and Jungkook with a puff of cold air, and he raises his eyebrows expectantly.
It would look intimidating if it weren’t for the fact that his beanie has kitty ears.
“Be good yeah?” he says, whisper soft, Hoseok just nods, too sleepy to respond.
They haven’t talked much about Hobi’s confession; that night on the beach what feels like ages ago. But every time he thinks of it Hobi still tastes salt on his tongue and your name on his lips. Yoongi’s wearing the same look now that he did then; half hopeful and half worried. But if there was anyone that would object on your behalf, if hobi wasn't allowed this closeness, Yoongi would tell him.
Yoongi doesn't say that you and him aren't ready for cuddling like this, yoongi doesn't say that hoseok should give you space or not cradle you to his chest like you are something as fragile and necessary and as doomed as his beating heart. Trembling and stuttering with the force of sweet expectations and even sweeter realities. Hopes made hollow with satisfaction. Yoongi does not realize that Hoseok's heart has not had a steady beat since he woke up holding you.
Yoongi doesn't say anything, Yoongi just drags a single knuckle down his cheek, and leaves. And the two of you are alone.
Well, except for noodle.
The meticulously kept edge of the nest all is all fluffed at, noodle makes sure of it, small paws depressing the blanket as he kneads it and then settles on the edge. His purr audible from here as he blinks slow.
unwatched and unjudged, Bobi tentatively reaches to cradle your ribs again. Thumb smoothing down the centre of your stomach, a little close to your belly button. You’ve got a little hair there. Hobi’s fingers like the feel of it. Not rough but not silky.
Your skin feels fissioning, like champagne bubbles and sparklers, everywhere he touches your skin goes fizzy. Hobi looks down at you, breath hitching and thinks; it’s it really so horrible to want this? why am i so afraid of this?
You wiggle a little closer in your sleep and Hobi’s arm goes vicelike.
Noodle's pur goes a little louder.
Hobi doesn’t like to think about his last pack ever, but he recognizes that hollow ache and tug that says memories aren’t too far behind. And it threatens to swallow him until he looks down at you, house quiet, your eyebrows puffed up like something very shocking is happening in your dreams.
He drags his nose across your hairline; scenting you, tasting your emotions on his tongue. Comfort. Ease. Arousal. not all that abnormal. So not nightmares then. He is always on the look out for them, after Jungkook and the hospital, he sort of thought they might come back.
Hoseok counts his stars and snowflakes, and rests his forehead against the nape of your neck.
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bangfantanfic · 2 years
Our Own World: Chapter 11
Warnings: stalking, masturbation, yandere behavior, future smut. If I have missed anything please let me know :) 
 Type: romance, yandere, hyrbid!bts, somewhat slow burn.
tags; @miss-jupiter @imagine-forlife @blaaiissee @millenniumspec @toughbook @darkuni63 @badbyeyoongi @iloverubberduckiez-blog @missseoulite @singukieee @potterbrooke @suhappysuho @doublebunv @zae007live @sevenpersona @blancflms @childfmoonn @caffeineandreveries @cryingpages
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  You liked to think you were relatively positive as a person. You tried to look past the bad, power through, and make the best of a terrible situation. The last few months had been less than ideal but you were figuring things out, slowly albeit, but steadily improving. You had been proud. Pushing your discomfort aside, working on your fears and feelings of disgust. You had made solid improvement in creating some form of relationship with the seven strangers your brother had inconvenienced you with, and the road had been bumpy and slippery, and every other thing you’d hate a road to be, but it was finding smooth ground. Sure there had been a slight increase in tensions, and things had gotten a little uncomfortable with Jeongguk but you were positive you could push past it. He was testing you, of course. You were just as much a stranger to him, as he was to you. That had been easy enough to walk yourself through. Talk yourself through. 
This new situation was something steps, nor words could truly solve. 
Bile sat at the peak of your throat, the hammering of your heart threatening to push it out. Hoseok’s wide eyes on yours made your stomach knot so painfully tight you were sure it was moments away from rupture. It was evident that he was somewhat embarrassed, and at first while frantically trying to understand what the fuck was happening, you noticed. You wished you could take it back. Somehow convince your fritzing brain it saw wrong. But the evidence was so clear, just what the man had been doing in your room. 
“What happened?” 
The commotion around you sounded muffled. Like you were underwater having a conversation with someone on the edge of the pool. You must have screamed. You couldn’t remember doing it. The raw feeling in your throat could be explained if you had. Soothing hands rubbed at the bare skin of your shoulder, muted whispers tickling your ear. 
Who was talking to you? Their skin felt so cool against your surely clammy skin. It was a welcomed feeling. 
“Hoseok Hyung?”
The name seemed to echo for a second, the room quiet. And then it felt like a tsunami hit, the air forces from your lungs, a gasp of air so loud one would think you held your breath for hours. 
Hoseok was under your bed. Hoseok was staring at you, gripping white knuckles at a pair of your panties with his dick out. 
What the fuck. 
“Jimin, please take Y/n somewhere else.” Namjoon’s voice was eerily calm. The usual lighthearted tone was nowhere to be heard. His body was tense and tall, almost as if ready to pounce. 
Jimin had easily understood the urgency in his packmates' tone, and more than gladly ushered you off the floor. His packmates split aside like the Red Sea as he guided you out of the room, aching to pull you closer and hold your hand. But he knew better. 
The fox hybrid found you were compliant, letting him lead you wherever he wanted. If this had been any other situation he would have been thrilled. Happy to have you to himself, listening and obedient. If he was being honest, he was still rather happy, but it was dulled. At least he had you to himself for once. His pack was greedy, they didn’t understand that Jimin needed you more. You needed him more. 
Jimin had led you to his bedroom— well, shared bedroom. But it was empty as of now, so his. Personally, he would have preferred a room on the floor, his instincts wanting to be as low as possible but.. well, sometimes he just had to be thankful for what he had. Jimin had not minded sharing a room, not really. Not until you arrived and suddenly the space felt too small. How could he give you the perfect home, the perfect nest to raise children in, when the space was crowded? He had no privacy for his time with you. 
Once you realized how you and he are meant to be, he was sure things would change. You could both leave. The thought was slightly depressing. Leaving his pack would hurt. But that pain would be nothing compared to a life without his mate. It was an easy choice. An easy sacrifice. 
Seeing you in his room was a whole new feeling he wasn’t aware he was capable of making. You had been so awkward at first, standing limply by the closed door. He had thrown himself into his bed, sighing happily to be back in his own comfort. No strange smells, no looming anxiety, just contentment. He had watched as you took in the room, eyes flickering over every corner of the room before settling back on him. Jimin loved having your attention. It happened so rarely, and it would need to change. It was beginning to drive him insane. 
“Y/n, you should lie down, you look like you’re about to drop.” Jimin frowned, gently taking your fingers into his. 
You didn’t pull away. A grin threatened to bloom across the hybrid's lips, but he had to control himself. He didn’t need you to be upset with him either. You needed a friend, someone in this house you could feel comfortable with and clearly, his packmates were doing poorly. But not him. Perhaps all this distance between you and him hadn't been such a bad thing after all. He could make this all work in his favor. What a lucky fox indeed. 
Jimin’s room was technically the main master bedroom. The house had four bedrooms, and the study was a temporary room right now. The downstairs ‘master’ room Jay and Mila usually resided in was originally a guest suite, but seeing as there were more people than rooms, and the upstairs master was slightly bigger, it was divided up into three, tall makeshift shelving used as privacy walls. Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jimin all shared the master room, Yoongi and Hoseok in the next, and then the youngest two, Taehyung and Jeongguk in the third. Usually, the other four shared a bathroom, and then Jimin and his roommates shared the ensuite, but unfortunately, it needed some fixing after Namjoon’s last rage fit. So now all seven of them were stuck in one bathroom. You were kind enough to share Jay’s ensuite downstairs with whoever needed it, your brother wasn’t as soft-hearted. 
