#studio series 81
nova--spark · 8 months
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Mistakes were made
Collection has begun
[Perceptor may be put up for adoption folks]
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Johnny Cash - Don't Take Your Guns to Town 1958
"Don't Take Your Guns to Town" is a song written and recorded by American singer Johnny Cash. It was released in December 1958 as the first single from his second studio album The Fabulous Johnny Cash. The single was his fifth release to reach #1 on the country chart, where it stayed for six weeks. The song was also a crossover hit peaking at #32 on the pop chart.
As was the case with many of his hits, Cash re-recorded the song on several occasions. In 1974, he recorded it in a more modern arrangement for the album The Junkie and the Juicehead Minus Me which also updated some of the lyrics. A more straight remake was recorded for the 1988 album Classic Cash: Hall of Fame Series. He also recorded a live version with Willie Nelson for the 1998 release VH1 Storytellers: Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson.
"Don't Take Your Guns to Town" received a total of 70,4% yes votes! Previous Johnny Cash polls: #81 "Hurt".
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deadhawke · 1 year
Comprehensive Trigun Stampede Timeline
(With sources and references!) I will use the abbreviations EY to stand for Earth Year and PE to stand for Planet Era, the calendar and year system used by No Man's Land. I will use ~ in front of a date to indicate that it's not concrete but is about that time.
This should hopefully be a comprehensive timeline for TriStamp. I've done my best to comb through both the series as well as some of the extras from Studio Orange on Twitter, and I will provide sources/pictures as well as reasoning where relevant. So onto the actual timeline starting with.....
~EY 2256 - Project SEEDS leaves earth - based on Rem saying that it has been about 200 years since they left Earth and in that scenes the boys look like they do after at least a year old.
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EY 2405 May 3rd - Tesla is born
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EY 2455 July 21st - Vash and Nai are born
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EY 2456 July 21st - Vash and Nai's first birthday
~ EY 2456 - The Big Fall - due to the fact that Vash and Nai still look about the same age it is either the same year or pretty close to it when the Big Fall happens
~ EY 2461 - When Vash runs away from Home to confront Nai and he gets his arm cut off. Brad says it had been 5 years since the Big Fall.
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PE 00 November 1st (~ EY 2502) - The first city November is established as well as the Planet Era Calendar. Based on Vash, Nai, Luida, and Brad all saying it has been about 150 years since the Fall at the time the actual episodes take place, the math works out to this happening about 46 years after the big fall. This information comes from Studio Orange's twitter where they posted some extra world building info.
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PE 00 December (~ EY 2502) - 2nd city December is established
PE 01 July (~ EY 2503) - 3rd city July is established (RIP your theme song slapped)
PE 01-02 (~ EY 2503-2504) - The rest of the seven cities of Augusta, Octovern, May, and September are established
~ PE 79 (~ EY 2581) - Rollo is taken and Eye of Michael-ed. Based on a combination of what Roberto and Conrad say in episode 5. Conrad says in the flash back after Rollo has been experimented on that he is the first to survive for 5 whole years. And then Roberto later says its been about 20 years since the town was abandoned aka since Rollo came back as Monev the Gale and wrecked the place. Roberto says the 20 years comment when looking at the state of the house and before finding the photo of Vash and bby Rollo.
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PE 81 (~ EY 2583) - Meryl is born! This also helps us establish the year the episodes take place as Meryl was born in 81, is 23 years old, and just finished college in 103 which you can just make out at the bottom of the screen. (23 + 81 = 104) Meaning the majority of the episodes themselves take place in PE 104
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~ PE 84 (~ EY 2586) - Rollo comes back to the windmill town as Monev the Gale and wrecks the place.
PE 99 - PE 103 (~ EY 2601 – 2605) - Meryl is in college!
PE 104 May 25th (~ EY 2606) - We finally get to Episode 1! Meryl and Roberto find Vash half dead and he has the duel with the military police! As stated earlier we have determined the year based on Meryl's resume.
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PE 104 May 25th/26th - Episode 2/3 happens. This episode may either be the same day as episode 1 or it could be the next day as there is multiple ways to determine the timing. First way: As Vash is attempting to leave Roberto does say "Wait... You told me this morning." when asking who Vash is seemingly running away from. This would indicate that it is the same day as episode 1 since that is when Vash first tells them about Knives. Second way: Episodes 2/3 take place the next day as in the intro sequence while Vash is cleaning his gun it is night outside as shown by the window in his room, and later on we see it is day and we know it is a window as when Vash is leaving you can see the light outside. I personally still think this is the case since the town people have also had a chance to get together and plan Vash's capture, and when Roberto is referring to the morning that could be referring to the interview he and Meryl were doing with him in the bar.
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PE 104 May 29th/30th - Episode 4 happens. The radio states it has been 3 days since Jeneora Rock.
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PE 104 May/June/July - Sometime in this period episode 5 happens. I suspect towards the mid/end of July since Vash and Wolfwood are still upset with each other over Rollo during the start of episode 6. (@ StudioOrange what happened during their off screen road trip we wanna know)
PE 104 ~ July 20th - Episodes 6/7 happen. The timing on this is entirely based on how long Vash remains passed out in Home before waking up, but at least one day passes from 6/7 to Vash's very bad no good day that is episodes 8/9/10/11/12 since it goes from day on 6 to sunset on 7, and then back to day when Vash wakes on the ship.
PE 104 July 21st - Episodes 8/9/10/11/12 aka Vash goes to Soup day aka the twin's 151st bday or thereabouts. We know for sure it was July 21st thanks to Nai giving his bro the worst bday present ever and the radio announcer confirming the date explicitly during the anniversary for the epilogue.
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PE 106 July 21st (~ EY 2608) - Episode 12 epilogue happens as stated by the radio announcer.
BONUS: SE 110 June 2nd (~ EY 2612) - Now this is an interesting date, as this is the "effective" date listed on Wolfwood's pastor contract.
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We do know for sure however that the date June 2nd SE110 cannot equal June 2nd PE110, and equal the current day and year, as this happens on July 21st. It also cannot be the date Wolfwood is sent after Vash as they meet up May 29/30th, and even if that date is wrong (like if more than a day passes between episodes 1 and 2 somehow), if the year was 110 then Meryl would be 29 years old, very much not a fresh out of college newbie since we know she also graduated in 103.
General theorizing from myself and the wonderful people who have commented on this post and on others post seem to align with SE possibly meaning Sinners Era and being slightly off from the Planet Era year system the rest of the planet uses.
For my personal theorizing, the closest match to this date is if SE110 is equivalent to PE104 (so a six year difference between year systems), and an extra 3 days happen between Episodes 1 and 2/3, then it may be the day Wolfwood was sent after Vash. It could also be that we are making the incorrect assumption that they are using the Earth calendar with Earth calendar month lengths. If May is 28 days then that would place Episode 4 on June 1st with my current timeline which would be even closer.
In summary: The important part is that Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl, and Roberto spend a total of about 2 months traveling together between May 25th and July 21st. And I have no fucking clue what's going on with Wolfwood's contract.
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quixoticall · 11 months
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This Could Get Ugly 2. The Beginning
Summary: It's 1983 and The Downsides need another lead singer and you just happen to need a band--it's a perfect match. The only issue? You have to pretend to be in a relationship with your bandmate, Steve Harrington, but you can't help but be drawn to the band's broody guitar player.
pairing: s.h. x fem!reader, e.m. x fem!reader, j.b. x n.w., r.b x n.w.
