#student oc
tokimeki167 · 23 days
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Fundamental Paper Education oc YIPPPEEE💥💥💥
Miss Sharp Kyine
Ages: 39
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual and Lesbian
Likes: teaching, being alone, sharp object, reading, and cats.
Dislike: people who annoyed her, bad people and maybe Mrs. Circle
Crush: Mrs. Circle <333
Weapons: Sharp Long Hand that can change the nail size.
Aye Htet
Gender: Genderfluid (She/They)
Sexuality: pansexual
Ages: 16
Likes: sharp object, manga, gorey anime, creepypasta and plushies.
Dislikes: Bad people and Oliver.
Crush: N/A
Weapons: Scissor.
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lamemaster · 5 months
I Dropped College to Become a Dark Lord
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Genre: Crack, Modern guy in Middle Earth
Pairing: tbh
Summary: At first look, Melkor’s form seemed to be devoid of any sort of essence. A chill ran through the Valar as they considered the possibility of his escape. Tulkas and Orome had almost packed up for their adventure to Middle Earth. But then they had felt it. A sudden surge of life.
AN: I think I am kinda funny. Nothing more.
PART 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
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“So, am I the bad guy?” Derek asked. They had somehow managed to reign in the emotions that ran wild in everyone’s mind. Introductions had been made and Derek got to know that Melkor is the name of the body he currently finds himself in.
“Yeah, no shit Melko- “
“Mandos!” the sky bluish light, who he had come to know as Manwe exclaimed.
Much to Derek’s dismay both the Vala switched back to the horrid Valarin. For beings who were the very source of music, one would expect a language calming, soothing, and sweeter than any other. Valarin…was horrendous. It stung in his ears like the noise of thousand nails scratching a blackboard.
He could understand it but trust him it was not worth it. It was the worst culture shock…worse than finding out his body’s origin.
Melkor, the body he entered, is none other than the ultimate bad boy of this world. A criminal who just barely got his parole on nepotism basis at that. Too bad he isn’t here to rejoice or anything. Derek wondered if the dark lord died or the worse possibility, Melkor switched bodies with him.
It was an amusing thought to imagine the dark lord as an engineering student. If there was anything worse than the endless void, it had to be the dark alleys of STEM. Well, he was glad that the report due the next day was not his problem now.
A distant, saner, part of Derek’s mind was still in the midst of processing the fact that he might indeed be dead in his world. His parents, his siblings, or roommates would find out and they would grieve for him. Or if they would delight in the chance of meeting his dark lord version.
The name Illuvatar had remained in Melkor’s memories, the only name that remained. All else was gone with him and so Derek tried it. ‘Umm…excuse me…Illuvatar are you there?’ Derek tried to talk to the possible god and his creator in this world. He had to be the one who must have had any idea of the stupid situation. ‘Am I still Derek? Or am I truly Melkor with an identity crisis or wait am I future Melkor and I time traveled back here. I mean it would be quiet a fall for Melkor to end up as an engineering student but hey it is a possibility.’ he tried asking, only to ramble and sound stupid in his inner monologue. None replied. Head empty no thoughts.
Well damn. This one’s got to have some daddy issues for sure. Derek wondered as he telepathically tried leaving a message for Illuvatar (don’t ask him how. He’s new to the whole thing. Trust the process).
‘ To Illuvatar, I do not know if this is you or not, but I must tell you I am not Melkor. Like I am in his body and it’s super weird. I don’t know if your feral son is dead (if he can die…) or not. I am just kind of in his body. I hope you can like tell me something about this all.’ P.S.- it's kinda urgent.
Hanging up the metaphorical phone Derek became aware of the quiet room. Manwe was staring at him again. It was the same look. Those puppy dog eyes just screamed of younger sibling energy. The look that siblings got seconds before they burst into tears. A precarious look for any older sibling ever.
Manwe was…bright. It was difficult to imagine how he was related to Melkor. Long white hair, glimmering blue eyes, and blue robes to maintain the angelic aesthetic. Manwe was pure innocence and uncorrupted power at the same time.
Melkor on the other hand. Well… Derek kinda could see himself without a mirror or anything. It was a Valar thing. A perk some would say. Just closing his eyes and he could see his form. He had almost screeched at his own reflection.
