radiophd · 2 years
subnation -- scottie
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the-onyx-dragon · 1 year
so something about the subnatic kids au i forgot to tell @leobashi is that the kids do get human contact after their first year there- and that contact is two dumbasses who share half a braincell (mark and ethan) and one responsible that doesn't stop the dumbasses shenanigans most of the time (amy) these kids will know chaos like the back of their hands
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April 02, 2009 🌎
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Extremely normal and not at all ludicrously existentially revolting for the United States to make it so that a group of people can more or less be considered human under the law in one subnational district and in ruthlessly criminalized and dehumanized in another subnational district, so much so that subnational legislatures are constantly passing laws trying to protect populations forcibly displaced by other subnational governments. Cool how this is considered sane and effective government so much so that it keeps happening over and over again for 250 years.
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mapsontheweb · 1 month
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A map of North America, divided into subnational entities, and with each entity colour-coded by its most significant religious demographic
by u/KatsumotoKurier
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transgenderer · 5 months
>java >whole country
you're so based for this one queen
I feel like the thing the UK does where it refers to subnational units as "countries" even when they're not countries in like a meaningful sense is actually kind of cool. Like. It gets at something. I really wish the US didn't use states for provinces/departments so referring to states was less ambiguous
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noosphe-re · 2 months
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The official flag of New Mexico, a subnational polity of the United States, consists of a red sun symbol of the Zia people on a field of gold (yellow). It was officially adopted in 1925 to highlight the state's Native American and Hispano heritage: It combines a symbol of the Puebloan people, who have ancient roots in the state, with the colors of the flag of Spain, which established and ruled Nuevo México for over two and a half centuries. (Wikipedia)
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tanadrin · 10 months
Tiny island territories like St. Helena and the Falklands are so interesting to me, because they're these polities with 1) very small populations, and 2) often essentially complete government apparatuses (though most are dependencies of larger countries), phenomena which exist basically only because of geography. you cannot have a subnational territory of three thousand people, unless that territory is also 13,000 kilometers away and thousands of kilometers distant from the closest other territories of your state.
and for the most part, independence isn't even on anybody's political radar, not because these places don't have a distinct cultural identity or anything (they absolutely do), but because what would you even do with independence? being a possession of a larger country, even one you're only loosely integrated to like UK overseas territories, offers far more political and economic (and military!) benefits. you would exist only long enough to be annexed by someone else if you were independent.
small-ish sovereign island states seem to work fine in the context of the caribbean and the south pacific, and you have other sparsely-populated territories or countries that have similar dynamics like greenland, but greenland and the smallest independent caribbean countries have populations on the order of like 50,000 people. tuvalu, nauru, and palau at least have populations in the 10-20,000 range (though this comes with what seem like pretty narrow economic opportunities).
it's a window into a world where human societies never stopped being primarily small communities, except still with modern technology and transport and communication. it's wild!
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memecucker · 9 months
Also I’ve been playing the Victoria 1.5 patch open beta and I’ve been really liking most of the changes. There’s still lots of broken or silly stuff but it’s an open beta so it’s fine (like they finally allow you to make offers to the AI to join their wars but they’ve made the AI way too open to that especially for minor wars like when I played China I was able to get all of British East Africa and the Congo by just joining them against all their small colonial uprisings which is also kinda ironic but anyway)
Biggest change is the introduction of local prices to provinces (well “states” but I’m just annoyed by V3 using “state” for your subnational divisions considering how “state” is used in so many other ways for this 19th century politics game) and I really like it and think it really improves the gameplay and makes it more interesting if you’re into Factorio style supply chain and economic management. Previously you could stick factories wherever you wanted and the only concern was infrastructure and available population which meant late game the “correct” play (or at least the one the AI would do a lot) would be to stick 30 stack food industries in like the middle of the Sahara bc thats where you got plenty of room. Oftentimes your steel industry would be far away from your mines since both are infrastructure taxing. But local prices change that and push you towards wanting to vertically integrate industries in the same area. So where before you could mine your iron and coal in Pennsylvania and have the steel plants all be in like Missouri it’s how much much much more efficient to put the steel in Pennsylvania bc the local prices for its inputs will be lower whereas in Missouri they’ll be inflated due to the lack of local sell orders. This also means that you’ll want to build other heavy industry in the areas where steel is sold so now tooling and machine factories will be built there etc
It actually adds a lot of depth and replayability bc now country choice means a lot more than just the sum of resources but how they’re arranged. Like Japan was kinda nerfed with this change bc while there’s several good iron deposits and one good coal deposit in Kyushu you don’t have anything that has both other than Hokkaido which has a very low population (and takes forever to build up to a decent amount) and isn’t fully colonized yet and takes absolutely forever to get going. I like this bc it helps represent Japan being “metal poor” bc it’s harder to have a good steel industry while still giving ahistorically generous iron deposits just bc gameplay wise you need those.
However someone who does have several good iron+coal states is Korea meaning that as Japan you have a much stronger economic incentive to engage in imperialism than you previously did where Korea wasn’t even a good target bc everything they made you already made but now since the combo of coal and iron is so important for industrializing they (as well as all the stuff in Manchuria) are much more attractive targets for someone that want to make Japan a great power.
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A classic Dominion War era propaganda poster.
