#stray kida reaction
netfelixnchill · 6 years
Fun// Lee Felix
Genre: Collage! Friends to lovers!
Pairing: Felix x Reader
Length: 2.2k
Summary:(inspired by Troye Sivan’s Fun) “Lets go have fun, you and me in the old Jeep.” The dark haired boy suggests. “I like that idea.” You say as you both smile.
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You get to class right as the bell rings. It’s the third time this week that you’ve almost been late.
“Almost late again miss y/n.” Your teacher tells you. “If your late again next time, you’re staying after class to grade my tests.” He teased.
You were one of his favorites and you knew he always joked around with you when you were late.
You take your seat. “That’s the third time this week y/n. Why are you always almost late?” The boy next to you asked.
“It’s just stressed. It’s no big deal. Besides, Mr. Kim loves me. I’m one of his favorites.” You tell the boy.
“Yeah whatever.” He said.
“Ok class. This weeks assignment will be done in desk partners. You have to produce a song. For some it will be easier than it will for others but I believe that you all can do well. You have all of this week in class to discuss and work on it but I suggest to meet outside of class to work on it too. Brainstorming will begin... now.” Your teacher explained.
You turned to the boy next to you. “What should the song be about?”
“No clue. Give me your notebook.” He asks.
“Why? You have your own.” You protest.
“Yeah but you have better ideas.” He said.
You were cautious of what he read in your notebook because you wrote down all of your feelings in it. When you saw that he was about to turn to the next page you stopped him and asked what he thought about a line on the page he was still on.
“Wait, what about this...” you start to sing a small melody that you had in your head “Don’t you wanna see the world, boy?” You suggest.
“Yeah, that has a good tone to it. I like it.” He said smiling.
What you didn’t know about Felix is that he loved hearing you sing. It always made him happy.
“Class is about to end, wanna meet up after school at the cafe to work some more on it?” You ask him.
“Yeah, sounds good. I’ll try to work on it in my next class too.” He says.
“Felix,,, focus on what you’re doing in that class first ok? We have all week to work on this song.” You tell him.
“Yeah yeah whatever.” He says ignoring your statement, “see ya Y/n.” He says waving.
You make your way to the library since you had no other classes that day. You went to find a table and took out your laptop. You opened the music maker app and plugged your headphones in and started making the beat. It was turning out quite well and you were proud of that.
Next thing you knew someone was leaning in listening to the music you were making. You take on headphone off so that the person could hear.
“How does it sound so far?” You ask.
“It sounds really good actually.” The boy said laughing a little.
“Glad you think so Felix.”
“Yeah. So are we gonna go to the cafe now?”
You and Felix finally made it to the cafe. He went to order two drinks while you got a table. You found an empty table by a window.
You took a seat and waited for Felix to join you. He handed you your iced coffee and you guys started brainstorming again. Next thing you knew you guys were actually almost done with the song. You had all the lyrics written down and the melody.
“We got a lot of work done today. I didn’t think we would finish this early.” You say.
“I didn’t either.” He agrees.
“Come over to my place tomorrow after school so we can record the lyrics ok?” You suggest.
“Sounds good. I won’t find you in the library again will I?” He asks giving you a slight smirk.
“No sir. I will be recording my own lines at that time. So just come over right after your last class ok?”
“Alright. I’ll see ya tomorrow y/n.” Felix says waving and giving you a sweet smile.
That boy was doin something to you and you didn’t know what. But you actually did. You knew exactly what he was doing,,, he was making you fall in love with him. As much as you hated it, you were falling for the dark haired boy.
It was the next day. You finally got to class on time, even early actually. You sat down at your desk for a good 15 minutes until the other students came in.
“Where is he?” You thought. “Felix is never late,,,”
Just as you were thinking about that, he stumbled through the door. Everyone in the room was shocked. Even you... even your teacher was shook™️. Everyone stared at Felix. Their eyes followed him to his seat.
“Why is everyone looking at me?” He asked you.
“Hmm I wonder why? Maybe because YOU HAVE PLATINUM BLONDE HAIR?????” You whisper-yelled.
“Oh yeah... I forgot I did that haha.” He said chuckling a little.
During the entire class period you two just talked about whatever. You both agreed that Felix would come over to your place to record the lyrics of the song.
