darcyolsson · 10 months
2017 in the middle by dodie soooo true. SO true.
what can i say. a banger to this day
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narukoibito · 1 year
hiii i think you recommended a hinny fic a while ago (shocker lol, kris jenner works but you work harder) and it was a modern muggle au where they’re both bi and meet at this underground pub that dean and seamus own and that fic has been HAUNTING ME lately and I can’t find it anywhere 😭😭😭 do you remember which one it is??
Hi! Hahaha, you're too funny! And YES, I love this story:
Let Me love & you got me, runaway by @stuckwith-harry
Muggle AU: A beautifully written Harry/Ginny friends with benefits, Muggle AU story, where there’s a lot left unsaid (as most FWB stories do well). stuckwith-harry paints a vivid picture of London and youth, the feelings we don’t know what to do with, when we fool ourselves to thinking we know what we’re getting into. Love all the characters.
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quillsand · 2 years
hello my love! 3, 4, 24 and 25 for books asks please! also see you soon!!!!! (i am doing the finger heart at you)
hello my love!!! anything for you!!! (i am doing the heart finger back)
3. What were your top five books of the year?
oooh okay hang on i will check the storygraph stats!!! okay so there are 10 books i've given a 5 star rating to (which is really high!!! last year i think i gave 2 books 5 stars!!!) and out of those i am going to pick
how to blow up a pipeline by andreas malm, the first book i read this year and the one that set the tone for 2022. i didn't blow up any pipelines this year but i sure did do a lot of stuff that i am not about to talk about publicly on tumblr dot com! this book was such an inspiration and i cannot recommend it highly enough for anyone who needs (or knows somebody who needs!!!!) that push into action. and it doesn't have to be on the scale of what the title suggests, there are so many ways to get involved in activism!!! for me personally this book took thoughts i had about the need for more militancy in activism, particularly in climate activism, and helped me see a way in which i could incorporate that into my own activities and how i organise!!! i would buy everyone i know a copy of this book if i could
i can't decide between record of a spaceborn few and the galaxy and the ground within for my top becky chambers book so i'm going to include both in the #2 spot i don't care if it's cheating!!! record of a spaceborn few made me sob like very few other books have ever accomplished and the galaxy and the ground within feels like it was written to cater specifically to everything i go feral for in stories (strangers coming together through coincidence and learning to love each other despite their differences and the struggles they face!!!)
the well of ascension by brando sando. i know it's a re read but consider that it's my favourite book and i don't let myself re-read it that often because then i would literally never read anything else. and i know you know this but i just. love elend venture. so fuckin mcuh
how high we go in the dark by sequoia nagamatsu. listen okay this one was a spontaneous purchase based on nothing but the blurb which is a rare move for me i like to RESEARCH thoroughly before investing in a book. and i bought this as a hardcover!!!! from a new author i'd never even heard of before!!! but the vibes seemed exactly like my kind of thing and i was so right about it. see the aforementioned 'coincidence pulling strangers together and forcing the goodness in people to come out in times of crisis' it's about the mundanity of simple acts of kindness but projected onto an epic scale of sci-fi dystopia!!!! it's about the way we're all interconnected and our actions impact one another profoundly even if we can't see it!!! it's about the love that exists as an inherent part of being alive in the universe at the same time as other people!!!
i think this last spot is actually going to have to go to the terror by dan simmons. i didn't actually give it 5 stars because i felt wrong doing so when a lot of the book is quite problematic but also. nothing has ever gripped my attention quite as much as this book did. and like, i watched the show first!! i knew what to expect!!! none of it was news to me!!! and yet i still don't think i've ever had a book scare me quite so much or make me feel such deep discomfort and abject horror at what the characters were going through. also, scurvy is now one of my greatest fears.
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
becky chambers for sure!!! i've been meaning to read her stuff for a while because everyone in the sci-fi reddit communities goes on about it a lot but i think i was scared they'd be overhyped? but i was genuinely really invested in every single one and i think i gave most of them 5 stars!! i got the monk and robot books for christmas so i am really excited to start those too!!!
also, i discovered n k jemisin's broken earth trilogy thanks to @parrishcoded (thank u bestie!!!) and i really really enjoyed them so i'd say jemisin is an author i desperately want to read more of in 2023!!!
