#stood but i hope he knows. i already see myself as one of his exes. only when it gets like this. ik he’ll look back n laugh at how much time
yoonlattesworld · 2 years
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Synopsis: how naive were you to think you found the one when it was so obvious that he was making a fool of you. But you weren't gonna sit around and mope while he's having fun with your so called best friend. Good thing a certain someone was more than happy to help you out. And it made you wonder that if you had chosen him since the very beginning, would you have not gotten hurt?
Genre/ warnings: romance, angst, smut, raw sex, cheating, getting revenge on douche ex, misogyny,ex's enemy au, mob boss yoongi, making out, grinding, body worshipping, panty sniffing,oral(f receiving) vagina sniffing,love making.
Mob boss yoongi x reader
Yoongi masterlist
Main masterlist
Author's pov
A little context if you care to listen
I found myself in a shit position
"we need to talk"
All the excitement that you had about finally having a date with your loving boyfriend after weeks, drained the moment those words left his lips.
Although you did sense that something was wrong the moment he showed up at your house rather than the designated meeting spot which was the restaurant in which you had your first date. Still, you didn't let yourself think about negative thoughts as you gave him a nod with a small smile.
He didn't return the smile.
You followed him to your living room all ready and dressed up for the date night. A little part of you still thinking that you both would be going to the restaurant as planned after the talk.
How naive.
"what's up?" you hoped the nervousnsess didn't showed in your voice as you sat on the other end of the couch now suddenly aware of the huge distance between you both "jihyeok?-" "it was a mistake" now along with nervousnsess you were also feeling very confused as you looked at him with raised eyebrows. "what was a mistake?" your gut feeling told you that you wouldn't like the answer.
And it was right.
"look" he sighed rubbing his face with his hands with a tight jaw as you silently looked at him with a sick feeling bubbling inside you "can you please tell me what did you do?-" "i-i slept with Ina" for a second your face went blank. Truly because your brain hadn't registered his words because they didn't make any sense. Him, your boyfriend having sex with your best friend ina-
No words came out of your mouth as you slowly processed the situation. Your face still blank and lips still parted as you looked down at your hands folded on your lap.
Everything he said next came out blurry because the only thing which was running inside your brain was him, your boyfriend of 2 years cheating on you with your best friend of 10 years. The one you met when you were 14 and the one who stayed by your side with every step of life.
"I was drunk-" excuse "it was an accident-" excuse "she threw herself on me-" more excuses "you were always busy and she was just there-" god you were so tired of hearing his voice "and it was your fault too, if you weren't so busy-" "can you shut your mouth? I don't really want to hear your voice" his eyes widened in surprise when your blank ones met his. The audacity is so amusing.
You stood up, dusting off the imaginary dust off your dress before looking at him. He was still frozen with his mouth agape. You scoffed rolling your eyes as you looked away from him. God you can't believe it. How did you waste two years of your life with this piece of shit?
A part of you wanted to hear him. Just to see if he feels a little bit of regret for his actions. But another part of you tells you there is no use. He has already blamed you like it was your fault he had to cheat so what's the use of hearing his useless words?
"get out" if he looked surprised before then you don't know what he's feeling right now as he looked at you with his mouth ajar "w-what-" guess he expected you to act differently. You sighed rubbing your forehead at the forming headache. How in the world can someone be so stupid? Now that you think about it, the signs were so clear.
"jihyeok" he looked at you with what you recognised as hope. Stupid, so stupid. "get out of my house" you watched the hope shatter into small pieces just like your heart did. Instead, his jaw tightened and his eyes started showing anger as he stood up as well "what? You're just gonna throw 2 years away over a single mistake?" he has to be joking. Shaking your head you crossed your arms over your chest, tilting your chin up "do you really want to do this right now?" it was a small warning. But you forgot he was stupid enough to not understand.
He scoffed shoving his hands in his pockets as he stared at you smugly "don't pretend like I'm the only one at fault y/n. You're as much guilty as I am. It was just an accident and if you weren't always so busy then it wouldn't have happened-" "your dick went inside her by accident? I didn't know something like that can happen by accident, ji. What? Did you slipped or something?" his face redenned as he stuttered to find another excuse but you didn't let him continue.
"so you slept with my friend behind my back by accident because I was busy trying to make money to support your dreams. You shouldn't skip the important part baby" you stared at him with disappointment while your nails dug in your arms. No you won't show him your weakness. You won't cry. You can't cry.
He opened and closed his mouth like a gaping fish as he balled his fists "w-well-" "and I should add that every time I made time so we could spend it together, you were the one who called off every date last minute. Why? Because you would spend your free time playing games rather than being with me" you smirked when you realised he wasn't meeting your eyes. That's what you thought.
"now get out. And don't contact me again. Glad she was satisfied by your small friend" oops. That surely hit a sore spot.
The man that I love sat me down last night and he told me that it's over
Dumb decision
He looked at you with anger as he walked passed you, intentionally bumping into your shoulder as he made his way to the front door. But of course he just has to say something to repair his bruised ego.
"don't get so happy y/n. Just because you make more money doesn't mean you're superior to me. Remember, you were just a stress reliever. I lost feelings for you a long time ago. At least she understood me and wouldn't bitch around when it came to keeping the house clean" he smirked as you grew silent. Looks like he mistook your silence for hurt. "you can't even do most of the house work, of course a man would leave you for something better"
"jihyeok" "what?" the smug smile told you he expected you to apologise and crawl back. Poor him. "you're in no place to teach me how to be a woman. If you're such a man, why were you eating off your girlfriend's salary since the last year?" it was your turn to smile as you saw his face fall "and please don't call yourself a man. You're insulting the whole spieces" you winked as you raised your hand "also, just because she sucked your cock doesn't mean she'll support you. Good luck finding a job and paying the rent by yourself. And I also expect you to return me all the money I spent on your rent since the last year" you watched his eyes filling with fear and his hands shook as he stared at your hand which was holding up the middle finger "now get out"
The moment your door closed, your knees gave in. Your heart hurt. So much that you could physically feel it squeezing painfully as broken sobs spilled from your lips. You didn't let your tears fall when he was in front of you. No way in hell you would let him see you at your weakest. But now it was like a damn broke free as you struggled to breath. How can you be so stupid? You should have seen this coming a long time ago. All the lingering touches, the stolen glances, the time you found her in your apartment with him alone.
"we wanted to surprise you!" they both smiled brightly causing you to smile too.
But at that time you failed to notice that how did she knew that you were going home early that day. You smiled bitterly. They were just lucky that day.
You took a deep breath and wiped your face before standing up on shaky legs. You will not cry over him. No, you will never allow yourself to cry over the people who didn't deserve to be called humans. Ignoring your ringing phone you made your way to the kitchen and washed your face. The lighted screen told you who was calling
You scoffed as you cut the call and blocked her number. You had no interest in listening to her excuses. You had a feeling they both were together right now.
A part of you wanted to cut them off from your life forever but another part of you wanted to hurt them just like they hurt you. It was worse that you knew just the best way to do that. It was even worse that you knew who would help you take your petty revenge.
Before you could stop yourself, your were already picking up your phone and dailing his number. Your hands shook as your thumb hovered over his name and his words rushed back to your mind.
"whatever you need, I'll do my best to make it happen. It won't matter how long I need to wait. Just say the word and it's done. I hope you'll give me another chance, doll"
Taking a deep breath you pressed the phone to your ear. Surprisingly, he picked up almost immediately and a warmth spread inside you when his deep voice hit your ears.
"I was waiting for you,doll" you looked down at your feet as you felt fresh tears filling your eyes and you hoped the small sniffle would go unnoticed by him. But of course it didn't. He noticed everything when it came to you. "you're crying?" you pictured him clenching his jaw as his voice took a dangerous tilt. One that used to scare you. You ignored his question as you took a shaky breath and whispered "does your offer still stand?" he was silent for a moment before breathing out "yes" you nodded even though he can't see it and sat on the chair of your dinning table "then will you let me use you?" you held your breath as you anticipated his answer and felt your body relaxing when he rasped "use me angel. Tell me what do I need to do"
"pretend you're in love with me" you whispered hearing a long exhale on the other side "don't need to pretend for that,doll" your heart started pounding as you looked down, again ignoring the flutter of your heart "pretend you're willing to die for me" "can't" your eyes widened ''why?" ''because I would die for you angel"
As your words died down in your throat, you wondered what would have happened if you had made different choices in the past.
"why can't you trust me?!" he panted as he gripped your shoulders. You looked up at him with pained eyes as you hoped he wouldn't notice your tears under the heavy rain. But of course he did. Breathing heavily he leaned his forehead against yours "what changed y/n?" a sob left your lips as you shaked your head, weakly pushing him "I'm still the same guy you fell for. And you're still the same girl I fell for" he whispered hoarsly as you gripped his suit jacket, pulling him closer until your lips were barely touching. You pressed your lips on his for a brief moment before another sob broke free from your throat as you whispered "I'm scared of you yoongi" that was the end of it. You saw him shatter in pieces and crumble in pain as you uttered those words.
If 3 years ago you had trusted him, forced yourself to trust him, then maybe your life would have been a lot different.
"what else doll" "don't kill him" "depends" his dry voice forced a small giggle out of you as you wiped your eyes but the smile soon died down when he asked "what did he do baby girl?" you almost didn't want to tell him because you knew he wouldn't be able to control his anger if he knew. But you have to tell him. "he cheated" the moment your small whisper reached his ears was the moment he saw red. His voice may seem calm but in his head, he was already thinking about the many ways he could torture the piece of shit. But of course you always knew how to calm him down "yoongi promise me you won't do anything" you heard him taking a deep breath before he grunted "what do you want me to do?" "can you find out where he is right now?" "that's easy. 'course I can"
Of course he can. Sometimes you forget who he is.
Now I don't wanna feel how my heart is ripping
Fact I don't wanna feel so I stick to sipping
And im out of the town with a simple mission
In my little black dress,And this shit is sittin
You met him outside the club as you both planned. Well he planned. He had sent a car for you because of course he wouldn't let you come alone when it as dark outside. He never took any risks when it came to you. And maybe you knew why. Maybe it was because you were the easiest way to threaten him.
You felt your breath catching in your throat when you saw him. Looking as handsome as he was 3 years ago. But maybe more mature. His hair longer and ridges rougher. You last saw him when he was 24 and you were 21. Now you're 24 and he is 27. "yoongi" you breathed as you stood in front of him. His eyes were soft as he took you in and your breath stuttered when you felt his hand gently holding your smaller one "hey doll" he mumbled softly as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. Just like he used to.
You heart hurt when you think about the time you spent away from him. Even if you were in a relationship with jihyeok, a small part of you still belonged to him just like how he always belonged to you.
He didn't said anything more but his eyes did. They held so many different emotions as he kept staring at you intensely. "let's go"
You nodded and held his arm softly as you both started walking inside the famous club. He found out that your ex and ex best friend were both in here together. It may seem petty to make your ex jealous and regret his actions. But after spending almost your whole life trying to be considerate of others, you wanted to be petty. And yoongi had no problem with that. He still thinks you're being considerate to that shit head by not letting him make that fucker regret in his ways but he'll support you no matter what you do.
All eyes were on you both the moment you stepped inside the club. You can't blame them. You knew you both looked great. In the two years you saw yoongi twice. Both were the once when he couldn't help it. When he missed you too much. And both of those times you saw him in his three piece suit. Right now he looked lethally gorgeous in a leather jacket, ripped Jeans and chunky boots while you wore a sleeveless black dress which came to your mid thighs. Hair loose and heels high. Even through his jacket, you could feel the bulge of his gun pressing against your hips. But it didn't make you nervous.
It didn't take long to catch them, making out at the bar without a care in the world. Like they haven't betrayed the one person who loved them both genuinely. You could feel tears filling your eyes at the sight but yoongi cupped your face and made you look at him "don't forget what you're here for doll" you nodded as he wiped the single tear that managed to escape before leaning down to whisper "just say the word and I'll make them regret their whole lives" you slapped his chest as he smirked "shut up we aren't here to kill anyone" "whatever you want, doll" he drawled letting you pull him towards the dance floor.
You smiled up at him as his hands found their place on your hips which you swayed to the music. The multiple lights shown on his face as he pulled you closer until your hands were on his chest. And you knew that you had their attention when you felt a burning gaze on your back. Yoongi leaned down until his lips grazed your ear for which he was gifted with pleasant shiver "they're looking at us doll" he mumbled burying his face in your sweet smelling neck while your arms wrapped around his neck as you both moved with the music.
A surprised gasp left your lips when you felt his lips pressing a wet kiss on the sensitive skin of your neck "y-yoongi'' your eyes fell shut as you felt him pressing soft kisses on the same spot before sucking it softly. He hummed gravelly as he pressed a hand on your lower back and pulled you flushed against him causing your soft breasts to press against his firm chest. It didn't help that you weren't wearing a bra. "need to make him realise what he lost" he murmured as he bite the same spot gently causing a small moan to slip from your lips. "mm..yoongi" you sighed, your hands gripping his shoulders as you felt something hard pressing against your lower stomach.
Small twing of pleasure erupted your whole body, settling a fire on it's wake as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second until your panties were sticking to your womanhood and soft pants were leaving your lips. "fuck you smell so good" he groaned as your fingers tugged his hair,your back arching and your head leaned to the side, giving him more access to your neck.By now you had completely forgotten about your ex boyfriend and best friend glaring daggers at you as you both swayed to the music, bodies feeling hot like fire as heavy breathing and pants mingled together.
"shit" he breathed heavily as his hand gripped your neck and he pulled you closer until your lips were inches away from his "tell me doll" he rasped, gripping your thigh and pulling your right leg up until it was wrapped around his waist. You gasped, holding his wrist as you felt his hardness pressing straight against your cunt "who are you thinking about?" he mumbled, grinding against you causing soft moans to spill from your lips "are you thinking about him right now?" his voice held a tilt of possessiveness and darkness as his hold around your throat tightened a bit. You whimpered shaking your head as he pressed against you harder "n-not him" he nodded leaning his forehead against yours "then who?" "y-you" the moment those words left your lips, his lips crashed against yours.
And it wasn't a sweet or gentle kiss. It was rough and hard, filled with possessiveness and yearning as your teeth clashed together and tongues danced for dominance. But of course he won. He kissed you hard. Hard enough for your lips to feel numb and your pussy to gush as soft moans of his name left your lips like a chant while low growls and groans left his lips like he couldn't get enough of you.
"missed you so fucking much" he panted as he pulled back slightly, both of your lips red and bruised and hot breath mingling together. You opened your eyes to see him already looking at you and if your heart was pounding before, then right now it threatened to spill out of your chest as you whispered "yoongi" he hummed as he looked over your head and you saw his eyes narrowed "w-what's wrong?" you asked turning to look behind you but yoongi held the back of your head and pulled you to his chest with a grunt causing you to look at him confused "nothing's wrong angel. Tell me what were you gonna say?" he murmured pressing a kiss on your forehead and because your face was buried in his chest, you didn't notice him still looking at something at a distance. "umm" you whispered gripping his jacket "take me to your home?" you dared to peek up as he went silent and the look in his eyes caused you to whimper softly.
He chuckled darkly as his hand squeezed your hip before he murmured lowly "you're playing a very dangerous game kitten. Don't think you'll get to leave once we step in my house" you gulped down the nerves as you bite your bottom lip softly before pressing a soft kiss on his lips "I don't wanna leave" you saw his eyes darken which made you excited and nervous.
It was like nothing else mattered when you were standing in the middle of a crowded bar and gazing in his eyes as he trapped you in. The way he looked at you, the way he touched you, the way he held you, it made you wonder just why did you waste 2 years of your life with that trash bag. The guy that you loved with all your heart, gave him your everything, and what did you get in return? Getting cheated on and also getting the blame. And the girl who was supposed to be your one true friend, the one who was with you for so many points of life. You were mad at yourself for spending 3 years apart from him.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when someone suddenly pushed past you, causing you to stumble further in his embrace as he wrapped a protective arm around you and glared at the drunken woman. "you okay?" he cupped your face with one hand and you nodded placing your hand on his "can we go?" your voice was small as you said those words and he didn't said anything but nodded and wrapped an arm around your shoulder before pushing past the ocean of bodies.
You noticed he was glancing behind by his shoulder every now and then and his grip around you suddenly tightened just as you both stepped out of the club "yoongi" you squeezed his hand which was on your shoulder and he only hummed as he glanced by his shoulder again "is everything okay?" you looked at him worriedly and his eyes softened. You both stopped in front of his car and he cupped your face softly "everything is fine, angel. Don't worry about anything and sit inside. I need to make a call and make sure you lock the car yeah?" he mumbled giving you the key. Although you had a feeling that something was wrong, you trusted him enough to not question him. So nodding you took the key and sat in the car, nodding when he signalled you to lock the doors.
You sighed, watching him as he took his phone out and made a call. A few seconds later you saw two men arriving and although you couldn't hear their conversation, you knew it was something serious because yoongi looked a little angry as he talked with the two men. They said something before walking away and yoongi rounded the car while you unlocked the door. His cologne filled your senses as he opened the door and sat in with a sigh. "who were they?" you asked softly as he took off his jacket and laid it on your lap which you Silently thanked him for because you were freezing. "they work for me" he answered simply as he started the car and you nodded before looking down at your hands folded on your lap.
Your attention was caught by him when he suddenly placed a hand on your thigh and after a moment of hesitation, you kept your hand on his. The ride was silent until you reached his house. You realised he had moved places. As he parked the car in the underground parking lot, he rasped "last chance doll" you looked at him nervously as he took a slow exhale before turning to look at you "I won't let you leave once to step inside my place y/n. I can't let you leave again. I don't think I can handle it again" his jaw was tight as he said those words and you realised just how badly you hurt him. Taking a shaky breath you unbuckled your seat belt and leaned forward, letting his jacket fall as you pressed your lips on his "make me stay yoongi. Please don't let me leave" you whispered against his lips and the familiar darkness returned in his eyes. The one that made your legs weak and pussy gush.
The elevator ride to his pent house was silent but you were in his arms the whole time. It was like he couldn't keep his hands off of you. But the moment you entered the penthouse, his lips were on yours and his hands were on your body. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed you hard. His hands groping whatever skin they could reach as low moans and whimpers filled the air. Breathing heavily, he gripped your thighs and picked you up effortlessly causing you to grip his shoulders with Soft moans as your lips danced against each other. You didn't notice him walking towards his bedroom because you were so lost in his lips. Only when he laid you on his bed and his scent filled your senses did you realised that you were in his personal space. But you didn't have time you look around in his room because he was above you on his knees no yanking of his t shirt.
