#strigoi rose hathaway
Rose Hathaway has the will power of God, cause if you put me in a room with my sexy undead vampire boyfriend who told me he wanted to spend eternity with me, I would have folded immediately
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hiccuppedstudio · 5 months
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Strigoi!Dimitri, inspired by what Strigoi look like in the show (except I had to give him eyebrows, it felt wrong otherwise).
This one was a challenge for both the face shapes and for the lighting. I almost didn't post this cause it did not pass the flip test. And omg that lighting took sooo long. Look at that highlight on Dimitri's hair!
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The 'D' in D. Belikov stands for Dumbass. Guardian Dumbass Belikov. I will not take objections. Thank you.
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clover4found · 7 months
I’ve been rereading the Vampire Academy books and so far they’ve been just as amazing as when I read them before.
Although as I’m nearing 23 I find it so weird to think about finding a 16/17 year old attractive.
Another thing is that Rose is a lot of great things. But sometimes she just comes across as a huge complainer. And she really is soooooo stubborn.
There are times when I’m reading the book and I’m like girl why would you say that or do that? But that’s the difference in mind set with age.
Back when I read these books when I was like 18/19 I completely thought she was a 100% valid for everything. Except when she lead Adrian on. And then cheated on him. Adrian was so good to Rose and he definitely deserved better. Even if it would have made things uncomfortable and awkward she should have told Adrian that she still loved Dimitri and now that he was back from being Strigori, it was different.
And don’t get me wrong, I love that Dimitri and Rose end up together because they really do belong together. After all they went through and the fact that Rose was never gonna let him go makes it seem like no one would ever fill the void of Dimitri.
And I know that when your life is so crazy and busy that sometimes it hard to slow down and figure out how you actually feel about someone.
Except now that I’m older I understand that the 7 year difference was really creepy. And yet I also understand that Rose isn’t a normal teenager in the story. She could die at any time by Strigori and she knew that one day she would become a Guardian and might not have a life since she never wanted to part from Lissa. So in a way it makes sense how she rushed so many things.
And Dimitri, while I do love the way that he cared for her and showed up for her when she needed him. There was a power dynamic there. And he never should have had sex with her while she was a minor.
Anyways putting some of those things aside for now. I really disagree with some other things about how she handled stuff with Lissa. And her mom.
And I REALLY wish there had been a scene with Dimitri going back to Russia with Rose and seeing his family. Like that would have completed me inside to have known that he reconnected with them. But we didn’t get it.
Anyways all those things aside, the books are great. Even with my mindset change, I still found myself enjoying the books and relating to some of the thoughts and feelings that Rose had. And I’m glad she didn’t get stuck in a jail cell for life for a crime she didn’t commit.
Anyone else feel the same?
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belle-keys · 2 years
maturation is reading the fiery heart by richelle and acknowledging that sydney and adrian were ten times hornier than rose and dimitri ever were as a couple
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elinda96 · 10 days
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vampireacademysims · 2 years
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(2 & 3 of 4) - Halloween Special 2022 🎃 Picture #1 🎃 Picture #4 🎃
Ok, the idea is nothing new. There must be a gazillon fics out there where Rose is the one turned Strigoi, or Lissa turns Strigoi... or christian... or Adrian... instead of Dimitri, but the idea is fun. Rose would be one hell of a Strigoi, I think. Beautiful and Dangerous.... Only one more pic to go! Right Click & Open As to see it in it’s full sized glory, yes these are big!
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Rose, distractedly: I wonder what I taste like?
Lissa: Rose!
Adrian: Well . . .
Dimitri: We are not having this conversation
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The 6th episode of Vampire Academy IS ALL THE FUCKING FEELS. No spoilers but this chemistry ❤️ And the POOL PARTY ENTRANCE 🔥 Mikhail’s family ALL THE EMOTIONS
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shawtygonemad · 2 years
Let Me Save You
Rose Hathaway x Dimitri Belikov
Chapter Trigger Warning: Slight NSFW thoughts
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[Dimitri POV]
Let me save you. Let me save you. It’s not a rescue if I just want to. Just say yes now, and I won’t tell anyone else. So let me save you. Let me save you.
I approached the CD player with one of the mixed tapes I had in my office. Just as I was about to place it in Rose’s loud voice bellowed out.
“Oh no! We are done listening to your old man music!” She huffed as she stormed over while hastily throwing her hair into a bun. “Give me your phone.”
“What?” I chuckled, thinking she was joking. “No.”
She stared at me for a moment with a challenging look. A second later, she turned on her heels and headed towards the doors that led to the locker rooms and guardian offices.
