#student counselor!dan
nerdygaymormon · 1 year
LDS LGBTQ Anniversaries for 2023
For 8 years I’ve been in charge of creating my stake’s calendar. In addition to stake meetings & activities, I include holidays and significant LDS anniversaries like when it was the 175th anniversary of the founding of Sunday School or 40 years ago priesthood and temple blessings were restored to members of African descent. 
This year there's only 1 significant anniversary I put on the calendar: Sept 21st will be 200 years since the angel Moroni first appeared to Joseph Smith.
For readers of this blog, here’s a few anniversaries this year that may be of interest:
75 years ago
April 1948 - Gay BYU students Kent Goodridge and Richard Snow met with church president George Albert Smith. They were in love and wanted to get a clarification of their ‘status.’ President Smith treated them with great kindness and told them to "live their lives as best they could" in their companionship. They had gambled making this appointment and worried they could be excommunicated on the spot, instead they left feeling loved and valued. 
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Unfortunately, this live-and-let-live attitude didn’t last long as President Smith's successor, David O. McKay, felt homosexuals "should be excommunicated without any doubt, that the homosexual has no right to membership in the Church."
30 years ago
May 18, 1993 - Apostle Boyd K. Packer gave an address to the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve, and the Presiding Bishopric, in which he stated there are three great threats to the LDS Church: the gay/lesbian challenge, the feminist movement, and scholars 
September - The September Six are excommunicated for publishing scholarly work against or criticizing church doctrine or leadership. This was widely reported in national press and resulted in a chilling effect on academics challenging approved church narratives
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25 years ago
October - Mormon-raised Russell Henderson and his friend Aaron McKinney tortured Matthew Shepard and left him for dead in Wyoming. The shocking crime made international news. The outrage over this crime eventually lead to the Matthew Shepard Act in 2009 which expanded the federal law’s definition of “hate crime” to include sexual orientation and gender identity. In 2018, Matthew's ashes were moved to the Washington National Cathedral
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15 years ago
Chieko Okazaki, the first person of color to serve in an LDS Church general organization presidency, was first counselor in the General Relief Society President when she published a book in which she wrote “A family with a gay child is not a failed family. It's a family with a member who needs special love and understanding and who has love and understanding to give back.”
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California’s Prop 8 - Church leadership heavily encouraged members donate time and money to pass Prop 8 which would ban same-sex marriage in California. About 1/2 of the money raised for its passage came from Mormons. The proposition passed and immediately there were protests at temples in Los Angeles and Salt Lake City, and the church received a lot of negative exposure. Since then the church has preferred behind-the-scenes roles in its efforts to combat queer rights
10 years ago
Dec 20, 2013 - Same-sex marriages became legally recognized in Utah. Seth Anderson & Michael Ferguson, both former Mormons, are the first gay couple to get married in Utah 
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5 years ago 
January 2018 - The documentary "Believer" featuring Imagine Dragon's lead singer Dan Reynolds premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Reynolds discussed the intersection of LGBTQ people in the Mormon community. Later in the year he appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show and The Daily Show with Trevor Noah and spoke of LGBTQ Mormons and suicides
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January 2018 - Josh Weed, the most famous LDS gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage, announces that he & his wife will get a divorce. They apologize to everyone who ever had their story held up as an example that gay people can get married and stay in the Church.
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February 2018 - Church-run Family Services states it no longer provides reparative therapy or sexual orientation change efforts
February 2018 - Richard Ostler starts a podcast called “Listen, Learn, and Love,” which has LGBTQ members/former members share their stories
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March 2018 -  BYU sponsors its first LGBT campus event, a panel of four students--Kaitlynn Wright, Ben Schilaty, Sarah Langford and Gabriel Cano–answer student-submitted questions
As president of the LGBTQAI+ and Allies Club, Jill Stevenson worked with administration at Southern Virginia University, a predominantly-LDS liberal arts college, to get the university to officially recognize the club, and to allow same-gender dancing on campus
June 2018 - The Church’s Family Search website starts allowing same-sex marriages to be recorded
July 2018 - The Provo Freedom Festival allows LGBTQ groups to participate in the parade due to a contract it had signed with the city of Provo which included a non-discrimination clause.
Dec 2018 - Stacey Harkey, a cast member on BYUTV’s popular show Studio C, comes out as gay
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theoryandahalf · 25 days
I just realized I have literally no time & skill to write the Fnaf au/joking because it'd take forever
seriously though, why does everyone want to give students homework. I go to school , that should be enough :/
In a question I swear is relevant , team theorists as types teachers
MatPat would probably be English - don't ask my why he just gives english teacher vibes
I'm pretty sure there are studies that show too much homework is ineffective but don't quote me on it. Hang in there pal, fanfic can wait for the weekend.
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I kinda agree Matt gives off Dead Poets Society vibes but I think he's said on record he hated English classes (was I the only one shocked that MatPat doesn't read?!). If he's teaching high school, yeah he's the AP Lit professor. If he's teaching college, he's the really young, oversharing Psych101 professor who's really cool but you also know too much about his wife, kid and cat, and his weekend hobbies. He's overcommitted on five hundred faculty committees and faculty Senate. He's won Teacher/Professor of the Year five times and he's not even 40 yet. In his spare time he consults for Google.
My other guesses:
Stephanie: Chemistry Professor or high school Chem teacher. God help you poor kids in her class, she's the strictest grader and the only time she unwinds is when Mr. Patrick sneaks into her classroom in between break periods. You know nothing about her personal life. Is she married to Mr. Patrick/Dr Patrick, or are they just friends?! Unless you have Mr Patrick and he overshares about her, you won't know, and you never will.
Lee: Bad ass History teacher all the way, in university and high school. He's also the advisor for the academic decathlon team. He's the chillest teacher ever and he'll let you sleep in his class. Just don't disrespect Tolkien in his presence.
Amy: Art teacher in high school, teaches fashion and design at the college level. She gives off 'mean teacher' vibes because most people only see her interact with Mr. Massa and Mr. Robinson and she often rips them a new one for being too loud and obnoxious. But she's actually fantastic to have in class and you learn a lot from her.
You also work your butt off. Don't take her as an elective.
Tom: ...I have no idea. I guess choir director? Tom is dyslexic and ADHD so teaching would be a hard profession for him. I can see him doing choir/show choir at the high school level though. He seems to give really good advice on his streams so maybe he's a school guidance counselor or adviser.
Santi: Physical education or kinesiology professor. He beefs with Mr. Robinson all the time because he keeps stealing his best football players for his stupid little drama club. Clearly PE is superior because there's more sports scholarships than there are art, so Tom is really just bringing down the entire school. Mr. Massa is also a very chill teacher, he'll let you skip class so long as Mr. Patrick doesn't notice you're not at the all school assembly (because he will notice).
Ash: The overburdened AV instructor/school librarian/media specialist in the Theorist high school. For college, they are the media librarian that just wants you to return the dvd copy of Return of the King, LEE. Ash never has enough money or time in any incarnation but they are the most cheerful and bad ass LGBTQ+ student club advisor you've ever had. Lies to homophobic parents and says they're just a gaming club because you do usually end up discussing FNAF lore for hours until Ms. Cordato knocks on the door to politely kick you all out because its 5pm.