23. Did you DNF anything? Why?
already answered! short answer, no, i did not (but i maybe should've!)
24. What reading goals do you have for next year?
also already answered but i just thought of more. so okay i think i want to re-read les mis again next year but maybe doing like a chapter a day? that sounds like it could be fun i just don't know if i could actually stick to it- but also i maintained dracula daily even though i had my doubts whether i would or not at first so i feel like it's no unachievable!!! plus kowt comes out in 2024 not 2023 like i'd for some reason thought previously so i don't need to start my stormlight re read until the year after which will give me more time. might re read other brandon books that i didn't get around to this year though!
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ashesandhackles · 2 years
Chamber of Secrets reread
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Chapter 1, 2, 3,4
Harry's hope that Dursleys have not forgotten his birthday (hardly daring to believe it) - because it means Harry has not fully rejected them as caregivers yet. He does this in the next book - which is where Sirius steps in as the parental role Harry finally moves the Dursleys out of. There is this push and pull with Harry - he wants their approval, he wants to stay out of their way and not catch too much of the heat that comes with their attention. It is a very fragmented way of dealing with possible abandonment.
Vernon promised Harry he would flay him "within inch of his life". This, with descriptions of threatening body language gives such a strong implication that Harry was beaten up before being locked into the room with bars with lines like: "Uncle Vernon was as bad as his word (fade to black into next scene with Harry in room)". No wonder in Deathly Hallows that both Vernon and Harry wonder if Harry would actually rescue him.
love how charming The Burrow sounds, and how deliberately it is contrasted from the order of Dursleys. And how the most unusual thing about the Burrow was everyone there "seemed to like him." My heart.
The Weasley dynamics! Both Fred and George are so excited when Arthur is back home and genuinely want to hear stories of his job ( in contrast to Percy, who admits to being embarrassed of his father's reputation at the Ministry)! The other interesting festering family dynamic is that when Molly rages about them and brings up Bill, Charlie, and percy - Fred mutters, "Perfect Percy". It is a way to indicate jealousy of the approval and regard Molly gives Percy, although I doubt Fred would admit it.
"her face glowing like the setting sun". The sun imagery follows Ginny through the books. Harry refers to their first kiss as "several sunlit days" or the time he couldn't look in her eyes - "like gazing into brilliant light" "blazing look" and when Ron confronts him about kissing Ginny after the break up, this is the description when Harry says it won't happen again: "The day was cloudless, but he felt as though the sun had gone in."
Lucius Malfoy: ex terrorist and now a Tired Indulgent parent. His dialogue with Draco is hilarious. "You have told me dozen times already" - he tells Draco after Draco complains about Harry.
That said, @indigo-scarf has lovely meta on Hand of Glory and what it means for Draco's arc.
Chapters 5,6,7,8,9
Snape's Dramatic Entrance for this book - waits for appropriate moment behind 12 years olds to announce: "Maybe he's waiting to hear why you two didn't arrive on the train." Life of Severus Snape: Stuck in a job he hates, plans jump scares on 12 year olds for cheap thrills. (@incalculablepower also pointed out Snape's history with the tree in the infamous prank when he talks about Harry and Ron caused damage to a valuable tree)
Also his emo goth office with jars full of "revolting things Harry didn't want to know the name of"
Hagrid also picking up on Ginny's crush on Harry.(also for mystery plot, Ginny is scoping out the house cos of the roosters).
The macabre Headless Hunt goes with gothic vibe of CoS: something lurking in the castle from the underworld. A young girl possessed by a great evil etc etc. (going to reference this meta by @stuckwith-harry about Ginny's experience in the books and how her gender plays into it)
As was pointed out about Draco and hand of glory in early CoS chapter, we get Peeves breaking the vanishing cabinet here in this chapter. The cabinet Draco repairs in HBP, once he discovers the connection with the one in Borgin and Burkes, thanks to Fred and George shoving Montague in there.
the attack on Mrs Norris enlightened Hermione more clearly to dangers of being a Muggleborn. She was doing nothing but reading after the attack - and it feels like a measure of control she is trying to exert over her environment.
