#stranger things s4e8
Okay, another hour and a half long episode.
1.) Brenner missed the sad CGI and also baby El was very good at sealing the upside down.
2.) Brenner should have been a tattoo artist instead. I mean, a tattoo artist for adults, not kids. He’s got very steady hands and can tattoo numbers very exactly.
4.) Honestly so far the only one who’s been a snob about music is Robin. But also I still don’t think Eddie would like Taylor Swift.
5.) Henry really wants to villain monologue at you, Nancy. Take a seat for this cliche.
6.) Damn, the CGI on those restraints is…bad.
7.) These images are going way too fast.
8.) Damn, Steve. Your arms are nice.
9.).”Written and directed by the Duffer Brothers”. I Know. That’s the Problem.
10.) What’s the point of keeping Yuri quiet at this point?
11.) Hopper, we super had a funeral for you.
12.) El is actually doing really badly.
13.) Why is anyone surprised that demogorgons can climb? Look at those fuck off legs.
15.) Okay the soldiers can unload their clip into a demogorgon and nothing happens but Hopper can shoot a demodog once in the head like Ol Yeller and it works.
16.) Okay but for real, where are the Russians getting all these bastards? Fun tubes, but WHERE ARE THEY FROM? Are they from Hawkins? How did they transfer that shit?
18.) Okay she can lift a thing.
19.) Will, I’m so sorry, but I did not care about your speech to Mike.
20.) I still don’t understand how Henry survived El’s attack or why the upside down didn’t turn into anything for him or what the fuck he did for like a decade floating in a void.
21.) Why is everyone whispering
22.) El got to hear at least some of the plan, at least.
23.) The War Zone is a hilarious name for a shop.
24.) Eddie, you moron. Wearing a mask doesn’t help if you’re wearing a shirt emblazoned with your club.
25.) BIG BOY.
26.) My roommate pointed out the RV would have been hooked up to water and sewage so driving it off like that would have fucked up the ground and the vehicle.
27.) I do not understand why Henry is so powerful or why him killing people would give him their powers when it doesn’t do that for El.
28.) I still don’t want Steve and Nancy together. Also I don’t think he actually said he wanted her there.
29.) that helicopter is hilarious
30.) “The KGB will be listening to this call” Oh what a change. This time it’ll be agents of someone else’s government that will be listening in.
31.) Oh, okay, Steve got the jacket from War Zone. Where’s the vest though?
32.) Ah, the boyfriend reveal.
33.) I still hate Jason Carver. Also, buckshot has a pretty good range, dipshit.
34.) Tire tracks. Ah yes, the plot happened here.
35.) IDK why El told Sam to check Max’s place. The bit she heard did not make it seem like they were staying there. And so Sam asking that woman for that was kind of stupid.
36.) What? Brenner double crossed Sam Owens? Who could have predicted this twist? Surely only the greatest psychics.
37.) I am proud of El for saying to Brenner’s face that he’s a monster.
38.) Baby girl, kill Brenner anyway.
40.) Robin and Steve are sweet.
41.) goddamn it, brenner, just remove El’s collar.
42.) I am glad Brenner got shot so many times though.
43.) Oh shit, it’s the script.
44.) oh no the psychic child is using her psychic powers to stop your from badly shooting at her? Who could have predicted this?
45.) oh my god el, do something real already.
46.) the payoff wasn’t worth it.
47.) “Yeah, it’s cool, but it would have been better if it’d happened about 11 seconds earlier.” My roommate is hilarious.
48.) Brenner turned off the collar as a last act. Okay whatever.
50.) this heartfelt conversation makes no sense and was not earned.
51.) brenner you were shot like 5 times by a sniper rifle, how are you still talking, let alone alive?
52.) SHould have run over his corpse with the pizza van
53.) god they held on that brenner shot for way too long
54.) WHO’S GONN DIE????? Just say everyone.
55.) moody shots.
Oh god I looked ahead and the season 4 finale is 2 and 22 minutes long. I hate the duffers.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
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Lucas & Erica Sinclair STRANGER THINGS | S4E8
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lucascsinclairs · 2 years
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Every Lumax Scene in Stranger Things: s4e8 - Papa
“Max. You can’t. He’ll kill you!”
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ectonurites · 1 year
Mike & Superman
So, I want to take a second to discuss the Superman comparison from the van scene in relation to Superman in the comics (specifically his origin, or at least the version of it that Mike as a character would likely be familiar with).
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(Stranger Things S4E8)
The general situation I think we're all aware of is that Mike compares El to Superman and since El's his girlfriend (even though they weren't in the best standing the last time they'd talked before this, that's still more or less the situation) he makes an attempt to parallel himself to Lois Lane. Which makes enough sense at first glance—Lois is Clark's primary love interest, this is pretty common knowledge even among people who aren’t terribly invested in Superman lore. But from the way Mike trails off here, it's clear that he feels he doesn't measure up to Lois, he's just some 'random nerd' as he says.
Is that his self-doubt and insecurity talking? Absolutely. But I don’t think he’s wrong about one aspect of it—that he doesn’t fit the role of Lois Lane when we compare El to Superman. He does fit into the story in a different way though!
What I primarily want to talk about is rooted in his specific phrasing when he starts this comparison, "Superman landed on his doorstep." As evident from the bit of the conversation right before this, when he says that he's talking about when The Party found El in the woods, when she'd recently escaped and just 'needed someone'
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(Stranger Things S1E1)
And much like El, Superman did once crash land in front of some kind strangers when he entered into a world/society unlike the one he came from and definitely just 'needed someone'...
