#subaki x hana
starrcrrossed · 1 year
Starting simple with very headcannoned Hana!Caeldori edit.
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Tried to make her look as little like Cordelia as possible. I wanted her to be, you know, her own character.
Please rb or credit to use. Requests are open!
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frickingnerd · 15 days
Birthright Masterlist
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yandere corrin - headcanons
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chickenmcnuggies · 1 year
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Unofficial Gay Fates 1.9 is out! It adds in 23 new supports, as well as dozens of fixes to older supports to bring them up to par.
The videos of these supports have already been up today since this morning, and some of you may have noticed only some of them feature our added voice lines. The mod team decided for the sake of speed and ease on us, that we're dropping the voice lines in our supports, as adding those alone doubles the time it takes to work on each support. In the future once most—if not all—the supports have been added we may go back and add them to the supports that lack them.
As for the added supports themselves:
ROMANTIC: Hinoka x Nyx, Arthur x Ryoma, Arthur x Reina, M!Corrin x Gunter S, M!Corrin x Percy S, Saizo x Shura, Hana x Kagero, Scarlet x Subaki, Felicia x Hinoka, Kaze x Laslow, Oboro x Reina, Corrin(F) x Anna S, Odin x Takumi
PLATONIC: Selena/Elise, Azura/Gunter
PARENT CHILD: Ryoma/Percy PC, Arthur/Shiro PC, Scarlet/Caeldori PC, Takumi/Ophelia PC , Odin/Kiragi PC
SIBLING: Ophelia/Kiragi SIB, Soleil/Caeldori SIB, Shiro/Percy SIB
As per usual it can be found at the Gamebanana page here
Happy pride, everyone!
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kutekite · 2 years
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hair swap?
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 9: NO
Before doing anything else, I built a lottery house in the castle. The logistics of there being stores and gambling houses within my personal castle, that my soldiers work at, that don’t just give me whatever I want is kinda weird. The lottery gave me a radish I fed to Lilith.
Support: Hana/Subaki
C: Hana confronts Subaki about his tendency to refer to himself as perfect. He brushes it off, because he thinks that he genuinely is completely without fault. This angers Hana, who brings up a time Subaki fell off his horse and challenges him to a duel.
B: The duo begin their competition. Subaki, despite not actually having any sword skills, manages to defeat Hana by studying her fighting style over several months and messing with her head.
A: Hana takes the second round, beating Subaki in a horse race. Hana reveals that she doesn’t actually care about beating Subaki, just about serving Sakura, and the two decide to suspend their competition.
S: Subaki states that he hates when Hana brings up the time he fell off his horse because he embarrassed himself in front of Hana. Also the duo apparently love each other now.
Review: Decent set up, lackluster execution. I do like Hana’s feelings of inferiority in comparison to Subaki, and Subaki is wonderfully arrogant during this line, but the resolution comes from a revelation Hana had off screen and feels anti-climactic. I felt nothing during the marriage conversation.
Support: Hana/Sakura
C: Hana and Sakura discuss their childhood friendship and the fact that Hana has been protecting Sakura since even before she was a retainer. Sakura states that Hana’s stubbornness pairs nicely with her own introversion.
B: Hana reveals that Sakura’s kindness gave her a reason to dedicate herself to becoming a master samurai. Sakura reveals that she chose Hana as her retainer, in spite of her age and objections from others, because of...a reason explained in the next conversation. Gotta love cliffhangers.
A: Sakura chose Hana as her retainer because of all the times she protected her as a kid, so many times that Hana is covered in scars. Sakura feels guilty over Hana’s scars, but Hana brushes it off, stating that her scars are a badge of honor because they were earned protecting Sakura. Small character design note: Hana does not have any visible scars in this game. She does consistently have a scar in her arm in Heroes, and inconsistently has a scar on her left thigh, but neither of those scars are visible in game. Maybe the scars are hidden below her headband?
Review: First off, these two deserve an S-Rank conversation. They have more chemistry than most of the couples in this game. Setting that aside, I enjoy Hana and Sakura inspiring each other to be better. I love the idea of Hana protecting Sakura from feral dogs and Sakura repaying her by making her a retainer, going against royal officials to do so.
Support: Sakura/Subaki
C: Subaki yawns in front of Sakura then pretends it didn’t happen, because he is too perfect to get fatigued.
B: Subaki makes a tiny slip-up when filling out a form and has a complete meltdown, launching into a self-depreciating rant. Hana brings up that she’s seen him make mistakes before, which only makes things worse.
A: Sakura comforts Subaki and he reveals that his obsession with perfection stems from his childhood; his parents hammered in the idea that he must be perfect at all times as to not embarrass himself in front of royalty. He brings up the time he fell off his horse in front of Sakura right before she chose him as a retainer and reveals that he’s thought for years she chose him out of pity. Sakura comforts him, saying that he’s amazing and his slip-ups only make him more charming.
S: Subaki renews his vows as a retainer, promising to always fight for Sakura even if he cannot achieve total perfection. Sakura accepts, on the condition that Subaki marries her.
Review: I actually really enjoyed this one. The main gag with Subaki is that he’s arrogant and thinks of himself as perfect. This line deconstructs that, showing him fall apart at the idea that he isn’t good enough. It didn’t go fully into it, but this line suggests that Subaki may have some real mental health issues, possibly stemming from an abusive childhood. The romance isn’t perfect, but I do like the idea of Subaki ending up with Sakura because she helps him learn to accept himself. Also for all of Sakura’s supports I’m going to pretend that she isn’t like fourteen, because otherwise they’re all super creepy.
Support: Corrin/Sakura
C: Corrin asks if Sakura dislikes her and Sakura, who has never once visited any Fire Emblem or Smash Brothers forum, states that no one could ever dislike Corrin. Apparently, Sakura is awkward and shy around Corrin because she sucks at talking to people. Corrin offers to help her practice talking.
B: Corrin asks Sakura some basic questions and Sakura freezes up from anxiety and can’t answer anyone. Corrin theorizes that Sakura is easily intimidated by other people.
A: Sakura reveals that she’s always so anxious because she heard a rumor that Nohr actually wanted to kidnap her, not Nohr. This rumor was evidently false, because it makes absolutely no sense from a lore perspective. Also, I question the idea that this is the source of all of Sakura’s anxiety. Her anxiety around Corrin, maybe, but it’s odd that guilt over her sister’s kidnapping that she’s known for years wasn’t her fault would make her anxious around other people. I mean, it’s more pronounced around Corrin, but only in this support line. Whatever. Corrin swears to protect Sakura and I guess that means her anxiety is cured.
