#su blue goldstone
starferret · 1 year
More SPM x SU au :]
Tehehehehe it’s time for the Bleck squad
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Count Bleck the Blue Goldstone. His gem is where his left eye would be, and his weapon is a staff.
Nastasia the Dragons Vein Agate. Her gem is on her chest, and she is equipped with a pair of glasses that can rejuvenate gems.
Mimi the Bloodstone. Her gem is on her forehead, and her weapons are throwing knives (resembling the rubee projectiles from the game).
O’ Chunks the Imperial Topaz. His gem is on his upper right arm, and his weapons are gauntlets.
Mr. L the Peridot. What a mysterious gem, his gem doesn’t seem to be visible on his body. Perhaps it’s hidden under those limb enhancers. His weapon appears to be a hammer, but he relies much more on his robots.
Dimentio the Violet Spinel. His gem is on his chest, and while other Spinels have excellent stretching abilities, he possesses the ability to make his hands and whole body float.
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mixterglacia · 1 year
TDC/SU AU: The Skeksis and Gelfling
(Note, this is not hyper accurate to SU lore. Just vibe with it y’all.)
Thra is a planet under the rule of Algodonite, the Empress of the Metamorphic Court. 
A result of failed experimentation by Homeworld. The original goal was to split a group of lesser Diamonds to clone them. However, this resulted in the loss of 18 natural Diamonds. They each split into two distinct Gems, none of which mirrored their former glory. Fusion is required to return to their previous state, but the Metamorphic Gems stubbornly refuse. They believe they are the stronger half, fooling themselves into thinking they can become Diamonds without Fusion.
Their counterparts are the Prism Gems. Lead by Shell Agate the Mistress.
While most are still withdrawn, a few of the Prism Gems have reached out to work with the humans that have broken away from the rule of the Metamorphic Court. While they cannot change what their species has done, they feel they need to help save the planet they had a hand in destroying.
Currently, three humans are also considered honorary Prisms.
Rian was born into a long line of guards that served the Metamorphic Court. He accidentally witnessed the Court he protected as they carried out an experiment on his beloved Mira. They were trying to see if a human soul could fill the void left by the Division. While it seems to work temporarily, it doesn’t last forever and kills the human in the process. While this fact doesn’t deter the Court, it sets Rian on his quest to save his planet.
Brea is from a royal bloodline, appointed by the Court to govern the other humans in their stead. She’s deeply curious by nature, and has a thirst for knowledge. This is what leads her to question the Court’s intentions. After seeing a horrible event where members of her people were forced to hand over family heirlooms, she sought the truth. What use are human artifacts to a Gem? These thoughts lead her to a strange, semi-sentient creature by the name of Dolerite. With their help, she joins the Prism’s in their quest to save Thra.
Deethra, also known as Deet, is from a small group of humans that live in a former Kindergarten. She’s deeply in tune with the natural world, often tasked with feeding the farm animals that sustain her remote village. After being attacked by a rampaging bull, Deet woke at the base of the Sanctuary Tree. A living database of Homeworld history, with full sentience. It’s unclear why the Great Trees are aiding the Prism Rebellion. Some think the Trees know they will die along with Thra if the Court is allowed to continue. The Sanctuary Tree gifts Deet with a vision of the future, and sets her on her path to join the Rebellion. Along the way, she befriends a Pebble that goes by Hup. While technically a Gem, Pebbles are treated like slaves. Hup escaped, and she intends to do whatever it takes to help save Thra.
A being by the name of Aughra is now organizing the Rebellion…in her own strange way. She seems to be a physical representation of Thra itself.
The Metamorphic Court:
-Algodonite the Empress
-Crocoite the Gourmand
-Lepidolite the Ornamentalist
-Howlite the Heretic (Banished)
-Yellow Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Prehnite the Collector
-Mookite the Satirist (Banished)
-Bloodstone the Huntress
-Hematite the Slave Mistress
-Ulexite the Scroll Keeper
-Pectolite the Mariner
-Sonora Sunrise Cuprite the Treasurer
-Cinnabar the Chamberlain
-Jadite the Scientist
-Magnesite the Garthim Mistress/General/Empress
-Rutilated Quartz the General
-Scheelite the ??? (Shattered)
-Sunstone the Ritual Mistress
The Prism Gems:
-Shell Agate the Mistress
-Andalusite the Cook
-Coral the Weaver
-Linarite the Wanderer (Sort of Banished)
-Blue Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Milarite the Nun
-Septarian the Storyteller (Self-Exile)
-Tigers Eye the Archer
-Plume Agate the Herbalist
-Sanskrit Jasper the Scribe
-Variscite the Swimmer
-Tektite the Numerologist
-Serandite the Chanter
-Realgar the Alchemist
-Moldavite the Healer
-Iolite the Peacemaker
-Feldspar the ??? (Shattered)
-Boulder Opal the Ritual Guardian
The Fractured Diamonds:
-Radiant Diamond
-Sun Diamond
-Peach Diamond
-Indigo Diamond
-Green Diamond (Shattered)
-Teal Diamond
-Fawn Diamond
-Red Diamond
-Black Diamond
-Umber Diamond
-Aqua Diamond
-Gold Diamond
-Maroon Diamond
-Peacock Diamond
-Gray Diamond
-Sage Diamond
-Fallow Diamond (Shattered)
-Scarlet Diamond
The future is…uncertain for our band of rebels. The outlook is bleak, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.
