#stop making excuses for why you dont like rap music. genuinely no one is making you listen to it
muttsona · 5 months
no, im not racist. i just think all rap music is bad because it's violent and sexual, which obviously has never been the case for any other music genres! it's not racist to say all rap music covers the same topics: drugs, sex, violence. they actually made a Music Rule that said only rap music is allowed to have these things. which means my white boy rock bands are safe 😐👍
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zayashmaya · 6 years
Gods and Monsters - 4 - Honeymoon (part 1).
Marvus x Reader; SFWish
Other chapters here!
In which the limo becomes the ultimate wingman.
There are violets in your eyes There are guns that blaze around you There are roses in between my thighs and fire that surrounds you It's no wonder every man in town had neither fought nor found you ... 
- Lana Del Rey
You were propped up on Marvus’s lap from the moment the chauffeur closed the door behind him. It was a rather intimate gesture, but Marvus had insisted, and you knew him well enough by now to expect this sort of behavior from him. You even questioned him once about his tendency to always touch you, and he had claimed it was because he enjoyed your warmth, so you happily obliged his cold-blooded yearnings.
Marvus had chosen his singular seat that was strategically placed between a mini fridge and a bartop upon which rested several bottles of faygo. You discretely scrunched your nose as he took a generous chug. Not even the atmospheric tunes playing from the speakers could appease your rising hatred for that drink.
But Marvus mistook your leering for thirst, apparently. “Wanna lil taste?” he offered, jostling the faygo with a slight shake.
Would it be rude to refuse? Would it go against his religion, even? “Is this the same faygo they serve during service … ?” you asked, remembering how Chahut had prompted you to partake in the ritualistic consumption.
“Na b dis ain’t the cheap shit, u gotta try it.”
You hesitantly accepted the bottle, using both hands to tip it up. The cold, acrid nectar electrified your taste buds with its overpowering sweetness. With the amount of sugar and other obscure additives mixed into this noxious concoction, no wonder the purplebloods were prone to sporadic bouts of madness.
The limo rolled over a bump and made you spill some of the faygo from the corner of your mouth. “Damn it,” you muttered, wiping it away with your hand as you leaned over Marvus’s lap to set the bottle down, unaware of his gaze on your lips.
Before you could settle back into place, Marvus caught hold of your wrist. You felt your pulse quicken — was he upset with how you’re conducting yourself, wasting his favorite drink?
Judging by his cheeky grin and hooded eyes, you knew that was not the case.
Your anxiety disappeared instantly, only to be replaced with frozen shock as his tongue darted out to slowly lick away the sticky faygo on the back of your hand.
“Wh — I — Marvus — “
“Can’t let it go ta waste, ya no wat i’m sayin?” he cheekily said as you wiped off his spit on your dress. “So, wat b da verdict?”
God, you still felt the residual chill on your hand from his tongue. It had been so wet and smooth —
“Yo buddy, u gud?”
What would it feel like in other places — 
You snapped out of your wandering thoughts and prayed you weren’t blushing too hard. “Wh — what? Oh, it’s … it’s something, alright,” you meekly replied.
Marvus chuckled. “Don't stress it babe, i can see u ain’t too keen on da wicked elixir. It b written all over your face.”
You smoothed your hands over your cheeks and cursed the heat blossoming forth. “Don’t tease me, Marv,” you whined, turning away from him.
He gently grabbed your wrists and pried your hands away with ease, smiling at your mock pout. “I juss can’t help myself. Look at dat cute redness all over u. How’s a bro supposed to resist makin u flush, ‘specially when i no it’s all for me?"
Revealing one’s blood color to another was considered to be an intimate display of trust, as you’d learned when you first met Vikare. Maybe Marvus was just eager for some reassurance of your friendship? Troll culture sure is confusing.
A short buzz saved you from further provocation. Marvus seemed almost disappointed by the interruption, judging by how his smile fell into a flat line. But he excused himself all the same, busying himself with his palmhusk while grumbling about not getting enough free time.