It had only been two days and you guys where already almost done with the project. During the class period Felix kept on getting compliments from everyone in the class.
Soon enough class ended and when you two walked into the hall way everyone stopped and stared at him. He constantly got compliments from everyone. You felt a little jealous and left out because you weren’t the most popular at school. Aside from that you two made it out of the school and towards your car.
“That was a lot of people complimenting you.” You said.
“Yeah,, I kinda don’t like it.” He said.
“What do you mean kinda?”
“I mean like,, the attention is nice but there’s too much of it.” He explained.
“Yeah I get it.” You said starting the car.
You two show up at your apartment and started the recording. You two messed around a little bit but got the work done over all.
When you two finished you decided to order some pizza and just relax seeing as it was only Wednesday and you already finished the song. You both expected to finish fast though. You were both the top students in the class.
“Is pepperoni ok?” You ask Felix.
“Yeah. Oh! Get some chicken wings too!!” He said excitedly.
“Alright. Can I also add some chicken wings? Yes that’ll be all. Thank you.” You hang up.
“What should we watch?” You ask Felix.
“Let’s watch Frozen!”
“Not again... I cant stand you singing along and putting ‘mate’ after every sentence!!!!”
“Too bad.” He said grabbing the remote with a cheeky smile.
Ding dong
“PIZZAS HERE!” You both exclaim rushing off the couch like maniacs trying to get to the door.
“Hi...” you say out of breath. “Oh,, Hyunjin it’s you, I didn’t know that you were still on your shift.” You say taking the pizza from the boy.
“I was just finishing up and my boss asked if I wanted to deliver the pizza to you.” He explained. “It’ll be 17.46 by the way.”
“Here.” You handed him a 20 dollar bill.
“Why can’t I get more???” He asked pouting.
“Because I don’t wanna. Besides I gave you 30 last time.”
“But you love me.”
“I may love you but not that much.”
“Alright enough with the sappy lovey dovey flirting stuff. Can we eat already??” Felix said with a hint of jealousy but no one noticed.
Both you and Hyunjin stopped talking and looked at each other then back at Felix. You both bursted into laughter. Felix turned a little red and was very confused.
“Felix,, do you thing we’re dating or something?” You ask him.
“I mean,, you guys act like it so kinda...”
You and Hyunjin kept laughing soon falling to the ground.
“Why do you guys keep laughing?” Felix asked being very confused.
“Felix,” you say between laughs. “He’s my cousin.” You say continuing to laugh. (we ain’t in alabama y’all)
“Don’t worry we get it a lot though. It’s nothing new but it sure is hilarious every time someone asks us.” Hyunjin explained laughter subsiding.
“Alright well I’m gonna go. See ya next week Chubbs.” Hyunjin said patting your hair.
“What ever fatty.” You said closing the door.
“Chubbs? Fatty? What??” Felix asked being the most confused he’s ever been.
“We’ve been calling each other that since we could talk honestly.” You say. “Anyways,, don’t we have a movie to get to??”
“Yeah.” He said giving you a little smile.
You and Felix both sat on your couch with pizza the pizza while watching Finding Nemo. Surprisingly it was both of your guys’ favorite movie along with its sequel, Finding Dory.
After the two of you finished watching both of the movies Felix had a crazy idea.
“Hey y/n, this might sound crazy but... let’s go have some fun. Just you and me in my old Jeep.”
“I like that idea.” You said to him smiling.
You both grabbed your jackets and shoes and headed out the door.
You made your way to Felix’s Jeep. You both put on some up beat music and started singing along... loudly too. But you guys were having fun. This was the most fun you’ve had all year and you weren’t mad about it. In fact you were glad that you were out of the house, and especially with someone who you trusted most.
After a while you guys kept cracking really bad jokes laughing way too hard at them but you didn’t care. Soon enough you guys arrived at a beach. It was pretty nice. It wasn’t a popular beach so there were maybe 3 other people there but spread apart a lot. When you got out of the car you immediately sprinted to the sand. Kicking your shoes off behind you, you ran towards the water. Soon after Felix follows you in. You both splash water at each other while laughing.
“Hey y/n.”
“Why couldn’t the pirate recite the alphabet?”
“Uhhhh because he kept saying argh?”
