#azura x reader
frickingnerd · 12 days
Conquest Masterlist
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yandere corrin - headcanons
camilla with a hoshidan s/o - headcanons
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mysticpink · 7 months
*when the Child!summoner, child!Azura and Child!Lyn are kidnapped….again*
Kidnapper: you are all so annoying! This is why I never want kids!
Child!Lyn: um, no. That’s not the reason. It’s because no woman on this earth would ever want to go out with a guy name FRANK!!
Child!Summoner: yeah! It sounds way to close to FART! I bet you haven’t been on a date since 1962!
Kidnapper: I wasn’t even born there so HA!
Child!Summoner: that’s exactly my point! So eat sh**!…..sorry mommy!
Child!Azura: I bet your bold under there and the hair on your head is from your buttcrack. Dirty old man!
Kidnapper: who in the he!! raised you kids?! Your so damn evil and mean!
Child!Lyn: hey man. You kidnapped us. So this is what you get. Let us go and we’ll stop being mean to you
Kidnapper: yeah, nice try. Nobody is gonna get one on all might FRANK!!
Child!Summoner: more like mighty loser!
Child!Azura: mighty lonely….yeah
Child!Lyn: mighty pathetic
Kidnapper: *cries* you three are so mean…I hate kids
Niles: *who came to save them* did you just make a grown man cry?
Child!Lyn: sure did!
Child!summoner: we are free any day of the week to make a grown man cry! Call 1-800-make a man cry today
Niles: I never been more proud
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angeltism · 1 year
drop the platonic f/o list bestie.....
ooughfhfh I'll work on the full rentry soon but the ones I'm thinking of rn are ai.ri, min.ori, miz.uki, en.a ++ an (pjsk) and then sam.po ++ sil.ver wolf (hsr)
sam.po is also sorta-ish familial in the way that in my timeline we were friends w a kind of "we're siblings even though we're not actually related" kinda relationship? idk if that still counts as rlly familial since it's not family in the typical sense but my brain is running at 40% rn so. aaarhfaheifndjfn
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/c Ryoma x Female Reader
She knew enough from her various studies to deduce what multiple worlds insinuated. A different version of herself said those words about a different Ryoma. That meant nothing for this world's Ryoma.
Maybe Shiro's father was in love with the other her, but that didn't mean it went the same for every world. Or maybe he didn't love her yet; she, for one, hadn't exactly been thinking about love aside from today.
Maybe in this world, she would end up alone and he would be with whomever already caught his eye. That was probably why he was so quiet.
And that was alright, of course! Shiro's appearance just made everything complicated and awkward, but she'd make sure to establish the fact that there should be no pressure between the two of them. She would not be married out of pity or as anyone's second choice. It's not like she wasn't already intending to live life alone. The palace had no shortage of work for her, and she had no shortage of motivation to do it all.
...but she found that she did love Shiro.
"Oh, Shiro," she smiled softly, wrapping her arms around him, "Let's get you back home."
My friend. I'm crying. Have mercy.
I'm no longer accepting starters, right now I'm only writing continuations!
Although the start was rough he was happy to meet you here in the end. It was awkward and it sort of still is... But he didn't care now. No matter when or what version of you he meets you he's going to be happy. Of course he was happy to see his father too, but the situation did leave him puzzled.
"Okay, here I go" he takes a step forward but before he could go further both of you hear "Wait!" as you turn you see Azura with Ryoma, it looks like they were in a rush to get here "The portal won't work that way" she explained after catching her breath.
"Huh? Why not?" Shiro asked.
"That portal you came through was a one way one. But don't worry I know how to get you back home" she elaborated "Say your goodbyes and follow me"
"Bye dad. Unless you still don't consider me as your son" Shiro said before going with Azura, leaving you and Ryoma alone. He looked hurt but he also embraced that it was his fault it turned out to be this way.
"So..." he started the thought but he didn't know exactly how he wanted the conversation to continue. Even though he prepared himself to speak to you about it he just couldn't find the words "That was... Something"
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c0sm1c-c01nc1dence · 5 months
✧ Pairing: Hunter x human!reader ✧
✧ Content/warnings: Soulmate AU, takes place during season 3, use of the word ‘damn’ once, the title is bland and I’m sorry, Hunter and the reader are both dorks, first post on here!! ✧
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The “rules” for soulmates, as it were, were pretty straightforward. You see everything in the color of your soulmates eyes. Once you make eye contact with them you can see in full, proper colors. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Well, not for you, it wasn’t.
You, for the past sixteen or so years of your life, had been seeing nothing but red. Different shades, thank god, but red nonetheless. And to be frank, you were getting pretty damn fed up with it. The thing is that no one naturally has red eyes. And you would know; you’ve googled it maybe a thousand times already.
So you were fairly certain you didn’t have a soulmate, and this was all some cruel joke from the universe. But life marches on, so there’s no time to dwell on that, is there?
───── ───── ───── ─────
Another day at Gravesfield’s high school, bland as ever. At least until you caught a glance at your friend Luz. Rather, former friend. She’d been acting weird ever since she came back from that ‘reality check’ camp. And not standard Luz weird, no— she’d been avoiding you since then. Acting like she didn’t know you at all whenever you approached her, not to mention her sudden lack of interest in anything she used to like. The Good Witch Azura books, most notably.
So, needless to say, you were a bit surprised at her new look. Curly hair, a new scar over her eyebrow, and a general air of seasonal depression about her. Even though your recent interactions hadn’t gone so smoothly, you couldn’t help but ask. You were still allowed to care about her.
“Luz?” You called out from down the school hallway. She turned her head in your direction, and you could practically see the stars in her eyes when she saw you. She ran towards you, almost tackling you in a hug. Stumbling backwards, you hesitantly returned the gesture. “Good to see you too?” You awkwardly pat her back, unsure of what to do at the moment.
“Y/N, I am so glad to see you! Oh, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” She backed away and wiped a small tear from her eye.
“We saw each other yesterday, though?” You chuckled, still perplexed by this whole situation. “Seriously, what’s going on? You’re kinda acting like you just came back from war right now.” Her face fell slightly, but her smile quickly returned.
“Meet me at my house once school’s done, ok? I have… a lot to tell you.” You nodded, and watched her just walk away casually after that interaction.
“Cool. Good talk, I guess?”
───── ───── ───── ─────
“So, if I’m following,” You began, now in the Noceda family’s living room. “You didn’t go to summer camp, but instead spent several months in a fantasy world, and the Luz I’ve been interacting with is actually a shape-shifting basilisk.” You pointed to Vee, who nodded shyly. “And in this fantasy world you became a witch, made a bunch of new friends, and got a girlfriend.” You left out the details involving Belos and the Collector, deciding that you didn’t need to recap whatever nonsense was going on there.
“Yeah, actually. You’re handling this surprisingly well.” Luz noted.
“I think I’m still in shock, to be honest.” You laugh a bit in disbelief. You couldn’t begin to comprehend what she’d been through during those months, and you kind of didn’t want to. “So, more importantly, do I get to meet these new people?” You questioned, and her face brightened.
“Of course! They’re upstairs, so let me go get them and I’ll be right back.” You waited downstairs with Vee, exchanging basic small talk. She apologized for the whole ‘impersonating one of your few friends’ thing, which was nice of her. Eventually Luz came back, new friends and girlfriend following behind her.
“Alright! Everyone this is Y/N.” You gave a polite wave, quickly scanning over the group. “Y/N, this is Willow, Gus, Amity, and Hunter.” You got a proper look at all of them as she said their names, your eyes landing on the blond last. Wait a minute, blond?!
As it would turn out, when you made eye contact with Hunter you could suddenly see a lot more colors. He clearly noticed this as well, as a light blush was present on his cheeks and ears. You could feel some heat rise to your own face as well.
“Y/N, is everything okay?” Luz asked, noticing your stunned silence.
“I, uh…” you stumbled over your words like an idiot, still staring at him. Saving what little dignity you had left, your phone dinged from your pocket. Checking the notification, you gave an awkward smile and held it up to the group. “Oh! You know what, that’s my dad. He probably wants me home for dinner!” You put your phone back in your pocket, and began approaching the door. “I’ll see you guys later, okay, bye!”
You got the words out as quickly as you could, and bolted as soon as the door was open. You ran back to your house, face still flushed from embarrassment and being generally flustered, leaving a room full of witches (and one human) awfully confused.
“Hunter, what was that about?” Willow asked, as he still stared at the spot where you once were.
“Um- good question.”
───── ───── ───── ─────
Later that day, Hunter knocked on the door to Luz’s bedroom.
“Come in.” She said idly, distracted by whatever she had been playing on her Switch. He entered her room, hands anxiously fidgeting at his sides. There wasn’t a particularly easy way to say this, so he just bit the bullet.
“So, you know the whole thing with your soulmate, and how you’ll only see in their eye color until you make eye contact?”
“Yeah?” She encouraged, curiosity evident in her tone.
“Well, it’s possible that maybe, perhaps, Y/Nismysoulmate.”
“What?!” She immediately paused her game, and whipped around to face him. “Really?! Tell me everything!” She sat on the ground and patted the spot next to her, encouraging him to sit down. He did so, face red from having to explain the whole ordeal.
“There’s nothing to tell! I used to only see e/c, I looked at them, now I can see every color, and they— I always thought your hair was black, by the way— and they just ran away!” As Luz sat and processed this information, Hunter continued thinking out loud. “Did they not like me or something? Is it because I’m from the Boiling Isles?” He questioned, grabbing the pointed tips of his ears. Cutting his rambling short, Luz spoke up.
“No, I don’t think so. They were always interested in fantasy like I was. Maybe they were just a bit overwhelmed?” She suggested. He sighed.
“I guess that could have been it.” He said, though the anxiety was still clear on his face.
“Hey, how about I try to get them to come over this weekend? You guys can talk about it then.” He nodded, and watched her grab her phone to message you. Titan, he hoped she was right about this.
