#stone splash
paulbeige · 1 year
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Contemporary Patio a sizable, modern image of a backyard patio kitchen with decking and an addition to the roof
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hellahook · 1 year
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Adelaide Contemporary Patio Example of a large trendy backyard patio kitchen design with decking and a roof extension
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kaito-pictures · 4 months
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Assorted PJX kaitos!
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tomoleary · 1 month
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Chic Stone “The Weakest Man in the World!” Dynamo #4 Splash page (June 1967) Source
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lorei-writes · 3 months
Today started off with aggressive cleaning, picking cherries (for improvised cherry pierogi), pierogi making (cheese&potatoes; cherries; pierogi with cherries are surprisingly good -- 10/10, better than with berries), more picking cherries (cherries in syrup won't make themselves) and... Right now I am drowning in a mountain of inherited fabric that I still need to sort through 😂 Overall, everything is going all right.
How is it going for you guys?
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whos-hotter-jjba · 3 months
Hottest Stand Battle - Second Round Match 2
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Stand abilities under the cut:
Hierophant Green: Hierophant Green fights at a distance and is capable of unraveling into tentacles and unleashing a brilliant blast of emeralds known as the Emerald Splash.
Kiss: It is a short-range humanoid Stand that creates stickers. When a sticker is stuck onto an object, it creates a duplicate. When a sticker is removed, the two objects merge back together, causing severe damage.
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amygdalamud · 13 days
— last six lines
Tagged by: @galpalaven
Tagging: @gothmiqote
Lerih recalls, dropping most of her stones at the water’s edge. Skirting around a rock encampment, the young keeper bounds up the hill and rejoins her mother by the fire. As she comes to stand beside their makeshift log, she finds Myri’s eyes locked on the rising moon.             “Two more days of travel,” Myri hums and pulls her daughter in for a tight embrace. “Just two more days of travel and we’ll arrive in the Black Shroud. After we rejoin the Aliapoh’s and Lanbatal’s, how about we visit the Amphitheatre?”
Little by little she comes into form, but everything pre-EW is still fuzzy. This is a snippet from a flash piece I worked on recently, set during her childhood, though I will likely develop it into something with more substance!
It's satisfying to finally have a name for her mother. Next stop, character profile! Possibly.
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girlreviews · 7 months
Review #293: Last Splash, The Breeders
FUUUUUUUCK I love this record, but it permanently damaged the hearing in my right ear. I caught their show at Blackheath Hall in 2005. I put myself right at the front because I really loved them that much and I wanted — no, needed — to feel the heaving guitar in my chest, it felt like, to even continue on. I was seventeen so you know, everything felt a bit extra. I might as well have been hugging the PA system. Anyway, I didn’t anticipate what would happen during the part in Cannonball where Kim sings (yells) “WANT YOU, LITTLE CUCKOO” into the harmonic mic with all that distortion. Yeah, it’s loud. It’s so loud. My eardrum burst. I’ve had tinnitus ever since. My poor left eardrum suffered the same fate two weeks later at the Reading Fez (RIP), during a Mew show. Respectable, but so much less cool than its audio peeper partner in crime. Wear earplugs my friends. It’s not a joke.
Kim Deal founded The Breeders while The Pixies were on hiatus. Well that’s not true, she had been doing both but never able to focus on The Breeders, until 1993 when went Frank Black abruptly announced The Pixies hiatus live during an interview without informing the other band members first. The hiatus was kind of due burnout from recording three albums in two years and touring the hell out of them. Really though, Kim was not getting along with Frank. Here’s the thing — nobody really gets along with Frank. I love the Pixies. I do. But I will get into a fist fight with anyone who wants to insist that they’re better than The Breeders. They’re not. And the thing is, everyone has listened to The Pixies, while most of those same people haven’t given Kim and her band the same time of day. And you know why that is? Because they’re women who are playing heavy rock music. That’s all there is to it. I won’t hear anymore about it, I won’t say anymore about it and I’m not gonna fucking argue with you or anybody else about it. I’m right. Frank Black is a man, he fronts a band, so he gets paid more attention and listened to, and his shitfuck behavior gets dismissed as creative genius. The songs are great but that doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole, Frank! I’ll die on this hill but I’ll also throw hands before I do. Come at me.
