#sua drabbles
panda-writes-kpop · 1 year
Sour Cherry ~ SuA
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope everything is well with all of you. 💗
TW: Angst, SuA is a lil' OOC, fighting
♡ Masterlist ♡ 》》》 Prompt List
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A Cherry Slushie is like a throwback song that comes on the radio - it reminds you of sweeter times, but it can leave a sour taste in your mouth at the same time.
SuA pulls her high ponytail in frustration before continuing to yell at you.
"I can't believe you would just abandon me at the roller skating rink like that! How could you do that to me? You know how much our date night means to me!"
"SuA, please keep it down, we'll be the talk of the town if you don't want to talk this out in private." You plead with her, and she simply scoffs before pushing you away again.
"Seriously? You're concerned about how other people will view you after everything that we've been through? You're unbelievable." SuA rolls her eyes as you try to talk to her in a low tone.
"Please, baby, we can figure this out. Just calm down a little, and we can talk about this in the car -"
"No!" She shrieks before throwing a textbook at you.
You jump out of the way, and the textbook hits the locker next to you. You stare at her in disbelief before shaking your head.
"Find someone else to drive you around and take you to the movie rental stores, the mall, or wherever else you damn please. I'm done being with you if you want to act like this." You darkly say before walking away from SuA.
"I'm glad we finally agree on something! Thanks for nothing, Y/N!" She huffs, and you hear her continue to rant on to a wall as you turn the corner.
You pull out your Walkerman, and you slip in a tape of your favorite artist before turning the music on. The world around you drowns into nothingness as the music ebbs away the pain in your heart.
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strawberryhmilk · 2 years
peach scented shampoo ♡ sua
anon said: “Hello! so I saw that you write for dream catcher and I was wondering if you could do Sua x female reader imagine? Like like Sua comes home to find out her girlfriend is in the Shower and just casually joins them. On the other hand the reader was so shy because this was their first time having a couple shower. Maybe a little smutty and fluffy? If it's OK with you .Thank you 🤘”
synopsis : your girlfriend comes over and joins you in the shower. this leads to a talk you’ve been dreading for a while.
warnings : causal mentions of sex , asexual!reader , sex repulsed!reader — i dont write smut but this was the perfect request for pride month <3 sua referred to as sua and bora interchangibly!!
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—— ♥︎ ——
The purple candle you were burning sent off a fruity, sweet scent that encompassed you entirely. You were indulging yourself in a drama you'd been meaning to watch — eyes focused on the screen and hand mindlessly picking at the snack in your lap. A text tone went off right as the episode ended, dragging your attention away from the fictional world and back to reality.
def not dreamcatcher sua: on my way home lovely <3
You grinned, replying before pausing the drama and sitting up properly with a stretch. Taking your snack back to the kitchen, you decided to take a quick shower before your girlfriend made her way to your place.
Steam gathered around you as you stepped into the warmth of the shower, letting out a content hum. Sua's text made you think of her — it always did — and the continuous relationship between the two of you. You started as friends — laughter used to be polite; hugs used to be quick; meeting up consisted of multiple people.
And then it delved into something more — something intimate and tender and a little more than casual.
Bora made her feelings for you known quite quickly, not hesitating to blurt out non-platonic thoughts. Hugs turned into shy kisses on the cheeks that lingered into full blown kisses on the mouth, giggles erupting as you couldn't contain your happiness. Dates were weekly — sometimes daily if her schedule allowed it — and considered every time you were both alone.
You wondered how long it would take her to ask. How long it would take her to question your relationship and say it's alright only to leave eventually. She would leave, wouldn't she? Because that's how other people thought and reacted when you told them the truth.
After all, sex was viewed as the most intimate thing that could happen between people. It was considered to be the one true way you could show someone you loved them; the only way they'd know how deep those feelings went. It was the way to erase and get over arguments; the way couples expressed themselves fully.
So, when sex wasn't a big part of someone's life, it was weird. Unknown. Inhumane, in a way. What human didn't have sexual feelings or attraction?
You and multiple others, actually.
"...join you?" So lost in your thoughts, you didn't even realize your girlfriend had finally arrived. Yet, there she was, silhouetted behind the shower curtain. Her shadow's head tilted, "Y/N?"
"Sorry, I didn't hear you!" You called back, only slightly louder than the shower head. Quickly lathering shampoo into your hair, you watched as Sua idled, swaying lightly.
She cleared her throat shyly, "I said — do you mind if I join you?"
"Oh! Um—" you turned to rinse the shampoo out of your hair. Biting your lip, you decided why not? She'd find out about your sexuality sooner or later. And, if Bora was the type of person to leave your longstanding relationship because you weren't interested in sex—. Well, you didn't need those types of people in your life anyways. "If you want."
It was funny — how quick Sua shuffled out of her clothes and enthusiastically slung the shower curtain open to join you. She greeted you with a wide grin as she hopped in behind you. "My shy baby, didn't think you'd say yes!"
You pursed your lips, hoping the funny face would distract her from your body and heated cheeks. Crossing your arms over your chest casually, you switched places so that Sua was under the water now. "...Thought about saying no."
"Why didn't you?" Nothing about her tone was harsh or judgemental. She was asking out of pure curiosity as she leaned her head back to get her hair wet. Letting out a content hum — the same way you did — Bora leaned beside you to grab the shampoo. "You usually wouldn't."
You shrugged casually, hands still crossed over your chest, "it's nice, isn't it? And normal. To shower with your significant other."
Bora let out a snort at that. "You're dating a famous person, doll. Don't think we're considered normal!"
"As normal as we can get, then," you returned her smile. It faltered slightly as Sua stood straighter, eyes on you and suddenly you felt so much more bare. She titled her head at you and you could only hope your smile wasn't as wobbly as it felt. "What?"
"You," she shrugged. Her hands planted themselves on your shoulders, turning so that you were under the shower head now. "You've always been... uncomfortable with stuff like this."
"Stuff like this?" You repeated quietly.
Sua smiled, a bashful tilt of her lips as her hands drifted from your shoulders until they latched onto your own hands. "Sex stuff, I guess. If you count just being naked together as sexual."
"I don't," your voice grew meek. "I don't think it's inherently sexual." You took a deep breath, allowing the warm water to help you think about what you wanted to say. "I'm asexual, you know? I think I lean more on the not interested in sex side of the spectrum."
The only noise in the bathroom is the running water as silence surounds you. She's staring — you can feel Bora's gaze on you as your eyes stay on the ground. She tightens her grip on your hands, wiggling them when you still stare at the floor. Finally, Sua leans down until she's in your eye sight, a teasing grin on her face as her eyes meet yours. "I'm not going to leave you because of your sexuality, Y/N. Sex isn't everything in a relationship."
Reassurance was something you didn't realize you needed. Shuffling you closer, Sua gathered you in her arms and squeezed you lovingly. "Just wanna be with you, love. Doesn't matter what you like or don't like."