Chapter 10, 11,12, 13, 14,15
the opening scene where Harry had to enact a scene from Lockhart's book is comedy gold. Where are the fanartists with this scene??? This book is so funny, I swear to god.
"I never thought I'd see a day where you would be persuading us to break rules" - ah, Hermione. We see that its creeping up to her, the fact that she is another in the wizarding world and she deals with it the way she knows how - cognitively, making a plan of action: Polyjuice.
I have a lot of feelings about the political consciousness that Dobby showed here. "ah if Harry Potter only knew! If he knew what he means to us, to the lowly, the enslaved, us dregs of the magical world - but mostly sir, life has improved for my kind ever since you triumphed over He Who Must Not Be Named". I have written about how slavery is handled in the books here.
Hermione, the pyromaniac, book 2 edition. She is conjuring waterproof fires now, graduating from her blue flames in PS
Harry picks up the Expelliarmus from Snape, as he sees from duelling club. The only time Harry ever refers to Snape as a professor voluntarily - "shouldn't have let professor Snape teach us that one"..
Snape throws Harry a shrewd, calculating look when Harry speaks Parseltongue. I think this aspect of Harry makes him a bit curious - as he pretty much says this as a half truth in Spinner's End chapter in HBP. (that there were rumours about Harry being a dark wizard, and he was curious and not at all inclined to murder him. Spinner's End chapter is masterful in lot of half truths).
what a lonely braggart Lucius Malfoy is : he is sending his 12 year old son newspaper clippings of how his work colleagues he loathes is facing an enquiry. Who does this, lol? Probably because most of his friends are in prison, he needs to tell his son the gossip.
i love that what Ron sees in Mirror of Erised is that he is Head Boy, Quidditch captain, and here, he says in disgust, "Prefect, Head Boy - probably top of every class". It shows his tendency to devalue his needs and wants (of course, that's not truly what he needs - it's recognition, but it's interesting he sees this in the mirror and still reacts like this). refer: "I have seen your heart: exploring Ron's arc" by @bluethepineapple
Harry notes that Tom "had jet Black hair" ("strange likenesses ...we even look something alike" Tom notes in the final chapters. The twin imagery is strong with Harry and Voldemort, not just with the appearances but the twin cores as well.)
it's interesting to me that the injustice Hagrid suffers is also integral to the vein of CoS (he is a suspect, he was expelled and had his wand broken) and in POA (the Buckbeak trial).
"you will find that I have only truly left the school when none here are loyal to me". Dumbles being god like.
really have to admire Ron that he was even able to move and grab Fang when the car came in when they were talking to Aragog. He was apparently frozen with his mouth open and eyes popping. Ron Weasley is extremely brave.
Chapter 16,17,18
Tom displays bitter rage against his father, and emphasises his lineage from his maternal line. He also seems to think his father abandoned Merope because she was a witch, which I think is what he found out or guessed, as opposed to the story we know.
Fawkes enters with a song, and it makes Harry's heart grow twice its size (metaphorically). But we see a version of this in GOF - where priori incantentem between wands also makes Harry hear the phoenix song. It's very good vs evil. Also, the phoenix is described in such a grand, colourful way in this dark underworld chamber - a splash of colour. It is a very nice image.
Ginny wakes up from a harrowing experience and sees blood-soaked Harry holding the destroyed diary. No wonder that she "never really gave up on you, not really". I think this kind of thing would be embedded in her psyche.
I love that the story combines the grand, mythical nature of things - Dumbledore as God, Fawkes as Holy Spirit, the chamber as the underworld, and then it's also a story where themes of classism, systemic injustice against Muggleborns, slavery is introduced. The banal evil antagonist is Lucius Malfoy - who tries to discredit a poorer Arthur Weasley by setting up his daughter, who gets Hagrid sent to Azkaban and gets Dumbledore removed - all by using his power and position. I think this book toes the line between mythical evil (Basilisk that needs to be slayed, Tom Riddle diary) and banal evil well.
