What’s your LEAST favorite song? Why?
"Growltiger's Last Stand"--we all know why. Fuck you, T.S. Eliot, and fuck you, ALW, for not having the good sense to leave it out.
Share one (1) hot take/opinion about the show/fandom/etc.
No more London-style replica designs--society has progressed beyond the need for London-style replica designs. More Broadway replicas or, better yet, Hamburg replicas, you absolute cowards.
Do you think Cats has a theme/message? If so, what is it?
I do think it has one, albeit not one that I think its creators were aiming for. The original poems have a distinct element of British classism to them, i.e. "these cats' jobs/roles in the household constitute their entire lives, and there is nothing else notable about them" (yes, that is partially me projecting based on what I know about T.S. Eliot as a person, but I'm not wrong, am I?), which you still do get some of in the musical. But by nature of almost all of the cats being onstage the entire show, we do get to see that these cats have more to their lives and relationships than just their human-designated jobs. And for all the "Hal, it's about cats" of it, there is quite a lot in the show about the importance of community and acceptance and cherishing our lives and loved ones while we still have them and how growing old is something that happens to all of us with the only difference being how we handle it and how others treat us. I wouldn't call it a message so much as a theme, but I'd say if there is a central one, it's (to paraphrase a certain poem) "sing, dance, and be merry for tomorrow we die."
What was Cats 2019’s biggest mistake, in your opinion? (OTHER than 'bad cgi’) If you don’t think it made any notable mistakes, what’s your favorite thing about it?
I think so many of its flaws can be laid at the feet of Tom Hooper as the director. The dude clearly does not know how to handle a show like Cats (he barely knew how to handle Les Miserables, and that's me being generous), and I'm still baffled that he wanted to inject more realism into it, like... my guy, it's about singing and dancing cats. Realism has left the building. Not only that, but the movie feels like it has a certain amount of contempt for its source material, like it's having a laugh alongside everyone who thinks Cats is weird and bad, which would have made for a mean-spirited and bizarre-in-a-bad-way watch even with a more competent director. I don't hate the Cats movie--I'm not overly fond of it, given all those reasons, but I think all the hyperbolic hate for it got really tiring really fast. If anything, I feel protective of it--if you're gonna criticize the movie, criticize it on its own merits, and don't drag Cats as a whole down with it.
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startrekpotluck · 2 months
Hey, I’m so sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to contribute this year as planned. I hope to join in another year, though! I also hope this doesn’t create too many issues. Thank you!
Sorry to hear you won't be able to write something this year, but we completely understand! These things happen sometimes 🩵
Thanks for letting us know, and we'll be absolutely delighted to welcome you back amongst the chefs some other year ✨🖖
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bluerapunzel103 · 9 months
Not an Easy Job
My contribution to @raggedyannrevivaleffort's 2023 gift exchange! @stpaulofsuburbia, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Synopsis: General D. rides at night. Now, he rides alone. This gives him ample opportunity to ruminate on his position as General Darkness, Decay, Dissolution, Done For, Death, Doom.
Fandom: Raggedy Ann/Rag Dolly Character: General D., Bat Mention, Wolf Mention, Marcella Mention, Raggedy Ann Mention Dynamics: Past General D. and Bat and Wolf, Marcella and Raggedy Ann Rating: General/K+ Content Warnings: MASSIVE spoilers to Rag Dolly, heavy themes of death, grief, repression as present in the show Beta read?: Yes
Being Darkness is a dull job. General D. must operate mostly in the nighttime, only working in daylight in times of emergency and crisis. To be Darkness is, literally speaking, just that. He is one with the darkness, in most cases, to bring new souls into his army. Working with just the din of midnight's stillness leaves him ample time to meditate--no, ruminate--on his position in his travels. Granted, often, his right-hands killed that quiet, whenever he had right-hands, but even when he has none, or just finds peace, these thoughts occupy him instead. He supposes it comes with his rank, and he shouldn't be one to complain.
