#tfa minerva
Tfa Predacon War au bots as cookies
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Idk I was bored
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One last round of trivia:
"The Stunti-Con Job" exists as both a comic and a BotCon script reading; the plots are the same, but the script reading added a subplot featuring Minerva, a medibot determined to meet Ratchet at all costs, who's somehow dragged Warpath along on her quest. (She does also appear in the comic version - see below.)
The script reading also featured a musical interlude - a duet sung by G1 and Animated Grimlocks. I don't think it went according to plan.
Like the story's title, the comic's original cover pays homage to the classic British comedy film "The Italian Job". (As do the picture captions on the relevant TFWiki page.)
Sideswipe and Breakdown share a body-type (first seen on Rodimus Prime) - possibly a callback to the G1 episode "Masquerade", in which that iteration of Sideswipe was disguised as Breakdown. (The same applies to Jazz and Dead End, and, more or less, to Optimus and the Motor Master.) In-universe, all the Stunticons underwent spark transplants into Autobot frames - except Toxitron, who's a clone of Optimus. Not a very successful one.
Cheetor, meanwhile, is a retool of Blurr - a fact Sideswipe remarks on four BotCons later, in "The Return of Blurr". which takes place at about the same time as "The Stunti-Con Job". Hence Blurr's appearance in the latter, in the High Council box alongside Cliffjumper - still cubified, and no doubt still talking twenty-four to the dozen.
Strika's Team Chaar, seen at the very end of this story, has undergone a reshuffle since "Transwarped" - Oil Slick is still there, unfortunately, but Cyclonus, Blackout and Spittor have been replaced by Mindwipe, Sky-Byte, Scalpel and Blot.
As for Autobot cameos, there are too many to list, but most of them are here:
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(Botanica is also in this frame, but further up in the High Council box. TFWiki claims that Tap-Out is somewhere in the crowd; I can't see him, though.)
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megaeagle-11032001 · 6 months
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They like Windblade of rid 2015
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sonicbeta3 · 2 years
TFA AU Idea - Little Spider Shop Of Horrors Part 2
It was noon the next day on the planet Cybertron. In the Predocon’s base of operations, they were getting their energon rations for the day. Inferno had taken his cube cup back to his quarters to consume it, and Antagony ate hers then and there. The only rations left now were for Blackarachnia and Waspinator. The latter had just gotten back from his daily massacre, and had been waiting until the Ant twins had finished their turn so he could go up. Once the coast seemed to be clear, he snuck over to the metal table his cup had been placed. However, just as he was about to pick it up, a familiar seductive voice called out “Now now, look what we have here.”. The green cyborg quickly turned around, and was met with the image of Blackarachnia leaning against the doorframe, calmly smiling at him.
The buzzbot buzzed furiously, asking what the spiderbot wanted. Blackarachnia, unfazed by this, simply tells the green hornet that she had been thinking about what happened on Dinobot Island, and had thought “why don’t we just let bygones be bygones?”. Waspinator, in a low hiss, asks why he should. Not only did she pretend to be his “friend” just to use him as a lab rat, but mutated him into something she herself would call a freak. To this, Blackarachnia responds with “Oh come on sweetspark, that was cycles ago. I’ve clearly matured since then.”. However, all she gets from the buzzbot is the latter rolling his eyes. At this point, the spiderbot is really starting to get annoyed. Until she thought of an idea. With a sigh, she walked up to the buzzbot, put a servo on his frame, and softly whispered “Besides, I think I’m starting to like this Itsy Bitsy little body of mine. The past has passed. Forgive, forget. What do you say?”. Waspinator is of course skeptical of this, but decides to reluctantly go along with it, mainly just to humor himself. Unbeknownst to him, however, Blackarachnia contemplates that she could just kill him by stabbing him with her stingers and all she’d have to do is “Do it Now”, but decides that she won’t. And with that, the two pick up their energon cups, and toast to a hopefully better future.
As he drank, Waspinator began to notice that his drink seemed to taste off for regular energon, and asked the spiderbot what she put in his rations. Blackarachnia, in an uncharacteristically bubbly voice, responded with “Oh, you noticed! It's a little something I added. It was uh… Let's see, was it? Um… Oh that's right, I remember now! I added A Lethal Dose Of CyberVenom To It!”.
