#stop ignoring jessica !!!!! please !!!!!!
dedusmuln · 1 year
drives me insane that the marble hornets fandom makes it seem like jessica is a background character that showed up once and never again when. in reality. she shows up multiple times and is pretty important to the plot of the web series, and is the protagonist of the comics. she is so fucking cool open ur eyes people
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feirceangel · 6 months
Okay so you’ve written protective/possessive Feyd—what about protective Paul seeing his wife badly hurt or narrowly escaping an attack? I live for the “who did this to you” trope, got me weak at the knees 🥹
I sorta missed the whole wife part, whoops! But I hope you still like it!!
Imagine | Beloved (Paul Atreides)
Word Count: 1,820
Warnings: reader is harassed, I invented an OC to be the antagonist, protective! Paul, hurt/comfort
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The halls of Castle Caladan are cold tonight.
Goosebumps are already forming on your arms as you walk through the dark.
Perhaps going for a late night stroll wasn't the best idea, but you just couldn't sleep tonight.
So you stroll instead, peering out of the windows to observe the rain clouds forming.
Castle Caladan has been your home for ages, even though you are not an Atreides. You've lived alongside House Caladan, having come from one of the lesser houses in an attempt to give you a better standing in society.
You're not angry about it.
In fact, you're grateful to live on this oceanic planet. And, you're happy to be alongside your best friend, Paul Atreides.
There weren't any others your age in Castle Caladan, so naturally you sought each other out early on.
Being friends came easily.
Paul has always been sweet, adventurous, friendly - and you are much the same.
Of course, you both had different teachings and priorities, but you always found each other whenever possible.
There was no greater joy than racing through the castle and playing near the waves alongside the boy with dark hair.
And now you're both older.
Life has intruded upon those times of peaceful play and brought forth more schoolings and politics that the young aren't susceptible to.
Although he has a higher standing in society, Paul always manages to remember you, make time for you. He vowed to never abandon you.
And you believe him.
But the subtle glares that Lady Jessica sends your way are not easy to ignore, nor are the signs that others in the castle are uncomfortable with the situation.
You try not to dwell on those things. Because the only thing that matters is being there for Paul. He deserves to have a friend that isn't a mentor or a parental figure.
As you walk though the sleeping palace, your find your mind troubled. Maybe that's why you can't sleep tonight.
Footsteps silent on the stone floor, you arrive before Paul's chambers. You hadn't realized you were walking here. Unconsciously, you sought him out in your time of uncertainty.
Resting your palm on the door, you close your eyes and sigh. You wouldn't disturb him at this hour- you know how bad it would look.
Before you can continue on your way, a voice calls out from the shadows.
"What are you doing here at this hour?"
It's a male's voice, one that you wish was unfamiliar.
"I didn't realize I couldn't roam as I please, Aric," you reply comply to the guard who walks closer.
His grin is wolffish, "I didn't realize you were stupid enough to come to him after dark."
"I was not going to disturb him."
"Oh no, I imagine he'd be excited to see you at this late hour."
"I don't like what you're insinuating," you start to walk away, hearing him continue after you.
He is right beside you, “I meant no insult, I assure you.”
“Your assurances are as empty as your head,” you retort, not even giving him a glance.
You’ve never liked Aric, so you see no reason to be civil with him. He’s always been an ass to you, finding any reason to make your life a bit more miserable.
“That was uncalled for,” he growls, grabbing your arm to stop you from walking away.
You fix him with an unimpressed stare.
“What do you want, Aric? It seems like you’re always following me,” you say calmly as he releases you.
He regains his composure, “I want you.”
You blink at him.
“I’m serious, I want you to stop fawning over Paul and turn to me instead,” his whisper is harsh and grating to your ears. “Be my wife. You’re of age now and I know you have no other offers.”
You can’t help but scoff. Stepping back from him, you cross your arms, “I do not fawn over Paul, and I am certainly not fond of you. I will do is both a favour and pretend you never asked.”
Rage lights up his features, his hand forming a fist at his side.
“I could give you everything you could ask for.”
“And you would take everything from me in the meantime. I know you, Aric. You are not kind,” you hiss, stepping back while he steps forward.
“Kindness gets you nowhere in this life.”
You shake your head, “Your actions in this life determine the outcome. And so far your actions are untoward. Cornering me at this time of night?”
“Paul will never marry you, you know,” he changes tactics.
You roll your eyes, “Admit defeat, Aric. I will never be yours.”
Suddenly, he is right in your face, sneering down at you, “I can take what I want. Like you said, it’s late, no one is here.”
“I will not let you.”
He laughs, grabbing your arm in a bruising grip once again. He wrenches you forward but you twist out of his grip and shove him into the wall.
He groans and recovers quickly, shoving you violently. You hit a corner and collapse on the ground, your arm dripping crimson.
Infuriated, you stand and glare at the smug bastard.
“Leave now,” you command him, using the Voice. You’re not a master at it, by any means, but you’re trained enough to get this brute to back down.
He leaves without a word, and you realize that you should have done that right away.
You grasp your arm and walk back to your chambers. Luckily, the wound isn’t deep and you’re finally able to sleep.
The next day commences as normal.
That is, until Paul appears next to you as you walk down the beach.
“I was looking for you,” he grins as he approaches.
His smile could brighten the darkest corner of space. His eyes are piercing and perceptive, you fear you could drown in their depths.
You smile back at him, “You found me.”
“I haven’t seen you in a few days, has everything been alright?”
That’s Paul, always so considerate of you and your wellbeing. The reminder of his care brings a softer smile to your face.
“I’m fine, just been tired lately.”
“Sleep’s been evading me,” you chuckle, bending to pick up a stone near your feet. “I’ll catch it eventually.”
A sudden tension fills the air, bringing you upright immediately. You look at Paul and see his gaze fixed on your bandaged arm.
“What happened?” He asks, concern dripping from his words like rain.
You move your arm from his direct view, “Nothing, it was an accident.”
His eyes flicker up to yours.
“You’re lying.”
You curse his Bene Gesserit training which makes it so easy for him to read you.
“I told you it’s nothing.”
“If it was nothing, you would’ve already launched into how it happened,” he points out. “Like that time you scraped your knee when you tripped down the stairs.”
You groan at the reminder, “You said you wouldn’t bring that up again!”
“Tell me what happened,” he reaches out to gently take your arm in his hands.
He examines the clean bandage before beginning to unwrap it. You shake your head but his eyes are pleading.
You sigh, unable to resist. He doesn’t even need to use the Voice on you, he controls you with his words, his eyes, his hands. You would give him everything if he simply asked for it.
He’d do the same for you.
“It was Aric,” you say, as Paul stares at the small cut on your bruised arm. “He got angry that I would never marry him in a million years.”
Paul’s expression goes dark, any mirth he might have had leaving him in an instant.
“Aric asked you to wed him?”
You nod.
“Then he did this?”
“Pushed me into the wall,” you confess. “I had ti use the Voice to get him to leave.”
You watch as Paul tenderly presses his lips to your arm, the contact warm and sweet.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
“You can’t be with me all the time, silly.”
He shakes his dark hair, “I promise, he won’t do this to you ever again.”
Paul turns in a flurry, stalking back towards the castle. You race after him, suddenly unsure.
You knew you shouldn’t have told him what happened. This isn’t the Paul you know, this is someone else.
“Paul!” You shout as you run after him.
He’s too fast, storming to where Aric stands in the hall. Before Aric even notices his presence, Paul has punched him clear across the face.
Stunned, Aric stumbles back with a curse.
Paul doesn’t give him time to recover, kneeing him in the stomach so that he bends over in pain. You watch as Paul kicks him down to the ground, standing over him with a furious expression.
“I heard what you did last night, Aric.”
Aric groans in response.
Paul continues, “I know you tried to harm my beloved, tried to belittle her. Did you think you wouldn’t be punished?”
“Paul, I think he’s learnt his lesson,” you try to calm him.
“No, no he hasn’t.”
Paul watches as Aric rises to his feet, mouth bloodied.
“I should’ve known that whore would snitch.”
You wince, not at the intended insult, but at the fury blazing in Paul’s eyes. This isn’t going to end well.
“Stop talking,” Paul uses the Voice, before punching him once again.
“Get on your knees.”
You watch as Aric drops to the floor.
“Beg for her forgiveness and I’ll let you walk away,” Paul says casually. “If you don’t, I think you know what’ll happen.”
Watching with a flicker of amusement, you incline your head, “Go on.”
Aric grits his teeth, “I’m sorry.”
“That wasn’t good enough,” Paul seethes, “Do it better!”
Aric slams his head on the floor, “Please, please, don’t let him kill me. I won’t ever speak to you again!”
“I know you won’t,” you nod at Paul. “I think all is well now.”
“Get up Aric,” Paul commands. “I don’t want to see your face again, you hear me?”
Aric nods and retreats with a burning face.
You turn to Paul, crossing your arms, “Beloved, huh?”
He rubs the back of his neck, averting his gaze, “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Paul, hearing you call me that fills my heart to the brim. Your my beloved as well, you know.”
Paul bridges the space between you, clasping the back of your head and pressing his forehead against yours.
“I don’t think I could ever be without you. Even the thought of someone trying to take you from me, turn you against me…”
“Don’t worry, Paul,” you ghost your lips across his. “That will never happen, not as long as I have breath in my lungs.”
He wraps his arms around you, “I’ll cherish you always, protect you always.”
“I know.”
[A/n - It’s my first time writing Paul so I hope I did ok!]
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
WHERE'S MY LOVE (canon event)
Hobie brown x reader
ANGST. 1st part.
a/n: many people asked for THE CANON EVENT so enjoy it! :)?
Guys! Last part is coming soon!
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You and Hobie have been together for two years, it felt like a lifetime to your friends but to you it just felt like the beginning of your love story.
However, you can never have it all, right? A hero's life is as full of successes as it is failures..... and one of you two had to lose eventually.
Hobie kisses happily you when you meet him at HQ, he had left you asleep in his flat in the morning, you looked so pretty in his bed he didn't have the courage to wake you up.
That particular day Hobie had a nightmare, but when he woke up you were next to him, wrapping him in a warm hug and suddenly his fear was gone. He felt so lucky to have you by his side.
"I missed you in the morning" you whisper against his lips and Hobie smiles, pulling you closer to him.
"Sorry luv, Miguel needed help" he explains feeling you hum on his chest.
The moment was perfect; you and hobie hugging in the lobby like your lives depend on it.
Not knowing why Hobie murmurs softly "You're my home Y/n, you know that, right?"
Your heart melts, you also wanted to tell him the same thing but Jessica interrupted them.
"Hey lovebirds, Miguel needs you, you have a mission" Hobie rolls his eyes and you give him a kiss.
Hobie is upset 'cause he wanted to take you home, however, you two are swinging on the buildings of other universe to fight yet another enemy of Spider-Man.
It's the same old routine.
While you and him fight against the Green Goblin, Hobie wonders if maybe a stable life with you is the best.
And that thought makes him smile and feel so warm as he watches you fight on the roof of the tallest building he's ever seen.
Everything feels the same. So routine.
But suddenly not anymore, the Green Goblin blows up part of the building and all he sees is you falling.
Hobie isn't even listening his watch 'cause if that were the case then he would know what that means.
Your triggers have stopped working. You're so scared but soon you see Hobie and he's trying to catch you, he's going to save you, you can hear him yelling that you're going to be okay, you don't have to be scared, his hand is almost reaching for yours and when you feel the touch of his fingers both smile, but that touch doesn't last 'cause the Green Goblin knocks Hobie away from you.
And he can hear you calling him.
When Hobie finally manages to free himself from the Green Goblin, his watch has stopped chiming.
He doesn't get it, your lover sees you, you're lying on the floor, his brain still can't figure it out, Hobie takes off his mask and then he takes off your mask and his hands are stained with blood.
"Y/n.. luv.. wake up" your eyes are closed, Hobie brown is ignoring the blood, because you always bleed, but that doesn't mean NOTHING.
"hun'...please..don't leave me" his voice is broken and his tears are falling on your face.
He hugs you tightly as he sobs and something inside him breaks because your heart, your heart isn't beating at the same level as his… his sobs are so loud that he doesn't even hear a portal open behind him.
But Hobie Brown doesn't care that Miguel and Jessica are there, or that they see him cry, because he couldn't save you and now you're gone...
You were his canon event.
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catmiemy · 6 months
Not All Change Is Bad (Lia Wälti x Reader)
Summary: Now that you know Lia has feelings for you, you have to figure out where to go from there.
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The next morning you woke up exhausted, only having managed to fall asleep for a few minutes at a time. You were weirdly relieved when you checked your phone and it was finally an acceptable time to get up.
A/N: Thanks to the long weekend I actually finished this second part already. You can find the first part here.
This got a bit longer than I thought and I didn't even include most of the fluff at the end that I already planned out. So potentially there could be a third part focused more on happiness with a bit of angst. Let me know if you'd liked to read that. :)
Nadine was still sleeping soundly, so you didn’t have to deal with her seeing the mess you were. You headed straight to the bathroom, annoyed with yourself when you saw how horrible you looked in the mirror. There were dark bags underneath your red eyes, spots all over your cheeks from rubbing away all the tears and your hair resembled a bird’s nest from all the tossing and turning you had done.
You quickly went to work to make yourself more presentable. The last thing you wanted was for Lia to feel guilty when she saw you. You would be damned if you made this any harder for her than it had to be, and if the only thing you could do was pretend you were okay you would do that.
In your noble quest you completely forgot to take into consideration that to Lia’s eyes it would seem like this whole situation hadn’t affected you at all. She almost burst into tears when she saw how put together you looked, the only thing saving her from it, was Ana pointing out all the signs that you were actually not fine that were right underneath the surface of your carefully crafted façade.
The whole camp felt like torture to you and more than once you wished it was finally over. But every time you did you remembered that at Arsenal you would still see Lia, who could barely look into your direction anymore and darted away whenever you were anywhere close to her, almost every day. And back home Jessica was waiting for you.
Your girlfriend and you still hadn’t talked or even texted, which wasn’t too uncommon on Jessica’s part after an argument. Her go to reaction was to completely ignore you, while you usually did everything to get your girlfriend to forgive you, sending long, heartfelt texts, buying her small gifts, apologizing over and over again. You had never questioned if this was okay or healthy, and you didn’t really question it now, you just didn’t have the energy to do it, so you didn’t.
Every once in a while you remembered how you had completely ignored her call after you had asked to talk that night and were hit by a pang of guilt. You should reach out to your girlfriend. And you also should talk to Lia, make things easier for her. You should be fine with all of this, you should communicate more and better, you shouldn’t let this distract you from football, you shouldn’t feel like hiding away for the rest of your life.
As the days passed you became increasingly frustrated with yourself and your inability to do any of the things you should do. The only thing you managed to do halfway decently was keep up appearances well enough. Sure, many of your teammates checked in with you, but they accepted your forced smile and your fake cheerfulness as you assured them that you were totally fine.
Ana was a different story. She tried to push a bit harder, but every time she did, you sent her right back to Lia. “Please just make sure she’s alright, yeah? I’m totally fine, don’t worry about me.”
This did nothing to stop your friend from worrying, nonetheless she always listened to your request, well aware that the only person you really felt comfortable opening up to was Lia. Therefore Ana could only hope that as time passed the two of you managed to find your way back to each other again, maybe even as more than best friends. She still held out hope that you actually returned Lia’s feelings and just needed a little longer to figure that out.
As much as you had often wished camp was over when it actually was and you were boarding the plane to take you back to London, you desperately wanted to stay. Going back home meant you could no longer ignore the whole situation with Jessica and how horrible you’d been acting. It took every ounce of your willpower to force your feet to take you into the plane.
Another thing you dreaded was spending the flight next to Lia, although a small part of you also clung to some hope that the forced proximity would do you good, give you a chance to talk. However as you found your seat all that hope was ripped from you, in the seat that should have been Lia’s sat Noelle, smiling at you sympathetically.
All you could do to avoid breaking down right then and there was to sink down in your seat and blast music into your ears. Thankfully Noelle got the hint and left you alone.
Throughout the flight you did your best to keep your mind occupied with doing at least three things simultaneously. Nevertheless, the closer you got to landing the more your anxiety spiked. Poor Noelle was probably getting annoyed by your constant leg bouncing and fidgeting. Not that the gentle woman would ever say anything.
At the airport when you were slowly heading to the exit to catch a cab back to your apartment you were suddenly stopped by Lia’s voice, “Y/N, wait!”
With a racing heart you stopped in your tracks, turning to face your best friend. Although were you even allowed to call her that anymore?
Lia approached you with a worried face, picking at her cuticles, a clear indication to you that she was nervous. This hurt; you never wanted to get to a place where she was nervous to talk to you.
“I know things are weird between us right now and I really want to move past it, I just don’t know how yet. But…I still wanted to check in. Are you okay to go home? I know you left things with Jessica in a weird place and you looked almost scared on the plane and no matter where we stand I’m still always here for you,” Lia rushed out.
Your heart cracked and all the tears you had held back on this day so far gathered in your eyes, blurring your vision. How very Lia of her to still worry about you and ignore her own emotions and insecurities to make sure you were okay when you were the reason she was so miserable. 
You shook your head and blinked harshly to chase away the tears, then you plastered a what you hoped to be reassuring smile on your face.
“That’s very sweet of you, but please don’t worry about me, I’m totally fine, and after all these years I know how to deal with Jessica.”
Pain flashed in Lia’s eyes and you kicked yourself for bringing up how long you had been with your girlfriend. Way to hurt her more!
She smiled back at you and you could only hope that your smile had been more convincing than hers. “Okay, but never forget that I’m still always here for you.”
And with a goodbye Lia walked away from you, leaving you with an aching heart. Now that you had spoken with her again, it was even more painful to go back to this weird place of not talking. You wanted to run after her, share a ride like you normally did, and maybe hide out at her apartment for the rest of your life so you never had to deal with Jessica.
In front of the door to the apartment Jessica and you shared you took a moment to hype yourself up. You could do this, you had done this about a million times. Maybe it had never been this bad, but you would just have to grovel a little more.
You entered the apartment, calling out to your girlfriend. Just as you expected you didn’t get a response. Maybe she wasn’t home! Even if that would only postpone the argument for a little while, you still wanted it to be true.
Sadly you were out of luck. You quickly found Jessica sitting on the couch, staring at her phone and completely ignoring your presence.
“Hi,” you greeted her awkwardly, your girlfriend still not showing any signs of having noticed you. “Look I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone and haven’t reached out since. This camp has been absolutely crazy.”
It was a weak explanation, and definitely not enough to get Jessica to acknowledge you again. To even have any hope of getting there you would need to apologize and beg. However when you were searching for the right words, you realized that you didn’t want to do it this time. You were tired of these same old patterns that always left you feeling like you weren’t good enough.
You weren’t someone that got mad often, but now you could feel all the suppressed feelings inside of you rapidly turning into anger.
“Can you just cut this crap out and talk to me like an equal human being?” You snapped at Jessica.
At least you succeeded in getting a reaction. She dropped her phone, turning to you, the surprise on her face quickly morphing into anger just as intense as your own.
“Excuse me?! Who has been ignoring me for the last ten days after not picking up the phone when it was you who suggested we talk that night? I think I have every right to be angry,” Jessica yelled back at you.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t be angry, but acting as if I’m air is just plain childish! I said I was sorry and I also said that things have been crazy, but apparently you don’t care about that.”
Jessica rolled her eyes. “Okay then, what crazy thing happened that stopped you from contacting me at all? Did the monster under the bed steal your phone? Or did aliens project a force field around your camp, stopping all electronic devices from working?”
Her mocking only made you angrier, so without thinking about it if it was wise to reveal this to Jessica, you told her about learning of Lia’s feelings for you.
After that all hell broke loose, everything the two of you had kept inside for way too long spilling out in hurtful words, ending in a scream match that had neither of you even hearing what the other was saying anymore.
In the end it was you who said the fateful words, “I think it’s high time that we break up! Well it was probably high time years ago and we were just too stuck to notice.
“No, I don’t accept that! You don’t break up with me, I’m breaking up with you,” Jessica retorted.
By now most of the anger had drained from your body, you just shrugged your shoulders. “Whatever, I’m leaving.”
Once you were out of the apartment you just started walking; the entire palette of negative emotions fighting for the lead inside of you. Before too long you found yourself standing in front of Lia’s little house. Just the sight of the familiar building that had been your refuge so often in the past was enough to break down the emotional barriers you had carefully constructed over the last couple of weeks, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks.
Lia had said you could still come over if something happened. So despite feeling more than a little unsure about it, you walked up to the front door and knocked. You needed her right now and if she would send you away you didn’t know if you could deal with it.
Of course there was no reason to worry, Lia didn’t miss a bit, ushering you into her apartment and holding you tightly while you cried your eyes out. You weren’t coherent enough to explain what had happened, but from the bits and pieces you managed to get out, she got the gist of it.
Somewhere in the back of your mind was some immense guilt for making Lia take care of you after everything, however it was drowned out by how safe you felt in your best friend’s arms. You wanted to stay there for the rest of your life, blocking out the rest of the world.
After your crying session you were hit by a wave of extreme tiredness, your eyes fluttering shut every so often. Lia gently massaged the back of your scalp, knowing you were prone to tenseness there, and it was making you even sleepier.
“Do you want to stay here tonight?” She offered.
You should refuse, you should pull yourself together and leave Lia be, maybe call Leah to come over and check up on her after you had once again dumped your emotions all over her. You should be a better person and do that, instead you mumbled, “Yeah, I’d like that very much.”
The two of you got ready for bed. Lia insisted on it, you would have happily stayed on the couch in your regular clothes without brushing your teeth if it meant you didn’t have to move. There wasn’t any need for using a spare toothbrush or borrowing some clothes from Lia, you had left this kind of stuff here ages ago. It was just easier this way with all the impromptu sleepovers you had.
The two of you lay down on your respective sides of the bed, facing each other like you usually did to exchange some whispered words before falling asleep. You were already half asleep, not alert enough to stop yourself from mumbling, “I really really missed you, Schätzi. So stupid of me not to realize I also have feelings for you.”
You drifted off to sleep immediately afterwards, completely missing the way Lia went rigid as she heard your words, an onslaught of different emotions hitting her. The hardest one to deal with was the renewed hope she had mostly buried long ago. For years she had dreamt of you telling her that you felt the same way, she had played out hundreds of different scenarios of how it might happen. And Lia thought it would make her the happiest person on the planet.
However now that you had said the words, she was just scared. Scared that you didn’t really mean it, scared that you were merely confused by the emotional rollercoaster you were going through, scared that you were only clinging to her because Lia was familiar and comforting.
When you woke up the next morning the bed next to you was empty. For one blissful nanosecond you thought this was just a normal sleepover until all the memories hit you with full force. Shame and guilt began eating at you for putting Lia in this position, not only had you shown up here and made her comfort you after your breakup, you had also blurted out that you too have feelings for her at the most inappropriate time possible.
Not that it wasn’t true. The realization had been simmering underneath the surface for a while, not something that you were ready to acknowledge yet, but now that you had, there was no doubt left in your mind. So that wasn’t the problem, the problem was that it absolutely been the wrong moment to say it.
With a rapidly beating heart you finally got out of bed, determined to find Lia and apologize. You found her in the kitchen, staring into her cup of coffee. She looked dead tired, almost slumping onto the table. This only made you feel even guiltier. No doubt had your careless words cost your best friend some sleep.
Despite everything Lia still offered you a weak smile and got up to get you a cup of coffee. You tried to protest, but she simply waved away your words. Lia never trusted you to make your own coffee; she knew you had a tendency to make it too strong which then in turn made you a little hyper. 
“I’m sorry,” you said at the same time as your best friend stated, “There are some things I need to say.”
You nodded, gesturing at Lia to continue talking; she deserved to go first and get everything she wanted off her chest.
The brunette took a deep breath and when she began talking it sounded rehearsed, making you wonder how early she had gotten up to prepare and practice this whole speech. “I thought about all this for a long time and as much as I want to be the one to support you through this breakup, I don’t think I can.”
“What you said yesterday before falling asleep…It was everything I’ve wanted to hear for the longest time, but I think it’s important that you take your time to figure things out and make sure that you actually mean it.”
You opened your mouth to assure Lia that you did, how could you not? But one pleading look from her was enough to shut you up. She wasn’t ready to hear it; nothing you could say would make Lia fully believe it.
“So let’s just take some time, yeah? This way you can work through your breakup and everything else,” the brunette concluded.
Once again you nodded, even if it wasn’t what you wanted at all. You totally understood Lia’s request for some time apart and you would give her as much as she needed. After all she had apparently been waiting for you for years, so this was the least you could do.
“I don’t want to kick you out, but I really believe this is what’s best for us in the long run. But I can help you call one of our teammates so you can stay with them if you don’t want to go home?” Lia offered.
She was clearly conflicted about this course of action, still worrying about you. Therefore you quickly shook your head, reassuring the midfielder that you were fine and already had a plan. “Please don’t worry about me,” you told Lia more than once.