Being Decay is a gruelling job. So many people and animals die every single day. If one were to think about it, it's no wonder he needs an army. The volume of his workload is simply impossible to ever dream of fulfilling entirely on his own. Come to think of it, the General should probably think of recruiting some right-hands. He was beginning to regret letting Bat and Wolf fall victim to their own hubris. They were both very useful for covering more ground on busy nights. Then again, they were prone to taking entirely too long at their jobs. And pestering him. And, of course, thinking independently. Well, just because the General's army is large, it doesn't mean that there aren't no-good, clumsy, wimpy, flat-out useless excuses for soldiers within his legions.
Being Dissolution is a thankless job. No one ever thinks about the work it takes for him to consider when a soul is ready for recruitment. Yes, there have been countless miscalculations. In fact, not long ago, he had thought he found a good recruit to take Wolf's place, but the dog survived his ills and was back on his paws in no time. And, of course, Marcella still stings, considering that was when Wolf's soul died to begin with. But usually, he knows when it's time. Like now. He has finished recruiting a bullfrog who has met the end of its life. It was ready. It had been for a while. Each time, he takes whichever appendage is the most suited for a handshake, congratulates the new soul on their use of their life, and then presents them with their new title as Soldier of General D.'s Army. Then, he points them in the direction of the nearest boot camp for the dead to have the liveliness trained out of them. If they're lucky, they may rise to the top legion, just below right-hands to the General. Even just his workload adds up. He needs to hire right-hands.
Being Done For is an annoying job. Lately, it's been a bit quieter since Bat and Wolf have been gone, and it's allowed for some welcome peace and quiet on good days, to allow the General to meditate-ruminate. There are still times, though, that he finds himself pestered by the newest soldiers. Their relentless cries over regrets in their lives, seemingly endless questions as to whether their families and friends would be okay without them, what their title meant, and whether this surely would be forever. Even this bullfrog seems so unsure of themself in their first few minutes in this realm. The General has seen this countless times in varying orders, but it gets no easier to tolerate it every time, especially after he has just told them what they were now, for how long, and where the nearest boot camp was. He briskly takes Bullfrog's hand and tugs them along. Once he thankfully finds a veteran recruit, a human whose car he found on the road one rainy night, he shoves the clueless amphibian onto her to take to camp. Now, he could focus more on honing down the gentleman he was after next.
Being Doom is a lonely job. It is true. Despite the countless thousands of legions that he has accrued over the course of his career, despite, yes, the company of Bat and Wolf, the General has always been lonely, in a sense. It is something he does to himself. Being a harbinger of heartbreak, after all, does not necessarily grant one social capital in a world that can never seem to agree whether death is a good thing or a bad thing. He is quite positive most of his soldiers don't have a high opinion of him. Even more, though, he is trying not to get too attached to his recruits anymore. The last time he sought companionship with one, he not only lost his chance at bringing her aboard when he wanted to, but in his rage, he ended up losing his own right-hands. It truly is a shame, whenever he thinks about it. That's why he tries not to. Companionship only distracts him from his work.
Being Death is a cruel job. There are times where he does get a sick kick out of it, one should not get him wrong. The General usually is the first to admit that he has historically had quite liberal standards as for whether a soul "deserves" to be taken. Even when he killed Bat and Wolf, he is willing to admit, he felt a rush that he had not felt in so long. But even then, he has standards, and death is indiscriminate by design. Death is neutral, not on anyone's side. As such, especially since Raggedy Ann saved Marcella's life, he has begun to somewhat regret some of his recruits. He begins to feel sympathy for their loved ones. Each tear of confusion from a child who has seen her goldfish flip upside down in her tank. Each pained caress of a trunk from a pack of elephants at their matriarch's funeral. Each cry of anguish from a man freshly grieving his wife after a fast-acting illness. Again, he tries so much not to let himself get distracted by his feelings and do his job without any feelings of, "what if?" He is beginning to turn into a sorry excuse for a General, if he were to say so.
