sailoreuterpe · 2 years
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arcadechan · 1 year
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outfit ideas 1 out of ?????? : who let the dogs out
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Yall ever think about the fact that miles spider sense didn't go off while he was in the wrong universe because seeing his uncle made him so comfortable he didn't recognize any danger?
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zetterbabe · 4 months
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waiting (05.22.24)
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dortman · 2 years
Refs should only be allowed to add 2 minutes stoppage time when my team is winning and 10 minutes when my team is losing
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One thing I don’t understand about football right is why they don’t just press pause on the clock when the ball is out of play
Like the Colombian gk is down but the clock is still ticking away; why don’t they just press pause on the time (have the 4th official be in charge or something)? That way u have limited extra time and u r genuinely playing as close to 90mins as possible
It’s something they do in Rugby so idk why they can’t do it in football too
😂 haha no that's not how football works. and that's what makes football the sport it is and not like other sports. the clock never stops! and you don't want to add in an excuse for networks and channels to start inserting advertisements!
and that's why we have stoppage time. the stoppage time is time added to the end of the each half that is supposed to account for all the injuries and wasted time that happens during a match.
and the reason why we don't stop the clock is to ensure we have the most fluid and flow in the match. football is not a sport where the clock is supposed to stop but you keep playing until the bitter end. that's why it's so dramatic!
and it's up to the refs to make sure they properly track the amount of stoppage time taken up and doled out.
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also while I'm hating on people who are completely misunderstanding and twisting the dynamics of a strike, y'all aren't slick calling for a show that's ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN and had been in post for months on end to be cancelled in retaliation for the strike because you think the fandom is annoying and couching it in "I'm supporting the writer's strike!" speech :) if you're in support of striking writers I'd think you'd want them to get paid with the residuals they're asking for in return for their completed work but that's just me :)
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gingerly-writing · 1 year
hello everyone, just to check in with you all: I have covid (for the first time--I know, unfashionably late) so I have been and will be a bit absent <3
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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Assuming this is the three acts structure we're following...
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But we know that Dennis is probably... hopefully gonna have a meltdown by the end of the season (which would make them lose Spirit if the only two cards we have left are Mac and Dennis... but I'm not sure yet).
So now I ask you this: who are they doing it against? (And what happens if they win the game?)
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doncadst · 2 years
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she...mi amor 🧡🧡🧡 ..i feeling so good :3 Did you expect me not to post anything?
It would be silly for me not to post anything, I don't think xd?...
here is a reference to rick and morty no...it was something that occurred to me xd
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*no preguntes solo gozalo* xd
you and I know that that waist is not normal lol yuwedeuyfdfyugfgfeugbvcyg
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themsleeves · 10 months
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restingbuchface · 7 months
god i love joel hofer
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It’s late so I have no real positive inkling about how coherent this will be.
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts engaging with the concept of “don’t look away, bare witness” and how anyone looking away by not reblogging or engaging is privileged and therefore a bad person. I reject this premise wholeheartedly for one very critical reason: the world will not get better if the only emotions we have are anger, exhaustion and trauma. None of those truly lead to anything productive in the long run.
This is not to say don’t engage with different perspectives, unlearn things or simply sit in the uncomfortable nature that comes from our global society. But learn to take breaks.
There is massive difference between “looking away” and “hitting pause”. It needs to be more acceptable on the internet to hit pause. To seek joy, to sleep and wake up rested. There is also the fact that our brains are not able to process the 24/7 news cycle - if we try, we end up making the nuanced into simple paradigms.
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msexcelfractal · 9 months
It's not witholding your vote. I dont support genocide, therefore I don't vote for candidates that do. Biden supports drilling ANWR. Biden gave out more oil drilling permits than Trump. Voting for him is saying "Yes, I support this agenda!"
Holding your nose at the ballot box means absolutely nothing. Like other Americans, you say "Yes" to facism and vote for genocide and destruction.
And you aren't even *threatening* to withhold your vote.
The rest of the world does not look kindly on cowardice.
Voting for him does not say "I support this agenda". That's what they want you to believe. Voting exists to give us the illusion of control over our government and to shift the blame for bad governance from the oligarchs onto the people. When I vote it has no symbolic meaning - it is purely a strategic decision.
The neoliberal agenda is set in stone with bipartisan approval. Threatening to withhold my vote will not change that. Our votes are only effective at setting US policy on culture war issues 4 years at a time, so that's how I make my decision. Trying to fix fascist foreign policy with votes is like using a hammer to drive in a screw.
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debinhas-bicycle · 2 months
WHEW what a half of football that was eh? I was very conscious and awake for it. They kicked that ball, sometimes in the direction of the goal! Or maybe they didn't! Brother I hope Germany scored.
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