wild-at-mind · 5 months
Now that I'm taking part in an actual organised boycott, I'm even more frustrated with those 'campaigns' that are just like 'to boycott this thing just stop buying it and idk maybe fill in this form or something'.
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nikkisticki · 1 year
It's funny watching people get excited for Dragon Quest like that livestream didn't happen when they caused a woman to break down in tears trying to translate two guys who couldn't give less of a fuck about their existence, on top of everything else wrong with that stream that was clearly designed to try and spoof FFXIV's Liveletters with none of the consideration
I don't care how good the new Monster game looks (even as someone who thinks the Joker games blow Pokemon out of the water), I'm a petty cunt and I'll never forget that stream, let alone the bigotry and constant dismissal of their fans. Shout out to how they ran DQX (The MMO which has been running for over a decade and is widely acclaimed to be one of the best games in the series) footage for over five minutes to announce Ver 6, to then have someone talk about how great the game is while subbed and start clapping and getting hype all over the place only for this to pop up in the corner
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
ballad haters dni
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3liza · 2 years
tumblr live should not be this mysterious
the plug-n-play streaming package that Tumblr installed as "Tumblr Live" is a white label product from a company called Livebox (developed by the Meet Group, subsidary of Parshipmeet), who have a homepage riddled with spelling errors and purport to operate the dating apps Meet Me (formerly My Yearbook), Skout, Tagged, and Growlr, all of which appear to be identical except for Growlr, which is specifically for gay men. all of them are just dating apps with a livestreaming feature. i would venture a guess based on the architecture that Livebox is also powering Superlive, which is the only one of these I have any experience with. it's popular with camgirls outside of the USA, especially in countries where full nude camming is illegal.
i don't really understand what livestreaming has to do with dating apps and don't know anyone who uses these platforms for anything. i assume some of it is just sex work, some of it is just ad space, lots of data brokering, and judging by the performance issues the users complain about, possibly crypto mining(???).
looking through the app pages on the Play store shows the same reviews for every single one of them: app crashes constantly, bans are arbitrary, support is no help, the apps drain your phone battery suspiciously quickly, and there are about 20 bots for every real person profile. i dont know what the exact dates are because i cant see site analytics and dont know what the Live development schedule was, but it's interesting that the sudden increase in porn bot activity on tumblr seems to roughly overlap with the Tumblr Live development and implementation, at least from a tumblr user perspective.
i dont know where the strangers in the Tumblr Live bar are streaming from, in terms of what you would consider their "home network". im guessing, but it really looks to me like they are streaming on whatever familiar platform they've got an audience on, and then being split-streamed to Tumblr. i've been meaning to sit in one of the popular streams and check usernames of audiencemembers, because my guess is that most of the audience are not going to have accounts here either. many of the streamers ive checked do not have tumblr accounts. some of them have tumblr accounts, but most of those accounts appear perfunctory: only a few months old, completely impersonal reblogs from the trending tab (you know the type), instagram-type language and general aspirational influencer stuff, which absolutely does not exist on tumblr organically because this site does not have market share for sponsored products OR a userbase with disposable income, it's a waste of time for an instagram model type to post here.
i've tried to talk to these streamers once or twice about this stuff but didn't get anywhere, and it would be rude to press the issue. but that is probably the next step.
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evalevaeva · 11 months
show you off | ryu shio
guys, dont worry, your ryu shio fanfic dealer is here
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"Shio," you called as you opened the door of his office, seeing him focused on the contents on his screen. He looked up from the screen as his serious expression turned into a smile, turning in your direction on his chair as you walked to him.
"Yes, love?" Shio asked as he looked at you, his attention completely on you.
"I heard you were going to dinner with your new staff today... teg teg?" You asked as you butchered here name, on accident.
The man in front of you chuckled as he rested his cheek on his palm, "How are you so cute? Do you mean Tseg Tseg? Why, dear?".
You looked around the room as you asked quietly, "Why... I mean, couldn't you just go out with me to dinner? Why ask Tseg Tseg?".