"Thank you," you sighed against her neck before placing a scatter of kisses there. Bora giggles, returning the gesture to the top of your head before she pulls away. "Love you, popstar."
"Love you, doll!" Sua grins before turning so you're under the shower head again. "Now, let's condition your pretty hair, hm?"
—— ♥︎ —— this feels less lovey-dovey n more robotic lmao apologies for that <3 i hope you enjoyed this, thank you for reading! strawberryhmilk © 2022 do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform.
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minjiarchive · 2 months
“how many spanks was that?” | sua x fem!reader
back from break, tysm for the support and patience. thought a bora drabble would be a nice comeback 🥹 i was too lazy to add capitalization btw lol
warning / smut, dumbification, mommy kink, spanking, name use of puppy, and mistress for bora!
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“how many spanks was that?”
you couldn't seem to recall the last number you counted to and not even a bullshit excuse would save you. the number of spanks slip past your brain and you're more so focused on the stinging pain she causes with each slap. bora's strong, her small hands underestimating you and holding enough strength to have you whining (and cumming).
and if she wanted to, making you cry so prettily for her which is her favorite.
“i-i don't know, mommy.”
bora feels like giving more grace today, letting some things slide and slip up but still remembering her dominance and her place.
“aww, you dumb puppy...” she cooed, running her warm hands up your back until she reached your hair. bora yanks at it roughly, causing you to let out a gasp as she pulls you up.
she stops at your ear and leans in, “so ruined and spent for me that you can't even count?”
“i know my baby is smarter than that.”
you whimper at the praise, bora slowly pushing you back down onto the mattress while still having a tight grip on your hair. you aren't that ruined yet, just a little dumbfounded.
“please, it's so hard–” you protest but bora quickly silences you.
“it's not.”
she rubs one cheek to soothe the lingering pain from earlier and your eyes immediately shut, preparing yourself for another hard smack. but bora speaks, “i can be here all night spanking you.”
bora doesn't seem to budge and is very set on 20 spanks. there's no way you could get past her either, you wanted to cum so bad that you forgot to ask permission, which is the only thing bora doesn't take lightly.
“mommy's not letting you cum until you can count to 20 properly,” bora smiles when she feels your ass rubbing against her front, whimpering like a cute puppy for her.
you look back at her with as much desperation in your eyes, your silent way of saying “please.” but she doesn't pay any attention to it. bora pushes your face into the bedding, bending you over for another round, “be a good puppy, won't you?”
“yes, mistress.”
“good, now let's start from one.”
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ryujenini · 5 months
IMAGINE #6 (nsfw)
Siyeon fucking you from behind until your pussy is swollen, sore and your clit is throbbing in her mouth
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shuhwaa · 1 year
Moon Sua | 7:56pm [M]
Billlie Moon Sua x fem!reader words: ~1k genre: smut (dom!Sua, breast play, fingering, praise, some teasing) warnings: none
Desc.: In which your girlfriend's favourite way to recharge after a rough day is getting you off.
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You're taken by surprise when Sua pushes you up against the wall behind you, your shoulders gently hitting the cold surface as her teeth release your lower lip. She leaves you no time to catch your breath before her mouth finds yours again, sharing a kiss filled with want. Passion flares up in her eyes when you finally break apart - you've seen her like this before, craving you with a hunger that seems insatiable, but it's been a while since she last needed you this bad.
"What...?" you attempt to form a question, but she cuts you off with another demanding kiss, and your train of thought gets interrupted as well. Her lips wander from yours to your jaw, and eventually she reaches your neck and you throw your head back, overcome with pleasure.
"Rough day," she merely mutters, her hot breath meeting your skin before nipping at the same spot, making you moan. Her hands roam your body, fingertips exploring every inch in a haste, until eventually she finds her way underneath your shirt, palms slowing down as they wander up your belly. You suck in your stomach under the ticklish sensation of her light touches, but you relax once she cups your breasts. Her lips find their way back to yours, lingering for a moment, before she interrupts the kiss to slip your shirt off you, reconnecting your lips merely a second later. Tongues meet in a battle for dominance you can only lose, and when you feel your knees getting weak, she's right there to steady you by pressing her hips against yours, pushing you closer to the wall. You arch your back when you feel one of her hands slipping behind you, unclasping your bra to tear it off you, and when she harshly grabs your boobs, you moan into her kiss. Her lips travel down to your throat, scattering kisses everywhere, and you whine when she lightly pinches your nipples between her thumbs and index fingers. 
"I love hearing all the sounds you make..." she mumbles in between nipping at your skin. "Makes me relax instantly." You whine once again in protest, and there's a playful grin on her lips when she looks up at your face. Then, she leans in to share another deep kiss with you, and your eyelids flutter shut. Moving her lips against yours hungrily, you shudder when she removes one of her hands from your chest to bring it further south, and she applies some pressure to your core, starting to tease you through the fabric of your pants.
"Sua..." you moan her name, breaking the kiss and wrapping your arms around her firmly, in order to hold onto her.
"My love?" she replies, as a way of asking "What is it?" Rubbing her fingertips against the jeans fabric, you wonder if she can feel your arousal all the way through your clothes. It doesn't take long for her to unbutton the piece of clothing, and without bothering to take it off, she slips her hand underneath. Now only your underwear is separating your pussy from her fingers, and as she begins to drag her fingertips up and down your folds, she chuckles.
"So wet for me..." She places a peck on your temple, before continuing to press kisses to the side of your neck. She rolls her hips against yours once, making you moan in desperation for more, and then she finally pushes your panties aside.
"S-sua!" you call out her name when she enters you with two fingers effortlessly, and you sigh when she slips out again soon after. She drags her fingertips up to circle your clit a few times, then she repeats the whole process until you can't take it anymore. Driven by impatience, you whine, starting to beg for more. "Please, more... give me more..." A satisfied smile appears on her lips as she drinks up your words and your whines.
"That's a good girl... go on, beg for it," she demands, her low voice sending heat to your core.
"Please! W-want you inside me... want you so bad..." Your nails are clawing at her back, fingers clenching around her shirt, and when she finally pushes into you properly accompanied by her hips rolling against yours, you cry out. Her thumb presses against your clit, rubbing at just the right tempo, while her other hand is squeezing and kneading your tit. 
"F-fuck...!" you curse as the pleasure overwhelms you, and you hold onto her tightly.
"Such a needy girl... and so wet and loud for me..." your girlfriend comments, making you feel embarrassed but also making you want to hear more of her teasing.
"Mhhh... need you more..." you shakily reply, burying your face in the crook of her neck as your high builds up in the pit of your stomach. You buck your hips at the way she curls her fingers against your walls so perfectly, wanting to feel her deeper inside, and with each repetition of her movements, your moans grow a little louder.
"Feels so good to please you," Sua whispers, knowing you're nearing your high. "Love, are you gonna cum for me?"