Melkor was…handsome. Sexy in the ‘I’ll be your fall from grace’ way. Dark black hair, the darkest there could be. Eyes bright like Manwe’s yet, there were glowing golden with the fervor of molten lava buried in the depth of the Earth. And contrasting such stark features was the palest skin ever. It was unlike Manwe’s healthy and flush tan. No Melkor was the supreme edge lord.
“Brother can you still not hear it?” Manwe asked. Derek, who had zoned out, realized that the focus from the previous quarrel had shifted back on him.
“Hear what?” Derek questioned. Was he supposed to hear something? Oh shit! Did someone call Melkor? It was hard remembering to respond to people when they called someone else’s name. Plus, he wasn’t that keen on the idea of discussing this weird possession with the guy who quite literally was a major simp for his brother. The idea of Manwe finding out his brother’s soul was gone was something scarier than Valarin.
With a barely concealed wince, Manwe replied “Do you not hear the music? The song of Arda? What about Illuvatar can you sense him?” Yikes, am I supposed to Derek wondered? To say or not to say, that is the question.
“I think don’t he can Manwe.” Another one of the Vala spoke instead of Melkor. If Derek remembered correctly, he was Ulmo. The Vala of seas, oceans, and rivers was visible in every facet of his personality and looks. Dark blue hair in the very predictably wavy in the fashion of waves, not that Derek disapproved of it. His first impression of Ulmo was that of the quiet kid who actually turns out to be really smart. The quiet kid you should not mess with. ‘Poseidon, Aquaman,’ Derek’s brain unhelpfully listed.
By the looks of it, Ulmo’s words did not sit well with Manwe. “I mean it is not difficult to see Manwe.” Mandos, the Vala who hated Melkor the most, added in support of Ulmo. It was surprising that even Derek felt the heavy animosity. And Derek was nothing if not dense.
Manwe continued to ignore Mandos and Ulmo collectively. “Can you truly not hear it Melkor?” he asked with an uncomfortably consistent eye contact. From his peripheral vision, Derek could see Varda take a step towards them.
“No,” Derek replied. “I cannot hear music or the song you speak of,” and the air in the room stilled. Everything fell silent as Manwe nodded in acceptance. However, Derek was not done. It was time to rip the bandage.
“I don’t remember anyone. I don’t know you or as matter of fact myse- “
“YOU MORON! WHERE IS MY MAIA?” before Derek could have completed his sentence he interrupted and was then promptly strangled by an unseen force. He truly had not seen it coming.
Put back the bandage he distantly wondered.
The room erupted in Chaos as Varda jumped in to save Manwe, who jumped in to save Melkor, who was attacked by Aule who was simultaneously being pulled away by Yavanna.
Chaos came to Valinor. Yet not the chaos that rained destruction but the chaos that mingled with the order to retain the world.
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“He…he has returned.”
In the darkest canopy of unvisited forests, a voice whispered with a trace of hysterical joy. The sole existence of those woods. A shadow that lamented in unlit lands.
Once glazed eyes caught the first reflection of the light they once held. Ashen gray hair ignited as if a fire rekindled. Hair that now changed into the blistered red shade of flames. Gone was the lament and mourning.
Mairon had come to life.
“Master Melkor returned,” the silent trees of bleak woods shivered with fear as the fire captured them in its grasp.
With a crazed smile, Mairon wondered if it was time to go get his master back to their lands. Utumno would be rebuilt, and order would be restored.
So, it began as Mairon started making his way to Valinor.
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characterdelights · 20 days
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Takeda Brook
Occupation: Student / Go Home Club
Birthday: March 25th
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
A delinquent known around campus for not taking crap from anyone, Brook's name reaches far and wide around the local area. Born to an English mother and Japanese father, she faced ostracization from a early age, especially thanks to the features she inherited from her mother. And while it did put her on the backfoot all throughout her childhood, she's learned to confront those who'd put her down instead of hide from them.
While it has done wonders for her mental health and self-image, it has had the unfortunate side effect of earning her the label of a delinquent as she never shies away from a confrontation, even when things appear to be trending physically.
She has a passion for cooking and wants to one day open a shop. It's why she's still doing just enough to squeak by in school despite not being a fan of it.
Her Arcana is the Hermit.