You felt your cheeks warming up as his milky white skin came in your view. But along with his abs your eyes caught something else too. There were multiple scars on his abdomen. It seemed like he noticed the sadness in your eyes because he tilted your chin up and pulled you in a deep kiss. One which took your breath away. It was deep and sensual. Passionate and full of longing. "I'm fine doll. A little knife can't kill me" you stifled a small giggle as he winked at you before your eyes widened when he suddenly pulled you up on his lap.
You took his hand as he kissed you again and guided it towards the thin strips of your dress and he let out a low growl as he slowly pulled the strips down until the dress was hanging around your waist. Slowly, he pulled back and his eyes wandered down "fuck"he whispered as he took you in "so fucking beautiful" you looked at him shyly as he laid you down again and tapped your hips. You raised them and he took off the dress completely,leaving you in a pair of thin black panties which were soaking wet.
"so perfect" he whispered as he came down until he was kissing around your breasts "a fucking goddess" he took your nipple in his mouth, sucking it softly which had you arching your back while your fingers tangled in his hair and small gasps left your lips "letting me worship you" his hand massaged your breast, making sure to give them the same attention "can die a happy man now" he chuckled darkly as you moaned his name softly. Trailing his kisses downwards he pressed multiple kisses around your waist before pressing a small kiss on your panty covered womanhood.
He looked at you as he hooked his finger around the thin material and once you nodded, he pulled the panties down your legs while biting his lip. You gasped when he raised the ruined material to his nose and took a long sniff before letting out a long groan causing you to cover your face in embarrassment "don't fucking hide from me" he grunted gripping your hips and pulling you down until his face was buried in between your legs, causing you to squeal In surprise.
But before he touched your weeping cunt, he looked at you with what you found as jealousy and possessiveness "has that shit head ever eaten you out?" he murmured lowly as he kissed your inner thighs, leaving small marks behind "n-no" you gasped shakily, your fingers flying towards his hair "no? " his eyebrows furrowed and you nervously whispered "h-he said it was gross-" another dark chuckle cut you off and you looked down to see his face leaned against your thigh as he looked at you cockily "can't believe I let you date a fucking kid but" he smirked "that means I'm the first man who tastes you" it was the only thing you heard before he dived in like a man dying from starvation and you were his last meal.
A loud moan left your lips as he wrapped his around your clit, sucking and teasing it until it was swollen and red. His hands gripped your ass and pulled you in so close that you were scared that he might suffocate but it seemed like he had no problem as he lapped your pussy like a lollipop. Your back arched and your head pressed against the pillows as his tongue entered your pussy. You could only moan his name helplessly as he took turns in fucking you with tongue and sucking your clitoris. He was quite literally making out with your clit as he inhaled your intimate scent with a deep groan which caused you to feel the vibrations against your womanhood. Your legs locked around his head which yet again made you worried that you might suffocate him but as you went to move away from him, he gripped your thighs with a growl and pulled you in "don't fucking do that again" He pleasured you like it was his only way to salvation. Like he was dying and you were his last meal. It all became so much that you exploded a second later with a loud and long moan of his name. If you weren't so high on pleasure you would have been embarrassed at how loud you sounded because you never thought you could make such a sound.
He mumbled praises of how good you were doing as he made sure to lick every single drop you gave him. He pulled back with a proud smirk, watching as you came down from your High and climbed up towards you, his cock brushing against your sensitive folds. You opened your eyes to find him already looking at you and a shy smile made it's way to your lips "how was that? " he grinned causing you to whine "great" "I'm sure it was" he chuckled kissing your forehead "but I'm not done with you sweet girl" your eyes widened as he hovered over you and. You didn't even noticed when he took of his pants but you felt your eyes widening and core gushing as you saw the size of his cock. It was long and thick, standing tall and proud with his mushroom tip an angry red and pre cum already forming. Soft moan left your lips when his cock grinded against your womanhood "tell me to stop yeah? " he whispered and you nodded holding his shoulders with a deep breath.
Soon a gasp left your lips when you felt the tip of his cock entering you and he stopped immediately "You good? " he brushed your hair away from your face and you nodded whispering "be gentle please" he kissed your nose "I will angel" slowly, you felt him entering you which caused you to whimper in slight pain. He peppered your face with soft kisses to distract as he tried his best to not slam inside you.
Once he was buried inside you, he stilled to give you some time to adjust "take deep breaths for me doll" he mumbled and you nodded taking shaky breaths. A soft sigh left your lips when you felt the pain disappearing and nodded. He pressed his lips on yours as he bottomed out before pushing back in causing both of to moan simultaneously "o-oh yoongi" your back arched as he moved with long and deep thrusts, hitting every part of your womanhood and soon, his cock brushed against that sweet spot causing you to moan loudly "right here? " he gritted thrusting back in at the same angle again and again causing your eyes to roll at the back of your head.
You gripped his hand with a soft whimper and he held it immediately beside your head. You cupped his face as he leaned his head against yours and you whispered "I missed you so much" his jaw clenched and his thrusts got harder and more powerful as he buried his face in your neck "you have no fucking idea how many times I almost knocked on your door. Almost called you dammit" you whimpered as you felt your high approaching rapidly once again and tears ran down your face as you sobbed "I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you" his eyes hardened at the sight of you crying and he crushed his lips on yours "it doesn't matter anymore. You're here with me. I don't need anything else" he never blamed you for leaving him. You both loved each 3 years ago but you had no idea who he was. To you he was the son of a wealthy business man. But the day you were going to confess, you saw him at His worst. You saw him killing someone. When you told him you were scared of him, he wanted to kill himself. He was mad at himself for falling for you. For allowing such feelings. But when you left him, he was willing to wait however long you wanted him too.
"fuck y/n" he breathed heavily as you pulled him in a soft kiss and you felt your high wash over you as he kissed you deeply, his own High washing over him. He rided you both out of your highs before falling on top of you and you wrapped your arms around him tightly as he buried his face in your sweaty chest.
After a few seconds of heavy breathing, you whispered "yoongi" he hummed snuggling deeper "you remember when I called you, you said you were waiting for me.. What did that mean?" you felt him smile against your skin as his hold around you tightened "it means that I've been waiting for you since 3 years, doll. Because I knew that one day, we'd meet again. So the wait was worth it" "and what if I hadn't called? " he hummed "then I would have waited and waited until you did" "why? " "because I'm so in love with you that waiting for you seemed easier than trying to forget you"
As you laid naked under the covers, yoongi stood by the bed with a towel wrapped around his waist as he listened to his right hand man talk "the guys belonged to Lee. They somehow came to know that you would be at the club. I've taken care of them but boss.. " yoongi hummed as he pulled the covers over your body properly "the same guys had been following y/n since a few weeks. They somehow caught our men following her and Lee found out that you've been secretly keeping an eye on her. They wanted to use her to-" "threaten me" yoongi chucked darkly as his movements stilled "fucking shit head" he snarled as he walked out of the room as to not wake you up "you know what you need to do namjoon. Bring him to me alive"
"what are you doing? " you flinched and turned around sheepishly as yoongi raised an eyebrow. He was shirtless in only some grey sweatpants as he folded his arms over his chest, looking at the mess all around the kitchen "w-well" you laughed nervously "i-i wanted to make you breakfast but I didn't realise I messed up your kitchen" yoongi nodded as he looked at the dinning table filled with breakfast and coffee "I'm so sorry I'll clean it up-" "you don't need to" you blinked as he pulled you to the table and made you sit on his lap "I pay people to clean my house. Surely they can do it. Now let me taste my girl's cooking" you looked at him surprised while he calmly ate his pancakes "you don't mind the mess i made? " "why would I? " he shrugged "the food is great" he kissed your head and fed you too.
"you can cook whenever you want. I love your cooking. Just be careful to not hurt yourself. You cook, I'll clean" you giggled kissing his nose "I think I kinda like you" he grinned tickling your waist "well thank god because I think I like you too"
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captainsophiestark · 6 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Summary: When a serious magical threat comes to Mystic Falls and puts Josie and Lizzie at risk, Caroline and Ric send Klaus' ex down to New Orleans to seek safe harbor for the girls with him. Or, what if Y/N went to New Orleans instead of Caroline, and Klaus was free to see them.
Word Count: 2,966
Category: Angst, Fluff
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I chewed my lip as I stared up at the building before me. If this were any other situation, I would've turned on my heel and run by now. But there were two little girls, one on either side of me, who needed me to be strong. This was their best hope of being safe, which meant all of my stuff needed to take a back seat.
I took a deep breath, trying not to let the girls sense just how nervous I was, then started heading for the door to the bar. It was the middle of the day, so hopefully no one would mind me bringing two kids in with me.
Caroline and Ric had trusted me with Josie and Lizzie, and I refused to let them down. Some new supernatural none of us knew existed had come to town and, worse, had started going after the girls. So, I'd sat down with their parents, and we'd figured out a plan to keep them safe: take them to the bigger, badder supernatural who I used to know.
My eyes scanned the bar for the familiar face of Klaus Mikaelson, and after a moment, I found him. He was leaning against the counter talking to the bartender, and I was surprised he couldn't hear my heart beating out of my chest from here. I hadn't seen him in years, and I'd also rejected him the last time I saw him. But he was the best chance the girls had, so I was just going to have to hope he didn't hate me now.
I cleared my throat, shook my nerves off as well as I could, herded the girls into a booth where I could keep an eye on them, then turned to face the bar. I found Klaus already looking at me, his arms crossed and a curious look on his face as he leaned against the counter. A wave of emotions hit me at once, but I shoved back against the feeling, squaring my shoulders and putting one foot in front of the other until I stood in front of Klaus.
"Hello, love," he said, and my heart damn near stopped in my chest. I took a deep breath. "It's good to see you again."
"It's... it's good to see you again, too."
And it was. Most of my friends had been relieved when Klaus finally left town, and they'd freaked out the minute they found out he'd come back to see me. And at the time, I'd convinced myself they were right, and that it was better he was gone. But standing before him now, that slight smirk on his face, I realized I had really, really missed him.
"So what brings you to New Orleans?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He looked past me to where the girls were playing a clapping game in the booth. "I take it it has something to do with them."
I sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, it does."
"And who's the father?"
Now it was my turn to cross my arms and raise an eyebrow.
"They're actually not mine. But I'd say you don't have a lot of room to judge, considering the reason you moved to New Orleans in the first place."
"Who said I was judging? I was just trying to gauge how jealous I might need to be."
I huffed a laugh, trying and failing to hide my smile by glancing at the ground. Nik grinned at me, and for just a flash of a moment, it was like nothing had changed between us since the last time I'd seen him.
But then I heard Josie and Lizzie behind me, and I remember why I'd come here in the first place. I sighed and met Nik's eyes again.
"I need your help."
His eyebrows immediately drew together, and he straightened up from the bar, taking a half step towards me. The intensity of his worried stare made my heart melt.
"What's wrong, love?"
"There's a new supernatural in town. Or a few new ones, I guess. We're struggling a little bit to deal with them, and they've made Josie and Lizzie their targets. Caroline and Ric are their parents for all intents and purposes, and we sat down and decided our best chance at keeping the girls safe is if I left with them, alone, and came to you."
"And whose idea was that?"
"...Mine. It... actually took a lot of convincing for Ric and Caroline to let me bring them to you."
A hint of a smile flickered across Nic's face as he huffed a barely audible laugh. His beautiful blue eyes met mine with the intensity I'd seen a thousand times for both good and bad moments, and it made my heart race.
"You will always be welcome here, with me. I'll keep the three of you safe."
Relief washed over me. I closed my eyes, taking a minute, and when I opened them again I found Nik still watching me intently. I thought he might lean in for a hug or a kiss or something else, but instead, he just gave me a small smile and nodded in the direction of the girls.
"Mind introducing me?"
The girls absolutely loved Nik from the first moment they met him, and he was nothing but sweet and patient and kind. He made a few absolutely ridiculous jokes that had them falling out of their chairs laughing, and had my heart melting all over again. We left the bar together, the four of us strolling through the streets of New Orleans as Nik led us to his home. He glanced over at me a few times with the roguish smile I'd come to love, and despite the fact that I'd come here on the run to protect the girls, I couldn't help enjoying this moment with him. In different circumstances, it might've just felt right.
"We're almost home, but I just had a thought," said Nik, his arm swinging back and forth with Lizzie's as they marched down the street together. Lizzie and Josie held hands, and I did the same with Josie, making us a little chain. I turned to smile at Nik over the girls' heads.
"And what's that?" I asked. Nik smiled at me, then turned his attention to the girls.
"My favorite ice cream place in the whole of the city is very close to here. Does anyone else feel like we ought to make a pitstop?"
"YES!" the girls screamed in unison. I laughed as Nik stopped abruptly, turning on his heel and then pulling us in the other direction.
"Alright, come on then!"
The girls cheered as they marched after him, and my heart soared as I followed along behind the three of them. I'd gotten to see Nik like this every so often in Mystic Falls, but a lot of our interactions were colored by whatever drama he and his family had going on with my friends and I. Being with him, like this, and seeing him being so amazing with the girls was seriously doing something to me.
"This place really does have the best ice cream," Nik assured me as we stepped inside and joined the line, the girls bouncing excitedly in front of us as we stood shoulder to shoulder. "Hope loves it."
"Hope... how is she? How's... how's Hayley?"
Nik smirked. "They're both good. We've had our rough patches, but Hayley and I have found our rhythm as coparents despite not being together."
I released a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, and Nik laughed.
"Now look who's trying to gauge their jealousy."
I rolled my eyes, but couldn't hold back a grin all the same.
"Whatever. But... you're happy? Being a dad, and being here, and... and everything?"
The corner of Nik's mouth quirked up, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.
"Like anything, it's had its ups and downs. But I wouldn't trade Hope for anything in the world."
I nodded, and the two of us fell into comfortable silence as we worked our way through the line. The girls were ecstatic to try their cones, and Nik recommended his favorite flavor to me, which lived up to the hype he'd promised. The four of us wandered slowly the rest of the way to our destination, which turned out to be an absolutely massive compound in the middle of the French Quarter.
Nik pushed open the door and led us inside just as the sun began to set outside. I came to a stop in the beautiful open space just inside the front doors, staring around at it in awe.
"C'mon, love," Nik said gently, resting a hand on my back and guiding me in the direction of the stairs. "Let's get the girls settled in for the night."
I just nodded, putting my focus back on the girls as we followed Nik through the massive compound. He pushed open one of the many doors along the second floor, letting us into a bedroom with two beds. I even spotted a few kids books on the shelves to one side of the room.
I slid my eyes to Nik with a raised eyebrow, but he just shrugged.
"For Hope, and any friends she might decide to bring over when the time comes. No reason to not be prepared, especially since we have the space for it." The corner of my mouth tugged up into a smile, that warm feeling spreading in my chest again. "I'll bring a few of her pajamas in, they should fit these two alright."
"Of course, love."
Between the two of us, Nik and I managed to get the girls settled down and in bed in under an hour. They'd had a long, tiring day, after all, and if I weren't practically jittering with nerves after the afternoon I'd spent with Nik I'm sure I would've been right behind them.
Instead, I found myself following him after we closed the door to the girls' room, going who knows where in this massive house in his new life since he'd left Mystic Falls. After a few moments, I couldn't really take the silence anymore, so I spoke up.
"Where are the rest of the Mikaelsons?" I asked, my voice thankfully even. "I'd expected to see at least one of the siblings by now."
Nik turned to give me a little smirk over his shoulder, and I hated that he could probably hear my heart race.
"They're busy with other things for the night. And Hope is with Hayley having a mother-daughter weekend away from everything. It's just us, tonight."
My heart sped up even more, although that shouldn't have been possible. After a moment, Nik led me into the kitchen and headed straight for the refrigerator. I took a seat at one of the high stools at the counter, watching him as he moved.
"I assume you still like hot chocolate more than most other drinks?" asked Nik without turning around. I smiled.
"Absolutely. I know it's been a little while, but come on Nik, I'm not a completely different person."
He paused to give me a smile over his shoulder, then continued in his hot chocolate preparations. I scratched at something on the counter while he worked, trying to get up the courage to talk about all the million things hanging in the air before us. Finally, I cleared my throat and forced myself to look up, watching Nik's back as I spoke.
"Thank you for this, by the way. For taking us in, even after... Well, even after I told to leave me and Mystic Falls."
Nik sighed, bringing our two mugs of hot chocolate over and setting them down on the counter before walking around to stand in front of me. We were barely an inch apart, but he didn't make a move to close the distance anymore. I'd set a boundary the last time I'd seen him, and he clearly had no intention of crossing it.
"I will always be here for you if you need me, love. If you seek me out for refuge, or to change your mind and take me up on my offer to show you the world, or even because I make the best hot chocolate in the entire world and you just can't live without it... I'll be waiting."
I stared up at Nik, a slight twinkle in his eye, as I fought to keep tears out of my own. He'd truly caused so many problems in Mystic Falls. My friends' dislike-to-hate of him made sense. But he'd always been sweet and funny, patient and kind and understanding, with me. If I was totally honest with myself, I'd been starting to fall in love with him before I'd decided to side with my friends and push him away.
"Don't cry, love. It's alright," he said, his eyes scanning my face. I hiccupped, the tears finally starting to fall, a combination of all the different emotions and stressors of my past few days coming together and overwhelming me at once. I'd held it together for the girls, but now they were in bed and taken care of, so I could safely fall apart.
I leaned forward, falling into Nik's chest, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me the moment I did.
"It's alright. You're safe with me."
That brought on a whole new wave of tears, not just for the stress of the day, but for everything I'd lost with Nik, too. He just held me tighter, rubbing soothing circles on my back as I let it all out, then slowly started to calm down.
I pulled back slightly once I managed to get ahold of myself. One of Nik's hands stayed on my arm, and he brought his other hand up to gently cup my face, wiping away a few of the tears with his thumb.
"What can I do, love? Tell me how I can help you and I'll do it."
I choked back another sob, this one turning into a half-laugh.
"You've already done enough, Nik. More than enough. It's just... it's been such a long day. I feel like I've been barely holding back a complete stress breakdown for like a week, and I always had the girls with me so I had to keep it together..."
"Well then, why don't we get you settled into a room so you can get some sleep, hm? We can always talk more in the morning."
Nik started to move to help me off the stool and up to bed, but I stopped him, hands resting on his biceps. He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't move away.
"No, Nik. I don't want to talk tomorrow, I need to say this. I... I love you."
Any hint of humor or lightness dropped off Nik's face, replaced by completely serious shock. My heart was racing out of my chest, and I knew he could hear it, but I pushed on anyway.
