#stonefur lives au
birdsong-warriors · 1 year
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Brick may seem to have a bit of a double standard here when it comes to labels, but they don't consider "halfhouser" (half housecat) to be a bad thing, much less an insult. But "half-cat" is too far into icky and demeaning and invalidating territory; they are very much not cool with that, and they're eager to call it out.
On another note: the escaped prisoner is Stonefur.
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Part 1: Friend and Family
See up to thirty pages ahead, with timelapses, on Patreon! Deputy and Leader tiers are temporarily 33 pages ahead due to a double update! :D
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theanoninyourinbox · 6 months
Warriors AU pmv idea
Tigerclaw centered, but Tiger meets Sasha when he tries to recruit Bloodclan; Sasha is Scourge’s mate (and keeps Bloodclan more friendly/helpful to each other) and uninterested, but Tiger won’t back down so Scourge Shreks him on the spot.
set to Bad Bad Leroy Brown
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simbasomba · 9 months
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Once a friend Has turned into a thief
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bonefall · 2 years
Do you think Leopardstar had anything to do with Crookedstar’s death? Like it’s kinda sus how he died, maybe Leopardstar poisoned him, I mean her dad is the medicine cat, she definitely picked up on some herbs, like the herbs that could kill a cat.
Also, Mistyfoot killing Leopardstar is much more interesting than her dying of an illness. Could she drown her? Like just draining whatever lives are left. Ironic for two reasons: A similar way that Tigerstar went and the fact that Leopardstar is a drypaw and has nearly died to drowning before.
I’m thinking of mudcastle’s post:
As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words and Mistyfoot is doing just that.
I loooove Mudcastle dude. They're a cool ass blog.
I think in-canon, the Erins refuse to give me my evil women and want to starve me to death with an absolutely sauceless Leopardstar who was nice the whole time. But this is MY kitchen and I add AS MANY SPICES AS I WANT.
Did she kill Crookedstar?
You bet your bottom dollar she did. I am extremely fond of the Fire and Water's take that she didn't outright KILL him, but she was weakening him. Juuust enough to sap his strength, not enough for it to be obvious she did it.
How does Mistyfoot kill Leopardstar?
I looove Mudcastle's Dark Mirror AU, but my Mistystar isn't so evil. I want to frame what she does to Leopardstar as something violent and traumatic, not something she enjoys.
In my head, it's something that creeps up on her. It wasn't right away after Brook and Stormfur were exiled. It's how Hawkfrost dies and the clan goes into mourning (he was, after all, beloved, respected, a young and promising warrior), and Mistyfoot expects a small shock...
...and instead, there's a simmering heat in the Clan. How they start to look at Mothwing differently. Whispers that maybe Hawkfrost didn't take a life from Firestar at all.
It's Reedwhisker falling into the river and his patrol not jumping in after him.
It's Blackclaw making a remark about thick ThunderClan blood clotting up in his feet.
It's Leopardstar drawing away from her as a deputy, even without Hawkfrost to undermine her, feeling the political tide of RiverClan turn cold again
Finally, someone floats the idea of taking the meeting island as the camp again. Mistyfoot reminds them of how StarClan smote Mudclaw. Blackclaw shouts her down, RiverClan descends into an argument, and when she looks up to Leopardstar for backup, the setting sun shades the stump into a dark, spiky hill.
Leopardstar's amused eyes flash, Tigerstar amber, dark-forest red, and Mistyfoot realizes that this will not end without someone to stop it.
I think she has to kill Leopardstar three times, and it will not be easy for her. Leopardstar is a vicious, powerful warrior. I think drowning would be good for one of the deaths, but the final blow should come from some sort of stone. Misty smashes Leopard's head against it.
One of those things were you can't be sure if it was coincidence, or if Stonefur was sending a sign from StarClan.
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Banished Fireheart AU
I am being perfectly normal about the fictional cat series right now and need to get this off of my chest.
What if when Bluestar banished Tigerclaw, she banished Fireheart too?
This AU would rely entirely on Bluestar losing her mind completely during her mental breakdown, but imagine that instead of trusting Fireheart more because he saved her from Tigerclaw and previously tried to warn her about the tabby tom, she takes the entire incident as proof that Fireheart's loyalty should also be doubted and decides to kill two birds with one stone?