You were tempted to check out the television, but the remote was cast away on another seat, and Marvus had tightened his hold around your waist while he spoke to someone who might have been his manager. Trapped as you were, you simply leaned onto his shoulder and looked outside, letting the ambient rap streaming from the speakers set the mood.
Through the tinted windows you could make out towering high-rises and neon signs flaring with Alternian government propaganda. A particular sign caught your eye for a brief moment as it passed by — written into a giant billboard in magenta were the words, the revolution will not be televised, because it does not exist.
Marvus snapped his fingers in front of you, prompting you to look up. He was startlingly close, you realized, and you very nearly got lost in those impossibly dark eyes before he asked, “Whachu thinkin abt, babe?”
You regarded him silently.
Here you were, legs propped up over the lap of a dangerous highblood. He had finished with his phone call, grazing his knuckles over the expanse of your leg. Strange, how you felt completely at ease with him, despite knowing what he was capable of. You were not an idiot — Marvus could command thousands of mindless trolls with the same flair of a ringleader in a circus, fanning the flames of crowd-induced mania simply for his own convenience. Blood spilled for his sake, sacrificial lambs led to a euphoric slaughter.
The propaganda sign was still burned into the back of your retinas, a haunting after-image that colored your world a dizzying lime, and you were reminded of Tyzias’s hushed whispers of a caste long-forgotten, lost to the depths of a magenta shadow.
Dead. The limebloods were all dead, as decreed by the Condesce.
Limelight, you thought. The focus of public attention. How ironic.
Marvus would one day have to carry out the Condesce's whims. He was certainly fit for it, having honed his craft as a global superstar. All of his life had been dedicated to his adoring fans, painstakingly perfecting his performances with an avid devotion to not only the populace, but to his very namesake, to whom he was destined to become.
And that is precisely why you pitied him. How different could his livelihood have been, how evolved beyond its empty meaning could it become, if only he could create music for music’s sake. Not for an inevitable life of servitude, forced to use his powers to control the masses.
If only he knew what true freedom meant. Not that your world was perfect by any means, but still, you wondered.
“I was thinking about music,” you replied.
He quirked a brow. “Don’t leave me hanging like dis now, i gots to b knowin wat’s cooking in that funky think pan of yours.”
“Well,” you started, wondering if what you were about to say was considered heretical. “I was just wondering what music means for your people. For my people, it’s traditionally been used for all sorts of reasons, but at its core, music has always been a form of self-expression, rebellion, and spreading messages of awareness. You know, like … problems with our society, and stuff.”
You paused and glanced at Marvus. Nothing about him seemed out of place — except behind his ever-present grin and hooded eyes hid a keen glint of intuitive understanding. “Dont lemme stop u bb,” he said with a wink. “I like to hear u spit sum faxxual truths at me abt alien culture.”
“You’re not going to rip me in half for saying these things?” You knew he wouldn’t, but it was your turn to tease.
Marvus had the decency to look scandalized. “Daaayum, dat hit me rite in the blood pusher,” he dramatically replied, slapping a hand over his chest. “I ain’t never given u no reason to think i’d hurt u!”
You smiled softly at his genuine concern, shuffling around for a moment to bring your knees on either side of his hips. Marvus looked a little out of sorts with your repositioning, eyes roaming over your further-exposed thighs as your dress rode up from straddling him.
“I know you wouldn’t hurt me,” you quietly said, placing your hand over his. “But I’ve been on this planet long enough to know danger when I see it.”
His fingers entwined with yours. “Damn strait, cuz.” He brought your hand up to his lips and gave a quick nip to your fingertips, gently so as to not scratch. You snatched it back with a giggle. “But btwn u and me, i think u’d give me a run for my cas$$shmunny, hunnie.”
“How so?”
He tapped two fingers against your temple. “The danger b all up in here.”
“The only thing dangerous about me is my lack of a brain — er, a think pan.”
“Na don’t sell urself short like dat, i b tellin u dat u wouldn’t have survived without sum street smarts.”
“That’s what I thought in the beginning,” you wistfully said. “Until I started realizing how my life has turned into an endless stream of do-overs. At this point, I’m more inclined to think that there is a higher power watching over me, guiding my way.”