Review: This conversation is mediocre. Sakura getting anxiety because of something a maid said once is stupid, but Corrin trying to help her get over it is okay.
You’ll notice that I stopped this at the A rank. Well, you see, Corrin and Sakura only have three, conversations instead of four because, despite Corrin having a variable gender, Corrin and Sakura are siblings and Intelligent Systems would never include incest in a Fire Emblem game. They’d never do that because that would be terrible.
Wait. What’s that? Why does it say on the wiki that they have an S-Conversation? Surely this isn’t real.
Oh god it’s real.
No no no.
What the fuck, Intelligent Systems? Why did you include incestuous pedophilic marriage in your role-playing game? Seriously, what the actual fuck?
And, looking at Corrin’s support list, it’s not just Sakura. Every single Nohr and Hoshidan royal can date Corrin. I don’t know what’s worse, Corrin having sex with her stranger blood siblings or having sex with the people she thought were her blood siblings for years. Fine. Let’s just do the stupid conversation.
S: Sakura reveals that she’s been dreaming about the sibling she never knew for years, imagining what Corrin would grow up to be like. It’s actually a decent idea, albeit one hidden in the evil cursed S-Support that I hate. Corrin asks if they live up to expectations and Sakura states that they exceed them. Then Sakura says that she loves Corrin. Romantically. Corrin, being the sane person, objects, pointing out that they’re half-siblings. I don’t know where this half-sibling thing came from, as far as Corrin knows both of them are the children of Mikoto and Sumeragi. I mean, it is stated in Revelations that Mikoto isn’t actually the mother of anyone but Corrin, but Corrin doesn’t know that yet. Whatever. Sakura pulls out a letter from Mikoto that she only read a few minutes ago that says, psych! Corrin and Sakura aren’t actually related. At all. So it’s cool to bang. Corrin instantly gets over the whole “Don’t fuck your little sister” thing immediately and proposes to Sakura. What the actual fuck.
Review Continued: If ninety percent of the S-Rank conversation is convincing the audience that, no, this isn’t incest, you know it’s bad. And sure, it isn’t technically incest anymore, but who cares? Corrin and Sakura didn’t know that until ten seconds before they screwed each other. This is an incestuous marriage and it’s fucking gross. The writers clearly know it was gross, but they included it anyway.
And here’s the big problem with the Hoshidan sibling marriages: Birthright is built on the premise that this is Corrin’s real family, that Hoshido is her real home. It’s literally called Birthright. But if Corrin isn’t actually related to the Hoshidan Royals, all of that falls apart. They’re just strangers. The whole concept of the game doesn’t apply anymore. Because Intelligent Systems couldn’t release a game where the player insert doesn’t fuck literally every character. And, until we get to the point in Revelations where that is properly revealed, I’m going to pretend I don’t know it.
We got some new characters at the end of the last chapter, so let’s talk about them.
Silas is a cavalier who went turncloak for Corrin at the end of the last chapter because of a childhood friendship Corrin doesn’t remember. His personal skill makes him fight better when Corrin is injured. I’m starting to notice just how many of these skills specifically relate to Corrin, which makes sense but is still kinda weird. His design is fine, nothing objectionable there. I do think Silas’s forgotten childhood friend backstory is a bit odd, though. And I’m getting sick of characters who are obsessed with Corrin.
Saizo is Kaze’s twin brother who looks like twenty years older than him. He’s the slower but tougher of the duo, judging from their stats. His personal skill Pyrotechnics is basically just him blowing shit up, which as far as I’m concerned is his solution to all problems. His mask is really weird looking, but at least he’s visually interesting. Personality wise, he seems like a dick, but in a good way. Our army needs some common sense and he brings it.
Real talk: I forgot this character existed until she joined us. Orochi is a mage...er, diviner who has the personal skill Capture, which I’ll talk about later. Her design is decent; I like the sultry hair pulling in her portrait, it gives off a lot of personality. I don’t have much to say, I forgot she existed before the end of last chapter and have no clue what her personality will be.
Birthright Chapter 8: Fierce Winds
Team Corrin travels up the Eternal Staircase, a massive subterranean tunnel that leads to the Wind Tribe Village. Kaze notices that the group is being followed and a group of faceless pop out. Kaze and Corrin slaughter them with ease. Unfortunately, after the battle, the faceless turn into Wind Tribe civilians. Iago appears and explains that he disguised civilians as monsters using magic. He learned it from his favorite movie villain, the Joker from the Dark Knight, who Iago thinks is actually the good guy.
The gang reaches the Wind Tribe village. Corrin decides to just waltz in because sneaking past would be suspicious. Wind Tribe members attack. Not sure how they know about the whole slaughter thing. Maybe one of the fake faceless got away? Whatever.
Our three princesses apologize to the tribe members and they lead us to their chief, Fuga. Then the battle immediately begins. Guess negotiations didn’t go well.
Also here for some reason is Hinoka and her two retainers, Setsuna and Azama, both of whom are absolute morons. But, like, in a good way. Setsuna falls in quicksand, doesn’t care, and Azama immediately declares her dead. The fact that Hinoka has to basically babysit her two idiot bodyguards is amusing.
An Archer that works as Hinoka’s bodyguard. Her personal skill, Optimistic, makes her recover more when healed by a staff. A thing they do a lot in recent Fire Emblem games is to have characters that are based around specific gags or tropes. These are hit or miss, but Setsuna’s gag of constantly endangering herself and just not giving a shit sounds funny. The faced half-covered by hair initially makes her seem cool, but when paired with the dopey face and her personality it makes her look completely distracted. I like Setsuna, from what I’ve seen.
A monk who seems to be ridiculously optimistic and laid back. His personal skill, Divine Retribution, hurts opponents who attack him when he’s unarmed, which is a really cool idea. Azama doesn’t seem to be quite as funny as Setsuna, but still seems entertaining. I have mixed feelings on his design. I can’t tell if I like the closed eyes or not. The puffballs and wild hair are dumb though.
It’s worth noting that, because we move first, Corrin’s army attacks without provocation. Remember, they can’t see the red labels on enemies.
This map takes place in a desert. We can use the Dragon Veins to make it not a desert, which is good, because Fire Emblem deserts suck. Halfway through the battle, we finally talk to Fuga. He explains that we must earn the right to explain by killing all of his men. Bit of a dick move, chief.
We beat Fuga fairly easily. This chapter was fine, but just fine. Not bad, just unremarkable. Fuga explains that he was friends with Sumeragi and knows a lot about Yato. Apparently, us killing all of his men was a test to make us stronger so we can unlock Yato’s true power. Apparently, Yato can link something called the Sealed Flames and destroy the world. Neat.