This obviously makes zero sense, but Bluestar is beyond logic when she makes the decision, so to her Fireheart has already proved his own disloyalty by sneaking around and looking for answers behind her back.
AU timeline:
Blue banishes Tiger AND Fire
Fireheart is forced to become a rogue, obviously he can never live with being a kittypet again, so rogue life is his only option
Fire tries to contact other cats in Thunderclan, but he either can't reach them or they chase him away on Bluestar's orders, so he can't help them like he wants to
Tigerclaw becomes Tigerstar the 1st and the Riverclan/Shadowclan alliance happens
Fireheart decides to try his luck with Windclan, and Tallstar actually hears him out, but doesn't want to risk any potential alliances with Thunderclan by offering Fireheart shelter
Fireheart leaves Windclan feeling utterly defeated
Windclan refuses to align themselves with the River/Shadow alliance and Tigerclaw retaliates by executing several Windclan cats, including Gorsepaw
Onewhisker says "to hell with this!" and goes to find Fireheart, because at this point Bluestar has made her disinterest in alliances clear and Windclan needs more warriors to defend it, so why NOT take Fireheart in?
Fireheart is destroyed by the loss of Gorsepaw and his spirit very nearly breaks, but a heart-to-heart with Onewhisker motivates him to keep it together and he decides to return to Windclan with his friend
Tallstar officially names Fireheart as an ally and guest of Windclan
Graystripe comes looking for Fireheart because he needs help to rescue his kits and Sandstorm is the only other volunteer so far
Ravenpaw finds out what is going on through the gossip mill because it's Windclan territory and he is right there, how could he not overhear something?
Ravenpaw joins the raiding party against River/Shadow and reveals his identity to Windclan, who take the knowledge that he is a former Thunderclan cat pretty well
Onewhisker and Morningflower also join the rescue patrol
Tigerstar, who has been looking everywhere for Fireheart except in Windclan territory, expects sneaky and low-key resistance to come from Fireheart at some point: what he does not expect is for Fireheart to launch a full-scale raid on Shadow/River camp while he, Leopardstar, and a shitton of their cats are at the gathering
Fireheart is fucking feral at this point and decides that the warrior code doesn't apply to people that shove little baby apprentices in prison, he injures Blackfoot so badly that the wounds are almost fatal and outright kills two other cats himself. Morningflower also gets a kill in, Sandstorm blinds a Riverclan cat, and Onewhisker rips somebody's ear off in the ensuing fight while Graystripe and Ravenpaw help Stonefur and Mistyfoot evacuate Featherpaw and Stormpaw (this all happens before Tigerstar has the chance to publicly execute Stonefur)
Fireheart books it back to Windclan with his raiding party and their rescued kin
Tigerclaw realizes exactly what happened way too late and is furious, but he doesn't immediately march on Windclan because he has bigger fish to fry and still wants Thunderclan dead
The newly named Tigerclan moves to attack Thunderclan, but Windclan comes to their defense and the two sets of allied clans are temporarily forced into a stalemate
Tigerstar disappears to work on his strategy, this is when he makes the decision to try recruiting Bloodclan
Thunderclan is very confused but not ungrateful to Windclan for their help, and Bluestar rescends her previous decision to alienate Tallstar in a brief moment of clarity (Whitestorm is her deputy and has become her caretaker, doing his best to keep her comforted and alive)
Fireheart leaves immediately after the battle, not wanting his former mentor to see him there and snap again because he firmly believes that this alliance is more important than anything else right now. It kills him to leave without even seeing Cinderpelt, but he doesn't believe that it is possible for him to stay
Sandstorm tries following him at first but Morningflower stops her and goes instead while Graystripe explains the raiding party to Bluestar, who is almost too preoccupied by the presence of her kits to register the fact one of her warriors just admitted to Fireheart being involved in some capacity
Morningflower catches up to Fireheart and we get another emotional conversation, Fireheart let's her see just how much this entire experience has affected him and tries to apologize for not being there to protect Gorsepaw. Morningflower shuts his apologies down, firmly explaining in excruciating detail why he is the last cat that should be blamed for Gorsepaw's death. This is where a friendship really starts to form between the two, and Fireheart gets a much needed hug.