@urupotter made a post about how Lucius appears to be using Occlumency against Dumbledore in the final scene between them.
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portokali · 2 years
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bestie gi @pinknoisemp3 tagged me to share my 9 albums of 2022!!! ty that was v fun to do and think abt!!!
criteria for being a nica album of the year were: °albums i listened to front to back a lot, not just albums where i loved a couple individual songs, °albums that actually set the vibe and made me think of a lot, °albums i liked (ofc), °albums that i either discovered or came out this year OR if they're old favorites, °albums that were particularly relevant, and °albums that were somehow in pace w my character development
here we have: jubilee by japanese breakfast, laurel hell by mitski, ANIME by foivos delivorias, be the cowboy by mitski, μια πέτρα σαν σπίτι by sophie lies, a liquid breakfast by audrey nuna, metro by lex, surf by blackstarkids and red hearse by red hearse
tagging besties @catboyparrish @catboykacchan @catboypranparakulisaro @catboyhammerandsickle @transcatboymegumi @byrons @matchas @stuckwith-harry @quillsand @soupbi @diarygirls and everyone else who wants 2 do it.. ily i hope everyone enjoys the music they listen to as much as i do if not more its my genuine hope for humanity
#jubilee ALBUM OF THE YEAR loved it soo much only listened to it this year too before that all i had listened to more than once was be sweet#but so so so good sooo important to me!!!!#laurel hell A GROWER i loved the singles as they came out but after the album came out i loved jt#but then took a break from listening to it and arrived at the conclusion that it's a lot less musically interesting#than any of her previous works and then came back to it some months later w new uears#OK I STILL KINDA AGREE W PAST ME that melodically it's not AS impressive as some stuff shes done before but stillll#such an important album to me this year n now i grew into some of the songs more esp thats our lamp#ANIME BY DELIVORIAS AND FIRST GREEK ALBUM IN THE LINEUP OKOK OK LETSGO#hes my greek boomer of choice look he went and named his album anime it doesnt even have 2 do w anime#he meant as in.. anima as in the soul in latin ig?? so much of it has 2 do w the matter of thr human soul n how delivorias sees the world#his brain!!! ok even if u dont speak greek i think its an enjoyable listen!!! look i wouldnt be reccing it if it wasnt good!!!!#BE THE COWBOY a classic an old favorite but i listened to it soo much more this year and developed personal close relationships w so many#of the songs so!!! a 2nd win for mitski CHEERS#mia Petra san spiti aka a rock as a home (??) by Sophie lies ANOTHER greek indie album in the lineup n honestly#its more of a 2021 album of the year but this year too and actually one of my fav albums ever#soo much of it is abt growing pains and struggling in your 20s.. hi. was listening to it recently thinking funny how sophie lies writes#songs specifically for me such as aeras bc well of course eimai aeras eimai o ai8eras pou anakatevei fyllarakia eimai neraki ki auto einai#kati... mia stagona poy soy 8wlwse to mati!!! WHO comes up w this stuff NOT NORMAL PPL ILL TELL U THAT MUCH. also nastia likes sophie too#yes yes loved talking abt her w nastia bestie..#a liquid breakfast by audrey.. v good grew on me fast too it interchanges btwn being badass and gritty to vulnerable and softer letsgoo#definitely sth i needed a lot also v fond memories of playing this in the car 2 my friend and his friend i had just met and them both#approving. also b4 the friends friend became MY friend hello!!!!#lex metro what can i say. he already said it all!!! skg gang letsgoo#CULTURAL RESET also ofc i was there at the live.. a v v remarkable and unforgettable day by all means. n my brother gave me one of the#tshirts he got AND I ALSO got a paprika tshirt by artist ej chong so i have 2/9 tshirts for the albums mentioned here#surf by blackstarkids WOW A VIBE!!!! again v relatable to growing n 20smethingisms but also v fun and just super gr8#helped me alot through the summer.. love 💕💕💕#RED HEARSE is actually a long time fav since 2020 i think but it stayed a fav this year n got me through a lot there r some absolutest bops#here!!!! everybody wants you is one of my top most listened songs n my fav alongside red hearse n half love..#tag game
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bluejayfiredancer · 3 years
hi, it seems like the most recent invite link to the inkworld discord (that i could find) has expired again, would you mind sharing a new one if the discord is still a thing/accepting members? x
of course, here you go :D
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scopriusmalfoy · 5 years
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jk rowling, harry potter and the order of the phoenix
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ähm. hab ich das bisher einfach nicht auf dem schirm gehabt oder hat spotify gerade gendersternchen eingeführt??? ❤️❤️❤️
Jaaaaa ich habs auch neulich gesehen! Coole Aktion, das normalisiert das ganze ein kleines Stück mehr für Hundertausende Leute.