The hardwood floors were scratched up from the rearranging of furniture, and the walls were painted a cool gray with white trimming, a neutral color to match three different men. You couldn’t see past Jimin’s section, his being the first. A double bed shoved in the corner, one bedside table covered with wrappers,  a laptop, and a tissue box. His bed was covered in pillows, blankets, and articles of clothing. Despite how messy it sounded, the cluttered bed was still somewhat neat. Almost as if every item was placed purposefully, carefully. A few shelves lined the walls, and manga was neatly lined in order. They looked so well cared for, you wondered if they had even been read. The space was clean, other than the half-unpacked suitcase on the floor and headphones dangling from the laptop. 
“Y/n?” Jimin was starting to feel antsy. He had watched you look over the entirety of his side of the room, and he felt anxious. Did you not like it? If he had planned for you to be in his room, he definitely would have cleaned up... And emptied the bin by his bed. 
Jimin could have sworn he melted when your eyes met his, a little smile on your lips. Sure, it was forced, but it was for him. You were trying to look okay, for him. 
Holding out his hand, he watched as you placed yours in his so softly, without hesitation. You weren’t scared of him at this moment, he truly had to thank Hoseok. Your hand was smooth in his, soft and warm. Did all of your skin feel this delicate? He could feel your heartbeat under his fingertips, your blood thundering through your veins. An involuntary shiver ran up his spine at the thought of your pretty skin bloody and bruised. 
With a soft tug, Jimin had you on the mattress with him. His nest would need fixing later, but for once he wasn’t bothered. Your fingers were still linked with his, and your eyes closed. Despite the tranquil look on your face, your chest raised rapidly. Jimin frowned. You weren’t as relaxed as he was. He knew why, but why? Sighing, he shifted to look at you better. You peeked through one eye. You looked so tired. It made his heart ache, he wants to look after you. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” He wasn’t entirely sure why he was apologizing. He knew for a fact he hadn't done anything to you. He had been walking on eggshells since you arrived, wanting to keep you happy. Sure, he had maybe gotten a little clingy and touchy, but your presence was so intoxicating that he couldn’t help himself. He likes to think he held himself back rather well. Perhaps he was sorry on behalf of his pack. Moreso Jeongguk and Hoseok. He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened with Jeongguk, and he felt a little guilty knowing that whatever had happened between the two of you, he could have been there to help had he not run off with Hoseok. 
But Hoseok. While he wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, Jimin wasn’t an idiot. He could piece things together. He had seen enough to have a good inkling about what his packmate had been doing in your room– hell, he could smell it. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Jimin.” 
Jimin. Jimin. Jimin. 
The way you whispered his name was heavenly. Like you were telling him a secret. He loved when you spoke his name, it sent tingles through his nerves and sent his stomach spinning. Nothing had ever sounded so sweet. He knew he had nothing to really be sorry for, but it felt right to say and he had been right. You finally responded to him. 
Your breathing had eased, not quite as labored as minutes ago, but the grip you had on his hand had tightened. He wished Namjoon would have lowered his voice a little more so he could enjoy the sound of you breathing. He was jealous of your poor hearing quality at this moment– and honestly some others. It must be nice to live so unaware of everything around you. 
Namjoon wasn’t sure he had ever felt this angry before. The fearful expression you bore as Jimin all but dragged your paled form out of the room had nearly broken his heart. You hadn’t looked up from the floor, wide eyes glued to the floor as if trying to comprehend what was happening. He wished he had been the one leading you, comforting you. But of course, he couldn’t. Not when Jay had left him in charge of your care. He had a duty to you, and even if Jay hadn’t requested this of him, he still would do the same. The rest of his pack's feelings didn’t matter to him when it came to you. He was well aware that there were a few others that may have shared a similar sentiment toward you as he did, but he knew that what he felt was vastly different. You were the first human woman they had spent time with, it was excitement, lustful almost. Not for him. Your soul had been specifically created to mesh with his. A perfect match.
And they were driving you away. 
“Namjoon, maybe you should step away fo–” Seokjin’s words died on his tongue, the poisonous look his leader shot his way was more than enough. Instead, he sighed, pressing his tongue against the meat of his cheek in frustration. 
“Hoseok, get out from under there.” Namjoon barked, jaw so tense he was sure he could feel his teeth cracking. A dentist visit will be needed after tonight. 
Five sets of eyes watched as the snow leopard awkwardly shimmied out from under the bed, hands still white-knuckled around a piece of cloth. His head hung shamefully, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He was usually so careful. The look of disgust and fear had his stomach so tight he couldn’t breathe. 
The wolf hybrid stalked closer, leaving an inch between them. When Hoseok made no move to meet his leader's eyes, Namjoon felt his anger bubble over, the calming breaths he had been attempting to use were failing him. Hoseok had flinched when Namjoon had raised his hand, expecting a hit. Instead, nails dug into the elder's jaw, forcing him to meet his leader's eyes. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Namjoon asked calmly. If Hoseok couldn’t see the man's face he wouldn’t have guessed he was angry. The pulse in his throat was rapid, and his teeth grinding painfully was what gave away the simmering anger. The hold on his jaw was beginning to ache, and his knees felt like jelly under all the accusing eyes. 
He knew he was wrong, of course, he was. But how could he explain himself? ‘Sorry Joonie, spending a rut alone and having my mate so damned close I just couldn’t control myself, my bad.’ 
Of course not. He was sure that would have him sporting a shiny black eye. 
“Joon, I’m so sorry–” 
“Bullshit!” Taehyung scoffed, the only prey in the room frustrated. “You and Jeongguk are fucking this all up, you’re ruining it!” 
Taehyung was sick of it. The perfect opportunity had been served to him on a golden platter. A pandemic that would force Jay to stay away longer, and you to stay with him. An indefinite period of time for him to court you. A love story he could tell his grandchildren. But then fucking Namjoon had ratted to Jay about the early ruts, for ‘safety’ reasons. Leaving Taehyung locked away from you for two goddamn weeks! And somehow in that little time, they had fucked up everything, sending him back to square one. He was sick of this. He just wanted his mate, and everyone here couldn’t seem to control themselves and were scaring you away. 
Seokjin rested a hand on the younger man's shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. He pitied the boy. The younger three were still so clueless about love, he was sure the monkey had dreamed too big and was struggling to accept that you just weren’t quite there yet. The poor boy had most likely made a movie like a love story in his mind and found it frustrating that the plot didn't move as fast as he wanted. He was impatient and greedy. Perhaps it was his fault for giving him everything. 
Hoseok’s eyes couldn’t even flicker in Taehyung's direction. His eyes cemented Namjoon's. Too scared to even blink. The wolf looked ready to rip his throat out with his teeth. Nothing was stopping him from doing so either. He was sure the rest of his pack would just watch it happen. How depressing
Namjoon shoved the leopard away, Hoseok stumbling before hitting the floor. The pack leader turned back to the others, frustration oozing from every pore he had. “Clearly, some of us have forgotten how to respect boundaries.” He sighed, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as he took shuddering breaths. “Are you trying to run her away?” 
Namjoon watched the shake of heads; no. 
“Then why the fuck are you acting this way? Do you want Jay back?” He hissed. Their owner was able to return whenever they requested, Namjoon had asked him to stay with Mila’s family a bit longer, and his human was more than happy to comply. Honestly, Namjoon had a lot more control over his owner than he would ever admit. 
“You’re all to leave Y/n alone. She will seek you out if she wants to, but until then leave her be.” 
Seokjin found the rule to be a bit much, but he had no choice but to agree. Namjoon knew what was best, even if it felt unfair. At least in the rules he had set, they were allowed to speak with you during dinners, and greet you in passing, but they weren’t to seek you out. That was easy enough. Seokjin already knew your routine like the back of his hand. 
“Y/n… Y/n, wakey wakey~” 
You grunted at the gentle shaking, limply trying to brush the hand away.
