neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
Oh my god sonic is a lesbian who would’ve known
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its a little known fact but hes actually canonically been a lesbian from the very start!!! see!!
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girl-hobbit · 11 months
Hon, do you have a collection of little trinkets
Can you show
I wish to see little trinkets 🥺
ohohoho do i ever! >:3
room/collection pics
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<(˶ ・⩊・˶)> ~♡𓍊𓋼𓍊
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onemossygoblin · 22 days
Aight so during lockdown I used to ft this girl in my class all the time and we were really close
And she mentioned her favourite songs to me one day
And I had listened to them once or twice, they just weren’t my favourites
So I memorised all of them to sing to her every now and then when we called
I only remember the lyrics of her all time favourite song nowadays. It’s now one of my favourites. We’re still good friends, just don’t have a crush on her anymore
thats really sweet actually i think i would have to kill and/or die for someone if they did that for me
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alilweirddragon · 1 year
For the inbox ask, what’s your favourite colour, except it’s hyper specific
ok ok ok ok wjefhgc but like which ONE?
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I dont care what shade it is i LOVE dark purple kjdnm
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i found i like THIS specific shade of yellow, and also a kind of palish yellow you find on roses
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And i couldnt find a good pic but i REALLY like the pink from sunsets ajdsjncm
these three have become my 3 top fav colours haha
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mossycattail · 9 months
WOOOOEOEOOOEOEIAAAAAAA ahhhhhajshsjdkdhfjdaaaaaas
*dies of being so super silly*
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greenacorn14 · 6 months
Happy new yearrrrrrr!!!!!!
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Guess who finally downloaded genshin
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@stormte submitted: I found a dragonfly at my school today, it was rather dead after a while but i think he’s a good little fella
RIP large friend.......hope they lived a nice long dragonfly life before perishing :)
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mudg0bln · 9 months
@girl-hobbit @stormte @spookycattail @evilcrowgirll @stinkig0blin +EVERYONE ELSE
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rememberthelaughtermp3 · 11 months
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the kids, for reference
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hersenarbeid · 8 months
En ik ben blij dat het stormt vandaag, dan hoor ik mijn eigen gedachtes misschien wat minder.
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roderidderhottakes · 30 days
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De Rode Ridder - Storm over Damme
Een nieuwe week en een nieuwe strip!
We gaan het niet over het weer hebben hoewel het kennelijk stormt in Damme.
Er rommelt wat in de stad. Johan valt een soldaat aan terwijl achter hem een brand woedt.
We gaan dieper in op een stukje geschiedenis. Als je een ridderstrip leest, valt dat natuurlijk wel te verwachten.
Dus snel op naar de volgende Hot Take!
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girl-hobbit · 1 year
Your blog gives me tiny little thing in the woods squatting amongst the mushrooms vibes
Like, I would gladly drink caffeinated beverages with you on a mossy patch in the deep woods
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You, Me, an ancient old growth forest filled with mossy logs that are home to strange little creatures, a picnic basket and two cans of the best energy drink known to man (cherry berry lime C4's) <3
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onemossygoblin · 6 months
Hap new year from an Australian!
happy new year!! ^^
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Please listen to me rant about kits real quick-
Ok so we all know how some cats have 3 litters and even rarely 4. But why don’t they have more?
Hear me out-
There is VERY few queens who have a lot of kits, and even then not a lot make it to warriorhood or even take on a mate. Snowbird and Ferncloud are two prime examples of that. As only I think 3 out of 7 of Ferncloud’s kits have themselves their own kits, and Snowbird I think only has 2, not to mention Snowbird has the most kits in the series. And she was born in the last book of TPB. So why don’t queens have more?
We see Squirrelflight wishing she had kits in her own book. We see Sandstorm admitting she wanted more kits but didn’t want to pressure Firestar with another litter. And so on. Many cats in real life that can have kits(cause their not fixed) have a LOT of litters and kits. So it doesn’t make sense to me that so many loving couples only have 1 litter. I will do some examples-
BrambleSquirrel(when they still had respect and love for eachother)
Goldenflower in general(loved having kits jo matter the father but she just didn’t have any after Bramble and Tawny which was super confusing. Like I feel like she never loved Patchpelt but she still had kits with him just to have kits, then was with Tigerclaw for a bit after Swiftpaw became an apprentice)
Graypool (like Goldenflower)
BlackMisty- I don’t approve of this ship because Blackclaw betrayed her but still. Misty loved all her kits and I feel like she would have wanted more but she didn’t.