───── ───── ───── ─────
A few days had gone by since the whole incident with Hunter. You had been avoiding him since then, though you honestly weren’t sure why. If you had to, though, you’d say it was probably out of shock. I mean, you were convinced you didn’t have a soulmate for years. And now this incredibly good-looking boy comes in from another realm, and he’s supposedly perfect for you? It’s absurd!
Though it was also worry. How would a relationship between the two of you even work out? He’d have to go home eventually, and you probably couldn’t come with him. Maybe he wouldn’t even like you after the way you left the other day, and he’d reject you before you even had a chance. That’d put a quick and easy end to all this.
You’d been really sick of the color red these past couple days. You usually were, but now it was for an entirely different reason.
Though you couldn’t avoid your problems forever, despite your best efforts. Luz had invited you over for a board game night to celebrate the two of you reuniting. And, well… who were you to say no?
───── ───── ───── ─────
The day finally came, and it had been going relatively well so far. No one else seemed to know what had happened or why you left that first time you came over. Though you and Hunter had been carefully dancing around each other the whole time. It seemed neither of you were equipped to talk about your feelings at the moment. But were you really ever?
Eventually you saw him slip out the front door. With a sigh, you decided to finally face the problem. No use in stalling any more than you already have. After telling Luz that you were going outside for a moment, you stepped out and saw Hunter sitting on the steps leading to the front door. He turned around at the noise, and immediately turned back the other way when he saw it was you. Wordlessly, you sat down next to him. After a moment, he finally broke the silence.
“You look really nice.” You glanced at him, and saw the pink dusting his face. You smiled at the way his blush would spill out onto his ears.
“Thanks, but I’m not really wearing anything special.”
“I know,” He continued, finally meeting your eyes. “I just mean, like- you look nice. You’re really cute.”
“Oh.” You said, quite simply, now blushing a bit as well. You looked at the ground beneath you, pondering how exactly to go about this. “So, this whole ‘soulmate’ thing, huh?”
“Yeah.” Was all he managed. His hands toyed with his pants, still a bit nervous about this whole ordeal. Unable to find the words he wanted, Hunter just looked out at the surrounding neighborhood for a bit. Eventually, though, he said the one thing that was on his mind at the moment. “So… what do we do now?”
“Well, if I may suggest something scandalous?” His blush deepened at your words, but quickly faded as he watched you intertwine your hand with his own.
“Wow, and we’re not even married yet.” He joked. You put your free hand up defensively.
“I know, I know! What can I say, I like to live on the edge.” He laughed, and you silently basked in the sound. You set your eyes on the sky above you, a handful of stars already visible in the late evening’s light. Maybe red isn’t half bad after all.
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thewritetofreespeech · 4 months
Astarion x Reader
words: 1.5K
rating: T
pairing: Ascended!Astarion x Tav
summary: banking off the Jealous!Tav x Astarion ask, I made one for Ascended verse as well.
Astarion let out a deep sigh as he walked through the long corridors of his palace towards his chambers. Who knew being a Vampire Lord would be so taxing?
He thought it would be all blood, japes, and all-consuming-power when he ascended, but noooo. Apparently, all that power did not come with an instantaneous dark underground to control and city at his feet. He had to put in effort. Time. A lot of both, which somedays Astarion thought was just not worth it. But his ambitions would not let him rest on his laurels. Even if he did need a rest for the evening.
The doors let out a heavy echo as they close behind him, and Astarion sighed once more as he undid his overcoat. His attention then turned towards the bed as he saw the bedding move. “Darling?” He questioned curiously but knew it couldn’t be.
Tav was out with Shadowheart. Catching up with their dear friend while she was in the city, for reasons that were probably told to Astarion but he couldn’t be bother to remember since he wasn’t going. For once he let them go unaccompanied but was now hopeful that they came back early over missing him terribly.
“Master?” Astarion’s face paled (metaphorically, as it could not get any paler than it already was) as the sheets pulled back an a young, blonde, naked woman appeared from the covers. “I thought you’d never come back tonight.”
“What are you doing here Azura?” He hissed at his latest spawn. A silly girl who begged him for the gift, and Astarion gave it to her for no other reason than he felt his beloved needed a new chambermaid. “You dare enter my chambers, uninvited, and help yourself to my bed. Have you lost your absolute mind?!”
Astarion wasn’t exactly kind to his spawn, but he wasn’t nearly as cruel as Cazador. Which he knew was a very low bar. He gave them a fine amount of freedom to move about the castle. Updated the dorms so they weren’t as spartan as what he had been forced to endure. Almost never tortured them unless they absolutely needed to be punished. And this is how he was repaid?!
“Yes. I have lost my mind. Lost it for you, my master.” He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Oh Gods, the idiot was in love. He recognized that soft stare and devoted posture. If her, quite literally, naked display wasn’t enough of a clue he could nearly smell the pheromones off her. “I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to please you.”
“You can please me by getting out.” He pointed to the door although he didn’t compel her. He wasn’t sure why. Perhaps he wanted to again be kind and give her the choice. Or just a sick morbid curiosity on how this would play out.
“Leave? You really don’t want me here?” She seemed surprised. Given her beauty this may have been the first time she was rejected, Astarion assumed. It always surprised him when his quarry didn’t take the bait. Perhaps this was a similar feeling for her. “You really don’t want me to stay?”
Azura pulled back the sheets to reveal that she wasn’t truly naked. Just in a thin nightgown that was so transparent it was nearly invisible. Her skin smooth. Her legs long. Her cunt neatly shaved and breast taunt & perky. She’ll lead men to this castle in droves, he thought. Unfortunately, her charms were immune to him.
“Yes. Get out. I won’t repeat myself again.”
The girl jumped off the bed and came closer. Astarion hoped it was for the door, but no such luck. His spawn leaned into him, delicate and wanting. Staring up into his eyes like a lover while he stared back at her with a stern look. “Shouldn’t a master be able to taste what’s his when he likes. Don’t you miss my blood from the first time? Tasting it on your lips?”
He wants to tell her no. That he hasn’t thought about it since that first time. Honestly, he hadn’t thought of her since that first time. But mentions of blood, and the reminder of the power he felt when he took her life and made it his own, does get his own blood to hum.
“You can have it again, if you’d like. Take all of me. A lord, a king, can take anything he wishes. I can be your obedient consort as well. Be one of your most beloved spawn.” As she spoke her body and lips moved closer to him.
“What’s going on here?”
The girl jumped back, quickly. Like she had been licked by fire. Astarion stood still. He hadn’t done anything wrong, technically, so he had no reason to be afraid. Although that cool look in Tav’s eyes was making him seriously question that decision. “I said: what’s going on here?”
“I was….I-I was just….I…”
“You were trying to take my place, eh?” Astarion chuckled at his beloved’s blunt response. Direct and to the point as always.
“Darling, as if she could.” He moved over to Tav. Separating himself completely from his spawn to sooth his consort. “This is just some misplaced adoration of a spawn and their master. Granted we’ve gone a little far…”
“It’s not misplaced! I love you!” There was a growl in Tav’s throat and Astarion huffed at the girl’s childish pleas. He really had been trying to help her here. “I would never leave you alone like they would! I would be loyal to you always! I can be twice the consort they are if you just give me a ch—"
She doesn’t get to finish asking for her chance that would never come. As her head was hanging limp to the side, nearly off her shoulders. Blood gushing from the gaping hole in her throat. Spraying across the room and down her thin negligee. Once translucent material now opaque as it was drenched in crimson. “Well…that was something.”
“It’s not funny Astarion!�� Tav yelled at him. Their eyes were wild and angry as they whipped around to glare at him. A powerful shiver running up his spine in the face of that heat.
“Of course it’s funny. All this for something so trivial. As if this scrap of nothing could have replace you. My beloved, perfect consort.” Astarion came close and lifted their bloody hand to kiss it gently. “No one could, would, or ever will replace you, my love. My wicked heart is yours, for all eternity.”
“Why didn’t you tell her that then?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t think it needed to be said.” His poor dead spawn had to know she was taking a long shot when she came here. And if she didn’t then she was too dumb for Astarion to have around anyway. Still, he supposed Tav was right. He could have made more of an effort to stop her. “Still, it is rather cute that you can still get jealous over my affection. It makes me so hot. Watching you fight over me.”
He heard Tav sigh when he kissed by their ear and then jaw. Hearing them mutter, “not much of a fight” which made his cock harden in his breeches.
“Perhaps I should flirt with women and men more often.”
Astarion felt a hard jerk of his own pristine, sharp jaw away from Tav. Their nails digging into the soft skin of his cheek as they stared at them with a blazing hatred he hadn’t seen since the Elder Brain or that disgusting necromancer in the crypt. “Don’t.” A single word. Sharp. Direct.
He doesn’t like to be told ‘no’ often these days. He’s killed men for less presses against his authority. But that sharp look, one that promised his beloved would leave a trail of bodies like rose petals at his feet if he even pretended to be interested in them, made his blood boil with desire. It’s a beat in his heart that echoes his own. The agonies he would face on men who even stared at his beloved too long. Their glances were only for him. Their body was only his. Their conversations, their passions, their life, their loyalty, all of it was his. He supposed the least he could do was not pretend to be fickle with it.
“Very well, my love. I won’t. My sweet words will, as always, be for you alone. Plus, we can’t have your jealousy wreaking havoc all over the castle & city. Just think of the stains.”
He kissed Tav, to reassure them that his love was for them and them alone, picking them up and carrying them to the bed to remind them properly. As he carried them to their bed, he stepped over poor dead, double dead, Azura’s body. Already forgotten. Already not even a memory. Just a stain in the carpet that would need to be sorted out in the morning.