Previous Chapter🎺
WC: 2.4K
Warnings: Sexism, Murray Bauman
NANCY: Nancy Wheeler, former keyboardist for The Downsides.
  I had been playing piano since I was eight, it was just one of those things my parents signed me up for to make me more well-rounded for college applications but I ended up loving it more than they had hoped.
I auditioned for the band on a whim, I was going to Indiana State at the time, getting my teaching degree but I loved playing the piano more than I would ever love being a teacher. To be honest, when I auditioned, I didn’t think they were going to take me, not even after I saw they had another girl in the band. Don’t get me wrong, I knew I had the talent for it, I just didn’t necessarily give off Rock and Roll vibes, but they accepted me anyway.
  I had a feeling Steve liked me from the moment we met, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him then. He’s Steve Harrington for God’s sake. Girls had posters of him up on their walls for the better part of the 80s. I just—I didn’t want people to think I got the spot because I was involved with the lead singer. I wanted people to know that I earned my place through talent. Steve was really disappointed when I turned him down, but he was always really respectful about it.
  That didn’t mean he stopped being interested or that I didn’t feel his eyes on me during every rehearsal in the summer of ‘81.  
Of course, you knew that when you had been signed to Starcourt Records it wasn’t completely because of your talent.
You had started to wonder, however, if Starcourt had given you a shot because they didn't want to risk litigation or maybe because those record execs had seen your name floating around in a magazine or, more importantly, your picture.
The more you thought about it, the more insecure about your place you had felt, like an imposter among others who had earned their spots. But, after one week of rubbing shoulders with the musicians over at Starcourt, you realized that to be able to make it, you were going to have to ooze confidence, even if that confidence was fake.
NANCY: We started playing gigs together around the Midwest. In the beginning, we mostly played covers but eventually, we started writing our own music. I’m not a great songwriter and, to be frank, neither is Steve, so a lot of the stuff we were coming up with was pretty simple but it worked for us. We went from playing weddings to actually getting gigs that paid money. I mean it was barely enough to cover gas to get there but it was something. I guess, for the sake of transparency, there is one more thing I have to talk about while we’re talking about this time in the band’s life.
Steve and I spent a lot of time writing music together. It was great, being able to get close. I thought we were becoming friends. He was still a bit hung up, though and one night, when we were up late writing at his tiny apartment, he kissed me. And I kissed him back.
The next day, I told him that that couldn’t happen again. I gave him my reasons and he respected that but still, I could tell he was crushed. I think that between the kiss and us having this talk, he had begun to hope that something would happen between us.
I think that’s what made me and Jonathan hurt him so much more. 
You didn’t necessarily like Murray when you first began to work with him but you did trust him. In the professional capacity at least. He never tried anything with you, which you appreciated although that bar was abysmally low.
You hadn’t known what to expect on your first day in the studio but you had a feeling that as far as the music was considered, you were in decent hands.
Boy, were you fucking wrong.
The moment you had stepped into the studio, Murray had handed you a stack of music, all unfamiliar and definitely nothing you had written.
“What’s this?” You had asked, eyes crinkling in confusion.
“A few contenders for an EP. The team over at marketing came up with some branding concepts and this is what we landed on.”
He then pulled out a thick folder overflowing with pictures of what you assumed the studio had wanted to mold you into. It was all bubblegum and teased hair and not at all what you had envisioned.
“Wait, Murray, I don’t understand.  I have a brand, one that I've spent a lot of time curating along. This isn't me and this is definitely not my music.  You said I could sing the music that I’ve written.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Murray hummed, condescendingly, “I never said that.”
“Well, if I can’t sing my music then I just won’t sing at all.” You were the full image of a petulant child, arms crossed and lips dangerously close to a pout.
Murray feigned concern for a moment before hunching down so that he was at eye level with you.
“You signed a contract,” he spoke slowly, “Starcourt owns you, and if you don’t like it, then talk to a judge.”
He turned away from you, leaning against the mixing console. He speaks again after what seems like an eternity.
“Listen, sweetheart, I’m not saying it’s ethical or right, but if you want to make it in music, you got to play the game. You can’t come in here, swinging your metaphorical dick around, calling the shots when you haven’t proven you can rake in the dough.
“Sure, you’ve got talent, but who doesn’t? Right now, there’s a line of girls around the block who can sing and write and are probably better at following directions, waiting to take your spot.
"Plus, I read the songs you sent over, you have some good lines but there's not a single song worth attaching Starcourt's name to. Take this as an opportunity to learn, to be better, to actually work for something for the first time in your life. You have nothing right now, so nothing is below you, not even this pop dribble they're giving you to sing.
"I’m not saying it’s always gonna be this way, but you have to prove to them that you can play before they take you seriously, and then if you got what it takes, you can start writing your own music. Hell, if you make them enough money, they’ll let you play the fucking didgeridoo and go out in a nun’s habit… well, maybe not the habit, but the point stands. So, can we stop acting like the spoiled princess we are for just one afternoon and get to rehearsing?”
You snatched the book of songs from his outstretched hand and with a smile on your face, tore it down the middle before stomping off.
It had taken five days of Murray, along with various other executives at Starcourt, pounding on your door at the Chateau Mormont—the hotel that was your permanent residence since you had turned 18— before you had even considered setting foot in Starcourt again.
All it took was a gift basket full of Champagne and half a dozen threatening letters from their legal team.
NANCY: Jonathan came on as our second guitarist. I remember when he came to the audition he was this quiet, super shy kid who barely managed to make eye contact, but once he had a guitar in his hands, he had this way of coming alive. He wasn’t a showman like Steve, but he was electric when he played.
We—I never meant for things to turn out the way they did but with Jonathan, it wasn’t much of a choice. I know this sounds so cliche, but we were drawn to each other. I remember, during rehearsals, even before we really knew each other, he and I would lock eyes from across the room and I would know exactly what he was thinking.
Soon, we were sneaking around together. We were getting more and more serious, it was only a matter of time, honestly, before the others found out. Jonathan wanted to come clean early on, he could tell it was causing me so much stress, but I didn’t want to tell anyone else. Part of it, was Steve, of course, but also, what Jonathan and I had felt precious and personal and ours. I wanted to stay in this bubble we had built for ourselves.
Of course, it was Steve and Robin who eventually caught us, making out in Jonathan’s car after rehearsals one day.
To say that Steve took it hard is probably an understatement. He skipped rehearsal for five straight days and when he showed up he had this new song he had written, this ballad called, “Regret You”.
“If I never had you, then why can’t I forget you / I hate myself because I could never regret you.”
Yeah, that was an awkward one to rehearse but, to his credit, it was a great song. It was the song that got us noticed.
You had spent months recording your first EP, a five-song collection the studio had decided to name “The Setlist”. It was meant to be a play on your groupie status, or at least that’s what some intern over in the marketing department had claimed, a little too proud of himself for your liking.
While you couldn't ignore the sense of accomplishment that bubbled below the surface, you mostly felt empty. 
