#subscription based no refunds
faerygardenparty · 5 months
Sorry for talking about this again but I keep seeing people go “oh don’t you think artists deserve to be paid for their work??” in response to the watcher shit and it’s so…. disingenuous, by that logic we should all be fully in support of NFT artists and YouTubers who sell shitty online courses for exorbitant amounts of money, one of my biggest issues with this is that a subscription service is an inherently predatory business model that typically relies on the customer forgetting they signed up, making them jump through so many hoops to unsubscribe in the hopes that they’ll give up and keep giving them money, and making the refund process just as difficult as the unsubscribing process so the service can keep the money they scammed out of the customer
You also really can’t guilt people into paying for such a highly unreasonable price, Hulu is $7 a month, $2 with a student discount, and has over 1,200 shows and 1,300 movies, even rooster teeth at its peak had a lot more content to offer to their subscribers than watcher does, even dropout, which I’ve seen far too many people compare this to, has over 20 shows, many of which with multiple seasons, the longest of which being dimension 20 with 21 seasons and over 200 episodes, the other service I’ve seen people bring up is nebula, which has 175 content creators on it and is a dollar cheaper than watcher tv, watcher does not have nearly enough content to justify the $6 a month fee
I should also point out nebula has a membership option in which you pay a one time fee and get access to the service forever without ever having to pay again, which, yes, while it may be expensive, it’s also much better in my opinion than a predatory subscription-based model
This is also not an artistic decision, it is a business decision, artists can make shitty business decisions too, it doesn’t make them exempt from criticism just because they’re an artist
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hostpyters · 3 months
AppSumo is a popular platform that offers lifetime deals on software, tools, and services for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses. It aims to provide users with significant savings on products that can enhance productivity, marketing, management, and various other business operations. Below is a detailed review of AppSumo's features and functionalities:
Key Features Lifetime Deals:
Discounted Software: AppSumo provides exclusive lifetime deals on a wide range of software products, often at a fraction of the regular price. This allows businesses to access premium tools without recurring costs. Variety of Categories: Deals span multiple categories, including marketing, sales, productivity, web development, design, and more. Curated Selection:
Expert Vetting: AppSumo’s team carefully curates and vets each deal to ensure quality and relevance for its user base. This helps users trust that the products offered are valuable and reliable. User Reviews and Ratings: Each product listing includes user reviews and ratings, providing insights from other entrepreneurs who have used the tools. Sumo-lings Community:
Active Community: Users, known as Sumo-lings, can engage with each other through comments, forums, and social media, sharing tips and experiences about the deals and tools they use. Feedback Mechanism: The community feedback helps AppSumo and product creators improve their offerings and address any issues promptly. Educational Resources:
Webinars and Tutorials: AppSumo often hosts webinars, tutorials, and live demos with product creators, helping users understand how to get the most out of the tools they purchase. Blog and Guides: The platform’s blog offers valuable content on entrepreneurship, growth strategies, and best practices for using various software tools. Refund Policy:
Generous Refunds: AppSumo offers a 60-day refund policy on most deals, allowing users to try out products with minimal risk. If the tool doesn’t meet their needs, they can get a full refund within this period.
AppSumo Plus Membership:
Exclusive Benefits: For a yearly fee, AppSumo Plus members get additional discounts, early access to deals, and other exclusive benefits, enhancing the overall value of the platform. Partner Program:
Affiliate Opportunities: Users can earn commissions by promoting AppSumo deals through its partner program, providing an additional income stream for entrepreneurs and influencers.
Pros Significant Savings: The primary advantage of AppSumo is the potential for significant savings on high-quality software, making premium tools accessible to small businesses and startups. Wide Range of Tools: The platform offers deals across various categories, catering to diverse business needs and helping users find tools for multiple aspects of their operations. Risk-Free Trials: The 60-day refund policy ensures that users can test products without the fear of losing money if the tools don’t work out for them. Community and Support: An active community and comprehensive educational resources help users make informed decisions and maximize the value of their purchases. Curated Quality: The expert vetting process ensures that only valuable and reliable products are featured, reducing the risk associated with purchasing lesser-known software.
Cons Limited Availability: Deals are often available for a limited time, which means users need to act quickly to take advantage of them. This can sometimes lead to impulsive buying decisions. Variable Product Quality: While AppSumo vets its deals, the quality and usefulness of products can still vary, and some tools may not meet every user’s expectations. Subscription Costs: Although the deals are discounted, some users might find the cost of the AppSumo Plus membership and the deals themselves to be a significant upfront investment.
AppSumo is a valuable platform for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses looking to access premium software tools at discounted prices. Its curated selection, significant savings, and supportive community make it a go-to resource for finding and utilizing business software. While there are considerations regarding the limited availability of deals and variable product quality, the overall benefits, including the risk-free trial period and wide range of tools, make AppSumo a highly beneficial platform for business growth and efficiency.
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therecordchanger62279 · 5 months
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I used to get mail all the time. These days, though, it’s mostly junk mail, and fliers, and credit card offers. A couple of years ago, I attempted to remedy the situation by subscribing to some print magazines. I already had a subscription to Record Collector, a music monthly based in England. And I’d already subscribed to the new print edition of Creem magazine due in Autumn 2022. I liked the idea of some fresh reading material every month, and I wanted to break up my reading a bit.
I added a subscription to a magazine called The Strand, a mystery magazine published quarterly. I also ordered a one-year subscription to Goldmine, a record collector’s magazine. I’d been a Goldmine reader from the 1980s until 2007 when I let a longstanding subscription expire after the magazine underwent some drastic changes, and the quality declined. But, as I’d been away for 16 years, I thought the time might be right to try again, and see if the magazine had regained its footing. Along with Creem, and Record Collector, I’d have four magazine subscriptions to look forward to in my mail.
The first two issues of The Strand arrived on schedule by October. But the third issue never turned up at all. After waiting another month, I contacted them, and requested either a replacement for the missing third issue, or cancellation of my subscription. Two more weeks passed, and I heard nothing, so I contacted them again. They curtly replied that they’d delayed mailing the replacement due to a snowstorm. I live in the Midwest, and there were no snowstorms this winter that lasted two weeks. In any case, when the issue still did not arrive, I asked them to cancel my subscription, and refund the balance. Instead, they sent the December issue – now eight weeks late, and I never heard from them again. I never received the last issue on my subscription, nor did I receive a check for the missing issue. I won’t be subscribing to The Strand ever again.
The situation with Goldmine was more complicated. Three months went by after I bought the sub, and I’d gotten nothing in the mail. Then an e-mail arrived telling me that the next issue had been delayed because the magazine was switching from a bi-monthly to a quarterly. I’d paid $29.99 for six issues, and I was told that I would still receive six issues, but the issues would ship over eighteen months instead of twelve. By October, I’d received the first two. The third issue due in December never arrived. I requested either a replacement copy or a refund for the balance of my subscription. I got a notice shortly after that nothing was owed me. I fired off another e-mail, and demanded they honor the agreement, or refund the balance. I heard nothing back, but a few weeks later, a replacement issue arrived. I assumed we were back on track, but the Spring issue is out, and I never received it either, and there was no refund forthcoming. As happened with The Strand, I was cheated, and probably will never see another issue, let alone a refund. It’s just as well. I don’t like being cheated, but I’d already decided not to renew because, while the magazine has a glossier, nicer design than it had in 2007, the quality of the journalism is just as poor now as it was then. They don’t use many professional journalists, but depend, instead, on amateur “fanboys” to supply them with fawning profiles of washed-up dinosaur bands trading under famous names, but usually with no (or maybe only one) original member. These band’s careers careers were over in the 70s and 80s. But to read the profiles, you’d think they are still topping the charts, and as relevant as ever. No, thanks.
I was very excited to see a new version of Creem. It had been my favorite music magazine growing up, and I was especially excited about having access to the archive of back issues. The first year’s issues arrived as scheduled, and while I liked the magazine’s content for the most part, the design wasn’t what I would call reader-friendly. When I renewed, I decided to take just an online subscription which was easier to read, and considerably cheaper. A month later I got an e-mail telling me all subs would be print-only going forward with continued access to the archive, and that I would have to pony up the difference or lose the subscription altogether, and be refunded the amount. Because I was enjoying the archive so much, I agreed – even though I really didn’t like the print edition, and would’ve preferred to continue reading it online (which I could do while still being required to pay for a print copy I didn’t want).