(Inspired by @sifanjewel / far.dreaming.maudra on tiktok)
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Updated Gems!
In descending order: Carnelian, Apricot Agate, Banded Carnelian, Nephrite, Jade, Moonstone (Black Agate + White Zircon fusion), Opal, Goldstone, Crackle Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Howlite, Turquoise, Gold-Included Quartz, Amazonite, Chevron Amethyst, Citrine, Blue Onyx, Petrified Wood, Purple Agate, Tourmalinated Rose Quartz, Raspberry Rhodonite, Pink Variscite Jasper, Tiger's Eye, Cubic Zirconium, and Snowflake Obsidian (Akoya Pearl + Black Star Diopside Fusion)
(All are edited versions of gems from actual extended SU Canon)
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hunsa-jars · 2 years
40, 104 and 150.
40: Hugs or kisses?
Hugs!! Hugs are the best. Kisses are wonderful too, especially forehead kisses but I just love to hold and be held
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
As a former SU fan I'm struggling here a bit, it's probably a toss up between opal and snowflake obsidian and blue goldstone
(Goldstones are not gems, they're glittering glass but I wanted to include it because I have one and it's one of my lucky charms, shhh)
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
Hmm... Right now I don't think there's anyone specific. I guess my two closest mutuals (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) and my history teacher from elementary school (he was like a dad to me, I kinda need his advice rn)
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Meet Blue Goldstone (Steven/Amethyst/Sapphire) and Cacoxenite (Steven/Amethyst/Ruby)! Blue Goldstone is very closed to herself. She doesn't speak by choice, and her future vision is terrible, only being able to see the wrong possibilities. She listens to no one and goes by her terrible predictions. Her weapon is sort of a grappling hook. Cacoxenite is very energetic. She is very clueless about everything, and doesn't even realize how strong she is and usually destroys stuff around her without even noticing. Her weapon is those slimey hands thingy she slaps people with, if they need more power they will just use their fist.
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zottgrammes · 7 years
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Blue and Yellow, ep 32: The One with the Loop
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parashy-art · 7 years
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Famethyst : Even gems of the same type vary in size, color and personality. Draw your gemsona meeting their diverse family with all of their glorious variations!
The blue squad, feat. Goldstone.
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gretaghost · 7 years
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Contest entry for IcebergCabbage !  Lol I love this Blue Goldstone? This is the first time I've been satisfied with a design in months Since the theme was to design a former owner under Blue Diamond I've decided to go for a rather solemn and sober design! I actually chose this gem cause I hadn't designed one yet and then i saw it was in a suggestion so.. rip we think on the same wavelength?? Anyway, Blue Goldstone was a gem serving under Blue Diamond, a superviser of colonization of some sort, often researching the most resourceful planets throughout the galaxies to plant kindergartens in for her Diamond, and an organizer for the first scavenging expeditions. She is a keeper and tracer of galaxy routes and thus respected as a gem who makes her Diamond's dominion grow. She is resolute, somewhat silent and melancholy, but with rage outbursts. She is able to shoot glassy darts from her hands which she forms by shaping an initial sphere she produces from her gem, located on her left palm. She can also scatter glassy shards around the arena, them being unseen by other gems because of transparence, as traps. She was awarded a Pearl after discovering the most resourceful planet in Blue Diamond's dominion. Night Blue Pearl belongs to IcebergCabbage !
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mosssexual · 4 years
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My bfs oc blue goldstone but as a rose quartz uwu
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artroidsart · 4 years
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I made a bunch of gems! Going from left to right, I’ve got Kiwi Jasper, Amber, Blue Goldstone and Banded Agate.
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askblackdiamond · 7 years
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OOC: A little squad of blue goldstones, feel free to adopt any of them.
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flowery-draws · 4 years
Eri’s Dream
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this is the art that i made from a year ago and i just put this on draft, lol! at that time, i kinda boring and want to draw something else and this thing is on my mind, so i draw it.
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ahhween · 5 years
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Aaaannddddd they're all finished
Blue Goldstone
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blindpapers · 5 years
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This is my gem Blue Goldstone! She’s not as dumb as most of my ocs which is scary
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prodigal-sunlight · 5 years
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Blue Goldstone! One of my favorite gemsonas, she’s a shy recluse who wants to keep her head down and get her work done. She’s a starmapper!
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parashy-art · 7 years
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“Let’s rock their socks off!”
A fusion between my Blue Goldstone + Amethyst. I find it funny that she sort of has Junko looking hair.
She’s similar to Smokey Quartz in personality, (which is why Axinite was chosen) so she’s just a fun loving girl who likes to eat junk, play video games and sleep. Reblogs>Likes please and thank you!
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