"Y-yes... I-I'm almost there..." you whine. "F-fuck, Sua...!" You cry out her name when your orgasm hits you, repeating it with each time your walls contract around her fingers that are still curling against that perfect spot inside you, prolonging your orgasm. You cling to her all the way through, and when the last aftershocks are over, she pulls out carefully, bringing her fingers covered in your juices up to her lips. Her licking off some of them as soon as you lean back and look at her makes heat rise to your cheeks. However, before you can complain, she's already kissing you, letting you taste yourself on her lips.
"You sound so cute..." she mumbles into the kiss. "But you taste even sweeter."
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suashii · 6 months
hiiii happy friday :3 very proud of everyone for making it through another week ! do something to treat yourself this weekend, even if it’s small — you deserve it ❤︎
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moguridragon · 2 years
8th Member All Grown Up - DC Reaction
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Seeing you everyday had become the norm and she never saw you more than just the little baby of the group. She helped raise you with the rest of your members and you were just this little kid to them. It wasn’t until she was watching you film one of your solo shots for the upcoming comeback. You had worn the matching clothes for Boca and you were really commanding of the camera. She was shocked to see such an aura escape you as you continued on with your part. 
“When did she grow up?! She’s just a baby!”
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Bora had spent most of her days making sure you were completely taken care of. Helping you with homework, cleaning your clothes and making sure you were well fed all the time while you were in school. You saw her as an older sister but sometimes you saw her as a mom and addressed her as such in a joking manner. It wasn’t until you were in the middle of filming a special solo video that she had seen how much you had grown up. You were singing in the small room, singing a love song causing Bora to see you as a much more mature and grown adult rather than the little kid she had raised. 
“I used to make her dino nuggets and watch her only eat the heads off of them. What happened?” 
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She had helped raise you just like the other older girls had. Except she was much more fun than the older girls. She was the one you ran to when you wanted to have fun and the first person you ran to when you were having a bad day. She had trained with you cause you to have a stronger relationship with her and she cherished you just like a sister would. You were in the middle of recording a dance cover with Sooyeon that you barely noticed Siyeon walking in to check on you. She was shocked to see you dancing to Sunmi’s Tail without any kind of awkward emotion. She was happy that you were trying something new, but also a little nervous that you were growing up just a bit too fast. 
“Maybe you should just go back to singing and dancing cute covers like before.... You’re still too young for something like this.” 
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She had always seen you as a child and especially when you had whined about your stuffed raccoon going missing for over four hours. She was always joking with you that you were a baby (even if you had outgrown her two years ago). You were busy filming your part for BEcause and only some of your members had been watching. Handong watched you carefully, amused with how well you had been holding up. Maintaining the exact feelings and facial expressions that were needed for the music video. 
“She’s growing up so fast right now I’m kind of scared what she’ll do next.” 
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From the second you had debuted with them, you had been Yoohyeon’s favorite. She would dote on you and make sure you were always taken care of. She would game with you and pull all nighters with you when it came to your homework or to just pass a level in a game both of you had been playing together. She had always seen you as this little baby and would continue to dote on you until she saw you filming your concert stage which had doubled as your coming of age ceremony. Her eyes were wide when she saw your newly found stage presence, causing her to scream and look away. 
“She’s just a baby! She can’t just do this!” 
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She had silently taken care of you, allowing you to vent to her and be with her when you were feeling down or stressed. She had watched you grow up and made sure you were always well taken care of when the older girls were too tired from intense schedules. She was busy reading her book when she heard her members scream, causing her to look up. She watched you dance and sing effortlessly to Chungha’s Bicycle for tiktok. Her eyes never left while she watched, slowly realizing you weren’t the little baby anymore. 
“She’s an adult now.... Why is she an adult?” 
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You were both born in the same year, but you were born laer in the year rather than earlier. She would use this against you constantly to get her way, but she still loved taking care of you. (And tease you but Bora said she couldn’t do that without an apology). When you had voiced your opinion about wanting to be more adult like, she had fully backed you and was the sole reason for your little stage during your most recent concert. She smiled while watching you perform the more mature song, hearing her members screaming at your actions. 
“I did that! I helped her not be a baby!” 
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hatsumaki45 · 1 year
JiBo - Un poco de drama
@rebemola-blog Gracia x la solicitud y disculpa x la demora “Algo jibo ya que siyeon se quedó con gahyeon(? Quiero drama pero a la vez no tanta jajaja”
Advertencia, se menciona un desnudo.
- ° . - La vida alrededor de Kim Bora era similar a una telenovela, o al menos lo había sido el último tiempo. Dos meses atrás había caído la bomba: Siyeon estaba saliendo con Gahyeon. Esa maldita mocosa que SuA adoraba le había quitado al amor de su vida, no fue algo que se tomara a la ligera, aunque nadie que tuviera el corazón partido podía simplemente asimilarlo y y a ¿cierto? Fueron tiempos tormentosos, dramáticos, hasta que decidió que era momento de vivir resignada a ese dolor. Siyeon ya había tomado su elección, no podía obligarla a ser su novia -aunque había encontrado dos o tres formas en una noche de llanto y negación-.  Sabía que merecía conocer a alguien que la quisiera de verdad, solo por ser ella misma, merecía enamorarse de esa chica, que debía ser increíblemente atractiva, con una personalidad salvaje y que desafiara al mundo con su sola existencia... Algo así fue lo que ella imaginó que sería su próxima enamorada, pero acabó llamándole la atención la chica que, sí era mucha más que atractiva, más de salvaje y desafiante tenía poco. De hecho ni siquiera era un personaje nuevo en su vida, era el conejito suave y adorable que pasaba todos los mediodías a verificar que comiera entre sesiones de baile. Todo había sido natural, tan progresivo y malditamente suave que no podía decir un momento exacto en el que se había enamorado de JiU. No había un detalle que le hubiera detonado el mundo de una forma arrasadora, pero era posible que aceptar almorzar juntas más seguido colaborara en ello. Al contrario de la loba, todo alrededor de JiU se sentía relajante, era la comodidad que conocía de años, eran las dulces palabras de aliento que su líder le brindaba cuando los miedo le ganaba, saber que era trasparente y no tenía que estar adivinando lo que JiU quería o sentía. De hecho fue la mas alta quien inició esa incomoda conversación que estaba evitando hacía una semana, justo después de que un incidente en el pasillo de la residencia las delatara a ambas. Eran adultas y sus mentes trabajaron muy rápido para envolverlas en un drama casi peliculesco: JiU había quedado como Dios la trajo al mundo, SuA no pudo evitar mirarla de pies a cabeza. Y, sí, sabía que su amiga tenía un cuerpo espectacular, pero saberse disfrutando de la vista y de las mejilla sonrosadas de JiU no fue igual a cuando Yoohyeon se paseaba por la habitación tentándola a agarrarle una nalga. De hecho, ni siquiera había sido lo primero que se le cruzó por la cabeza, ella quería besarla y ver cómo reaccionaba. Últimamente era lo único en su cabeza, y esa parecía la ocasión por excelencia, aunque no fuera tierno como había creído. ED iba a hacerlo, en verdad estuvo a punto de tomarla por las mejillas y-... No contaba con que sería JiU quien acabara con la distancia y envolviera sus manos alrededor de la pequeña cintura de Bora. Porque ella también imaginaba cosas, aun más el ultimo tiempo que pasaban tiempo juntas... Se había vuelto difícil de manejar. Pero al final nada pasó, el panel de la puerta de entrada rompió la tensa burbuja, las avergonzó de sus deseos, las hizo temer, especialmente a la que había quedado desnuda. Y una semana después de eso, finalmente lograron ponerlo en palabras. Se amaban, como mucho más que simples amigas y estaban dispuestas a intentarlo. —De hecho, no solo vamos a intentarlo —aseguró la más baja—. Vamos a hacer que funcione. JiU no pudo evitar sonreír ante lo dicho, la determinación en SuA era arrasadora y eso le encantaba.