But Superman landed in front of Ma & Pa Kent, not Lois Lane. 
Clark's origin has had many many retellings over the years, but from literally the late 30's this has been a consistent element of the story in basically every iteration—be it comics, movies, cartoons. Considering the time period Stranger Things takes place in, when talking about the comics (and like, we know our characters are comic nerds) I'd consider the Silver Age/Earth-One retelling to be the most relevant (because while Crisis on Infinite Earths did just happen in 1985, the Post-Crisis Superman lore updates weren't getting established until later in 1986 after S4 takes place):
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(Superman Vol. 1 #146)
And I mean... 'It would be suspicious to just suddenly have this child we found, so we'll try to have them be discovered somewhere else as if we hadn't been the ones to find them' sure sounds familiar
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(Stranger Things S1E2)
But anyways, my point here is that the people who are there for Superman when he’s new to Earth—the people that take care of him and give him a new name—they welcome him into their family:
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(Superman Vol. 1 #146)
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(Stranger Things S1E2)
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(Stranger Things S1E8)
...they're not his love interests. Like, Clark and Lois meet at the Daily Planet when they’re both adults:
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(Superman Vol. 1 #146)
They don't meet until after Clark has already spent years growing up on Earth, not when it's all entirely new to him! Lois isn’t his first girlfriend/teenage love interest, Lois is a person he falls for once he is his own fully realized adult person.
Mike doesn’t fit the role of El's Lois not because he's not good enough or any of the reasons his self-doubt might try to make him believe—he isn't El's Lois because that's just the wrong comparison for their situation altogether. When considering El to be Superman, with the way Mike starts this comparison he's (whether on purpose or not) paralleling himself far more closely to Superman's parents—his family—than Superman's love interest.
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darcycarmela · 9 months
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Watched S4E8 "Chapter Eight: Papa" with Chris
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opalvioletsunset · 1 year
Stranger Things S4e8 intro
Nancy's Vecna vision is literally the ending of s4 up to the trenches that are about to converge at the library. Idk how I didn't notice this before.
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Wow, they’re looking at each other in such a normal way.
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fagdyk · 2 years
This guy mansplaining shotguns to Nancy "Shotgun" Wheeler
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turtleneckshiv · 2 years
oh mike bby :(
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alfred-e-neuman · 2 years
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Hey... ouch.
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thecompletebookworm · 2 years
My two sisters and I watch Stranger Things together and unfortunately they both have work today. We squeezed in the S4E8 before their shift, but will have to wait to watch the finale till 11 PM tonight. In the meantime, I will be ranking how likely I think a character is going to die out of 10. There was a tweet a while back from the Duffer Brothers about this season having consequences and this two major character deaths. (I don’t have the exact wording and I sure as hell am not going on twitter to check). But point was we know someone’s going to die so in this torturous wait, I’m guessing whom. Please no spoilers in the replies or reblogs.
The Kiddos
El: 8 She’s always going to be at the thick of things. She’s seen as the only hope since she forced Henry into the Upside Down the first time. Pretty sure she’s going to just go into a coma but death is a possibility.
Mike Wheeler: 7 The love confession from Will was very emotional. Lots of feelings all around if “the heart of the group” dies. Also Nancy’s vision which was meant to frighten her specifically included her mom and Mike’s deaths. I don’t like him so probably higher rating than it strictly needs to be, but still solid odds.
Will Byers: 5 I think possession by Vecna is far more likely than death and that he would be a more symbolic death in the final season. (Unclear if Season 5 is the last one but point is the show starts with his disappearance and should end with his death.)
Dustin Henderson: 9.5 I am pretty certain Dustin is either going to die or almost die and be saved last minute by Erica based on the Hellfire D&D game. Also the moment when Eddie told him to always stay like this made my brain go he can stay like that if he’s dead. Plus he’s the guy who puts things together for them; imagine the consequences of not having that next season. Points in favor of his survival: he’s such a fan favorite I feel like I already would have been spoiled if it happened, he was the first kid cast and really helps with the unity of the group.
Lucas Sinclair: 8 This ranking largely inspired by my middle sister who feels pretty certain Lucas is going to die. And I sort of see where she’s coming from since he’s less a centerpiece of the group and his relationship with Max/all the emotional conversations he’s been a part of because of that make him a good candidate for the sacrifice play. (Plus I’ve gotten 2 spoilers from Twitter accidentally one of them being Max and Lucas trended. But I’m just really counting on that being from shipping moments because they’ve been so gosh darn cute this season.) I also firmly believe next season will play up the satanic ritual/witch hunt side of things now that the ideas in the town’s head at large. His place as someone who tried to play the middle ground with Jason and the rest of the basketball team makes that plotline especially interesting.
Max Mayfield: 8 Easily the most foreseeable death. She’s acting as bait in a situation likely to kill her. But I don’t think they’ll do it. It feels a little too obvious and I want May to grow and be forced to recon with Billy’s death and the overall trauma she’s been through.
Erica Sinclair: 2 Is my love for her clouding my ranking? Undoubtedly yes. However I stand by my theory that would happens in their D&D games is a reflection of real life. Erica threw the saving throw that defeated Vecna. She isn’t dying. Plus as much as I love her not sure if she would still qualify as a “major” character with this large of an ensemble.
The Scooby Doo Gang
Steve Harrington: 1 I think I read somewhere the writers love him too much to kill him. I could have dreamed it but I don’t care, my boy lives.
Nancy Wheeler: 7 I feel like it’s telling Vecna showed her his backstory. But there hasn’t been anything specific that makes me go that’s foreshadowing she isn’t going to make it.
