#stranger things Dimitri
Heyyy just wondering if you could do a Dimitri x reader, like dimitri and the reader had a thing for eachother like back and fourth little flirting when they were all escaping from Russia, but he had only seen the reader bloody and dirty but when they all get to America a few weeks later Joyce is having a kind of welcome back party for hooper and this is the first time he’s seen her since Russia and she looks stunning with a nice dress hair all done just jaw dropping gorgeous and he is speechless and gets a little jealous when they speak to officer callahan ( btw the reader is french aswel and some people mistake her accent for Russian. Sorry a bit all over the place but you can do what you like with it :)
From ash love can grow- Dimitri Antonov x Female French reader
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Joyce being your closest friend of course you agreed to accompany her to Russia to help Hopper escape, especially when you believe it to be a simple task. What you didn’t expect was to survive a plane crash and to meet the most handsome man you had ever laid eyes upon.
Warnings: slight xenophobia, mentions of blood and injury, mentions of being drugged, alcohol and I think that’s it
A/N: hi thanks so much for being so patient with me to get this fic finished, I finished for winter break at my uni/ college then I was sick but I’ve finally completed it. Dimitri is so charming and I’m so happy that he is my first stranger things fic I’ve written for the adult characters. I’m aware that this story doesn’t 100% follow the storyline of season 4 but allow it for the sake of this fic. Also I don’t speak French or Russian so I’m sorry if I’ve gotten the translation wrong for some lines. Sorry if some parts sound overly British as I’m from the U.K. apologises for all spelling and grammatical mistakes as I’m super dyslexic, enjoy
When Joyce told you that Hopper was still alive and was in a prison in Russia and asked you to go with her and Murray to brake him out. Of course you said yes, Joyce became like a sister to you. She was the first friendly face you had met since arriving in California.
Lenora Hills is exactly what you expected a stereotypical American town to look like. Perfectly placed houses lined up in a row, all with precise manicured gardens completed with the most nauseating fake families you ever had the displeasure to have met. Hollywood definitely gotten that stereotype right.
The women were as closed off as you can imagine, women who would hold a big pearly white smile as they pushed you under the bus. You were slightly glad that their arrogance swayed them from befriending you as there’s no way in hell would you ever entertain their company. When you moved from France all it took was for them to hear an accent that wasn’t American and that was enough for them to shun you. One plus of that situation was that you could mutter “Je t’emmerde’ under your breath and they would have no clue what you had just muttered.
But Joyce Byers was the only person who welcomed you with a warm smile and invited you to have dinner with her family. You almost declined her offer at first, as you weren’t used to kindness from any of the women who lived on that street. But you were glad that you did as Joyce was one of the kindest human beings that you had ever met, and you were practically inseparable ever since. Which is why you accompanied her and Murray to Russia.
But what you didn’t expect was also to be drugged and to survive a plane crash, if you knew that was in store for you from the beginning, you definitely would have given Joyce a different answer. So now you were following the directions from the one who drugged you and originally threatened to turn you all into the Russian authorities, now you were walking towards the high security prison Hopper was held captive in.
You wrapped your coat more tightly around your body but the harsh bitter winter wind bit down to your bones. You had long lost all feeling in your legs from the artic environment, you were in a great deal of pain from a gash on your head from the crash, the blood has stopped pouring but the pain persisted.
“How far away are we? My feet hurt and my head is pounding” you complained as you begrudgingly trudged through the thick icy snow. Oh how you wished that you could be basking in the warm Californian sun, but no you were in what felt like a deserted part of Russia.
“What’s wrong the Russian princess can’t handle the snow?” joked Murray as he ploughed on ahead.
“Russian? I’m French you idiot!”
“Wait you’re not Russian?” Murray questioned? his pitch raised in shock, his brows knitted together as he replayed your voice in his head trying to detect your accent.
“No I’m not Russian! Why does everyone think that?.. Joyce?” You looked at your friend quizzically, noticing how her face morphed into a sheepish smile. You looked at her with disbelief, surely she would have the common sense to differentiate the difference between the wildly different accents, but you were sadly disappointed.
You rolled your eyes at her before muttering
“Vous êtes tous des idiots”
They all looked at you dumbfounded all trying to decipher who you have just insulted under your breath, while you smugly smiled to yourself, again thankful that you were in the minority who spoke French.
Another thing that you didn’t encounter for was meeting a handsome former Russian prison guard called Dimitri, also known as Enzo from his nickname Murray and Joyce called him from his cryptic letter.
He had a handsome rugged charm about himself, he had short brown hair with piercing steel eyes. He was effortlessly handsome like a marble statue of a Greek god come to life, though now his chiseled jaw was bruised and cuts heavily scattered across his face. He definitely had seen better days but neither have you, but still you couldn’t help but marvel at him. You choked on air when you first laid eyes upon him taken aback by his beauty, you wanted nothing more than to get to know him further.
But right now you were all running from the prison that now holds the body of a demon you had to kill, you have been informed that it was called a demogorgon and apparently Joyce, hopper and Murray have all had an interaction with one. It made you question the sanity of the trio and if Hawkins was actually hell itself.
Dimitri unbeknownst to you took a particular fascination to the quick witted feisty woman who walked beside him. Dimitri suggested that the five of you spent the night in his apartment till sunrise, it was a chance for you all to escape the bitter cold and for you to have a safe place to sleep before the authorities gotten word about your whereabouts. Tomorrow you can finally kiss Russia goodbye, you had always wanted to visit Russia under different circumstances but this ‘trip’ left a bitter taste in your mouth, safe to say that you won’t be rushing back anytime soon.
Your matted hair caked in blood and dirt, your ripped bloodied shirt and the many cuts and bruises you required from the crash and fighting a monster, that moments ago you didn’t believe existed. None of that deterred him from looking at you in awe, how you knocked down the demogorgon from the barrel of your gun slightly turned him on, and further fuelled his desire to get to know you better.
“What’s your name Голубь?” Dimitri smiled at you, watching as the breeze pushed your hair out of your face revealing your beautiful y/e/c eyes
“Y/N” you smiled back at him, you cringed as you felt your cheeks flush the same shade of red as your nose from suffering the harsh winter winds. Hopefully you can blame it on the winds icy chill?
“What a beautiful name y/N” he smirked upon seeing the coyness flash across your face from his flirty remark. He loved the way your name felt when it exited his lips, savouring every letter like he was saying the most beautiful word in existence .
“Is that a French accent I detect?”
“Finally someone with sense” you huffed looking at Joyce in her eyes as she flashed you a sheepish smile.
Dimitri’s flat was smaller than you thought but it was beautifully furnished, the thing that attracted you the most was the beautiful oak book case complete with all the classics. You gently ran your finger against the spine of the books admiring them all, judging by the condition of the cover they had to be at least first additions. They say that it’s rude to ask a man about the money that he makes, but judging by the books alone you knew that he must be loaded,
“A woman of taste I see” you turned your head to see Dimitri leaning against the wall beside the book case, his eyes filled heavily with admiration like you were the most beautiful person to have ever existed. He swears that you couldn’t get any more beautiful but he stands corrected.