Marvus hummed in answer, short and deep and with a hint of questioning. “Hey babe, lemme axe u sumthin.”
You wordlessly nodded, sobering up from the sudden change in mood. This was, perhaps, the first time you had ever seen him with such a thoughtful look on his face.
“You really believe in the Dark Carnival, sis?” His eyes appeared to flash with each passing lamp post, like a dangerous creature prowling in the darkness.
Long ago, you might have hesitated. Longer still, you might have faked your devotion in favor of friendship. Now, though … now you knew with resounding certainty.
“I really do,” you answered.
“How do u no for a fact?”
“Because I’ve been there.” Marvus frowned and leaned back against his chair. You did not let his skepticism deter you. “I died once, you know. I don’t really remember it, but I know it happened because whenever I’m in church, I can practically feel myself being lifted into another plane of existence. And — and there was a carousel,” you animatedly recalled, each bit of recollection stringing together lost memories until it felt like you were there again. “There were two angels who came to get my body, and there were weird mannequins occupying the other horses on the carousel, and there were paintings of clowns with smiles and frowns … And a purple figure holding something, and there was a lot of red and green — “
Marvus placed a hand against your cheek, and you felt your zealous excitement cool down to a happy daze. “Either u hittin da incense too hard, or dat was a mutherfxxn prophetic vision.”
“I dunno,” you slurred, leaning into his touch. “But it was real, Marvus. It was fucking real, and the only time I’ve ever really felt at peace since I got here.”
“Shiiiiit, lil mama,” he breathed in awe, running his fingers through your hair before grabbing your waist. “I ain’t gonna doubt u no more. If da messiahs deemed u fit for such an honor, then i fxxn bow to u.”
You giggled. “You do that anyway! Since I’m so short, ya see.”
“Yea, short n sweet,” he rumbled low, and you felt his touch run down your sides to end up at your thighs. At this point, you were fairly convinced he had a fixation.
It took a moment to catch up with his words. There you go again with your blushing. “Wh — what are you saying … “ you trailed off, shyly looking away.
“Only truths,” he replied. “Cuz all i see is truths all over u. Your skin b glowin like its covered in sum kinda special stardust n shit. Makes perfect sense tho.” He bared his sharp fangs in a wide smile, his eyes raking up and down your form as you felt his hands grip your thighs a little tighter. “Them leg struts b a muthafuxxin miracle, babe. And that’s a true fact, strait up.”
You felt the gears turning in your head while you processed what he said. Was he … ?
“Oh!” You leaned in towards him and bunched your hands into the fabric of his coat. Marvus craned his neck to bring his face closer to yours — for what reason, you couldn’t imagine — and it almost looked like he planned to close his eyes before you excitedly spoke, “You’re talking about that sparkly powder you guys use during prayer, right? And you use this stardust to pray for miracles, ergo my strut sticks, which apparently even the Grand Highblood approves of. That’s pretty poetic, Marvus. You really have a way with words! Although I guess you have to be, since it’s quite literally your livelihood."
Holy hell were you rambling.
Marvus reared back, eyes wide and mouth pursed in confusion. Whatever he saw in your oblivious face had him soften his expression, a light smile playing on his lips. “Pfft. Yea, lil mama.”
The limo suddenly lurched. You were propelled face-forward into Marvus’s chest, and you were tempted to compare his pecks to airbags, but that was too gauche, even by your standards.
“Sorry!” you squeaked, ready to scoot back to put some respectful distance between you, but his hands found their way around you and held you in place.
This was intimate. This was far more intimate than his usual touchy-feely self. You were frozen in hesitation, a bundle of nerves and unexplored emotions rising to the forefront of your mind. “Marvus … ?”
You couldn’t see his face, but you could feel him. Solid, sinewy flesh pressed against your cheek, cold to the touch and yet pulsing with a living beat.
“Wanna know another fact?” he quietly asked. You slowly nodded, and he continued, “You’re kinda one dense mofo, too.”
Well, that took a turn you were not expecting. Marvus loosened his grip to let you look at him face on. Your nose wrinkled in confusion as he watched you with an amused expression. “What do you mean?”