Robin Buckley: 6 Her line about having a bad feeling about this is pretty much solely responsible for her bump in this rating. We also really haven’t seen her in fighting circumstances the way we’ve seen some of the others. Definitely think either she or Will can die but the other is relatively safe due to writers being conscious of the Bury your Gays trope and Will’s death packs the larger punch.
Jonathon Byers: 4 I can’t really justify this one. He’s driving to the action, pursued by the military so he’s not safe but in comparison he certainly feels like it. Also besides getting his life together to go to a different college than Nancy, no real foreshadowing or emotional conversations that would make me consider the authors were trying to build up his death as this extreme moment of sadness.
Eddie Munson: 8 He’s new so it feels like this is a toss up. His declaration that he’s going to be brave makes me think he’ll be in the thick of the action. He’s had emotional moments with Dustin that could be foreshadowing. Kinda think he’s going to be murdered by Jason and his crew though instead of Vecna. (He has lots of bad memories that could be used against him though.) Still waiting for him to sing while trying to safe someone from Vecna because of the mention of his MS band to Chrissy.
Argyle: 2 This man is the comedy, the automatic mood lightener. Yes his death would show that things had gotten serious but we already know they’re serious. On the flip side, minor enough that he could be killed with impunity.
The Russian Crew:
Joyce Byers: 3 She’s not in any real danger right now (besides you know potentially crashing in a helicopter.) Plus Winona Ryder has enough star power she could stick around for that reason alone.
Hopper: 2 If they really wanted to, he would have just died last season.
Murray: 2 Another gut feeling one. His death doesn’t really further the plot in any way. Already done impossible things this season that make it seem odd for him to die now.
Dimitri/Enzo/Traitor Guard guy: 9 From the moment he mentioned wanting to see his son again to Hopper I knew he was going to die. It felt like foreshadowing. Don’t know how but am convinced it’s happening.
Yuri: 4 This man is crazy and should not be given control of a helicopter and yet pretty sure he’s going to live.
Vecna/1/Henry: 7 If he dies he’s not really dead. We need him for next season.
Mrs. Wheeler: 8 Another one where I’m unable to articulate beyond this character doesn’t really serve a purpose and they had a major enough foreshadowing/threat that I think it’s valid.
Officer Powell: 7 He’s a man in deep over his head.
Jason: 10 Accidental Spoiler on my sister’s part. Apparently his death is brutal
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Love Is A Battlefield - Eddie Munson & Steve Harrington
A/N: aaaaaaaahhhh xD omg! so I have no idea how this happened but it did, I ended up mixing two similar but just as awesome requests so I hope you loves like it! :D 
Requests -  marvelsbitchh asked: I love steddie so much! I have so many ideas lol. Okay so, could i request a steddie x reader imagine where instead of Eddie buying more time with the bats, reader is in Eddie's place and bought more time and got hurt, and Eddie is the one who finds her. He like freaks out and Dustin comes and helps Eddie bring us to the hospital. We survive but we were in a coma and wake up a week later. Both Eddie and Steve are there (i forgot to mention that we're already dating steddie) and get angry and yell at you because they were so scared. They realise reader is crying/upset and realise what they're doing and quickly apologize and just fluff at the end lol. Sorry if this sucked i'm not the best at requesting things
- spideysbae asked: eddie doesn't sacrife himself, the reader does and they send her to the hospital, but since eddie is still wanted for murder he can't go an visit her, so everyday when steve goes to visit her, eddies like "give this to her please, and read it to her" and he gives steve an letter and steve reads to the reader and everyday eddie just writes a new letter and steve reads it to reader, who is in coma or smt like that. Then one day, steve sneaks eddie into the hospital to see her and he just cries into steve's shoulders
Warnings: spoilers for S4E8 (kinda) reader gets badly hurt and is in a coma for a few weeks (also this focuses more on Steddie because of that, principally in Steve trying to keep it together 🥺); Eddie and Steve being mad at the reader for being reckless; angsty but with a happy ending, and let me know if there’s anything I missed :D 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :D gif isn’t mine :) 
Your name: submit What is this?
Love Is A Battlefield
We are strong No one can tell us we're wrong Searching our hearts for so long
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“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” you muttered to yourself as you pedaled faster than you’ve ever had before.
You had no idea how you found yourself here. Okay, that wasn’t true. You knew why you were riding this bike as if your life depended on it. Because it did… literally depended on it. You went over the plan a million times. You divided into groups. Lucas, Max, and Erica, group one. Back in the normal Hawkins (if you could call Hawkins normal), at Vecna’s house. You, Eddie, and Dustin, group two. In the Upside down, at the trailer park, creating a distraction and buying more time. Nancy, Steve, and Robin, also Upside Down, but at Vecna’s house. Your instructions were simple enough. Stay there, buy some time, if things go south, go back. Simple enough, right? But no, after Dustin made it back, you turned to look at Eddie, and before you knew it your legs were running out of the trailer, locking the door from outside and leaving him screaming at you.
“Jesus Christ! Princess, get the fuck back here!” you could still hear Eddie screaming but you were getting further away.
And then it dawned on you. You didn’t really have a plan. All you were thinking was that Eddie and Steve needed to get back safely. And for that, you needed more time. And for that, you needed Eddie to stay back and be safe. When you were far enough, you stopped. You got down from the bike, grabbed the shield Eddie made for you, and the bat Steve made for you. And you saw them come. It was more than you remembered. You felt your heart racing faster than you had before but there was no backing down now. You gripped your weapon and shield tighter and you were ready for whatever had to come. It shouldn’t be that bad, right? Steve got bitten and he was okay. Although there weren’t as many. And there were more of you to deal with them. But whatever, as long as your boys were fine… that’s what matters. You had to do this for them. Eddie and Steve were always protecting you and taking care of you. And now, you have to take care of them. So you braced yourself for what was coming.