"I think I was falling in love with you before, and I didn't want to admit it to myself. But being with you here, now... it feels right. There are a bunch of powerful murderers chasing me, trying to hurt two kids whose parents have trusted me, exclusively, with their safety, and I'm in a strange city far from anywhere I've ever called home. But for some reason I just feel... happy. Happy to see you again, happy to spend time with you, about a thousand times calmer than I was without you. You feel like home, Nik, and I love you. I just... that just feels like something you should know."
Nik's eyes had been scanning and searching my face intently the entire time I'd been talking, the slightest hint of wetness gathering in his own eyes. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth once I'd finished speaking, and he brought his hand back up to cup my face, his thumb brushing lightly over my cheek.
"I don't think I've made it any secret how I feel about you, love," he said, voice soft and tender. "But in case you need to hear it again, I love you. Always and forever."
A few tears managed to sneak out and down my cheeks again, but this time I had a smile on my face. Nik's expression mirrored my own.
"Once... once all of this is over, do you think... well, maybe I could come back here. To New Orleans, once the girls are safe back home. That is, if... if your offer to follow you to New Orleans still stands from the first time you extended it?"
Nik beamed back at me. "I can honestly tell you that absolutely nothing would make me happier."
My smile grew to the point of pain as I stared up at Nik, a light in his eyes that I'd missed much more than I'd realized. I leaned forward just slightly, Nik mirroring my move as I glanced at his lips. One corner of his mouth rose higher in the troublemaking smirk that always made my heart race before he closed the rest of the distance between us, his lips meeting mine, soft at first and then with the same urgency pulsing in my heart.
I'd kissed him before, but it had always been tempered by concern for my friends, and about what they'd think. But this time, as fireworks exploded in my chest and thousands of butterflies took off in my stomach, I couldn't bring myself to care.
I was safe and happy in the arms of the man I loved, kissing him senseless. I'd missed out on a lot of times like this, but from now on, I didn't intend to let anything keep me from spending every second I could just like this, friends and insane supernatural threats be damned. Always and forever.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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kingofpopmj · 21 days
I Don't Know Whether To Live Or Die
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Summary: Michael struggles to appreciate his life in the present after receiving a surprise visit from a ghost from his past.
Pairing: Michael Jackson x Reader!
Requested: yes
Loud pounding came from the front door, Michael ran over, laughing at how impatient she sounded.
“You forgot something didn’t you babe?” He shouted before opening the door, revealing a face he was sure he’d never have to see again.
“Michael.” She smiled, her hand sending a shy wave his way. “Hi, how are you?”
“Lisa, what are you doing here?” His ex-wife, a woman who he thought he loved, but all she did was use him. She never truly cared for him which is why she didn’t put up much of a fight when she received the divorce papers.
“I’m sorry to show up like this. I needed to speak with you.”
“What’s going on?”
“May I come in?”
“Uh, let’s— we can talk out here.” He said, stepping out and firmly shutting the door behind him. This visit was going to be problematic enough without him inviting her into his home— their home.
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Well, I don’t have all day, so—”
“Michael, I still love you.” She blurted out, her eyes widened when she realized she didn’t ease into like she’d planned.
“Excuse me?” He stepped away from her, looking at her like she was insane.
“I’m still in love with you.” She reiterated, trying to reach out for his hand.
“I— What?” He rejected her advances.
“I know you’ve moved on and it’s so wrong for me to say this to you. I’m sorry. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. It was eating me alive.”
“Yes, I have moved on and I’m very happy.”
“I know and that’s great. I’m happy for you. This was wrong. I’m so sorry. Can we just forget I said anything?” She bit her lip nervously, unsure of what to say next.
“It is wrong. Jesus, it’s been years Lisa. I finally moved on and I feel like myself again. I found someone. I found my someone. Y/N, she’s my person.”
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop thinking about us and it started to feel like maybe we could work now. We’re older, wiser. We’d be better this time around. It feels like the whole idea of right person, wrong time, you know? We were always right for each other, but back then, was the wrong time, but maybe now is the right time.”
“Is this a joke? You come here, to the home I share with Y/N and say this to me?” His voice growing louder. “Do you even understand how disrespectful that is? Lisa, we were never right for each other. We just weren’t. We don’t work together that way. The way I work with Y/N— she’s my right person, right time, all the time, every time. She’s it. She’s who I belong with.”
“It’s not a joke, I wish it was, but it’s how I feel. Yes. You’re right. I shouldn’t have come here. I should’ve kept this to myself. You’ve obviously made your decision. I’m sorry. She’s a very lucky woman. I hope she knows that.”
“I’m the lucky one.” Michael corrected.
He watched as she walked away, climbing into her car and leaving him utterly stunned. It wasn’t until she’d already driven off that he was able to snap out of it. He made it back inside, slamming the door in frustration.
What the hell is wrong with her?
Eight hours. Eight hours had passed since she pulled out of his drive way and he found himself unable to wipe it from his memory. He was sat on the floor of his dance studio, desperately trying to distract himself but nothing worked.
He couldn’t understand why her visit had him so twisted up.
“Babe! I’m home!” Y/N’s voice rang from downstairs, he could tell just from the sound of it that you were smiling. Shit. He’d really lost track of time. He stood up and made his way to you. He was determined to clear his mind during the time it took to get downstairs, but once again, he had failed.
“Hi, my love.” He smiled, kissing her temple as she stood in front of the sink, washing her hands.
“I missed you today. How was your day?”
“Mhm, I missed you. Alright. Yours?”
“Are you feeling okay?” She dried her hands with a dish towel and turned to him, a concerned look on her face.
“Yeah. Yeah.”
“Stressful rehearsals?” She asked, cupping his face lovingly.
“Oh, yeah.” Michael was a no show to rehearsals, he’d completely forgotten. Now, he’s lying to Y/N because of his uncertainty. Whether it was to protect Lisa or himself, he wasn’t sure.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry too much. I’m sure you were incredible, you always are.”
“That’s when you’re there. I’m always better when I have you to impress.”
“Invitation accepted. How about I make your favorite for dinner?” She was completely unaware of what had transpired today. She had no idea what Michael was truly thinking and it made him feel guilty.
“I’d love that. Thank you, my love.”
Michael spent the night chasing after sleep. He’d gone back and forth, staring up at the ceiling and watching you sleep peacefully beside him. You were lying close, your arm draped around his torso.
He loved you so damn much.
He had to forget about Lisa and everything she said. She needed to be left in the past where she belonged.
Unfortunately, that was easier said than done.
He was so lost in his thoughts, thinking of every possible scenario and outcome, that he almost didn’t notice the sun rising. He glanced over at the clock, your alarm would be going off any moment. If you saw him awake you’d get worried, so when he heard the alarm sound, he closed his eyes.
He pretended to be asleep, silently making note of how considerate you were. You had woken up immediately, turning off your alarm so it wouldn’t disturb him. You got out of bed carefully, tip toeing over to his side of the bed, pulling the blanket up to cover him and leaving a sweet kiss on his cheek.
You were so damn sweet.
When he heard the bathroom door shut softly, his eyes shot open and he felt a wave of disgust wash over him. He has everything.
You are everything.
He couldn’t lay in bed any longer, so he dragged himself away and his feet carried him to you.
“I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” Y/N asked as he took the place behind her, pulling her back into his chest.
“No, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” She offered, buttoning up her fitted blouse. “I’m a great listener.”
“We probably should.” He said, his shoulders were slumped over as he feared what was coming. He couldn’t keep anything from you. He couldn’t lie to you. He felt like he was betraying you and he hated it.
“I’m here.” Y/N leaned against the counter, her smile bringing him some comfort.
“I saw Lisa yesterday.” He avoided her eyes, afraid of the impending reaction.
“Lisa?” Her head tilted to the side as she tried to put the pieces together.
“Oh, Lisa-Marie, your ex-wife?”
“My love, that’s why you were so stressed.”
“She said some stuff.”
“What? I don’t understand what her problem is. Are you okay? Did she storm into your rehearsals and yell at you in front of everyone like last time?” She was becoming increasingly protective as she questioned him. Usually, it made him smile, but right now all he could think was how he didn’t deserve it.
“No, she came here.”
“She was here?”
“Yes, she showed up unannounced. We spoke outside on the deck. It threw me off and I ended up missing rehearsals.” He felt the weight being lifted off his shoulders as he told her the truth.
“Oh, well, are you okay?” She knew how vindictive his ex could be, her main concern was making sure Michael was okay.
“Not exactly. I haven’t been able to get the things she said out of my head.” He sounded ashamed as he explained the effect his ex had on him. Y/N felt angry, but more than anything, she ached at the thought of Michael feeling less than.
“Michael, you’re a good man. The best, most beautiful man. Inside and out— you’re perfect. You’re kind, caring, funny and so damn talented. Please, don’t listen to her. Don’t let her get in your head. She says things only to bring you down.”
“She confessed that she still has feelings— she’s still in love with me and it— I don’t know— I— It freaked me out.” He spoke, feeling full of shame.
“That’s a surprising revelation. It makes sense that it would throw you off. I’m sure it was difficult enough to see her again.” Y/N did her best to stay calm even though she wanted to find Lisa and drag her up and down Main Street for even daring to come near Michael.
“I can’t stop thinking about her— about it— about what she said.”
“What?” She wasn’t expecting that. She was sure she heard him wrong until he went on.
“I keep thinking about it. I don’t know— I keep thinking about all the mistakes we made back then and what we could’ve done differently. I just I needed to be honest with you.”
“What?” She repeated. He said ‘we’, but he was referring to Lisa and him. Y/N felt she was being pushed out of the picture right before her eyes.
“She told me she loved me and—”
“It shouldn’t matter. We’re together. You’re with me. It shouldn’t matter what she was to say.”
“It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t matter. I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time forgetting about it. I never thought she would show up and say that to me. I haven’t thought about her in years. I don’t understand what it’s triggered in me.”
“What you could’ve done differently.” She repeated his words with heartbreak written all over her face.
“Seeing her and hearing her confession twisted me up for some reason.”
“I’m not sure. I never thought she actually loved me.”
“Did you love— Do you still love her?” She rephrased her question because she realized how silly it would’ve been. Michael had married Lisa, so he obviously loved her at some point, but loving her still— that’s something she needed to know.
“Y/N…” He shook his head, struggling to look into her eyes and give a definite answer.
“You do, don’t you?” Her voice grew softer, it was the first time he’d ever heard her sound unsure of herself.
“I— I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“How could you even say that? You should know. Michael, it’s a simple question. Oh my god. Do you even love me?” She dragged her fingers through her hair, hoping this was a nightmare, it had to be. She wanted so badly to wake up.
“Yes. Yes, I love you. Of course I love you. I just feel a little confused.” His words spewed out as he attempted to answer the question as quickly as possible, so she’d feel no doubt. However, it was too late. If he really loved her like he said he did, then nothing and no one would cause him to feel so confused.
“Confused? Lisa showing up and telling you she still loves you confuses you, why? You lied to me about attending rehearsals because instead you were fantasizing about life with her, what could’ve been…” She looked away from him for the first time and he took that moment to steal a glimpse of her.
“I wasn’t expecting it. No, no, it wasn’t like that, I thought about the things I could’ve done better.” The way Y/N’s face fell, made him want to punch himself. “No, I mean more along the lines of the things I’ve done better with you and it felt so natural. That mess of a relationship with her, how awful she is, it prepared me, made me better to find you, to deserve you. Because you’re perfect for me, you’re everything she isn’t.” He had to admit it sounded better in his head. Basically, he was putting Lisa down to lift Y/N up, but it only made her feel more inferior.
“Do you want to get back with her?”
“I— Y/N…” Once again, no real answer.
“Oh my god. Michael, what does that make me? What even am I to you? A place holder?”
“No, Y/N. God, no. No.”
“You can’t stop thinking about her?”
“I shouldn’t have said anything, but it didn’t feel right to keep it from you. I wanted to be honest.”
“You can’t stop thinking about her.” She reaffirmed his statement and hoped that this time he told her otherwise.
“I’m sorry.” That’s when she truly broke, hearing him say sorry meant there was something to apologize for. There was something real, a place in his heart that wasn’t for her.
“What am I— am I not enough?”
Her words shocked him, but what shocked him even more was how throughout this whole conversation she remained composed. She was angry, but she never raised her voice at him. She was hurt, but she continued to empathize and try to understand his feelings. She’d still looked after him when she shouldn’t have and somehow that made him feel worse.
“Y/N, you are enough. You’re more than enough. You’re so out of my league. I’m the one— I’m not enough. Please—” She practically flew backwards to avoid his touch.
“It’s okay. I’m fine.” She forced herself to smile even though she couldn’t feel anything but pain. The man standing in front of her feeling more like a stranger the longer he spoke.
“Y/N…” Michael struggled to find the words yet again. She put her hands up, silently begging him to stop.
“I’m fine. Everything is fine. I have to go or I’ll be late for work.”
“We can finish talking about this tonight? I know there’s more you’d like to say, rightfully so.”
“There’s nothing left to say.”
She took small steps, backing away from him and eventually disappearing into the bedroom. He stood there dumbfounded. He wondered what the hell was wrong with him. He didn’t care for Lisa. He didn’t love her, not anymore and not the way he loves you. It was a surprise to hear from Lisa, nothing more. He didn’t care to ever see or speak to her again.
“Would you like to go out for dinner?” His voice desperate, carrying through the entire house.
“Sure.” Her short response made him smile. Although, they definitely weren’t fine, he knew that he still had a fighting chance. He could make this up to her. He could fix this.
“You look beautiful. As always.” He smiled nervously, following her out of the bedroom and into the hall.
“Thank you.” She walked fast in front of him not sparring him a second glance.
“Um... can I give you a ride to work?”
“It’s okay. I’ve got a few errands to run during lunch, so I’ll need my car.”
“Alright. Well, I’ll see you tonight.” She shifted uncomfortably, nodding as she descended the first few steps. The sight of her back made his stomach turn. He felt like a complete idiot.
“Wait!” His hand grabbed her arm, stopping her abruptly. She spun around on her heels, giving him a frightened look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”
“It’s alright.”
“I’ll see you later?” He leaned into her, but she flinched, straining her neck in the opposite direction, causing his lips to land on her jawline. “I love you. I love you so much.”
She looked at him through sorrow filled eyes. All he wanted to do was absorb the pain he’d inflicted upon her. He’d gladly welcome pain if it meant she’d never feel it again.
“Sorry. I guess— I wasn’t expecting that. You took me by surprise.” He wanted to ask why. He wanted to ask what was so surprising about him giving you a goodbye kiss— something they’d done every morning, but he decided against it.
“It’s okay.” He whispered.
She moved back up the steps, standing directly in front of him for a moment. Slowly, her arms wrapped around his torso and she rested her head against his chest. He didn’t waste a moment pulling her closer. He was thankful she’d let him.
Y/N pulled away, looking into his eyes as she closed the space between them.
She moved so slowly he was able to take in the small details of her face. The crease in the middle of her eyebrows, the way her lips were pointed down in a subtle frown and the tears that were puddled against her eyelashes just waiting to fall. He wanted to tell her he loved her. He wanted to explain his stupidity further. He wanted to apologize again, but he didn’t want to interrupt this moment, not yet.
Her closeness igniting warmth throughout his body as she reached up, her lips finding his.
She threw her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer, losing his balance in the process. They stumbled until his back slammed into the wall, they were chasing each other’s touch while trying to regain their footing.
The kiss grew needy, sloppy and desperate as it felt like a temporary escape for both of them. Y/N tugged at his clothes as his hands roamed her body, caressing every curve. She pulled back gasping for air, she shut her eyes and leaned her forehead against his.
“I’m going to be late.”
“Goodbye, Michael.”
“I love you.”
“I— I love you too.” Her voice cracked as she stepped out of his embrace, turning away and walking down the stairs. She was out the door when he felt himself breathe again. They were going to be okay he said to himself.
Michael got ready for the day, when he left the house he found himself eager to return at the end of the day.
He missed her already.
The sun had just set when Michael arrived home. He parked the car in the garage and basically ran to the front door. He wanted to see her, hug her, kiss her and tell her how much he adored her.
He only wanted to come home to her.
Michael darted up the stairs, looking for his love, but when he made it to your shared room, he felt his heart drop.
Everything was gone.
The drawers once filled with her clothes— empty. The closet half occupied by her coats and dresses— empty. The shelves in the shower that held her shampoo and conditioner— empty. The house without her in it— empty.
He stood there in disbelief, squeezing his eyes shut as if everything would reappear when he opened them again, but it didn’t. That’s when it all came flooding back, the weight of it all making him feel like he was being buried alive.
This morning, she was barely holding it together and he didn’t pay attention.
“There’s nothing left to say.”
How could he miss it? She’d made it clear. That was clue number one and he overlooked it. The way she moved away from him when she said it, that was just the beginning of his new reality. She’d said there was nothing left for her to say, then walked backwards giving him ample time to speak up. She wasn’t the one who had explaining to do, it was him. That was his chance. She’d thrown out a lifeline and he didn’t take it.
“Goodbye, Michael.”
She never said that, she always said “See you soon, babe.” And, she paired it with that beautiful smile.
He couldn’t believe he didn’t notice it sooner.
He realized it all too late.
It was right in front of him, she sent him every clue, every hint and he should’ve picked up on it, but he didn’t.
She’d essentially handed him every puzzle piece, hoping he’d solve it and stop her from walking out, but he didn’t.
He saw the tears in her eyes and didn’t question them. He didn’t fight to hold her tighter— to hold her longer. He didn’t insist on kissing her cheeks until eventually she’d stop crying, forgetting what brought them on in the first place.
He didn’t fight for her.
He let her slip through his fingers, leading her to believe it was what he’d wanted. He’d made her feel like she wasn’t the one— the only one in his heart, but she was.
She is. She’s the one.
She’d left believing she was doing him a favor. She’d left because even though she loved him, she wanted him to be happy— with or without her. She left him despite the pain it brought her because she’d rather be broken than see him suffer.
This can’t be real. He prayed that this was a dream, but as he felt hot tears hit his chest, he knew it wasn’t. It was a nightmare, but it was real. It was his life.
“I— I love you too.”
She never said that either. He’d say “I love you.” She’d respond, “I love you more.” To which he’d argue, “Not possible.” Then, they’d kiss, damn would they kiss. She’d show up a few minutes late to work everyday because of their ‘kiss’, but today she was on time.
It was corny, yes, but it was their thing. Their routine and when she went off script he hadn’t even given it a second thought. He’d just dropped a bomb on her— one that she didn’t deserve. And, he didn’t press to fix it. He didn’t beg her to hear him out.
