#submission: goodtimesgreatmemories
Clint: What a birthday, been a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent 20 years, not a scratch on me, not a scar, got a wife, kids, a house, a fishing boat, but I can kiss all that goodbye because my new partner has a death wish, my fucking life is over!
Natasha: I didn't know that.
Clint: What?
Natasha: That it was your birthday today.
Clint: Yesterday.
Natasha: Well, happy birthday for yesterday.
Clint: ...
Natasha: I mean that, sincerely, happy birthday.
Clint: [grudgingly] Thanks.
Natasha: Maybe we'll stay alive long enough for me to buy you a present.
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Robin, on the phone: Yeah, I want to send her two dozen roses. And I want to put something nice on the card, like, um-
Red X. laughing: “Starfire, my treasure.”
Robin: Hey, shut up, or I’ll ram a stool down your throat! Uh, no. No, no. I don’t want that on the card. Well, let me hear how it sounds. ...Nah, nah. Take it out. Take it out.
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Natasha: You know they're going to kill her, don't you?
Clint: Yeah.
Natasha: So if you want her back, you're going to have to take her away from them.
Clint: I know.
Natasha: You do this my way. You shoot, you shoot to kill, get as many of them as you can. All you got to do is just not miss.
Clint: I won't miss.
Natasha: We're going to get bloody on this one, Clint
Clint: Are you really crazy? Or are you as good as you say you are?
Natasha: You're just gonna have to trust me.
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Tony: Natasha, I cannot finds the words to truly express my joy at the rekindling of our association.
Natasha: Bullshit. What's the job?
Tony: I love it when you talk dirty.
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Raven: Okay, Melvin, I’m gonna teach you to swim. Now don’t be a wussy!
[Throws Melvin into the lake]
Raven: That’s it. One arm over the other. Uh... Crap. Timmy, go save your sister.
[Throws Timmy in. Robin and Starfire look on in horror.]
Raven: What?
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Beast Boy: Valentine’s Day? Ah, crap! I forgot to get a girlfriend again! Well, since neither of us have dates.
Raven: You just assume I can’t get a date?
Beast Boy: ...Shall we say 8:00?
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Robin: Do you know what we do here?
Terra: Yes, I have an idea...
Raven: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s say you have no idea and leave it at that, okay? No idea. Zip. None. If you had an idea of what we do, we would not be good at what we do, now would we? We would be cunts. Are you calling us cunts?
Robin: Raven has a style of her own. I’m afraid you’ll have to get used to it.
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Red X: Robin, I was just going through your garbage and I couldn’t help overhearing that you need a babysitter! Of course, being a highly-skilled thief, my fee is $175 an hour.
Robin: We pay $8 for the night, and you can take two popsicles out of the freezer.
Red X: Three.
Robin: Two.
Red X: Okay, two. And I get to keep this old birdcage.
Robin: Done.
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Robin: Terra did it. Beast Boy, Raven’s gonna kill you.
Beast Boy: Me? What? No she’s not. First of all, we don’t even know that Terra did this, and second of all, Raven is reasonable, she can’t blame me for this.
Raven: Garfield, I’ll kill you!
Beast Boy: Raven, this isn’t my fault!
Raven: I don’t believe this, “Why don’t we make her a part of the team, Raven? Huh? I got a good feeling about her, Raven."
Beast Boy: Look Raven, there’s probably a perfectly good explanation for all of this.
Raven: Like what?
Beast Boy: Maybe Terra took all our stuff to get it scotchgarded.
Beast Boy: It could happen!
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Pit bulls are the shit. It’s like a gun you can pet.
Red X
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Terra: Why did you save me?
Raven: You’re a part of the group
Terra: But you don’t even like me.
Raven: You’re a part of the group, why are we still talking about this?
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[Starfire arrives at the police station]
Starfire: I’m here for my sister.
Desk Sergeant: Who’s your sister?
Starfire: You must be new here.
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The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. And like that… she’s gone.
Terra, in Things Change
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I made mistakes! I wanna take them back! You trusted me. I took that trust and turned it into a glory hole in a airport bathroom.
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Joey [age 5]: Dad, teacher said we can be anything we want to be.
Slade: She wasn’t talking to you, son. Now go out back and practice digging some holes.
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Raven: How is our community coping with this spiritual vacuum? Let’s ask Terra.
Terra: You wanna know what I see, Raven? I see a slow news day with nothing to fill it!
Raven: Terra, you’re supposed to be filming people coping with the loss of their church!
Terra: And how am I supposed to do that? Do I have a magic lens that can see into peoples’ SOULS? Well, yours would be BLACK, Raven! BLACK AS THE ACE OF SPADES!!!
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