#stupid... dumb bitches with their .. good chemistry
sturniololoco · 8 months
hi i know you just did a sturniolo little sister fic but could you do one where she gets into a fight at school because someone was talking shit to her about her looks or something and she won the fight or whatever but she was in a lot of trouble and matt picked her up from school then like something sweet with everybody and maybe a little bit more with matt cause matt is like my comfort person ?
Sturniolo Little sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: blood, fighting, etc.
All I remember thinking was I’m about to beat this bitch up.
So that’s what I did.
Usually a wouldn’t let a dumb bitch calling me names bother me. But when she compared me to my famous triplet brothers, then called me names right after?
That set me off.
“I can tell the rest of the family got the good looking genes. Look at her then look at her brothers! No wonder she’s only in three of their YouTube videos!” A girl in the hallway said to a bunch of giggling girls.
I throw my books to the floor and walk over to her, breathing heavy. Most of her friends scurry away, shrieking dramatically, but two stay.
I get right up close to her face, pushing her into the lockers. At this point we had an audience.
“What the fuck is wrong you? You-“ I start to say, but then I’m being smacked with a 610 page biology text book, the corner hitting my eye, while the rest practically breaks my nose.
One of the girls stupid friends tried to help her. I stumbled back, turning away from the girl against the locker to see you hit me. The girl, who was now behind me, frantically ran into a nearby classroom.
“Oh you really shouldn’t have fucking done that.” I say, immediately pouncing on her and taking her to the floor.
She was helpless, trying to slap at my bloody and bruised face. I grabbed her hand and put them behind her back, pushing her head into the floor.
I was about to tell her who the fuck she was messing with, when all of the sudden, arms were around my waist pulling me of the girl.
I look up to see Mr. Howard, my Chemistry teacher, who also happens to be the varsity football coach.
“Get to the office Sturniolo! No detors!” He barked at me, letting me go. I kicked my books while walking down the hallway to the office, yelling,
“She’s the one who fucking started it!” And I stick my middle finger up, not even bothering to look back at the girl, crying on the floor, worried about her skirt that I got my blood on.
“SLS/N, I know you’re a good kid. You’re on the all A’s honor roll, you’ve never gotten detention, and you’ve never been sent here before this. What happened that got you so upset?” My principal asked me as I sat across from him.
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” I mumbled, chewing my nails because I knew how much trouble I was in.
“Then I’m afraid I’m going to have to suspend you for three days and call your brother to come pick you up.” He said, giving me a sad but knowing look.
“Fine, but I’d call mat if I was you. He’s the only one who can drive.” I say, picking up my stuff and walking straight out of his office to wait for my brother.
Matt walked in, looking upset and down cast, but when he saw my bloody nose and black eye, his face contorted into a look of complete shock. I didn’t stand up.
He signed me out and quietly thanked the lady at the front desk. He then walked over and needed in front of me. I averted his eyes as I felt the tears stabbing at my own. He must have noticed because he said,
“Hey it’s okay kiddo, we’ll talk later.” He the stood, slung my back pack over his shoulder and grabbed my hand as we made our way to the car.
The car ride was pretty quiet, except for my occasional sniffles as the pain from my nose and eye began to set in. I didn’t realize where we were until Matt pulled into the Mcdonalds parking lot and put the car in park.
He got out of the car and rationed me to follow him, as he walked towards the front door. As he held the door open for me, I pulled my hood up, to cover my bloody face.
Matt went up and ordered while I got us a booth all the way in the back, and pulled out my phone.
12 Snapchat notifications and 16 text. All about the fight. I put my phone down and tried to stop the tears threatening to spill, when Matt came back with two chocolate milkshakes and two large fries.
He sat across from me and we began eating, but I still averted eye contact.
“Look at me SLS/N.”
I looked up and he gave me a sad smile.
“you know we have to talk about it, so we might as well get it over with.”
I sighed and began telling him the story. About how the girls at school would always compare me to my brothers and call me ugly names.
“It just gets really hard sometimes when you feel like you have strict expectations to live up to, ya know?” I say, some of my tear slipping to make streaks of blood down my face.
“hey I completely understand. I know what it’s like to be compared to Nick and Chris. It’s the only way people could ever tell us apart!” He says earning a small chuckle from me.
“you just need to learn not to get to fired up about it, and just know that people will be mean, but they don’t know the real you, and how perfect you are. No one compares to you because everyone’s unique. And I am so proud to have you as a sister, and so are Nick and Chris.”
I nod, knowing I wouldn’t be able to talk without sobbing.
“And speaking of Nick and Chris, I haven’t told them yet. But If you want, I can talk to them instead of you having to explain everything again. Sound like a plan?” He says.
I nod again, thankful that I wouldn’t have to go through this again.
We pulled into the drive way, and before I opened the car door to go inside, I had to take a deep calming breath, knowing I’ll be walking into a dozen questions.
“Hey, you got this kiddo!” Matt says grabbing and squeezing my hand lightly, before walking up and opening the front door.
As soon as I step foot into the kitchen, Nick is all over me.
“Oh my fuck, SLS/N! What the fuck happened?” He yelled, picking me up and sitting me in the island, then sprinting to the bathroom for a wash cloth.
“I beat a bitch up.” I say plainly, earning a laugh from Matt. Chris comes up to me and gives me a fist bump.
“Damn sis, you look tough!” He says ruffling my hair. I giggle.
“Christopher!” I hear Nick scold as he walks back in the room. Chris puts his hands up in mock defense.
Nick gently wipes most of the blood off my face, the gives me a sock filled with ice to put on my eye and nose, which were now purple.
“Okay, now spill. What the fuck happened?” Nick says. I look at Matt, who quickly stands from the couch and says,
“Actually Nick, come in here, I need to talk to you and Chris for a sec. Why don’t you go hop in the shower bud.” Mat says.
I give him a quiet okay and hop off the counter and head to the bathroom, taking my ice-sock with me.
Getting all that blood off my face and out of my hair felt so good, no matter how dark blue, green, and purple my nose was. I threw on a pair of sweats and one of Chris’s Fresh Love hoodies, before walking down stairs and to the living room.
Matt, Nick, and Chris were all sitting on the couch, getting ready to watch a show.
Matt motions me over to sit with him, so I grab a new sock of ice, a blanket from the basket and snuggle up with him.
“I think I could get used to this for the next three days.” I joke, snuggling close into Matt’s chest. He chuckles and rubs my back comfortably.
I slowly feel myself driving off, due to the long days events, but not before I hear my brother let out a soft,
“I love you kiddo.”
I hope this is what you were asking for! ❤️
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 4 months
Currently Watching - June
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 30.06.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
gif-requests are currently closed🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in April with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. Blue Boys Part 2 🇰🇷 (1/4)
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They are back and they made up 🥰 There is going to be a little bit drama, at least I hope just a little bit and not another break up or cheating -.- But they talked and I really liked it! And I loved that this stupid bitch got dumbed! Now I wait for the next parts.
2. Hidamari ga Kikoeru 🇯🇵 (1/12)
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And with this first scene I fell in love. I was totally absorbed! And I got my giffing joy back. I don't know what happend, but I adore these two. And I can't wait to whitness their story to be told! Because they're in balance right now. One is loud and one is silent. One is hiding and one is seeking. And both are happy to see the other one happy.
3. His Man Season 3 🇰🇷 (4/?)
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I love this format! I enjoyed the first two seasons to the max and the third one is something else too. There are so many different people with different personalities and thinkings. As always there is some kind of tension and love triangles, but there are some really wholesome moments too. I really hope people keep in mind that these people have their own feelings and not a script to act on.
4. My Love Mix-Up! 🇹🇭 (4/12)
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I see so many posts from people not liking this one and I am sitting here enjoying this story. I don't compare it to anything. i just enjoy some awkward fluff. And I think the casting is quite good. I don't have the strongest feeling for the japanese original. I really enjoyed it and it is a great series, but I think the thai one is entertaining too and the chemistry between those two is still there.
5. My Stand-In 🇹🇭 (10/12)
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I loved this scene! The way Ming caressed Joe and the way he fucked him, finally facing him. Thank you! Tong is a stupid shitface. He is such a bad fucker. I have some strong feelings here. And yes, I liked the progress of Ming's and Joe's relationship. I don't like the ending, but I liked seeing them happy together. Perhaps mostly because I want to see Joe happy. The ending was cruel and next week comes episode 11 so... yay...
6. Wandee Goodday 🇹🇭 (9/12)
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Do I like it when they kiss? Hell yeah! Do I like the back and forth with the kisses? Hell no! At this point I don't know where they are going with the story. It is quite repetitive. Yak wants a kiss, Dee plays shy. Yak smiles and kisses him on the cheek and they live happily like boyfriends, but they aren't boyfriends, even though they both like each other! At least Yak finally understood his feelings. Now please let Dee work on his problems. There are three more episodes to go. Let them be happy and work on their problems together! It gets a little bit boring...
7. Word of Honor 🇨🇳 (20/36)
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Those two flirt a lot and are a married couple. Everyone knows that. And I love and enjoy that! Overall this is such a fun watch and the different sects and intrigues are sometimes a little bit confusing, but interesting. I love this world of martial arts and I love how protective Wen Kexing is over Zhou Zishu. I haven't felt like watching this lately. I wasn't in the right mood.
Finished in June
Taxi Driver 🇰🇷
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I looooved the first episodes, when we got our weekly revenge stories. But around episode 12 there was so much going on with the police and the illegal organ-trafficing-ring and it got kind of boring. And yes, Kim Do-gi is some kind of super human. He can take punch after punch and still beat 30 men in a row. That is a little bit unrealistic, but it was fun watching him. I don't know if I'll watch season 2. Perhaps I start and watch the first episodes with joy before some big shit happens and it gets boring again... But overall still a 7,5 out of 10 for me.
25 Ju, Akasaka de 🇯🇵
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They finally talked! Thank god! They finally spoke to each other! And now they are happy and Japan delivered, I must say. The misunderstanding trope was well done, but a little bit drawn out in the end. But I really liked this not so slow burning slow burn. The story was well rounded with the background story, the characters had depth and there was Nagumo Shoma in this soooo... I liked it. A good 9 out of 10 for me.
Cityboy_Log 🇰🇷
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Volume 3 came to an end, I guess. I don't know when it will continue. I really hated this "season". It was confusing and the time jumps were disturbing and I really hated the character development. The lying and the cheating and the escalations and the make ups - they lost the characters and their growth on the way. It can be to be attracted to some one else, that is humane, but you don't have to act on it. This "season" really pissed me off. I am still mad! I won't rate it, jsut because the format is confusing for me 😂
Only Boo 🇹🇭
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This was a dancy ride with the last part missing the beat. I loved the fluff and Moo was such a delightful character and Kang is such a sweetheart. I loved these two together! And I loved that Moo had to fight a little bit to get Kang. What I didn't like was the fact, that in the end it all felt too rushed and too easy? I like that they got together again and that Moo still could fullfill his dream, but it would be nice if we could have seen him starting a little revolution and the fans rooting for him and Kang and finally changing something. But that didn't happen. But over all this one was such a sweet wholesome watch! So in the end it is a 8,5 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
Double Mints 🇯🇵
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Can I say I am a little bit disappointed? Don't get me wrong. This is a good movie, but it is always depicted as this fucked up, dark movie you should be warned to watch and named in one breath with Dangerous Dr*gs of S*x or The Shortest Distance Is Round. And yes, it is brutal and dark and their relationship is interesting but kind of messed up, but it did not meet my expectations. Nevertheless I really liked it and from all those dark movies and series I watched so far, this is one of the better ones. I really like the devotion and enjoyed watching the D/s relationship. The ending was very much fitting for this kind of movie and kind of romantic. Yes, this sounds fucked up, but I guess both of them were very much on the edge and this is the only solution for them to be together forever and become one again. They found each other and that is all they needed. Guess I liked this movie more than I first thought. So for me it gets a good 8,5 out of 10.
