#stray kids fairytale au
hanji-cafe · 2 years
Little Briar Rose
Hello!! Oh my... it’s been forever since I’ve posted. I hope all that follow my writing enjoy this piece that I’ve been working on for months on end. Hopefully, after finals I’ll be able to post parts of The Little Mermaid and some others as well! Please enjoy :) 
Warning: Grooming, Kidnapping (No NSFW for this fairytale however)
Word Count: 4.9k 
Fairytale Masterlist
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Part One - True Loves Trick
In a far away land, long ago, lived a king and his fair queen. Many years they longed for a child and finally their wish was granted. A daughter was born and they named her after the dawn: Aurora. A great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom, so that all of high or low estate might pay homage to the infant princess. 
Thus on this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long awaited royal birth and good King Chan and his Queen made welcome their life long friend, King Changbin. These monarchs had only dreamed of one day uniting their kingdom, thus this day would they announce that the princess, Aurora, and the Prince of Changbin, Jisung, would one day be betrothed. 
That day, all the guests gathered in the throne room, each passing by to catch a glimpse of the beautiful and calm infant. Each guest was to bring one singular gift each, no more and no less. Many citizens, lords and ladies, fae and wizards, brought along the best they could afford. 
Prince Jisung, only a few years old, could barely even peek inside the crib where, unknowing to him, his future betrothed lay. He placed a small gold locket in the crib, just beside the infant, and Aurora giggled, grabbing the locket happily. 
The next to grant their gifts were the king's three most trusted faes, Minho, Hyunjin, and Felix. Minho granted her the gift of beauty, and Felix granted her the gift of song, but before Hyunjin could grant his gift, the doors were bombarded open by a great and cold wind. 
Unwelcomed arrived an immortal sorcerer, Seungmin, all powerful and wicked. The King panicked, for the man was not invited after considering the horrid ways he used his magic. Unwanted and shunned away, the man grew in rage and retaliation, wanting the princess for himself, and so he sought out to curse the infant. 
When the princess matures, she will grow in grace and beauty, but if she is not granted to me by her nineteen birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into an unawakenable sleep.  
Though King Chan attempted to stop the man, imprisoning him, the castle security failed to capture Seungmin, the sorcerer disappearing in a cloud of smoke. 
Hyunjin, being the only person who had not granted the girl a wish, knew he couldn’t do much to go against Seungmin, so he made a small alteration. If the princess indeed pricked her finger, she would fall into a sleep, but could be awakened by a true love's kiss.
Still in fear of his daughter’s fate, King Chan burned every spinning wheel in the kingdom, and forbade spinning until the princess passed her nineteenth birthday.  
Not knowing how else to keep her safe, King Chan sent his daughter out to be raised in the muted countryside, where Seungmin wouldn’t even dare to look. His most trusted fae would look after her, keeping her true identity secret from herself. And so King Chan watched with a heavy heart as his most precious possession, his only child, disappeared into the night. 
It was at a young age when Seungmin first approached you. Despite all the precautions, Seungmin was a brilliant wizard, and when you went out to collect berries and fruit, Seungmin would approach you as a wolf. He wasn’t feral or rabid, but rather a gentle animal that would act as your companion as you walked the woods alone. 
After all, he didn’t want his precious bride, Aurora, harmed. 
But as you got older and began to mature, Seungmin visited you less and his desire to stay as a wolf declined. After your 14th birthday he finally revealed himself to you. As he walked with you, his body transformed into a handsome young man, taking you by surprise. 
You cried out of fear, feeling betrayed, and ran back to your cottage. 
“Uncle Minho!” you cried out, running into the cottage. 
“What is it, my rose?” Minho asked you, addressing you by your pet name, as you ran up to him, rather distraught. 
“There was a wolf in the woods that frightened me! It turned itself into a man!” 
Minho’s eyes darkened at the mention of the wolf, knowing almost certainly that it was the sorcerer. All their endeavors to keep you hidden? That has failed you? When you had gone to bed, he gathered together Felix and Hyunjin, to decide what exactly to do. 
“Are we sure that it’s Seungmin?” Felix asked gently. 
“Of course it is! Who else would turn themselves into a wolf?!” Hyunjin snapped.
“It is peculiar that he hasn’t followed her home,” Felix agreed. 
“It must be the boundary. Surely his dark magic cannot make it past our enchantment,” Minho decided. “But it's still rather worrying. Starting tomorrow, one of us should go out with her to gather.”
They both nodded, agreeing, and the next three years they didn’t spot a wolf or man once. 
It was on your Eighteenth when Seungmin revealed himself to you once again. Your uncles had finally let you roam the forest alone, after all you were an adult now, but what they weren’t wary of was the chance that Seungmin might show up again.
You grew paranoid when first spotting the familiar black wolf, and you turned to return to the cottage when, in a rush, Seungmin transformed and cut in front of you dressed in a black fur jacket. 
You wanted to cry out, but Seungmin pressed his hand against your mouth, hushing you. “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
You only nodded, holding your breath. “Y-your the man that I saw on my birthday,” you pointed out, letting out a gasp. Seungmin nodded. 
“Think of me as your guardian,” Seungmin smiled, releasing you from his arms. “I watch over you so nothing happens to you.” 
“But there is no danger in these woods!” you argued, shaking your head, and Seungmin smiled proudly. 
“That’s because these woods are mine, and I keep any dangerous thing away from you.” 
“Who are you?” you ask gently, looking up at him with wide innocent eyes. “My uncles tell me that you’re a bad man, that you want to hurt me.” 
“Nonsense,” Seungmin assured, shaking his head with a chuckle. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so already,” he said, gazing at you lustfully. 
His gaze so intense and passionate unsettled something deep inside of you, and you took a step back from him. “I don’t want any trouble, Mr. Wolf.” 
“And I will not give you any,” he says, “I simply want to accompany you as you gather your fruit.” 
And so Seungmin followed along, watching closely, as you harvested what you could and sang along with the birds. 
Seungmin had been lonely and desperate for any companion to keep him company. His banishment was a worse punishment than death, and visiting you in the woods only made his desire to keep you grow. You were fair, gentle, and kind. Your voice was as sweet as the ripest strawberry and your face was as beautiful as a goddess’s. What else could he ask for in a companion? 
And so over your eighteenth year he became familiar to you. As he walked with you he came to know you well, and though he would withhold any information that could startle you, day by day you came to know him as well. As days ran out until that final decision, Seungmin became more desperate, and he would be sure to tell you who he really was on your birthday, but to you who he was remanded simple. 
He was a friend. 
The Morning of your Nineteen Birthday was started by a beautiful sunrise. The birds chirped outside your window, slowly waking you up, and you quickly got dressed. 
The chill of the spring morning set into your skin, making you shiver as you stepped out into the forest. Dew and a morning frost still resided on the grass beneath your feet, and you felt the forest breath around you. 
With your basket in hand and your fearless demeanor, you set out to collect what you could. Since it was spring, you knew that turnips and carrots were readily available around you, and you began searching for the food. 
Of course your dear little animal friends would follow you. A rabbit, some birds, and a few squirrels here and there. The squirrels had just come out of hibernation and were always searching around for the nuts they had skillfully buried a few weeks before the snow. You enjoyed their company often, having someone with you besides your overbearing uncles… and that strange wolfman. Whenever one of the fae would follow a little too close, the animals would scurry away in a panic, but today there was nothing to scare them away, or so you thought. 
It was when you were playing with a rabbit that the loud sound of horse gallops could be heard approaching you. Never have heard the sound before, you didn’t know what to do, only hiding behind a tree and hoping they wouldn’t spot you, but as might be expected it didn’t work out too well. 
You clutched the bark of the tree tightly before you heard the sound of the hooves against the wet ground halt just a few feet away. You tried to steady your breath, inching around the tree to run, when suddenly you knocked right into a man who looked close to your age. 
You let out a gasp, taking a slow step back. This man was more beautiful than you’ve ever seen before. He had large eyes like a bear cub, and a round face like a chipmunk. His skin was as colorful and soft as wheat that grew in the field in the other directions of your cottage. He towered over you, much taller in height, but he didn’t look menacing like the familiar man you had come to know, instead he looked gentle and kind. His eyes… sparkled. 
“I’ve never seen you before,” he said, admiring your features. You were more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen. 
“I-I uh…” you gulped, backing up, your back hitting the tree. “I…” 
“What’s your name?” he asked. 
You didn’t know what it was about his eyes, but staring into them you could only breathe out, “Rose…” 
You had never had someone take your breath away like this man, and against everything your uncles had taught you, you wanted to learn more about this man, anything. 
“Where are you going?” you asked curiously. 
The man chuckled, and the sound tickled your ears pleasantly. “My father requested me to meet the king of the neighboring country. I was only on my way through the woods when I caught a glance of you.” 
“I’m not supposed to talk to strangers,” you said, glancing away. 
“I have a feeling that we’ve met before…” 
You shook your head.
“No?” he chuckled. “I suppose I would remember such a beautiful face,” he nods, causing you to blush a bright pink. “Perhaps, upon a dream?” 
You let out a cry of surprise as suddenly the man's horse pulled a carrot out of your basket, causing the man to chuckle. “I apologize. Samson loves carrots,” he explained as the horse ate one of your harvested carrots. 
You gulped, nodding. “What’s… your name?” you asked hesitantly. 
“Mine? My name is Jisung,” he answered with a smile. 
“Jisung,” you hummed, before shaking your head and pushing him away gently. “Oh! I’m really not supposed to talk to strangers, though.” 
“Not even a little dancing with them?” Jisung asked, following. “A simple waltz?” 
“My uncles would be furious, really-” you let out a gasp as Jisung took your hand, spinning you around gracefully.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to dance, Rose…” he teased, causing you to blush again. “I can show you,” he assured. One foot at a time, he led you to dance. One foot, and then the other, and before you knew it, you and Jisung were dancing among the trees as the morning faded and the sun rose into the sky. He held you as you spun and swayed with him. It felt like nothing you had ever felt before. Dare you say that it felt like magic- true love… until suddenly-
“Rose?!” you heard Minho call out, and you gasped pushing against Jisung’s chest. 
“You must go,” you assured him, pushing him back towards his horse, grabbing your basket. 
“Come with me,” he offered, “to the castle.” 
“I can’t,” you refused, shaking your head. 
“Will I ever see you again?” 
“Never?!” Jisung cried out. 
“Well… meet me here, tonight!” you said to him, “right after dusk.” 
Determined, he agreed. “I’ll be here.” 
You nodded before giving him a final push, and he sadly mounted his horse, galloping away as you ran back to the cottage. Appearing to Minho, basket in hand, full of turnips, you supplied a hopeful smile. 
“Good Morning, Uncle Minho,” you said, offering the basket. 