“COME ON!” you yelled as the cloud of demo-bats got closer, circling around you. You managed to swing a few away. But, as you feared, there were so many. “Fuck!”
You felt them attacking your left arm. Then your leg. Then your other arm. And then… then they were all over you. You couldn’t do anything else. Some of them were pulling at you so hard, you felt your arms were gonna be ripped apart. Some of them were eating away at your sides. As you yelled and cried in pain, you tried to think of something to get your mind off it. You were doing this for Eddie and Steve. Steve and Eddie, who you loved and who loved you. Eddie and Steve, whose eyes you’ll probably never look at again. Whose hands will never run down your body now being eaten by demo-bats. Whose hands you’ll never get to hold again. And then, all of the sudden, everything stopped. You saw the demo-bats fall down to the floor at once. Everything hurt. Everything.
“(Y/N)!” you heard a distant yell. You opened your eyes but everything seemed to be spinning around. You were terrified to look down at your body because you were certain that everything was going to look even worse than how it felt. “Love!” Eddie fell to his knees next to you. “Princess, look at me” he cried, holding you in his arms and pulling you towards him.
“E-Eddie” you smiled, just barely. You didn’t know you still had it in you. But Eddie could always make you smile.
“Shh, listen to me, you’re going to be okay, love” he told you. But you could see tears in his eyes. Eddie never cried. No, that was a lie. Steve never cried. Eddie always did. “Steve is coming, princess and we’re going to get you out of here, I promise!”
“Eddie, what the fuck!” Dustin said, catching up to you two. “Holy shit!”
“Dustybun” you chuckled, feeling the horrible taste of blood coming out of your mouth. “S-sorry, only Suzie calls you that” you coughed.
“Princess, s-stop talking, love” Eddie said, grabbing anything he could to stop the bleeding in every part of your body. “Dustin, help me get her back to the trailer” he begged, helping you up but regretting it the second he heard your piercing scream. “I’m sorry, love, I’m so sorry, but I need to get you back” he said, trying his hardest to stop the tears.
“I’m s-sorry, love” you said, looking at Eddie. “I d-didn’t mean to make you c-cry-”
“Eddie!” you heard a distant voice. It couldn’t be Steve, could it? They were still too far away. “(Y/N)!”
“Steve!” you heard Eddie yell. “STEVE!”
“EDDIE!” Steve ran as fast as he could and he felt his heart drop when he saw you between Eddie and Dustin. “Eddie, what happened?” he asked, finally reaching the three of you.
“S-Stevie” you smiled weakly. At least you got to see him one last time. Your eyes then started feeling extremely heavy.
“No, no, no, princess! Open your eyes” you could still hear Eddie.
“Sweetheart, look at me! I’m here!” you heard Steve’s voice even closer.
“I just w-wanted to-” you whispered. “I’m sorry” you said. “I love you” was the last thing you said before everything turned black.
“Steve, please” Eddie begged for what seemed like the millionth time.
“Eddie, love, we’ve been through this” Steve said, walking over to him. “I can’t let you go” he said, feeling his heart break by the way Eddie looked at him.
“But, Steve! It’s been a week! I haven’t seen her in one week!” he cried. “I can’t-! I can’t take it anymore! I feel like I’m going insane!” he snapped. Steve walked over to his boyfriend and grabbed his hands.
“Eddie, Eddie, love” he said, brushing his hair away from his face and cupping his face between his hands. “I know, love. I know you’re worried, and I know that you miss her” he said, brushing his thumb against his cheek, wiping away his tears. “But you still haven’t been ruled out for the murders” he said, making Eddie cry even more. “They’re still looking for you-”
“But you said Hopper would help-!”
“I know, love and he is doing everything he can” Steve promised. “But until that, I can’t let them find you” Steve said, taking a deep breath and kissing his forehead. “I need you to stay here” he pleaded. “I need you to be safe” he said, kissing him sweetly. “I promise she is going to be okay, and when she wakes up, we’re going to bring her home and then you’re going to take care of her, alright? But for now, you have to stay here, love, please” Steve said, with a small, single tear falling down his cheek which Eddie quickly wiped away.
“Okay, okay, love” Eddie said, hugging him closer. “I’ll stay here” he said, kissing Steve’s cheek.
The truth was, both of them were on edge already. They were able to bring you back, but just barely. You had been in the hospital, in a coma, for a week now. Eddie felt extremely anxious every single day that went by without being able to see you. But he knew Steve was right. Even if Hopper was back and he said he would help in proving Eddie’s innocence, it was still dangerous for him to leave the safehouse he had put them in.
And Steve. Steve was holding it together as best as he could. He was terrified of losing either one of you. He didn’t know when you were going to wake up, because he kept telling himself that you had to wake up. And he was also frightened that something would happen to Eddie.
“I’m sorry, love” Steve said, burying his face on Eddie’s shoulder, just needing him as close as possible. “It’s just-”
“I know” Eddie stroked his back, and kissed his head. “It’s a lot, love” he whispered. “I just miss her” he whispered.
“I miss her too” Steve said, pulling away and they smiled briefly at each other.
Eddie pulled away and walked over to the coffee table, grabbing a couple of the sheets scattered all around. Both of them silently smiling at the thought that you would have scowled at them already for the mess.