You were slightly jealous, and Shio knew it. It was so obvious, and it pushed him to tease you even more with this new side to your relationship.
"But, I want to go out with Tseg Tseg. Is that wrong?" Shio asked as you turned to look at him, your face offended as you saw his teasing smirk on his face, knowing he completely got you.
Shio patted his lap as he motioned for you to sit on his lap. You sat as he leaned into your ear, whispering, "I want to show you off too, but I need to get the information I need from her and after that, we'll go out everyday until you get sick of me,".
You turned to him, feeling a slight shiver as your eyes locked with his.
"For now, how about you do something for me?" Shio asked as he turned the chair with one of his legs, making the both of you face the computer screen on his table. You were faced with a cctv screenshot from the heritage club Shio had told you he was going to a few days ago.
"I need you to find out who this man is. He said he's the CEO of a subsidary company of Hwang Geum Joo's company, but I'm not buying it. You can do that for me, right, love?" Shio said as he showed you the photo of the man.
You stared at the screen as you sighed, nodding as you muttered, "You know I'd do anything for you and you take advantage of that".
"I wouldn't call it 'taking advantage', but I'd say it's simply to make me feel guilty for keeping you hidden," Shio said as his hand was on your chin, making your eyes connect once again, before the gap between the both of you disappeared within seconds.
"Welcome to the heritage club! I'll be serving you for today. Do follow me!" You said as you looked at Shio and Tseg Tseg, who were in front of you. Tseg Tseg never having met you before. She happily waved at you as you gave her a wide smile, feeling slight anger, watching as Shio smiled at her. Shio was doing it on purpose to distract you. He knew you were capable of finding out information on this man, but what's a mission without a few obstacles?
You held open the door as you motioned for Tseg Tseg and Shio to enter, Shio's hand grazing yours as he walked past you into the room. You entered last as you stood in the corner of the room, waiting for the actual staff to enter with the food.
"This is the assistant that will be helping me for the time being," Shio introduced Tseg Tseg as you scoffed quietly, making sure to not be noticed untim Hwang Geum Joo called you forward.
"Could you leave for a while? I need to speak to them in private," Hwang Geum Joo asked. You were about to leave the room until Shio spoke, "She can stay. She's sworn to secrecy under the heritage club's rules".
Smart, but Hwang Geum Joo wasn't stupid.
"Do you think that just because you have the help of russian mafias that you're unbeatable?" She stated, which caught everyone in that very room off guard. Your eyes widened as you looked at Shio from the corner, watching as his teeth clenched. He was losing his patience, and you were worried. Tseg Tseg placed a hand on his shoulder as Hwang Geum Joo continued, "Pavel? Is it good to have their help?".
You were irritated at Tseg Tseg's action, but you were fearing more for Hwang Geum Joo's life.
"That's out of line. Mr Ryu Shio is a talented man that doesn't need the support of such dirty tricks!" Tseg Tseg responded as you felt relief flooding through your veins. Shio scoffed as Hwang Geum Joo nodded, "Alright. Well, I will not fall for you dirty tricks, and I'll find out the truth".
"Who did she think she is?!" Shio shouted as he threw the things on his desk onto the ground. You were seated behind him on his office chair as you watched him release his anger onto the non-living items in the room.
"She even asked you to leave the room? Who did she think she is, ordering people around and asking you to leave the room?" Shio shouted as he turned, placing a hand on the handles, his face in front of yours as he muttered, "One day, after all this rubbish is over, I'll show you off to everyone and everyone will know you're mine...and I'm yours".
Shio connected your lips as you leaned into him, not wanting to let him go.
do yall eat octopus because its so strange knowing some people dont...
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hayleysayshay · 4 months
SAG-AFTRA Critical Role TLOVM and M9 Season Listings -- renewal confirmed?
So COMIC BOOK .com posted this article about season 3 of TLOVM being renewed, and then said Sag-Aftra listed seasons 4 and 5. After searching on the SAG-AFTRA website I found the listings:
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So seasons 1&2 (batch production no doubt), then seasons 3, 4 and 5. And then Mighty Nein seasons 1 and 2 are listed here as well.