Minho was not pleased, giving you a dark glare before ushering you into the house. “What did we tell you about leaving without telling anyone? It’s dangerous!” 
“But Uncle! I didn’t even see a wolf in the woods!” you argued, though you knew the truth about that man. “It was peaceful, only the birds and the rabbits, a-and-” 
“Enough,” he said. “Come inside so we can begin to cook the stew,” he explained, taking the basket and closing the door behind you. 
Unbeknown to any of you, a raven had caught sight of you with the prince along with where exactly you had gone, and he flew back towards the towering black castle in the west. 
Made out of black brick and engulfed in heavy smoke and fog, sat Seungmin’s castle. Around it, the terrain was rocky and covered in shambles of thorns and prickers. The raven flew gracefully above, through the clouds of smoke, and landed just beside where Seungmin sat on his throne before transforming himself into a young man. 
“What did you find, Jeongin?” Seungmin asked. 
“She’s found the prince, sir,” Jeongin reported. “Everything is falling into place.” 
“Wonderful,” Seungmin said, a wry smirk growing on his face.
It was then that they would ambush the prince and take him captive before letting you fall into your trance. If the King wouldn’t give him what he wanted, then Seungmin would be sure to make him pay for the rest of eternity. Afterall, how were you supposed to be awakened or freed if your true love was dead?
“You seem awfully happy today,” Felix notes cheerfully. 
“Oh yes! I-” you stop, blushing a bit. “You can’t tell Uncle Minho…” 
“My lips are sealed,” Felix assures. “Well today… I met a man in the woods-”
Felix’s eyes widened in panic before you shook your head. 
“He wasn’t the man from before!” you assured. “He was softer, prettier,” you said dreamily. “He showed me how to dance. I met him… once upon a dream…” you giggled, “I-I think I love him, Uncle Felix.”
Felix gave you a pitied look. “That is wonderful, except for the fact that- well I know we haven’t told you but- you're betrothed.” 
“Betrothed?!” you cried out in horror.
“To a prince!” 
“A prince? I can’t marry a prince then that would make me-”
“A princess!” Felix answered happily. “Princess Aurora. Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Chan! I know it’s abrupt, but it was only to protect you,” Felix assured, but you turned your head, upset and confused. 
“W-What did you say?” you stuttered, processing all the information that was just thrown at you. “N-no… Uncle. I’m only a girl raised by her uncles. I can’t be a princess! That would mean…” tears began to form in your eyes. “You lied to me?!” 
“Now, Rose… you must not be upset,” Minho spoke from behind. Hearing Felix begin to blurt all the secrets, Minho had rushed upstairs. 
“You! You’ve been lying to me too!” 
“You have to understand that it was to protect you darling,” Minho assured as Felix reached out for you. 
“Don’t touch me!” you snapped, pulling away from his touch. “It doesn’t matter! You lied! My name isn’t even Rose?!” 
“That wolf!” Minho snapped. “That wolf isn’t a wolf! He’s a m-”
“Man! I know!” you blurted. “He already revealed himself to me.” 
“Seungmin revealed himself!?” Minho roared, making you shake your head. 
“At least he has been truthful!” 
“Rose, I assure you that he hasn’t,” Felix said, desperation in his voice. “He’s a wicked warlock! One that was banished for his wrong doings. He has cursed you!” 
“No! I don’t want to hear it!” You sobbed, pulling away from the both of them. “Please leave me alone, Uncle.”
“Please!” you cried. “Please, just both of you go! Just go.” 
Hesitantly Felix agreed pushing Minho back out of the room, before leaving your room to let you gather your thoughts. 
Laid out on your bed you cried and cried until you had no tears left. 
When Felix had told you that you were betrothed to a prince and that you could not return to meet the man of the dream, you were distraught. There wasn’t much they could do for you, regretfully escorting you to the castle, making sure that you didn’t wander off into the woods. Afterall, it was your nineteenth birthday, and they suspected that Seungmin would be on the lookout for you. 
Having you enter the castle, they gifted you a crown and a beautiful dress, but you only burst into tears once they placed it on your head. It was a reminder that you would never get to marry who you chose, and sadly your three uncles left you alone, guarding the door from the outside. 
In a fit of tears and distress, you laid on the bed. You couldn’t get over the way the man had led you along the grass in his arms so gracefully and how perfect your hands fit together. 
It was only when you heard your voice being called that you noticed another door in the room, one not being guarded by your uncles. Whispers of your name would be heard from the open doorway, a draft making you shiver and if in a trance you made your way towards it. 
You shivered, hugging yourself as you hesitantly began to climb the stairwell. Once you reached the top, your heart began to beat out of your chest. There stood the man, the one that had followed you all those years, and had made himself familiar to you in those woods. 
“What have they done to you, Darling,” he said as you moved to take a step back, but the steps were no longer there, but instead a blank wall. Seungmin approached you, reaching to take your face in his hand. “I knew I should have visited you this morning.” 
“You knew who I was and you lied,” you cried softly. 
Delicately, Seungmin cradled your face with his hands. “If I had revealed the truth to you, those faes would have taken you away from me. We would have been separated, darling.” 
You whimpered, nodding as you melted into his hands. “I-I don’t want to be here,” you whimpered, feeling as if Seungmin could take away your sorrows. You leaned farther into his touch, seeking comfort in the affection. 
“I can take you away from here,” he assured. “I can help you leave without them noticing.” 
“Really?” you asked with wide eyes. “You can take me to the woods? I-I would do anything!” 
“Yes,” Seungmin lied. “Where you met that man.” 
“You saw?” you asked bashfully. “Me and the prince- 
Seungmin nodded. “I told you. Those are my woods, and I see all that go on in them.” 
“Oh! We danced all morning,” you said dreamily, pulling away softly to spit around in happiness. “I trust you, Mr. Wolf… take me to the woods please. To the prince.” 
Seungmin nodded, taking you into his arms before another door appeared. When you walked through the threshold, you both appeared in the woods, but in front of his large castle. Your eyes widened at the sight, the view menacing. 
Your stomach dropped as you realized that you had been tricked. 
“Mr. Wolf! T-this isn’t my cottage- My Uncles were right!” 
“Come,” he said, his grip on you firm like steel. “Let me show you all that I rule.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you walked over the dark soil beneath your feet. A dark and old jawbridge laid before you, and you carefully stepped along it, clinging to Seungmin for support. Under laid shambles of sharp thorns and piercing rocks. The sight only made you more desperate to cling onto Seungmin. You jumped hearing the timber wolves in the forest howl and the sound of a raven circling above you. 
When you finally reached the far side, slowly the jawbridge began to rise, and Seungmin led you into his palace slowly, ushering you up the stairs, and towards the top of the castle. 
It was there, in his chambers, where you would be staying with him. 
When the three fae realized that they could no longer hear your cries they rushed to open the door, only to see that you were nowhere to be found. Frantically they searched for you, under the bed, behind the curtains, anywhere possible, but you were gone, and they knew where you had been taken. 
“Seungmin,” Hyunjin snarled. “That man and his tricks.” 
“Enough of that,” Felix argued. “What will we tell the King?!” 
Minho only shook his head. “We won’t be telling him anything.” 
“But he will find out eventually!” Hyunjin argued. 
“No, we will cast a spell on them. If what we know is true, Seungmin will have Aurora prick her finger, and she will fall into that deep sleep. If we cast this spell, they will sleep with her until we can find that man she mentioned and have him kiss her. Only then will her parents and the whole kingdom awake with her.” 
“Will that work?” Felix asked unsure. 
“I will make sure of it.” 
Seungmin’s palace was dark and cold. Your body never seemed to stop shivering, even when Seungmin had given you many wolf pelts. You still shivered under his cold gaze. Though he had been following you for your life, you still knew nothing about the man was true, and that made it uncomfortable. That and the fact that he had tricked you. 
“Don’t be mad at me, love…” he hummed. “I know you better than anyone.” 
“You tricked me.” 
“For your own good,” he explained, approaching you. “That measly prince can’t give you much compared to me.” You flinched as he approached you, and he felt dejected before grabbing your waist and pushing you on the bed. 
You gasped in surprise before he was pressing his lips against yours, kissing you deeply and corrupting something inside you. Though the kiss lit a fire in your stomach, you found the power to resist, helpless pushing him away. 
“No, please!” 
“You don’t have to be scared of me,” he said, his hand gently caressing your cheek. “I won’t hurt you. I only want you to be by my side. To accompany me from now on.” 
“I want to go home.” 
“I want you to marry me,” he confessed, a ring magically appearing in his grip. 
A shocked gasp left your lips as you frantically shook your head. “No!” you cried. 
Seungmin tensed. “No?” he took your hand, attempting to force the ring onto your finger. Despite you pulling and curling your finger, he managed to get the band on your ring finger. “I’ve protected you all these years, accompanied you for all this time. You dare reject me?!” 
“Please,” you cried, pulling on the ring, but it was no use, the metal was enchanted. “I-I don’t want this.” 
“Fine,” he said, snapping his fingers, and suddenly a spinning wheel appeared behind his figure. “Then you’ll prick your finger.” 
“W-what will happen?” you asked hesitantly. 
“You’ll fall into a deep sleep, and only a kiss from your true love will be able to wake you,” he explained honestly. “But- are you so sure that man in the woods is your true love?” he questioned harshly. “Are you sure he will be able to find you in such places?” 
“Don’t make me do it,” you pleaded. 
“I won’t make you do anything,” Seungmin explained. “It’s your choice. The only thing you must do is choose.” 
You looked at him, the man that had kept you safe for all these years, and though you were unsure if that man in the woods was really able to break the spell, you knew that you couldn’t spend the rest of your life with Seungmin in this castle. And so you pricked your finger on the spinning wheel, and into a deep sleep you fell indeed. 
When your motionless body appeared in the bed of the room where Seungmin had tricked you, the fae’s worst fear indeed proved to be true. There you laid, your eyes peacefully fluttered shut on the bed. Seungmin had nearly placed your hands together above your naval as if you were dead, and Felix approached you with sad eyes. 
“What do we do, Minho?” Felix asked sadly, stroking your hair gently. 
“Oh that Seungmin! I’ll kill him! Let me at him, and I’ll turn him into a rock and throw him off the highest cliff into the deepest ocean!” 
“No, Hyunjin we can’t,” Minho urges. 
“We first need to decide what we're going to tell the king… He’ll be furious!” Felix cried. “All these years… no- he’ll be heartbroken…” 
“They aren’t going to find out,” Minho pointed out. 
“They aren’t?” the other faes asked. 
“Like I said, we’ll put them all to sleep with Aurora. When she wakes, they will as well.” 
Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other. “You think that will really work?”
“I know it will. Come.” 