Head Editor Dan: Animation professor or creative writing teacher at Theorist High. Also does freshmen homeroom so he's constantly in pain and in need of coffee. Gives off 'don't mess with me' vibes but is a real sweetheart if you get to know him. But what you don't know is that he's pitching five different tv pilots and one of these days he will just randomly disappear because his show was bought by ABC. Ten years from now you'll see his name in the credits of your favorite show as the Executive Producer.
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In kindergarten classrooms across Texas, 5-year-olds coming to school for the first time could soon be greeted by picture books, colorful blocks and the words, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”
As those children grow up in the state’s public schools, they could get dedicated time in the day to read the Bible or pray. And if they are going through a hard time, they could turn to a chaplain — rather than a licensed school counselor — for help on campus.
Lawmakers are working to inject Christianity into the state’s public schools through a slate of bills under consideration in the Texas Legislature.
What critics see as an assault on the separation of church and state, supporters argue is a step forward for religious liberty after a major Supreme Court decision last year.
The religious bills are backed by powerful figures both inside and outside the Capitol building and are arriving as Republicans double-down on what is seen as a winning issue to energize their base: accusing public schools of indoctrinating students with a “woke” agenda.
But despite outcries of indoctrination, opponents of the bills warn that they place a premium on promoting a religious viewpoint to children.
“This is certainly moving towards a preferred faith in Texas, which is something that is deeply concerning,” said Joshua Houston, advocacy director for the interfaith group Texas Impact.
On Tuesday, the House gave final approval to a bill that would allow chaplains without state certification to work inside schools.
Rep. Cole Hefner, R-Mount Pleasant, said the plan is about giving school districts “every tool that we can in the toolbox” to combat mental health problems and other crises. He conceded that districts could eventually replace all counselors with chaplains, and rejected Democrats’ amendments to require parental consent and that schools provide a representative of any denomination if requested by a student, teacher or parent.
Rep. Gene Wu, a Houston Democrat, attempted to bar schools from using public funds to pay the chaplains.
“We should not use public monies to compensate religious services,” Wu said.
The amendment failed on a largely party-line vote, with Hefner saying it “just completely messes up the purpose of the bill.”
The tension on display Monday echoed earlier legislative hearings on the larger slate of religious bills.
Some believers argue that putting God into schools could make campuses safer from violence, as well as reflect foundational values. Opponents retort that kids who aren’t Christian could feel alienated in public classrooms.
Republican Rep. Brad Buckley, who chairs the public education committee, signed onto both a bill to require classrooms to hang posters of the Ten Commandments and one that would allow schools to hire chaplains.
When asked whether putting the Ten Commandments in classrooms would infringe on students who don’t practice Christianity, Buckley said the bill doesn’t call for instruction.
The legislation requires posters that are at least 20 inches high and 16 inches wide to be displayed in every classroom that declare “I AM the LORD thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me” and include the other commandments.
When asked how a teacher should respond if a student asks about their meaning, Buckley said it’s “a great time for a teacher to contact a child’s parent.”
“I don’t think this bill contemplates any instruction on that,” he said.
It also dovetails with Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s school-choice priority. The two Republicans are throwing their political weight behind a plan to funnel public dollars into families’ private school tuition — including at religious schools.
Abbott is using exclusively Christian campuses as rally spots. He’s visited at least a dozen schools across Texas, including Denton Calvary Academy in March.
Republican legislators behind the bills say they see an opening after the recent U.S. Supreme Court opinion that sided with a high school football coach who prayed on the field after games. Advocates say the opinion sets out a constitutional test that relies on history and tradition, and they are eager to test the proposed Texas laws before the court’s conservative majority.
“We think it is ripe, the opportunity is there,” former state Rep. Matt Krause told the Senate education committee last month. “We think there could be a restoration of faith in America.”
A few other states have made similar pushes, including a 2021 North Dakota law that allows the posting of Ten Commandments in classrooms alongside other historical texts.
Caroline Mala Corbin, a professor at the University of Miami School of Law, said the Texas bill requiring their display is the most problematic legally. The high court already found such a move unconstitutional, when in 1980 it held that a Kentucky law requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in public school classrooms was “plainly religious in nature.”
Corbin also pointed out that there is not a single version of the Ten Commandments, and that by choosing to display one, lawmakers are endorsing a specific religious denomination over others. Similarly, Corbin said in a country as diverse as the U.S., it is likely impossible to provide chaplains that cater to children of every faith, and therefore schools would be endorsing particular religions.
“The core principle of the Establishment Clause is that the government should not be favoring some religions over others and it does this to protect religious minorities,” said Corbin, whose research focuses on the First Amendment’s speech and religion clauses.
Shifts in local and statewide education positions could also be playing a role.
At the local level, school board elections are infused with highly partisan issues and big-money groups have attempted to “take over” some districts to make them more conservative.
The bill to bring chaplains on campus, as well as the one to allow for Bible reading and prayer time during school, contain an unusual provision: School boards would have to vote on whether to approve such a plan within six months of the legislation passing.
This could place political pressure on trustees to decide on a high-profile, touchy subject. The vote would likely come before the next set of school board races.
The State Board of Education also became more conservative after the last election cycle. Republicans flipped a seat and candidates further to the right replaced more moderate ones.
Among the new State Board of Education members is Julie Pickren, a former trustee from the Houston area who was in Washington during the Jan. 6 insurrection.
Pickren also sits on the board of the National School Chaplain Association, according to its website. The group has been pushing lawmakers to pass what they've labeled the "Chaplain's Funding Bill." She did not return a request for comment.
"We are very close to putting God and prayer in public schools through chaplains," the group wrote to its supporters in an email blast earlier this month about the Texas bill, along with a request for donations.
The organization was central in the House debate Monday. Rep. James Talarico, D-Austin, referenced the group as he attempted to make amendments to the bill to include additional guardrails, including an unsuccessful one to require parental consent before a child visited with the chaplain.
The association's website gives insight into the goals of the movement.
“The scale of transformation and spiritual renewal resulting from the school chaplain program might be best described as revival,” the website reads. “Millions of young people and adults in their lives are being won to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and discipled in the name of Jesus. Discipleship involves training to win and disciple others.”
The legislation would allow a public school to employ a chaplain to fulfill a broad range of roles on campus and would not require the person to earn state certification.
Texas faces a shortage of qualified mental health professionals to work in schools. The American School Counselor Association recommends a ratio of 250 students to every one counselor. In Texas, it was 392-to-1, according to 2021 data.
Rep. Diego Bernal, D-San Antonio, asked whether it’s possible under the legislation that campuses could replace all of their counselors and social workers with chaplains.
“I trust our schools to make the right decisions in those areas. I don’t think they would do that,” Hefner said.
Houston, from the Texas interfaith group, said: “The question that lawmakers ought to ask themselves is just the basic golden rule, If it was a Muslim chaplain and a Christian child, what would you want the standards for the program to be?”
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
"“It has actually gotten worse,” Dan said. “People talk about the LGBTQ community being accepting. It’s not. It’s predatory and gang behavior starts if you try get out of the group. We’re now dealing with bullying that the school won’t do much about.”"
"In the end, he feels multiple factors pushed his daughter to the brink: peer pressure to see a counselor for a gender dysphoria she wasn’t fully certain she had; borderline “predatory” teachers talking to Kate about issues better left to mental health professionals; and pressure from both peers and teachers alike to fit into the box they’d assigned her. “There’s a lot of blind following going on right now,” Dan notes. “It’s a very, very scary thing.”"