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saetgvia · 4 months
spark | wriothesley
in which you and wriothesley find an unlikely spark.
prince!wrio x fem!noble!reader, invented country au
✧ genre: fluff, angst...? maybe...? if you squint...?, arranged marriage trope
✧ tw: none, if you see any lmk <3
✧ word count: 1.32K
✧ playlist: spark - taeyeon, radio - lana del rey, deja vu - txt, darl+ing - seventeen, invu - taeyeon, agora hills - doja cat, killin' me good - jihyo, i like you (a happier song) - doja cat & post malone, fever - enhypen, eleven - ive, hype boy - newjeans, hard to love - rose, sour grapes - le sserafim, oh my god - adele, my head & my heart - ava max, nonsense - sabrina carpenter, the feels - twice
━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━
i. a not so meet-cute
'what.' you stare in disbelief at your parents. 'there's no way. NO. WAY.' arranged marriages only happen in books. of course you'd heard of them in your country of azura, some distant cousin being married to some lord or other for alliances or whatever, but you'd always been free to do what you wanted, marry who you chose. your parents never put any restrictions on you, but this out of the blue is so- 'unexpected! what? i thought-' 'circumstances change.' your father replies shortly. 'i- you- you can't do this!' you cry, becoming more and more panicked. you wanted to fall in love, marry someone you chose! and now, you were going to be pawned off to someone you didn't even know. wait...
'can you at least tell me who i'm being given away to?' 'you're not being given away-' 'oh mom, it's fine. i know how this works. so, who is it?'
wriothesley. the prince of emeia. a name that struck fear into your very soul. not because he was a terrible ruler or a womaniser. he was, in fact, the complete opposite. you'd heard tales from all over the kingdom in the form of gossiping ladies giggling behind fans, sipping their tea and gushing to your mother. she, in turn, laughed daintily, and turned to you with a pointed look. how could she even know? his parents kept him hidden away from the world, their precious son too perfect for mere commoners. no, you were afraid because you didn't know him. because he seemed too good to be true. and most of all, because he was about to become your life. you should have seen this coming.
'i won't go.'
your father's eyes narrow, and you can see his neatly trimmed beard bristling in anger. you've never seen him like this before, and over something as silly as an arranged marriage? your mother puts a placating arm on his bicep, and he shoots her a look, both of them communicating through their gaze. finally, he exhales, evidently trying to calm himself, and speaks.
'we... we're in debt. remember that deal with ceria? the cherry liqueur? they've been selling it for exorbitant prices without giving us any of the profits, and we've been depending on that to get us out of last winter's snowstorms. emeia noticed us struggling and have so kindly offered to refill our coffers in exchange for your hand.' there's a hint of annoyance in his tone, and you begin to understand just how much this is weighing on him. but still, how can you throw your life away like that?
'i'll think about it.'
'but i don't WANT to!' you shriek into your pillow, kicking your feet in true spoiled girl fashion. your maid, or rather, your friend, giselle, winces, and tries to comfort you.
'hey, maybe it won't be so bad! everyone says he's a sweetheart!'
'think about your parents, hon! you can always divorce him later, run away, fake your own death-'
she breaks off at your deadpan gaze, and starts to giggle, until you start to giggle, and you're both in your bed cackling uncontrollably. you wipe tears of mirth from your eyes, and look at giselle over the rumpled sheets, her eyes twinkling, and you wish there were more people like her in the world. sitting up, you clasp her hands between yours, and trace the lines on her weathered palm. you exhale, and make up your mind. you have to marry wriothesley.
'giselle... i'll marry wriothesley. but only if you come with me.'
'woah woah woAH-' you cry as you stumble. your beautiful, floor-length cherry-red dress, so stunning to look at when you were standing in one place, was nothing but a nuisance when you were walking. for comfort, you'd opted for soft velvet flats instead of the heels sent for you; you could see the flaws in this decision now. but instead of breaking your nose, you're met with shoes. shiny leather shoes, buckled with silver, and a pair of strong - warm - arms gripping your own. slowly raising your head, your eyes land on a beautiful face. chiseled jawline, chiseled nose, chiseled forehead, somehow his neck is also chiseled. but his lips, so plump and pink and soft, and his eyes, like chips of blue ice, hold a twinkle of mirth.
'woah there, careful. wouldn't want you to get hurt.'
his voice is honey, smooth and sweet, and it washes over your ears. you can't stop staring, enthralled by his gaze.
'cat got your tongue?'
you snap out of your daze, realising you're still half on the mysterious stranger, and stumble backwards. you brush your hands over your dress, the gold embroidery rough under your fingers.
'sorry. i uh- i have to go.'
you picked up your skirts and hurried back towards the throne room. you didn't think you could get so lost trying to go to the bathroom! stopping before a mirror adorning the wall, you take a quick look at your appearance. the crimson dress fit your figure wonderfully, golden embroidery curling up the sides and front of your dress, forming a pattern of flames that ended just below your neckline. your hair, so lustrous and thick, had managed to escape its tight bindings, so you gasp heavily as you catch your breath and tie your hair up at the same time, the ribbon cherry-red to match your dress. adjusting yourself one final time, you nod to the guards outside to open the door for you, and walk into the throne room.
you're once again taken by surprise at the grandness of it all. absolutely everything inside is scarlet, a stark contrast to the cool blue drapes of azura. you'd always found it funny how blue was your dukedom's colour and yet your primary export was cherries, something so very opposite. the floor, carpeted in lush red and cream formed a pathway up to the raised thrones, all three of them cushioned by velvet and adorned with gold scrollwork and filigree. behind the thrones and all around, rich tapestries decorate the walls, vermilion depictions of the kingdom's greatest victories. you weren't sure if they were there to celebrate or intimidate. maybe both. a big, booming laugh reaches your ears, and your gaze is drawn to the antechamber towards the back of the room. ah, so that's where they've gone to. you scurry towards the chamber, nodding with as much regal-ness as you could muster towards the servants who caught your eye and sank into a deep curtsy or bow. straightening your dress, again, out of habit, you step into the room.
your parents are laughing, your father releasing his great guffaw and your mother tittering behind her gloved hand. the king of emeia, a warm, welcoming person with greying ebony hair and soft blue eyes was telling some kind of story, while his wife, the queen, sat, watching the scene with adoration and satisfaction. the queen noticed you first, her brown eyes crinkling into a sweet smile as she noticed you.
'oh there you are! we were wondering where you'd gone.'
'sorry... i got a little lost.' you take your seat on another velvet sofa, picking up your cup of tea. the servants appeared to have brought more plates of food in, the table once again covered in delicate china piled high with macarons and pastries and little sandwiches cut into perfect triangles. you pick up one of the treats, a golden swirl of pastry with colourful fruit peeking out, and bite into it. it's heavenly, deliciously flaky and sweet on your tongue. you pick it up and munch happily on it again.
'ah, here he is. wrio! here is the girl we wish for you to marry.'
you choke. because when you look up, you see the same chiseled features, the same lips, the same eyes and the same smile.
'THAT'S wriothesley?'
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from saetgvia: i have never started writing a fic so fast oh my god??? very excited for this fic and i hope you are too <3 stay tuned will have part 2 coming out soon!
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please like and reblog my work! tumblr relies on reblogs to function, so help my work be seen by more people <3 my spark taglist and overall is now open, drop an ask if you want to be added! just specify which one.
© saetgvia 2024. do not copy or repost.
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glyhpsrfvckincol · 1 year
If requests are open can I request Hunter x reader hcs in which his S/O is really sensitive to loud and sudden noises but also likes quieter calming noises (heartbeats, purring, wind/water, etc)
Thanks if you do! ^^
Sensitivity || Hunter Noceda
Synopsis - Hunter Noceda helping his sensitive hearing s/o.
Warnings - Mention of screaming. Mention of Mommy kink. Teasing.
Request are opened; headcanons only
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↳ He understands to a certain degree. He doesn’t like people suddenly yelling.
↳ Hunter didn’t know that it was more than yelling that set you off though.
↳ He learned this when he dropped a pot in Camila’s kitchen. T_T
↳ He felt so bad.
↳ Just held you and apologised a few million times. Very quietly.
↳ Also, someone talking suddenly, specifically someone he didn’t know was there scares the wood bones out of him.
↳ Hunter gets flustered easily. Trust me, this is helpful.
↳ This makes his heart rate go faster.
↳ Just rest your head on his chest. He’ll become flushed, which would immediately increase his heart rate, slightly amplifying its sound and becoming even more calming.
↳ Will just fly you over the ocean on Flapjack. The sound of the water and the blowing wind. No talking, unless you instigate it first .
↳ Hunter also finds peace in these moments. Just you, him and FlapJack, who eventually becomes Waffles :(
↳ I just made myself sad, I’m so sorry😭
↳ In the human realm, he def would ask amity to burrow Ghost so you could hear her purrs. She agrees to this under one condition.
↳ She gets to tease Hunter. It only lasts 20 minutes because she gets bored.
↳ Hunter really hopes bird Chirps is a sound you like and that doesn’t overstimulate you.
↳ If rain is a good sound, he’ll just sit outside or by the window with you while you do whatever.
↳ Hunter will cover you’re ears while you sleep if you’re an incredibly light sleeper.
↳ Does anyone else hate the sounds of certain words? My friend speaks Cantonese and a particular sound bothers me. I don’t know why 😭
↳ And nails being dragged down chalk boards!
↳ Hunter will ask people to be quiet if there’s too much noise.
↳ “Luz, whatever game you’re playing, I KNOW for a fact it doesn’t need this much noise. Shut up!”
↳ Sassy siblings.
↳ If you like his voice {Lets be honest, who doesn’t?}, he’ll read you Cosmic Frontiers.
↳ With the book, The Good Witch Azura, he’d prefer Amity reading to you as Luz is very loud. Maybe he might read it to you.
↳ Listening to him learn Spanish I believe would be so calming. Like damn bro, it’s pronounced Mami, not mommy-
↳ Firm believer Hunter has a mommy kink.
↳ If time is set before Kings Tide, Hunter would tease you occasionally. Fucking hypocrite-
↳ But I digress, Hunter will always try to help you with your sensitive ears, just give the boy a bit of a direction.