Being General D is not an easy job. It never has been, and it never will be. It is only getting harder. That is the one thing certain to him tonight as he finally finds his next recruit. An old man surrounded by his loved ones. There is no doubt to the General that it's his time. He cleanses the tattered, shattered, freshly-aching remnants of his heart, then he makes his entrance.
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captpanopticom · 4 months
Welcome to the USS Blenderpies headed by Captain Si Panopticom, aka stpaulofsuburbia. As the description says, this will be my sideblog to dive into the sci-fi and other speculative fiction I love and share it with others.
Along with likes, reposts, and random thoughts, I'll be using this opportunity to truly dive deeper into certain fandoms I've neglected for too long. This will start with a proper watch-thru of the whole Star Trek franchise, alongside a slower look into the Godzilla movies and other Japanese media like Ultraman and other tokusatsu mainstays.
Those who want to join are welcome to! This should be fun ^_^
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mormonmonastery · 7 years
@bookofmormonmemes tagged my main in this, but I felt like this belonged here, so it’s here.
Nicknames: I’m Nathan and I never really got nicknames attached to that--I don’t mind people calling me Nate, it just never happens? for some reason people always ask if it’s short for Nathaniel but it’s not, it never was.
Gender: cis male, practically oozing in privilege
Star Sign: leo
MBTI Type: oh, missed this when I first posted! I’ve been sorted as INFJ and INFP different times that I’ve taken the test. still not 100% sure what that last category really means bc of that.
Height: 6′1″
Nationality: American, southwestern
Time: 6:13pm right now
Birthday: august 13th
Fav Bands: The Beatles, Talking Heads, R.E.M., Sleater-Kinney, The Olivia Tremor Control...look, we could be here all day with this question
Fav solo artists: Bowie, Prince, Carly Rae Jepsen, Jens Lekman
Song stuck in my mind: going to take this chance to stan for local provo/slc punk band Peach Dream who I went to see with my roommate last week...they’re incredible for a band of their size (still opening for other bands and playing hole-in-the-wall stores), they sound like call the doctor-era Sleater-Kinney which--believe me--is Praise I Don’t Throw Around Lightly; their song “Casionova” is FANTASTIC [language advisory tho friends, just fyi if you care about that]. 
also want to take the chance to introduce you to power pop maestro A.C. Newman whose The Town Halo is a little mini-hurricane of a song, like some strange frankenstein of a banger and a bop, and has also been stuck in my head since I heard it.
Last movie watched: Spider-Man: Homecoming, exactly a week ago.
Last show watched: new episode of Twin Peaks, although I think I’m gonna start rewatching The Office before I end up posting this.  
When did I create my blog: April 4 2014! I can remember exactly because I set it up while I was at a party my woodwind section leader was throwing the night before general conference and I wanted to make sure I could start posting for that general conference and the Holy Week that immediately followed. weird to think that it’s been over three years!
What do I post abt: mormonism, theology, religious studies, treating other people nice, and obscure memes based on mormon culture
Last thing I googled: “media luminary” to see if forbes had any non-under-30 media luminaries. 
Do you have other blogs: yes. I’ve got a main I don’t want to explicitly link to  because I want to keep the option of attaching this one to my professional career available if I want it, but it’s basically an open secret. I also help run @ladyapostles with @hymnsofheresy and spun-off a bit on a Utah-based wizarding school into @deseretschoolofwitchcraft with @j-the-latter-gay-saint, but both of those update rarely, if ever.
Why did you choose your url: the alliteration was cute and fun.
Following: 358
Followers: 941
Fav Color: the classic and by now default answer I established as a child was orange but I think I may be starting to drift towards purple?
Average hours of sleep: about 7, my sleep cycle is still off from when I went to new york and month ago.
Lucky number: 27 
Instruments: I played alto saxophone from fifth grade to freshman year before switching to tenor sax and then quitting band after I lost most of my friends there and fulfilled the three semesters of marching required to get a PE credit the fall of my junior year. I tired to learn guitar and piano at one point, but I failed.
