grumptydumpty · 5 years
“The things that go unsaid are often the things that eat at you – whether because you didn’t get to have your say, or because the other person never got to hear you and really wanted to.”
— Celeste Ng, Everything I Never Told You (via books-n-quotes)
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
MIYAVI -Guard You
So many different faces… he’s really a wonderful artistic musician. I love his soft side very much too ♥
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
“The things I want to remember I can’t, and the things I try so hard to forget just keep coming.”
— Paula Hawkins, Into the Water (via books-n-quotes)
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
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It’s almost that time of the year.
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
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via @rupikaurpoems
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
- A room of one’s own by Virgina Woolf.
The essay traces the literary history of the woman. In a practical sense, the ultimate aim of Virginia Woolf's thesis is to claim, for the female gender, the possibility of being admitted to a culture that until then had proved to be the exclusive masculine prerogative in a society, focusing on the English one. . But the most interesting intent of the essay turns out to be precisely that of deconstructing this patriarchal language in the literary and social sphere. If centuries of subjection have relegated the female figure to silence, excluding it from the halls of culture, then it becomes necessary to give space to a voice that represents the female perspective.
- Six of crows by Leigh Bardugo
This is a book that a friend of mine suggested to me while I was in Dublin. I wasn’t able to finish it until now cause I had too much stuff to do.
If you are a fantasy lover, you should definitely give this book a chance. The story begins when Kaz Brekker receives an offer from one of the richest and most powerful merchants of the city: in exchange for an exorbitant cash reward, Kaz will have to free the scientist Bo Yul-Bayur from the legendary Ice Court.  The Ice Court, however, is an impregnable fortress located in the kingdom of Fjerda, the boy decides to hire a gang of criminals composed of five members: Inej Ghafa, a former acrobat and skilled spy; Jesper Fahey, an infallible shooter with a gambling habit; Nina Zenik, a Grisha of the Second Army of Ravka; Matthias Helvar, a former Drüskelle of Fjerda imprisoned in the Kerch prison; and Wylan van Eck, a wealthy young man who ran away from home and has some talent for making explosives. The book is extremely well written and every chapter is written from the point of view of each character. In this way the reader gets attached to each of them very easily. And just when you get into one character’s story … BOOM , the author changes point of view.
- Men without women by Haruki Murakami.
it is a collection of stories in which  the common thread: the love (often unrequited) that men feel towards women without which they feel lost.
As a lover of Murakami’s works I really loved this one. I have to admit that it’s not the best one , but this is the only Murakami’s book that I’ve read in this period so it must be on my list.
- Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov.
The novel got a lot of criticism because of the rough issues faced by the author, which highlight a defined pedophile and even incestuous relationship.
The reader identifies with the vicissitudes of the main character: a professor of French literature who falls in love with a twelve-year-old girl and after becoming his stepfather remains passionately involved.
Humbert Humbert, tries to capture the sympathy of the reader, but in reality, towards the end of the novel he admits that he feels like a sort of "maniac" that has deprived the little Lolita of his most beautiful age : childhood.
The protagonist justifies his morbid behavior towards the little girl and his obsession with the other ones with the death of his first adolescent love.
What is great about this book is the search for details and the deepening of the psyche and the feelings of the protagonists, the skilful use of the weapon of irony that enshrouded the most rough passages.
- Irish folk and fairy tales by Michael Scott.
Ok , this one .. I’m not sure that everybody is interested in it but it has a special place in my heart because I’ve bought this one in Dublin when I went to a Christmas market. The owner of the book was a real Irish man so this make this book the most irish thing that I own.
The book tells different stories based in Ireland and some of the main irish legends.
- PENOMECO songs , especially “Coco bottle” , “LIE” , “GOOD MORNING” and No.5(feat. Crush). I knew this singer a few days ago and since then I’m listen to his songs all day long. I love him . He’s great. GREAT.
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xkIImR-wS0 )
- BTS’s HER → It’s not a super new song for me , but in this period I listen to it more often than ever. Everybody that knows me , knows that I LOVE BTS so in this list there must be at least one of their song. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJyn5toSd0A).
Honestly , I listen to their album “ LOVE YOURSELF ANSWER” everytime I get into my car.
- Dance little liar  by Arctic Monkeys. → Even this one it’s not new but I got to listen to it very very very often. I love them. Some time ago I even tried to get a ticket for their concert but it was a failure. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf-B3Y3B0TQ)
- the 1975’s “Sinceruty is  scary” → They are one of my favourite band of all time. I love Matty , I love George , I love Adam and I love Ross. Please love them as I do. They really deserve it. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K93ioXL63c)
- Sarah Clove’s cover of “Somebody else” by the 1975 → The’s nothing I’m able to say about it , I can only put the link here and I leave you to her beautiful voice.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJcdEplzdn0 .
If you LOVE Korea like I do this is the perfect channel for you. She is a really sweet girl and she doesn’t talk only about Korea.
She did videos about books and other stuff , too.
She’s really great , I love her.