Despite her fiery disposition with a proclivity towards violence, Brook is a fairly chill person that is easy to get along with once you've gotten her out of her shell. Normally, she's standoffish as she either doesn't want someone to get harassed for being her friend or because she thinks the person is just trying to tease her. But once she knows you're a genuine person, she's ride or die on your relationship.
She's a bit thickheaded but not dumb, though her grades might say otherwise. Her stubbornness is equal parts boon as it is bane for her, being the source of many conflicts as well as many personal achievements and growths.
Often, she'll skip class to find some place where she can be alone. She doesn't like having too many eyes on her, but her status and features often make her the center of attention.
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victors-grave · 5 months
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A drine saint and his student.
They haven't got named yet (Suggestions in the comments?) but I think they're very adorable right now.
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askcharaandfriends · 2 years
Have some oc contest redraw sketches. As a treat.
*These are only a small handful that I had time and energy for. My 2 jobs keep me busy. Still. I want to show that I am still alive and still working on this comic. I love you guys. I love drawing. I love undertale. I will continue.
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the-shadowed-one · 1 year
Hi, I'm just letting everyone know that I am creating a Twisted Wonderland Poly fanfic. There are currently going to be: 5 main student OCs (3 female and 2 male) along with 3 female staff OCs.
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Their names are: Kenji Nakamura, Chloé Lavigne, Andalah Fasil, Veronica Schmidt, and Xander Whitlock.
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^ are the staff OCs: Devina Aarav, Rosalind Günther, and Zarya Petrova.
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jiyura · 10 months
Ethel Profile
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Name: Ethel Mink
Age: 14
Height: 5'3
Gender: female
Sexuality: asexual
Magic: Fox
Familiar: Fox
Affiliation: Alder Berry School. Crystal Vault Center.
Occupation: student. Baker(sequel)
Ethel can summon foxes and take on the ability of a fox. She is a bit stupid but she means well.
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ribbittrobbit · 2 months
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The adventures of the Wizard Sorrow & Boshi (working title): a WBN Umora OC comics collab with @yeehawpim!!!!!
Pim did the story + layout and then let me run wild (and pop in at odd hours with questions about Boshi's design) See Pim's mad composition genius + OC lore over here Sorrow lore here & here
👀 more to come perhaps 👀
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allurilove · 1 month
Yandere Professor x you
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Rated 18 + — mature short content !
Includes: sweet talking, breath play, age gap, fucking in his classroom, pretty gender neutral, manipulation, abuse of power, obsessed professor.
*Everyone is of age, and older than eighteen. He is referred to as “your professor” his only existence is to be obsessed with the reader, and without you, he ceases to exist. This is purely fictional writing!*
Synopsis: He’s your strict professor, and you’re trying to get a better grade. You’ve never seen him be swayed by a student before, perhaps you would be the first.
Your grade has tanked by a lot. You had an unreasonable professor, the man was picky, and on your last test it was covered in corrections by that damn red pen of his.
You began to wonder what it would take for him to give you an A.
You wouldn’t consider yourself to be a bad student. In fact, this is the first time you have been close to failing. It was honestly your fault, you’ve read the reviews on this teacher and still chose to take the class anyways. You just wanted to challenge yourself.
You gawk at the paper he hands back to you. Your eye twitched at the big fat zero out of a hundred, and that might’ve been impressive just in itself. Not even one question right. You narrow your eyes at the professor who was still handing out the quiz back to the students.
When class ended, you slowly packed up your things, and you kept tabs on how many students were still left in the classroom. When the last student left, you got up from your seat, and stormed your way over to the professor.
Any sliver of dignity you had was gone. Your cheeks still flushed when he announced the lowest score to the whole class. You pushed that memory aside, and you crossed your arms as you stood in front of his desk.
“I don’t have time for this.” Your professor sighed, and his brows furrowed as he loosened up his tie.
He knew why you were coming over to talk to him. This was the worst grade you have gotten in his class. And really, he’s not surprised. In his opinion you have been slacking off. Your body bristles at his words, his eyes are cold and unforgiving.
Maybe if you weren’t a rash individual, you would’ve seen that his comments on your test was totally fake. Every circle and outline with a tiny scribble on the side? That was his way of professing his love for you, and about fifty “I love you’s.” were on the paper, but he knew you wouldn’t read them.
He did know that the grade would haunt you. He did know that it would make you desperate enough to come to him during office hours.