Fuga accepts our explanation of the civilian murders. Which makes sense, it was kinda dumb. Actually, wait. Why did that have to be a plot point? Couldn’t this chapter just have been Fuga testing us?
Before we leave, Corrin and Azura discuss that there may be more blades like Yato out there. They don’t ask Fuga, because reasons. Also Fuga gives us his son. Neat.
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buddingflowerelise · 6 years
Hana: It’s so annoying how Subaki is good at everything. There’s got to be SOMETHING he’s terrible at.
Sakura: M-maybe he’s a bad kisser or something.
Hana: No, he’s good at that too.
Sakura: What?
Hana: What?
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lazualazua · 7 years
Aren’t You Not Charming
Pairing: Subaki/Hana
It looks like I was your secret santa @sshining for @fe-holiday-exchange and I really hope you enjoy it. I haven’t written a fanfiction in more than a year hopefully this is somewhat decent and I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. 
With the festival picking up, an exhausted Hana walks out of the booth ready to have fun with her shift ending. She loves helping Sakura, she does, but carrying lots of boxes just hits the limit. Hana can feel her back aching, but who cares she’ll forget it once she gets some adrenaline from the games. Taking her hoodie from the table, she wears it before heading out the door.
Hana is glad that she brought the hoodie as she shivers from the brief gust of wind. The brunette just isn’t used to the cold like some of her friends are. The colorful lights illuminate the place, and each attraction is just as eye-catching as the next. As she wanders around her eyes pick up on a booth with a pink neon sign with the title “Kissing Booth” and her eyes land on the last person she expects to work there other than Sakura.
“Subaki, you’re working here?!” Hana exclaims at seeing the “perfect” man at the kissing booth.
Sure, she knew that there was going to be a kissing booth, but Hana would never expect him to be the attraction. It is such an absurd idea that she blinks twice trying to make sense of it.
“Why should you be surprised? The others agreed I’d be the best for this attraction especially with my charms.” Subaki flaunts as usual. Does the man never get bored of praising himself?
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s the case. Not because your partners wanted to get rid of you and pile all the work on you.” Hana lamented.
The red-haired man rolls his eyes and makes a gesture of shooing her away.
“Whatever, I was going to play some games anyway,” Hana says.
“You’ll run out of money before you even win a single game. You suck at them.” Subaki comments just before applying the chapstick. He has to always be ready for any potential customers especially with his shift being at the peak.
“As if you don’t too. Last time you played you kept losing until you didn’t have enough money to get home.” Hana reminds him of a previous incident.
“Can we stop bringing that up.” Subaki always tries his damn hardest to forget that memory, but someone like Hana would never let him live it down.
“Nope.” Hana pops the p with emphasis smiling at him with her “angelic” smile. Subaki believes that if the devil ever took a form of a human, it would be Hana.
“Some customers are coming so you better get out of the way.” The long-haired man presents a different demeanor when he turns to face the incoming people.
Hana moves but watches out of curiosity to see who’s in line. She bets that most of the people in the line are people who are forced to do this as a dare or a loss of a bet.
The first one was a girl in her class. She’s the tallest girl the brunette’s ever met, and the girl’s wavy hair almost obscured the moment the kiss takes place as the lady bent down to kiss him. Hana placed a hand over her mouth stifling her laughter when she notices the long-haired man’s shaky hands after the kiss. Hana’s got to give it to him, he manages to compose himself and keeps up with the customers whether he or she was frivolous or not. As soon as the kiss hungry people leave the short girl sees the taller man slump in his seat placing his hands in the pockets of his jackets; seemingly worn out. Their eyes meet and she couldn’t help herself but smirk at how the usual confidence has disappeared into thin air.
“Are you just going to stand there and mock me,” Subaki asked trying not to get angry then after a pause his confidence reemerges his smile broad and continues, “Unless you’ve wanted to kiss me. It’s a cheap service for once in a lifetime chance.”
Hana lets out an unrestrained laughter, and it further embarrasses Subaki. She clutches at her stomach as tears formed in the corner of her eyes.
“Oh, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. Repeat that please, I need to record this.” The brunette asks taking out her phone.
“Forget it, can you just go away,” Subaki mutters and looks away scowling. The guy just feels exhausted after trying to present a calm persona towards many people and Hana is not helping.
“Aww, fine as a little apology gift why don’t you come with me and play the games. I want to find someone to utterly demolish at these games.” Hana offers leaning against the booth support.
“I guess I can make time for you. I’ll just let someone else take over.” The taller of the two says getting up. A few games surely will help the man out, and he seizes the opportunity faster than Hana seizes the first dumpling.
Subaki leaves his post and came back with someone else to take his place.
“C’mon let’s go. I’m ready to kick your butt. Let’s start with a game of knocking pins.” She urges and gets to the booth before he could utter a word and paid for the first game too.
With a game of rock, paper and scissors the first to go would be the taller of the two. He takes the ball in his hand and shot with accuracy, and his smug grin wipes off his face when it fails to barely knock one pin off. The other two times he managed to get more down, but still, half the number of pins are still standing.
“Let me show you how to actually play this game,” Hana claims taking the ball and pulls her hand back and uses a lot of force similarly to how a pitcher would with a baseball.
“You’ll only mi-,” He didn’t complete his sentence as the ball hit its mark knocking all the pins down.
Luck is not in his favor at all. The loser sighs and accepts his defeat, and the winner receives a cherry plushie. Subaki looks around thinking of the next game that they’ll play and spotting the dart game he just knew he was going to wipe the floor with her.
“I bet you wouldn’t be able to win a dart game. You have the aim of a drunk person, and still, that drunk person would win over you.” Subaki taunts her knowing that it’ll rile her up.
“You’re on; I’m not losing especially not to you.” Hana declares following him to the place.
Subaki pays the poor bloke managing the place and notices a couple of bandages on the guy. Probably from the mishaps. The brunette grabs the darts from his hands and clenches the first dart. The first two shots bounce and hit the edge of the dart board, and just before the last shot, Subaki holds her hand back.
“You monkey here let me show you how to actually shoot one.” Subaki positions her hand to help her throw the dart.
“You know what I’ll let that insult slide. Let’s just get on with it.” Hana replies just trying to get him to shut up by not making a fuss.
Usually, in this circumstance, there would be an occurrence where the female protagonist such as Hana would blush and stutter. Instead, she focuses on how to position her arm to beat him at his own game. Her competitiveness was overpowering the cliché of a romantic comedy. This moment really highlights the reason Subaki is often called a perfect man proving his claims. The position and angle are adequately coordinated, and she could see his eyes switch between the dart and her hand. With a push, the dart manages to land right on the bullseye thus winning the game. Subaki ultimately won, and when given the plushie that was of a creature with buggy eyes he hands it to Hana straight away.
