#study abroad paris
"I took it upon myself to learn a language more nuanced" he's so pretentious I love him
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le matin de 16 Janvier 2023 
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A mildly interesting morning today since I woke up relatively early, early enough to get out of the house with my roommate, who has a 9 am; so early in fact, that I even had time for breakfast before leaving the house, which did not deter me from a crêpe when I arrived in the 7th.
After my roommate and I parted ways, I knew I wanted to sit in a little café for some coffee or espresso in the morning. I didn’t have a particular place in mind, with the abundance of cafés surrounding campus in the 7th I knew it was more so a matter of where I wanted to go, not what was available to me.
I ended up on Rue Cler, a classic spot for little cafés, produce, flowers, and anything else of the sort. I ended up in this little spot called L’Éclair. They were super friendly and had a really sweet ambiance, which drew me in to the place. I had a crêpe with raspberry jam and an espresso. 
I was a big fan of the espresso but the crêpe tasted a little too much like a pancake for my tastes. Overall it was a great 7.70€ spent. Something I learned today was that you can just choose where you want to sit in a café, still trying to learn those social norms/etiquette things. When I said by I was really confident in my ‘merci’ but mumbled the ‘bonne journée’ since I lost my nerve, but it’s getting there and really I think my nerves better represented me, and not my understanding of the language.
After my second breakfast of the day, I headed to campus to check out the little study spot overlooking the Seine. It was peacefully quiet this morning and the view is just as dreamy as it sounds. 
All in all it was a morning well spent. I got a double breakfast, got caffeine in my system (whether or not it works doesn’t really matter), and I got to practice some french. I think this will encourage me to end my nights a little early so I can enjoy mornings like these, where I feel well-rested and prepared for the day ahead. Wish me luck on my first class of the semester! 
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coopsgirl · 1 year
This time 26 years ago, I went to Paris for the first time as part of a college study abroad program. We were based in Canterbury, England and took a weekend trip to Paris. It was so fun! I loved it!
P.S. For all you whippersnappers out there, this is what pictures taken on film look like - ha!
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My "artsy" shot of the Eiffel Tower.
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Inside the Louvre
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A couple of my favorite statues (in the Louvre)
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Napoleon's tomb
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Pere Lachaise cemetary
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notablenerd · 4 months
Bonjour from Paris!
Alright, I've been in Paris two whole days and I entirely hate bicycles. I have had a total of 2 uber drives that Ive been on and both of them resulted in near-death crashes regarding said cyclists.
I will hand it to Parisians (and likely European's in general) if you can drive around in that city, I'm immensely impressed. The way roads are set up are so entirely different than in the United States and I'm convinced there are no rules on these roads. However, they are nice to people walking, so I'll take it!
The Metro is another story entirely, but I am starting to get the hang of that one.
Now, I'm aware that Paris is hosting the Olympics this year. However, I was not aware of the sheer amount of... billboards? there would be on top of these buildings.
Exhibit A:
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Honestly, it's placed aesthetically. So much so I stopped near the middle of the road to take this picture.
This beauty is near the Hotel de Ville! The architecture was amazing, the picture here really doesn't do it justice. We also stopped a few other places and had some crepes and galettes!
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I just realized I can’t say Rene and Alois live in my head rent free. Like, they do pay rent.
The rent is emotional support
#not art#it took me like 9 years to realize this#which is also a wild realization all on its own#it’s really been nine years… in real world years rene is going to 5th grade this year…#that’s just wild#they’ve literally supported me through so much#rene in particular bc he’s like MINE mine. not like. an in-law#back in high school id pretend he was running with me when we did the mile#bc I could imagine him struggling and it was kinda funny so it kept me going#he was also the channel for so much vent art#he was kinda the guy I’d daydream with instead of daydreaming about real people and my self insert#it was a lot healthier (relatively speaking)#and he also pushed me to hone my art skills#I specifically learned how to draw that slicked back hairstyle just so I could draw him#and how to do a more western comic style#bc he looked awful in the anime style I used to have#he was kinda the catalyst behind a lot of the decisions that I ended up making. and he led me to my two best friends#he just means a lot to me ok#my little guy. who knew you’d mean this much to me#who knew you’d bring me so many good things#like crow and I obv met in the rp scene#but Keyx and I met bc I talked about how Rene was from marseille and they were like omg no one ever makes non-Parisian spies#and we got to talking#and eventually that’s why I even committed to studying abroad in Paris#well originally I wanted to go to marseille but they transferred me to Paris bc they didn’t have enough students at the marseille campus for#our major#which was fine I guess but I wish I had gotten to go to the marseille campus. it was way more chill.#even so I did meet a lot of nice classmates in Paris. they were mostly pretty accommodating to my lackluster French#anyway none of this would’ve happened if i didn’t have Rene#so. yknow. he’s my special little guy. so much of my life has changed just bc I have him.