However the fact that you got up after saying this and walked towards the front door still in your pajamas definitely didn’t help your case.
“You know you can get dressed and even take a shower first,” Lia said, trying to keep her voice light and joking, when in reality your confusion scared her. Would you really be okay?
After taking a swift shower you felt a little more like yourself and managed to convince Lia that you wouldn’t walk right into a disaster if she let you out of her sight.
Saying goodbye was awkward, both of you looking at each other, unsure what to do. You longed to hug your best friend, but you didn’t think that would be welcome right now, so you merely waved at Lia lamely and told her you would see her at training.
During your shower you had come up with a plan; you waited until you were sure Jessica would have left for work, then you went to the apartment and packed a bg. All of your teammates would have happily let you stay with them, but you didn’t feel comfortable going to any of them, so instead you headed to a nearby hotel.
The moment you closed the door of your hotel room behind you, you sank to the floor, breaking down completely. You had thought you had cried yourself all out last night, but apparently there was an inexhaustible fountain of fresh tears somewhere inside of you.
That’s how you spent the rest your day, crying in various places. At some point you moved from the door to the bed, staying there until you had to go to the bathroom, crying on the floor leaning against the bathtub for a good while.
It was a small mercy that you feel asleep pretty early, exhausted from all the crying and from beating yourself up mentally. You were so angry at yourself for how you had treated both Lia and Jessica, you should have been better!
The next morning you felt like you had a hangover, your head pounding. However at least you were in control of your waterworks again, so you were hopeful you wouldn’t start crying during training. After another shower and a quick breakfast you felt a little better, confident in your ability to pretend to be a normal human being for as long as you needed.
And that’s what you did, not only that day but also the following ones. You acted throughout the day like you were fine, when someone asked you how you were, you stated time and time again that you were fine, no matter how much anyone could see that you weren’t.
The biggest challenge to your composure were the sad looks Lia kept sending your way when she thought you didn’t notice. It hurt you on a visceral level that you were the reason she was so miserable. In reality that wasn’t why Lia continued to look at you like this, it wasn’t because you had made her unhappy, but because she hated to see you take so little care of yourself and quietly falling apart in front of her eyes.
Every day as soon as you could you would go home, declining every invite to hangout from your teammates, because as soon as you stumbled into your hotel room, the tears returned, and all you could do for the rest of the day, was lay in bed, cry and berate yourself.
How had you been so stupid and not noticed Lia’s feeling for you? Why were you so weak and pathetic and ran right to her side after your breakup when you knew this would only make it more difficult for her? Furthermore you also felt horrible for how you had left things with Jessica. Sure, your relationship hadn’t been good for a while, but she deserved more from you!
About a week later you were once again laying in your hotel bed, staring at the ceiling, hating on yourself when your phone rang. You planned to ignore it, like you had been doing for the most part lately, but it kept on ringing again and again. With a deep sigh you picked up without looking at the caller ID.
“Hello,” you croaked, your voice hoarse from crying.
“Y/N where the hell are you?!” Ana almost shouted.
Confused you started at the phone. “What?”
“Where are you?” Ana repeated a little slower, “I know you aren’t at home because the lovely Jessica told me as much and after doing some inquires I also know you aren’t with any of your teammates, so where are you?”
All of this could only mean one thing, Ana was in London and you really weren’t prepared to give up your plan of wallowing in misery to face her.
“I’m at a hotel. Happy? Now go and see Lia, I think she could use a friend,“ you replied, praying that this was enough to satisfy Ana.
You should have known that it wasn’t and you also should have known that your friend would figure out the only way to get you to tell her your location.
“You better tell me right now where you are or I’m calling Lia and tell her that you’re hiding out all alone in a hotel,” Ana threatened.
“Ugh fine,” you huffed angrily, letting her know what hotel you were staying at and your room number. Then you hung up the phone without as much as saying goodbye. If Ana was going to be like this, you sure as hell weren’t going to be polite.
You used the time you had until Ana’s arrival to make yourself look a little more presentable. It only worked semi-decently and the traces of your most recent breakdown were still very much visible on your face when you heard the dreaded knock.
“Oh Spatz,” Ana sighed when she laid eyes on you, guiding you carefully over to the bed and basically pulling you into her lap.
To your great annoyance the tears took this as an invitation to start falling again right away, and it took a good while for them to stop.
“Y/N what are you doing?” Ana asked you gently once you had calmed down.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m doing my best to give Lia the time she needs,” you explained.
Ana tilted her head to the side, studying you intently. “Time for what exactly?”
“To get over my stupid behavior, to figure out if she still wants to be with someone as horrible as me, to heal all the parts of her heart that I’ve hurt. Take your pick,” you replied, the anger for yourself making your voice harsh, almost hateful.
“Oh Spatz,” Ana said once again, reaching over to tuck a strand of her behind your ear. “You’re being way too hard on yourself, just because you didn’t handle everything perfectly and made some mistakes along the way doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person”
“And I can tell you that that’s not what Lia is thinking at all. She didn’t propose this time apart because she needs to figure things out. She knows exactly what she wants, she has known for years. You on the other hand just got out of very long term relationship. Lia wants you to take enough time to deal with that and process your feelings before you jump into something new. She’s waiting for you to be ready and at this rate you’re never going to be. You can’t just ignore everything, Y/N!”
It took a lot more reassuring on Ana’s part until you could even begin to believe her. Thankfully your friend was very patient and kept telling you the same things over and over again until a small seed of hope was planted inside of you.
She didn’t leave it at that though, Ana also helped you make a list of things you could do over the next few weeks to help you process everything. Journaling was on the top of the list, as ws eating regular meals and not spending too much time in bed. Furthermore you vowed to contact Jessica and figure out how to proceed with your shared apartment, and on Ana’s insistence you promised to talk to your teammates more and spend time with them instead of holing up by yourself all the time.
You actually followed this list meticulously, and made sure to give Ana regular updates. Especially once you got the sneaking suspicion that she in turn informed Lia how you were doing because the midfielder looked more and more relaxed every day. The first time she smiled at you again your heart skipped a beat and you felt like a lovesick teenager. Then slowly Lia stopped keeping her distance, you still didn’t talk just the two of you but being part of the same group conversation became a regular occurrence.
After about three weeks you gathered all your courage and decided to ask Lia if she wanted to have coffee. It was a weird feeling that something that used to be the most mundane thing ever made you want to jump out of your skin. Doubts were flying around your mind as you walked towards Lia. The big smile that appeared on her face as she saw you definitely helped to make you feel a little calmer.
“Do you want to get coffee?“ You blurted out, mentally face palming at your lack of eloquence.
Lia chuckled, finding exactly this awkwardness endearing. „Yeah, I’d love to,“ she replied to your relief.
After training you met up at a coffee shop you had gone to a million times in the past, but this time felt entirely different, you might as well have been on another planet.
Once the two of you had found some seats and ordered your beverages, Lia looked at you expectantly. You had this all planned out, but now your mind was completely blank and you couldn’t think of a single thing you wanted to say.
Dejected you buried your face in your hands. “Man I’m so bad at this. Sorry, Lia!” You moaned.
Lia gently tugged your finger away from your face, holding on a little longer than necessary. “This isn’t a test, Y/N, just start with why you asked me out for coffee and then we’ll go from there. I don’t expect a perfectly rehearsed speech.”
You did expect that from yourself though because you knew Lia would have been able to deliver one. Sadly you were once again a disappointment to yourself, so there was nothing else to do than follow Lia’s advice.
“I guess the main reason is that I missed you. So much that it’s sometimes difficult to breath and if there’s one thing I know for sure by now it’s that I can’t imagine a future that you’re not part of. I can’t believe how stupid I was not to realize that ages ago.”
At this Lia huffed unhappily, she didn’t like the way you put yourself down at all. Despite this she didn’t interject, she didn’t want to stop your flow of words, knowing how hard it would be for you to get back into the mindset of sharing so freely, even with her.
“So often I was happy to get out of the apartment Jessica and I shared to spend time with you. When something good happened or well I guess also something bad you were always the first person I wanted to share it with. Nothing makes me happier than to see you happy and when you smile at me my entire world lights up. I can’t believe that I didn’t realize that you’ve been more than my best friend for the longest time.”
“And I know three weeks probably doesn’t seem like enough time to get over such a long relationship, but the truth is I’ve been finished with that relationship for a long time, and I think so has Jessica. We just stayed together out of habit. And don’t get me wrong, there’s still some things I need to do, like have a long and honest conversation with her, but I really want you back in my life. I completely understand though if you’re not ready. That’s totally valid of course…”
You would have continued to ramble if Lia hadn’t stopped you by gently pressing a finger to your lips, her eyes shining with love and warmth.
“I think we’re ready for that too. Not start a relationship right away, I need more time before that and I think you do too, but just things like this. Spend time together, hang out, slowly figure out together how our new normal is going to look like. Does that sound okay?”
“That sounds absolutely perfect,” you responded.
Not too long ago you had lain in a hotel bed in Switzerland scared because things between you and Lia would never be the same again, now you were filled to the brim with happiness and hope because things would never be the same again. Just the thought of how your relationship with Lia was going to look like made you feel excited. It was everything you’d never dared to dream of.
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
party king (steddie)
“You want me to what?”
“Go to a party with me,” Eddie says, looking at Steve like he’s the weirdo here. “What’s the big deal, King Steve? You’ve been to plenty of parties.”
“You know, no one actually called me that,” Steve tells him, abandoning his tapes to put his hands on his hips. “Billy started it. I think he just wanted people to call him a king.”
Eddie visibly considers this before nodding, like it makes sense. Which it does. Billy was, in Steve’s private thoughts, an egotistical maniac who needed to calm down.
May he rest in peace.
“But you’ll come to the party with me, right?”
“Give it up, Eddie,” Robin calls from where she’s rewinding tapes. “Steve hasn’t been to a party in forever. He’s basically a grandpa now.”
“Hey!” Steve objects. That’s rich, coming from her. Going to bed at nine some nights so he gets a few more hours of sleep before waking up in a cold sweat does not make him a grandpa. It just makes him traumatized  
“Steeeeeeeve,” Eddie whines, widening his eyes until it looks like they’re going to pop out of his sockets. His exaggerated pout isn't going to do him any favors either. No matter what the kids say behind his back (looking at you, Henderson) he isn't a pushover.
“Why would I want to go to a high school party?” He crosses his arms, leaning against the counter. “I graduated. I have better things to do with my time.”
“Like lose arcade games to freshmen?” Robin asks. He flips her the bird.
“Please, Steve?” Eddie asks. “Pretty please? Pretty pretty please, with cherries and whipped cream and six little nuggets on top?”
“What the hell are you even saying anymore?”
“You want him to eat his babies?” Robin shrieks. “Like Kronos? Is one of them going to cut off his head and free the rest?”
Eddie’s eyes light up, and Steve slaps a hand over his mouth. He doesn’t know who that guy is, and he doesn’t want to deal with the two of them chattering over whatever movie villain he’s assuming is in their weird cult classic films when he still doesn’t know why Eddie is asking him to this party.
He doesn’t even flinch when Eddie licks his hand.
“I’ve been slobbered on by actual monsters,” he says flatly. “Your spit has zero effect on me.”
Eddie bats his eyes and gives his palm a kiss, right where he’d laved his tongue. Steve rolls his eyes and wipes his hand on the side of Eddie’s face.
“Don’t dish what you can’t take,” Steve says. “Now, why exactly am I getting asked to go to a high school party?”
“Jessica Roberts needs some kush, and she asked me to sell there.”
“Okay? Still not answering my question.”
“There’s gonna be jocks at the party,” Eddie finally confesses, “and I don’t know if they’ll try shit. But given my track record lately…”
“So you need a bodyguard?”
“Hey!” Steve shouts, and is summarily ignored by everyone. So he does what any normal person would do, and slams an abandoned beer bottle against the edge of the counter so it shatters. 
The jocks turn and look at him after that.
Steve glances down at the jagged edges of the bottle in his hands, flipping it like it’s his old ice cream scoop. Yeah, this should work. 
“Leave him alone,” he says, steely inflection to his voice. 
“Or what, Harrington?” One of them asks. “Heard you just been sittin’ in this room all night. What, you hanging around the queers now? Didn’t take you for a f-”
He stops talking when Steve grabs him by the hair and presses the broken bottle against his throat.
“Here’s what's gonna happen,” he says quietly, taking a look at his buddy. He’s let go of Eddie, a lot more spooked now that his friend is shaking in his Nike’s. “You’re going to leave this room. You’re going to leave Munson here alone. You’re not going to bother him, or anyone else in his dragon club ever again. If I hear that you or your little friends are fucking with him, I have a very nice nail-studded baseball bat in my trunk I’d be more than happy to introduce you to. Capisce?”
“Woah, woah, woah,” the guy that was holding Eddie says. “What the hell, Harrington?”
Steve doesn’t break eye contact with the guy he’s threatening. “Capisce?” He asks again, putting a little more force into the word.
“Good,” he says, shoving him away. “Now get outta here.”
They scramble away. Steve walks over to the trash can and throws away the remains of the bottle, running a hand through his hair. He finally turns around to see Eddie staring at him with wide eyes, frozen.
“Fuck me.”
Eddie’s entire face flushes, like he didn’t mean to say that. “Uh.”
Steve looks at him, and then around the kitchen they’re in. Glass and beer on the floor, music blasting loud enough to set him on edge, a crowd of people that look at him like a zoo exhibit. Fuck, his head hurts. 
“Yeah, okay,” he decides. “We’re going to mine, though.”
“Wh-what?” Eddie looks like a deer in headlights, even though Steve’s offering exactly what he asked. 
“I…have no idea what I’m doing,” Eddie confesses. 
“Oh, are you not…” He trails off, gesturing towards Eddie’s back pocket. “I assumed…”
Eddie laughs abruptly, slapping a hand over his mouth like he startled himself with it. “You know hanky code, Harrington?”
“Can you call me Steve when you’re in my bed?” He’s already got his shirt off, for God’s sake. “Listen, man, if you don’t want this, it’s no biggie.” He starts to get off, and Eddie’s hand clamps over his thigh. 
“No, no, no, don’t you dare. Just gimme a minute, I’m processing.”
“Processing,” he repeats flatly. 
“Yes, processing. I’ve got the guy of my extremely virginal wet dreams shirtless on top of me. I did not think this would ever happen. I didn’t even know you were queer until tonight.”
Steve’s mouth shapes into an “o” of understanding. “You’re a virgin?”
“Jesus, could you focus on anything else I said?”
“You dream about me?”
“Let’s go back to the virgin part.” His fingers start nervously tapping against Steve’s leg. 
“You’re not subtle,” Steve says flatly. “I know when you stare at my ass.”
Eddie colors in a flood of bright red. “What if I wasn’t? What if I was…uh, jealous or something?”
“I guess that’d make sense, since you’re flat as a board.”
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Can we get a little story or something of how would Miguel take care of pregnant mama? Like I KNOW he would do the most and go the extra mile. But can we get it in your words?
Pregnancy Cares With Miguel ~ ✨
Warning: Pure fluff and a mild squeeze of nsfw.
Let's meet this weekend. MJ and I found this new place. And the hamburgers? God. 🤌🏻🤌🏻. They have these amazing artisanal beer.
You pouted at the screen. You wanted to go for a burger, but for some reason, you retched at the smell of beef. It was a big no for you. Plus you couldn't drink, for obvious reasons.
I need an outing so badly. Need a drink, work is getting so stressful. This weekend or the next one?
Jessica replied as MJ sent a ':) ' emoji on the group chat.
Can't go :(
What? Why tf no? You've been telling me you need a break. 😐
Miguel had sent the emoji and you rolled your eyes
Wait... Fr?! 😱
OMG ❤️
MJ texted as the rest appeared as typing.
OMG Imma be an auntie!!?? 😳
Boy or Girl?
We don't know yet
You don't know 👀
Stop. Playing.
Peter had sent a nervous gif and you cackled.
You'll find out tomorrow 😊
I swear if you don't tell
😏😏 What's gonna happen?
Guys... Im pretty sure these sort of things got you in the current situation you're in, can you not do this in the chat please?
MJ just sent a 🤭 emoji.
Fine, woosies. It's a girl. ❤️❤️💖
MJ sent another gif exploding in hearts
Congrats on both 🎉🎉
Miguel remained quiet. You pouted.
What you didn't know is that when he came home, he'd get you a lovely bouquet of tulips and some pickles. He'd just pulled your grumpy self into a tight loving hug as he kissed your temple repeatedly until your mood vanished.
"A girl? Really? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause the doctor just sent me the results! And you ruined the surprise. I wanted to tell them in a different way!"
"Yeah, yeah. It's a girl! You know what that means?"
"That I'm gonna get so fat?"
"No, mensa. And even if you did, I'd still hit that." (Dummy)
"Not funny" Your cheeks flushed softly as he chuckled.
"Means that we can finally paint her room"
Your eyes swelled up in tears upon hearing him speak so softly and lovingly. He was excited. You could tell by the little flush in his ears.
"Shopping day tomorrow?"
"Ps obvio" (Obviously )
You giggled.
Ever since you told Miguel you both were expecting a girl, it was like a switch turned in him.
He'd cuddle you with such care, he'd think you'd break. Wich was annoying to you since you missed sleeping ontop of him.
And when the cravings started? Dios mío.
"M-Miguel" You'd whimper as you wiped your eyes. He'd startle and instantly go in alert mode.
"¿Qué pasó? ¿Tas bien?" (What's wrong? You ok?)
You hiccuped and weeped "We have no pickles."
He'd stare at you, trying to process the correct emotion to feel in this situation.
"You're crying cause we don't... have pickles"
"Don't be mean!"
You'd hit him softly with a pillow and curled back to your bed.
"Ok, ok, Don't cry? I'll go to the... the store. Be right back."
"Can I have Nutella too?"
"Uh, sure."
Drowsy eyes looked at the clock. 2 am. On another time, he'd surely would ignore the senseless petition and talk to go back to sleep. But how could he do that when you were pregnant? He was an ass sometimes, but with a pregnant you? Never.
He went to the store, to his dismay there was only two small pickle jars, and they were inside a lady's basket.
... Puta madre...
Why was everyone suddenly in the crave for pickles?
He didn't have to elaborate much and explained the lady. She just laughed it off and kindly surrendered them to him.
"Cravings? Oh boy. You better buy her the three jar packs. And avoid wearing too strong colognes infront of her! It might get her queasy."
"Thanks" With a polite smile he paid for the pickles and went home.
You were waiting for him, teary eyed and pouty. He opened the jar of pickles for you and stared at you with awe and a mild disgust as you dipped one of the pickles inside the Nutella and scarfed the veggie down with such hunger it made you cry again.
"Its so good."
His shoulders slumped with a sigh and wiped your chin.
"You're such a weirdo."
"Want some?"
"No, thanks. Keep eating"
"But I'll get fat"
"It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy."
"You'd love me if I was chubbier right?"
"Yes. I would. Eat your... thing."
He'd chuckle watch you eat until you were satisfied. three pickles in total with half the bottle of Nutella.
The next day he got you a small pack of pickles and two big bottles of that sweet spread to then rub your feet.
As time went on and your belly grew, the doctor appointments never got skipped or missed. He was there making sure everything was in order. His big hand hugging yours in a secure embrace as you got your ultrasounds. Everything was going perfectly.
The most dangerous months had passed and he allowed to breathe a bit more.
He had refused when you told him you wanted to work from home. Even if it was home office.
"No. It can lead you to stress out. And that will stress the baby out. Something can happen and no. Let me handle it."
"Stop being paranoid, I'll be fine! I just... don't like sitting all day or sleeping. I need to do something. And you didn't let me do much in the baby's room either!"
"Mi amor. You need to rest. I know you don't like it. But you need to."
"Could you at least get me an exercise ball?"
"Sure. Just don't-"
"Ay ya, Miguel! Ni que fuera a romperme!" (Stop it. I'm not gonna break!)
you whined
"I worry, mi reina."
"I know, and I appreciate it, but I gotta do something around!"
"Just promise me you'll go easy, ok?"
You kissed his cheek and cuddled him, the heat he provided felt heavenly against your back. You had started to waddle and to your dismay a new nickname was born. You were his Pingüinita. (Little penguin)
On the six month mark, you'd toss and turn on bed, feeling either too hot or cold. One moment you were snuggled against him, for the next to remove your clothes and lay naked next to him.
One particular night you felt suffocating. Summer was rampant and you woke up in tears at the oppressing heat.
He'd wake up no long after and filled in the bathtub with the right kind of water. Sweat and hormones raging on your body. Despite sleepiness clinging to him, he'd help you to the tub and bathe you.
Big and gentle hands massaged your wet scalp to then massage your shoulders and lower back. He splashed your body with water and kissed your temple carefully.
"Feel better? "
"Great, thank you, mi amor."
He'd smile lazily and remained there with you, almost falling asleep again in the bathroom until you were ready to leave to sleep.
- - -
He'd buy you long and cotton nightgowns. They were breathable and made everything a bit more comfortable for you, along some essential vitamins. And a hammock for the porch. He'd find you sleeping often in there.
Whenever you went out with the rest he'd make sure that none ordered meat. You still were sensitive to the smell, despite Peter longing for a burger.
Miguel would bathe with you to help you wash your back. But it was just an excuse to touch you and feel you. He'd be as gentle as he could with you. It turned him on to see you swelling with his child. Even brought out things he didn't know was into. Like, a lactation kink. And eat you out despite your protests of not being able to see him.
He was absolutely moonstruck with you. And when the time for you to deliver his baby finally came. He tried to remain strong and collected, despite his hands trembling like an earthquake. He kept an eye on you like a hawk, always looming around you.
He couldn't help but melt when Gabriella's cries echoed loud and healthy on the room.
He kissed you with such pride in his eyes that you'd think he was about to cry.
He knew his life with you had just started, and he was glad he had chosen you. Happy and grateful even. You just made him a dad of a wonderful little girl that instantly quieted down when he held her in his arms. One of the nurses snapped a picture of him holding and cooing Gabi as you got a well deserved nap.
Despite him not being a texter, he sent the picture of Gabi to the group chat.
OMG! Congratulations! she's so beautiful! 😊
I wanna cry so badly right now. She's gorgeous 🎉🎉
I'm an uncle now. :') So proud of you, Miguel.
When can we see her?
Lemme ask Pingüinita and I'll let you know.
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this, but I saw you want Miguel requests soooo.
Platonic Miguel x teen spider reader. Preferably gn. And like, he sees his daughter in the reader or smth, idk how to explain it, but I think it would be cute to see it
ONGOSH THANK YOU I absolutely love this<33 I wrote this on my phone but Im honestly so hyped up I love father figure!miguel. I hope you don’t mind but I’m doing this in the form of headcanons.
Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!Reader
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-okay so your obviously one of the only people Miguel loves tolerates.
-your universe isn’t “home” to you, Miguel is. He’s like the father you never had and at first, the both of you absolutely detested one and other. In fact, Jessica was the one who convinced him to recruit you, way before Gwen or even Peter came into the picture.
-at first, he was stand-offish and a total dickhead to you, but slowly warmed up and began to humour you. He’d smirk at your horrible jokes and pretend to roll his eyes when you teased him.
-in fact, when you first laughed your ass off at one of his remarks, something in him knew that he’d do anything to protect you.
-he already lost one daughter, he wasn’t losing you.
-In all honesty, your relationship is very similar to Joel and Ellie from the Last of Us.
-you have inside jokes that even Lyla doesn’t understand, and she’s an AI.
-It takes all his strength to not snort when you make faces behind someone’s back, he knows you do it to make him laugh.
-he gives you tips on how to take care of yourself.
-a whole bottle of baby powder suddenly appears in your room in spider society. He says he knows nothing.
-lyla shows you the camera footage of him placing it on your bedside table.
-he’s close to tears when you specially make him empanadas. He’d been in a bad mood and when he went to his desk, there was a plate of empanadas with a post it note from you.
- “dont waste them I spent like two hoursmaking them for you”
-he scarfs them down of course.
-like all fathers, he can be strict sometimes, especially because you’re a kid. He doesn’t want you getting hurt. If you’re hurt he helps patch you up himself.
-“you fucking crazy? What were you thinking, trying to catch a car instead of dodging it?”
-your arguments are shushed by him shoving a spoon of soup into your mouth.
-“don’t waste it.” He says, “I spent some time making it while you were asleep.”
-he can’t pinpoint an exact moment from when he started seeing you as his daughter, but it’s probably from the time he got super protective around hobie.
-ain’t no kid coming near his daughter.
-almost snarls when hobie jokingly flirts with you.
-he subtly pushes hobie away when the guy walks behind you.
-you’re the only person other than lyla who can snark him and get away with it without an insult being jabbed at you.
-he’s hugged you a total of two times.
-the first was when you almost died, the second was when he almost died and you freaked out.
-you’d already lost your family, you could not lose him too.