Bluestar reluctantly requests that Fireheart be brought to her after learning that he helped to rescue her kits, and Whitestorm comes to retrieve him, interrupting his talk with Morningflower
Bluestar grants Fireheart refuge and Thunderclan forms a joint camp with Windclan for safety reasons.
Bluestar and Tallstar decide to call their temporary alliance Lionclan
Lionclan makes plans to continue defending themselves
I really like this AU because I am a big fluff/angst person and the idea is ripe with those elements, I also really wanted a reason to retcon a lot of the Fireheart related decisions that the Erins made in later books, so this AU is now that reason. I haven't planned out how the rest of the first ARC will go down in this AU, but I do have some ideas for how this AU would carry into the Firestar's Quest timeline.
Some other random things about this AU:
Stonefur lives to become Stonestar, he is the leader of Riverclan during the great journey
Leopardstar is not allowed to remain leader after Tigerstar dies in this AU, and Blackfoot is removed from the deputy position permanently
Russetfur becomes Russetstar by popular clan vote, she is the new leader of Shadowclan
Bluestar still dies
Whitestorm becomes Thunderclan's new leader, I thought that Whitestar would make a good parallel to Blackstar
Mistyfoot is named as Stonestar's deputy
Fireheart comes very close to rejoining Thunderclan after Bluestar's death, but in the end it feels wrong to him that his banishment be broken over Bluestar's still cooling body, so he continues living as a guest of Windclan until the final battle is won and peace has returned to the forest
This is where we hit post first ARC/super addition territory:
After the first great battle, Fireheart feels as though he has finally fulfilled the prophecy by aiding Windclan and sees no reason to return to Thunderclan despite the way that his heart aches with the absence of Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Cinderheart.
Fireheart is selected by Tallstar to attend the first gathering after everything has settled down in the forest, and is happy to learn that while Stormpaw has rejoined Riverclan with Mistyfoot and Stonestar, Featherpaw has decided to remain in Thunderclan with Graystripe
Mistyfoot's three remaining kits have also all survived, and are doing well as apprentices in Riverclan
Tallstar announces to everyone that Fireheart has officially pledged himself to the black and white leader as a warrior of Windclan, this makes those of his Thunderclan friends who are present horribly sad, but there is also an undercurrent of melancholy understanding between them that prevents any ill feelings from taking root
Later that night in the warriors's burrow, Fireheart is restless as he dreams of Bluestar, tossing and turning in his nest beside Morningflower and Onewhisker as Bluestar tells the still-young warrior that Starclan isn't done with him yet and that he still has a destiny to fullfil
Ultimately Fireheart winds up receiving several more dreams and a few signs from Starclan IRL before finally taking the hint and seeking out the descendants of Skyclan. In this AU, he leaves Windclan solo but Sandstorm decides to sneak away from Thunderclan and follow him, she has been receiving some signs of her own and is frankly sick of her idiot friend trying to recover from all of his trauma with only his Windclan friends for support. The two bond after she saves his ass, and begin to develop a crush on each other (this is Fireheart's first real adult crush, his crush on Spottedleaf was a puppy crush and was never that serious).
Skyclan is eventually reformed, and Fireheart is chosen by Starclan to be it's new leader so that he can bring everyone back to the forest and train Leafdapple to one day succeed him.
They make it home and Fireheart visits the moonstone to become Firestar and receive his nine lives.
Fireheart and Sandstorm eventually become mates and Sandstorm officially joins Skyclan, they have three kits together, two she-kits and a tom.
The kits are named Leafkit, Squirrelkit, and Gorsekit.
The End (or is it?.....)
Author's Note: OC alert, he is a very minor character and barely shows up, but I thought that Fireheart and Sandstorm having an extra kit and naming it after Gorsepaw was the cutest thing in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, Gorsetail has entered the chat (he looks like Sandstorm, but a bit darker and fluffier).
His main roll in the second ARC is to be the sibling that stayed home, because in this AU Leafpaw pulls a Stormfur and goes on the Journey with Squirrelpaw.
Gorsepaw the 2nd exists to be obsessively mother-henned by Firestar and Sandstorm, who refuse to let him starve and are constantly giving their own food to him as prey becomes scarcer and scarcer in the old forest.