The whole thing made you think of your father, whom you hadn't spoken to in years but had a very staunch view on artistic integrity. He despised artists who 'carelessly churned out poor imitations of real art for money'.  "To make art is as close as one can get to being god," he had explained to you once, with self-important tears in his eyes, "why would anyone sell that off? Art should mean something to the artist. Otherwise, they are a peddler of fake divinity." 
Your father had never had to worry about money a day in his life. 
That empty feeling was only exacerbated when, the Friday after you had officially finished recording, Murray had invited you to lunch with a particular proposition in mind.
“No, Murray, not gonna happen. Over my dead body and all that,” you spat from across the table.
“Listen, I don’t want to pull the contract card on you, but I will,” he warned with no real heat as he swirled his gin martini in one hand.
“Nice try,” you mirrored his pose, martini and all, “but the contract doesn't cover this, only original work. Not duets. You know that, I know that, so why don’t you try again and give me one good reason why I would even consider a duet with The Letterman’s.”
Murray gave you a look you had come to familiarize yourself with—one that was equal measures of pride and annoyance. It was the look he gave you whenever you bested him.
“How about the fact that they’re one of the hottest acts right now and being on a track with them would guarantee you a spot on the charts which is a great place to be at any point in time, but especially when you’re about to release an EP?”
Your face dropped in the way it only did when you knew Murray was right about something you didn’t want him to be right about. A look he had been starting to familiarize himself with.
"Fine, I’ll do it, but I want to spend as little time as possible with Jason. He’s a pompous ass.” “No disagreements there, sweetheart.”
The day you were scheduled to record with Jason and the rest of his band, he was an hour late. You hadn’t doubted for a moment he had done this on purpose.
When he finally had shown, he pretended not to know you, a game you had quickly caught on to, and made sure to respond with, “It’s so nice to meet you, Jackson” after he made a show of introducing himself to you which made the rest of his band and Murray guffaw.
Jason narrowed his eyes at you, his voice struggling to stay level, and said, “Watch it. We’re the ones doing you a favor here, remember?”
“I did you one first,” you responded, your eyes meeting his gaze, “remember?”
It had taken 20 minutes for his bandmates to calm him down, but eventually, the two of you got into the booth.
Your only priority had been to do your best job in as few takes as possible because you did not know how much longer you could tolerate being in Jason’s presence.
In the end, after a two-hour session, Murray had sent you both home, either happy with the finished product or at his wit’s end with the tension. Either way, three weeks later you had a duet with The Letterman’s called “It Was You” and just as Murray had predicted, it was quick to climb the charts.
You were getting noticed.
NANCY: Not long after Steve wrote “Regret You” we got noticed by a scout from Starcourt Records. I think at first we thought it was some sort of scheme, but it was legit. They had us record a few demos and in something like six months, they moved us to a house in Culver City.
The whole thing had felt like some sort of fever dream. I had to quit school and tell my parents. They didn’t even know I was in a band. Or seeing anybody. Needless to say, they didn’t take any of it well. When we got to LA, we did more test recordings and they even had us playing some shows at a few clubs on the strip.
Like I said: total fever dream.
But, when you’re under the thumb of a label like that, there are certain stipulations. One of the first things they told us was that they wanted to make our sound more modern and pop. We kinda
had an alternative, experimental sound back then. They said synth was going to be the new thing so they wanted Robin to learn how to play the synthesizer which meant that on certain songs, Jonathan would have to take over for bass. Also, they wanted Steve to be more of a frontman and less of a guitar player. Steve could always work a crowd, and they wanted to use that, especially with this new sound they had envisioned for us. All of this meant we needed another guitar player and, believe it or not, the label already knew who that was going to be. Eddie Munson.
Taglist: @rexorangecouny
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justforbooks · 11 months
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For the opening scene of Shaft – the 1971 film that helped inaugurate the “blaxploitation” genre and spawned an Oscar-winning song in Isaac Hayes’s call-and-response classic Theme from Shaft – the director Gordon Parks mapped out to the actor Richard Roundtree exactly what would happen.
Roundtree – playing the New York detective John Shaft who “won’t cop out when there’s danger all about” as the song puts it – was to stride out of the subway near Times Square, tracked by assorted cameras positioned opposite him and at high angles. “I want you to walk across 42nd Street,” Parks said. “And I want you to own it.”
Own it he did. In his beige turtleneck and brown leather trench coat, Roundtree swaggers and weaves through the hubbub, looking bemused at a demonstration going on around him (which was nothing to do with the film itself but a real-life protest by the Gay Activists Alliance) and improvising the moment when he raises his middle finger at an impatient cabbie. “I did own it,” he reflected. “Much better than I could ever have imagined.”
It was the first major screen appearance for Roundtree, who has died aged 81 of pancreatic cancer, and the one that defined him for the rest of his life. He was cast after a meeting with Parks, a former photojournalist, who showed him a magazine advertisement and said: “We’re kind of looking for a guy who looks like this.” Serendipitously, it was an ad featuring Roundtree himself.
In optioning Ernest Tidyman’s 1970 novel, in which Shaft is hired to rescue a gangster’s kidnapped daughter, MGM had considered making the characters white. But Parks defended the novel’s vision, including its acute awareness of Black culture. He wanted audiences “to see the Black guy winning”.
That single-mindedness paid off, saving the troubled studio from bankruptcy. “Ghetto kids were coming downtown to see their hero, Shaft, and here was a Black man on the screen they didn’t have to be ashamed of,” the director said in 1972. “We need movies about the history of our people, yes, but we need heroic fantasies about our people, too. We all need a little James Bond now and then.”
John Shaft was suave and uncompromising, free to dispense justice his own way, and cut from a snazzier cloth than the nobler roles for which African-American stars such as Sidney Poitier were known. In 2000, the critic Elvis Mitchell noted that Roundtree’s “on-screen relish, which was itself a kind of dynamism, connected to an audience hunger. And he held the screen like an aristocrat.” Mitchell compared him to Sean Connery, identifying “the same outsize wellspring of charm and virility, but with a leavening … sense of self-deprecation”.
He did many of his own stunts. “We could get close with our helicopter shots because you could see it really was Roundtree and not a stunt driver,” said Parks. “We spent 12 days on that chase, and wrecked four cars, two boats and a mock-up chopper.”
The actor returned for two sequels, Shaft’s Big Score! (1972), which was also directed by Parks, and Shaft in Africa (1973), which, regrettably, was not. After a brief Shaft TV series in the same year, which Roundtree described as “an ugly point in my long, illustrious career”, he was done with John Shaft. For now.
Born in New Rochelle, New York, to Kathryn (nee Watkins), a cook and housekeeper, and John Roundtree, a refuse collector and later church minister, Richard attended New Rochelle high school and won a football scholarship to Southern Illinois University. After working at Barneys department store, he modelled clothes and became one of the stars of the Ebony Fashion Fair, a touring spin-off of Ebony magazine. He then joined the Negro Ensemble Company in New York City and starred in its 1967 production of The Great White Hope.
Capitalising on the heat from Shaft, he joined Charlton Heston and Ava Gardner in the disaster movie Earthquake (1974), played the title character in Man Friday (1975) opposite Peter O’Toole as Robinson Crusoe, and appeared as a rakish carriage driver in the slavery-era TV drama Roots (1977).
In between TV series, including most recently Family Reunion on Netflix, he was in the action comedy City Heat (1984), set during the Depression and starring Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds, the gruesome serial-killer hit Seven (1995) alongside Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, the Disney comedy George of the Jungle (1997) and Rian Johnson’s witty neo-noir thriller Brick (2005).