And so the faes flew around the castle, casting a strong spell on each and every inhabitant in the castle. The Queen, King Chan, King Changbin… and all the rest, but just as Felix moved to place King Changbin into sleep, his eyes fluttered shut with the words, “Falling in love with some peasant girl… hmph!” 
Felix halted. “Peasant girl, your majesty?!” 
Changbin’s eyes fluttered open and shut slowly, “peasant girl…” he mumbled. “Once upon a dream…” 
“Minho!” Felix cries, flying off just as the King’s eyes fell permanently shut. 
“What is it, Lix?” Minho asked curiously. 
“Once Upon a Dream!” 
“What is the world are you talking about?” Hyunjin hissed. 
“Rose came to me and told me that she had met a man in the woods once upon a dream! But King Changbin- he- well he said that Jisung had met a girl once about a dream!”
Minho’s eyes grew wide. “We must find him before Seungmin discovers the truth!” 
Hyunjin’s face fell into a grave expression. “Let’s hope he hasn’t already…” 
Jisung couldn’t help but feel nervous. Had he been stood up? He abandoned his fathers wishes of marrying the princess to marry a maiden girl that didn’t even bother to show… He was just about to mount his horse and apologize to his father and King Chan when suddenly he heard movement in the brush of the woods. 
He turned to see what the sound was when suddenly a raven was swarming around his face. Jisung let out a yelp of surprise, swatting the bird away before suddenly ropes were wrapping around his whole body. His hands, arms, legs, and feet tightened together though no figure could be seen in the moonlight except the raven. 
The ropes tightened, burning his skin, until a dark figure appeared to him. 
As Seungmin revealed himself, Jisung was on high alert. “What kind of trick is this?!” Jisung yelled. 
“You already fell for the trick, little prince,” Seungmin laughed. “You thought the princess would meet you here? No, she’s mine.” 
“The princess…?” 
“Look how puzzled you are, picking up the pieces of the puzzle,” Seungmin laughed with a playful tisk. “Your fair maiden is indeed not a peasant woman as you told your father but rather the very princess you were destined to marry.” 
“Let me go!” Jisung snapped, pulling against the rope, causing them only to tighten. 
“I don’t think so,” Seungmin seethed. “I have better plans for you.” 
“We’re too late,” Hyunjin said sadly as they reached the woods surrounding the cottage. “He’s nowhere to be found.” 
“Then we know who did this,” Minho nodded. “And we know what we must do.” 
“Oh, you don’t mean… go to his palace, do you?” Felix asked with wide eyes. 
“It’s the only way, Felix,” Minho nodded. “We have to face Seungmin.” 
The other fae nodded sadly. What once started as a misunderstanding somehow grew into such a catastrophe. 
As they made their way through the woods, the purple fog began to grow darker and darker. Once the fae reached the old jaw bridge, Felix could feel the nerves in his stomach. “This is a bad idea.” 
“We must save the prince so he can awaken Aurora,” Minho urged. “We have to.” 
The others nodded nervously before they flew across, not daring to step foot on the rotting wood of the jaw bridge. On the other side, enchantments were placed at every door, guarding the prisoner somewhere inside. 
[Tag list: @hyune-bun​ @hannie-squirrel00​ @cb97zone @corruption-skz @bearseungmin-events Please let me know if you want added!!!]
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solastalgiart · 11 months
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🎃 couple’s costume
-ft. lino’s red running hoodie and the puppy werewolf!chan agenda
find more of minchan (fanart, fics, edits, quizzes, playlists, and more!) in the minchan digital zine vol.3 - gdrive | heyzine
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redloftwing · 9 days
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Here he is, our main character :). Lee Felix is a seemingly airheaded faerie who loves to dance in open clearings with his creator, the world around him. Feeling suffocated by his older brother's watch, he wants to leave the community and explore the lands to his heart's content.
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smutracha · 10 months
A Kingdom of Strays
(a working title)
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Standing before your mirror you face a version of yourself you had never seen before. “God I shouldnt’ve had that last joint.” 
The curls of your chocolate hair seem shinier, cleaner but who has the time when all you do is study and waitress at a pub, for drunk men who only seem to stare down your blouse. Here the shimmer in your lace dress shines in the glow of the light filtering through the windows. 
Stepping closer to inspect this mirage of your mind, you reach out to touch the mirror's surface, at the same time that a glow ripples along the mirror’s surface you trip, what you don't expect is that you fall right through. 
“What the fuck?!” You all but screech at the new setting. A bed of soft grass breaks your fall and the smell of earth and soil greets you. The trees and shrubbery that surrounds you is filled with the teeming sounds of life. Light filters in and bounces happily off of the stream beside you. You stare in bewilderment at whatever the hell is going on.
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babygirlbenpaul · 29 days
ben & travis headcanons (updated!) 🫶🏻
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— ben ♡
𓈒 ⊹ his full name is benjamin adam paul.
𓈒 ⊹ his birthday is september 23rd, 1986, and he is seventeen during the events of the season one storyline. (semi-confirmed by trevor hoffmann)
𓈒 ⊹ he plays baritone saxiphone.
𓈒 ⊹ he has vasovagal syncope, which is a condition that causes a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure and leads to fainting, typically in reaction to a stressful trigger (— such as blood; this is why he passed out while lee was cutting his arm off).
𓈒 ⊹ he spaces out and gets distracted/lost in thought very easily. his grades aren’t very good because he tends to have trouble focusing on his assignments.
𓈒 ⊹ all of his favorite colors are different shades of blue. he prefers lighter shades, like baby blue and periwinkle.
𓈒 ⊹ he and his little sister, gabrielle (gabby), are very close despite him being seven years older than her. they playfully fight a lot (which mostly just consists of her roasting the shit out of him with no provocation), but aside from that they get along super well. they watch cartoons together after school and ben pushes her on her swingset a lot.
𓈒 ⊹ however, he’s not really any good with kids that aren’t his sister. he gets nervous around them and is perpetually scared that he’ll slip up and swear in front of them or accidentally hurt them somehow.
𓈒 ⊹ nirvana is his all-time favorite band; he’s been listening to them since he was a kid.
𓈒 ⊹ he’s FTM transmasc.
𓈒 ⊹ he doesn’t ever really talk about it, but he’s really into fairytale lore. his dad, richard, read him fairy stories before bed as a kid, and it sort of spiraled from there and never went away. labyrinth (1986) is his favorite movie because it incorporates similar elements.
𓈒 ⊹ his mom, camila, is columbian. he knows a good bit of spanish that she’s taught him and gabby, but it’s gotten a lot rustier over the years.
𓈒 ⊹ the paul family is on the poorer side, and richard and camila have to work a lot. however, they’re both extremely loving and they’re very good parents. when they aren’t busy, they spend time with their kids, doing things such as playing card games with them or taking them for drives through the countryside. because of this, ben finds long car rides relaxing since they always remind him of his family.
𓈒 ⊹ he really likes gummy fruit snacks. he keeps packs of them in his pockets and his backpack in case he, travis, or gabby gets hungry.
𓈒 ⊹ bisexual, though it’s worth noting that he very rarely experiences attraction to anyone other than travis.
𓈒 ⊹ he gives gabby piggyback rides on the walk home from school if she’s tired.
𓈒 ⊹ diehard mitski stan. (modern au)
— travis ♡
𓈒 ⊹ his full name is travis alexander reed.
𓈒 ⊹ he plays trumpet.
𓈒 ⊹ he’s an only child.
𓈒 ⊹ his birthday is feburary 21st, 1986. he often teases ben about being the younger one.
𓈒 ⊹ he’s really close with his dad, suraj, but a lot less so with his mom, natalia, who’s been an absentee mother for the majority of his life, and hardly ever visits or contacts him.
𓈒 ⊹ he’s indian on his dad’s side and italian on his mom’s.
𓈒 ⊹ he has slight jealousy issues and gets huffy and bitchy whenever someone he likes pays what he deems as ‘too much attention’ to anyone who isn’t him.
𓈒 ⊹ in contrast to ben, he’s surprisingly great with kids.
𓈒 ⊹ he gets along well with clementine and even more so with duck, who in the limited time that they have together, he sees as a little brother. (travis lives au)
𓈒 ⊹ he’s gay. his first crush as a kid was shaggy rogers. (🤔...)
𓈒 ⊹ he’s a cat person. there are a bunch of stray cats that hang around his neighborhood who he’s befriended by feeding them. if he sees one often enough, he gives it a name.
𓈒 ⊹ after unknowingly eating some of mark’s leg meat on the saint johns’ farm, his relationship with food is damaged irreparably. for a few days afterwards he gives his food to clementine or duck in fear that if he eats anything he’ll get sick and their rations will have gone to waste. once he’s able to stomach anything again, it’s a very gradual readjustment. (travis lives au)
𓈒 ⊹ he’s not the most affectionate person, but he’s very clingy, especially with ben. he usually subconsciously holds into his arm when they walk somewhere or sits with his legs across ben’s lap.
𓈒 ⊹ he puts a lot of effort into his appearance, save for how he dresses. he just wears a black hoodie and jeans 90% of the time.
𓈒 ⊹ his favorite foods are coffee flavored ice cream and dark chocolate. he likes things that taste both bitter and sweet.
𓈒 ⊹ autistic.
𓈒 ⊹ he refuses to tell literally anyone this, but he pretty much exclusively listens to girly pop music.
𓈒 ⊹ avid filthy frank and loiter squad watcher. (modern au)
𓈒 ⊹ has a special interest in birds and knows a bunch of random, useless fun facts about them. he likes hummingbirds the most, but hawks and crows are also high on his list.
— ben & travis (mostly modern au / au where they both survive s1) ♡
𓈒 ⊹ they met in 7th grade when ben first joined the school band. it was essentially the ‘extrovert choosing introvert as their new best friend’ trope. though they both have a few other friends in band (travis moreso than ben), they hang out with each other more often than anyone else.
𓈒 ⊹ they once accidentally put on each other’s jackets while getting dressed one morning, much to the immense horror of everyone else in the group who noticed.
𓈒 ⊹ they have joint custody of a nintendo switch. travis mostly plays minecraft, and ben likes animal crossing.
𓈒 ⊹ on rare occasions they play mario kart together. ben mains luigi and travis plays as either daisy or toad. they shit talk each other about how they’re going to beat the other one and then both end up in like 8th and 10th place. they’re mortified every individual time and don’t play again for a while.
𓈒 ⊹ on even rarer occasions (and an unrelated note) they smoke weed or take edibles; usually the latter, and usually on winter/fall/spring break so they don’t end up accidentally going to school stoned.
𓈒 ⊹ travis is a terrible driver. ben is pretty much always the one to take them places, out of concern for the safety of everyone involved.
𓈒 ⊹ they eventually have a daughter together, who they name janey. her full name is janey parker paul. her middle name is after david.
𓈒 ⊹ travis falls asleep on ben a lot, usually with his head on his shoulder or chest.