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bloodfun2585 · 4 months
idk why but i cant stop thinking of warrior cats au's i know my ideas for au's are kind of boring & bland but heres my au ideas anyways (possible spoilers below):
1:an au where half clan relationships & kits aint forbidden or considered wrong (mosskit would live i imagine her name would be mossfur or mossfrost & leafpool & crowfeather would be able to keep hollyleaf lionblaze & jayfeather) & medicine cats can have mates & kits & cats can visit other clans & stay in or switch clans for a while or permanently
2:an au where every cat that dies lives (except for the ones that died of old age)
3:an au where hollyleaf keeps the fox as a pet
4:an au where spirits cant die
5:an au where all of firestars family members that aint in the clans join thunderclan & smudge & oliver join too
6:an au where hollyleaf is the 3rd prophecy cat & not dovewing
7:an au where sol joins windclan
8:an au where squirrelflight is deputy way before she does in canon so brambleclaw (bramblestar) never becomes deputy he stays a warrior & she becomes squirrelstar waaaayyyyy earlier then she did in canon
9:an au where mapleshades kits live her & the kits dont get exiled & she dont kill frecklewish ravenwing or appledusk & doesn't go to the dark forest
10:an au where jayfeather isnt forced to be a medicine cat & chooses to be one instead or chooses to be a warrior im not sure yet
11:an au where ravenpaw stays in thunderclan (& perhaps maybe barley even joins thunderclan too!)
12:an au where leopardstar doesn't let tigerstar kill stonefur & try to kill
13:an au where needletail doesn't die & her & rain get together in this au he joins shadowclan with her
14:an au where bristlefrost doesn't die & has the kits she had visions of with rootspring
15:an au where firestar knows he has half siblings (scourge socks & ruby)
16:an au where bramblestar tawnypelt mothwing hawkfrost swiftpaw & tadpole know they're half siblings (brambleclaw & tawnypelt is tigerstar & tawnypelt is tigerstar 1 & goldenflowers kits swiftpaw is goldenflower & patchpelts kits & hawkfrost mothwing & tadpole is tigerstar 1's & sasha's kits)
17:an au where the crash bandicoot characters & games is warrior cats instead
these can be all mixed together in one universe though if y'all like (minus the crash bandicoot one lol) because i do some of these are just comfort au's for me tbh
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wcphasesofthemoon · 7 months
Silverstream lives much longer since Graystripe is the one having the kits, but he has no interest in joining ThunderClan as long as the kits would be taken care of there. Still, Silverstream is not entirely loyal to his birth Clan, passing on vital information to Graystripe when they meet as they continue to do. Despite this, he becomes RiverClan's deputy, since Stonefur and Mistyfoot are in ThunderClan in this AU.
In TNP, Silverstream is chosen as RiverClan's representative in the journey to the sun-drown place, becoming the silver cat destined to save the Tribe. Along the way, he becomes like a father to Crowpaw and Brook, getting to enjoy having younger cats depending on him and realizing what he's been missing. Alas, he doesn't get to make amends with his family in life, since he sacrifices his own to kill Sharptooth. Crowpaw requests the name Crowstream in his honor.
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phoenixofheaven · 2 months
I loved the last one you did. I have another. What if Crookedkit ignored Mapleshade and chose to stay with the farm cats? Would he have nothing to do with the Clans and take mate with one of the farm cats? Or would he come across Willowbreeze or Bluefur one day and they fall in love but keep their relationship a secret?
Thank you! I honestly think he'd stay on the barn, but he'd helpful to the clan cats he'd come by. Kind of be like Barley :D I don't have much for this one, but here I go anyway.
So Crookedkit runs away and ends up staying at the barn. He takes back the name Stormkit and becomes mates with Soot. He lives peacefully there until he happens to come across his brother.
Oakheart is a warrior now and is ecstatic about seeing his brother again. The two catch up and Oakheart reveals that he's in a relationship with a Thunderclan cat named Bluefur. Storm worries for his brother and tells him to be careful. They part ways for a while and Storm hopes his brother doesn't get caught.
Sometime later, Oakheart visits him again to tell him that Bluefur's expecting kits and that he's freaking out. Storm comforts him. Once again the two don't see each other for moons until Oakheart comes to introduce his kits to his brother. They decide its best to keep the kits from knowing their true parentage.