Having declined various Shaft-related offers, he finally relented and appeared in John Singleton’s reboot, Shaft (2000), with Samuel L Jackson as his nephew. He returned for a misguided comic riff on the franchise, also called Shaft (2019), which revealed that Jackson’s character was in fact his son, and brought in a new generation in the form of a sensitive, gun-hating grandson.
“Everybody wanted to be you for a very long time,” Jackson told Roundtree in a 2019 interview with the Los Angeles Times. “You defined what cool was – you had the look, the walk, the attitude.”
Pigeonholed by the part in the 1970s, Roundtree finally made peace with it. “Sometimes it’s much easier to ride the horse in the direction that it’s going,” he said.
He was married and divorced twice, to Mary Jane Grant, then Karen Ciernia. He is survived by two daughters, Kelli and Nicole, from his first marriage, and two daughters, Tayler and Morgan, and a son, John, from his second.
🔔 Richard Arnold Roundtree, actor, born 9 July 1942; died 24 October 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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nemainofthewater · 4 months
This is a series of polls looking at the best Jin Yong adaptation, separated by novel. The masterlist of Jin Yong Adaptation Polls can be found here.
*Legend of the Condor Heroes: The dragon Tamer AND Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Cadaverous Claw
**Rage and Passion (1992)/The Mystery of the Condor Hero (1993)/the Legend of the Condor Heroes (1994)/The Condor Heroes Return (1994)
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Wadada Leo Smith and Orange Wave Electric - what a lineup!
Trumpeter Wadada Leo Smith with Orange Wave Electric, an all-star electric band including guitarists Nels Cline, Brandon Ross and Lamar Smith; bassists Bill Laswell and Melvin Gibbs; electronic musician Hardedge; percussionist Mauro Refosco; and drummer Pheeroan akLaff. Throughout 2022, Wadada Leo Smith celebrated his 80th birthday with one of the most prolific and creative year’s worth of releases in his – and perhaps anybody’s – history to date. Lest anyone should imagine that this breathtaking run was in any way valedictory, the now 81-year-old Smith returns with his first of several planned releases for 2023. The exhilarating Fire Illuminations, due out March 31, 2023 on Smith’s own Kabell Records label, features his newly assembled ensemble Orange Wave Electric.
Ever innovative in his quest for new methods of composing, guiding, and creating improvised music, Smith crafted the five expansive compositions on Fire Illuminations in the studio from a series of recording dates conducted and edited over the course of nearly four years. He cites such precedents as the groundbreaking work of Jamaican reggae and dub innovator Lee “Scratch” Perry and Miles Davis classics like Bitches Brew and On the Corner. Album Cover Image by Einar Falur Ingólfsson
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zamgoods · 8 months
Shakira & J. Lo's FULL Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show 
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January 30, 2024 335 days left in the year. 1.30  30.1   Illumination: 81% The moon is 19 days old, 10 days remaining.
So now we know. The Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Fransisco 49ers @ Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas Nevada on 36 degree latitude, home stadium to Raiders who is originaly from Oakland San Fran bay area, home of Black Panther Party and Bruce Lee’s school for Self Defense on Feb 11th.  
The uniforms both are a reddish and yellowish/goldish colored team.  There is even a player named Gould.  Indian Chiefs with arrow and Gold Digging Miners come to steal the Indian’s gold in 1849 (before civil war) Gold rush.  And THis year is our year of 24K gold.  The χρυσός Chrysos...The Chrysening year Bruno Mars, 24k Magic.  goddess of Gold is Theia Euryphaessa  Divine Wide Light.
The 2.11 Info line and 12th anniversary of Whitney Houston’s drowning in a Tub in 2012. The Voice of music.  Elvis’s Viva Las Vegas.  LVIII the LV sounds like start of EL Vis
February 11 New Moon Birth of a new something, something. Waxing Crescent Illumination: 4%
The Stadium is branded after an Airline formed in 1997.  “Airplanes”  Allegiant meaning Loyal follower of a cult.  The stadium’s nick name is THe DEATH STAR.  more like the dead stars...Aaliyah, Whitney, Elvis oh my.  Whitney found dead in a bath tub in the bathroom, Elvis on the toilet in his Bathroom both with drugs in the mix.  Aaliyah was found to have been drugged before being carried on board a tiny airplane with a heavy payload of 700 pounds more than it could bear.  Crashing to the left, one minute after lift off/ Take Off.  
Aaliyah in Romeo Must Die was set in Oakland and was about a new stadium being built for the Raiders.  Must Die is Akbar aka Han, his brother Po and Trishes brother Colin “run with the show, Green MJ” already murdered by hanging and thrown from a tower (911 and Tarot references).
Star Wars plot at the Death Star... Must be blown up.  It’s a moon with a crater where Death rays destroy planets.   “Constructed by the autocratic Galactic Empire, the Death Star is capable of annihilating entire planets into rubble, and serves to enforce the Empire's reign of terror. The central plot point Death Star and setting for the movie, and is destroyed in an assault by the Rebel Alliance in the climax of the film...  A larger second Death Star is constructed in the events of the 1983 film Return of the Jedi. “  
Our videos about how Romeo Must Die and Star Wars connections are undeniable and now this Superball is really makes that point.  
Spongebob hosting the SB LVIII on Nickelodeon.  
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this woman produces tv and printed content for young people, Idiocracy, 2003.  Much like Josie and the PussyCats writers.   Alloy Entertainment (formerly Daniel Weiss Associates and 17th Street Productions) is a book packaging and television production unit of Warner Bros. Television Studios. It produces books, television series, and feature films.
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crehador · 10 months
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somehow we are already only three weeks away from the end of some fall 2023 shows, so here's me more or less finalizing my list for winter 2024!
(undead unluck, sousou no frieren, dog signal, ragna crimson, and shangri-la frontier will be rolling over from this season for a total of 19 shows)
most excited for warumono-san for obvious reasons (asnm) but also of course really looking forward to dunmesh and cherry magic
high card, mashle, and synnoir are the sequels/continuation this season... they're all just fine enough for me to keep following, nothing outstanding. i'm surprised i don't like high card more, just didn't vibe super hard with the first season i guess
sengoku youko is an interesting-looking one to me, haven't read the source material but the manga scores look really good! what's especially interesting is the episode count is currently listed at 37, and i haven't seen a series that runs for three straight cours in ages
i'm just... worried...... because biscuit hammer (same mangaka) also had very high manga scores and got really just the most godawful anime adaptation you could imagine. it was BONKERS bad. i'm talking the manga has an 81% average score and the anime has 49% i do not know how you fuck up that badly
anyway... godspeed and good luck sengoku youko
we've had some fantastic shoujo lately (watakon) and i'm hoping next season's yubisaki to renren will keep that going
most everything else is either a cast add or a "this looks potentially funny" add, except bucchigiri?! which is a staff add for me (same creator as sk8 apparently)
i just wish bucchigiri were coming out like at least a season or two later, or had a different studio. mappa let your fucking staff go home jesus christ
AHEM anyway looks like a promising start to next year!
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scalamore · 1 year
Thoughts on KKP rankings
There's no statistics posted for this anywhere, but here's some thoughts:
Publishing a series on kakaopage is VERY competitive. Studios will compete with each other to get their series promoted, since more promotion = views, and money. Each month there's 10+ series being published, with at least 5 in the rofan genre.
