#studio barnhus
iamlisteningto · 1 year
FaltyDL’s “Our House Is Barnhus”
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disease · 2 years
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austineterno · 5 months
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moonandinternet · 2 years
Best Albums of 2022 + よく聴いた旧譜とか
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Axel Boman - Luz / Quest For Fire [Studio Barnhus] (2022) Bandcamp Luz: Apple / Spotify Quest For Fire: Apple / Spotify
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Betonkust - Concrete Coast [World Of Paint] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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“Blue” Gene Tyranny - Out Of The Blue [Lovely Music] (1978) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Diagonals [DDS] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Boomkat
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Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork [4AD] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Horsegirl - Versions Of Modern Performance [Matador] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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ind_fris - Portfolio [Scaffolder Recordings] (2022) Bandcamp
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Jack J - Opening The Door [Mood Hut] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Loris S. Sarid, Innis Chonnel – Where The Round Things Live [12th Isle] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Lucky Mereki - You Got Me Dancing [Accord Music] (1991) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Ludwig A.F. - Air [Exo Recordings International] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Metamatics - A Metamatics Production [Clear] (1997) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Move D & Dman - All You Can Tweak [Smallville] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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The Other People Place – Lifestyles Of The Laptop Café [Warp Records] (2001) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Palmbomen Ⅱ - Make A Film [World Of Paint] (2021) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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PinkPantheress - To Hell With It [Parlophone] (2021) Apple / Spotify
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Rosalía - Motomami [Columbia] (2022) Apple / Spotify
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Sonny Ism - Clock Without Hands [Northern Underground Records] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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越智義朗 - Natural Sonic [Newsic] (1990) Apple / Spotify
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V.A. - V4 Visions: Of Love & Androids [Numero Group] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
順位はつけていないけれど、ダントツでお気に入りがAxel BomanとBorn Under A Rhyming Planetなので、ぜひ聴いていただきたい!
ずっと推しているAxel Bomanの、夢見心地でミステリアス、小気味よいパーカッション感覚は相変わらず。ダンスミュージックとしても機能するだろうし、日常生活にも取り入れやすい朗らかさ、柔らかさがある。2枚同時リリースで、フィジカルは豪華な3LP。レコードのインナースリーヴにショートショートが書いてあって、ジャン=ジャック・アノー監督『人類創生』(原題:Quest for Fire、1981年)リブート版の撮影を計画する、映画監督のルーカス(って誰?)に雇われ、現代に旧石器時代を表現しようと……、というストーリーがおもしろい。いろいろな聴き方を試した結果、通しで聴けるBandcampが好きかな。ここ数年の趣味で園芸をしているので、10月にチューリップの球根を植えるときにかけたら、春に花が咲く脳内イメージと重なって至福の時間が過ごせた。
Born Under A Rhyming Planetは、Move DらとConjoint、Studio Pankowをやっていた、ジェイミー・ホッジのソロ・プロジェクトということから知る。リンクをつけているBoomkatの紹介によると、ティーンのとき、シカゴ音響派の代表格Gastr del Solのレコーディング・リハーサルを目撃、東海岸の大学見学ついでに寄り道してカナダのリッチー・ホウティンに会いに行き、リッチーのレーベルPlus 8からデビュー、その後ハイデルベルクにも行っちゃうなんてアツい男だ。未発表曲や未完成だった曲を仕上げて収録したこのアルバムは、新鮮な音像をもってテクノ、ディープハウス、ジャズ、アンビエントの絶妙なバランスにほれぼれする。短い曲が多いのでデモテープ的といえるが、その儚さが独特の魅力となっているし、ひとまとまりの作品として完成度が高く、意識が研ぎ澄まされる気がして何度もリピートしてしまう。私が今年 Apple Musicでいちばん再生した曲は“Menthol”だった。日本語の勉強をしているそうなので、来日お待ちしています。