“Rose!” I called for her, but she ignored me and stepped through the doors.
My lips formed into a tight line as I gave a quiet growl of frustration. With irritation building, I followed her. She was so stubborn and headstrong. I wish she’d just listened to me for once!
I found her in my office. She was sitting on the edge of my desk. Her legs were crossed as she intently stared at my cell phone in her hand. I briefly had to close my eyes. Seeing her sitting like that, in my environment no less, did shameful things to me. Her lips had been slightly pursed as she tried to figure out my passcode. Lips that looked so utterly kissable.
“Comrade, what’s your passcode?” Rose asked with the most irresistible pout.
It was hard to stay mad at her most times. I playfully rolled my eyes as I took the phone from her. After entering the code, I passed the unlocked device back to her. She gave the biggest smile at this. I approached as she was downloading an app. My towering figure leaned against the desk beside where she sat. This made it easy for me to peer down and see what she was up to.
“What’s Spotify?” I asked.
“It’s a music app,” she explained. “We can finally listen to music from this decade!”
“Has it ever occurred to you that I enjoy listening to my current music selection?” I raised an eyebrow.
Rose gave a sigh through her nose before speaking again. “Alright, let’s compromise. What if we create a combined playlist? That way, we can both have the music we like on it. Deal?”
“Deal,” I smiled as I shook her extended hand in agreement.
Her hands were so small and soft compared to mine. She only had a few callouses, which I could tell made her self-conscious. There was nothing for her to worry about, though. Everything about her was perfect. Every bump, dip, scar. It was all incredible and made Rose who she was. All of her imperfections helped turn her so beautiful.
‘Enough,’ I mentally scolded myself. ‘You can not keep thinking of her like that. She is your student, and you are her mentor.’
I needed to take my mind off of her, off of how close our bodies were. Focusing on the task at hand usually helped. My eyebrows furrowed when I focused back on what Rose was doing.
“Why are you adding a song from a playlist named ‘He’s a 10 but he’s in jail’?” I asked, amused.
“Jail isn't fun, but some pretty good songs can come from it,” Rose stated nonchalantly.
“You’ve been to jail?” Amusement dripped in my voice as I raised my eyebrow once more.
“Once,” the novice so plainly confirmed. “In Monopoly.”
This caused her to laugh out loud at her own joke. I chuckled and shook my head at her antics. How was this girl the most humorous person I’ve ever met? Ivan would have been so disappointed to learn that she took his triumphant place as the comic relief in my life. He would have loved her, though. They are so much alike. Their humor, mischievousness, and overall confidence. The two of them would have been as thick as thieves and definitely would have conspired against me.
The blaring sound of my phone’s ringer went off, disrupting my dream. My eyes scrunched with annoyance as I tried to bring myself to full consciousness. I rolled over and leaned on my elbow as I snatched the phone from the bedside table. The ringer must have still been all the way up from being at the club last night. God forbid Zmey lets me miss one of his phone calls.
Speaking of which, his name was on the caller ID. I glanced at the last retreating strands of daylight slipping behind the hotel curtains. Why would he be calling me this early in the Moroi morning?
“Belikov,” I answer, my voice deep from sleep.
“Guardian Belikov, please don’t hang up! It’s Lissa. I need to talk to you,” Vasilisa’s sweet, but anxious, voice came through the speaker.
Hearing her voice kicked me back into my guardian drive.
“Princess? Is everything alright?” I asked, wide awake now.
“Yes. Well… no. I need you to stop your search for Rose,” she pleaded. “Please.”
“Princess, I-”
“Just listen! I think there is a way we can save Rose. She trusted you, so I know that means I can trust you too. Now I just need you to trust me,” Vasilisa said.
I paused for a moment to consider before responding. “Okay.”
“I know Rose told you about everything: the car accident, my abilities, our bond. After some research, I have a theory that I’m confident will work. My spirit brought her back from the dead once, and I believe I can do it again,” the princess explained. “As a strigoi she’s technically dead, or undead, or whatever! If I stake her, bringing her to the brink of death again, then use my spirit… I think I can resurrect her. I can bring her soul back.”
My whole world froze. The only sound I could hear was my heart rapidly beating inside my chest. Could this be true? I’d be absolutely anything to bring my Roza back to me. Only this sounds like a fairytale. There have never been any recorded instances of Strigoi being resurrected. Although that’s what I’ve always thought about Spirit.