But yeah, go ahead and talk about how we're fools for not trusting teachers blindly.
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czenvs3000f23 · 1 year
Unit 1 Blog Post
Prompt: Describe your current relationship with nature. How was this developed/evolved? Who offered you "a sense of place," as described in our textbook?
For practically all my life, I've lived in the suburbs of Southern Ontario. I would go to school which was flanked by busy roads and intersections that would support the constant stream of cars going 70 km/hr. I would eat lunch under the glass ceiling of the mall, where I could still see the white, puffy clouds overhead. Most of my time was spent within the walls of my house, which looked identical to the others that spotted the neighborhood.
Despite this, I knew from a very young age that I wanted my career to do something with the environment. I'm not exactly sure where this stemmed from. I might've always had an intrinsic interest in biology or inherited my mom's passions, but I think most of it had to do with the programming that I was exposed to. I spent many days after school watching TVO Kids, which had a heavy emphasis on environmental education as a part of their broadcasting. I devoured the content supplied by The Wild Kratts, Dino Dan, and many others. I also got really invested in National Geographic Kids. I remember when I would get so excited to receive my monthly subscription to the magazine, and proudly showed them off to my classmates the next day at school.
Still, I hadn't racked up many hours outdoors hiking or going on other excursions. I used to be so insecure about this fact. Did it diminish my passion for the subject? Do I really belong in this field?
I think this really changed once I was in my first year. It was during the height of COVID and I was living on residence during the winter semester. The transition from high school to university was challenging as I suddenly had to be responsible for a whole slew of things. I was meeting new people from all different walks of life, adjusting to living on my own for the first time, and learning what it meant to be a student at a university. All while navigating the pandemic. Suffice it to say that in some moments it was really hard. I remember distinctly after I learned that I failed the CHEM1050 midterm, I headed straight to the arboretum. At this point I'd be going there on daily walks to get out of my stuffy dorm but this time I went to clear my head.
There's something about walking through the trails of the arboretum at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It's almost indescribable what I felt during that time in my life. Seeing the snow melt, and the little buds poking out from the soil stirred something within me. I would stare at the pond at Wild Goose Woods for a long time, just thinking. And suddenly, I would feel better. Being part of nature puts things into perspective. Deadlines don't matter. Petty dramas don't matter. It matters that I am alive in this moment, bearing witness to incredible ecological interactions that underpin the very fabric of society.
Since then, I'm still learning to appreciate the little things. I take joy in Ontario's natural heritage and am proud of the fact that I get to live in such a place where we experience four seasons. This past summer I had the opportunity to work at a farm as a camp counselor, where I was outside 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and despite the hard work, I genuinely loved it. I'm excited to continue to grow and experience how rich and diverse our planet is.
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0481
Connor Hammond, Idaho inmate 134046, born 1997, incarceration intake in 2019, age 22, scheduled release on 02/24/2029
Leud and Lascivious Conduct with a Minor under 16, Rape - Victim aged 16 or 17 with defendant 3 or more years older than victim
A former Brigham Young University student faces up to a decade in prison for the rape and lewd conduct of a 14-year-old girl he met on Tinder.
Connor Hammond and his attorneys Kristopher Meek and Dan Dummar met before Seventh District Court Judge Steven Boyce. There, Hammond pled guilty to one charge of rape and two counts of lewd conduct with a child under 16 in exchange for the state dropping three other counts of lewd conduct.
Boyce sentenced Hammond to four years determinant and six years indeterminate for the rape charge. The Judge gave the same sentence for the two lewd conduct charges ordering those to run consecutively with the rape sentencing. Boyce gave Hammond credit for the six months and 15 days that he spent in the Madison County Jail.
Hammond’s parents spoke prior to the sentencing and reported sthey had a counselor lined up to help him, another 12-step program for him to attend and a job he could work at while serving probation at home in Oregon.
Connor Hammond’s Rexburg Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bishop also spoke highly of Hammond. Numerous letters in support of Hammond from friends and Latter-day Saints missionary friends in Australia were presented to Boyce.
Madison County Prosecutor Rob Wood reported that the victim initially told Hammond that she was 18, but later admitted she was 14. The victim also told him her dad was deployed with the Army. Such information gave Hammond the opportunity to manipulate the vulnerable girl, Wood said.
Wood reported that Hammond had fondled the breast of a 17-year-old Oregon girl earlier this year. He also stated that while Hammond was in Australia and under constant supervision, he had five sexual encounters where he fondled a girl’s breast. Hammond had also failed a polygraph test where he lied about other sexual incidents.
Hammond told investigators that he never forced the girl to have sex and told them she convinced him to visit her home, Wood said.
“That’s true. We understand a 14-year-old is confused and is acting out. Both agreed (sex) happened, but they have different stories. No one other than Mr. Hammond knows exactly what happened,” Wood said.
Wood reported that Hammond told investigators that he felt pressure to get married following his Church mission.
“It’s mind boggling any 21-year-old BYU-Idaho student would settle down with a 14-year-old girl and have a family,” he said.
Wood also noted news reports where Hammond texted BYU-Idaho students telling them he had an impression to type their names into Facebook and hoped to meet them.
“He was preying on religious vulnerability and naivety at the same time,” he said.
Wood told Boyce that Hammond had proven he couldn’t be trusted and any kind of probation or a one-year rider would show the community that child rape wasn’t taken seriously. Wood also asked Boyce to sentence Hammond to at least six years in prison and to pay a $5,000 civil fine.
Meek spoke and reminded the Judge that Hammond had no previous criminal record, and that he had graduated from a 12-step program while held at the Madison County Jail.
“The retrospective of anyone’s life is that they’re not weighed wholly on the bad decisions they make. Connor Hammond certainly made some poor decisions. Those poor decisions shouldn’t be the only things that this court looks at in examining his sentencing today,” he said.
Meek noted that Hammond was “looking for love in all the wrong places. That could not be any more true than it was at the time this incident took place. He tried to find love with other adult partners. He needs someone to rely on in order to feel loved and cared for.”
Meek reminded the Judge that Hammond’s victim lied about her age, but agreed that Hammond should have ended the relationship when she admitted her age.
“He wanted to be in a relationship. She asked if they could be boyfriend and girlfriend — perfectly playing into his psychological issue. He recognizes now that he needed her, but he should have been smart enough to end it,” he said.
Meek reported that Hammond admits that what he did was wrong and that he has an addiction to pornography that he’s sought treatment for.
“Those are not the statements of an individual who believes ‘I didn’t do anything wrong.’ ‘It wasn’t me.’ ‘It’s all her fault.’ Rather, it’s somebody taking ownership for what he’s done,” Meek said.
Meek reports that Hammond has written an apology letter to his victim, but the letter has not been sent because of a no contact order in place between the two.
Hammond also spoke and apologized to the victim, the victim’s family, his family, the community and BYU-Idaho.
“I know I’ll have a lot of hurtful words thrown at me. I know I’m strong enough to get through this with support from my family. I know I need a lot of help. I’m willing to get that help. I just want to have friends that I’ve known for a long time,” he said.
The Judge noted how complex the case was, and that the state and the defense had suggested vastly different punishments.
“This occurred in Mr. Hammond’s car that got stuck in the snow bank. A 14-year-old girl was in the car. The officer had some suspicions about what was going on,” he said.
Police reports stated that officers found the pair on February 26 at Beaver Dick Park where Hammond admitted to having sex with the girl.