“Could you uh-” he said, giving the page to Steve. “Could you maybe read this for her?” he asked, looking at Steve with his big, brown, doe eyes.
“You wrote to her?” Steve asked, feeling his heart melting a little.
“It’s stupid, I know I just… want her to know that I’m thinking of her” Eddie said, looking away. Steve placed his hand underneath his chin and made him look up again before he kissed him.
“It’s not stupid, love” he assured him. “She would love it” he said. “And you don’t mind me reading it?” he smirked.
“Well, given that the first page is just me complaining about dealing with you and your horrible cooking by myself, I actually kind of need you to read it, because I didn’t know how to bring it up” he chuckled and Steve slapped his arm before Eddie kissed him.
“I’ll be back in a few hours, tops, okay?” Steve promised and Eddie nodded, kissing him once more.
“Okay” Eddie replied as Steve started to make his way outside.
“While I’m out, it wouldn’t hurt if you finally cleaned up the place” he yelled back.
“Love you, Harrington!”
“Love you too, Munson!”
“Henderson?” Steve asked, walking into your room. He felt his heart breaking all over again every time he saw you.
“Hey” Dustin said, smiling at him as he replaced some of the flowers on your window. “I was just… visiting Max and… thought I’d stop by” he said.
“How’s she doing?” Steve asked, feeling a little guilty that she was just a couple of rooms down and he hadn’t seen her in a few days.
“She’s hanging in there” Dustin nodded before looking at you. “How's she doing?”
“Same” Steve sighed, walking over to him.
“She’s gonna be okay, Steve” Dustin insisted. “R-right?”
“Yeah” Steve smiled at Dustin. “Of course, man” he said, unsure if he was trying to convince himself more than Dustin.
“How’s uh… the um, banished?”
“He’s hanging in there too” Steve said, sitting down on a chair next to your bed. “He wanted to come” he told Dustin. “And I get it… he misses her” he said.
“Hey, maybe there’s a way we can get him in” Dustin suggested.
“Dustin, but, I know you’d love to help, but no. There’s no way-!”
“No, wait, hold on, give me about ten minutes okay? I just have to talk to Lucas about something” he said, rushing out of the room.
“No, Henderson! Wait-” Steve tried, but Dustin was already out of the room. Steve sighed, turning back to look at you.
He hadn’t been alone with you ever since you were all back. There was always someone else in the room. If he was being honest with himself, he couldn’t really face you. Seeing you so defenseless in that bed made him want to cry every single time. He didn’t want to sound selfish, but he hoped that Eddie could come too. Either to be there with him or just to take turns sometimes because his heart just shattered having to look at your unconscious form on that bed.
“H-hi, sweetheart” he said, turning to you. He wasn’t sure what to do next so he grabbed Eddie’s letter. “Eddie wrote something for you” he smiled sweetly. “Apparently it is about my crappy cooking but…” he laughed a little. “Let’s see what he wrote, okay?”
He grabbed your hand as he started reading the pages and he wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, or the fact that he was sleep deprived, but he could swear that he felt you squeeze his hand back.
Steve jumped awake on his seat when he felt someone put their hand on his shoulder. He had fallen asleep at some point. He looked around and saw that it was almost dark outside. Shit.
“I’m up!” he replied quickly, looking at Mrs. Byers standing there. “Oh, hi, Mrs. B-” he said, politely as he got up and greeted them.
“Oh, Steve, please, I’ve told you a million times to call me Joyce” she said, politely.
“Right, Joyce” Steve smiled.
“How’s our girl doing?”
“She’s… hanging in there?” Steve sighed.
“What about you?” Joyce asked.
“Well… same answer?” he chuckled.
“You know, sweetie, you don’t always have to keep it together” Joyce said, placing her hand on his cheek.
Steve wasn’t sure what it was. The fact that his girlfriend was lying unconscious on a bed and he had no idea when, or if you were going to wake up. The fact that his boyfriend is being hunted by the same fucking town that he helped save and he can’t leave the house. Or the fact that this is the closest thing to a mother relationship he has felt in God knows how long. But Steve threw his arms at Joyce and felt his eyes watering.
“I’m sorry” he sobbed on her shoulder. “I j-just- I can't-”
“You don’t have to apologize” Joyce said, hugging him back. “This is a lot for you to take on” she said, sweetly. “She’s going to be okay, and Jim is doing everything he can to help Eddie” she assured him. “And we’re all here for you” she said. “Those kids love you three so much” she chuckled, pulling away and wiping Steve’s tears. “Here” she said, grabbing the cooler she brought with her. “We got you guys something, so you don’t have to worry about cooking or any of that” she said, giving it to Steve.
“Thank you, Mrs.- uh- Joyce” Steve said, gratefully. “Apparently, my cooking sucks so” he laughed. “Eddie’s gonna be really happy” he told her.
“Alright, on my signal” Steve and Eddie heard Dustin through their walkie-talkie.
“Henderson, are you completely sure about this?” Steve asked, looking back at Eddie, who was lying on the floor of the car, hiding from everyone’s view. A couple of days more had passed and Steve’s kids had come up with a plan to sneak Eddie in the hospital so he could see you.
“Oh, my God! We have been through this a million times, Steve!”
“You know what, Henderson? I am not in the mood for this. Forgive me if I’m a little defensive, but if this goes wrong, they might take my boyfriend away, okay? So, as I said, the humility now and then, it wouldn’t hurt you!” he snapped, frustrated.
“Love, he’s just trying to help” Eddie said, grabbing Steve’s hand.