Key to the various national and subnational flags below:
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A link to further information:
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sataniccapitalist · 19 days
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the-onyx-dragon · 1 year
i feel like talking about the subnatic kids au so- here, the kids had no human contact for at least a year and a few months- thats hard for a 4 5 and 10 year old- they mostly survived thanks to one of the two sea emperors jack, he was in a containment area closer to the kids (im thinking the Jellyshroom caves but idk) than evelien the other sea emperor (at least- in the tropical area of the planet) jack tells them to grab a machine he'd see the architects heal themselves with unaware that it needed base dna in it to properly fix the wounds using it without base dna leave the areas unstable and easier to hurt again so when the kids used the machine when the cure in it- those unstable areas got combined when sea emperor dna so the kids don't look very human and that why when project crater (amy mark and ethan) landed and ethan saw them he was very freaked out-
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weeklysongprompts · 1 month
Week of May 20, 2024 A song with a state or other subnational region in the title
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txttletale · 2 years
what is the worst flag?
national? belize. like belize babe what are you doing. you're not a US flyover state your flag doesn't have to look like this
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subnational? it's low-hanging fruit, it's the first answer you'd get on any vexillology forum, but i mean sometimes popular opinions are popular for a reason. i can't be contrarian about everything. it's river gee, liberia
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i have had to repeatedly search for photos of it in use to assure myself that it's real but it sadly is. wbhat can i even say
dishonorable mention goes to kosovo and cyprus:
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putting the outline of your country on your flag is like an insult to the concept of symbolism itself. it's like if the mcdonald's logo was just a photo of a big mac. while they're not too horrible aesthetically i do think these are just like fundamentally an insult to the very idea of a flag--it's meant to symbolize your nation! symbolize it! augh! rage and hatred on this wretched planet!
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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The Two Mongolias
The native Mongolian peoples have historically lived in the Mongolian People’s Republic and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the People’s Republic of China, which together once comprised Greater Mongolia. While Inner Mongolia is an autonomous subnational division of China, the nation of Mongolia (sometimes known as Outer Mongolia) is a free and open state with a democratic government.
Political and historical reasons led to the split of Mongolia into these two regions. One important contributing aspect is that, in the 19th century, Han Chinese farmers were drawn to the Mongolian region in search of land to cultivate due to population pressure in China’s south. Conflicts with herders resulted from this, and Outer Mongolia gained independence in 1912 and Inner Mongolia gained administrative autonomy in 1932.
Is a reunion between the two Mongolias possible?
Beal, Rich. "A tale of two Mongolias." Koryo Group. 14 October 2020.
Salisbury, Harrison E. "The two Mongolias are bitter enemies." The New York Times. 17 October 1977.
by anthro.atlas
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jackhkeynes · 7 months
Lexember 2023 - 1: ceu "basically"
ceu /tsaw/ [tsaw]
basically, essentially, pretty much, in effect, for all intents and purposes, not literally but sufficiently close that any difference is irrelevant;
like, kinda, sorta, a filler word used to hedge a statement;
(in negative sentences) hardly, barely, only just, to a minimal extent
Etymology: from Middle Borlish, original a legal term of art used to distinguish an act from a legally distinct act with the same consequences or punishment. In this use it was borrowed from Latin ceu "just like, just as if, as (if) it were". By the eighteenth century it had moved into general use, along with the innovated negative sense (originally restricted to the phrase ceu rien "barely anything, almost nothing").
Remanen ceu alcun toscivr ag platabac. /ˌre.maˈnɛn tsaw alˈkɪn toˈxɪ.vr̩ ɛj ˌpla.taˈbak/ [ˌʁe.mɐˈnɛn tsaw ɐˈgɪn tʊˈçɪv‿ʀɛj ˌpla.tɐˈbak] remain-ipf-3p barely none sandwich at.def sideboard There were hardly any sandwiches left on the buffet table.
Sodrick (Merch /ˈsɔ.drɪk/, Welsh Heleð /heˈlɛð/) [~the Hebrides] is a region of the Northwestern Isles comprising many small islands north of Wales and west of Scotland.
The name Sodrick was originally a demonym for the people of so-called Soder (Old English Sodor), which descends from the Old Norse Suðreyjar "southern islands".
Sodrick was settled during the Norse ascendancy of the eighth and ninth centuries, at the same time as Danes arrived on the shores of Albion [Great Britain] and Ireland. Harald the Blue of Sodrick contributed to the establishment of the Kingdom of Scotland in the ninth century. Even the Welsh island of Mondwell [Anglesey] was half controlled by Sodrick for some time after a partition agreed between Sodrick and Guineth that was recorded in both the Ulstre and Carlile chronicles.
During the tenth century, the kingdom of Dunclothe [Strathclyde] under Roderick invaded and conquered many of the isles of Sodrick from the Danes, including Arran in 934 and (most significantly, as a power centre) the isle of Man in 942. The decline of Dane power in Sodrick has been connected to the decreased efficiency of obtaining wealth by raiding over time.
As Dunclothe took control of Sodrick, many fled or were expelled to places like Dane-ruled York and Ireland, or to relatively prosperous Normandy. Among their number is recorded the first unambiguous mention of identical triplets (Danes born on the isle of Mull around 915) in European history.
By the fifteenth century, Sodrick was subordinate to Wales, and it was incorporated as an outlying tallath [state/subnational unit] of the Kingdom of Britain when it was formed.
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