-  If you’re intrested in movies and screenplays and stuff like that these are the channel for you: “Every frame a picture” and “Lessons from the screenplay”
https://www.youtube.com/user/everyframeapainting - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lessons+from+the+screenplay
-DKDKTV → This is a channe perfect for the ones who like me likes kpop ( particularly BTS). In some of their videos they try to analyze BTS (or other kpop group) lyrics. My favourite is the one in which they explain Euphoria (it’s very sad , but at the same time so beautiful)
link → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQB0EABfh3U&t=2s
- Jenny Nicholson.
She basically takes media and makes fun of it. She’s very cute and funny.
One of my fav video is the one about “Fantastic beasts 2” because let’s be real .. Every Harry Potter fan got really upset after finishing to watch the movie.
Here’s the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYUJ_ODfc8w&t=1303s
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
A night in New York City.
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
1. The atmosphere during holidays.
Since I was born I have been living in a very small city of Italy , so I wasn’t used to so many decorations in every corner of the streets and I get excited about literally everything , even when there’s more than a Christman tree along the same street. So , as expected when I saw all the beautiful decorations during Christmas in Dublin my head just was all over the place and I kept taking photos of every streets , every house and every corner. It became an obsession.
Even for Halloween houses are super decorated with fake spiderwebs sorrounding the gate. At the front door of my host family there were even a dorbell that everytime that is was being rang , there was a sound similar to a scream. ( it reminded me “The Nightmare Before Christmas” , so I LOVED IT).
However Christmas is insurmountable! I MEAN GUYS LOOK HERE:
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This stunning , amazing , super dope photos (obviously taken by me) leads me and anyone who’s reading this to the second point of my list.
I KNOW I’M PREDICTABLE but guys , let’s be real , Temple Bar is just one of the most enjoyable thing you’ll even see in Dublin.
Here you can really experience the Irish lifestyle.
If outside the pub seems not so big , once you’re inside you realize that you couldn’t have said the worst thing ever. In fact there are a lot of different rooms , each one with tables and everything.
The most exciting thing is that everytime you decide to go there , you’ll eventually find some random guy who’s playing some instruments or just singing.
I can’t deny it. This is the thing that I like the most. Honestly.
To be fair in almost every pub in Dublin there’s live music , so don’t worry if Temple Bar is too crowded, you can try another random pub and you’ll be fully satisfied.
Imagine being in Piazza Duomo in Milan. You’re walking and suddenly you touch on someone. That person will never even look at you but if that happens it’ll be only to give you the stink eye not even my mom when I come home “very late” at night.
In Dublin this thing would never happen. People are super kind everywhere : in the street , at the mall, EVERYWHERE. Even the cashier at the super market will give you the best smile ever even if it’s 4 in the morning.
I remember when I first came back from Dublin , I immediately went to a bar for a snack because I was starving (not a news eheh) and the cashier got super suprised because of me saying a very friendly “hello”. Instead this cashier ( a woman )was the female version of Batman, with an inexpressive look and a not friendly face.
And guys , THAT was the time when I remembered that sadly I was not longer in Dublin.
Probably not the irishest thing in the world but still..
Although my mum was firmly convinced that the name of Dublin’s main river was Danube , it was not. Its name is Liffey and it divides Dublin into two parts.
Along that river there are many many many bridges (idk how many , but I’m certain you can google it) and the sight from each of them was delightful. Especially at night when the lights of the city are reflected on the river. A must see.
At least but definitely not last
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- (Howth).
At weekends I was used to go on a day trip with an agency , and I was able to see some of the greenest places of Dublin (and not).
Two of them that will always have a special place in my heart are Howth and The Cliffs of Moher. They reminds me of “The Lord of the Rings” which is always a GOOD thing.
If you’re planning on going in Dublin you shoul see these places.
Glendalough , too! It’s not so famous ( i think) but it’s a real gem (and not so far from Dublin , which is great if you don’t wanna stay in a bus for 4 hours straight).
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Probably when I’ll post this I’ll be thinking of other 100 things that I like about Dublin but nevermind. Even now I’m thinking about the tons of sweets that I was able to eat.
I’m thinking about writing about the things that I didn’t like but I’m not quite sure.
There’s only ONE (1) thing that I’m sure of and that’s the fact that I won’t complain about wheather because let’s be real : if you go to Dublin and then you’re disappointed because of rain and you want sunny wheather all day long then … then my dear friend , I’m not gonna lie ..you’re a fucking idiot.
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
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grumptydumpty · 6 years
I hated my face, for example, found it odious, and even suspected that there was some mean expression in it, and therefore every time I came to work I made a painful effort to carry myself as independently as possible, and to express as much nobility as possible with my face. "let it not be a beautiful face," I thought, "but, to make up for that, let it be a noble, an expressive, and, above all, an extremely intelligent one." Yet I knew, with certainty and suffering, that i would never be able to express all those perfections with the face I had. The most terrible thing was that I found it positively stupid. And I would have been quite satisfied with intelligence. Let's even say I would even have agreed to a mean expression, provided only that at the same time my face be found terribly intelligent
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground.
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