Your professor watched you with amusement as you crawled onto his lap, and you guiding his hands onto your body. He could already feel his dick stirring in his pants.
“This is hardly appropriate.” He said in a disapproving tone, though his hands do cup at your chest.
His thumb circles around your nipple, and the rest of his fingers gently squeeze at opportunity you have given to him. His other arm wrapped around your waist, holding you firmly in his lap.
It felt like you were trying to chip away at his resolve, his face was stern, and he listens to you rant on about the grade he gave you. Though, him letting you sit on his lap, let you subtly grind on his growing erection. With every whine and pout, you tried to play with his heart strings.
Your professor sighed, shook his head, and tried to pretend that there was no way you could make up for it. His hand slowly, and quietly, opening his drawer to grab for a condom.
It didn’t take long for him to agree when you took off his glasses, your lips capturing his in a searing kiss. He followed your lead, letting you feel like you were in control.
His hands groping at your ass and he puts you onto his desk, his body moving his way in between your legs. You wore something easy to slip off, your shorts and underwear now down to your ankles. He caressed your inner thighs, his lips now trailing down to your neck.
Your professor licked and sucked at your skin, his teeth gently nibbling at you, and he made sure to leave marks.
“You can be quite cute like this…” The older man mumbles, “…so pretty, so perfect.” he took a deep inhale as his nose was buried into your neck.
“Oh shit.” Your professor growled, his belt falling to the floor and his pants were pulled down roughly.
Before you knew it, he ripped open the condom wrapper and he slid it on his cock. He spit on his hand for lube, and gave his member a few pumps. He aligned his tip against your warmth.
His hands wrapped around your throat, squeezing the side of it, as his hips began to rock itself. His dick hit the deepest part of you, he went slow, and he was determined to find your sweet spot.
“Don’t be upset…” He cooed, and he kissed you in between his words. “I had to give you a zero.”
“You weren’t understanding my hints.”
He needed you. He wanted to be with you the moment you stepped inside his room, or maybe it was when he found out you signed up for his class. Your name was interesting to him, your looks, and the way you carried yourself got him hooked.
He took a couple points off on your first test, just to see what you would do. You certainly didn’t deserve it, and he thought you would’ve challenged him on it, or come talk to him. Or even offer your body to him sooner.
He did it over and over again, until you were on the verge of receiving an F. He was getting frustrated, and you were a damn tease.
He was never like this before, and if you exposed him, he could lose his job. But maybe then he could be with you in public? He let out a deep groan, his eyes rolling back as he was fucking you for his release.
Your professor didn’t realize that your face was turning pink, your nails scratching at his hands that were on your throat, and you were on the verge of cumming. You gasp as he finally let you breathe, his hands now on the desk behind you.
The room was filled with his vocalizations, his whimpers, his mumbles of how good you feel, and how much he needed this.
He even called you his baby, his good student, love, and when you finally came— his eyes were glued to the white substance dripping out of you.
That was when he knew you were going to be his. He was going to be the only one that could make you feel this way.
That day, you received the A you have been wanting. But you also indulged the man that’s been pining after you, and he never stopped.
Allure: Idk why, but i’ve been really active lately omg.
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aajjks · 10 months
Teachers pet (m)
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synopsis: forbidden is always irresistible.
pairing: yändêrê stüdënt x fëm!tëächër rëädër.
warnings: söft yändērē, sïmp bëhävïöür, öbsëssîvë thoughts, öbsëssïön, dïrty thöüghts, tëächêr x stüdënt, förbïddën rômãncë. ägë dïffërënce.
note. my second oc is here, send him asks, talk to him, ask me questions about him, I like him he’s sexy 😵‍💫
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yandere!student who has the biggest crush on you.
You who are his teacher, so much older than him.
Yandere!student who only excels at your classes, trying his best to get good grades so he can impress you.
Yandere!student who feels like he will actually cum when you praise him, or call him a good boy.
Yandere!student who hates it when you praise his fellows, he hates it, it makes his skin itch, he wants to kill anyone who gets your praise other than him.
Yandere!student who is rude to his other teachers, he can’t focus on their lectures, all he thinks about is you you you.
Yandere!student who is so shy around you, who puts in so much effort into his appearance for your sake, who loves to act like a good boy, so you can see just how good he can be.