“Babe. Do i rly gots to spell it out for u? Maybe free-style some sicknasty beats to get dem thots cookin in ur think pan?”
You opened your mouth to speak before closing it to think for a moment. The prospect seemed rather exciting; how many people had the privilege of having this talented troll customize a rap for them? “I wouldn’t turn down a verse from you.”
“ :o) “ He reached out to carefully tuck your hair behind an ear — your heart fluttered — and leaned in to murmur:
”Lover lovin herself all up on me, Luscious hips, all curves and dips, And a burning touch That I just gotta worship like an effigy Ya hear me baby — “
Your hands clenched into fists against his chest.
“Red flushin and rushin like a river that flows I wanna b known how far down it goes."
You felt your breath leave your body.
Marvus finally leaned back to gauge your reaction. God, he was so close, hypnotizing you with those deadly bedroom eyes. You couldn’t look away. “Catch my drift now?”
It was at this very moment that your predicament became utterly, embarrassingly aware to you. “You wanted to pail me this whole time?!”
“Ye ;o) “
“But — but why?”
He furrowed his brows and tilted his head. “Whutchu mean why?"
You felt your cheeks burn as the onslaught of past remarks about your appearance surged forth to the forefront of your mind. “Because I’m not attractive to your kind,” you bluntly replied. “I’ve been compared to a mutated lusus, for goodness sake!”
“Hahaha lol!”
“That’s not funny!” You lightly smacked your palm against his shoulder.
Marvus settled down from his laughing bout, completely unperturbed by your attack. “U ain’t gotta give those muthafxxkas any of ur time or energy. Who gives a damn wat they b thinkin, they ain’t the ones who get to have u at the end of the nite. I like u for ur cute lil booty — “ He shamelessly patted your behind, and you admitted to yourself that it wasn’t an unwelcome advance. “ — and most of all, i fxxks whichu for how chill n funny u are. So don’t be all up and worried bout any of dat. Wouldn’t have u here otherwise.”
It was time for one of your famous, long-winded internal monologues.
Did you want this? Did you feel attracted to Marvus Xoloto?
Hell fucking yes, don’t ask yourself such stupid questions.
With that out of the way, on to the next point of consideration — were you ready to accept his propositioning?
Oh, how badly you wanted to say yes. The urge for friendship had long ago morphed into a consuming hunger for stronger bonds. You had even caved in to your whimsical desires and became rather well acquainted with troll anatomy … except everything crashed and burned right after your romp.
Lanque’s cutthroat critique bore into your heart and grew there like a festering wound ever since that fateful night. As such, you could not help but wonder whether Marvus would find you boring, too. Even worse than that, you wondered whether he was doing this to satisfy some sick curiosity about your body. Just another exotic thing to cross off his bucket list.
You did not want to believe those dark thoughts. Marvus had never treated you badly before — in fact, all evidence pointed to the contrary, that he was genuinely into you. But try as you might, your self-confidence was at an all time low. You were afraid to open up again.
Marvus patiently waited while you chewed on your bottom lip and looked away. As soon as your face darkened, he was there to reel you back in with a tap against your nose. You snapped out of your thoughts and drew your attention to him, afraid to see him irate or disappointed by your silence. Instead, you found him to be his usual smiling self.
“Don’t stress it so hard, cuz. U ain’t gotta do anythin u aint keen on, ya dig? I’ma getchu home like i promised, and we gonna forget dis happened.”
It should have been enough. You should have been happy with his suggestion, eager to put this all behind you and remain platonic friends, because you were still hurting from your last tryst.
So why did you feel bothered?
Marvus pressed a button off to the side of his armrest, and the driver’s voice crackled through a nearby speaker. “Yes sir?”
You were about to miss out on an important situation, your senses told you. And you needed to make a choice.
Some other you chose the sensible route. Some other you would return to your watchtower and never get this opportunity again.
But you were strong enough to push through your doubts, right when it mattered most.
You grabbed hold of his loosened bowtie —
“Sup buddy, we gotta — “
— and yanked him down to your level, smashing your lips against his.