“Miguel, get up.” You tearfully say to his sleeping form, “I can’t do this without you.”
-when he’d stirred, the first thing he saw was your shocked face and then you tackled him.
-he loves you. Like, a whole lot.
-he smiles at you when you walk around in his office, rambling about random stuff. He’s glad that you’re comfortable enough around him to stop masking your personality.
-his jokes are LAME. Like dad jokes are his jam and they’re just so bad.
-“why do sharks live in salt water? because pepper water makes them sneeze.” “Miguel PLEASE-”
-did I mention he’d probably die for you? Like fuck the universe(s) he’s not losing his baby daughter again.
-it’s weird but it’s funny.
-Gwen loses her shit when she sees you sitting next to him with your head on his shoulder.
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
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Warnings: yandere behavior, talks about kidnapping, venom, and yelling.
A/N: Sure :). After you guys voted and been sending asks, you deserve it. Enjoy this anon ;)
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This spider of a yandere would be a mess. He’s overprotective. Easily jealous and aggressive. Controlling, and, a helicopter of a guy who hovers behind you like a guard dog.
It doesn’t matter if you are a Spiderperson, a normal individual walking into the street, or a trustworthy friend he met through Jessica, hell you could be a reincarnation of his wife. But, the minute he catches his obsession with you, and he finally realizes it, he’s not letting you go.
His obsession for you starts to unwrap the second he realizes he’s in love again. He slowly starts to get more unhinged, more of an aggressive wreck that causes everyone to walk on their tippy toes.
Everything is wrong. The missions go wrong. He can’t focus. You’re irritating in his presence. But he hates seeing you hurt. Everything is angering him, making him grumble and yell out in anger. But the second you come into the room? He’s suddenly calmer, almost like a switch had been turned off. Miguel always screams for people to leave, but he demands you to be near him, telling everyone, including yourself: you are more useful than the others.
By the time you realize he has feelings for you, you’re too late for escaping his webs. You can’t be saved, not by anyone. Nobody can stop Spider-Man 2099; the man himself of strength and dedication. Slowly, but surely, you’ll understand his ways. Someday, you’ll understand why he did this; realize his intentions of only protecting you.
He’s incredibly good at hiding, especially when looking out for you. Miguel likely will kidnap you when you least expect him. I mean, it’s so easy for him. Not only is it planned to be a perfect T, but he makes sure everything runs smoothly, making sure you fall into his perfect spider web as you’ve always meant to.
Weeks before you even realize his feelings, he’s stalking you. Following and memorizing all your schedules, habits, and routes. Miguel knows how your brain works, all the functions and wiring, he can read you like an open book. He can see and sense the way you think, the way you talk, your body language that shows how happy or nervous you are. He knows it all.
Likewise, he’ll make you come out to meet up with him, either on a ‘planned mission’ with just the two of you or making you meet up with him at HQ; stating something serious needs to be discussed. Either way, you are meeting up with him and clearly nervous. Every possibility is running through your head as you approach him.
But, when approaching him with a wide smile, it’s soon wiped off your face, seeing his stoned-cold face that seems too familiar. His eyes are cold and calculating, his mouth wrenched into a slight frown. Something was off. Maybe too off. Did you do something?
Of course, you ask what’s wrong. But he stays quiet. Too quiet for your liking. But, he walks up to you, his heart beating faster – hands shaking and body sweating. But, his eyes softened, almost like something or someone made his life complete. His hands reached up to your shoulders, keeping a rough but comfortable enough grip; his claws seemingly coming out, making your shoulder throb in irritation, but you ignored it.
He sighed, but soon went on about ‘keeping you safe’. For your safety, the dimension that you were in possibly already falling, you two belong together. You’re meant to be with him, swearing he’ll keep you safe – make you feel at home with him. Before you could even react, his fangs showed themselves, a slight hiss enveloping as they dug themselves into your neck; your body immediately turning into jello, feeling blood tinkle down your neck. It hurt. But not as bad as being betrayed.
You couldn’t speak. Not without stuttering, you couldn’t see well either, everything was multiplying in your vision. Your body felt like a million pounds. You couldn’t stand well, you were swaying back and forth, trying to hold your weight but to no avail, you fell back.
Of course, Miguel caught you. His giant hands catching you, and hosting you up in his arms; a gentle peck on your cheek as you sluggishly pestered him with questions; falling in and out of consciousness. But they were soon drowned out by his answer: “I’m taking you to our home. Rest, Cariño. I’ll take care of you.”
From then on, Miguel promises that. He will and can take care of you. Better than anyone else. He’s taking you to your new room; somewhere only he knows, a place he can be certain that’s heavily protected and away from any danger. An area where he and you can be spouses to one of each other.
When waking up, you quickly realize you are put into a ridiculously comfortable bed. A room full of things that anyone would dream of. Most of the items that you had back at home are already collected and put on the shelves; a backpack beside your bed. Everything in the bedroom is fancy, a huge TV on the wall which was in front of you, a corner full of blankets and pillows, and a bookshelf full of all types of books. It was clear he loves you. But, let’s not forget about the camera in the corner of the ceiling.
He doesn’t trust you. At least not yet. The entire house is baby-proofed, everything you can think of about hurting yourself is covered up. Of course, you’re allowed to roam the shared house when he’s gone, but don’t think he’s not watching – not only are there cameras in every corner of the house, but there’s a built-in speaker somewhere in every single room.
Miguel puts a tracker into you whilst you’re asleep. It’s in the back of your neck, especially where you can’t see or feel it. But, he knows your location 24/7; something he gladly likes to know.
Following his strict rules is something he expects. He awaits for you to be the perfect beloved he’s always imagined. He has the perfect image of a family he wants to create. And if it’s shattered or ruined? He gets very, very angry. Which isn’t pretty.
Breaking the rules isn’t something you’d want to do. Miguel will be angry, incredibly angry. If and when he gets an alert of you being gone, rewinding the video of how you escaped, he’s fuming with rage. The minute you think you’ve gotten away, he’s right behind you – his dark eyes narrowing at you as he snarls, harshly grabbing you and scolding at how stupid and childish you are.
Punishments are harsh. While he does mean business, and he does love you, but that doesn’t mean he’s not afraid to put you in your needed place. The punishments will and can vary with his mood, it especially adds up with what you did.
If he’s in a better mood, at best, you’ll get a loud scolding or a few hours locked into the bedroom with nothing fun to do; awaiting his arrival again to ask if your tantrum is over.
Though, if he’s not in a very good mood, Miguel… is more prone to accidentally hurting you. Regardless if you are throwing insults or directly trying to attack him, he’s impulsively grabbing your wrist which leads to a sprain, or yells at you to an extent where you flinch and sob. He apologizes, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as he softly whispers, ‘I wish you’d just listen to me’. Of course, when you cry, he comforts you. But it’s your fault, right? So, why don’t you listen?
Miguel is a man of many things, but patience is not one. If none of these end up working, he’s going to aggressively twist your feelings and thoughts around; constantly reminding you that he can always treat you worse. Or, threaten your family, possibly take away all the things you had joy in, and practically leave all types of bruises on your body from sfw and nsfw activities.
It is your decision after all, correct? Just spare yourself some nasty scars and play nice.
The ‘worst’ punishment he will do is accidentally causing a broken bone or drugging you with his venom, making you rely on him even more. With your slurring words and slightly limp-like body, he’s able to do what he can to help you: bathing you, feeding you, tucking you into bed with him as he whispers all types of things. Before turning off the lights, he always makes sure to kiss your cheek, a small ‘love you’ before cuddling you closer to his chest to sleep.
He’s not afraid of getting rid of people, especially if they’re in his way. No matter how messy it gets, Miguel is always ready to protect you; even if it means seeing tears come down. He will kill your family members, any partners, and the next-door neighbor that constantly tried to get into your pants.
Once you feel comfortable receiving affection, his way of showing it is quite off and almost uncomfortable. While he yearns for your touch, your kisses, and your hugs. Everything that he wants. It’s just for him, showing affection is fairly hard. After his past, he couldn’t imagine a world where he’d be happy again; feeling the same happiness and anxious butterflies in his stomach.
Slowly, but surely, he learns what he likes and what you like – which results in him being a cuddle bug. He loves smothering you in his arms, making you sit on his lap as he tells you about his day. Anything and everything results from his arms being around, on, or around you.
Of course, he spoils you like no other. Whatever you request, he will bring you; with you following his rules and being nice, he’s happier than ever. Though, he does expect a kiss from the gratitude he decided to do for you.
You will not be allowed outside. On rare occasions, such as your birthday or having a good attitude, he’ll allow you to eat with him at a pleasant restaurant or go to the park with him. But that’s all you are getting. And no, he will not let you come to the HQ.
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Let's talk about Jessica Drew - Character Analyzation/Rant (People don't like powerful women)
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This magnificent woman sports a luscious afro while wearing 80s style clothing. Afros and natural hair in general are symbols of African American pride and embracing your African heritage. Her clothing style is very similar to the clothing style and fashion that African American women wore in the 80s.
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I couldn't find a better picture, but do you see my vision? Also they are serving 🤩
She oozes culture and black power. She's a pregnant, yet badass black woman who drives a motorcycle and is proud of her heritage. Yet people dislike her. Why?
Because she's an aggressive, no-nonsense, black female character
One of the reasons people dislike Jessica Drew is because we see her reprimanding Gwen for visiting Miles, and telling her that she can't see him again. However, controversially, I think Jess was right about this. Gwen disobeyed direct orders and let her heart get in front of her head. She ignored her mission and the result of that was Spot's escape and a possibility of interdimensional unraveling. Jess had all the right to reprimand Gwen for this, because in her perspective, Gwen messed up. But even though Gwen messed up, Jess was still willing to give her another chance. She agreed not to tell Miguel, because she knew Gwen would be sent home, proving that she still had Gwen's best interests at heart and didn't want Gwen to have to go back to deal with her dad and the possibility of being arrested.
The second reason people dislike her is because she allowed Gwen to be sent back to her universe. However, people are completely forgetting the fact that she wasn't the person sending Gwen back to Earth-65. Miguel was. Jess did her best to protect Gwen, and gave Gwen numerous chances, but in the end, Gwen failed her mission and disobeyed orders, causing her to be sent home. This is not Jess's fault. People are also ignoring the fact that Peter B. Parker, a man that knew Gwen way before Jess did absolutely nothing to save Gwen from Miguel's rage. What did he do instead? He stood there and made jokes. Instead of actually addressing the situation and a girl who considered him her friend, he decided to crack a joke. Not even a funny joke. But people are blaming Jess for this. Why?
Because people don't like seeing strong, aggressive female characters. Jessica oozes confidence. She's confident in her heritage, she's confident in her capabilities and she's confident in herself. Her tone is sharp, she doesn't mess around and she doesn't put up with people's bullshit. Ex. her telling Peter B to "stop talking" and her telling Hobie he's "not helping". People don't like seeing aggressive black female leads, because it makes them uncomfortable. People are quick to label a woman who's aggressive as "harsh" and "argumentative" but proceed to label Miguel, the person who sent a homeless teenager back to her dimension, as someone who's "doing what he has to". I'm not saying Miguel is a bad person. I'm saying Jessica isn't a bad person.
Jess is also most definitely going to get a character development arc considering how she was obviously doubting her loyalty to Miguel in the last 30ish minutes of the movie right after Gwen was sent-home and during Gwen's speech with Miles' parents when Jess was listening.
Jess Drew was slightly harsh on Gwen, and didn't object to her being sent back to her dimension. Was this wrong of her? Yes. But does that make her a bad person? No. People are misinterpreting her character. She is not a bad person and she does not deserve the hate people are spewing against her. She is a strong black female character and we need more people like her in the media to look up to.
BTW, I'm not black but I tried to be as accurate in my description of how Jess embraces her heritage as I could, so if you see any inaccuracies or have any comments, please correct me <3
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kesujo · 2 months
Chapter 2: Help Needed
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Previous chapter here.
              ‘Parker, can you come over?’
Parker scoffed when his eyes scanned the message from his next-door neighbor of the opposite sex. He had spent the better part of last night drowning in guilt for what Jessica had put him through just a few hours ago, and she expected him to fall for the same trick again? Last night was also initiated by a seemingly innocuous text from the married woman, Parker acutely remembered.
He put aside his phone and continued with his breakfast, his phone ringing with the notification sound again a few minutes later. Seeing that it was from Jessica again, Parker ignored it until after he washed the dishes used in the day’s breakfast and sat down at his office chair. Now that he was wiser, Parker figured there wasn’t any harm in reading a message sent by her; after all, it wasn’t like she could brainwash him through a text message.
              ‘Parker, this is urgent. Can you please come over?’
Parker jolted out of his seat, his mind jumping to the worst-case scenario. Did Hunter somehow find out? Was she having regrets and wanted to console and discuss with him? Was it something unrelated, like an injury? Was she in danger?
Whatever the case was, Parker just felt like he couldn’t ignore it. All else aside, this was his best friend’s wife; he had some type of duty to help her now that Hunter was unable to. Or at least, that’s what Parker felt.
He entered the apartment using a spare key the married couple insisted he have. “Jessica?”
“I’m still in the bedroom,” Jessica’s weak voice drifted through the apartment, through the closed bedroom door.
“Are you OK?” he asked, speed walking to the bedroom. When he opened the door, he found Jessica still laying on the bed, the thick blanket wrapped around her entire body. “Did you get sick?”
She shook her head. “I can’t get up,” she said.
Parker furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. “Why?”
“I’m still sore from how hard you fucked me last night.”
Parker promptly turned around and started walking out the door.
“Wait!” Jessica giggled, her voice returning to its more normal tone, “I’m serious though, it really does hurt to walk.”
Parker sighed, slowing down to a stop. If indeed what Jessica was saying was true, then he felt obligated to help her: Jessica was the one who forced him to be so rough, but he still felt a little responsibility nonetheless for causing Jessica the discomfort she was feeling. But even last night aside, this was still Jessica, his best friend’s wife; he harbored no ill will towards the adulterous woman despite what she forced him to do just a few hours prior, and if someone he cared about was in need of help, Parker was always happy to oblige.
“Do you want me to make you breakfast or something?”
“No, come here,” she said. Parker hesitated for a brief second before turning around as Jessica removed the blanket, immediately diverting his eyes upon seeing Jessica’s curvaceous, fully nude body framed perfectly by the blanket that was previously hiding it. “What are you looking away for?” she giggled again, clearly enjoying Parker’s reactions, “It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked already; your cock was inside my pussy yesterday, you even filled me with your cum for God’s sake.”
“That’s—” Parker swore internally, feeling his dick twitching in response to her dirty talk. Stop. He did not need a repeat of last night. Maybe the problem was trusting that Jessica’s intentions would be innocent—but then again, it seemed like Jessica’s problem was sincerely inhibiting her ability to go about her normal life. “—that’s not a good enough reason—do you normally sleep naked?”
Jessica shrugged. “After you left, I washed up and still had a bit more energy so I ended up masturbating a bit more, imagining what it would’ve been like if we went another round,” Parker winced, shame filling his body as he felt his penis twitch again, getting a little bit harder, “And after that, I was naked and exhausted so I just ended up going to sleep that way.” She paused for a brief second, her gaze drifting downwards. “Why, does that turn you on?” Before he could cover his growing tent with his hand, she caught a glimpse of the developing bulge that was occurring in his private region. “Ooh, so—”
“Please, just tell me how you want me to help you.”
Jessica giggled, basking in the embarrassment showing on Parker’s face and his bashful replies and reactions. “Well, I usually take a shower in the morning but I don’t think I can stand up that long, so I thought I would take a bath today. So first, carry me to the bathroom,” she said, swinging her legs to the edge of the bed and holding her arms out like a baby.
It would be a startling and incredibly alluring sight if this woman wasn’t already in a relationship with Hunter. The playful, innocent, childlike action and matching smile completely contrasted her sexy body: her luscious tits, her perky pink nipples, her milky-white smooth skin, her long legs shining brilliantly in the bedroom’s light. “Can—” Parker was even hesitant about asking Jessica to try out walking herself, afraid that she might injure herself. After a brief debate inside his head, he acquiesced to the needy wife. “—fine. Are you able to walk there with my help, or do you need a piggyback ride?”
“Piggyback ride!” Again, Jessica’s excited response was so innocent and childlike that its sharp juxtaposition to her current sexy appearance—as much as it shamed Parker to admit—yet again turned him on a bit more.
Parker sighed and shook his head. “I’ll go fill the bathtub first and then come to pick you up,” he announced; a few minutes later, after the tub was adequately filled with hot water, Parker went back into the bedroom and bent down to get ready to transport Jessica to the bathroom. “Get on, kiddo,” he said, somehow getting taken by surprise when he felt her soft, more-than-ample bosom on his back.
“Thanks Parker,” Jessica nearly whispered into his ear after resting her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms and legs securely around his body. Parker gulped, trying his best to beat down the building arousal from feeling every inch of Jessica’s curves pressed against his back and repress the memories of their escapades from the night prior.
The few seconds it took to carry the small woman to the bathroom was done in silence, and when Parker arrived, he helped Jessica down and into the bathtub. “I’ll go—” Parker was interrupted, Jessica’s hand shooting out to grab Parker’s arm as he was in the middle of turning around.
“Wait,” she insisted, in an awkward stance somewhere between sitting down and standing up, her upper body unsubmerged and water droplets coalescing at her tits, dripping off her erect nipples.
“W-What?” Parker tried to reply nonchalantly, the slight stutter in his voice betraying him.
“The bathtub is too hard for me, I need something soft to sit on,” she explained.
“What, do you want me to get a pillow or something?” Parker laughed, confused.
“No, I want to sit on you.”
Parker felt his heartbeat accelerate as he gradually realized what Jessica was trying to do. No—No, he wasn’t going to let Jessica put him through this anymore. “I can’t—”
“Are you sure?” Jessica’s teasing sing-song voice reminded him of the crucial piece of blackmail she held over him.
After a brief moment of silence, Parker started, “Hunter’s…”
“..still got a few more days before his business trip is over,” Jessica finished for him, gently pulling the single man towards her.
“Let—Let me take my clothes off first at least,” Parker insisted, Jessica obliging and letting go of him. She kneeled on the bathtub patiently, an ever-increasing sense of discomfort and awkwardness creeping in as the married woman’s eyes remained trained on him like a hawk. “All you’re going to do is sit on me, that’s it. Alright?”
Parker knew his efforts to compromise were going to be futile, his hopes all but crushed when Jessica just smiled mischievously, saying, “Come in and see~”
“I don’t wanna go in there unless I know you won’t do anything else,” Parker insisted.
“But you do want to join me for this bath because otherwise…”
All Jessica had to do was ominously trail off there, wearing her ever-present playful smirk, for Parker to finally oblige.
“Fuck,” he swore under his breath, his face turning a little pink after he started stripping when he removed his pants, revealing the visible tent in his boxers.
“Ooh, you’re getting turned on~” Jessica hummed happily, a wide smile spreading on her face. “This is gonna be so fun~”
“Just focus on cleaning yourself,” Parker insisted, hesitating for another second as his fingers wrapped around the hem of his boxers.
“Do you want me to—” Jessica started when she saw Parker hesitating, reaching out to Parker’s boxers herself. That was all the motivation Parker needed to strip himself, jumping back a little when Jessica’s dainty hands inadvertently landed on his dick. “Oh, it’s so hard, I’m so happy!~” Jessica beamed, an innocent excitement in her voice that completely juxtaposed their current situation.
“Are you going to let me get in?” Parker said, trying to shrug aside his embarrassment.
“Of course!” Jessica shuffled, making space for him, “Sit here,” she directed Parker once he entered the bathtub, flinching a little at the temperature of the water but acclimating quickly, finding a spot on the hard, smooth surface of the bathtub to sit down on.
As soon as Parker situated himself, Jessica followed suit, turning around and carefully settling herself on his lap. “OK that’s—stop,” Parker begged the woman whose soft, plump ass scooted along his legs closer to his crotch. “You don’t need to get any closer,” he said, placing his hands on her waist and halting her advance.
Jessica turned her head in response, a pout sitting on her lips. “Meanie,” she whined, carrying on with the act of childlike innocence. “How am I supposed to sit comfortably like this?”
“You should’ve considered that,” Parker said, naively believing he finally managed to reign Jessica in. Just as he was breathing a sigh of relief, Jessica used a surprising surge of strength to slip out of his grip. Panicked, Parker backed up as much as he could, granting him the little bit of space he needed to dodge Jessica, whose butt cheeks rubbed against the length of his erect shaft that was pushed against his lower stomach area by the soft skin of her bottom.
“Hey!” Jessica complained, looking back.
“You need focus on washing!”
“No dodging this time,” Jessica insisted, reaching behind and firmly grabbing his shaft.
“What?” Parker tried to struggle but stopped after making eye contact and seeing her cocked eyebrow, understanding what it meant. “How—you’re supposed to be cleaning yourself,” he protested, desperately trying to ignore her slim digits wrapped firmly around his hardened member.
Jessica’s cheerful demeanor returned, lifting her ass off his lap just enough so that she could position Parker’s cock beneath her entrance before plunging down onto it. “Ooh fuck,” she groaned, her entire body shuddering as Parker’s cock slipped inside her womanhood once again.
Parker swore under his breath, the pulsating warmth enveloping his cock sending a chill up his spine. “Are—Aren’t you still hurting there?”
“I don’t care, your cock feels too fucking good stretching out my small, tight pussy,” she answered, more and more of his length disappearing between her folds. “Ugh, god, fuck,” she groaned, leaning back against Parker’s chest. Jessica’s partially wet hair brushed against his nape as she threw her head back, reveling in the feeling of fullness, a feeling of warmth both surrounding her and inside her.
Parker, on the other hand, was grimacing; the damp tightness securely wrapping around his member, her hot pussy walls gliding along his length, the feeling of his cock being buried deeper inside the married woman’s pussy all simultaneously created a feeling of overwhelming pleasure and guilt. He had no other choice, he rationalized, but it still didn’t take away from the all-consuming feeling that he was breaking the trust of his best friend.
“Th-There,” Jessica shuddered as she finally felt her shapely ass make contact with his groin.
“How—And how is this supposed to help you wash again?”
“Well,” Jessica explained, “This way, my outside can be washed with soap and my inside can be washed with your cum.” He could feel his cock twitch in response to her filthy words, Jessica noticing and letting out a brief squeal of delight. “You want to as well? To rinse my pussy out with your thick semen?” Jessica cheekily said, grinding her ass against Parker’s groin.
Parker groaned, pleasure shooting up his spine as her pussy massaged the length of his member, the additional feeling of her soft ass rubbing against his crotch. “N-No, just wash yourself.”
“Can you wash me?” Jessica said in a cute, innocent voice, leaning back against Parker’s chest and twisting her head to look up at the man whose cock she was sitting on with wide eyes.
“How am I supposed to wash you when—?” Parker stopped, realizing that Jessica could tease him if he finished that sentence. Unfortunately, Jessica did so anyway.
“When what? When my pussy feels this good? When it feels like your cock is being squeezed to death by my tight cunt? Is it distracting? Debilitating? Are you feeling so much pleasure you can’t move?”
A mischievous smile played at Jessica’s lips, reveling in how squeamish Parker was in reacting to her words—and how his cock twitched and grew slightly with every filthy word that passed her lips.
“You’re not a child right?” Parker continued, electing to not respond to Jessica’s attempt to egg him on, “You can wash yourself.”
Jessica pouted reaching back and grabbing his wrists. “It’ll be fun though! Don’t tell me you haven’t ever washed one of your girlfriends before,” she said, guiding his hands onto her tits. A sigh escaped her lips when Parker’s calloused hand made contact with the soft skin on her boobs, inadvertently biting her lower lip. “You like that?” Jessica once again turned her head around, trying to make eye contact with Parker but failing, Parker’s gaze adamantly directed to his right. Frowning, she grinded her ass against his groin again, eliciting a surprised moan from Parker.
“What—?” Parker’s eyes turned back to meet Jessica’s, a smile forming on her face as he did so.
“I’m not getting out of this bathtub until you wash me,” she stated, letting go of his wrists and reaching for the soap and handing it to Parker.
“…Fine,” Parker begrudgingly agreed, not wanting to stay in this compromising position for longer than he needed to, “But how am I going to wash your entire body if it’s submerged?”
“We’ll get to it when we get there,” Jessica replied, lifting her arms out of the water, “For now, get my arms.”
Parker obliged, tenderly grabbing her arms with one hand and rubbing the slippery bar of soap across the smooth skin. Even before he finished with the first arm, an idea popped into Jessica’s mind. Just as he was finishing with her right arm, she crossed her legs, causing her pussy to clamp down on Parker’s dick hard.
“Fuck,” he swore, accidentally dropping the soap into bathtub, wincing as the hot walls enveloping his cock, slick with her juices, closed in on his shaft.
“What’s the matter?” Jessica asked innocently, turning her head again to look at Parker.