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jonismitchell · 4 years
arden i know that if anyone understands this dilemma it is you so here goes. i made a bly manor playlist. i added the entirety of folklore (2020) and absolutely nothing else. needless to say i have yet to recover from whatever fresh emotional hell i just put myself through
first off you’re absolutely right that this is me as a person and second off that does sound like hell. goddamn. folklore is literally just bly manor fanfiction in this essay i will—
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ginnyweaslays · 4 years
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stuckwith-harry replied to your post “i’ve made a lot of depressing gifsets before and still have some ideas...”
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deboracabral · 5 years
okay, first of all, i ADORE your art, i FUCKING adore it. second of all, from a les mis fandom baby who's like, only seen the movie, is the "no bread only pain" art you made a reference? like is that a les mis thing or am i stupid? it SEEMS like a les mis thing but i can't be sure. regardless i'm gonna get a sticker for my les mis obsessed pal hehe
hahaha it’s not a direct quote or anything, but it’s definitely a reference!
Also welcome enjoy your stay! 
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diarygirls · 5 years
💌 what are your favourite summer BOPS this year. what's on your SUMMER playlist. what we JAMMIN to
omg okay SUMMER ‘19 tunes (some new, some old) are
hot girl summer - megan thee stallion
tempo - lizzo
a kiss goodbye - tei shi
crush - tessa violet
gimme - banks
con altura - rosalia
hold up - beyonce
caught up - goldwater
diablo - ilira
out the bottle - lolo zouai
i like that - janelle monae
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quillsand · 4 years
deathly hallows part 1 is the worst harry potter movie and i have receipts to prove it. my receipts are: the entire movie from the first minute to the last
just bc u repeatedly say this doesn’t mean it’s true
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lovestory · 5 years
gabbi i am BEGGING you please explain how you cut tay out and put her on that background in the first gif here - /post/188140775584/taylor-swift-albums-part-one it looks so so seamless and skillfully done i am in AWE 💘💘💘
thank you! i didnt cut her out, just set the clouds layer to multiply and erased it from her face :)
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thoughtfulseason · 6 years
omg imagine that harry needed a permit to be in the triwizard tournament from his parents, or in this case, guardians. think about vernon dursley receiving the letter asking if he wants his nephew in a very dangerous tournament in which he will probably die but before he can say anything petunia strictly says no cause she’s afraid she’ll get hell from dumbledore (who doesn’t give a shit) and she refuses to let harry participate. so yeah, it would be the one thing that the dursleys would have done right. imagine how furiuous voldemort would become when he’d find out he was stopped from having a body by a muggliest muggle
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harrenhals · 5 years
stuckwith-harry replied to your post: someday i will type out the essay i have in my...
and aside from treating everyone like SHIT (mike especially like i know that kid is a brat sometimes but godDAMN.) i really REALLY hated the whole “i’m the chief of police!!! i can do what i want!!!” thing felt …. in VERY poor taste
KIN!! i actually didn’t even pick up on the ‘chief of police’ thing but you’re right!! i was so bothered by his creepy obsession with mike and el’s relationship and the heavy handed way he tried to stop them being together, and the way he treated joyce!!! yelling at her!! the sexism and jealousy! CALLING HER CRAZY? jim ‘show some class’ hopper?? not in my good christian household duffers
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