What i’m wearing: old hand-me-down web developer conference t-shirt and carpenter jeans 
How many blankets do I sleep with: I have 1 super-light quilt that I handmade with my mom and grandma for summer times and then like three other quilts to pile atop during the winter. 
Dream job: full and tenured Professor of Religion and Theology at a university somewhere
Fav food: anyone in my family will tell you I have an insane sweet tooth and they wouldn’t be lying; I’m a big fan of apples, orange chicken, gyros, and cold pizza.
like the idea of tagging the last twenty people to show up in my reblogs, let’s roll with that: 
@nerdygaymormon @problememes @mormonsunshine @brookamimi @return-to-christs-love15 @liberalmormon @stpaulofsuburbia @weirdo-with-cool-glasses @the-queen-is-off-duty @fladoodles @justthatspiffy @ariannadon @obeahdear @beepala @ragingmormoness @sistermountainpixie @liahonagirl @eleveri @winking-widow @burnt-kloverfield 
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thebookwisher · 8 years
For the question reblog: 18 (Favorite part of your personality), 32 (Do you follow any conspiracies?) , 37 (Are your friendships healthy?), 45 and 46 (Regrets/Achievements in your life?), 62 (Do you cry often?), and 83 (Are you interested in cults?) Also I don't know if this should be anon or not for display purposes so I could fix that if need be.
18 (Favorite part of your personality)
Even though I’m not a people pleaser, I really want to make other people feel comfortable in social situations, SO probably that tbh 
32 (Do you follow any conspiracies?) 
37 (Are your friendships healthy?)
haha uh probably not tbh
With social anxiety and potentially other things going on, I think my mental space kind of poisons my friendships, but I’m working on it
45 and 46 (Regrets/Achievements in your life?)
Regrets- a few people I probably should have cut off a LONG time ago, and like, not learning to scuba dive yet, not doing better in college, not learning portuguese ... yeah
Achievements- getting into my school, self awareness, not majorly hurting anyone in my life (that I know of)
62 (Do you cry often?)
I’m a very emotional person, so yeah, I end up crying a lot -I don’t think it’s a problem tho
83 (Are you interested in cults?)
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luxettenebris · 9 years
I recently found your blog and find it incredibly interesting :) I apologize if I'm asking what was already answered, but in reference to someone being a Christian and a Luciferian as stated before, how can the traditional relationship between Lucifer and Christ/God be reconciled?
Let me preface this by clarifying my thoughts on someone being both Christian and Luciferian: I am of the opinion that this is only do-able if the Abrahamic Lightbearer figures upheld in one’s practice do not include Lucifer himself (he may be considered to be a Lightbearer, but  not honored simultaneously with Christ or Mary). I think it would be rather disingenuous to call oneself a Christian but revere Lucifer alongside or above Christ. The reason for this is because I don’t think you can fully reconcile the traditional relationship between Lucifer and Christ/God. Although Lucifer’s presence in scripture may have been the result of a mistranslation, his role has developed over time so that his opposition to God is now a staple within Christianity. I’m not sure about other denominations, but the Catholic baptismal rite (and subsequent renewals) requires the denunciation of the devil--there really is no room for any reconciliation. While Lucifer plays his own role as a Lightbearer, it must be seen as a corruption of the title in order to abide by the faith and it’s teachings. On the other hand, if you wish to honor both Christ and Lucifer equally without being tied to Christianity itself, that is another matter entirely. There would be no ‘manipulation’ of teachings involved to facilitate or justify their co-reverence. Personally, for all my newfound respect towards Christ as a Lightbearer and the pull I have felt to go back to the Church, I cannot find it within me to reclaim the Catholic faith in full due to the fact that I still revere Lucifer first and foremost--it would be irreverent towards not only the Catholic faith but towards Christ as well. This is why I still hold only to the title of Luciferian, even though my love for Christ has been slowly blossoming.
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startrekpotluck · 4 months
Hey! I’d like to sign up for the 5th with a TOS/TNG /DS9 (tbd) fanfic :)
We'd love to have you! 🥣🩵
The 5th is yours! 🖖✨
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startrekpotluck · 2 months
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Time to get the dough proofing and ovens preheating! It's just one week to go until StarTrekPotluck2024 - and there's still room at the table if you want to join!