Waspinator drops the cube from his grasp upon realizing that he had been poisoned, and attempts to spit out the contents of the beverage. But it was too late, as he then began to have a hard time breathing. With a sip of her cube, Blackarachnia asks the suffocating Vespindae if he really thought she would just forgive and forget what he did to her, or think that she would just accept her ”repulsive, pulsating excuse of a body”. Waspinator, whose face has begun to swell up, crawls over to her legs, begging her to help him and that he would never mess with her work again. But he was given no response, just a cold glare and a swift kick to the face, sending him into the table behind him. Waspinator’s body quickly began to spasm uncontrollably, his buzzing intensifying and still calling out for help. All the while, Blackarachnia just stood there and watched, with an unsympathetic look on her face. Eventually, the buzzbot finally went down, vomiting energon and convulsing on the floor. The spiderbot leaned in to take a closer look at the twitching body of the Predacon. When suddenly and without warning, Waspinator jumped up, wrapped his servos around her waist and asked her “Are you dumb? Or hard of hearing? Or relieved, my end is nearing? Are you satisfied? I've buzzed myself to…” but he stopped as the lights in his optics suddenly went off . Finally, his body fell back to the ground and his skin turned gray. The eeriest thing about it was that the leaking and twitching face had just spoken with the voice of a bot who had just realized that the femme in front of them wasn’t helping not to put him in his place, but because she genuinely wanted him to die. Blackarachnia, completely unfazed by what’s just transpired, finishes up her cube, and as if an insult, finishes the dead Predacon’s sentence by staring at his corpse and darkly utters the word “Death.”.
Audrey II didn’t seem to notice when Blackarachnia dragged the now dead Waspinator into the lab. It seemed to have been working intensely on something very important. It wasn't until the spiderbot brought the body over to the plant that it finally stopped what it was doing and turned to face her. It was at that point that Blackarachnia had noticed that the plant had been using her tools, resources and equipment both without her knowledge or consent. However, before she could get the chance to sic 'em, she stopped when she saw what it had been working on. For some reason, it looked remarkably similar. Upon closer inspection, she was able to identify the object in question. It was a Genetic Modifier (A creation she had sought after during her quest to purge herself of her organic form while on Earth). The fact that the plant was building something like this with just a couple of vines put the spiderbot in shock. After a few seconds, Blackarachnia snaps out of her daze, and asks the plant just how it was able to create something like this. Audrey II just says that he learned a thing or two during its time with “Mr. Black” to understand how to make “one of these babies” and that it had been working on it for a few days now. The plant then explains that the device has been coded with Cybertronian DNA (Which it got from one of Waspinator’s murdered victims), and that all she’d have to do is plug it into herself for her to turn back into her “pure and beautiful form”. Blackarachnia, while a little skeptical, is almost completely overjoyed by the events that have transpired. However, Audrey II reminds her of the deal they made the day before, and then asks to be fed, to which the spiderbot happily obliged by showing it the body of Waspinator. The plant just tilted its head towards the carcass with its lips forming into an unhappy expression (Much to Blackarachnia’s confusion). This confusion quickly turned to anger, believing that it was disgusted at the idea of eating a techno-organic. That was until the plant let out one of the most unexpected things she had ever heard in her entire life.
“Chop it up.”
She didn’t know what to say, let alone know what to do. She knew the body would be too big for it to fit in its mouth, but she never expected the plant to be straight forward. Suddenly, Blackarachnia was snapped out of her train of thought by Audrey II's demand of “FEED ME!”. And with no other options, was forced to do exactly what it wanted.
Taking the sharpest tools she could find, Blackarachnia traveled to empty upper levels of the facility (Dragging the dead Vespid along with her). By the time she got there, a thunderstorm had begun to brew. Upon readying the body for dismemberment, however, the spiderbot came across a problem. None of her tools or equipment were designed for removing limbs. Fortunately for her, the spiderbot thought of an idea of how to get the job done. In an instant, she transformed into her “Archa Seven Spider Mode” and began to tear into the body with vicious intensity. First the legs, then the arms, next the waist, then the abdomen, and finally the helm. As soon as she was done, Blackarachnia put the remains into a large trash bin and brought it back to the lab.
