daisymintt · 23 days
Is anyone else confused by how the box office works for movies and what makes a movie a “flop” because I’m very confused. I adore Fall Guy and really want to see it succeed and it sounds like it’s doing well as it’s been #1 box office spot for two weeks running yet because it didn’t surpass the cost it took to produce the movie on its first weekend it’s a “flop”? Why does everything need to be some mega blockbuster hit to be considered a success? The movie has great reviews, anytime I see anyone talk about it it’s extremely positive, and it’s an incredibly entertaining and uplifting movie. I’m tired. Anyways, rant over. Go see Fall Guy it’s a great movie you won’t regret it!
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favesgrave · 2 years
wait a second
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is that fucking blurr
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larrylimericks · 1 year
This PR is cringey to witness; Hey, Louis, to stir up film interest Try that method of Wilde’s: Get papped snogging H. Styles, And leave Build-A-Beard over on Pinterest.
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bitegore · 1 year
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oozeandgoo-art · 1 year
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very stupid human-oc/dead end "discussion" (read: argument) about the silicone under the cut lol
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Rex: Look. I don't want to be a dick. But like. Why the hell are you covered in silicone all of a sudden.
Dead End: you kept complaining about getting your fingers cut in my joints and me being "pinchy." Now they're cov-
Rex: if I wanted to fuck someone soft and squishy I could just go to any random person and fuck them! I don't know if you know this, but there was a reason I was into you-
Dead End: if you care so fucking much just go home and go put your dick in a fucking toaster, Rex, I'm not interested.
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dailytomlinson · 2 years
You can now listen to the full interview Louis did for Today FM last Wednesday, september 7th. - 12.09
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dreamings-free · 1 year
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eyefocusing · 10 months
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i didnt get breakdown until i had already packed the others up back in january, so i never got the chance to see the whole team together until now! they really do look soooo good together
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alarrylarrie · 2 years
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wastelandbabyblue · 2 years
I’ve seen someone say it’s could be about zayn and they like kinda made it a break up song? Kinda like love you goodbye and honestly I could see that!
I don't think so, but each to their own
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sunflower-live · 2 years
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One last round of trivia:
"The Stunti-Con Job" exists as both a comic and a BotCon script reading; the plots are the same, but the script reading added a subplot featuring Minerva, a medibot determined to meet Ratchet at all costs, who's somehow dragged Warpath along on her quest. (She does also appear in the comic version - see below.)
The script reading also featured a musical interlude - a duet sung by G1 and Animated Grimlocks. I don't think it went according to plan.
Like the story's title, the comic's original cover pays homage to the classic British comedy film "The Italian Job". (As do the picture captions on the relevant TFWiki page.)
Sideswipe and Breakdown share a body-type (first seen on Rodimus Prime) - possibly a callback to the G1 episode "Masquerade", in which that iteration of Sideswipe was disguised as Breakdown. (The same applies to Jazz and Dead End, and, more or less, to Optimus and the Motor Master.) In-universe, all the Stunticons underwent spark transplants into Autobot frames - except Toxitron, who's a clone of Optimus. Not a very successful one.
Cheetor, meanwhile, is a retool of Blurr - a fact Sideswipe remarks on four BotCons later, in "The Return of Blurr". which takes place at about the same time as "The Stunti-Con Job". Hence Blurr's appearance in the latter, in the High Council box alongside Cliffjumper - still cubified, and no doubt still talking twenty-four to the dozen.
Strika's Team Chaar, seen at the very end of this story, has undergone a reshuffle since "Transwarped" - Oil Slick is still there, unfortunately, but Cyclonus, Blackout and Spittor have been replaced by Mindwipe, Sky-Byte, Scalpel and Blot.
As for Autobot cameos, there are too many to list, but most of them are here:
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(Botanica is also in this frame, but further up in the High Council box. TFWiki claims that Tap-Out is somewhere in the crowd; I can't see him, though.)
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bitegore · 1 year
characters who are objectively godawful people put in godawful situations with no possible acceptable recourse and no one to help them my beloved
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wottimpie · 2 months
I love ur Breakdown design what are ur head-canons for him??
omg wow thank you!! I have lots of different breakdown’s for different continuities but some ideas remain consistent, for this post i’ll focus on the version of breakdown from my swipedown post: (TW for drug abuse/implied abuse)
- He and the Stunticons are all brothers, with the order of their ages going Moma, Dead End, Breakdown, Drag Strip, and Wylee
- Out of all his siblings he’s the closest to Motormaster, and Motormaster tends to go a little easier on him (though it isn’t saying much)
- He has epilepsy
- He’s the second shortest of the stuntis (after Wildrider)
- He’s Menasor’s voice of reason to an extent, but the rest of the gestalt take it as anxious ramblings
- His military strategy is to play it safe, and while it doesn’t always work in his favor, the stunticons would benefit from a little hesitant before booking it towards the autobots
- He has a tooth gap bc of a fight he got in as a kid, his teeth shifted but they never fully closed, resulting in it
- Megatron is his father (whether by blood or a sense of duty depends)
- He is frequently ignored by both his father and his brothers. His quietness and anxiety tend to make him disappear, or annoy the others to a point of being pushed away. It’s only when he lets his anger out by causing a scene or smashing some bots does he get praised or disciplined
- He is relentlessly bullied by Drag Strip, whether for his looks, his anxiety, his constant worming up moma’s aft, anything really
- As much as he loves Sideswipe, Sunstreaker is more of a match for him in terms of a relationship. Sideswipe is a little too hectic and rowdy for his anxiety, whereas Sunstreaker’s bluntness and cruelty is more grounding for him, as it gives him a sense of comfort (though sunny does have a real soft spot for him, maybe even more so than sun’s own soft spot for his brother)
- Megatron had him on some anti anxiety pills for a while, and while it increased his efficiency on the battlefield, his paranoia and fear became ten times worse during downtime (this was the start of the turn of events that led him to join the autobots leave the decepticons
- he’s NOT an autobot (he thinks?)
- despite this, he still works as an autobot archivist/librarian, though his specialty is decepticon history
this is just the tip of the iceberg really! if this gets some traction i might go into more headcanons for Breaks and his other continuities, or even the stuntis and other characters (i would love to share the stuntis tbh) - thank you for reading!
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 months
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Grimgor makes local chaos stunty regret his life choices
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