He was so focused on apologizing— later. Fixing everything— later. Reminding her what she meant to him— later. Telling her how much he needed her— later. He was so immersed in the idea of later that he didn’t see what was happening in the present. There wouldn’t be another time. They wouldn’t have another later— at least not together. It was like a punch to the gut and he could feel all the air dissipating from his lungs painfully slow.
He wouldn’t get another chance.
You’d said goodbye this morning and it took him until nightfall to realize that he’d lost you.
You’d uttered the final I love you.
You’d held him for the last time.
You’d kissed him goodbye. And, he missed it.
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fanficbtss13 · 4 months
Ex- Babydoll
<Babydoll series> [1]
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KTH (KIM TAEHYUNG) One shot smut.
Warning ⚠️: DO NOT read it you are not 18+ and adult (Mature content)
DO NOT copy.
I took a deep breath when I stepped into the elevator, The elegant white ceiling light and the smell of cologne filled my nostrils as there were almost five men in the elevator and I awkwardly stared at the closing doors of the elevator.
It was great when I was about to enter the elevator but now it was a bit awkward because all the five eyes were on me and small whispers were audible to me even though they shouldn't be.
"She is pretty."
"Oh, I have seen her somewhere before too."
"I don't remember.."
They whispered to each other as I tightened my grip on my files, frowning a bit. How does he know me? I'm not a pornstar to be known to every other guy. I rolled my eyes to myself as the doors of the elevator opened and I immediately walked out, not in a rush but like a working woman should walk, a soon-to-be personal secretary of the CEO of this prestigious company.
Finally, I was here, going to give the interview of the personal secretary of the CEO to the CEO himself. I haven't seen him before, well so many people know about him, told me that he is really good-looking. I was nervous as my heels clicked through the black marble of the hallway as I walked towards the cabin of the CEO.
I was nervous, my hands were a bit shaky as I knocked on the door of the cabin and there was a golden nameplate beside the dark wooden door.
Mr. Kim (CEO)
I was nervous and a deep voice came from inside, "Come in.." But the thing was that the voice was so familiar and I opened the door.
I parted my lips to speak but stood frozen at my spot when our eyes met. Kim Taehyung, yeah the nameplate obviously ment him right?
Fucking no why my ex-boyfriend, I knew he was going to be the CEO of his father's company but never knew that it was this company!
He did it on purpose? Did he? His gaze never left me as the pen in hand stopped writing on the paper he was working on as his lips were parted a bit, eyes shining in hope or something... I gulped as I took a step forward from the door frame. The nib of the pen he was holding was glued to the paper still.
I can't just let it slide just because he is my ex- boyfriend, even though his eyes still made my heart skip a beat. "Um, I.. I was here for the interview.." Obviously I will never let the fucking job slide like this because I was working my ass off for this and for the paymant too.
His lips parted even more as he placed the pen on the table and nodded immediately. "O-Oh, yeah, right... Please come have a seat."
My hands were even more shaky when I walk inside and took a chair in front of him, across him.
"For what?" He asked as he blinked, he look totally lost for words after seeing me, but if he did it on purpose, why is he being shocked?
I raised my eyebrows as he asked that and I placed my files on the table as I cleared my throat. "For secretary." I was trying to sound professional but his gaze on me was making me weak a bit.
"Oh.. okay I... I didn't knew that, actually.." He bite down his lower lip a bit as he continue again. "I told Jimin to select the candidates." I frowned.
"But there was no one other then me outside.." I see, Jimin know that we used to date because he was Taehyung's childhood best friend and now maybe works here.
Taehyung looked away and cleared his throat and he looked back at me, confused gaze changed to a bit serious and professional. He knew that he did it on purpose and he knew that I know that Jimin did it on purpose. He opened the files and looked through it and closed it after few seconds, I know why... Because he already knows about me, everything.
"Miss. Y/N." I see he is trying to be professional but I know he was feeling something and he knows I am too. "Do you have a boyfriend?" What the hell?!
"Huh?" Why his voice is professional and question is personal. "I asked, do you have a boyfriend? Or perhaps married?" He asked again, little did he know I can never think of it after we separated.
"No.." I said in a neutral voice as he nodded and stood up, his eyes getting darker. "Do you like anyone?" He walk around his table and moved towards me and lean over the table while facing me, beside me as he was stared down at me.
"I'm here for a job, Mr. Kim.. Please don't ask personal questions." I stated as I looked up at him and my palms were literally sweaty and there was again a weird feeling in my stomach which I forgot used to exist when we were together.
He titled his head a bit as he run a hand through his hair and frowned a little. "Just tell me already... And don't call me that." He spoke in a bit annoyed voice.
"Why?" I stood up and crossed my arms as I stared at him, more like a glare. He step forward towards me and his hand moved over my jawline and held my chin up more as he pulled me closer by that and to meet his gaze properly as he glared.
"Just as bold as before.. babydoll?" His gaze drift from my eyes to my lips to my gaze again. "Tell me, there is no one, Tell me there is no one in your life." He lean closer, our lips were about to touch as my heart was pounding in my chest.
"My babydoll, I missed you so much... Tell me, you don't like anyone." His eyes met mine again, his voice getting husky and deeper as his other hand slide over my waist and he pulled me close against his chest. He is doing this, why is he doing this? Didn't he got anyone after me?
"Why? Don't you get anyone after me?" I try to pull away as he tighten his grip around my waist and he was staring into my soul. "I can never." He whispered as he came closer, our lips were almost brushing..
"No, I don't like anyone." I said in low voice as his other hand left my chin and untie my high ponytail and he run his hand through my hair. "You know, you are the most beautiful and boldest girl I ever know, babydoll." He said and he leaned closer to his lips near my ear as he whispered again,
"This moment will slip and I will loss you again... I don't want that, you were, are, and will be mine forever." He said in a possessive voice. My heart was like it is going to burst by beating this fast, the feeling was again inside me, the feeling of having him close again.
He spun me around and he chest pressed against my back. "Tell me you missed me too, tell me you still want me, tell me you still love me." I gulped as he moved my hair over my shoulder and his hands slide inside my top making my eyes go wide.
My heart skipped a bit as I closed my eyes and let it happen, I want to... No no I need to be touched and loved by him again, I want to be his forever which I always dreamt to when we were together.
"I do.." I whispered and he didn't wasted any second as he placed a kisses on my neck and take off my top... Including my bra making my cheeks pressing on the wall as he slide off my shirt and my panties desperatly.
"You're so wet for me just like how you used to just for me." His husky voice made my heart skip a heavy beat and my breath hissed as he teased my pussy while his chest pressed on my back...
"My babydoll never changed, did she? I missed her so fucking much." His voice was growly as he gritted his teeth and making me gasp and moan by his fingers.
"I want to be inside you." He whispered in my ear as I gasped lightly when he just pressed his thumb at the right spot, he still knows the soft and sensitive spot, he knows how to make me weak in his arms. I curved out my ass cheeks more for him, begging for his cock to go inside me.
He teased me with his cockhead. "I missed you being tight around me, you begging for more and to go rough." He said in a chuckling voice making me blush as I gulped and speak up after a while. "Me too." I said in a gaspy and low voice as he held my hips.
"I can't take it anymore. I fucking missed you so much..." He pushed inside me as I gasped and he started fucking a bit rougher then how he used to do before.
"Fuck." I shut my eyes tightly and he buried himself deeper, savouring the feeling of being inside me and I fisted my hands against the wall.
"Feeling this after a long time, babydoll? Didn't have anyone after me?" He asked in a seductive voice as he wrapped his arms around my waist and moved back all the way to just slam back deep inside making me whimper and weak in his arms.
"N-No, Never." My eyes got a bit teary by the force as I trembled by his cock and my voice cracked, My eyes dizzy, hands shaky and face flashed while lips parted begging for more. Just to tell him how fucking much this pussy wanted when he was gone.
"Huh." He chuckled lightly against my ear as he had me tight against his chest while he started thrusting inside faster making me moan and gasp. "Just be mine again, be my fucking secratary and feel these things three times a day, babydoll." His husky and super deep voice felt a shiver down my spine as he pound into me while growling dirty things in my ears.
"I missed this..." I said in a gaspy, low voice while looking at him over my shoulder and his grip tightened around me as he gave a last thrust, releasing inside me and pressed his lips on mine to make both of us silent or otherwise people outside could hear us.
"Next rounds at my place as my girlfriend aka secratary..."
He smirked as he pulled away from the kiss and pulled outside me, "Oh mine! I missed this view so damn much!" He stared at my pussy from behind as it was dripping with his cum and I was still staring at him over my shoulder, my face flashed and my legs shaky.
Instagram- @fanficbtss13 (Diva/디바)
Wattpad- @fanficbtss13 (Taetaeboba Corner)
Youtube- @fanficbtss13 (Taetaeboba Corner)
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darnell-la · 1 year
Hi love your work can u do a billy hargrove bully smut with innocent reader please. Hope ur well xxx
Hey, I’m sorry that I’m 2 weeks late. I’ll have to be better at post within the week when I get a request. This is the best I could do at 2am so if this isn’t good enough, please contact me what you guys specifically want. Thank you for the support and request. I love you guys!! Bully Billy and Inncoect reader is something I love writing and reading about and now I can finally post :))
As always, instead of y/n I’ll be using Scotlynn who is one of the owners of this Tumblr account.
word count: 4.3k
Bully!Billy Hargrove x innocent!reader
Today's another day. Another day of hell. Another day of being bullied and another day of having to interact with Billy. The bullying has gotten so bad that I've begged my principal to change my classes. Of course, he denied me.
I'm currently walking through the doors to my first class, hoping like any other day that Billy would be sick and not be in class today but that's not going to happen. It never does. He's already smirking at me from his seat that's right next to mine.
"Fuck," I cussed under my breath as I held my books close to my chest and walked through the group of jocks that are standing in my way like usual. I swear they do this on purpose to get under my skin.
"Wassup Scotlyn," Max, my ex said as I stood in front of him and his friends. "Could you guys please move for the thousandth time?" I annoyingly asked. "Yeah, of course, sweety," he said like he use to say when we were dating.
I rolled my eyes and walked through the group, about to sit down at my desk until I felt big hands grab one of my ass cheeks, causing me to yelp as I turned around, swatting at his arm.
"Max!" I yelled at him, feeling embarrassed and violated. I have my mini skirt on today so he basically gripped my bare ass, allowing people who looked to see my bare ass cheek. He's sick.
"What baby? I'm just having a little fun. You know, just like old times," Max said as he pulled me into him by my waist. I tried pushing him off of me but at the same time, I didn't want to hurt him.
"Don't fight me, baby," he whispered in my ear. I begged him to stop making a full of me until someone pulled him off and punched him directly in his face. Billy. Billy Hargrove.
"You annoy me. Go sit down," Billy looked down at Max before going back to his seat to sit down. Everyone in the class looked at me like I knew what that was about. I can't seem to know myself. Why would he defend me?
I slowly sat down at my desk and got situated for class. "Got my work, Mrs perfect?" Billy asked. I softly sighed as I opened my notebook and pulled out his paper. "Yes," I said before giving it to him.
"What's with the attitude? I just helped you out," Billy said as he slightly turned towards me. "I didn't ask for it," I said, hoping he'd just get the clue that I don't want to talk to him. I never do.
"I don't know where that bitchy attitude came from but you better fucking drop it," Billy said, sounding angry already. "Whatever," I said under my breath and quickly regretted it.
Billy had gotten up and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me out of my seat and out of the class as the students watched. The class doesn't start for maybe 10 minutes and the teacher is always late.
"Billy, hey! Billy! Billy, what the fuck!" I said as he basically dragged me down the halls. "Billy, let me go! Stop it!" I yelled at him. That's when he stopped, grabbed my neck, and pushed me into the lockers.
"Shut it! Shut your fucking mouth!" Billy pushed me into the lockers a few times until I finally shit my mouth. "Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? You have balls now?" Billy asked, waiting for me to answer.
"It won't go well for you if you're trying to stand up to me. I'll fucking ruin you, do you understand?" Billy asked as he choked my neck harder, causing some tears to build up in my eyes.
"Use your words, princess. You don't wanna make me mad, right?" He asked. I shook my head. "Words!" He yelled in my face. "No!" I cried out as he chuckled with a smirk.
"Good girl. Do you know how cute you are when you're obedient? Maybe if you lost that potty mouth of yours, I'd treat you better. Want me to treat you better?" Billy asked as he leaned into my face.
"Want me to stop bullying you? Stop me from making a full of yourself so you can walk around school all happy?" He asked, now inches away from my ear.
"Maybe I'll do that, but only if you act right, baby," he whispered before pulling back so that he was inches away from my face now. "You gonna act right for me, baby?" He asked, completely catching me off guard.
I was so focused on the way he was talking to me and what he was saying that I didn't even notice him pressing up against me. I can even feel him through his pants.
"Yes," I said, feeling like I was in a trance. Billy chuckled as he backed up. Fuck. I can't believe I just put myself in that stupid situation. He's definitely going to use that against me for the rest of my school life.
"You're confused, aren't you?" Billy asked. I nodded my head, yes, instead of seeing his face change. "Y-Yes," I responded how he likes it. God, what's wrong with me?
"Come here," he said, but I stayed frozen. "Now!" He growled slightly. I quickly pushed off of the lockers and walked towards me, stopping right in front of his face.
I was confused, thinking he'd make fun of me, tell me to do his work, or maybe push me around but to my surprise, he grabbed my face softly with both of his hands and started kissing me.
I quickly melted into the kiss, taking in this moment that probably won't ever happen again. Billy slowly moved one hand down my body until he harshly but softly gripped my ass cheek that Max grabbed earlier.
"All mine," Billy said in between the kiss. I whined at how sensitive my body was getting from his touch. From Billy Hargrove's touch. I never thought of anything like this with him but I can't seem to not want it.
Billy slowly pulled away, causing me to whine and try to pull him into me to get more but he "Ah uh," me ask he slowly pushed me back. I whined, angry that his lips weren't on me, only making him chuckle.
"You were bad to me within 2 minutes. You don't get what you want right now," Billy said as he looked down at my lips before looking into my eyes.
"Your lips are calling me though," he said, making me feel butterflies. "Ever kissed anyone as you kissed me, baby?" He asked. "I- No. Yes, but like, no," I stuttered, making a full of myself.
"What's his name?" Billy asked. His face changed faster than he could blink. "I-I don't think u should say. He's kind uh- He was kind of in a relationship," I stuttered.
"So you're a slut? A home wrecker?" He asked as he shook his head like he was disgusted. "No! No, he just pushed me into a bathroom and tried making out with me. I stopped him though," I said.
"Hmm. He'll pay for that. Anyone else sweetheart?" He asked. I stayed silent, not wanting to tell him their names because now I know he'll probably beat Jason for kissing me without my consent.
"Tell me and don't lie because if I find out, I'll ruin you," Billy said, inches away from my face, once again. "I-I can't say, Billy. I don't want to," I said, scared to tell him that.
My heart grew faster with every second of silence. He's just staring at me. I feel like I'm shrinking and he's getting bigger. He's already so much taller than me.
"Get to class," Billy demanded in a voice so different from this whole conversation. He switched up so fast. I quickly sprinted back to class, not wanting to stay in his face and make him rethink letting me leave.
"What!? No, please. You know me and he do not get along," I begged the teacher as he assigned people to work together every weekend on our projects that were due by the end of the year which is months away.
"And that's why you guys will be perfect partners. This assignment is about getting along and having fun during your senior year. You guys will do great," he said then went back to assigning other people.
"Fuck," I said under my breath as I placed my face into my hands. "What's up with you?" Billy asked. I can hear the smirk on his handsome devilish face. I hate him.
"Don't. Please, not right now," I said, keeping my face in my hands. "Why not?" He asked as he moved his chair closer to me. "Billy, please," I said under my breath to keep myself calm.
"Come on. Don't have this bitchy attitude when I'm over tonight," Billy said, making me pop my head up and look up at him. "You're not coming over to my house, Billy. We're not going this," I said.
"Oh yes, we are. Your parents aren't even home tonight so why are you scared?" Billy asked. "What the- How the fuck do you know my parents aren't home tonight?" I asked him, confused and a bit worried.
"Heard you talking to your little girlfriends in the hallway," he said. "Why are you staking me, man," I said. "Stalking? That's funny," he said as he relaxed in his chair which is still close to me.
"What time are you coming?" I asked in the saddest way I could possibly ask. "I'll be there when I'll be there. You just focus on getting into something cute for me," he said with a chuckle.
"Not gonna happen," I said as I rolled my eyes. "Oh really?" He asked as he turned his whole body forward to me and leaned in my face. "Can you back the fuck-" I tried saying but he cut me off by gripping my wrist.
"Don't start that attitude shit with me. Don't cuss at me and don't you fucking roll your eyes at me again. Yeah, I saw it. Watch yourself," Billy seemed angry but of course, I couldn't care less. He shouldn't put his hands on me like he does.
"Billy, let me go," I said as I liked him in his eyes to seem intimidating but I'm not. Not one bit and he definitely knows that. I hate that he knows that because he knows how far he can get with me.
"You didn't want me letting your pretty little face go when my tongue was down your throat," Billy smirked. "Oh my god, Billy," I went to pull away but he didn't let go.
"You know, maybe you're acting like this because you're scared. You a virgin, baby?" Billy asked, causing my heart to skip a beat. He can't know that. He'll definitely make fun of me for it.
"No," I took a while to reply back. "You sure, princess?" He asked as his free hand tracked up my mini skirt. I stood still because that's what a non-virgin would do right? They'd let whatever happen like it's normal right?
"Yes, I'm sure so can you stop fucking touching me you perv," I said and not even a second later, his hand around my wrist was around my neck. How are people not seeing this? How is the teacher not looking up from his computer right now?
"Don't you ever call me a fucking perv, do you understand me?" He asked but I didn't respond. I tried unwrapping his fingers but he was too strong. How is he this strong?
"Do you!?" He growled in my face. "Y-Yes," I stuttered, scared that he'd snap my neck if I didn't reply. "You really think I'm a perv? Me kissing you wasn't pervy, but you know what would be?" He asked me with a slight chuckle like he loved the idea in his head.
"If I'd cum in your pretty little spare panties you have in your locker so you'd walk around with a gift. Now that would be pervy," he said, inches away from my face. How does he know I have spare panties in my locker? Those are for the gym.
"But you'd like that, right? Since you're not a virgin and all," he sarcastically said. Fuck, he definitely knows I'm a virgin. "Billy, please let me go," I said low, not wanting to talk to him anymore. Billy looked into my eyes for a while longer with a slight smile on his face before letting me go and paying his attention to whatever video was playing for the class that no one is paying attention to.