She dropped the bucket of body parts in front of Audrey II, saying that she did what she wanted and to give her the modifier now. And while the plant tried to explain to her that it isn’t quite finished yet, Blackarachnia just grabs the device from its vines and plugs it into her chest (But not before darkly saying “Oh and Twoey, if this doesn’t work, that’ll be the last meal you ever have.”) Suddenly, she began to feel strange, almost as if she was in a trance. Upon realizing something was wrong, Blackarachnia was furious, Believing that the plant had secretly drugged her. However, before she could even attack it, her helm went fuzzy as she forgot what she was about to do. The plant let out a cackle and said “Told you it wasn’t finished. Now don’t just stand there, FEED ME!”. Now almost completely open minded, Blackarachnia put her servos into the cylinder container and began to feed the plant.
The sounds of both metal and flesh ripping and tearing could be heard all throughout the lab as Audrey II wasted no time in chewing the severed right leg of Waspinator, loving the sweet taste of energon as it swallowed the piece of techno-organic flesh. Blackarachnia hissed in drowsy disgust as sluggishly she pulled an arm out of the bin and tossed it at the hungry plant. 4 chomps later, the servo finally slid down into its mouth. She wanted to stop then and there, but she just couldn’t. The plant’s feeding became more violent as it ate one of the wings while tearing it off the body. Eventually, Blackarachnia finally reached into the bin and pulled out Waspinator’s decapitated helm. Just then, the lab was illuminated by a blinding lightning flash, replacing the buzzbot’s helm with her own past Autobot self (Only this time with a cracked, gray face and dead, soulless optics). She dropped the severed helm in horror as she began to realize that the entire laboratory was flooding with water (It's at this point that hallucinations had begun to kick in). Turning up to face Audrey II, Blackarachnia was hit by a geyser of water coming from the plant (Which was now laughing maniacally). The spiderbot was sent flying backwards into the water behind her, only to find herself underwater with floor land on. And before she could even try to swim out of there, Blackarachnia was immediately caught and sucked into a whirlpool which led to the mouth of a giant Audrey II head, eating her alive.
The next thing Blackarachnia knew, she found herself waking up in a small, dark grayish green room with a minor headache. Upon further inspection, She notices that she’s in a berth, with her being hooked up to a vital monitor. Slowly the realization came to her, she was in the Cybertron Central Infirmary. The monitor next to her began to beep faster and faster as cold terror went through her veins. She knew exactly what this meant for her, and it was something she would not allow to happen. Without even trying, Blackarachnia jumped off the berth and onto the floor. A part of her was somewhat confused when she turned back and saw that there were no restraints attached to the berth, but none of that mattered to her. She ran to the door’s panel in an attempt to find a way to open it. However, while fiddling with the controls, she noticed that both her arms and servos looked different. Instead of having a sort of freshy texture, they had more of a metallic appearance. With this in mind, Blackarachnia began looking at herself from helm to foot. Her current body seemed to resemble more of her pure cybertronian body rather than her techno-organic one.. In addition, she realized that instead of having teal skin with yellow and black armor, her body was white, pink and rouge. However, the weirdest discovery she made was when she looked down her back and saw the one thing that remained from her techno-organic form; “her abdomen. With this revelation, a sense of dread went down her spine. If her abdomen still existed, what did that say about her face? Locating the most reflective material, Blackarachnia grabbed it and stared into it. What she saw left her stunned.
What she saw… was a familiar looking femme staring right back at her. She looked identical to her in terms of appearance. However, what caught her eye the most was the face. It was… beautiful, possibly more beautiful than she was in her prime. The face had white skin, two bright blue eyes and white, fangless teeth. In addition, the femme’s helmet was a bright pink with a short ponytail attached to the back of it. It took her a moment to realize that the femme she was looking at… was her. She put a servo on her face as for once in her life, she was speechless. The plant had actually done it, it had (Somewhat) cured her.