“No.. because he kept getting lost at c (sea)”
Felix found that absolutely hilarious. He kept laughing until he was almost drowning in the shallow water.
Felix saw a really good wave behind you so he did the unexpected. He picked you up over his shoulder and started towards the wave. It wasn’t too big of a wave but it was a decent size.
Next thing you know you both were under the water. You come back up for air while laughing and screaming at him.
“You look cute when you get surprised.” He said.
You were shocked. No one had ever called you cute. You both decide to get out of the water and watch the rest of the sunset. You sat with a towel wrapped around you while sitting on a rock. You enjoyed the scenery.
You felt a pair of eyes on you so you turned towards Felix and saw him staring at you. He gave you a warm smile while brushing a piece of hair out of your face. You blushed at his action. He noticed your blush and chuckled. He faced the sunset. The sun was hitting him perfectly. You saw all of the individual freckles on his face while the sun also made all of his features sharp and defined. You had came to he conclusion that you were really falling for him. And hard.
“Can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything Felix. You’re my best friend.”
It hurt a little bit saying that.
“Ok so here goes nothing... So there’s this girl I like.. she’s beautiful, crazy talented and honestly one of the best people that has ever been in my life.”
Your heart broke a little while he said this but you kept listening to what he had to say.
“I’ve been spending more time with her lately and I’ve gotten to know a whole new part of her. I really really REALLY like her, but I don’t know how to ask her out.”
You were sad knowing he liked someone else but you still helped him.
“Hmm well maybe you should just ask her if she wants to go out sometime. I mean if someone were to ask me out I wouldn’t want some huge proposal. I wish you the best of luck asking her out. Whoever she is will be lucky to have someone like you.”
“Well I don’t exactly know if she likes me back.” He said rubbing the back of his neck. “So here goes nothing.”
You were confused at where he was going with this.
“Y/n... will you go out with me?” He asked giving a shy smile.
You didn’t know how to respond.(Y/n.exe has stopped working.)
“Wait... what??” You ask confused.
“Will you go out with me?”
“Are you serious??”
“Felix... I’d love to go out with you.” You said hugging him tightly. You felt safe and secure in his arms and he loved the feeling of having you in his arms. It all felt so... perfect.
The End
A/N: i know it’s really bad i did this in like an hour sksksk. i hope you liked it nonetheless
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hxnxjisxng · 5 years
Stray kids reaction to a member staring that their girlfriend for a little to long:
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•The group and you would be sitting in the dorms living room
•Hanging out and talking
•You hadn’t noticed Jisungs eyes on you
•But Chan definitely had
•He pulled you closer to him and gave you a deep kiss
•He didn’t care if everyone could see
•He wanted he fellow member to know
•You where his
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•Woojin was never one to get jealous
•But when he noticed The maknae’s eyes on you for a bit to long
•He felt the need to show him you were his
•You has gotten up to go get something
•And when you got back you had planned to just sit beside him like you were before
•But woojin has other plans
•And pulled you onto his lap
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•Minho is very possessive
•So when he saw Changbin staring at your ass
•He voiced his opinion about it
•”stop staring at my girlfriend “
•Aftwr he said that
•He went back to what he was doing like nothing happened
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•Babyboy would get a little mad
•The members knew you were his
•So when he saw seungmin staring at you
•He callee your name and took you into his room to cuddle
•So no one could stare at you
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•He would be very dramatic about it
•He looked over to see woojin checking you out
•He would say
•”bro she’s mine”
•And then go on with what he was doing
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•He would be cocky about it
•When he saw chan checking your ass out
•He would cone behind you
•And give your ass a playful squeeze
•And whisper in your ear
•”how did I end up with such a beautiful girlfriend
•Lets just say Chan didn’t stare again
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•Honestly I think he would get the most jealous
•He would see minhos eyes on you from across the room
•He would pull you closer to him
•And start leaving pecks on your neck
•He would whisper in your ear
•”Baby Minho is staring at you and I don’t like it,let’s show him you’re mine”
•You got the message and frappes Felix’s hand and walked out of the room for a very fun night
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•He is another bby that gets really jealous
•Once he saw Felix’s eyes on you
•He would stare at him
•Until He would stop
•Showing felix you are his
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•cute baby wouldn’t know what to do at first
•At first He was shocked that Chan was staring at your ass
•Then he started to get jealous
•He would walk up to you and grab your hand
•Asking you if you wanted to go into his room and watch a movie and cuddle
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byul-bit-arae · 6 years
ok but listen to this:
stray kids didn't just highlight sensitive topics like anxiety, depression and insecurity to tell us that it's okay and that we're not alone and that they are here for us and it's going to be okay,
stray kids didn't just bring skz and stay together.