“Why did you give it to me when you won?” The shorter of the two asks.
“Toys are for kids, and I know just how much you love cute stuff.” The red-haired guy replies.
The brunette shrugged and held it close to her. The two walk around, and it became packed to the brim to the point that they are sweating in this weather. Escaping from the crowd the two go behind one of the tents and into a vacant area. The two didn’t really pay attention to their surrounding rushing to get out of the place. Subaki trips and falls over from the wire that extended from the tent. He groans not from pain but that Hana will never let him forget this incident. He groans even louder when he hears her laughing.
“Here take my hand,” She says as she extends her arm towards her.
He does something unexpected and pulls her down next to him and she grunts but the ground was surprisingly softer than one would expect.
“You’re such a child,” The brunette laments.
“Look who’s talking,” He retorts exasperated by her usual behavior.
Hana rests her chin against his chest and looks directly at him as he stares at the star. She could feel his heart thudding and slowing down as the adrenaline wears off. It’s a beautiful feeling.
“It’s too bad we can’t see the stars properly from light pollution. Not like in tv shows where the two love interests just lay and look at the star-filled sky,” The man mentions as he extends his arm before placing it back down.
“But there’s always one star I can always see even with light pollution,” She says looking straight at him.
Something is compelling her to say those things. A moment of emotional courage if one had to name it.
“Obviously some stars are brighter than others,” He informs offhandedly.
“I meant you,” The words escape the brunette’s mouth and there was no going back.
Subaki suddenly choked on his saliva not expecting what she said at all. Hana pats his back, and he sits up. She chuckles as he tries to compose himself. Although her heart is thudding from anticipating his, she still manages to look calm.
“Do you hear yourself. That’s so cheesy, I’m going to throw up,” Subaki says with fake disgust, but the look on his face made Hana calm down. At least she isn’t the only one feeling embarrassed.
“But it got a reaction at least. I’m sure your heart is racing isn’t it,” She teases getting closer to him.
“Regardless of those horrible lines taken out of a drama, I do want to go out with you,” Subaki admits tilting his head as he looks at her.
“I accept as long as you don’t act any different with me. With a bit of romance of course, but you’ll never catch me repeating that,” Hana replies.
The two decide to go back and to see who really will be the superior at the festival’s games. Although that's what they claim is their current reason for doing so instead of their actual intention to just have fun together.
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kiwie-not-kiwi · 7 years
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Some Fire Emblem Fates doodles ! :3 One of my favorites pairings from Birthright, Hana and Subaki. 
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authordgaster · 2 years
Age Swap AU Pairings
A list of who gets together and my opinions/reasons for these pairings.
This will be specifically for a Revelations Route, so if you wanna ship different combinations of characters in this AU, I won’t stop you.
I also won’t be getting into the Child Units (yet.) With all of that in mind, here’s the ASAU Pairings:
Corrin X Azura. I mean… it’s Corrin and Azura. How can I not? Especially since they’re not altered in this AU, but their kids are. Imagine big sibling Kana little brother Shigure dynamic.
Sakura X Hana. I’m as much of a sucker for Sakulise as the next FE14 fan, but honestly the bond these two have and have had for easily a decade at this point just overrides the softness of Adult Sakulise. Shiro is their son with Ryoma serving as a surrogate father.
Elise X Effie. Same as with Sakura and Hana, Elise and Effie’s bond in this universe (realm?) is just too strong for me not to pair them together. Siegbert is their son with Xander serving as a surrogate father.
Takumi X Oboro. This is a cute pairing, what can I say? Can you tell I’m a sucker for Liege X Lord pairings? Also, just imagine cute and sweet Kiragi making his mom’s Demon Face.
Leo X Niles. I don’t even know how to put my feelings on this pair into words, so I’ll just trust y’all to accept it. Forrest is their son with Beruka serving as a surrogate mother.
Hinoka X Hinata. This pairing is unique since it’s the only time I don’t ship a lord with their non swapped retainer (or another lord) but honestly I just like the himbo samurai/tomboy princess dynamic. Also protective older cousin Hisame is interesting.
Camilla X Beruka. Cute but strong Malig and her scary Assassin waifu? What’s not to love? Also Niles served as a surrogate father so they raise Nina together.
Ryoma X Xander. I decided to pair these two together since I figured I should do at least one pairing between a Hoshido and Nohrian royal. Since they couldn’t have kids with each other, they agreed to be surrogates so their oldest sisters could have kids, allowing Shiro and Siegbert to exist in this world.
Jakob X Charlotte. A very… very chaotic duo. This was simply a duo born from the fact that they were kinda just leftover after I paired off most of the other characters. Add super strength to Dwyer’s mountain of secret skills.
Silas X Felicia. One: they’re cute. Two: imagining Sophie inheriting Felicia’s clumsiness and ice magic is equally hilarious and terrifying.
Kaze X Orochi. Stoic ninja who struggles with feeling like he failed his liege due to something out of his control plus merry diviner who struggled with feeling like she failed her liege due to something out of her control equals both fun shenanigans and absolute angst. Also imagining Midori being able to somehow use a combination of Divining and her Medicine could make her a force of nature in her own way.
Saizo X Kagero. What can I say, I’m a sucker for this duo too. I’m sure they could be happy together once Saizo learns to stop having the personality of a cactus. Plus having two Ninja parents probably makes Asugi a super ninja.
Laslow X Selena X Odin. If I was gonna have Corrin get with Azura, an OT3 would be needed so all the kids would be capable of existing and I’m just a sucker for this trio. I’ll be using Henry!Laslow, Robin!Selena, and Lon’qu!Odin. Soleil inherits the Fell brand, Ophelia inherits the Exalts’s brand, and they get to be awesome redhead step sisters. Sorry to anyone who ships these two.
Azama X Subaki: …ok, look, so far I’ve done three wlw and only two mlm pairings. Two more guys were gonna have to get together. And after I saw these two, reread their supports, then read @unassumingvenusaur’s fanmade S Support for them, I wound up enjoying this pairing immensely. Also for the sake of not having to do anymore surrogates because this is getting complicated: Transmac Subaki (which I feel could not only make his backstory more interesting given the implications of how terrible his parents are) allowing for them to have a brown haired Caeldori and a red haired Mitama who are sisters.
Arthur X Setsuna. Apparently luck works like integers because when you combine an unlucky Fighter with an equally unlucky Archer, you get a doubly lucky Wyvern riding super hero. Also imagining dorks like Arthur and Setsuna together is just adorable tbh.