So rankings and other metrics are key. Stories like Matriarch and Solo Leveling are immensely popular, with 1+ Billion views. So they're promoted the most, and on every webpage.
Here's a rough guideline for a series, OVERALL, at any point:
Any series with greater than 50 million views = MASSIVELY POPULAR = A ton of promotion
30 million views = POPULAR = more promotion
20 million = Very good
< 10 million = Very bad
<5 million = Very very bad, might as well be cancelled. D:
Now, let's divide these guidelines to be split up by Season:
Season 1 (Roughly Ep 1-40): If it finishes with <5 million views, very bad, at risk for cancellation. If it finishes with >10 million views, it's projected to be a hit, will be promoted more
Season 2 (Roughly Ch 41-80): If it finishes with < 10 million views, very bad, at risk for cancellation. if it finishes with > 20 million views, it's projected to be a hit, will be promoted more
Season 3 (Roughly Ch 81-120): if it's reached a season 3, unlikely to be cancelled.
Season 4 (Roughly Ch 121-160+): Unlikely to be cancelled at this point.
I believe objectively, YM is a solid moderately popular series. At ~100 chapters, finishing up Season 3 soon, it has 20+ million views/downloads. That's pretty good. Could be better though ^^
In terms of rankings i've been stalking the rankings for a few weeks and I've noticed:
A new chapter is published at 10pm Friday nights.
In the Overall category (ALL KKP series), it spends the first day on the rankings at about top 60. By the second day, it's still about top 120, By the third day, it's top 200. t's usually gone from the top 300 overall rankings by Monday. These rankings are updated hourly.
In the Rofan category, it opens to be about top 20, then about top 50 a day later, then top 100ish, and is usually off the top 300 by Wed.
The reassuring thing is, is at least YM ranks for a good 4-5 days after a new chapter is published; the popular series are forever on there, while the newer, unpopular ones drop off really quickly.
Come on DAON, YM is good... keep it going...
Another reassuring thing is every few months KKP does a small promotion for YM; whether it's the 3-damu event (every 3 hrs a free chapter, this ran for a few months), or it's promoted on the main KKP twitter. I have yet to see. Interestingly, the decision to promote a series is often in the hands of the studios + KKP; the author/manhwa artists aren't aware of it. It's always super nice to be promoted though. (From the artist of the Saint adopted by the duke's twitter)
Lastly, it's super reassuring that out of all the series that DAON Entertainment publishes, YM is popular enough to receive a print copy, and 6 volumes have been published. It would be great to have more bonuses and merchandise, but I'll take what we can get.
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giancarlonicoli · 1 year
19 lug 2023 09:54
(ANSA) – È morto questa mattina a Roma in ospedale dopo una breve fulminante malattia il giornalista, sceneggiatore, autore Andrea Purgatori, classe 1953. La notizia all'ANSA dai figli Edoardo, Ludovico, Victoria e dalla famiglia rappresentata dallo studio legale Cau.
Per anni al Corriere della Sera dove si è occupato di terrorismo, intelligence, criminalità, si dedicò tra l'altro con tenacia alla strage di Ustica del 1980. Autore di reportage, ha condotto con successo su La7 Atlantide. Docente di sceneggiatura, consigliere degli autori, tra i suoi ultimi lavori la partecipazione al docu Vatican Girl sul caso di Emanuela Orlandi.
Da www.cinquantamila.it - la storia raccontata da Giorgio Dell'Arti
Andrea Purgatori, nato a Roma il 1 febbraio 1953. Giornalista. Inviato del Corriere della Sera in Iraq, Iran, Algeria. Sceneggiatore, tra i film scritti Il muro di gomma (nel quale il protagonista è lui stesso alle prese con il caso di Ustica), Il giudice ragazzino, Nel continente nero, Vite blindate, Fortàpasc, L’industriale.
Anche autore televisivo: Caravaggio (2007), Lo scandalo della Banca Romana (2010), Il commissario Nardone (2012), tutti andati in onda su Raiuno. Nel 2010 ha collaborato alla scrittura del film Vallanzasca - Gli angeli del male di Michele Placido, ma a lavoro terminato ha disconosciuto la sceneggiatura, ritirando la firma e dicendosi contrariato dal risultato qualitativo: «È venuto fuori un altro film».
• «Vengo da una famiglia di cineasti. Mio padre distribuiva i film italiani all’estero, mio zio, nel 1932, riuscì a portare Chaplin al Festival di Venezia e mio cugino fu candidato all’Oscar come sceneggiatore in Boccaccio ’70. Io già ai tempi del liceo facevo il segretario di produzione».
• Amico di Corrado Guzzanti, ha partecipato nel 2002 al programma Il caso Scafroglia (era la voce fuori campo) e nel 2006 al film Fascisti su Marte (nella parte del camerata Fecchia). È apparso anche in un puntata della serie Boris.
Paolo Conti per corriere.it
Parlare di Andrea Purgatori significa partire da un punto essenziale della sua vita professionale che nel tempo in una sorta di suo sinonimo. Grazie al suo impegno e a un lavoro che non ha conosciuto né pause né incertezze, l’inchiesta sulla strage di Ustica è rimasta aperta.
Andrea Purgatori ha svelato le bugie e le omissioni di chi portava avanti la tesi di una bomba esplosa a bordo dell’Itavia che il 27 giugno 1980 viaggiava con 81 persone a bordo rivelando come il disastro fosse stato causato dall’impatto con un missile. E rimanendo sempre al fianco dei familiari delle vittime e soprattutto garantendo la ricerca della verità. Per questo Purgatori-Ustica è diventato un vero sinonimo, un marchio professionale di straordinaria continuità, di desiderio di arrivare alla verità, di difendere chi (i familiari delle vittime) si è ritrovato senza una persona cara e privato del proprio diritto a sapere cose fosse accaduto.
La vicenda di Ustica sintetizza tutto il carattere di Andrea Purgatori, il suo istinto di eccellente cronista (teneva molto a questo appellativo), di inviato di grande livello e qualità (per anni si occupò di Iran e di Libia in tempi in cui lavorare su quei campi era particolarmente complesso). Una scrittura densa, rapida, priva di inutili orpelli, diciamo severa. Esattamente come il linguaggio televisivo che i telespettatori hanno ritrovato nell’avventura di «Atlantide».
Chi legge queste righe perdonerà l’uso del pronome personale. Ma io ho avuto il piacere, direi ora il privilegio, di lavorare per anni con lui. A metà degli anni ’80 l’allora direttore Piero Ostellino decise un radicale ricambio generazionale al vertice della cronaca di Roma. Andrea capocronista, 32 anni, ed io suo vice, a 31. Decisione che provocò molte perplessità in una redazione di consolidati professionisti. E fu come gettarsi in una vasca d’acqua ghiacciata. Cominciammo a lavorare insieme dalla mattina a notte fonda. Andrea aveva continuamente intuizioni controcorrente. Sapeva che una cronaca come la nostra, che doveva fare i conti con concorrenti storicamente molto radicati nel territorio, poteva attirare lettori solo giocando di contropiede, sorprendendoli continuamente.