“Aw come on sleepyhead, I really gotta pee.” 
Who even was that? Was someone in your room? When did you even fall asleep... In your room? Hoseok was in your room...
Your eyes flew open, greeted by the dark. You could roughly make out the layout of the room and it definitely wasn’t yours, this was far more lived in. Your pillow wasn’t this firm either. Your hand brushed over the material, frowning. It was much rougher than your pillowcase. Not silk at all. 
“You’re getting a little low there.” Jimin’s strained voice whined out.
You jolted up, scrambling to the other side of the bed. Your face felt like it was on fire, how embarrassing. You were just feeling up the poor dude. 
“Oh my god– Jimin, Jimin I am so sorry!” You groaned, pressing the heel of your palms into your eyes willing yourself to go completely blind. You may not be able to see in the dark but you could still feel his eyes burning over you. 
Jimin had to bite his tongue, and stop himself from telling you just how much he enjoyed your hands on him. You had fallen asleep some time ago, wrapping yourself around his torso. Your pretty head resting so gently on his shoulder. It was his own piece of heaven. He spent hours playing with your hair, smelling it, kissing it. He smelt just like you. He had put off waking you up for as long as possible, wanting to soak the moment in, not knowing when he would ever have it again. But of course, his bladder had other ideas. 
Waking you up hadn’t gone to plan. Turns out you were an incredibly deep sleeper, the new information sparking excitement. He wondered how far he could go, what he could do before you would woke up. When you finally did open your eyes, you didn’t seem all there. Your eyes move across the darkened room. Your heartbeat had picked up slightly, panicked at the new surroundings. He had gone to speak, he really had. He was going to comfort you, and remind you where you were… but your hands. It was light at first, fingertips grazing over his clothed chest. Pressing, putting pressure. You hummed thoughtfully, and he felt his heart spasm in his chest. Palm down and trailing over his chest before sinking lower, lower, traveling downward. He knew his shirt had risen a little, you wiggled a lot in your sleep. Your pinky had just brushed over his bare skin, feather-light. Jimin had felt his throat close up, his joints locking him in place. 
Speak. Speak. Speak, Jimin. 
When he had finally managed to spit out words, your whole frame had frozen up before pushing him away. He grunted at the force, pouting. You looked incredibly flustered, and he couldn’t say he didn’t resemble you. He was incredibly thankful for the darkness of the room, the hard-on threatening to bust through his sweatpants would have sent Jimin to an early grave. 
Here lies Park Jimin
Beloved packmate. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He mumbled, shuffling himself into a sitting position. He quickly pulled one of the many blankets of his nest and placed it over his lap before turning on the light on his bedside table. The pale light lit up the room enough for him to see your face clearly. He had rather good eyesight in the dark, but he preferred to see you with the lights on. 
“I was just surprised.” You defended, arms crossing over your chest. “You don’t scare me.” 
Jimin grinned, licking his lips.  The lovesick side of Jimin’s brain was preening. You weren’t scared of him, of course, you weren’t! He was here to protect you. You were his, and he yours. Life has specifically made your souls for each other. How could he hurt you? 
A side of Jimin that he would rather ignore was thrilled by your comment. You weren’t scared of him, but he could change it so easily. What fun it would be to have you terrified under him, how far could he push you? 
“I can be very scary.” Jimin teased, leaning closer. Your eyes rolled, making Jimin simper. “Do you want me to prove it to you?” 
You laughed softly, shaking your head at the challenging tone. Out of all of the men in the house, Jimin was probably who you felt safest with. Seokjin was a close second, but knowing what he was spliced with, you were apprehensive. Jimin reminded you of a kid, playful and cheeky. 
 “Sure Jimin, prove it.” 
The fox hybrid's body shivered in excitement, his tail swishing wildly behind him, a blurred movement. “You asked for it.” 
A/n; every time I post I feel like I’ve missed something ;-; anyways hope you enjoy, it’s all downhill from here 🥰
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Chapter summary: The boys talk to you for the first time, but that doesn't really make anything any better.
Warnings: this chapter contains explicit depictions of child ab*se, including physical violence and abusive language, please take care. The tough parts take place in a flashback in italics. otherwise you should be okay.
wc: ~5k
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When you first gained some consciousness, your primary thought was that you felt like shit. Were you sick? Or was this just what heat felt like? You had not let yourself go into heat in so long, not since you came to this city almost two years ago. You didn't remember it feeling like this. Painful? Yes. The ache you felt now was different and worse than pain you usually associated with this event, but at least you knew you hadn't been fucked within an inch of your life. No, your sex ached for something it hadn't received. 
Knot. Knot. Need a knot. Your inner voice chanted, desperate to have your needs met, to feel your body full of something. You groaned and rolled to your stomach. Moving only made the ache worse and drew attention to other problems. You were soaked. Your torso, neck and face felt sticky with tacky sweat. Your thighs even more so with thick, sweet smelling slick that leaked out of you all night long. 
Disgusting. That was the other voice in your head, the one that told you to deny every stupid, foolish need your body had because they only hurt you. Filthy animal. Admittedly, that voice did not sound like your own, but rang with the echo of multitudes. 
You wanted to get up and clean yourself off, but your body was weak and tired. Taking a deep breath to gather your strength, you caught several scents. Citrus and lavender. Leather and cotton. Something else too, maybe pine nuts. And over everything a heady sweetness. The voices in your head argued. 
Several. Run. Hide. 
Find alpha. 
Not safe. 
You wanted to listen to them both but instead you just took another breath in and fell asleep.
The next time you regained consciousness it was because something cool and wet was licking your body. No not licking, but definitely wet. Your eyes jolted awake and you looked up directly into the eyes of another omega. You could tell by the softness of his cheeks and by the warm brown sugar coming from the scent gland in his wrist, right under your nose. He was wiping the sweat from your skin with a damp cloth. 
"Hello, little pup." His voice was soft but there was no expression on his face to tell you his intentions or if he was a threat. But he was a stranger so you immediately began to squirm away. That was when you realized you were entirely naked, mostly covered with a blanket but still bare underneath. The man sighed and put down the wash cloth picking up a different piece of fabric. "Here, you can put this on," he said, holding out a shirt for you. 
You took it from his hands and used it to cover your chest while you waited for him to move, to leave or at least turn around. When you only stared at him for several seconds he smirked. 
"Honey, you're the one who took your shirt off and begged me to remove your bra last night. Don't get shy now."
You looked around the room, but no one else was there to witness your shame. Still there were so many smells around the bare room. Sweet scents worn into the mattress from the Lykos who slept here, their owners must be around somewhere. The man sighed again while he stood. "I'll give you a few minutes to get yourself together. There are a pair of boxer shorts here. Sorry, there aren't any ladies in this house to borrow from. I'm Hoseok by the way. I'll come back in a few minutes and we'll have a talk about what's going on." He left and closed the door behind him without waiting for your response. 
It took a second to shake off the surprise after he'd gone, but once you did, you picked up the damp cloth he'd left on the bed and continued cleaning yourself. He had not yet cleaned your chest and after taking care of that you wiped up the mess between your legs, shuttering at the sensitivity there. You pulled the shirt over your head and then moved to the edge of the bed to stand and put the shorts on. But your legs trembled weakly and you sank back to the bed. That shot any plan of running out of here. As you tried to think of what to do, a knock came and the door opened before you could answer. 
Hoseok returned with two other men, but he let them pass and remained by the door, which he left ajar. You moved back into the bed to create some distance between you as the taller man sat at the end of the bed. 
"Y/N, my name is Jungkook. I'm a police officer. And this Jimin. We found you on the street last night and we brought you to our home. You're safe here." His voice was smooth and kind in a way that had your inner voice purring, begging to bring his familiar scent closer so you could slip back down into the gooey softness of heat. 
"Am I in trouble?" You asked in a quiet voice. 
"Of course not, pup. We just want to help," the smaller one, Jimin, did with a smile. 