Dropped in June
Looking forward to in June
My Love Mix-Up - Trailer (June 7th)
Love Sea - Trailer (June 9th)
Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai 2 Haime! (June 14th in cinemas)
SunsetxVibes - Pilot (June 15th)
His Man Season 3 (June 21st)
I Hear the Sunspot (June 26th)
The Rebound - Trailer (June 26th)
The Trainee - Trailer (June 30th)
Blue Boys Part 2 - Trailer (June 18th)
Born to be Y - Teaser (allegedly in June)
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yeonslayjun · 6 months
Dumb and Dumber - Hualian
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are so OBVIOUS and OBLIVIOUS at the same time Honestly They amaze me ngl
Cuz Hua Cheng be Like - Wdym Gege Loves me?? That's impossible like I don't think he loves me solely for the fact that I'm one of his last believer left and that I built a FUCKING CITY for him and how I ran helped him in a case and dressed up as a Groom and gege was a bride (Oh his dead heart definitely started beating then pls ) and how I Built a temple to worship him and how I released 3000 lanterns for him and that I've made 10,000 statues for gege and not how I have red thread of fate on my finger bc he tied his hair on my finger
ALSO wdym I had my gay awakening at the land of tender??? Impossible He's my god I can't have those feelings for him bc I'm a dirty piece of shit (NO YOU ARE NOT)
and DEFINITELY NOT HOW I GAVE HIM Spirtual Power... DEFINITELY NOT HAHAHA.... Now let me just ask his hand for marriage OH nvm I'm unworthy he doesn't like me ( WHILE XIE LIAN IS SITTING ON HIS LAP ) let's make it into a joke hahaha..... OH? Gege's says he's happy for my beloved when will he know it's him talking about?? :( ( let's ignore he didn't know half of these lmao)
OH MY GOD GEGE SAW THE STATUES That's it I'm getting disowned by him He'll hate me ofc he will... I knew this would happen no I'm okay, IT'S FINE... Yeah he really should make it clear that he doesn't love me huh? :((
Like Hua Cheng is SO DOWN BAD for Xie Lian Like Honey we get it You exist to LOVE your Taizi Danxia and to serve Cvnt and angst
My guy Xie Lian here is SO VERY OBLIVIOUS like I get that he was practicing abstinence but bro's like -
Oh Hua Cheng is such a pretty name *giggles* Oh and his hands were so beautiful and he was gentle with me too when he dressed as the Groom *blushes* Oh Crimson Rain Sought Flower is his name? *swoons* HOLY SHIT HE'S HOT *nosebleeds*
I like this kid san lang. OoO Did he just suck the poison out of me?!?! DAYUM he killed so many people at once *swoons x2*... WAIT IS HE HUA CHENG??!?! Oh my gosh IT IS Hua Cheng ajhsjdhsudhu Let's act calm and composed hehe. Let's sleep together cuz He would never hurt me >:( I wonder what happened to the kid who said he'd worship only me :( He was a good kid yk? Had one eye covered too kinda like you actually haha Funny Right???
He's so perfect as a "sworn brother" ( Yes I'm looking at you SQX) protecting me and shit. Wait he trusts me??? ME?!?! huh?!?!. San Lang~~~. AHHH HE RELEASED 3000 LANTERNS FOR ME AHHHH I LOVE HIM as a friend ofc ofc.
Oh I LOVE getting Spiritual Energy from him <3 that wasn't a kiss nope it wasn't.... ERROR 101 San Lang asked my hand in marriage ERROR.... o h He was Joking :( ofc he was :((( I wish he wasn't tho :((((( SAN LANG HAS A BELOVED?!?!? Ofc he has He's such a handsome and kind man he probably gets all the bitches he wants But why do I feel smth weird in my heart?? (IT'S CALLED JEALOUSY YOU DUMB MOTHOFO )
Honestly God (Jun Wu LMAO) Knows how he survived the past 800 years like BRO WHY IS YOU SO STUPID when it comes to love?!?!? Like ISTG He's one of the smartest of all the jokes called "GODS". But he still doesn't get it till he saw the 10,000 statues Hua Cheng prepared like pls
ALSO Hua Cheng the ghost king who defeated 33 gods and how his smartass self esp rubbed the floor with them Civil Heavenly Officials But the one moment he needs it to realise the VERY OBVIOUS FACT that Xie Lian loves him The Genius Smartass is nowhere to be seen
But tbh I can't blame Hua Cheng much here cuz Xie Lian was very oblivious to his own feelings pls BUT STILL
Their Slow-burn was too much for me Like the chemistry was SO OBVIOUS but they're just Dumb kids when it comes to feelings *sighs* The Hualian Brainrot is rotting my brain away as we peak
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Dustin Henderson was not, or would ever be, a cool guy. If anything he was a certified dork, but oh well. He knew that, and he had accepted it. It used to bother him a lot more, being aware that he would never be a part of the popular crowd. He was too weird, his interests too niche. Not to mention his condition. That had been a bitch to deal with, physically and socially.
But the thing was, despite his own uncool factor, he had the coolest older friends. Like, ever. There was Steve, who somehow managed to give him girl advice that worked, despite the fact he’d never been with one. Girl advice that definitely helped him land the best, prettiest, and smartest girlfriend in existence. 
And then there was Eddie, the coolest Dungeon Master to ever exist. Something that Dustin didn’t even feel guilty saying, not when Mike was his biggest fan. He was insanely creative. And he was also in a freaking metal band? And let him and all of his nerd friends come to one of his shows at the Hideout? He was also like, one of the most avid readers that Dustin had ever met, whether that be through fantasy or history books. And he knew like a shit ton about politics, even if it was only to have stuff to back up all of his anti-establishment ideals. He was so freaking smart, maybe not in like, science or math and all of the stuff Dustin was good at, but everything else? Genius, or at least in Dustin’s opinion. Maybe not necessarily his level of genius, but he was still up there. 
Which begged the question, why the hell did a guy like that have to redo his senior year? Especially since Steve had managed to graduate. 
Dustin loved Steve, he did. And in no way did he think that he was dumb. He was just smart in different ways, like having great instincts and kinetic skills. Well… he did do stupid shit but like, in a smart way? Maybe? Dustin wasn’t quite sure how to categorize his favorite weirdo. But one thing was for sure: if Steve could do it, why couldn’t Eddie? 
He doesn’t ask right away. He’d become a little bit more self-aware over the years, and he knew waltzing right up to him and asking, Hey, if you aren’t stupid then why can’t you finish highschool? was not a good idea. But he does wait for an opportunity. Because Dustin is Dustin and works in almost all accelerated classes, he actually managed to share two of them with Eddie. And it’s not until he forces Eddie to be his lab partner in Chemistry when he starts to get it.
It’s not that he’s stupid, he just literally can not pay attention. 
“Dude, come on!” Dustin groaned, head in his hands in front of his open textbook, “How are you not getting this?”
He could fucking hear the ghost voice of Steve in his head, bitching at him for his tone, but this was just to frustrating. And Eddie’s nonchalant attitude wasn’t helping things. 
Eddie shrugged, too busy spinning his keys on his finger instead of actually reading what was in front of him, "Told you you didn't want me as a partner."
Dustin could feel his eye twitch and if Steve wasn’t in the other room, he probably would be yelling in frustration at this point. But the last thing he needed was to end up under Steve’s armpit for a well-deserved noogie. 
“I just don’t get what the problem is!” Dustin groaned, “Like I know you’re not stupid, so why are you acting like it?”
Eddie glared at him, feet propped up on the table, “Rude.”
“Well it’s true!” Dustin hissed, “Seriously dude, what the hell is the problem?”
Eddie sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, “It’s not that I can’t understand. I just… can’t make myself care.”
That was weird. Dustin cocked his head at him, confused, “What does that mean?”
“Like…” Eddie tried, struggling for the words, “It doesn’t grab me? I don’t know, but I can read a paragraph and have none of it stick, no matter how many times I go over it. And you’re right. I’m not stupid, But if I’m not interested it’s like… my brain stops working. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
That… actually made more sense than Dustin had been expecting. He was pretty damn sure he could work with that, “So we just need to find a way to make it interesting to you right?”
Eddie raised a brow at him, “I guess?”
Yeah, he could definitely work with that. He sent Eddie to the other room, to do God knows what with Steve before getting to work. It was kind of a big project to randomly take on during the middle of a Sunday, but he managed. He might not have been as good an artist as Will, but he could at least add a decorative flair to it. 
Three hours later and two check-ins from Steve and he was done. He nearly skipped to the living room, too excited to even roll his eyes at the way both of them were shamelessly tangled on the couch together.
He skidded to a stop in front of them, proudly displaying his newly titled notebook, “Tada! The world’s first Dungeons and Dragons themed study guide!”
Was that a nerdy thing to say? Maybe, but Dustin didn’t care. He was proud of this one.
Eddie sat up, wide-eyed as he plucked it from Dustin’s hands while he explained what was inside, “So I set it up with a guide to translate real world chemicals to potions in the game right? And then the formulas are written here but the problems are all worded like you’re trying to do alchemy in the game. And here….”
He explained the whole thing, his smile growing as Eddie got more and more excited. Steve looked… happy for them? Even if he was slightly judging, just a little bit. But there were some things that jocks would just never understand. 
Besides, it did work. And it worked pretty damn well in Dustin’s opinion. He was the only one that Eddie even let try to tutor him, because he was the only one who actually understood his problem, despite how clearly Eddie was able to put it. 
It definitely made him feel special, because he was special. Eddie even said so, beyond grateful that he found himself able to pay attention to his hard subjects for the first time in… ever. It was the least he could do. Especially since he was dealing with what was probably the only school year in his life to have zero bullies. And he knew it wasn’t because everyone in highschool was magically more mature. He’d walked in on an insane amount of swirlies and heard too many insults hurled at other kids to think otherwise. But luckily enough for him, people just… stayed clear of Eddie. Like he was actually scary or something. And… okay. Maybe he was a little. But only when he was like, insanely angry. Like rabid-dog angry, but that wasn’t an everyday thing. Though that didn’t stop everyone else from avoiding Eddie and most of his friends like the plague. 
But Dustin was lucky enough to fit in a little better, which was good for all of the extracurricular shit he had to do with random people. It helped that he was friends with Lucas, who was bordering on the edge of just being completely normal, the traitor. And getting rides to-and-from school from Steve himself was also a major plus. It wasn’t like the equivalent to having a car, but it was close enough. And a surprising amount of girls were silly enough to think they could have a chance with him. Which was kind of insane, considering how he really never tried. 
Dustin considered the world lucky that Steve turned out to be gay. Otherwise he’d be too powerful. How would anyone else have a chance?
And weirdly enough, the random crushes actually worked in Dustin’s favor. At least when it came to random project partners and tiny club elections, but still. It was nice to have friends that were so cool. Cool enough to make Dustin not feel like a weirdo among his other peers for the first time in his life, while not having to change a single thing about himself. 
It was nice. Really, really nice. So yes, Dustin Henderson was a dork. But now he was a dork with an edge. 
from the latest chapter of this fic
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westofessos · 2 years
So I just finished Gilmore Girls for the first time and boy, do I have some thoughts:
First of all, I love this show so much. More than I ever thought I would. It’s just so comforting. I totally get it now.
Now, for specifics.
I love Lorelai. She does make some dumb choices, but in the end, she’s just so loveable and fun, I can’t help but adore her.
I do not get the hate I’ve seen for Rory! Yes, like her mom, she makes stupid decisions, but she’s so wonderful. Maybe it’s just because I relate to her so closely, but I love Rory so much.