“Stop doing that,” he told her through gritted teeth.
“Doing what?” she asked innocently, clenching her lower muscles and squeezing his dick again with her pussy.
Parker groaned, flinching as another shot of pleasure ran through his crotch and up his body. “That,” he said, scanning the bathtub for the soap that escaped his hands. “Can you get that for me?”
Jessica followed Parker’s gaze and saw the bar of soap sitting on the bathtub’s floor, a short distance away from her leg. “Sure,” she replied, a smirk playing at her lips as she very purposefully bent over, pushing her ample ass against his groin.
“W-Wait—fuck, never mind,” Parker grimaced, reprimanding himself for not knowing better and realizing that would happen. “I’ll get it, you just sit tight.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it; taking his words perhaps too literally, Jessica stayed in her semi-bent over state, pressing her lips together while clenching her lower muscles, squeezing Parker’s dick even harder. “Engh,” Parker shuddered, gritting his teeth, a noise escaping his lips as another wave of pleasure surged up his body. He stopped, his breathing growing ragged, fighting a losing battle against the welling lust and pleasurable tension building up in his lower regions.
“Mmm~” An enchanting melody erupted from Jessica’s lips, Parker’s dick being pushed further inside her as he reached for the slippery rectangle. “Fuuck…” this time, a breathy whisper, a floating song in the wind carrying with it Jessica’s lust and arousal.
Parker tried his best to ignore it, pulling the bar of soap out of the water and transferring it to his left hand. “St-Stay still,” Parker told the impatient Jessica, who was desperately grinding against Parker’s groin, reveling in the resulting friction between their skin and the feeling of Parker’s dick swelling inside her yet still.
“You’re getting bigger,” she noted cheekily, a smirk appearing on her lips but her eyes remaining closed. “Your hot dick is filling me up so much, oh my god, my small, tight cunt is still getting stretched,” Jessica’s more-than-ample chest now noticeably heaving with each ragged breath. “Fuck, pound me harder,” she insisted, her movements growing more erratic with each passing moment.
“Let me—”
“Parker.” Jessica’s voice turned stern, all movement suddenly ceasing, her head turning around to capture his eyes. “That’s an order.”
“I’m almost done with your arms—”
“Remember, you’re supposed to be cleaning me? You’re never going to clean my pussy at this rate.”
“But aren’t you still recovering?”
Jessica grinned. “That’s what makes it fun though,” she said, turning her head around, “You don’t want Hunter to find out about what we did yesterday, do you?”
Parker’s face paled at the thought of it, and realizing he had no choice, secured the light woman’s thin waist and retreated from her womanhood before filling it back up to the brim. “You can do better than that,” Jessica egged him on, cooperating with Parker in washing her other arm. Complying, he gripped Jessica’s waist a bit more tightly, gritting his teeth and retreated from her pussy as much as he could while in his sitting position before thrusting back inside her. “More~” she begged, her voice dripping with lust.
“You’re too tight,” Parker complained, struggling to move much inside Jessica both for the reasons that he was sitting down and didn’t have much space to move on top of how much Jessica tightened her pussy around his thick member.
“Aren’t you going to finish washing my arm?” Jessica teased him.
“You—You’re the one who told me to—” Jessica giggled at Parker’s exasperated reaction.
“Do your best~” she replied in a playful, sing-song voice, resting her head against his well-developed pecs.
“Fuck,” he whispered under his breath, his teeth being ground to dust with every thrust inside the mischievous woman. The struggling man tried to divide his attention to scrubbing Jessica’s other arm but found that it difficult: he needed almost every ounce of strength he had just to continue to push past Jessica’s vaginal walls that were passionately hugging his dick in a tight embrace. The result of this was that he had very little strength and attention left to spare, that on top of the distracting ecstatic feeling of pleasure rolling up his body as he felt her warm, wet walls massaging his dick leaving her other arm barely washed. The end result was a half-hearted application of soap on her other arm and an equally half-hearted rinse, all the while being assaulted both with the guilt-ridden feeling of lust and pleasure along with Jessica’s constant encouragement for him to be rougher. “How am I going to wash the rest of your body?” Parker asked, grimacing a bit from the slight pain from his butt due to the almost bouncing motion he was doing on the hard acrylic surface of the bathtub.
Jessica motioned for him to stop, Parker more than willing to oblige. “Good point,” she said, tilting her planting a chaste kiss on his jaw. This caused Parker to flinch, Jessica once again giggling at Parker’s over-the-top reaction. “You’re so fun to tease,” she commented, a luminescent smile spreading across her face.
Parker, wanting to say many things but finding himself unable due to the predicament Jessica placed him under, simply sighed. “I still can’t believe that we’re—that you’re doing this.”
“It’s so exciting though, isn’t it?” Jessica grinned, shaking her ass playfully, her pussy still stuffed to the brim with Parker’s cock.
Parker bit back a surprised yelp, his fists clenching in an attempt to fight against the nth wave of pleasure coursing through him. “You have a really messed up definition of ‘exciting’.”
Jessica just laughed and unmounted him, much to Parker’s relief. However, upon hearing him sigh that deeply in relief, while moving towards the edge of the bathtub in a semi-standing position, she looked over at him in a bemused confusion. “What are you doing?” she asked, bending over in a standing position, proudly displaying her wide hips and delectable butt to him. She grabbed the sides of the bathtub, her boobs nearly brushing the surface of the warm water. “Did you think we were done already? Come here,” she urged, her head turned around, shaking her ass invitingly.
“You only washed my arms,” she explained.
“OK, so I’m just going to pretend that you only want me to—”
“Hurry,” she insisted, a cute pout forming on her lips, “My pussy feels so lonely without your hot, thick cock filling it up.”
“I—…” Jessica cocked an eyebrow, the only warning Parker needed before sighing deeply, swallowing the guilt building up inside him, and approaching the wet, naked, bent-over woman. “Damn it,” he muttered under his breath while placing his hands on Jessica’s hips. The married woman hummed happily, another moan erupting from her lips as Parker pushed his dick back inside her.
“Fuck,” she breathed out, her grip of the edge of the bathtub tightening. A similar, but much more muted moan came out of Parker as well as he watched his more and more of his erect shaft disappear between the two beautiful mounds of flesh on Jessica’s bottom, parting her glistening folds, the hot walls of her tight pussy clamping around his dick, pulling on it as if inviting it to go deeper. “Fuck your cock does such a good job of stretching my pussy, go deeper,” she instructed him, Parker obeying and briefly allowing himself to get caught up in his lust, his dick filling the Korean beauty’s vagina to its hilt. “R-Remember to wash the rest of my upper body,” she reminded him, Parker snapping out of the brief trance he was in watching Jessica’s ass jiggle at the force of his thrusts. Before he diverted his attention, he noticed a distinct nearly hand-shaped red mark on Jessica’s otherwise perfectly white bottom. A wave of guilt struck him, knowing that the mark was because of him the day prior.
As Parker reached for the bar of soap he had placed on the side while changing positions, he started picking up his speed again, the room starting to fill with the sound of the slap of his groin on Jessica’s simultaneously soft yet firm ass, the married woman’s moans, and the sloshing sound of the water in the bathtub escaping the confines of the large container. Parker noticed that the floor around the bathtub was getting wet from their erratic movements, but cleaning it up was only in the back of his mind, in the forefront being the struggle to keep up with Jessica’s requests for increasing roughness.
“Fuck you’re cleaning my pussy so well~” Jessica moaned, her matching thrusts causing an almost echoing slapping sound with each connection of their bodies. Parker felt the tension in his lower regions tighten, his lower region getting splashed with all sorts of liquid: whether it was Jessica’s juices or the bath water, he was unsure.
“I—fuck, I can’t—” Parker, struggling with steadying the bar of soap with Jessica’s shaking body, stopped his movements. As soon as this happened, Jessica looked back, shooting Parker a glare. Meeting her cold, threatening gaze, a chill ran up his spine, and for the first time, Parker’s motivation to fuck Jessica changed from fear of destroying his best friend’s marriage to a fear of Jessica herself.
With renewed vigor, Parker retreated his penis from the warm, tight embrace of Jessica’s wet pussy before quickly slamming it back into her. Jessica’s breathing grew heavier, her moans released from her lips with shaky breath, her muscles tightening in conjunction to her walls around his shaft. Parker resorted to steadying the bar of soap on Jessica’s back and letting their movements do all the work, the end result being the center of her back getting much more attention than any other part. But just as Parker decided to move to her front, Jessica proposed something.
“Submerge me.”
Parker, slowing down per Jessica’s request, confused, asked, “What?”
“Force my head underwater,” she repeated, “I’ll tap on the bathtub’s edge when I need air.”
“No!” is what Parker wanted to say, but frankly, he was too scared to voice his opposition to the idea. So instead, he cautiously said, “Are you sure? The water’s still hot.”
She nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. “It’ll be fine,” she said, backing up a little to make space for her head, “Make sure to grab a nice handful of my hair, and be rough. Got it?”
“I—…” Parker tried to argue, stopping after realizing his words would just fall on deaf ears, “yeah,” he eventually agreed to Jessica’s crazy proposition, making sure to put the bar of soap down in an easily reachable position next to him.
Jessica squealed in childish excitement, turning back around as Parker reached forward to carefully grab a fistful of her silky soft hair. “Go ahead,” she told him.
Parker hesitated for a brief second out of fear: fear that he would end up harming Jessica, fear that he wouldn’t catch Jessica’s signal that she needed air. Jessica’s head turned back around, and upon seeing the hesitation and fear in Parker’s eyes, she said, “It’ll be OK, I trust you.”
Despite everything, that what Jessica was doing to him could technically constitute as rape and that she was forcing him to do something against his will, this put him at ease. When Jessica turned her head back around, Parker secured his hold on the handful of her hair in his fist and pushed her head underwater.
The effects were almost immediate. Parker continued to pound Jessica from behind, but it noticeably got tighter the longer Jessica’s head was held underwater. As the seconds ticked by though, Parker grew increasingly worried.
After around ten seconds, Parker’s grip on Jessica’s hair loosened despite not having been given any signs by Jessica yet. Jessica’s eager responses to his pistoning of his cock inside her pussy only strengthened in intensity as her head remained underwater, but even so, Parker couldn’t help but feel a building sense of concern. But, Parker decided to trust Jessica’s judgement and continued pulling his cock out of her vagina only to slam back inside again. The bathroom was strangely silent with the absence of Jessica’s moans, Parker feeling a bit more at liberty to let out his own moans and grunts of pleasure knowing Jessica wasn’t likely to hear them. Still, where the scene lacked in the auditory component, the visual made up for it: seeing Jessica’s head, the sight slightly warbled due to the waves in the bathwater caused by their synchronized motions, held underwater by his own hand was … extremely erotic. Sexy, even. Knowing that Jessica was fighting against both her building orgasm and her lungs’ capacity to hold air gave Parker a feeling of guilty pleasure, the thought of which making Parker wonder in fear if he was secretly a sadist.
After twenty seconds, Parker’s feeling of concern started to morph into fear and regret. Jessica showed no signs of wanting to come up for air any time soon, and she was still matching his every thrust with her own. There didn’t seem to be any signs of discomfort, yet Parker started to become scared: what if Jessica was doing this for the first time and didn’t know her own limits? He knew that she took singing lessons in the past and was pretty good at it, so her lung capacity was probably pretty good—but wasn’t that a long time ago? What if she was in discomfort but didn’t want to admit it to Parker? After all, it wasn’t like he could see her face and tell.
After thirty seconds, Parker’s fear got the better of him and he pulled Jessica’s head out of the water. Seeing the resulting glare from Jessica made him instantly regret it; however, it only lasted a second as the look instantly mellowed out. “Aw, were you scared that you were causing me discomfort? Even though I’m the one forcing you to do this?”
There was some part of Parker—maybe it was ego, or maybe it was shame—that didn’t want to admit to Jessica’s teasing inquiry. Instead, he cocked his eyebrow, saying, “No, I just wanted to tell you that I can’t wash you if we’re doing this.”
“Sure you can,” she responded cheerfully. Parker, confused, remained silent, Jessica continuing on with, “Right now, we’re working on washing my pussy with your cum!”
Completely baffled at the cheerful way Jessica managed to say those words, Parker simply gave a brief warning, “You’re going back in,” giving her a second to prepare herself, and then summarily pushing her head back into the warm bathwater.
Parker could tell that his cold, forceful action was something Jessica loved, feeling her pussy somehow tighten even more around his shaft, feeling like it was trying to squeeze the life out of him. He grunted with every thrust, Jessica eagerly matching with a rekindled enthusiasm. This time, Parker didn’t even bother counting the seconds in his head, instead focusing solely on pumping his dick in and out of the small, sexy seductress.
This time, it took just over a minute before Jessica tapped the edge of the bathtub, signaling to be pulled out. Parker did just that, her taking in a huge breath as she came up for air, messily flipping her wet hair out of her face and spraying him with water in the process. “Oh,” she giggled, noticing Parker flinching in reaction to the accidentally spraying, “Sorry.”
“I’m fine,” Parker responded.
“That was fucking hot,” she commented, “both the water and feeling your cock violate my pussy while my lungs begged for oxygen.” Parker could feel himself getting a bit more aroused at her dirty talk, the tension in his nether regions tightening. “Ready to go again?”
Parker simply nodded, Jessica taking a second to ready herself before getting pushed back underwater again. He relentlessly attacked her pussy, Jessica arching her back in pleasure, a greater amount of surface area of her bubble butt slamming into his groin with each thrust. This time, Jessica took a few seconds longer before tapping out, Parker pulling her head up in response. “Fuck that’s amazing,” she breathed out, her chest heaving even more. “Do you like it?”
Parker, startled, dumbly responded with, “What?”
Jessica smiled, amused. “Do you think it’s hot? Holding my head underwater while pounding me from behind.”
“I’m—” Unsure of how to respond, Parker stammered a bit before settling on, “I’m not going to respond to that.”
“So, in other words, you did find it hot.”
“I didn’t—” Jessica giggled, Parker just sighing in response. That was something else that was happening quite a bit recently: him sighing.
“Again,” she told him, turning back around to face the water again. Parker begrudgingly obeyed, letting Jessica take in a deep breath before pushing her head underwater once again. As the nearly two minutes passed, Parker could feel himself getting painstakingly close to his release, given reprieve when Jessica tapped out. “Why don’t you ever say anything?” was Jessica’s first question after catching her breath.
“You know,” Jessica continued, “Tell me how good my pussy feels, scold me for being such a slut, calling me a cheating whore, or that I’m a bitch in heat that only lives to receive your cum.” Feeling Parker’s dick react strongly to those words, Jessica giggled. “So you do want to say all those things? But why not? You’re afraid you’ll hurt my feelings?”
“You’re—you’re Hunter’s wife, of—of course I can’t say those things t-to you.” It became increasingly hard to speak, Parker desperately fighting off his orgasm. The feeling of Jessica’s tight, hot cunt massaging his shaft as he pumped it inside her, her supple ass cheeks creating a resonating slapping sound every time their lower bodies met, feeling all those sensations certainly didn’t help, but hearing Jessica’s filthy words only worsened the situation.
“I want you to though,” she said, pushing him back. Parker’s dick was granted momentary relief from the prison of Jessica’s pussy, Jessica motioning for him to sit back down on the bathtub. He obeyed, gulping as Jessica approached him and lowered herself, facing him this time, grabbing his dick before plunging it back inside her. “Fuck~” she moaned, loudly, her back arching as Parker’s dick filled her all the way to her cervix. “Call me a dirty slut, a filthy whore, a cheating bitch, then fill me up with your cum and leave me a convulsing, orgasming mess.”
With almost every other syllable, Jessica bounced on Parker’s cock, her boobs shaking fiercely with each motion. “I—I can’t,” Parker insisted, gritting his teeth, feeling himself brimming the edge of his orgasm.
“Do it,” she insisted, Parker at this point realizing it wasn’t a request but an order.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, reaching down and firmly grabbing her hips, matching her thrusts with his own. “Fine, you filthy fucking slut, you want to take my cum so badly?”
Jessica’s eyes shone with excitement, her pussy clenching his dick even harder in response to his dirty talk. “Yes~!” she moaned, her bouncing growing more intense.
“You want me to wash your pussy out with my cum?”
“Yes~!” was again her enthusiastic response.
“Then take it like the adulterous bitch you are,” Parker growled, the tension in his lower regions finally unraveling as he exploded inside her, erratically humping her as Jessica screamed in ecstasy herself, the mixture of their fluids combining inside her love chamber. He rode the wave of ecstasy all the way out, desperately trying to match Jessica’s erratic thrusts as the tension slowly died out. By the time Jessica’s orgasm subsided, Parker was already spent.
“Fuck, that was sexy,” Jessica whispered after leaning her head on his shoulder, his cock still buried inside her pussy, her voluptuous bust pressed against his chest.
“Let’s—let’s get out now,” Parker insisted.
She shook her head. “Nope.”
“Well, it isn’t considered a proper cleaning if you only apply soap to an area, right? You have to spread it out,” she told him cheekily.
“Wha—” knowing he didn’t have a say in the matter, he reluctantly obeyed Jessica’s implied directions, pumping his dick a few more times inside her—albeit with less gusto. This seemed to please Jessica nonetheless, hearing light moans from the married woman. After about half a minute, Parker stopped. “There, that’s enough, right? We can’t stay in here forever.”
Jessica pouted but agreed, unmounting him and getting out of the bath. Parker followed, and upon seeing Jessica walking to retrieve her towel from the towel rack, said, “Hey!”
Jessica turned around. “What? Do you miss my pussy already?”
He decided to not dignify that question with a response. “You can walk on your own!”
Jessica’s first reaction was confusion, morphing shortly afterwards into one of understanding. “Ah, sorry, I lied a bit,” she smiled apologetically. “It was true that when I first woke up, I couldn’t move, but after you arrived, the soreness had mostly disappeared.”
“OK, well since you don’t need my help anymore, I’m—”
Jessica caught his hand before he could get the other towel from the towel rack. “Help me pick out my outfit for the day. I have an outing with friends in the afternoon.”
“You can do that yourself,” Parker told her, reaching for the towel and joining Jessica in drying himself off, “You have a better sense of fashion than me anyway.”
“That’s not the pooint,” Jessica whined, pouting, “Just come with me, OK?”
“Wai—” Jessica grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the bathroom before he could even put the towel back in its place, much less put on any clothes. The pair walked out of the bathroom, taking a few steps in the residence in the nude before entering the closet. Once inside, Jessica turned the light on and closed the door behind Parker.
“OK, let’s see…”
“Do I really have to be here?”
Parker grimaced when he felt Jessica pulled him forward, stumbling a few steps, causing his semi-erect dick to prod the soft tissue on Jessica’s ass. “Yep!” she said, the smirk on her face somehow evident in her voice as well. “Seems like you’re ready for round two?”
“Just pick your outfit,” Parker told her while taking a few steps back, Jessica simply giggling in response.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” she said, scooting back and bending over slightly, very purposefully pressing her butt against Parker’s stiff member, “I need some inspiration, I think.”
“How—what am I supposed to do about that?” Parker replied, trying to mask the wave of euphoria rushing up his spine in response to feeling the soft, taut skin pressing against his sensitive reproductive organ.
“Get in,” she demanded, playfully shaking her ass against my groin, “Your little—or rather, your quite large—friend seems raring to go~”
Having already slipped between her butt cheeks from the playful shaking she was doing, it didn’t take much more effort to push the elongated object past her wet folds and back into her damp cavern. Jessica hummed in joy, pushing herself all the way onto his dick, stopping after feeling her ass pressed against his body. “Mm~” she hummed again, grinding her ass on Parker’s groin, “I can feel the inspiration coming to me, but I think I’ll need a bit more inspiration,” she slyly said, turning her head around to look at Parker, smiling seductively.
Parker, regrettably understanding what she meant by it, started moving inside her. Lust and arousal started to build up inside him again as he felt Jessica’s tight walls clamped around his dick, the muscle slick with both of their cum convulsing and massaging his length as it glided back and forth inside her. “You’re too gentle,” Jessica whined, adding her own movements in conjunction with Parker’s, “Where’s that dirty mouth of yours? I know you have it in you,” she cooed, squeezing her lower muscles and consequently causing her pussy to squeeze Parker’s cock.
Parker let out a muted groan, yet another wave of pleasure coursing through his body. “That has nothing to do with choosing an outfit,” he insisted, but as expected, his protest fell on deaf ears.
“Aren’t I such a filthy slut, asking to be filled with the cum of a man not my husband three times in less than 24 hours?” Her words were dripping with lust, said in such a seductive voice Parker couldn’t help but feel a bit turned on by it, much to his shame. “I’m such a naughty girl for fucking my husband’s best friend, aren’t I? For loving the feeling of his cock stuffing my pussy to the brim? Shouldn’t you punish this naughty wife for cheating on her loving husband?”
Parker, being reminded of their situation, increased his speed. The faster they finished, the faster he could just go home and forget about this whole ordeal, Parker reasoned. All he had to do was wait for Hunter to get back from his business trip and everything would return to normal. “If you want to be punished so much, then ask Hunter to do it,” he grunted, struggling as he felt Jessica’s pussy tighten yet again.
“But it’s so much more fun to ask you~” she sung, her back arching and her eyes fluttering shut, her lips parted, heavy breaths escaping from her delectable lips. “But do you really want me to ask Hunter to punish me for cheating on him?”
Jessica’s sly smirk directed at Parker frustrated him, causing him to tighten his grip on Jessica’s hips and increase his speed yet again. “If you want to cum so badly, just do it already,” he said, bits of his irritation seeping into his voice, “Are you even looking for something to wear?”
“Yeah, but I need you to lift me up.”
“What? Why?”
“I’m thinking of wearing something I haven’t in a long time, and those are all on the top shelves,” she explained, her voice shaking with the force behind each of Parker’s thrusts, yet not stuttering once.
“Isn’t that what that step stool is for?” Parker nodded at the grey step stool tucked underneath a cascade of dresses hung up along one wall of the walk-in closet.
“What step stool?” Jessica innocently asked, Parker realizing that Jessica was being insistent on this.
“Fine, but make it quick,” Parker told her.
Jessica, removing herself from Parker, looked back at him in shock. “Are you calling me fat?”
“What? No! I just mean—” he promptly stopped after seeing Jessica giggle at his flustered reaction. Indignant, he shot back by saying, “—so what if I am?”
“Then you better hope your arms last longer than me~” she said, Parker kneeling down in preparation to pick her up.
However, hearing those words confused him. “What? Last longer than you? What do you mean?”
Jessica also stopped, looking back at Parker with a flabbergasted reaction. “What else?” But seeing Parker’s sincerely confused reaction caused her first sigh, then chuckle a bit. “You’re so innocent, this is so fun~”
“What do you mean by lasting longer than you?” He repeated.
“Well, naturally, your cock is going to be buried inside me while you’re lifting me,” she explained like it was common sense.
“Wha—how—” Parker stammered, unable to find words to say to the smug looking Jessica, “It’s hardly lifting you up if I’m doing that,” he ended up settling on.
“It’s fine, I just want a new perspective.”
“That doesn’t even make any sense!”
“Hurry,” Jessica bent over, motioning for him to enter her. Seeing his confused reaction, she explained, “You need to enter me first, then pick me up. Otherwise, how are you going to do that when both your arms are occupied?”
Understanding, Parker realized the true difference between them: he wasn’t inexperienced with sex by any means, but Parker liked more vanilla stuff than what Jessica evidently seemed to like. However, seeing Jessica’s experience shine through gave him a new perspective of the kind of person he thought he already had a pretty good grasp on due to last night’s affair. What else did she have up her sleeve? Parker hoped he would never have to find out.
He swiftly entered her again, taking a second to acclimate to her warm cavern before wrapping his sturdy arms securely underneath her upper thigh and lifting her up. Jessica squealed in delight as her feet came off the ground, the sudden loss of control exciting her and simultaneously turning her on even further. The results of this were immediate to Parker as well, feeling Jessica’s walls squeeze his dick even harder as he adjusted his grip on the light woman. “Get looking,” he told her, voice strained from both Jessica’s vagina squeezing his dick as well as her albeit lighter-than-expected body on his arms.
“I will once you start fucking me,” she said stubbornly.
Wanting to get it over with, Parker lifted her up while bending away from her briefly before letting her drop as he thrusted upwards. “Ooh fuck,” she moaned loudly, Parker feeling her leg muscles tense, her head thrown back on his shoulder as Parker’s cock pushed deep into the lustful woman. As Parker acclimated to their strange position, he increased his speed, drawing even more lustful moans from the sexy woman. “Fuuck, my cunt is just being toyed with, I’m being treated like the slut I am,” a stream of words came out of Jessica’s mouth, but this time, instead of being ashamed that he found himself turned on by the sexy woman’s dirty talk, he used it as additional fuel to his fire. “Parker’s cock is slamming into my vulnerable pussy and there’s nothing I can do about it,” Parker could feel her walls tighten around him at a greater rate than before; fortunately, he had gravity on his side, but unfortunately, he could feel fatigue starting to settle in his arms. He could hear himself starting to grunt, pushing past the fatigue, words flowing out of Jessica’s mouth like water down a creek, “God, Parker is pounding me so hard I can almost feel his dick hitting my cervix, but I’m such a fucking slut for enjoying this so much~”
“Keep looking for your outfit,” Parker had to almost growl, his voice heavily strained with the downward force of Jessica’s body weighing him down.