“You can take any book you want, they’re not exactly going to be read anymore come dawn” he sighed, you saw sadness momentarily flash across his steel eyes, as he swallowed down that heavy emotion, not even daring to acknowledge how this is now his last evening in a country that he once loved.
“Are you sure?” You questioned unsure to why he was speaking so kindly to you, those moms of Lenora Hills definitely made you skeptical about genuine kindness being thrown towards you. You looked at Dimitri quizzically expecting there to be a catch to this deal.
“Of course” he outstretched his hand towards you “now follow me, I have some bandages and some antiseptic in the bathroom”
You placed your hand in his as he lead you to his bathroom, noting how your heart fluttered over the contact. Wishing that you were still outside, for at least then you could blame the wind nipping at your cheeks for making them appear pink.
He hovered over you as he cleaned the dried crusted blood that surrounded your split lip. You could feel his body heat radiating upon your skin, you had to swallow down the small whimper that almost fell from your lips. You prayed that you could stay calm and collected as he gently touched your chin, tilting your head to look at the gash on your forehead.
It was a near impossible task as you could feel your heart race feeling the way he touched you with care. The butterflies in your stomach was creating hurricanes whenever he would look at you in the eye. And when he gently swiped the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip, he avoided the cut not wanting to pain you further.
You saw the corners of his lips flip into a warm smile. You could of sworn that you saw a small glimmer of longing in his eyes, but you were quick to shake that thought out of your head believing that the small crush you have developed wasn’t reciprocated, you’d have to learn to be okay with that even though it’s difficult when all you want to do is feverishly smash your lips against his.
“Ты такая красивая”
“I said that it looks painful” he cleared his throat “I’ll leave you to shower”
You felt your heart sink into your stomach when he closed the door behind him, longing for his touch again, wishing for him to stay forever with you.
God this is stupid! Y/N you’re so stupid! You’ve just met this man now you’re head over heels, you’re a full grown adult not some pining teenager in love.
You hated these butterflies that flapped their wings inside your stomach, making your stomach contort with each flutter. The more you wished these butterflies to dissolve in your stomach acid, the more violently they continued to fly.
Maybe it’s best that you’ll never see Dimitri again? As then you won’t have your heart crushed under this lovesick fantasy.
When you were showered and dressed, you walked into the living room where Joyce, Murray and Hopper stood with a glass of wine in hand, all laughing and engaging in free flowing conversation.
Your ears heard the faint melody from a familiar song coming from the vinyl player in the corner.
“I thought that the Mademoiselle would be appreciative of some Édith Piaf” Dimitri smiled as he handed you a glass of red wine. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from returning the same tender smile.
Not that you didn’t want to, god knows how much you want to. But you couldn’t allow yourself to fall deeper into his charm as come dawn you would have to wake up to the fact that this is all a fantasy, there’s no future for you and him and that heartbreak would be too much to bare.
“Come dance with me” he chuckled outreaching his hand to yours, his voice as smooth as whiskey melting into your every senses, capturing you under his charm.
“I don’t dance” you tried your hardest to dismiss his charm. But like a moth to a flame you caved especially when he said something as charming as-
“It’s okay I’ll teach you”
All that contact you craved in the bathroom finally happened and you couldn’t be more flustered even if you tried. You gaped at him, your lips moving trying to conjure up some form of excuse, but all you could say was a stuttered series of incomplete sentences. But you couldn’t think of an excuse when your heart truly wants it to happen, your heart yearns for his touch, and secretly you wanted that too.
He chuckled at your awkwardness, he found it incredibly endearing. Dimitri loves how flustered he makes you feel, how your cheeks flush rouge whenever he makes eye contact with you. How your breathing hitched in the bathroom, he noticed every minute detail about you. He believes that you must be an angel sent from heaven above, that god has sent you down just for him.
You didn’t know this, but when you helped to save him you gave him that fight to keep going. Moments before you turned up, he gave up even trying, believing that there’s no point to go on for he was a traitor and the brutality he faced upon his imprisonment crush his spirit into tiny pieces, that he didn’t have the energy to piece them back together. But when Dimitri first saw your face he found the energy to keep going, for if he survived one day he was going to make this beautiful angel his wife. He craves to hold you close to his chest to see if your heart beats just as fast as his.
You pressed your lips into a thin line when you felt his warm strong arms wrapped around your waist, to suppress the gasp that threaten to escape your lips. Your eyes secured itself to the wooden floor below your feet, trying your hardest to ignore the lovesick blush that spread across your cheeks as he held you closer to him, swaying to the gentle melody of La Vie En Rose.
“I bet you $20 that they’ll end up together” Hopper smirked upon watching you both caught in a lovers in brace.
“It’s obvious that’s going to happen, but the question is when?” Joyce added, her heart warming upon seeing you both sweetly dancing not caring who else was in the room for this moment in time it was just you and Dimitri. You were both enthralled by each other, as if you were both in a trance. For Joyce has never seen her friend so in love with someone before, as she knows how hard you find it to let someone in, she’s just glad that you found it in the caring, sweet soul that is Dimitri
“I say by the time we get back to Hawkins”
“You’re on”
And with a shake of a hand the deal was done
When the plane landed your heart shattered into a thousand of tiny pieces upon the impact of the wheels on the tarmac below.
The only thought that was on your mind, was the dreaded thought of leaving Dimitri behind. The man who taught you in the only day that you have spent together what love was meant to feel like-
Y/N what the fuck are you thinking!!! You barely know this man stop acting like a love sick child.
You hugged everyone goodbye, telling Joyce to keep in touch and she’s welcome to visit you in California whenever she wanted.
Then it came time to say goodbye to the one person that you wish you didn’t have to, but for the sake of your heart you had to make this goodbye as short as possible.
You gave him a small sweet hug. But when you broke apart you could feel his face leaning in towards yours, you forced yourself to break apart before his lips made contact with your skin.
You kept your eyes rooted on the ground not wanting to see the dejected look within his eyes. Blinking back the tears that stung your eyes, you turned on your heels and walked towards your connecting flight.
Only when you were sure that you were out of sight of Dimitri did you let the tears that had desperately tried to fall slide down your cheeks. You wiped away the quick falling salty tears as you repeated to yourself
‘This is all for the best’
After two months since landing back in Lenora Hills , you received a call from Joyce inviting you to Hawkins for a welcome home party for Hopper. You accepted with the only condition was that this trip wouldn’t turn out like the previous one, you heard her laugh over the receiver as she gave you her word that this trip would more sane that the last.
So here you are, anxiously twiddling with your emerald necklace that complimented your dress. Your last reminder of your grandmother back in France, you claimed it to be your good luck charm. But right now your good luck charm made you stand anxiously outside the door for what felt like an hour, trying to will yourself to open the door.