Rivoluzionò la grafica guardando ai quotidiani statunitensi (la sua permanenza da giovane negli Stati Uniti fu essenziale per la sua vita professionale e anche personale), puntò su un uso anche spettacolare delle fotografie, decise titoli più che coraggiosi. Pur essendo di fatto coetanei, devo a lui (oltre a mille, indelebili gesti di amicizia e di solidarietà, un patrimonio incancellabile) la scoperta di un modo diverso, direi proprio più coraggioso, di fare cronaca, di raccontare Roma, di non fare facile scandalismo ma di non temere mai il potere.
Quando presi il suo posto partii da tutto questo patrimonio costruito soprattutto grazie a lui. Si potrebbero scrivere intere pagine sulle inchieste di Andrea Purgatori, sul suo stile, sulla sua classe professionale e umana, sul suo amore per la vita, per i tre figli e anche per le occasioni di felicità e di bellezza che l’esistenza può offrirti. Una magnifica e fiera persona, incapace di ipocrisie e di patteggiamenti, schietta, ironica ed elegantissima. Un vero giornalista, un protagonista della nostra storia civile. Un amico che nessuno potrà mai sostituire. Mai.
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lady-purpleblue · 2 years
Some illustrations by Mikasa Ackerman 🧣
Illustration by Kyoji Asano Character Designer for Attack on Titan
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Celebrating Attack on Titan Season 3 premiere
Mikasa illustration by Takashi KATAGIRI (AoT - Production Advancement Assistant)
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Studio Wit illustration by Hitomi Hasegawa for the spin-off Lost Girls
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Attack on Titan Episode 66 End Card by Takahiko Abiru
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Mikasa illustration by Character Designer by Tomohiro Kishi
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Illustration by prkg_prkg_ (participated in the production of episode 81)
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Illustration by Malcolm Wope (participated in the production of one of the episodes)
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Illustration by yd05n (Twitter) (participated in the production of episode 85)
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Illustration by Yukiko Nozawa (illustrator of 100Kanojo manga series)
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Illustration by Shūzō Oshimi (Mangaka: The Flowers of Evil, Happiness)
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kaijusrpgbrainstorm · 2 years
New Year, New Character 2: Character Bugaloo
Well, I didn't do this last year, but I did the year before, and quite enjoyed it. Although I haven't bought many new games since then, so I'll be retreading at least a couple of systems. Starting with Eden Studio's Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Roleplaying Game. Specifically the revised edition. Last time, I mixed things up using material from Ghosts of Albion for a Victorian era party. This time we're bring it up to the modern day, with a couple of items borrowed from Angel. As a note, these write-ups ignore the events of the series and assume the basic set-up is still in play: One girl in all the world, and all that. So let's meet Max, the Vampire Slayer. "Welcome to Pleasantbrook, Florida, worst place on the planet. About halfway between Disneyworld and Miami, and it might as well be Chickentown, Kentucky for all there is to do here. It's just... the worst. A place that only exists because someone got tired and built a shack to rest in. After that, the shack became a town. A town grows things like schools, , churches, a hospital, and the old mental asylum that burnt down back in the 30s. "So here we are. I'm Max. Not Maxine. Max. I'm a middling student in a no-escape town with no prospects. Average grades at best. The only thing I'm good at is track and field, but the talent scouts keep skipping us. So I'm going nowhere. "And then, things changed. And not in the feel-good movie of the decade kind of way. That would have been so much better. No, I basically got the Stephen King treatment. Monsters are real. Most of them hate my guts because I'm some kind of mythical hero figure. I mean, I'm finding I'm stronger, faster, healing better. I'm not quite Captain America levels, but its something. "Except those monsters keep wanting to kill me. Or eat me. Or sacrifice me to their dark lord. And I had no idea what was going on until some British woman shows up with a big book of Do Not Want that apparently explains everything "She keeps telling me I shouldn't get close to people. Which, fine, I get, except that people keep getting involved anyway. Some guy from school who keeps being in the wrong place, somehow. An actual witch. That kinda intense guy who might just go Carrie on us all. Someone who just woke up a vampire. I don't know how that one's supposed to work. Oh, and it turns out there's a family of monster hunters out there, and their daughter is in town. We're making a pretty good team so far. Maybe we should work on a catch phrase?"
Name: Maxine “Max” Anderson
Concept: Novice Slayer
Character Type: Hero
Hit Points: 81
Drama Points: 10
Attributes (20pts)
Strength 4+3 (from Slayer)=7
Dexterity 4+3 (from Slayer)=7
Consitution 4+3 (from Slayer)=7
Intelligence 2
Perception 3
Willpower 3+2 (from Slayer)=5
Qualities (20 +2 from Drawbacks)
Attractiveness 1 (1pt)
Psychic Visions (1pt)
Slayer (16pts)
Resistance: Pain 2 (2pts)
Situational Awareness (2pts)
Detect Vampires (from Slayer)
Fast Reaction Time (from Slayer)
Nerves of Steel (from Slayer)
Hard to Kill 5 (from Slayer)
Regeneration: Con/Hour (from Slayer)
Drawbacks (6pts)
Adversary 5: Demons and Vampires (from Slayer)
Obligation: Total, Be the Slayer (from Slayer)
Love (2pts)
Secret: the Slayer (2pts)
Teenager (2pts)
Skills (20 +4 from Drawbacks)
Acrobatics 2
Art 1
Computers 1
Crime 2
Getting Medieval 2+1 (from Slayer)=3
Gun Fu
Influence 2
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 3+1 (from Slayer)=4
Languages 2
Mr Fix-It
Notice 3
Occultism 1
Sport 3
Wild Card (x)
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Sound Bites Presents His Favorite Live Albums of 2022
Neil Young used “Union Man” to declare: live music is better.
That can sometimes apply to albums as well. And the year almost over featured a slew of terrific in-concert recordings.
What follows are Sound Bites’ favorites, going all the way back to Son House in 1964 and coming all the way up to Aoife O’Donovan in 2022.
The Beatles - Get Back - The Rooftop Performance - The 40-minute concert - remixed in stereo by Giles Martin and Sam Okell - is finally out as the digital-only Get Back - The Rooftop Performance. And though the Beatles had spent the previous few years proving themselves masters of the studio with LPs like Revolver and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Rooftop provides a glimpse of what a force they could’ve become as a live act. Full review here.
Aoife O’Donovan and the Age of Apathy Band - Live from the Hi•Fi - When O’Donovan says “We’re on fire up here,” after she and the Age of Apathy Band finish “Elevators,” she is referring to the weather. But she might as well have been talking about the music. Review.
The Jerry Garcia Band - GarciaLive Volume 19 - To call the Oct. 31, 1992, concert that comprises GarciaLive Volume 19 life-affirming is an understatement along the lines of saying Jerry Garcia enjoyed drugs. Review.
Todd Snider - Live: Return of the Storyteller - Few live albums - including 2011’s Live: The Storyteller - capture the essence of a performer the way Return of the Storyteller captures the essence of Todd Snider. Review.
Hot Tuna - 2021-12-29, Freight & Salvage, Berkeley, CA - This album is beautiful for many reasons. Not only because of the low-key, American-blues music, but because of the deep bonds of friendship between the players and the invisible thread that runs from the stage to the seating area and back. Review.