Suddenly, the room’s door slid open as someone walked in. Blackarachnia turned around and was met with the sight of a white, red and orange femme standing at the entrance with a data pad in one hand and an access card in another. The former techno-organic was able to recognize the bot as “Minerva”, a veteran of the Great War. The medic then asks her if she’s alright, to which Blackarachnia tells her that she is, and asks her how she got there. Minerva explains that she was brought in after being found unconscious in a popular area in Iacon almost 2 Megacycles ago. She then asked her what her name was. Blackarachnia just stood there and thought about it. Should she tell her her name? Should she make up one? On the one hand, it was possible that Optimus and Sentinel reported about her mutation and recruitment into the Decepticon ranks. But on the other hand, it’s possible that no one would believe either of them. Optimus had been permanently disgraced after the incident on Archa Seven for all she knew, and Sentinel was… well Sentinel. No sane bot would ever believe someone like him, even if they were “organaphobic”. Besides, she could probably make up a plausible story to get herself out of the situation. With a decision finally made up, she decided to answer the medic’s question.
“Elita One…, my name is Elita One.”
Minerva didn’t seem to flinch upon getting her name. She must have not known of her existence. She just put it on the data pad and left the room as Blackarach- no, Elita laid herself back onto the berth. She had done it. She had gotten the thing she’s wanted for over 1050 stellar cycles. But the question remained.
“Now what?”
To Be Continued…
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arceespinkgun · 2 years
WARPATH: ...This is my friend Minerva, she's got somebody she wants to meet, and I was wondering—
SENTINEL: If I could... give her an autograph? Why, sure! It's always good to see the younger generation taking an interest in their role models.
MINERVA: Actually, I, uh—
SENTINEL: There you go, young lady. Stay in school, keep your optics on the stars, and uh, do everything I do and then you might make Magnus. Maybe Prime. Definitely Major.
MINERVA: But, but—!
SENTINEL: Speechless with gratitude! Ah, it touches me right in the spark chamber! See you around, Warpath, Minelba!
WARPATH: Uh, Minerva, you okay?
MINERVA: Of all the arrogant, self-absorbed, scrap-spewing...!
—Scene from "The Stunti-Con Job" script reading that isn't in the comic version
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cleverthylacine · 6 months
I'm not well versed in Transformers, but who is your favorite Autobot? What's one thing that if Hasbro called you up right now and said they would do whatever you suggested, you tell them?
My favourite Autobot is easy because I don't like most of them very much. I love Decepticons.
It's either Jazz or Ratchet or Rodimus, depending on the phase of the moon and whether my brain is in RavWaves mode or Deadlock mode.
Jazz and Ratchet and Rodimus are all people who probably would have been Decepticons if it weren't for a stroke of fate.
I also love Rosanna, but she's a civilian and she's been in like 3 things, one of which almost everyone hates.
The problems with Autobots:
they tend to use the same colour schemes which makes them hard to tell apart
many of them are boring af
the Decepticon movement was a legitimate revolution against an extremely bigoted and oppressive government, and the Autobots were the liberals who patted them on the hand and said "we can do this the nice way" even though most of them were from social classes that were literally disposable.
some of them are fucking fascists
some of them are just such goodie two shoes rule bound characters you have to laugh (Star Saber in anything other than IDW was probably the robot version of Sheldon Cooper once)
It's really only in TFA that I don't think Optimus Prime is a giant hypocrite. I don't hate him. I think he's an awesome character. I enjoy him a lot! I also write a lot of fic where he gets his aft handed to him, at least verbally.
But I don't really sympathise with him. Because even when he's unfailingly sweet, like in TFP, he's still...a part of the problem, not the solution.
In some series the Decepticons did become horrible and genocidal, which is wrong, of course, but that led in IDW at least to both sides playing atrocity chicken.
In other series the Decepticons are anti-human mostly because we're in their way and we like the Autobots. In the Bumblebee movie they never even wanted to come here, but they had to--it is Prime's fault that their war came to Earth.
If Hasbro was willing to do whatever I said I would ask them to create a series of all the femme characters most people don't know about. And not make them teeny tiny Core Class dolls. (I own a few of them because they're cute, but.)