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fandomgoesahhhhhhhhh · 2 months
For an angsty owl house request. Being Eda’s adopted kid and feeling like Luz (who R does get along with) is like replacing you so r goes on a quest to try to love themselves but Eda realises R’s feelings and assures them they're just as important to Eda as luz and king are? Maybe also like, if it's ok, maybe some scenes of Luz and R’s sibling dynamic?
Ah yes. Angst. My fav. Say no more, my dear anon.
Owl House x Reader Headcanon
🦉Mama Eda’s child🦉
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Your mom is no other than The Owl Lady aka Eda Clawthrone..well adopted mother, but my point still stands.
She adopted you when you were a little kid, when you had bad parents, before Eda took you in. Now you live with Hooty and King and soon Luz once she came to the Boiling Isles.
Despite being your adopted mom, she isn’t great of showing emotions and showing her softness to anyone, that includes you, but she still love you regardless, she just has a hard time expressing it.
When Luz came around, she seems to take a liking of her and basically treat her like one of her own kids. You didn’t mind this too much, cause you and Luz are like besties..sibling figures if you will.
Though overtime, you feel like your mom replacing you with Luz and overtime, you feel like you’re not enough or worth anything to her.
So when you overheard your mother and your aunt Lilith talk about something that could help with the curse, you immediately snuck out to help out by your own.
Course, this leads you into danger and tries to escape, but end up getting caught and almost killed, but then Mama Owl Lady comes and save you last minute(cough cough Hooty snitch). After she save you from death, she scold you for being reckless and ask what you were thinking..before you just..tear up and told her a little bit of how you feel.
Eda would immediately stop and knee to your height..realizing that your feelings are just as important as King and Luz’s feelings. She immediately comfort you and assure you that you’re important just like them. After a small talk and comfort, you two are amends, even though it’s not forget and forgive..it’s nice to start something a bit small and work it out.
NOW moving to Luz and Reader’s sibling dynamic. You two weren’t get too close at first, but sooner or later, you two warm up to each other.
She introduce you to The Good Witch Azura in which for you slowly interest into the book series. She would also be there for you the highs and the lows and visa verse.
Ofc, every sibling dynamic gonna need a tease every now and then. Though, you’re not too much on romance(maybe you are. Up to you), you would tease Luz about her relationship with Amity and she would playfully nudge you and all.
Overall, you’re all one happy family, even if it’s broken and unstable..love and support matters the most.
(Thank you for requesting this and I hope you enjoy this. I have a good time writing this and hope you’re satisfied with this angst/fluff piece)
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frickingnerd · 12 days
Birthright Masterlist
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yandere corrin - headcanons
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tea-plantz · 1 year
hey there! could i request lumity x fem reader with something like general relationship headcannons or what its like to date luz and amity?
Hello!! Thank you very much for requesting! I’m honestly so obsessed with The Owl House right now, so in honor of the show’s finale, here’s the hcs! Enjoy!
She/her for all
!tw! Spoilers ⬇️
<3Lumity x fem!reader relationship headcannons<3
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In the begging, everything was a little bit awkward. Sweet, but awkward. Of course, that is to be expected when someone first starts dating, and three people at that! But alas, you all worked through all of the nervousness and became even closer than before!
Sometimes, being in a relationship with three people can be a bit chaotic, but luckily, you’re all masters of talking things out. Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship you know!
Luz and Amity has sort of a “sun and moon” thing going on, with you being their eclipse to balance it all out. Perfect relationship in every way!
When it comes to comfort, these girls are the best! First of all, they are both such good listeners and they give the best advice when you need it. Although, sometimes people don’t really want advice or logic when their feeling blue, and in that case, you’re girlfriends are ready with as much cuddles and words of affirmation as you need! Supportive gfs <3
Speaking of cuddles, Luz and Amity both give such good hugs, their heavenly fr. Even though Amity can sometimes be a bit awkward about it (her body just goes stiff as a board), it’s always so wholesome and sweet. Usually, Luz is the big spoon with either you or Amity in the middle, or you guys are all just huddled up in one big messy pile. Eda and King always finds it so adorable whenever you guys fall asleep together on the couch, and you can trust that they take a bunch of pictures too.
Amity often gets really flustered around you and Luz, which usually results in a lot of teasing. Her tomato face can just be too cute sometimes, and trust me, you get to se it A LOT!
Luz however doesn’t get flustered as much as Amity, but it’s still easy to get a stunned expression and red tinted cheeks out of her. You just gotta know what to say.
You all literally scream relationship goals fr.
Now, when it comes to the rest of the gang, they all support you guys so much! They think it’s so cool that you guys have a relationship, and even though they tease you about it from time to time (especially Eda, while Hunter mostly gets annoyed from all your lovey dovey stuff), they truly think that what you guys have is the sweetest thing ever. Oh and Hooty is your biggest fangirl, I’m not even joking.
Luz and Amity can be protective AF! Don’t get me wrong, they don’t really go around and get jealous of everything and stuff, but if anyone, witch or human, says anything to upset their girl, they’re really gonna get it.
Kisses with these two are usually fast and sweet.
Luz normally just goes in for a quick peck before turning away with pink tinted cheeks and a small smile, acting like nothing happened.
Amity on the other hand looks at you a bit before slowly leaning in. Afterward, she quickly retrieves, face completely burning up and her eyes as wide as plates. (Sort of like when she kissed Luz’s cheek in that one episode)
These girls are absolute suckers for hugs n’ kisses, and especially when they’re from you~
You guys are the most dorky couple EVER! Your all so silly, it’s adorable honestly.
Luz definitely loves picking her two girls up. She might say she has weak nerd arms, but we’ve all seen that that’s not true. There has been moments when she just comes up behind you, and with a little “aaand scoop!” she simply swipes you off of the ground while giggling.
I feel like you all give off kinda like a summerly girl in red vibe.
You and your girlfriends DEFINITELY have sleepovers and Azura movie nights! (I also said this in my Amity fic, haha)
Praise is one of the main factors of your relationship. These girl got TRAUMA and since you probably also got some as well (taken in perspective that the whole cast of this show have and does go through a lot), praise and words of affirmation/encouragement is super important to them.
When you got sent to the human realm, it was a hard time for everyone, but with the love and support from each other, you all managed to make the best of it and have a wonderful time together.
Camilla absolutely loves you and Amity so much, she is such a sweetheart!!
After some quality time spent in the human realm, you and the others, along with Camilla, finally managed to return to the Boiling Isles. And as we all know, even more challenges were lying ahead.
When things seemed dark, you, Luz and Amity always stuck together, and supported each other the whole way, never ever letting you or each other feel like they were alone in this.
In the end, you all helped each other so much with developing as a person! With all of the love and encouragement, everything turned out just fine, and these girls couldn’t be happier! Ever since this whole crazy adventure started, you’ve all gotten so much closer together, and really formed a special bond. To be able to be in a relationship with you like this is the best things to have happened to either Luz or Amity, and they never want to let that go in the hopes to someday be able to put a ring on it.
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Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and feel free to send in more toh requests<33
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sanicsmut · 3 months
Words of the Fallen
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Technically Darien Gautier x Vestige!Reader, but all I can say is play Summerset's main quest in ESO before reading this.
part 2
Warnings : Use of Y/N once. Angst because it is. Spoilers for the end of Summerset. Language. The letter is taken directly from the game, which is why it’s written way better than what I’ve actually written.
Words: 1000 (I can't believe I got such a perfect count)
Robin’s comment: Cried making this, bon appétit. More seriously, this chapter (the game's DLC I mean) made me hate Meridia. She was one of my favorite daedric princes, but now it's over. All hail Azura. Anyway this is basically me telling Meridia what she deserves to hear. There's also a hint of a part two at the end ;). I'll try to write it, but I can't guarantee anything.
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"Never trust a Daedric Prince. If there's anything I learned from all this, that's it in a nutshell. I used to think I had a purpose, a part to play in the grand scheme of things. I suppose I did, sort of, but the way things turned out, it wasn't at all the way I imagined. Meridia said I was her vessel. I guess my fate was sealed from the moment she brought me into existence.
Now, here I am, back in the Colored Rooms. I thought that when I gave my energy to restore the sword—and I did that for my friend, not for Meridia—I thought that was the end of me. I'm back, though, but this time is different. My light, it's fading. I can feel the darkness getting closer, pressing in. I expect that once the light goes out, that will be the end.
I need to tell you something about Meridia. She's a deceiver. She promised that if I served her faithfully, I'd earn my freedom. She never told me that freedom was just another word for the void. Don't trust her. Don't trust any of the Daedric Princes. Not ever.
I've found peace though. Meridia gave me a chance to see the world, and those I care about, one last time. To save those I loved. I'm grateful for that, at least.
I wish I had a chance to say goodbye to everyone. To Skordo. To Gabrielle. Gods, I'll miss them. But most of all, (Y/N). I don't know if she will understand how much she truly meant to me. Perhaps we'll see each other again, in another place, another time. I probably won't be the version of myself that's writing these words, though. That me will be gone. I can live with that.
I only wish I could have spent more time with everybody. Had a few more adventures. Ordered those drinks like we always talked about.
I hope my friends find peace, happiness, and love. They deserve what I could never have. If anyone ever finds this book, know that I will never forget those I named herein. And, if you find them, and I pray that you do, tell them this.
Protect the ones you love. Hold them close. Cherish their every moment. Make them laugh, and laugh with them. Smile together and never, ever, forget that the moments you have are so very precious.
Oh, and tell them not to forget me, either. I mean, I am a legend, as far as I know.
The polite, handsome, and humble knight,
Darien Gautier”
You let the book fall back on the bench where you found it.
No… No…
You were breathing heavily. And a few minutes later, surrounded by those trees, you let out your anguish.
Dawnbreaker gripped tight in your hand, you screamed.