The Judge expressed concerns that Hammond failed to pass the polygraph test and had previous sexual contact with other underage girls.
Boyce was adamant that Hammond’s victim shouldn’t be blamed for what happened.
“There was a comment made in sentencing that ‘What’s causing her to invite men into her home?’ Men don’t go into minor children’s home for these types of activities which have been stated inappropriately as a relationship,” he said. “It’s far beyond that. It’s an illegal relationship. It’s against the law. It’s rape. It’s lewd conduct with a child und 16.”
The Judge pointed out the damage done to the victim and her family.
“The victim is going to take some time to get through this,” he said.
Boyce extended the no contact order between Hammond and his victim. He also ordered that Hammond register as a sex offender.
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chenanigans · 1 year
I love how none of my dnd characters are consistent. We got:
Rawhide Kobayashi
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Albino Red Grung
Gloomstalker Ranger
A himbit (himbo and Timbit)
He raises cattle that are giant woolly aphids and beetles
He’s a little frog cowboy who went to the tundra to save his papa
An absolute cinnamon roll, but could actually kill you
Maridia Fusilli
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Rosy Maple Mothfolk
Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Feral teen who loves maple syrup
She’s a moth sorcerer who’s hellbent on getting revenge on the demons who burnt down her tree, disabling various members of her family
She’s going to magical girl school
Looks like a cinnamon roll, wishes to bathe in the blood of her enemies
Dalrymple “Dal” Iniqine Cyr
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Tiefling Werewolf (aka Shifter)
Samurai Fighter
Himbo energy but a lesbian
Loves women and is very lonely
Bffs with Rawhide
Looks like she can kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll
Dr. Maiken Cyraeni Grebella
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Blue-Ringed Octopus Simic Hybrid
<Armorer> Artificer
Grumpy scientist who’s good at biology and technology
She cares more about inventing than adventuring
Looks like she can kill you, will definitely try to but probably can’t
Mercy Mousse
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Spores Druid, <Glamour Bard>
Left her home to become a pop star
Is always cheerfully singing and dancing
Her music and back-up dancers are a bit macabre
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll
Razmi McDazzl
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Eloquence Bard
Is apparently a good accountant
She loves money and will do anything for it
She is very charming so it’s hard to see through her lies
Looks like she can kill you, probably won’t but will trick ya
Delphinium “Delphi” Speedwell
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Blue-Green Grung
Chronurgy Wizard
Biggest and fattest grung from her town
She’s a gentle “giant“ among her fellow grungs, but won’t hesitate to beat your ass if you threaten her tribe
She went from student to headmaster of her school very quickly and she’s very sad about it
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll, but also can kill you
Sorro Levki
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Black Tabaxi
Fathomless Warlock
Drowned and came back because of his new patron
Doesn't like to fight but has to fight and make offerings to his patron
Misses going to sea, but is thought to be bad luck/a bad omen due to being the sole survivor of his shipwreck
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll
Nithi Blightkiller Kalukukané
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Orange Grung
Gloomstalker Ranger, Scout Rogue
Absolute grouch
Doesn’t want to be bothered and just wants to steal and murder in peace
She only targets shitty folk
Looks like she can kill you, can kill you
Cherome “Cherry” Sedum
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Cape Rain Frog Aasimar
Wild Magic Sorcerer
A very small and sad girl
She grew up in an abusive cult, but now is with a loving party she considers her family as well as her frog family too now
She’s getting stronger and radicalized to destroy parliament
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll, but can also kill you
Celesse Moonstone
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Star (aka Fire Genasi)
<Stars> Druid
Came to [insert planet here] because she loved humanity, especially their art
Is a literal ray of sunshine
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll
Cheer Sympathy Gritish
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Order Cleric, Champion Fighter
She works at Delphi’s school as a guidance counselor and a combat healing teacher
Extremely loud
Looks like she can kill you and can kill you
Dangeline “Danny/Dan“ Wolfsbane
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Horned Toad (Zariel Tiefling)
Wild Magic Barbarian
She looks scary and intimidating but she has a big weakness for smaller frogfolk and kids
She cares a lot about getting people out of bad situations
Looks like she can kill you, can kill you, but is also a bit of a cinnamon roll
Lulamin Helianthus
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Honeybee Fairy (aka Fairy)
Crown Paladin
Bee who always ends up in a situation
Rode a train and had an awful time, performed in a play and had an OK time, literally trying to get home
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll, but can also kill you
Rulaberri Humwallon Dianthus
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Carpenter Bee Fairy (aka Fairy)
Devotion Paladin/Wild Paladin (Homebrew)
Sweetie bee who is 99% of the time unaware of who gods are
Got a cushy seat in Oberon’s court as the God of Flowers
Became queen bee under sad circumstances
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll, but can also kill you
Mimi the Mimic
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Mimic (aka Plasmoid)
Beast Barbarian
Will eat people and animals alike and sees no issue with that
No moral code, sadistic, no empathy
Can be swayed easily with food
Looks like she can kill you, will kill you and then eatcha
Wislande Ritha Fanfan
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Entler (aka a homebrew race)
Eldritch Knight Fighter
Pure of heart, dumb of ass
She likes art
She’s from Canada, traveling the USA for art inspiration reasons
Absolutely does not know anything about America and how to traverse it
Looks like a she can kill you, is a cinnamon roll, but can also kill you
Bonnycastle Funfetti
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Ex-wedding cake (aka Plasmoid)
Dreams Druid
A literal and figurative sweetie
Became a Dreams Druid to help other’s dreams come true
Looks like a cinnamon roll (cake), is a cinnamon roll (cake)
Wruth Carol Firhug-Hollyleaf
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Christmas Elf (aka Rock Gnome)
Swarmkeeper Ranger
An elf who would rather disappear into the woods than work in a toyshop
Eventually became a forest ranger instead of a toymaker
They miss their birth parents dearly, but love their adoptive family a lot too
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll, but can also kill you
Claudette “Claude“ Sanon
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Ghost Ant (aka Thri-kreen)
Assassin Rogue
Likes sugary/fruity drinks, being a flapper, and being a very good assassin
She ditched her anthill for a more self-indulgent, less community-focused lifestyle
Looks like he can kill you, can kill you
Is the only character of mine to die and is now piloted by my DM as a totally normal not remade by a space lich guy
Merino Mittenmere
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Tortoiseshell Tabaxi
Artillerist Artificer
She a granny and loves her kittens and grandkittens
Has committed war crimes
Looks like a cinnamon roll, can also kill you
Manon Pastelle
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Fierna Tiefling
Life Cleric
She sounds and looks all doom and gloom but says the nicest, most positive shit
A pastel goth
She is a doctor who cares deeply for her patients
Looks like she can kill you, is a cinnamon roll
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airasilver · 1 year
I got into the article. Used up my free articles for the month but here you go. (Goes along with this: https://www.tumblr.com/siryouarebeingmocked/713672882558025728/airasilver-newplayingsmash-mars1naut)
The other one was getting pretty long so that’s why I moved it.
Elizabethtown Area School District parent challenges best-selling novel 'Me and Earl and the Dying Girl'
• ASHLEY STALNECKER | Staff Writer May 15, 2022
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Kelly Fuddy, of Elizabethtown Freedom Readers Group, holds a copy of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Friday, May 13, 2022.