Oakheart goes on to become leader and Storm continues living happily at the barn. Their lives seem peaceful until Stonefur is killed at Sunningrocks (he dies here in this au). A distraught Oakstar comes to his brother for comfort.
Mistyfoot feels that there's something suspicious surrounding her brother's death and eventually teams up with Fireheart to find answers.
At one point, they come to Storm to ask about the comment Oakstar made about no Thunderclan warrior being allowed to harm Stonefur, but Storm kind of doges it. He refuses to give his brother away.
Storm remains out of the drama and only becomes aware of what happened until Mistyfoot visits him again and tells him the entire story.
Storm sees Oakstar one last time. His brother is becoming ill and knows that he's on his last life. He wanted to see him before he dies. They spend the entire day together, talking about the things they missed and all the good things they've experienced, then Oakstar says goodbye for good. He dies not long after.
Storm finds out a few moons later when Mistyfoot comes back to tell him. She also tells him that she knows about her being Oakstar and Bluestar's daughter and that she doesn't blame him for keeping it from her. They mourn Oakstar and Stonefur together and catch up. This is when he hears of Tigerstar's era and what Mistyfoot had to go through.
Storm lives for another year before passing away beside his mate Soot. He never regretted his choice of staying at the barn.
The end.
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transhet-lionblaze · 5 months
What’s up with fireheart in this au (please tell me he doesn’t die)
So far in my writing he's not dead LoL, he still becomes leader and everything. Most of the early game stuff is the same, he's a kittypet who was invited into the clans and joins it. He's mocked for being a kittypet, and is seen as weak. He's never been a good fighter, something he's mocked for, but makes up for it with wit along with good instincts and agility, but ThunderClan cats prioritize strength over all of that.
He's given Spark Blue as a mentor after being temporarily mentored by Tigerclaw, but most of the early stuff is focused on Firepaw and Spark Blue building up a relationship and having Spark Blue divulge secrets, such as Mistyfoot/Stonefur being her's and killing Thistleclaw and whatnot (since I think it's means more to hear it from herself then just. Finding it out later somehow LMAO)
Then the BIG change, Tigerclaw takes over, killing Spark Blue (still on the fence on whether he kills Lionfang or not but I'm leaning towards no) and gives Firepaw the most insulting name he could think of, Fireheart, which signifies weakness in Tigerclaw's mind. Fireheart is then exiled, and leaves.
He then decided he'd leave clan territory to find the rumored "BloodClan", and he does! Originally, Scourge plans on killing him, until he learns of Spark Tiger and becomes intruiged. Scourge thinks he's super smart, planning to use Fireheart to get revenge on the cat who almost killed him, but instead they form a brotherly bond together.
Scourge thinks he hates all his siblings due to Ruby and Socks, but grows to care for Fireheart.
Later, Fireheart is able to get other cats to join his resistance, these include:
-Sandstorm (works as a spy inside the clan) -Graystripe (also a spy and does more gruntwork, but later betrays the rebellion to save his kits) -Stonefur/Mistyfoot (Were exiled, still lives around clan territory and are the ones Sandstorm reports to since it'd be weird as hell for Sandstorm to leave the clan and come back smelling like twolegs LMAO) -Yellowfang (Was exiled before TigerClan, works as a medic for the resistance) -Also like. All of WindClan, who Fireheart found
And there's more I just need to like. Think up roles for them within the resistance. Basically, he and Scourge become leaders and are trying to take down Spark Tiger. They succeed, Fireheart doesn't have the final blow, actually a bunch of cats dogpile Spark Tiger while Fireheart watches. Fireheart is then proclaimed leader, decided since he was the leader of the rebellion, and Scourge became the leader of ShadowClan, and given the true name Scourgeheart to match with his brother.
Heart's now seen as a hero's suffix and is only used to honor those who are seen as worthy, this is due to Spark Fire/Shade Scourge
After Into the Wild, he still has kits with Sandstorm and forgives Graystripe, but they don't really talk much LoL. The kits have the same name as canon but they don't show up at all in the first arc so I don't have much written about them yet LMAO
Personality wise, he's much more somber in this one. He's caring and kind, but doesn't go out of his way to break the rules like his canon self does. Actively, he tries to impress his leader and is subservient to Spark Blue for the most part. He has a lot of the same flaws as Spark Tiger, such as overseeking of justice (the entire reason he led the rebellion) and this bites him in the ass as he sees things in a very black and white issue. This'll be talked more about in the second arc, when he's leader and trying to clean up the mess Spark Tiger made.