“Take it back! Take your goddamn sword back!”
“It seems my vessel isn’t the only one who ended up having feelings when he shouldn’t.”
A bright light. There it was, this patronizing voice. This voice you had respected, after giving you back your soul and helping you in Coldharbour. This voice you grew to hate.
“You bitch, he was my friend!”
“Where is your respect, Vestige?”
Vestige. You hadn't been called that since that time you helped Abnur Tharn in Elsweyr. Only the companions called you that. The companions and Meridia. But even the Daedric Prince hasn’t called you that during this whole mission. It was like you were back in Coldharbour all over again. Back fighting for what you thought was right, back, fighting against and with forces you couldn’t comprehend.
“My respect for you died when Darien got condemned. By your fault.”
“He was my vessel, an empty shell, a weapon to do my bidding. He served his purpose.”
“He was my friend!” You yelled again.
“And a traitor.”
“How the f-”
“He sacrificed he life for you. He purified my sword, not to serve me, but to help you.”
“Oh, so this is it? You’re throwing a tantrum because your tool wasn’t devoted to you only?”
“Careful with your words, Vestige.”
“You owe me! I’m the one who fought Molag Bal, I’m the one who assembled all those allies to stop the coalition! I’m the one who just stopped Nocturnal! And you owe him too! He may have purified Dawnbreaker for me, but everything else he did was for you, to serve you, because he was your champion! Because he truly thought he could trust you!”
“And you owe me for your soul. And he owes me for the purpose I gave him.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to take my soul if I hadn’t fought in Coldharbour! It’s all thanks to me! And his purpose? He could’ve been a hero without disappearing for your fucking sake! Hell, he just wanted to help his friends!”
“Friends he shouldn’t have had in the first place.”
“I swear, I defeated Molag Bal and Nocturnal, I can defeat you too. Take back your fucking sword and give me back my friend.”
You could feel Meridia’s rising anger, the air feeling tense around you despite the Daedric prince not being here physically.
“You want your ‘friend’ back?” The prince of light asked, her voice filling you with a bad feeling.
“Yes!” You answered. “Free him from your realm!”
You swore you almost heard Meridia growling, even if that sounded out of character. But that being was strict and cold, full of authority, like a severe and cruel mother. But nothing about her was motherly. She might have been less ‘evil’ than other princes, but she still served her own interests, mortals were just tools for her, or obstacles she had to get rid of. And you were sure that she was now in the second category.
“You will have to free him yourself.” Meridia declared. “That is, if you can get out of my realm.”
Her voice was tainted in cruelty, and a blinding light burnt your eyes before everything went black.
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silentium-symphony · 1 year
Now Watch Me Whip III (Link x Reader)
(a/n) ya'll have no idea how many drafts i had to burn through to get here dear god--
it's finally done! it felt kinda all over the place, but it was made w lots of love & effort ♡ if you're curious, the dance is loosely based on Azura's Nohrian dance from Fire Emblem Fates! Please start at 0:51.
i hope you enjoy! :)
Part I \\ Part II
cw: afab!reader, link rediscovering joy :D, he also lowkey horny as HELL, him just getting flustered lol, violence (somewhat explicit), dancing in the forest, gentle kisses
wc: 4.3k
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
"And... There!" You firmly pinched the metal clasps together, fastening the end of a small rod to the end of a dark green strip of silk. You twirled it in the air and watched the gleam of the setting sun glow through the ribbon and bounce off the golden handle. It was perfect!
The door cracked open and the familiar scent of a hearty homecooked meal wafted to your nose. With a snap of your wrist, the ribbon chased the rod hurriedly tucked under your pillow. Seafoam eyes popped in and crinkled at you happily.
"Link!" You waved the man over and patted the edge of your bed. He gave a curt nod and the rest of his body spilled in, hands occupied with a tray of two steamy bowls of stew. In a few short steps, his body had sunk into the edge of your bed and he handed you the tray.
"How're you feeling?" He muttered, wariness directed at your bandaged shoulder.
"So much better! And I have you to thank for that." You smiled in between spoonfuls, lightly "mm-ing" at the mildly seasoned creme stew. Its delicate flavors reminisced of simpler times, of bygone eras of innocence.
"It's nothing, really." He returned your appreciative look with an abashed one, feeling a heat rise to his cheeks. "Have you been moving it?"
"I'm trying, but it's been... hard." A swell of panic arose in your chest at his crestfallen features. "But! I've made some good progress! Look."
You carefully maneuvered your hot bowl onto your bedside table, mindful to keep its scalding contents within the clay's confines, and slowly outstretched your bad hand towards the sky. Unused ligaments pulled and contracted and protested the simple action, but you kept at it and lowered it back down into your lap with care. Bliss and relief wrought the man's expressions.
"That's amazing! You're recovering so well."
"Yeah! And it's all thanks to you. You've taken such good care of me these past several days..." You motioned to your dinner and the dozens of empty potion bottles lined up neatly on a nearby table. "You've saved my life, Link. Thank you--from the bottom of my heart, thank you."
The Hero gulped, feeling that familiar warmth kiss his cheeks and flutter his stomach. Knighthood was often a thankless job and Link had fully accepted that his heroic deeds would be overcast by the normality of idyllicity most Hylians took for granted--one that he had worked so hard to protect. Seeing you look at him with nothing but pure gratefulness in your eyes... Truthfully, it was something he could get used to.
"You're welcome."
Your heart punched a quickening tempo in your chest, happy that he had finally accepted your thanks instead of brushing it off like what he was doing for you wasn't the most considerate, sweetest thing in the world.
"Are you this chivalrous to everyone?" You laughed, half-jokingly. "Surely I'm not the only injured traveler you've come across. Do you also draft potions, cook their meals, and grant them free lodging at your expense?"
You hadn't realized your little quip would get the battle-hardened warrior flabbergasted, but here you were. Link's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as his ears adopted a pretty crimson.
"T-Truthfully..." He stammered. "... No..."
"Oh? Then what makes me so different than your average traveler?" You mused, hoping to rile up the stoic swordsman like a little schoolboy. Sure it was a question that's been burning in the back of your mind, but frankly, you were enjoying the scene in front of you far more than gaining the satisfaction of solving your biggest mystery since day one.
"Well--... I don't... know."
That was a lie. He did know.
The thought crossed so clearly in both of your heads, but you decided to drop it before the man in front of you dropped dead from embarrassment. You laughed at his dumbfounded expression and caught his gaze with a softer look.
"I'm... really gonna miss this time we had together. So that's why..." Your good hand sneaked behind you and pinched the thin rod, yanking it out like some sort of magic trick. "Ta-daaah! I fashioned you your very own twirler!"
Oh Hylia, this man was gonna cry.
There was an undeniable twinkle in Link's usually terse look--one that screamed with childlike wonder and innocent joy.
"This... You made this for me?" He reached up, fingers ghosting along the rod's golden sheen. He handled it almost frightened—as if it were to disappear from his grasp.
"Of course! I know I can never repay you for what you've done, but I hope this can be a start." You wedged it into his fingers. "Take it! It's yours now."
The ribbon trailed after his hand as he pulled it to his chest, inspecting and handling the twirler like it was something sacred. He suddenly whipped his hand to the left; unadulterated joy flamed his pupils at the sight of the dark green trail. He snapped his arm to the right and watched the silk flit after his movements. With a mighty downward stroke, the fabric whisped past his ears and sang a gentle chortle.
His sword-swinging techniques mettled under the most ferocious battles felt... beautiful, for once.
"This is..." He said at last, eyes never leaving the ribbon. "The best gift I've ever gotten."
"R-... Really?" A strange twinge of melancholic joy pricked your heart, touched by his sentiment.
Link turned to you with a gaze overflowing with thanks.
"Thank you."
"You're..." You stammered, choking under his affectionate eyes. "You're welcome."
Both pairs of eyes drifted downward, finding respite in the way your blankets folded in on themselves, the gnarled patterns carved into the wooden floor's grain, and the shadows of trees shaking in the setting sun.
"Oh, right!" Your voice boomed with excitement. "Let me teach you the basics!"
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
As Link settled into the log, he gazed up at the dome of stars that would lull him to sleep for the night. The crackle-pop of the fire filled the empty gaps between his thoughts with a vague sense of comfort as he recounted the memory from weeks ago; if he listened past the flames, he swore he could hear that lyrical melody imparting your lips. You had since recovered from your injury and left the inn, a promise of seeing each other again carrying itself on the winds.
Hylia only knew how deeply he wanted to see you again.
To talk to you, to share meals with you, to come home to you. But a domestic life was not a lifestyle he could so easily achieve, with him being Hyrule's sword and shield against every iteration of evil. A life with you would have to remain a pipe dream, just like the promise of seeing you again.
As he rolled out his bed cot and wrapped his shield with a worn cloak, he kicked off his boats and tucked under the thin blanket, resting his head on the shield-pillow. Staying at the inn was a treat he had divulged in for too long--his neck had grown soft from its feathery pillows and downy sheets. He rolled this way and that, feeling every vertebra in his spine whine at him to find something more comfortable. In the end, he opted to count the residents that dotted the night sky with glimmers of white and yellow.
Were you warm, well-fed, and under a roof? Or were you under the cloak of wilderness, looking at the stars like him? Were you fast asleep, happy and content? Or were your thoughts consumed with him, like he were of you?
The bright glow of the stars began to dull as his conscience finally caught the elusive Sleep, dangling the quick-footed thing in victory. But before his mind faded to softer worlds, he noted how the stars could not compare to the twinkle your eyes once held for him.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
A crack in the air and a crazed whinny tore his thoughts asunder and he shot up, grabbing the hilt of sharpened iron with him. A chorus of raspy croaks assaulted his ears and sent his senses into a flurry. He scrounged for his boots and drew his shield; another snap in the air, right behind him, and he whorled around to greet that familiar noise.
"Link! Are you all right?!"