Ughhhh I love love love Luke. He’s so unexpectedly hilarious sometimes?? I did not foresee that when I started. Scott Patterson is also strangely one of the best actors on the show, which I also did not expect. Luke is a gem, we love him.
Luke & Lorelai:
How could you not love these two together? They’re absolutely perfect for each other and the pining, especially on Luke’s part, makes for incredible television. I do think their dynamic kind of lost the really special ‘will they, won’t they’ tension after season 1/2, but I still ship them. So glad they ended up together. When she was still with Christopher near the end of season 7, I got a little worried.
PARIS IS GAY. I will accept nothing less. She is queer in some way, whether she’s a lesbian or bi. She had absolutely no chemistry with any of her love interests but so much with Rory. Also she’s just amazing all around. I fucking love Paris. Make her queer, cowards.
How could you not love Lane? She’s the absolute shit. Cool, supportive, loyal, and a fucking rockstar. I didn’t mind her with Zach to begin with (even though I thought it was a bit strange how they all of a sudden liked each other), but when they got married and had kids, that was a big nope for me. Lane Kim deserved to be a famous rockstar.
Emily & Richard:
I went back and forth on these two. On one hand, they’re very entertaining characters and I do believe they’re trying to do what they think is best, but on the other, I think in the end they do more harm than good. The way they dismiss Lorelai’s trauma, and completely disregard everyone else’s opinion because they assume they automatically know what’s best, just rubs me the wrong way. Not to mention the manipulation and the going behind people’s backs. I think there should’ve been an arc at the end where they finally listened to Lorelai and acknowledged what they’d done and tried to change for the better.
Melissa McCarthy is great in everything, and this is no exception. She’s so sweet and lovable, and such a good friend to Lorelai. I love her. Plus her relationship with Jackson is just lovely.
He’s such a sarcastic bitch and I love him. I think that’s all there is to say.
The Townies and Side Characters:
Kirk - Kirk is maybe the funniest part of the show and such a little sweetheart, I love him so much.
Babette - aka the best neighbour ever. We deserved even more of her and Morey than we got.
Miss Patty - same goes for Patty! We need more Patty!
Taylor - annoying and obnoxious but the show wouldn’t be the same without him. Irreplaceable.
Gypsy - again, we needed more!! Gypsy was so funny and I just wanted more!
April - I love April! She’s so sweet. I don’t, however, like what her arrival did to Luke and Lorelai’s relationship, and I fucking hate Anna.
Christopher - I don’t hate him, but he’s definitely not one of my favourites. I think it would’ve been a lot better if he and Lorelai had just been really close friends, or if he had just been fully out of the picture.
And finally, the boys:
FUCK. DEAN. Do I need to say more? He’s a toxic, possessive, asshole and I hate him. He was okay in the beginning, but the ‘50s episode really clinched my hatred for him. Huge nope from me. What a dick.
Man, do I hate Logan. Obviously not as bad as Dean, but he’s such a douchebag!! I genuinely cannot stand him or put up with any of his bullshit. I thought he would grow on me as the show went on but no, I only hated him more.
Best for last. My love for this man knows no bounds. Obviously the best fit for Rory, I love them together, but also his relationship with Luke is so great. Also, justice for his and Rory’s relationship while they were dating!! Why did we only get to see it when shit hit the fan? They kept mentioning how they were going to hang out, that they were meeting up later on, so why didn’t we get to see any of it? Why did we only get to see them when Jess fucked up? I hate that. I also hate that they didn’t end up together, even when Jess grew and changed and bettered himself. Anyway, I just love him. I could talk about him forever.
A Year in the Life:
They tried to fit 22 episodes worth of Gilmore Girls into 4 episodes, and it didn’t work. The first episode did an okay job, and I did kind of love the last episode (the wedding!), but the middle two were. . . yikes. No theme song/opening titles? No transitions? NO SOOKIE EXCEPT FOR ONE SCENE AT THE END? Michel thinking about leaving the inn and Lorelai being abandoned by both of her friends? No Jackson? Rory being with an engaged Logan? Basically no Jess except for a few scenes, one of which broke my heart? I could go on forever.
That being said, they should make more after the cliffhanger they left us on. I’ll take whatever I can get, even if it’s subpar.
Anyway those are just a few of my many thoughts about this show. I can’t believe I waited until now to watch it. I need someone to talk about this show with so if you see this and want to talk, DM me.
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dameronology · 2 years
timing's a bitch [5/5] - s.h
summer '87
“oh my love, i lied to you, but i never needed to" - liar, paramore (x)
“if you have chemistry, you only need one other thing…timing. but timing is a bitch” - how i met your mother
a.k.a the three times that steve harrington chose the wrong moment, the one time that you chose the wrong moment, and the one time you both got it right (series masterlist)
a/n: i am sooooo sorry for how long this took. i have a long list of excuses but i shall not bore you. we have, however, finally made it to the end and i owe you all the biggest fucking thank you in the world for all your support on this series. i love u all and i hope this is the ending u wanted <3
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Twelve months was the longest period of time you’d gone without seeing Steve Harrington.
You’d seen him basically every day for your entire goddamn life and then he’d just…disappeared. Left the arcade in a cloud of shame and then you hadn’t seen him since. He was fine; you knew that much. A quick call to his parents had let you know that he was with them in Florida. Fuck knows why, because as far as you’d known he had hated his parents almost as much as he hated Florida. But, as it had turned out, knowing didn’t account for much. You thought you knew Harrington’s every move, but everything in the last year had completely blindsided you. Even if it was just an anomaly, it was enough to make you question everything. It had hurt more than you cared to admit – the sudden revelation, the disappearance, the lack of contact – but the realisation that he’d admitted to loving you had carried you for just a little while.
Only a little while. Three months at the most. After that, you lost hope and moved on.
Did it feel like part of you was missing? Completely. Was there anything you could do about it? Absolutely not.
Steve’s name became something of a curse word amongst your friendship circle. Friendship triangle, actually. The combination of Eddie and Robin had been the only thing carrying you through. Hawkins had changed as you knew it, because as it turns out, you and Steve had shared a pair of rose-coloured lenses. The town sucked without them and man you hoped Florida was even worse for him. Maybe one of the crocodiles or swamps would swallow him up. At least that way you could get closure.
It was hard not to think about him; to think about whether or not he’d started dating again, about how much he was probably suffocating under the same roof as his parents. The part of you that had been hurt by him wanted so badly for him to be aching too – for you, for the familiar, for the realisation that Tampa Bay might have been great, but no place was truly great without you – but the rest of you just pined. For him, for his dumb sarcasm and ridiculous ability to be so smart about everything, for his shitty driving and that stupid cologne and the cursed BMW that you were afraid to shine a UV light in for fear of a live Jackson Pollock experience.
You missed him.
Eddie and Robin were good company. Every time you were sad, you would find yourself with them at the Hideout, laughing about something stupid and then revelling in the realisation that you were going to be fine. Everything was going to be fine. You had your friends.
“So…I like her, but I don’t like like her, you know?” Eddie’s aimless ramblings filled your ears one cold Wednesday night. Class had been long, but not as long as this conversation. Was he even going the right way home? You’d no clue.
“So, break up with her then, Eds,” you replied, unable to resist an eyeroll. “It’s obvious.”
“But she’s so hot!”
“And?!” you shot back. “You can’t just hold out for someone because they’re hot.”
“Right. If you did, you’d be in a Florida swamp by now.”
You shot Eddie a glare. “Watch it.”
“I regretted it as soon as I said it,” he grimaced. “Sorry. I really am.”
Eddie reached across and squeezed your arm, giving you a smile. He was far too easy to forgive.
As it turned out, he had been going the right way, because your apartment building had finally made an appearance in the distance. One of the better developments in your life in the past year had been that you, Robin and Eddie found a place together. It was a complete shithole, and you were pretty sure your neighbour was a pervert, but it was yours. More yours than your place in New York had been. 
Hopping out the van, you shut the door behind you and fumbled around for your keys. Eddie wasn’t far behind, just taking a moment to assess the damage the pavement had done to his wheel when he’d collided it with at the morning. Something about the government shouldn’t have put a pavement there and I don’t pay taxes for this shithole to destroy my van.
Unlocking the door, you stepped inside and was immediately greeted by Robin. She was in attack mode, elbowing her way past you and towards Eddie.
“Munson!” she yelled. “How many times have I told you not to smoke week inside? I’m trying to study for my finals but all I can smell is your skanky goddamn stoner broccoli- “
“- woah, woah, woah!” Eddie held his hands up in defence. “Before you rip my head off, don’t you want to have that conversation with our beloved roommate first?”
You glanced at them, thinning your eyes. “The hell are you talking about?”
“Uh…” Robin trailed off. “We should go inside for this.”
“Or you could just tell me here?” you suggested.
Despite your advice, your friends both took an arm each and lead you inside to the sofa, where they laid you down. Robin did have a point about the smell in here.
“You should sit down for this,” Eddie began.
You propped yourself up on your elbows. “I’m lying down?”
“Oh…” he trailed off. “Then you might want to sit up for this.”
Rolling your eyes, you sat up and swung your legs round so they were on the floor. “What did you want to talk to me about?”
Robin gulped. “Steve called.”
“Here?” your eyebrows shot up.
“Yeah. Six times, actually,” she continued.
“What?!” you exclaimed. “When?”
Eddie and Robin glanced at each other.
“Guys,” you pushed. “When?”
“Three months ago. And also, nine months ago, and also ten months ago, and he also tried calling my house the week he left and…” Eddie trailed off. “Why do you look so angry?”
“Why the fuck are you only telling me this now?!”
“We thought it was best you didn’t know!” Robin chimed in. “He just made you so miserable and-
“- that’s not your decision to make!” you snapped.
“No, you’re right…. we know that. Now. We know that now,” Eddie said. “We just thought it was worth telling you because rumour has it, he’s back in town.”
“Rumour has it from who?”
“My eyes,” Robin admitted. “I saw him yesterday at the coffee shop down the road. I think he was looking for you.”
It wasn’t in your nature to dramatically storm off. It was even less in your nature to steal Eddie Munson’s keys and aimlessly speed off into the night, but you probably earnt the right to do after learning that your best friends had been lying to you. Betrayal from Steve had sucked, but even more so from them. What sucked even more was the realisation that he hadn’t been ignoring you for a year. That was a lot to deal with.
You found yourself driving to Lover’s Lake. It had been an unconscious decision – less conscious that the one to fuck up Eddie’s tyres even more on the way over – but it was weirdly peaceful once you got there. Freaky alien portals aside, it was a pretty relaxing place when it was empty at night. The water was completely dark, lit up only by the moon and stars, where you could be alone with your thoughts and-
“I have a gun!”
The words from your mouth had been quick – and a lie – when you heard someone step on a twig behind you. It wasn’t the worse lie in the world. You could have had a gun in your pockets. Maybe. How big were guns anyway? You didn’t know.
“If you come a step closer I will fucking END you-“
“- you don’t carry a gun.”
There was only one person in the world who could be truly certain of that decision. Steve fucking Harrington.
A beat passed and before he could say anything else, you’d thrown yourself at him. You both fell to the ground – Steve breaking your fall with his body and letting out an ow – and for a split second, you weren’t sure you were decking him or fighting him. The decision came to you naturally, it turned out, because when he tried to sit up, you tackled him back into the ground with a hug. Steve sat there aimlessly for a second, but quickly wrapped his gangly arms back around you.
“Fuck,” you murmured. “What the fuck, Steve?!”
“Couldn’t I be asking you the same thing?!” he demanded. “You’ve been ignoring my calls for a year!”
You took a step back from the hug, glowering for a moment. “I haven’t. I promise.”