I read issues five, and six online, and thought the magazine was improving with each issue. But I was really beginning to spend a lot of time reading the archive’s back issues. The magazine was every bit as good as I remembered, and I was reading back issues I’d missed as well. But in January, most of the archive suddenly disappeared. I reached out to find out what was going on, and was told the archive was migrating to a new online home, and would be back very soon just as it was. A month went by, and there was no progress. There were posts, and complaints to the magazine’s Facebook group, and I sent an e-mail telling them that if the archive wasn’t going to be available, that I couldn’t justify $85 a year for a print magazine I was forced to buy just to get access to an archive that was no longer there.
Then I received an e-mail from Creem’s CEO requesting a conference call with me, and the magazine’s marketing director. I was stunned, but was told they’d been impressed with my e-mails, and the feedback they’d been getting from me all along, and wanted to have a phone chat and clear some things up, answer some questions, and let me know the direction the magazine would be taking going forward.
We chatted for more than an hour, agreed to stay in touch, and I was satisfied because my concerns and questions had been addressed to my satisfaction. The archive was still in a state of disrepair four weeks later when the new issue appeared online. I read it, and while I enjoyed some of it very much, I was repelled by a good deal of it. I wrote an e-mail offering some constructive criticism, and was disappointed to hear that the things that I’d most disliked would be a part of the magazine’s direction moving forward. In the meantime, the archive finally reappeared in radically altered, and nearly unusable form. Again, I complained, and was told they were aware of the problem, and that it would be fixed soon. It wasn’t (and still isn’t). And, oh, by the way, the print copy I’d been forced to buy had never arrived in the mail either.
The condescending remarks I’d gotten from the marketing director about my criticisms of the new direction did not sit well with me at all, and after two more weeks of no repairs to the archive, and no print edition in my mailbox, I cancelled my subscription, and received a refund.
In the meantime, I’ve been reading the Trouser Press archive online for free, and very much enjoying the new Zip It Up! Book reproducing the best of that magazine’s work in celebration of its 50th anniversary (see an earlier post on this). The journalism is far, far better than anything on the market today. And it’s made me realize that even my Record Collector subscription is no longer necessary. Record Collector is an excellent magazine, but my collecting days are over thanks to the exorbitant cost of music these days. The profiles of artists they cover are the same ones I’ve been reading for the past 50 years. But they’re far more interesting to read when the profiles were done when the artists were young, and the music brand new. And that’s what I get from Trouser Press, and what I was getting from the Creem archive. There’s no revisionist history either. The record reviews are unnecessary because I’m no longer collecting, and if I want to hear something new, I can easily hear it on YouTube, or download it from the web. So, when my sub expires in a few months, I won’t be renewing, and for the first time in 50 years, I won’t have a single magazine subscription. I won’t be getting any mail either, but since our mail delivery is inconsistent, and our mail often goes missing, it’s just as well. There’s really nothing about the 21st century I like. The more time I can spend in the 20th, the happier I’ll be.
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hunter-rodrigez · 11 months
Oh cool, the camera app I had been using for years and already paid for just decided out of nowhere to go subscription based.
Which would suck plenty in any case... but they want $17 A WEEK for the premium version, which again, I ALREADY PAID FOR ONCE. That comes out to $68 a month... for an app... that does little more than operating your phone's built-in camera.
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How is this kind of shit even legal?? How can these greedy fucks just go, "Yeah sorry, your purchase doesn't count anymore... no we won't refund your money. Go fuck yourself."
I am so sick of getting fucked over by greedy assholes at every opportunity.
Also, seriously, who the fuck would pay $68 a month for any app??
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For that price, you could buy a proper DSLR after 6 months.
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zhuzhudushu · 1 year
Falou — Chinese Review ★1/2
So I paid for Falou (pronounced like Baloo from Jungle Book, but with an F, apparently) so you don't have to. Here is my review! You can also see a quicker summary on my resources page!
What is Falou?
It's an app that's designed to support your language learning journey through listening and speaking tasks.
Click here to see the app!
Free: one language (extremely obnoxious ads)
$149 / year - no ads, multiple languages, and full courses all levels
(Note: if you deny the subscription 2-3x, they give you a year for $30. This is what I did, but ended up refunding it)
My Review / TLDR Version:
I would not recommend this app for anyone, especially not for Chinese. I might recommend it for HSK2 learners who are past the pinyin-memorizing stage and can read pinyin and basic characters without difficulty, but only for muscle memory practice. The voices are bot-like (Duolingo style), the sentences can be awkward, some of the audios were wrong, it grades you harshly forcing 100% accuracy to move on, then gives you no way to review the words you miss, and there is a massive jump from HSK2 vocab to HSK5 vocab, with no transition.
For full rant, see below:
I was going to split this into a pros/cons list, but honestly, I couldn't think of any pros. So here are the issues I have with it, broken down.
1. The Entire Learning Method
It is solely speech-based and takes points off for missed tones and makes you redo it over and over until you get 100% accuracy on each sentence. At intermediate level, it is totally normal to miss 1-2 tones per sentence, and even more at beginner level. Also, sometimes it doesn't recognize tones well and will count off for the simplest words like 了,好, etc. and so it tells you to review the easiest words in the sentence, while ignoring the new vocab.
Basically this is each "course":
"Conversation" - a bot talks to you and you respond, mimicking what you hear with reading both characters & pinyin. You must achieve 100% accuracy on all of it to move on to the next sentence.
"Writing" - you listen and build the sentence fill-in-the-blank style (or from Chinese keyboard with typing). You must achieve 100% accuracy on each one before moving on to the next sentence.
"Challenge" - you must verbally say what you hear from memory and you have one try before losing hearts (you have plenty of hearts to finish, but you must achieve a perfect score to get gold). If you mess up, it gives you the pinyin, and if you mess up again it gives you the characters too.
For beginner sentences like "I like tea" this might be fine. But once you you get into the "intermediate" section, sometimes you would have to say 2-3 sentences without a break. Especially with the challenge section, this is a near-impossible task even in one's native language unless you have genius-level working memory and attention.
Also, you can click on the words in your dialogue to see definitions, however you can't do that with the other person's dialogue. So if the person you're talking to uses a new word and you can't tell what the pinyin is?? You're shit outta luck.
2. There is no true intermediate.
At the beginning, it asks you you're level. You can chose nothing, understanding basic sentences, understanding basic conversation, and being comfortable speaking. I chose "basic conversation" and it started me with HSK5 level vocab, with 4+ new words per sentence. This was obviously frustrating. I had to delete the app and re-download it to choose "understand sentences" but then it was HSK 1-2 and so simple like "what do you like to eat?"
I even went to the highest level right before "intermediate" started, and it was painfully easy. It literally jumps from "would you like brown shoes?" (hardest beginner level) to "you have to press the blue button on the screen in order to download the regulatory file into the database" (first intermediate level).
That's absolutely preposterous.
3. There is no way to review words from the lessons
They do have a vocab section, however it is simply flashcards with audio and they only teach you 4 words per section. Also, I could not find any HSK5 level words in the vocabulary section that corresponded with the level that I struggled with that was supposedly intermediate. The vocab sets seem completely separate from the lessons.
At the end of each lesson, it tells you which words you struggled the most with (which, again, might not be any new vocab at all and for me was often the easiest words like 好) but then... there is no way to review these words in the app? Especially if you're paying money, they should be able to make personalized flashcards for you with new words per level. Really, each level should have a set of vocab to learn before you go in trying to use them in conversation. But no, the only way to review the vocab is to do the lesson over again.
4. The goal isn't functionality, it's to perfectly mimic a bot
This is the main reason I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The goal is to sound exactly like the bot does. This means perfect tones, no tone reductions/neutral tones, and awkward sentences structures. Using this app will not make you fluent in any way that's functional, in my opinion. It might be an okay supplement to practice speaking if you are already familiar with pinyin and tones well enough that you can tell if the bot is wrong. Because sometimes pronunciation and tones were wrong.