年始にハマったLucky Merekiが掲載されているのをとっかかりとして、初夏にようやくSanshiro『ポスト ハウス・ミュージック ディスクガイド』をゲット。この本が出たあと再発された盤もあって、予言の書みたいだ。収録されているAntal(Rush Hour)のインタビューが腑に落ちた。彼は新譜やリイシューをチェックするほかにシャーデーなどクラシック(定番)なアルバムをよく聴いているらしく、
と語る。これを読み、最近はなんでも簡単に聴けるから、うっかりすると消費が浅く加速しがちな状態がキツく感じていたので、レコードを手に入れたらじっくりリスニングするのを心がけたいと思う。今回紹介しているアルバムは、カセットのLoris S. Sarid, Innis Chonnel以外すべてレコードで購入した。購入したものを寝る前に気軽にApple Musicで再生することも多い。ベッドサイドに置いたSONYの小型Bluetoothスピーカーはなかなかに悪い音質で、小中学生の頃に使っていたCASIOのCDラジカセよりもひどい気がする。そんな環境でも良い音楽に感じたものは、いざレコードに針を落とすとほんとうに素晴らしく聴こえるのだ。
毎年恒例「FRENCH BLOOM NET」年末企画、2022年のベスト音楽に参加しました。好きだったものからフレンチしばりでPhoenix、Sweely、The Balek Bandについて書いています。プレイリスト 2022 Best 100+ Tracks(Apple / Spotify)も作ったので聴いてみてください。
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radiophd · 1 year
ladymonix -- in a daze
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kensukeamari · 1 year
April 2nd, 2023 at The Room
Dried Seeds / Albino Sound / Modern Obscure Music
Roller / FaltyDL / Studio Barnhus
848 / Wink (UK) / Sucre Discos
Islands / EinKa / Goldmin Music
Haidou / Claudio PRC / Delsin
Individuality Riddim / Nicola Cruz / Rhythm Section International
Physical Only / Jack Chrysalis / Cloudcore
Vola / Ehua / 3024
Likshot / Surusinghe / Steel City Dance Discs
illusions / Fis-T
Bossy (Magnitudo Clive) / 45drakes
Drill Tool / Kaval / Argent Sale
Looney / Bella Boo / Studio Barnhus
Ebadile / Aroop Roy / Melé
突然ゲストが決まったりでなんやかやいいSignumでした。 最近は少し4つ打ちをかけていくのが楽しくもあり。
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tabadolat · 2 years
Your Planet Is Next - Special K (Studio Barnhus)
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igazikutya · 2 years
Grand Traxelektor 2022 – „Mind”
Prológ: Az évek végén érkezik el a szelektor jutalomjátéka, a Grande Summary ideje. Ilyenkor a Zene a nappaliból 3 halmazos apollóni térbe transzformálódik át, egymás mellé kerülnek a hasonlók, s szétválasztódnak az össze nem illők. Az egyik szobában (Mind) középtempós underground elektronika szól, lehet rájuk táncolni, de nem muszáj, simán működnek hallgatós üzemmódban is. Nem kávéházi háttérzene – vagy ez egy ilyen kávéház - de nem is tolakszik, hogy uralja a közös teret. A kettesben buli van, tánczenék, magasabb bpm-ek illetve masszívabb darabok, Move! A harmadik a közkeletű chill-out színhelyek megfelelője: ambient és ambközeli, kortárs és experiment, downtemp elektronika. Ez a klasszikus zenehallgatás helyszíne, ezért ide kerülnek a látens gyöngyszemei ami hiedelmemnek, hogy a mindenkori elektronikus zene, túl a zeitgeist-jain, létrehoz „komolyzenei szintű” műveket, örök darabokat, mély értelmezéssel bíró alkotásokat. Sense. 85 óra 46 percnyi anyag gyűlt össze 2022-ben, ezt válogattam szét, jelentősen megrostálva az állományt.  Gyakran ér az teljesen jogos kritika, hogy a havi Traxelektorok túl széles horizontot fognak át, és randomba-krosszfédbe módban olyan művek kerülnek egymás mögé, amik kvázi ütik egymást. Ilyenkor év végén ez az ellentmondás feloldódik ebben a hármas szintézisben.
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Az utazás az első szobával indul, ami tulajdonképpen maga a nappali. „Mind”. Középtempós elektronikus zenék adják a magját, műfajilag nagy szórásban, közel az idm/leftfield zeneiséghez. A halmaz ennél lényegesebben tágabb, ethnotól az ipariig minden szembejöhet, nagyon színes/szagos, mégis működnek együtt. 129 felvételt válogattam össze és 12 órán is túl nyúlik a playlist teljes hossza. Jó szórakozást!