It's currently 10 pm and I'm in my room, watching a movie and happy that Billy didn't show up today. He probably went to the party that his friends planned to have today and I was praying for him to go to.
After what helped in class and in the hallways today, I don't think I can be with him alone. I've never let a boy get this close to me like I let Billy do.
Kissing me with my full consent, letting him touch me close to my core. Not call him out for looking into my locker at my panties. Letting him grab my neck, wrist it waist.
For some reason, when he does it, I don't feel as uncomfortable as I think I'd be. With anyone else, I'd scream or punch them but Billy... When I push him away, I'm not even using much energy.
*doorbell rings*
I jumped at the sound of my doorbell going off which rarely happens. I don't have many friends and usually, they text me if they plan on coming over to my house.
I slowly got up, praying to God that this isn't Billy. It's too late for this. I walked downstairs as my heart began to beat faster than before. Apart from me doesn't want him to hear but a big part of me is slightly happy he is.
"Who is it!?" I shouted only to get someone chuckling back. Fuck. It is him. I sighed as I slowly u locked my door and then opened it. "You lock your doors, good. At least I know you're smart and responsible," he said before passing me.
Billy kicked off his shoes and neatly placed them next to my door where the shoes are supposed to go. He then took his Jean jacket off and hung it on the coat hanger.
"What are you doing here Billy?" I asked, knowing why he was there. "To study. Let's go," he said as he made his way upstairs. "Billy it's late! And I was planning on studying down here," I said as I followed him.
"We'll that's too bad. I'm not a stranger so you can take me into your room. Unless mommy and daddy don't allow boys in your princess room," he said in his annoying baby voice to mock me.
"You're so annoying," I said under my breath as I passed him to go to my room after he stopped because he has no idea where my room was. "You accept quickly. I'll keep that in mind," he said as he followed me into my room.
"Your room is nice," Billy complemented which was totally unexpected. "Uh, thank you," I said with an awkward smile. "Not girly but I wasn't really expecting that from you. You're pretty different," he said.
"It's not a bad thing though! Just saying," he made sure to add. "So where do you want me to sit?" He asked. "We can sit on my bed. The books are there anyways since I was studying a while ago," I said as I turned my TV down a little.
"It's getting boring. Let's play truth or truth," Billy said as he closed his book before taking me and closing it. "Billy! You can't just stop in the middle of studying," I said. "Says who?" He asked before reaching into the bag he brought with him.
"Uh, what is that?" I asked as he pulled out a big unopened bottle. "Ah come on. Don't tell me you're a virgin to everything," he said. "What!? I'm- I'm not a virgin," I said.
"Yeah, sure. Anyways, the game goes like this. We ask each other questions and if you can't answer, you drink and if you can't drink anymore, the person gets to do whatever which is anything," he explained.
"Anything?" I asked. "Yeah. Like take your glasses, take your hat, take your sock, or whatever," he suggested some ideas which don't seem too honest to me. "O-Oh, okay," I said as I got comfortable on my bed.
"You start, princess. Give me what you got," he said. "Oh uh, have you ever snuck out?" I asked. "Yeah," he replied. "Have you?" He asked back. "No, I would never," I said.
"Yo innocent huh?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess," I said in a low tone. "Uh, have you ever snuck anyone into your house?" I asked. "Nah, not yet," he said with an unnecessary smirk. He's up to something.
"Are you a virgin?" He asked, causing my heart to begin beating fast. "I don't want to answer that, Billy and you-" I tried saying. "Then drink," he cut me off.
"But I've never-" I tried saying once again. "Drink," he said in a slightly aggressive tone. I stayed still, hoping he'd just let this go but he didn't. He handed me the bottle.
I sighed as I took it out of his hand slowly, not wanting to drink because I'd never done it before. What if it doesn't taste good and I throw up everywhere?
"Billy," I said, scared to do this. "It's not bad. I promise," he said, waiting for me to try. I took a deep breath as I placed the bottle up to my mouth before tilting my head back to get a small taste but I ended up getting a lot.
I spit some of it out and began to cough as I gave him back the bottle. "Guess I get to do whatever," he said as he closed his bottle and placed it on the side before slightly pushing me down on my back.
"What- What are you doing?" I said as he tugged at my night shorts. "Wait, Billy! Billy, stop, I don't have underwear on. Y-You can take my shirt, at least I have my bra on," I said but he ignored me and forced my shorts down I tried fighting to pull them up but he was too strong.
"I'm not taking your clothing, Scotlyn," Billy said in a tone like I was dumb. Like I wasn't getting something. "T-Then what are you taking?" I asked as he fondled his belt.
"Just stay still and let me do this without you pissing me off," he said as he pulled himself out. "What!? No, Billy! Billy, get off of me," I started pushing at his stomach after he came up closer to me.
"Scotlyn! Scotlyn!" Billy yelled my name louder the second time as he grabbed my wrist and placed them over my head. "Just let me put the tip in and then this will be over, okay? I can do whatever, remember? Remember we agreed to that?" He asked.
I nodded my head as I looked into his eyes with my scared eyes. He can't tell I'm scared. That's why he switched his tone up a little bit to not scare me even more.
"Good girl. I want you to relax and let me in just a little. Just the tip, okay princes?" He asked. I slowly nodded my head as my heart slowed down at how softly he was talking to me.
"That's a good girl," at first I didn't notice he was pushing at my entrance until a little bit of his tip slipped into me. "B-Billy," I stuttered at the unfamiliar filling.
"Shh shh, calm down. I got you. Let me prepare you, okay?" He asked before spitting on his fingers. He's okay rubbed his spit around my entrance, causing me to whine at the area he was touching me.
"Ssh baby, I know. I know it's a different feeling but I'll make you feel fucking awesome," Billy said before pushing the rest of his tip into me. I covered my mouth, hoping I wouldn't let out too much but he seemed to like it. He's looking me in my eyes with a smile.
"You look so beautiful, baby," Billy said as he leaned into me. I wanted his kiss so bad but cried out at the feeling of him pushing his whole length into me. "Billy!" I cried before he placed his lips over mine.
"Ssh Ssh," he said onto my lips as he slowly began to thrust his hips. "Billy billy billy!" I repeated because of the unfamiliar foreign feeling of being stretched out and wet. I've been wet down there before but not this wet. It feels different. It feels good.
"Scotlyn, calm down. You'll be fine," Billy said as he leaned up and grabbed my waist to get a hold to fuck into me a little faster since I was stretched out enough for him. I kept whining and begging him to slow it down but he ignored me. I don't really want him to stop anyways.
"Billy, fuck! Please, slow down, I can't. I can't take it," I cried out as I leaned my head back and slapped at his chest a few times. "P-Please," I whined loudly as this feeling began to fill my stomach.
"God, you're so fucking tight. Been keeping this for me, huh? Kept them dirty jocks away just for me, huh?" He asked as he sped up. "Oh, I know you have. Because you know that if I found out about anyone being in my little girl, I'd fuck you harder than this. Might have even done anal to teach you a lesson," he threatened.
"S-Slow down, please," I begged as I wrapped my hands around his back and scratched at it. "Fuck — Fuck, don't do that baby. Gonna get me close," he said, triggering my mind. I'm not on the pill.
"N-No! Billy, I'm not on the pill," I got to pushing at his stomach and chest again, hoping he'd pull out before it was too late. "Oh don't worry baby. I got your pill with me," he said. He planned this out.
"S-Still, I can't," I said. "Why?" He asked keeping his paste as he looked into my glossy eyes. "I-I just can't, Billy," a few tears rolled down my face as my legs began to shake a little. I really can't hold this knot in my stomach. And I'm going to cum?
"Why can't you, huh? Cause you wanna keep that first time for some other dude at the school? For Jason? For Garret, you've been flirting with, huh?" Billy asked. How does he know about Garret?
"Oh yeah, I know. I know you how around. I'm surprised no one's gotten to you before. I bet you'd like to be a little prey for the school. For the boys to hunt down and use, wouldn't you?" Billy asked but I didn't answer. I don't. I've only had some thoughts of Billy using me like this.
"Wouldn't you!?" He yelled in my face. "No! No, I wouldn't!" I cried out. Billy gripped my neck and tightened his other hand on my waist harder than before as he leaned toward my face.
"You opened your legs so fucking fast for me. You're a little weak whore that I only get to use. I only get to bully. I own you, do you understand me?" He asked and I quickly nodded but slowly.
"Mhmm, and if I find out you're doing anything, even the slightest thing to make people think you're single and not take, I'll fuck your little cunt full of my cum and show them, do you under fucking stand!?" He aggressively asked as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
"Y-Yes!" I dragged as my legs shook and I began to release all over him and my bed. "Fuck fuck fuck, please, fuck!" I basically screamed. Billy tightened his grip around my neck to watch my screams be taken away from me.
"Fuck, you're so hot. Do you know how good it feels? Fucking your wet little pussy while you cry for me. While you cum all over my dick like you've done this a million times," Billy started praising me.
"Billy," I whined at the overstimulated. "Ima eat your pussy dry after I fill you up, baby, so you better get used to that after the shock of your pathetic little orgasm," he teased. Why does he still have to bully me? And why is it so fucking hot?
"Whining at being degraded? What a sad and silly little thing. You don't know what you got yourself into, baby. I'm going to ruin you and put you all back together because I love you," Billy said as his hand that was on my waist, softly grabbed my face.
"Yeah, I said it. I'm fucking in love with you. It's pretty hard not to see but you're a dumb little whore so it can definitely pass your mind. But it's okay, baby. I love you that way. Innocent and clueless. And also cock drunk," Billy slowly deep stroked into me.
Billy smashed his lips onto mine, probably thinking I'd be too tired to kiss him back but I gathered my energy and joined with a moans following. I never knew I'd be this in love with him. How can he make me fall in love with him like this? He's mean but I'm beginning to love it. I think I've always loved it...
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pollymorgan · 2 months
Ex-Husband Negan Part 10
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Warnings: Hot sex with a camera in hand.
Later in the evening, I found myself sitting in my garden with Negan. Our daughters were sleeping elsewhere and we were alone. It was already dark as I sat on a plastic chair, wrapped in a blanket, sipping on my too strong whisky, while watching Negan build a fire in the small bowl in front of us. I was still very angry with him, of course because of the weird flirting with Lizzie's acting teacher. But mostly, because he didn't see how his behavior hurt me.
Yet, watching him now, focused on the fire, made my heart race. The way the flames illuminated his slightly tanned skin and every single wrinkle. Damn, he looked forbiddenly good. Every year a little more. That damn bastard.
When he was satisfied with his work, he sat down on a chair opposite me and stretched out his long, slender legs. After taking another big sip that burned slowly down my throat, I said, "If an apocalypse ever breaks out, I'll stick to your heels..."
Negan watched the flickering fire intently, his eyes glowing in the special light.
"Darling, I'm certainly not the only one who knows how to move wood to make it burn..." he grinned.
I shrugged, "No, but you're calculating, ruthless, and ruthlessly selfish... I think that would be an advantage in such a world..."
We were silent for a moment, staring at each other until he calmly said, "That may be, but fuck, I would do anything for you and our daughters. Not just in such a situation, but immediately and without hesitation..."
We talked for a while longer, and I have to admit, I snapped at him quite a bit. But I just couldn't let everything slide anymore. If things were to somehow work out between us again, and not just in the bedroom, Negan had to finally accept my boundaries.
Later in the evening, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel tightly around me before heading to Negan's bedroom. He was tapping on his phone, but immediately put it down as I entered the room.
"Hallelujah, I believe I see a damn angel, should I confess, or why this heavenly encounter...?" he said in typical Negan fashion, making me roll my eyes. But then I couldn't help but smile.
"You confess? Sorry, but even the lifetime of an angel wouldn't be enough for that, although they are immortal, right?"
Grinning mischievously, Negan shrugged, his eyes roaming over my body, "Do you know what I'm thinking about right now?"
"What?" I asked, hoping for something somewhat sensible to come out of his mouth this time, although the chances weren't very high.
"Our little honeymoon video..."
-19 years ago-
I jumped in surprise as the shower curtain was suddenly pushed aside. I had been lost in thought and hadn't noticed Negan entering the bathroom. When I turned to him, he stood there, grinning, holding a large black camera in his hand, which he had bought with our wedding money. Quickly turning off the water, I asked incredulously, "What are you doing?"
"I'm filming our honeymoon!" he declared confidently.
We had just gotten married and left for the coast the day after the wedding. We had rented a small beach bungalow, but we hadn't seen the sea since our arrival yesterday. However, we were already quite familiar with the bed.
"Today is the 8th of July, 2004, and my beautiful wife is in the shower, lathering up her perfect tits..." he narrated the situation, pointing the camera at me.
Slightly annoyed, I rolled my eyes, "But we can't show this video to my parents..."
He looked at me joyfully, his dark eyes twinkling, "No, baby! The recordings are just for us... and now just continue where you left off!"
Slightly hesitant, I continued to spread the foam on my cleavage, taking my time. I first gently touched my breasts, then squeezed them harder, gently pinching my nipples to make them harder. Before I took the showerhead and rinsed off the soap.
Negan watched every movement closely, chewing lightly on his lower lip.
"Fuck, my wife is stunning..." he whispered softly into the camera, making me tingle all over with the way he looked at me.
"Come on, my darling, tell us what we've experienced so far..." he commanded.
I tore my gaze away from him and looked directly into the camcorder, "Mhh.. My incredibly hot husband has fucked me four times since we got here..."
"Did you enjoy it?" Negan confidently asked, and I nodded vigorously.
"Is your sweet pussy happy?..." he asked, grinning.
I replied with a smile and a clear 'yes'.
"Come on, show it a little to the camera..."
Instantly, I felt my cheeks flush even more than they already were. "Negan..." I said uncertainly.
"Come on, my angel... in a few years, we'll be glad we have this film..." he said expectantly.
After a few seconds of my mind racing, I looked around the small shower stall, "Oh, I don't know how, there's not enough space here..."
He reached out his hand, "Then come on, onto the bed with you..."
Feeling nervous, I took his hand and stepped out of the shower. As I walked past him towards the bedroom, I could feel his gaze on my wet body.
"Holy shit, what a hot ass..." Negan called after me before quickly following me.
I slowly climbed onto the big bed, the covers still tousled and clearly smelling of sex. Hard, good, uninhibited sex.
He licked his lips eagerly as he held the camera. My hair was soaking wet, and the water droplets ran down my skin, giving me goosebumps.
"You're so beautiful..." he whispered to me in a deep voice as I began to caress myself gently. Starting with my breasts again, but quickly moving down to my stomach, drawing small circles while my legs were bent but still closed.
"Come on, sweetheart, show me where you need my hard cock..." he commanded, opening his pants with one hand to give himself some freedom.
I placed my hand flat between my legs, covering my warm, aroused vulva. Then I spread my legs wide, eliciting a satisfied sound from Negan.
"Play with it a little... make it nice, wet and ready for me..." my husband ordered with the camera in hand, and I immediately did as he asked, even though it wasn't necessary anymore since I was already more than aroused.
Gently, I ran two fingers through my folds, spreading my moisture. Then I applied light pressure to my swollen clit, keeping my eyes only on Negan. He watched me for a while, enjoying how I softly moaned his name, until he finally remarked, "Sweetheart, that looks incredibly delicious..."
I withdrew the two fingers that had just entered me, bringing them directly to my mouth. Slowly, I moistened my lips with my juices and then licked the rest off with relish.
"I think you should try it yourself..." I winked at him, watching his Adam's apple bob up and down as he stared at me with his mouth slightly open.
Immediately, his expression turned into a wide grin as he positioned the camera on the small cabinet behind him and quickly checked if everything was in frame.
Then he climbed onto the bed with me, never breaking eye contact. Not even when he ran his tongue all the way through my center, taking in as much of my essence as possible.
His touches made my body tremble. Instantly, his soft lips placed kisses on my most sensitive spot. I desperately searched for something to hold onto. It was so intense that I needed support. Eventually, my fingers buried themselves in his hair, pressing him closer to me. As he licked me to the brink of madness, my thighs shook, and a powerful orgasm engulfed me after a short time.
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sugarjar · 3 months
What I’ll do 3
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Not edited, barely proofread so I’m sorry for that I will edit it later.
Jey uso masterlist
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“Jasmin what are you doing popping up over here?” Joshua gritted through his teeth at the lightskin woman who stood at five foot seven and a hundred and ten pounds.
Who also happened to be Joshua’s ex girlfriend of eight years but they broke up because of Joshua’s failure to put a ring on it after so long.
At the time of the break up they’d already been living together, meet both families, and lived like married people. Aleisha couldn’t figure out why Josh, couldn’t just seal the deal.
And when Joshua didn’t have an answer that was enough for her to walk away, but not to far away that she couldn’t stick her nose in his business and keep that soft spot soft for her.
“Why Josh you got someone ova’ here or something?” She asked pointing her eyebrow up, crossing her arms.
Joshua instantly sighed and knew good and well that Aleisha had no problem, showing her ass and he’d felt something with Cleo and Aleisha was not going to ruin the moment.
“I do and you are not going to come in here and act an ass!” He warned lowly trying not to alert Cleo. Praying that she was doing somthing upstairs to distract her from his disappearance and the person he desperately wanted her not to see.
His prayers went unanswered just as Aleisha pushed past him abrupt and unexpectedly, moving him out the way, Cleo was coming down the stairs and they came face to face.
“Oh my bad I’m Cleo?” Cleo introduced Putting her best foot forward like always, but she wasn’t dumb she saw the look this woman was giving her and she looked to Josh to see how he’d handle this situation.
“I bet you are Ms. Thang” Aleisha said looked her up and down again, feeling the disrespect Cleo decided to take her leave.
Making her way to the couch where she’d left her things before moving past the woman to the door. Not sparing Joshua a glance she got in her car and left.
“Are you kidding me” Joshua said sliding his hands down face.
“What did a scare another one off” she said going into the fridge in the kitchen, making herself something, very comfortable.
“You can’t scare her off because she’s not my girlfriend, we’re just friends.” He said thinking about how he’d smooth things over with Cleopatra.
“If she wasn’t anything special then why are you mad.” She said shrugging as she kicked her feet up eating her bowl of strawberries.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you Aleisha now please leave.” He said gesturing to the door and Jas laughed not taking him serious.
“Boy bye” she said in between laughs
“I’m serious get out.” He said taking the fruit from her and pointing to the door.
Lifting her eyebrows before finally getting up and leaving, leaving Josh to sigh at the situation.
Laying in her bed Cleo felt weird and defeated, she didn’t know who this woman was that just came into Josh’s house like she owned the place. Why was she so comfortable with doing that?
Who was she to Joshua?