Functionally, there is nothing wrong with missing 1-2 tones in a long sentence, especially for beginner/intermediate learners. Functionally, it is not realistic for most learners to build or produce sentences that have 4+ HSK5 level words in them without first breaking down those new words. Functionally, a conversation where you are pretending to be a retail worker or gas station employee isn't really relevant—most learners are not learning the language so they can go work at a Chinese gas station. There are way more functional conversations that could include vocab about cars and clothing.
Basically, run for the hills with this one. If you're a high level but want to review easy sentences to practice pronunciation and muscle memory, maybe this might benefit you. Other than that, avoid like the plague.
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lilyunad · 11 months
Missed playing Final Fantasy 14 (shortened by FFXIV)
Bought the base game on Steam, because quick access (I already have it)
Linked Square and steam account
Steam doesn't recognize my subscription. It can't install.
It's ok, only have to find the non-steam launcher
It installs. For 3 days.
Plays a bit.
Decides that I want a Viera.
I need Endwalker. I don't have it.
Buys collector Edition on Steam. It's on sale, it's ok.
Key registration doesn't work. Because I originally didn't buy the base game on Steam. 2 doesn't apply.
Have to buy the expansion on mog station, where i originally bought the base game.
Decides to run a corrupted files fix. I shouldn't have clicked that.
I have to re-install. 3 days again.
So I bought a game I already had, and the same expansion twice. Stupid Lily should have thought "Link the game to your steam library, you don't have to buy it there".
It's ok it was on sale, but big regret still, a waste of days and money. I shouldn't have trusted Valve, and it's not refundable...
So I'm opening commissions : https://lilyunad.carrd.co/#section01
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 2 years
At one point during lockdown I subscribed to a cloud based journal service and I was liking it so I was like sure, I’ll pay $30 for a year, but it turns out the make it extremely difficult to cancel. Last year o was charged again and they were like sorry no refunds but you can unsubscribe. And im like ok fine I’ll do that then. And now this year they charged me again. They are like sorry no refunds, here’s the link on how to cancel your subscription and there’s only info on how to do it if you subscribed from the app on your phone but I didn’t do that 🫠 it was on my computer. The whole thing is awful. I contacted my bank so hopefully they can reverse the charge and block them from taking money again.
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How to Choose the Best IPTV Service Provider for Your Needs
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) service refers to the delivery of television content over the internet rather than through traditional terrestrial, satellite, or cable television formats. IPTV services offer a wide range of TV channels, on-demand content, and other features for users to stream on various devices.
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When choosing a best IPTV service provider, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you find the right one for your needs. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:
Content Selection: Evaluate the provider's channel lineup and content offerings. Make sure they offer the channels and content you're interested in, such as sports, movies, or specific regional channels. Some providers may also offer on-demand content and catch-up TV, so consider your preferences.
Reliability and Stability: Look for a provider with a robust infrastructure that offers stable and reliable service. Read reviews, check forums, and ask for recommendations from trusted sources to gauge the provider's reputation for uptime and consistent performance.
Video Quality: High-definition (HD) or even 4K video quality enhances your viewing experience. Ensure the IPTV service provider offers high-quality streams for a superior visual experience. Additionally, check if they support multiple resolutions to cater to various devices and internet speeds.
Device Compatibility: Consider the devices you plan to use for IPTV viewing, such as smart TVs, streaming devices, or mobile devices. Verify that the provider supports the platforms you intend to use, whether it's Android, iOS, Windows, or dedicated IPTV boxes.
User Interface and Experience: A user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation make it easier to browse and access content. Look for providers that offer well-designed apps or interfaces with features like search functionality, EPG (electronic program guide), and customizable favorites lists.
Customer Support: Good customer support is crucial in case you encounter any issues or have questions. Check if the provider offers responsive customer support through multiple channels like email, live chat, or phone. Prompt and helpful support can save you a lot of frustration.
Pricing and Packages: Compare the pricing plans and subscription options offered by different providers. Consider factors such as the number of channels, additional features, and contract terms. Look for providers that offer flexible packages to suit your budget and viewing preferences.
Trial Periods and Refund Policy: Many IPTV providers offer trial periods or money-back guarantees. Take advantage of these to test the service and see if it meets your expectations. Be sure to understand the refund policy in case you decide to cancel within a specified time frame.
Legal Considerations: Ensure that the IPTV service provider operates within the legal framework of your country. Using illegal or unauthorized IPTV services can have legal repercussions. Look for providers that have proper licenses and agreements with content providers.
Reputation and Reviews: Do your research and check reviews and feedback from other users. Look for independent reviews from reputable sources to get an unbiased understanding of the provider's reputation and performance.
Remember, choosing the best IPTV service provider is a personal decision based on your specific preferences. By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs.
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SD Retail IPO: Day 3 Application status and GMP stand at 38 (29.01%)
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The highly anticipated initial public offering (IPO) of SD Retail Ltd is set to open for subscription, offering potential investors a three-day window from September 20 to September 24, 2024. Investors are already abuzz with the details, as this IPO represents a significant opportunity in the retail sector. Price Band and Lot Size The price band for SD Retail’s IPO has been fixed between Rs 124 to Rs 131 per share, with each share carrying a face value of Rs 10. Retail investors looking to participate must apply for shares in lots, with the minimum lot size set at 1,000 shares. This translates to a minimum investment requirement of Rs 1,31,000 per lot at the higher end of the price band. Investors can, of course, opt to invest in larger multiples of the lot size based on their interest and risk appetite. Key IPO Stakeholders Several key entities are involved in ensuring the smooth execution of SD Retail's IPO. Kfin Technologies Limited has been appointed as the registrar for the IPO, responsible for managing the share allocation process and ensuring that refunds are processed swiftly for non-allocators. Beeline Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd is acting as the book-running lead manager for the issue, guiding the pricing and ensuring proper management of the offering process. Additionally, Spread X Securities is serving as the market maker, tasked with maintaining liquidity for the shares once they begin trading on the public market. Share Distribution Breakdown The IPO offers a total of 49,60,000 shares for public subscription. These shares have been allocated across several investor categories in the following manner: - 18.99% of the total shares have been earmarked for qualified institutional buyers (QIBs), including mutual funds, insurance companies, and other financial institutions. - 14.25% of the shares are reserved for non-institutional investors (NIIs), typically high-net-worth individuals or entities looking for substantial investment opportunities. - 33.25% are set aside for institutional sub-investors, a subset of large-scale investors. - 28.47% of the shares are allocated to anchor investors, who are typically large institutional investors securing a portion of the IPO in advance to lend confidence to other investors. This diversified share allocation ensures that the IPO is accessible to a range of investor types, promoting wide participation. Important Dates and Timelines For those interested in subscribing to the SD Retail IPO, keeping track of the important dates will be crucial: - IPO subscription dates: September 20 to September 24, 2024. Investors can place their bids during this period. - Allocation finalization: The allocation of shares is expected to be finalized on September 25, 2024. - Credit of shares: Successful applicants will see the shares credited to their demat accounts on September 26, 2024. - Refunds for non-allocators: Investors who did not receive allocations will begin receiving their refunds on the same day, i.e., September 26, 2024. - Listing date: SD Retail is expected to be listed on the NSE SME platform, Emerge, on September 27, 2024. Conclusion The SD Retail IPO is drawing attention due to its competitive pricing and strategic share allocation across various investor groups. With the retail sector in India poised for growth, this IPO could present a lucrative opportunity for both retail and institutional investors alike. Interested investors should carefully evaluate the company's red herring prospectus and monitor key dates to ensure timely participation. Read the full article
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IPO Allotment Process in Case of Oversubscription
BY: Pankaj Bansal , Founder at Newspatrolling.com
The IPO (Initial Public Offering) allotment process in the case of oversubscription typically follows a structured procedure, governed by regulations set by financial authorities. Here’s an overview of the key steps involved:
1. Understanding Oversubscription
Oversubscription occurs when the demand for shares exceeds the number of shares available for sale in the IPO.
For instance, if a company offers 1 million shares and receives bids for 2 million shares, the IPO is oversubscribed by 100%.
2. Allocation Methods
Pro-rata Basis: Shares are allocated to investors in proportion to the number of shares they applied for, but this method may lead to fractional shares. In such cases, the shares are typically rounded down.