"How do you know my name?"
Jungkook blushed. "Full disclosure: we went through your things last night trying to find your pack."
"I don't have a pack," you informed them quickly. Jungkook nodded with what seemed like regret. He had clearly been able to learn that much on his own. "Where's my bag?"
Jimin bent over behind the foot of the bed to pick up your oversized black purse and handed it to you. You dug inside until you found the clattering bottle of pills and pulled it out. "Those won't do you any good now," he commented as you tried to take the cap off. Even your hands felt weakened. You paused and eventually lowered them to your lap. 
"Just as well. I hate these things. They make me so sick."
Jimin took a subtle step closer and put his hands in his pockets to show he wasn't a threat. "Then why do you take them?"
You're quiet for a second. That was an incredibly personal question to ask a stranger. "Because it's better than feeling like this."
Jimin looked like he wanted to ask more questions in this vein, but he held back in favor of letting Jungkook speak. "Is there anyone you can call who can look after you?" You avoided their eyes as you shook your head. "In that case, our pack alpha and pack omega have agreed to let you stay until you've recovered."
Your eyes snapped up to the omega by the door. He was the only one you'd smelled here. You took a breath in through your nose, and you weren't sure before but you were confident now that there were four alphas living in this house, although only three of them seemed to be outside the door. The citrus one you smelled so close last night was missing. Danger. You brought your knees up and hugged them protectively. 
"I have somewhere to go."
"The True Life Ministry?" Jimin asked. You nodded your head. "They won't take you in like this," he told you, but you already knew that. 
"This could last three or four more days. Minimum," Hoseok reminded you. You closed your eyes and let the misery of that truth wash over you. 
"We can't reasonably let you go out on your own in your condition, Y/N. You might not remember, but Jimin and I found you in a very dangerous situation last night. It would be much safer for you if you stayed here. I will personally ensure your protection." 
You looked up to meet Jungkook's doe eyes and found them full of sincerity, begging you to do the one thing you were never able to: trust him. But you'd already learned yourself that you wouldn't be able to get far on your own, and you knew exactly what kind of awful things could and would happen to you if you stayed out on the street. So trust them or not, you knew you had no other choice. You nodded your agreement. 
"I'm supposed to work the next two nights," you said quietly, not sure why you thought you needed to tell them. 
"Someone can call them and tell them you won't be able to make it," Hoseok offered. 
You sighed. "That's okay. I'm probably fired after not showing up last night anyway."
"Our pack alpha is a lawyer. He can be very persuasive." His eyes focused outside the door, presumably to look at said alpha. 
You tried to swallow around the lump in your throat. "Your alphas. There are…"
"Four of them," he told you. "They won't disturb you. They're forbidden from coming in and you don't have to see them if you don't want to."
You nodded but your mind was at war with itself once again. 
Alpha. Need alpha. Please. 
Too many. Too dangerous. They only want to breed you like an animal. 
But you could be so warm, so full. You need them close. Ask them to come in. Please.
The silence in the room made the air stale the longer you fought with yourself, and when you finally looked up it was clear they had all taken note of your disturbance. 
"Thank you," you managed to say, not because you truly felt grateful but because you wanted desperately for everyone to leave. 
Hoseok cleared his throat. "Okay, well, I'll get you something to eat while you're still lucid." It was difficult to predict the ebb and flow of heat, but this break wouldn't last much longer. Normally, during his heats, the pack would be there to care for him and ply him with food and water to keep his strength up, but it didn't seem like that was going to work for you and by the time the next wave of senselessness hit you, you wouldn't be able to feed yourself.
Jungkook and Jimin backed out of the room and Hoseok followed behind, leaving you alone again. He walked to the kitchen to prepare you a bowl of stew. He'd gotten up early this morning to prepare it so that it would be ready when you came around. Taehyung came to stand beside him at the stove. 
"Do you think that went okay?" He asked, hoping that Hoseok could report something different in what he saw from what Tae had smelled in the tangy apple cider vinegar scent coming from you by the end of the conversation.
"It's hard to tell, Tae," Hoseok hedged. "It seemed like the idea of so many alphas around made her a little nervous." 
Taehyung let out a dejected little 'oh.' 
"It's probably best to keep your distance, baby," the omega warned softly. It had tugged at his heartstrings the night before when his youngest alpha had suggested that maybe a good cuddle would help a little bit, but it seemed clear now that would only freak you out. "I'm sorry."
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "It's okay. I don't want her to be uncomfortable. It just seems wrong for her to be alone like that, you know?" He held a hand to his chest as if he really felt the pain of it in his heart. 
Hoseok reached up to pet his messy hair. "What a good alpha I have. I would never be able to resist your cuddles."
Taehyung preened at the praise, musky leather scent enveloping him. 
"I need to do a few things. You eat and when I'm done we can cuddle and watch something, okay?" Tae nodded silently and took the bowl that was offered before Hoseok filled another one. 
This time he didn't knock before entering your room and found you sitting in the same protective position he had left you in. He set the bowl down on the table beside your bed and moved away. You looked between the bowl and him but did not move to grab it until he turned his back to you. He heard you sniff it and hum softly to yourself before the spoon began to clink against the porcelain. You began to take greedy spoonfuls of the hot stew while he walked back into the hallway. From the linen closet in the hallway Hoseok gathered several beloved blankets and fresh sheets. When he returned to the room you were slurping up the thick broth from the bottom of the bowl and set it aside with sheepish eyes, as if he would take such behavior as anything but a compliment. 
"Do you want some more?" He asked, but you shook your head. He had a whole pack to feed and you shouldn't take too much. "If you get up for a minute I'll change the sheets."
"You don't have to do that!" Something in your belly felt deep shame knowing how they smelled of your heat and the mess you had made. 
"Don't be silly. There's no point in staying in messy sheets. And you don't need to feel embarrassed about it. We all do it. That's why I always keep a lot of clean sheets." You lowered your face at how easily he had seen through you, but got off the bed when he waved a hand at you. "And I brought lots of blankets. Unless you're more of a pillows kind of girl. I'm sure I can find a few spare ones."
"Pillows for what?" You stared at him blankly as he began to strip everything from the bed.
"For your nest, pup."
"Oh. That's okay. I don't nest."
"Jimin said you're not allowed at the shelter, but you are here!" Hoseok said cheerfully, the mere thought of building a cozy nest to sink into filling him with joy.
"No, I mean I don't at all," you replied, and he paused to turn to you. 
"Never?" You shook your head. "Why not?" 
You scratched your nails up and down your arm, squirmy under his scrutiny and shaky on your legs. Hoseok dropped the spoiled sheets on the floor and when it seemed like you wouldn't answer while he watched you, he picked up a clean sheet and began to stretch it over the mattress. 
"It's bad for you, isn't it? I mean, they say it's unhygienic. And it makes omegas lazy."
Hoseok scoffed and turned to give you an incredulous look. "Who told you that?"
You shrugged. You'd heard it at home and probably at school more than once. The few times you had tried to nest they had told you they didn't want it or a lazy omega. 
Hoseok was speechless. Who would have told you something so plainly untrue? Nesting was an important part of emotional well being for omegas. It was harder not to do than to do. It was important for the pack, too, making sure that all members had a comfortable place to rest. Making sure that all scents were present was important to maintaining bonds and bringing comfort. How could you deny yourself such a basic need?
Not knowing what to say, he simply finished putting the sheets on the bed. When he was finished he took the old sheets under one arm and grabbed the empty bowl with his free hand. He stopped to look at the pile of blankets and then at you with troubled eyes. 
"I'll just leave these here in case you want to give it a try." Maybe your omega instincts would kick in during your frenzy when you couldn't meet your other needs.
