#stop sleep apnea
cyb3r-mutt · 3 months
I’m actually starting to get worried about how sleepy I am always… I dunno like I nap constantly and then am still so exhausted im fighting to stay awake past 9/10pm and haven’t made it to even 1am in quite a while when usually I would stay up until 3 or 4am regularly no problem :/
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thebigbiwolf · 11 months
I suffer from debilitating chronic fatigue so today I tried waking up with the sun and going for a walk before checking socials (something about brain waves? Idk). I was up from like 6:30 - 9am no problem, got a ton of school work done, felt great, etc. Sat down for like 2 seconds and ended up taking a 2 hour nap and ruining the whole thing.
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strawberrygiorno · 1 year
building on the common hc that kim snores horribly by giving him sleep apnea that he's never realized he had bc it's been so long since he slept near another person who could or would point out his symptoms to him
so the first time harry and kim sleep near each other, harry wishes there was a way to stop kim's snoring. then kim stops breathing, and harry is like oh my god i killed him???!!!!?!?!!?
(the subsequent freakout wakes kim right up)
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Calling people you don't like "mouth breathers" is ableism
Many disabilities and conditions cause one to breathe fully or partly using the mouth
I have a deviated septum, I cannot get oxygen through my nose except in specific positions. This caused my sleep apnea. I'll most likely need surgery to fix this which many people do not have access to
Mouth breathing can lead to other potentially disabling conditions
It's not funny, knock it off
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ballsballsbowls · 9 months
Moving didn't change my sleep very much. I have mostly the same dreams, similar sleep patterns, etc.
Except for one.
In the past two years, I have developed a semi-regular dream in which I take between 1 and 5 random small objects and put them in my mouth, and wake up at that point, partially awake, convinced that I have these items in my mouth and trying to will myself not to swallow them.
I am fine once I am actually awake for about 30 seconds, and several things suddenly occur to me, including that I was dreaming, that I never had an issue of swallowing random objects in my sleep at other point in my life, and where would I have found those items anyway?
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What You Need to Know about Sleep Apnea
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Each night, an orchestra of snoring sounds disrupts the peaceful realm of sleep, impacting both the snorer and their sleep-deprived companions. Beyond a simple annoyance, snoring serves as a nightly alert, hinting at potential underlying issues that could lead to serious health problems. As we delve into the intricacies of snoring, we embark on a journey to uncover its causes, the discomfort it inflicts, and the crucial role dentists play in orchestrating a solution.
Peeling Back the Layers of Snoring:
Snoring isn't just a bothersome sound; it acts as a potential indicator of obstructed breathing during sleep, often linked with conditions like sleep apnea. This rhythmic resonance reverberates as air navigates past relaxed throat tissues, creating vibrations. The turbulence in airflow results from various factors—nasal congestion, obesity, sleep position, and even the lingering effects of the previous night's indulgence in spirits.
The Dissonance of Disturbance:
Beyond shattering the tranquility of a restful night, snoring brings a symphony of discomforts. For the snorer, it induces daytime fatigue, irritability, and challenges in concentration. Simultaneously, the nocturnal cacophony poses a dilemma for partners and family members, potentially straining relationships as sleep turns into contested territory.
Unveiling the Origins of the Racket:
Understanding the birthplace of snoring is essential for effective treatment. Culprits range from obstructed airways due to structural issues or nasal congestion to the collapse of throat muscles during excessive relaxation. Sleep position, obesity, and the influence of alcohol and sedatives contribute their own melodies to this nocturnal composition.
Dental Harmonies for a Tranquil Night:
In this grand performance, dentists emerge as conductors of tranquility, leveraging their expertise in oral health to confront snoring head-on. Their instruments of intervention include:
Oral Appliances: Cleverly designed dental devices that reposition the jaw and tongue, preventing airway obstruction during sleep.
Custom-Fit Devices: Dentists craft personalized solutions tailored to individual mouth structures, ensuring optimal effectiveness and comfort.
Lifestyle Guidance: Beyond the dental chair, advice flows regarding lifestyle changes, encompassing weight management and sleep position adjustments.
Collaboration with Sleep Specialists: In severe cases, a harmonious collaboration with sleep specialists ensures comprehensive care for sleep-related breathing disorders.
Snoring might seem like a minor inconvenience, but its repercussions can extend far beyond. Seeking professional assistance from a dentist becomes a transformative step toward a quieter, more restful night’s sleep. By addressing the root causes and tailoring snoring treatment to individual needs, dental experts significantly contribute to the journey of silencing the nocturnal symphony of snores.
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How to Have a Restful Night's Sleep.
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consolecadet · 1 year
My next medical test (home sleep study) is gonna be at least $1,100 💀 Definitely meeting my deductible again this year
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gb-dentistry · 3 days
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Snoring keeping you and your partner up at night? We offer solutions for snoring and sleep apnea that go beyond the CPAP.
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thatuselesshuman · 2 months
I go back college to start on my masters degree in a few weeks and I'm not prepared
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mysmiledoctors · 7 months
Say Goodbye to Sleep Troubles with Effective Laser Treatments at My Smile Doctors
Are sleep troubles keeping you awake at night? Discover relief with advanced laser treatments for sleep apnea and snoring at My Smile Doctors. Our expert team offers specialized solutions including sleep apnea laser surgery and laser treatment for sleep apnea. Say goodbye to restless nights and enjoy peaceful sleep with our tailored approach to obstructive sleep apnea treatment. Don't let snoring disrupt your life any longer – explore the effectiveness of surgery to stop snoring and reclaim your rest. Visit us now to experience the difference in your sleep quality!
Contact Information: My Smile Doctors Phone: 02 8046 9975 Email: [email protected] Location: 37 Grose Street Parramatta NSW 2150 URL: https://www.mysmiledoctors.com.au/snoring-sleep-apnea/
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windy-apple · 8 months
Had a dentist appointment earlier. They are concerned because I’m grinding my teeth again. I think it’s happening in my sleep.
Based on the grinding, some marks on my tongue, and my throat looking a little restricted, the possibility of me having sleep apnea was mentioned. Obviously they can’t diagnose this but they did give me a little device to wear when I go to bed tonight. The results will give them a little more info and then I can talk to my regular doctor to set up a sleep study if need be.
Not really something I wanted to hear. 😑
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My CPAP machine gives me a sleep wrapped LMAO
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rainbowtvz · 8 months
me: i need to call this sleep center in chico for a sleep study to see if i half sleep apnea dad, very loudly: *scoffs* YOU DON'T HAVE SLEEP APNEA I DID ONE OF THOSE TOO AND I DIDN'T HAVE IT me, internally: i hate this fucking guy
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legacymindset · 9 months
It's the freest, least invasive, most futuristic OTC snoring remedy available that simply shifts your head position to disrupt snoring episodes and re-activate your normal breathing patterns, all while you remain asleep.
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diseasezerobook · 10 months
“Disease Zero” – How Snoring and Sleep Apnea Shortens Your Life and How to Correct Them.
If you Snore and have any of the following:
High Blood Pressure
Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes 
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Headaches
Chronic Depression
Bi Polar
Heartburn (GERD)
Lifelong Weight Issues
Sleep Apnea
You Should Read this Book
It may Lengthen your Life
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