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fymoanstax · 6 years
Monsta X as Professors
This was not requested but Admin Ponyo just,,,,,,thought of it. Hope you guys enjoy!
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Teaches Political Science
‘You can call me Hyunwoo or Mr. H I don’t really care just don’t call me sir because it makes me feel old’
Monotone voice makes you want to fall asleep during lecture
Gives direct answers to exams
If the question is like ‘when was the declaration of independence signed?’
On the study guide/exam review it’ll say ‘make sure you know the day the declaration was signed’
Easy A class
Doesn’t take attendance bc there are like 200 people in class
Every day is casual friday
Dresses more like a student
Arrives to class late sometimes
No homework
He’s the professor where you’re kind of like ‘should I be having these thoughts about him?’
Sometimes he'll just put on Law and Order™ because its it's too much of a hassle to actually teach that day
On the first day of class he asked in the middle if the students wanted to take a break for 20 minutes or just keep going and get out of class early.
Gives out candy on review days
Despite seeming like he doesn't care he wants his students to be socially aware and active in politics
Really raising the next generation of leaders 11/10 would take this class
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Teaches education courses
But he also Handles 1st year seminars
Makes people call him coach for no reason
Very inspirational
Female students swoon over him
Wears dress pants and dress shirts and dress shoes
Rolls up his sleeves a lil
You know those biceps are LI VINg
‘I can be your mentor’ (du du du du du du du du, get it. Like,,,,,’i can be your hero’ okay nvm)
Always comes into class right on the dot
Lectures include a lot of uplifting quotes
Has powerpoints with cute animations, transitions and lots of videos
Stays behind after class and is surrounded by students wanting to talk to him
Has a good rating on ratemyprofessor plus a whole chili pepper bc lots of people take his class
No phones in class because he wants everyone to pay attention but newsflash they already are
No electronics in general
Says attendance doesn't count but passes around a sign in sheet bc he wants to make sure people that show up are rewarded
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Teaches nutrition courses
Wears tracksuits to class
Talks about staying healthy and eating well but shows up late to class with burger king
Has never been to a gym unless pokemon go counts
When people go to his office hours they find him playing overwatch
Gives a lot of extra credit
Makes twitter deals with his students
‘If this post gets 100k retweets our professor will give us all As’
Assigns homework randomly
Next class he has forgotten he assigned homework at all
Until a student brings it up
‘Did I assign that? Okay yeah hand it in then.’
Gives everyone As for the sake of not grading
Actually forgets to grade entire exams
Tells students when pop quizzes will happen
‘Well we’re gonna have a pop quiz this week and if its not today then it must be,,,,the only other time we meet this week.’ *wink*
Asks students to call him the Italian Stallion despite not being Italian or a stallion.
Asks everyone how their weekend was and really does want some stories.
*finished a chapter like 15 minutes early* “You guys want to stop here?”
Group work all the time
He likes it because even he learns from it
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Math professor
High level math like calc 2 or smth
Wears suits to class
Doesn’t give study guides or do review days
Homework every week
Only 6 questions
1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g, 1h, 1i, 1j, 1k, 1l…….you know
Has never cancelled a class
Gives you dirty look if you walk out of class early
‘We still have 45 seconds of class don’t pack up’
Syllabus is 15 pages long
No calculators allowed
‘You learned this in math 126 so i won’t go over it’ UH YEAH 3 SEMESTERS AND AN ENTIRE SUMMER AGO BOI
Asks for homework at the beginning of class
Before you even walk in
If it’s not in your hand no points for the day
Takes attendance daily + counts as 20% of grade
Only allowed 1 excused absence with note
Always bashes the rival university by using said university as the bad examples in word problems.
“Professor what does this have to do with math"
“Nothing I just hate (insert university here)”
At the end of the semester he said “I should have called you guys worms and then at the end said ‘congratulations you are all now maggots’"
Tough professor but everyone loves him still
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Teaches classes on law
ALWAYS has his hair styled and his suit looking pristine
Fashionably late is reAL for this man
Student: ‘I heard if the professor doesn’t show up for 15 minutes we can le-...’