Random Other Stuff:
He/They Pronouns but I'll probs only use He/Him for consistencies sake in story LMAO
ENFJ - 3w2 - 317
Mate: Sandstorm
Past Mate: Graystripe (#divorce)
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Do you have plot point in any of the warriors books that you wished was more developed? And one that doesn’t involve all the normal erin writing flaws? Mine is the dog pack from the first arc
They’re supposed to be this ferocious pack that can easily wipe out thunderclan not to mention the other clans, but then canonically the dogs only kill swiftpaw and then die easily by being pushed over the gorge
Thats always been my pet peeve with warrior rewrites, they never utilize the dog pack they always write it with swift still dying as usual, bright dying instead or both living but the dogs *never* kill anything else, honestly i want to tell people to just rewrite the dogs as bloodclan cats instead to go ahead, introduce the rogues and get rid of the dogs because why have these giant terrifying creatures and not utilize them, honestly the dogs should have killed MORE cats, not have it be only tigerstar doing the most of the murders
I had always wished that someone had rewritten it to be like napoleon from animal farm and his pack of dogs, where tigerstar still helps the dogs and they form a bond with him and listen to him so that they become a threat, the dogs start killing thunderclan cats yes but also involve the other clans too!! The dogs just attack cats on command not seeing a difference in the clan cats, just not tigerstar
It would have more weight to it and have tawnypaw running away to shadowclan feel more real, because who would want to be on the opposite side with the dogs? But then the other clans(maybe windclan only because of the four become two thing and riverclan is already with shadowclan) and windclan joins thunderclan to help them push the dogs into the gorge and helps push the two clans thing and push windclan to help join thunderclan
And then when tigerstar loses the dogs he brings in bloodclan, then scourge is like “tf the dogs” and thats why he didn’t help tigerstar out first and wanted to think about it prompting the whole gut rippin and then continue to the 6th book
Idk i just see a lot of aus with swift and bright living and it makes wish the dogs were more terrifying to make the aus hit harder
Oh that’s so fair. I think the dog pack sort of presents a difficult challenge for some writers: keeping the terror of the original while also trying to keep them from being too undefeatable. I do wish most of the villains in the series got higher kill counts tbh but the dog pack certainly should���ve been higher up.
I do like an AU where the dogs are with BloodClan, might give them more reason to take on the Clans if they’re killed a few of their pooches.
As for plot lines I want more from….like there’s a gazillion but the one that comes to mind right away is Stonefur’s death. It’s like the absolute extreme of how the Clan’s xenophobic half-clan blood purity lead to the execution of a cat and almost three others (two of which were children!). Yet, it’s so rarely utilized thematically and kept relevant in the stories. For fucks sake, A Starless Clan refuses to even acknowledge it in favor of the pointless “this is just like Tigerstar 1” comparisons (crazy how Leafstar, who wasn’t even there, remembers that and not how THEY EXECUTED CATS FOR BEING HALF-CLAN. WHILE INSISTING THEY STAY OUT OF EACH OTHERS BUSINESS- like Firestar “King of Snooping in Other Clan’s Business” would be disappointed.)
It’s barely relevant in Blackstar and Leopardstar’s story going past arc one- which. look Leopardstar should’ve been a villain. She approved the execution of her own deputy, she’s routinely antagonistic and there was zero reason not to lean into her being a villain.
But yeah, Stonepelt’s execution should’ve been more thematically relevant in a series that’s themes should’ve been about changing the status quo.
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
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Quick Hypokits upload before work. @fernstarsblog asked if Goldenflower could be Rusty and his littermate’s mom (with Tiny thrown in for free), and an Anon asked for BlackLeopard!
In the first AU, Goldenflower (green eyes as a treat) was taken as an apprentice by some twolegs, and escaped back to the clans nearly a year later. She wouldn’t speak much of what happened, only that she had -and then lost to twolegs- kits. She’s pregnant by Tigerclaw when Bluestar brings a fiery orange tom into camp, and she nearly yowls in shock. The young cat looks at her, and hollers MOM?! There’s a moment of chaos in camp, and after everything settles, Rusty reveals that all of his littermates live in the nearby twoleg den, and can they come mom? We all missed you so much! After some discussion, the whole litter joins, and when Tigerclaw tries to kill them in secret - citing that kittypet blood will waken the clan - Goldenflower and her brother Lionheart send him to the Dark Forest. Bramblekit and Tawnykit grow up well loved.