Now I’m done with the examples lol let’s move on.
So saying this, I feel like there should be 1. More litters. And 2. More kits in the litters.
Idc of over-population. Like I swear to GOD if that’s the reason that the Erin’s don’t do like 10 kits in a god damn litter, get out of here.
We see SO MANY kits die between series and off screen. Only recently have kits been not dying to just being a stillborn, being sickly, or even just dying to getting sick, or even a badger or fox getting them. EVEN A OWL could see a kit wondering alone in a dark camp to get maybe some water and get taken. THERE IS SO MANY POSSIBILITIES that even though they may have a LOT of kits, they will die. And not all of them will have kits.
Many will die as apprentice in a battle. Or get sick like Sweetpaw(we don’t have enough deaths in the books anymore btw and that’s what I hate.
Or even just die from battle wounds getting untreated because they hide them. We see apprentices and young warriors being stubborn about being treated cause their very prideful around that age and very dumb, but the truth is they could use over night just by 1 affection. And it DOESN’T happen.
We see this all in young warriors too. Yes some may be healthier then all their clan mates at this age. But they can still die. Not to mention border fights, falling branches, fires, floods, Mudslides, foxes, bears, deers(people deers will kill cats. My cat died after a deer got scared and trampled her. Her name was Saturn and she was a very young cat and wasn’t much a threat but the deer still thought of her of it. Just putting that out there)
Not to mention, Badgers, owls, eagles, hawks, falcons, drowning and so much more!
Apprentices are PRONE to trouble as we see so much in every series. It’s just that’s how the young learn. They be curious and are never cautious. Which should get a lot killed. But it doesn’t. And it’s stupid-
I’m so sorry I got off track.
But yes. I so believe Sandstorm could have had 12 kits.
That Leafpool could have had 5+
That EVERY queen unless their not that fertile can have as many kits as they want. Damn, all the kits in a huge litter could die from a huge outbreak of Greencough! We see it right before we meet Firepaw, as right before there was a huge outbreak and all those cats we saw in BlueStar’s Prophecy are 85% dead because of it.
Featherkit and Cricketkit? Got killed in that outbreak.
So did Stormtail, all the elders they weren’t dead before, Windflight, Stonepelt, AdderFang, Thrushpelt, Robinwing, Fuzzypelt, Featherwhisker, Swiftbreeze, Leopardfoot, Rosetail and Poppydawn.
That’s a lot. Now some may have not died from that. But they died between BlueStar’s Prophecy and when Firepaw joined. Which actually wasn’t much of time skip. Maybe 3 years? And for all those cats, that’s a lot! So yes. Big outbreak of Greencough that seems like a tick to the modern books now, should so happen.
Kill off a lot of characters
DESTROYE 65% of all cats from the clans!
God damn I would be so HAPPY.
Shit idk why the Erin’s aren’t doing that.
Anyways. I’m getting to worked up writing this. If I don’t stop I might tell you everything that should happen that doesn’t lol.
Thanks for letting me ramble-
honestly? I'm kinda okay with the cats not having too many litters. This is fantasy so I don't really mind that in this society the litters are small and cats don't have too many.
I feel like having to kill off tons of kittens and apprentices would just be a lot of work and would also be slightly horrifying lmao. We have to remember that despite how dark a lot of things are in these books, they are for children, so I would understand why they wouldn't want to commit mass baby murder lol (i know they have killed lots of children, but not on the level that they would have to if these cats had a normal amount of babies).
I also I like that there aren't too many litters because then we are able to actually get attached to, learn the personalities of, and care about all the kits born in the clans. It makes the deaths of the few that do die more impactful, and it makes us care about whether or not the others survive! Plus when kits die, their deaths can deeply effect their parents and family, and tons of kits dying would probably make that less impactful!
If anything, I would probably want to split up canon litters to be smaller and born at different times, so that cats who seem like they would want more kits, could have another litter! like Tawny would have had two kits in one litter and one in another!
anywayyys thats just my opinion! I can definitely see your pov as well!
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mossycattail · 8 months
👉👈 …mootboard? For ur moot?
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