I present to you, No Aloha, which actually, beautifully illustrates my point. It is also both beautiful and knockout punch effortlessly cool. It’s dreamy, and also like “we’re here to fuck shit up”. How can I express that it’s lovely and also ass kicking in its vague but biting commentary on being a woman in the music industry, and trying to make it in a band made up of all women (I think they’ve had a dude drummer in their line up from time to time to be fair, but still). It’s about how people that gave her the time of day during her Pixies tenure don’t give a shit about her now “No bye, no aloha, gone with a rock promoter” and how the perils of womanhood impact her creative output “motherhood means mental freeze, freezeheads, no aloha”. Think about what no aloha means. No hello. No goodbye. The disrespect. Ugh. Fuck yes to putting this out there unabashedly.
Obviously, Cannonball, the song that exploded my right ear, is iconic. If you don’t immediately recognize its bassline then I regret to inform you that you need to brush up on your general pop culture knowledge and you stand literally no chance of ever placing at any kind of trivia night. But most importantly, where have you been, and what have you been doing? And are you okay? Genuinely, you’re missing out. The whole thing about them is that musically they are just making some NOISE, and rocking so hard, but Kim’s voice is also so gentle and smooth. Like warm molten wax, or thick maple syrup and butter soaking into a perfect pancake. And she’s harmonizing with her own twin sister, who has the same voice? It’s too many textures but they’re polar opposites. It overwhelms and soothes at the same time. It’s quite an experience. So get it in your ears already.
There are some really lo-fi dulled down tracks, that are really tender and only a band of women could make them. Do You Love Me Now? Literally a low energy bass-led ballad earnestly asking someone if they want to get back together. It’s heart on sleeve girl bravery: I still love you and I don’t care if this doesn’t work out for me, I’m gonna say it. Such a poignant question, followed by a command:
“Does love ever end?
When two hearts are torn away?
Or does it go on?
And beat strong anyway?
You’ve loved me before
Do you love me now?
Come on come on come back to me
Right now”
It finishes with this cascade of harmonies. And I adore it.
My favorite track, and favorite story. Drivin’ on 9. A little ditty! Who doesn’t love a ditty? Again I need to talk about Kim’s voice. It’s like. It’s like. What is it like? When you toast a marshmallow and then squish it between a graham cracker and melted chocolate. It’s like, a smooth whiskey, probably (I don’t like whiskey). It’s like a tiny bird just landed on your hand for the briefest moment. It’s so delicate and precious and you don’t know how such a voice comes out of anyone’s mouth, but especially not hers, because she’s so tough and cool. The strings in the song make me want to die in the best way. Like when people say they died and went to heaven. They pluck it AND they use the bows. Why do I love it so much? Probably because it’s a song about driving and thinking. That’s my favorite thing to do.
“Drivin’ on 9
Lookin’ out my windowsill
Wonderin’ if I want you still
Wonderin’ what’s mine”
I last saw them play at Cannery Ballroom, and the most wonderful thing(s) happened. Firstly, they played this track, so I was happy to begin with. But there was some issue, like one of the violins was missing or broken or not able to be mic’d up correctly or something, I forget. So, Kelley Deal SANG the violin solo. And got it dead on. I cried. These women are just the coolest to ever do it.