In the second AU, Blackfoot and Leopardstar plot together to depose Tigerstar - who was rejected by Starclan - and kill him when he orders Blackfoot to kill Stonefur. They have a one-night stand, resulting in Pikekit. The leaders respect each other and both care dearly for their child, but they don’t start a romantic relationship - a deep friendship with occasional insult fights is as far as they go.
Okay I have to go to work enjoy your cats byeeeeee
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Random Au’s I though of when I first started reading the books:
Firestar actually didn’t join and it was up to Graystripe and Ravencry to deal with Tigerstar
Skyclan never left and actually shared territory between river and Thunderclan back near the treecutter place and the summer camping place in Riverclan
Smudge joining instead of Rusty
Princess actually gives Fireheart all five of her kits. (I thought that the time this would be funny ok? Ok.)
Ravenpaw kills Redtail with Tigerstar, later becoming Ravenclaw and becoming TigerStar’s second deputy after Longtail dies. He also kills Firepaw as an apprentice when he gets to nosy by drowning him
Graystripe isn’t saved by SilverStream in time and grieves with Fireheart. Later they become mates and Fire joins Riverclan. Becoming deputy there after earning his keep and then becoming FireStar.
Connected to Graystripe dying Au, Mistyfoot never was taken to Riverclan along with Stonefur so they both live. Mistystar becomes a thing and still is immortal.
That’s it lol I just wanted to share my weird and first ever Au’s.
Ok riverclan Firestar so fun tho, also all 5 of Princess's kits running around in Thunderclan would be hilarious
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bonefall · 2 years
In relation to Mistyfoot killing Leopardstar, where does Leopardstar go when she dies? Canonically they put her in Starclan, but in your au since she’s very.. not necessarily anti fascist or at least is xenophobic, how does Starclan see that?
Bonefall StarClan is a lot less predictable than in canon, easily clouded by raw emotion and the shifting morality of the living clans. They become FURIOUS at cats who threaten kittens, elders, and loyal warriors.
So, even if we poofed Canon Leopardstar in front of Bonefall Starclan, she would have been subjected to a very intense trial for the death of Stonefur, and her command to kill Stormpaw and Featherpaw. They would ultimately let her in, but not before grilling her like BBQ chicken.
Bonefall Leopardstar, however, does not repent. She killed her leader. She let Tigerstar kill Stonefur. In a time of great need for the Clans, she chose to flex her claws with Hawkfrost as her deputy, breaking the apprentice/deputy law in the process. Her final actions are a suggestion she will lapse back into the person she was in the clan's darkest hours.
She gets sent to the Dark Forest so hard that the Clans might see a shooting star the night she dies.
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greekstar · 2 years
I love how everyone who makes a ‘MossKit survives Au’ makes her a kittypet, or a medicine cat in either Thunderclan or Riverclan. Or she makes it to Riverclan or is taken by a loner or two-leg and raised as Smuge, and or another character; but then there’s me. Making her a fucking Shadowclan warrior who was found by a loner when Bluefur thought she was dead. The loner takes her two Shadowclan territory where she is found by a single warrior and their bloodthirsty so kills her (probably like a young Brokentail and no one knew about it) and he brings Moss to Shadowclan to be raised. (He named her moss cause the loner had wrapped her in moss to keep her warm as they carried her)
She grew up into Mossclaw! Being named after she became a strong fighter. (She was probably Brokentail’s first or second apprentice)
She was one of Brokentail/star’s loyal warriors until she found out what he had done with all the kits. (She was good friends with Yellowfang and her family, and love Marigoldkit and Mintkit, so finding out they were killed by Brokenstar made her angry and found herself becoming a real follower of the code)
She does become leader instead of Blackfoot. As he is blinded by Stonefur before he dies. Also, Mossclaw always knew Bluefur was her mother as she remembers her thinking she was dead and leaving her and how she mourned her before she took her other siblings to Riverclan. So she has no hatred for Bluestar. Mossclaw does go into rage mode due to the fact that Tigerstar practically killed her brother.
