>about to bitch about the same-ness of eighties music >check when the album was released >1978 dodged a bullet
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fluffysgayuniverse · 10 days
hey!!!! i wanna make a Minecraft horror series about a player who keeps getting spruce biomes
my goal for it is to be very subdude about it, make u double take. make u think “im i fucking crazy or did that tree move”
ive linked a google doc down below the cut if u want to know about it/give me feedback!!! please gimme feedback pls pls plsss
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sunnysepulchre · 1 year
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I have drawn all my favorite characters from my webcomics Im currently reading. Eventually I will draw all my faves for webcomics that are completed.
Characters and comics under the cut!! Go read them!
Top row, left: 82 White Chain Born in Emptiness to Subdude Evil from Kill 6 Billion Demons by @orbitaldropkick! You can read it here.
Top row, middle: Nevi from Ava's Demon by @tinypaint! You can read it here.
Top row, right: Thierry from Never Satisfied by @ohcorny! You can read it here.
Second row, left: Tzofiya from The Witch Door by @kindlyanni! You can read it here.
Second row, middle: Lucky Maxwell from Ride or Die by @marsoid. You can read it here.
Second row, right: Ibrahim from Thistil Mistil Kistil by @depleti! You can read it here.
Third row, left: Basil from Bybloemen by C.B.! You can read it here.
Third row, right: Maureen from Hard Lacquer by @mimiadraws! You can read it here.
Fourth row, left: Kokoro AKA Heartful Punch from Sleepless Domain by Mary Cagle. You can read it here.
Fourth row, right: Rei from Vainglorious by @kellysketches! You can read it here.
Fifth row, left: Charlene Masters from How To Be A Werewolf by @shawnlenore! You can read it here.
Fifth row, middle: Edith from Godslave by Meaghan Carter. You can read it here.
Fifth row, right: Jennifer Billingsworth by David Willis @dumbingofage. You can read it here.
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sukugo · 4 months
Thoughts on gojo cock and ball torture
does his dick getting bitten off count?
djdshhgjfd anyways besides that. oh man. he is PERFECT for it. he LOVES IT. satoru gets off on pain and being subduded, overwhelmed and put in his place. satisfaction for him comes in the form of someone putting themselves above him and stripping him of his control and pushing him down from the position of strongest.
and so. ofc cbt is so his thing. i think for him u could do pretty much anything and he'd love it. and it'd go even futher to things that would completely destroy his dick, as he can just use rct to heal himself
smack it. step on it. put it in a cage. burn it. cut it open. sub or superincision. chop it off. explode it.
and he'd just sit there, bound and quaking with glee. eyes blown wide into discs, giggles that turn into manic laughter, entire body flushed and twitching, pleasure coursing through his veins and the room shaking as he clutches around the loosening grip on his own powers.
and he revels in the sting, desperately holds on to the feeling, as he does his powers, so his body doesn't automatically fix itself, letting himself bask in the pain as much as he's allowed. until he's finally completely overwhelmed and meets orgasm, with a stream of cum that mixes with the blood that gushes out along it from the mutilated part
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batnbreakfast · 1 year
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Street Art and the effects of time:
Pictures I took in February and yesterday -
Stik’s “couple holding hands” has been up and apparently undisturbed for a long time now. The fact is though, that it’s actually being continuously maintained.
The cans and the paper cut right at the start of Brick Lane (I can’t remember the artists) don’t look like they suffered much, but the paper cuts around them certainly did.
In a room full of art… (artist unknown to me) has been changed by Balenci2023 since February. I don’t like the change at all, but that’s the circle of street art.
Adrian Boswell is still keeping Brick Lane in broccoli. People tend to break them off and take them home, then he puts new ones up.
Elon Musk, done by Subdude. I didn’t take a picture last time, but I spoke to the artist yesterday: He put the poster up, then someone added “then diverse…” to it when it got ripped. Yesterday he decided to put up a clean one, but he incorporated the addition into the new poster because he liked it a lot.
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impermanent-art · 2 years
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Pasteup by Subdude in Shoreditch, London.
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jack-yutani · 4 months
Monarch Godzilla Variant Profile "Hera"
Overview: The Godzilla variant Hera, is agreed to be the weakest of the Godzilla variants. Though her biggest strength is her strange, motherily bond between Variants Leviathan( See Profile "Leviathan/Bloop" for Context) and Sekhmet( See Profile "Sekhmet" for Context). Hera has a Perseus( See Profile "Persues"for context) as her biological child, but Persues is more attached to Niko Tatopoulous the leader of Humanitarian, Enviromental, Analysis, Team(H.E.A.T.). But there are cases of Persues showing sibling relations with Leviathan and Sekhmet.