Why didn’t he say anything to the woman who clearly was interrupting their moment.?
That was another thing she felt an away about what would have happened had that girl not knocked.
Normally she’d just assume sex but over the last few weeks, the sex felt different the it was slow, and intense and felt purposeful.
Times like this where she really didn’t know what was going on, she was glad to have her bestie which she didn’t have anymore and would never have again it seemed.
She’d assumed the worse when she kept not getting an answer from Jazlyn after almost four whole months of being on delivered and texting from all platforms she could remember her being on, Especially Snapchat which Cleo didn’t even have but reinstalled, and used to to send messages to her best friend and going back to check the messages every so often to see if she’d gotten a response.
And she has just not the response that she’d hoped for which read.
Opened• 2 weeks ago
And her heart started to hurt.
How could Jazlyn just walk away yeah she’d yelled but they yelled at each other all the time she didn’t understand why Jazlyn wasn’t answering.
She had apologized and even mentioned to her home to see if she was there and Jazlyn was her car and everything. Using her key just to find out that it no longer worked and she knew what happened then and there.
Of course Cleo could stay in lala land and think her best had gotten kidnapped or went on a long vacation and all of this was just a mistake but none of that was true.
Truth was Jazlyn didn’t want to be her friend anymore, She didn’t want anything to do with her, her best friend through talk her life someone she thought of as a sister didn’t want her anymore.
And for the first time since she was a little girl she cried because she didn’t have any friends, and not just any friends her best friend, her sister. And she felt so small and childish on top of confused.
What was she to do?
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harleehazbinfics · 3 months
Blue Roses | Helluva Fic
✓ author profile
Synopsis: To continue his apology tour, Blitz goes to his ex-bestfriend's place to give an apology.
Hi! Yeah, I watched the Apology Tour EP and I loved it, mostly cuz I liked the songs and how they made Blitz suffer lmao- but hey! I made a fic to live our delulu to. Hope you enjoy! (i just really needed to get this out of my system it's been bubbling in my brain the whole day)
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"Heyyyyy bitch."
I roll my eyes as his annoying voice swept across my office. I give him a sigh, then dropping my pen onto the desk to look at him and ask, "What do you want, Blitz?"
"Oh nothing, nothing. Just wanted to drop by and give you these flowers. I knew how much you liked them," he answers feigning confidence as he tosses a bouquet of blue roses, "You know how much I had to pay for that shit? It's hell and you pick the blue ones as your favorite IN HELL."
My eyes widen in surprise as I looked at the roses. I could already smell delightful scent of them. They certainly are genuine but the Blitz I knew would never give these to me just because.
"Are you high?" I asked him skeptically.
He scoffs and retorts, "God! No, I'm not! Lay off my dick, will ya? I just wanted to do something nice for once and this is the shit I get."
He plops down on my couch with a groan as he buries his head down in his hands. I couldn't help but feel pity for him. I frown looking at him then at the flowers before walking slowly towards him.
I put my hand on his shoulder and give him a small smile, "Thanks, Blitz. They're lovely."
He looks back at me with empty eyes before nodding in acknowledgement while I sit beside him placing the flowers on the coffee table.
"I heard you went to Ver's party on earth," I started, I saw him tense up, "You really have balls to go to a party that's just for hating you, you know?"
"Or just really stupid," he admits making me laugh.
"No no. I think your little apology tour went well, no?" I challenged him.
"Yeah, a real eye opener. I couldn't even get a wink of sleep last night," he sighs rubbing his sore eyes. "I'm surprised you weren't there honestly. We haven't talked in years after I just bailed on you."
"Oh, please don't compare me to your petty exes. I, at least, have some class," I say striking a posing before quickly jabbing my thumb at the pile of papers behind us, "And a fuck load of paperwork from Asmo and Fizz."
He stays silent letting me ramble on, "I don't hate you, Blitz. I just knew you had other shit to deal with and so do I. As much as I loved staying as kids with you and Fizz. I, we, had to grow up eventually. After the circus burnt down, I had to work odd jobs to get back on my feet."
"Wanna know what I dreamt of then?"
"I dreamt that I made a lot of money, made a name for myself. So that I never had to worry about you guys being sold to someone, so we could make our own circus, we could do what we wanted to do the most. So, I did. But when I got what I wanted, I saw you doing your own shit with the IMPS and Fizz being a star for Mammon, I just couldn't but feel lonely, y'know?"
"Look, I'm sorr--"
"But I'm really happy that I got to see you again and that's all that matters to me."
He looks at me teary eyed which he quickly wipes before they could fall making me laugh at his tough guy act.
I stood up from my spot and held out my hand for him, "Looks like you had a shitty week. Wanna get Fizzy and get out for some drinks at Beelz?"
Finally, a smile crept on Blitz' face and accepted my hand. "Oh, bet."
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imaginesforeveryone · 3 months
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I’m Sorry, John
Pairing: John Shelby x Y/N Warning: Angst, sadness, mention of death, mention of child death, comforting Summary: John has been the love of your life since he got back from war. You and him have been through it with each other. With all the kids, with all the crazy shit that went on in the Shelby family, but you didn’t know if this was something you and John could make it through.
Sitting in the already closed Garrison, you gulped down your glass of whiskey, slamming on the table. Sitting in the Peaky booth by yourself as you did when you were sad most times. But this time was different. Was much worse of a sadness you had inside of you. Laying your head on the table in front of you.
“Ugh..” You let out not being able to gather you’re thoughts no matter how hard you tried. Holding your stomach as if you were trying to protect it from bad. But you knew, there wasn’t anything there to protect. Not anymore that is. 
“Y/N.” You heard a familiar voice outside in the main room of the Garrison. Taking a deep breath and hoping he didn’t walk in here.
“Y/n.” He said again opening the door. Rolling your eyes, in annoyance as to the fact that he found you. 
“Baby. Where have you been?” John said coming into the room. You head still down on the table you lifted the empty bottle of whiskey and shaking it in front of him. He took it from your hand and set it back on the table.
“Talk to me love. What’s going on?’ He asked trying to pull your head up to look at him. But you just did it on your own. Looking at him through puffy eyes as if you had been crying for 3 days straight. 
"Y/N tell me what happened. Now.” He demanded. 
“You know what John. No, I’m not afraid of you. Don’t use that fucking tone with me. I’m not one of your Peaky soldiers you can’t just scare into submission.” You said stood up wobbly but quickly catching yourself and the other bottle you hadn’t opened yet and pushing passed him. 
“No Y/N you aren’t, but you are my wife. All I try to do is protect your and keep you out of harms way as best as I can, and this is how you’re going to treat me?” He said pulling you back to look at him. 
“You see John there is one thing you cant protect me from. You want to know what?” You asked getting closer to his face. 
“What?” He asked rolling his eyes down at you. 
“Myself.” You said opening the new bottle of whiskey and take a big swig of it. 
“What the fuck does that even mean Y/N? There are plenty doctors out there that can like talk to you, and get all the bad shit out of your head.” He said confused as to what was going on with you. You looked up at him and just let out a breathy laugh and falling to the ground. Letting out a long cry was all you could say to him. 
“Baby please talk to me.” John said sitting on the ground near you pushing the messy tear filled hair strands that laid on your cheek behind your ears.
“A therapist cant bring our baby back John.” You cried out sobbing even harder than before. 
“God dammit.” He breathed out grabbing you instantly pulling you into his lap and setting the bottle of whiskey on the table above you. Scooting you two back so he could lean against the door.
“Sh. Sh. Sh. It’s okay love.” He said rocking you back and forth and rubbing small circle on your back. 
“Are you upset with me?” You asked him out of fear that he was upset you couldn’t cary his child like his ex did with all the rest. 
“Absolutely not love. I never could be mad at you. But why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant in the first place?” He asked you. 
“I don’t know. I just had this feeling that I had to wait to tell you. I was going to do it at the foundation party. But, now I know why my brain told me not to tell you. The gods had a different plan.” You sobbed out to him. 
“Sh babygirl. Just relax.” He said rocking you still and holding you tight. 
“As hard as it is right now. It will fix itself in time love. We have quite sometime to be able to get a baby inside of you. I know how badly you wanted give birth to your own child. But I also know how much you love the kids, like you birthed them yourself. But listen we will keep trying. It will happen I have hope in us.” He said softly to you and kissing you on top of your head.
“We got this love.” He breathed out to you. 
“I’m sorry John. I love you so much.” You whispered back to him.
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ukrfeminism · 11 months
‘What’s the worst that can happen?” That is what Georgia Harrison asked herself one Sunday morning in August 2020 when Stephen Bear, who lived opposite, invited her over for a cup of tea. They knew each other through the reality television and influencer circuits. She had been on The Only Way Is Essex (Towie) and Love Island; he had done Shipwrecked, Ex on the Beach, then won Celebrity Big Brother. They had hooked up before and he hadn’t treated her well.
“We’d been in lockdown and I was definitely quite lonely, feeling quite rubbish about myself,” says Harrison, 28. “I knew that going to Bear’s was a bad idea – there were two voices in my head. In the end, I thought: what’s the worst that could happen? Well, now we know.”
What happened was this: the morning cup of tea stretched into a long lunch washed down by tequila, followed by drunken sex in Bear’s back garden. The sex was different from how it had been in the past – more performative, with Bear carefully positioning Harrison in various locations. “It was more dramatic and lasted longer,” says Harrison. “I just thought he was having a good day.” Afterwards, to Harrison’s horror, Bear mentioned casually that it might have been caught on his CCTV system. When he showed her the footage and she began to cry (“I’ll die if anyone sees it,” she said), he promised to delete the video. Instead, three months later, Bear posted the footage on his verified Only Fans account. Within days, it was all over the internet, including the website Pornhub. “Georgia Harrison sex tape” had become a top search on Google.
Harrison found out when a fan in the US sent her a screenshot asking: “Have you seen this?” Her reaction was to gag. But she picked herself up and went to the police. Bear was arrested, charged and convicted. In March 2023, he was sentenced to 21 months in prison for voyeurism and sharing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress. Now, she has written a memoir about it, Taking Back My Power.
It is hard to overstate the impact of this case. Most victims of intimate image abuse never report the crime. They are teenagers too terrified of their parents’ reactions, professionals who fear for their careers, parents who don’t want their children or partner to know, or anyone else who can’t face walking into a police station armed with a link to Pornhub. Of those who do come forward, only about 4% will ever see a charge; a prison sentence is rarer still.
Bear’s case – on the news, in headlines, all over social media – sent a message of hope to victims of this sort of abuse and a warning shot to potential perpetrators. There was a 56% rise in calls to the government’s “revenge porn” helpline in the month he was sentenced. Harrison didn’t stop there, though. She lobbied parliament to demand better laws around “revenge porn” and helped to secure amendments to the online safety bill that make the crime easier to prosecute. She is still campaigning for platforms that carry the footage of her and Bear to be held criminally accountable.
It is certainly not the life or career she had in mind when she left school at 16, the only child of a single mother, already intent on reality TV stardom. “I grew up in Essex and a lot of my friends were on Towie, so that’s what I wanted to reach for,” she says. “It was the idea of literally getting paid for doing photoshoots, partying and having some fun in all these mad countries and bars.” At 19, she did get on Towie; a few years later, she was on Love Island. She built a career as an influencer and was able to buy a flat in Essex at 21. Was it all she had hoped for? “Actually, it was even better,” she says.
Although she and Bear were neighbours, Harrison didn’t get to know him until October 2018, when they were cast in The Challenge, an MTV reality show. By then, the former roofer had built a TV reputation as a bit of a player, a “lovable rogue”. They got together during filming, but when the show finished, Bear went back to womanising. Shortly afterwards, they starred in the sequel and got together again. This time, though, Harrison says, he locked her out of their hotel room to sleep with someone else.
The next time Harrison saw Bear was in August 2020, when he invited her over for that cup of tea and secretly filmed them having sex. Afterwards, she felt certain he had planned it. “We’d been in every angle that his CCTV covered,” she says. “He’d made sure we were never outside the lines.” Even so, she didn’t see what lay ahead. “I was really upset and he seemed to understand. I never for a second thought he’d be stupid enough to send it to people. I hoped he had some form of respect for me, but I also thought he wouldn’t want to ruin his entire career or end up in prison. I just didn’t think he was capable of what he was capable of.”
In the days after, Harrison messaged Bear asking him to promise he wouldn’t do anything with the video. He assured her that he had deleted it. It was December when she received the screenshot from a fan in the US. “That’s when I knew it was global,” she says. “One of my first thoughts was: it’s time to tell my family. My mum knew already, but I needed to have the conversations with my dad, my uncle – the male figures, I guess – so they knew it was coming.” In fact, her uncle knew already; he had been sent the video by someone who didn’t realise Harrison was his niece. “They were all horrified, but supportive,” she says. “I was an adult having sex – they told me I’d done nothing to be ashamed of.”
She knew that, but shame still hit in waves. “It went so horrifically viral; my postman’s probably seen it,” she says. “It’s that feeling that I’d let myself down, let my family down, that I should have seen it coming and how could I have been so stupid?” Her influencer work went into freefall. Any post on any product would be flooded with comments about the video (“Congrats hon, you’re a porn star now!”). “There were so many other influencers – same amount of followers, been on Love Island, same calibre – who didn’t have a sex scandal. Why put me next to their brand?” She rented out her flat – for income and because she was terrified of seeing Bear – and moved in with her mum.
“I don’t think I’ve admitted to myself how bad my anxiety was until now,” she says. “I wouldn’t be able to go to the gym on my own, or I’d get in and feel everyone was looking at me and have to leave. I barely left the house and when I did it was really hard not to panic. It got to the point where I only wanted to be around my closest friends.”
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Harrison reported Bear, who was arrested in January 2021 and charged four months later. There was an 18-month wait for the trial. Harrison’s life was on hold. She knew she had a strong case – she had been filmed without her knowledge and had sent multiple messages to Bear begging him not to share it – but she dreaded a “not guilty” verdict. The Bear she knew, the Bear who had won Celebrity Big Brother, was a charmer. He could win hearts, talk you round.
“If he was found not guilty, I think I would have had to shave my head and move to Bolivia or something,” she says. “The career I love would have been over – that’s definite. But aside from that, my faith in the universe would have been so shattered. It would have drained all the hope and faith and love and life out of me. To see someone act in such an awful, evil, manipulative way and then walk away … I felt it might just ruin me – and it seemed possible. Bear could play things so brilliantly. I don’t know why he decided not to.”
Bear’s behaviour before and during the trial probably sealed his sentence. He uploaded X-rated videos of him and his girlfriend to the internet, captioning one: “At least she knows I’m filming her.” In another video posted just before the trial, the couple cavorted in orange prison jumpsuits. He ran a Twitter poll on what colour of suit he should wear to court – and turned up in a rented Rolls-Royce, dressed in pink and a huge fur coat, carrying a cane topped with a gold snake’s head. In court, he interrupted the judge and waved away the barrister. He pleaded not guilty, but his defence was nonsensical. At times, he claimed that Harrison wasn’t the woman in the video, or that she didn’t mind it being filmed, or that there was no proof that he had uploaded the images – it might have been his assistant, it could have been a hacker.
Had he pleaded guilty and expressed remorse, he would almost certainly have been handed a community sentence. Harrison still can’t understand it. “The Bear I first met was funny and cheeky, but also really charming – he could be kind,” she says. “That person in court seemed possessed. I feel like every show he went on, he was praised for being ‘the villain’ – and the worse he was, the more attention he got. At some point, the lines blurred. That role took over.” A reality TV monster? “That’s how it seemed.”
Giving evidence was excruciating for Harrison. She sat in the witness box as the jury (nine men, three women) looked through pages and pages of video stills, having to confirm that each one featured her. “I could tell the jury was absolutely cringing,” she says. “I was in a private garden in a private moment that I thought was between me and one other person. To know people have seen it is hard. To see people seeing it while they can see you is harder.
“As someone in the public eye, used to public speaking, it was still hard to get my words out. You don’t know where to look, who to talk to. You feel you’ve done something wrong when you haven’t. I dread to think what it’s like for a vulnerable young woman who isn’t used to addressing a room. I think it would be near enough impossible.” She hopes her case might make it a little easier. “Women come up to me all the time, crying, saying they’ve been through this horrible situation and never spoken to anyone about it before. They message me on a daily basis. Intimate-image abuse happens so much more than people think.”
After the trial, Harrison continued campaigning, initially to make cases easier to prosecute. At present, the sharing of intimate images without consent is not illegal – unless done “with intent to cause distress”, however hard that is to prove. In June, the government announced amendments to the online safety bill that will remove this requirement if the law is passed. This will mean that sharing intimate images without consent, whatever the motive, would become a criminal act.
But Harrison wants more.
“If you go to court for this and get a criminal conviction, that content should become illegal and any platforms that still show it and fail to take it down should become criminally accountable,” she says. “It’s crazy. If someone gets caught with drugs, those drugs are seized and disposed of. Why should this footage stay up there? A change like that isn’t hard to make and it would make a huge difference. Far more victims would come forward, because they’d know it will be possible to make all that footage disappear at the end.”
The video of Harrison and Bear is still out there. “I worry that one day I’ll have kids and it will be accessible to them,” she says. “I just hope that by that time, society may have got on top of this and it will be too risky and expensive for platforms to carry it.” She expects that finding a partner she trusts will take time. “As I get to the point where I am trying to have relationships, I’ve realised that I do have trust issues, but that’s not a bad thing. I’ve been burned so badly. I won’t accept anything that might be a red flag or makes me feel vulnerable. If someone really cares about me, they’ll just have to help me get past that.”
Meanwhile, she is busy again. There is a TV show coming up that she can’t talk about yet. The brands are back. Harrison has written Taking Back My Power. She would like to present daytime TV: “You literally get paid to have a natter!” She is also happy to be known for the court case. “I’ll never, ever lose the stigma of being all over those porn platforms,” she says. “But if I’m known as the person who stood up and fought back – I’d be proud of that.”
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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fuck you for playing games with my heart | ex!seungmin x gn!reader angsty angst | and leaving me in the dark
a/n: considering expanding the sooner or later / tangerine series, still don't know what i'm gonna do so if i'm slow on the requests on that, am sorry.
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"why did you show up?"
i asked in the thin night air as i tried to compose myself and remain as relaxed as i could even if anxiety was hitting every nerve. i was still dressed up in the middle of my own wedding night. yeah the most "magical" day of my life was being torn apart slowly as i stood in front of him. him being my ex, the last one i had before i met my now first husband. every part of me was telling me to kick him out right now but i couldn't do it even if i tried to, he had been a part of my life so long and things were better (well that's what i said). 