You took a deep inhale, pressing your lips into a thin line as you finally worked up the courage to knock on the door.
Joyce wrapped her arms around you into a tight embrace as soon as she open the door, she was so overjoyed to see her friend that she hugged you with so much force that she accidentally made you loose balance, causing you to stumble into the house.
“I’m sorry Y/N it’s just that I’ve missed you so much” Joyce laughed as she led you by the hand into her house.
Dimitri stood with Hopper leaning against the lounge wall, he was so deep in conversation that he didn’t notice you at first. It wasn’t until a small breeze from both of your bodies walking past him, did he finally look up.
When he caught sight of you, he choked and spluttered on his drink. Hopper looked at him with confusion till he saw where his eyes trailed off to, when he saw you next to Joyce he shot Dimitri a knowing look.
Dimitri couldn’t take his eyes off you as you walked around the room as Joyce introduced you to everyone. You looked dazzling, truly a sight to behold, with your flowing emerald dress that cut off above the knee. Dimitri fell in love with you when you were covered in blood and caked in dirt but right now he fell in love with you all over again, with your beautifully styled hair complete with winged eyeliner and scarlet lips.
“And this is officer Callahan, he works with Hopper”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you” Callahan smirked as he brought his hand to meet his lips. You smiled at his chivalry.
Dimitri on the other hand was glaring daggers at the officer who looked at you with a flirtatious look in his eyes. God! It made his blood boil, he wanted nothing more than to go over there and take you away from him.
Hopper heard the low growl that exited his lips, he couldn’t help but smirk to himself over how in love Dimitri was with you. He knows that Callahan has nothing over Dimitri, but god was it fun to watch how green with jealousy Dimitri got.
“I wouldn’t worry about him, she likes you”
“You saw how she was when we landed, it’s clear that she doesn’t feel the same way about me. Out of everyone here tonight, why did it have to be him?”
Hopper chuckled at himself seeing how blind Dimitri was to the situation. He gently patted Dimitri on the shoulder as he leant in towards him.
“Joyce told me that she has never seen Y/N look at someone the way she does towards you, now go over there and talk to her.”
Hopper pushed Dimitri towards your direction, he took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He cleared his throat and walked up to you.
“Y/N can I have this dance?” He asked out stretching his arm towards you
You felt your face grew red like you were back in Russia all over again, yet he still never fails to take your breath away especially when he looks so dashing in his suit. You bit your lip and nodded, taking his hand in yours. Too afraid to say anything as all your words have jumbled together and you feared to look more of a flustered mess than you already were.
Dimitri held you close, his hands rubbing circles into the small of your back which sent shivers down your spine. If you were worried about looking like a flustered mess before, you somehow had gotten worse as your heart began to flutter as you felt his slow steady breaths against your skin.
“I’m sorry” you muttered into his shoulder
“What was that Голубь?”
“I’m sorry for my cold goodbye when we landed, it’s just that I was scared. I know it sounds stupid but it’s just that I really like you and thought that it was easier to say goodbye. I believed that we would never see each other again and I didn’t want to hurt myself by pretending-“ your heartfelt ramble was cut short by Dimitri’s lips pressed against yours. You froze to the spot upon first feeling the contact of his lips against yours, but you eagerly moved your lips against his.
You smiled at him when you both broke apart, the giddy feeling grew in your chest as you saw the way he looked back at you. He looked at you like you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
“My Голубь, I loved you the moment I’ve first ever laid eyes on you. I lost all hope that I would never escape that god forsaken prison, but the moment I saw you I found the hope I lost. I survived because of you. And that night we spent in my apartment was one of the best nights of my life, I know it’s too soon but I love you”
You captured his lips with your own, moving your hands to hold the back of his head, while he held your waist closer to him to deepen the kiss.
“I love you too” you smiled at him with love filled eyes.
Joyce and Hopper stood back to watch the pair of lovebirds swaying across the floor.
“I believe that you owe me $20”
Joyce huffed as she routed through her purse for the dollar bill, she placed it into his hands. Smirking as he shoved the bill into his back pocket.
Maybe the strife you faced in Russia was worth? it as it brought you in the arms of the man that you love.
A/N: Dimitri to me is incredibly smooth and charming so I had to write him like that. I hope that you enjoyed it and sorry again about the wait. As always my requests are still open
Je t’emmerde - fuck you
Vous êtes tous des idiots - you’re all idiots
Голубь - dove
Ты такая красивая - you are so beautiful
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certified-hater · 5 months
her: you better not be chad edit jonathan byers from stranger things when i get home
my goofy ass:
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filmesbrazil · 3 months
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drmaddict · 1 year
Like a Schoolboy
Summary: Dimitri and Hoppers niece are a thing. Hopper finds out.
Wordcount: 1.335
Warnings: use of (y/n), fluff
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"And this is my niece (y/n)."
Dimitri had blamed it then on the stress of the last few weeks. He hadn't given it a second thought. A survival instinct of the body. After all, he had expected to die not just once in the past few weeks.
A reproductive instinct. That was all it was, why he was immediately attracted to this much younger creature.
It probably wasn't even that far from the truth, but it just wasn't the whole truth either.
(Y/n) Hopper had done it to him. First purely out of physical attraction. Later for other reasons.
He had met her. He had seen the stubbornness in her. The same as in Hopper, only better hidden. Had recognized her intelligence. Not so hidden as in Hopper. He had found kindness and tenderness, as well as strength.
She had helped him settle into this new world. She had been a friend to him. She had even given him a home. Hopper's place had gotten crowded, when Joyce and the kids moved in, so Dimitri had ended up at (Y/n)s place.
And now Dimitri was laying here in this soft bed with her by his side, wondering how it had actually come to this.
He pulled his arm tighter around her and buried his face lazily in her hair. Breathed in her scent. He wasn't keen on the day Hopper would find out about them both. He wanted to never leave this little bubble of secrecy. He wanted to dwell in this unpolluted world of affection and infatuation. Only with her. No one else to disturb them. A little peace and quiet.
But he especially didn't want to get up.
"Not yet." he grumbled, trying to keep her from leaving the bed where he wrapped his arms tighter around her.
She laughed. "I have to go to class."
"Don't have to."
"I don't think my professor feels that way."
He grumbled. "He's an idiot anyway."
"Dimitri." she sighed with a laugh.
He pulled her close once more and breathed in her scent before letting go.
"Aren't you helping Hopper today anyway?" she asked, standing up.
He grumbled into his pillow in agreement, as he watched her get dressed with one eye. He grinned sleepily at the sight of the bruise on her shoulder.
"I thought you enjoyed beating up the rookie cops.", she grinned, tossing him one of his shirts. It hit him square in the face. He didn't bother to pull it off his head.
He grumbled. "I just get to explain.", he spoke through the cotton.
"About that jackass last time?"