I knew my neighbor in Baia, Oksana, claimed to be a Spirit user. Sadly, I just never fully believed her. It wasn’t until I saw it used right before my eyes with Vasilisa. Rose was living, breathing, proof that it was real. I’ve read reports on their accident. There should have been no survivors. Yet those two girls lived to see the next day. So maybe the princess is right. She brought Rose back from death once. Why couldn’t she do it again?
“Hello? Are you still there?” Vasilisa’s voice called out through the receiver.
“Yes. I’m just… processing,” I replied.
“I know it’s a lot to take in. We- ooo!” Her voice waiver before she took a quick pause. “Sorry about that. I just got a random chill. Anyway, we need your help. Where are you? We can send someone to get you.”
“No buts! Listen, I know you basically threw everything away when you went looking for Rose. If you help with this then I can personally promise you’ll be welcome back to the guardians with no repercussions. All we need to do is get a plan together. I believe we can do this. We all do!” She encouraged me.
“Thank you, princess. That’s all very kind of you. But if I do return to the guardians then I will take whatever punishment they hand out to me. I went AWOL and it’s nothing to take lightly.” Then something clicked into place. “I’m sorry, did you say we? Princess, before I forget to ask, why are you calling me from-”
A new voice joined the line. The same one that always managed to send chills down my spine. He spoke in fluent Russian. I assume to be sure those near him didn’t hear what he had to say.
“Belikov,” Zmey greeted. “I need to know that you’re fully on board with this. I know that all of this sounds like nonsense, but I believe this could work. I’ve heard stories of Strigoi being restored in the past. Maybe two or so cases. However, the Dragomir princess’s theory sounds the most plausible when it comes to the how. I think it can be worth a shot.”
I sighed before speaking. I needed to remember that this was for Rose.
“I’m in,” I answered.
“Excellent. Now, are you in the same location I gave to you a few days ago? I can send for a plane to come get you,” Zmey continued.
“No. It was a deadend. I’m in Wilmington, Delaware, now. Choice Inn and Suites near the airport,” I replied.
“You’re not too far from here then,” he said before speaking aloud and in English. “Paval, have a plane sent to pick Belikov up in Wilmington, Delaware.”
A distant voice of Paval could be faintly heard.
"Well, his hotel is about a 10 minute drive to the airport. So he can just meet you there," Zmey discussed with his guardian.
“Where are you? And why are you with the Dragomir princess?” I snipped as I could feel my frustration building.
“Lord Szelzky typically resides in Nepal. However, he does have an estate in Pennsylvania for when he is needed at Court. That’s where he’s been residing for the last month or so. However, the home was attacked by a Strigoi. Lord Szelsky and one guardian were killed. Can you guess who that Strigoi was?” Bitterness seeped into Zmey’s mouth.
My blood ran cold, and I prayed that I wasn’t right. “Rose.”
“There was only one survivor she left alive, and that was her mother. She has a severe concussion, a few broken ribs, and chest contusions. All of that so she could give you a message,” more venom dripped into his voice.
“A message?”
“She told Janine to tell you to come and find her. That she’ll be waiting.” There was a pause before he continued. “Be at runway nine in two hours. Guardian Pavel will be there to greet you.”
The line went dead and I felt my stomach sink. I was the reason for Guardian Hathaway’s injuries. But how did Rose discover that I was tracking her? I’ve kept my location and plans secretive. People made assumptions, but they never had concrete evidence. I just turned in my resignation to Alberta and left without further notice.
I groaned as I could feel a headache forming. My hands ran up and down my face a few times in hopes of alleviating it. Sadly, it didn’t help. So instead, I decided to get up and take a shower.
It wasn’t very long. Most times I use the shower to think and contemplate. Sometimes even daydream about a certain brunette being in there with her. Her warm, wet, skin pressed up against me from behind. Her worn hands sliding up the sides of my back before meeting together in the front. Then she’d slip those hands down my chest agonizingly slowly. Moving down their path until they graze the dips in my hips before grasp my-
No. It had to be a short shower. My things still needed to be packed up before I headed off to the airport. From the sounds of my stomach suddenly growling, I should probably grab something to eat on the way as well.
It didn’t take long to pack, so that left me with plenty of time to get food. By the time I stepped outside, darkness had completely fallen everywhere. My guard needed to be up even more now. Especially since Rose knows that I’m looking for her. As I made my way through the parking lot to my car, I kept my eyes scanning the surroundings. Everything looked to be clear. I unlocked the door and quickly got in. Or as quickly as I could get into a Honda with my 6’7” frame.
Once inside I locked the doors and tossed my duffle bag to the front seat. Just as I turned the car on and settled in, I heard her voice. Like a beautiful angel of death coming to reap my soul.