Creedence Clearwater Revival - At the Royal Albert Hall (April 14, 1970) - Fifty years after their breakup, Creedence Clearwater Revival remain so ubiquitous they - and their music - are often taken for granted. But as At the Royal Albert Hall reminds us, the band had not only a passel of stone classics, it was an outstanding concert act. Review.
Neil Young OBS 3: Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, 1971, and OBS 4: Royce Hall, 1971 - Recorded two nights apart in 1971 and released on the same day in 2022, Neil Young’s Official Bootleg Series Nos. 3 and 4 are very much the same - from setlists to warm, you-are-there sound. They’re aural time machines to the days when Young’s songbook was relatively thin and virtually no one had heard “Old Man.” Reviews.
Son House - Forever on My Mind - Only 50 or so people attended Son House’s Nov. 23, 1964, concert at Wabash College in Indiana. Although virtually one heard it at the time, everyone can hear it now. And they should. Review.
Grateful Dead - Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, 3/9/81 - Cocaine as rocket fuel. Review.
Zero - Naught Again - Despite the paucity of vocals and the long runtimes, these songs are intricately composed with tension and release where choruses and bridges would otherwise dwell. The tuned-in audience reacts accordingly and the result is an album that damn near succeeds in time travel and space-shifting. Review.
Mavis Staples and Levon Helm - Carry Me Home - Carry Me Home is at its core a religious album that doesn’t require religious ears for enjoyment. Yet, it’s so convincing, those ears may be halfway to the baptismal before the stylus hits the runout groove. Review.
Kris Kristofferson - Live at Gilley’s - Pasadena, TX: September 15, 1981 - Fans who weren’t there can now kinda be there with the release of Live at Gilley’s. The partial-show LP has just enough crowd noise to capture the excitement of the evening and the music proves Kristofferson was one of the rare artists not to fall victim to 1980s production and arrangement values. Review.
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
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I posted 778 times in 2022
That's 688 more posts than 2021!
360 posts created (46%)
418 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 487 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#bangtansmauyeondan - 218 posts
#ask bangtansmauyeondan - 179 posts
#jin moonstruck - 153 posts
#moonstruck au - 147 posts
#bts imagines - 129 posts
#midnight’s minuet - 110 posts
#yoongi midnight’s minuet - 101 posts
#bts smau - 97 posts
#bts ff - 90 posts
#bts fics - 81 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#i really am halfway done but i have so many scenarios in mind that i cant decide which one to keep
My Top Posts in 2022:
THIRTY-FIVE | S01 E01 - Wake Up, World!
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same network broadcasting company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision but here you are… and you have until 35.
SERIES TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @babyboo22 @bnagtanx1306 @dionysusenthusiast @luaspersona @timelessruins @royallyjjk @sandraviolante-blog
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @astronaut-jin-moon @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @btsstan12 @bts-reveries @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @pinkseokchim @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
See the full post
129 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Midnight’s Minuet 🎹 Masterlist
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Pairing: Yoongi x Fem Reader
Genre: Strangers to Enemies to Friends to ???, social media au, chef au, musician au, slow burn, fluff, implied smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Summary: While gallivanting around the world pursuing his love for music and architecture, Yoongi was forced to come back home when Seokjin, his older brother, asked him for help to run the family business. Having been born with a silver spoon, Yoongi longed for a bit of normalcy and independence; hence, agreeing with Seokjin’s request didn’t come without any of his own conditions— first, he’s going to oversee the hotel’s kitchen; second, he’s gonna let him live a normal life— no luxury cars, no high-rise building apartment, no special treatment. Yoongi was pleased that everything seemed to be going well with his return… until he met you, the roadblock to everything his brother has agreed to.
Legend: ✏️ Written Chapter ⏭ Time Skip
🎹 INTRO - Get to know the characters here!
🎹 Part 1 - Expect the Unexpected
🎹 Part 2 - Housewarming Present
🎹 Part 3 - Not Creepy
🎹 Part 4 - Favorite Girl
🎹 Part 5 - Back for Good
🎹 Part 6 - Of Cookies and Music Sheets
���� Part 7 - What Macarons?
🎹 Part 8 - Min MEAN Yoongi
🎹 Part 9 - Soothing Music
🎹 Part 10 - Stay the Night
🎹 Part 11 - Piano Duet
🎹 Part 12 - Not Tony Montana
💃🏼 Bonus - Yeleena with a J
🎹 Part 13 - Reinventing Barbie
🎹 Part 14 - Proper Introduction
🎹 Part 15 - Make It Right
🎹 Part 16 - Secret’s Out
🎹 Part 17 - Turning Point
🎹 Part 18 - Strawberry Shortcake
🎹 Part 19 - More Than Enough ✏️
🎹 Part 20 - The View
🎹 Part 21 - Sneaky Yoongi
🐰 Bonus - Jungkook
See the full post
211 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Out of Sight (a KTH one-shot)
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→ Pairing: Taehyung x Fem. Reader
→ Genre: fwb, angst, smut, drama, taehyung is hopeless romantic, oc is not good with commitment
→ Rating: 18+, M, R
→ Word Count: 2.5K
⚠︎ warnings: unprotected sex, multiple positions, fingering, creampie, emotionally-charged
A/N: While in line at a gas station, the song If I Keep My Heart Out of Sight by James Taylor came on the radio and I thought it’s something that Taehyung would really enjoy listening to. Then the inspiration hit. Who knows? He probably knows the song. This one-shot is inspired by the lyrics of that song. ALSOOOO 220409 PTD Vegas D2 Taehyung?? YAS PLEASE. I hope you enjoy!
Sequel: Beautiful Mistakes
If I keep on talking now, I'll only start repeating myself and all I can say is
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
If I slip and tip my hand, I'm certain to scare you away, then what would I say?
I'd be hurting, I'm certain, I'd be uncool to let you know that you're the one, the fool who jumped the gun.
The club is loud tonight. Music is blaring, strobe lights are flashing, and drinks are limitlessly pouring– but it’s unsurprisingly not crowded given that BigHit Music booked it for the night to celebrate the recently concluded BTS world tour. This celebration is by-invitation and strictly for the artists, dancers, musicians, and staff only.
Taehyung leaned back in his booth, clad casually in jeans, white tee and a brown leather jacket, one elbow propped up against the backrest of his seat as his hand toyed with the lollipop stick between his lips. He’s staring at you from across the room. You’re at the bar sipping on a martini, talking with Jungkook and Jin. No doubt listening to his members’ silly banter and their outrageous style concept suggestions– contradicting ones at that since Jungkook is a fan of all black and Jin is a pink enthusiast. As if feeling his eyes on you, you turned to his direction and met his gaze. Taehyung’s breath hitched and his mind went haywire when you smiled at him but he’s quick to collect himself by raising his pint to you, a nod that you immediately returned by raising your martini glass back to him.
Yoongi has observed the exchange that transpired between his younger member and one of their stylists across the room. They all know you. You’re their team’s chief stylist and always has the last say when it comes to their concept shoots. You’re the one who gives the green light and tells the other junior stylists and make up artists what to do. You’re the reason why they all look jaw-dropping and ridiculously good when it comes to their television stages and concerts. You’re also the reason why Taehyung has permanent twinkly heart eyes and has written more than enough songs to fit into three mixtapes all in one go.