I would get them to include Ravage now that ES has confirmed her for a femme. (She is ACAB, assigned cat at birth.)
This would also include:
Esmeral, who should really be a leaderclass because her husband is the size of a small planet (from the Victory manga)
General Strika, who is the least feminine female character in all of transformers and a butch goddess of war (from TFA and Beast Machines)
Botanica because she's cool AF
Rosanna and her evil twin Flipsides (Rosanna's in KP but both of them are in... TFA, I thought? For a heartbeat.)
Howlback (done like her twin sister Ravi, with biped-to-quad transformation that does not involve extra limbs hanging off, because both MMC and Xtransbots have done it just fine) from the Cobalt Sentries who never got a show
Lyzack (from Victory -- the twin sister of Leozack who defends the home front and is a teal and pink seeker)
Nautica (from the IDW comics, who is the most adorable of nerds even if she is Ravage's unwanted aemula/kismesis/hatecrush until they make friends)
the Megatronia combiner which includes Megaempress, Trickdiamond, Lunaclub, Flowspade and Moonheart)
Minerva (yes there's a legacy but it's tiny and they made it a walgreens exclusive)
Clobber (from Cyberverse)
Nightbird (G1 not ROTB)
Termagax (Megatron's mom from the IDW 2019 series)
I have nothing against Elita-1, Arcee, Windblade, Chromia, Moonracer and Slipstream but some people can name hundreds of male characters and only those six and not even all of them.
If I was also G-d of the Transformers franchise as a whole, I would revive Kiss Players, cut out all the bad sex jokes and dropped panties of teenagers, rename a few things -- we do not need a base called "the spiral vagina" -- and take the plot we were actually given in between sex jokes, which was very cool, and write it all out as a comic/story/cartoon. They did the plot in the last few episodes of the radio show after kind of leading up to it very slowly between dirty jokes.
Everyone says Kiss Players is the worst thing Transformers ever made. I'm sorry, that's RID 2015, which is a Transformers show for the "Blue Lives Matter" crowd where the entire plot of the show is to find all these low-class Decepticons who are from denigrated castes that escaped from a prison ship and throw them all back in jail. Like seriously fuck you very much.
I will take perverted panty jokes over asskissing the cops any day. Besides some of the stuff that looks so bad and gross looks so bad and gross because it is--you're not supposed to be down with it, you're supposed to guess that a certain person is being groomed looooong before she figures it out. and the main human characters are actually Secretly Lesbians
I'm sorry this is way more info than you asked for but this is my main hyperfixation other than thylacines, fossas, small wild cats that can't eat you, and other cute weird predators.
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so here's a random rarepair I've come up with that I know I'll never find anything for. TFA Minerva/First Aid. I don't think Minerva actually has a canon personality in TFA, or if she even canonically exists, but I like the trope of two med bots being able to geek out about medical stuff together. Plus TFA First Aid deserves someone, his design is adorable
Two med bots holding hands :3
They can he surgery partners because they focus better with each other. Then post surgery they snuggle and relax together because it was very stressful
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liaswritesrobots · 1 year
If you need a refresher for some of these characters you can find them here!
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ortebcalainart · 2 years
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Because the sketch from yesterday was getting a number of responses (on Twitter), I'm thinking about making the head design first, before continuing the full body lineart. Again, TFA-styled Minerva.
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polyhexian · 2 years
all the girlformers left on my list:
Arcee (botcon 2001, BA retool)
Convention/club exclusives
Antagony (beast wars)
Nightracer (botcon 1995) [1000]
Nightracer (2015 tfcc tailgate retool)
Roulette, otfcc 2003 exclusive
Arcee - combiner hunters
Windblade - combiner hunters
Chromia - combiner hunters 
Airrazor, botcon 2016 windblade retool
Lifeline (tfcc 2016) [40]
Quickslinger (tfcc 2016)
Arcee (human?)