Kaden X Peri. When I don’t pair Peri (heh) with Laslow, I usually pair her with one of the furries so I can create an absolutely terrifying Kitsune/Wolfskin. In this case I decided that Peri would be Selkie’s mother and the rest of the army gets to suffer then consequences.
Hayato X Mozu. One: this is basically genderswapped Cyril/Lysithea and Donnel/Maribelle which already makes it a win. Two: Rhajat with Mozu’s hair and freckles is a hilariously adorable image.
Benny X Rinkah. Gentle giant meats muscular spitfire to create flaming good boy.
Keaton X Nyx. Yes, let’s pair the most mature woman in the army who considers herself a monster with one of the most immature guys in the army who can turn into a monster.
Feel free to share your opinions on the pairs, I’ll probably talk more about the child units in the future.
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narutsuart · 5 years
What are your favorite ships in Fire Emblem Games?
Comment or reblog your own list! I want to make a disclaimer though. Everyone is free to ship whoever they want please don’t be rude or flame anyone I will block anyone that acts like an asshole or tries to start a shipping war. Let’s just keep this civil and fun!
So from the games I played:
FE7(Blazing Blade):
Eliwood x Ninian(OTP)
Lyn x Florina or alternatively Lyn x Hector
Shadows of Valentia:
note even though some of these ships are already set in stone doesn’t mean I enjoy them any less.
Alm x Celica(OTP most genuine romance in Fire Emblem in my opinion)
Clair x Gray
Silqe x Jesse
Boey x Mae
M!Robin x Tiki (OTP) or alternatively M!Robin x Lucina(I do really like this ship too) M!Robin x Olivia to a lesser degree. M! Robin is suave as fuck and goes so well with most of the women in Awakening tbh lol
F!Robin x Lon’qu
Chrom x Sumia( it’s a bit basic, but I like the Marth x Caeda parallel)
Gaius x Tharja
Sully x Stahl
Nah x Morgan
Lissa x Vaike
Corrin(both versions) x Azura(OTP) alternatively I like F!Corrin x Silas
Shigure x Ophelia
F!Kana x Kisaragi(they’re just too precious together puppy love)
M!Kana x Selkie(Other than being one of the only girls explicitly in a relationship with him out of his localized S supports, I think they are made for each other)
Kaze x Felicia or Kagero(love equally)
Selena x Subaki
Camilla x Silas or Odin(love equally)
Sakura x Kaden
Xander x Charalotte
Ryoma x Orochi or Kagero(love equally)
Takumi x Oboro
Hinata x Hana
Three Houses:
M!Byleth x Marianne(OTP) and F!Byleth x Edelgard(OTP “other true pairing”🤣)
Bernie x Ferdinand
Constance x Yuri
Dorothea x Petra
Linhardt x Casper
Claude x Hilda
Annette x Felix
Ingrid x Dimitri or Sylvain(non AM)
Hapi x Ashe
I’m interested to see all of your guys lists as well!
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xxmorning-gl0ryxx · 5 years
My Fire Emblem Fates Ships!
Hey, since I’m back, I thought I’d share my Fates otps! A good friend of mine told me to pair up whoever I want and forget stats and that’s what I wanted to do. I’m only halfway through Birthright but I already planned ahead on who I want to pair up for my playthrough in Revelation! I love to obsess over them so I’m posting them here! (Please respect my pairings, all have different opinions here) Here we go!
Corrin x Kaze
Jakob x Azura
Silas x Hinoka
Ryoma x Felicia (A leftover pair but I fell in love with them)
Takumi x Rinkah
Saizo x Kagero
Azama x Setsuna
Kaden x Sakura (They were so cute, I could talk about them for hours!)
Hinata x Hana
Subaki x Oboro
Hayato x Mozu (They’re the only two who look the same age besides Sakura)
Xander x Charlotte
Leo x Nyx
Laslow x Peri
Niles x Camilla 
Odin x Elise
Benny x Beruka (I actually love their supports because it’s hard for me to talk to people sometimes and my good friend once told be that just enjoying one’s company is all that matters. I totally agree with her)
Keaton x Selena (Tsundere x Tsundere so cute!)
Arthur x Effie
And let’s not forget the children! Even if some of the pairings only allow them to be friends in the game, I imagine them together.
Shiro x Caeldori
Asugi x Sophie ( A personal favourite)
Soleil x Opheila
Dwyer x Rhajat
Kiragi x Mitama
Hisame x Midori
Shigure x Nina
Siegbert x Ignatius
Kana x Percy
Selkie x Velouria
Well I guess the guys with no romantic supports are Orochi and Forrest. Oh well.
Do we have any ships in common? Let me know in a reply! Have a good day!
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ieyasu-tacogawa · 6 years
Tagged! Fandom Fun!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Tagged here by @ikemensengokufandom. I feel so happy, thank you!
Three Fandoms:
Ikemen Sengoku
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Samurai Love Ballad: Party
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Fire Emblem Fates
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The First Character You Loved:
Ieyasu (Ikesen)
Yukimura (SLBP)
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Mitsuhide (Ikesen)
Kenshin (SLBP)
The Character You Relate To The Most:
Hideyoshi (Ikesen)
Kyoichiro (SLBP)
The Character You'd Slap:
None of them!? Maybe Mitsunari if he doesn't pay attention?? Or Masamune if he invades my space?? (Ikesen)
Shingen (SLBP)
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Mitsuhide > Ieyasu >= Hideyoshi (Ikesen)
Ieyasu >= Kenshin > Kyoichiro (SLBP)
Sakura > Saizo > Hinata
A Character You Liked At First, But Don't Like Anymore:
Uh... I guess Yukimura? But I still really like him (Ikesen)
Kagetsugu (SLBP)
A Character You Didn't Like At First But Do Now:
Hideyoshi (Ikesen)
Saizo (SLBP)
Three OTPs:
I GUESS Yukimura x Sasuke > Hideyoshi x Mitsuhide > Ieyasu x Masamune (Ikesen)
HMMM Yukimura x Saizo > Kyoichiro x Sasuke > Hideyoshi x Mitsunari (SLBP)
Severa x Subaki (IF THIS ISN'T CANON THEN I DON'T WANT TO LIVE) > Sakura x Saizo > Saizo x Charlotte (SAIZO HAS GREAT SUPPORTS OKAY)
Tagging: @shiranata @fraeuleinfulltime @oh-but-what-if @hotarupls @swifty-fan @honey-gokko @pseudofaux @krookls @hanafabuki @little-mini-me-world @countdowntocake
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electricprincess96 · 6 years
Any FE Fates Ships? Cause I feel like typing some.