Hyungwon: ‘You can leave whenever. Nobody’s stopping you’
Takes like 10 minutes to get settled before starting lecture
Carries a briefcase to class to look professional but its empty
Students fear him
His beauty AND his brains
Tells class that there will be pop quizzes
Never has a pop quiz in the entire semester
Mock trials every week
Will destroy his students during mock trials but its for their own good
‘There’s too much traffic so I’m cancelling class’
Helps students practice their law poker face by making memey faces at them
It’s part of the final
Laugh or smile is minus 10 points
During an exam he stopped everyone so he could show them a meme.
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Teaches music appreciation
Students call him sir
He thinks its funny
One page syllabus and all you do is sign and return it
Asks his students for new music suggestions
Goes off on tangents about his life
‘Yeah, last week I adopted a new dog and his name is Bark Obama’
Will show you videos of his dog on FACEBOOK
When he goes off on tangents he stops mid story and says “why am I telling you this? I dont know”
Dances in front of the class
Will dance to anything
Gregorian chants
Clair de lune
Anything by Chopin
Always wears a hat to class bc he changes his hair color often but that’s seen as unprofessional
Is always down to sit and talk about some good songe
‘Appreciate the music’
‘Feel the music’
Once his students walked in and he was playing All Star by Smash Mouth and he claimed it was “because if he didnt hear it now it would be stuck in his head forever"
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Biology professor
Syllabus is riddled with biology puns
*walks into class* ‘The name’s bond. Hydrogen bond. Just kidding I’m your professor Im Changkyun’
Doesn’t know how to spell,,,,,,,,,,,,,proffesor,,,,,,,proffessor,,,,,,professor,,,,,,,,,
Sits on his desk at the front of the class while lecturing
Relates to his students
The professor you will accidentally run into on the street
Or at coachella who knows
Guaranteed to break at least one microscope or test tube during the semester
Shows the class he can rap the beginning of nicki minaj’s super bass perfectly
Won’t stop talking about his friends dog Bark Obama
Gossips about other professors
A genuinely great teacher
Cares about his students
Wants them to succeed
Wants them to thank him in their speeches when they win awards for ground breaking discoveries
‘All you have to say is I owe all I know to my old professor Im Changkyun. It’s not that hard Kenny.’
Everything went wrong at a lab once when he was a TA and he got so done he just cancelled the lab. He had no fear of getting in trouble
Has puns on his slides that nobody understands.
‘Biology is the best science. Physics and Chemistry can choke but go off I guess.’
Sometimes doesnt wear shoes in class
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kmp78 · 7 years
The youtube comments are priceless! The majority feels exactly how we feel. I hope J finally gets the message! (BUT HE DOESN’T WANNA READ THE MESSAAAAAGGE HEEEERRREEEEEEEE…Hahahaha!)  
Jesus, this isn’t even music man
5 minuets ago: Was thinking about getting a 30stm tattoo. After hearing this song:“Well…… Do I even like 30stm anymore?”
I feel violated listening to this…dreading seeing them next week now… :/
(Aren’t you happy you bought a ticket before the new album came out. Hahaha!)
I’m so disappointed, i prefer “attack” or “this od war” and the like. I’m sorry that my favorite band is no longer cool ok that’s it. still sticking with their old stuff including LLFD but THIS? Hell no! 30 seconds to mars dying, very slowly… 😪  WHERE’S ROCK!? My god… I don’t hate them but… I don’t like how many thing’s changed…. I miss the old music… What the fuck, Jared? This is major ear rape so plastic and fake I understand now why Tomo isn’t in the band anymore.
They played one of their new song in Paris 2 weeks ago, Tomo had to leave the stage because the song didn’t needed him… Heartbreaking (Indeed.)
At least is better than Dangerous Night. But the same as it was with Hurricane, that rap/hip hop part or whatever it is, doesn’t have any business with the song, it’s just awful Sorry but this is very comercial, it’s fine but this is not 30 STM, it’s very generic, very simple, we dont need more trap or similar songs I’m sorry I just can’t bring myself to like this. So mainstream. Noooooo, sounds like all pop music 💔 I’m really sad because on the strength of the songs that I’ve heard so far I shall not be buying the new album.