“Or what?” she responded cheekily, a playful smirk appearing on her lips but refusing to open her eyes. “Are you going to punish this naughty girl for not listening to you?”
Parker didn’t respond, mostly because he found himself unable: the struggle to not only keep Jessica above waist level but to lift her again and again became an increasingly difficult task, the adrenaline from feeling her pussy convulse and massage his cock only aiding slightly. “I—I need a break,” Parker finally admitted in a strained voice, “Sorry…”
Jessica just laughed off the ashamed tone in Parker’s voice. “What are you apologizing for? Let me down,” she said, Parker doing just that. While waiting for Parker’s fatigue to wear off, she browsed her closet, actually doing what she entered the enclosed space for and looked for an outfit: it took a bit over a minute for Parker to recover, but Jessica didn’t let him rest much longer than two. “This time, I’ll help you out a little,” she offered, “I’ll face you so I can use my legs to keep myself up.”
Parker nodded, eager to just be done, this time taking much less time in steadying her in his arms before resuming his pounding of her tight cunt. Jessica’s legs, wrapped around his waist, tensed, her soft tits pressed against his chest and her arms wrapped around his neck, her head rested on his shoulder, directly feeding her beautifully melodic moans into his ears. “Parker~” Jessica’s moans echoed about the small, enclosed space, only turning him on more.
He could feel himself nearing his orgasm, the delectable feeling of Jessica’s sexy tits and swollen nipples pushed flush against his body, her vaginal walls pushing and pulling to the rhythm of his thrusts, even the tender feeling of her soft skin in his arms all aiding to that sensation. “I’m close,” he warned her, “Get off.”
“No,” she replied, “You don’t wanna leave any of your cum anywhere in this closet, do you?” Parker’s face paled when he realized that Jessica’s words held merit. “You have no other option than to cum inside me~”
“Fine, fuck,” he muttered, the tension suddenly breaking when Jessica leaned forward and nibbled lightly on his ear. As the tension unraveled, a second, albeit weaker, torrent of his seed spilled into the tantalizing temptress.
“Ooh fuck,” Jessica gasped in pleasure as she felt the hot liquid pouring into her, “It’s so hot, fuck…” her breathy moans floated directly into Parker’s ear whilst still riding out his orgasm, pumping the Korean woman full with his semen. After it subsided, fatigue hit him like a brick wall, but he persisted through. “Impressive, you’re still going so hard despite having just came,” she noted, teasing him but herself feeling near the edge. Parker’s breaths started coming out more roughly than ever before, and it wasn’t even due to the building soreness in his arms; he fought against the fatigue with all his might, determined to finally be done and go home. His efforts paid off, Jessica’s building orgasm just about reaching a breaking point. “I’m so fucking close, oh god,” she breathed, her chest heaving even more and her lower region tightening.
“Cum already then, goddamn it,” Parker growled, the words slipping out without a second thought, his frustrations exposed by how delirious the fatigue started to make him feel.
The aggressive assertion was the tipping point, Jessica letting out an ecstatic yelp as her entire body shook in Parker’s arms, her back arching and her erect nipples drawing random patterns on his chest, her legs that were wrapped around his waist tensing and squeezing the lean man’s body, her hands tightly grabbing fistfuls of his hair as she continued bouncing on Parker’s cock, riding out her orgasm. Nearly a minute later, when her orgasm finally subsided, Parker let Jessica down.
“Found your outfit?” he asked, his own chest heaving while his body attempted to reoxygenate his sore muscles.
“Yep!” she claimed, reaching up and pulling out a quaint yellow dress with an uneven bar of white running along the bottom. “Thanks for helping Parker!”
Thankfully, despite seeing that his erection had yet to subside, Jessica let him go back home. Despite still only being morning, he collapsed onto his bed. Surely, after Hunter came back from his business trip, Jessica would stop with all this nonsense. Right?
Next chapter here.
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aphroditessaturn · 1 year
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pairing || miguel o'hara x venom!fem!reader
summary || Miguel is cold, bossy and grumpy. You on the other hand are warm, considerate and sunshine. The two of you couldn't be more different, but that’s exactly why you were made for each other
warnings || no smut, just fluff! I wanted smut but then didn't have the motivation for it so here it is. ngl I kinda hate it, but I'll let you be the judge of that
note || this does not fully follow the story line of the movie - none of my fics do, just wanted to put that out there. This is for all my girls who want to be a sunshine but are not and of course for our sunshines! who are too cute too walk this earth. Also someone please tell me they have the same problem that they just don' wanna disappoint anyone. please reblog/comment and give feedback!
legend || ven aquí, cariño. ¿Por qué estás llorando?  = ?come here, darling. Why are you crying?; ten cuidado cariño = be careful honey; mi amor = my love
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Saving a universe was nothing new to you, only the Spider-Man you just met was. Miles Morales, a young boy who wore a black and red suit and was amazed by the people he just met.
It seemed he already knew Gwen, but Hobie and Pavitr were yet unknown to him as were you. For a while you just observed them before holding out your hand for him, introducing yourself. You adored how excited he was, “he looks yummy too,” a voice in your head-butted in. “Venom, stop it!” you giggled and turned all the attention to you.
Miles tilted his head up in confusion, “who are you talking to?” he questioned looking around.
“Oh, my symbiont Venom, because of him I have this cool suit,” you gushed showing off your suit. Your whole body was covered in black, with one huge white spider on your chest and unlike most your mask only covered your eyes, making them look white.
Your hair was slicked back to prevent any loose strands from falling into your face. The rest of your hair was open with dark strands of black.
“Yeah, she got this weird thing inside ‘er,” Hobie said and pointed at you as behind you a tentacle emerged, Venom heard exactly what Spider-Punk said. As a result, he lunged at him, which Hobie could duck, “come on, mate!”
“You know better than that!” you gently scolded him with a grin as Venom retrieved himself.
Jessica interrupted the moment, telling Miles that Miguel wanted him in the HQ, with excitement you jumped up and down. “You’re gonna love it in the HQ, everyone’s so cool,” you explained and followed Jess, “he’s already waiting for you,” she whispered to you. Her words made your heartbeat faster.
You all walked through the HQ, though you had a tad more speed on you than the others, “someone’s got a pap in their step,” Venom teased you, but he was already aware of how much you loved Miguel.
“Well why wouldn’t I? I haven’t seen him in forever,” you spoke out aloud, “yesterday, you saw him yesterday,” he told you. Playfully you rolled your eyes at him, smiling to yourself at the thought of your boyfriend.
No one paid your conversation any attention, besides Miles who was still amazed how you talked with Venom.
Quickly he caught up with you, “so that thing in your head…what exactly is it?” he asked you. “Thing? I’m not a thing!” Venom got louder in your head, you chuckled at his actions.
“He’s an alien who was brought to earth, at first he wanted to kill everyone,” “still kinda do,” but now he wants to fight the bad guys,” you told Miles and ignored Venom’s comment. It wasn’t true, he was just being protective over you.
“An alien? That’s so cool, but is he like a parasite?” Oh, no. Venom hated the word ‘parasite’, “what did that little shit just say?” “Hey, calm down, he didn’t mean to be rude. Miles is just curious,” you tried to smooth Venom and excused yourself for a moment.
Miles stood back dumbfounded, processing what just happened as suddenly an arm wrapped over his shoulder, “you’ll get used to it,” Hobie shrugged.
When you were a few more steps away from them Venom’s head came from your shoulder looking as dangerous as ever. “You can’t take to heart everything that people say,” you said with a smile, “but I’m not a parasite,” he argued. You noticed him pouting to which you giggled, “don’t be sad, you’re not! Ignore it.”
Venom could be a real drama queen but enjoyed it just as much, he was just too cute when he was mad.
After he felt better you rejoined the group who now stood by Miguel’s platform, with one jump you were next to him. Miguel looked as grumpy as ever, once he saw you however his face lit up a little.
“We finished our mission successfully,” you told him with a proud smile as you came to a stop in front of him. “Mhm, I saw that…you did an amazing job mi amor,” the last part was only meant for your ears, whispered just loud enough for you to hear.
You interlocked your fingers with his and looked up at him with heart shaped eyes. Your expression held pure adoration for Miguel and his was no different.
Miguel would do everything for you - does everything for you. Because for him you were the apple of his eye, the one he got a second chance with and would never lose again.
“Miles meet Miguel O’Hara,” Gwen introduced the two, Miguel glared at them. He knew Miles already - hell he knew everyone - and wasn’t fond of the boy - okay there were like three or four people Miguel liked.
Suddenly Venom decided to make an appearance and stick his head out, moving between you and Miguel, “he called me a parasite,” internally you smacked Venom, that little drama queen. Miles jumped back once he saw what came from your shoulder, Venom did his usual scary face.
Miles caught himself and started telling Miguel how he could speak Spanish too, that he got him an Empanada. Long story short, Miguel didn’t like it and threw the Empanada across the room. From the corner of your eye, you saw Hobie snatching the Empanada which caused you to giggle lightly.
The sound made Miguel relax a little, but he was still in rage over Miles which was interrupted by Peter Parker, “go easy on him Miguel, he had a terrible teacher.”
Excitement overtook you as you saw him, “Mayday!” you shouted and jumped from the platform, “ten cuidado cariño,” Miguel called after you, concern laced in his tone. The toddler reached her hands out for you, and you gladly took her.
You walked with her back to Miguel, “hold on tight yeah?” you told her and jumped back up to Miguel.
“Oh, of course that would explain why he blows holes into the multiverse,” Miguel snapped at Peter, his words made your ears perk up. You thought you had ended the mission with success, but if there were holes then that would mean the opposite.
“I thought we were successful,” you voiced your concern to your boyfriend who looked at you. Suddenly he was at a loss of words, how could he tell you that saving the people was wrong? It tore his heart apart when he saw your disappointed expression, he decided on the only thing he could bear.
“You did, the mission you had was successful,” assured you, the answer had you confused. Was your mission different from the others?
When he spoke to you his voice turned softer, more considerate as when he talked to Miles and Peter. He didn't want to hurt your feelings hence why he couldn't tell you.
For a moment you studied him, you weren't stupid you knew something was up. The look on his face told you that saving the people was wrong, the canon had been broken. You pouted, you hated upsetting anyone, especially Miguel.
Miguel’s body language drastically changed, his once confident and intimidating posture faltered. His expression was helpless, “mi amor, please don’t pout, you did the right thing. It’s what you do,” his hand rested on your heated cheeks. You looked up at him, teary eyes and not knowing what to do.
“You don’t need to sweet talk me, we should’ve let the canon event happen and not stop it…,” you said, all of a sudden not being able to meet his eyes, instead looking down at your feet.
“Hold on, why is what she did right and I did wrong?” Miles questioned, pointing at you. He was offended, Miguel had lectured him and Gwen but you get away with it? “Shouldn’t she know better as well?” he added, taking a step forward.
Miguel turned back to the boy, face hard and a cold stare. He stood tall, posture back with a hint of possessiveness.
“It’s not the first time you blew a hole into the multiverse and you think you can just come here and act as if you didn’t do anything?” Miguel’s rage picked up with every second he looked at Miles.
The reason why he didn’t lecture you wasn’t because he loved you – though a part of him didn’t because of that – but because you went on the mission last minute. You weren’t supposed to come with them, you didn’t know what event had to happen.“Miguel, I’m sorry,” you said, trying to calm the situation, “don’t take it out on Miles,” you lifted your head to meet his eyes, hand gently touching his forearm.
Everything was wiped away the moment he heard your soft voice, felt your touch. His blood pressure calmed down, relaxing slightly when turned to meet your gaze. No, it wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to apologize.
“This isn’t over, now go,” Miguel snapped at the three Spider-Man variants before giving you his full attention.
You felt guilty, maybe you shouldn’t but you did. You have been in the society almost as long as Miguel and should’ve informed yourself about the mission. Now here you were the reason Miles and Gwen got a lecture from your boyfriend while you thought the mission went well. Apparently not.
“Stop it, mi amor. I can see your thoughts running. You did nothing wrong, I could have told you what needed to be done,” his tone was soft, quiet.
Miguel laid his hands on your cheeks, thumb stroking over your temple and resting his forehead against yours. That was when he felt the first tear running along his hand, “vYou wrapped your arms around his middle, hugging him as tight as you could.
“I disappointed you,” you mumbled into his chest, fingers interlocking to keep him as close as possible. He closed his eyes, his heart burned with pain.
He hated seeing you fault yourself for something that wasn’t your fault. You also didn’t disappoint him, it was an impossible task, “mi amor, if there is one thing you could never do is disappoint me. Yes, you broke the canon, but you didn’t know what was canon and I will not fault you for that.”
You sniffed, his words only made it partly better but his hug. Oh, his hug made everything better. Miguel O’Hara gave the best hugs in the world.
— — — —
Miguel hated eating in the cafeteria. Everything and everyone was so loud, they wanted to talk, sit next to you and make their "funny" jokes.
You loved eating in the cafeteria. Everyone would tell their stories of whom they fought or just something funny.
If it weren't for you, Miguel wouldn't set a foot in there but you liked eating there so here he was. Sitting with you on one of the tables, as far away from everyone as possible.
He had his usual grumpy expression on while you told him about the cows you so the other day. Occasionally slipping Venom some of your french fries. The story of how you feed them warmed his heart, he could listen forever – until unwanted guests came.
"Hey, sunshine," Peter B. greeted you with Mayday sitting in front of his chest. The nickname was a common one amongst the spider people.
"Miguel, my friend! See I just wanted to come and ask you some things," he enthusiastically said and sat down beside him. Mayday escaped him and crawled towards you, Venom who had one of his tentacles out started playing with her.
"So I was thinking," Peter started and Miguel already let his head hang low, "why don't we make like a little get together to celebrate-," "dios mío, no," Miguel instantly shut down the idea.
"Come on, it will be fun!" Peter continued to try and convince Miguel, but it was no use.
"It's dangerous, we have missions and we can't ignore them," Miguel shook his head and went back to eating his food. Peter pouted and looked at you for help, you didn’t immediately notice him as you were busy with Mayday.
Once you did your eyes widened, quickly it downed on you what he was asking of you. “I think it could be fun, it doesn’t have to be big and nobody has to come.”
Miguel stopped eating and looked at you with a cocked brow, his expression was one you got often when you asked him for something because of someone else. Well he couldn’t exactly say no to you.
“Mhm, can’t say no huh?” Venom said to him as he showed his face, Miguel grumbled something under his breath which no one could make out.
“Fine,” he stated and got up from his seat to leave for his office, Venom turned his head to you, knowing you’d follow him. “You’re welcome! I’m already excited and we would love to come. Oh, you know what, I'm gonna bake some cupcakes with little spiders on top, they’re gonna look so cool!” you gushed at Peter with a huge grin before skipping after Miguel.
“Miguel this is gonna be so much fun, we gotta have music and food! Maybe you could bring some decoration, like these spider garlands you can get on Halloween,” you ranted, telling him all the ideas you had.
Your eyes were filled with excitement, it made Miguel happy to see how much you enjoyed planning this. He knew it was dangerous but maybe for one little moment it could be okay.
“Stop frowning,” you commented and nudged your hip against him, in response he rolled his eyes sitting down in his chair. Slightly offended, you gasped, “did you just roll your eyes at me.” Miguel chuckled and pulled you into his lap
“Don’t act as you never roll your eyes at me,” he argued to which you gave a huff, “I do not!”
His hands traveled along your waist, head leaning into the crook of your neck, “mhm, I seem to remember how your eyes roll when I have you filled to the brim with my cock,” his words made you shiver and cheeks heat up.
You whined when you felt his lips kiss along your neck, “Miggy,” he was teasing you. Arms wrapping around your waist to keep you close.
“How about we recreate that, mhm mi amor?” His voice was deep, filled with lust and you could feel his hardness pressing against your ass. Your panties were already drenched, thighs pressing together.
“Yup, that’s my que to leave.”
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elryuse · 2 months
Yandere snsd otp 9 please there obsessed with there adopted little brother reader
Yandere SNSD OT9 X Male Reader
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The plane touched down in Incheon, a cold wave of dread washing over me. My parents, the people I trusted most, had ripped the rug from under my feet. They'd sold me, their own son, to a rich family in Korea. Betrayal gnawed at me, a bitter pill I couldn't swallow.
A man in a chauffeur's uniform held a placard with my new name, a Korean name I didn't recognize. He led me to a sleek black car, and the entire ride was a blur of towering skyscrapers and neon signs spewing unfamiliar words. Finally, the car pulled up to a colossal mansion that looked more like a palace.
My jaw dropped as I stepped out. A maid bowed, ushering me inside. There, I found them. Nine girls, impossibly beautiful, clad in luxurious clothes, faces a mix of curiosity and disdain.
"This is our new… brother," the one with the fiercest eyes announced, her voice dripping with ice. Jessica, they'd introduced her later, with a coldness in her eyes that sent shivers down my spine.
"Yoona," a girl with doe-like eyes scolded softly. "Be nice." Sooyoung, her name tag read. The only one who seemed to show a shred of genuine warmth.
The first few weeks were a blur of isolation and silent judgment. I became a ghost, flitting through the edges of their seemingly perfect lives, cleaning their mess, fetching things, and basically acting like their servant. They treated me with indifference, their conversations laced with inside jokes and references I didn't understand.
One rainy night, as I drove them back from a late-night practice, a reckless driver ran a red light. The car swerved, tires screeching. The world became a chaotic blur before everything went dark.
I woke up in a hospital bed, my body a map of aches and pains. But the pain was a mere whisper compared to the sight that greeted me. Nine worried faces surrounded my bed, concern etching lines on their flawless faces.
"Y/n! You're awake!" the one with the soft voice, Yoona, cried, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Tiffany, a girl with bright eyes and a seemingly warm smile, held my hand tightly. "You scared the living shit out of us. Don't you ever do that again."
The others, the girls who used to ignore me, surrounded me with a flurry of questions and frantic care. It was overwhelming, this sudden shift in their behavior. Yet, a part of me felt...warm. A flicker of hope ignited in my chest.
Days turned into weeks, and my stay at the hospital became an unexpected haven. They showered me with affection, bringing me my favorite takeout, singing me silly songs in butchered Korean to cheer me up, and even reading me Korean bedtime stories – their attempts hilariously endearing.
As I recovered, I learned more about them, about SNSD, their dream, their struggles. Their ambition, once cold and distant, became something I admired. I found myself drawn to their passion, their love for music, and most unsettlingly, to them.
One afternoon, while they were recording, I sat in their practice room, captivated by the raw emotions they poured into their song. As the last note faded, a heavy silence descended. Then, Yoona spoke, her voice trembling.
"Y/n, W-we…" she began, then stopped, tears welling up in her eyes. "We were terrible sisters. We took you for granted."
Taeyeon, the fierce leader, stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You became our family, Y/n. And we scared you away. We… we can't lose you again."
Her words unraveled something within me. I realized I wasn't just drawn to their world; I was trapped. Their love, once suffocating, was now a possessive cage woven from concern and affection.
I looked at their faces, each beautiful in its own way, and a horrifying truth dawned on me. They were obsessed. Not with me as a brother, but as something… more. A possession to be cherished, protected, and never let go of. The warmth I felt earlier turned icy cold, a knot of fear tightening in my stomach.
They were my family, my saviors, but also my captors. A twisted family bound by a love that had crossed the line, and I, Y/n, the unwanted son, was now their prisoner in a gilded cage.
The following days solidified my fear. My room was adorned with SNSD posters, their schedules plastered across my desk like religious icons. My phone was replaced with one monitored by Sooyoung, under the guise of 'keeping me safe.' Sunny, the bubbly one, would burst into tears if I mentioned leaving for a walk. Hyoyeon, the dance machine, started following me everywhere, a silent, watchful shadow.
At night, the nightmares began. I'd wake up in a cold sweat, the scent of lilies – their favorite flower – thick in the air. A single lily would be placed on my nightstand, a silent promise of their obsessive love.
One evening, I managed to sneak my old phone out of my bag. With trembling fingers, I dialed a random international number. A voice, rough with sleep, answered on the other end.
"Mom? Dad? It's me Y/n." Relief flooded me, a lifeline thrown across a vast ocean of despair.
But before I could speak further, the door creaked open. Taeyeon stood there, her face a mask of fury. The phone clattered to the floor, the sound of my shattered hope echoing in the silence.
"Who were you talking to?" Her voice was laced with venom.
Tears welled up in my eyes. "M-my parents. I just wanted to…"
"You don't need anyone else," Tiffany cut in, her eyes blazing with a possessive glint. "You have us."
They surrounded me, a suffocating wall of beautiful faces. Yoona, ever the gentle one, held a syringe filled with a clear liquid.
"This will help you sleep, Y/n. No more bad dreams."
Panic clawed at my throat. I lunged for the door, but Jessica was already there, her grip like iron. A struggle ensued, a pathetic fight against nine determined women. In the end, they subdued me, the syringe finding its mark on my arm.
The world dissolved into a hazy blur. As darkness claimed me, I heard their voices, a chilling chorus that echoed in the recesses of my mind.
"Don't worry, Y/n. You're safe now. You'll never leave us again."
I woke up strapped to a bed, the sterile white room a stark contrast to the opulent prison I called home. An IV dripped into my arm, a constant reminder of my captivity.
On the bedside table sat a bouquet of lilies, their cloying scent filling the air. Despair washed over me, a cold, suffocating wave. There was no escape. I was a prisoner in a gilded cage, a plaything for nine beautiful, deranged women who called themselves my sisters. The once-distant dream of freedom now felt like a cruel joke. My new reality was a life sentence of love, a love so twisted it could only be called obsession.
To Be Continued
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purplepeach333 · 5 months
The Prey
Pairing: Feyd x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: you are the adopted daughter of house Atriedes, stranded on Arrakis with your mother and brother. Paul starts seeing visions of war and chaos whilst you are trying to aid your brother in finding a way out of the bloodshed you get word of the arrival of the Emperor and house Harkooen. Paul goes to your mother for help. She claims there is only one way that war will be avoided which is for you to accept the long waited betrothal offer so that they can keep peace.
~Part 1~
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I dart into the cramped cave my mother occupies, feeling frantic and almost sick
“How could you! Even just knowing that you were considering giving me away to those monsters is absolutely unbelievable!” I breathe out, anger coating my features as I pace around the small space a few times.
Jessica sits there in her usual place within the shadows almost unaware of my presence, meditating for the hundredth time that day. I stop pacing and turn to her looking for a sign that she is paying any kind of attention. Away from the blazing desert sun the air feeling cool as It fills my lungs, not a sound but my unsteady breath
“Mother please, you can’t just ignore me and expect me to accept it” I cry out angrily, searching for any kind of response.
After a horribly long couple minutes of silence Jessica opens her eyes glancing up at me with a vacant expression
“It has been decided, I have already sent word to the Baron.” She replies her voice empty and emotionless matching the bland expression on her face
“What!.” I stand there, my body frozen dread rushing through me. “Y-you can’t do that.” I try to protest my voice coming out in a desperate whisper. “They wouldn’t agree to it. Not now”
Feeling my world collapse around me, anything I could have ever wanted or wished for gone, impossible, absolutely unattainable I’ll be a prisoner.
“They will come to fetch you tomorrow, then all shall be well for Paul to continue on his path” she finishes turning away from me
Hearing her words I feel something within me snap “Paul! Is that seriously all you care about!” I shout in frustration. Seeing her so uninterested in what I have to say I step towards her. I'd been training day and night my whole life to perfect my control over the voice, without hesitation I look down at my mother and use her own training against her “look at me.” I command
The energy in the room changes almost immediately as Jessica stands from her spot glaring at me “how dare you.” She demands her voice echoing on the thick stone walls around us as bits of sand and rock fall from above.
“You have no say in the matter it has already been decided.” she continues stepping towards me “with the Harkoonens satisfied and out of the way Paul will be able to do what he must and with you wed to the Na-baron we will have a hand to control them.” Without another word she strides past me out into the light.
I stand there stunned. Even if Paul achieves his goal how will I gain control over the Harkooens they’d kill me if they ever saw me as a threat.
Stepping out into the harsh, burning heat from the cool, comforting shade, I realise that this is actually happening in just a few short hours. I will be forced to leave my family and the beautifully harsh desert to go willingly with the Harkooens. I’ve only ever read about them and their way of life and what I’ve read isn’t very comforting, but being merely a pawn in a large,unfair game of chess I have little to no say against the kings and knights ranking well above me no matter how much I plead and beg.