You used to freelance as a style consultant, having clients left and right in the Korean music industry until Hybe offered you a permanent position at BigHit Music as BTS’s Chief Stylist. The full-time job requires you to travel around the world with them, wherever their career takes them. It’s been more than a year since you started working and embarking on a world tour with them and it works both for Hybe and for you since you devote all your time to work. How could you not? You’re single, you have no kids nor pets, you live on your own since you fled from the countryside to pursue your dream in the city, so you’re basically your own person, doing anything and everything you please.
It wasn’t hard to get along with the members of the band that you work with. They’re down to earth- with no air of arrogance despite their success, they’re polite, and they treat everyone around them equally and with respect. They are generous with their compliments and apologies as appropriate. Overtime, you’ve grown more and more comfortable being around them and them with you. It has been a few months, on a specific stop in Japan, since you also started getting entangled into a hot, sexy, and enticing situation with one of them. You’re not dense, you’ve noticed the looks that he’s been giving you. Known as one of the visuals of the group, it’s easy for you to fall into Taehyung’s charms as well. Deep-set eyes, thick brows, chiseled jaws, pink cupid lips, and golden sun-kissed skin– and when he flashes his boxy smile, the world seems to fall perfectly into place. It’s easy to get lost in him. And you did… so you’ll never forget how it started. The simple request of changing his footwear from a pair of sneakers to a pair of comfortable slides led to both of you tearing each other’s clothes off, quietly suppressing your moans inside one of the trailer truck-turned-closet on location.
You are nothing but friends. That much you have established. That much you have talked about. As a member of the biggest band in the world, all eyes are on Taehyung- what he does between schedules, who he’s with, who he’s dating. Oftentimes, delusional people who call themselves as ‘fans,’ pair him up romantically with his members. But you know the truth. Behind the scenes, you all know the truth. You, him and his other members know the truth– that Taehyung relies and turns to you when things get a little bit too much.
Cause I've been advised by other guys you've left behind, your goodbyes are somewhat unrefined.
But if I play my role just right, tonight could be my lucky night and you could be mine.
If I present it to you with a flower in the moonlight, shiny and new.
Well, you couldn't say no tonight, if I keep my heart out of sight.
Unbeknownst to Yoongi, Namjoon also noticed the exchange between you and Taehyung across the room.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Namjoon asked him while reaching for a curly fry from the bowl in front of them. Taehyung nodded and smirked at his older member. “Well…”
“Hyung, I’m sure,” Taehyung sighed. “I’ve never been more sure,” he chewed on his lower lip before a smile grew from his lips.
“I’m just saying, Taehyung, she’s dated Jackson before,” he caught Taehyung’s gaze before he continued. “It didn’t end well.”
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219 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
AUTUMN LEAVES MASTERLIST - Fall 2022 Collaboration
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Main Banner: Justine • bangtansmauyeondan. Fic Banners: Dani • persphonesorchid
Contributors: @hamsterclaw @taestefully-in-luv @madbutgloriouspond @persphonesorchid @blog-name-idk @btsstan12 and myself! 🥰
We are ready to warm you up through this sweater weather, when the smell of roasted marshmallows and pumpkin spice waft through the air, with heartwarming stories to carry you through the season!
Warnings are more specified on each writer's blog posts.
CRIMSON by @btsstan12 - September 17, 2022
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240 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
THIRTY-FIVE (JJK) 🎬 Masterlist
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same broadcasting network company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision, but here you are… and you have until 35.
Status: Ongoing
A/N: Loosely based on this post by @ahundredtimesover . Main characters include Jungkook’s 97 Liner friends, Mingyu and DK, and cameos from selected Seventeen members. Please give this some love like you have given Moonstruck and Midnight’s Minuet. 🙏��
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @astronaut-jin-moon @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @btsstan12 @bts-reveries @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88
True to the theme, the chapter breakdown will be a little bit different. ☺️
📸 The Red Carpet - Characters Intro
🎬 S01 E01 - Wake Up, World
🎬 S01 E02 - I Can Do Better
🎬 S01 E03 - See You in Two Years
🎬 S01 E04 - Other Plans
🎬 S01 E05 - Third Wheel
🎬 S02 E01 - Rumor Has It
🎬 S02 E02 - Seriously?
🎞️ Bonus Clip - 12 Years Ago
🎬 S02 E03 - The It Boy
🎬 S02 E04 - Make a Move
🎬 S02 E05 - It Wasn’t Me
🎬 S03 E01 - Oh Shit…
🎞️ Bonus Clip - The Night Before Graduation
🎬 S03 E02 - Not on My Watch
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513 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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21multiplemarketing · 4 months
The estate at 81 Quarry Hill, Stone Cliffe
As one continues to explore the estate at 81 Quarry Hill, Stone Cliffe, it becomes increasingly evident that this property is much more than the sum of its lavish features. Every pathway, corner, and vista has been thoughtfully crafted to enhance the symbiotic relationship between the architecture and its natural surroundings. The estate doesn’t just sit upon the land—it becomes one with it.
A series of interconnected gardens unfolds like a botanical wonderland. A formal English garden, manicured to perfection, greets visitors with colorful blossoms that provide seasonal splashes of color. It contrasts beautifully with the more relaxed ambiance of the wildflower meadow, where native plants sway gently in the breeze. The sound of trickling water leads to a serene koi pond, its surface reflecting the sky and nearby foliage, while benches placed strategically along winding paths offer tranquil spots for meditation and quiet conversation.
One of the most distinctive features of the property is its historic orchard, where fruit trees that have stood for generations continue to yield bountiful harvests. Here, apples, pears, and plums hang heavily from gnarled branches, offering a seasonal feast that hearkens back to the estate's agricultural heritage. A rustic gazebo stands nearby, providing a shady retreat for enjoying a cool glass of cider made from the orchard’s yield.
For the equestrian enthusiast, the estate offers a nod to its past as a horse-drawn carriage stop with a state-of-the-art stable block and training ring. Horses can be exercised along the woodland trails or in the paddock while admiring the rolling landscape. The nearby carriage house, now fully restored, could be converted into a riding school, art studio, or a cozy guest cottage.
Despite its historical significance and rustic charm, the estate doesn’t shy away from the comforts of modern living. An underground wine cellar, concealed behind a discreet door, offers the perfect environment for storing a prized collection, while a home cinema room brings a touch of contemporary indulgence to this timeless property. With smart home technology discreetly integrated throughout, the estate’s security, climate control, and entertainment systems can be managed effortlessly.
As dusk falls and the estate is illuminated by carefully positioned landscape lighting, the grounds take on a different character altogether. The trees, paths, and architectural features glow softly, creating an ethereal atmosphere that enchants guests and residents alike. The estate transforms into a haven for stargazing, as the canopy of leaves parts to reveal a sky filled with twinkling stars.
Yet, even as the estate brims with the latest amenities and cutting-edge comforts, it retains a steadfast connection to its historical roots. The craftsmanship that brought this magnificent property to life remains as relevant today as it was over a century ago, proving that elegance, when rooted in quality, never goes out of style.
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For the discerning buyer seeking a home that offers not just shelter, but a legacy—an opportunity to live surrounded by natural beauty while upholding a rich historical tradition—81 Quarry Hill, Stone Cliffe stands as a rare find. Here, amid the lush woodlands and manicured gardens, one can live out a life of unparalleled luxury while being cradled by the timeless embrace of history.
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