stray kids also brought stays together. all of us who have been bruised, all of us who have stumbled in the dark, who have walked through a rough rocky road, who have been lost. they succeeded to create a platform for all of us who thought we were alone to meet others who have faced similar experiences, who have felt similar pain, similar weaknesses.
stray kids are really out there saving the youth and making the world a better place. and I think that's beautiful.
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imoutofinfires · 6 years
Stray Kids: 1st Year
Honestly it hasn't been long since i have began stanning Stray Kids but it has been the best. I am not even exaggerating when I say that they make me so happy. Even though I don't personally know them , their songs including the lyrics , the beat and the choreo really help cheer me up when I have a bad day. I honestly never feel alone because one of them is always there to interact with us , whether it's on Vlive or YouTube vids. And I know that isn't only for me but there also so many Stays that feel the same way and that's why I want to thank Stray Kids for the service that they do sjvshsjshwh. I hope you guys get enough sleep, eat enough and know that you do enough. I love you all of you so much ,I could cry me a river:)
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luadelaidia · 5 years
the ache that comes with loving you ╬ w.j
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pairing: woojin x reader
genre: angst
word count: 835
summary: sometimes it hurts too much to love someone anymore.
warnings: very very vague mentions of self harm. and when i say vague i mean barely there, but please be aware of that, especially if you have a sensitive trigger.
a/n: the lyrics included are from the song Repeat Until Death by Novo Amor, so give it a listen to really get into this!
Low, a part of me now
A palm to my mouth
I said it, almost
He leaned against the desk next to him, tired eyes watching your sleeping form on the sofa. Your cheeks were stained with tears, the pillow beneath you slightly damp. It brought a dull ache to his chest seeing you like that, seeing the result of words said in the blind heat of a stressful moment.
It had been days since you’d slept in the same bed as him, hours since he’d had to compose himself before exiting his car after another argument, minutes since he’d found you there again.
It had been a week since the shattering of the delicate facade he’d put up to keep his feeling at bay and it still effected you now.
Snow, brother, I'll bet it all gold
Shudder with blood in my nose
I had it, almost
“You’re so determined to protect yourself and your feelings, but what about me? When did you become so selfish?!”
He remembered the venom in your voice. The words were meaningless, a shadow bullet that still pierced through his chest. You didn’t mean a single word you said but that didn’t stop them from cutting at his heart like knives. He cared about you, more than he could ever tell you. The thoughts he had were poisonous. You didn’t deserve that burden.
Don't go, you're half of me now
But I'm hardly stood proud
I said it, almost
You weren’t sure what brought you to say half the things you did, to take half the low blows that you did, but you felt betrayed. Discovering the true nature of your beloved’s mental from someone else was like a punch to the gut. Didn’t he trust you?
Oh, I've been low
But dammit, I bet it don't show
“I was afraid you’d leave. I didn’t want you to leave,” he told you, the wavering in his voice more than enough to melt away the lot of the fury in your chest. His eyes were bloodshot, tired, broken.
“God damn it, Woojin. For once, just this once, stop pretending you’re okay! Just talk to me!”
It was heaven a moment ago
Oh, I had it almost
How was he supposed to tell you he missed you? How was he supposed to tell you the long evenings of practice and recording sessions were making him suffer? How was he supposed to tell you about the invasive thoughts and actions that filled each of his restless nights.
“I trust you, don’t you trust me?”
We had it almost
Woojin cried first. The hot tears slid down his face when he’d seen just how much this was hurting you too. So he talked. He said all the things he couldn’t say before. All the twisted thoughts, the insecurities, the things he did to himself when he was alone, the suspicions- no the prayers- that you were getting what you needed from someone else.
He couldn’t make you happy, and it killed him.
Oh, I can't seem to let myself leave you
But I can't breathe anymore
“Maybe we should take a break. I don’t know who you are anymore.”