“Sorry” they heard Dustin on the other side. “I get it, okay? But I promise this will work” he insisted. “Will, Lucas, and Mike are already in place” he continued. “So, just wait for the signal. You both know what to do” he finished.
“Okay, you ready?” Steve asked, looking back at Eddie. “You know what to do, right? You meet Mike and then-”
“Steve, we’ve been through this, love” Eddie said, getting closer and kissing him. “I’ll be okay” he assured him. “I just need to see her” he begged.
“I know” Steve said, kissing his forehead. “See you on the other side?”
“See you on the other side” Eddie nodded, kissing him quickly again before they went their separate ways.
Steve kept pacing around your room after what felt like hours waiting for his signal. While Lucas and Will were creating a distraction from everyone at the reception, Dustin and Mike were putting Dustin’s plan into motion to sneak Eddie inside to see you. His part was easy. He just had to go into your room, as he always did, and then wait for the signal to go into the bathroom, behind the shower curtain, where there was a loose ceiling tile. How the kids did, and knew all of this? He didn’t even want to know. But he would be forever grateful if everything worked out. Steve saw the flashlight on the window from the room in front of yours. Max’s room. That was Erica. So he went over to the bathroom and did what he had to do, letting Eddie fall from the ceiling.
“Hi, love” Steve smiled as he helped him down.
“Hey” Eddie smiled nervously.
“You ready?” Steve said, holding his hand and Eddie nodded.
Steve led Eddie out of the bathroom and into your room. As soon as Eddie’s eyes laid on you, his eyes watered, his heart raced to what felt like a million beats per minute, and his hands started shaking.
“Oh my God!” he whispered, kneeling next to your bed and grabbing your hand. “What’s all-?” he started. “Why is she hooked on so many things?”
“It’s so they can monitor her and make sure that nothing is wrong, Eddie” Steve said, grabbing his shaking hand.
“She- she looks” he sobbed. “She looks so fragile, Steve” he cried, getting up and burying his head on Steve’s shoulder, unable to look at you any longer.
“I know, love” Steve said, feeling a couple of tears fall from his eyes as he looked at you.
“How can you do this every day?” he whispered. “Y-you were right. I shouldn’t have come… I don’t like seeing her like this” he cried.
“She’s gonna be okay, love” Steve said, kissing his temple. “She’s gonna get better, and we’re gonna bring her home, and Hopper is going to help us with your case and we’re gonna be okay” he said, pulling him closer. “I promise” he said, smiling weakly at Eddie.
You hadn’t expected to wake up. At all. You were certain that you would never see Steve, or Eddie, or any of your friends ever again. But you did. And being back, was not at all what you thought could be. The day you woke up, Steve and Eddie weren’t there. You weren’t alone. Jonathan, Nancy, and Dustin were with you. As soon as you woke up, Dustin called Steve at Family Video and he came over as soon as he could. But you noticed something different about him. He would not make eye contact with you. When he held your hand, he squeezed it a little too tight, but you thought it was just because you were still recovering. Either way, another thing was that he was never alone in the room with you, which you didn’t really mind, but you thought by this point, you would have been able to talk to him. Especially since you were caught up about Eddie still being wanted and not being able to be there. And you missed him so much.
The day you were released finally came. Steve was supposed to come get you after he was done with work but since Joyce was there, visiting Max with Will, she offered to give you a ride and you couldn’t get out of there fast enough back home to your boys. So you accepted. The ride felt longer than anything had in your life but you didn’t care. You were finally back. Patched up and wounded, but back.
“Are you sure you don’t need me to come help settle you in?” Joyce asked once she parked on the driveway of the small cabin where you saw Steve’s car.
“Really, you’ve done more than enough, Joyce” you said, giving her a big hug.
“Okay, call me if you need anything else, alright?” she smiled as you got out of the car.
“Thanks, Joyce” you said, closing the door. “Bye, Will” you said, hugging him as he got off the car to get into the front seat.
“Bye, (Y/N)” Will said before getting in and them driving away.
You took a deep breath and started making your way up to the door. You could hear Steve and Eddie discussing something inside but you couldn’t really make up the words. You wanted to open the door but then you remembered this was a different house. This wasn’t your old home, and it was most likely locked because of Eddie’s situation. So, instead, you knocked.
“Who’s that?” Eddie said, looking at the door, as Steve felt his heart drop.
“Go to the room” he instructed.
“Now, Eddie” he said, widening his eyes at him and Eddie nodded, walking away. Steve made his way over to the door with his bat nearby just in case.
He dropped the bat. He knew that voice. He heard Eddie coming out of the room in less than a second
“Is that-?”
It didn’t take long for Steve to open the door and reveal you on the other side.
“(Y/N)!” they said at the same time, standing there, not doing anything else. They both seemed afraid to even touch you. Steve scanned the area just quickly enough to make sure nobody else was there before he pulled you inside.
“Hi” you smiled at them, expecting hugs, kisses, or at least a smile, but nothing came.
“How did you get here?” Steve asked, still looking back just to make sure nothing else happened.
“Joyce gave me a ride. She was visiting Max and the doctor said it was okay for me to be discharged and-”
“I told you I was going to come get you in a few hours, I just came over to change” Steve said, getting upset. Your heart broke a little.
“Steve-” Eddie tried.
“You should have called me” Steve added.
“I didn’t… know what time you got off work and I thought I could um-” you said, grabbing Eddie’s letters from your bag and smiling back at them. “I thought I could make lunch for us” you told them. “Joyce even stopped by the grocery store so I could get everything to make your favorite” you smiled at them.