We have a truly dazzling array of delicacies on the menu this year and would like to welcome our latest chef to the kitchen:
@boldlyqueertastic SNW/AOS/TOS/DISCO fanart & poem, 12th August
... who joins our other culinary greats (listed under the cut).
Don't forget to check out two new, exciting potluck treats this year: @the-goofball will be hosting an end-of-potluck twitch-stream, so let them know if you'd like your contribution featured. And @pc-corner has generously offered to draw illustrations for people's fics and there are still a few open slots, so get them while they're hot 🥞✨
And for anyone still debating whether to whip up something to bring to the feast: StarTrekPotluck2024 welcomes fan creators of all types, from across all the Trek fandoms!
Do you have a foolproof recipe for jumja sticks you've been meaning to share? Feel like writing a series of drabbles describing your favourite crew's favourite delicacies? Are you keen to show off your label designs for the latest Andorian Ales?
Then ready your spoons and spatulas and send us an ask to book one of the open dates between the 1st and 14th of August! We're happy to accept new sign-ups right up until the start of the fest.
Serving 1 Serving 2 Serving 3 Serving 4: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th)
Remember: Any Star Trek fandom, any media, anything food or drink-related! For more info, see here.
The StarTrekPotluck2024 Menu:
@regionalpancake VOY fanfic, 1st August
@scriptrix-eclectica TOS fanfic, 1st August
@majormiles AOS fanfic, 1st August
@dustydahorse TNG fanart, 1st August
@jazzfic PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@green-mug-tomato-juice TNG fanart, 2nd August
@saccharinestardust PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@grissomesque VOY fanfic, 2nd August
@the-willow-tree DS9-TNG-mashup fanfic, 3rd August
@marymoss1971 LWD fanfic, 3rd August
@yarboyandy (fandom tbd) fanart, 3rd August
@thebiwifeonao3 TNG/VOY fanfic, 3rd August
@wonderofasunrise VOY fanfic, 4th August
@iwritesometimes PIC fanfic, 4th August
@jordanlafordan DSC fanfic, 4th August
@kejsarinna DSC fanfic, 5th August
@astrotrek86 SNW fanfic, 5th August
@miisakee AOS fanwork(tbd), 5th August
@stpaulofsuburbia (tbd) TOS/TNG/DS9 fanfic 5th August
@iffnotwinter DS9 fanfic, 6th August
@spongynova LWD fanart, 6th August
@onmytallesttiptoesspinning SNW/LWD (tbd) fanfic, 7th August
@starry-bite PIC fanfic, 7th August
@aurora-cycle TOS fanfic, 7th August
@ussjellyfish DSC fanfic, 8th August
@dogearedfriends TOS fanart, 8th August
@altumvidetur TNG/DS9/VOY (tbd) fanfic, 8th August
@divinemissem13 VOY fanfic, 9th August
@coffee-in-that-nebula VOY fanfic, 9th August
@73chn1c0l0rr3v3l DSC fanfic, 9th August
@swordanddaggerarts TOS fanart, 9th August
@lipstickonmylabcoat (fandom tbd) fanfic, 10th August
@celestialvoyeur (fandom tbd)(fanwork tbd), 10th August
@candycurlsofmaddness SNW/DS9/TNG/VOY (tbd), 10th August
@curator-on-ao3 & @fiadorable AOS/SNW fanfic, 11th August
@pilcrowtudinous PIC fanfic, 11th August
@evieaves TOS comic, 11th August
@song-spero PIC fanfic, 11th August
@sun-lit-roses SNW fanfic, 12th August
@enterprise-come-in SNW fanfic, 12th August
@silvermillenniumqueenneptune TNG/PIC fanfic, 12th August
@robosexualunderground LWD fanfic, 13th August
@pc-corner SNW fanart/fanfic, 13th August
@iliveinfantasylife SNW fanart, 13th August
N_Squared SNW/DSC fanfic, 13th August
@android-and-ale SNW/TOS/AOS (tbd) fanfic, 14th August
@northstarfan PIC fanfic, 14th August
@jaegermonstrous DS9 fanart, 14th August
@horizonproblems & @procrastinatorproject PIC fanart & fanfic, 14th August
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startrekpotluck · 2 months
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The tables are set, drinks are in the cooler, the replicator is fired up and ready - it's almost time for StarTrekPotluck2024!
