#tfa toxitron
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birthdaycakeplate · 2 years
Ultra Magnus signs a cross faction peace treaty, and now he’s trapped with Revolutionist Trauma Survivor, Bastard, and Leaky Bastard forever.
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Ultra Magnus: Everyday we stray further from Primus.
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thenamesblurrito · 7 months
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you can see batch one here! slowly but surely expanding my cast heehoo
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beanonthebed · 1 year
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Rework of the Goop King himself ☣️🤒
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aviatrix-ash · 2 years
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Scans of the Complete Alllspark Almanac~ Here’s the entries for the Stunticons (+ Toxitron)!
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arceespinkgun · 2 years
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Remember when in The Stunti-Con Job Sentinel took Optimus on this whole fancy date to roast him?
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primekelly · 2 years
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tf-npcs · 1 year
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NPC for Level 3 Toxitron, from Transformers Animated, the failed clone of Optimus Prime.
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raptorfae53 · 1 month
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OK so after a bunch of you liked my post regarding Arachnus prime and with all the new info revealed at tfcon 2024, I think it'd be right to show off the plan I concocted for the rest of TFA season four surrounding it:
Episode 1+2 - The Trial of Megatron
Now considered heroes team detroit are joined by some new faces as megatrons trial commences ,but a visiting travelling show unmasks itself as a surprise jailbreak! But theirs more than meets the eye to this seemingly chaotic scene.
Tldr: Megatrons trial gets Interrupted by the stunticons trying to bust him out of prison and the verdict of which has him thrown in jail indefinitely, Megatron himself isn't too displeased with this however and intends to manipulate everyone around him to get out, starting with the new magnus,Sentinel.
Episode 3 - A Devestating plan.
DirtBoss is back,and with the promise of free oil has roped some new bots into his latest scheme,one involving getting that troublesome Bulkhead out of the picture for good,or rather putting him to better use...
Tldr: Dirt boss cronenbergs a combiner out of Bulkhead,Scrapper,Mixmaster, and four other bots (the animated versions of Scavenger, Longhaul,Hook and Bonecrusher).
Episode 4 - Planet of the Micromasters
After Bulkheads disappearance,bee is acting more sullen and avoidant at the rest of team detroit. So when a jaunt through Detroits new spacebridge leads him to a planet full of tiny Cybertronians who immediately take to him as their leader,it's going to take the whole team to pry him back home,especially since his "subjects" aren't ones for sharing...
Tldr: Bumblebee understandably isn't taking the respective disappearance and death of two of his friends well, and team detroit open up about how the situation has affected them too to get him back from the micromaster horde.
Episode 5 - Triple trouble
Sentinel unveils a new team of autobots to deal with the decepticon menace,the triple changers! Stronger than the average bot with three distinct modes,but these new supersoldiers have a dark secret that causes chaos their grand unveiling...
Tldr: sentinel buys the blueprints for blitzwings triple changer tech from lockdown (who has his own plans for the tech...) to build new Autobot triple changers, and it goes terribly and predictably wrong.
Episode 6+7 - I think I'm a clone now
New autobots are popping up all over detroit,causing trouble and chaos regardless of intent across the whole city,and they all look like Optimus Prime! What or who could be behind this?
Tldr: Blackarachnia clones optimus multiple times (four to be precise, resulting in tfa versions of optimus primal,toxitron,pyro and nemesis prime) in order to figure out how to purge herself of her technoorganic side,only for them to escape and wreak havoc across the city.
Episode 8,9 and 10 - Sideways in spacetime
Thrown through a rip in spacetime by a spacebridge accident, Optimus and Blackarachnia and pals find themselves in a parallel world where their fates were switched and Blackarachnias attempt to get home unleashes a whole new breed of monster into their reality!
Tldr: this previous post.
Episode 11 - It came from Cybertron
In optimus and ironhides absence, Sentinel sends a new bot, Cosmos to keep tabs on team detroit, but when a chance encounter leaves this bot thinking he's an actual alien invader,trouble follows...
Tldr: desperate to keep in control of everything Sentinel sends his secretary to keep team detroit in line and overworked as is,it pushes poor cosmos over the edge and he goes crazy,and the optimus and Ironhide-less detroiters have to catch him before he's hunted for sport by Master Disaster and Nemesis Prime.
Episode 12+13 - Transform and Rise Up!