Lottery System: In some cases, especially for retail investors, a lottery system may be used where a random selection is made to allocate shares to applicants.
Institutional Investor Priority: Often, institutional investors receive priority in allocation, and retail investors may receive a smaller proportion of shares.
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3. Retail and Non-Retail Categories
Retail Investors: Usually defined as individual investors applying for shares below a certain threshold (e.g., ₹2 lakh in India).
Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs): These investors typically have a higher allocation percentage due to their substantial investment capabilities.
4. Allotment Process
Bidding: Investors submit their bids during the IPO subscription period.
Finalization of Basis of Allotment: After the subscription period ends, the registrar to the issue finalizes the basis of allotment based on the total demand and available shares.
Communication: Successful applicants are informed about their allotment, while unsuccessful ones are notified as well. Refunds for unallocated amounts are processed.
5. Listing of Shares
Once the allotment is complete, the shares are listed on the stock exchange, and trading commences.
6. Regulatory Oversight
The entire process is monitored by regulatory bodies, such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in India, to ensure transparency and fairness.
Example in India
In India, if an IPO is oversubscribed, the allotment is usually done as follows:
Retail Investors receive a fixed percentage (usually 35-50% of the total offer).
Institutional Investors may receive a higher proportion depending on demand.
Lot Size: Investors are required to apply in multiples of a specified lot size, which can further complicate allocation.
The allotment process aims to balance supply and demand fairly while adhering to regulatory guidelines to protect investors’ interests.
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shynim · 21 hours
Exploring Self-Drive Car Rentals in Trivandrum: Convenience and Freedom
Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala, is a place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you're a local resident looking to explore new destinations or a visitor keen to experience the vibrant city and its surroundings, having the freedom to move around at your own pace is essential. This is where self drive car rental Trivandrum come into play, offering the perfect solution for convenient, flexible, and hassle-free travel.
Why Choose Self-Drive Car Rentals in Trivandrum?
Flexibility and Freedom With a self-drive rental, you're not confined to a chauffeur's schedule or public transportation's limited routes. You have complete control over your itinerary, allowing you to stop whenever you want, whether it's for a photo-op or a spontaneous detour to explore hidden gems in and around Trivandrum.
Cost-Effective Self-drive car rentals can be a more affordable option, especially for long trips. You can choose a car that fits your budget and needs, from economy hatchbacks to premium sedans or SUVs, cutting down on the costs associated with hiring a full-time driver.
Privacy and Comfort Renting a car for yourself or your family ensures privacy and comfort during the journey. You can enjoy conversations, listen to your favorite music, and travel at your own speed without the presence of a stranger behind the wheel.
Perfect for Exploring the City and Beyond Trivandrum is home to several attractions like Kovalam Beach, Padmanabhaswamy Temple, and the Napier Museum, all within easy reach. A self-drive car also makes it easy to head to nearby destinations such as Ponmudi Hill Station or the backwaters of Poovar. With a self-drive vehicle, you're not limited to just city exploration; the whole region is at your disposal.
Variety of Vehicle Options Whether you're looking for an SUV for a family road trip or a compact car for zipping through the city streets, self-drive rental companies in Trivandrum offer a wide range of vehicles. Many companies also provide premium cars, luxury sedans, and even electric vehicles, catering to all types of preferences and needs.
Popular Self-Drive Car Rental Providers in Trivandrum
Several companies operate in Trivandrum, providing easy access to well-maintained rental cars. Some popular names include:
Zoomcar: Known for a seamless booking experience and diverse fleet options, Zoomcar has a strong presence in Trivandrum. With an easy app-based booking system, it offers both short-term and long-term rentals.
Myles: This company offers a range of vehicles, from budget to luxury, with flexible pricing options. Myles is perfect for tourists and locals alike.
Revv: Offering doorstep delivery and pickup, Revv is another top option. Their subscription model is also a great choice for frequent users.
Local Rentals: Several local self-drive rental agencies offer competitive pricing and personalized service in Trivandrum. These providers often have flexible terms, and their vehicles may include local insights about routes and popular spots.
How to Rent a Self-Drive Car in Trivandrum?
Renting a car is a simple process:
Choose your car: Depending on your needs, select the type of car that best suits your journey.
Book online: Most rental companies offer online booking through their websites or mobile apps.
Documentation: You'll typically need to submit your driving license, ID proof, and pay a refundable deposit.
Pick-up or Doorstep Delivery: You can either pick up the car from the rental company's location or have it delivered to your doorstep.
Fuel Policy: Ensure you're aware of the fuel policy, which can either be full-to-full or full-to-empty.
Return the Vehicle: Once your trip is over, return the vehicle in the same condition at the designated location or arrange for pickup.
Important Tips to Keep in Mind
Plan Your Route: Trivandrum has excellent road connectivity, but traffic can be dense during peak hours. Planning your route in advance can help you avoid delays.
Drive Safely: Always follow traffic rules and drive responsibly, especially when navigating through busy city streets.
Inspect the Car: Before starting your journey, inspect the vehicle for any pre-existing damages and ensure all features are in working order.
Fuel Up: Many rental cars come without fuel, so make sure you fill up before heading out.
Self-drive car rentals in Trivandrum offer an unmatched level of freedom and convenience, making them the ideal choice for those looking to explore the city and its beautiful surroundings. Whether it's for a quick weekend getaway or an extended vacation, self-drive rentals ensure you can move at your own pace, giving you control over your travel experience. So, next time you're in Trivandrum, consider opting for a self-drive rental and enjoy the freedom of the open road.
0 notes
minnaah · 2 days
 Why E-Commerce Businesses in Abu Dhabi Need Accounting Companies for Growth and Stability
The e-commerce industry in Abu Dhabi is booming, with businesses rapidly scaling their operations to meet growing demand. However, managing the financial aspects of an e-commerce business in this dynamic market can be challenging. From handling multiple revenue streams to navigating local and international tax regulations, e-commerce entrepreneurs often face complex financial hurdles. This is where the expertise of Accounting Companies in Abu Dhabi becomes crucial to business success.
Let’s explore why partnering with an accounting firm is essential for e-commerce businesses in Abu Dhabi.
1. Managing Multiple Revenue Streams in Abu Dhabi
E-commerce businesses often generate income through various channels, such as:
Online Sales on self-hosted platforms or through local websites.
Marketplace Sales on platforms like Amazon UAE or Noon.
Affiliate Income from promoting other businesses' products.
Subscription Services for products or exclusive access.
Tracking these different income streams while managing cash flow can be overwhelming, especially for businesses in Abu Dhabi that may deal with both local and international customers. Accounting companies in Abu Dhabi can help by:
Consolidating Revenue: Ensuring all income from various sources is accurately tracked and recorded.
Cash Flow Optimization: Forecasting cash inflows and managing delays in payments from marketplaces or affiliates.
Channel Profitability Analysis: Breaking down which revenue streams are most profitable and where improvements can be made.
2. Navigating Tax Reporting for E-Commerce in Abu Dhabi
E-commerce businesses in Abu Dhabi face unique tax challenges, especially with the introduction of VAT and cross-border sales regulations. Accounting companies in Abu Dhabi help e-commerce businesses stay compliant by managing:
Sales Tax Compliance: Ensuring VAT is correctly applied to online transactions, whether they occur within the UAE or internationally. Accounting firms help automate sales tax calculations for each region where your business operates.
Income Tax Reporting: For e-commerce businesses with international revenue streams, accountants help navigate the complexities of local and international tax laws to ensure compliance and reduce tax liabilities.
Filing and Reporting: Accounting firms handle the filing of VAT returns and other tax obligations on time, ensuring your business avoids penalties.
3. Managing Inventory Costs and Accounting for E-Commerce
Effective inventory management is key to running a successful e-commerce business. Accounting companies in Abu Dhabi provide support by:
Costing Methods: Advising on the best methods for inventory costing, such as FIFO or weighted average, to give a true reflection of your cost of goods sold (COGS).
Inventory Forecasting: Helping predict future inventory needs based on sales data, ensuring you avoid stockouts or overstocking while maintaining optimal inventory levels.