“Well you haven’t been answering them-“
“- it was Eddie and Robin!” you cut him off. “We moved in together…it’s too fucking long to explain, but they are meddlers. They are meddling meddlers. I’ve spent the last year waiting for you to call Steve and for fuck’s sake, man! It’s me. If you are genuinely stupid enough to think that I would willingly ignore your calls then you don’t know me at all!”
Steve was silent for a second. That was a lot of information to process. It was good information – encouraging, indeed - but it also meant he had to change his entire worldview that he’d spent the last year adjusting to. Not unlike you had in the last hour.
“Besides…” you carried on. Yeah, it was all coming out now. “You’re the one who accidentally confessed your love for me. You’re the one who ran away! So even if I had been ignoring your calls, who’s to say it wasn’t justified?”
“No, yeah…you’re right,” Steve murmured. “I’m sorry. I really am. I know that doesn’t cut it at all. It doesn’t even begin to make it right but if you would just give me the chance, I promise I will make it up to you.”
“A chance?” you raised your eyebrows. “What kind of chance?”
“The same kind of chance I asked for the night you left for college almost two years ago,” he said. “The chance that’s been fucked over and over because of bad timing-”
“- have you ever considered that maybe you were the one who was about twelve hours behind everyone else?”
“Have you ever considered that maybe you were twelve hours ahead?”
You smiled. “Get to the point, Steve.”
“I love you,” Steve declared. He flung his arms out at as he did, almost as though he were announcing it to the dark clouds above you. “I’m sorry for running away, but in doing it, I realised there’s only one place I want to run and that’s to wherever you are. Even if it’s almost midnight, by a lake, on a freezing cold night.”
“How did you even know I was here?” you asked.
“You have three places you go when you’re not home and that’s here, my house or the record shop and – look, I don’t want to rush you, but it would be really wonderful if we could circle back to where you stand vis-à-vis that love declaration-”
“- fucking obviously I love you too,” you cut him off.
Steve smiled.  There was no doubt in his mind that you were still seething but finally, after two years of swings-and-roundabouts, you’d finally said the same thing at the same time. It had been a two year long head-ache – one you still felt dizzy from – but hey. You’d finally caught each other at the same moment. And god forbid you’d ever let him go.
“But this has to be it now, Steve,” you poked him in the chest. “No one-night stands, no other people, no bullshit. I can’t take bullshit.”
“This is it,” he said affirmatively. “I promise. I’m not ever letting you out of my sight again.”
“You promise?”
Steve grabbed your hand, pulling your pinky out of your balled up fist and wrapping it around his. “You have my word.”
Finally, he kissed you.
You’d kissed multiple times before; that fateful night two years ago, the even more fateful one in New York, and the time it almost happened in the lake just two miles from where you were stood. All of those things had taken you a step closer to this but the moment in itself felt like a weight off your shoulders. Almost like it was something that had been written in the stars since the first day you’d thrown a Lego brick at him, and both of you had been holding your breath waiting for you to happen ever since.
“I’m gonna kill Robin and Eddie, by the way,” you quietly said.
“Don’t,” Steve murmured against you. “I only just got you back. I can’t have you going to prison.”
"Yeah, fair point," you laughed. "Besides, if I can forgive you, I can forgive them."
"Sorry..." you trailed off. "I love you."
Steve smiled. "I love you too."
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dangerous-disposition · 11 months
Tig and Gareth for #16 please 😁
Aaaaaaaah thank you so much for your request!!! I love writing my boys!!!
This is actually going to be an official scene in the the Tigareth fic so please enjoy this little teaser I guess??
Tagging the scromies and tig fans: @sidekick-hero @scarcrossdlvrs @patchworkgargoyle @starryeyedjanai @stobinesque @vecnuthy @sentient-trash @steddieas-shegoes @wormdebut @theheadlessphilosopher @hellion-child
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It was the worst fucking day of Gareth’s life.
He was hungover— as fuck— and he had to spend the day with the fucking cryptid. There was something about the producers “liking their chemistry” or some such bullshit, but Gareth knew what that really meant; bickering and animosity did wonders for ratings, and he and Tig had that in spades, so…
Well, Gareth had that in spades, if he was willing to be honest, which was never when it came to the back-up guitarist.
Not only did he have to spend the day with Tig, but it was hotter and more humid than Satan’s hairy taint and that meant both of them were a pair of grouches. Tig was especially grumpy.
“I fuckin’ hate the heat,” Tig groused as he tied his hair up into a high ponytail, showing off the blond undercut that was normally hidden by his long, dyed— a dark green, at the moment— mane of hair. It also showed off just how high up the black-out tattoo crawled up Tig’s neck and scalp.
“Don’t you live in LA?” Gareth asked sourly, tearing his gaze away from the line of Tig’s neck to stare out the SUV window.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” Tig snapped, which actually caught Gareth a bit off-guard. Yeah, Gareth was a huge bitch to him all the time, especially when it was more than 90 degrees out, but Tig never matched his energy. Looking back at the man, equal parts offended and concerned, he could see Tig was already regretting his outburst. “Sorry, that was shitty.”
“Yeah, it fuckin’ was,” Gareth grumbled, crossing his arms tighter over his chest. “I just asked a question.”
At that, Tig rolled his eyes. “Yes, I live in LA. Also, yes, I have a low heat-tolerance. We do exist, actually. Don’t you live in LA, too?” he asked, basically pouting across the bench at Gareth.
“Yeah, but it’s the humidity that I hate,” he admitted with a groan, shifting uncomfortably in the back of the SUV. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, I’ve got swass something fierce. Why do leather seats exist in a fuckin’ climate like this.”
Tig got a look on his face that had Gareth’s heart hammering in his chest, the anticipation for the innuendo that was surely about to drop from those lips, in that voice. But then Tig just smirked and shook his head.
“What?” Gareth pressed, pouting when Tig snorted.
“Nothing, low-hanging fruit,” he said with a suggestive waggle of his brow, just as the SUV stopped moving. With a grumpy little huff, Tig rolled his eyes and said, “well, we’re here.”
“Where’s here anyway?” Gareth asked as he followed Tig out of the vehicle, just to stare at the building with growing confusion. They were at… the humane society? He was too hungover and too dizzy from the humidity to deal with animals, and yet here he was, apparently doing just that. “What the hell?”
“See, this is why I didn’t want to bring you but the producers made me,” Tig sighed, scrubbing his hands over his face. At Gareth’s affronted look, Tig rolled his eyes and added, “Normally, I love your bitchiness, thrive off of it, really, but this is my thing that I do for me.”
“And what? I’m harshing the vibes?” Gareth snapped, feeling bad because he knew the answer.
Yes, he was harshing the vibes, and he was doing it for no good reason. They were both stuck on this dumb trip out together and instead of burying the hatchet, Gareth was just going to keep swinging and swinging and swinging it until they were both bleeding apparently.
Tig eyed him, and standing at full height had him practically looking down his nose at Gareth, sharp and appraising. It was stupid how hot Gareth thought that was.
“It’s more that this is an outing I would’ve preferred to take you on when you weren’t forced to,” Tig responded after a moment, then shrugged. “Also, yeah, you being a bitch is kinda harshing the vibes.”
“Oh, so like a date?” Gareth asked skeptically, mockingly even but the frown that overtook Tig’s features had Gareth feeling guilty.
Instead of answering him, Tig sighed and nodded toward that door. “Can we just get this over with? Appease the producers and shit and go back to the hotel?” he asked, and Gareth felt an apology on the tip of his tongue.
“Yeah, let’s do it,” he sighed instead, following Tig into the building.
Turned out that when the rest of the band was off doing their stupid touristy things with the film crew, Tig was visiting humane societies in every city they hit on their tour. He was, apparently, spending his free time away from the band volunteering as a dog-walker or playmate for unwanted animals, as if the man could get anymore fucking attractive.
Today, they were apparently on Keep the Dogs Cool duty, which involved getting cooling vests wet, filling kiddie pools in the play yard, making sure the dogs were all playing nice in the kiddie pools in the play yard, and replacing the big ice cubes in the water bowls. It was nice, fun even, and Gareth was even starting to drop the whole… schtick he had with Tig. It was especially gratifying when Tig began to smile at him, big and genuine. The full force of that man’s smile, especially with those silver goddamn fangs, was enough to turn anyone’s legs to jelly, and Gareth was absolutely shaken by it, the world spinning around him as he struggled to catch his breath after one particularly blinding grin.
Actually, no, that wasn’t the smile making him dizzy, Gareth realized; it was the humidity and the hangover. That had to be it, right?
“You okay, Gare?” he heard Tig ask, and Gareth just nodded as he stared at the dog he was petting instead of looking directly at the other man.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just gonna go grab a drink inside,” Gareth said, swallowing hard as he stood up and spun on one heel.
Tig’s big hands were on him, one of his long arms around his back and the other around his waist. It was weird because Tig had been a few feet away and crouching, too; how was Tig holding him? Blinking his eyes open— when did they even close? What the hell? — he was looking up at the canopy over the play yard.
He was… on the ground? No, Gareth realized, he was not on the ground. He was in Tig’s arms.
Tig was talking, and there was a flurry of motion around them, but Gareth was too busy staring at the man’s worried expression as he talked to someone else. It was one of the camera guys— Brian? Maybe? — who handed Tig a washcloth, and when Tig turned his attention back to Gareth and saw his eyes open, he grinned.
“Hey, sweetheart, glad to see you back with us so quick,” Tig said, and his relief sounded so fucking genuine, Gareth’s heart ached for it. Then something began licking his face in big, slobbery stripes, breaking the spell of the moment. Tig laughed, shoving the massive Rottweiler away. “Dozer, back off, let the man breathe.”
“What the fuck happened?” Gareth asked, sighing as Tig laid the washcloth over his forehead.
“You fainted, like, straight into my arms,” Tig answered, and Gareth groaned. If that was caught on camera, he could only imagine how the producers were going to spin that in the finished documentary.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Gareth hissed, and Tig helped him sit up slowly.
“Y’know,” Tig started after a few minutes of them sitting and fending off slobber attacks from Dozer. Gareth looked over at him and frowned at the smirk on Tig’s face. With a grin, Tig continued, “If you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“Shut the fuck up, Doug Jones,” Gareth snapped and the bewildered expression on Tig’s face was perfect for cheering him up. When the man apparently had nothing clever to retort to the new nickname, Gareth huffed grumpily and looked around. “Can we call it a day and go back to the hotel? Please?”
“Of course, sweetheart,” Tig said, and Gareth huffed at the term of endearment, glancing away from him to hide the blush he could feel overtaking his features.
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
south park high school headcanons
TW for drinking and smoking (i have t watched the post pandemic special, so i don’t quite consider if canon..? I dunno though please don’t come for me-)
Eric Cartman:
Doesn’t give a shit about school tbh
I mean he’s probably a solid C/D student
Probably sits next to the teacher, lmao
He’s a pretentious little bitch, we know this, and he probably just harasses kids all the time
Like if there’s a presentation or something he’s probably pretending to be asleep or something
(especially if it’s Kyle)
Probably makes fun of everyone for their class choices
”Oh of course Kahl is taking economics. Those damn Jews” or “Kenny, why are you taking home economics if we all know you’re poor as hell and don’t have any food in your trailer to make this shit anyway?”