"Megatron" unleashes his superweapon,a machine that turns cybertrons metal surface into a beast infested jungle!!!, leading to Sentinel Magnus to finally give in and unleash Megatron to deal with this "predacon" insurgency as a last resort, It doesn't end well...
Tldr: Sentinel finally snaps,makes a horrible decision in the heat of the moment fueled by stress and prejudice and all of Cybertron pays the price as the autobots are forced into exile on earth.
I hope you like this long-in-the-works post regarding tfa season four, I do have plans for a season five to wrap everything up once and for all (as well as introduce tfa versions of even more characters including the other maximals and sixshot) but I'm still considering how exactly to structure and plot it,in turn I will probably do some more writing and possibly some art for the characters and scenarios introduced here, so do watch this space!
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transformersmr-hq · 2 years
TFMR asdf - Shattered glass maybe idk
Nothing but empty ramblings ahead
somewhat like Optimus Prime in OG universe
occasional dad jokes
never raises his voice
logical and collected
color scheme: traditional SG!white-and-blue
Difference between OG!TFMR OP
More experienced dad
somewhat like Bumblebee in OG universe
People feel unreasonable urge to protect him
Genuinley interested in human culture
Likes to engage with people
Ravage: lolcat
Laserbeak: shy
color scheme: traditional SG!white-blue-yellow
Difference between OG!TFMR Bumblebee
Cannot speak
somewhat like Whirl in OG universe
Default setting: Random
Dumb as a brick, spark of a hero
Delivers sick rhymes
color scheme: Navy blue, gold, and hint of silver
Difference between OG!TFMR Whirl
dramatic mood swings does not always result in violence
somewhat like Arcee in OG universe
Everyone's favorite auntie
Life advices as good as her homemade energon sweets
mess with her bois and get chainsaw'd in the face
color scheme: idk about this one honestly
Difference between OG!TFMR Arcee
not really a berserker in battle
Knock Out
Does his job even when no one is looking
Loyal to a fault
sense of humor dryer than rust sea
color scheme: one of the two shown in this post
Difference between OG!TFMR Mirage
Not so obsessed with paintjobs
somewhat like Ratchet in OG universe
Honesty can be a weapon and he's damn good at using it
Sometimes too much of an idealist
Actually understands the weight of being in command
color scheme: 3rd pic, this post
Difference between OG!TFMR Ratchet
Too much of a gentlebot to be cranky
Optimus Prime
somewhat like Megatron in OG universe
Intimidatingly silent
Patience is virtue... up to certain point
Knows what you're thinking so don't even
color scheme: either traditional SG!purple or TFA toxitron
Difference between OG!TFMR Megs
never loses his cool
somewhat like Starscream in OG universe
Survival of the fittest
Everyone's nightmare drill sergeant
a Karen
color scheme: gun metal grey and teal
Difference between OG!Starscream
people actually take her seriously
somewhat like Soundwave in OG universe
When you think no one is looking...
That smile is clearly not an innocent one
would someone please get this emotionally stunted child an actual caring parental figure
color scheme: mostly black with gold highlights here and there
Difference between OG!Soundwave
lacking in mad computer skillz
somewhat like Pharma in OG universe
First impression: charming old gentleman
Actually getting to know: calling this fragger a trash is an insult to all trash in the universe
Won't hesitate to steal your hands in your sleep
color scheme: [FREE SPACE]
Difference between OG!Pharma
does messed up shit for self enjoyment rather than grandiose research purpose
somewhat like Blitzwing in OG universe
accepted his fate as a disposable
empty husk of a man
color scheme: light grey, dark grey, and just enough orange to show he's not a corpse just yet
Difference between OG!Blitzwing
emotilnally stable at least
somewhat like Knock Out in OG universe
Social butterfly with charming smile 24/7
huge attention hoarder
Actually proud of his noble background and not afraid to brag it... as if it hadn't got him a fist to his face far too many times already
color scheme: either traditional SG!purple-and-grey, or unreleased G2 toy
Difference between OG!KO
surprisingly a functional and responsible adult
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hibiscera · 3 months
I want to know your opinions on the other metropolis rogues!!!!! mr mxyzptlk bizarro and the like
OKAY SO, a lot of my biases are based on STAS and the DCAU, since I still have a lot of Superman comics to read, so I hope that’s ok!