BLAINE SHAHAN | Staff Photographer
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An Elizabethtown Area School District parent filed a formal challenge of the popular coming of age book “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” in the hopes of having it pulled from library shelves, prompting a response from the novel’s author, Jesse Andrews.
Though the ban request was filed by a parent April 13, the novel released in 2012 has been a point of contention at Elizabethtown school board meetings since November 2021 when the district was swept into a nationwide conversation about the New York Times best-selling novel, which moved into the spotlight last year as one of the top 10 most challenged books, according to the American Library Association.
At last November’s board meeting, a man who gave what is now believed to be a fake name and address read a line from “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl,” which explicitly mentions performing oral sex on a female.
Saying the content was “absolutely disgusting,” the man, who identified himself as Dan Matthews, asked that the book be removed from the school library as his 11-year-old daughter had checked it out. District spokesperson Troy Portser said that after investigating, the district believes Matthews doesn’t have a child enrolled in the district.
Still, the book was temporarily pulled from the shelves to ensure nothing was amiss with the district’s opt-out program, Portser said. “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” is one of several books flagged for its content. Parents and guardians of district students can restrict their student’s access to certain books that may contain mature subject matter through the school’s opt-out program.
Approximately 30 of Elizabethtown’s 3,700 middle and high school students are on the opt-out list, Portser said.
While “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” made it back into the library, the book is now undergoing another review. In a formal request to ban the book submitted April 13, Elizabethtown parent Tina Wilson claims “obscene and sexual” content.
In adherence to Elizabethtown Area School Board Policy 906, the review committee is composed of educators including guidance counselors, librarians, principals and teachers. A formal decision won’t come until approximately four to six weeks, and until then the book will remain on the shelves.
Portser stressed that any decision made in the initial review process, however, is not the end.
A decision can be appealed to the superintendent. And, the superintendent’s response can again appeal to the school board.
‘One less opportunity’
The scrutiny of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” has gained the attention of even its author, who wrote a letter to Elizabethtown school board President Terry Seiders.
jesse andrews
i wrote a letter to the elizabethtown (pa) school district, who is considering a request to remove my book
7:07 PM · Apr 28, 2022
Read the full conversation on Twitter
Read 48 replies
“Every ban creates one less opportunity for a child to find a book that speaks to them and makes them fall in love with reading,” Andrews wrote. “Then again, every ban creates one more book that kids become way, way more interested in getting their hands on. So maybe all of this is moot.”
Kelly Fuddy, secretary for Elizabethtown group Common Sense 2.0 read Andrews’ letter aloud at an April 26 school board meeting. Common Sense 2.0 is a grassroots organization formed in 2021 with the mission statement of ensuring “school policies come from a place of inclusiveness and understanding.”
Andrews also posted the letter on his Twitter page @_jesse_andrews_, where he has long been outspoken against book banning efforts, particularly those targeting his book.
In his letter, Andrews writes that his book inspired a love of reading in kids who previously didn’t like books, and adds “I hope you will agree with me that this is a good thing.”
However, Tina Wilson, the woman who formally challenged Andrews’ book, wrote in her ban request that “there is very little of value in this book.”
“The author portrays himself as an extremely selfish person who never – not even at the end of her life – cares that his friend is dying,” she continues in her request. “He is only concerned that he finds her annoying and is put out that he has to spend time with her.”
Wilson recommends the book as appropriate only for those 18 and older – not middle school and high school students. The book, she states, “contains a huge amount of obscene and sexual material.”
She includes the line Matthews read at the November 2021 school board meeting under examples of objectionable content and notes “the examples above are only a small portion of the obscenity in this book.”
“As we know, the First Amendment protects the author but not the reader,” Wilson states at the end of her request. “Our children must be protected from obscene material such as this.”
While students can check out “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” from the school’s library, two speakers at the April 26 board meeting complained that they cannot check out the Bible. Speakers Justin Roether and Juana Ritchey urged the district to place the Bible in the library as there are no copies there currently, according to Portser.
Freedom Readers
Meanwhile, Some Elizabethtown district residents are organizing around their opposition to banning books.
Long-time Elizabethtown Borough resident Judi Grove started the Freedom Readers book club in opposition to book bannings earlier this year.
The group, which Grove described as nonpartisan, reads through books on the American Library Association’s list of challenged or banned books. Then individual members can review it and post it to the group’s webpage on Common Sense 2.0.
Over the last few months, the group has obtained dozens of copies of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” to hand out to those who haven’t read it yet. Grove said most of the people who object to its content likely haven’t read it.
Grove spoke at the April 26 Elizabethtown Area School Board meeting to raise awareness about Freedom Readers and offer free copies of the book to anyone who wants it. The group is also in support of a public event, organized by Common Sense 2.0, to discuss the merits and challenges to “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.” The event is scheduled from 5:30 to 7 p.m. May 31 at the Elizabethtown Coffee Company in the Elizabethtown Public Library.
LNP | LancasterOnline correspondent Diane Bitting contributed to this report.
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ranakaushal · 8 days
10th Annual Biotech Industry Conclave on Biotechnology for Humanity: Innovations Shaping a Better World
KIIT School of Biotechnology organized the 10th Biotech Industrial Conclave on “Biotechnology for Humanity: Innovations Shaping a Better World” during 23rd–24thAugust 2024. The conclave, spanning over two days, had enlightening talks, discussion and spirited interactions between experts from the biotech industry, academia, and students to foster collaboration and innovation in the field. During the inaugural session, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS, welcomed all the dignitaries and stressed upon development of strong collaboration between KIIT and biotechnology industry.
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Padmashri Dr. Krishna Ella, Founder & Executive Chairman, Bharat Biotech International Limited echoed the need for close interaction between premier educational institutes and the biotech industry for inclusive growth. Dr. Ella, in his keynote address, shared his personal journey in entrepreneurship and innovation, highlighting the challenges and rewards of building a successful biotech company. He emphasized the importance of practical learning experiences for PhD students and the role of the Ella Foundation in supporting their entrepreneurial endeavors. He also stressed upon the need for vaccine development for neglected diseases.
Dr. Shilpa Gadgil, Vice President, Enzene Biosciences Ltd.; Dr. Priyabrata Pattnaik, Dy. Managing Director, Indian Immunologicals Ltd.; Raghavendra P. Rao, Principal Scientist, The Himalaya Drug Company; Dr. Ranendra N. Saha, Chief Scientific Advisor, Biophore; Dr. Sreedharala Venkata Nookaraju, Executive Vice President, Aizant Drug Research Soln. Lt;. and Dr. Prabuddha Kundu, Co-Founder & MD, Premas Biotech discussed about emerging trends in complex therapeutic biomolecules like monoclonal antibodies, novel vaccines, complex protein production processes. Mr. Dushyant Deshmukh, GM-HR, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; Mr. Hemant Nikam, Sr Director and Head HR, Eisai Pharmaceuticals India; and Mr. Pritesh Bhatia, Associate Director HR, Jubilant Biosys Ltd. discussed about the emerging trends in human resource requirements and how students should prepare themselves to become successful biotechnology professionals.
Mr. Lalit Sisaudia, Vice President of Nutaste Group and Ms. Rosina Panda, Business Manager, Intertek spoke about food safety and the need for precision to address global food security challenges.