“y/n do you have nothing better to wear?” Jessica comments from behind me devoured by her layers of elegant fabrics
“No mother, this is all I have.” I pat down my fremen borrowed clothes “I doubt it matters-“
“Of course it matters, you must make a exceptional first impression” she corrects me immediately “you wouldn’t want to disappoint your betrothed”
I peer out into the never ending sea of sand, wishing it would swallow me whole and put me out of my misery.
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lottiembae · 3 months
control; shauna shipman x fem!reader
Summary: an english group project. a crush on shauna. and the power to control shauna's bad temper.
Warnings: fluff, bad words, crush. unnecessarily long :)
Note: English is not my first language.
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The sound of a pencil hitting a notebook repeatedly called your attention. The sound came from the other side of the classroom, where Shauna Shipman decided to sit. The left side was hers, the only one taking the spot away from them all.
If you didn't know her, actually you didn't, but you two shared classes those years and at least you know some tips from the Shipman's girl, Shauna would scare anyone she proposed to. Her constant stoic face, the challenge on their brown eyes and the brief but pronounced frown on her eyebrows make her look that at any moment, she would snap you. And maybe she does it, only that you need to be really stupid because the girl usually remains quiet. You think you only saw her relaxed with her group of friends or what is the same, the yellowjackets soccer team. It didn't help that the most matches they won, the popularity rose too, and you learn quickly that Shauna Shipman hates attention.
And stupid people.
Ted Berman, the leader of your group for an English assignment, was a complete jerk. For your luck, you are on his good side but you can't say the same for some of them, including Shauna. You'll see, since Shauna is on the soccer team it means that she needs to go to training and sometimes, she came late to some meetings and Ted didn't like that. So in a punishing manner, Ted gave her the more difficult tasks, something that you told him that it's not fair, only receiving ignorance for his part, not wanting to hear you.
There is too that Shauna is very smart, and somehow Ted is glad and resentful about it.
"You will be in charge of searching for them in the library, Shipman." Ted finished to say with a not subtle snide smirk.
Turning your head towards the mentioned, you could see how her nostrils opened, her breathing accelerated and her jaw tense. Still, she remains quiet. Her deep brown eyes speak louder than the words she would say out loud.
"It would take time if she does it alone. I can help." You offer, raising your hand momentarily in the air.
You never crossed a word with Shauna, and you feel a little scared of how her reaction to this would be.
"I think she can handle it very well, since she has the highest note from all of us." Ted said, emphasizing the last part with now a full snide smirk. He is looking directly at her, he is not a fool. Ted wants to gain a reaction from the Shipman's girl, the problem for him is that Shauna never gives him the satisfaction.
"And I hope you don't forget about it, leader." Shauna said in a fake kind tone, with the most smug look on her eyes. Some of them try to hide the laugh for the comment, making Shauna feel pleased about it and the smugness display on her features.
Clearly it takes another turn for Ted, who erases the smirk quickly from his face. Knowing what would come soon, you stood up and already stopped Ted's steps towards the girl.
"Ted, think about it. If she does it all alone, we need to prolong the assignment and we can't afford that. We need to give it to Mr Jones in less than two weeks." You tried to reason with him, seeing how he is thinking about it for the change of his expression.
"Alright," he starts, letting out a sigh. "you help her then, like you offer." He said, turning his back on you and going back to his table.
You come back to yours, avoiding to look where Shauna is. It doesn't matter if you avoid her the entire time of the meeting duration, you need to talk to meet and work together about the assignment. You take a seat next to Jessica, the girl in charge of the art side of the project and she gives a kind smile, already knowing Ted's behaviour because well, she is his girlfriend.
"I swear to god that he is such an asshole sometimes." She mumbles, her gaze focusing on the cardboard almost finished.
You laugh quietly. "Only sometimes?" You tease in a whisper, gaining an elbow on your ribs by her side but you can see a faint smile on her lips.
You two remained quiet, sometimes sharing some comments about what you are doing until you pack your things to go to the chess club.
"Don't forget about it." It's the only thing Ted told you before you get out of there, making you roll your eyes.
The first thing you did when you arrived at the building the next day was go to the library and search for the people you need to learn. You are mindlessly reading the inside cover with a few books you think are good for your information when a soft chuckle startled you.
A pair of brown eyes are set on you, walking next to you with a mischievous gaze. Her steps came to a stop and without asking she took away the books chosen from your right hand, scanning them carefully.
"This one doesn't matter. These two could do the job." Shauna rasped out, putting the first book on the shelf it belongs and saved the other two on her blue backpack. Her gaze came back to you, moving to look at the other book you are holding. Her fingers covered by her rings grace your hand the moment she takes it gently from your grasp, reading the inside cover. "It seems good too." She whispers, raising once again her eyes to look at you and see a glint of mischief of them, like before. "See you around." She leans briefly, tapping your bottom nose with her index finger and stepping out from there, not waiting for a reply for your part.
You are speechless, not assimilating what happened. It's the first time you have an interaction with Shauna, even if you don't speak to her. She seems so herself interacting with you, that it gives you some pride, thinking too that maybe you don't deserve her kindness.
The rest of the day passed slowly, the meeting that was planned for that afternoon was cancelled, leaving you a little with free time before you schedule with the chess club and you decide to do some more research. You still didn't talk with Shauna, you barely saw her that day since you two didn't share any class that day, you offered to talk to her about the cancellation of the reunion, a good excuse to approach the Shipman girl, but Ted told you that he would warn her.
You frown when you walk by the hall where the English classroom is, seeing a figure sit down on the floor with her head down. It's Shauna.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, approaching the girl with your purple folder on your arms, hugging it.
Shauna raised her head, uncrossing her legs and closing the book she was reading. "I knocked but there is no one in." She explains, standing up. You grimaced, something Shauna caught quickly. "What is it?"
"Shauna... the meeting was cancelled because Ted had a familiar problem..." You explained, seeing how slowly her features hardened. Before you could say something else, she starts to scream angrily.
"That piece of shit! WHO THINK HE IS." She shouted, kicking her backpack hard, sending it a few meters away. Her breathing became irregular. "WASTING THE BARELY FREE TIME I HAVE SITTING HERE WAITING FOR A REUNION IT DOESN'T HAPPEN."
It's the first time you see Shauna snap like that, seeing how she is walking up and down trying to calm herself. Both hands on her forehead, face flushed thanks to the rage she is feeling.
"I was gonna warn you but he told me that he was going to tell you..." You explain in a small voice, hugging more of your folder.
This new information made her stop abruptly, looking at you with her doe eyes. She let out an ironic laugh, shaking her head. "He is going to regret it." She murmurs to herself, her gaze now lost on the floor.
"Do you want to come with me?" You ask, blushing a lot when you realise your words. Shauna looks at you with an unreadable expression. "I need to go to the chess meeting, and I was thinking that maybe we can discuss how we need to work on our assignments..." You explained in a rush.
Shauna thinks for a moment then, she walks a few steps towards her backpack land before, grabbing it and walking towards you again. "Okay." She murmurs, waiting for you to start to walk.
You swallowed, a little surprise. You are glad that she forgot about Ted's bad play, knowing very well that if something happens, he searches for it.
"It's in the next hall." You informed her, leading the path. You could feel how Shauna started to follow you closely, her breathing became steady. Before you open the door, you turn to look at her. "I'm going to warn them. Sometimes they are sceptical about people watching." You explained awkwardly.
For your luck, Shauna nods with her head and leans on the wall next to the door. You went inside and saw the rest of your chess mate there. Again your luck is by your side and they agree letting Shauna be there.
"They are in a good mood." You let her know the moment you open the door, smiling. You move to let her go inside.
Shauna walks in and greets your friends politely, going to sit down in an empty spot in the first row of chairs.
The whole time that the reunion lasted, you could feel Shauna's gaze on you. Of course it has an effect on you, failing some dumb moves that easily the opponent would take advantage of, but fortunately you are good at this game.
"You are good at this." Shauna murmurs next to you when you walk outside. You noticed that she pulled up her hair in a messy bun, finding the new look attractive. Shit, you curse Shauna Shipman to have that effect on you.
"We all are." You said, chuckling at the end when you see her expression. "Seriously, we are. But I am a little better than them." You admitted playfully.
Shauna let out a smile, walking to the parking lot and stopping in front of her car making Y/N stop in front of her.
"We can meet tomorrow, after hopefully the meeting of this shit project." Shauna suggested, letting out an involuntary sarcastic laugh.
You soften your eyes, knowing very well that Shauna has the right to be annoyed. "Cool by me. And if you need to be late tomorrow, I would understand." You said casually, starting to walk and wave a hand towards her, seeing your mother's car parking there.
Shauna waves back, watching you go inside of the car.
You supposed that the next day, things between Ted and Shauna would be tense. But never thought that Jackie Taylor would be involved. Everything happened in the cafeteria, during the break. Usually you sit down with Jessica, and consequently Ted sometimes is there, like this time.
"What the hell do you think you are?" A new voice interrupts the conversation you are having with your friend. You look at the person in question and recognise her, seeing too that she isn't alone, a blush mess was behind her friend, tugging the sleeve repeatedly while calling her friend's name, but Jackie ignored her. Her hazel eyes are glued on Ted, who looks confused when raised his head from his book.
"What?" He asks confused, blinking. Then, his gaze fell on Shauna and recognition came to his face. "You are Shipman's friend." He state.
Jackie gave him a sarcastic smile. "Yeah. The only one you can't stop to tease on." She rasped out, crossing her arms around her chest. "Are you that mad at her that you didn't warn yesterday there wasn't any meeting? Really?"
Ted became another blush mess, his gaze avoiding his girlfriend's one. You remember the first thing you did that day was scold him, but of course he didn't care. Maybe if Jessica is involved, he could listen finally.
"Did you do that?" Jessica asks astonish, looking at him. She opened her mouth a few times, not knowing what to say, then she turned to look at the pair of friends. "I'm sorry, Shauna. He told us that he was to warn you about it and like I fool we believe him. I'm really sorry." She apologised.
Shauna softened her features. "It's not your fault." She said.
"No, it's from your shitty boyfriend." Jackie barked out, gaining a warning by Shauna.
In another circumstance you knew that Jessica would defend him the moment Jackie left those words out, but right now she felt so pissed with him that Jessica remained quiet.
"I'm sorry." Ted said in a low voice, his blue eyes focusing on Jessica. "I'm sorry, Shauna." He said this time, looking at her.
You believe him, rarely he would apologise for something, but he gained that Shauna doesn't believe him.
"See you later, leader." Shauna spat quietly, this time grabbing Jackie's wrist, the blonde's complaining echoing their path.
Throughout the day you witnessed how Jessica gave the cold stare to Ted every time he tried to explain, you awkwardly remained quiet and when you tried to give them some space, Jessica grabbed your wrist to stop you.
Late that day, after an hour of the reunion started Shauna showed up, hair down wetting her green flannel from the small drops of water falling from her brunette hair. The silence involved them, everyone aware of what Ted did.
You see how Shauna avoided everyone, going to her usual seat, but you wanted her to feel better.
"Shauna." You call her softly, calling her attention. Once the Shipman girl looks at your way, you point the empty chair next to you. "Come here. I have a few ideas to start."
The brunette changes her steps and walks slowly towards your left side, letting her blue backpack down. You could feel how tense she is, so wanting her to relax, you start to rant about your idea and how you visualise the parts on the cardboard.
"Fine by me." Shauna lowly said, playing with her rings while giving you a small smile. "I'm not that artistic, so I like your idea." She shrugs.
You nod, grabbing from your purple folder the parts you wrote last night thanks to the only book the girl next to you left. "Read them, maybe you want to put your part together." You offer, tending the few pages to her.
Shauna grabs them gently, eyes moving on them. "It seems pretty good." She murmurs, distracted.
You notice how Shauna got more relaxed with the minutes, the quietness from the start turned into mindless comments, also joking with you a little. Is in the middle of the reunion when she tenses back, remaining her carefree position on the chair but her gaze turns dark, jaw clenching and her hands turning into fists.
Ted starts to talk, that's what happened.
Your eyes alternate between her hardened expression and white knuckles, knowing that she probably scratch herself with her nails. You know that if you don't do something to distract her, something would occur. So you grab a piece of paper from your notebook and draw Ted in a caricature, imitating the pose he usually does. You pass the small piece of paper to her discreetly, your fake being paying attention whatever Ted is saying.
You hear how Shauna let out a snort when she opened the note, catching your gaze when you turned to look at her. She leans on, leaning her elbow on the table and supporting her head with her hand.
"You catch his essence." The brunette whispered, the corner of her mouth turning up in a smug smile.
"It's not that difficult." You whispered back, chuckling a little.
Someone clearing their throat broke your bubble, looking at the front you saw Ted, giving you two inquisitive looks.
"Something funny?" He asks in a hoarse voice, his gaze alternating between you and Shauna and definitely lingering on her.
"Fuck off." You hear how Shauna muttered under her breath in a resentful manner.
Is a whisper, a thread of voice but enough for you and Ted to hear.
Ted hardened his features, his lips turning into a fine line. "What did you say?"
You look at Shauna, begging she turns to look at you and understand not to repeat those words again, but she doesn't turn to look at you. Shauna raised her gaze at him, still leaning her face on her hand. Her brown eyes burning holes into Ted's.
Before she opens her mouth, you interfere. "I was explaining something to her. Sorry to interrupt your explanation, Ted." You lied, giving him a sweet smile. Hopefully you wish he gave up and came back to explain whatever he was saying.
"Ted..." Jessica called him after a minute where he stood up in front of us, looking at Shauna. He slowly turned, without his wishes and started to explain again in his bored tone of voice that he chose for today.
Shauna scoffed at your side, the anger approaching on her face. She turned her hands into fists again, so without thinking too much you grab her right hand and deposit your hands on your lap, intertwining your fingers while with your other hand start to play with her rings. You look at Ted, too shy to look at Shauna about your bold move. And you wish to escape from her intense gaze she is sending you, surprisingly Shauna left play with her hand on your lap.
You are glad to feel how she calmed down, when Ted stopped to explain you didn't let her hand go, not until you needed to write your part on something for Elliott's draw. Slowly you left her hand without thinking too much, forgetting about letting Shauna's hand on your lap.
It's when you finish and turn to look at what Shauna is doing giggling by something Elliott said, finding the most puppy eyes someone gives you. Your heart melts, tilting your head.
"Are you okay?" You ask in a worried voice.
Shauna nods with her head, still quiet.
You frowned, not understanding her pout. It's when her cheeks blush, shyly intertwining your pinkie on hers that maybe, you understand her behaviour. Was she pouting because you left her hand?
Her brown eyes focused on the pages in front of her, writing with her left hand. It caught your attention, you thought that Shauna writes with her right hand. Also you notice too the warm her body radiates the moment you get closer, feeling gladly at the moment because today was a cloudy and cold day.
"It's enough for today, guys! Thank you for coming." Ted announced.
You left her pinkie out, starting to save your things in your backpack, grabbing the cardboard you and Shauna shared and carefully rolling it up.
It surprised you that Shauna stayed there waiting for you to finish, even though she helps others to save things for the next reunion. She has her arms crossed about her chest, leaning her back on at the table while her gaze is entirely on you.
"You don't have to wait for me." You said kindly, putting on your jacket.
Shauna shrugs, brushing her hair aside. "I don't mind." She lowly said.
The moment you two get out of the classroom, avoiding Ted's gaze on you, the cold hits your face making you scowl. Shauna looks at you curiously, but didn't say anything. You two remained quiet the rest of the journey.
"See you tomorrow, Shauna." You wave your hand, smiling. Turning around to start your walk towards your home, you feel a hold on your wrist.
"Are you going alone today?" She asks, letting out the hold on your wrist. A brief frown made her way on Shauna's face.
You nod. "Yeah. Usually my mom came to pick me up, but today she needed to be with my sister's appointment." You explained, not knowing why because with a simple no was enough.
A few seconds of silence passed until Shauna spoke again. "I'll take you." She said.
"Don't worry, Shauna. I can walk alone." You kindly reject her offer, not wanting to waste more of her time.
"Let me take you." She insisted. You sighed when you saw it again, the start of a pout on her face.
"Alright." You gave in, cursing the power that pout already has on you and you barely are seeing it for the second time.
Shauna steps back to her car, opening the back door and throwing her backpack there. You sit down on her copilot seat, sighing relieved when the warm inside of the car embraces you.
"It's not that cold." She murmurs, the corner of her lips turning up. You frown, tilting your head. She chuckles and turns on the engine. But you notice that she turns on the calefaction and you smile inside of your head.
Little details.
You left a trail of curses with every move of your hand trying to clean on the big stain of apple juice from your white shirt. You are in the toilet, next to the sink and time from time to wet a new piece of paper to take off the stain. Spoiler; it didn't.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" You hear someone comment behind you, making you jump on the spot.
Turning around, you see an amused Shauna walking to you. "Hey... Right now I don't care about anyone. Just this stain goes away." You muttered, your eyes coming back to your shirt, your movements getting faster.
"What happened?" Shauna asks curiously, positioning herself in front of you now.
Without removing your eyes from your shirt, you answered. "Some jerk stumbles with me in the cafeteria and pours me with his apple juice. The idiot only laughed and left without apologising. I'm sure if it was the contrary he didn't find it funny." You explained, letting out a sarcastic low laugh at the end.
"Take." You raised your head when you heard her, seeing her leave her backpack between her legs and pull off the beige flannel she wears today, staying with a thin black t-shirt. She extended the flannel towards you, her brown eyes fixing on you.
"Shauna... Are you sure? It's freezing today." You doubtfully said, alternating your gaze between her and her flannel.
"It's not that freezing, but I have another one in my gym bag. Don't worry, take it." She reassured you, pushing the flannel carefully into your arms, not letting you have the option to reject her.
"Thank you." You said sincerely, pulling on her flannel. It's a little bigger on you, but you like how it looks on you. The soft fabric emanates Shauna's perfume, hugging your senses.
"You're welcome." Shauna said back, giving you a lipped smile. "The classes are to start. Give me a minute and I will accompany you." She offers, not waiting for your answer because she left her backpack at your feet and locked herself in the empty cubicle.
You never imagined that Shauna Shipman would show you a soft side in two days of interaction you have.
Soon Shauna came out, washing her hands on the sink and grabbing a piece of paper to dry her hands. Then, she grabs the backpack from your hand and walks out with you by her side.
"If you don't mind I'm going to grab my other flannel in my locker." Shauna comments, a few steps up to the way towards her locker.
You hummed, muttering okay. You lean on the left locker, watching with a glint of smug how Shauna is putting on the red flannel.
"How many do you have?" You ask curiously.
Shauna clears her throat, blushing a little. "I lost count." She admitted in a small voice.
You smile, bringing a hand to the collar of her flannel and putting it correctly. Your hand pulls off the ponytail from her flannel too, admiring the curl formed at the end. You come back from your dreamy state when you notice the deepness of Shauna's gaze, right now matching her red cheeks.
She closed the door. "What class do you have now?" She leans on you a little, the noise the other students are making is loud, knowing that she didn't lean or raise her voice you wouldn't listen to her.
"French." You reply, praying that Shauna didn't notice how her closeness is affecting you.
She opened her eyes a little, like knowing something you didn't. "I have some friends taking that class too. They suck though." She comments, starting to walk towards the French classroom alongside you.
You chuckle a little when you hear the last part. "I'm not that good either." You admitted.
For your bad luck, the classroom is near Shauna's locker. You two stopped before reaching the door, you facing her. "Thank you for lending me your flannel, Shauna." You thanked her, biting the inside of your cheek.
"It's nothing. Don't worry about returning it anytime soon." She said, squeezing your forearm kindly briefly.
You nod, licking your lips. "Have a good day." You wished with a shy smile.
She nods too. "You too." Then, she proceeded to gift you with one of her rarely toothy smiles that she only had reserved for close people, because you never thought that Shauna would give that smile.
You turn around and step inside, going to your place. You feel how some stares remain on you the whole walk to your table. You catch briefly Jackie Taylor's and Lottie Matthews' eyes on you. Did they recognise the flannel you are wearing? Maybe they saw before how Shauna wore it. Also you didn't lose the way the pair of friends shared a look before the teacher approached the classroom.
Many hours after you are in your bedroom, sitting in a chair leaning both elbows on your desk, memorising the words you are reading for an exam you have tomorrow, well one of them. For your disgrace, the exams are stressing you more than usual, something normal considering you are in your last year of high school, still you feel drowning with every exam.
You feel some consequences about it, like biting your lower lip more frequently, scratching the palm of your hand or pulling your hair while you study.
You reread the previous sentence, your frown deepening. You are so caught up on it, that the sound of something hitting your window startled you, jumping in your chair letting out a small squeak, putting both hands on your mouth to cover and your heartbeat accelerated. Confused, you saw a shadow out of your window when you stood up. You pull up your glasses, walking slowly towards the window and when you see who it is, you can't believe your eyes.
"Shauna? What are you doing here?" You ask once you open the window, the frown you wore before coming again.
Shauna looks really nervous, biting her lip while she is sitting awkwardly on the border of it. "Sorry, I can't sleep and you mentioned the other day this is your bedroom... Sorry." She said in a rush of low voice, looking everywhere.
Your features soften, turning aside for Shauna could go inside. Stretching your hand to help her, the brunette quickly puts hers on you and with a soft thud, she is in and lets go of your hand for you to close the window.
When you turn again, you see Shauna looking at what you are wearing and you curse yourself, already feeling the warm colour going to your cheeks. You are in your pajamas, but you feel a little cold and saw Shauna's flannel and you can't avoid putting it on, again.
"Are you okay?" You ask, clearing your throat and going to sit on your chair, offering with a hand to sit on your bed, near you.
Shauna takes a few seconds to react but she sits down, face to face with you. "Today I have a little more time to think I guess. No practice or meeting, just homework and study... I get overwhelmed." She messily explained, playing with the ring of her index finger.
You nod, a little worried. "You can stay here the time you want." You said sincerely, smiling while you grab her left hand between yours.
"Thank you." She whispers. You could feel the emotion in her voice, not liking it.
"Do you want to see something on my TV?" You suggested, signaling with a hand the place where it is.
Shauna frowns, looking at the place you signaled. You hold your laugh when you see her surprise expression. "Are you rich?"
This time you laugh quietly. "No, it's old. My parents bought a new one and they gave it to me. I only use it when some friends stay over." You explain.
"Van would love you." Shauna murmured to herself, standing up and gently removing her hand from your grasp, going to inspect the films you owned. "Literally." She said again, her fingers brushing the VHS' covers.
"Vanessa Palmer?" You ask, curious.
Shauna hummed. "Yes. Don't call her like that though. She hates when someone says her full name." She explains.
You are content to see Shauna distracted, like a child with a new toy. You are a few minutes watching her until you remember about the exam you have at the first hour.
"Do you mind if I put it on?" Shauna interrupted your mind, shyly standing a few steps away from you showing the film she wants to see.
"Of course." You agree. "The controls are next to the VHS."
You turn to look at your Geography book again, putting yourself in the previous position you have before the brunette interrupted in your bedroom.
"Do you don't want to watch it?" Before you could turn, you could hear the pout on her voice. If you feel yourself melting when you see her face you melt more. You meet with big brown eyes looking at you with a sad expression that she tried to cover but failed. Shauna walks towards the bed and sits down in the same place.
"I have an exam tomorrow at the first hour." You informed with a sad smile.
This new information made her change her sad expression, but the pout remains. "About?"
You two stare at each other for a few moments. "I can leav-,"
"Don't!" You interrupted her. "Stay here. I just need to study fifteen minutes and I will watch the film with you." You said, pulling on your glasses.
Shauna nods, eyes going to the TV and starting to watch the film. You see how the bright light from the TV illuminates her face, her dazed face paints a smile on your face. You decided to come back to study and accomplish what you promised.
You bite your lip hard, repeating mentally the sentence, the meaning of it. Cities, countries, dates... you decided to put a stop, because you feel something tightening on your chest and you didn't like that. So you close the book and pull off your glasses with a tired sight, rubbing your eyes.
You stood up, gave two steps and lay yourself on the bed, face down. You hear a soft chuckle, making you open your eyes. Shauna is looking at you by her spot, half turned to you.
You hummed, hearing a soft sound coming from outside your door. You see Shauna looks curiously towards the door. You walk and open the door, Sera going inside happily and stopping when she spotted a new face. You close the door while watching how Shauna stretches a hand for her to smell, and knowing your cat, she will soon be on Shauna's lap.
Sera starts to purr, making you leave out a chuckle while laying once again on your bed, Sera jumping on it and massaging your stomach she soon lay there, grateful with the attention she is receiving.
Shauna slowly half lay on your left, caressing with a hand Sera's head and keeping an eye on the film. You are sleepy, half watching the film because Shauna was in the middle, but you don't care. It's a few minutes later when the brunette rests her back on the mattress, changing Sera for your arm to caress. Her fingertips draw patterns on your forearm, lulling you.