We have two more chefs to welcome to the kitchen before the fest officially begins:
@the-lady-general LWD fanfic, 10th August
@rocket-sith Star Trek Drinking Game, 11th August
Who join our existing chefs (who will, for one final time, be listed under the cut).
We're so excited to see what you all are bringing to the table and can't wait to celebrate this feast with you!
Happy Potluck Eve, everyone! 🩵 🖖✨
(For more info on the fest, see here.)
The StarTrekPotluck2024 Menu:
@regionalpancake VOY fanfic, 1st August
@scriptrix-eclectica TOS fanfic, 1st August
@majormiles AOS fanfic, 1st August
@dustydahorse TNG fanart, 1st August
@jazzfic PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@green-mug-tomato-juice TNG fanart, 2nd August
@saccharinestardust PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@grissomesque VOY fanfic, 2nd August
@the-willow-tree DS9-TNG-mashup fanfic, 3rd August
@marymoss1971 LWD fanfic, 3rd August
@yarboyandy (fandom tbd) fanart, 3rd August
@thebiwifeonao3 TNG/VOY fanfic, 3rd August
@wonderofasunrise VOY fanfic, 4th August
@iwritesometimes PIC fanfic, 4th August
@jordanlafordan DSC fanfic, 4th August
@kejsarinna DSC fanfic, 5th August
@astrotrek86 SNW fanfic, 5th August
@miisakee AOS fanwork(tbd), 5th August
@stpaulofsuburbia (tbd) TOS/TNG/DS9 fanfic 5th August
@iffnotwinter DS9 fanfic, 6th August
@spongynova LWD fanart, 6th August
@onmytallesttiptoesspinning SNW/LWD (tbd) fanfic, 7th August
@starry-bite PIC fanfic, 7th August
@aurora-cycle TOS fanfic, 7th August
@ussjellyfish DSC fanfic, 8th August
@dogearedfriends TOS fanart, 8th August
@altumvidetur TNG/DS9/VOY (tbd) fanfic, 8th August
@divinemissem13 VOY fanfic, 9th August
@coffee-in-that-nebula VOY fanfic, 9th August
@73chn1c0l0rr3v3l DSC fanfic, 9th August
@swordanddaggerarts TOS fanart, 9th August
@lipstickonmylabcoat (fandom tbd) fanfic, 10th August
@celestialvoyeur (fandom tbd)(fanwork tbd), 10th August
@candycurlsofmaddness SNW/DS9/TNG/VOY (tbd), 10th August
@curator-on-ao3 & @fiadorable AOS/SNW fanfic, 11th August
@pilcrowtudinous PIC fanfic, 11th August
@evieaves TOS comic, 11th August
@song-spero PIC fanfic, 11th August
@sun-lit-roses SNW fanfic, 12th August
@enterprise-come-in SNW fanfic, 12th August
@silvermillenniumqueenneptune TNG/PIC fanfic, 12th August
@boldlyqueertastic SNW/AOS/TOS/DISCO fanart & poem, 12th August
@robosexualunderground LWD fanfic, 13th August
@pc-corner SNW fanart/fanfic, 13th August
@iliveinfantasylife SNW fanart, 13th August
N_Squared SNW/DSC fanfic, 13th August
@android-and-ale SNW/TOS/AOS (tbd) fanfic, 14th August
@northstarfan PIC fanfic, 14th August
@jaegermonstrous DS9 fanart, 14th August
@horizonproblems & @procrastinatorproject PIC fanart & fanfic, 14th August
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startrekpotluck · 4 months
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After less than 2 weeks it's already time for Sign Up Round Up 5! 🩵
And it's another first for the Potluck: Enough of you wonderful people have joined us that we're gonna have to put our traditional list of previous sign-ups under the cut! 🤩✨
A warm welcome to the kitchen to:
@dustydahorse TNG fanart, 1st August
@grissomesque VOY fanfic, 2nd August
@thebiwifeonao3 TNG/VOY fanfic, 3rd August
@miisakee AOS fanwork(tbd), 5th August
@stpaulofsuburbia (tbd) TOS/TNG/DS9 fanfic 5th August
@iffnotwinter DS9 fanfic, 6th August
@spongynova LWD fanart, 6th August
@swordanddaggerarts TOS fanart, 9th August
N_Squared SNW/DSC fanfic, 13th August
@horizonproblems & @procrastinatorproject PIC fanart & fanfic, 14th August
Who join our existing chefs (under the cut!)