Thanks to the data from H.E.A.T. Unlike most Godzilla variants, Hera and Persues are mutated descendents of normal ignuanas from high exposure to radation caused by nuclear testing in the Atlantic. Hera lacks Atomic breath and is replaced by nuclear fire that doesn't cause much damage compared to other Atomic Breaths. Hera shows neutral and terroirtial behavoir towards humans and is advised to never attempt contact.
Now, to the New Mexcio Incident(See full Incident Report #342 on Data Files). Before the Incident it was reported that people in the outskirts of New Mexcio had begun to suddenly dissappear . Hera, Sekhmet, Leviathan, and Persues were all in New Mexcio. Sekhmet and Leviathan seprated from Hera not long after Hera was caught and subduded by a Kajiu called Kumonga. Kumonga's venom may had not only nearly fatiliy killed Hera, but blocked off telepathic messages to Leviathan and Sekhmet .
When Leviathan and Sekhmet had found Kumonga's lair, seeing Kumong with Hera asumimg she was dead. All of thier pain, thier suffering both physical and emotionial returned, they didn't just kill Kumonga he was tortured to death and thus began the incident. For short context on incident # 342, there was a population 3.566 million people in New Mexcio, after those that died of radation posioning there was only 200,000 left in the entire state.
At the time of the Incident Hera was revived with both Monrach agents and members of H.E.A.T. had synched an antivemon for Kumonga's venmon and inserted it orally into Hera yet was digested at a slow pace, and this was all while Leviathan and Semhket were destroying half of New Mexcio. When Hera was revived she immeddily reestabished telepathic contact with Leviathan and Sekhmet, both Leviathan and Sekhmet had stop thier rampage and returned to Hera.
Godzilla Varient Relations: Hera's relations towards fellow Godzillas other than Leviathan, Semhket, Persus, and Heraclues( See Profile "Heraclues/Horus/Richard" for Context)are more cooperative and neutral. Hera sees Richard as all the Godzillas see him as the Alpha and are highily cooperative with orders from Richard. Godzilla Variants Levithan and Semhket are always seen around Hera, and have been seen playing games with Hera inculding a reverse hide and seek which is popular between l three variants. Hera's relations with other Kajiu including Mothra Variants and Incarnations are terratorial and hostile.
Conclusion on Godzilla Variant: There is alot to learn about such a strange bond between Hera and her foster offspring, and with Incident #342 not only shows what happens when you hurt "Mommy", but on how a Mother's love so strong that it blankets the constant pain of Leviathan and the never ending suffering of Semhket.
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trailstamer · 5 months
Power Of Worship
When we pray and keep our God/Godesses in our mind and soul, we get some vibes. Those of us who consequently realise ourselves, ultimately listen to our soul. We become one with God. We meet our destined goal. Happiness and peace we achieve. Those also who do not pray or accept authority of God also Lead their day to day life. But it is without any base or foothold. Since God created them and over a period of their lives they become atheist that may be because of their upbringing and surroundings. Still life continues, whether one accept authority of God/Nature or not. Other side, educated and scientists say, it was matter from which all types of creations happened. These group of people also command authority in our world. Than there is a world beyond as well. Yet so called humans who disclaim God fail to answer how various types of lives sustain. Be it humans, animals, plants, sea or sky creatures. So we pass our days. Some evolve out of churning. Others remain dormant and subdude. Ultimately it's faith in different types of humans. This faith of different types settles in our mind, and different types of personalities evolve, which happens as one grows.
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kilgcre · 1 year
❛ it’s better with you here. ❜ / hosea </3
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✗ —  " Oh ?  And here I thought you were getting tired of all my complaining and nagging, "   amusement laced his tone despite his words. Lighthearted, if subduded by the rare tranquility of night surrounding them. Coaxing him into beliving again in a little something called privacy could be afford for them, like it'd been so many years ago. Into beliving that things will be fine, when doubt continued to haunt him.
     It was always easy to believe something one wanted to believe, a lesson Hosea had learned as a child. Easy as so, to sit down next to Dutch closer than he might have on a different night — close enough for their knees to bump together with barely a thought. An olive branch, perhaps, holding faith.
" But you don't have to tell me about it, I'm well aware, "   he continued teasingly, yet the smile on his face was sincere and warm, betraying sentimentiality,   " I mean, someone's gotta keep you in check !  Lest you herd us all onto some caravan and turn us into a... a circus or something in pursuit of one of your grand plans, and I wouldn't trust any one of these fools to do it. "
     A chuckle fell past his lips as a quiet ache in his chest made itself known, one different from the coughs that'd been plaguing him for some time then. He loved the gang, loved most of them as a father and would die for them just as well; but there was no denying that the stress only grew as the greater number of mouths to feed and people to care for did as well.