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sanccharine · 2 years
why is it so easy to write for siyeon, i have like three wips for her with like 1k or more written,,,,and the other members,,,they are lucky i even have ideas for them ;-;
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hansolsticio · 4 months
ᝰ.ᐟ mark lee — insônia.
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— namorado ! mark lee × leitora — gênero: smut. — conteúdo/avisos: idol ! mark, markie workaholic, mark lee é um homem teimoso, dry humping, sexo explícito, penetração vaginal, linguagem imprópria. — word count: 1732. — nota da autora: "vou escrever um drabble bem curtinho" pensei eu, mas tava doida pra escrever com o markinho. me empolguei.
"Eu te juro que vão ser só uns quinze minutinhos, amor. Juro de mindinho se você quiser.", o canadense implorou pelo que parecia ser a milésima vez na noite.
"Você não vai, Mark Lee. Deita aí e vai dormir, que amanhã é outro dia.", você disse despreocupada, nem se importando em abrir os olhos. Seus dedos seguravam firmemente o pulso do homem.
"E qual a diferença de eu dormir trinta minutos a mais ou a menos?", Mark conseguia ser uma pessoa muito teimosa.
"Você não tinha falado que eram quinze minutos?", você abriu um olho só, olhando pro rosto do homem deitado na sua frente. E ele te deu um sorriso sem graça.
"Mas eu preciso terminar de escrever essa música, gatinha. Por favor...", o rostinho se contorcia em um bico dengoso. Quem o visse, não diria que aquele era um homem crescido.
"Amanhã você escreve.", pontuou secamente, já era acostumada com a manha de Mark Lee.
"E se eu esquecer a ideia que eu acabei de ter?", insistiu mais uma vez. Você não aguentava mais, já estavam nesse debate faziam uns bons minutos.
"Mark Lee, se eu tiver que aguentar o Hyuck chorando na minha orelha mais uma vez, porque você está sem energia nos ensaios, eu juro que mato vocês dois. Vai dormir.", você o repreendeu, já estava meio estressada.
Haechan sabia que a falta de energia do amigo não era culpa sua, mas também sabia que você era a única pessoa capaz de colocar o canadense na linha toda vez que ele entrava nesse ciclo de 'workaholic'.
"Tá bom então. Você não me deixa fazer nada!", seu namorado bufou. Vendo você ignorar as reclamações e fechar os olhos novamente.
𐙚 ————————— . ♡
Foram exatos vinte minutos de puro teste ao seu autocontrole. Mark virava e revirava na cama como um peixe fora d'água. Você jurava que iria surtar se ouvisse mais um suspiro exasperado sair da boca do homem.
"Você ainda tá acordada?", perguntou vacilante.
"Sim, graças a você.", você pensava que Mark tinha muita sorte em ser o amor da sua vida, era a única explicação para toda a sua paciência.
"Eu não consigo dormir. Tô sem sono.", suspirou mais uma vez. "Se ao menos você me deixasse ir lá no estúdio bem rapidinho, eu-", o homem interrompeu a si mesmo, assim que te viu levantar abruptamente. Você levantou o edredom com impaciência, passando a perna por cima do corpo do homem, sentou-se no quadril de Mark. "O que foi?", o semblante confuso quase te fez rir.
"Vou te colocar 'pra dormir.", você respondeu como se fosse óbvio. O homem ficou estático, como se nunca houvesse tocado seu corpo na vida.
Percebendo a pane no sistema, você puxou os braços de Mark e os colocou em volta da sua cintura, dessa vez ele não hesitou e usou as mãos bonitas para te segurar com firmeza. Já as suas mãos foram ágeis ao se livrar da camiseta que você estava usando — camiseta essa que pertencia ao seu namorado, aliás. Teu sorriso veio automaticamente, assim que percebeu os olhinhos dele vidrados nos seus seios.
Você não perdeu tempo, abaixou-se rapidamente para conseguir beijar o homem embaixo de você. Se empenhou em fazer do jeitinho que Mark gostava. Beijando lentinho, lambendo e mordendo a boquinha bonita, só para ouvir seu namorado suspirar. Chegou até a sugar a língua molhadinha, sabendo que era o suficiente para fazer o canadense gemer. Mark não se surpreendeu com o fato de já estar pulsando dentro do short fininho que usava, poxa, ele já estava há tanto tempo sem sentir seu carinho — o comeback próximo estava fazendo a rotina dele ficar cheia demais, mal tinha tempo de te ver.
Ele separou os ladinhos da sua bunda, abrindo espaço suficiente para encaixar o volume bem perto da sua entradinha. Sem pudor algum, usou as mãos para mover seu corpo em cima do pau quentinho, franzindo as sobrancelhas enquanto soltava gemidinhos dentro da sua boca. Você se afastou para olhar seu namorado, os olhos quase se fechando e a boca abertinha, estava com tantas saudades de ver o rostinho cheio de tesão.
Vendo ele tão bonitinho, sua vontade era fazê-lo gozar dentro do short — que já grudava na glande meladinha. Mas você também sentia falta do carinho que só Mark sabia dar. Fez força para se levantar, lutando contra o aperto vigoroso do seu namorado, que não queria deixar você se afastar.
"N-não! Por favor...", a voz estava rouca, os olhos agora abertinhos pareciam te implorar para não se levantar.
"Quero sentar no seu pau, Markie.", forçou uma voz manhosa, esfregando a pontinha do nariz no pescoço cheiroso. Sentiu as mãos do seu namorado te soltando quase que automaticamente, o que te fez rir soprado.