"i had to see you." he responded as composed as ever. i just rolled my eyes because of how cliche it was all being, he had to see me for what? he did not want to see me before. his cruel words resonated in my head but i just wiped the thoughts away as i did not have to be upset tonight. even now hiding from my guests and the scenery felt wrong, just to talk to him and for him to tell me he had to see me. "you look beautiful."
"you don't get to call me that anymore." i said crossing my arms but still feeling the light blush meet my cheeks. it was the effect he had on me unfortunately but it was too late now for lovey dovey stuff. i could not process any more bullshit after all i went through, how he left me in the dark for so long.
"i guess i don't but i'm sure he doesn't call you that enough." he responded and i just shot a glare, washing all the confidence he had in him away. who was he to say these things? no one. he might've been someone in my past but right now he was just someone i didn't know at all with the words that were falling from his mouth. "listen i just had to see that this was happening for real."
"why? why do you care?" i ask annoyed at this point. i just wanted to be out with my husband enjoying my wedding and not have to worry about seungmin right now. yet my feet remained on the ground as i listened to every word he was saying and i couldn't even look him in the eye. 
"you're right. it's been so long that i should not care about it but i do." he said and the confusion began. why would he still be holding on? after leaving me in the dust and dark for what felt like an eternity. he should be happy right now, not hoping he would get me back if i was reading things correctly. "i care about you (y/n), i always will."
"well i don't." i said and that was a lie that he could detect easily. "even if i did still care about you, i am happy now. i found someone who gives me what you promised to for so long but never did."
"and i'm sorry about that." the apology arrived way too late from his lips and i just sighed, shaking my head. there was no way i was gonna give him a pass just because he decided to show up and apologize at my wedding of all places. "i know you still care. i know you hope it was me and not hyunjin, he's bad news (y/n) and he's gonna end up breaking your heart way worse than i did." 
"oh so now you care about that? you like saying things but literally it's all bullshit. he treats me way better than you ever did and i'm not gonna let him go." i said firmly and just breathed for a second because i was seriously getting mad at him. "if you really did care about me, you would let me go."
"you should really stop lying to yourself for a moment. i know what i did was wrong and that you're already with someone else, it's not like i don't get that i was too late. but we can still go and leave this all behind, pretend that it never happened. i know it sounds fucking insane but you're the only one for me and i need to put up a fight for who i think it's the love of my life, the one that i truly want." he said and i just laughed, i could not believe his words at all. the bold move he pulled in the day that i was dreaming for so long. 
"you really think you did something there. i'm not leaving and even less with you, not even wanting to consider it. you should be going right now because you embarrassed yourself enough and i should be present at my wedding." i said but he grabbed my wrist as i was trying to leave and looked me in the eye, for the first time in so long we made eye contact.
"don't ruin our last chance (y/n), just please think about it." he said and i just pulled from him so he could stop holding me. "i truly do love you."
"no, if you truly did love me then you wouldn't be doing this." i said and went back, leaving him all alone as a figure of my past. 'cause he was nothing but a boy who broke my heart before but now i had someone who completely fixed it for me and knew what love truly was.
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thelittleliars · 2 years
Love Forever? | Pt. 2
Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader Yelena Belova x fem!Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: cursing, yelling
Words: 2.1K
AN: This one has more interactions with Yelena than Natasha but it's all a huge part for the full story! Also the 3rd part is going to take at least 1-2 weeks since I'll be traveling to Budapest in the next couple of days! Gonna visit all the Black Widow filming locations there 🔥
Part 1 , Part 3
"Cyka" Yelena cursed in russian before she cursed you in english again. "You bitch! Why would you travel to Russia without me?" She shook her head in disappointment, you saw a grin on her lips tho when she turned her head to the side to see who walked in. You didn't see who it was since you were on FaceTime with her and only she was in the frame. "Who is in Russia?" You heard her voice in the background asking Yelena.
"Your ex-wife." Ex-wife, it was still something that pained you but the separation did you good. Your anxiety with all the worrying whenever Natasha went on a mission was gone now. You felt more at peace thanks to the break up. "Anyways, have you visit mama and papa yet? Last time I heard they were going insane to see you again. Apparently they can't wait to spoil you rotten with russian culture and stories of us as kids ugh."
"Don't forget about the baby pictures they're gonna show her." Nat reminded Yelena who's expression looked a mix of embarrassment and panic. "Yours gonna be there too Natalia. Can't wait for Y/N to see your awful blue hair phase."
You saw a shadow coming closer to the blonde widow, then a hand came into view hitting the back of her head. "You little bitch! Next time I'm there I'll burn all of them."
"Let's just burn the whole place down yeah?" A gasp escaped your mouth, even though you knew she was kidding it was something she'd really do. "Yel NO! Also Nat please don't burn any of them." You said sadly. "I wish I had at least a single photo of myself as a child. Hell I don't even know where I'm from, apart from being held by hydra for half my life."
"Guess we're all in the same boat. None of us knows where exactly we come from. Oh oh we can be the lost daughters buddies." The younger sister screamed out in pain after her older sister slapped the back of her head once again. "Try sheering her up instead of ruining the mood with some sad shit from our past."
Suddenly your screen went black, you were about yo look at your wifi to see if the connection was lost but before that could even happen you heard a chair screeching. "What gave you the right to give me that fucking advice huh? How about you stay out of my business with her since you were the one who destroyed your relationship." Yelena was mad, no she was furious with her sister, that's why you weren't surprised that she hung up on you. This was a great time to start driving towards your (ex) parents in law.
You took your bags, threw them into the car you rented, then jumping into the drivers seat and made your way towards Melina's and Alexei's little farm outside of Saint Petersburg. Not long after, you arrived your destination, Melina and Alexei both stood outside already as if they were expecting you. You did not call or text them since it was supposed to be a surprise.
"Ahh finally, my daughter is home again." Alexei walked to you and immediately his arms around your body, squeezing you to death. "I need to breath big guy." He let you go but still smiled at you happily. "Come on inside. I'll show you your room. We decorated a bit, hope you'll like it."
The decoration he was talking about were only new curtains and a stuffed penguin animal. You appreciated their effort.
Later that day when you were outside feeding the pigs, you heard and saw a Quinjet coming. Of course Yelena had the nerve taking a jet and flying to russia. But she wasn't alone. Natasha also tagged along. You gulped at the sight of her standing there in casual clothes. It was actually your first time seeing her in six months. The last time was after the divorce all those months ago. Alexei of course was the happiest, now that all his daughters were home. Melina was happy to see them too but she was more worried about you. At times she was more protective over you than Yelena and even though it was heartwarming, it pained you too. She was like a mother figure that you never had. The longing and grieving of a life you could have had nearly destroyed you whenever you think deeply about it.
"Natasha I need a little help in the kitchen." Was all she said before going inside and the red head trailing after her like a good god. Yelena and dad catched up on stuff while you sat down on a bench near the front door that had a great view on the animals. You had no clue how much time had gone by until your friend and sister sat down next to you. "What is on your mind Y/N Y/L/N?" She tried to get you talking by saying your whole name as teasing but you were starting to feel numb so nothing would bother you anyways.
"As you'd say my ex wife." Seeing her after all this time stirred up a lot of thoughts in you. "What about her precisely?"
You sighed quietly. "I don't know. I guess it's just us in general and how we ended up here." It wasn't a lie but also not the whole truth either. You didn't want to talk in details since you knew it would get you in a vulnerable state. "She was a bitch for demanding that divorce.."
Out of reflex you started to defend your ex. "She got trigged Yel-" "No. Don't. Don't you dare make excuses for her." Yelena cut you off fast. She hated you for defending Natasha in this situation when you deserved so much better.
"It's just the truth. Plus I'm not as innocent in this situation as you think I am." You could have fought more for your wife but instead you signed the divorce papers quick. Probably because of the things that happened before the accident. "Natasha and I had a pretty nasty fight right before she got called on a mission and got her head injury." You paused for a minute. "If I'm being honest.. our marriage was falling apart anyways."
Yelena gaped at you. "I don't understand Natasha always talked so highly of you." You wished that was true, you wished all the good she found in you was actually good.
"I told you this was going to happen!" You yell at her, feeling angry and betrayed that she didn't listen to you. "And yet you ignored me and continue doing it anyways." Natasha hates herself for not listening to you but she'd never admit that out loud. Instead she blames you for everything, she knows it is wrong but it's difficult for her being truthful and vulnerable right now. "This wouldn't have happened if you were more open to the idea of being more affectioned in public. Maybe then he'd have known that I'm not single!"
"He kissed you. Because you kept flirting with him to get what you want.. you're an avenger for gods sake! You can get anything you want just by asking Tony or any of us." You stop yourself from getting even more louder. A deep breath and a few seconds is all you need to be more calm. "You know what? Maybe they all were right when they said you are a monster. Because right now, that's all I see."
The fight didn't leave your mind, it stayed and harassed you daily on repeat. You knew you guys covered up a lot of your problems. A marriage is a piece of work and you guessed you both weren't just ready for that huge marriage step. "Would you ever take her back?" She asked you softly. You were looking so hard for the right words to say but you fell flat. "I'm not in love with her anymore so I don't know." Though you didn't know for sure you constantly told yourself you'rw not in love anymore. If that was the truth then why did you panic when a knock came from the door frame? Why did your heart beat faster when you saw it was Natasha who knocked?
"Dinner is ready." Her voice was quiet but still so damn soft. While you stood up and walked towards the front foor, Yelena's gaze lingered on you for a while before she rushed after you into the house. At dinner you all fell into a comfortable conversation. It felt very awkward at first especially since you were convinced that your ex-lover overheard what you told Yelena. You were also anxious but it got better once Alexei started talking about his new tattoo shop. He had opened it two months ago and was fully booked out already. You were happy for him, tattoos were something what he was extremly good at so the demand was so deserved. After dinner was over you all three went to the bedrooms which you all had to share.
The next morning you wondered why 'dad' was still here. He explained that there was a new girl who worked at his tattoo shop, helping him out for all the appointments. Then he joked about how he'd set any of you three up with her. The blonde daughter just snorted, not wanting anything to do with romance, but he was too excited for an introduction to notice Yelena's obvious disinterest. Maybe he did notice since he showed a photo of her only to Natasha and you. And that was when something struck in you, you didn’t know how or why but you had to see the girl personally. You asked him where his shop was located and after giving you directions you stood up, turned to Yelena asking her to drive you there. Natasha felt irritated at how fast you wanted to see that new girl.
As soon as your eyes met hers, everything around you stopped, you felt a pull to her, a magical pull that you couldn't control. Your arms came around each other and somehow nothing on the world made more sense than this moment.
"Voi herranjumala." (Oh my god.) She said something in a language you thought you knew yet you didn't understood a thing. You pulled away, still standing close to her, she then put your face in between her hands. "Kaipaan sinua, kaksos Y/N." (I missed you, twin Y/N)
"Please don't tell me this is some long lost love reunion." Yelena groaned in misery. You looked at her cluelessly, hoping she'd also pick up your silent plead to help you out in this situation. "Don't look at me! You were the one who rushed me here and hugged her like no there's no tomorrow."
The girl next to you cleared her throat before speaking up, this time finally in a language you all could understand. "Ohh right.. I'm sorry I forgot you don't understand Finnish anymore." Anymore?? What the hell did that mean? "We don't have much time, I'll explain everything later. Twin Y/N do tell me, have you found your one and only?"
You blinked at her. "My what?" She cursed in Finnish, huffing and what seemed beating herself up about something. "Your, what humans would call here, Soulmate." You didn't question her 'what humans' and just shook your head. "I thought I did but no."
"Tell me, what happened?" Her gaze turned extremly intense, you started to feel uncomfortable. "Well we started to fight at one point and then she got a head injury and et voila we were divorced."
Yelena had enough of this conversation, the pulled you backwards and stood in front of you, giving the other girl a death stare. "Whatever you're doing to Y/N has to stop right now or otherwise I'll beat you up." You knew she was dead serious about it, your sister in law was super protective over you. "I'm not doing anything, it's all her doing. We do have to stop talking so slowly, we need to hurry."
"Why hurry? I don't understand?" She visibly got more restless which stresses you out. "You're out of time soon. We have to find your soulmate now." You shock your head at the lady and her crazy words. "I'm sorry this has to be done." And with one finger snap, both of you were gone.
Tags: @iamthescarlettwitch , @dark-hunter16 , @marvel-fan-2021 , @myfturn , @natsxwife , @wandanats-goodgirl , @supaheroine , @00alycia , @xxsekhmet , @franfrolix , @lonewalker17 , @newawakening9 , @marvelwomen-simp , @automaticwizardnerd , @wifeofnatasharomanoff
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“I’ve Got My Eyes On You”
“I do hope you love this my dear. You deserve the credit for this one.” 🖤🖤🖤🐦‍⬛
Master List
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It started as small gestures like small insults here and there. But those insults turned into compliments.
*Simons POV*
Just seeing her walk into the room makes my heart flutter and I feel hot especially in my face. The way she smiles.
*God that smile and laugh does things to me that I can’t explain*
All she has to do is smile at me or talk to me and I forget everything about the day or what I was talking about. And already enough Soap has caught whiff of the situation.
The way she cares about everyone makes me jealous. I want to talk to her about these feelings she makes me have. I have to talk with her about it. But fucking hell how?
She walked outside while I was taking a drag she looked like she wanted to say something but the fucking giant had to stomp his way over and interrupt her. I watched her crawl back into her shell she stood there shyly. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She looked so beautiful standing there with a few strands of hair sitting on her lovely face.
*(Y/N) POV*
Gosh just seeing him in the gym working out made my heart flutter so much. All his veins popping out of his arms and legs and the way he looks standing there. I’ve caught myself staring too much and König keeps teasing me about my crush.
Last night I almost had my chance to say something he was standing with Soap taking a drag from his cigarette but König interrupted the moment by telling a story about what happened on the mission that was embarrassing.
Listening to König talk and laugh. His accent was so thick that the Scots accent sounded as loud as his. I watched as Simon stood beside Soap not speaking. He was just there observing the moment. I couldn’t help but watch Simon. The way the mask covered his the mystery that shroud around him made him more desirable to me.
The two blind love birds worked as usually together but they stole glances from each others here and there. Our blind lovers needed a little push to make them realize they both loved each other.
(Y/n) had just gotten back from a mission with König she walked outside and sat down on the ground to watch the sunset.
“König I know you’re behind me?”
*she laughs softly*
“Sorry Schatz”
“It’s okay, can I ask you something?”
“It’s about my crush on you know who?”
König sat beside her and looked at the sunset with her. He sighed softly and spoke.
“Have you told him yet?”
“That’s the part König. I’m afraid too I want to tell him so bad when I’m with him. But I’m afraid he isn’t gonna like me back and it might ruin our friendship and make things weird as we work together”
“Why is having a crush on someone complicated”
*she sighs and cradled her face in her hands*
“It’s called a crush for a reason Schatz. Love makes us into fools. There’s a saying you have here.”
“Why do fools fall in love?”
*he starts to chuckle softly. Nudging her with his elbow*
“Shut up König, you’re such a weirdo.”
*she pushes him back but he doesn’t move at all*
“Schatz don’t over think this? Just tell him how you feel and if he doesn’t feel the same way about you then he’s blind to not see the kind of woman you are.”
*he pats her back and continues watching the sunset*
“Hmmmm okay, I’ll tell him soon. But I need to think about what I’m gonna say to him and when to say it. God!? I’m such a fool in love!!”
*she sighs again with a giggle*
“Soap drop it!”
“L.t, you have a thing for the Bonnie wee lassie, don’t you.”
*his stern British accent echoed in the weight room*
“Sergeant McTavish let it go?!”
“Oh come on L.t the Bonnie is head over heels in love with you.”
“I’ve seen the way she looks at you and when I catch her she turns red.”
“Go talk to her L.t, she gots her eyes set on you Si.”
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Simon stands there looking down at the weight bar and sighs softly. Think about (y/n) the way she smiles and how she makes his day brighter. The way she soft feathery touches excites him. How it makes his heart skip a beat. He hated the feeling at first. He thought he had developed a heart condition so he went to get seen and that’s when they called him and told him his results are all normal and he still didn’t understand why when he was around (y/n) she made his heart flutter.
He didn’t let anyone know about the feeling he had when he was around (y/n). But the Scot already had found out. He saw how Simon froze when he was hit in the shoulder on the field and how (y/n) threw herself on top of him to shield him from the rubble that came crashing down on top of them. The way he held her and not caring about his gunshot wound in his shoulder. She was more important to him and he was important to her as well. She kept her eyes on him ever since that day. She sometimes hums a song called “Say yes to Heaven”
The way she smelled her perfume made him feel so strong. The protective urge to keep her safe was all he thought about in that moment.
-A Few Days Later-
(Y/N) sat alone in the mess hall eating breakfast and reading a book. Soap and König had walked in and looked at each other today was the day they were gonna get the blind lovers alone together.
Soap and König devised a plan for the blind lovers to meet up in the weight room.
After breakfast König approached (y/n) and asked her if she would like to work out with him for the afternoon. She nearly choked on her muffin.
“König you’re joking right?! My guy you’re 6,10 remember and I’m small (your height). *She swallows the muffin with orange juice.*
“Please Schatz, Soap and Ghost are all busy and I don’t have anyone.”
*she sighs and buries her face in her book*
“Okay!, okay calm yourself!?”
“If I die with your work out regimen. I’m coming back to haunt you forever?!”
*König laughed at her response and gave her the time to meet up with him at the weight room*
“L.t you up for weights today?”
“What now McTavish?”
*Simon sighs loudly looking down*
“Come on L.t, König and (y/n) agreed to spar with us today one on one.”
*Simon stopped in his tracks and he perked up not wanting to show his interest he brushed it off and walked away with a simple “No”
This broke his heart, he would give anything or do anything to see (y/n) smile and laugh for him. All he wanted was to be alone with her for once and confess his feelings to her. And hopefully put an end to his fluttering heart “condition” and hopefully make his stomach stop feeling like there’s something fluttering in his stomach
*Hours Later*
(Y/n) walked to the weight room in her shorts and a plain black t shirt. She walked in and ready to see König but she was met with a shirtless Simon Riley hitting the punching bag.
“Oh God?”
*she whispered to herself and she had gotten so red and hot on her face*
She quickly looked down and hid her face and chewed her inner cheek and forced a smile to her face and tries to not look at Simons chest.
“Hey Si, where’s König?”
“König? I don’t know where? Where’s Soap?”
“Soap told me that you and König wanted to spar with us.”
“König asked me to work out with him today because you guys were busy.”
She realized what König had done.