“Y-you shouldn’t be doing all this work, princess” Eddie said, grabbing the things from you. His heart breaking at the sight of the bandages on your arms. But you could only concentrate on one thing. Princess. You hadn’t heard that in so long. “I’ll make lunch, you just get some rest, okay?” he smiled weakly at you and made his way over to the kitchen.
“Oh” you said, feeling dejected. “O-okay” you told him, trying not to sound so upset.
Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m gonna go take a shower” he said, kissing your head quickly and leaving towards the bedroom.
You couldn’t help but feel your heart breaking a little. Something was off. These weren’t your boyfriends. They didn’t even seem happy to have you back. You tried to shake the feeling off and decided to follow Eddie to the kitchen.
“Hi” you smiled, shyly.
“Hey, princess” Eddie smiled at you, before going back to cooking. “You’re supposed to be resting” he told you.
“I feel very well rested” you said, walking closer to him. “Can I help?”
“I got it-”
“Eds” you said, making him look at you. He could see the pleading in your eyes. You were giving him that look that he knew he couldn’t say no to. “Please?”
“Yeah, okay” he sighed.
You grabbed some of the vegetables from the bag and a knife so you could start mincing. You didn’t remember the last time you felt shy around Eddie or Steve. They had always made you feel so comfortable, and love, and save. And now, you felt like you were walking on eggshells. They hadn’t even hugged you. And you missed their hugs so much. But there was so much tension in the air. All you wanted to do was jump into their arms and have them kiss you and spoil you and cuddle you like they used to. You couldn’t even find the courage to ask Eddie how he was. You have no idea what had been going on here since you all came back from the Upside Down but you knew something wasn’t right. You were so lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t even notice Steve coming back into the kitchen.
“I thought Eddie said he would cook” he said, looking at you.
“Uh, I just wanted to help” you tried.
“You should be resting” Steve said, sternly.
“Steve” Eddie warned him as you tried your best to act as if nothing was going on and kept on mincing the mushrooms. But, without meaning to, you cut your finger.
“Shit” you muttered, making your way over to the sink. And that’s when all hell broke loose.
“What happened?” Eddie asked, turning to you.
“Nothing, I just cut myself, is not a big deal” you said putting your finger under water and grabbing one of the towels.
“For fuck’s sake! This is why Eddie told you he would cook!” Steve snapped, as the two of them walked over to you. “Why can’t you ever just listen?!”
“It was an accident” you frowned, confused. “And it’s not even that deep, I just need a bandage-”
“That’s not the point” Eddie said, in a lower tone, but equally angry. “The point is that you just keep doing whatever the fuck you want and you keep getting hurt” he said, glaring at you.
“E-excuse me-?”
“Oh don’t play dumb now!” Steve chuckled angrily. “Not after that shit you pulled on the Upside Down!”
“W-what are you talking about-?”
“What are we talking about?” Eddie said, as he still grabbed your hand, cleaned it up, and place a bandage around your finger. “This” he said, pulling your hand up and pointing at your bandages. “This is what we’re talking about! You almost got yourself killed!”
And then it made sense. They were mad, no, they were furious at you, for what you did.
“I didn’t-” you tried, but you felt your throat tightening. “I just thought-”
“You thought?” Steve snapped. “No, you weren’t thinking!” he said, getting closer to you. “We told you to do one thing. One” he said, with a few tears escaping his eyes. “Don’t play the hero” he said.
“I w-wasn’t trying to-”
“YOU STILL DID!” Steve yelled. Steve never yelled at you. Or Eddie. “We told you that if things went south you had to come back here, with Eddie and Dustin! And you decided to leave! You decided to lock Eddie in the trailer and run out there so all the fucking bats could have a fucking feast on you!”
“N-no, it wasn’t like that-”
“It doesn’t matter!” Steve cut you off. “It doesn’t matter because that’s what happened!”
“Steve” Eddie tried, knowing this could only get worse.
“No! She doesn’t get to do this!” Steve pulled away from Eddie and glared at you. “You don’t get to come here and act as if nothing happened!”
“That’s not what-”
“You’re not the one that had to wake up to Eddie screaming from nightmares of you literally dying in his arms!” he said, pointing at Eddie who looked away from you. “You’re not the one that had to see one of the people you love the most, unconscious in a hospital bed hooked to so many machines and having no idea if you were going to wake up!” he continued, and you now noticed Eddie was crying as well. You made them both cry. You felt your heart breaking into a million pieces. “I had to come and find you almost dead in Eddie’s and Dustin’s arms” he explained. “We had to carry you all the way back and then I had to drive you over to the hospital, trying to make sure that you wouldn’t bleed to death” he said, with tears falling down his eyes as you tried your hardest to contain yours. “I had your blood all over me” he kept going as more angry tears kept falling down his cheeks. “I heard you die” he said, with his voice shaking and you felt your heart drop. Nobody had told you that. And you were certain that Eddie didn’t know about it either because his eyes widened in surprise, looking at Steve. “When I brought you in, you died for like a minute and they had to bring you back. And I heard it” he said, crying harder. “And I couldn’t do anything because you had lost so much blood and I don’t have your blood type but Eddie does, but he couldn’t be there because he had to stay hidden” he yelled.
“Steve, you never told me that” Eddie said, with his deep, quiet voice, pulling his boyfriend closer.
“I didn’t want to” Steve muttered. “You were already blaming yourself” he said, making you feel even worse. “He was blaming himself for not being able to save you” Steve glared at you a little. “He blamed himself for what you did” he told you.