Dimitri didn't really need to prove to this greenhorn that he had no idea, but he had seen fit to bring him back down to earth. He was helping Hopper teach the new police students hand-to-hand combat techniques. The greenhorn was strutting around like a puffed-up rooster.
But with a broken jaw, it was hard to talk.
"It would have been different in Russia."
He felt the mattress beside him lower. The shirt was brushed off his face. (Y/n) smiled at him. "America takes the fun out of everything.", she grinned, brushing his hair out of his forehead.
He leaned slightly toward her touch. Enjoyed the tenderness.
"Come on. Get up."
"What do I get in return?"
She kissed him on the tip of his nose.
"Not very convincing.", he murmured with a smile. She grinned back and kissed him on the forehead.
A kiss on the cheek.
"A little warmer."
He reached for her face and pulled it to him. Kissed her on the lips without haste. Just her and him and-
"Dimitri get your ass out here!"
He dropped his head into the pillow with an annoyed groan. There was an emphatic pounding on the apartment door.
"I'll get it!", laughed (Y/n).
Dimitri pulled his T-shirt over his head as he also heard Hopper walking down the hall. Dimitri had barely fished his underpants off the floor and put them on when Hopper was suddenly standing in front of him.
Time stood still for a few seconds. Hopper stared at him. Dimitri stared back. The waistband of his underpants still in his hands.
"What are you doing here?" asked Hopper tensely.
"I... live here.", Dimitri answered dryly.
"What are you doing in my niece's bed?" he now asked again.
(Y/n) stood uncertainly in the doorway."The folding sofa is broken. Doesn't extend right anymore, you know..."
Hopper turned his face to her angrily. She put on an unconvincing smile.
It didn't help anyway. No one who saw this room could even draw wrong conclusions.
The sheets were rumpled. So were Dimitri and (y/n). Their clothes lay scattered on the floor and Dimitri knew for a fact that he had at least two dark spots on his neck. His little vampire had taken hold again.
Dimitri stood up with a sigh. "Go ahead. Hit it."
No moment he had uttered the words, his friend's hook threw him back onto the bed.
"Uncle!" he heard (Y/n) exclaim.
"She's my niece!" roared Hopper, throwing another punch.
"I know!" groaned Dimitri.
"You're my age!" Punch.
"I know."
"You touched her." Punch.
"You fucking-"
Dimitri saw (Y/n) clinging to Hoppers arm, trying to stop him.
"(Y/n) he did-" Hopper began, but was interrupted by (Y/n).
"Didn't do anything I wouldn't have let him do!"
"That's not the point!"
(Y/n) looked at him wearily. "Stop hitting him."
"Let us settle this.", Dimitri interjected, smiling at her as best as his face would allow.
"By beating each other to a pulp?"
"Is the Russian way." he shrugged. "Gotta get it all out once. Deserved it."
(Y/n) stood in front of the bed and pinched the root of her nose. "Fine. I'm off to college." She reached for her bag. "When I come back, he better just have a few bruises or I swear to you BOTH, that Russian prison was shit compared to what I'm doing to you."
She gave Dimitri a hard kiss on the forehead and punched Hopper on the shoulder before whistling out of the room.
They both looked after her.
"Your niece is really something."
"Yes she is.", Hopper agreed with him.
Dimitri looked toward the bedroom door with a smile as the next punch hit him. "She's twenty years younger!"
"I know."
When (Y/n) came back that afternoon, both men were sitting on the supposedly broken folding sofa.
Both were holding a beer. Dimitri had a package of frozen peas pressed on his forehead.
"I don't know. Somehow it all started there.", Dimitri said, taking a sip from his beer bottle.
"What started?" asked Hopper.
"That I really fell in love with her.", he sighed.
"In love, huh?"
"Like a schoolboy."
"Women... Do with you what they want."
"True words."
They both toasted to each other, when they noticed (Y/n).
(Y/n) tossed Dimitri a tube of salve. "For the bruises.", she explained.
He reached for the small tube and looked at it closely.
"Are you guys done?"
Hopper held up his bottle. "Reconciliation beer." He excreted the rest and set the can down. "I've got to go anyway. It's waffle night.", he declared and left, not without hugging (Y/n) once more.
"Waffle night?" asked Dimirti.
"Eleven loves waffles more than anything. It's kind of her thing.", (Y/n) explained, reaching for the small tube. She squeezed some of the translucent mass onto her fingers and leaned over him. He dropped his head against the back of the sofa and closed his eyes. (Y/n) tenderly spread the ointment on the bruises. Dimitri heaved a sigh at the cool sensation.
"In love, huh?" asked (Y/n) into the silence.
"Like a schoolboy.", Dmitri confirmed without looking at her.
(Y/n) smiled and kissed him softly on his bruised lips. "Love you too. You stubborn, Russian idiot."
"Your stubborn Russian idiot."
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new-ronantics · 2 years
4 tickets to Barbie please
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eddiesguitarpic · 2 years
hi baby bee!!!
requesting enzo smut with like teasing and casual dominance before and then punishment sex after PUH LEAAAASE but like rough punishment sex and then soft after care with big russian man 0_0
hehe of course, my love
dmitri antonov x gn!afab!reader
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warnings: teasing, very light exhibition, spanking, dom/sub dynamics, oral (female receiving), spanking, piv sex, unprotected sex, creampie
word count: 1,530
"C'mere." Enzo's raspy purr pulls you from the daze you were in, eyes darting to meet his.
He's sat on Joyce's couch, Hopper sat next to him, hand wrapped around a glass of whiskey as he beckons you over.
You follow without hesitation, abandoning the task you'd already forgotten about in favor of trotting into the living room, taking your rightful place on one of his muscular thighs.
"Hi." You murmur, linking your arms around his neck.
"Wanna play?" He asks, accent thick from the whiskey he'd been sipping.
"No, I'll just watch."
You wouldn't say it out loud, but watching him play poker was extremely attractive. The way his eyebrows furrowed, how he bit his lip when he was concentrated, when he took a larger sip of his whiskey because he was dealt a bad hand. You were almost feral.
You're sat on his lap for a mere fifteen minutes before you start to get antsy. The game started to get less interesting, no longer entertained by Joyce's glare and Hopper's irritated grunts.
You spare a glance toward Dmitri, noting how focused he was on the on the game before plotting your next move.
Face displayed with a look of pure innocence, you shift your hips so your back is now against his chest and your ass is pressed against his crotch. You hear his disgruntled huff, but ignore it, grabbing his arms to wrap around your waist, spread cards now a half-foot away from you.
He relaxes after a minute, acclimating to the new position quickly. It's then when you decide to shift, his soft cock now nuzzled between your asscheeks through your leggings and his jeans.
"What are you doing?" He growls into your ear, low enough so only you can hear, grip tightening on your hip.
"I'm not doing anything." You whisper back, settling into your new position.
He grunts, returning his focus back to the game while you decide your next move.
You need it to be subtle enough where Joyce and Jim won't notice, but impactful enough the Dmitri will be effected by it.
