fiirelords · 4 years
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I made a fandom family long ago and it kinda died away when I went on my long hiatus so now I’m gonna try and bring it back :D 
to join: 
★ must be following the reason the family name is a mess (aka yours truly)
★ reblog this post (you guys know the button)
★ send me an ask with:
your name + pronouns
3 characters from my fandoms 
★ track the tag #bimblebubblefam
you get: 
★ a tag to share edits/selfies/shitposts/anything you want really
★ a space on the fandom family page
★ you can join the discord server if you want! just lmk if you're interested in it
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expectopaula · 6 years
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new year, new edits -> luna lovegood
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thoughtfulseason · 6 years
omg imagine that harry needed a permit to be in the triwizard tournament from his parents, or in this case, guardians. think about vernon dursley receiving the letter asking if he wants his nephew in a very dangerous tournament in which he will probably die but before he can say anything petunia strictly says no cause she’s afraid she’ll get hell from dumbledore (who doesn’t give a shit) and she refuses to let harry participate. so yeah, it would be the one thing that the dursleys would have done right. imagine how furiuous voldemort would become when he’d find out he was stopped from having a body by a muggliest muggle
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wildqueenling · 7 years
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draco dormiens nunquam titillandus; nature edition
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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six of crows - nina zenik
for @arrtemiss​, happy birthday!
just one more day,
back to that time
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siriusisntdead · 7 years
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moodboards: neville longbottom
“There are all kinds of courage,” said Dumbledore, smiling. “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr. Neville Longbottom.”
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harry potter characters: fleur delacour
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femslasharmy · 8 years
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femslash fairytale series - princess and the pea
Once upon a time there lived a princess. This princess lived a privileged life, she never wanted for a thing, except perhaps for the one thing her heart truly desired above all else - to marry her true love. That wasn’t to say the princess had a true love, just that she knew she would not find it in any of the gallant princes who tried to court her. No, what the princess really wanted was to marry another princess. Oh how she dreamed of a beautiful lady in a long gown with beautiful thick hair, dancing with her, giggling together in the darkness of night. Maybe, the princess could admit it to herself, she even dreamed of kissing her imaginary love.
The princess traveled all over the world to find her true love, her lady love. She met princess after princess, all who looked at her family and riches and lusted but never, it seemed, was that directed at the princess herself. She could never be sure that they were true. So she came home dejected after her failed search, sure that there was something wrong with her and more then ever desperate for her true love. 
One evening in a terrible storm the princess was summoned into the king’s study for a young lady had come knocking at the doors of the palace. She was drenched from head to toe, shivering as she stood in front of the king. The princess wondered why she was summoned but as the young lady turned the princess realised just who this young lady was. The high quality of the soaked gown, the intricate braids, the jewels she wore and the pendant bearing the crest of a small neighbouring kingdom all pointed to the young lady being a princess. 
The king offered refuge to the shivering lady and placed her under the protection of his own daughter, hopeful that the princess’ search for true love had finally come to an end. As the two princesses grew closer the household staff started whispering of oncoming marriage in a mixture of excited and disgusted voices. They were often seen together in the courtyard, and some of the guards made suggestive leers when talking of the princess’ sleeping quarters being so close.
But the princess was fearful that their love wasn’t true. So many others had hid how uncomfortable they were in her presence before and she dreaded the day her lady love regretted their relationship. The day finally came that the princesses decided to share their love so with whispers and pledges of forever they fell asleep on top of the softest mattresses and eider-down beds the palace could provide. 
In the morning the princess feared to open her eyes, sure that last night had proven the woman she loved could not love her back. She hesitantly asked her love how well she slept. “Not very well, I tossed and turned all night!” the princess stopped breathing as all her worst fears came true, “There must have been something under the mattress. But I think I found not sleeping to be the best part of last night.” The grumpy lady frowned and walked over to the towering bed and after rummaging around pulled out a pea with an annoyed frown.
The princess laughed in joy and swept her lady love into her arms in relief instantly smoothing out the frown into a bright smile. Now she truly wanted for nothing for she had found her princess and one true love.
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sosoukoku · 8 years
🌹+ something that makes me happy is the weekend!!
same here, weekends are great
want one?
url: 10/10icon: 9/10theme: 10/10mobile theme: 10/10posts: 100/10overall: 10/10Following?: no sorry, but you’re fab / f+ / absolutely / after all this time? always
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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harry potter - nymphadora tonks
for @tonqs​, happy birthday!
is it a kind of dream,
floating out on the tide
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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harry potter - lily evans
midnight when we used to dance
underneath the ugly halogen lamps
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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harry potter - fleur delacour
inside their bodies
nothing falls to the earth and dies
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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harry potter - slytherin
the heart is ambitious:
it runs.
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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happy birthday - james potter
we watched the sunset
over the castle on the hill
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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harry potter - draco malfoy
I got guns in my head and they won't go
spirits in my head and they won't go
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krvm-blog1 · 7 years
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harry potter - pansy parkinson
@hogwartsgirlgang event; house pride
i'm still comparing your past to my future
it might be your wound but they're my sutures
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