Obviously we know the favorites. Toyman, Parasite (Rudy our boy Rudy), and Ultra-Humanite, so I will put them aside for now.
I’m gonna get Darkseid out of the way first since idrc about him, HOWEVER. I fucking LOVE Kalibak. I have some ideas for him I want to try executing one day I just need to read more with him in it…
tbh I feel like I’m a lot more interested in the characters surrounding Darkseid rather than Darkseid himself. To me he exists more as a narrative piece of that makes sense.
I honestly love Brainiac quite a bit and also really want to draw a take on him as well… I’m a sucker for rogue AI characters (Mother Brain my absolute beloved) like him.
Livewire is PHENOMENAL, she’s always a blast in everything I’ve seen/read her in. The concept of a shock jock turned supervillain is great, and I particularly LOVE how that was translated in DCSHG G2 haha. That’s probably my favorite take on the character, she’s just so much fun in DCSHG and I love how unapologetically a jerk she is.
I have a soft spot for Bizarro, because my dear beloved sweet baby boy TFA Toxitron is based on him. 😭 He’s one of those characters I need more exposure to, but his episodes in STAS are great and I gotta look into more of him!!
Mr. Mxyzptlk is legendary. His debut episode in STAS has to be an absolute favorite of mine, I appreciate how he really pushes Clark to have to think outside of the box. I don’t think I’ve read any comics featuring him, but I really want to, I’m so curious to see what kind of creativity gets pushed from his whole deal.
Titano is a monkey :D This automatically makes him the best!
I have to continue reading the current Superman run, I kind of fell behind, but I quite liked what I read of Pharm and Graft this far, if anything just for their designs alone.
I was about to say, welp, I’ll finish here and see if I forgot anyone later!
Lex Luthor. I fucking forgot Lex Luthor.
I have… complicated feelings on him? I think he’s a fantastic character and a perfect antithesis to Superman, but it’s hard for me to get invested in him outside of him serving that purpose. I DON’T MIND HIM BEING FLESHED OUT, that’s extremely important to add to his purpose in a story imo. But it’s just… he’s not For Me outside of storytelling. If any of that makes sense?? 😭
Okay NOW I’ll end it here and add on if I remember anyone important I forgot.
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One last round of trivia:
"The Stunti-Con Job" exists as both a comic and a BotCon script reading; the plots are the same, but the script reading added a subplot featuring Minerva, a medibot determined to meet Ratchet at all costs, who's somehow dragged Warpath along on her quest. (She does also appear in the comic version - see below.)
The script reading also featured a musical interlude - a duet sung by G1 and Animated Grimlocks. I don't think it went according to plan.
Like the story's title, the comic's original cover pays homage to the classic British comedy film "The Italian Job". (As do the picture captions on the relevant TFWiki page.)
Sideswipe and Breakdown share a body-type (first seen on Rodimus Prime) - possibly a callback to the G1 episode "Masquerade", in which that iteration of Sideswipe was disguised as Breakdown. (The same applies to Jazz and Dead End, and, more or less, to Optimus and the Motor Master.) In-universe, all the Stunticons underwent spark transplants into Autobot frames - except Toxitron, who's a clone of Optimus. Not a very successful one.
Cheetor, meanwhile, is a retool of Blurr - a fact Sideswipe remarks on four BotCons later, in "The Return of Blurr". which takes place at about the same time as "The Stunti-Con Job". Hence Blurr's appearance in the latter, in the High Council box alongside Cliffjumper - still cubified, and no doubt still talking twenty-four to the dozen.
Strika's Team Chaar, seen at the very end of this story, has undergone a reshuffle since "Transwarped" - Oil Slick is still there, unfortunately, but Cyclonus, Blackout and Spittor have been replaced by Mindwipe, Sky-Byte, Scalpel and Blot.
As for Autobot cameos, there are too many to list, but most of them are here:
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(Botanica is also in this frame, but further up in the High Council box. TFWiki claims that Tap-Out is somewhere in the crowd; I can't see him, though.)
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birthdaycakeplate · 1 year
Some of the pathetic little meow meows I make when I’m doing arts and crafts with my little one✨
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
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did you think I was LYING?????
anyways. don’t do drugs kids
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nano-hexbug · 4 years
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xstrawberry-sorbetx · 4 years
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@pastelpaperplanes now I understand why he's kinda hOT THOUGH
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