Two minutes after his subtle warning, you grind your ass back into his now half-hard crotch, sliding it between the split of your ass.
"Stop." He growls, this time not a warning, but a command.
You don't respond, at least not verbally.
Spreading your legs so your knees are right outside of his, you grind against him again. Your turn your head so your mouth is right by his ear, nibbling gently at the lobe while Joyce and Jim's attention is focused elsewhere.
"I'm so wet for you." You whisper breathlessly into his ear, knowing just how much it would affect him.
His fingers grip you harder, posture straightening. You hear a sharp inhale from behind you before his cards are being thrown down onto the glass coffee table.
"I fold. We are leaving."
You cry out, Dmitri's hand coming down on your ass once again.
"What's the number?" He grits, annoyance thick like molasses in his tone.
"S-Seven." You whimper out, ass already sore, stinging from the brunt of his open-palm against the sensitive flesh.
"Good." He hums.
He continues until he's reached twenty, your ass sore and mind beaten into submission.
He lifts you by your under-arms, tossing you so your back is on the bed, head on the plush pillows. He pulls his shirt over his head before kneeling on the bed, crawling until he's hovered above you, hands supporting his weight on either side of your head.
He grinds his thick, hard cock into your bare pussy, wetness soaking through his thin boxers. He moans, grinding harder as you whine.
"Please." You whimper, needy and unashamed.
He grins, shaking his head before moving down, nipping at your neck before crawling down your body until he's level with your navel.
He presses a kiss to your hip before moving toward your pussy, spreading your lips, groaning at the slight wet sound it makes. He leans in, licking a strip from your hole to your clit.
You moan, fisting the sheets as he laps at you. He collects every drop of your arousal before sucking at your clit like it gave him oxygen.
"ебать ребенка." He purrs into your cunt.
You don't know what he said, but the Russian dialect paired with the way he's lapping at your folds like a man starved has you crying out and grinding your hips into his face.
He groans, holding your hip, encouraging you to roll them into his face. Eating you like like it's his only purpose in life, he manages to slip two of his thick fingers into your hole like its nothing.
"P-Please." You're nearly crying, eyes wet with tears, throat thick from the need to scream his name until your neighbors know his name.
"You can hold on a bit longer." He separates from your sopping pussy to say before diving right back in.
You're in shambles. Fisting the bed sheets like it's the only thing keeping you centered to the earth, back arching like it'll break if you don't, pussy screaming for reprieve.
Just as you're about to fall off the edge, orgasm so close you can nearly taste it, he rips all stimulation away.
"Baby!" You cry, distressed from his denial.
"You have to learn somehow." He shrugs before climbing up the length of your body.
He's now eye-level with you, pouty lip and big doe eyes on display, just for him.
He tuts, shaking his head. "No, you're not getting away with this behavior once again."
Then his hand is around the base of his cock, stroking himself nice and slow while you watch. Lip jutted, eyes pleading, he fucks his fist to the sight.
You barely have time to wrap your lips around a 'please' before he's sinking into you to the hilt. Balls deep, tip kissing your cervix, you feel more than full.
"Fuck-" You cry, bare chest brushing his as your back arches off the bed.
"Baby." He pants. "Моя любовь, please."
His whining is new, but you know he's just as desperate as you are, no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
You grind your hips upward, fucking yourself back on his cock while he starts a pace of steady thrusts.
"Oh fuck." Your voice breaks on the last syllable.
He grunts, swooping an arm under your waist, lifting your hips closer while he moves onto his knees. He hits even deeper this way, nearly in your stomach with how big he is.
The sloppy wet sound of him fucking you echoes through the room, bringing heat to your cheeks with how salacious it was.
He brings one of your legs up, hiking it over his shoulder so he gets even deeper, which you didn't think was possible.
"Jesus- так хорошо для меня." He damn near growls.
You mewl at his thick accent, squeezing down on his cock like it was your life's purpose. He grunts in response, bringing a hand down to toy with your sensitive clit.
"Close- m'so close, Dmitri."
"Come for me, baby." He instructs, and your body follows on command.
Crying out, your back arches off the bed, eyes rolling back as waves of euphoria wash over you.
He groans at the feeling of your cunt spasming around him, cock throbbing from within you, only prolonging your orgasm.
"Squeezing me so good." He purrs, letting his weight drop so his whole body is covering yours, fucking you into the mattress with all his strength.
Your cries fill the room, his fingers still on your overstimulated clit, urging you to grip his cock while he chases his own high.
His head fits itself within the crook of your neck, nibbling and sucking at the soft skin while his hips grind into yours.
"Can't- feels so- please." You can barely form a sentence, too cock-drunk to even muster anything better than a few slurred words.
"You can take it, малыш." He grins. "Take my cock and I might let you come again."
You manage a nod, gasping out at the new angle, your sweet spot repeatedly getting abused with each powerful thrust. He's somehow managing to fuck you into, and up the bed. Your head is dizzy, chest heaving as he uses your pussy for his pleasure.
You feel his thrusts grow sloppy, balls thwacking against your ass, cock starting to leak the longer he goes on.
"Are you gonna come for me, Sir?" You peer up to him through your lashes, lips parting through a (slightly) dramatic gasp.
He groans, deep and loud.
"Fuck yes." His pink lips part. "Are you going to take my load, pet?"
"Please, give it to me, Sir."
"Take it, take it, take it." He groans, cock throbbing as he spills his load deep in your pussy.
Once your walls are thoroughly painted with his load, clit sensitive, and mind foggy, he pulls out and collapses beside you.
You're both panting as you roll onto your side, attaching your body to his side like a koala.
"I'm definitely doing that again now that I know this is the outcome."
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#the real ones are all of them
for @andonandon commissioned by @glaftwlet (in/sp)
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A blast from the last ~ part 2
18+ minors do not read!