𓈒 ⊹ they call each other “bro” romantically.
𓈒 ⊹ ben’s favorite features on travis are his hair and his freckles. travis likes ben’s eyes and how tall he is.
𓈒 ⊹ travis thinks it’s really funny to say stupid nonsensical pick-up lines to ben to confuse him. (“if i were dating you. let’s just say horses wouldn’t be called ‘horses’ anymore” “hey what the fuck does this mean” type beat)
𓈒 ⊹ they’re each fairly annoying separately, but they’re a lot more annoying when they’re together. we should all pray for david and his sanity.
𓈒 ⊹ both of them are super cold sensitive. during the autumn and winter months they spend half the time cuddled up together or sharing a blanket to keep warm.
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tinytinyblogs · 8 months
Make you mine
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His only wish: to make you his.
(best friend to lover au, non-idol, lil angst) 2,1k words
💬@sta4 I'm so grateful you reached out with your request. While I apologize if the story didn't quite hit the mark, I hope you still found some moments of enjoyment in it. Your feedback is invaluable to me, and I'll strive to do better next time. My request box is wide open, so fire away with whatever creative ideas you have in mind!
Stray kids masterlist here
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Tears traced salty paths down your cheeks, landing with a silent plop on the forgotten check you clutched in your hand. A wave of inexplicable stupidity washed over you. Hadn't they all warned you? Jisung, your ever-vocal best friend, had practically built a mountain of red flags out of his concerns. Yet, you, blinded by some deluded version of happily-ever-after, had stubbornly dug in, convinced your love story would defy the predictable cliches. You'd anticipated heartbreak, sure. In the past few months, caution had begun to gnaw at the edges of your naivety. But to see him, your so-called boyfriend, entangled with another, not a shred of remorse on his face – that was a dagger straight to the heart. Exhausted from the herculean effort of bottling up your tears, you collapsed onto the floor. Sobbing erupted, a dam finally giving way. The sound echoed through the silent apartment, drawing a swift response.
Through blurry eyes, you saw a familiar figure materialize - Jisung, hair askew in messy sleep-tousled waves, clad in his mismatched comfort uniform of ratty slippers, faded T-shirt, and those ridiculously comfy shorts he swore by. He skidded to a halt, catching his breath after the rushed trip from his place. He sank down in front of you, knees brushing yours. Your teary gaze took in the sight of him, a beacon of comfort in the storm. "I told you," he said, voice thick with barely contained anger, "I told you he was bad news." The words weren't harsh, but they carried the weight of countless unheeded warnings, each one a stitch in the tapestry of your heartache. The sting in your eyes mirrored the chill clinging to your skin, a double-edged blade of betrayal and January wind. Every step leading to this moment had been paved with Jisung's warnings, each one a cobblestone you'd stubbornly skipped over, convinced your love story could defy gravity.
Today, with the truth sprawled open like a discarded map, he'd pleaded again, a desperate chorus of 'Stay home, stay warm' battling the icy winds outside. 'Better a movie night with me than another heartbreak in the cold,' he'd said, his voice laced with the quiet ache of knowing, of seeing. His presence in your now tear-stained apartment was a balm, a flickering candle in the wreckage of your dreams. You didn't understand, the question a bitter whisper on your lips: why even bother looking beautiful for someone who couldn't see your worth? Through the veil of your tears, Jisung saw not a mess, but a person worthy of unwavering support. In his eyes, you shone brighter than any star, even in the storm cloud of your sadness. And now even Jisung ragged breaths, a testament to the sprint he'd made to your side, offered a strange comfort. Ignoring his own fatigue, Jisung sprinted to you, driven by a fierce desire to be your anchor in this storm. 
His embrace wasn't meant to fix anything, but to offer comfort and unwavering support. "Should've punched him harder," he growled, anger searing through the concern in his eyes as he watched the tears carve silver tracks down your face. "The only thing worse than seeing you cry is seeing him make you cry." Your voice, choked with sobs, barely registered the accusation in his words, "I told you not to make a scene," it croaked out, an echo of the countless unheard pleas he'd offered. His reply, a mirror reflecting your own unspoken anxieties, hung heavy in the air, "And I never hear you, just like you never hear me." The happy love stories, spun from childhood fairytales, seemed cruelly distant now, mocking your naivete. How could you have so readily offered your heart to someone who didn't know its language, its whispers of hope and fears? The question, a hollow echo in your aching chest, remained unanswered, another tear slipping down your cheek, joining the silent chorus of regret.
Tears streamed down your face, mirroring the blurry rain outside your window. Each one felt like a choked sob escaping a silent funeral, each one carrying the weight of a shattered dream. You looked at Jisung, his own sigh a heavy counterpoint to your storm of grief. "I should've kept you close," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. "Never let anyone else have a chance to make you cry like this." There was an undercurrent in his words, a tangle of unspoken feelings twisting and churning beneath the surface. You and Jisung – you were different. Two halves of a whole, tethered by an invisible thread that stretched back through childhood shared secrets and whispered worries. It was an unsettling comfort, like a melody stuck on repeat, both familiar and foreign at the same time. You were used to it, yet lately, the notes had begun to shift, the rhythm to quicken, and the fear of the unknown had started to gnaw at your heart.
Was this what loving your best friend felt like? This confusing tangle of emotions, the fear of losing and the yearning for something more? Your relationship with your boyfriend had felt like a desperate attempt to silence the questions swirling within, a way to deny the feelings blossoming towards Jisung. He'd seemed perfect, a distraction in a well-tailored suit, a way to escape the itch in your heart that only grew stronger with each passing day. Jisung's world shifted on its axis the moment you announced your new boyfriend. A storm, silent and potent, began to gather within him, even as he plastered a smile and showered you with congratulations. He convinced himself he was happy, truly happy, that seeing you find love was all that mattered. But the truth, like a riptide pulling him under, was far more complex. "I told you, you shouldn't trust him," his voice grew firmer, cutting through the haze of your tears.
"He used you, and you still clung to him until he showed his true colors." His words echoed the doubts you’d held close, the whispers of truth you'd tried to ignore. "And you told me to find someone, anyone, so I wouldn't be alone," he continued, his gaze locking onto yours, intensity crackling in the air. "But no one else makes me feel the way you do." Jisung's calloused hands, surprisingly gentle, cupped your face, his thumbs tracing the damp paths your tears had carved. His voice, husky with emotion, rumbled around you, "We're such a mess, Y/N. I don't know who's truly lost here. You, for being with someone who hurts you, or me, for burying these feelings so deep." The warmth of his touch sent shivers down your spine, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. You ached to melt into his embrace, a familiar haven where you always felt protected, cherished.
"I don't know if I'm making this better or worse," he murmured, his breath tickling your skin. "Just stop crying for that jerk." His voice, tinged with frustration and concern, washed over you like a warm wave, carrying you away from the storm raging within. The clock ticking became a distant thrum, its rhythm lost in the hypnotic beat of your heart against his touch. Caught in the maelstrom of his unspoken emotions, you surrendered to the comfort his presence offered. Your tears slowed, replaced by a hesitant hope that flickered like a flame in the wind. Was this a fleeting reprieve, a stolen moment in the forbidden zone of what could never be, or could it be the spark that ignited a long-dormant ember? You found yourself leaning into his touch, savoring the way his calloused thumbs gently brushed away the remaining vestiges of your pain.
In the dimly lit room, your cheeks, flushed pink from the aftermath of tears, reflected the soft glow of the single lamp. As Jisung spoke, his gaze locked on yours, his own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. His voice, raw and vulnerable, spilled forth like a confession whispered in the dead of night. "I swear, Y/N," he began, his hand hesitantly reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. "There's nothing else I've ever wanted in my life. I've chased so many dreams, pushed myself towards countless goals, but..." He paused, the air thickening with unspoken words. You could see the turmoil playing out in his eyes, the battle between his heart's yearning and the reality that stood between you. His hand lingered near your cheek, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down your spine. You remembered countless moments like this, stolen glances across crowded rooms, shared laughter echoing in the moonlight, his unwavering presence a constant comfort.
In his dreams, he held you close, the memory of your happy laughter his lullaby. Even now, with the words teetering on his lips, he dreamt of a future where he could claim you as his own. "Remember when you asked me about my birthday wish, blowing out the candles on that golden cake? Or staring up at the endless starry sky on New Year's Eve, our voices a whisper against the silence? Every year, every breath, every prayer was for you, Y/N. All I've ever wanted... is to make you mine." His words hung heavy in the air, a declaration that cracked open the dam of his emotions. You saw the vulnerability beneath his strong facade, the raw yearning that mirrored your own. In that moment, the world narrowed to the two of you, the past and future forgotten, all that mattered the whispered truth that bound your hearts together. His voice, raw and laced with desperation, shattered the silence.
"Even when someone else holds your hand," he breathed, his eyes burning into yours, "some selfish part of me keeps finding its way back. You wonder why I invent excuses to stumble into your space, when my own is filled with distractions? It's because I need you, Y/N. I crave the air you breathe, the warmth of your presence." He moved closer, the space between you shrinking until it was nearly nonexistent. Your tears dried mid-fall, forgotten in the face of his raw confession. His words, heavy with unvoiced longing, hung between you, a tangible web of emotions threatening to pull you both under. The air crackled with unspoken desires, the boundaries between friend and something more blurring with each passing moment. His confession, a tidal wave crashing against your carefully constructed walls, left you breathless, adrift in a sea of unspoken possibilities.
In that space of vulnerability, amidst the tears and confessions, a new question arose, burning bright in the depths of your gaze. Was this a fleeting moment of vulnerability, a whispered truth destined to remain in the shadows, or could it be the spark that ignited a future neither of you dared to dream of? The answer, like the path forward, remained shrouded in uncertainty, yet the intensity of his need, the naked honesty in his eyes, offered a sliver of hope, a promise that in that moment, at least, you weren't alone. In the hushed twilight, the world faded away as Jisung's words washed over you. "Let's forget about him," he murmured, his thumb gently skimming away the last traces of your tears. His warmth enveloped you as he pulled you close, your face finding refuge in the safe harbor of his chest. His heartbeat thudded against your cheek, a rhythmic lullaby urging you to surrender to the comfort he offered.
"You don't know how beautiful you are? You light up the whole world when you smile. Forget him, just look at me." The world narrowed to just this – the steady beat of his heart, the soft scent of his skin, the whispered promise in his voice. Everything else, the hurt, the confusion, the doubts – all lost in the intoxicating haze of his confession. "Forget it, and be mine," he pleaded, his voice husky with yearning. You knew, with a certainty that defied logic, that this was where you belonged. Your hand reached up, hesitantly at first, then with a growing urgency, finding its home on his back, returning the embrace. Jisung's arms open, a portal to a world bathed in love's warmth. No need to hesitate, no need to deny. His haven awaits, a whisper of 'forever' in his eyes. In his embrace, fear fades, joy ignites. He's your home, your haven, woven from starlight and trust. Step in, where laughter dances and every beat of your heart finds its rhythm in his. "I'm your Jisung," you whispered, your voice muffled against his shirt, yet each word echoing in the silence with the weight of a thousand unspoken promises. "I'm yours."