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mesmemos · 1 year
Day in My Life as a Marketing Student in Paris, France 🇫🇷
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angrydragoncolor · 1 year
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kimberlylovespandas · 2 years
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Oh man all the Emily in Paris episodes make me seriously miss my study abroad moments in Paris too. How is this 7 years ago!?! Where did the time fly? Paris was such a lovely city to experience. 😍✨🇫🇷
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feralnumberfive · 2 years
I've been really down in the dumps recently and in an attempt to cheer me up my mom has put a bunch of stickers in the bathroom from shows and things that I like. I pulled back the shower curtain to find this sticker next to my purposefully shitty drawing of a Christmas tree.....
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annarubys · 1 year
i love it when people use the weakest possible claims for clout in an argument. “as someone who’s been to cuba…” i actually don’t care where you’ve been hope this helps ❤️
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rain and cloudy dreams
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It's been raining recently in Paris. Growing up in Southern California, I haven't experienced rain very often, so to say I was shocked when the sun was out while it rained, is a bit of an understatement. Spring is officially here and I'm so tickled by the blossoming flowers and the abundant rain.
I've been taking an architecture art history class and it has changed the way I walk down streets and experience architecture. I see a building with columns and I immediately recall what column it is and try to ascertain its style, which happens a lot being in Paris and all.
Somehow hours faded and turned into days, which turned into weeks, months, and suddenly, I only have one full month left in Paris. So the frenzy of figuring out what else I want to see while I'm here starts, all while trying to prepare to go back.
As I've been picking classes, I've realized that I'm getting to a point where I should finalize my minors. When I came to Paris I realized that I don't want to go to law school right after undergrad, and I might not even want to go to law school anymore. So I've been playing with the possibility of dropping my legal studies minor.
What's more, I have no idea what I want to do for my career. I know I have all of these interests, but I don't know what that is going to lead to career wise. But hey, I'm 19, I have all the time in the world.
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
i feel like austin butler never losing his elvis accent is the equivalent of when every child back in the day used to tape their fingers together so that they could do the spock hands. and it worked, but were you really better for it?
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beep-beep-kneecaps · 2 years
do you ever see a flyer or get an email or whatever and be like wow if i were more impulsive i could make a decision that would change the course of my life completely, like i am totally capable of doing this thing and yet i dont, why
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mesmemos · 1 year
Don't come to France to study if...
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academicgloss · 2 years
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Speaking of Gloss goal letter O, openness to friendships...
I went to Paris last weekend with girl from Tandem (where we language exchange for an hour). I thought I would be comfortable, but I just wasn't. And I felt a bit rushed even after saying that I was in no hurry. I will be in France for a lot of my life! There's more too, but mainly, it's just always the same story with most girls I meet.
Anyway, I was shocked to see the height of the Eiffel Tower for the first time. I didn't think I would tear up, but I've been avoiding seeing her for so long... So I decided not to go see any more until I was ready. I think it will be toward my birthday, and the end of my first séjour en France. I enjoyed Paris, but the boulangeries want to take me over! I ate too much sugar there without a doubt!
There is one girl I've gotten on with really well. She sort of affirms the trend I've noticed with my friends. I'm learning to accept that just because I may not have a certain type of friend, doesn't mean I don't have friends at all! I accept that I get along well with certain people, but I think I should start looking into the why behind that.
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laurastudarus · 3 months
Ask me about the time I threw my brother at a little old lady.
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