Handling Inventory Write-Downs: Managing slow-moving or obsolete inventory effectively, ensuring it’s accounted for properly and tax benefits are maximized.
4. Marketplace Fees, Returns, and Refunds
Many e-commerce businesses in Abu Dhabi sell through marketplaces like Amazon UAE, which charge various fees that need to be accurately tracked. Accounting companies assist with:
Fee Management: Keeping track of listing fees, transaction fees, and fulfillment costs to ensure accurate financial reporting.
Return Handling: Properly accounting for product returns and refunds, ensuring that revenue is adjusted accordingly and inventory levels are updated.
5. International Sales and Taxes: A Global Challenge for E-Commerce Businesses in Abu Dhabi
As e-commerce businesses in Abu Dhabi expand internationally, they must navigate a complex web of tax regulations. Accounting companies in Abu Dhabi help by:
VAT and Sales Taxes: Ensuring that your business complies with local VAT laws in Abu Dhabi while handling foreign sales tax obligations, such as VAT in Europe or GST in Australia.
Customs Duties: Managing customs duties and import taxes for physical goods shipped internationally, ensuring that your business stays compliant with international trade regulations.
Key Benefits of Hiring Accounting Companies in Abu Dhabi for E-Commerce Businesses
Local and Global Tax Compliance: E-commerce businesses operating in Abu Dhabi and abroad need to stay compliant with local VAT laws and international tax regulations. Accounting companies in Abu Dhabi ensure that businesses meet all legal requirements.
Accurate Financial Records: From tracking revenue streams to managing marketplace fees, accounting companies provide detailed and accurate financial reports, helping e-commerce businesses understand their profitability.
Cash Flow Management: Accountants help businesses manage cash flow by forecasting revenue and expenses, ensuring that companies have enough working capital to cover operating costs.
Inventory Optimization: Accounting firms offer strategic advice on managing inventory levels, helping e-commerce businesses avoid overstocking while meeting customer demand.
Scalable Financial Strategies: As e-commerce businesses in Abu Dhabi grow, accounting firms offer financial strategies to help them scale smoothly, maintain profitability, and expand into new markets.
E-commerce businesses in Abu Dhabi are at the forefront of the digital economy, but the financial complexities that come with rapid growth require expert handling. Whether it’s managing multiple revenue streams, staying compliant with local and international tax laws, or optimizing inventory costs, accounting companies in Abu Dhabi are invaluable partners for ensuring long-term success.
If you’re running an e-commerce business in Abu Dhabi, partnering with a trusted accounting firm can help you navigate financial challenges, stay compliant with regulations, and set the foundation for sustainable growth.
0 notes
airinwife · 2 days
Traffit App Review || Bonuses – Should You Grab This App?
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Traffit App Review – Launch 150+ Web Tools in Just 2 Minutes
Welcome to my Traffit app Review! In today's fast-paced world, staying productive often means using various online tools, such as text editors, checkers, and converters. However, many of these tools come with costly subscription fees, which can quickly add up.
For affiliate marketers, this presents a golden opportunity. By creating a tool affiliate website, you can help people access the tools they need while earning a significant income.
That said, building and maintaining an affiliate site isn’t always easy. It usually involves recurring expenses and managing multiple third-party platforms, which can be both time-consuming and expensive.
Introducing the Traffit app—a game-changer for affiliate marketers. This system allows you to create a fully functional tool affiliate site with over 150 built-in tools, ready to go in minutes. No complicated setup or ongoing expenses!
Let’s dive into my Traffit app review to explore how you can quickly launch your own profitable website with Traffit!
Traffit App Review – What is the Traffit App?
Traffit is an innovative cloud-based application designed to help users easily create websites featuring over 150 trending, free-to-use web tools. These tools are known to attract substantial organic traffic from search engines.
What sets Traffit apart is its data-backed approach. The development team provides real-time information from Google Keyword Planner, showing the monthly search volumes for keywords related to each tool. This offers transparent proof of the potential traffic these tools can generate.
Traffit is highly beginner-friendly, requiring no email lists, paid ads, or previous experience. Users can create unlimited backlinks and generate one-click SEO analysis reports for any blog or website with ease. Its advanced AI technology also enables faster indexing of web pages, allowing users to rank on Google’s first page quickly.
Traffit App Review – Overview
♦Vendor:  Anjani Kumar
♦Product:  Traffit
♦Launch Date:  2024-Sep-22
♦Launch Time:  11:00 EDT
♦Front-End Price:  $17
♦Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
♦Support: Effective Response
♦Operating System: Web App
♦Recommended: Highly Recommended
♦Skill Level Needed: All Levels
Traffit App Review – about the creators
Anjani Kumar has channeled his passion and expertise into developing the Traffit AI app. With extensive experience in cloud computing and data security, he has built a career around creating innovative solutions that cater to the ever-changing needs of data management. Anjani is a respected figure in the industry, recognized as a reliable partner by marketers across the globe.
His impressive body of work features numerous products, including MediaGuard AI, SmartLink AI, Healthifier AI, AI Vault, ClipFuse AI, AI Jingle Sites, NexaVault AI, LinkLeap AI, AI Tutor, AI BizBox, AI Assistant, AI MingleSuite, and many more.
Traffit App Review – key features and benefits
Creating an affiliate marketing tool website that drives tons of organic traffic requires strategic planning, advanced tools, and features. With the right package, you can seamlessly build a platform that not only attracts users but keeps them engaged. One such solution offers a package of 150+ Web Tools under five of the hottest categories, designed to simplify the process and drive traffic organically.
Striking Features of the Affiliate Tool Website Package
1. 150+ Free-to-Use Web Tools
This package includes over 150 web tools that are in demand and highly useful for millions of users globally. These tools cover categories such as SEO, content creation, website management, digital marketing, and social media management. The tools are free to use, giving users a compelling reason to visit your website. With this wide array of tools, your platform becomes a one-stop shop for users looking to optimize their online presence.
2. Categorized Into 5 Hottest Categories
The tools are organized into five major categories to make navigation simple for your users. This helps users quickly find what they need, creating a user-friendly experience. Categorization enhances user satisfaction, which directly impacts repeat visits and longer session times—key metrics for SEO.
3. Advanced Features and Functions
In addition to the basic tools, this package offers advanced features that allow for customization and integration. These tools can be embedded into any website seamlessly, offering advanced functionality like real-time data analysis, keyword research, website speed tests, and more. You can also modify the design to suit your brand's aesthetic, giving the site a professional, cohesive look.
4. SEO-Friendly Design
The package is crafted with SEO in mind, ensuring that the website is optimized for search engines. By offering in-demand tools, the site is more likely to attract organic traffic. The structure of the site ensures that all key SEO factors, such as load speed, mobile compatibility, and keyword relevance, are covered.
By leveraging this powerful package, you can create a feature-rich affiliate tool website designed to attract and retain a large audience, providing immense value and driving organic traffic with ease.
Traffit App Review – How to walk through it?
With only 3 simple steps, you can use this AI app right now:
Traffit App Review – Why is Investing in the Traffit App Worth It?
When considering an investment in the Traffit app, its features and benefits make it clear that this is a top-quality product. It offers everything you need to build a fully operational affiliate tool website—without requiring technical skills, prior experience, or specialized knowledge.
•Cost Savings: Instead of spending significant money on hiring professionals to handle tasks like domain setup, hosting, or content creation, Traffit simplifies the process. The software handles all of these aspects, saving you both time and money.
•Comprehensive Toolset: With millions of people relying on online tools every day, the Traffit app stands out by offering 120 different tools in one platform. With access to over 150 online tools, you can effortlessly create multiple sites and generate a substantial passive income.
•Hot Market Opportunity: Traffit allows you to tap into a lucrative niche by building affiliate tool websites not just for yourself, but for clients as well. This opens the door to additional revenue streams through offering professional services.
•Risk-Free Guarantee: Finally, Traffit is backed by a solid money-back guarantee. You can try the system for 30 days, and if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you’re entitled to a full refund—making this a low-risk investment.
In short, the Traffit app offers an easy, cost-effective way to break into the affiliate marketing space while generating multiple streams of income.
traffit app Review – what is the cost?