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stayandot8 · 2 years
g's masterlist
hi :) welcome to my corner of tumblr. This is everything I've written so far. If you read, thank you. Leave your thoughts if you please, I would love to hear them. If you have any ideas or comments, my inbox is open.
Color Code:
Black Title - Chan pairing
Green title - Seungmin
Orange Title - Ateez
Stray Kids (in order of newest to oldest)
Whispers in The Dark (newest)
Based on the song by Monsta X with the same name, this is a college AU. Not all of the members will be mentioned by name, if at all.
Talk spreads. Rumors fly. But what is to be believed? What's in front of you? Or the Whispers in the Dark?
Part One: Lying Through Your Teeth
Just One Yesterday (Completed)
this one is a little different than anything else I've written. An AU where the members work in a bar with my MC, no idols among them. It's also going to be on the longer side. The fluffy Chris we know and love is nowhere to be found. He's broodier, moodier, and has jokes up the wazoo. So buckle up, kitties. This one's gonna be good.
Angels Choking On Their Halos
So Only Say My Name
Heaven's Grief
Hell's Reign
Just One Yesterday
Playlist Series (Completed)
Your boyfriend Chan makes a playlist of all the songs he's had a hand in writing that were about you or relationship.
Track Zero: Connected
Track One: The View
Track Two: Airplane
Tracks Three & Four: Mixtape: Oh & Your Eyes
Track Five: Give Me Your TMI
Track Six: Fairytale
Track Seven: Case 143
Track Eight: Drive (18+)
Track Nine: Time Out
Track Ten: Red Lights (18+)
One Day (Request, idol!Chan x actress!reader)
Touches (request)
Nightlyfe (request, bumping into Chan at a club)
Heart and Seoul (request, nonidol!chan x reader w/ daughter)
Come With Me (Part two of Stay With Me) (Request)
Drawn To You (Seungmin request, I.N Childhood best friend x idol!Seungmin)
Picnic (Seungmin request, father seungmin tossing the baseball with his daughter)
Add-ons and one shots
Y(our) World
(y)Our World (part two) (angst turned fluffier)
Where There's Smoke... (angst turned fluff)
A Case of Friends and Lovers (angst turned fluff bc ofc)
The Listener (more angst than fluff but turns fluffier imo)
Stay With Me (angst bc of what he's going through rn, reader tries to help, ends well)
Thaw (Defrost part 2. angst?? then fluff? I can't tell anymore)
Emergency Contact (comfort fluff; chan in the midst of a panic/anxiety attack)
Sunday Morning
Thrice (an add-on to Track Six)
Always Find Me (an add-on to Track Two)
Pieces of Light
This Lover of Mine
Under the Sheets
Day One (Part two of One Day)
For Your Eyes Only
Birthday Gifts
The Hoodie Boogie
An Inning with Minnie (Seungmin Fluffy drabble)
Gentle Breeze (yunho x fem reader)
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wa-wandavision · 8 months
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Bang Chan ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Lee Know ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Guardian Angel
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Seo Changbin ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Coming Soon
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Hwang Hyunjin ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
I love you
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Han Jisung ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Coming Soon
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Lee Felix ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Bad Days
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Kim Seungmin ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Yang Jeongin ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse (rewritten vers)
Kittens, Lee Minho
You bump into a cat dad while dealing with a little situation. Maybe he can help you.
Fan meetings, Han Jisung
your best friend forces you to go to a stray kids fan meeting.
Ongoing Stories!
Solar Eclipse, Yang Jeongin — series
You and Jeongin fall in love all over again
Guardian Angel, Lee Minho — series
God assigns one of his workers, Lee Minho, to watch over you.
Captain save-a-hoe!
Hotel check-ins
Fair and square
Finding home in your heart
Read Later
Best friend han x reader
Cold as Ice
Good hair day
Say you want me
Tuesday Chris
Instead of you
Morning texts
Just for a moment
Morning Photographs
Sex on the beach
How I see you
On your knees
Pull over
It's so tasty, come and Chase me
B. C
Can I be your favourite
Strange weird and wonderful
No prejudice
9 56 pm
actions that speaks
Make you a mommy
My dear
Bath water
A modern love story
Movie date
Pearl necklace
Chai latte
Magazine photos
Wrong number
By my side
Look up to the stars
Drunken idiots
Morning sex
Sunsets in Sydneys
Cat in heat
Sick days
Date on ice
Bath water
Birthday suprises
Happy place
Race my heart
Reunions embrace
Love language
Go live
To do what I can do
Shark week
We can't be friends
Your fault
Small moments
when you know, you know
Blueberry muffin
The drifter: the sea kind curse
Stray kids royal au
Girl code
Ice on whisky
╰┈➤ OPEN
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sopaconthinner · 1 year
Out of sight, out of mind archive directory (Twitter)
Out of sight, out of mind (Oosoom) is a horror AU based on TOH that deals with topics such as grief, idealization and identity, "A metaphor of the horrors of adolescences" I would say, it plays with the "chosen one" trope from the other side of the coin Part I (A) --------- "And ghostly in the darkness" "the original sin" "false eve looking for signs of doom" --------- THE DIARY: "Once friends betrayed so ruthless..." "omnipresence" "He will never know about you" (I) "He will never know about you" (II) "He knows" "the diary" author comments and lore explication -------- "Have an egg-cellent day" (1) "Have an egg-cellent day" (2) "Have an egg-cellent day" (3) "Cruel indifference" "it's in a better place" -------- THE WISH: "Be careful what you wish for" "what "if" is what makes wishes wonderful" "all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me" "Happy birthday in the most humanly way possible" "Prettiest star" "Between her brown locks, he blends" "Where did he go?" "that voice..." "Wishes do come true" ------- THE DOUBT: "A fateful encounter" "Man playing God" "Extension of you" "God is dying" "You (don't) want to know" (1) "You (don't) want to know" (2) "Go for the kill" ------ THE FIGHT: "The wolf's hunt starts now" "Forgotten challenge" "the beginning of the end" "Stop with the Golden guard act" "...aren't brown...." "...it isn't..." "Humanity suffers and cries... I exist" "Schrödinger's cat" "the wish, the doubt and the fight" Autor comments ------ Shitposting "POV: You are Luz showing Belos a funny meme" "the lonely loners" Part I (B) --------- "DON'T REMEMBER IT" (1) "DON'T REMEMBER IT" (2) "I need this more than you"
--------- THE AFTER FIGHT "Where are you?!" "Cinderella's mistake" (1) "Cinderella's mistake" (2) "Stray goats don't deserve to see your face" "offering as a sign of remorse" --------- "butterfly infestation in the stomach" --------- THE RODENTS: "Les petits rats" "Fausse Étoile" "Rat king" "Odile and Odette" + analysis --------- THE FAIRYTALE: "Tale of a golden prince" "what I know, is not what I see" "when you were still unaware" "kid, you're in denial" "The body never lies" “behind every joke there is some truth” "you do" "traitors don't deserve a happy ending" "Does he?" "ORTET" "The fairytale" Autor comments and analysis --------- THE LIE: "coming back home" "Pinocchio, you shouldn't lie" "you are (not) a better version of an old friend" "she would probably lie" "The lie" autor comments and analysis --------- THE GAME: "Rearrange your pieces" "Humble player" "Remembering your old rival" "the strongest pieces on the game board" "do not underestimate your opponent" "Eclipsed plans" "battle lost... but not the war" "the way back to paradise is lost" "Beginners' mistake" "sore loser" "winning by accident is not an option" "The game" Autor comments and analysis THE GAME: (tarot series) "The fool" "Knight of Cups" "King of cups (original)" / (Beast variation) "The tower" "The world (original)" / (CotH variation) / (reversed variation) "Lets lament" Autor comments and analysis on the tarot series --------- THE SHELL: "Listen up, my broken child" "breaking the shell" (original) / (final version) "Show me how" --------- EXTRAS: "use of moths and butterflies as a recurrent symbolic element"
--------- FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: "Inside my warm cocoon, I dreamt to be like you" "what do I have left to lose?" "Between two worlds" (Analysis of the last two updates)
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dgmovies · 2 years
Lee Minho: Recommendations Masterlist
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✨Welcome to my world✨
Here are some fics I've collected of STRAY KIDS Lee Minho. I have a few more saved up, so I will be adding those in the future. Enjoy :) Idk if all the links work. Some works may have been deleted already. Also, some info might be missing. *Disclaimer: English is not my first language.*
Tags: © = My personal favorite, F = Fluff, A = Angst, S = Smut
*Updated: 28-01-2023*
Bunny - @tasteleeknow-remade (F, S) *recently added*
Status: Completed + part 2
Word Count: 7.2k + 5.4k = 12.6k
Summary: After leaving your toxic relationship, you and your bunny are completely alone in the world—until your soft spoken neighbour slowly brings down your walls. (Neighbours!AU, S2L!AU)
Company (Ft. Changbin) - @btssmutgalore (S)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 15.3k
Summary: You’re sick and tired of living the good girl life. In other words, you just want to get laid, and who better to help than your two best friends? (Non-idol!AU, F2L!AU)
Conflict, Conceal, Confess - @fizzydrink698 (©, S, F) *recently added*
Status: Completed + Series (ongoing)
Word Count: 18.1k
Summary: E2L!AU, College!AU, ModernConsort!AU (series)
Enough For You - @jiminbbyboy (©, S, A, F)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 6.4k
Summary: Your mother ask for Minho to be your date to a charity event and you get to spend a lot of time talking about the past and the what they want in the future. (RichBoy!AU)
Euphoria - @cherrydumpling (S, F, A)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 23.2k
Summary: Minho and you definitely do not like each other. No matter what the tabloids say. He’s your friend who argues and bickers like no other but you also crave the taste of him on your tongue. You are people who sling insults at each other from your respective stages, only to find him later painting your skin with sloppy kisses. And that's something you need to work on. (Actors!AU, FWB2L!AU)
Evil Roommate - @ch4nb4ng (S, F)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 6.2k
Summary: The new roommate was a handful. lazy, disrespectful, arrogant, and a whole bunch of other negative things. but wow, you were sexually frustrated and he, well, attractive, was an understatement (E2L!AU, Roommate!Minho)
Horizontal Hierarchy - @cb97percent (S)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 10.3k
Summary: You've been having a great time at the media agency you work at as a screenwriter by pledging allegiance to no oen other than yourself. Your entire chilling privileges get taken away from you when you're assigned under the direct supervision of Lee Minho, the new devision head who is ridiculously hot albeit massively insufferable. (Office!AU, Supervisor!Minho)
It's Cold Outside, Come To Me - @etherealinowrites (A, F, S)
Status: Completed + part 2
Word Count: 7.8k + 2k = 9.8k
Summary: It was the christmas season once again which meant two weeks away at your family’s vacation house. The only problem? Lee Minho. Your brothers annoying best friend who was joining you this time. Whats worse? You both hate each others guts more than anything. You could only hope for a christmas miracle. Oh it didn’t help that you found him hot. (E2L!AU, ChildhoodFriendsToLovers!AU)
It's High Tide, Baby - @lettersfromaphrodite (©, A, F, S) *recently added*
Status: Completed
Word Count: 23k
Summary: Pirate!Au, E2L!AU, Soulmate!AU, Magic!AU
Kiss Me More - @angelwonie (©, S, F) *recently added*
Status: Completed
Word Count: 13.2k
Summary: He's your brother's best friend, and that should be enough to keep him off limits. But he's just a little too handsome, and you're just a little in too deep. (Brother'sBestFriend!Minho)
Sleeping Beauty - @j-0ne25 (A, F, S) *recently added*
Status: Completed
Word Count: 6k
Summary: Counting down the days to your arranged wedding, your best friend helps you get your mind off of the future you’ve never wanted – unaware there’s another curse put on you, just a matter of time until it breaks free. (FairyTale!Au, Prince!Minho, Princess!Reader, BestFriend!Minho)
Pas de Bourrée - @jisungnaur (A, S, F)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 24k
Summary: And in the end, they were only atoms, drifting alone- desperate for something to cling on to as they sat hand in hand while the stars went out. it was beautiful, how angelic he was. he had the most breathtaking laugh that every time he cut himself, an angel got their wings (Dancer!Au, E2L!AU)
Pudding - @cb97percent (S, F)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 7.4k
Summary: The declaration that Minho was a virgin until your night together drills a hole in your head. It can't possibly be true because who the hell fucks like that with no prior experience? (College!AU)
Teach me to reach you - @hynjnhwng (S)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Lee know x reader x I.N.