When Twanyclaw comes to Shadowclan, Mossclaw becomes her mentor, begging Tigerstar to let her as she was taught by Brokenstar, which made it official.
Twanyclaw is named after Mossclaw and becomes her deputy after Russetfur dies.
Mossclaw was mates with Darkstripe for the bit he was there in Shadow; making her expect his kits. When he tries and kills Stonefur, she attacks him and kills him. Though is attacked by the the other cats and runs to where she saw the other half-clan cats. Meeting Fireheart and Graystripe who came to rescue them.
They run to Thunderclan and everything with Bloodclan and Tigerclan happen.
Mossclaw goes back to Shadowclan, demands the role of leader and she gets it. Getting her nine-lives from
Bluestar - The life of Risks
Thrushpelt - The life of a parents love
Stonefur - the life of Forgiviness
Raggedstar - the life of Honor
Yellowfang - the life of a clear mind
Mintkit - the life of determination
Marigoldkit - the life of grief
Crookedstar - the life of Trust
Oakheart - the life of strength
Those are the lives she gets.
She dies around the same time Blackstar does, though a little Later, and Rowanheart (claw) doesn’t become leader, Twanyclaw does as she is appoint deputy after Russetfur dies.
If your wondering what happened with Blackfoot, he retired as a elder after being Blinded. He does have kits with Tallpoppy (none of Tallpoppy’s kits have a father with the father is now Blackfoot)
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troutfur · 2 years
For the Fire Augur Au where Leopard and Stone are his parents...may I point to the Tigerclaw supporters 8n Riverclan as a source to the Tigerclan formation? Perhaps give them a bit more power? Maybe have Crookedstar live longer, up until The beginning of Darkest Hour when Tigerclan forms then when Stonefur and Misty are imprisoned for being half-clan, he dies before naming a new deputy. Tigerstar of course, names Blackclaw and says Blackclaw is Leopardsun's new mate, and names Firestar a bastard. Of course Starclan denies Blackclaw his lives as Crookedstar did not name him, he wasn't chosen by Riverclan and Stonefur is the correct leader (Sandstorm takes Stonefur to get his lives, and he comes as a leader in exile, with all nine lives two of which are given to him by Primrosedawn and Pikeheart, full warriors of Starclan.)
While I can see Tigerstar buttering up Crookedstar and hiding his xenophobia under his sleeve (although he'd have to play it incredibly safe not to tip off just how much of a vendetta he has against Crooked's beloved grandnephew) I don't see things escalating to the level of "Stonefur and Mistyfoot are imprisoned" while he's in power. I feel he'd fight for them more fiercely at that point.
I'm thinking perhaps the TigerClan supporters come out of the woodwork in full force in between Crooked dying and Stonefur going out to get his nine lives. This would involve ambushing him and Leopardsun. Maybe Leopardsun becomes a collaborator in an attempt to ensure kinder treatment for her mate and Mistyfoot, not so much Graystripe's kits.
Also, MAN. Just the concept of Tigerstar inventing annulment in this universe to get his rivals out of the way. Wonder what his legalistic argument would be.
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moss-path · 2 years
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Another family tree. I want to show yall some of the earlier ThunderClan families. So here’s Dawnfeather and her descendants! I have more ideas on warriors family trees here. They fit in with my PO3 AU, tho its more of an entire series AU at this point.
This one is short and sweet, mostly because going any further would just be repeating other family trees I’ve already posted. (Check them out they’re super cool and thought out and sophisticated I promise)
More details are below on my changes.
Dawnfeather is the mother of not only Nettlebreeze, but also Daisyfoot (Daisytoe) and Flashnose. 
Daisy has the solid white gene, which she passes down to her daughter, Moonflower.
Swiftbreeze has no stated parent besides Flashnose, either an unnamed ThunderClan cat, loner, or housecat.
Snowfur is renamed Snowstorm. Her son is named after her.
I’ve also renamed Patchpelt, Patchdusk. I think it’s an underutilized suffix as opposed to the overutilized -pelt.
After Pinestar leaves ThunderClan, he first takes on the name Pine, and then Henry. He lives a long life as a housecat. 
Stonefur is now Stonetalon, for the same reasons.
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