Hoseok left without closing the door and walked briskly to the kitchen, catching Seokjin’s attention from where he sat searching for something to watch on Netflix. He was trying hard to pretend it was just a normal Saturday in an attempt to keep everyone calm. When he heard the bowl clatter carelessly in the sink he moved Namjoon's feet from his lap and got to his feet. Namjoon followed puppishly at his heels since comforting his distressed omega was a better distraction than the book he was trying and failing to read.
"What's wrong?" Jin asked when he found Hoseok in the laundry holding the bundled sheets, staring blankly into the washer. "Sweetheart?" He took the dirty cloth away gently and put them aside so that he could pull his mate close and look him in the eyes.
It took him a moment to find his voice. "She said that nesting is bad."
Jin scrunched his face in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"She said she doesn't nest ever, because someone told her it was bad for her."
Jin shook his head. "That's crazy. Why would anyone say that?"
"I don't know," Hoseok said, shaking his head. "Jin, it's like she's totally broken. Like she doesn't even know how to be an omega."
"Maybe she never had one," Namjoon offered from behind them. "I see it with my students. They're adopted out by saps when they don't have packs who can care for them, or if they don't think the pack is doing things right, and they're told all their instincts are wrong and that they need to fight them."
The omega looked at him with a horrified expression. "Why?"
Namjoon shrugged. "There are saps who think we live on the line between humans and animals, and if they can convince us to give up our 'animal ways' then we can find a way to being human."
"That's sick."
"You have no idea," Namjoon mumbled as he looked down at the sheets that were somehow now in his hands. 
Hoseok forgot his shock for a moment to level a stare at the alpha. "Namjoon, what are you doing?"
"Hm?" The man struggled to tear his eyes away to look at his mate. 
"Go on. Sniff them. I dare you."
Namjoon hesitated. This was a trick and he knew it, but your scent was so goddamn inviting. Slowly he lifted the bundle toward his face.
But Hoseok snatched it from his grasp before he could and threw it in the washer. "You are a fucking animal," he grumbled. 
After he got the washer running he took Seokjin back to the spare room with him. The alphas had agreed to use the scent blockers they found in your bag–Yoongi was the only person who used them regularly at work, but never kept any at home, though he promised to pick some up to replace the ones they were using. It wasn't perfect, but it did enough to keep them sane around you. 
Once again, Hoseok entered the doorway of your room but didn't come much closer. You had taken precisely one of the soft blankets he had offered you and wrapped it around your shoulders before positioning yourself in the exact center of the mattress. He could see you shake slightly and the expanding of your pupils told him you had mere minutes left before you'd be insensible again. He wanted nothing more than to take every blanket he had given you and build you the coziest nest he'd ever made, just to show you how it's done. But even then, he knew it wouldn't be a great nest if you were in it all alone. His heart sank into his stomach. You blinked at him as he remembered his purpose.
"This is our pack alpha, Seokjin. Would you like him to call your job and see if you can work something out?"
Seokjin gave you a gentle smile and a wave from the hallway. The boundaries had been clearly drawn for him and he would not cross that threshold as long as you were there, except in a life or death situation. 
You shrugged noncommittally. You didn't meet the alpha's eyes. "I don't know where my phone is." 
Hoseok took a few steps closer to hold it out to you. "Taehyung charged it last night. That's why it wasn't in your bag," he admitted.
You took the device to unlock it and quickly choose the correct number before handing it back. Maybe you knew you were close to dropping and wouldn't be able to participate in the call yourself. Hoseok handed the phone off to his alpha and Jin pressed the button before putting the phone on speaker. After several rings, a gruff voice answered. 
“Hello, I am calling on behalf of Y/N,” Jin started tentatively. He hadn’t prepared. 
The person on the other end paused for a long moment before responding, “yeah?”
Jin cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I’m calling to let you know she won’t be able to come to work for the next several days. She is under the weather.”
The man on the phone grumbled something. “Tell her not to worry about coming back. Marissa said something about her going to heat or whatever the hell fucking thing.” Jin’s face went hot as you buried yours in your arms. 
“That’s not grounds for termination. The service industry does not require that employees disclose secondary gender-”
“Yeah, well, they should. Failure to show up for her shift is grounds for termination.”
“The circumstances were unexpected, but you were notified as soon as possible,” Jin tried to reason. 
“Sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. I have to go.” The phone disconnected before Jin could try another legal argument. He looked up at you with regret in his eyes. 
“It’s fine. It was a shitty job anyway,” you mumbled. But he didn’t miss the souring apple cider vinegar of your scent or how the distress showed on your face.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. Maybe I can-”
You cut him off with a sharp whine as you fell over to your side. Hoseok knew instantly and shook his head. He pushed the alpha back. “It’s too late, baby,” he told his defeated mate before he closed your door. 
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Few people know that when you aren't getting fucked through your heat, it's like a fever dream. Like detoxing. Time isn't real anymore. It was hard for you to separate this time from all the other times you've been lost in this haze of instinct and need. You've been avoiding your heat for over a year just so you wouldn't have to relive these particular nightmares. In your daily life, it's all so much easier to ignore. If you talk to saps and they talk to you like you're one of them, it's easy to pretend that this isn't you, that your body isn't yours, that you've never been betrayed by yourself. And when you're alone, it's even easier to dissociate, to leave yourself until you're a little easier to be around. But here in this frenzy where you're hyper aware of who and what you are and what that takes from you, it's fucking hell. Your body feels twice its size and every nerve is screaming at you, begging to be touched in ways you don't want but can't stop wanting.
You wouldn't call what you did with what Hoseok gave you nesting per se. You were grateful for the clean sheets he had given you. These ones didn't smell as strongly of his pack, but hints were still there. At least for a little while they didn't smell quite so much like you. You allowed yourself to choose one blanket from the pile he'd left on the dresser. One cloud soft blanket wasn't too self-indulgent, right? You needed one blanket. That blanket was now twisted and tangled between your legs, providing little comfort from your tortured dreams.
Your first heat wasn't all that different from this one, if you're being honest. It came on fast and hard with no warning. Or maybe you just didn't know the warning signs. You had been in the room with the sap girls when they were told about their periods and about abstinence in the 6th grade. They were told they would bleed for several days every month for most of their lives. It would hurt, but that was normal. There were products they could buy to help. You weren't the only lykos girl in that room, but you all sat and nodded at the irrelevant information. None of you raised our hand to ask what heats or ruts would be like. None of the sap teachers would have been able to tell you. And you were all secretly hoping you wouldn't ever have to find out anyway.
You were sixteen when your first heat came. Every day you had just been hoping that you were a beta. That would be okay. If you were a beta then no one would ever have to know. They wouldn't be able to smell you. It would be so easy to pretend. But when it came, your adopted mom found you before you even knew what was happening to you. 
You weren't up for your morning chores, which would be bad enough on a normal day. When she came in, she found you had pulled the winter blankets out of your closet and made a cozy little nest. Incensed, she began to pull the blankets from around and beneath you, one hard yank sending you tumbling to the floor, landing in a heap. You whined as she screamed at you. 
"You know you're not allowed to do that. Filthy habits." When she came to pick you up by your arms, her hands slipped right off your sweat soaked skin, and she made a sound of disgust before wiping her hands on her apron. "What the hell is the matter with you?"
"Alpha," you moaned and got to your knees to try to crawl back to bed. 
Her anger flared white hot, and she grabbed you by the back of your shirt. She dragged you out of your bedroom and down the stairs, deaf to your cries of pain, and dumped you at the feet of her husband.
"Look at her. Look what she's done," the woman accused, as if you had chosen this on purpose.
"What's wrong with her?" The man asked gruffly.
"She's turning into one of those animals."
The man looked down at her over his glasses. "We should call the pastor over, just to be sure."
The woman shook her head. "No we can't. I don't want the whole town to know we were raising one of those things all these years." She looked down and wrinkled her nose at you. "Eli turned out normal. I thought she might, too."
The man sighed. "Then what do you suggest we do, Ellen?"
The woman thought for a second. "We'll drop her in the woods off the property and let her fend for herself. Maybe the coyotes will get her come nightfall."