When he sees me - @candlewaxandp0lar0ids (S, F, A)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 13.3k
Summary: Interacting with others has never been easy for you, whether it is talking to them or, worse, flirting with them. As a result, relationships, but also any form of sexual interactions have always eluded you. You had no reason to think that was going to change anytime soon. And then your hot neighbor’s cat shows up in your apartment, and you think that things just might change. Even if it’s only on one front. (Neighbours!AU)
Wrapped Up - @joyfulhopelox (©, S, F)
Status: Completed
Word Count: 12.4k
Summary: The dance soc is not the place to flirt but you promised yourself you’d try new things this year, and when the boy wearing the colourful cosy sweater approaches you with a compliment you can’t resist but respond to him. (College!AU, F2L!AU)
Consort – @fizzydrink698 (©, A, S)
Status: 5/? Chapters (Ongoing) + Spin-off *recently added*
Word Count: ? (5 Chapters)
Summary: … (ArrangedMarriage!AU, Historical!AU, E2L!AU)
Cupid's Christmas – @btssmutgalore (©, A, F, S)
Status: 4 Chapters (Completed)
Word Count: 61.8k (4 Chapters)
Summary: Your friend creates the perfect blind texting event for all her single friends, including you. While you're texting a person who seems to be perfect for you, you start interacting with your college arch-nemesis, Lee Minho, a lot more.
Wedding Season – @ballelino (©, S, A, F) *recently added*
Status: Intro + 9 Chapters (Completed)
Word Count: 79.3k (Intro + 9 Chapters)
Summary: This wedding season, you're invited to the wedding of the one that got away. You have one chance to win Chris over or watch him be someone else’s forever. Therefore, you need a master plan, which includes your insanely attractive (and mildly annoying) ex-boyfriend that Chris always hated—Lee Minho. (FakeDating!Au, Exes2L!AU)
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findroleplay · 2 months
hi! i’m f21+ looking for a few pairings to write!
kevin day & jean moreau (#aftg)
qimir & osha (#star wars)
gamora & peter (#mcu)
han & minho (#skz #stray kids) **for au’s or to build up oc’s and use them as faceclaims 🫶🏽
interested in canon divergent themes and aus! for example, fairytale/royalty, arranged marriage, soulmate (sense8 inspired themes). willing to do others too!
my discord is @damiansbff so feel free to add me if you’re interested or interact with this post so i can reach out, thank you🫶🏽
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redloftwing · 9 days
Start of a new thing (?)
I've had the idea of making a SKZ AU for a while now and after many years of revising I've got some designs I like and will be posting them eventually (I've got the first one ready to go)
The main premise is that the kids live in a world where magic is controlled by music and music can be found anywhere if you look hard enough. The trees groan like violins in the wind, the earth provides a steady beat, the water like chimes sometimes soothing or clashing. After being defeated in war 100 years ago, demons have become a rare sight in the capital and haven't been seen set foot anywhere near the faeries. Although never having encountered one, Felix seems to keep seeing the same wood demon in his sleep visions.
I may or may not expand on the worldbuilding depending on if I think it would give spoilers to an eventual story, but here's where the faeries live. Just concept art for now but will post a more finalized piece if I feel like it
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nettlestingsoup · 9 months
Hi! Can I ask 3, 8 and 11 for the New Year asks!
hi spook! thanks for the ask!
3: i would love to get either some untamed fic or some magnus archives fic done this year! i'm terrible at writing for other fandoms, i always start things and then just get drawn back into my stray kids projects hahahaha
8: the hanahaki au lives in my brain all the time. i would absolutely love to be brave enough to write it, but i desperately want to get it right since hanahaki is such a weirdly iconic part of fandom, and i've wanted to wait until i've had a unique perspective on it that i could use in a story.
the general vibe of it is that minho, a hanahaki researcher in a university, starts to fall for chan, a temporary researcher who's only at the university for a year. because he knows chan loves travelling and loves the way his job takes him all over the world, and doesn't really want to be tied down by anything, minho holds his feelings in and resolves to keep them a secret; this is all well and good until the first symptoms of hanahaki begin to make themselves known. half from not wanting chan to know and half from the fascination of experiencing the disease he's studied for years first hand, minho lets it progress until it's almost too late. the idea for this would be to write most of it as a normal fic, with intermittent chapters of minho's notes on his own symptoms and their progression, which one of his friends eventually discovers. it will be so difficult to write, but maybe this is the year i try!
11: i would love to get more into horror (with happy endings of course!) and letting myself be spookier and more weird! i'd also love to do more fairytale-esque things like the river and the rowan tree if i can.
thank you again for sending an ask! happy new year! <3
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kangaracha · 1 year
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RING, THE VICTORY SONG full prompt collection AO3
Gen Fic/Multichaps
NEVERMORE music videos verse/skzcu; on the eve of being torn apart, eight boys tumble into a world where their music seems to hang in the very air they breathe; 150K AO3
OVERWINTER missing/bonus scenes from nevermore AO3
LYRE LYRE on his last night with the group, IN must make a choice: to stay, or to go; 8k AO3
LEAVE After an accident splits apart the group, Felix is left alone in the world, wishing for better days to return (little does he know, that dreams come to those who truly want them). TUMBLR | AO3
WHAT THE WATER BROUGHT The ocean expands, the days grow longer, the earth loses its patience with every inch it cedes to the shore. For the hundreth time, Minho washes up on the shore of a small island and wonders when this - long months at sea, endless battles to keep their ship, the golden age of whatever the hell they want - will come to its end. AO3
QUEENMAKER bang chanxreader; as one opportunity to debut disappears, another arrives - joining two year old group Stray Kids as a replacement to their missing ninth member. smau. TUMBLR | AO3
HEAD ABOVE WATER bang chanxreader, yang jeonginxreader; homework, a small business, overbearing parents, a boyfriend that isn't a boyfriend. And then there's whatever is going on with her best friend, who seems to want something...more than a friendship, if he ever gets around to asking her about it- life is complicated, and far too busy for Y/N to be bothered with being stressed, or sick, or whatever it is that's making it hard to eat and sleep and focus on her work. TUMBLR
DAYBREAK lee knowxreader, dystopia au; independant entertainment doesn't make money, everyone knows that - not dancing, not boxing. not without a company's name attached to it and the soul ripped out of it so that it can only sit on the stage bleeding. you knew you never should have agreed to buy the studio with him, that the bills would pile up and the income would run dry and the goverment would come knocking telling you to shut up and sit down...but it makes him so happy, when you see him dance. it gives him a reason to keep coming back. you don't know what you'd do without that. TUMBLR
THE FLOWERS YOU GATHERED IN MAY lee knowxreader; following an escape from near-death and an accident that leaves you unable to do most of the things you once loved, an old friend invites you to join a dance studio for loners and strays - people just like you.
Prompt Fills
AS IT ENDS bang chanxreader; 'chan + 'a god bows before a mortal'; fantasy au
THE HYMN OF BABYLON lee knowxreader; 'minho + 'meddlesome angels, and the people they save'; dystopia au, fantasy au. religious dystopia.
CATSKIN lee felixxreader; 'felix + twisted fairytale'; royalty/fantasy au, based on the fairytale 'catskin'
lee know x sorry, i love you lee know x losing 3racha changbin x charmer changbin x eclipse han x forgotten felix x focus
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artzychic27 · 2 years
I love Ever After High AU!
What would the events be like? Like The Masked Ball, the Spring event, Adventures in Wonderland, The Dragon Games and Winter's Day?
Welcome to Ever After High
It’s a new year at Ever After High, a magical school where the next generation of fairytale characters go to hone their powers, learn more about their tales, and train to follow in their parents footsteps
One of the new students is Nathaniel Hearts, son of the Queen of Hearts and a former resident Wonderland… Also, not exactly the most popular person due to his mom’s love for beheading people and also the fact she’s the reason no one can enter or exit Wonderland
Already, students avoid him like the plague and only see him as his mother. The only ones who see past that are his best friend and fellow Wonderland native, Alix Wonder, Nino Grant, and Adrien Briar
Alix doesn’t care about their mom’s rivalries and actually likes Nathaniel… It’s Marinette that had a problem
Fa-Li Marinette is adamant on everyone following their destinies, because if even one fairy strays, every story will end. (She just only cares about her own) and keeps pushing Nathaniel to be a deranged, power hungry lunatic like his mom
It only gets worse when they prepare for Legacy Day, where students take the pledge to follow their parents footsteps. Nathaniel questions Mme. Bustier and M. Damocles what will happen if he doesn’t sign the Storybook of Legends
And of course, they gaslight him using Marinette’s excuse. If he doesn’t sign, then it’s the end for everyone
Nino calls bullshit and pulls Nathaniel along to look for answers from Madame Mendeleiv Yagga, one of the smart teachers at DuPont
She explains that nothing will happen to anyone’s stories, they’re just take a different turn. It’ll break tradition, but it wont end up a catastrophe
So, the night of Legacy Day, Nathaniel makes his choice… He does, but then Marinette gaslights him again. Apparently, she followed him and Nino and asks if he’s really going to trust some “old witch”
“If you want your so-called friends happily ever after a to cease to exist. Fine. At least you’ve shown how much like your mother you are.”