Dr. Emili Banerjee, Senior Genetic Counselor, Neuberg Diagnostics, Dr. Raghavendra Goud, Executive Director at PharmNXT Biotech and Mr. Ashish Dubey, Co-Founder and COO, Redcliffe Labs discussed the opportunities in molecular diagnostics in healthcare and how AI driven processes can accelerate disease detection and make healthcare accessible in the remote regions of the country. In the last session, five alumni turned entrepreneurs Mr. Pritam Dhalla, Founder, Larkai Healthcare; Mr. Akashdeep Dan, Co-Founder of Bogmalo Foods and Hospitality; Mr. Prateek Mahapatra, Director of Grow Green Consortium Pvt. Ltd.; Ms. Varsha Biswal, CEO, Trupti Dairy; and Dr. Shailesh Samal, CEO, Inflanova AB shared the memories in KSBT and how it helped them to excel in their areas of passion.
Dr. Mrutyunjay Suar, DG-Research & Innovation, and CEO, KIIT-TBI discussed about start-up innovation system in KIIT and role of Bhubaneswar City Knowledge Cluster in developing fruitful collaboration in the biotechnology sector. Dr. Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar and Dr. Srinivas Patnaik, Dean KSBT described the academic initiatives taken for skill development of the students. Dr. Rahul Modak, Convener of the conclave thanked all the dignitaries and participants for their active participation and contribution in the conclave.
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Tragic Death of Lake Orion High School Student During Robotics Trip
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In a heartbreaking turn of events, a Lake Orion student dies during a school robotics trip to Houston, Texas. The student passed away on April 19 while participating in the FIRST Robotics World Championships, held from April 17 to April 20. The Houston Police Department has confirmed the death as a suicide, but the student’s name has not been released.
Investigation Details
The Houston Police Department swiftly initiated an investigation into the tragic incident of a Lake Orion student dies robotics. Victor Senties, a public information officer, affirmed the ruling of suicide by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Science. While awaiting the autopsy results, this determination provides some closure to the investigation.
School’s Response
Superintendent’s Message
Superintendent Ben Kirby informed parents and students about the sad news through a letter. He expressed the deep sorrow felt by everyone at the school and shared their collective grief:
“We are heartbroken by the loss of one of our students. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends during this difficult time.”
Support Measures
In response to the tragedy, Lake Orion High School has provided immediate support to students and staff. They have brought in a crisis management team with professional counselors to help those in need. Principal Dan Hass also communicated with parents, emphasizing the school’s commitment to student well-being:
“Our focus is on supporting our students. We have additional counselors and support staff available to help anyone who needs it.”
Robotics Team’s Reaction
The school’s robotics team, FIRST Team 302, expressed their thanks for the community’s support on social media. They posted a message on Facebook, showing their appreciation and asking for privacy for the grieving family:
“Thank you for the overwhelming support from our community. Please respect the family’s privacy during this tough time.”
Focus on Mental Health
Superintendent Kirby highlighted the school’s dedication to mental health support in his letter to families:
“Lake Orion High School and the district have a crisis team ready to help our students and staff during challenging times. We are committed to supporting our school community through this tragedy.”
This message stresses the importance of mental health awareness and the proactive steps taken by the school, including bringing in crisis management teams and offering counseling services.
Community Support
Lake Orion student dies robotics trip has profoundly impacted the community. The collective grief and the swift response to support those affected demonstrate the strength and unity of Lake Orion. The outpouring of support from the robotics team, school officials, and community members underscores the caring nature of the community.
Prioritizing Well-being
As the Lake Orion community deals with this tragedy, the focus remains on providing support and respecting the family’s privacy. This incident is a reminder of the challenges young people face today and the need for supportive school environments where students can seek help and talk about their struggles.
The community’s response to this tragedy shows a strong commitment to protecting and supporting each other through difficult times. The efforts to provide mental health support and the expressions of solidarity reflect a determination to ensure no student feels alone.
End Note
Lake Orion student dies robotics trip has deeply affected the community. The school and its administrators have swiftly implemented support measures, emphasizing mental health awareness and offering counseling services. The robotics team and community members have shown solidarity, underlining their compassionate nature.
As the community navigates this difficult time, their focus remains on providing ongoing support and respecting the family’s privacy, demonstrating a strong commitment to protecting and uplifting each other.
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theaspieworld · 4 months
Welcome to "Thriving in High School: Navigating Social Situations with Asperger's." In this episode, we delve into essential strategies for individuals with Asperger's Syndrome to navigate social situations effectively during high school. Hosted by Dan, who shares his personal...
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phantasticworks · 4 years
soooo how about a new chapter?? 
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mks-grin · 2 years
Happy ‘The Quarry’ Day!
Some headcanons for fun / au where nothing bad happens and camp is normal. Slight spoilers
Ryan and Dylan bond over having both been campers at Hackett’s Quarry before. They remember Mr.H’s late wife Amelia telling ghost stories at camp.
Dylan jokes about them taking over the camp and letting Mr.H and his family help long after they retire. They can all grow old together. He says they should get married and change their last name to Hackett, since that’s sort of Ryan’s family anyways. The first time Ryan heard this he shoved Dylan off of the swing under the tree by the cabins. It was a little too serious to sound like a joke.
Travis and Bobby help Chris make breakfast most mornings.
Laura and Max take a liking to Travis. Laura tries to teach him TikTok dances for fun. They joke that Travis is their adoptive dad.
Max tells Travis he didn’t get into the college of his choice. Travis assured Max that college isn’t everything. Max could always be a cop. Max sorta cringes at that.
There’s a pie eating contest every year. Abi won it and now refuses to eat pie on any other occasion. She hates it now. Previously, Cherry was her and Emma’s favorite. Constance bakes the pies.
Kaylee Hackett won the pie eating contest as a kid and got sick from it. She also will not eat pies anymore.
Emma and Abi have a plant parenting class for campers and the two of them decide to plant ‘Lipstick plants’. You know why. 💅🏼
Jacob makes Dylan a macaroni necklace, from Abi’s art class for the KIDS, for his birthday. Dylan jokingly eats one of the uncooked pieces of pasta. Jacob almost cries bc he struggled so hard to get the string through the tiny noodles with his sausage fingers.
Laura and Max are from North Carolina so they take longer to acclimate to the group.
Jacob’s last name means ‘guardian or keeper’ so he sees himself as the big brother of the group. When things go wrong he always blames himself. He typically can be found carrying campers who hurt themselves to Laura.
Max hits it off with Dylan and the two of them blast 80’s music from an old radio in the boys cabin early at 6:30am everyday. - Ryan, Jacob, Caleb and Nick absolutely fucking HATE this. Max and Dylan found the radio broken one morning, jokes on them, Dylan knew how to fix it.
Laura and Kaitlyn butt heads, in a fun way, and see each other as rivals for camp activities. Since Emma and Abi don’t have a competitive bone in either of their bodies.
Jacob’s 80’s jersey is probably a Dan Marino’s jersey.(Supermassive can’t make it the right colors bc of copy-write laws. However Dan Marino’s number is 13 and he’s the most notable Quarterback from professional football in the 80’s) Since nobody else at camp understands sports stuff, they always give him horribly themed Dan Marino / Miami Dolphins gifts. He pretends to like them, but they’re really awful. Once Dylan got him a Miami’s Dolphins Christmas Tree skirt. Jacob was confused and asked what it was and Dylan was like “idk it’s the dolphins you like.”