Yandere!student who is always early to your class, who always makes sure to sit right infront of you so you can look at him.
Yandere!student who couldn’t help but cry from the relief when he got to know that you were divorced and currently single.
Yandere!student who doesn’t hesitate to beat up the creeps in your class that sexualise you, oh no, he’s going to kill them, you are not an object or a piece of meat to be ogled at.
Yandere!student who purposely gets detention just so he can look at you for hours and fantasise about his desires,
Yandere!student who finds your children so adorable, who makes sure to slip in a few compliments for them to charm you.
Yandere!student who wants you so bad, but he knows you won’t ever give him a chance.
yandere!student who won’t stop until you’re his. Because he always gets what he wants.
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he can hear someone call out his name, yet he doesn’t reply, he’s busy looking at you, you’re so beautiful with your glasses, that cherry shade of lipstick on your lips is driving him insane.
How can someone look so hot while teaching, he will have to ask you that.
“Christian?!!?” Oh he’s getting pissed now.
“WHAT?!!?” The blue eyed male stands up, chewing on his metal tongue piercing as he glares his icy eyes into the girls face, Christian doesn’t realise the attention of the whole class on him,
Until you call his name out.
“Christian Dias? Is everything alright?”
His eyes almost roll back the way you call out his name, you say it with so much elegance it makes him want to scream. “M-Ms YN… she keeps talking to me, can you please change my seat?”’
“Umm sure. But not now, the period is almost over so tomorrow, now focus.”
He can’t argue with you.
“And see me after class.”
His eyes widen with surprise, excitement starts to bubble inside his chest. He gives you a nice dimpled smile. “Sure? Anything you want, ms YN!”
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0046incognito · 17 days
limited edition post LOL
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lamemaster · 1 year
I Dropped College to Become a Dark Lord
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Genre: Crack, Modern guy in Middle Earth
Pairing: tbh
Summary: At first look, Melkor’s form seemed to be devoid of any sort of essence. A chill ran through the Valar as they considered the possibility of his escape. Tulkas and Orome had almost packed up for their adventure to Middle Earth. But then they had felt it. A sudden surge of life.
PART 1 | PART 2 |
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The sky was dark. Stars twinkled as if gossiping about the entire universe. The air seemed to hold its breath as if afraid of the dark night. All this was happening as a single soul burned through the darkness.
It burned so brightly that the moon became envious of it. The entire world squeezed into the tiny room of a crumbling apartment building. It was an Engineering student. A very unfortunate engineering student who in the midst of pulling an all-nighter had fallen asleep. There goes the lab due the next day.
You know that feeling you get when you dream of falling in your sleep and then waking up with a jolt? In scientific language, it is called hypnic jerk.
Derek, our very meticulous STEM major protagonist had very confidently self-diagnosed to have a hypnic jerk in the middle of the night. He refused to open his eyes and went back to sleep. However, something was wrong. His body seemed to fall endlessly. What a weird dream.
“Melkor,” a voice called in his mind. Derek, who was very put off by the dream subtly cursed his brain. If it was going to be a jerk then Derek would ignore it. Fuck off, he internally flicked off his mind.
“Brother…” the annoying voice continued bugging him. Growing up in a household of 3 kids (him being the middle child) Derek had mastered the valuable ability to ignore any form of non-essential confrontations. He was a conflict avoider to the max. That worked best with his gremlin siblings. So, with years of practice, he continued to focus all his attention on sleeping.
“MELKOR.” With a scream accompanied by someone vigorously shaking his shoulders. Derek finally had enough. Ready to end whoever had dared to interrupt his date with Hypnos he opened his eyes.
“AAAAAAAH,” he pushed the white mass that hovered in front of his eyes. What in the absolute hell was this thing? Derek flung his feet off the bed as he shuffled back towards the wall. Internally he tried to pray to whatever god was available at this atrocious hour.
The white glob as he tried to focus was a person…? If you could call that thing a person. It had a face but what was up with the translucent body and brightness of the level of his mom’s phone (or most middle-aged woman’s)?
“Melkor, what…” Oh shit, it speaks. At this point, our protagonist tried to close his eyes and go back to sleep maybe he could wake himself up that way.
Just as he was about to close his eyes, he noticed a bunch of other lights in the room. Each glowed in a different shade. The bright white one with a slight touch of blue was the one he had seen first. It was the one talking gibberish in the first place.