He saw the beginnings of a horn prick just behind you, and a blink later he found himself in the heat of battle, repelling an attack that would have otherwise spelled your doom. Your backs pressed against each other as the horde of Lizalfos began to circle you, shrill yips and grunts seeping your senses.
"I-It's good to see you again," you panted. "Though I was hoping it would’ve been under... better circumstances."
Link hummed, effortlessly twirling the readied blade as he waited for the first sign of movement. He felt your shoulders squeeze into his, anticipation baiting your breath.
The Lizalfos to your left was the first to move. With almost telepathic synchronicity, the body of your whip dealt a welt to the fiend's scaly skin while cold steel dug into its flesh, warmed at the blood that spilled forth. The monster faltered slightly, giving Link enough room for a mighty swing at its torso.
Your eyes caught a glint of brandishing metal and you found your thick cord already reaching for it, snapping at the brutish digits with a bitter hiss. A shocked cry left the monster as it dropped the weapon, bending over just in time for the body of Link's sword to puncture through its stretched neck. A wet gurgle popped from its throat as it keeled over and stained the ground it once stood.
The remaining Lizalfos, in a frenzy of bloodlust and rage, threw coordination to the winds and pounced on you all at once. You had barely managed to dodge the swing of a Lizalfos tail before you felt something hard and metallic hit the backside of your head. You felt your knees buckle and saw the ground propel towards you at alarming speeds; you sucked in a breath and gritted your teeth as you spun around and dealt a marring blow to the offender's face (which quickly met its brutal end). A rough arm looped under your armpit and hoisted you up.
"You okay?!"
"Y-Yeah!" A streak of metal graced your periphery. "Watch out!"
You latched onto the man's shoulder and pulled him down, the chill of metal and what could have been sending shivers down your spine. Link promptly retaliated with a swing of his sword and a stab for the chest. Yet another Lizalfos crumpled to the ground, and the remaining monsters fled in a panic.
Your sweaty body pressed into Link's comparatively cooler skin, your haggard pants filling the silence. Cautious (E/C)s lilted about you before finally meeting a pair of blues (that had been resting on your heaving form the whole time, but you didn't need to know that).
"G-Good morning, by the way." You laughed out tiredly.
"Morning." He huffed.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" You were facing him fully now, eyes and fingers scanning his face for injuries.
The rush of battle meshed with the surge of heat your gentle grazes left pulsed his core with butterflies. His eyes naturally fell on your previously debilitated shoulder.
"I should be asking you that. How's your shoulder? And your head? That Lizalfos got you good earlier."
"I'll be all right. I can move my shoulder just fine too. " Your fingerpads tingled with his warmth and you worriedly pressed the back of your hand to his forehead. "You're awfully warm... You haven't caught a fever, have you?"
Link cleared his throat, his brain scouring for a new topic.
"What are you doing here? How did... How did you find me?"
"I stopped by a stable to find out where the next town would be and I was on my way there. Then I… saw a body on the ground and a couple of Lizalfos nearby. I feared the worst." You laughed, drawing your hands away and standing up. "I never thought it would be you."
Link nodded, still starstruck from seeing you dazed from his rudely awakened sleep and the sudden onset of battle. You extended a hand, which was promptly clasped and pulled.
"Well regardless, thank you. If it weren't for you... I would have feared the worst."
"No problem. It was by sheer luck we ran into each other again… Actually..." You hummed thoughtfully. "If you're up for it, would you like to head to town together? We need all the help we can get out here, and I personally think we make a great team."
Link graciously took you up on your offer and you helped him pack his things (which consisted of a bed cot and a beaten pot). As you handed him his tightly rolled mat and his bag, a familiar golden sheen caught the morning sun. Your next exhale lodged in your throat and your heart swelled.
"Is that...?"
Link followed your gaze; his heart performed theatricals against the confines of his ribcage as his brain sputtered an answer.
"Y-Yes. I keep it with me at all times--it’s like a good luck charm, of sorts."
"Didn't really do its job this morning." You chuckled, slinging your own pouch over your shoulder.
"I wouldn't say so. After all, it brought you back to me."
I want to go die in a hole now
Link mentally pounded his head against a tree as his still-groggy brain worked overtime to make up for his social ineptness. You both looked at each other, dazed and dumbfounded, and all the swordsman could muster was a steady, silent gaze into your eyes.
"That..." You finally coughed out, breaking the spell between you. "was incredibly smooth. Good job, Hero."
You looked away in time to hide the blush on your cheeks and you busied your hands with swatting the imaginary dirt from your tunic. A gentle stream of clops thankfully filled the void between you and Link; Epona had returned!
You both exclaimed a shout of surprise and glee and bounded your way over to her, you hugging and nuzzling your friend's loyal companion and Link checking her for injuries. Once it was made clear she was in tip-top shape, Link mounted first and you handed your bags to him. With some help from Link, you managed to lug yourself onto her back and sit in a mostly upright position. You snaked your arms around his torso and pressed your bodies flush against each other; the hero's grip noticeably tightened as he felt your body meld wondrously with his own. Your hot breath fanned across his neck and your chest caressed his back--
"Um... Link?"
Link clicked his tongue and you were off.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
"Why do we keep meeting at the worst possible times?"
A laugh bounced off the silent man as he slowly drank a bottle of milk. He glanced at you with a hopeless look, a faint shimmer of amusement streaking his irises.
Your guess is as good as mine.
You swirled the cup in your hand and watched its watery contents lap at some cracks while your ears passively tuned into the hums of the inn's dining hall. Clinks of glass mugs meeting wood choired from the bar and a childish laugh or two left the young family holding out in the corner. Link politely patted his mouth with one of the barkeep's rags and resumed his dinner in peace.
"So how've you been? It's been a couple weeks since we saw each other."
He shrugged, motioning to the constellation of fresh wounds marring his exposed skin. They were minor enough to not be life-threatening, but concern still tensed your gut.
"Do you need some potions? I think I got a couple extras--"
A calloused hand clasped onto your wrist before it could retreat into the recesses of your pouch. He shook his head widely, his long locks whipping to and fro.
"I'm okay."
You most certainly weren't as your hands and cheeks flushed with a warmth you hadn't felt in weeks. You drew an inconspicuous breath and redirected your focus away from your hand to Link's steady gaze.
"I just worry for you, 's all."
"I know," stormy blues softened to clear skies, "but I'm okay."
A slight squeeze pressed into your wrist, skyrocketing your heart rate to unhealthy levels. Gods, it was almost shameful how such a simple, platonic act could spur you so. With great effort, you managed to still your inner fangirl and flashed him a charming smile.
"Whatever you say, Hero. But if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
He nodded. "You too."
You worked on the plate in front of you (which had regrettably gone cold) and a comfortable silence filled the space between you two. You were once again enveloped in the hearty, homey atmosphere of the inn as patrons percolated in and out of the dining hall, having had their fill or venturing to lift their spirits (in more ways than one).
"Have you been practicing the routines I showed you?"
When you turned to him, your countenance joking and side glance light-hearted, you were not expecting to see a dutiful glint and a firm nod.
"Wait what."
"I wanted to be ready for the off-chance we saw each other again, so I've been practicing in my free time."
He said it so matter-of-factly (he was—in fact—panicking), your heart couldn't take it. The energy to scream and flail your arms about you hysterically took hold of you, and you funneled all of that chaos into a toothy grin.
"That's really great! I'm glad you're enjoying it."
His face flushed a deep ruby and his eyes swam this way and that, his brain fishing for an answer.
"I-It's not good by any means, but... I think I'm getting the hang of it."
"I'm sure you're doing just fine." You patted him on his shoulder. "You're a pretty fast learner!"
Well, he had to be given his... unique position. You couldn't fight the uncomfortable squeeze in your chest when you thought about how he quickly he had to forego life's simple pleasures to keep the world safe.
"Can you..." Link's barely-there voice was just loud enough to pull you out of your reflection. "... help me with some parts?"
His pretty eyes glowed something soft, something pleading. Behind his puppy-dog eyes, there was an unmistakable flash of excitement pooling underneath the surface.
"I'd be happy to!"
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
After paying for dinner, you agreed to meet each other at the entrance of the inn and went to drop your stuff off in your room, noting to grab your twirler before you headed out. Heart soaring and feet light, you skipped down the hall and over to your waiting companion (who looked quite heavenly in the moonlight).
"Hey! You got everything you need?"
His shoulders barely rose at your voice and he turned to you carefully, features blank but eyes sparked with enthusiasm. He nodded and held out his hand to you, his pink cheeks mixing with the pale blue moonbeam.
"If it's all right with you, I would like to practice somewhere more... private."
"Of course! I know these routines need a lot of space to be done well." You slipped your fingers into his outstretched ones, heart fluttering at the near-imperceptible squeeze. "Heck, I taught you in a wide, open clearing."
Link hummed a confirmation, turned on his heels, and marched onward. You, a mere traveler, weren't used to his solder-like gait and trailed helplessly behind him as he dragged you a little ways past the inn. However, Link wasn't blind or cruel--he slowed his pace so he comfortably fell at your side; it was a small, wordless gesture, but something about matching a steady, even pace with him tugged your chest with the most pleasant feeling.
A tall statue hung in the middle of the square, lanterns stringing from its highest point to the stores and houses that circled it. The whole vicinity was abuzzed with quaint leisure as the giggles of children faux-sleeping under their sheets coddled the air while passing couples clasped their hands in tender closeness--not unlike you and a certain blonde.
"This town sure is beautiful... What do you think, Link?"
"Indeed, it's all very..." He paused, eyes shifting slowly to his distracted companion. "Beautiful."
You dipped back into darkness, the sights and sounds of the gently lit square coalescing into a symphony of the night. The shrill chirps of crickets rounded the body of the choir while the baritone 'hoo-hoots' of owls balanced the insect's biting trill. It wasn't long until you found a nice, secluded pocket of forest away from the prying eyes of an uninvited audience.
"All right, anything specific you need help with?"