The man sighed again before he bent to pick you up in his arms. He carried you outside and set you in the bed of the beat up pickup truck. The old couple got in up front and the engine roared to life. The rumble it sent through the whole truck was almost like a purr. It was almost a comfort until he put the truck in drive and set off, taking bumpy dirt roads to the most remote edge of the property and sending you rolling and thumping along the cold metal ridges, leaving you bruised like a peach on top of it all.
You couldn't hear what they said, if they said anything, when they set you on the ground by a tall oak tree in a spot that she had deemed far enough away. The blood in your veins rushed too hard and fast to hear anything for several minutes, and by then they were gone, and all was quiet. 
When you were lucid again, it was pitch black outside and the house was quiet. Even though your mind was momentarily clear, you felt disoriented to be in a dark and unfamiliar room. You were in a warm, soft bed that smelled slightly of warm brown sugar and apples. You felt out for the edge of the bed, finding it to be much wider than you expected, and pulled yourself to the side. Tentatively, you put your feet down one at a time, afraid to put your weight down and make a floorboard creak. When you quietly padded to the door on the balls of your feet, you couldn't find the light switch and began to panic in the engulfing darkness. You gave up and wrenched the door open instead. A soft orange glow from the living room was just enough to calm your nerves. Heavy, steady breathing came from that direction, so once again you tried to move as quietly as possible toward the front door.
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Permanent taglist: @halesandy @burningupp-replies @lilacdreams-00 @minclangyyy @yonkimint @wholockian1 @cbgdoll @babycoffeefire @theatren3rd @bri-mal @armytwist @hwayne2294 @crish-mac @jikooksgirl19 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @lxvelyjiminie @marvelfamily3000 @borahae-reads @yoongiigolden  @staerryminimini @valhallawhispers
Series Taglist: @ellesalazar @rinkud @osakis-gf @scuzmunkie @queen-in-the-shadows @toughbook @zariaskz @chansbaybygirl @cryingpages @coralmusicblaze @alex--awesome--22 @singukieee @welcometomyworld13 @juju-2275922 @bangtanflirtt @wittyreader @nyrovieeie @welcome418 @guinhosletters @lifeistooshorttowasteyourtime @moon-cupcakes @passionandsuga @zvrjkb @m0v3m3ntsblog @kykyxstandler @writingwithmai @moocow778 @ladyalicesbookstore @yoonseokerist @deejay08 @momoasenthusiasticreader @littlestarstinyseven @bittersweetbaylee @irtiqa @im-sinking-in-mud
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sweetprettyprincess · 2 years
—08:46 p.m ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
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pairing: boyfriend!Jungkook x girlfriend!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, blackmail, jealousy, manipulation, jk films reader in an intimate moment, smut (oral sex, mention of shower sex, cum face)
english isn't my native language so please excuse any mistakes and feel free to let me know.
He walks slowly from the closet to the bed, having a few pieces of clothing in hand to organize in the suitcase under the mattress. The sound of insistent knocks on the locked bedroom door added to your desperate screams outside doesn't interfere in any way with his slow pace and doesn't change the serene expression on his face.
From another point of view, perhaps, he might seem rather cruel now. However, Jungkook knows that he is doing this for the sake of your relationship. It is not a matter of want, but of necessity.
"I'm begging you baby, open the door and talk to me", your voice makes it clear that you are crying and it makes a smile bloom on his lips, his heart flutter and the butterflies in his stomach resurrect. "Please, I promise I won't do it again! You can take my cell phone, I don't need it, just need you."
Listening intently, he zips up the suitcase and, with it in hand, finally heads for the door that was once being beaten by your fists. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
You immediately drop to your knees when he finally opens the door and notices what he's carrying in his left hand.
"Oh no! No. No. No." the words simply slip from your lips. "Don't do this to me Jungkook, please." Thick tears stream down your cheeks and he keeps his eyes on you, trying to mentally photograph how fucking hot you are right now, making his dick twitch inside his jeans.
"This isn't working out, ______. We're not working out anymore." he says taking a step forward, but then you try to stop him from going any further, grabbing his left leg in your arms.
"I promise to try harder!" you protests, hugging him tighter. "I swear it was just a coffee at the diner and soon after you came to pick me up. Nothing else happened, believe me! You can go ask the waitress."
And he knows you're telling the truth. You know you'd never be able to betray him the way he's accusing you, but just the thought of that asshole you call your best friend, the bastard he's been trying to kick out of your life since he met you, makes Jungkook nauseous. It's not like Jung Hoseok's passion for you is a secret.
"So that's how it is?" it's a rhetorical question, but you nod frantically in response. "Then prove it. Where's your cell phone?"
Quickly, you pull away from him just enough to grab the device from the back pocket of your pants and hand it to your boyfriend. Still on your knees, you watch him unlock the screen and wonder what he's up to.
"If you're telling the truth, now I want you to be a good girl and give me a blowjob."
"Did you hear me." he answers impatiently.
Still deeply confused, you bring your hands, aching from the knocking on the door, to him. First, you unhook the black belt with a few silver details, then unzip the button and zip, before pulling the denim fabric down along his boxers and watching his erection leap toward his stomach. Long, thick, with a red tip leaking pre semen.
Why is he already so hard? You don't take your time trying to find a reason for your boyfriend's sudden turn-on, but you decide that you'll give him your best.
You timidly hold the shaft between your fingers and use your tongue to spread the liquid from the glans along the entire length to make it easier for your hand to slide along it. The noises you get from him make you more confident that you're doing it right.
"Look at me."
It's not the first time Jungkook has captured on camera an intimate moment between you, so you don't worry about having your phone's camera pointed at your face as you wrap the tip of your boyfriend's dick between your lips and start rocking. Your head up and down taking more of it into your mouth.
"Fuck, princess... Taking me so well in that pretty little mouth of yours."
He's proud that he was the one who taught you to suck dick.
You, however, fight the urge to throw up and the need to breathe as he goes deeper, slamming into your throat. You are no longer in control, Jungkook's big hands grabbed your hair to control the speed of the thrusts. He's fucking your mouth, rocking his hips, as he watches through the camera like a fucking porno video and moans your name.
"Damn it, ______, I'm gonna cum" he announces and withdraws from your mouth, because contrary to what you expected, this time you wouldn't have his sperm painting your throat. "Tongue out, my little whore"
And then he starts pumping his own cock himself, until jets of cum are all over your face.
Later, after fucking you in the shower until your legs were wobbly, he made you watch as he sent the video of you choking on his cock to Kim Taehyung.
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crystalsnow95z · 11 months
so i actually dreamed this other night lol. could u do something with early bts (2013-14) and they’re at the airport for whatever reason, and jk starts feeling really sick but tries to endure/wait it out thinking it’s just nerves. he feels even worse and starts panicking and tells jin he thinks he’s gonna puke. jin just rushes him to a bathroom and jk starts puking really hard and crying. jin just holds him and comforts him cuz he’s never seen jk in such a state. the rest can be up to u :)
Oh gosh.. I usually don't use a certain timeline and ive never actually been on a plane..so this will be a challenge. I hope its accurate 😅
Sorry it took so long. I hope you haven't forgotten about your request 😅
This is our first time performing outside of Korea..I've been studying the Japanese lyrics but I'm still so nervous..my stomach hurts like crazy..
Jungkook leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder, trying to discretely rub his knotting abdomen. "I'm so scared, Taehyung-sii.." He whispers, confiding in the second youngest.
"It's okay Jungkook-ah.. we spent all night going over the lyrics together, and we got the moves down pact. There's nothing to worry about." Taehyung takes his hand, giving it a squeeze. "Do you want to go over them again?"
Jungkook shakes his head. "I don't want to lose my voice.. my throats already a bit sore.."
"Is Junggukkie okay?" Jin asks when he sees the youngest huddled close to Taehyung.
"Yeah he's okay. He's just nervous about tomorrow." Taehyung answers for him.