You finally had let your tears fall. You couldn’t take it anymore. You failed them. Eddie was blaming himself, having nightmares, and he couldn’t even try to get back to a normal life because he had to stay hidden. And Steve. Steve had tried to keep everything together. Like he always did. And you weren’t there for him. You left him. Your plan failed. You did what you thought you needed to do to help them and get them out of there safe, but instead, you broke them.
“I’m s-sorry” you said with a shaky, quiet voice, making Steve and Eddie look back at you but you didn’t dare look back at them. You remembered how afraid you were when Eddie had disappeared after Chrissy’s death and you couldn’t find him, and you had no idea if he was okay. And you remembered how terrified the first time you went to the Upside Down and found Steve being eaten by the same demo-bats you tried to fight. And you did the same thing to them. To both of them at the same time. You found yourself squatting down on the kitchen floor as tears ran down your cheeks. All you wanted was for them to hug you and to make everything that happened in the past weeks go away. But you didn’t even feel worthy of their hugs anymore. You didn’t feel worthy of their love anymore. “I’m so sorry” you said, pulling your knees to your chest. “I didn’t mean to do that” you said, wiping away your tears. “I just got scared that we were running out of time” you admitted. “And I didn’t want you to get hurt” you said, still looking at the floor. “Either one of you” you told them. “I love you two so much a-and” you stuttered. “You always take care of me and you always protect m-me and I just…” you sighed. “I just wanted to help” you said, hugging yourself. “I just wanted both of you to be safe” you cried a little harder, resting your head on your knees.
And then… then you felt it. You felt two pairs of arms wrapping around you and pulling you to them. You were back. You were back in their arms and you were safe. You were all safe. You felt soft kisses being pressed against your head and forehead as you kept crying.
“Shh, it’s okay, princess” Eddie said, stroking his back.
“N-no, it’s not” you complained, still not wanting to let go of them. “Y-you were right” you said. “I know what I d-did was reckless a-and stupid and I w-wasn’t thinking, and now I have these stupid ugly scars all over me” you sobbed. “I just w-wanted for you to be okay and instead I hurt you and I made you worry about me, a-and I made you have nightmares a-and-”
“No, sunshine” you heard Steve, pulling you a little closer to him. Sunshine. You also hadn’t heard that in so long. “I’m so sorry” he said, kissing your head. “I didn’t mean to snap at you” he said, holding your hand in his. “I know you were just doing what probably any of us would have done” he told you.
“We were just scared” Eddie said, shedding a few tears again. “We thought we had lost you. But now we have you back” he said, giving you a peck on the lips.
“We missed you so much” Steve cried, kissing you softly as well.
“I m-missed you too” you said, resting your head on Steve’s shoulder as you grabbed Eddie’s hand, playing with his rings. “I’m glad you two are okay” you muttered silently as Steve kissed the side of your head while Eddie kissed your hand. “So, my plan kind of worked” you said, looking up at Eddie who let out a small chuckle.
“Don’t push it, princess” he warned you.
“I really am sorry” you told them, looking up at them.
“We know, sunshine” Steve said, hugging you tighter. “So are we. And we’re just happy you’re okay” he said as they got up, helping you up with them.
“You want to help me finish lunch?” Eddie smiled, pulling you closer.
“No” Steve said, pulling you over and kissing your forehead. “We’ll make lunch. You can just stay here and relax” he said, going back to Eddie.
“But Eddie hates your cooking” you smiled and Steve placed his hands over his heart.
“Alright, it’s not funny anymore” he glared at you and then at Eddie.
“Yes, it is, love” Eddie said, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Hey, sweetheart, I have a question” Steve said as he pulled everything out of the bag. “Why didn’t you get anything to make your favorite?”
“Oh, I just wanted to cook for you two today” you smiled at them.
“Well, lucky for you, we actually made your favorite for desert” Eddie said, grabbing plates filled with everything sweet that you loved so much. You felt your heart flutter and your eyes water again but for a completely different reason. “You didn't think we weren’t going to spoil our girl when she came back from the hospital, right?” he smiled at you and you went over to kiss each one of them.
“Thank you” you said, as Steve hugged you closer to him. “One question, though” you said. “Did Steve cook it or-?”
“Okay, now it’s starting to hurt!” Steve said, glaring at you playfully. But he couldn’t help but smile at you and leaned down to kiss you again. “I love you” he said, looking at you and then at Eddie.
“Me too” Eddie said walking over and kissing you both as well.
“Me three” you said, snuggling back in their arms.
The End
A/N hope you liked it :D let me know what you think! :) 
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owarinaki · 2 years
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Stranger things S4E8 -
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will80sbyers · 2 years
« not everything has an happy ending.... I'm not talking about failed romance »
you know how in it 2 they foreshadow the ending at the beginning of the movie? yeah, I think this part of the Steve and Robin dialogue from s4e8 is foreshadowing how the ending of stranger things will be sad but not because of a failed romance...
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westwingwolf · 2 years
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2022 has been my year for shipping.
Thony De La Rosa & Arman Morales - The Cleaning Lady, S1E6 “Mother’s Mission” - February 14, 2022
Miriam ‘Midge’ Maisel & Lenny Bruce - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, S4E8 “How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?” - March 11, 2022
Kate Sharma & Anthony Bridgerton - Bridgerton, S2E6 “The Choice” - March 25, 2022
Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford - The Rookie, S4E22 “Day in the Hole” - May 15, 2022
Joyce Byers & Jim Hopper - Stranger Things, S4E9 “Chapter Nine: The Piggyback” - July 1, 2022
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