     With so much to do, it was hardly of any surprise that private moments with Dutch — ones where they left grand schemes, heists, and arguments at the door — had grown rarer than the gems and riches they coveted so. Even if, some days, he felt the absence keenly, as though a chasm was forming between them more quickly than they could build bridges.
     Hosea understood. Of course he did. Better than anyone else, even, if he was willing to stoke his own ego. Didn't mean he couldn't feel nostalgic for the days where they could be selfish with their thoughts and desires, or quietly cherish the moments where they could pretend things were as they were years ago.
" Listen, Dutch, I... "   the words falling out hesitant, sincerity gingerly taking place of his infamous silvertongue,   " I worry. I know I do, and I know I always have, but— "
     It was second nature for him to clasp his hand over Dutch's, gesture of comfort they'd shared countless times.
" As you said, I'm right here, my friend. And I still got some good years left in me, I ain't going anywhere just yet. So you ain't alone, Dutch. In any of this. In anything else, either, "   his voice soft yet no less earnest, hand squeezing gently,   " Just... Just don't go forgetting about that, alright ?  I'll always be right there when you need me. "
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rashri · 1 year
Brigade Valencia - Projects in Hosur Road,Bangalore
A load of amenities at Brigade Valencia keep the easy life going. Soak in the green at the lush gardens or choose an active life like skating at the rink, practicing your defence at the cricket pitch or choose your sport at the multipurpose court. Prefer a subdude way to unwind? Swim leisurely in the refreshing pool.
Visit https://www.brigadevalencia.com/amenities.php
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maggicktouched · 1 year
Mary's Magical Menagerie: Umaltar
A magical creature that closely resembles a mammoth in both size and stature. They live in the deep forests of the Witch Wilds in cold climates all over the world and travel in large herds. Umaltar blend seamlessly into the forests around them because they are covered in a living coat of plant life. Flowers, grasses, ferns, vines, all weave in and out of their coats, but if you touch one, it will feel as soft and smooth as down feathers. Cutting the plants away from the beast severs the magic, and they’ll feel rough and fibrous once more.
Umaltar move silently throughout the woods, and despite their large size, often sneak up on witches traveling through the wilds. They are highly intelligent, and certain herds/individuals of the species are even thought to be sapient. As such, they’re often curious about travelers. However they’re also territorial and deeply prideful. They existed long before man or witch walked their woods, and are extremely defensive of it and one another. 
While not endangered, this is a highly protected species and killing or possessing one is a very serious crime. Not that they are easily killed or subduded, as the vast majority of spells will simply have no effect on them. 
Flowers grow around the head of the Umaltar and often spread down to tangle around their enormous tusks. If these flowers can be obtained they can be used in a variety of potions most commonly ever-bloom spells, but they’re powerful fertility and calming agents as well. 
Berries grow in the thicket of long, grassy fur between their front legs. These berries closely resemble cloud berries and have a tart but pleasant flavor. The young feed off of the berries for the first few years of their lives, and just one can sustain a man for a day.
Linnea Tandy has a very close bond with an ancient herd of Umaltar that live in the Fox Clan Wilds. Not only has her family ruled and cared for the Wilds for centuries, but during the War of the Twin Flowers, when the lands were under attack, she personally defended the herd from the ravagers that the Kestrel Clan released into the sacred forests. She can often be found standing at the back gates to the estate, speaking softly to their eldest member, Ödhger. He plucks the flowers from his crown and passes them to her through the bars, and she uses them to keep her massive garden thriving and in a state of constant blooming perfection.
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hesbythecampfire · 2 years
You know I know you're the very special one You're one of a kind You put the pen to the paper And create a whole new world, a world of your own
One time, it ain't fair One time, you don't care Now I'm beggin you You who dream so well Why don't you dream yourself Into being a little bit happy one time
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innewswetrust · 3 years
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" Subdude street art, Shoreditch " by duncan c, used under CC BY SA Tilt-shift from original
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prettywarriors · 4 years
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borfo90125 · 6 years
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#subdudes #friday #skipperssmokehouse #openingact (at Skipper's Smokehouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtvfrLohOwQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gqdz7nxfntyo
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dannyreesearchive · 4 years
not about anyone here, just on the internet as a whole: but actors don’t owe you a damn thing and if you stalk them and hunt down their addresses and lurk outside their appartments you’re a shitty person that should be prosecuted 🥳
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