Was probably that one annoying kid who laughed during sex ed
Flips the teachers off when they aren’t looking
Is probably an angel to all the teachers but to the students, he’s a massive dick
Probably tried making Kyle fail his classes by hacking into the website
They only knew it was him because for comments/observations tab he put some ‘stupid Jew’ spiel
He’s dumb as shit sometimes
Bullies freshmen
Probably started Freshie Friday
Hes the kind of person to spray Axe Body Speay everywhere and has probably made multiple people sick because of it
Failing Gym
Mainly because he never makes up classes and refused to swim in ‘contaminated water’ (probably aimed at the girls or Kenny)
Doesnt date through high school
because nobody wanted to date a neonazi manipulative asshole
Probably didn’t do any clubs
He probably joined the Gay Straight Alliance (run probably by Big Gay Al) and ripped on everyone there
Got bored and never went back after he ran out of jokes
Honestly he’s probably to lazy to do any clubs after school
He doesn’t like staying in school after he’s already
Probably has gotten suspended a few times
(likely for putting a cherry bomb in Kyle’s locker)
Im kinda lost on Cartman lmao
Stan Marsh
Honestly? He probably drank a lot in high school
Kyle often had to take care of him and scold him for drinking
Stan’s probably a B/C student
Probably studies better in a group than alone
Thanks the stars that Shelley is a senior and will leave him alone
(though I do think she somewhat mellowed down, though she still threatens to beat the fuck out of him sometimes)
And Sharon probably helps him when she isn’t busy
But he feels awkward going to her for help
Randy is awful to study with
”So if I have x amounts of condoms and y amounts of-“ “Fuck this Im calling Kyle”
Kyle is his study buddy when he can’t turn to anyone else
which is pretty often
He pays pretty good attention in class
Probably still dating Wendy tbh
Stan definitely wears like zip up hoodies and ripped jeans and such
Probably bleached the lower half of his hair
it didn’t look good
His hair’s greasy af i’m calling it
Its fluffy when he washes it but that’s a rarity
Uses 3 in 1
wears gloves everywhere
lowkey germaphobe
Probably joined some sort of after school activity
Probably some sort of helping the community club
Tbh he failed chemistry multiple times
Hes trying though
Graduates with probably a solid 3.2 GPA
(idk how colorado does it i’m just going based off of where i live)
Probably goes to college and then drops out after two years
Works a few jobs because he wants to get out of the house
Overall good student, 7/10
Kyle Broflovski
That rare breed between nerd and jock
Hes probably one of those athletic kids getting awards and stuff all the time
Def on the swim team during the fall/spring and the basketball team during the winter
Also does a bunch of those community clubs (things that you would join to get into NHS)
His parents are probably super strict about grades
Theyre all about ‘keeping a good example for Ike’
So he usually beats himself up if he gets a grade below a 95
Speaking of, he’s probably top of his class ngl
Very smart
Studies better alone and probably isn’t the greatest at helping others study, but he’s trying
Honestly probably gets a little less insecure(?) about his hair and doesn’t wear his hat as much
Still barely takes it off but he’ll leave it off during sporting events
I know that thing smells like ass/hj
Probably wears a lot of flannels and t-shirts
Has reading glasses (they’re thick rimmed and brown)
Either that or he wears contact lenses but glasses are more convenient for him
Doesnt like wearing them because they remind him of his cousin Kyle Schwartz
Probably in all honors/AP/college courses
Gets academic awards a lot
He probably did band for one year to fulfill one of his miscellaneous credits (he played clarinet)
He’s probably one of the sweeter kids though, sports help him work through his anger issues
Still snaps at Cartman a lot though
Sometimes doesn’t take good care of himself between sports and studying
So Stan whips him into line
Probably had one partner through high school, doesn’t really play around much
Either that or he doesn’t date at all, he’s just too busy
If he were to date it’s be in junior/senior year, maybe sophomore year if it was the right person and they weren’t needy or too demanding of his time
Probably graduated with an advanced diploma
Goes to some ivy league school
Solid 4.0/4.1 GPA
Majors in math and minors in science
Kenny McCormick
Ngl he doesn’t give a shit
Probably failing some of his classes, has a few B’s, some D’s, he’s really scattered when it comes to grades
Probably skips class sometimes when he doesn’t feel like going
Still wears that same parka
He’s still taking home economics/hj
Probably sneaks into the girls changing room as Princess Kenny 🤭
That one kid who has a crush on all his female teachers
”Guys my average is a 69”
Hes the glue to keep all the boys together but tbh I feel like they drift apart and go their own directions during high school
They probably have like-game days on Saturdays though
He wants to keep the group together though because they’re probably more family than his own family (minus Karen)
Still dies a lot
Probably tries to die so he can get out of doing tests and such
Is the reason they don’t allow costumes at Halloween (he was def a playboy bunny)
Probably takes a lot of non honors/no college courses
The latter even less so because his family can’t afford it
Graduates with a barely passing GPA and goes to community college
Probably ended up dropping out tho
But he still makes sure to keep in touch with all the boys (minus cartman but he keeps in touch with Butters)
Butters Stotch
(speaking of-)
Honestly? Solid B student
Is probably still the most naive of the group, though he does stick up for himself now
Doesn’t like being called Butters much but Leopald is worse
So he either goes by Butters or Leo
Probably has a knack for history??
Honestly doesn’t do all honors courses, proabbly does honors history and maybeeee honors English
Sucks at math
His parents ground him a lot because of this
So he ends up with a tutor
He goes to the girls’ sleepovers as Margerine sometimes
Grew out of his Hello Kitty obsession :(
(…tbh he was probably into Pusheen at some point-)
Probably has a solid 3.5 GPA or something
Doesn’t graduate at the top of his class but he isn’t the dumbest person in the room
Probably is involved in the theater department
Honestly very artsy??
Probably takes a lot of art classes because he loves it so much
Majors in it!!
Probably minors in history too :)
Hes pretty nice to everyone in his classes and maybe even dates in high school..?
His parents don’t like it though
And he can’t go out much because he gets grounded a lot still
Overall pretty good!!
Tolkien Black
Probably still dating Nicole
Probably competes with Kyle a lot because of academics
Hes in the band
Plays trumpet
Of course Cartman says shit about this all the time, I’m calling it
Him and Kyle do butt heads a lot but honestly I feel like they’d end up being pretty good friends
Still cringed at his old TikToks
Hes probably in most AP/honors classes
Probably majors in music in college?
Or maybe he minors in it
Most likely the latter
He’a your go to study person
He’s pretty nice about it too, he doesn’t shame you for getting the answers wrong
He’s that one kid who has house parties a lot when his parents aren’t home
Mainly because Cartman kept calling him a pussy and saying he had no balls
Doesn’t have alcohol though
Him and Nicole were probably voted cutest couple
Them or Tweek and Craig
He hangs out with Clyde a lot and helps him with his courses
Hes probably class president tbh
Or maybe vice president
His parents donate tons of money to the school
Hes pretty level headed and calm during tests and quizzes
He’s really focused and motivated in school
Overall solid 3.9 GPA
Probably only behind Kyle by very little
And he’s okay with it
He probably goes to some hardcore Ivy League school like Harvard or Yale or some shit
Probably uses music as a side hustle in college to help pay for his classes
He was hellbent on paying for colllege alone, or mostly alone. He didn’t want people thinking he was only at said college because he was rich.
Pretty good overall, 10/10
Clyde Donovan
Clyde…is Clyde
Hes a dumbass
A lovable dumbass big a dumbass nonetheless
Scored so low on his SAT the first time he took it
Cries to Tolkien all the time because of his grades but when Tolkien tries to help him he gets distracted and leaves
He’s that one hella sporty kid though
Definitely captain of the soccer team
Probably in the Gay Straight Alliance for ‘shits and giggles’ but then finds out he’s pan, lmao
I feel like him and Bebe are really tight
They go shoe shopping together
Cries when he loses Kahoot
Uses Chat GDP to talk to girls 🫢
Honestly is probably like-weirdly good at math but nothing else
Calls Kyle and Tolkien his algebros whenever they’re grouped together
(i kinda hdc that he’s in honors math too with kyle and tolkien)
That honors math course saved his GPA
honestly it’s probably a 3.0 or a 3.1
Hes not completely dumb though
He gets a lot of sports awards and stuff
Kinda headcanon Clyde to have dyslexia?
So maybe that makes things a little more difficult for him
Studies better in groups
Gets easily distracted tho
He’s a horrible test taker
Cries whenever he can’t figure out the answer
Overall, he’s kinda mid
He probably goes to college tho
He stays in college for two years before he graduates
He was probably their star football player, so they were probably sad to see him go
But academically, he’s not great
Craig Tucker
Science geek
Mainly Earth Science but any science is basically a second language to him
He’s honestly probably good at English too?? like he’s a really good writer
Hes probably in honors English and Science
He combusts when it comes to geometry and map work
He’s bad with dates
Like he can hardly remember his anniversary with Tweek or his own birthday half the time
He’s pretty good at helping people study if it’s one on one
He’ll bully some people harder than others when it comes to helping them though
Goes after Clyde a lot of the time whenever he comes over for extra help
”Of you would leave I would be sooooo happy.”
He’s nice with Tweek though
Helps him not to panic during tests and such, probably gives him a lot of fidget toys too
(most of which are space themed)
Speaking of, I do kinda headcanon Craig with some kind of neurodivergent condition like autism or something
I kinda feel like space would be his special interest
He mellowed out a lot after middle school, but he still flips everyone off
Thats usually the extent though
His locker is an absolute mess, I already know it
The teachers for the most part like him
He pays attention and such
Probably wears reading glasses, they’re thin though and he doesn’t wear them a lot
Eric third wheels him and Tweek’s study dates a lot too
He studies online using things like Quizlet and stuff
Loves reading
He’s probably snuck out of class a few times, but doesn’t do it often
Solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Probably in the top 20% in his class
Goes to a pretty good college, probably on the west coast like in California or something
He’s pretty good in school
Tweek Tweak
Horrible test taker
Probably has to go to a different room, which just stresses him out more
Tbh Eric probably got him to get high once or twice
It did calm him down but it also freaked Craig the fuck out
Especially because this was during lunch
Tweek was fine, he was just extraordinarily sick and Craig was not happy
The teachers don’t really like Tweek
They think he’s a distraction and a ‘bad influence’ for other kids because of his freak outs
He hogs the coffee machine at school istg
I kinda headcanon Tweek to have acid reflux too?? So his stomach ends up gurgling in class and making weird sounds and the teachers get mad-
And this freaks him out even more because he thinks he’s dying
”Why is it doing that?! Why?! Did someone poison the coffee?! Did the underpants gnomes come back?! GAH!”
He’s hella good in gym class
Tweek on the track team??? anyone???
It helps him burn through some of his anxiety
He probably has a 504 too after his parents kept getting calls about his anxiety
Goes to the school counselor a lot
He probably brings fidget toys to class a lot and often has to give Craig his phone so he doesn’t end up getting hooked in on something some celebrity said and then start freaking out
He’s probably really good at English
Reading helps him forget about his anxiety for a bit
He always has to double/triple check to make sure he hasn’t missed anything
He uses his agenda religiously
Its probably stained with coffee and smells like a mixture of coffee and honey and sweat
His hands sweat and shake a lot during tests
He’s probably barely passing math, Craig helps him through science
He’s alright in social studies
His lowest grade is probably a 75
Craig and Tolkien help him out a lot too
I feel like he studies better one on one though
Too many people in one group makes him feel easily overwhelmed
He probably graduates with a 3.4 GPA or so
Goes to college in New England, he thinks city life will calm him down
Spoiler, it doesn’t
He probably drops out after a year or two before applying somewhere on the West coast to be closer to Craig and some of his other friends
English major and art minor??