Desperate to actually be able to stay awake early, Max tries some coffee from Ryan. Max is no longer allowed to consume caffeine. (Let’s be real. He’s a milk kinda guy anyways.)
Ryan and Emma actually talk regularly and give each other relationship advice / stick up for each other.
Every morning, Dylan walks by the girls cabin to make the morning announcements. Kaitlyn comes out to see what Dylan wears. She rates his outfits out of 10.
Nick experiences culture shock once a week. The counselors go out of their way to expose him to weird things just so he can get an authentic “American” experience.
Jacob gives Max advice about school bc he’s the big brother of the group. He tells Max to reapply to the same program in the spring, colleges are more likely to take on students in the spring bc spring admissions are less competitive. This actually works for Max later. AKA Max doesn’t have to be a cop.
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komehyappyou · 2 years
Naruto jinnosho/4thDatabook timeline Strange..
In some corner of character pages, some tell event dates. I flipped through the book, and found 29 of them. I think it's all of it. Let's construct timeline. y = years ago from 4th war end. (character)
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??y (Kaguya) - Kaguya subdued neverending conflict, and so was called a goddess, and gained people's respect. ~67y (Tobirama) - Hashirama becomes Hokage, As Shodai's counselor, as 2nd Hokage, Tobirama made cold/composed organization structure. ~66y (Madara) - Madara leaves Konoha, becomes missing nin. Madara's beliefs unable to gain support by his fellow members. Alone, chose the path of Konoha rebellion. ~66y (Oonoki) - Younger days was completely defeated by Madara, idiom(unable to lift hand,feet -> so powerless/outmatched as if Oonoki was paralyzed.). In the depths of hopelessness, the shine of his will weakened.
~??y 2nd great War
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~31y (Hiruzen) - As part of a group of Tobirama's elite guard corps, worked on a unified mission with Danzo, and Homura, etc, ~31y (Danzo) - With Hiruzen thet (idiom)polish/sharpen each other, Danzo dreamed of the Hokage's position. ~31y (Tsunade) - Tsunade's will comprised of dreams of her loved ones. To become Hokage, To protect everyone, Mid-Ambition, his life was lost. Dan's desires that Tsunade inherits. many jp fans believe Tobirama died in 2nd Shinobi war also. if you believe it, then we can estimate Hokage terms like this...
1st (Hashirama) 67y-55?y. ~12y+ term, Tsunade's age. Doesn't make sense for Tsunade to be granddaughter.
2nd(Tobirama) 55?y-31y, ~19y- term, 67-31=36y + 24(Izuna's death age) = +60s years old. Seems fit Hashirama's first person pronoun change from jump magazine to book. "washi"(old man) -> "ore"(normal male pronoun in anime, but rough in real life. ),Tobirama keeps "washi", so sounds old.
3rd(Hiruzen) 33y-18y, 17y-4y, 26y term; 4th(Minato) 1y term;
5th(Tsunade) ~4y term,since after 4th war quits i think
6th(Kakashi) +10years guess because comic in zainosho.
7th(Naruto) few years, short for now...
~31y (Killer Bee) - To close the gap between A's strength, Bee struggled to complete Double Lariat.
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~29y (Nagato) - childish days Nagato sole wish "To protect Yahiko and Konan" as he told his teacher. But even that could not come true. ~28y (Konan) - Days of happy studying, by spending time among Yahiko and Nagato, fostered in desire for peace. ~27y (Kushina) - As a child, her red hair was embodiment of her inferiority complex. Because of Minato's few words, she was able to appreciate herself. ~26y (Might Guy) - Even when told sarcasm, takes it positively. Even now, with his fist up high, that's the unchanging foward-facing Guy, himself.
~??y 3rd great War
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~22y (Mei) - Village of Blood Mist's grusome affair! Once Kirakakure's village had bad habit "To make Students kill each other" that even other villages trembled and feared. She is also one of the nin to have overcame this suffering. ~21y (Minato) - First fight with ABcombo! Minato is the one behind 4th Raikage A's Guard, Killer Bee, they clashed swords many times, and respected each other's valor. ~20y (Obito) - Obito wanted his face among the hokage carved cliff. His youngboy ages where he held this ambition, and walked alongside his comrades. ~20y (Rin) - Minato's Red speck(lone women among men)! Taking the hands of the unusual duo, Kakashi and Obito to point in same direction. Was a person who guided others to good.
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~19?????y (4th Raikage, A) - A's found success of Double Lariat with Bee, who was designated as his partner, and came to be called his younger brother. Didn't this happened 31y ago? haha ~18y (Kakashi) - At Minato's recomendation, Kakashi enlists Anbu, keeping the though of his friends in his chest. Kushina's guard he also served as. ~18y (Kabuto) - Showing high intelligence and quick wit as a child, gained skill of medical ninjutsu.
~17y Naruto's Birth
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~~13?y - Hinata 3rd Birthday, Neji curse mark, Hinata kidnapping attempt, Hinata age 16-3 = 13y diff. ~12y (Sasuke) - each time, Itachi poked forhead with finger, distanced his little brother, Sasuke felt stroke of loneliness. ~~9?y - Uchiha Massacre, Itachi age 21-13 = 8y diff, since died before 4th war end, +1y. ~7y (Itachi) - With his Sharingan aimed at Orochimaru, Itachi counterattacked defeating him. As a result Orochimaru left Akatasuki. ~6y (Hinata) - Fragile self, and unchanging thoughts! Academy Days where she was Introvered and reserved. With a small voice, helped Naruto with all her spirit. (I think that's a panel where Naruto and Sasuke have childhood spar, so prob around year.)
~5y Part 1
~5y (Hashirama) - First time "impureland" reincarnated!. Edo(Joudo sect term for living existence, considering "pure land", appears in naruto, interesting to talk about Buddhist afterlife in sects). In the previous, "impure land" reincarnation, had low accuracy, so Hashirama's true strength could not be shown.
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~4y (Shikamaru) 200IQ super sharp person! Without equal, has ability to find things bothersome, which his catch phrase. However his intellect, from early times, showed a glimpse of its ability . ~4y (Gaara) Same pain to know, Same fate of Jinchuriki to bear, his encounter with naruto greatly changed Gaara. ~4y (Kisame) from two man one set, Konoha to attack! As an Akatsuki member Kisame, was given duty to capture jinchuriki. ~4y (Naruto) In Valley of the End, Great Battle! in order to bring back Sasuke, who became missing nin, willing to die to persuade. ~4y (Zetsu) In Valley of the End, watched the fierce fight. Since Naruto, and Sasuke were essential pawns (casts to a theater) to his plans, he secretly recorded the deathmatch. ~4y (Sakura) Solid pledge for her growth! In order to abandon weakness, and become strong. she desired to be 5th Hokage Tsunade's student.
~1y Part 2...
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Dair + Past
requested by @waldorfhistoria
There’s that Thanksgiving, and of course the freshman year party that changed the course of his entire future, but, Dan remembers, that’s not the very first time he saw her. 
First day of freshman year, first day of a new school entirely—he’d applied and enrolled after the guidance counselors told his parents his best shot at the Ivies laid elsewhere—shirt collar stiff, blazer itchy, tie constricting around his throat. Was he really supposed to wear this for the next four years? 
The school and classes are boys only, but the courtyard is co-ed, and around him swirl students who despite the uniform mandate are all better dressed than him, all seem to know each other. There’s a junior high that feeds into here, so even if Dan was starting over, they clearly weren’t. 