So now, when it’s the Wonderland Kids turn to sign the book, and Nathaniel steps up… He hesitates. He sees his future in the mirror: Him beheading hundreds of his subjects with a mad look in his eyes, sending his card guards to hunt down Alix and the other Wonderland kids, and painting white roses red using his card guards blood.
Nathaniel: … I am Nathaniel Hearts, son of the Queen of Hearts… AND I PLEDGE TO FOLLOW MY OWN DESTINY! *Snaps the quill in half… Nothing happens*
Royals: *Horrified gasps*
Rebels: *Cheering*
Nathaniel: N-nothing happened… *Points to Damocles and Mme. Bustier* YOU LIED TO ME!
When the crowd gets too hostile, Adrien wishes for Nino to freeze everyone except for the two of them*
Adrien: I can’t believe that… That we can just do that.
Nino: Yeah… I’m not sure I want to be stuck in that lamp.
The next day, things are tense between the newly dubbed Royals and Rebels. Marinette tries to rally more to her side, that destinies are meant to be followed, but students kind of want to hear Nathaniel’s reasoning
The one who seems most intrigued by Nathaniel accidental revolution, is Marc Grimhilde, son of the Evil Queen and someone who’s reluctant to sign the Storybook of Legends and end up trapped in the mirror realm like his mother
Rumors start to spread that Nathaniel only wants to spread madness like his mother and prevent anyone from having their happily ever after while Marinette wants to send the Rebels to a reform school built to straighten them out
Mme. Bustier is doing nothing to help, only making things worse by blaming the rebels for causing tensions and doing nothing to discipline the royals. (Same bitch as canon)
As a protest, a Rebel student runs against Marinette for student body President. That student? Aurore Amzy, daughter of Yzma
In the end, they end up as reluctant co-presidents and constantly try to undermine each other
As another protest, the Rebel students host True Hearts Day, a long forgotten school tradition banned by Mr. Damocles since it got students to stray from their destinies
So, they throw it in secret. And to their surprise, some Royal students want to help because while they’re may disagree with the Rebels, they aren’t too fond of Mme. Bustier and M. Damoclesand want to spite them
The party’s a success, and some new couples end up forming
Nathaniel turns down most of his admirers since they’re more in love with his status of leaders of the Rebels. He ends up asking Marc for a dance after the two accidentally bump into each other right under a spotlight
The following week, Nathaniel gets called into the principal’s office where Marinette, Alix, Max, and Denise are waiting as well. Apparently, Mme. Bustier was “concerned” about the Rebels’ Revolution and believed Nathaniel needed positive reinforcement
Marinette: Nathaniel cut the buds off my roses.
Nathaniel: That was on accident! And I apologized!
Marinette: Exactly! You’re supposed to be evil and not apologize!
Alix: Well, I think Nath’s fine just the way he is. Plus, I’d rather not get beheaded, so-
Damocles: Moving on!
Max: I don’t know what role I play here, but my mother strayed from the path her father had her on, so if anything, aren’t I meant to be a Rebel? Because if I follow my mother’s path by not sailing, I did what she did by disobeying her father, but/
Damocles: Enough! We haven’t heard from Denise Facilier, yet.
Denise: The shadows all say… Nathaniel’s awesome and should write his own destiny.
Marinette: They did not!
Denise: Well, how do you know?!
It is now the week of Thronecoming, and the students are looking to pick their King and Queen and get ready for the parade and bookball game
Nino, who was in between the royals and rebels debate finally picks a side when he misses his date with Alya because he got stuck in his lamp, making him realize the horrible truth about his destiny
The Thronecoming Fair goes off well- Austin A and Q rented Captain Hook’s ship and got a ton of pixie dust to let people go on rides in the air, Myléne’s hair styling station was earning a lot of money for charity, Denise did card readings, and Cosette was able to sell some of their faux fur jackets. It went great up until float building
Marinette is still pushing Nathaniel to stop being “selfish” and accept his fate, but in the end, Nathaniel’s the one to call her out on her bullshit along with Bustier and Damocles since they’re just standing right there
Nathaniel: You know, I may be “The Prince of Madness,” but I’m sane enough to see that you’re the one being selfish. I’m out.
Ismael: Heh. That’s my boy.
Cosette: But he’s not even your son.
Ismael: Don’t remind me!
As a school trip, Madame Mendeleiv takes the students to the Hall of Legends, a time capsule building where their parents left relics for them to find: Myléne gets a magic hairbrush, Rose gets a sword, Cosette gets a Diamond-studded choker necklace, Denise gets a vintage deck of tarot cards, Nino gets lamp polish, Lila gets truth revealing glasses, Marinette gets a sword, Zoé and Chloé get new heels, Austin A gets a magic compass, Austin B gets a crossbow, etc.
Nathaniel only finds a coin, planted there by M. Damocles in place of the ruby studded crown his mom left him
Nathaniel then heads to the wishing well in the woods, tosses in the coin, and wishes to know what happens if he doesn’t sign the Storybook of Legends
Mme. Bustier casts an illusion spell that shows a horrific future, scaring Nathaniel into signing
So they have a Legacy Day do-over, and none of the Rebels are too happy about it. The students suspect something’s up, and their suspicions are confirmed when Denise’s tarot cards reveal the Storybook of Legends is a fake
When Damocles denies the accusations, Marc asks Lila to use her truth-telling glasses. And when she lies and says she doesn’t have them, Aurore uses a truth-telling potion on her and Lila is forced to hand them over
They also reveal the Storybook of Legends is a fake, and of course, Damocles blames Nathaniel… Only to go into his office and confront the Queen of Hearts, via magic mirror
Nathaniel still wants to sign, but to do that, he needs to find the real Storybook of Legends. Marc, Adrien, Nino, Alix, Cosette, Zoé, and Denise also tag along and through a series of weird riddles, they enter a secret room in the library and come across Jean-Pierre Monlataing, a teacher who went missing long ago and speaks only riddlish, which Wonderland natives understand
M. Monlataing: A chapter for all, to live and survive, with a page of the the answer, and come out alive
Nathaniel: Ah, of course.
Alix: Obviously.
Cosette: Uh… Translation?
They conclude the Storybook of Legends must be in the Hall of Legends. But they end up getting pulled into different stories, have to find some pages, blah blah blah. Long-story short, the pages they find form a spell that breaks the Riddlish spell over M. Monlataing
And he reveals that Mme. Bustier put the Riddlish spell on him because he believed in the Rebels’ side of things
Nathaniel: … You know, cutting heads off doesn’t sound bad.
The night of the Thronecoming dance, the students decide to have one night of fun and not care about the Royals and Rebels bullshit
And performing tonight is the one and only Luka Piper, son of the Pied Piper and half brother of Juleka
Then Nino notices something when a slideshow of old photos reveals the Queen of Hearts lived in his dorm before, and hid something in a secret compartment under his carpet. Borrowing Lila’s glasses and a bobby pin from Juleka, he unlocks the secret compartment and finds the Real Storybook of legends… And then throws it away in the Well of Wonder, making it end up in Wonderland
Spring Unsprung
It’s the day of the Spring Faire, a day to commemorate the beginning of the spring season
But meanwhile in Wonderland…
Xavier (My SB&IB version) Blanc, Fei Cheshire, and Félix Hatter have run into some trouble with the Queen of Hearts when they try to look for a way out of Wonderland
But, the threat of decapitation doesn’t keep them from looking around until they come across the Storybook of Legends Nino threw down the well
Wanting to return it back to Ever After, they go through the well… And end up getting lost until they come across Fei’s dad, the Cheshire Cat, who gives them some complicated instructions while swapping out the book for another
What the Cheshire Cat doesn’t know is that someone was watching him in the act
Also, while Cosette was walking through the forest to get some Wonderland Well water for the Spring Faire baking competition, they fell through the well because the water was being a little shit
And at the same time, Félix, Xavier, and Rei arrived in Ever After, followed by the Cheshire Cat
The Wonderland Kids arrive and are given a warm welcome by Nathaniel and Alix
Nathaniel: GUYS! Why’d you abandon me?! Your Prince was all alone here!
Alix: You son of a bitch.
When the Bitchy Duo (Damocles and Bustier) harass them for somehow getting to Ever After when they sealed every entry and exit closed, Félix pulls his trump card by showing the “Storybook of Legends”
… Only for Marinette to reveal it’s only a book of riddles and calls them frauds
Nathaniel, Alix, Adrien, Marc, Zoé, and Nino are the only ones to believe them
Still holding the book, Marinette reads a page and accidentally casts a opposite-personality spell, making her much less judgmental, but she passes it along to other students and most become not as polite
Meanwhile in Wonderland, Cosette ends up in the Mad Hatter’s kitchen where they meet the White Knight. Long story short, they realize a Wonderland dessert is how they can warn the others that the Cheshire Cat stole the Storybook of Legends and replaced it with the cursed riddle book
Also, while Marinette is less judgmental, she wants to destroy the fairytale world instead of preserving it. So, she concocts a plan to plug up the Well of Wonder
The Austins, noticing something is seriously wrong with everyone, follow Austin A’s compass to the source of it all, Marinette, who’s about to plug up the Well of Wonder with help from Max and Sabrina who have also been affected by the spell. But they’re too late, and all of the wondrous elements start to fade away
Meanwhile, Nathaniel, Alix, Adrien, Marc, Zoé, Nino, Xavier, Fei, and Félix try to figure out a way to get the book back from Wonderland as the Well of Wonder is always hard to find
… That’s when Denise comes in
They head to a bakery and look through every single pie… Until they come across the only one that’s glowing
Félix: Let’s see what we have here. *Slices the pie*
Cosette, through the pie: Okay, so do I just start talking? Alright, so hey guys! I’m in Wonderland. Crazy, I know. Anyway, Ever After is in danger, the Cheshire Cat swapped out the Storybook of Legends for a riddle book, and it’s cursed!… Now do I just… That’s it? Okay.
They look for the book using Lila, who had the book last. And because she’s honest now, she tells them where she put it
But when they find it, it’s too late. The world and everyone in it is drained except for the Wonderland Kids
Fei: I’m putting and end to this! Dad! Show yourself!
*His grin appears*
Fei: All of you.