With the attention span of a squirrel, Derek forgot about his prior intention to go back to sleep. Instead, he was now more intrigued by the lights. Aliens, Yeti, unicorns… possibilities were endless. So, Derek made up his mind to indulge in the dream or whatever this was supposed to mean.
Derek almost flinched when the white glob of light moved again. Looking back at it Derek could make out some of its features. He almost shit himself when he noticed the humanoid attributes of the ‘thing’.
“What the f-” his voice trailed off as the entire room stilled. Behind the white-light person, he could see another twinkling violet glob that seemed to exclude a murderous aura towards him. Maybe the report was a better option all along.
“Melkor,” the glob whispered. But not a regular whisper. No, it was a single word like a melody produced by an entire orchestra. At this point, Derek, the meticulous student who had been studying for the big portion of the night, felt an impending headache.
Just as he was about to lift his hand to massage his throbbing temple but he stopped mid-motion. His hand…what was he on? His hand was not his hand. It was an absurdly big hand, like a really big hand. Its skin was pale but not the sleeping beauty pretty kind of pale, no it was pale like rotting pale. Like the skin of hardcore gamers who despise sunlight. “It’s the skin of a killer Bella” his mind unhelpfully quoted Edward Cullen.
On an impulse, Derek shook his hand and then slapped himself hard on the cheek. Nothing. He did not wake up. On other hand, his face felt like it had been crushed by a mountain. This brought up the very essential question was he ultra strong or was he weakling hurt by his own move?
Unseen by Derek, who was busy contemplating on his strength, the glowing globs had seen his little show. There was unnoticed activity in the group that continued to stare at the befuddled dark lord.
When Derek looked up at the white light he could almost see a parental I am disappointed in you look.
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Unknown to him there raged an equally tumultuous silent war on the other end of the room. Struck with the sight of the strongest Ainur (albeit a fallen one) the Valar could not help but be cautious.
After decades of Manwe not so subtly bringing up the matter of his brother, they had agreed to take a look at the first criminal of Arda. They had unleashed the fallen Vala from the void only to find him unresponsive. This further led to Manwe letting go of all the restraint to baby his elder brother.
At first look, Melkor’s form seemed to be devoid of any sort of essence. A chill ran through the Valar as they considered the possibility of his escape. Tulkas and Orome had almost packed up for their adventure to Middle Earth. But then they had felt it. A sudden surge of life.
They had put behind the weird occurrence. It could have been a void thing. Eh… they had Valar to console. Tulkas and Orome had put away their gear sulking but not giving up on the hope of future action. Manwe, the king of Valar, on other hand, had sighed in relief. His brother was safe. As long he was safe, Manwe would preserve to bring him back to light.
This is how they got here. Manwe tried to approach Melkor who was now crouched in a corner. Mandos could have laughed when he saw the befuddled look on Melkor’s face. Except he swallowed all his shits and giggles after one stern look from Varda.
“He’s clearly up to no good,” Ulmo who had been looking at the shit show supplied very unhelpfully. The Vala of water did not quite vibe with Valinor. He had been itching to go back. His social battery had died hours ago.
Looking at Melkor stare at his own hand as if it was an alien object Namo could no longer hold it in. “He does indeed look dumber than the last time.” However, he quickly settled back into the shadows when Varda gave him the look of doom.
The queen of Valar was not playing games today. She was a Valier on a mission. There was no way she would let her husband fall for Melkor’s lies. Nope, not on her watch.
Looking at Manwe taking baby steps towards his brother Nienna had already started crying hours ago. “I mean… it’s just so sad.” She sniffled next to Lorien who was mentally miles away.
“Mellkor,” Manwe called again. This time louder.
“What in the absolute fucking hell is a Melkor.” With that Mandos burst out laughing again.
Oh no not the amnesia plot, Vaire wondered in her mind.
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sky-high-standards · 19 days
Yandere student council President x delinquent reader
Warnings: some mild smut obsessiveness and possessiveness
enjoy my single-pringles~♥
Yandere student council President Who's furious and in disbelief when he was informed, he was asked to get a delinquent back on track because the school didn't know what else to do.
Yandere student council President Who's jaw dropped once he saw you get dragged in by the principal and you were nothing like he expected.