You spoke with a flat tone, teary eyes betraying you. All he could do is stare through blurry vision. His body shook slightly with each wave of tears, but nothing but sniffles and broken apologies fell from his lips.
“Are you even listening?”
Oh, I can't seem to not need to need you
Now he had no tears to cry, just the crushing weight of the emptiness in him. His gaze shifted to his hands as you slowly slipped back into consciousness. Drawing in a deep breath, he locked eyes with you, prepared to say what he needed to get off his chest.
“If I asked you to stay, would you?”
Silence filled the room to the brim, wrapping around his throat and suffocating him. Woojin knew your answer long before he asked you. His shaking fingers reached down beside him and wrapped around the handle of the old duffle. It was the bag he’d brought on the first night he stayed with you, half empty and new, only now it was filled with all his belongings and remnants of what was once beautiful.
“I don’t know how to exist in a world without you, I don’t know if I can,” he said as he made his way to the door. Just before he walked into the dark night, he looked back at you. “The worst part is, even after all of that, even after the first night I knew i lost you, I’m still as in love with you as I had been the first night. I’m sorry, but I can’t live to disappoint you anymore.”
Now it was your turn to ache, to beg him to stay. He was too far gone, though. Lost in despair of disappointing the only thing he had left to live for.
And I can't breathe anymore.
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korijime · 4 years
—anam cara
(gaelic) a person with whom you can share your thoughts, feelings and dreams with ; your soul friend or mate
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d. kunikida, bungou stray dogs
implied insecurities
wc ; five hundred and thirty five words
dt ; @t-amajiki
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riyuu says ; aaaahhh, this was a hard one to write, kinda. i think i made him pretty ooc, ngl. but gere’s literally woke up and said “good morning i’m in love with kunikida” so i just had to do it
this is more or less self-indulgent in the aspect of the dialogue being either heavily referenced or straight up pulled from my conversations with gere, and i’m sure they’ll know which bits weren’t changed. and yes i do imagine myself as kunikida in this situation no i do not regret it.
thank you to @himichii for helping me with the two minute heart attack i had when i realised i didn’t know what his given name was and they helped me settle for ‘kida’ instead. that was fun.
2/3 fics for gere’s birthday, multifandom type beat. happy birthday, gere. i hope you like it. ♡
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“darling, why are you awake?”
you turned at the sound of his voice, a lazy smile pulling at your lips when you saw him standing in the dimly-lit hallway, trying to fix his hair.
“mm, couldn’t sleep. had some things on my mind.”
“things such as?”
you let out a soft chuckle, turning back towards the balcony. night-time yokohama was truly a sight to behold, one you wouldn’t trade for a lot.
“ahh, ‘kida, don’t ask such questions. you already know the answer.”
his tired expression pulled into a frown, as he stared at your back and wondered as to why someone as amazing as you would have such thoughts.
he gently approached the balcony, moving to stand beside you. you turned your head towards him, watching as the cool breeze blew through his hair, as it did yours.
“..what is it?” you questioned after a long silence of staring at each other.
he looked down at his feet, his hands fiddling with the railing of the balcony.
“why do you think such things? what made you think like that?”
he looked back up to see your reaction the question, and wasn’t surprised to see you looking back at him with soft yet pained eyes, a semblance of a smile on your lips.
“no clue.” your voice was barely above a whisper, perhaps with the intention of not wanting to break the peaceful atmosphere.
no one could blame you for that. nights in yokohama were always pleasantly cold, the kind of night which would make one want to take a walk at three am. not many would, not with the underground organisations running rampant at the same time.
but it is nice to think about. walking under the softened lights of the office buildings, with your loved one by your side as you huddled against them under the guise of being cold.
“you shouldn’t think like that. you are not what you see yourself as, darling. you are so much more.”
“you are to me what the stars are to the galaxy. you are to me what the sun is to the galaxy. you you are my sun during the day for i feel only warmth when i’m around you, and you light up my day. you are my stars during the night for it is you who i look at, you who i try to understand, and you who i think of while i sleep.”
kunikida moved impossibly closer to you, taking your hands in his own, and thus making you face him completely.
“you are made of stars, darling. you are otherworldly, you are ethereal, you are beautiful. please don’t forget that.”