Special Launch Offer
For a limited time, you can get the entire package for just $14.50. But wait, it gets even better! Use the coupon code below to grab an additional discount. I haven't come across a more affordable option like the Traffit app in the market.
Plus, if you're one of the first to purchase, you'll receive a reseller license at no extra cost. This exclusive offer is available for a short period, so don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own the app. Get your copy now!
Traffic App Review - the upsells/otos
For a limited time, you can take advantage of the early bird discount for Traffit app with the options listed below. Select the option that fits your needs before this special offer expires!
•Front End- $17
•OTO 1: UNLIMITED ($37/$27)
•OTO 2: PRO ($47/$37)
•OTO 3: DONE FOR YOU ($147/$97)
•OTO 4: AUTOMATION ($47/$37)
✓LITE Edition: $47
✓GOLD Edition: $67/$37
•OTO 6: AGENCY ($97/$67)
•OTO 7: RESELLER ($97/$67)
Traffit App Review – Who is it for?
This software is an ideal solution for individuals seeking effortless ways to increase their online income, including:
•Affiliate marketers
•Small business owners
•Digital product sellers
Is anyone interested in generating passive income?
Traffit App Review – Pros & Cons
•Set up your own affiliate tool site with just one click.
•A huge niche worth $56 billion annually.
•Free, autopilot traffic included.
•Millions of people actively use these tools.
•Your site can be ready within minutes.
•Low, one-time payment.
•No need for installations – 100% cloud-based.
•Easy to use, suitable for anyone.
•17 beta testers have already earned $50,000.
•The niche is expected to grow even larger.
•Comes with a FREE commercial license.
•Includes a 365-day money-back guarantee.
•No drawbacks have been identified so far.
Traffit App Review – frequently asked questions
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Traffit App Review – bonus package
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Traffit App Review – final thoughts
I hope this review gave you all the insights you need about the Traffit app. It's a powerful tool designed to offer tremendous value, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to leverage its many benefits.
Additionally, I’ve put together some exclusive bonus packages to help accelerate the growth of your online business. Be sure to check them out!
You also have the opportunity to receive additional bonuses by completing the three steps below:
♦ Step 1: Order the product by clicking here.
♦ Step 2: Choose one of my extensive Bonus Packages by clicking the link below! Remember, with every Upgrade you purchase, you can choose an additional bonus pack.
♦ Step 3: After completing your purchase, email me your receipt and chosen bonus pack at [email protected]. This will allow me to confirm your purchase and send you the information on accessing your bonus materials.
Thanks for reading my Honest Traffit app Review!
0 notes
Themes Ninja Review – Create & Sell Professional WP Themes Anywhere In Just A Click
Welcome to my Themes Ninja Review, I will cover its features, upgrades, price, demo, bonuses, benefits, and my own personal opinion. This is a new AI design and build of 100,000+ WordPress themes with a white label license. It also allows them to sell anywhere with a huge profit.
This is something that every business person requires professional business friendly and Multi device compatible WP Themes with which to attract, engage, and retain visitors to customers. However, Developing or buying business friendly themes that are in tune with the niche of your business is not a walk in the park. Websites design & Development as we well know creativity and technical knowledge are the two sides of the same coins; and here in Themes Ninja are look more like a revelation. This is a truly new and autonomous turnkey AIs based software which has reinstated the approach to the theme creation process which is beneficial for both start-ups and the professional web developers. Because of its rich choice of themes and the availability of a multitude of aspects to edit without additional coding, Themes Ninja makes it easy for people and companies to create great websites.
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What Is Themes Ninja?
Themes Ninja is an AI-based tool that can create more than 100k of various whitelabel themes with simple setup. Thanks to the AI, it reduces time and efforts that are needed to generate themes from a scratch,, which in turn, can be a helpful hint for users and free up their time for every project.
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No matter whether you’re a web developer, digital marketer, or a businessman who wants to level up his online business, Themes Ninja may turn into a lifesaver. It provides the capability to integrate choice, numerous designs options, and use features where you can design beautiful and stylish themes from scratch with no coding knowledge.
Themes Ninja Review: Overview
Product Creator: Abhijit Saha
Product Name: Themes Ninja
Launch Date: 2024-Sep-19
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Visit Official Salespage
Product Type: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Coupon: Use Code “THEMESNINJA5” To Get $5 OFF!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here To Join Now Themes Ninja Now <<>>
Themes Ninja Review: About Authors
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Abhijit Saha created Themes Ninja, a cutting-edge tool that allows affiliate marketers to generate money in a matter of seconds. Abhijit has an extensive history in both marketing, product developer and technology, and he has used this knowledge to AI technology and software development, among other digital frontiers.
Abhijit Saha has a track record of successful ventures that demonstrate his ability to integrate cutting-edge innovation with innovative marketing strategies. He has worked on several significant projects, including EverHost AI, AzonNinja, BlogNinja, CB Ninja, WebCon, WebinarX, BookMaker Pro, Domainify, Designo Ai, MegaSuite Ai, SendPRO, AiPro, CloudzPro, Course Ally, CourseCreator, CourseMate, CopyMATE, CopyPRO, and many other.
Themes Ninja Review: Key Features of Themes Ninja
Create Over 156,000 Unique WP Themes: Personalize themes with your name and brand, and sell them anywhere you like.
100% Whitelabel Themes: Effortlessly sell these themes with just a click—no strings attached!
Ditch Subscriptions: Say goodbye to costly ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, and Divi Themes subscriptions for good.
Effortless Marketing Pages: Generate a multitude of niche-focused marketing pages in just three simple clicks.
Become a Theme Creator & Owner: Enjoy the freedom of having your license to create and sell themes.
User-Friendly Drag & Drop Editor: Design engaging themes in minutes—no technical skills required!
Modernize Your Offerings: Wave goodbye to outdated, old-school WP themes and embrace fresh designs.
Save Big on Costs: Cut down on expenses by avoiding pricey theme platforms once and for all.
Your Theme Creation Platform: Access a dedicated platform that works for you 24/7, 365 days a year.
Limited-Time Commercial License Included: Provide top-notch services with the added benefit of a commercial license!
Themes Ninja Review: How Does It Work?
It’s Time To Turn Your Worries Into Blessings In Just 3 Easy Steps.
Step #1: Login
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Step #2: Click
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Step #3: Download & Profit
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<<>> Click Here To Join Now Themes Ninja Now <<>>
Themes Ninja Review: Can Do For You
Award Winning, Business Friendly Theme Creation Technology
Based On Most Reliable GMPS Technology
Get Ultra Fast, Professional, Business Themes
Create Limitless Professional Websites & Pages
Save and Download Your Themes To Use Them Anywhere Anytime
100% Mobile & SEO Optimized Themes
Get Visitors Hooked To Your Offers
Drive More Traction For Your Offers
Get Better Results With No Prior Designing Skills
Newbie Friendly Dashboard
Ultra Fast Dedicated Support
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Exclusive Bonuses
Themes Ninja Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketer
Business Owners
Video Marketer
E-Com Seller
Website Owners
Webinar/Seminar Presenter
Agency Owners
Digital Marketer
Social Media Influecer
Themes Ninja Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: Themes Ninja ($17)
OTO1: Themes Ninja Unlimited ($37$47)
OTO2: Themes Ninja Auto Migrate & Speed Booster ($37/$47)
OTO3: Themes Ninja Premium ($47/$67)
OTO4: Themes Ninja DFY Upgrade ($67/$97)
OTO5: Themes Ninja Agency ($97)
OTO6: Themes Ninja Reseller ($97)
OTO7: Themes Ninja Whitelabel ($97/$197)
<<>> Click Here To Join Now Themes Ninja Now <<>>
My Own Customized Incredible Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the Themes Ninja: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest Themes Ninja Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
Themes Ninja Free Premium Bonuses
Bonus #1: ThemesNinja multi-vendor eCommerce marketplace
Set up your own digital store, If you are looking to sell your WordPress Theme, Plugins, Scripts, or any Other Digital Content you can use this script and set up your store in minutes. You can set up your shop in two modes, price per product or membership clubs or plans. That is based on different subscriptions one can set up the shop.
Bonus #2: ThemesNinja Digital Product
This will use to manage and switch between your digital products like WordPress themes, HTML templates, HTML5 games and etc.