Remember StarTrekPotluck2024 welcomes fan creators of all types, from across all the Trek fandoms. Think you could write a Tom Paris POV poem about his pepperoni pizza? Fancy writing a meta essay on replicator economics? Want to try illustrating what happens at Sisko’s famous dinners with his senior staff?
If so, put on your aprons and send us an ask to book a date between the 1st and 14th of August!
Serving 1 Serving 2 Serving 3 Serving 4: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th)
Remember: any Star Trek fandom, any media. For more info, see here.
@regionalpancake VOY fanfic, 1st August
@scriptrix-eclectica TOS fanfic, 1st August
@majormiles AOS fanfic, 1st August
@jazzfic PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@green-mug-tomato-juice TNG fanart, 2nd August
@saccharinestardust PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@the-willow-tree DS9-TNG-mashup fanfic, 3rd August
@marymoss1971 LWD fanfic, 3rd August
@yarboyandy (fandom tbd) fanart, 3rd August
@wonderofasunrise VOY fanfic, 4th August
@iwritesometimes PIC fanfic, 4th August
@jordanlafordan DSC fanfic, 4th August
@kejsarinna DSC fanfic, 5th August
@astrotrek86 SNW fanfic, 5th August
@beautyofsorrow SNW fanfic, 6th August
@onmytallesttiptoesspinning SNW/LWD (tbd) fanfic, 7th August
@starry-bite PIC fanfic, 7th August
@aurora-cycle TOS fanfic, 7th August
@ussjellyfish DSC fanfic, 8th August
@dogearedfriends TOS fanart, 8th August
@altumvidetur TNG/DS9/VOY (tbd) fanfic, 8th August
@divinemissem13 (fandom tbd) fanfic, 9th August
@coffee-in-that-nebula VOY fanfic, 9th August
@73chn1c0l0rr3v3l DSC fanfic, 9th August
@lipstickonmylabcoat (fandom tbd) fanfic, 10th August
@celestialvoyeur (fandom tbd)(fanwork tbd), 10th August
@candycurlsofmaddness SNW/DS9/TNG/VOY (tbd), 10th August
@curator-on-ao3 & @fiadorable AOS/SNW fanfic, 11th August
@pilcrowtudinous PIC fanfic, 11th August
@evieaves TOS comic, 11th August
@song-spero PIC fanfic, 11th August
@sun-lit-roses SNW fanfic, 12th August
@enterprise-come-in SNW fanfic, 12th August
@silvermillenniumqueenneptune TNG/PIC fanfic, 12th August
@robosexualunderground LWD fanfic, 13th August
@pc-corner SNW fanart/fanfic, 13th August
@iliveinfantasylife SNW fanart, 13th August
@android-and-ale SNW/TOS/AOS (tbd) fanfic, 14th August
@northstarfan PIC fanfic, 14th August
@jaegermonstrous DS9 fanart, 14th August
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thebookwisher · 9 years
I recommend you listen to the song "G-Spot Tornado" by Frank Zappa (it's not inappropriate, don't fret)
Thanks! That was really cool!
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