Grande Traxelektor 2022 - “Mind“ - Spotify playlist link
(110 /129, : 10:02/12:05, 85%)
Korábbi évek Grand Traxelektor Main/Mind Playlistjei: Grand Traxelektor 2019 - “Main” - link Grand Traxelektor 2020 - “Mind” - link Grande Traxelektor 2021 - “Mind” - link
Grand Traxelektor 2022 – „Mind” Playlist
A Psychic Yes - Sugar Today Tomorrow [EP4, Nummer Music] Acronym - Millennial Lowlife [Millennial Lowlife, Benthic] Acronym - Vertical Garden [Millennial Lowlife, Benthic] Al Wootton - Callers Spring [Callers Spring, Trule] Al Wootton - Palants Grove [Wyre, TRULE] Al Wootton - Wyre [Wyre, TRULE] Anatolian Weapons - A Strange Light From The East (Krokakai Mix) [May That War Be Cursed - Vol. 1, Lurid Music] Anatolian Weapons - Black Sea (Sepehr Remix) [May That War Be Cursed - Vol. 1, Lurid Music] Anatolian Weapons - Jungle Track (Vidock Remix) [May That War Be Cursed - Vol. 1, Lurid Music] Anatolian Weapons - Vortex (Mr. TC Remix) [May That War Be Cursed - Vol. 2, Lurid Music] Answer Code Request - Resonate [Shattering, Delsin] Ant Orange - Cracker (Tolouse Low Trax Bo Bo Zy Remix)[You're Super In Diagonal Remixed, Karaoke Kalk] Architectural - Blue Garden [Equal Deep, Self-Released] Arp - New Pleasures [New Pleasures, Mexican Summer] Arp - Traitor (Dub) [New Pleasures, Mexican Summer] ASC - Inverse Ratio (Remix) [Return of the Emissary Remixes, Auxiliary] ASC - Oceans [A Storm In Space, Auxiliary] ASC - Stargate [Confluence Of Light, Spatial] Ateq & Orion - Crown [Cyclorama, Pale Product] Axel Boman - Les Lèvres Rouges [LUZ / Quest For Life, Studio Barnhus] Azu Tiwaline & Al Wootton - Blue Dub [Blue Dub, Livity Sound] Benedikt Frey - Phrack [1987, R.I.O.] Biosphere - Tanß [Shortwave Memories, Biophon] Birds ov Paradise - Ale [Memorial, Hypnus] Brainwaltzera - Consent [Itsame, Film] Brendon Moeller - Refridgeration [Highly Concentrated, Delsin] Carl Finlow - Wavefront [Desequence, 20/20 Vision] Caterina Barbieri - Terminal Clock [Spirit Exit, light-years] Composite Profuse - Rusty Wreck [Zero Flight One, Diffuse Reality] Cosmo Vitelli - Patient Zero [Medhead, I’m a Cliche] Dame Area - Dis-umani [VA - Elsewhere XX, Kalahari Oyster Cult] Daniel Avery & HAAi - Wall Of Sleep [Ultra Truth, Phantasy Sound] Dean O'Brien Resorts - A Tribute to the Beautiful Pool That You Weren't Invited To [VA - Vapordub - An Introduction to Contemporary Psychedelic Music, Vol. 1, Bamboo Shows] Decha - Chebechu (Nicola Cruz Remix)[VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Desert Sound Colony - Fresh One (Sid Angel Remix)[Fresh One, Holding Hands] DgoHn - Daisy Takes Two (Meat Beat Manifesto Dub Selection)[Undesignated Remixes, Love Love] downstairs J - Symbiosis [Too, SUZI] Edward Ka-Spel & Motion Kapture - The Devil's Night [Anagramma, Rustblade] Electronic Body Girl - Walk Away [VA - Elsewhere XX, Kalahari Oyster Cult] Emeka Ogboh - No Counterfeit [6°30′33.372″N 3°22′0.66″E, Danfotronics] Eric Copeland - Restart The Body [Spiral Stairs, les albums claus] Eric Copeland - Spiral Stairs [Spiral Stairs, les albums claus] Etch - Gaia's Mainframe [Sloppy Rhythm Trax, Hypercolour] Exhausted Modern - Medium = Message [Notions of Causality, Brokntoys] Exhausted Modern - Reframe Reform [Deform / Reform, Marguerite] FaltyDL - One Hitter [A Nurse To My Patience, Blueberry] Franck Vigroux - Station to Station [Magnetoscope, Raster] Fred Quest - Only on the Condition That You Call Me Esteban [Who Would You Have Been, Holding Hands] Gazelle Twin - Hole In My Heart [The Wastelands, Anti-Ghost