Warnings ~ swearing and smut
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You were woken up the next morning to the smell of something delicious. You got on your pjs’, you tend to sleep naked and strolled through to the kitchen seeing the two men already up and awake. Hop was cooking something on the stove and Dmitri was making a fresh pot of coffee. He turned ready to set the table and noticed you standing there. His eyes roamed your body. Admiring your cute little shorts and small crop top, no bra of course. ‘Morning boys’ you said as you sat down. ‘Morning’ the both said at the same time. ‘Coffee?’ Dmitri asked pouring a mug full. ‘Ooh yes please’ you take the mug and ask Hop, ‘what you cooking there?’ ‘Oh nothing much’ he makes his way over, plonks the plate down in front you of. ‘My favourite!’ You said excitedly. Hop’s homemade pancakes with strawberries and syrup. You licked your lips as the food. The two men sat beside you with their food and you all began to eat. ‘God Hop, you do make the best pancakes. I’ve missed these!’ You say shoving another forkful in your mouth. ‘I hope your missed me too not just my pancakes’ Hop says jokingly to you nudging you foot under the table. ‘Of course! So how did you guys sleep?’ You ask. ‘Like a baby’ Hop says. ‘Very good, thank you’ Dmitri says with a warm smile. ‘What did you guys wanna do today?’ You look to the men in question. ‘Well I’ve got to go show my face to the station, I haven’t had chance to drop by. I can’t wait to see there faces.’ Hop says putting down his fork and stretching up. His top lifting slightly showing off his snail trail. You want to lick it. ‘Well me and Dimitri could go to the supermarket? And we also need to get you guys some clothes’ you offer. ‘That would be a good idea’ Dmitri says as he finishes he last piece of pancake. Some syrup dribbles down his chin. you giggle as he hasn’t realised. ‘What?’ He asks confused. ‘You got a little-‘ you point to his chin. He somehow completely misses it. ‘Come here’ you jest and he leans forward. Your faces so close to one another, you want to lick it off his chin. You don’t but you want to badly. You take your finger and swipe it up, feeling daring you put it into your mouth and suck it off. A loud pop as you take your finger out. ‘Yummy’ you say with a wink. Dimitri’s mouth hangs open as you exit to get ready for the day. ‘I told you she’s trouble’ Hop said to Dmitri as they finished there coffee.
You decided on a low cut and flowery yellow sundress today with some golden sandals. You put your hair in a high ponytail and only a gentle touch of mascara with a pink lipgloss. It was going to be a hot day. You decided against a bra but you put on a lacey pink thong and was ready for the day. When you went in the living room the two men were waiting for you. They’d managed to find some summery clothes for this hot weather. Hop in some light brown shorts with a short sleeved shirt and Dmitri in denim shorts with a white sleeveless vest. ‘Looking good fellas’ you said with a wink, ‘ready to go? I’ll drop you off at the station first Hop?’ ‘Yeah that’s be great thanks’ he says walking up to you, he moves closer to your ear, ‘you look very good yourself honey’ you shiver at his breath against your ear. Honey. An old nickname he use to call you, it felt good to hear it again. You waited as Dmitri was just getting some shoes on. He got up and walked towards you, you both walk out together, his hand on your lower back guiding you. ‘You look very сексуальный (sexy) Y/N хороший достаточно ко есть’ (good enough to eat) he said seductively in you ear. He made his way to the car and you locked up. You had no idea what Dmitri had just said to you but it sounded very good and made you feel excited.
The drive to the station was quick, Hop leant over and gave you hug goodbye. ‘This should be interesting’ Hop says to you both. ‘You’ll be fine, they will all be so happy to see you don’t worry!’ You say bringing your arms up to rub his cheek. He leans into your touch and kisses your hand. ‘Yeah, you’re right, enjoy your day you two. Dmitri make sure this one behaves’ he turns to you with a wink. ‘I can only try my best, good look American’ Dmitri replies to him. You watch Hop enter the building, he looks nervous bless him. He will be fine. Before you pull away you’re confused when Dmitri gets out of the car only to sit at the front with you. ‘This is much better here’ he says reaching his hand across to your bare thigh. ‘Much better’ he mumbles to himself.
You pick up most of the stuff you need. Making sure there’s plenty of food and drink for you all and some men’s toiletries. They can’t keep smelling like you even though they didn’t mind. You made your round some shops and picked up a fair few clothes for Dmitri and Hop. You stomach began to grumble, you’d be shopping for hours now. ‘Wanna get something to eat? There’s a burger place five minutes from here?’ You ask Dmitri. ‘Sounds good’ he replies. You walk there and sit down, it’s not overly busy so a few free tables. You chose a a corner booth. The waitress came over and took your orders, you ordered a bacon burger, fries and a chocolate milkshake. Dmitri ordered a cheese burger, fries and a coke. As you waited the food to come you and Dmitri got talking about his life back in Russia. ‘I worked and basically lived in that hell hole my whole time. I never got to go home much. I missed my family.’ He said with a sad look on his face. ‘Family?’ You asked. ‘Yes, I was married, been divorced a long time now. We have a son together, Mikhail. I have not seen him in a long time. My ex wife, Martha, she took him away. I don’t know where they are. I don’t know if I’ll see him again.’ He stops talking and looks into the distant. You move yourself from you seat and sit next to him. Taking his hands in yours and holding them, ‘I’m so sorry Dmitri, I had no idea. I hope you can reunite one day. I can imagine you as a great dad’ he looks up at you with watery eyes and a small smile. He brings your hands to his lips and kisses them. ‘You are too kind Y/N thank you.’ You get butterflies as he looks lovingly into your eyes. Your snapped back to reality when your food is brought. You drop your hands from one another and start eating. The conversation of his son is not brought up again.
You chit chat about other stuff as you eat. He asks about your childhood, your job (lucky for you, you booked two weeks for this week last month) and what you do for fun. As you finish your food you are stuffed. You’d forgot about your milkshake. You bring the sweet drink and take a sip, ‘mmm, sooo good’ you say happily. Dmitri is looking at your lips on the straw. ‘You want to try some?’ You ask holding the straw to his mouth. He leans down and takes a sip. ‘Mmm it is very good.’ You use your finger and take some cream off the top, you pop it in your mouth sucking your finger clean of it. You go to to it again when you feel Dmitri grab your wrist, you didn’t realise he had been watching you. He takes your finger with cream and puts in his his mouth. Sucking it all off, making a pop sound when your finger comes out his mouth. Just like you did with him this morning. Your mouth parts and you lick your lips as it feels rather dry now. You are looking into one an others eyes, you can feel the heat coming off you both. His wondering hand rubbing up and down your bare thigh slowly getting higher making its way up to your - ‘hey guys, thought I’d find you in here!’ Hops says taking the empty seat across from you. ‘Callahan gave me a lift.’ He calls the waitress over and orders a cheeseburger for himself. ‘I’m starving! You guys good?’ He asks taking a sip of your milkshake. His tongue wiggling around in the straw. You remember how that tongue felt on your pussy. You were a hot horny mess and the fact Dmitri’s hand was still on your thigh didn’t help. You clear your throat, ‘yeah, all good, got you some stuff. How’d it go at the station?’ You ask as the waitress comes over with Hops food and he begins to eat. ‘Well they were surprised as you can imagine, Flo passed out poor thing. She’s fine though.’ As Hop continued to talk about how it was being back at the station your mind was having a hard time focusing. Dmitri’s hand was making its way up your thigh, up to your dress and finally to your knickers. He rubbed in between your clothed pussy. Making you move slightly. You needed to be as still as you possibly could. You leant across the table and rested your hand on you chin to cover your mouth. You really wanted to listen to Hop but Dmitri’s fingers moved your knickers out of the way and starting rubbing his finger up and down your slit. Dmitri turns his body to get a better angle Hop hasn’t seemed to notice so he continues. You feel his finger collect your wetness and rub your throbbing clit. You move your legs wider so he can get better access. You bite your lip hard as he circles your clit getting faster and faster making your head spin. Hop is oblivious some how or if he had noticed he hasn’t said. He was talking about trying to get his old job back, you think that’s what he said but with Dmitri now adding a couple of fingers deep inside of you not much of what he says is making sense. Dmitri’s fingers are pumping in and out of you so hard you let out an accidental moan, you try to cover it with a cough but Hop knows what you sound like and he instantly gets hard as is Dmitri. He still doesn’t say anything though.