Se levantou o suficiente para conseguir abaixar um pouco o short do canadense — que ergueu o quadril para te ajudar no processo —, nem se preocupando em tirá-lo por completo. Afastou sua calcinha para o lado e estimulou seu pontinho algumas vezes, tentando ficar ainda mais molhada para o seu namorado. Desceu dois dedinhos para sua entradinha, enfiando o suficiente para recolher parte do líquido transparente. Colocou esses mesmos dedos na boca de Mark, que aceitou sem reclamar, engolindo tudinho de olhos fechados.
Segurando-o pela base, pincelou a glande molhadinha no seu buraquinho. Mark te olhava hipnotizado, como se tivesse perdido a habilidade de se mexer. Finalmente sentou devagar, pulsando e apertando seu namorado no processo. O homem apertava as palmas, contendo a vontade de estocar os quadris para cima.
"Porra, tá tão quentinha, amor.", o homem diz cerrando o maxilar. As mãos não se contiveram, apertando sua cintura com afinco.
Rebolou lentinho, apoiando as mãos nas coxas macias atrás de você. Impulsionou os quadris para frente e para trás, ficando tonta com a sensação do pau do seu namorado se esfregando dentro da sua entradinha. A necessidade de sentir mais prazer tomava conta do seu corpo, levantou e abaixou os quadris algumas vezes, experimentando a sensação. Antes que fosse capaz de perceber, você já sentava com urgência, usando Mark como se ele fosse seu brinquedinho pessoal (e talvez ele fosse mesmo). A cabeça jogada para trás, os olhos cerrados e os gemidos dengosos que você soltava, faziam Mark querer te quebrar ainda mais.
"Minha garota tava com saudades de mim, é?", apertou mais sua cintura, te ajudando a subir e descer no pau dele. "Tá sentando tão desesperada, amorzinho. Quer que eu encha esse buraquinho de porra, não quer?", o jeitinho pervertido que seu namorado assumia toda vez que vocês transavam era, definitivamente, uma das suas coisas favoritas em Mark.
Seu corpo caiu para frente, os braços fracos se apoiando na cama, ao lado da cabeça de Mark. O homem só precisou olhar para o seu rostinho desnorteado, para perceber que você não estava no seu normal, estava sensível demais. Deu um sorriso safado ao sentir seu corpo tremendo de tesão, enquanto você se esforçava ao máximo para rebolar no colo dele.
"Fode, Markie... Me fode.", disse quase soluçando. O calor parecia consumir seu corpo, você achava que iria desmaiar em algum momento. Ele sabia qual era o seu problema, assim como sabia exatamente o que fazer para resolver. O homem te envolveu num abraço apertado e se virou para inverter as posições de vocês, sem sair de dentro de ti. Agora você estava deitada na cama com ele no meio das suas pernas.
"Eu amo quando você fica assim, gatinha.", usou o polegar para esfregar seu clitóris inchadinho, sem tirar os olhos da sua carinha necessitada. "Pede pro 'Markie' foder essa bucetinha de novo, pede.", estocou de leve, sentindo você apertá-lo, incapaz de falar alguma coisa. "Pede.", deu um tapinha no seu pontinho, vendo seu corpo arquear.
"Eu quero gozar, Markie... Por favor.", o tom de voz transbordava desejo, você precisava tanto disso. Os olhinhos marejados sendo a cartada final pro seu namorado.
Mark usou os braços para suspender o seu quadril, te deixando na altura perfeita pro pau dele. Não demorou muito para que os barulhinhos molhados tomassem conta do quarto, seu namorado estocava sem dó. Uma vez ou outra se enterrava bem fundo, rebolando a cinturinha habilidosa só para sentir você o apertando.
"Tão molhada, caralho. Tá me sujando todo, gatinha.", e não era mentira, Mark sentia o líquido quentinho escorrendo pelas bolas dele.
A sua cabeça estava uma bagunça, você sentia a glande esfregar um lugarzinho gostoso dentro de você em cada estocada. Sentia sua entradinha pulsar sem parar. Seu corpo molinho balançava junto com as estocadas, agora era Mark quem te usava como se fosse uma bonequinha. Seus olhos apertados não foram capazes de enxergar a expressão sapeca que havia tomado conta do rosto do seu namorado, a mesma que ele fazia sempre que iria aprontar alguma coisa.
O homem fez um carinho singelo na parte mais baixa da sua barriga, como quem não quer nada, somente para afundar a mão ali cinco segundos depois. Fazendo a sensação das estocadas se tornar mil vezes pior, era quase insuportável. Você se contorcia, apertando os lençóis sem controle algum, enquanto gemia uma série de palavrões misturados com o nome de Mark. Sua expressão muito mais desorientada do que antes, fazia seu namorado querer te encher de porra.
"Goza, putinha. Me mela todo, vai.", você não conseguiu segurar mais. Sua visão escureceu, a sensação tão gostosa te fez perder a voz, sentia seus músculos tensionando sem parar. Seu namorado não ficou atrás, a sensação da sua entradinha sugando ele para dentro deixou ele tonto, apertava sua cintura com força, estocando bruto enquanto sentia o pau te encher.
Mark saiu de dentro de você, se deitando em cima do seu corpo, os dois com a respiração descompassada. Compartilharam um beijo carinhoso, assim que recuperaram o fôlego.
"Você tá ovulando.", seu namorado te diz num abraço apertado.
"E essa é a primeira coisa que você me diz?", pergunta incrédula, ouvindo a gargalhada gostosa do homem.
"Sim...?", a risada não cessa, amando ver sua carinha de descrença.
"E você diz isso com base em...?", você questiona a "sabedoria" do seu namorado.
"Me baseando em todas as vezes que te comi.", responde em tom de esperteza.
"Mark Lee!", estapeia as costas do homem, que não faz nada a não ser se aninhar mais ao seu corpo.
"Fica quietinha, amor. Vai dormir que amanhã é outro dia.", ele sussurra com a voz sonolenta.
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back2bluesidex · 2 months
Incognito - JHS (WDBHG Drabble)
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A Where Do Broken Hearts Go Drabble
Pairing: Hoseok X Fem!Reader X Jungkook
Wordcount: 1k+
Summary: Hoseok is curious about the guy who left you behind. So, he goes incognito.
Warnings: drinking!
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: This takes place after chapter 4 and before chapter 5
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Try as he might - Hoseok can’t think of anything else other than your lips, which he was about to kiss. 
He doesn’t know what had possessed him earlier tonight but he really regrets it. He had been trying hard not to look at you for the better part of the day. But he failed 
As if he hasn’t sold himself as a creep by continuously ogling his daughter’s therapist, that he had to lean down and almost kiss you. 
Thank god Sua woke up and stopped him, otherwise things might have changed from the next session and he doesn’t want that. Not only Sua but also he have been forming a genuine relationship with someone for the first time in all these years, he doesn’t wanna fuck things up now. Even though you seemed ready for him to take you over.
He pours a good amount of Hibiki in his fancy diamond cut glass. Looking at the liquid he sighs, he thinks to himself of the countless identical nights that he has been spending locking himself up in his study after putting Sua to sleep. 