"You'll do fine Jungkook-ah. We've been practicing for months. You did it perfectly yesterday." Namjoon reassures him.
"Right.. thanks, Hyung.." Jungkook gives him a smile, but despite not feeling as nervous, his stomach still gurgled uncomfortably. The car came to a stop, Jin opening the door to lead them through the airport, everyone trailing behind.
They weren't big enough to use the private entrance, but they still had fans calling for them. He bowed to every single one of them, but each time he folded over his middle, he only ached more. I have to get used to all these eyes on me..
He grabbed onto the back of Yoongi's backpack holding the small strap tightly in his hand, temporarily blinded by one of the camera flashes he accidentally looked right into.
Yoongi takes his hand, leading him to get his passport checked. "You okay, Jungkook?"
Jungkook nods. "I'm okay. There are too many flashes..That's all." he presented his passport and ticket to the airport staff, trying to focus on the staff in front of him.
"Could you lower your face mask?" The woman asks politely.
Jungkook takes it off one ear, startled by a scream when he does this, several more flashes go trying to get a clear shot of his face. He grabs onto his closest hyung, gripping their shirt sleeve. All the attention was making him feel queasy.
"You okay Jungkook-ah?" Hoseok asks when he feels the younger grab him. He didn't mind it, wrapping his hand around Jungkooks. "You're sweating.. take your passport back, and we'll get settled on the plane."
Jungkook nods, turning to the lady who took it. "Is it okay?"
"Yes, all is well. Here you go. Have a safe flight." She smiles, holding out the passport. Jungkook's hands shook when he grabbed it, quickly putting it back into his carry on.
Jungkook tried to wait quietly for everyone to get their documents checked, but his stomach churned violently,making him feel weak. His knees threatened to buckle underneath him. I can't do this..
Jungkook urgently pulled on the eldest, trying to get his attention. "Hyung.. Jin..I..I don't feel good.. please?" He pulls aggressively on his sleeve, making him lose balance.
"Thank you Sir.."Jin puts his face mask back in place,quickly bowing to the man helping him and taking his passport back and turning to Jungkook. 'What's wrong Jungkook-ah?"
Jungkook holds his middle, his stomach giving another painful grumble, the acid trying to rise up. "I'm..I'm gonna be sick.. Hyung I need.." a wet burp stopped his words, clamping his hand over the face mask. "Hyung.." Jungkook whimpers, his doe eyes watering.
"Okay. Dont panic, i got you.."Jin starts pulling Jungkook through the airport, trying to spare him from getting sick in front of all those people.
"Hyung, where are you going?" Namjoon called to him with confusion when Jin doesn't slow down."That's the wrong way Hyung.."
"I need to take care of Kook. You take the others. I'll catch up." Jin quickly calls back, dragging his ailing dongsaeng through the crowd. Jungkook clung to his arm for support, swallowing down the bile that filled his throat. "I know, I know.. we're almost there, honey.." Jin cooed, pushing through the crowd until he finally found the bathroom.
Jungkook was trembling with effort, struggling to get his body to keep moving. He wanted to tell Jin to slow down, the quick pace only making him feel worse, but he knew the moment he opened his mouth to speak, he'd throw up.
As soon as Jin slowed down to check for an empty stall, Jungkook felt the hot sick push its way up, unable to swallow it down. Jungkook felt the warmth fill up the face mask, gagging again at the smell.
"Sh*t..Jungkook-ah.." Jin pulls him into the nearest stall, removing the soiled face mask from his face and discarding it.
Jungkook dropped to his knees in front of the toliet, Jin hardly having time to lift the seat before the next wave hit the younger. He heaved loudly, the contents of his stomach pushing up and spraying the back of the toliet. "I..I'm sorry Hyung.." he sobbed in-between gags, splashing more sick into the toliet.
Jin kneeled next to Jungkook, rubbing his back to try to comfort him. "You're really sick baby, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry for being sick. It's not your fault."
"Seokjinnie-hyung! Jungkook-ah! We need to get on the plane. There's not much time left until take off we need to go." Hoseok called urgently, looking for them, freezing when he heard Jungkook bleaching up more sick.
The flight.. the tour.. I can't be sick right now.. I'll let my hyungs down.. they trusted me to be lead vocals.. I'm letting them down..
Jungkook's stomach rippled with guilt, his breath coming out more ragged as panic set in. He tried to hold the sick down and rise to his feet, but it just erupted out of him anyway, his legs shaking violently. He hardly made a few inches off the cold tile floor before his legs become jello again, unable to support him
"Jungkook-ah it's okay, it's okay. Don't try to get up. Just let it all out.." Jin reassures Jungkook, feeling his spine arching as another round of sickness hits him,holding his bangs back as more undigested rice hits the water.
"Hoeseok-ah go on without us. T-tell the others Jungkook is too sick right now.." Jin tried to keep his voice steady, cursing himself when hears it shaking,stammering over words. He needed to be strong for the younger members.
Hoseok covered his mouth, his stomach churning at the sound of Jungkook. He wouldn't let his weak stomach win, swallowing down the bile that tried rising. I can't get sick now, Hyung needs me to tell the others... "Okay, I'll tell them. Do you need anything?"
"Focus on the flight, please? I'll take care of Jungkook.." Jin sends J-hope away, focusing all his attention to Jungkook. "Don't cry,hey.. it's okay. No one blames you. Please, Junggukkie, you need to calm down. You're only making it worse.."
Jungkook clenched the porcelain bowl tighter, his knuckles turning white. He tried to obey, but every time he tried to take a deep breath, more bile rose in his throat. "It..it..hurts Hyung.."
"I know baby.. I know.." Jin's heart thumped wildly in his chest, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. He had no idea how to calm down the mankae. I've never seen him so sick before.. he's sweating so much, I think he's running a fever.. what do I do? Should I have told Hoba to get help?
Jin tried gently rubbing Jungkook's stomach to try to give him some relief from the pain, feeling his muscles tightening underneath his palm as they pushed up another mouthful of thick bile. Jungkook whimpered, trembling in Jin's arms.
Does it hurt more when I touch him? Jin pulls away, going back to gently scratching up and down Jungkook's back. "It's okay, it's okay.. Hyungie is here, I got you.."
"You..you're g..na m..mi..s..the f..flig..ght.." Jungkook spoke in soft hiccupy sobs, Jin hardly able to understand him."I..i..t..m..f..au..t."
"Jungkook don't worry about that. I chose to stay with you. We'll figure that out when you're better. Right now all I care about is you. You need to breathe, you're gonna pass out.. please.. you need to stop crying..it's not the end of the world." Jin reassures the mankae, keeping his voice calm.
Jungkook nods, his body swaying. Each deep breath made his muscles scream with pain, clenching his teeth with a moan. He takes another deep breath, feeling his lungs fill with air that he desperately needed.
"That's it.. Good, good.. ah..are you gonna be sick again? It's okay.." Jin coos softly, smoothing out Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook shook his head, dry heaving with a whimper. He leans against Jin, trying to get warmth from the older member."I'm..i'm okay.." I..I don't have anything left in my stomach. It hurts. Make it stop.
Jin wraps around Jungkook, trusting him not to get sick on him, gently rubbing his stomach hesitating until he feels Jungkook softly sigh, gently circling his abs with more confidence. "Do you feel a little better now?"
"It hurts to breathe.. my stomach hurts.." Jungkook whimpered, his voice coming out as a raspy whisper. "And..I'm cold.."
"We need to get you out of that wet shirt..here Gukkie, sit up just for a minute okay?" Jin gently helps him sit up. "Arms up honey."
Jungkook lifts up his arms, Jin tugging the shirt over his head and quickly taking off his jacket and gently leading the younger’s arms into the sleeves, zipping it up.
"There..is that better Gukkie?" Jin asks, pushing Jungkook's hair out of his face.