(Me neither.)
I don’t even know how to comment this. Wtf guys? What is it? 😣 I do not hate 30stm but this is the last song I hear from them, this is not 30stm, I’m sorry but from today I will stop listening to their new music Every album they sell out more and more
Man…..this is just……….sad……
Mars is dead!
(Agreed. R.I.P.)
I love you guys but please stop. Just stop it. The hell with that chasing fame, money or whatever you’re trying to chase with the new style. Stay YOU, Stay loyal to YOUR music! To your fans! that’s what got you to where you are now! So please PLEASE get me my Thirty seconds to mars BACK! (Fans finally seeing the light…)
disappointment just got a new name….😣😣 they were so so much better
What even?(Exactly.)
Guys, please … hahahah come on. Couldn’t get any worse..
U were my favourite band what happened to you?
(J sold his soul and his integrity to money and fame and got lazy after Gucci started paying him for doing nothing. That’s what happened.)
What mainstream bullshit is this? This is truly disappointing. Jared, if you wanted to go solo, you should’ve done so. You didn’t have to drag the band’s name through the mud with this crap. Now excuse me while I go listen to 30 Seconds to Mars, A Beautiful Lie and This Is War ✌🏽. Well…. I’m kinda really disappointed… 😕
(You and me both.)
all i think is, is tomo okay with this?
(Same.He can’t be or I will really start questioning his sanity too.)
what happened with you guys.
(Money and fame happened to J. Why make an effort when you get paid for doing nothing.)
Wtf! I can’t even understand him! This is not the 30 seconds to Mars I know and love sometimes change isn’t better and he’s changed way too much What the fuck is this shit? Thirty Seconds of Jared. This is not a band anymore. I’m not only talking about the rock side of them, at least the previous one had a band touch. This is only a beatmaker/producer, a voice, a featuring and a guitar solo. Not creativity and no more innovation.
This band lost the plot. Been teased 5 years for an album that probably took them 3 months to make. Horrible album marketing/art, didnt know the name until yesterday. Complete sellout sound intended for more radio play. This is hilariously disappointing.
(AMEN! *MIC DROP* Nothing to add!!!)
At first I wasn’t sure but tbh I just think I’m really weirded out by the autotune over Jared’s voice??? Maybe it’d sound better live without that? Idk I’ll still follow since I love them but this is like so shockingly different I’m still trying to process it 😂❤️ also btw yes a lot of people are hating, but sometimes it isn’t hate. Some people are just genuinely confused by such a dramatic change in sound and there is a difference between criticism and hate
(A fan who isn’t one of the blind sheep.)
The song itself is really cool, the style they chose for the arrangement feels bland and does not make justice to the song but the harmony and melody’s are quite simple and effective but changing from walk on water, dangerous night to this track is quite the change and almost make it seem like the band has quite a big identity problem, either way good song/untasteful arragement i gotta say 30 Seconds To Mars is my favourite band in the whole world. And my heart aches when I listen to this new stuff. I get that time has passed and people change, I accept that. I just can’t find myself in this new era… Well at least Jared is still awesome in acting…
(Bless your heart. I take it you haven’t seen Suicide Squad or Blade Runner or The Outsider yet…?)
💕 30STM could do anything and I’d still be in love 😍
(I have no doubt in my mind about that! J could shit in a box and you’d still love it and say how AMAZING it is!)
Shut up, fake fans!! Yes, this one is a lot different from A Beautiful Lie, but EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IS CHANGING. A true fan will love this. Don’t you get it, people? And your “trash” comments will not change the music of 30 Seconds To Mars. They were good, and they still are. It is just different now.
(The SHEEP will buy any shit J puts out and love it. Yes we are painfully aware of how THE ECHELON works. Yes, it TRULY is a cult. And OH YES everything definitely is changing…FOR THE WORSE. I hope your world won’t come crashing down too hard on you when you finally see the light and realize there is no “wizard” behind that curtain.)
I’m the only who really likes the song????
(Probably. Haha!)
Thanks, anon :)
It´s kinda hard to find something to disagree with here...
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