He could have called Mina tonight. She is always ready and one call away. But somehow Hoseok feels greatly turned off by the idea. 
He almost had a taste of you, he almost put his mouth on yours and lord, he can still somehow smell your sweet subtle vanilla scent in the air. How the fuck he can think of anyone else when you were ready to jump in his arms just an an hour ago? 
He groans at the thought. 
What is this feeling of confusion? Why does he want you but is grateful that things didn’t escalate? 
The whiskey burns at the back of his throat but does nothing to take away the troubled thoughts he has been having. 
Then something ticks in his mind. 
“Jungkoo-?” he murmurs to himself. You didn’t say the full name but this jungkoo person has to be the ex boyfriend that supposedly fell out of love with you. 
And suddenly Hoseok is curious. He wants to see the face of this idiot who let you go. He wants to see the person who broke you and whom you still probably love. Whom you probably thought of while he was about to kiss you. 
He takes a big gulp from the glass and walks towards his desk. Settling down in the huge chair he opens his laptop, taps on the browser and goes into incognito mode. Typing a specific address and agreeing on using the site on guest mode, he filters out the search criteria. 
Location: Seoul,  Gender: Male,  Age: he thinks hard about it. You don’t seem like the type to go for very older or very younger guys. Given the fact that you are still under 30, he selects the age bar from 20 to 35.  Name: Jungko
There are 5 results that pop up: 
Jeon Jung Kook 
Shin Jung Kook 
Kim Jeong Gguk 
Kim Jeong Guen 
Lee Jung Min 
It’s good that your ex-boyfriend has a distinct name, it makes it easy to find him. The website showed him the most relevant results, so there are 5. But he knows which two he has to work with. 
So, he clicks on the first profile: 
Name: Jeon Jung Kook
Age: 28 
Occupation: Modeling 
Address: Unknown 
Email ID: Unknown 
Website: www.goldenstudios.kr  
Hoseok frowns at that. He has been using this people finder tool for the better part of his career but this ‘website’ section is added only on special cases. Either this jungkook guy is a bigshot or a celebrity. And he doubts if you settle for those types. 
But he clicks on the link regardless. 
His breath hitches upon seeing Jungkook’s face. He is the Calvin Klein model, whose face is in every possible billboard? 
Jesus. Is he really Y/N’s ex? He thinks to himself as he scrolls down the page. 
He can be wrong as well. There is another guy with the same name, so yeah. And he doesn’t really think you would have the mind to put up with a celebrity for three years. 
But something keeps him from exiting the page. He clicks on the instagram icon that is added at the end of Jungkook's bio. 
When the instagram opens, the first thing he tries is to look for your face but he finds none. Then he clicks on a random post and starts scrolling. 
Hoseok stumbles upon a post from a month ago. In the picture a pretty lady is hugging Jungkook tightly. As Jungkook lovingly wraps up her waist with one of his hands, laying his head on the top of her head. There are no captions but a ton of congratulations in the comments. 
So, this guy is already committed. 
Hoseok thinks of the likeliness of this guy being your ex. You said he broke up with you but didn’t mention when. Given the fact that your wounds are still fresh, it might haven’t been that long. And this guy just got into a relationship a month ago. So, he can very well be the Jungkook you were talking about. 
However, still, you dating a celebrity doesn’t sit right with Hoseok. So he decides to exit instagram and investigate the other guy. 
Before exiting, though, he decides to tap on the profile picture to view the recent stories. 
There is a picture of Jungkook, with another strikingly beautiful guy inside a condo. The caption says “happy birthday @j.m” with a tagged location. 
And.. it is the same location Hoseok picked you up from today. You also mentioned visiting a friend just before the session. 
Hoseok’s eyes narrow at the screen as he takes a better look at Jungkook’s face. 
“So you left Y/N for the girl in the photo, huh?” He talks to the screen as if Jungkook can hear him. 
“What an idiot you are, Jeon Jungkook.” Hoseok takes a swig from his glass making a silent promise of making you forget your ex.  
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Taglist 1:-
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panda-writes-kpop · 18 days
Dreamcatcher - Reaction to Reader Having A Sinus Infection/ Cold (Requested!)
a/n: two posts in less than a week???? who is this more motivated panda??? jk i'm trolling myself but i really wanted to have the two requests done in the same week. also happy jiu day!!! here's to the hope that her fic won't come out three weeks late! :] ❤️
tw: gruesome descriptions of a cold, food mentions, my brain went brrr when it got to Dami's section so hers is longer
related fic: le sserafim's version
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Prompt: You swear you didn’t feel this terrible yesterday. All you had was a bit of congestion and a scratch in your throat. Today, when you woke up, you could barely lift your head off of the pillow due to the congestion in your head. You were sure that you had enough snot to fill a trash can within your two nostrils. All you wanted to do was lay down and rest, but the ding of your phone causes you to lift your head again.
My Love: Do you mind if I come over? I miss you :(
You text her back with what you think is a comprehensible answer, and you rest your head against the pillow.
The next moment you’re awake, your girlfriend is sitting right next to you. So much for self-isolation.
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“Darling, I’m here for you.”
JiU’s voice and gentle touch pulls you out of your slumber. You sniffle for a bit as she starts to rub your arm in a comforting manner.
“I can tell you’re sick,” She frowns for a moment before softly smiling to herself, “and I’m going to try to help you. What do you need from me?”
You cough into your elbow before sitting up in bed.
“You could cuddle with me, if you don’t mind getting sick?” You joke to yourself before seeing JiU move to your side. “I’m joking, please don’t make yourself sick-"
“If it’ll help you feel better, it’s worth the risk.” She wraps her arms around you as you gently pull her into the bed.
“I always feel better when you’re with me, Minji.”
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A stuffed animal to the head isn’t an ideal way to wake up, but it sucks more when you’re sick and your sinus headache flares up immediately.
“You’ve been sick for days, and you didn’t text me earlier?” SuA scoffs as you toss the stuffed animal to the side.
“I would’ve, but I was afraid of that sort of reaction.”
“C’mon, I’m your girlfriend! I can take care of you when you need me. You do the same for me when I need you most.” SuA looks disappointed, and you sigh to yourself.
“Alright, Nurse Bora, you can take care of me. But don’t take it as an excuse to rearrange my whole apartment-” You state as she laughs happily.
“I won’t, I promise! You won’t regret this.” SuA gives you a big hug, which tackles you further into the bed.
“Is this supposed to be healing?” You joke.
“Is it working?”
“Oddly enough, it is.”
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“Babe, wake up.”
You rub your eyes before looking over at Siyeon.
“Siyeon-ah?” You croak out before she shushes you.
“I saw the tissues and the medicine on the counter. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s wrong,” She looks around in her bag for a moment, “but it does take a genius for me to remember my gift for you.”
Siyeon continues to dig in her bag as you grab your water.