“Hi Comrade,” Rose whispered in my ear.
Before I could even move, everything went black.
{Song Inspo: Let Me Save You by Emily Rowed}
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romitritrashswiftie · 2 years
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hiccuppedstudio · 6 months
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A little steamy moment between Rose and Strigoi!Dimitri for all the monster fucker girlies out there 🩸
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In the Vampire Academy books it’s made clear that Moroi are physically much weaker than Dhampirs. Dhampirs get their heightened senses from Moroi, but it’s repeatedly stated that their physical hardiness comes from being part human. Elemental magic isn’t easy and takes a lot out of Moroi who use it, and they don’t usually immediately bounce back and recover easily nor super fast, so using their magic in battle is possible, but hardly a 1 Moroi fighting multiple Strigoi every night sort of thing.
Also, there are 3 main ways to kill a Strigoi besides sunlight, which is beheading them, setting them on fire, and staking them through their heart with a silver Stake charmed with Earth, Fire, Water, and Air elemental magic. Beheading isn’t easy and generally takes multiple swings of a sharp object from a Dhampir doing it, so a Moroi probably would have an even harder time with that.
Initially, the thought of a Moroi successfully staking a Strigoi isn’t thought to be doable, considering their lack of strength and training required to do that successfully. Even Rose complains about how difficult it is to get the Stake in the right spot and all the way in far enough to actually kill a Strigoi when she’s learning how to do that.
Eventually, it’s revealed that it’s sometimes possible for a Moroi to successfully Stake a Strigoi if that Strigoi is successfully restrained, as in like, tied to a chair multiple times with metal chains sort of restrained, not like being held down or something like that, AND that Moroi has to use both hands and their entire body to get that Stake in far enough to be successful. There’s also some magic side-effects to that, but I feel that that’d be too spoiler-y to post here rn.
While Fire Magic can be extremely successful as a weapon, not just against Strigoi, it still is extremely difficult to master, and takes a lot of control, concentration, and energy, as does all Moroi magic. In the Vampire Academy books, various types of Moroi magic is shown to be very effective in regards to fighting Strigoi, but usually works best in tandem with others to help you fight on your side, be it Dhampirs, or other Moroi.
Also, Strigoi are intelligent, and strategic, and cruel, and delight in causing pain in whatever way they want to. In the Vampire Academy books, it’s said that Guardians can go years without encountering a Strigoi, and they’re rarely in groups. A group of Guardians encountering 3 Strigoi is a lot of Strigoi and a big thing for them to handle, and a story told to showcase skill and talent and impress.
In that new Vampire Academy television show rn, their version of Strigoi seem to be much more likely to be in groups, and encounter Moroi and Dhampirs relatively frequently, as of rn. In that sort of scenario, Moroi magic attacks don’t seem as sustainable. Encountering 1 Strigoi every few months or years and using all of your Magic to defend yourself seems much more like a reasonable option, if need be. Every encounter with a Strigoi is a matter of life and death, and using all of your strength and energy and skill in 1 battle every few months or years makes a lot more sense than aiming for that every night. If Moroi magic works differently in that new Vampire Academy television show, then they need to make that clear. There’s a reason why Dhampirs are trained to be Guardians while Moroi aren’t. It’s because, generally speaking, Dhampirs are better built for physically fighting and defending than Moroi are. However, that is not a reason for Moroi not to learn how to defend themselves, and that is not a reason for Dhampirs to have to serve Moroi, or anybody else.
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sixthfinger · 2 years
unpopular opinion: i actually don’t mind the strigoi mikhail thing. it’s actually kind of the perfect set up for a bunch of other stuff. there’s soooo much there for sonya’s character. his death works as a catalyst for both the development of her spirit magic and her growing darkness. his friendship with rose is also a huge deal. we get to see her guilt and her grief over his death. that was a huge part of her development in the books (with mason), and it will likely play a similar part here. in the books, a few of her allies turn strigoi - ms karp, then natalie, and only then dimitri - but in the show mikhail is the first. just in general, his death and the events leading up to it are a huge character development moment for everyone around him.
now, the consolation: i don’t think he’ll stay dead for long. chances are he’ll either get brought back through spirit (which is impossible in book canon, i know, but i don’t think the show cares Too much about that) or it’ll be a romitri-on-the-bridge-in-blood-promise type of deal.
if anything, at least we know that the show won’t be shying away from strigoi plots. 
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clover4found · 7 months
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Rereading vampire academy and frankly, it’s hard to ignore how selfish and frankly horrible Lissa can be to Rose. Has anyone else noticed this?
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