I feel like he’s really good at art too
Art helps him vent in a healthy manner
Good student, not great, but good
Wendy Testaburger
Honestly? She’s actually low key smart
She was probably third in her class
She’s very good in math and english
She probably takes all the super hard classes too to ‘challenge herself’
She probably invites all the girls (maybe Princess Kenny and Margerine/hj) over for study date sleepovers
They never end up studying
But it does make for a pretty good time
Shes a really good test taker, but she probably ends up being too hard on herself too
Stan probably (reluctantly) asks her for help a lot of the time too
Social studies is the thing she excels in the most
Especially women’s history
She’s probably in a lot of clubs too, like the community service clubs
Shes secretary of her class, methinks
(I think Tolkien would be president, Kyle would be VP, she would be secretary and Bebe would be treasurer)
Cartman ran but they found out he rigged the votes
She’s all for being just and fair, so this pissed her off to no end
She needs glasses, her eyesight worsened after middle school
So freshman year she got glasses
I can see her doing girls wrestling
Shes probably a somewhat sporty kid, not like Kyle sporty but sporty nonetheless
She’s kind of a geek too lol
I feel like her and Kyle and Bebe are actually pretty good friends
They play chess together lol
Shes actually really sweet to like, new kids and such-probably shows them around
She gets some muscle after wrestling for so long
She also probably does track and field
I can see her being really good in long jumping
She kinda sucks at science though
She takes French
She graduates with a 3.85/3.95 GPA
Probably leaning towards the latter number
She probably goes to the west coast as well, probably somewhere in Nevada or California as well
She does pretty well, she goes to a really good school and probably majors in History and minors in English
I can see her being an English:History teacher
Probably for younger kids though
She stays on Twitch with Bebe and Heidi for hours istg
Shes so sweet, i love wendy tbh
Bebe Stevens
I know her mom is like the dumb blonde stereotype, but I feel like Bebe would be somewhat smart
She’s probably not top of her class but that’s not to say she’s not smart
She honestly is probably in the top 10% of her class
Her and Wendy and Kyle probably do study sessions together
She’s really competitive, so she kinda gets mad if Wendy gets a better score than her lol
Shes really artsy
Took AP art
Shes probably in AP Social Studies and honors English as well
Shes fine with reading, she doesn’t like it, but she’ll do it
Shes really good at math tho
Shes not so good at science, similarly to Wendy
So usually Kyle takes the lead on science during study sessions
She’s that one kid to be like ‘tall the substitute teacher is so hot!’ unironically
Shes hella hood at sewing
She’s probably gonna end up going into fashion tbh
She’s oddly good with money
Treasurer of her class
She probably helps organize prom and homecoming and stuff
Doesn’t date, she crushes around though, but she never actually asked anyone out
She’s really intense ngl, she probably taught Wendy how to fight
She’s on the cheer team
She isn’t a prick though, she’s probably one of the most bubbly cheerleaders out there tbh
Shes also in art club
Maybe does theater too?
She’s in band and choir, she actually has a really lovely voice
She can play flute really well too
Shes pretty smart, solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Graduates and goes to a New England school, like in New York or Connecticut
She majors in Fashion Design and minors in Art
Heidi Turner
She’s not the brightest
Not to say she isn’t smart, she just isn’t very academically inclined
She probably takes a lot of the mythology classes and such
Shes really into star signs and crystals
Her and Craig started a ‘Space Club’ and actually got a few members to join
She kicked Eric out tho
She’s hella hood at Math and English
The rest is history
Sges probably grown a lot since the whole ‘Cartwoman’ incident
And she’s a lot kinder to people now
She’s weird, but a good kind of weird
She gives away crystals as a gift a lot to new freshman
Shes in the choir!!
She actually has a really amazing voice, she’s been doing choir for years
Shes that one senior that all the freshman flock to because she’s the kindest
She stands up for them where they’re being bullied too, tells them to be wary of Cartman
Shes hella short (4’11’’)
So she often gets picked on like ‘aw, someone went into the wrong building!’ or something stupid like that
She’s so sweet though, she’s that one friend who offers to help you with your homework and then just gives you all the answers
She graduates with maybe a 3.6 GPA or so
She probably stays local tbh, for college
Either that or she would go down to New York or smth
Probably gets into a decent school and majors in music
Wait no, she majors in psychology and minors in music
She becomes an art and music therapist, she loves helping people out
i love heidi 🤭
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 8 months
I hate how people who don't ship Huntlow make it like this extremely stupid and unnecessary ship that makes zero sense and everything about it is terrible and it's forced and bland and overall a shitty ship
And today lady's and gentlemen, non binary folks in the back, is the day I prove them all wrong >:3!!!
A brief disclaimer, I am not nor do I consider myself a toxic shipper, I am just simply stating why the reasons don't make any sense in my eyes, so please don't come at me for my opinion
And with that let's get to the reasons!
Terrible first impression
Hunter got a crush on her too quickly
It's forced and rushed
No chemistry
Willow only serves Hunter for support
They're better off as friends
Okay so right off the bat if you've ever watched any episode containing Hunter and Willow you'd know all of these reasons are fucking stupid
Recently on my first post made on Tumblr was a TON ship rating, and some dumb fuck gave me attitude and said "girlie, have you ever been in the fandom?" And I was like thinking to myself, yes bitch ever since 2021, I don't really have time to respond to people in my inbox cause I'm not looking to fight with some bitch on the internet for my opinion, and I just went through their profile a bit and found a post either they made or reblogged about how Huntlow is supposedly "unrealistic" and I didn't even finish it due to how dumb the reasons were, which are the ones on the top that I remembered.
1. Terrible first impression
I actually hate it how they make it out that they met soooo terribly, cause if I remembered correctly in ASIAS how they met is Hunter being chased by puddles and Willow yanking him down with a vine, automatically making it so terrible and making her soooooo damn unlikeable, may i remind you this barley had an affect on Hunter, he was just scared and confused for like one second of the episode then just leaving Willow until he saw the pamphlet say "the best and the brightest" which lead him to join the Emerald Entrails, yet again, sure, their first encounter isn't a good one but Lumity's first impression was by Amity deadass shaking Luz back and forth, both equally terrible first impression yet the both ships still come to be canon >:3
2. Hunter had a crush on Willow the moment they met/too easily
I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE THIS REASON, they keep on overexaggerating their interactions, cause first of all, no, he didn't develop a crush on Willow on the spot, most likely in between Reaching Out and Kings tide, although Hunter isn't in Reaching Out he's only shown talking to Luz through Penstegram, and how they think Hunter already had a crush is by, I'm assuming, in ASIAS in the ending where Hunter saves the Emerald Entrails and Willow says "cmon guys, we need to find a replacement, after all, it's only 52 weeks before Caleb's next day off" while smiling, and Hunter blushes slightly, automatically that's a red flag cause I absolutely hate it when people think blushing is only exclusive to romantic attraction, IT'S GETTING ON MY DAMN NERVES, the most realistic reason to why he'd blush is he was probably embarrassed/flustered that Willow would still let him be in the team after nearly kidnapping them to be in the Emperor's Coven.
3. It's forced/rushed
Omg, y'all, you can uncancel your show now!! NO YOU DUMB FUCK YOU CAN'T, SORRY POOKIE DANA CAN'T BE MAKING EVERY EPISODE ABOUT HUNTLOW IF YOU WANT IT TO BE MORE NATURAL SO DAMN BADLY, it's not rushed, in my opinion it's not rushed at all, with how much time skips there are (like the one in TTT, the four year time skips, and the one with Hunter and Willow chatting on Penstegram) it's kinda up to the viewers imagination to realize it's a lot of time they'd have together, and it's not forced, that's the equivalent to you saying gustholomule and aladarius and veesha are forced ships cause they don't interact much together, and like half of the TOH community who don't ship Huntlow and use that excuse most likely ship one of those three ships, fucking hypocrites 🖕
4. No chemistry
Y know maybe, JUST MAYBE, I might be pulling out every damn interaction that they have together...yeah...IMA DO IT BITCH!!!!
They're first interaction is in Any Sport In a Storm where Hunter is pulled down by vines by Willow after he got chased by Puddles, Viney's pet...? I think it's a pet, she calls him an assistant though lol. Hunter uses the fake persona, with the help of Flapjack, (and may he slay in peace with Caleb and Evelyn) of Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams, Hunter isn't interested in flyer derby until it says it'll attract the best and the brightest, they go on to talk about it for a few seconds, then leave
This isn't a really romantic interaction, more just letting these two characters interact for the first time
A while passes and Hunter shows of his cool as fuck flying skills as Gus and Willow hand out pamphlets to the crowds of teens, as Hunter finishes Willow introduces him to the team, Gus, Viney, Skara, and Willow as herself, Hunter is obviously disappointed given they look like they don't have any experience, leading him to walk away and argue with Willow, calling them loosers, and calling himself a half a witch
THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! people tend to misunderstand this part, mainly because Hunter isn't a witch he's a grimwalker, but may I remind you this was made before Hollow Mind, he's convinced he's a powerless witch and not good enough LIKE WILLOW, IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY THING REMOTELY TO DO WITH BEING ROMANTIC, IT'S A SIMILARLY!!!
They go on to do the game and obviously win it because of Hunter, and in the part where he was grabbing the flags from Willow people said that he supposedly "wanted to hold hands with her" which is obviously not even true, there's nothing to back this up, and coming from Huntlow shippers too, thought y'all were better than this
Then Hunter goes on to say he misunderstood them and apologized, then to revealing himself as the Golden Guard and the scouts coming to take them away, which leaves Willow to realize she made a mistake
When she's in the cell she says she's made a mistake and calls herself "half a witch Willow" for letting Hunter onto the team
Hunter is obviously regretting this decision while talking to Steve, Steve saying "Steve is beginning to regret his choices" and Hunter says "I think Hunter is too", which he gets on Flapjack to try and save all of them
He stands in front of the team and admits to Darius that they're unfit for the coven and that HUNTER HIMSELF isn't worthy of being the Golden Guard, (now realizing how fucked up that is oh my Titan), Hunter let's Willow and the rest go, which Willow says "cmon guys, we need to find a replacement, after all, it's only 52 weeks before Caleb's next day off" and Hunter blushes slightly
This interaction isn't really much romantic other than Hunter saving Willow and the rest
They're next interaction is Labyrinth Runners where Hunter and Gus meet the illusion of Willow, but Hunter obviously knows this isn't here by first of all, calling Gus "Augustus", and the weird little noise she made at the end (idk wtf it's even called) Hunter knows it's not her because of the way the scout acts, Hunters known Willow for at least a few weeks depending how regularly Hunter texts Willow and when he first started to chat,
Hunter then goes unconscious by the guards and wakes up in the Healing Homeroom, explaining to principle Bump that he's not with the Emperor's coven, talking about the sandwich Gus gave him, showing him around hexside and trying to find the others, and most importantly the breathing technique Willow showed Gus in the beginning of Labyrinth Runners, immediately cutting off Hunter and convincing Bump to let Hunter stay
This interaction could possibly be romantic if you interpret that way by Hunter knowing Willow seemingly very well, kinda like a strangers to friends to lovers typa troupe
Their next interaction is in Clouds on the Horizon, although not talking they show extreme care for one another, while under Gus' spell, Hunter (looking like Luz) tackles Willow to the ground with his dashing powers to save Willow, also when Luz (looking like Hunter) gets captured by Kiki. She's enraged and darting at Kiki but that stupid bitch hid behind Luz forcing Willow to stop, as Luz gets captured Willow is in a rush, panic, and hurry to save Hunter, or so she thinks it's Hunter
No, just because it's not Hunter doesn't mean she doesn't care, she thought it was him, and by her actions she cares along about him! Which makes this possibly or already romantic, they're care for each other is a romantic aspect that could be easily be seen in any type of relationship, whether it be fictional or not
The next interaction is in Thanks to Them, Willow cuts Hunters hair, Hunter is flustered s bit and blushing at Willow, a common sign for CRUSHES IN PEOPLE, they tend to be nervous or anxious around the people they like, so this interaction just reeks of romance, when they're gonna search town Hunter gets in a Cosmic Frontier cosplay, which Willow shuts Amity the fuck up, complimenting Hunter on his outfit, implying she doesn't see anything wrong with it, before they leave Willow says after Hunters done reading Cosmic Frontier she'd like to borrow and read it, making Hunter blush, a sign of having a crush with the context of the moment
Then at the end of Thanks to them after the possession Hunter let's Willow craddle his head, obviously in need of some type if comfort
Not really romantic just fucking sad cause Flapjack died, and may he slay in peace
The next interaction is in FTF where Willow tries to find her dads and Hunter has to take her away or get risked by getting seen by the collector and turned into a puppet
Not much to say other than Hunter doesn't want Willow to get hurt and get collected
When they're in hexside Willow hands Hunter a flyer derby card with him and Flapjack, since Hunter is now showing more strong emotions he's not sure how to react to it, even though he's thankful, which leads Willow to thinking she made Hunter sad and left in a hurry, leading to her breakdown
As Hunter hears Willow self deprecate on herself by saying she's a half a witch and can't control her magic, Hunter immediately snaps and uses his Flapjack powers to cut through the vines and comfort Willow, LEGITIMATELY SAYING HE CARES ABOUT WILLOW, NOT JUST GUS, WILLOW, and saving them both from the cave thingy, dunno what it is
This whole scene reeks of romance and that both Willow and Hunter care deeply about each other, WHICH IS MOST COMMONLY ROOTED IN RELATIONSHIPS
Willow also says in the end of FTF whole doing the little pinky holding with Hunter "Thanks Hunter, you mean a lot to me too" which Hunter replies "Sure...no problem"
And that my friends, is all of their interactions
5. Willows only there to be a supportive character
That's...thats literally her fucking personality, granted not her whole personality but it consists of her being the reliable friend for the hexsquad, the group wouldn't exist without her, and she's not just here for "comfort" but this is about Huntlow and not Willow so you can do that analysis on your own time XD
6. They're better off as friends
Well...if you just read my whole entire analysis of they're interactions then no...I don't think they'd be better off as friends... 0_0
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:) Mandatory screaming about things for this episode (spoilers alert!)