You both ran through parts of the routine he struggled with, with you going first, him copying your movements, and you correcting what needed to be fixed.
"Relax your shoulders, you're so tense!"
He just about melted under your soft ministrations, enjoying how amazing it felt for your fingers to lightly pat and rub into his shoulders. His tight sores mixed indistinctly with his toned arms and muscly shoulders; you pressed into a particularly sore spot just between his shoulder blades and he had to bite back a pleased groan.
"Relaxing your shoulders helps you loosen your arms, which will help you look more like you're dancing and less like you're fighting a Moblin." The way your hands curled about his biceps paralleled how you had him wrapped around your little finger.
"Oh, and twist your hips like this--if you snap your hips too fast, you might lose count of the song." A soft pair of hands rested on his hips, rocking him in a gentler sway. "Do you feel the difference? It doesn't feel so tight anymore, right?"
His pants disagree Link swallowed thickly, trying so hard to focus on your words and not the fire your fingers flamed across his skin--or the way you beheld him with such tenderness in gaze and touch, or the sugary, flowery scent emanating from the crook of your neck oh Hylia help him
"--and just like that! Ready to go again?"
Wait what.
Oh, he was screwed.
He didn't process any of that.
"... Can you show me one more time please?"
"Oh, sure!" You spun around and he mentally slapped himself at how quickly his eyes went to your hips.
"Why don't you take a break and watch me?"
With PLEASURE The blanket of moss on the stump beckoned him to sit.
"I'm gonna run through the whole routine and emphasize the parts you struggled on, okay?"
Link's chin dipped and you took a deep breath, shifting your focus to your expanding diaphragm. The words you had known so well belted out of you, and for a moment the forest seemed to have silenced themselves to hear your honeyed voice. The very air about you changed into something mystic as your hands snapped in front of you. The silken strip arced below your waist, before snapping up into a tight vortex above your head. A foot darted out and your hips shook to the imaginary beat, your body rolling as you bore a heavy, hooded gaze into the hero's soul.
His blown-out pupils followed your every movement, spellbound as your alluring eyes pulled him further and further into the depths. His mind blanked, his feet finding a mind of its own as he barely processed your quickly approaching figure. Your head bolted to look behind you; a loud gasp slipped your lips at the man's sudden proximity and a pair of arms circling your lower back.
His face was mere inches away from yours, your doe-like eyes curiously peering at him through trembling lashes. His arms tightened, pulling you close enough to pick up traces of his earthy scent. The heat emanating from his body made you squeak and your eyes flew shut, heart racing and breath slowing.
The bright light of realization dispelled the desire that darkened his irises and alarm bells of every sort rang through his head in a demonic chorus.
"(F/N), I'm..."
Except it never left his lips.
As it became enveloped by the taste of you.
The clatter of twirlers hitting the ground was lost to you as you cloaked your arms about his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Your waist was beckoned by a gentle tug until your bodies were flushed together; a soft sigh fanned across your cheeks as Link's muscled frame nestled perfectly into your softer one.
A hand found residence in your hair and softly combed through it, jogging memories of him soothing you on your deathbed. Knees quivering, you leaned into him as happy tears dared to leak from your eyes. He moved his lips away from yours to kiss away the hot tears before landing a soft kiss on your temple. The middle of your foreheads pressed into each other as weathered hands cupped your cheeks, thumbing away the faint trail of tears.
"...sof..." He breathed.
"You're soft..." He muttered a little louder this time, the deep rumble in his chest tickling you slightly. He captured your lips in another faint peck and hummed.
"And warm..."
"And sweet..."
And another.
"Your lips are so addicting." He concluded, pressing one final kiss onto your forehead. You giggled at the buzzy tingling on your lips and he dipped into the crook of your neck.
"Come with me," he muttered into the flushed skin, "let's travel Hyrule together."
"Of course I'm coming with you." You carded your fingers through his hair, laughing at how he slinked into you. "We make a pretty great team, after all."
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yourlocalracoon404 · 29 days
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thank you @brainrotqueen for requesting! (i actually did fluff and angst i hope you dont mind- o_O)
Paring: Luz x fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Request: Yes/No
A/N: hiiii guuyss.... sooo i finally crawled out of my cave to write? honestly the last few weeks were kinda stressful for me because i just started working and a new school so writing hasn't really been an option for me? BUT I'M BACK WHOO
Luz x Fem!Human!Reader
first of all, the question of how you got to the boiling isles
maybe you followed Owlbert because he took something from you like Luz in the first episode, or you just somehow stumbled upon the door and just went in
it's honestly up to you
second, meeting Luz
maybe it happened on accident, maybe you were looking for her because you heard of "Luz the human"
nonetheless Luz is happy to meet you, you both can relate to each other! she can teach you glyphs and you can meet her friends and family (Eda and King)!
Luz, who i think cannonically is, is a little oblivious to feelings she'd first connect the feelings to just being glad to meet another human
by the time she herself realizes those feelings aren't platonic, Hooty already planned a wedding for you two
just as in "knock knock knocking on Hootys door" he'd try setting you both up just like he did with Luz and Amity, how that plays out, the angst and so on, is up to you ^^
Dating her
Luz loves physical touch, she's always hugging you or holding onto you in some way, like hand holdin, hand around your shoulder, hand around your waist, ect.
she's also an cheesy type of romantic, she will quote Azura and/or something from the books just to make you blush or smile
she tries extra hard to repair the door to the human realm so you both can go home and so she can introduce you to her mom
dates consist of reading the good witch Azura books, studying phjillips diary, finding new glyph combos or just cuddling together and watching whatever is on TV/the glass ball
now to the angst >:3
so where you land after kings tide plays a big role
now, if you got stuck in the boiling isles, I don't think luz would forgive herself that easily
she'd work herself even more tired because you both should be back home not just her.
also an important thing is what happened to you, if you somehow got to hexside and not turned into a puppet, she'd feel so much better after reuniting, you can finally meet her mom!
a realy sweet reuniting with lots of hugs and kisses
If you got turned into a puppet?
she'd feel so bad and somehow responsible for it, she'd feel like she should've been back sooner
seeing you amongs all the puppets running crazy as the collector "saved" them just... broke her
the others had to hold her back just like Hunter did with Willow so she wouldn't run up to you
but if you got back to the human realm with her?
things would be better
she would try and convince you to stay in the human realm because she was so scared of you getting hurt or worse because of Belos or anything else
if you stay or not is up to you ^^
I hope you guys like this and i hope you guys have an great day/evening/night/whatever and don't forget to eat and drink enough!! ^^ <3
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fluff hcs ; poly lunter
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requested by ; anonymous (05/05/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane, luz noceda
outline ; “could you do some fluff/relationship headcanons for lunter x reader?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
congrats on the super dorky affectionate girlfriend and the super nerdy affectionate boyfriend — hope you don’t miss your personal space
you’re all always hanging off of each other or touching in some way — like the three of you are a package deal outside of work and studies
like yeah hunter has his work as a carver and luz is going into her second year at the university of wild magic and you’ve got your own thing going on
but outside of that the three of you are rarely apart
you walk hand in hand or arm in arm at all times — alternating who gets to be in the middle depending on who has the coldest hands
you’re always greeting each other with kisses — cheeks, lips, nose, forehead, jaw — and there have been times when you three have gotten stuck in a cycle of just giggling and kissing that none of you want to break
when you’re sat together you tend to stack: hunter on the bottom, your legs across his and angled off the edge of the seat, luz perched on your knees with an arm around hunter’s shoulders stopping her from falling off
you all alternate who gets to rant on your designated ranting nights — with whoever is up getting to talk uninterrupted about whatever their current hyperfixation is without anything less that complete enthusiasm and engagement from the other two
this can be anything from wild magic to cooking to carving to flyer derby and beyond
one time you and luz pre-read up on some recent studies on wolves for hunter’s night and you thought he was going to cry from happiness when you brought it up
hunter is a walking space heater and sleeps like a log
luz moves around a lot in bed and ends up trying to cling to you both
this is a nightmare during summer
whenever it rains and you’re visiting the human realm the three of you will go out and dance in the rain, stumbling and singing off-key and laughing until you’re all shivering and camilla is about to drag you back inside by force
vee calls you both her siblings and camilla calls you all her babies
darius is more subtle in his adoption of hunter as his kid, but he does talk about you guys making him happy and he has slipped up and asked about grandkids once or twice
cuddle attacks are a thing and you will all just randomly jump on each other and smother them with kisses and hugs at random
you’ve all read and watched all media related to the good witch azura franchise, which involved you and hunter getting schooled by your girlfriend beforehand
you all give each other stupid nicknames in your phones and it makes you laugh whenever you get a text from them
neither of your partners are morning people and it is a struggle to try and get up in the morning with two very tired, very clingy people latched onto you
whenever you guys start cuddling, stringbean and waffles will try to get involved as well which is equally adorable and annoying
there is no such thing as ‘yours’ or ‘mine’ — all things end up getting shared amongst you eventually until you start to forget who belonged to who originally
they’re both majorly protective of you and have perfected the art of intimidating the living hell out of anyone who tries to act cruelly towards you
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hostwastaken · 1 year
A Rocky Start || Hunter x Reader
around 2000 words, gender-neutral reader, told you I post sometimes. No warnings; asks open. Part 1 of many.
Being friends with Luz was easy. Being a junior in high school? Less so. But, life goes on, and on, and on. Much to the dismay of, {First name, Last name}. A remarkably average student at, Gravesfeild highschool. 
First meeting, Luz, was a bit of a disaster. Something she admitted to more than a handful of times. {Your name} had been running a barely functioning book club for all of their sophomore year. Which consisted of them reading, alone, in an abandoned stairwell. Until Luz came along. The two met during the club fair, where everyone got together and tried to convince middle schoolers to join their club. Luz was originally drawn in by, The Good Witch Azura, her favorite book placed front and center on the poorly decorated club booth table.