The next day when you opened your eyes, the last thing you waited to see was Shauna snuggling you. Involuntarily you paint a smile, seeing how calm she looks, soft snores escaping from her plump lips.
Strands of brunette hair falling from her bun, framing her calm features. You could feel her arm wrapping on your waist, also noticing that under the red flannel she is wearing under it she wore pajamas. Sera was between you two, mostly on Shauna with her head leaning on her chest, it made your smile open. You never thought that Shauna would like cats, she seems like a dog lover instead.
You brought a hand to her hair, carefully pulling off the hair tie letting her hair down. It made Shauna stirred in her sleepy state, approaching her face near your neck. You freeze when you notice her breathing on your skin, your right hand hanging in the air until you feel tired and start to caress her hair, playing with her soft strands. You don't know why or how, but you feel a little pleased when the Shipman's girl lets out a content sound, snuggling more on your side and this time hiding her head on your neck, brushing her nose on your skin.
Your eyes are fixed on Sera's sleepy form, stopping your movements on Shauna's until this one blinded put a hand on yours and start to move it up and down, indicating she wants for you to keep going.
"Good morning." You greet her in a whisper after being chuckled by her antics, hoping she didn't raise her head and see the red mess you become.
Shauna hummed something, lips brushing your skin and her grip on your waist tightening. "How do you sleep?" She asks, raising her head and rubbing her eyes, failing to hide a yawn.
"Better than other nights, actually. What about you?" You admitted, stopping to caress her hair and scratch Sera's head when she stirred.
Shauna focuses her eyes on you, sleepy brown eyes boring into you. "Good." She gives you a shy smile. You barely know her, but you feel that simple good, means something. So you reciprocate her smile. "Do you sleep bad these nights?" She asks, petting Sera's head.
You shrug. "It's nothing... I have been studying, that's all. I guess you know what I'm talking about." You rest importance, starting to stand up.
"How many exams do you have today?" Shauna still asks from the bed.
"Three. Geography, French and Math. In that order." You reply, going to your closet and grabbing some clothes for today.
"I don't start the exams until next week." She admitted. It took you by surprise, but thinking about it, not too much. The teachers put exams in the same days from the same year, maybe one day of difference. Today is Friday, so Shauna would start on Monday.
"I'm going to change. Do you want something? Or want to go to the bathroom?" You offer, opening the door. She shakes her head, raising her back from the mattress.
You nod.
When you return, you have some toast and orange juice in case Shauna is still in your bedroom, and she is. The brunette was sitting on your bed, now with her shoes on and scratching Sera's head on her lap.
"Good you are here. I brought you this." You said, walking towards her and offering the small breakfast you brought for her.
Shauna thanked you, grabbing from your hands the toast and the orange juice.
"If you don't mind, we can go to my home and take you to high school." Shauna said after chewing, eyes on you following every move you made.
You think about it. It would be nice to spend some more time next to Shauna. So you turn and nod with your head, seeing how she gives you a wide smile.
"I'm going to tell my mom that I'm going with a friend." You inform, already walking to the door.
"Wait! Let me finish and I can go for the window. We need to walk over there, but it's not too far, don't worry." Shauna said, giving a big sip to the juice.
You see with amusement how Shauna eats fastly, red cheeks for the attention receiving for your part. Sera waited patiently in front of the closed door, licking her paw.
Shauna stood up and nodded with her head, chewing. You grab your backpack, open the door and let Sera get out first, from the corner of your eye you see how Shauna starts to fix your bed, making you laugh quietly.
When you get out of your house, you see Shauna pull down from the vine, jumping off. You offer her a smile, waiting for her to lead the way towards her home. The silence enveloped the way over there, no necessity to speak when you two feel comfortable like that. In your case you have an excuse, and in your mind you are revising what you studied last night and if the brunette notices your distraction, she didn't comment on it.
"We are here. Wait over that window, I'll give the car keys for you to not freeze outside while I change my clothes." She teases you a little, making your gasp and playfully nudge her side, for the first time making her let out a laugh and you think that it will become one of your favourite sounds soon if you have the chance to hear it again.
"Mean." You whispered, receiving a nudge for her side now. You did what she told you and waited for the car keys. The white curtain was removed and you see Shauna opening the window, giving you the keys.
You walked towards the car, unblocking it. You sit down where the last time you sat down, and while you wait for the Shipman's girl, you pull out from your backpack your assigned Geography notebook. You got so caught up, that you didn't notice when Shauna sat down next to you, only when the notebook was removed from your grasp.
"Hey!" You whined, seeing how Shauna saved it on your backpack and threw it towards the backseat, next to hers.
"You will nail it. Studying more would mess more what you already know." Shauna said, starting the engine.
You didn't say anything, preferring to look by the window. Some minutes later, something warm was placed on your lap. Your look and see her hand there, opened palm in a gesture that invites to what happened last day. You placed your left hand there and laced your fingers with hers, feeling too the cold of their rings.
It's weird. No one of you commented about it last day, but it looks like it's an unspoken rule. Shauna starts to caress the palm of your hand, gaze focuses on the road. You study her expression, only noticing her features relaxed but with a shadow of pink on their cheeks. You see too that the collar of her green flannel was bad, and without thinking too much, with your free hand put it correctly.
Your ways separated the moment Jackie Taylor was waiting for Shauna in the parking lot with an angry face until it transformed into a suspicious one. You excuse yourself, Shauna wished you good luck for the upcoming exam and parted ways, inevitably hearing how the blonde asks her friend why we came together.
When you finish the last exam that day, you feel your heart on your throat. Tears picking your eyes, the stress running for all your body. Your hope to have a good note with this exam was absent, cursing that maybe you should study more for Math than Geography.
Today you need to go to a chess reunion before going to the other reunion. You feel a little grateful because you don't know how, but playing chess relaxes you. An hour later, you are knocking on the English classroom and going inside. Quickly you apologise and go to your table with your head down, taking a surprise when you notice someone else sitting there.
"Don't practice today?" You ask, letting your backpack on the floor and sitting next to her.
You think you saw a hint of worry in her eyes, but maybe your tired mind tricked you. "Tomorrow we have a match and the coach wants all of us to be in the training. So we postponed for a few hours." She explains in a low voice, not wanting to disturb the rest. "How did the exams go?"
You turn your face, pretending to look something in your backpack. However you know that Shauna, from all people, isn't a fool.
"Fine." You murmurs, clearing your throat again. "What are you guys doing?" You change the topic, putting on your glasses. You tried to occupy yourself in the meantime Shauna answered you.
"Stop." She interrupted herself, putting a hand to stop your movements. "Calm down." She leans and whispers in your ear. Shauna soothes your back gently, in a slow manner. With her free hand, bring one of yours to her lap, intertwining your fingers and her thumb caressing your palm.
You focus on her movements, trying to find that comfort that Shauna brings you when you think of her. The smell of fabric softener of her flannel, the mint of the gum she is chewing, the rings embracing your fingers.
"Better?" Shauna asks after a while, keeping an eye on you the whole time you remain in silence.
You nod, biting your lip. "Yeah, thanks." You muttered, squeezing her hand.
"Tell me about chess." She comments, letting your hand on her lap and starting to write again, putting herself nearer you.
You frown briefly, but start to tell about the reunion you have. You didn't care about she knowing some secret tactics, you knew you could trust her.
And like that, you spend the hour talking about it, Shauna listening and sometimes asking you some things, but mostly remained quiet. You feel so relaxed, even smiling to little jokes you made.
It fades when you and Shauna approach Ted, the boy too quiet for his liking with Shauna today, he decides to scold her for something so stupid like a mistake could be corrected easily. You were behind Shauna, a few steps away only. You flinch when Ted raises his voice, not liking the way he is treating Shauna.
"If you don't agree, you are free to go." He said sterling, crossing his arms in a challenging air.
And that sentence you explode.
"SHUT THE FUCKING UP, TED." You shout, bringing now the attention towards yourself, but you don't care. "I'm so tired of you trying to find something and reproach about it at her. You are jealous of Shauna, Ted and you are acting worse than a child. So if she goes, I'm going too." You finish more in a calmer voice, also the tiredness and seriousness could be appreciated in your voice.
You ran away from there, tears now streaming for your cheeks. With a blurry vision you run to the place you feel safe, the empty classroom where the chess meetings are. You slam the door the moment you go inside, throwing your backpack somewhere and colliding next to sit down near a window, where the only light coming inside thanks to that window.
A few knocks were heard, but you ignored them. You wrap your arms around your legs, hiding your face the moment the door is open. You hear how it closed again, soft footsteps were heard, getting near you until they stopped. You know who the person is the moment you smell the citric perfume.
"Go away." You murmured, holding your sobs embarrassed that Shauna could see you in that state.
"I'm not going anywhere." The brunette said firm, in a bold move she wrapped you between her arms, making you lean your head on her chest while she put her chin on the top of your head.
Shauna stayed, waiting patiently until you stopped crying. Soft touches on your arm, painting shadow figures there calmed you. Who is someone who looks so rough outside, could be this soft with someone she barely knows? Shauna keeps surprising you.
"Do you want to come with me at the training?" She offers you in a soft voice, her cheek pressed on your head.
Unconsciously you snuggle on her chest, the idea of separating from her makes you sad. "Are they privately?" You ask in a hoarse voice, playing with her flannel button.
"Depends. I think you are safe from all of them." She reassured you. "We need to go now, though. I don't want to listen to Jackie complaining."
You left out a snort when she mentioned the blonde's name, separating from her chest but remaining on her arms. You saw how she has a raised eyebrow, you poked her cheek playfully.
"We can go." You said, opting to not joke about it.
You stand up first, the brunette following you quickly. With the sky now dark, the way over there Shauna explains a little about tomorrow's game, about the rival. You notice she hesitates on her next words, making you curious.
"I'll take you to the bleachers." She changes her words, turning a corner and stepping up of them. "We are training on this pitch, where already some of them are warming up." Shauna said, eyes focusing on the pitch and seeing some of her teammates.
"Okay." You said, sitting down and seeing some of them greeting Shauna, calling her to go over them.
Shauna turns around, a soft smile playing on her red lips. "Don't think too much about it, okay?" She said, bending down to be at the same level of eye as you. "And if you can't, think about chess' tactics." You chuckle by it, making her smile wide.
She pokes your nose before she stands up and walks away, following her with your eyes until she disappears, focusing now on the pitch where some of them give you curious gazes or joking with each other. You see after a few minutes how Shauna walks in with another one, giggling about something. If she wants you to be distracted, you definitely are when you see the new outfit for the practice. Blue shorts where her toned legs are showing, grey t-shirt showing her strong arms and her face free of her hair that is in the usual ponytail.
Then, she turns to the bleachers and joggers towards where you are, jumping on the barrier. The sound of the soccer shoes echoing the pavement. "Hey. I was wondering if you can hold my rings? I forget to take them off."
You focus on her fingers, seeing every finger covered with a ring. You nod, seeing how she pulls off the rings and deposit them in your extended hands. Shauna thanked you and came back to the pitch, not without rolling her eyes when a dyed blonde called her name nonstop.
You laugh quietly when Shauna elbows her side.
The whole training you appreciate how good Shauna is. The intensity of the training doesn't stop her, every dribble, scrimmage or whatever she needs to do, the brunette did it. And not to devalue the rest of them, noticing too that their friends are good in their positions.
"How are you?" Shauna asks you once she approached you in the bleachers freshly clean. You don't believe how she could leave her hair wet with this cold.
"I'm fine." You promised, walking the few steps that separated from her. "And you? I don't know how you could move with that training."
Shauna chuckles quietly, shaking her head. "It could be worse, believe me." She muttered, brushing her hair to the side. "Let's go. I'll take you home before you freeze out." She teases you, stepping down the staircase. "You are worse than Jackie."
"Maybe we are the normal ones." You tease her back, when you step down you see how she is trying to repress a smile.
"Talking of Jackie. She is coming with us, I am always her ride home. Do you mind?" She asks you, her gaze turning insecure while she looks at you on the way to her car.
"Of course no, silly. In that case we need to ask her if she is okay with me going there." You said shyly, seeing two figures next to Shauna's car.
Surprisingly for Shauna, you two get along really quickly. Jackie offered to go in the copilot seat, but you declined kindly and then, since you two are together in French class, the conversations went smoothly from there. Shauna dropped Jackie first, promising that she will not forget about her to come for her before the match they have tomorrow.
The whole ride to your home went silent, only The Smiths' songs playing in the background. Shauna's hand flies mindlessly towards your knee, and was there you noticed how naked her fingers are, so slowly you put one by one the rings from that hand, doing the same with the other hand when she pulls off in your driveway.
Before you go away, you lean and give her a hug, memorising the smell she emits.
You opened your eyes when you felt a heavy thing on your side, you move your hand in the dark to switch on the lamp and see what it is. You are surprised to see Shauna there, hiding her face into your neck, her grip on your waist makes you think that she is awake. You start to stroke her head, hearing how the Shipman's girl left out a sigh.
"I can't sleep." Shauna murmurs in a muffled voice, drawing patterns on your waist.
"It's okay." You whispered. You close your eyes again, the tiredness on them. Sleepily you find out how you don't mind if these things with Shauna keep happening.
"And I forgot to ask if you would come tomorrow to the game?" Shauna asks shyly, raising her head and looking at you. Brown eyes inspect your sleepy face, face mere inches away from yours.
"I would love to. But I am meeting some friends that I haven't seen for a while." You explained, feeling a little bad. It intensifies when she gives that puppy look on her eyes, big doe brown eyes looking at you with... sadness? Shauna nods, coming back to hide her head on your neck. "I can go to the next one." You said, wishing that she would remove that look on her face.
"It's an away game." She informed you, her breathing tickling your neck.
"And can I go?" You suggested. "When I needed to go away in the chess tournament, some parents came." You explained.
Shauna thinks for a moment. "We can bring someone, two people like much. I can ask." She said, hearing in her tone now much content. "So, I will see you tomorrow...?"
You suppress a smile when you hear the little hope in her voice now. "Nope, unless you would come at night. Something I don't suggest only because the next day I need to go to a chess tournament and my mom would come to wake me up." You explained, your fingers scalping her head.
"Until Monday then?" She asks rhetorically, raising her head again and frowning. You put your index finger between her eyebrows and try to erase it, making her relax. "I guess I will pass my Sunday studying." She huffed, letting her head on your shoulder instead.
No one of you speaks anymore. You start to think about what you feel towards Shauna Shipman. You know that you have a crush on her, for a long time. At first you tried to deny it, but with time you give up and accept you feel attracted.
Could it be a possibility that Shauna will feel something towards you too? It would be unbelievable, a crush being reciprocal? Usually it's not that easy. You remember some of your friends with their crush, the majority of them weren't corresponded, even with Jessica. At first Ted didn't like her, they got together with the time.
You are a mess.
So maybe with these two days apart from her, you could clear your mind. Detoxicate from Shauna.
Cheers and claps were heard, alerting you and raising your head up. You see how Shauna approaches in the classroom, one of the classes both of you share. The teacher stopped her, noticing how her smile was forced while she nodded whatever Mr Kyle said to her.
Your eyes collided and you sent her a reassuring smile, pulling up your glasses and hearing how your partner in your table rant about something. Shauna starts to walk, towards your table. A scowl installing on her features, stopping in front of the table.
"Move." She grunted, throwing a hard look at James, who looked confused and scared. "I'm not repeating myself." She said more serious, without blinking.
James swallowed, grabbing his things and going to another empty seat.
Shauna sat down where he was, throwing her backpack on the floor and hiding her face between her hands, leaning her elbows on the table. You look sympathetic to her, squeezing her shoulder.
"You okay?" You whisper, leaning a little on her.
Shauna nods, rubbing her eyes when she removes her hands from her face. "Yeah. Only tired of people congratulating us." She growls, rolling her eyes. Then, her gaze turned soft. "How was your tournament? Also last night I couldn't go because I stayed studying with Jackie on hers." She explains, giving you an apologetic smile.
"It was good. We won." You said, giving her a thumbs up. "Don't worry. Just try not to bite the rest of the day at them." You joke, fixing your eyes on the new piece of clothes she is wearing. "Do you have a jacket about your team? With your name? That's pretty cool." You compliment, caressing the fabric of it with your finger.
"We put it on special occasions." Shauna sarcastically explains, grabbing her things and putting it on top of the table. Then, she sneaked a hand on your lap, intertwining your fingers. She gave you a shy look, relaxing her face when you squeeze her hand. "Maybe if I have you by my side all day I will contain myself." She murmurs, looking straight when the teacher starts to explain and losing your shocked expression.
What does that mean?
It has been less than a week of talking and you two are holding hands already. Not only that, if not you two sleep in the same bed two nights because Shauna went to your house.
Are you treating her so well to have these privileges?
You always thought that Shauna was someone difficult to read and be careful to treat. You know she has a gold heart only the way she treats her friends, especially Jackie. The rough appearance is only a wall to protect herself. And the way she treats you those days affirmative what you think about her.
"You look distracted." Shauna interrupted your mind, her thumb drawing pattern on your hand.
You look at her, pools of chocolate looking you back. You shrug your shoulders, resting importance. You didn't want to share what you were thinking, but a few ideas came to your head and one of them you didn't like.
But you didn't want to suffer in the future.
After that class, your ways are separated and you see her again when you are in the cafeteria that a very annoyed Shauna sits down next to you, ignoring the couple there. You see how red their cheeks are, the frown pronouncing and a death stare that could kill anyone who dares to speak to her.
"I hate people so much." Shauna scowled, throwing the jacket to the bench and pulling her flannel sleeves up, starting to eat with angry movements.
You side eye Ted, seeing who he pallied a little. You two are on good terms, the boy approached you on Saturday when your friends and you collided with the couple.
"That bad is going? Think that you aren't the only one, I witnessed how Mrs Deans said one of your teammates who barely gets credit on her class." You said, remembering the moment.
Shauna gives you a sarcastic smile. "Mari, I know."
You let her eat, wanting she calm down. She never says a bad word to you, and usually Shauna comes to you because she can be herself, not necessary to talk.
The couple finished and they went away, mainly for Jessica. Seeing that Shauna's mood isn't improvising, you take her things with you and grab her hand, walking outside. You take her to the bleachers the other day you sit down, appreciating the empty pitch on a sunny day, in the background soft murmurs of people around you two.
You deposited her things next to you, leaning your head on her shoulder while you sneak your arms on hers. You feel how she tense momentarily but soon relaxed, leaning her cheek on your head.
"We finish the project today." You comment, playing with her flannel sleeve.
Shauna hummed. "Something good. Or not. I think I'm going to see Berman frequently."
This comment caught your attention. "Why?"
"Because we are friends. What else?" She said in a matter-of-fact tone, chuckling at the end.
You didn't wait for that answer. "We are friends?" You ask dumbly.
"Well, if you aren't my friend, I don't know what I'm doing with you." She said in a whisper.
It's your turn to tense up.
Would you two have this conversation? I mean, maybe she truly feels that this thing is a friendship, friends hold hands, right? All the time?
"Shauna...I think we should take some time apart." You said bluntly. You are the same surprise as Shauna, because you thought about it but just for a moment, maybe your heart betrayed you before things went too far.
Shauna separated her cheek from your head and looked at you. The surprise transforms into a serious look, her lips into a fine line and her posture goes straight.
"No." She said firm, letting out a breath. This answer surprises you more. "Why? I mean, we clicked. Did you?" She asks the last part insecure, the frown on her eyebrows increasing. "Time? You can't give me a taste of yourself and later go away like nothing." She said in a hurt voice.
You opened your mouth, and closed it. Would you say the truth of why you wanted to pull off? You don't want Shauna hating you.
"We did." You admitted. You could see some relief on her face. "But Shauna, I don't want to be hurt...," you start, looking at the field. You can't watch her face the moment you admit your feelings. "I feel like you are a drug to me. Thinking about you all the time. I prefer admiring you from a distance than getting involved and getting hurt at the end." You explain in a thread of voice, letting go of her arm and biting your lip strongly, afraid of her reaction.
You are waiting for her to scream at you. To say how much she hates you, something in that line. Though you never imagined that Shauna Shipman would hold your hand and with the other one grab your chin to look at her with the most softer gaze she has on her eyes.
"Do you think that I don't feel your eyes on me?" She whispers, caressing your chin with her thumb. She has a playful smile, Shauna didn't say it to tease you. However the comment made you blush. "It's been awhile. With every gaze I wonder what would you see on me to like you. I never approached you because... I'm shy and you too. You know the rest."
She knew. Of course Shauna Shipman would know about your crush on her. You thought you were subtle, but clearly not.
"If you want to pull away from that, I'm reassuring you that you need to search for another excuse, because I'm not going to buy it." She reassured you, getting bold and removing her hand from your chin, she wraps both arms on your waist and hides her head on your neck. "I'm not letting go of the person that calmed me down, my friends never would forgive you." Shauna tried to light the mood, making you laugh.
You can feel the smile on your skin.
You bite your lip, worried.
Shauna got a yellow card to snap to the opponent player when they foul her. Some of the yellowjackets tried to pull her off, Lottie pushed Shauna away with a strong grip, seeing the only one who could with the brunette.
Your vision from them is hidden because someone put themselves in front of you. A tall young man, curly hair and kind eyes call your attention with his hands, you recognise him to be the second coach, a man loved by the girls more than the actual coach.
"Hey." He greets you when you approach him, a nervous gaze alternating between you and the pitch where the players are. "Look, I have been informed that you are Shauna's friend, right?" He asks, sighing relieved when you nod. "Alright, I need you to talk with her and calm down. Her temper is getting worse at the minute and we can't lose her." He said, almost beg you.
It surprised you a little. He probably knows her more than you, but he is here asking you to calm Shauna down.
So you nod again.
"Thank you. Soon will be the break, I'll come for you after the coach gives them new tactics." He said, offering you a relief smile and walking back to the bench where the rest of the team are.
You waited, eyes glued on the number six. You could feel the anger she is holding, the piss when she takes the ball away from the opponent, sometimes she dribbles them with an elegant move and then, more piss she felt with the foul received.
Shauna is in a thin line to snap again.
Jackie kept whispering things to calm her down, in vain. The brunette was the first one to go inside the moment the referee whistled. You waited for the guy from before, seeing him approach you after a few minutes.
"Sorry." He apologised, helping you walk into the pitch. He takes you to a small hall, voices proving from two doors were heard. You supposed both teams are locked near each other. He opened the left door, quietly apologising when the coach stopped shouting. You walk behind him, some of the girls give a smile or wave at you.
You wave back, sending them a sad smile. They are losing by a goal, the dream to go to Nationals very far right now. You stood next to him, seeing the eleven players who played in a circle, some of them standing up or sitting down. You have a glimpse of the Shipman's girl, sitting down with a pronounced frown, sipping from a bottle.
After a few encouraging words, the coach goes out, the curly hair man gives you an apologetic smile and follows him. A redhead a few centimeters away from you turns her back, her cheeks flushed letting out a sarcastic comment, gaining some laughs and protest by them. You recognise her like the goalkeeper, its contrast with the tough face she wore during the game and now with a cheeky grin it's shocking, also you knew about her behaviour because you share some classes.
Her baby blue eyes meet your face, a glint of mischief swimming on them. "Well, hello darling. I thought you were there to support us." She hummed, wiping her face with a towel.
"Van." A curly hair girl hissed with a reprimand expression that turned into a softer one when she looks at you. "Don't pay her any attention."
You laugh quietly.
"Nah, Van. She is here for Shauna. Personal cheerleader." A dyed blonde comment, the same mischief pooling on their blue greenish eyes. She walked next to the pair, crossing her arms with a smug smirk.
You didn't offend by her words. "Do you want me to chant your name for you to score?" You tease her, gaining some laughs from them.
She just blushed, wiping her smug smirk from her face. "Talk with Shauna and reason with her." She murmurs, walking away followed by Van and the other curly haired girl.
Lottie gave a sweet smile, going out too with another blonde girl. You walk slowly towards the pair of friends, Jackie has an arm wrap around Shauna's shoulder and was talking at her. Since Shauna has her head down, she doesn't see you approaching, but Jackie does and gives you a nod, standing up from her spot and walking away after squeezing your arm.
"Don't be pissed." You said in a small voice, gaining her attention. Shauna looks surprised, her brown eyes opening. You smile, going to sit next to her. "You know that she is provoking you, right? Don't give her that satisfaction."
Shauna looks around, noticing that the only ones were you two there. She wraps her arms on your waist and hides her head on your neck, brushing her lips there, making you squirm.
"What are you doing here?" She asked in a muffled voice, feeling how she relaxed the moment you brush your hand on her neck.
"That guy... the second coach came to talk to me to calm you down." You explain.
"Scott?" She asks, confused. She raised her head from your neck, making your hand fall to her back. You didn't know his name, so you nod while shrugging your shoulders. "And to calm me down? He learned fast." She muttered for herself.
You look at her curiously. "What was that?"
Shauna shakes her head. "It's nothing. I guess some of the girls told him how I worked when you were around."