Linc is Taylor's steed omfg
I guess just go just start talking
Somebody has to kiss Hermie for him to show up again
:o They can't go back to hell??
More kids???? Oh Hermie
He's been scammed out of a lot of things lately?? Other than sons??
Bring it in bucko
aw Nicky
y-your wife?? MORGAN???
OOOOOOH the anchor is not Jodie???
:( Jodie is so disappointed in Nicky damn (well fair but still damn)
You have a very nice Hell
Normal's gasp yeah me too
Glenn and Morgan are demon slayers oh my gosh oh and Taylor oh my gosh
Normal thinking he might be the chosen one somehow very in-character yup
"I don't know if she knows that that's what Willy looks like when he looks at her" hyeah oof
Can we have one that's not on fire why is this difficult
Yeah Jodie why can you smell things so good
Hm if you lose senses over time in Hell what does that say about Nicky?
Since they all think they're the chosen one except Linc I fucking hope it's Linc
Thank you for looking out for Hermie, Normal
Linc is so done omg
Normal trying to be a counsellor literally cannot end well
Jodie is a dumb bitch yeah
Aw poor Hermie lmao
"Alright let me in I'm me" alright Jimmy I really missed you
Glenn you fucking loser holy shit ilysm
Glenn and Morgan have such stupid chemistry I really like them
"I mean, you're my right hand man buddy"
Oh thank goodness he's not the anchor himself
I actually "aw'd" at it being the anchor of love damn
Glenn stripping oh my god hot Glenn summers are made in the hot Glenn winter
Aw yay it's a guitar pick! It was in you all along!!!!
"Look how fast my finger- like, look at this"
yeah awkward Glenn kinda being cool but also completely not cool is my favorite thing in the whole wide world
You can't deny himbo Glenn it tracks yeah
You walked into the wrong hell motherfucker
Freddie playing against himself oh I love this so much for him
Spiritually kinda related yes
I'm crying at the back and forth between Glenn and Taylor
:( Tried to kill and torture Nicky?? poor baby ugh yeah Jodie kick their asses!
Shipping Glenn and Morgan real hard rn they're so dumb
:) Linc and Scary yes play soccer yes yes yes
Fuck yeah Morgan is muscular as all hell
Okay Linc is absolutely the chosen one it's decided
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cheesecakeislazy · 24 days
Disventure Camp Episode 20 Spoilers- Oh boy here we go..
1. Justice for the Jake Cheer, I wanted to see it.
2. Holy shit Emily was so poorly written this episode… she has been for the last few.. I tried to overlook it because she got so little screen time but I genuinely cannot stand this bullshit. I liked Emily!! Please I would have loved this villain arc IF it was hinted at throughout the show! Like.. make Emily have moments of going a little crazy?? So that the finale makes sense??
3. Did.. did they kill Emily? She was with the scorpions.. and then part of the cave collapsed. Is she dead or not?
4. Where the hell is Yul’s scar?? I’m going to personally headcanon that he put makeup on it to make it look like he’s still pretty. IT SHOULD STILL BE THERE ONC, STOP DOING THIS SHIT.
5. Riya. Please for the love of god.. JUMP OFF A CLIFF. /gen
6. I was so happy that Ally and Jake finally talked! And then Ally immediately got mad at him for “lying” about his grandma. …ALLY YOU DUMB BITCH. HE CRIED ON TV IN SEASON ONE. YOU REALLY THINK HE WAS LYING THEN???? I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!
7. Ally could’ve been great, she was great. Until she did stupid things. Until the writers decided to give Riya plot armor. Until the writers decided to make Ally a dumb angry bitch.
8. Ally, your feelings DO matter. The issue I have with your feelings, is the fact you constantly go against them. You constantly flip and switch and change up who you are. It feels like the writers just wanted to make Ally the character who can fit into any situation where they need a specific type of character.
9. Yul and Jake carried this episode. I loved Yul being a bitch to Riya. I also loved Jake being the best version of himself. Jake is the best character in the show. Fight me, he is the best written. He has flaws that come back like a real person, he finally realizes that in order to make things right and win he needs to trust his only ally, he becomes braver and becomes a better version of himself to win. Jake is written like a good flawed and growing character.
10. Do you guys think Ally is spelled ally because she’s an ally? Makes me wonder if this entire time ONC has been planning for her to be the “helper” or whatever to the winner..
11. James respects Jake. Yay? James still.. feels kinda empty ngl- James should really have more of a personality but.. nope. Still doesn’t have a personality other than “He reminds me of myself” and “I love Aiden” DO YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE?
12. If Riya wins this season I’m never watching DC ever again.. please Jake I’m fucking begging you. Jake better win this bullshit.
13. People complain about Derek and Trevor having no chemistry- and they’re 50% right. The two of them had good chemistry in season one, or at least better chemistry. I was constantly thinking “oh they fuck” so I think the issue is that season 3 Derek and Trevor have no real chemistry, but season 1 Derek and Trevor do. It’s just been a while so people have forgotten about it? Maybe?
14. Ally you don’t fucking deserve Hunter. Tess x Ally would be better- Tess x Hunter would be better- FUCK THEY STILL FEEL LIKE A POLY COUPLE. JUST MAKE IT CANON YOU COWARDS.
15. Ally is a dumb bitch for putting Minecraft logic in real life. Fiore is amazing for calling her a dork. We love you Fiore.
16. I did laugh at how Hunter and Tom were both like “OH NO! MY PARTNER!” And Aiden didn’t get a speaking line for that?? I don’t ship Jaiden but the poor Jaiden shippers got a single crumb this episode.
There’s probably some other things I can’t think of right now- that I’ll probably make other posts about or reposts about or whatever- but all in all. Jake and Yul were the best characters this episode, Riya has stupid plot armor and should’ve been out, Ally is stupid, James is still an NPC, Fiore is still amazing, Emily was written horribly, Trevor and Derek deserved more screentime, and Grett should’ve been one of the finalists. Not Ally or Riya. ONC- what the actual fuck are you doing?
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msfbgraves · 2 months
Sam and Miguel as a couple are so uninteresting and bland. Sam and Tory have far more chemistry, but the writers are cowards so that’s never happening, even though it would be fascinating to watch. Robby and Tory have more chemistry than the first couple, but don’t hold my interest, and I don’t feel like they would last (same with Sam and Miguel). Yasmine and Demitri are Wish Fulfillment and silly, and feel incredibly forced and stupid. Weirdly enough, the couple that I actually like are Moon and Eli. They’re a good girl/bad boy couple actually done well for their limited screen time. Moon is super sweet and affectionate if dumb, and brainy Hawk is at his best when he finds balance between quiet, nerdy Eli and Alpha Hawk. They compliment each other well.
I know tv writing is very technical and they had to put in teen couples for the target audience. The problem is that they're writing fanfic with no interest in character and that's like being a vet who dislikes being around animals. However technically skilled you are, the animals are not going to do well under your care. They needed conflict in their couples and the foundations were solid if they had actually cared about these characters as people. What does it mean for Sam to fall for an immigrant boy from Reseda who is trained by her Dad's former bully? Does he make her ask questions about what privilege means, how brittle hers is? Does she learn something about her parents? Does Miguel feel dwarfed? Torn between his sensei and his girl? Or is this about Johnny being drawn back to Daniel's world? That's okay, this is a karate kid spinoff! But they only skim the surface of that. And so it is with all the couples. The building blocks are there, if you wanted to write interesting conflicts but you'd have to want to look beyond the tropes, the archetypes. Robby and Tory bonding over living hard knock lives could be interesting too! Except what the writers are interested in is LawRusso 2.0, which is SamTory which is why that sizzles with life.
Yasmine and Demetri would NEVER happen. Maybe when Yasmine saw Demetri do well at the tournament but never before. Hot and rich Yasmine falling for a nerd without money. The only reason that would be a possibility is if Yasmine is actually studious but doesn't dare admit it and she and Demetri geek out together. But that's not the point! They need the hot girl to fall for the average guy, just as women need to see the hot guy fall for a plain girl. Because it doesn't really happen at that age, or only with enormous conflict. Yasmine would be ostracised when publicly dating Demetri. But she must because she's hot and he's a nerd. And male nerds want to fantasise about having the hot girl.
Moon/Eli could be interesting too but the writers don't care. Moon is hot and then she dates another hot girl (Cue wet dream). But it doesn't go any further and the actors don't get enough room to breathe. Maybe it's enough for regular viewers, and you don't have to show everything. But in the first film Susan barely got any screentime and you still knew she was smart and she'd cut a bitch for Ali. She was a person and the CK kids - other than SamTory - often feel like ideas.
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 1 year
001 - tinimmyyyyy 😭♥️
sorry that it took me so many hours to answer this,,,,,i had to go run a marathon after thinking about them so hard 😔
when i started shipping them : since 2011,,,,i was watching the first season with my parents as it aired live and "sheesh! cab, bob?" permanently rewired my brain chemistry. i had a crush on a dancer who wanted very little to do with me most days and i was like....they are sooooo us. the rest is history
my thoughts : i am never not thinking about them, actually
what makes me happy about them : they are sooooo dumb :)
what makes me sad about them : they are sooooo dumb :(
things done in fanfic that annoy me : when they treat jimmy jr. like the sole problem in their relationship, and like tina can do absolutely no wrong, and she needs someone (usually zeke) to save her from him. don't get me wrong, i've read some fics with this plot and enjoyed them, but i still wish that people would acknowledge the good parts of their relationship more. they are both stupid and young and sometimes they're awful to each other but they still care about each other A LOT!!!! 🫡
things i look for in fanfic : i need them to make out with each other like soooooo much
who i'd be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other : zeke for both of them (preferably though,,,they'd all end up together 🫨)
my happily ever after for them :  i've said this before, but i actually don't think that they'd stay together forever. i do think that they will always be in each other's lives / be best friends. so that would be my best case scenario for them (but also they are always just a little bit in love with each other ooooops)
big spoon / little spoon : depends on the day / they switch lol
what is their favorite non-sexual activity : these bitches are holding hands 24/7 in my eyes 
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agentemo · 7 months
Netflix's ATLA initial thoughts, ep 8: Legends
Honestly love Katara joining Aang in attacking the ships. I still wish he could waterbend too. Oh Sokka is here! Teamwork :')
Awkward CGI ftw. I had to mention it at least once.