Bonus #3: ThemesNinja Form Builder – Contact & Survey
This form builder is a flexible software that allows you to build responsive forms on a few minutes using a simple yet powerful drag-and-drop form creator. Also, it provides amazing form elements and a skin live customizer that makes you build professional forms.
Bonus #4: WhatsApp Chat For WordPress
This will help you to option Non-stop messaging with clients on your site with on the website. This is one of the best ways to connect and interact with your customers, you can offer support directly as well as build trust and increase customer loyalty.
Bonus #5: ThemesNinja Admin Panel
Manage and monitor WordPress data relating to customers, inventory, and deliveries. Application owners and other admins need an admin panel to gain insights into customer behavior, manage user permissions, analyze data and figures for effective decision-making and track transactions.
Bonus #6: ThemesNinja Development Tool
This Software is a WordPress Plugin Maker that can build a complete plugin code and also you can develop a WordPress Plugin that customized features very quickly.
Bonus #7: ThemesNinja ProPanel
This is an easy-to-use code set that enables you to add a Powerful Options Panel to any WordPress Theme.
Themes Ninja Review: Money Back Guarantee
Your Purchase Is Covered With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
This is why we have developed Themes Ninja for you – to help you build & sell gorgeous, professional & lightning-fast business themes. Although we hope that you do not have even the slightest doubt in your mind, we would like to offer our word that our completely bulletproof 100% money back guarantee is always by your side. You can try it for next 30 days only & if you feel that our technology is not meeting your expectations then we will refund your entire amount without any queries asked, PERIOD.
<<>> Click Here To Join Now Themes Ninja Now <<>>
Themes Ninja Review: Pros and Cons
Easy to use and intuitive interface
Vast library of pre-designed themes
AI-powered theme generation
Whitelabel functionality
SEO-optimized themes
Integration with popular platforms
Excellent customer support
You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
Themes Ninja was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills.
Q. Do you provide a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day no-questions money-back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- Themes Ninja comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, and easy & guides you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. How are you different from available tools in the market?
This tool is packed with industry-leading features that have never been offered before. Also, if you’re on this page with us, it simply means you have checked out a majority of the available tools and looking for a complete solution. You’ll not get these features ever at such a low price, so be rest assured with your purchase.
Q. Does your software work easily on Mac and Windows?
As Themes Ninja is 100% cloud-based. You can download & use it on any Mac or Windows operating machine.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any queries, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
Themes Ninja Review: My Recommendation
Themes Ninja is a powerful AI-driven tool that can revolutionize the way you create websites. With its ability to generate a vast collection of customizable, whitelabel themes in just a few clicks, Themes Ninja offers a time-saving and cost-effective solution for web designers, developers, and business owners. By leveraging the platform’s features and benefits, you can create stunning, professional websites that captivate your audience and drive results.
<<>> Click Here To Join Now Themes Ninja Now <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: ProfitList Review, VidMake Review, Tornado App Review, Agency Traffic Magic Review, Videoo AI Review, Domain Blaster Review.
Thank for reading my Themes Ninja Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Don’t miss out on this amazing technology. Try Themes Ninja today!
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reviewrating · 2 months
OneAI Review - Access World's Best Premium 8 AI App Collection In 1-Click.             
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OneAI Review – Introduction
Hello Everyone & welcome to My OneAI Review Post. I am Lutfur Azad, and I wrote this Review of OneAI. The Vendor of this software is Uddhab Pramanik.
OneAI is a cutting-edge AI-powered platform that's transforming the way businesses produce and manage their digital content. As the need for personalized, high-quality content grows, OneAI steps in with a powerful solution that automates and enhances content creation across a wide range of industries. Whether you're an online marketer, content creator, or business owner, OneAI is designed to streamline your content strategy, increasing both productivity and return on investment.
In this review, we'll explore the standout features, benefits, and unique advantages of OneAI, showing why it's an essential tool for anyone looking to integrate AI into their content operations.
OneAI Review – What Is OneAI?
OneAI Is The New Big Game-Changer Thousands Of Smart Marketers & Business Owners Are Secretly Using This Cloud Based AI App Superpacked With World's Leading AI Apps In A Single Dashboard Without Paying ANY Monthly Fees & Saving Their Hard Earned Money.
OneAI is a sophisticated AI-powered platform that automates and enhances content creation across different industries. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, OneAI generates high-quality, relevant, and engaging content tailored to specific audiences. This platform streamlines the content creation process, making it easier for digital marketers, content creators, business owners, and other professionals to efficiently produce and manage their content.
With features like real-time editing, multi-language support, and niche-specific templates, OneAI is a versatile tool that helps improve online presence and increases productivity in content strategies.
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OneAI Review – OneAI Overview
Product: OneAi
Vendor: Uddhab Pramanik
Launch Date: 2024-Aug-09
Front-End Price: $14.95 (One-time price)
 Official Website: Click Here To Visit Salespage & Get Access
Niche: Software
Discount: Get $3 Discount Right Here!
 Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
Refund: 100% Risk-Free 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.
OneAI Review – Key Features
World's 1st Cloud-Based AI App Supercharged With World's Premium AI Apps In A Single Dashboard...
Stop Paying ANY Monthly Fees On Expensive AI Tools And Apps...
Start Your Very Own Monthly Based AI Subscription Platform & Charge ANY Amount...
Access Most Advanced Premium 8 AI Apps - ChatGPT 4, Gemini Pro, Dall E 3, Leonardo AI, Copilot Pro, Meta Llama 3, Stable Diffusion & PaLM 2 - With ZERO Monthly Fees...
Create World-Class Content & Sales Copies Using The Premium Version Of Chatgpt 4
Craft Stunning 4k HD AI Images & Arts Using Open AI’s Premium “Dall E” AI…
Create Ultra-HD 8K AI Videos & Realistic Paintings Using Premium Version Of Leonardo AI...
Write High-In-Demand HTML, CSS And Programming Codes Using Microsoft’s Leading AI “Copilot Pro”
Translate Any Language & Get Answers To Your Complex Questions With Meta’s Most Advanced Premium AI “Llama 3”
Transform Text Into Stunning AI Images & Realistic Portraits Using Stable Diffusion Xl AI…
Develop Powerful AI Tools & Apps Using Google’s Revolutionary AI Palm 2…
Live Chat With AI Assistants & Get Answers To All Your Questions In Real-Time...
Save Over $12,717 Annually Without Having To Any Amount on Premium AIs...
AI-Driven Live Chat Support For Real-Time Assistance...
Fire All Your Expensive Tools & Services...
Say Goodbye To Monthly Fees...
Commercial License Included - Create & Sell as Many Assets As You Like To Your Clients...
Newbie Friendly, Easy-To-Use Dashboard...
100% Risk-Free Iron-clad 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Click Here To Get Instant Access OneAI <<
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selfmadebd · 2 months
Sonic Review | Create Your Own Live Streaming Platform
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Welcome to Sonic, The World’s First App That Allows You To Launch Your Own AI Streaming Platform Loaded With 100+ Million Artists, Playlists, podcasts, genres, audiobooks, and Radio Stations.
And Tap Into 600 Million Paid Members Making Us $534.23 Daily On Autopilot. No Tech Skills - No Experience - No Ads - No BS.
It’s the only app that can allow you to build a “music, podcast, and live radio” hypermedia streaming platform that lets you stream over 100 million songs, playlists, genres, radio, and podcasts. 
Then, fill it with hundreds of monthly-paying customers without paying for ads or doing SEO. 
They leverage a library with over 600,000,000 (six hundred million) paying customers to fill your platform in just minutes. 
It does all the work for you and gives you a Spotify-killer platform in a matter of seconds.
You don’t need to code anything. 
You don’t need to design anything
You don’t need to record or edit anything.
You don’t need to pay any royalties. 
You don’t need to market anything.
All you need to do is just enter a keyword, and that’s it.
Sonic will give you a profitable hypermedia streaming platform that will make you thousands of dollars monthly.
Sonic will also transform your hypermedia streaming platform into iOS and Android mobile apps at the click of a button. Giving you extra exposure to billions of potential customers easily.
💥What’s Sonic
The World's First App That Allows You To Launch Your Own AI-powered "Music, Podcast, and Live Radio" Streaming Platform with a Mobile App Using Just A Keyword.