Yandere student council President Who's amazed by how gorgeous you are and is even more amazed by your grades you were a genius you just didn't have the goody two shoes mindset.
Yandere student council President Who's more than happy to take you into the council and help you become the lover star student you were meant to be.
Yandere student council President who gets you moved to each one of his classes to obsessively stare keep an eye on you.
Yandere student council President Who keeps you in longer after school because of council work but in reality, he just wants more time to be around you.
Yandere student council President Who always gives you unreasonable amounts of work to do every day you just look so cute when you're tired
Yandere student council President Who gets you kicked out of all your other clubs claiming they weren't as important as the council.
Yandere student council President Who denies all your accusations of him being part of the reason all your other friends were expelled; how dare you think he'd do such a thing and besides they were a bad influences anyway.
Yandere student council President Who finds your attitude endearing if you look this pretty cursing at him imagine how pretty you'd look praising him and telling you how much you love him or moaning his name.
Yandere student council President Who hates how worked up you get him it's so frustrating how hard you get him and even more so having to relieve himself to your pictures in the bathroom imagining that pretty mouth of yours sucking him off.
You didn't need those useless ruffians anyway my love they were a bad influence I'm the only one you need~
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madammidnightsblog · 1 month
Yandere Student x Teacher Darling
WARNING: public setting (classroom), yandere behavior (delusional), exhibition, m! masturbation, self-teasing, student fantasizing about adult (18-19 student, 20-30 adult), sub! male Yandere Student knows it's wrong, he knows it, but he cannot help it. Something about you just drives him insane and he cannot help watching you from the back of the classroom, one hand stuffed into his pants and rubbing himself off while you were busy teaching.
He knows that it's disgusting and deprived but how could he stop when your voice just makes his dick twitch. And those soft and round curves of your body make him want to bury himself against you and hump you like the pathetic boy he is. So, his hand was wrapped around his small dick, pumping it slowly which biting his lip to quiet the whimpers and whine that was threatening to spill from him. His hips twitching up into his hand as the tight restriction of his jeans and boxers making it harder to move his hand without looking obvious.
"Now," You turned around with a pretty smile on your face, your pink lips parting slightly to chuckle at the clueless expressions of your students. The new topic of biology was enough to make them all blink and look at you with pure confusion which made you find your students adorable, "It's time to understand the biology of the cellular structures."
Yandere Student was watching how your body softly jiggles in place when you moved around in front of the white board, writing down the basics of the course. Oh, how he loved the way your turtleneck hugged your soft tummy and those large tits of yours, following the curves with his eyes as his hand moved slower around his base, swiping his thumb along the beads of pre at his purpling tip. A low moan left him when his eyes finally land at those dress pants at your wide hips, and he almost came when he noticed the little tummy pouch that stuck out. Everything was so damn beautiful and sexy on your body, all of those soft curves and fat that was hugging your body. What he would do just to feel on that beautiful body of yours and worship you like the goddess you were.
Your eyes scanned the room to see the yandere student in the back of the classroom, his eyes glossed over and watching intensely. To you, he looked interested in what you were teaching with how he was staring what you believed to be the board as his right arm seemed to be moving but little did you know he finally just pulled his dick out under his desk. His hand moving quickly as he notice you're glancing his way, and he can't help but think you're away what he's doing, and it was making him all flustered. But unlike normal people in this situation who would think that he should stop because you might notice and be uncomfortable- no, he thinks you're enjoying it and think he looks so cute. I mean, why else do you keep looking back at him? You must like him and find him so cute, knowing he's jerking off like a good boy and not making a mess on the floor. His breathing grows heavier the more his eyes wonder your body and imagining what you could possibly be thinking of when you look around the classroom. You must obviously want class to end and take care of him, after all, he's a good boy that has a bad home and need your attention since his mother died mysteriously a few months ago so, he must still be trying so so hard to be back to normal. You care about your student so much so, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to take care of him- right?
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revivemyreverie · 3 months
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The Iron Shoes burned oh so greatly, as the evil queen danced away.
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
when Leia visits Like in tl(4)j, does she bring along c3po? would all the padawans find him annoying? would Dar'shanna spend hours asking him questions? would the beef between him and r2d2 cause a r2-chopper alliance?
omg the 2nd idea i love that
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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