‘So Honey, tell me what you two have been up to?’ Hop asks with a smirk knowing you’re gonna find it hard to talk with Dmitri fucking you with his fingers so good. You look at Dmitri for some help but he just smiles back at you. These men know exactly what they are doing so much so you feel Dmitri adds another finger and reaching old places you haven’t felt in a long time. ‘S-so we went to the the supermarket. G-got some food, dr-rinks and toiletries. W-w went to the erm’ you can feel yourself getting close. Dmitri is pumping you relentlessly. Hop leans forward to you reaching his hand out to you, you reluctantly take. ‘Come on Honey, what did you do after?’ He asks in a low voice. Your hand unintentionally squeezes his. ‘We we got c-clothes for you both.’ ‘For who?’ Hop asks squeezing your hand back. ‘F-for you and D-Dmtiri’ you moan his name, you can’t control yourself anymore. You bite down on your lip and you cum so hard on Dmitri’s fingers, you dig you nails into Hop’s hand as you finish leaving marks. You are breathless and can’t quite believe what has just happened. Dmitri slowly takes him fingers out of your pussy, he examines them before sucking each one clean. Hop moves his hand away with a light laugh. You have no idea how no one noticed you three. But you a thankful no one did.
‘Can we get the bill please!’ Hop calls over to the waitress. She brings it over and you a pay insisting as they have hardly any money. You compose yourself before leaving after having one hot orgasm and each make your way back to the car. Dmitri and Hop both sit in the back this time and have a quiet conversation you don’t know what it’s about but you don’t care, you just turn up the radio and listen. You are on a high from cumming. What you didn’t know is what will be waiting for you once you got home
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diagnosed-quirky · 1 year
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moe-broey · 10 months
HONESTLY I think (one of) the reason(s) I am so insane over Alfonse IS because he's able to come off as extremely normal and well adjusted. Like yeah when you first meet him you see he has some emotional issues but he just went through a breakup with his best friend we've all been there. And this is like his first ever breakup too that's never easy for anyone. Other than that though just a small disruption I'm sure he's very normal and put together. Just don't look any closer. Please.
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howtobecomeadragon · 2 years
funny poll idea: who has the most rizz?
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will80sbyers · 1 year
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I still think they could do a spin off about them going to the USA idk I think it could be funny
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artthoufruity · 2 years
Yeah we've all heard about Murray clocking byler but what about Enzo clocking byler?
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sagesiove · 2 years
𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚟 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎
[Ch𝟷] - 𝚂𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚏𝚏'𝚜 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗
CW: Violence & Death, Guns, Sexism, Mild Language
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Hawkins, Indiana, 1985
You stand in the control room alongside Joyce, horrifically watching Hop and Grigori fight down below by the spinning generator. Multiple times you have seen heads close to the moving parts, or limbs. You struggle to watch as Jim finally pushes the Russian into the machine, evaporating completely with little to no evidence of gore.
It churns and vibrates as the gateway slowly grows larger. You know you have to do something before it gets the chance to fully break away from the possibility of sealing it back up. Joyce grabs your attention, tapping you on the shoulder.
“These… Buttons. They must do something.” She motions her hands frantically.
You eye the panels up and down, laced with buttons. You then notice that two panels with a keyhole each lie in front of the windows. You bite your tongue.
“This is what he was talking about… Smirnoff, the keys. They’ll destroy the machine.” You add, pulling the silver keys out of one of your pockets and handing one to Joyce.
“If we destroy the machine, what happens to Hop?” She frowns.
“Just get the keys in position.”
You both take one panel each and insert the key, making sure not to turn it.
“He has to get back up here. There has to be a way before we do anything.” She says.
You eye the electricity bouncing off of the machine and the metal railings, leaving just enough room for Hop to stand behind it safely.
“There’s no way, he’ll die. The current is too strong.”
You look down at his dishevelled state, but somehow, he’s still smiling. He nods at Joyce and then at you.
“He’s giving us the go-ahead, Joyce.” You inhale sharply.
She chokes, tears forming in her eyes.
“He knows we have to do this. We’re doing it to save the kids, to save Hawkins. We all knew that before coming here, Joyce,” You press.
She hangs her head low and her breath hitches.
“No matter the outcome.” She bites her lip.
“No matter the outcome.” You nod and repeat softly.
You watch her hand grasp the key and look out towards Hopper one last time. You feel the emotions start to take over your own body.
“On 3.” She murmurs. You nod.
You turn the key roughly. Not long after, the floor below you vibrates. You glance over at Joyce who has her eyes closed before a blinding light hits the both of you, the groaning sound of mechanical parts filling your ears. You squint your eyes shut as you stabilize yourself on the panel.
Like a flash of lightning, the brightness is suddenly gone. It takes a while for your eyes to adjust back to their normal state, but when they do, an ache grips your chest.
The platform where Hop once stood is empty, with small flames engulfing different parts of the once active generator. Before you have any time to check on Joyce, Murray comes bolting into the room, grabbing you and Joyce by the arm tightly.
He stops suddenly, eyes widening.
You nod your head no.
The stern look on his face drops completely. He hesitates but drags us to the exit of the control room.
"They're on our asses now, we've got to go," Murray speaks. Joyce barely reacts to this.
"There's no way they got down here that quickly." You laugh nervously.
"You'd be surprised."
You scoff and brush Murray's hand off of your arm.
You walk as a group for a few minutes, turning corners cautiously.
"Stop." He halts suddenly and pulls out the Walkie-Talkie Dustin lent to him.
"What are you doing?" Joyce whispers.
"Just making sure we have the clear." He inspects it.
You zone out, tired from watching Murray fiddle with the switches on the device. Your gaze shifts to something else. Not far down the hallway, a door to a room is open, showing a reflection of light as if it was from a TV.
"Wait here," You whisper. Joyce looks at you in confusion.
You approach the room with caution, hand resting above the gun strapped to your hip. When you enter, you're greeted with a series of TVs.
Security Footage.
Some of the TVs show Russian Men Patrolling hallways, far away enough from you, but you know it won't take them that long to get to where you are. On another TV, footage of the explosion rolls back, almost as if someone was watching it before and fled out of fear. You keep an eye out for Hopper, getting ready to turn away from the video when needed. But instead, it switches to a new clip.
The fire from the explosion spreads rapidly down the platform. You see Hopper run and then disappear off camera.
You frantically grab the keyboard to the system and spam the rewind button, the clip switching back to the beginning; only this time do you pay closer attention than before. At the end of the platform is a ladder, and what seems to be a complete drop-off.