My Fates ships? I've got a fair fewXander x Female CorrinCharlotte x Male CorrinSakura x Male Corrin (don't judge me)Rinkah x Male Corrin (I have a lot of Male Corrin ships)Ryoma x Oboro (love this ship plus beautiful blue haired Shiro)Odin x KageroSelena x SubakiCharlotte x SaizoBeruka x SaizoAzura x Takumi (is paired these two on a complete whim and never looked back)Benny x NyxBenny x CharlotteLaslow x OrochiLaslow x FeliciaLaslow x Charlotte (both Laslow and Charlotte are super shipable with like everyone)Peri x KadenKaden x HinokaHinoka x SilasHinoka x LeoLeo x SakuraHinata x HanaHinata x HinokaTheres more but this list was already becoming a bit too long
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damoselcastel · 7 years
subaki x hana or chrom x robin
Tsubaki/Kazahana is actually the sort of bickering I dislike for pairings. They way the undercut each other, even jokingly, I just don’t like. Teasing sure, but the sort that requires the fuel of pointing out flaws or tearing another down, no bueno. They have the potential to move beyond that buuuuut considering there’s plenty of other supports that don’t have this issue, I’ve got other preferred ships for them both. So nah, don’t ship
Chrom/Robin, I fully admit to not liking either character so when I first played I wished the lightning-to-the-gut stuck (though this is a big consequences feel, rather tha purely ship critique) On subsequent playthroughs sticking them together meant playing with the idea that the Exalt line could also bring about the next incarnation of Grima (although I don’t like how Lucina backs down from committing matricide). Technically I ship them but mostly for the angst fuel.
for the meme
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 8: Rinkah’s Burning Loins
My Castle
After fully dedicating ourselves to Hoshido, the game finally really begins. We’re given access to a customizable castle in the Astral Plane where our army waits between battles. We can talk to our units, giving them minor stat boosts or new weapons. Right off the bat, we have a farm and spring to give us resources, rooms for Corrin and Lilith, and a Hall of Records.
In Lilith’s spring, we can feed her to make her level up. Different foods affect her stats in different ways. Note that, although Lilith now has stats, she isn’t usable in battle. Other players can invade our Castle through spotpass, which I’ll discuss in a later entry, and Lilith is only usable in those battles.
Lilith is a weird squirrel dragon thing that floats around clutching a random ball. She used to be our stable girl and is now our pet. I think she has a crush on Corrin. Her design is unique and cute, I like it. Gameplay wise, she can only use a modified Physic staff. I don’t dislike her personality, but she feels like a throwaway character added at the last minute. She raises a ton of questions that I doubt will ever be answered.
In the Hall of Records, we can see descriptions of all the units we’ll ever recruit, rewatch cutscenes, read unreadable poems, and play around with a relationship tester. The relationship tester is randomized, by the way, which kinda makes it pointless. That said, it told me that Corrin expects betrayal from Rinkah, while Rinkah’s loins are set afire by Corrin. This is now canon, I have decided.
In Corrin’s room, we can change their hairstyle and invite an ally over to chill. I chose Kaze. He complimented Corrin’s piano skills, which she apparently has, then stared at us, blushing, while thanking us for saving him from Garon.
So, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. In the Japanese version you get to rub units while in close up mode. Like Pokemon Amie except...with people. This was removed in the English version. A lot of Fire Emblem fans were pissed, crying about censorship because Nintendo of America had the gall to remove the minigame where you rub Camila’s tiddies while she moans. And I’m going to say a hot take right now: they made the right call. That stuff was weird and indulgent. It was the living embodiment of the fanservice focussed design that plagues modern Fire Emblem games. Good riddance.
Inviting allies to Corrin’s cool sex treehouse boosts our support levels. I suppose it's time I mentioned that. In Fire Emblem games, units form bonds from fighting next to each other, unlocking short conversations that flesh them out as characters. Units also fight together better when they have high supports. Now, here’s the fun thing about supports:
There are more than 600 supports in this game. Not support conversations, support lines, each of which is made up of three or four conversations. And, because God has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never finished, I’m going to read all of them.
Admittedly, I’m not going to unlock all of them. S-Rank conversations result in marriages and each unit only gets one. It’d take a few dozen playthroughs to get all of Corrin’s S-Rank conversations and I don’t hate myself that much, so I’m reading the transcripts from the wiki. I think I’m going to do four supports per Entry; that’ll leave me with a few extra by the time we reach the end, but I’ll just do a support grab bag entry or something.
Before we do supports, let’s finish up improving the castle. I built a weapon shop and a statue of Corrin that boosts her max speed. We are limited on the number of buildings we can build, but that isn’t a big deal yet because the only other option was to build a stave shop.
Support: Corrin/Rinkah
C: Corrin attempts to discuss battle tactics with Rinkah, but Rinkah blows her off and tells her to stop trying to be friends. Rinkah does acknowledge that Corrin’s authority and that Corrin saved her life, but tells the princess leave her alone.
B: Corrin pesters Rinkah until she explains why she’s so aloof. Rinkah explains that, the Flame Tribe keeps a great flame burning in the center of the village to honor the God of Fire. In the past, outsiders have extinguished the fire. One such instance was followed by a volcanic eruption that decimated the tribe. As a rule, the people of the Flame Tribe are wary of outsiders. Rinkah also explains that she’s working for Hoshido because her father commanded her to, much to her chagrin.
A: Rinkah explains that she would have preferred to die an honorable warrior’s death than be captured and resents Corrin for sparing her. Corrin says that she’s glad Rinkah is still alive, because it means Rinkah and her can be friends. Corrin also says that, despite the chaos of war, she believes in fate and its ability to bring people together. Corrin encourages Rinkah to use this opportunity to learn more about the outside world and bring that knowledge home with her. Rinkah begrudgingly agrees.
This is how the conversation will end on my playthrough, but if Corrin has a penis, you can get an S-Rank proposal conversation. I’ll be listing all of these off along with the normal conversations.
S: Rinkah comes to Corrin, blushing, and tells him that he has been a constant reminder of her shame and regret over being captured. But, over time, these feelings were replaced with love. Love that she hated, because Corrin is an outsider. Corrin says that he’s loved Rinkah since the day they met and only told her to be friendly to other people as an excuse to spend time with her. Rinkah states that, from now on, she will remember her capture as the happiest day of her life and the two get married.
Review: I really like this support line. It expands Rinkah’s backstory and culture, ties it into Corrin’s own isolation and belief in fate, and deals with the tumultuous meeting they had in Chapter 2. The confession comes out of nowhere, admittedly, but I do like Rinkah grappling with her mixed feelings of hate and love. Solid support.