Moon Ray] Guava feat. Alex Blake - In Cloud [Guitarist, Tread] Guava feat. Leo Abrahams - Equinox Meaning [Guitarist, Tread] Henry Greenleaf - Headache District [Kirkstone, Redstone Press] Henry Greenleaf - Put By [Kirkstone, Redstone Press] Hodge & Simo Cell - Ah Bon [Drums From the West, Livity Sound] Hortobágyi László - Kumarharva [Transociety Relics, áMARXE] Humanoid - sT8818r (Yage Remix)[sT8818r Humanoid - Extend, De:tuned] HVAD - अनलॉक / Bathhouse [Yug, ULLLU] Indian Wells - Habitat [No One Really Listens to Oscillators, Mesh] Interstellar Funk - The Helium Queen [Into The Echo, Dekmantel] JCow - Rave Patrol (Acid Fiend Mix)[WAR1204, Warning] Jodey Kendrick - Totternhoe Castle Red Kites View [Village Of The Damn Fine, Djak-Up-Bitch (DUB] Katatonic Silentio - Le Réveil Du Combattant [Les Chemins De L'inconnu, Ilian Tape] Khidja - Back To Vid (Azu Tiwaline Remix)[Something in the Water, Hivern Discs] Khidja - The Exchange [Something in the Water, Hivern Discs] Kreidler - Revery [Spells and Daubs, Bureau B] Krokakai - Demise From Salvation [Ukraine Fundraiser Unreleased Traxx, Self-Released] Le Chocolat Noir - Organism of Loathe [VA - Modernation Vol. 4, Italo Moderni] Lisene - Moral Panic [VA - Warp Drive, Planet Euphorique] Lucrecia Dalt - Atemporal [¡Ay!, Rvng Intl.] Lucy - Wanton Witch 4 -5  (Lament Ceremony - Looping Projection of You) [Lucy Plays Wanton Witch, Stroboscopic Artefacts] Luke Vibert - Disco Derriere [GRIT., Hypercolour] Mike Nylons - Fuckit [Eneme III., Exile] Miss Kittin & The Hacker - Ostbahnhof (Extended Version)[Ostbahnhof, Nobody's Bizzness] Mogambo - Piya (पिया) [Urvi (उर्वी), Siamese Twins] Morcheeba & Orbital - Namaste (Orbital Remix)[Namaste (Orbital Remix), Fly Agaric] Mytron & A von F - Confiture [VA - Elsewhere XX, Kalahari Oyster Cult] Nicola Cruz - Surface Tension [Self Oscillation, Rhythm Section International] Nuklear Prophet - Solar Winds [Prophecies 11:21, U-Trax] NZE NZE - A Kele Nkoo Oking [Adzi Akal, Teenage Menopause] Orphx & Kareem - Future Present [As Your Skies Are Fading Away, Zhark] Oscean - Spacion [Ideoma, Tresor] Otik - Crystal Clear [Crystal Clear/Rainbow Rhythm, !K7] Panoram - Seabrain [Acrobatic Thoughts, Running Back] Pariah - One On One [Caterpillar, Voam] Phase Fatale - The Drowned World [Burning the Rural District, Hospital] Piezo - LSD Superhero [LSD Superhero, Wisdom Teeth] Plazmot & Xen - Sakana (Khidja's Dub Remix)[VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Ploy - Unit 18 [Unit 18, Deaf Test] PRAAH - André [VA - Elsewhere VXIII, Rocket] Pugilist - Static [Static, Banoffee Pies] Rapha - V More Karabli [VA - Modernation Vol. 4, Italo Moderni] Recondite - Resilient [Taum, Plangent] Red Axes - Oh My Arp [Rhythm Passage, Phantasy Sound] Red Axes - Take it Away [VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Rhyw - Anasa [The Devil's In The Dlzlzlz, Fever AM] Ricardo Villalobos - Zeda Funk [VA - On In Out, Advanced Public Listening] Rip Swirl - Love Song [Blurry, Public Possession] Romain FX - Guanmu Cong [VA - Elsewhere XX, Kalahari Oyster Cult] Rosa Anschütz - Polished [Goldener Strom, BPitch Control] Rosa Anschütz - Their Blood [Goldener Strom, BPitch Control] Sciama - Forced Inward [Myriad, Auxiliary] Sciama - The Lost Pleiad [Myriad, Auxiliary] Silent Servant feat. Stephen Mallinder - Cyber Luminescence [Optimistic Decay, L.I.E.S.] Silicon Scally - Altered Domain [Field Lines, Central Processing Unit] Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith - Song of the Highest Tower (Atom™ Remix) [The Perfect Vision Reworkings, Bella Union] Sven Väth - What I Used To Play [Catharsis, Cocoon] Synapscape - Wastelands [The Stable Mind, Ant-Zen] Tanya Tagaq - Colonizer [Tongues, Six Shooter] Tapan - Rain Dance [Novi Svet, Offen Music] Tapan feat. Decha - Twenty (Original Mix) [Twenty, Malka Tuti] Terrain - Choices [Mantis 08, Delsin] Terrain - Mode [Mantis 08, Delsin] The Black Dog - CNIII [Dubs Volume 4 - Suburbia, Dust Science] The Future Sound Of London - Far Seeker [Rituals e7.001, fsoldigital.com] The Irresistible Force - MULTIBALL [VA - On In Out, Advanced Public Listening] Tifra - International Waters (Roza Terenzi Remix) [Plastic Replicant EP, Duality Trax] Tornado Wallace - Dream Corner [Dream Corner, Basic Spirit] Tornado Wallace - Sea Translation [Dream Corner, Basic Spirit] Umberto Vitiello - Peul (Donato Dozzy Remix) [VA ‎- Multi Culti Equinox I, Multi Culti] Vril & Rødhåd - Astrolabium [Out of Place Artefacts II , WSNWG] Vril & Rødhåd - Nibiru [Out of Place Artefacts II , WSNWG] Vril & Rødhåd - Nimbus MM.flac [Out of Place Artefacts II , WSNWG] Yabboq Penuel - La Recontre [VA - Palace Of Memory Where Nostalgia Is Fear, Public System] Yann Tiersen - Ker al Loch (Terence Fixmer Remix)[Kerber Remixes, Mute] Youth & Gaudi - Toll Bridge Dub [Stratosphere, LSD - Liquid Sound Design] Zaliva-D - Dao Yao Zui [孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads, SVBKVLT] Zaliva-D - Hun Shou Qiang Qiang [孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads, SVBKVLT] δρ - Fifty Fifty (Anatolian Weapons Rework)[VA - Elsewhere XX, Kalahari Oyster Cult]
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artwalktv · 2 years
Over the course of the COVID lockdowns - desperate for the outside world beyond my doorstep, city, state and country - I started crafting a project using entirely Google Maps Streetview Images. I viewed and downloaded the world from my desk, finding amazing spaces, altering, hand tracking and creating timelapses and shots. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the material. Until I heard the latest album from Axel Boman. Here was a song from one of my favorite artists with such a propulsive and idealistic reaching out towards the wider world. Letting the wind take us, with love as the sail, a blur of adventure across the planet. Special thanks to Axel, Kornel and Studio Barnhus for the trust, a random plugin that let me download raw 360 images and Google for bringing the world to our screens. Locations used: Australia - Melbourne Cricket Stadium Austria - Kunsthistorisches Museum Brazil - Marcana Stadium - Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro - Museu Nacional de Belas Artes - Rio de Janeiro Metro - Sao Paulo Biennale Canadian - Arctic Regions Czech Republic - Charles Bridge Denmark - Christiansborg Palace - Thorvaldesens Museum Faroe Islands - Slættaratindur France - Arc de Triomphe - Château de Chenonceau - Grand Palais - Mont Blanc - Mont Saint-Michel - Museum of Fine Art Lyon - Palace of Versailles - Paris City Hall - University of Lyon Germany - Alte Pinakothek - Altes Museum - Hamburg Canals - Miniatur Wunderland - Sanssouci Palace - Staatliches Museum Schwerin Greece - Acropolis Museum Greenland - Arctic Regions India - Himalayan Railway - Taj Mahal Italy - Florence Train Station - Grassi Palace - Municipal Library Teresian - National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art - The Floating Piers - Uffizi Gallery Japan - Bullet Train - Chiba Monorail - Fushimi Inari