You finally clue in. He didn't disappear, he jumped.
How far down is it? It's a shot in the dark... But if he landed the right way...
You run out of the room yelling at both Murray and Joyce.
"Guys, there's a chance Hop survived!" You gesture them towards the room.
Both of them look up, their faces stained with dejection.
"You saw him die, we both did," Murray says.
"But what if he completely avoided the explosion and jumped off of the platform?" You add.
"No one could survive a fall like that," Joyce whispers.
"There's no time, they're gaining on us as we speak." Murray puts the walkie-talkie away. "Plus we have quite the situation up above."
You clench your fists. The drop couldn't have been that far down, right?
Murray continues to gesture Joyce down the hallway.
"Are you coming, or not?"
You eye the gun on your hip and shimmy your hand into your pocket. 1 round of ammo left, just enough.
"Give me two minutes. You make your way to the elevator, I'll meet back with you on the way." You nod. You hope you aren't sounding ridiculous.
Joyce's eyes widen and Murray raises and slaps his hand back down to his side with frustration.
"Are you insane?"
"I'll be quick, I promise." You nag.
"If you get captured it's on you and-" He retorts.
"If I don't show up in two minutes, don't wait." You interrupt.
"Don't risk it. Hopper wouldn't have wanted you to get hurt, too." Joyce adds. You pat her shoulder comfortingly and try your best to smile.
Your heart pounds as you turn around and make your way toward the opposite end of the hallway. You pick up your pace back toward the control room when you turn the corner.
"He claims the spy jumped." A soldier states, grasping a man dressed in a white shirt and black slacks by the collar. His eyes widen in fear.
"And the two women?" Another man questions with authority; told apart from the others by his Insignia.
"They seemed to have gotten away."
"And the bald man?"
"He was with the women, Lieutenant."
The man pauses, presumably in thought.
"And you let them get away?" He turns to the soldier and man.
"They were armed." The security guard stifles, sweat coating his forehead.
The Lieutenant says nothing but holds his gaze with the guard. Then, he bursts out laughing. The man's face creases with confusion.
"You let them get away? The stupid Americans?"
The rest of the soldiers chime in laughing.
"Quiet!" He shouts suddenly.
The authoritative pulls out his Makarov and aims it at the man's head with a nasty grin. The gun welcomes his fingers with a click.
You wince at the sudden gunshot, hands instinctively shooting up to cover your ears while you travel through the hallways.
What the hell was that?
You can't do anything but hope it was anything other than Joyce and Murray.
You keep running until you pass the control room, then you go down a flight of stairs which takes you a floor underneath the platform. You cock back your gun and scope through the smoke and flames, looking for any sign of Hop. Right now, you'll aim to find the ladder. You eventually bump into it, taking you by surprise.
You waft the smoke away. Right in front of you lies Hopper. You immediately drop to the ground.
"Hop? Hopper!" You shout and shake him.
It takes a second, but his eyes shoot open while he breathes heavily.
"We need to go, like now."
"Where's... Joyce?" He rasps and coughs.
"She's with Murray, they're on their way to the elevator."
He smiles, and with a huff props himself up on his elbows. You stand back up and grab him by the forearms.
"My back hurts."
"It would, you fell quite a long way down. I'm going to need you to get up, though. We don't have much time."
You help pull him up, Hop almost taking you down with him again with a groan.
"We can go out the door I came from. Do you have your gun?"
He nods, pulling it out from his pocket.
"Alright, let's go."
You lead Hopper back to the door. As soon as you get out of the machine's vicinity, you both gasp for air.
"That stuff isn't good to inhale." You laugh, patting Hopper on the back.
He smiles, slouching down and propping himself up on his thighs.
"Why did you come back for me?" He asks.
"I saw the security footage. You're lucky that I did. Now, let's get a move on."
You lead each other down the hallway.
"Any signs of soldiers, we run. No combat."
"No combat. Got it." He repeats.
"There has to at least be. I don't know. Five of them, six?" You whisper.
"You saw them?" He questions.
"Only on the cameras." You chuckle. "They looked pretty amateur, not going to lie."
"Probably their first deployment." He adds.
"I wouldn't doubt it."
You and Hopper turn a two-way corner before you hear a click behind you.
"Stop clicking your gun." You say. Hop doesn't reply.
"Hop?" You turn around and are met by three Russian soldiers, their presumed leader in front. He approaches us slowly.
"Look what we have here." He clicks his tongue.
Hopper covers me, aiming his gun right at his head.
"Don't come any closer, we just want to leave," Hop says firmly.
"Leave?" The man laughs. "After you came and destroyed our mashina? Intruded in our base?"
"Not our fault your 'secret' message was picked up by a gaggle of pre-teens and their nifty invention." You hiss. "You have no clue what you're doing, opening up something like that."
The man turns his gaze to me.
"So the woman speaks with a... bossy tongue." He smirks. "Let me get a good look at her."
"You'll have to get through me first." Hopper stands his ground.
Before you can protest, a pair of arms grab you from behind. Another soldier buts Hopper in the back of the head, causing him to fall forward onto the floor, unconscious.
"Hop!" You yell, withering in the soldier's grasp.
"Suka." He hisses in your ear.
You're brought in front of the head man. He looks to be not much younger than you but wears a grin.
"You give us no trouble, your friend is safe." He proposes.
"No, you're going to let us go." You retort, looking him in the eyes, spitting on his face.
He barely moves, hesitates, then pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipes his face with a scowl.
"Woman, as much as I can play these games.." He continues. "Your use is much preferred... In the bedroom."
He pauses to think.
"However, I wouldn't do such a thing. I'm not allowed to, as much as I would love to.. experiment with an American woman." He brings a gloved hand up to my face and laughs. "But... you might find it nice in Kamchatka." He nods thoughtfully.
Before you get the chance to reply, something hard hits you on the back of the head. All you can make out is your body falling until everything goes pitch black.
"An American... man and woman?" A man sits at his desk, holding the file open.
"Originally... the plan was to immediately send them to Kamchatka." Another man speaks, taking a puff of his cigarette. "But plans change, don't they?"
"How long until they arrive?" The man at the desk flips through the papers.
"2 days, a week, a month. Depends on how... cooperative everything is."
There is a moment of silence in the room.
"Keep them alive..." the man slams the file shut, "But do not hesitate to interrogate."
I’ve postponed this story idea for so long, and have only completed the first chapter because I scraped everything else I had written. My plan is to cross-post on both Tumblr and Ao3 from now on.
I am still not sure if I want to keep this story 2nd person or have an original character so feedback is appreciated:)
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decodedlvr · 1 year
when was somebody gonna tell me this was the same person? 🤔
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thatonequeen · 1 year
Just Imagine Dimitri\Enzo X Fem! Black Reader X Yuri Ismaylov Omg just the thought of them hating each other but love fucking the shit out of you is just perfect. :)
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