"It's working?" You ask, tilting your head.
Shauna suppresses a smile, leaning a little into your face. "Maybe... but I think something else could work." She whispers, eyes darting between your eyes and mouth.
You left out the smile she is trying to hold. "Don't you have enough?" You whisper back, brushing your nose with hers. The memories from last night making out on her car clouding your mind.
She brings a hand to your cheek, her thumb trace slowly the skin until she reaches your lower lip. "Never." She whispers, closing the distance and capturing your lips with hers.
You melt into her touch, slipping out a content sound. She separated quickly, remaining close. Her hand keeps on your cheek, looking at you. It's you who closed the gasp and kissed her, feeling how chapped her lips are. It's your turn to separate, watching with a smile how Shauna follows you to keep kissing.
"You need to go back over there." You press a hand on her chest, stopping her.
Shauna frown. "One more kiss and we go." She promised, but you shake your head, pushing her back again. "Why?" She deepened her frown.
"If you pass another 45 minutes without snapping the opponent, I will give a lot of them tonight." You offer.
The brunette gazes at you. "You are mean." She whispers. "You promised?" She said in a small voice.
"I promise." You said, grabbing her chin but kissing her left cheek.
Perhaps Shauna turns her head quickly and steals you a peck, giving you a smirk when separated and sees your face. She stands up, grabbing your hand and leading the way out.
"I hope you win." You murmur once out, closing an eye because the sun was hitting your face.
"I already won." She leans and whispers in your ear, brushing her lips on your cheek and giving you a smile, she joggers into the pitch.
You come back to your place, blushing and with a silly smile.
Damn Shauna Shipman.
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Things Learned and Unlearned Ch. 11
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Series Summary: Y/N has spent her life trying to outrun her mother's reputation. When she meets the rich and successful playboy, Dean Winchester, how quickly can he get her to stop running?
Pairings/Characters: Dean Winchester x Y/N, Sam Winchester, Jessica Winchester, Lucy Winchester (OC)
Warnings: Each chapter will have it's own warnings, but there will be smut, seduction, virgin!reader, playboy!dean, Edwardian era BS attitudes surrounding sex and women. (Technically it's set in 1900 and the Edwardian era started in 1901, but you get it.) Angst, Fluff, all the good stuff that regularly pops up in my series. 😁
Chapter Warnings: Blowjob, oral (f. receiving), sort of dirty talk, praise!kink if you squint.
Word Count: 4,418
A/N: Here's Ch. 11. I so appreciate all the love and support you're all giving this series. Hope you enjoy the latest installment. ❤️
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Y/N had a very hard time falling asleep that night. The bed was too big, the room was too dark, and there were strange noises around the room that she never even noticed when she was wrapped up in Dean's arms. 
She missed him. And the more she missed him, the guiltier she felt for hurting him. She knew, of course, that he would never force himself on her. That wasn't what she'd meant, but she saw now, that was exactly how it sounded to Dean. 
But she'd been genuinely curious and very worried about the expectations that went along with being a mistress. She knew if she said no, Dean wouldn't ignore her wishes and just attack her. But she'd wondered if there was a limit on how often she could refuse before she got tossed aside. 
Not that she imagined she'd be saying no or turning him down very often…or ever. All the man had to do was kiss her, or touch her lightly and she was gone. But all of the unknowns of this life he was asking her to commit to, still terrified her.
She hated the uncertainty of it all. When it was only the two of them, there were no uncertainties, everything was perfect. But they couldn't simply exist outside the world they lived in.
And the reality was that the world they lived in wouldn't bat an eyelash at Dean for keeping a mistress, but as his mistress, her entire world and place within it would be forever changed and she couldn't ever go back.
She simply had to decide if a finite amount of time spent with Dean was worth infinite ostracism from society. What would she do when Dean was done with her? Would she simply move into someone else's bed? Would she sell off her beautiful Tiffany's bracelet so she could go without a new protector for a little longer?
Her questions and their fearful answers kept her tossing and turning all night. In the morning, a soft knock at her hotel door pulled her easily from her restless slumber. 
She wrapped her dressing gown around her and opened the door a crack. Outside a young maid bobbed a curtsy and handed her a sealed envelope. 
“Just arrived for you, ma’am.”
Y/N took it, and called the maid back as she turned to leave.
“Could I please have a cup of coffee with scones and jam?”
She knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep anymore, so she might as well start her day. The maid nodded and hurried on her way.
The letter had obviously been hand delivered, since there was no return address or postage stamp on it. But she recognized Jessica's writing on the envelope.
Y/N sat in the green chair and tore it open.
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Y/N smiled softly as she read the letter and then quickly scrawled a note, accepting the invitation, at the bottom of the page.
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She put the letter in a fresh envelope with Jessica's name on the front, and gave it back to the maid when she came with her breakfast.
"Can you have a messenger take this back to 1511 Riverside?"
"Yes Ma'am." The maid said with another quick curtsy and a friendly smile.
After breakfast, Y/N bathed, and dressed in a simple day gown that she didn't need help to get into, and sat down to read. But her mind was far too distracted to concentrate on it.
She thought about going for a walk through the gardens, but it was a particularly frigid day and the idea didn't really appeal to her. 
So, for most of the day she stayed bundled up in the green chair, with a book that she paid no attention to, open in her lap.
Darkness came early, the winter sun setting before the evening had truly even begun. Y/N lit one small lamp, leaving the room dimly lit. Lord knew, she didn't need the light to read.
A delicious supper arrived and she picked at it, somehow both hungry and slightly nauseous at the same time. 
Finally, not long after the clock struck eight, Y/N decided to simply go to bed and possibly make up for the terrible sleep she'd had the night before. 
However, as she was about to stand up, a knock at the garden doors startled her. 
Dean stood on the other side of the doors as the wind and snow swirled around him. Y/N went to the door hesitantly at first, but then hurried the last few feet, wanting to let him in out of the cold.
She opened the door and waved him in. A gust of wind and snow followed him into the room and Y/N shivered. Dean closed and locked the doors behind him. Then he pulled the thick, heavy, velvet curtains across the doors to better keep out the cold.
"Freezing out there tonight." He said as he stomped his boots and shook his head lightly, knocking loose a few more fistfuls of snow. 
When he was finished, silence enveloped them and the tension expanded between them. Finally Dean waved to the unread book Y/N still held in her hands.
“Didn't mean to interrupt you.”
Y/N shook her head and walked back to the chair, setting down the book before perching on the edge of the seat 
“No, I wasn't really reading.”
More silence stretched between them, making Y/N wring her hands in her lap. Eventually she couldn't take it and the words just burst out of her as she looked up at him. 
“I'm so sorry, Dean. I never meant to make it seem like I thought you were some kind of monster.”
Dean shook his head, a few more snowflakes falling to the ground as he strode to the chair and dropped down onto his haunches.
“No Y/N, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten so angry. I just…” He trailed off, looking to the side and then at the floor. “I need you to tell me something honestly.”
Dean's voice sounded  unusual - strained and tight. Y/N nodded. “Of course.”
He looked back at her, his eyes level with hers. He seemed to be gathering his thoughts, before letting the words tumble slowly out of his mouth.
“Have there ever been times-” He dropped his gaze again, staring at her lap. “Have you ever…said y-yes, when you meant-”
“No.” Y/N said firmly, shaking her head. She cupped Dean's cheek and raised his gaze back to hers. She felt her heart clutch at the look of fear that he tried to keep out of his expression.
“God no, Dean. Never.” She felt tears gather at the look of profound relief that spread over his features. Had he spent the whole night and day worried and guilty he'd done something wrong?
She leaned forward and pressed a petal soft kiss to his lips and then rested her forehead against his. 
“I will always want you.” She said quietly. “It never stops actually. It's slightly inconvenient.” 
Dean exhaled a chuckle. “Tell me about it, sweetheart.” 
She was happy to hear his voice closer to normal and she kissed him again briefly, before rising from the chair and moving past him. 
She shook her head. “It's just…those women last night, they…”
She turned back to face him where he still crouched by the chair. “They were all talking about their lives and they made everything seem so…” 
She took a deep breath, searching for the word. “Transactional.” She finished, her shoulders slumping as her breath rushed out. 
Dean nodded slowly as he rose to his full height and walked towards her, pausing with barely two feet between them.
“Well,” he said quietly, “I suppose the truth is that, a lot of the time…it can be sort of, transactional.” He shrugged gently. Y/N nodded and looked at the floor.
Dean stepped even closer and raised her chin with his fingertips. “But that's not what I want with you.” He said, his voice adamant.
He sighed softly and his face was earnest as he spoke. 
“Look, I buy you things, and spoil you a little because…” He shrugged. “Because you deserve to be spoiled. You deserve beautiful things.” 
He let his knuckles trail down her cheek. “And I can give them to you, which makes me happy.” 
He cupped her cheeks in both hands and stared directly, and fiercely, into her eyes, taking in a deep breath. “But you don't have to…” He exhaled slowly. “You don't have to earn them. Do you understand?”
Y/N nodded and felt her heart ease slightly. But she bit her lip; something was still worrying her.
“I need you to tell me something honestly.” She said, echoing his earlier words.
“Of course.” He said, echoing hers with a slight smile.
Y/N began wringing her hands again, not sure how to word her question.
“Doesn’t it ever bother you that…I mean does it annoy you that you can't…or, I mean, that I won't…let you…bed me properly?”
Dean's eyes widened and then his expression settled into a frown. He opened his mouth to answer and then shut it again. 
He was quiet for a moment before stepping closer and taking hold of Y/N's hands in his to stop her squeezing and rubbing them over and over.
“Look,” he said, his voice low and deep, “I'm not gonna lie and act as though I don't wanna…” 
His nostrils flared as he drew in a deep breath. “...don't wanna take possession of all of you, every inch of you. Or pretend like I don't wanna bury myself so deep inside you that I forget my own name.” 
His voice was rough now and his eyes blazed with heat, making Y/N's core clench and her body ache a little. 
“But,” he exhaled roughly. “I understand. I realize that…no decisions have been made about your future. And you don't want to commit to such a permanent action when this may be a temporary situation.”
Y/N was immensely grateful for the way he understood her. She never would have been able to say it so concisely.
He continued with a smile. “So, I can wait. There's no rush, and I'm perfectly happy with what we have here and now.” 
Without warning, he yanked her flush against him and she gasped as he breathed against her lips.
“Speaking of the here and now, are we finished this here fight now?”
She chuckled breathlessly as he tilted his head so he was almost kissing her, holding back slightly, waiting for her answer.
She nodded quickly. “Yes, god yes.”
That was all he needed to hear for him to crash his lips down on hers and simply inhale her. His fingers bit into her hips as he tried to press her even tighter against him.
She pushed his heavy coat off his shoulders, sending his suit coat with it. Grasping frantically, she was tugging on the buttons of his waistcoat and then his shirt, desperate to feel his taut skin and firm muscles under her fingers. 
Dean pulled away with an annoyed growl to unlace his boots and kick them off. The task was made more difficult by Y/N's refusal to stop running her hands over his shoulders and back while he crouched in front of her. 
Finally his boots were off and he stood up quickly, driving Y/N backwards, till he could slam her against the wall.
“Sorry.” He said gruffly, but Y/N shook her head. 
“Doesn't matter.”
She pulled at his hair as he bent his head to suck bruises into her neck.  He pushed open the sides of her dressing gown and cupped her breasts through the thin silk nightgown underneath, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples.
“Dean!” She shouted as he tugged on one roughly.
He pushed off her dressing gown completely and then pulled the straps of her nightgown down over her shoulders, so that it slipped down her body and settled at her hips. He dipped his head and nipped at her breast, making her gasp before he smoothed over the spot with his wide tongue, and the gasp turned into a moan.
Dean’s voice was harsh as he spoke against her skin. “Goddamn, I missed you last night. Did you miss me?”
Y/N did her best to answer but it mostly came out as a whimper when he pushed her nightgown up between her legs, pressing against her soft mound, and warming the silk under his hand.
He chuckled darkly. “Yeah, I think you missed me.”
He pressed the material of the gown more tightly against her, rubbing at that overly sensitive button through the silk. The incredible feeling of the material, so soft and wet, as Dean rubbed it against her, quickly had her standing on tiptoe, grabbing at Dean’s shoulders for balance. Dean took away his hand but quickly slid his knee between her legs and pushed it hard against her aching core 
She knew what she was doing this time, and quickly began riding his thick thigh, rubbing back and forth on it, occasionally lifting herself an inch or two and shuddering at the impact when she pushed herself back down against the hard ridge of muscle in his leg. 
Dean raised the pooled silk at her waist and lifted it off over her head, tossing it aside. As she rode him, he trailed his fingers across every inch of her flushed skin. 
Finally he slipped his middle finger into her slick, swirling the rough pad of his fingertip against that magic button only a handful of times before she was exploding, shaking with her release. He held her against the wall for a long time, kissing her, licking and nipping at different parts of her naked body. 
He eventually eased back slightly when she could stand on her own, tilting his head forward to kiss the tip of her nose. 
As her heart fluttered at the sweet gesture, a thought entered Y/N’s mind and it wouldn’t leave. Dean’s head was dipped slightly, kissing the tops of her breasts. She ran her fingers through his hair and then spoke softly into the silky aftermath surrounding them.
“Dean, would you explain something to me?”
Dean murmured against her breast, making a sound in the affirmative.
“Could you explain…I think I know, but I’m not sure…” Her hesitation brought Dean’s gaze up to hers, and he arched an eyebrow. “Um…what exactly does it mean if I say I want to ‘get on my knees for you’?”
Dean’s eyes were nearly obliterated by his black pupils spreading over his mossy green irises. His breathing was slightly shallow as he spoke.
“Where did you hear that?”
“Last night some of the women were talking about being ‘on their knees’. Some of them seemed to like it, some of them didn't, so I thought I’d ask what it means.”
Dean’s jaw ticked and his whole body was hard. She could feel the telltale evidence of his desire as it pressed through his pants and into her thigh.
“What do you think it means?” Dean asked, his voice rough.
Y/N felt herself blush. “Well, I’m not sure, but it seemed like a way to pleasure you.”
Dean nodded. “Yes, it’s,” he cleared his throat, “it’s referring to you being on your knees in front of me, so I can…” He seemed to struggle for a minute, swallowing several times. Finally he cupped her cheek, and ran his thumb heavily over her lips.
“I’d use your mouth instead of your body, for pleasure. I would…push in and out of your mouth instead of…” He cupped his hand between her legs. “Instead of here. 
He licked his lips. “We’ve already done something similar before, I mean you’ve put your lips around me, and that was…incredible.” He shook his head. “But this would be a little more intense.”
Y/N nodded. “And it gives you pleasure? Can it make a baby?”
Dean shook his head and then clarified. “I mean, yes it would give me immense pleasure, and no, you can’t make a baby that way.”
Y/N bit her lip. “Then I want to do it. Would you help me? Tell me what you want, what I should do?”
Dean closed his eyes. “Yes, I can tell you. But,” he opened his eyes again quickly and smoothed his hands over the curve of her hips. “Y/N you don’t have to do it. I don’t want you to think, just because you heard those other women talking, that it’s something that’s…expected of you.”
Y/N shook her head. “No, Dean I want to…” She kissed him softly and spoke against his lips. “Don't you enjoy giving me pleasure? With your mouth?”
Dean groaned roughly. “Yeah.” He croaked, his eyes closed.
“Then let me do the same.”
She pulled back from him a little and he opened his eyes again to stare deeply into her for a moment. Finally he backed away, nodding slowly. When he was a few feet away from her, he crooked his finger at her.
“Come here, and get down on your knees.”
Y/N felt a slight shiver race through her body as she stepped forward. She knelt slowly in front of him; the plush wool rug was soft under her knees.
Dean reached out to trail his fingertips down her jaw. Again he rubbed his thumb across her lips, softer this time. He dropped his hand and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth before continuing his instructions.
“Open your mouth.”
Y/N dropped her jaw into a small O, but Dean shook his head. “No, wider.”
She stretched her mouth open wide and Dean nodded. “Stick out your tongue.”
Y/N felt a little odd, but she did it, and the look in Dean’s eye was worth it. His body, towering above her, was hard and thick with rigid muscle and he looked primitive, like something wild and untamed. 
He stepped closer and reached out his arm. “I’m going to show you what to do using my fingers first.” 
He took two thick fingers and laid them against her tongue. She tasted the saltiness of his skin and began drooling. Dean pushed his fingers in and out a few times. Then he pressed them far back in her throat and she gagged a little. 
Dean pulled them out quickly. “Are you alright?” 
Y/N nodded and wiped away the drool on her chin. “I'm fine. Keep teaching.” She said with a mischievous smile. 
Dean's eyes glowed with approval as he continued.
“This time, I want you to lick my fingers, roll your tongue around the tips of them, and suck on them, lightly at first, then harder as you pull off.”
She nodded, understanding immediately, thinking of all the times Dean had done exactly that to her little bundle of nerves - sucking softly and then tighter and tighter until the pleasure spiked in her blood and she exploded into a million pieces.
God, I want to give that to him. She thought as she closed her lips around his fingers again.
She did as he directed and as she pulled off of his fingers with a pop, she could feel the way heat and wet pooled between her thighs. Pleasuring Dean was making her desperate for more of him.
Dean nodded at her, his eyes nearly black. “That's good. Very good.” He whispered.
He licked his lips, his eyes hooded as he looked down at her.
“Take off my belt.”
Y/N reached up and opened the buckle before sliding the long, supple piece of leather from around his waist. She touched the button on his pants and looked up at him, a question in her gaze.
“Yeah, take them off, underwear too.”
Y/N slid his clothes down over his hips and thick thighs, releasing his rock hard shaft to slap loudly against his lower stomach.
Her mouth began watering as she leaned forward to take him between her lips. She flicked her tongue over his tip, since she always loved it when Dean used his tongue like that on her. 
It seemed to work for him too, because he groaned and bit into his bottom lip. She stretched her lips around his girth and slid down his length reveling in the harsh groan that seemed torn from Dean's throat.
His shaft was much wider and thicker than his fingers had been and her lips fit very tightly around him. She moved slowly up and down on him as she got into the feel and rhythm of it. 
Dean tangled his fist in her hair as he coaxed her to take him a little deeper and then a little deeper still. 
His voice was a harsh rasp. “Drop your jaw, sweetheart, I think you can take a little more.”
He hit the back of her throat and made her gag again, but as he tried to pull back, she pushed further, taking the last inch of him down her throat. 
She pressed her nose against the springy hair at the base of his shaft for a moment before pulling off of him with a gasp. She coughed a couple of times, but then sank back down on him again. 
“Y/N,” Dean ground out through gritted teeth. “look at me. I want to see your beautiful face while you take every inch of me down your throat.”
She looked up at him and felt more pleasure sing through her veins at the look of absolute, aching need on his face. She bobbed up and down on him faster and faster. He was hitting the back of her throat over and over, but she didn't gag again. 
He rubbed his thumb across her cheekbone, and shook his head, his voice barely more than a growl. “You're so goddamn beautiful, sweetheart. So perfect.” 
He thrust into her mouth hard and fast three times. Then he pushed on her shoulders. 
“I'm almost there, Y/N.”
He pulled out of her mouth but she wanted to feel him explode against her the way she exploded against him. 
So she sank back onto him just as his hips jerked forward. Suddenly she felt warm liquid shoot out of his shaft, filling her mouth. She swallowed quickly, but a lot of it still spilled out of her mouth and down over her breasts. 
Watching Dean shuddering above her, his face fixed in an expression of pleasure so intense it almost looked like pain, she slipped her hand down to rub against that aching bundle of nerves, trying to relieve the intense throbbing that watching his pleasure had caused.
Finally Dean's breathing began to return to normal and he groaned again as he looked down at her, covered in his seed.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N. You're a vision like this. The most beautiful creature I've ever known.” 
He saw her hand between her legs and the way she bit her lip as she chased her climax and his expression softened. 
“It's alright, baby.” He said, pulling her hand away and helping her to her feet. “I'll take care of you.” 
He led her into the bathroom and began to run a bath. While the tub filled, he wet a cloth and wiped away the remnants of him from her skin. 
Then he turned her so she faced the tub and pressed his big hand against the middle of her back, bending her over to rest her hands on the side of the tub.
She felt his fingers slip between her folds to find her button and circle it lightly. But then he lowered himself down and sank his mouth into her her from behind. 
Within seconds she was screaming out another climax as Dean held her tight against his mouth. As it receded, she slumped over the side of the tub, her hands and hair dangling in the water.
Dean made quick work of shutting off the taps, tying her hair back out of her face and then helping her step into the tub on her wobbly legs.
He settled her back against his chest and washed her completely with slow, soft strokes. When he was finished, they soaked in the warm water for a little longer, until Y/N felt like she was boneless and floating. 
Dean finally stepped out as the water cooled, and then bent slightly so Y/N could reach up and wrap her arms around his neck, letting him lift her from the tub. As he carried her to the vanity seat to dry her, she shook her head.
“You know, you indulge me a little too much. I'm going to get far too used to being spoiled and pampered.”
Dean grinned at her and then caught her lips in a warm, slow kiss. “Good.” He said, dipping his head to place soft kisses below her jaw. “That's exactly what I want. You should expect indulgence and pampering.”
He finished drying her and braided her still damp hair; he didn't bother dressing either of them again and simply laid Y/N down naked against the cool sheets. He warmed her up as he climbed in beside her and pulled her close. 
They were quiet for a little while, and Y/N was close to drifting off when Dean pressed his lips to her temple and spoke softly. 
“Thank you for tonight, sweetheart. It was incredible; you are incredible.”
Y/N pulled back slightly, looking up at him, so he'd kiss her. He took the hint and his lips pressed against hers only briefly, just a fleeting brush of his lips, but as she looked up into his soft, mossy green eyes, Y/N knew beyond a doubt, something that she'd suspected for a long time.
This man is the love of my life.
The thought made her stomach clench and her heart hurt as Jessica's voice came back to her, the warning ringing in her ears. 
"I just want you to know the truth of the situation, so you don't go into this time with Dean holding on to some kind romantic notion. He is who he is and you can't change that.”
Y/N felt her aching heart sink a little further as she laid back down on Dean's chest, one question plaguing her.
What am I supposed to do now?
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Dean Fics Only:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Kinktober 11
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11. Body Hair/Shaving, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism, Teasing
Aziraphale is trapped behind his shopkeeper��s desk. He has to be. He’s waiting for a delivery to come and needs to be around to sign for it. Last time that he missed a parcel, it went to the sorting office and was lost for two weeks. 
Even a miracle can’t fix the Royal Mail. 
So, of course, the two of you are rubbing it in his face.
You’re hidden behind an adjacent bookshelf. From this angle, nobody from the public can see you, but Aziraphale certainly can. 
You meet his eyes as you swallow down Crowley’s cock, grinning when you hit the base. Crowley groans and throws his head back against the books. 
“Those are vintage. Be careful,” Aziraphale says, but there’s no bite to it. In fact it comes out as a bit of a whine. You see him shift uncomfortably in his seat as you begin to bob your head back and forth, tears pricking your eyes as Crowley hits the back of your throat over and over. 
“Oh Crowley, you taste gorgeous,” you say, pulling back enough to speak. Your spit makes a filthy line from his dick to your lips, you make a show of licking it clean. 
“Stop,” Aziraphale whispers. 
“You could join us.”
“I can’t.”
“You can, angel,” Crowley calls, voice hoarse. If there’s one thing better than one lover’s mouth on his cock, it’s both of them.
“Please,” you sigh, dreamily. Aziraphale adjusts his trousers and you see him losing a fight with himself. Just as he goes to stand up, deciding that the two of you are too tempting, the shop door opens with the ringing of a bell. 
Aziraphale drops back into his seat like a shot. You freeze around Crowley’s cock, him half in your mouth, his hands tangled in your hair. The two of you exchange a look and remain perfectly still. 
“Good morning Mr Fell, parcel for you!”
“Thank you,” he says, and you can tell how strained it is. Ah, your angel. Putting on a happy face but trying not to cum in his pants. 
“If you can just sign here…”
“Mmm-hmm, absolutely.”
Slowly you begin to move down on Crowley again. He grips your hair in warning, which you ignore, instead choosing to slide him entirely into your mouth. One of his hands has to come up to smother his own moans. 
“Mr Fell, are you quite alright?”
His eyes flick over to the two of you. You’re playing a dangerous game, and he’s thunderously angry about it. Oh how perfect. 
Aziraphale squiggles his John Hancock, before taking the package quickly. 
“Well, see you next time!”
“Alright,” says the postie, clearly confused about Aziraphale’s strange behaviour, but not wanting to push it any further. When you hear the door shut the sound of locking isn’t far behind it. 
Azirphale’s shadow drops over the two of you. You look up from around Crowley’s cock. 
Slowly, with severity, he rolls back his sleeves to the elbow. 
“Well. Seems like the two of you need to be taught a lesson.”
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