Taisha - Miraikan - Nagoya Station - Ryogoku Kokugikan - Suzuki Circuit Mexico - Archivo General de la Nación Mongolia - Khuvsgul Lake Nepal - Various trails New Zealand - Coronet Peak Norway - Fv36 - Fv64 Portugal -Coastal Railway - Mafra National Palace Russia - Bolshow Theater - Crocus City Hall - St Petersburg State University Scotland - National Museum of Scotland Singapore - Singapore Sports Hub South Korea - National Museum of Korea Spain - Bilbao Stadium - Catedral de la Almudena - Guggenheim Bilbao - La Sagrada Familia - Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada - University of Madrid Sweden - Avicii Arena - Gamla stan - Skokloster Castle Switzerland - CERN - Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge - Swiss Alps Taiwan - Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum United Arab Emirates - Burj Al Arab United States - Chicago River - Crystal Bridges Museum - Denali - Dry Tortugas - Guggenheim - John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts - Neues Museum - Seven Mile Bridge - Shedd Aquarium - Smithsonian Science Center - The Grand Canyon - The Intrepid - University of Michigan
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myacapellas · 3 years
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iamlisteningto · 3 years
FaltyDL’s The Wrath EP
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disease · 3 years
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austineterno · 6 months
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apeescapefan · 3 years
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mixamorphosis · 8 months
Blog post and linked up tracklists [HERE]
Part One - Tracklist
Mr Scruff - We Are Coming (Max Graef Remix) - (Ninja Tune)
Eddie C - Be Aware (Nothing For Free) - (Endless Flight)
Session Victim - Hey Stranger - (Delusions Of Grandeur)
Moodymann - Black Mahogani - (Peacefrog Records)
DJ Kaos & Loudtone - Buffalo Dub - (Phonica Records)
Roman Flugel - The Odd Lobster - (Ostgut Ton)
Axel Boman - New Krau Era - (Studio Barnhus)
Dude Energy - Renee Running - (Animals Dancing)
Kraftwerk - Tour de France - (EMI)
Florian Kupfer - Feelin' - (L.I.E.S)
Leon Vynehall - Be Brave, Clench Fists - (3024)
Logic - The Final Frontier (The Groove) - (Strictly Rhythm)
Murat Tepeli - Forever (Prosumers Hold Me Touch Me Remix) - (Not On Label)
The Eagles - I Can't Tell You Why (Asylum Records)
Part 2 - Mixamorphosis
Tim Zawada - Can't Hide - (Tugboat Edits)
Disco Tech - Cover Me - (Discodat)
Discognosis - Step By Step (Belabouche Edit) - (AVI Records)
Backlash - Hang With The Gang (Gerd Edit) - (Strata Sphere Records)
Hot Toddy - Freekend - (Smoke 'n' Mirrors)
Janet - Come Lately (Bonar Bradberry Version) - (Free via Soundcloud)
Alkalino - Going On - (Audaz)
Petr Serkin - Dirty Hero - (Freedom Sessions Records)
Los Africanos - Do It (Mondo Disco Edit) - (Above Machine Edits)
The Black Madonna - Venus Requiem - (The Nite Owl Diner)
Frank Booker - Fall Out - (Sleazy Beats)
Ed Wizard & Disco Double Dee - Rollin' On - (Editorial)
Andy Hart - Epsilon Girls - (Heist)
The Emoticons - The Best Of My Love (V Loves To Do It Edit) - (Vehicle)
GQ - Make My Dreams A Reality (Cosmic Boogie Edit) - (Arista)
Kleeer - Tonights The Night (Joey Negro's Tonight It's Party Time Edit) - (Z Records)
Download available via Hearthis - [Part One] // [Part Two]
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1-800-paradiset · 4 years
nu tar vi sommar va?
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