The maknae nods, looking for his phone to check the time, eyes tearing up when he sees they missed the flight. Jin takes it away from him. "Th..the flight.."
"No Gukkie. Don't worry about that." Jin scolds softly, kissing his forehead. "I'll get us there. I promise. Just take it easy.."
Jungkook buries his face in Jin's shoulder. "I'm sorry.." He sniffles, trying to control himself. "I-I'm sorry.."
"Aiigo..it's okay.. I'm not upset. No one's upset with you. We'll just call the company and see what to do. Okay?" Jin hugs him close to him, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jungkook nods, sniffling to try to avoid getting snot all over Jin. "I..I think I'm..I'm okay now.. thanks for staying with me.."
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
as someone who enjoys reading emeto and snz, could u write a fic with both? maybe for yoongi? i dont know what scenario, sorry.
Just a cold? (Sick YG)
Tumblr media
Sick: Yoongi
Caretaker: Jimin, Seokjin, Hoseok
Tw: emeto, vom**, mentions of nausea, stomach pain, fevers, snz
Word count: 1227
Thank you for requesting!!! Sorry it took longer than I expected!! (I'm still working on other requests, too, so anons, if you see this, your fics are coming!)
Yoongi has never been this congested in his life. Blowing his nose has stopped working and he sneezed too many times during a meeting that all the members were sent home. The rapper was grateful for the break but he had songs to produce, not that a single thought could get past his head with how stuffy he feels.
"H-h-hESH'ew.." Hoseok looks at Yoongi sympathetically. Yoongi kicked everyone else out of his room but Hoseok somehow made his way in. He's holding a tray with some soup (made by Jin), tea, more tissues and medicine of course. "Hey, hyung. Jin-hyung says you gotta eat all of the soup or he's gonna take away your laptop." Hoseok explains, handing Yoongi the bowl of home made soup.
Yoongi can't even breathe through his nose and mumbles a groggy, "t'anks Hoba.." he eats the soup slowly, and Hoseok peers over at him lovingly. "Does it taste bad or something? What's with that frowny face?" Hoseok teases, delicately running fingers through Yoongi's hair in a soothing manner. "Head hurts." Yoongi replies, continuing to sip soup off his spoon.
Hoseok tuts, grabbing medicine off the tray. "Take two of these, since you've eaten something. They should work within about 30 minutes." Hoseok hands Yoongi some water. He pops the pills and blows his nose again, chucking it into the half full bin next to his bed. "Keep eating, hyung but I'm gonna let you be. Jungkookie wants me to work out with him." Hoseok smiles, recalling Jungkook's begging to get him to come to the company gym.
Yoongi's mouth curls upwards, "thanks Hoba, enjoy." Yoongi says, now almost three quarters finished the soup. Hoseok pats Yoongi's foot through the blanket and leaves the room, switching the light off to the elder's pleasure.
With the soup finished and after blowing his nose at least 4 more times, the ache in Yoongi's head is still persisting and his stomach is starting to feel uneasy, and not because of the soup. The rapper has been trying to fall asleep, in the darkness of his room it shouldn't be that hard, yet there he is. Wrapped up in blankets and hugging his stomach.
It had been around an hour and a half since Hoseok left and now Jimin comes trailing into Yoongi's bedroom. Jimin is about to retreat because he thinks Yoongi is fast asleep, that is until he hears a horrible sneeze and moan come from the lump in bed. Jimin stands frozen as Yoongi blows his nose and picks up the bin half full with tissues to—gag into it..?
"Are you okay, Yoongi-hyung??" Jimin says, beginning to stroke up and down Yoongi's back. He hugs the bin, gagging again and spitting out excess saliva. Jimin flicks the bedside lamp on and Yoongi's paler than normal features are highlighted along with his pink Rudolf-looking nose.
"My stomach doesn't feel good, Jimin-ah.." Yoongi says, throat clenching around a heave. Jimin rakes Yoongi's long hair out the way just in time for him to bring up a wave of Seokjin's soup. It looks too much like it did when Yoongi first consumed it and it makes him feel sicker. "Oh, hyungie.. you'll feel better once you're empty." Jimin coos, praying that someone else comes and finds them because at this rate, Jimin is horriblely worried. Yoongi just has a cold, right? Why is he throwing up?
Jimin shoots Seokjin a quick text, 'can you please help? Yoongi-hyung is throwing up :(((' he pockets his phone just as Yoongi pukes again. Jimin pats the elder's back, trying to block out the distinct smell of puke but alternatively can't imagine leaving his hyung alone like this.
The patter of Seokjin's feet quick on their hardwood floors is music to Jimin's ears. "Oh, Yoongi-ah... you poor thing." Seokjin croons, walking over and beginning to massage Yoongi's nape. The rapper is thankful and fast to lean into the oldest' touch. A wave of calm washes over Jimin, but he tenses slightly when Yoongi reels forward with a productive heave.
Seokjin eyes the bowl on Yoongi's bedside table and hums approvingly when he finds it empty of his delicious soup. At least he knows that's not the reason Yoongi's sick. "He'll be okay, Jiminie." Seokjin eases the dancer just a little, continuing to rub Yoongi's back and hold his hair.
Yoongi spits and Jimin hands him some water. "Small sips, Yoon." Seokjin comments and Yoongi complies, water soothing his throat and diluting the taste in his mouth. Yoongi palms his stomach with a grimace, "think 'm done." The rapper says, sniffling. Jimin offers a tissue to which Yoongi blows his nose and adds it to the bin.
"Stomach hurting, Yoongi-hyung?" Jimin ponders, while Seokjin whisks away to clean the bin. Yoongi lays back down in bed, nodding weakly. "I'll go get you a heat back, hyung–" Jimin turns to leave but a cool hand grips his wrist.
"Jimin.. can you stay?" Yoongi mumbles, if he didn't say it then it might’ve never came out. "Oh, of course, hyung!" Jimin grins, taking advantage of Yoongi's request for affection and joining Yoongi in his bed. "Get some rest, Yoongi-hyung." Jimin whispers, flicking the lamp off.
Jimin shuffles closer to Yoongi, their bodies pressed together under the covers. Yoongi felt calmness wash over him just at the comforting presence of Jimin, something unique to the dancer. The pain and discomfort in his stomach was still there, and his nose is congested, but tiredness weighs over his whole body.
Jimin could feel the warmth coming off of Yoongi, no doubt a fever. Seokjin comes back in quietly to return the now clean bin, "sleep well, you two." The eldest smiles, exiting the bedroom. Yoongi can hear whispers of conversation and laughter from their living room, probably Jungkook and Hoseok returning from the gym. Yoongi's stomach gurgles, reminding him of his motive to fall asleep.
Jimin's small hand moves from Yoongi's waist to his stomach, starting some light circles. For the first 20 minutes, it's comforting for the older, however the gurgling and relentless nausea isn't letting up. Yoongi gives in to a few deep breaths, trying to see if he can cope. He rolls onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. Jimin is watching him like a hawk, lips downturned in worry. "You okay, hyung?"
Yoongi starts to sit up when mucus runs down his throat, prompting a closed mouth gag. Before he can make a mess, Jimin swipes the bin up, sticking it under Yoongi's mouth. He starts to empty what's left in his stomach, mostly bile and water. He coughs and Jimin has to pass another tissue so Yoongi can blow his nose again. He continues rubbing Yoongi's back just like Seokjin did and murmurs words of comfort.
"Sorry, you'll have to clean it again.." Yoongi sighs, voice hoarse from the ordeal. "Don't worry about it, hyung. I can leave this in the bathroom and get you something else, are you still feeling sick?" Jimin asks, concern clear in his voice. Yoongi shakes his head weakly, "I'm okay. Just sore, thank you Jiminie." Jimin takes the bin and eases the rapper to lay down again. Jimin leaves the bin in the bathroom to deal with later and returns quickly.
"Night, Yoongi-hyung." Jimin snuggles up to the elder. "I'll always look after you."
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