Iroh giving Zuko advice makes more sense! That's the kind of thing I wanna see! That said, "Lu Ten woulda been proud" is not as strong as "You are like a son to me." Whack dialogue strike 74.
Bringing in the airship early is...a choice. And oh man Iroh, you will find out what job soon enough.
Sokka and Yuuue sitting in a...on an ice block
Master Katara seemingly as earned in this show as in the OG. Which is extra points against this show lmao you're supposed to improve upon the flaws you stupid remake!
Fucking fire sage traitor ass bitch. I don't mind the sages having this information; makes sense. I also like that the ocean and moon spirits appear rarely instead of BEING mortal. That is the kind of flaw improvement I like to see.
I don't love the super powerful being (Aang) seeing things others don't. It's giving hallucinations for plot purposes, which I hate.
Momo came here to nearly die, I see. I'll allow it. There's a push and pull (heh) between realism and fantasy and they are leaning toward realism. It works if Yue has powers and needs to save someone in an oasis that is not just a 10 by 10 island.
I love seeing the adults act. They're so believable lmao.
Katara Zuko fight! Lmao and Aang telling her to go easy on him. I wish that was earned.
"Yes. You're looking at her." PERIODT! I...wish that was earned.
Zhao wanting firelord is bullshit. Also how do you know which fish is the moon? Must... not... nitpick... final... episode.......
I will say Zhao's actor ate this whole season. He came to the Netflix buffet and had his fill and then some.
Color grading, I kiss you on the mouth.
So many water tribe warriors would have died in the wake of the death of the moon spirit. I'm glad they showed that. It hurts to watch but I didn't sign up for this live action remake to have my hand held.
I finally believe this kid as Aang and it took him about to go kaiju. Maybe because I couldn't see his eyes.
Speaking of kaiju!!! Fuck it up, kings! We BIG mad with the Avatar and ocean spirit!
He's a small man! Who's gonna meet a small end!!!
Okay. I love Azula in this. They made a good choice here. Actually no. They made many good choices here. They brought her forward a season and they made so many compelling choices with her character. Incredible.
Yeah keep throwing fireballs at a water kaiju you dumb fucks.
Sokka and Yuuue... and then just Sokka...
Katara, he can't hear you. Stfu.
I love seeing the aftermath except I don't. Fuck the aftermath. Have I not cried enough?
You don't! Have to be a warrior!!! To be a hero!!!!!!
A man needs his rest!!!!!! And a me needs their CRY
Chemistry between the trio in the literal last scene of them lmao.
Azula helping conquer Omashu? Under the shadow of the siege of the north? Brilliant.
Yeah what the FUCK is next, Azula?
G-give...me season 2? Now. I want it now.
More thoughts coming....well I have a lot of work the next few days but this will be front of mind anyway lol
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notproofread · 8 months
enjoy my unhinged thoughts while reading Morning Star by Pierce Brown for the first time <3
be aware that i'm a cassius and sevro stan.
pls be cool cassisus pls be cool pls be cool pls be cool
honestly sevro is such a delight he just says whatever and gives zero fucks i love him
seeing darrow defeated and then picking himself up again was honestly very good change of pace compared to the first two books
ragnar also slays i love a brutal but soft giant
not victra calling cassius darrow's boyfriend bye
i think sevro spiraling is so interesting bc its really just darrow in the first two books
and tbh i like third book darrow much more bc he seems less arrogant and more grounded somehow?
so sevro get your shit together so i can love you again
he got his shit together
so back to loving him <3
also victra? she slays, no filter badass queen
what is this shit
fuck i'm crying
well... at least they got the Valkyrie
and cassius is alive so thats good
'mangy little guardian angel' is the best sevro description to ever exist
add 'psychotic Goblin-sized fighter jet' to that
Romulus seems like such an interesting character and i gotta hand it to him: he is one of the more likeable golds
i feel like pierce brown is much better at writing 1-on-1 fight scenes than big space craft wars
or maybe thats just me being too dumb to understand such descriptions
bro victra is so cool holy shit i love i hope she lives forever and ever
rip roque, if only you had stayed as cool as you were in red rising
the chemistry between darrow and cassius? holy shit get married
actually now that i think about it; the relationships between darrow and all of his male friends? sevro, cassius, roque... bro he loves them fr fr
maybe its cuz i dont remember golden son that well but has there ever been such tension and trust and undying love between him and mustang? 💀
anyways i almost cried reading chapter 50 even tho it is one of those few timed no one dies
how am i supposed to defend you now you stupid dumbass
is sevro dead????? did he die for real???? what the fuck??? dont do this to me bro i am emotionally unstable
ok sorry cassius i take that back my bad
back to loving him i go
if this was all some elite plan i hope for you bitches that sevro is alive (will be alive?)
the choice to makw mustang sovereign is so good omg i love it
also darrow saying he makes a bridge to the lowColors and she to the highColors ans together they can make a new world?
stop the powercouple?? omg literally dying
naw bruh😭
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goatsandgangsters · 2 years
I was gonna wait until Friday Night because Friday Night is Special TV Night where I watch my Special Show with my Friday Night Quesadilla because I have Routines but FUCK IT! WHY DEPRIVE MYSELF. I’M DOING THIS NOW.
haven’t even opened netflix yet but the sheer adrenaline rush I have right now from Breaking Routine to do something Because I Want To, wow powerful stuff
I open netflix. it is an enormous picture of ben barnes’s face. I yell THAT’S MY MAN. I sit on my couch buzzing with adrenaline. I still have not hit play. 
oh good I’m glad they’re re-using the ominous ben barnes voiceover from the very first season 1 teaser. but also I’m skipping the recap because DON’T WORRY I KNOW. I KNOW EVERYTHING
I love that they didn’t make me wait to see my Geriatric War Criminal :3333 
oh damn, was NOT expecting to see the creepy 1899 boy seven minutes into the episode. I really thought they were gonna save the kaz backstory for like. deep into the season. 
okay I fucking love that they still managed to make the kaz flashback happen in a prisoner transport, just a totally different one, but I FUCKING LOVE THAT THEY FOUND A WAY TO KEEP THE LOCATION THE SAME. A++, VERY BRILLIANT, IT’S DIFFERENT BUT ALSO IT’S THE SAME also protective concerned jesper ;_; 
I see the boy :33 trying to be all sneaky and enter this scene at the side of the frame :3333 trying to be all tricksy likE MY EYE IS NOT SO DEEPLY ATTUNED TO HIS DUMB SUNSHINEY FACE, LIKE MY GAZE WOULD NOT IMMEDIATELY SNAP TO THAT BRIEF CORNER OF THE FRAME, LIKE HE COULD FOOL MEEEEEEE you really thought if you kept out of focus I would not see bUT I SEE!! I SEE AND I SAW!! I SAW THE HIM. I SAW MY SPECIAL BABY BOY. 
I’ll be honest here, I saw people theorizing way back when “oooooh what if nikolai hired them in season 1″ and I thought that was stupid and born out of this fandom’s Very Boring desire to try and Morally Justify everything the crows do because people are dumb and boring. part of me is Petty and Annoyed that there’s a win for the “noooooo the crows have to be my perfect sweet angels who’ve never done anything wroooooong” crowd 
that IS some fucking Eye Contact tho, kazolai real, and THAT’s a win For Me
Petty Grievances Set Aside By How Fucking Perfect He Is, He’s So Good, He’s Immediately So Good, My Beautiful Boy He Is So Talented
And There Was Only One Art Nouveau Bed 
shadow and bone showrunners have found the key to making me pay attention to malina scenes: include art nouveau furniture 
(I do genuinely think they’re sweet, I Don’t Actually Mind, but I’m legally obligated to do a liiiiittle bit of playful ribbing :p) 
wow that handcuff remark, Kazolai bondage when!!! i SAID WHAT I SAID
“this is my mommy’s fancy jewelry actually soooooo” god I love him. I love him so much. I love every second he is on my screen. I Knew It Was Going To Be Big Unhinged For Nikolai Lantsov Hours, But Somehow Even I Underestimated 
genuinely, I’ve never understood why Kazper wasn’t The Behemoth Noncanon Ship Of This Fandom. but then again I’ve also never understood why this fandom HAS no popular noncanon ships. their one-on-one scenes this episode were fantastic 
I am also no longer kidding about the Kazolai, this is already so much More than I was expecting, why the fuck do they have so much chemistry, this is unfair 
The Ravkan Polycule Is No Longer Strictly Ravkan 
“that line doesn’t work on me anymore,” Alina dearest it’s never been said on the show before
is it time for me to get on my soapbox about how I think that actually the Darkling is the most self-sacrificing character in all of the books (yes I have already written meta about that). dedicating 800 consecutive years to the same never-ending fight, waging the same battle on behalf of your people to the point that you lose your entire humanity and everything that once made you you? literal sacrifice of the self. who else in this series would fight a losing battle for 800 years. MAN IS MADE OF SELF-SACRIFICE AND THAT WAS BEFORE HE GOT IN THE TREE, anyway I should post that spicy meta on this some day 
I’m on his side in Darklina Argument #1, you haven’t been in this fight very long girl. come talk to me in a couple centuries 
oh the music when the twins are introduced is SUCH a fucking bop!!! 
not gonna lie, I like Pekka’s vest. he’s being threatening and menacing and I’m just like mmmm nice vest. #priorities 
OH RIGHT. WYLAN. I was so absorbed in everything Happening that I completely forgot about him, Something I Was Also Excited About
Wylan, honey, he’s wearing gloves, I think he can touch whatever bottles he wants (I am feelings about Concerned Kaz ;_;) 
WHAT an entrance Nina!! 
I laugh every single time they speak one of the fantasy languages and then switch back and the subtitles say [in English] TECHNICALLY NO, THEY ARE NOT 
can’t wait for this bigoted otkazat’sya agitator with the fucking audacity to wear someone’s kefta get ripped to fucking shreds by nichevo’ya in approximately 20 seconds
THEY PLEDGED TO FOLLOW ME WHEN I WAS ALIVE THEY TURNED WHEN THEY THOUGHT I WAS DEAD NOW I WILL COME BACK FROM THE DEAD AND LAY CLAIM TO WHAT I AM OWED!!!!!!!!! is what aleks meant to say in the universe where he gets written by black sails writers like he deserves 
cook up some dinner ???????????? oh darkling stans, we are memeing the fuck out of that one. aleks. honey. did you think that sounded cool. did you really. 
nina honey he’s not the love of your life, you’ve known him for like a week and he wanted to kill you for at least a third of it, slow down 
I love this gaudy ass fucking coat so much, it’s so perfect 
the only thing I love more than that gaudy perfect coat is the gaudy perfect bastard wearing it 
I know I still have Seven More Episodes, but like. I do genuinely just want to watch this one again???? that was So Fun. also it took me an hour and 45 minutes because I kept pausing to write my thoughts. if they took two years to release Just This Episode, I’d be like YEAH THANKS THAT WAS GREAT, THAT WAS WORTH TWO YEARS, SATISFYING SEASON, 10 OUT OF 10, I’M FULL AND SATISFIED 
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