Support: Corrin/Jakob
C: Corrin comes to Jakob to ask for a favor. Jakob interrupts her by humorously listing off the things he would do for Corrin. Things like slay dragons for her, which is actually kinda offensive now that I think about it. Corrin begs Jakob to allow her to be independent and Jakob refuses. Corrin explains that she’s his boss and he tells her that servitude is his reason for living. Jakob explains that, when he started working for Corrin, he was incompetent, and her kindness towards him made him indebted to her. The two compromise on the agreement that Jakob will teach Corrin how to make tea. After Corrin leaves, Jakob mumbles to himself that things might get apocalyptic.
B: Corrin repeatedly tries and fails to make a decent cup of tea. Both of them get some funny lines in, with Corrin telling Jakob that she can’t hear him because she’s ignoring him and Jakob saying that, saying that they’ll run out of leaves before Corrin makes decent tea. They meaning the nation in this case. Corrin eventually makes a passable cup, after Jakob secretly adds in sugar.
A: Jakob admits to Corrin that he messed with her tea and she laughs it off, admitting that she knew all along. She apologizes for being stubborn and accepts that she still needs Jakob’s help sometimes. Jakob says that he falls apart without Corrin. Corrin says that the two of them are alike in that way and Jakob literally faints from joy.
S: Jakob is acting more distant than normal. When Corrin asks him about this, he admits that he’s fallen for her and resigns from his duties as butler, because it is improper for him to have feelings for his mistress. Corrin begs him to say because she needs him and admits that she loves him too. The two of them get embarrassed and Corrin fires Jakob, giving him the new job of husband.
Review: This was a hilarious support that really made me appreciate Jakob’s snarky yet loyal personality. He is the perfect butler. The conflict of Corrin wanting to be independent and Jakob wanting to take care of her is a good dynamic that made me appreciate the relationship between these two characters. I do like them more as a platonic couple than a romantic one, but Jakob quitting his job because falling in love with Corrin is improper is a nice character moment.
Support: Corrin/Kaze
C: A villager gives Kaze a bunch of radishes because he’s super hot. And I mean, he is. Kaze apparently doesn’t realize that he’s hot until Corrin explains it to him. Kaze mentions that he dislikes the attention because he isn’t a good person before running off.
B: Corrin asks Kaze to follow her around so she can figure out what’s bothering him. Kaze says no, so Corrin annoys him until he agrees to hang out with him. Then he runs away again.
A: Kaze admits to Corrin that it was his fault that Garon kidnapped her, because when he was a child, he noticed the Nohrian soldiers that killed Sumeragi were in the city but said nothing about it. I don’t know how that makes Corrin’s kidnapping his fault, you’d expect there to be soldiers guarding a king. And the fact that Kaze was there means that there were also Hoshido soldiers, which means there was no reason to be suspicious of the Nohrians. Also, Kaze was a teenager at the oldest, so he should probably get some leeway. Whatever. Kaze apologizes to Corrin and Corrin, in turn, apologizes for making him live with guilt for fifteen years. Corrin also points out that Kaze led her home, meaning that they’re even now. Kaze compares Corrin to Mikoto because of her kindness and pledges to serve Corrin as her loyal retainer.
S: Corrin and Kaze joke around about Corrin’s kidnapping. It’s cute. Corrin mentions that, now that she’s spent so much time offscreen with Kaze, she likes him even more. Kaze blurts out that he loves Corrin, despite being her bodyguard, and the two propose.
Review: I found this chain a bit lacking, to be honest. The first two conversations were filler and the origin for Kaze’s guilt complex is kinda dumb. Kaze’s relationship with Corrin defines him as a character. He is so guilt ridden over her kidnapping that he would betray his country and his family to protect her. Later parts of the game hinge on this relationship. But, three of their four conversations are dull. I do like Kaze’s guilt complex as a concept, and think becoming Corrin’s retainer alongside Jakob and/or Felicia and a way to repent, but it isn’t enough to save this support line.
Support: Kaze/Rinkah
C: Kaze gets a bunch of candy for being hot and shares it with Rinkah, who secretly loves candy.
B: Kaze continues to give Rinkah candy.
A: Kaze continues to give Rinkah candy.
S: Kaze reveals that he’s been giving Rinkah candy because he’s in love with her.
Review: This one was a big let down. The fact that Kaze and Rinkah are introduced together made me think it would be about their capture, but no. It’s just Kaze giving Rinkah candy for four conversations straight. And it’s cute fluff, but it’s nothing more than that. There is something interesting below the surface with Rinkah hiding her love of candy to protect her image, but it’s never really explored.
So, off to a mixed start with the support conversations.
Birthright Chapter 7: A Vow Upheld
Team Corrin heads to a Hoshidan fort where Sakura is tending to wounded soldiers. We are introduced to Sakura’s retainers, Subaki and Hana. Suddenly, the fort is attacked by Nohrian forces. Corrin and Azura point out the ridiculousness of them attacking immediately after they arrived. Sakura freaks out because the fort is being used as a hospital and has no military value. So apparently Nohr is now being evil just to be evil.
Subaki and Hana agree to help Corrin defend the fort and argue over who’s more important to Sakura, much to her annoyance. Subaki and Hana give me a good opportunity to discuss a few interesting things about classes in this game. First off, unlike in most Fire Emblem games, classes are NOT gender-specific, as demonstrated by Subaki being the first male Pegasus Knight in the series. Secondly, the classic Fire Emblem classes were divided between the two nations. Nohr got Mercenaries, Hoshido got Myrmidons. Nohr got Wyvern Riders, Hoshido got Pegasus Knights. Etc. I really like this, it gives the two countries different feels in combat both aesthetically and mechanically. Finally, a lot of Hoshidan classes were renamed to be more Eastern, shown by Hana being a Samurai instead of a Myrmidon, or by Sakura being a Shrine Maiden instead of a Cleric.
Subaki is a Sky Knight, this game’s equivalent of a Pegasus Knight. He can fly over terrain and has good speed and resistance, but is decimated by arrows. His personal skill buffs his hit and avoid when he has full health. Design wise, I like how ridiculously smug he looks. Personality wise, he seems over-competitive yet fiercely loyal to Sakura.
Hana is a Samurai with high speed and skill. Her personal skill damaged nearby enemies when she scores a kill. Her design is fine, if a little bland. Personality wise, she seems over-competitive yet fiercely loyal to Sakura.