Flareup, ratchet doublepack botcon '05
Angela (Sparkbot, Japanese Tokyo Toy Festival 2007) (120 for set)
Blastcharge Strika Drone (Customization Class toy, BotCon 2013) [30]
Strika (Botcon 2013)
Strika (botcon 2013, kreon)
Nightbird (2015 botcon kreon)
Marissa Fairborn
Black Arachnia [100]
Arcee [100]
Windblade redeco
Combiner Megaempress (jp exclusive) [300ish]
Power of the primes
Sticky McGee
Arctic guzzlerush
Angry cheese 9
Hawt Diggity
Fit Ness monster
Lolly licks
Vigitente (SDCC)
Bottocorrect (S2)
Scribby (S2)
Brock head (S2)
Hawt Mess (S2)
Must Turd (S2)
Ice Sight (S2)
Tropic Guzzlerush (S2)
Grampiano (S2)
Drillit Yaself (S2)
Grrr'illa grimes (S2)
Big Cantuna (S2)
Sour Wing (S2)
Javasaurus rex (S2)
Lolly Mints (S2)
Sippyberry (S2)
Ollie Bite (S2)
Glitch Face (S2)
Hashtags (S2)
Technotic Sonic (S2)
Nope Soap (S2)
Ol' Tic Tock (S2)
Overpack (S2)
Rebugnant (S2)
Bankshot (S3)
Clawsome (S3)
Knotzel (S3)
Sheriff Sugarfeet (S3)
Sweet cheat (S3)
Tutu Puffz (S3)
Latte Spice Whirl (S3)
Sensei spiny (S3)
Highroller (S3)
Terror tale torch (S3)
Dingledeedo (S3)
Kikmee (S3)
Halloween Knight (S3)
Disgusto desserto (S3)
Sugar saddle (S3)
Wristocrat (S3)
Grave rex (S3)
Greeny Rex (S3)
Fail Polish (S3)
Nanny McBag (S3)
Smooth Shaker (S3)
Aday (S4)
Hiptoast (S4) (light green)
Tricitrustops (S4)
Crabby grabby (S4)
Pressure Punk (S4)
Roarista (S4)
Whirlderful (S4)
Chef Nada (S4)
The great mumbo blumbo (S4)
Movie Munchster (S4)
Ladoutsky (S4)
Pop n Lock (S4)
Face Ace (S4)
Flare devil (S4)
Dj Fudgey Fresh (S4)
Frostfetti frostyface (S4)
Grandma crinkles (S4)
Smore n'more (S4)
Disaster Master (S4)
Goggly spy pi (S4)
Miss mixed (S4)
Gold dexter (S4)
Goldface (S4)
Pop o'gold (S4)
Bot-T-Builder (S5)
Nomaste (S5)
Jet setter (S5)
Sandy shades (S5)
Tidy trunksky (S5)
Drama sauce (S5)
Super bubs (S5)
Wasabi breath  (S5)
Leafmeat alone (S5)
Bok bok bok-o (S5)
Bratworst (S5)
Shifty gifty (S5)
Outta order (S5)
Professor scope (S5)
Flood jug (S5)
Handy dandy (S5)
Goldie terrortwirl (S5)
Goldito favrito (S5)
Goldpin baller (S5)
Ant Farmwell (S6)
Ulf the orange (S6)
Super god masterforce
Nightbeat minerva (possibly identical to regular nightbeat? Was released as nightbeat Minerva in Japan. May have packaging?)