“..are you trying to say i’m an alien?”
an exasperated huff left his lips, which sounded like the mix between a chuckle and a sigh.
“that’s what you got from that?”
“hah, no. thank you, though. i love you.”
“of course, i love you too. let's go back to bed.”
he pulled on your hand and led you away from the balcony, stopping only to close the doors. heading towards your shared bedroom, he only had one last thing to add.
“remember, darling. you are enough. you are my ideal partner.”
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tagged ; @t-amajiki @tokyoghoose @kei7ime @inarizsunarin @tsukkiboii @spicyfoodboi @kakiwrites @lcaita @lnarizakis @kuro0luvr @himichii
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cotar-game · 5 years
MC asks the RO their favorite flower, later they find a bouquet of those flowers outside the door to their room, reactions?
Seeren: has a fondness of Stargazer Lilies. If one day to find a bundle of them on her desk, she would use her magic and freeze the flowers in the perfect moment of full bloom, and keep them there forever.
Astha: surprisingly, a true romantic, prefers Roses. Finding the bundle of roses would send her into a tizzy the remainder of the day. She would barely be able to focus during drills or meeting, her head up in Cloud Nine.
Eshad: enjoys Honeysuckle. Rather plain for an eccentric man like him, but he enjoys the scent. The bundle of honeysuckle sits outside of his lamp, innocuous in it's presence, but more of meaning in who gave it. He cradles it in his hands for what seems forever. It reminds him of something.... something from a long, long time ago.
Kida: is a rather simple man, and loves all kinds of Wildflowers. The bouquet he finds ends up in a wreath around his head. At some point he may or may not sneak a flower crown onto MC's head.
Kiyoshi: has a quiet love of Hibiscus flowers. Instead of a bouquet, they are given a small pot of the plant. It is soon whisked away from sight. They never mention it to you, or thank you with words, more so in actions. If you ever sneak into their room, you will find it in the only sunny spot in their little cell of a room, blossoming.
Aenon: used to pick Water Hycinths all the time. They are escorted back to their room after another 'interrogation' from the King, and find the flowers floating on the surface of their pool. If their servants see them wearing the flowers in their hair, no one says anything.
Vanerith: likes Sweet Pea. Give him a bundle and he will keep it in a bag at his side. Occasionally his hand will stray there, brushing ever so gently before pulling it away again.
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{Wrote a short on my three doofuses reaction to the thing}
The news did not reach her lightly. Auryon was informed at the breakfast table with her niece and nephew. Her brother was sitting with them explaining the difference between Solar and arc. Rigel being so little just thought they were the red and blue versions of each other.
But when Sera answered the door and a frazzled Kida-17 stood on the other side Auryon knew. Kida was never upset over anything. A knot tied in her when their eyes met. Kida didn’t say anything she just nodded slightly. This confused both the Titan and Warlock in the room.
“Don’t. Don’t you say that word.” Auryon closed her eyes to fight back the tears.
How had it come to this? How had they survived everything up to now just for this to happen? One second they were making bad chicken puns and the next her best friend was gone. Forever.
Sera was the first to catch on. She realized what it must be when some stray tears escaped her Hunter.
“No...no!” She gasped, covering her mouth and immediately crying.
Sera had always admired the Hunter vanguard from afar. A crush one might say. He was aware of it because of Auryon’s meddling but it had never gone anywhere. But they were friends regardless. A weight settled in her chest. So many things hurt so much just then.
Orion finally understood. There was only a few things that would make both of his girls cry, and everyone in this room was safe.
Andromeda got up from her chair and walked around the table to hug her aunt, Rigel following promptly. They’d never seen Auryon cry. Sera cried sometimes at a sad movie or something but never their auntie Ryo. Auryon sniffled and picked Rigel up to hug him, holding Andromeda with her other arm.
Orion went to Sera to console the sobbing warlock.
Kida paused, thinking about her words.
“I’ve got some coordinates for you. Go raise some hell.”
“I intend to.” Auryon’s face melded into a determined rage when she looked back at Kida.
It made the exo shiver for some reason. She definitely didn’t want to be there when Auryon found who had done this.
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netfelixnchill · 5 years
Incorrect Stray Kids
Changbin: Wait, what do i do now?
Jeongin: Be honest?
Changbin: Why would i do that?
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