Starting with this chapter, we have a prep menu, where we can choose which units to use and rearrange them on the map. We can bring our whole team in with us, so it’s a little pointless, but it's nice. Worth noting that you can have units start in pair up via this menu, unlike in Awakening where you had to pair them up after the battle started.
At the start of the battle, the chapter’s boss, a Cavalier named Silas, shouts out to Corrin that he’s her childhood best friend. She does not remember him even slightly. Okie dokie.
This map is decent. It’s a bit short, but it features a lot of good bottlenecks. The Dragon Veins can be used to open heal tiles, which is a bit pointless because you have two healers. When Silas and Corrin fight, he reiterates that they used to be friends. Corrin says that she can’t remember her past. And that confuses me, because I was under the impression that she got amnesia when she was taken to Nohr, which would have been before she met Silas. Unless he’s lying.
After the battle, Corrin refuses to kill Silas. She interrogates him about why he was so hesitant to attack them and he explains that, when they were children, he helped Corrin sneak out of the walls to have a picnic. The guards tried to execute Silas for this, but Corrin stopped them, because apparently guards listen to small children. Because of this, Silas feels he owes a debt to Corrin.
Question. Why was this random child allowed to play with the super secret hostage princess? Whatever.
Corrin eventually recovers a vague memory of Silas and asks him to join the gang. She explains that Garon is crazy and evil and that’s enough to make him swap sides. Silas is now officially the most sane character in the game. I mean, he should have probably realized this stuff before being sent to destroy a hospital for shits and giggles, but still.
Also, Silas mentions that Corrin’s favorite food is surf and turf. Perhaps this symbolizes how Corrin is stuck between both kingdoms? Or maybe it’s a random throwaway line. You be the judge!
At the end of the chapter, Saizo and a new character named Orochi show up, wounded, and report that Takumi and Ryoma have gone missing. Uh oh.
Team Corrin decide to help search for the missing princes. Sakura decides to come along, despite Corrin and Kaze’s objections. Silas also decides to come along and Saizo points out that he totally could be a spy or traitor. He’s a dick, but he is infinitely smarter than Kaze.
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unassumingvenusaur · 7 years
Flora Early Join Patch + Gay Fates Update 0.6.0-- “Flora Emblem”
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It’s here!!!! Finally!!! After so many months!!!
Here’s all the Flora love you could ever want, in two parts! 
Part 1: Gay Fates version 0.6.0-- This update adds 77 new support conversations, and Flora now has supports with every first gen character minus Yukimura and a decent amount with the second gen as well! This is all thanks to the tireless contributions of all this hack’s writers and supporters, especially those who helped me with the nitty gritty like my girlfriend Claire and @parrythemoon--this couldn’t have happened without them! 
Part 2: Flora Early Join Patch!  This patch enables Flora to join much much earlier than normal--Chapter 8 of Conquest for those who have the Conquest or Special Edition cartridge/download and Chapter 12 of Revelation for those who have the Special Edition cartridge/download.
Flora is crafted into a character a la Felicia and Jakob in this patch, with a level cap at level 40. This also has a Corrinsexual rebalancing patch built in which means her growths will more than keep pace. 
Hope you all enjoy these!!! I’ll have the full list of Gay Fates changes under the cut!
Added Luma version files in the download pack
The All Paralogues Unlocked GameData has instead been turned into an Lunar IPS patch.
Various Corrections to support options in GameData.bin.lz
Added Support Options for:
Flora x Azama C-S
Flora x Effie C-S
Flora x Anna C-S
Flora x Kagero C-S
Flora x Hana C-S
Flora x Orochi C-S
Flora x Izana C-S
Flora & Hayato C-A
Flora & Soleil C-A
Flora & Forrest C-A
Flora x Nyx C-S
Flora x Kaden C-S
Flora & Dwyer C-A
Flora & Midori C-A
Flora x Fuga C-S
Flora x Hinata C-S
Flora x Mozu C-S
Niles x Benny C-S
Scarlet & Shiro C-A
Lucina x Mozu C-S
Yukimura x Azura C-S
Gunter & Peri C-A
Yukimura x Saizo C-S
Yukimura x Kagero C-S
Leo x Arthur C-S
Fuga x Ryoma C-S
Izana x Takumi C-S
Added Support Conversations for:
Flora x Jakob C-S
Flora & Dwyer Parent/Child
Flora x Camilla C-S
Flora x Xander C-S
Flora & Siegbert Parent/Child
Flora x Azura C-S
Flora & Shigure Parent/Child
Flora x Beruka C-S
Flora x Charlotte C-S
Flora x Laslow C-S
Flora & Soleil Parent/Child
Flora x Subaki C-S
Flora & Caeldori Parent/Child
Flora x Azama C-S
Flora & Mitama Parent/Child
Flora x Anna C-S
Flora x Leo C-S
Flora & Forrest Parent/Child
Flora x Effie C-S
Flora x Saizo C-S
Flora & Asugi Parent/Child
Flora x Kagero C-S
Flora x Benny C-S
Flora & Ignatius Parent/Child
Flora x Nyx C-S
Flora x Ryoma C-S
Flora & Shiro Parent/Child
Flora & Sakura C-A
Flora x Setsuna C-S
Flora x Odin C-S
Flora & Ophelia Parent/Child
Flora x Oboro C-S
Charlotte x Selena C-S
Flora x Keaton C-S
Flora & Velouria Parent/Child
Flora & M!Kana Parent/Child
Flora & Dwyer C-A
Flora & Soleil C-A
Flora x Hana C-S
Flora x Arthur C-S
Flora & Percy Parent/Child
Flora & M!Kana C-A
Flora & F!Kana C-A
Flora x Peri C-S
Flora x Niles C-S
Flora & Nina Parent/Child
Flora & Midori C-A
Flora & Forrest C-A
Soleil x Velouria C-S
Flora x Izana C-S
Flora & Elise C-A
Flora & Gunter C-A
Flora x Kaze C-S
Flora & Midori Parent/Child
Flora & Hayato C-A
Flora x Mozu C-S
Soleil & Azura C-A
Flora x Takumi C-S
Flora & Kiragi Parent/Child
Flora x Kaden C-S
Flora & Selkie Parent/Child
Flora x Reina C-S
Laslow x Subaki C-S
Subaki & Soleil Parent/Child
Laslow & Caeldori Parent/Child
Soleil & Caeldori Siblings
Flora x Shura C-S
Flora x Hinata C-S
Flora & Hisame Parent/Child
Flora x Orochi C-S
Flora x Fuga C-S
Flora x Hinoka C-S
Flora x Silas C-S
Flora & Sophie Parent/Child
Flora x Rinkah C-S
Oboro x Xander C-S
Oboro & Siegbert Parent/Child
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