*in her mind*
*“oh my fucking gosh”*
*this was the plan he had set in motion for me to confess my feelings to Simon.*
“If you don’t mind Simon we can spar together or lift weights together.”
*she smiles to him but her sights linger on his sweaty chest*
“Eyes up here love”
“My eyes are up here love”
“I know that. I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
*He sighs softly and laughs softly looking away and walking over to the mats*
“Coming love?”
“Oh yes”
*he’s calling me love. That’s the first he always says rookie or smalls. Why the pet name or has he always said that to me and I never realized it*
*She walks over to the mats and he looks at her up and down and his eyes linger on her chest*
“Eyes up here Ghost?”
*he locked his gaze with hers and smiled*
“I don’t know what you’re talking about love?”
*She blushed at his comment and tried to look away. But he saw how she reacted to his comment. He loved the way she blushed and how she tried to hide it from him*
“Ready Love”
They danced around each other and grabbing one another playfully and they both started to laugh and lightly brush their fingers on each others arms. Time had stopped between the blind lovers.
It seem like hours had gone by but it only had been minutes. The way she smiled to him and how she playfully teased him. Simon had to make a move or something or someone was gonna ruin this moment for them.
He dove after her legs and dragged her underneath him where he pinned her down underneath him. She didn’t fight back she had turned a shade pink under him. Her breathing hitched in her throat.
“Yes love”
“Simon, I uh I -?”
The sound of the doors opening and I’m walking comes Captain Price.
“Fucking Hell”
*he mutters under his breath*
“Simon, (Y/n) I’ve been looking for you too. I hope I’m not interrupting your match.”
“No Sir!”
*Simon stands up and helps (y/n) up to her feet*
She looks to Simon but his full attention is on Captain Price.
“We have a last minute mission. Wheels up in 2 hours be ready”
“Briefing will be in 30mins”
“Yes Sir!”
*Simon leaves the weight room leaving her behind. Her face still pink from the interaction earlier. This moment they shared showed that Simon heart wasn’t made of ice. He actually was gonna confess his feelings and she was about to kiss him*
After the briefing everyone gathers their gear together and she see Simon alone at the tarmac. This is her chance she has to say something.
“Simon can we talk?”
“Yeah Love”
“Okay here I go. I umm-?”
“L.t and Bonnie what’s-?”
“Go away for a few minutes! Please!”
*she snaps at Soap and König*
*The guys walk away giving them some privacy*
“Okay this is a now or never situation. Okay come on (y/n)”
“Simon I always liked you more then a friend ever since we met. I can’t keep hiding behind a mask when I’m around you. I love when you pick on me and when you leave little gifts in my gear bag. I known it was you all along you remember all the tiny details from my childhood stories I told you about and it makes my heart skip a beat when I’m with you and around you. I can’t keep denying my feelings for you anymore I have to say something and do something.”
“If you don’t feel the same way I don’t want this to ruin our existing friendship.”
*Simon looks at her stunned at her confession. He doesn’t know how to react or what to say to her. All the words he had rehearsed to say to her all disappeared.*
“Please say something?”
*Simon stood in silence looking at her with his stoic serious face*
“(Y/N) I uh I-?”
*she sighs sadly*
*before she can walk away. Simon grabs her arm and pulls her towards him. He pulls her into a kiss.*
“Love you have no idea how long I wanted to do that to you”
“Since we met you’ve always been on my mind. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve always had my eyes on you (y/n)”
*She smiled to him and pulled him down for another kiss*
Everyone board the plane and they had their gear strapped to them and parachutes checked. Awaiting for the signal. Ghost looked at his lover (y/n).
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“Say yes to heaven, say yes to me”
*he winked at her under the red light*
a/n credit to the artist for the gif. Name is label beneath the gif.
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lexusiswriting · 6 months
A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 13 of ?
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Hi guys!
I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry for that. :( Hope you'll like this part. <3
Warnings: none.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken
Requests: OPEN.
Ricky’s point of view
We had to stay for 4 more hours to work on the song. It was still not done, but we made some changes to it. In the meantime, Lexus told Chris that she was not feeling well and she would go home. Of course, it was a lie, and he knew it had something to do with me. But surprisingly, he did not say anything to me.
While I was driving home, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. There must be something I can do to make her trust me again. At the same time, I hated myself for being another burden on her mind, next to her ex-husband. He did her so wrong, and I hoped I would never see him again because I knew I would regret later what I would do to him.
Suddenly, I took the right exit instead of the left one. My brain made me choose the road to her home instead of mine. I decided that it may be a sign, something I need to do right now, or I’ll never get another chance. 6 years have already passed and I couldn’t wait any longer.
I parked my car and went to the door. For a couple of minutes, I contemplated if I should do it or if it was better to leave. Again, my unconscious moved my hand and knocked on the door. After a couple more minutes, which felt like hours, Lexus was in front of me.
“Ricky, what are you doing here? I thought I made myself very clear when I told you to leave me alone.”
“I know, and I’m sorry for that. But I really can’t get you out of my head and my heart. The only thing I am asking is for one more chance to make things clear. After I will explain everything, if you don’t want to have anything to do with me, I promise I will step back.”
She looked at me dead in the eyes and a tired sigh left her lips. Still thinking that it may be wrong, she moved a little so she could let me enter.
“We can talk in the living room, my daughter is with her father. Start explaining.”
“I don’t know how many times I can say it, but I’m really sorry for everything. From the moment we met, I only brought sadness into your life. Now I’m sure, more than ever, that the only thing I want in this life is you.”
“This is not easy at all, Ricky. You can’t expect me to forgive you just like that, jump into your arms, and pretend nothing ever happened.”
“Of course, I know that. But we can take things slowly. Then you’ll see I’m not the man I used to be. You can trust me.”
“How slow do you think would be best?”
“Well, I can assure you, nothing intimate would happen. Not even holding hands if you don’t feel comfortable doing it. We can be friends first. Having dinners together, watching a movie or just talking when we need to get something out of our chest.”
“What if it will make things worse?”
“It can never happen. We can try and when we feel things are going in the wrong direction we can stop. But at least we will know that we tried.”
Lexus stood up from the couch and walked around the room. While she was thinking of an answer, I was feeling like I could faint at any moment. There she was, the woman of my life, deciding our future.
“I guess we can try.”
All I wanted at that moment was to take her in my arms and kiss her with all the passion I had in me. But remembering what we agreed on, I just smiled, knowing this was a win as well. Now I had the opportunity to show her how much she means to me.
After 6 months
Lexus’s point of view
Motionless In White released their album “Scoring the End of the World” and it was a huge success. Their fans loved it so much, the songs did so great on the charts, and I couldn’t be any much happier for them. Now they had to prepare for the world tour, which will start in about 2 months.
At the same time, Ricky and I got to be the most talked about topic. A lot of pictures were released with us from what we thought was going to be a private moment. The speculations started right away, all of them saying that we got back together, which was not the case. There were some not-so-nice ones as well when people would say that I divorced Corey just to be with Ricky, not thinking of my daughter’s feelings. After a few of those, I stopped reading the news when they popped on my phone.
Apart from these things, I was having a really great time with Ricky. We started to get to know each other for a second time, discovering how much we changed through the years. He kept his promise and never tried anything without my consent and after 6 months of being friends, we only got to hold hands. I appreciated how he never complained about it and forced me to do something I would not want.
Even though there was not much happening romantically between us, I took him home to meet my daughter. Corey was not happy about it, especially thinking that Ricky could become one day her stepfather. Regardless of that, my daughter liked him from the beginning. She would show him all of her favourite toys and make him play with her, which was the sweetest thing I ever saw. I knew that in my final decision, I had to include her as well, and I was glad to see how well they got along.
Tonight we decided to have dinner at my place. While we were preparing the food, Blaire was upstairs in her room. The tour will start in 2 months and I knew I wanted to make things straight before he would be gone for 7 months. I knew I would never have this good of an opportunity any time soon, and I wanted to get it out of my chest.
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oatmilk-vampire · 10 months
Off My Mind || Eddie Munson x Reader
Eddie Munson x gn!ex!Reader
(Read part 2 here)
Summary: Eddie and his ex agree to meet up to talk over their relationship, but instead of getting back together as they originally intended, things get worse. Mostly Eddie POV.
Inspired by one of my favorite songs Off My Mind by Joe P. Give it a listen!
Word count: 1.2k of angst. Just angst.
TW: suicidal thoughts/ideation. Please DO NOT READ if this could be triggering for you.
A/n at end.
You and Eddie “went on a break” six months ago.
It was just supposed to be a few days, but soon one weekend turned into a week, and that week into a month, and now here you both are. You had finally reached out, asked him to meet you at the Hideaway to discuss your relationship.
This was meant to happen months ago, but it hadn’t and Eddie knew why. He knew you were going to end things for good instead of keeping him in relationship limbo. Not dating, not yet broken up. But he knew better. He knew it was over the day you walked out. You were just coming to clear your conscience, to smash his already broken heart.
You were just as gorgeous as the day you left. He used to call you his Angel, but now he knew better. Still, you were no devil; but he now had confirmation as to what you really were: an angel of death.
You had been there long before him if the empty glass on the table was any indication.
Instinctively he almost ran to you, wrapping you up in his arms, but then he remembered the nature of this visit and kept his hands to himself sitting across from you when in the past he had only ever sat on the same side.
“Eddie,” your voice wobbles but is still sweet as honey. “Thank you for meeting me. How are you?”
How is he? How is he, really? Well let’s start. He never went back to Hawkins after he recovered and you left. What was the point? If his lack of a high school diploma was really holding him back that much he would just get a GED, but he hadn’t done that yet and he knows he never will.
You fiddle with your damp napkin, ripping the corner off before setting it down.
“I’m going to go get another drink. You want anything?”
You didn’t even wait for his response to your first question, why would he think you’d bother waiting to hear his response to your second one?
But to his surprise you did. You stood there, staring at him, small smile on your lips only to be kind.
“Vodka soda.”
“Okay, be right back.”
While you go get another drink he thinks of ways to tell you he’s fine.
He would never tell you, but he pregamed before coming here. That’s why he’s so late. He drank more than he should have considering he drove himself. What’s one more vodka soda? Maybe then you’ll never even know that he’s lying.
He’s thinking about how you never said goodbye. You hadn’t, neither of you did. Goodbye meant you weren’t seeing each other again.
“Sorry about the wait.”
“‘T’s fine.” You don’t miss the way he slurs before he’s even taken a sip of the drink you’ve just bought him.
“How are you, Eddie? I’ve missed talking to you.”
“Got myself another lover.” He blurts out without considering how it’ll hurt you, or maybe he does. It's a lie anyway. He hadn't even wanted to touch his own body after you left, why would he let some random person?
“Oh. You do? That’s nice, I’m happy for you.” You on the other hand are not lying. You are happy for him. But that doesn’t stop your heart only being held together by a small thing called hope just irreplaceably shattered.
“God, I love her, I’ll never stop.”
“I’m happy for you.” You repeat, a tight smile on your face as you blink back the tears.
“Take her out and drive around and show her all of our favorite spots.”
“Eddie,” you begin but he cuts you off.
“I used to sit and cry. I felt like I could die.” His voice is so cold it sends a shiver down your spine. You don’t want your drink anymore, even if it was just a coke.
His eyes find yours over the rim of his glass just before he gulps it down.
“But now you’re off my mind.”
You left him pretty soon after that and despite his slowed movements and long-gone inhibitions he realized he fucked up. He just let you walk away from him for the second time.
You were supposed to be better by the summer, at least. You began having your problems in spring. The two of you chalked it up to the horrible strain fighting Vecna put on you, but you had every intention to have your relationship repaired by summertime. But summertime came and you were long gone.
Eddie doesn’t even blame you anymore, not that he ever really did before. He knows you deserve better. After all, you’re an angel and angels need to spread their wings.
Despite the hole he found himself growing darker the longer you two were apart, tonight’s the first time he’s actually considered it. It seems like a cliche, an outdated option, and yet he has every intention of drawing himself a bath when he gets home and making toast in the tub while still wearing all of his clothes. It’ll be the last outfit you ever see him in. Unless you come to his funeral, but he’s pretty sure Uncle Wayne will put him in some stupid suit, or have a closed casket depending on how fried out his hair looks. He doubts you’ll even come.
But the thought of tears pricking your eyes as you sob over his coffin makes him second think his plan. Despite his swirling mix of emotions he has never wanted to hurt you, he still doesn’t.
He drives home, knowing Uncle Wayne isn’t home tonight. Eddie had told him he planned on meeting with you so he cleared out, fully anticipating you’d be joining Eddie back home. Eddie didn’t have the heart to tell his uncle he hadn’t worked out that way, that he really lost you for good now and it was all his fault. Uncle Wayne would learn soon enough when he found his remains the next day, though.
He doesn’t even remember making it into the Munson trailer, let alone remembering if he had locked it back up after he’d entered. He wasn’t worried about it, though. What would anyone steal? Everything of any value was already gone.
He makes his bath, trying to decide if he deserves to burn in as much scorching water as the shitty plumbing allows or if he should freeze. In the end he decided on the cold side of the faucet, it would take less time.
The small tub is just about filled by the time he returns with their toaster. He only feels guilty when he realizes Uncle Wayne won’t be able to make toast in the morning anymore.
He plugs it in, thankful their bathroom is so small that the outlet really is placed haphazardly close to the tub. There wouldn’t be any issue with him reaching over and knocking it in.
He settles into the freezing tub, his wet clothes clinging to his body make him feel so much colder and weighed down. He watches as water sloshes over the side thanks to his bodyweight.
Usually he’d consider smoking before to take the edge off but he was already feeling much more relaxed.
Because now you’re off his mind.
Author note: I had a different, slightly less angsty more whump/happier ending in mind and luckily it'll still work if you guys want this to become a two-shot? (:
This isn't much but it was on my mind (ha) and I needed to get it out in order to focus on my other WIPs. I wrote this in one sitting.
I have never written a Y/N or Reader fic before, but currently have 4 more gender-neutral ones in the works with much happier endings.
Thank you for reading <3
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isaaaxqii · 10 months
cheer up ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ - geto
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part 2 of the series - saving both me and you <3
summary : being a jujutsu sorcerer brought much attention to an individual. just as you found out that your ex used your title as a jujutsu sorcerer to become popular and cheats on you, geto was there by your side to comfort you, but most importantly, its because he loves you.
'' : fluff, can be read as a standalone
note : hii i know i said a day or 2 after posting part 1` but i was so busy and had to take some time to myself,, also part 1 wasn't doing well so i didn't know whether i should discontinue it but i felt a little bad if i dropped it being my first series that i made, so ill just finish it <3
< 2..55pm >
it was the afternoon after finishing another mission with geto, and the both of you were walking back to jujutsu high, hands cold from the milkshakes you both bought as a post-mission celebration.
it was 2 months after the break up with your ex, and although you missed him time to time, you had honestly never been better with geto by your side. he would take care of you, and stay by your side whenever you were having a breakdown, and you appreciated him for that. however, if you said that geto's actions didn't make you fall in love with him just the slightest bit, you would be lying.
"gojo, i have to ask you something."
geto sat himself across the chair which gojo was sitting on, playing a game on his phone.
"yeah, what is it?"
geto took a deep breath in, forming his words in his head before speaking.
"i like this girl, and i don't know what to do to make her like me."
gojo felt like geto had just dropped a bombshell on him. he stood up from his chair quickly, slamming his hands on the table, body leaning towards geto while he exclaimed,
"YOU LIKE A GIRL?? who's the mystery girl?? what do you need help with?? tell me tell me!"
with geto already knowing gojo's childishness to these situations, he had already expected the response. geto shushed him and told gojo to sit back down, in which he obeys obediently.
"i know i can trust you not to tell anyone when i say its y/n. i know she recently gone through a breakup, but she has improved a lot, and i hope that this can be my time to make a move. "
gojo listens attentively, nodding at everything geto said.
"well, isn't valentines day coming up soon? why not take her on a date then and confess?" gojo suggested, "give her a bouquet of chocolates ! i'm sure she'll love it."
geto shakes his head. although gojo's idea wasn't a bad one, he wasn't sure whether you liked him back, and wanted to know you more before he confessed.
" i can't just confess without doing anything to make her fall in love with me. your idea wasn't bad, but i just want to know her and make her like me before i confess." geto replied, his expressions showing an obvious thinking state.
"then...um... just help her in whatever she's doing! take her out on small hangouts, treat her to a few snacks, and make her feel loved !"
little did geto know....
you were hiding behind just one thin wall from them, heart fluttering upon hearing geto's confession and plans to make you fall in love with him.
what geto said was true. for the next few days leading up to valentines day, he had showered you with gifts and treats just like how he promised. you wanted to repay him somehow, but he always refused. you fell in love with him more and more, and you could see him fall harder too. he was your safe space, and you never wanted to leave him.
"y/n, are you free tomorrow?" geto asked, trying to hide his faint blush.
tomorrow was valentines day, and saying that you were excited was an understatement. you were more than excited, finally able to call him yours, and going on many dates with him. however, you had to hide your excitement until tomorrow, and replied casually,
"yeah, wanna hangout?"
you and geto sat at the balcony of a beautiful cafe, with many pants and flowers surrounding both of you.
"wow he has taste." you thought.
the both you were having a great time, and talked about everything. from missions, to past hangouts, to social lives. you didn't want to spend your time with anyone other than him, and hoped that he could stay by your side forever.
the both of you sat in a comforting silence for awhile, sipping your coffees and enjoying the view from the cafe's balcony. a while more, and geto broke the silence.
"these are for you. happy valentines day." geto pulled out a bouquet full of flowers and chocolates, just like how gojo suggested him to do so. his heart was beating fast from nervousness, and you could see his ears becoming red.
"you didn't have to ! you had treated me to many gifts already, and appreciate them. thank you so much."
"there's one more thing...."
it was coming. geto sat up straight, calming himself down before speaking,
"i like you a lot, y/n. even when you were missing your ex, even when you were smiling happily as we treat ourselves after missions. i like you a lot, and no one could change that. can i... be your boyfriend?"
both of your hearts knew that they wanted each other. it was just waiting for your answer.
"even when i may be slightly dramatic during certain situations?"
"yes." he replied with no hesitations.
"even if i told you i knew about your feelings and how you planned this whole thing out with gojo?"
geto's eyes widened. so you knew? was his first thought.
"you knew? why didn't you ask me about it? we could've been together earlier...."
seeing his slightly pouting face, you couldn't help but laugh from how cute he was. you leaned foward across the table and kissed his cheek, leaving him stunned.
"my cute boyfriend."
idk how to feel about this i didn't proof read but i hope it's okay help
part 1 ( part 2 can be read as a standalone honestly )
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