The Cheshire Cat, after some prompting, offers to tell them how to reverse the curse… If they beat him at a game. They just need to reach him on the other side of the puzzle floor
Alix: I’ll make this quick and easy. *Walks around the puzzle and reaches the Cheshire Cat* Boom. How’s that for a ditz?
To reverse the curse, they just need to say the last riddle on the book backwards. And it works… But now there’s just the matter of the plug in the Well of Wonder. An easy fix with some of Austin Q’s pixie dust
Also, Cosette makes it back to Ever After when the well gets unplugged and the White Knight is actually-
Way to Wonderland
It’s breakfast time at Ever After High, and Alya and Aurore make the following announcement-
Alya: As editors of our school paper, The Griffin, Aurore and I are pleased to announce that we will be doing a special feature!
Aurore: The theme is, A Time of Wonder! It will feature stories about Wonderland and the students native to the land!
Marinette: Of course! And who can forget how Nathaniel mom, the Queen of Hearts, is the reason they’re all stuck here in the first place?
Alya: Girl. Can we go one minute?
Marinette: Well, it is all because Nath’s mom decided to go total wacko screwball infinity one day, make it even madder than usual, run her own son out of the castle, and behead more people for no valid reason-
Marc: *Shoves a poison apple in her mouth, making Marinette pass out* That’s enough out of you.
Damocles and Bustier try to silence this by stating how Wonderland is dangerous which is why they sealed it up, but no one’s going to listen to them
Meanwhile, Nathaniel’s upset, not because of what Marinette said, but because it’s his mom’s birthday and he wants to be there with her despite… Everything.
Marc offers some help in the spells department to open up an entrance to Wonderland when Denise barges in on their conversation
Marc: If you want, maybe there’s a spell my mom made to-
Denise: Shadows are speaking again! They say Nath’s mom is in danger, and it will be off with her head!
Félix: … Is she always like this?
Marc: They, and yes. And they’re always right about these sort of things.
So now, the Wonderland Kids, Marc, Denise, and Nino are trying to figure out a way to Wonderland. To the Library!
While researching, the Wonderland Kids reminisce a bit and assure Nathaniel they don’t blame his mother. Rather, they believe another element is at play that made her do what she did… They just don’t know what
Suddenly, a book falls off the shelf and opens to a specific page. Weird, right? Wonder what that was about.
Marc picks up the book and skims until he finds a shocking illustration of…
Marc: MOM?!
Nino: Say what?
Fèlix: Did someone say “plot twist?”
Alix: But, this book is about Wonderland. What the hell is the Evil Queen doing in it?
Denise: … You don’t think?
Fei: What? No… No, that’s… No.
Marc: … She would.
Xavier: Oh, she would.
So now they suspect the Evil Queen had a part to play in Wonderland being sealed off. Looking at the illustration of the Evil Queen, they see a spell scroll in her hand- some sort of curse reversion spell to undo…
Marc: ‘The Spell of Utter Madness’?… Yep, she did it.
Alix: Well, I guess that’s why she’s in the mirror real.
So, Marc decides to make things right by undoing his mom’s madness curse over the Queen of Hearts and hopefully unseal Wonderland
But, while casting the spell, there’s a fluke, and the students disappear. All except Xavier and Alix
Nathaniel, Marc, Nino, Denise, Félix, and Fei all end up down a rabbit hole that leads straight to Wonderland. And upon arrival, they get new Wonderland-looking outfits
Also, much to their disappointment, Marinette is there with them because she was in the same room as them. So now, they’re stuck with her
Although, Marc didn’t remove the curse. But that doesn’t deter the group from going to save the Queen… Well, they would if they hadn’t been stopped by Jess Redd, the Red Knight who takes them to Wonderland High. And they can’t leave until they graduate after one day
*The kids all get dragged to the school*
Denise: No! I don’t even go here!
Félix: But I graduated early! I don’t need to go anymore!
Nathaniel: My mom is the Queen, and I can skip whenever I feel like it!
The White Rabbit, Xavier’s uncle because his dad sucks, leads the group to class while also informing them off a plot against the Queen of Hearts and once again confirming that it was the Evil Queen who cursed her
When the Evil Queen was out spreading chaos among the Fairytale realms, she started with Wonderland and placed the Madness Curse on the Queen to make her even more deranged. She turned Wonderland into a prison in just a short week, preventing anyone from getting in or getting out, and sought to expand her kingdom. Nathaniel, Alix, and her dad were lucky enough to escape years prior to the first chapter. Damocles and Bustier of course, blamed the Queen of Hearts until they discovered the Evil Queen was at fault, sealed her in the mirror realm and sealed off any gateways leading to Wonderland so the Queen of Hearts can’t attack. Still, they never corrected anyone on who was at fault
Marinette: I… Didn’t know that.
Nino: Neither did we. But you didn’t hear us bashing the Queen.
With that information, they decide to get through their classes so they can leave and save the Queen. Unfortunately, Wonderland classes make no sense, but they figure it out… Eventually
Lunch Time
While in the cafeteria, the Wonderland Kids come across an old face, Iris Jest, daughter of the court jester, and Student Body President who has the audacity to make a threat towards Nathaniel
After such a lovely meeting, they head to their classes, which have become more difficult. Fortunately, the White Knight Cosette met last chapter is there to help, but each class just keeps getting harder and harder until-
Nathaniel: THAT’S IT! I’m using the royalty card and getting our classes changed! Where’s the vice principal?!
Marc: He’s hot when he’s all fired up.
Nino: What?
Marc: What?
But, to their surprise, the vice principal is Iris! She challenges Nathaniel’s own authority, uses Wonderland logic to make time go backwards so they can never leave, and makes a threat toward the Queen of Hearts while revealing she’s all for overthrowing her
Félix: Why… It’s as if you almost want the plan to overthrow Nathaniel’s mother to succeed!
Iris: … OF COURSE, I DO!
But, Iris gives Nathaniel a choice. He just has to sign a contract, relinquishing his rights as heir to the Queen of Heart’s throne to her. If he signs, then they’re all free while he stays in school forever
Marinette: Nath! Don’t do this!
Nathaniel: Anyone else, please?
Félix: You always said you never wanted to be like your mom! But look at what we’ve learned! She was cursed! Remember when she chased you around the gardens and showed you how to play croquet with your first flamingo? That’s the Queen of Hearts Fei, Alix, Xavier and I remember and the version of her we know you want to be!
Nathaniel: … You’re right. *Snaps the quill in half… Again*
Enraged, Iris sends them to detention… But not before an unfair trial where they’re charged as guilty
Also, Alix and Xavier are still looking for the others, and the Evil Queen arms Iris with an evil book of spells right before she heads out to overthrow the queen and sign her name in the Storybook of Legends when Fei accidentally reveals its whereabouts
One minute in detention, and the group is already going insane. Marc and Nino can’t use their magic, and it’s almost time for the Queen’s birthday party
Soon, Félix gets an idea
Fèlix: My dad always got detention! He used to tell me dozens of his get-in stories! Denise, have your shadow friends send a message to the other side!
Denise: Okay, which other side?
Back in Ever After, the shadows communicate with Alix and Xavier by opening some books to certain pages and telling them that they’re in detention and they need to ask Alim for instructions on how to get out since he helped with some of the Mad Hatter’s best escapes. And his best on is-
Denise: Tiddlywinks? Like the game?
Félix: Like the game, he said.
This grabs the teacher in charge of detention’s attention… But, since the acting vice principal while Iris is out is Jess, then they will be dueling with swords in exchange for their freedom
Fortunately, the White Knight is fighting for them and gives them a chance to head to the palace while Fei goes to find her dad and get the Storybook of Legends
Iris arrives at the palace first, and uses an illusion spell to get past the guards while posing as Nathaniel
Guard: All hail the Queen of Hearts! Or else! And make sure to hand deliver to her your presents… Or else!
Aya: Yes! It is MY birthday party! And keep in mind, any present smaller than the palm of my hand shall result in your execution. That is all.
Iris is about to get executed until she poses as Nathaniel and her “son’s” presence actually manages to calm her down, much to the kingdom’s relief
Fei discovers from her dad that he gifted the Storybook of Legends to the Queen of Hearts, and Fei is thrilled at first… Until she finds the massive present room
Once Iris discovers from the Queen where the book is, she leaves, but not before starting an opposite game for when Nathaniel finds his mother
Anyway, the group arrives, and Fei goes to deliver the bad news about the Storybook of Legends, but Nathaniel’s too distracted by seeing his mother for the first time in years
Nathaniel: Mom! *Hugs her* I’m so happy to see you! I… In spite of everything, I missed you so much and I love you!
Aya: … You love me?! How dare you?!
Nino: … Dude. Cold.
Nathaniel: Wh-what?
Aya: You heard me! And by the way, you look horrid.
Nathaniel: *Starts crying*
Marc: So, can I commit regicide now?
Nathaniel: Mom, you’re not making any sense! I’ve been missing you for years, and I thought you still loved me! After I found out about your curse-
Aya: “Curse?” I’m under a curse? Whoops! Did I just lost the game?
Nathaniel: What are you- Wait. Is this an opposite game?
Aya; *Giggles* Nope.
Nathaniel: *Hugs her* Then, let the game start.
Aya: Oh, thank God! Of course I love you, Nathaniel.
Marinette: … These are some fucked up games.
They find Iris in the present room, and she’s about to sign the Storybook of Legends in Nathaniel’s place, but Marc uses his powers to teleport to her just in time and take the book
He tries to fend off against her attacks, but since Iris is armed with his mom’s spellbook, he doesn’t stand a chance… Unless…
Marc signs his name and inherits his mother’s dark powers, which corrupt him as he goes on a power trip until Iris yields or dies… Whichever comes first
The latter option would’ve been first if not for Marinette coming between them and saying he’s not his mother while apologizing for acting the way she did
This snaps Marc out of if, right as the Queen of Hearts arrives looking enraged even with Nathaniel trying to calm her down
Now with the Evil Queen’s powers, he lifts the curse off of the Queen of Hearts, making her sane… ish, and he breaks Mme. Bustier’s seal on Wonderland, merging the two worlds again
Also, The Queen decides to have a little chat with Mme. Bustier and Damocles, but as Nathaniel is the future King, she figures this will be good practice.
Nathaniel: You lied to the public for years and deemed my mother a warmongering lunatic when you knew all along that the Evil Queen was behind it all? And to make matters worse, rather than help her, you separated my friend and I from our home?!
Damocles: W-well, you see-
Mme. Bustier: We just-
Now Mme. Mendeleiv and M. Monlataing are Principal and Vice Principal
Also, for anyone wondering, the white knight was actually Aeon Charming the entire time. How did she end up in Wonderland?… We’ll go over that later
All I’ll write for now
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junrecs · 2 years
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