Preloaded with 100+ Million Artists, Playlists, Podcast, Genres, audiobooks, Radio Channels, and More.
Broadcast to millions of listeners and earn daily Effortlessly. Stream music from Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, Beyonce, Eminem, Drake, and more.
All playlists, podcasts, and radio channels include a commercial license, so you can sell them and keep 100% of the profit.
💥Is It As Easy As 4 Clicks?
Login to the Sonic Cloud-Based App.
Just enter a keyword and let Sonic do the rest. It will create and publish an AI hypermedia platform that can stream over 100 million playlists, podcasts, audiobooks, and radio channels. All with zero coding or designing.
With one click, Sonic will publish your streaming platform and also turn it into an iOS and Android mobile app. Giving you access to over 600,000,000 paying customers.
Yup, that is it. Every streaming platform we create pays us a MINIMUM of $300 a day.
💥Sonic Review - Overview:
Seyi Adeleke
💹Product: Sonic
💹Launch Date:1st August -2024
💹Launch Time: 10:00 Am Est
💹Front-End Price: $17
💹Contents: Software (Online)
💹Support: Effective Response
💹Recommended: Highly Recommended
💹Bonus: Yes, Huge Bonuses
💹Refund: Yes, 30 Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee
💹Skill Level Needed: All Levels
💥Sonic Review - Features:
Launch your live streaming platform with just a keyword (zero coding).
It comes preloaded with 100+ million playlists, podcasts, and channels from all your favorite artists. 
Start broadcasting radio stations from all over the world with a click.
Instantly Transform Your Streaming Website into a Fully Compatible Mobile App for iOS and Android Devices
With 1- click, promote your new streaming platform to millions of paid customers and listeners.
Create “Spotify” and “Apple Music"-like web streaming subscription services...
Collect Payments From Your Customers Seamlessly With Our Payment Gateway Integration... 
No need to buy hosting or domains; Sonic will host your streaming websites on Blazing-Fast servers.
Comprehensive Analytics and Statistics
Robust Search Functionality
1-Click Easy Monetization
29 Beta Testers Made Profit in the First Week...
Newbie Friendly: Even an 8-Year-Old Can Do It.
💥It works for any niche.
Affiliate Marketers
CPA Marketers
Blog Owners
Product Creators 
eCom Store Owners
Local business owners 
Agency Owners
💥What Can Sonic Do?
✅AI Hypermedia Platform
Sonic is the world’s first AI app that will give you your own “music, podcast, audiobook, and live radio” hypermedia streaming platforms. 
This is a revolutionary platform that will allow you to have a 13x better platform than Spotify and Apple Music combined.
All you have to do is just enter a keyword, and that’s it. Within seconds, our never-seen-before AI engine that is integrated with Sonic will create and publish your AI hypermedia platform.
No coding 
No design 
No marketing
You don’t need any experience or skills. 
✅AI Mobile App Generator (iOS and Android)
Not only will Sonic give you an AI hypermedia streaming platform, but It will also turn it into iOS and Android, which your user can download and enjoy on the go. 
This will allow you to expand your customer base into billions and billions of users. Without you doing any extra work whatsoever.
✅100+ Million Playlists, Genres, Podcasts, and Radio
You read that right. Your new AI hypermedia streaming platform and app will come with over 100 million playlists, genres, albums, artists, audiobooks, podcasts, and radio channels.
You don’t need to sign any contracts or pay for anything. You will have access to music from all the top creators you can think of. (Beyonce, Eminem, Taylor Swift, Jay-Z, Don Moen, and many, many more) 
✅Robust search functions
Allow your users to search and find any music or podcasts they want easily. Sonic comes with search functionality that beats Spotify with ease. They can look up any artist or any podcast. Find it and stream it instantly. 
✅AI Customization
Without learning any coding or designing. You will be able to customize your new hypermedia streaming platform easily.  You can use our robust feature. That will allow you to fully customize your platform to your liking and add your custom branding in seconds.
✅AI Analysis and Stats
Access in-depth analysis for your hypermedia streaming platform And know exactly what’s working and what’s not. This is not just any analytics to tell you how many visits you got. 
This is a complete tracking of every part of the app. So you know exactly how to enhance and improve your streaming platform.
✅Custom Uploads
With Sonic, you will have the option to upload any music, audiobook, podcast, or soundtrack you want.  You can easily upload whatever you want and allow your customers to stream it in seconds. 
✅AI Custom Libraries
Our never-seen-before AI will create custom libraries for every customer you have. Giving them the best experience they can have with a streaming service. This will allow you to charge 10x more than any other platform. And they will happily pay for it.
✅AI Paying Customers Generator
With Sonic, you don’t need to run ads or do any marketing. Sonic will do this for you on autopilot. It will tap into its 600 million paying customers and send you hundreds of paying customers. 
Completely free And here is the best part: you will get all of these results and more within minutes. Yes, minutes, not even hours.
✅AI push notifications
From your Sonic dashboard, you will be able to send push notifications to all your customers and listeners for 100% free. 
Giving you an endless stream of traffic at any moment you want All you have to do is write your message and then click send And instantly, Sonic will send your push notification to millions of members. 
✅1-Click Monetization
This is why we are here, right?  To make money, Sonic will not disappoint; with just one click, it will monetize your platform for you. 
Allowing you to make hundreds of dollars daily Without you selling anything, and without you doing anything. You just unlock the AI monetization and watch your income grow. 
✅Create web-streaming subscription services.
With Sonic, you can create your own “Spotify” and “Apple Music"-like web streaming subscription services. 
Create your plans on your Sonic dashboard and charge listeners monthly or yearly, like Spotify, Apple, Deezer, Pandora, and others. 
✅1-Click Payment Integration
With Sonic, you will be able to easily integrate with any payment processor you want with a click. So you can charge your customers a monthly fee for using your hypermedia streaming app. 
No coding, no custom integration, none of that You just select the payment processor you want. And that’s it.
✅Custom Domain
You will not be limited to using our domain. You can use it if you want But if you want to use your branding. It’s as easy as clicking two buttons And your platform will use your custom domain.
✅Blazing-Fast Servers
This alone is worth a minimum of $2500 per year But with Sonic, you unlock our blazing-fast SSD hosting. To host your hypermedia streaming platform and customers Without paying anything extra.
✅SSL Encryption
Cyberattacks are a rising threat nowadays But with Sonic, you don’t need to worry about that. It comes with a state-of-the-art, military-grade security system. That will keep your platform and apps 100% secure.
✅Commercial License
With Sonic, you will get a 100% commercial license for all the music, playlists, soundtracks, audiobooks, podcasts, and radio channels.
That means you can flip it, sell it, or rent it And keep 100% of the profit Without sharing your profit with anyone whatsoever.
✅ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Look, we want to make this an easy decision for you. When you create your account with Sonic today, you are protected with our 30-day iron-clad money-back guarantee. 
Use Sonic, create your platform, and make money with it. And if, for any reason, you think it isn’t worth its weight in gold. Just send us a message, and we will refund every penny you paid. 
💥Sonic Review - Funnels
💵FE: ($17)
💵OTO 1: Unlimited ($67) 
💵OTO2: DoneForYou ($297) 
💵OTO3: Automation ($47) 
💵OTO 4: Swift Profits ($47) 
💵OTO5: Limitless Traffic ($97) 
💵OTO 6: Agency ($167) 
💵OTO 7: Franchise Edition ($97) 
💵OTO 8: Multiple Income ($47)
💥Sonic Review - Bonuses
🔥Sonic 6-Figure in 60 Days LIVE Event 
Get VIP access to our live mastermind event and copy and’ paste our Sonic Underground system, which we use to make 6-figures in 60 days. This alone is worth five times what you will pay today, and it’s yours for free! . (Value $1997).
🔥Sonic Royalty-Free Music Bundle
Elevate your hypermedia streaming platform with Sonic's royalty-free music loops. Access dozens of high-quality tracks, music clips, and genres across various niches, ready to upload to your Sonic-created streaming platform. This will help you skyrocket your results and make your streaming app stand out. (Value: $697) 💥💥💥💥Read More >>>>>
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