But, in the middle of the sea of people, he sees her, small, dark-haired, slight against the imposing stone backdrop. He glimpses her face, visible beneath the red-bowed headband holding her hair back, and thinks she looks alone as he feels. 
And then, suddenly, her expression changes, freezing into determination, harder than the brick and mortar behind her, and she turns on her heel—red-bottomed, he should tell Jenny about that later—and waltzes straight to a group of girls that look more porcelain doll than human, holding court on one of the gray stone picnic tables. 
Dan watches as she takes over the conversation, usurps the attention of seemingly the entire courtyard, and wonders if he had imagined that lonely look on her face after all. 
One word prompts
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dalerwalker2 · 3 years
5 people are dead and 40 injured after a driver speeds through a Waukesha parade
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5 people are dead and 40 injured after a driver speeds through a Wisconsin parade
A holiday parade in Waukesha, Wis., turned to horror after a driver in a red SUV tore through the crowd Sunday evening. The city stated that five people have been confirmed dead and more than 40 people were injured after the SUV collided with parade marchers. Children were among those struck by the car, according to Waukesha Police Chief Dan Thompson. In all, 11 adults and 12 pediatric patients were transported to six hospitals in the area, Fire Chief Steven Howard said. Children's Wisconsin, a health care system operating two hospitals in the state, said it took in 15 patients as of 8 p.m. "with no reported fatalities at our hospital at that time." Authorities gave no further specifics about the people who were killed or injured as they work to notify family members of the victims. According to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, one of its Catholic priests, multiple parishioners and Waukesha Catholic schoolchildren were among those injured. "Please join us in prayer for all those involved, their families, and those who are traumatized from witnessing the horrible scene," Archdiocese spokesperson Sandra Peterson said in a statement Sunday night.   more article Waukesha : BTS, Doja Cat, and Megan Thee Stallion each win three awards at the American Music Awards in 2021. Details emerge about who was hit
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A red vehicle is seen speeding through a parade route in Waukesha, Wis., in a livestreamed video on the city of Waukesha's Facebook page. The 58th annual Waukesha Christmas Parade was underway when the vehicle drove through barricades and sped through the parade route at around 4:39 p.m. Videos of the collision shared in the hours after the tragedy and brief statements issued by groups participating in the parade gave an idea of who some of the victims were. Police have not yet confirmed the identities of those who were killed or injured. But groups such as Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, Waukesha Xtreme Dance and the Catholic Community of Waukesha issued statements saying members of their groups who were marching in the parade were impacted. Those organizations were all marching near each other in the parade lineup. The Catholic Community of Waukesha issued a statement Sunday night saying that several parishioners were injured and had been hospitalized. In the parade, that group was followed by members of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, a dance troupe made up of women in their early 50s thru mid-70s. According to the website, the only requirement for membership is to be a grandmother. The group shared on Facebook that "members of the group and volunteers were impacted and we are waiting for word on their conditions. Please keep the Grannies, all those injured, and all those who witnessed this horrible event in your thoughts and prayers." Waukesha Xtreme Dance, a group made up of children 2 years of age through eighth grade, was farther down the parade lineup. The organization asked the public on its Facebook page to keep its members in their thoughts and prayers. The group also requested "time and privacy to process the tragic events." Students with the
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A red vehicle is seen speeding through a parade route in Waukesha, Wis., in a livestreamed video on the city of Waukesha's Facebook page. School District also participated in the parade, and school marching bands were listed in the parade lineup. The Marching Blackshirts of Waukesha South High School were marching not far behind the other groups in the area the SUV drove into. Officials for South High School and the district forwarded the districtwide press release when NPR asked for a comment early Monday. The district announced that classes were canceled Monday. The district's website said officials would have additional counselors available for all students and staff in need of those services. Catholic Memorial High School, another local school, also canceled classes Monday. Police share few details on the person of interest Police Chief Thompson said the suspected vehicle has been recovered and there was a "person of interest" in custody, but did not specify whether that was the driver. He said it was not known if there was any "nexus to terrorism." The FBI is assisting in the investigation, the agency's Milwaukee division said. There are no other threats and the scene is safe, the police chief said. Videos across social media show a red SUV blowing through low-level barricades and speeding away. A law enforcement officer can be seen in the video and appears to open fire at the vehicle. A police officer tried to stop the driver by firing his gun at the vehicle, confirmed Thompson, but no bystanders were injured. "We do not believe there was any shots fired from the vehicle," said the police chief. Waukesha resident Lindsey Ashley, 36, said she was enjoying the parade with her two children, ages 7 and 9, when the SUV drove by them. "The SUV blazed by where we were sitting and we heard a crash and people screaming," she told NPR. "I grabbed the kids and took off. People were helping 'escort' others to safety." She said her two children were horrified and never want to attend another parade. Tailyr Medrano, who also lives in Waukesha, said she had her 1-year-old son in her arms when she said she witnessed the car plow through the procession "right in front of us." She brought her toddler to the parade so he could see Santa for the first time, she told NPR over Facebook messenger. "nstead he sees a red suv running over people that are suppose to be entertaining us and children on the ground bleeding," she wrote. She's "shaken up," but safe, she said. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers thanked first responders and others who jumped in to help, and said the state is in touch with local partners to stay abreast of the latest information. "Kathy and I are praying for Waukesha tonight and all the kids, families, and community members affected by this senseless act," he tweeted. The community starts to come together The city announced that Main Street, along which the collision occurred, will remain closed until at least midday Monday. Businesses along this strip will also be closed. As the investigation continues, the city asked for "the community to come together during this time and to keep the families in your prayers." When the area is open, the city is also requesting that any items set aside for a temporary memorial be placed at Veterans Park. On Sunday night, the Catholic Community of Waukesha held a prayer service for victims of the tragedy. Catholic Memorial High School is also hosting a combined community prayer service Monday afternoon. Who was the SUV's driver? Thompson said that the inquiry was still underway and that a "suspect car" had been found. He said that a person of interest was in custody. According to many media sites, the SUV may have been escaping another altercation. According to a law enforcement source informed on the situation, detectives were interviewing the individual in custody about the event, which the official characterised as an altercation with a knife. An SUV drove into a Wisconsin Christmas parade; a 'person of interest' has been apprehended. Was there an altercation? According to Thompson, a police officer fired bullets at the SUV in an effort to stop it. The shooting did not damage any onlookers. According to him, authorities do not think any bullets were fired from the SUV. Milwaukee Dancing Grannies members were among those killed. The Milwaukee Dancing Grannies are a group of elderly ladies who gather once a week to rehearse routines for "summer and winter parades," according to their Facebook page. Following the incident, the organisation issued a statement claiming that members and volunteers "were affected and we are awaiting information on their situations." The organisation announced on Monday that many members of their troupe had been slain. "Grannies who died were quite passionate. Their eyes twinkled... the thrill of being a Grannie. They were the glue that kept us all together "According to the Facebook post. "Our hearts are heavy at this sad time; when additional information and updates become available, we will share them. Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers, as well as their families, friends, the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, and everyone whose lives have been forever touched." more from new 24 hour : Notes and Opinions during Halftime of Jaguars vs. 49ers Why isn’t Lamar Jackson playing for the Ravens against the Bears in Week 11? ‘The only phrase I can think of to describe it is torment,’ the Turpin sisters said of their family’s haunted mansion. 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