“Siyeon, it’s okay, I’m just happy that you’re here with me,” You try to reach out to her with your hand, but she’s preoccupied, “Siyeon?”
Siyeon pauses for a moment, blinks twice, before gently placing her hand on her forehead.
“I forgot your care package at the dorms, I’m so sorry-”
You go to grab Siyeon’s hand, and you successfully do so before tumbling out of bed.
Siyeon laughs as she lays on top of you, apparently you pulled her down with you, and you find yourself doing the same.
“Feel better?” She smiles at you.
“I do.”
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You wake up, alone, and you attempt to reach for your phone, but it’s not there anymore. You fumble in the dark for a few moments before a soft light appears next to you. Handong (who looks absolutely beautiful in the light) sits next to you.
“Sorry, love, your phone was almost dead and I wanted to make sure it was charged for you.” Handong adjusts the light as you cough and sit up in bed. “I wasn’t sure you were in the mood for company.”
“I’d rather have you here.” You weakly say. “Thanks for coming.”
“Good, because if you asked me to leave, I would’ve stayed in your living room until you passed out from exhaustion or fell asleep.”
“Geez, Handong, it’s like you’re obsessed with me or something. What a perv~” You chuckle as she scoffs before lightly smacking you. “Wow, hurt the ill. Way to prove a point.”
“Glad you’re feeling better.” She smiles before rubbing your shoulder. “You deserved that, by the way.”
“I disagree, you’re so mean to me.” You whine before laughing alongside her.
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"Hey Siri!”
You raise your head, checking for Yooh’s phone, before burying your head back into a pillow.
“She’s not here.” You mumble to yourself.
Yoohyeon calls out to her phone, again, before opening the door to your room.
“Have you seen my phone?” She asks as you rise from your bed.
“No, I don’t think you’ve been in here. I would've woken up earlier if you had been.”
“Oh, you’re totally right!” She closes the door for a moment before opening it again. “I bought a few things from the store, and I’m going to order food when I can find my phone. Just stay in bed until you feel better, and I’ll bring you everything, alright?”
“Yooh, it’s okay, I can get out of bed.” You try to pull off the covers, but Yoohyeon’s disapproving glare causes you to stay in bed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you… once I find my phone.” She sighs to herself before facing away from the door. “Hey Siri!”
You’re happy to have Yoohyeon as a caretaker since you know she’ll take good care of you once her affairs are in order, of course.
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Before you rise out of bed, you pull the mysterious, foreign (wet?) object from your face. When you realize that it’s a washcloth, you put it back onto your face. Laying down with that thing on your head feels like the best thing possible, since it helps relieve your headache.
Unfortunately, the drainage from your nose prevents you from completely lying down. You suffice for a half-up, half-down method of lounging before reaching for your phone.
Your hand meets a glass of water before your phone, and you happily drink from it as you are provided with some temporary relief from your sore throat. You wonder who did all of this… you didn’t text anyone, did you?
When you get to your phone, you notice multiple missed calls and messages from Dami.
My Love: I’ll be over in a few minutes, I need to grab a few things from the dorm.
Are you alright? You haven’t answered me yet.
One of your work friends texted me that you called out sick, so I’m guessing that you’re resting. If you see this, I’ll be there when you wake up.
“Dami, honey, where are you?” You call out to her before coughing.
“I’m in the living room, darling. Do you want me to come in?” Dami asks from the other side of the door. “I came in earlier to put a washcloth on your face since you were running a fever, and then I grabbed water in case you wanted it.”
“You can come in, if you want.” You set the water down as Dami opens the door. “Thanks for the water and the washcloth.”
“I don’t mind helping you out since it looked like you needed it.” She says before a light smile breaks out onto her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Thanks, Dami,” You sit up fully and readjust the washcloth, “I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully, you weren’t busy before you came over.”
“I wanted to see you, anyway. How are you feeling?”
“Not great, but I’m managing. I get these sinus infections every year.” You shrug to yourself. “They’re terrible, but after a day or two off of work, I’ll be back to myself… mostly.”
She smiles to herself before looking you over again.
“If there’s anything you need, at all, I can get it for you.”
“Thanks, love, I appreciate it.” You say before Dami closes the door and leaves you to get more rest.
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“Why did you text me? I'm right here next to you.” Gahyeon grumbles for a moment before turning to face you. “Listen, I know you're upset with me for getting you sick, but I'll make it up to you-”
“-with hugs and kisses and lots of affection?” You force your cutest expression as she tries to hold back her laughter.
“I was going to offer to pay for dinner, but I can go for the free option if you would like.” She wraps her arms around you after you pull her closer. “I'm really sorry, babe, I didn't mean to get you sick after you took care of me.”
“It was worth it, seeing you so happy. I'd do it all over again for you.” You say before covering your mouth for an incoming cough.
“You're so sweet,” She blushes as she mumbles into your chest, “and I love you so much.”
You hear her sniffle as you chuckle to yourself.
“I love you too, every bit of you. And you don't need to apologize for getting me sick, I was probably infected before I came over to your place.”
You both laugh as your ailment drifts toward the back of your mind, at least until you feel the urge to sneeze.
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amethvysts · 2 months
𖥻 sumário: sua primeira vez com seu namorado, blas. 𖥻 avisos: conteúdo +18! não foi revisado (nunca reviso pq we die like real men here)
💭 nota da autora: baseado em dois pedidos que recebi sobre o blas, escrevi isso aqui. inspirado no rei do sexo, gustavo cerati, o título é de canción animal hihi tá curtinho, mas até que não achei tão ruim. de certa forma, é meu primeiro drabble de smut, então, adoraria ouvir a opinião de vocês! espero que gostem! ♡
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"Você tem que respirar, bebita," o lembrete do seu namorado vem acompanhado de uma risadinha, abafada pela pele da sua bochecha, por fazer questão de murmurar contra a sua pele. A trilha de beijinhos molhados é esquecida quando você se arrepia da cabeça aos pés, soltando a respiração que nem percebeu segurar junto de um gemido um tanto extasiado. "A gente mal começou e você já tá assim?". 
A provocação é respondida quando você, propositalmente, aperta o pau dele dentro de você, fazendo com que Blas quase engasgue com as próprias palavras, deixando um gemido atordoado escapar do fundo da garganta. O encara com uma sobrancelha arqueada, como se o desafiasse a dizer qualquer outra gracinha. 
É quando ele se afunda completamente dentro de você, te tocando fundo, mas tão fundo, que você é atingida pela certeza que o sentirá até o dia seguinte. As mãos seguram as suas coxas, empurrando-as contra o seu peito e o ângulo te ajuda a sentir cada centímetro dele. É viciante, entorpecedor, e você se pergunta porque levaram tanto tempo para fazer isso; não que fosse capaz de pensar a fundo sobre a questão, pelo menos, não quando o sente sair de dentro de você só para meter até o final de novo, se enterrando. Os suspiros e gemidos saem como uma sinfonia, acompanhando o ritmo lento das estocadas de Blas.