Clear plastic super collection minerva figure
Minerva, botcon 2011 custom class tfa arcee [1000-2000]
Minerva (gutto kuru human figure yellow)
Minerva (resin kit human figure red)
Kiss Players
Three awful anime girl figures
Slipstream, legends, windblade redeco
Arcee, clear blue plated, only 40 pcs
Arcee, go! takara beast hunter 
Arcee, 2022 legacy 
Arcee, Kinder Surprise
Arcee, Kre-o
Arcee, arms micron, pink
Arcee, arms micron gray
Airachnid, kre-o
Airachnid arms micron blue
Robots in Disguise 2015:
Strongarm, radz
Strongarm, legion class
Strongarm, legion class, clear blue plastic
Strongarm, battle pack
Strongarm, hasbro one step
Strongarm, patrol mode one step
Strongarm, one step take 2
Strongarm, warrior class
Strongarm, activator combiner
Strongarm, kre-o
Strongarm, hero masher
Strongarm, surprise drink figure
Strongarm, surprise drink pencil topper
Strongarm, kinder surprise
Strongarm, lunar force
Strongarm, one step 2017
Windblade, legion #2
Unicron trilogy:
Arcee, x-dimensions
Paradron medic - arcee mold
Stockade - Universe 2008 (redeco of knockdown, blue triceratops minicon
Thunderblast - Cybertron, white chromia repaint
Treadbolt - energon 2004 [40]
Sureshock - CD pack in
Sureshock - change micron, candy toy pack in, arcee redeco
Sureshock - Magna Convoy DX set
Sureshock - blue, universe version [13]
Sureshock - Cybertron, has autobrand
Combusta - 2003 minicon, came packaged with volume six of micron legends dvds in japan
Twirl - came with the 7th volume of micron legends
Falcia - Came with the 5th volume of micron legends
Sunburn - volume 10 of micron legends (100)
Ironhide - came with terrorsaur, armada [10]
Spiral - the gray one, given away at world hobby fair and ito yokaido stores in japan 2003
Spiral - the red one
Offshoot - Cybertron, 2006
Heavy Metal:
Brake - Micron booster 2004 (only called a girl by fanclub, may not count) 
Kickflip - same as above
Mudbath - same as above
Road Rebel - 2004 minicon [40]
Guardian Speed - stupid ass camera store exclusive [80]
Mugen - japanese store exclusive
Triac - micron booster (canonized as girl by ask vector prime)
Arcee, legends
Arcee, alternator
Arcee, pewter super collection figure
Arcee, mc axis garage kit
Arcee, 2022 stamp
Arcee, mighty jaxx lil maxx
Arcee, authentic bravo 
Elita one, mc axis garage kit
Hello kitty, q transformers [50]
Hello kitty, q transformers, halloween [30]
My melody, q transformers [40]
Mp-10 unit 01 
Road rage, e-hobby exclusive
Flip Sides, e-hobby exclusive
Windrazor, micron booster 
Howlback, e-hobby exclusives
Freezon, electric racing set 1985 [40-50]
Windshear, minicon, thrilling thirty
Nightbird, arcee retool, legends
Wedge Shape - japanese camera store exclusive minicon. Shes a red bird [300]
Windblade - flame toys kit [50]
Arcee, Super high breed mode (unreleased 1987) [600]
Ahsoka - star wars crossover
Chun LI - (preordered)
Clipper (gingham)
Discharge 1992
Discharge 2002
Discharge, reverse evolution (black chase)
Windy, 1992
Windy, red (chase)
Beast Wars:
Blackwidow, beast wars returns
Blackwidow, beast wars returns, telemocha
Black Arachnia, legends animated retool
Black Arachnia  - Kre-o
Skimmer - 2014 kre-o
Volcanicon - 2014 kre-o
Freefall - 2014 Kre-o
Snarl blast - predator attack team
Rid 2001
Nightcruz [15]
Beast Wars 2
Scylla - Japanese exclusive
Scylla - 2020 generations 
Beast Machines:
Nemesis strika
Arcee, battle damage (the Nautica looking mold)
Arcee, wondercon exclusive (pink and white)
Arcee, human alliance
Arcee, smoky clear pink plastic
Elita-1 (deluxe)
Chromia, human alliance
Chromia, robot heroes
Mikaela banes, brown shirt
Override - 2010 legends (MAYBE girl, only said in botcon panel)
Quintessa figure
Shatter (Titan changer)
Shatter (mission vision)
Shatter (power series)
Arcee (studio series bumblebee movie)
Arcee (bumblebee movie model kit)
Slipstream (scout class)
Windblade (nezha block) (super buy agent was unable to locate, taobao fell through, try elsewhere)
Volcanicus (?) (Combiner, one part is a girl but this is a single figure. ??)