Their booth was comically tiny compared to the rest of the clubs. Tucked away in the only empty space they were able to find. Luz found them, head thrown back and a half-read book slung over their face. She was able to spot the book from across the cafeteria and immediately made a B-line straight to their booth. Slamming her hands down on the rickety table scaring the other kid half to death. {Your name} awoke with a jump, flailing to catch the book previously laid over their eyes. Startled, they seemed to gawk at Luz. Half because, holy shit, that was intense, and half because she was astounded that someone wanted to join their club. Luz seemed to think her behavior was perfectly normal. 
"I want to join your club!"
Luz, practically beamed up at her, shouting. {Your name} seemed to still be waking up, running a hand over their face with the best smile they could offer. Gently, they picked up the sign-up sheet, handing it over to Luz. She squealed and twirled in place, hugging the clipboard close to their chest. Sloppily, the girl scribbled down her name in a sparkily pink gel pen she pulled out of seemingly, nowhere. 
"Welcome to the club..."
Glancing down at the sheet, for a moment, smiling at the poorly drawn cat next to the girl's name. 
"Luz Noceda!" 
Smiling they stick out their hand loosely for the younger girl to take. She did, very enthusiastically. Grabbing their hand with both of hers and shaking wildly. The biggest smile crossed her face. Eventually, Luz let go. She gasped suddenly, as if remembering something extremely urgent, and threw her bag to the floor. She rummaged around in it for a while, pulling random various objects out to set them aside. Eventually, she pulls out a handful of sparklers. The tired-looking club member's eyes went wide their brows drew in confusion. 
"Okay, I'm lost." 
They spoke while Luz was still rummaging through her bag for something else. Confused, they leaned over the table, seeing Luz squatted on the ground, a kazoo between her lips, desperately trying to light sparklers using friction. Oh no, Seemed to be the only thought running through their head as the sparklers came to life. Luz, on the other hand, seemed to be ecstatic. Loudly and horribly, playing the kazoo while dancing with the sparklers. There was one part of the dance where Luz dropped down to the floor as a dramatic ending. Well, the sparklers edged just a touch too close to the tablecloth decorating the booth. 
In shock, the two seemed to gawk at the fire wide-eyed. Until the elder rushed, trying to toss all the books off the table before they could fuel the fire. Luz resorted to swatting the fire with her hoodie, screaming at it. 
"Back down, fire! You will not best me!" 
Luz was pulled away from the fire by one of the teachers, another breaking the glass to the fire alarm, sending a shower of water through the cafeteria. Recalling the fond memory {Your name} hadn't realized they had been doodling the event until the drawing had begun to leak into their notes. Stifling a chuckle while the teacher lectures, they rip the doodle out of the book and stuff it into their pocket. The bell cuts the teacher short, and everyone scrambles to pack up. 
Impatiently, the older teen waits for Luz. Leaned up against their light green PT Cruiser; what a loser. Eyes scanning the crowd for their freshmen, hoping they haven't gotten into trouble again. Anxiously, their foot begins to tap, wondering why Luz could be so late. School ended almost fifteen minutes ago... Just about to head out to look for their younger friend she comes rounding the corner, screaming. 
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" 
Running up they all but collapse onto their older friend, heaving between words. On instinct, they embrace Luz, patting her head. 
"It's alright, whatever it is, we can talk about it inside my car. It's hot as balls out here." 
Luz nods before hopping into the green car, her friend joining shortly after with a relieved sigh. Luz watches as they fiddle with the stereo, for a moment, before turning their attention to her. Feeling, suddenly embarrassed, Luz curls up, hugging her bag close to her chest. She speaks lightly and rubs the back of her neck nervously as she does so. 
"Some kid tried to take my book..."
Luz was cut short by her friend's flabbergasted expression. Their mouth hung agape, ready and willing to march back to the school and get that book. Anger quickly took over after that. This wasn't a one-time thing, Luz had been picked on all year and the school wasn't doing a damn thing about it. 
"Is this the same guy who poured milk all over your sketchbook?" 
Luz nodded but moved on quickly, a mischievous smile covering her features. 
"I punched him!"
She spoke almost like she couldn't believe she'd done it. {Your name}, on the other hand, laughed joyfully, happy the jerk got some justice, and that Luz was standing up for herself. 
"You punched him?! Oh man, that's awesome. I wish I had your gut's kid. Any teacher's around?" 
Luz smiled as her friend shoved her playfully but blanched at their question. Laying her head on the window solemnly. She spoke with dread like another detention would end her life.
"Uh, not a teacher... but some of his friends. They all ran off screaming about how much trouble I'm gonna be in. Mama is gonna be furious when she gets the call!" 
{Your name} couldn't help but feel for their little friend. She really tried, and a lot of her projects were cool! Just, not conventional... a lot of her projects ended up with her being picked on. Luckily, her mom was probably the most kind person they had ever met. Always willing to take them in whenever things tended to get rocky at home. The least they could do for Mrs. Noceda was watch out for Luz. 
"It'll be okay, Luz. Let's get some slushies before heading back. Besides, what's one more detention?"
"Suspension?! A fight?! This must be a misunderstanding... Luz, wouldn't do that, not without cause!" 
Okay, so it was a bit more than a detention. The two teens stood in the doorway, slushies in hand, just catching the end of the conversation. They looked at each other, then at the kitchen, and then back to each other. Silently, they crept over to the kitchen, listening in. 
"Him? We have filed report after report about him! What are you doing to protect my daughter? Nothing more you can do?!"
With a frustrated groan, Mrs. Noceda hangs up tossing her phone onto the counter. She sighs, it's easy to tell she has mixed feelings about the subject. Luz inches over, head down like a kicked puppy. The guilt of her actions set in. 
Mrs. Noceda turns and embraces her daughter. Pulling her close and patting the back of her head lightly. The brunette's eyes widen, confused at her mother's sudden reaction. 
"I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself, mija, but violence is not a good habit to rely on."
Noticing the older teen in the doorway she waves them over, embracing both of them. Eventually, she pulled back, smiling at them. 
"My troublemakers, what will I ever do with you two?" 
She ruffled Luz's hair and walks away, asking if tamales are good for dinner. After having the approval of the teens she starts cooking. A new crime-drama tv show playing on her tablet. 
Luz leads her friend to the living room. Tossing the empty slush cups on her way. The two laze on the couch for a bit, scrolling through movies before Luz decides on the same movie for the tenth time this week.
Times like these with Luz and her mom were the moments that kept them sane. Things at home weren't the most stable. So, they would spend late nights here and then sneak back into the shitty trailer the school liked to think was their home. Nights there were quiet now. Lonely.
Mrs. Noceda knew all she needed to; she had decided long ago that they were family in her eyes. Treating them as her own. She had asked a while ago to keep some clothes here for them. Just in case, she said. For emergencies. 
An offering, a hand begging to be taken, a way out. One that Mrs. Noceda knew, deep down, wouldn't be taken anytime soon.
Despite calling him dad he was far from being a parent. At this point, he seemed to be more of a husk than a human, let alone a father. Only leaving the house to go to the bar or the store. Surviving off the little retirement he got. Sometimes they would come home and find him, dazed, staring blankly at whatever show was on; and they would scream, standing in front of the tv, crying for their dad. Other times they would try to feed him. "Please, I haven't seen you eat in weeks, please. Just eat something. I'm sorry for yelling." Pleading never went far; screaming didn't either. Never realizing they were crying until the hot tears salted their tongue. Sometimes, they would just sit there with him. Pretending they were a normal family, watching tv over dinner. 
They could never pretend for long. 
Always ending up holed in their room. 
Always staring blankly at the walls.
Always alone. 
almost always. 
"{Your name}? {Your name}? You still in there?" 
Zoning back into the world around them they were met with Luz waving her hands franticly in front of their face. They were also met with the soft couch against their back, and the color of the walls, and the warmth of the house, and the smell of freshly cooked tamales. 
"Dinner is ready! Mama has been calling for us." 
Dragging a hand down their face groggily, they stand, grabbing at the couch for support. They trail lazily behind Luz, following her to the dining table. The food smelled amazing, fresh, and warm. They stared at the food, their appetite seemingly leached out of their body. The food seemed to stare back. Luz, on the other hand, was already beginning to dig in. A soft hum of approval at the familiar taste of her mom's cooking. 
Mrs. Noceda seemed to watch the older teen, a conflicted glint in her eyes. They still hadn't touched the food, stirring their portion of rice around with a troubled look. Mrs. Noceda knew that look, she had seen it before. Eventually, she was relieved to watch the kid take a bite of food. Smiling softly as their eyes lit up, ever so slightly. 
"So, it's the weekend. Why don't you spend the night?"
Mrs. Noceda offered politely, and Luz immediately latched onto the idea. Grabbing onto her friend's arm, agreeing with her mom, practiced puppy dog eyes silently begging them to stay. 
"Yes! Yes! Please? It's the weekend and you haven't slept over in so long!"
It was hard to say no to Luz and she had a point. It had been a while since the two of you had a sleepover. Plus, Luz just looked so happy. How could they say no? 
"Alright, alright, I'll stay! Just stop staring at me like that."
They jokingly pushed Luz away, coving her unsettlingly accurate puppy dog eyes. Luz jumped out of her chair excitedly, pulling her friend away by the arm. 
"Yes! We have to go set up! Nooooow. Come on, come on, come on!"
Laughing at Luz's antics, she pulled you away as you thanked Mrs. Noceda. Who was just happy to see you staying for once. Luz shoved some clothes into her closet messily before running out of her room. She came running back in, a deflated air mattress slung over her shoulder. Luz had denied any offer of help, insisting to set up for her esteemed guest. 
She even tossed a stuffed animal on the bed, "In case you get lonely", in her words.                                                                                  
Sleep that night came easy; tangled in soft blankets with a little fish hugged close. The stars told stories as they drifted off. Sleeping well for the first time in a while. 
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