espressosandexams · 7 years
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(6/9/2017) Day 4/80 Days of Summer. More reading today! To anyone looking for summer reading recommendations, this book (although it came out awhile ago) is absolutely incredible and I highly recommend it!
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mionestudying · 7 years
i was tagged by @sm-studies ! the rule is to answer the 11 questions you were tagged in and make 11 more questions for the people you tag.
1. What is your favourite type of bagel? i don’t eat any bagels since i’m not really fond of how they taste pls don’t judge me
2. Is there a stereotype you would categorize yourself into? i think i’d consider myself to be those kids that care so much about their grades but not to the point of being a nerd even if i seem like one
3. Do you play any sports? Which ones? i don’t play any sports since i’m not athletic :(
4. What book would you like to see as a movie, or what movie based on a book did you love? the harry potter movies, of course! that series is my absolute favorite of all time!
5. Do you have a phrase you use a lot? If not, is there one that bugs you to hear all the time? i say “honestly!” a lot since i kind of picked it up from the harry potter books hehe. i don’t think there’s a phrase that bugs me all the time, or maybe i just can’t remember as of the moment.
6. If you’re asked to show up early for an event, how long before the event do you arrive? usually fifteen minutes before the event. but it depends on how important the event is.
7. Do you consider yourself an artist in any respect? i think i am quite good at drawing if that’s what you mean by artist but i know i’m not the best and still have a lot of room to improve.
8. What is something you’re proud of? i’m actually quite proud of my grades, since they’re significantly high as of the first term. but as of the second term, a lot came up so i’m not entirely sure if i’m so proud of those grades.
9. Where is the farthest you’ve traveled? the farthest i’ve travelled is the united states. i’ve never been anywhere farther than that (i live in the philippines)
10. Alternatively, where is one place you would love to visit? i’d absolutely love to visit japan or china. mostly japan since i want to visit the pokemon center there!
11. Do you have a case on your phone, or not? i do have a case on my phone, it’s clear since i want my phone to look very simple.
here are my questions:
1. Do you have any pets? What are their names?
2. What is your dream school?
3. What is the most significant memory of your childhood?
4. What or who is your biggest inspiration?
5. Do you prefer putting the milk in cereal first?
6. What is your favorite TV show and what is our favorite quote from that show?
7. What is your favorite sport?
8. How many languages can you speak?
9. If you had the choice to change the color of the sky, what color would you want it to be and why?
10. Where would you like to travel to?
11. How long have you gone without internet?
i tag: @chrissiestudies @studyrene @studyteaaddict since these are a few of my favorite blogs :)
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krisrey · 8 years
Colour Test Tag!
thanks for tagging me @eruhdit​!!
my colour is: violet // #EE82EE
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.
Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.
Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on
here’s the link to the test!
i’m tagging : @hometwerkin @emmastudies @georgestudies @stretchnstudy��@studyteaaddict @moanastudies @universitytraining <3
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mimistuhdys · 8 years
Hi!! How did you find that psychology is what you're passionate about? I'm struggling to find what to major in
Lol so my plan in the beginning of the semester was to double major in English and Psych. But after taking a few of the psych courses (Anthropology and math mainly) I found that the only class I enjoyed and wasn’t struggling with was my psych 101 class. Basically I realized I wouldn’t be able to survive the math and science aspects of the Psych degree. So now I’m an English and Education double major. The best advice I can give you is to try the things that interest you, like actually take the classes and figure out if it’s right for you.
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