I write these reviews because I fundamentally have a problem with the makeup of music critics being made up of men. And I notice looking back how these records and tracks are interconnected with trash men who have acted trash to me or others. I have things to say. I take issue with how they’re written as though their subjective opinions are gospel to be consumed as objective fact. This dynamic can make or break someone’s career when it’s their art and creative output that they’ve poured their heart and soul into. It’s no coincidence that music overall, but rock and alternative music in particular is made up of majority white men, too. Some with self-proclaimed “good taste” can just label it good or bad when it’s not necessarily made for someone that looks like them. These reviews are my experience and my opinion and it’s okay with me if you do or don’t agree, if you love a record that I hate, or if you hate a record I love. But more voices are important and remembering that they’re subjective opinions is pretty fucking important. Hearing someone’s passion (or lack of) about a record is more valuable than hearing their self-importance or gravitas. The Rolling Stone Top 500 is fundamentally flawed in how it’s compiled because of who it’s compiled by, and so I’m deconstructing it one review at a time, noting that as a white woman, the addition of my voice isn’t the full answer or even a big part of the answer. But like I said, I have things to say, and I hope if you have things to say, whoever you are, you’ll share too. But here we are: it’s just proving my point. I’ll be writing one review of The Breeders, but two for The Pixies.
I’m just doing what Kim did when she got sick of the bullshit with Frank Black and The Pixies and decided to do it her way. Nowhere near as loud, nowhere near as cool, and I expect your eardrums will survive my reviews in tact.
Signing off with these words from my favorite “girl” band:
“I see a boy I know
His hair's on fire
The whole world I discovered
If you're so special, why aren't you dead?
I just wanna get along
I just wanna get along
I just wanna get along
Wave bye bye
Cus it ain’t never coming down now”
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tomirovira · 2 months
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jennyforeigner · 3 months
Went swimming for the first time since transitioning. God I missed the water.
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yeeshastone · 2 years
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Its about time I announce/ make an info page explaining the TTRPG i’ve been working on for the past year. The TTRPG still has a few things to iron out but i feel its starting to become stable now after a number of beta test groups.
If you want to join the discord for the project you can find it here: https://discord.gg/5arKDYrrGh
I also post semi weekly updates with new art and rule updates for the project on my patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/yeeshastone I hope to soon have a website up for the project as well, but it will still be a bit before that will be fully ready. One it is though ill make a more ‘official post’ for the project.
For the next few days I plan to post more info about the project such as different snippets of the rules and species sheets to give you a feel for the project and me a feel for the interest in it! artist credit for the pictures in this post will be bellow the cut
due to all the links in this post for the artist credit and other things it is likely tumblr will make it hard to find this post, so if you could reblog that would be helpful!
Harley Pack- https://twitter.com/tinysinvessel JustSimpleGabby- https://toyhou.se/justsimplegabby LumpyBird- https://lumpybird.tumblr.com/ Urlocalcrypt1d - https://urlocal.carrd.co/ Triruntu - @triruntu FlareSiram - @keeperartwork Lorie - @andalorii BagelF- https://toyhou.se/BagelF Saragonvoid- https://mobile.twitter.com/saragonvoid Yolk-Sac - https://toyhou.se/yolk-sac Roventum- https://toyhou.se/roventum Igobykuro- https://twitter.com/igobykuro Bjekkergauken- @bjekkergauken DefinedVines- https://toyhou.se/DefinedVines Bullfinch- @bullfinch
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the-spinner-rack · 2 years
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Defender of the Realm! (by Keith Giffen & Chic Stone from Defenders #52, 1977)
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fantasmaas · 1 year
sick of car problems. I’ve dumped over two grand into this thing over the past few months and I have to do it again on monday
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confetti-critter · 7 months
I should try making the convoluted, weird record farm that I cooked up in minecraft years ago. I want to listen to chirp while I make potions
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tomoleary · 7 days
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Jack Kirby and Chic Stone “The Mighty Thor Battles the Incredible Hulk!” Journey Into Mystery #112 title splash (1965) Source
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alifeasvivid · 1 year
I love that despite the Special Relationship and everything being the way it is now, no US president has ever attended the coronation of a British monarch. It's so needlessly petty, I love that for us.
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