Tiny Turbo Changers 
Blackarachnia (G)
Acid Storm (P)
Chromia (C2)
Arcee (E2)
Slipstream (4-H / 5-B)
TTC strika (alpha strike)
TTC arcee (movie)
TTC shatter
Third Party: 
ProjectEffect "ninja" rosanna
KFC Rosanna "Mandy"
HTB Rosanna
Mastermind r-30 nitro (override)
Iron factory "Night Assassin" nightbird
Iron factory "Alleria" elita one
IF "Miko for Iron Titan" "The Hunter" Combiner Hunter Windblade 
IF "Dark Assassin" combined Hunter arcee
IF "Rainwing" Acid Storm
Takara Hello Kitty Trainformer [70]
Arcee, apc blue
Arcee, apc pink
Arachnid, apc
Lady Tarn lol (preordered)
Magic square arcee
Magic square nightbird
CDL-02 elita 1
Mech fans blackbird
Mech fans nursy
Mech fans nightbird
Mech fans snow
CDL-01 arcee / Nicee (?)
Ex-01 mookah
Fanstoys arcee titties
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karonte-sama · 4 years
"The empire"
Minerva's Cybertonian name is Cave Storm, Bumblebee's Polarian name is Bellatrix.
In the future after the death of shockwave bumblebee disappears his children have children and those children have children and the process continues until the sixth generation.When a decepticons called minerva who belongs to the black screen lineage almost dies however she is saved by a bot white with the decepticon symbol a time later when he tells his creators , they tell her that there has only been a single mech with those characteristics and it is the missing son of lord megatron.
Some time later, Minerva meets Bee again and finds out that this is her great-great-great carrier, however when Minerva meets him again she is surprised to notice that he still looks like in the paintings.
Minerva comes from acrux, which is located on the planet polaris, a planet that was identical to cybertron but unlike it there were no life forms so before the death of chokwave he and bumblebee had created different colonies. death of shockwave of old age, bumblebee left the throne in charge of his firstborn sari who in turn was known as "the bronze empress"
Tfa team betrayed belongs to @hornets-posts
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aviatrix-ash · 2 years
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Complete Allspark Almanac- Hubcap tells us about his buddy Jackpot (who's gone missing) Jackpot talks about Sights, and Ratchet gives his opinion on Minerva.
I love how many Action Masters got made TFA canon. I love Action Masters, they're so cute! :3
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BEHOLD! ⭐ The cyborg girl of Transformers before Sari Sumdac:
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💖 Minerva! 💖 
She also heals her teammates, similar to how Sari did!  
However she’s called a pretender, instead of a cyborg or a techno-organic! 
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megaeagle-11032001 · 6 months
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Minerva: Now that you are part of The Pretenders, we gotta give you a nickname.
Sari: What about Super--
Minerva: ¡Sprinkles! I am gonna call you Sprinkles.
Sari: ...
shūta gō: Minerva, let the new one choose her nickname.
Minerva: But Shūta! Look at her, she looks like Sprinkles.
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arceespinkgun · 1 year
Girl Ravage is so real. As someone who grew up watching transformers from a young age and had friends that knew nothing about it whatsoever, you would not believe how common it is for people to assume Ravage and Lazerbeak are girls
I once showed my teacher a funny clip of Rumble from the 1984 cartoon and he was so shocked when they used he/him pronouns for the character because he thought Rumble was female. I quote— “That's a boy? I just thought she was from New Jersey”
I snorted at that comment about Rumble, oh my goodness. That's amazing. Living the dream with Frenzy and Ravage now being women in Earthspark! I don't have a clear reason for why I've always wanted Ravage to be a woman... I think it had something to do with how few female characters were in Beast Wars or the fact that Howlback is a trans woman and has a really similar appearance but isn't a major character like Ravage. Hot take: let her keep the super deep voice from BW!
Even as someone who didn't get into this franchise until becoming a young teen, I've mistaken the genders of characters before. I thought Nightbeat was a woman and was very confused by the major role he had in the Marvel comics—because I'd heard only Arcee is a female transformer in those? I think this was confusion between Nightbeat and Minerva, which is understandable. I also thought First Aid was a woman... that one is bizarre. I think maybe I'd heard about the female media Red Alert from TFA and thought First Aid was that character.
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