As mãos te apertam, te trazem para perto e te deixam colada as coxas dele, e os barulhos da sua buceta parecem deixar o ato ainda mais gostoso. Sente o peito esquentar e você precisa batalhar contra a própria vontade de fechar os olhos de prazer, só porque não quer perder a chance de continuar observando as feições de seu namorado, que parece cada vez mais entregue aos seus movimentos e a sensação de ser engolido por você, tão quente e necessitada. Os longos dedos caminham pela pele da sua coxa, caminhando pela pele úmida, subindo pela sua barriga e acariciando um de seus peitos, só por um tempinho, até ele segurar seu queixo. 
O tronco de Blas se inclina mais uma vez sobre o seu, os lábios pairando sobre os teus e as arfadas quentes de ar que escapam da boca dele te fazem choramingar, as sobrancelhas franzindo com força enquanto o encara por entre os cílios.
"Tão gostosa, nena," ele elogia, gemendo contra sua boca, ainda sem a beijar. Entre suspiros, os quadris dele se chocam contra os seus e, olhando para baixo, você percebe que as coxas dele estão ficando vermelhas pelo atrito. Blas percebe o seu olhar, e por mais que sinta falta de te ter o encarando com tanta admiração, sente a necessidade de implicar, "Tá vendo como você tá me engolindo?"
O jeito que a palavra sai dos lábios dele é imunda, e te tem gemendo que nem uma idiota por baixo dele. A visão, combinada com a sensação dele te fodendo, e os sons tão sujos que vocês criam juntos é o suficiente para te ter se contorcendo e ofegando. E também é todo o combustível que o Blas precisa para te deixar pior. O próprio prazer fica no passado quando ele vê os seus olhinhos revirando, e a única coisa que ele consegue pensar é que precisa te fazer gozar no pau dele. Torna-se uma necessidade te arruinar daquele jeito, ver seu corpo tremendo e as costas arqueando por causa dele.
Não que ele seja de ferro, porque toda vez que sua mão, esperta, puxa os fios cacheados ou quando você se contrai em volta dele, Blas tem que afastar o rosto do seu, só para respirar um pouco. Os dentes mordem o lábio inferior, a testa se franze e os olhos castanhos reviram, e os gemidos reverberam pelo quarto, tão carentes quanto os seus. E é em uma dessas em que seu namorado deixa a correntinha de prata que usa bater contra o seu queixo, conduzido pelo compasso das estocadas. 
Mais pela irritação de ter o acessório esbarrando em seu rosto toda hora, você se distrai ao capturá-lo entre seus dentes, segurando-o em sua boca e encobrindo os seus gemidos chorosos. Atento a todas as suas reações, mesmo que aparente estar envolvido no próprio prazer, Blas abaixa os olhos, curioso para descobrir porque você parou de soltar seus sonzinhos tão deliciosos. Surpreso, mas muito contente pela descoberta, o seu namorado não consegue esconder o quanto a visão o encheu de tesão. Ele ri, um tanto incrédulo, e te faz sorrir, também, ainda segurando a correntinha entre os dentes; e você pode jurar que consegue sentir o pau dele contraindo dentro de você. O sorriso de safada entrega que você sabe exatamente o que está fazendo com ele. E Blas não pensa duas vezes antes de colocar a mão na sua bochecha, te provocando com um tapinha de leve.
"O que que eu faço com você, hein?"
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butvega · 9 months
vegaaa, escreve alguma cosinha com o ten pfvrrr!! o teaser que saiu hj me deixou maluquinha da cabeça
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🪻 chittaphon drabble.
— Meu amor, acorda...
A voz aveludada, mansa, e risonha, ecoa por seus ouvidos, meio distante ainda pelo sono presente. Seus olhos abrem-se devagar, ainda com a visão levemente embaçada, e então foca na figura em sua frente.
Chittaphon com os olhinhos rasgados, resultado de um sorriso genuíno, com Malee no colo, sapeca como sempre, balançando os bracinhos empolgada. Seu primeiro dia das mães. Ten havia levado seu café da manhã na cama, com um buquê de flores, e algumas caixas de presente.
A vergonha se faz presente, e você ri fraco se acomodando sentada. Os óculos de grau de seu marido levantam em seu nariz arrebitado à medida em que o sorriso aparece. É quando ele declara:
— Feliz dias das mães, minha rainha. Eu e a nossa neném amamos você demais, demais. — murmura, selando seus lábios em seguida. Malee se joga em seu colo, dando gritinhos empolgado, com a boquinha direto para seu seio, afim de se alimentar também.
Ten passa para ti a filha de vocês com maestria, parece que nasceu para ser pai. A neném gosta de ser tratada como uma boneca do papai, sendo ajeitada de um lado, para o outro.
— Obrigada... — murmura envergonhada, dando de mama para a bebê. Ten acaricia sua coxa, a olha com ternura. Em seguida pega um morango, o mergulha no chocolate e leva até sua boca. Você come com vontade.
Encara a neném te olhando com os olhinhos como os do pai, e sorri. Não poderia ser mais feliz.
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ryujenini · 4 months
IMAGINE #36 (fluff)
Imagine calling Yoohyeon when you can't sleep just to hear her voice and have her softly sing you to sleep
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tteokdark-light · 4 months
Dreamcatcher - Doação /capas!
Olá, essa é uma doação de capas com as meninas do dreamcatcher, produzidas pelas staffs do Tteok Dark Lights Station, todos os créditos das capas aqui apresentadas vai a todas(os) staffs responsáveis, mediante esse aviso, viemos agradecer a todos eles. E pedimos que educadamente, dêem amor a essa doação e sigam as regras!
— Uma capa por user; — Seguir o/a capista responsável em suas mídias sociais, e se possível a/as mídias sociais do projeto; — Utilizar a TAG #DreamCenter2024 ao postar a história; — Drabbles ou história, acima de 500 palavras; — O prazo para postagem a ser discutido com o capista responsável; — A entrega será realizada pelo próprio capista dentro de seu prazo pessoal;
— Capista responsável — @deryport
01 — Amor de garagem [Disponível]
02 — Lightning [Disponível]
03 — Me vira de ponta cabeça [Disponível]
04 - 1993: O ano que não adormecemos [Disponível]
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— Capista responsável — @hayezinn
— disponível para alteração de titulo
05 — Amo quando você me odeia [Disponível]
06 — Call my name [Disponível]
07 — Macarons [Disponível]
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— Capista responsável — @temporary-fixe
08 — Quem é Gahyeon[Disponível]
09 — eyes wide open [Disponível]
10 e 11 — Jardim encantado (versão 1 e versão 2) [Disponível]
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— Collab by @hayezinn with @temporary-fixe
12 — Fadas que moram nas montanhas [Disponível]
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