I will say I think it's odd that these are all listed as 2020 --- they could very well be pre-emptive registrations of production interest, and not a true renewal of the seasons. However, the majority of Robin Red Breast's (RRB is a subsidary of Titmouse. I believe RRB is unionised unlike other parts of Titmouse) shows are listed as 2020. I don't know if Titmouse decided to register everything planned for the future in 2020, or if this is just some sort of error, or if the seasons were backdated to 2020.
The potential implication that Mighty Nein was confirmed in 2020 is interesting, though.
However I do see 'pilots' listed, with no follow up season. If it was just interest, surely there'd be more seasons planned that didn't go into production?
So yeah. To be clear this is not a confirmed renewal. But it is interesting.
(Also it is good to know this is a SAG-AFTRA production. I think the theory was that it was Animation Guild. But it is SAG. I don't think 'High Budget New Media Animation Agreement' is a contract that was struck though.)
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kivaember · 5 months
SLAPS DOWN SOME FREUD AND RUSTY STUFF. It's just Freud being a freak and Rusty being very alarmed and then very murderous towards him.
Guess you can call this one-sided freud/rusty on freud's side??? i'll leave it for the reader to decide. enjoy!
Arquebus work functions were absolute hell on earth.
It wasn't just the fact that Vespers were paraded around as products rather than employees, it was the fact that Rusty had to stand around and smile vapidly while he had far too many people who he fucking despised talk to him and shake his hand and ask far too many personal questions that weren't relevant to his augmentions or job description at all.
Well, no, technical lie. There were many questions about his augmentations, but they were rarely about their effectiveness in improving his piloting abilities and the like. They were normally things like "is it true that these augmentations extend your life?" or "Arquebus have been advertising the Gen Tens are something that can hit the domestic markets, that they improve the human body in all qualities, is that true?" or "So I hear that one of the biggest risks to augmentation surgery is erectile dysfunction, what do you do about that?" or "Is it true you have to be sterilised?? So you can't get girls pregnant, right?"
There was a reason behind such questions. With the Gen Tens finally out of the experimental stage (as in, they managed to get them to stop killing people) and being extensively field tested in multiple roles, Arquebus had boldly began an advertisement compaign encouraging the domestic sector to invest in augmenting their employees.
Gone were the days where augmentations only benefited soldiers and pilots! With the Gen Tens, the augmentation surgeries were so safe that they could be done far more cheaply than previous generations, and offered a slew of advantageous that would make you a very productive and long-lived worker! The military sector, while booming, was still very restrictive in terms of how many people you can augment until you start scraping the bottom of the poorest barrel, so now Arquebus turned their hungry gaze on the domestic sector.
Arquebus's many subsidaries were going to fall in line, but the executives still had many questions they wanted answers to when spinning up their own advertisement campaigns. What better way to get those answers than from the source? Hence the Vespers, trotted out like good little dogs, barking to the tune that Arquebus wanted, lying through their teeth, telling the corporate vultures what they wanted to hear, all while Rusty hoped they all did get augmented and died horribly from unexpected complications.
Would serve them right.
But it made these work functions an utter horror show for him. Draining. Exhausting. As the initial slew of questioning and socialising began to slow as the alcohol levels rose in everyone's bloodstreams, Rusty was grumpy, tired and had a pounding headache. He kept his smile up only by vividly imagining blowing everyone up with his mind.
"-so the sterility isn't universal?"
"It depends on what you mean by 'sterile'," Maeterlinck answered with a patience Rusty had long ran out of. It was him and her, fielding questions from Executive... Mike Mcfuckhands of Shit Company #69. By this point most people were very drunk, but somehow he and Maeterlinck got ambushed by the one half-way sober executive before they could successfully escape without notice.
(It was one of the few times that Rusty genuinely commiserated with his fellow Vespers. The look of utter despair they had shared had been emphatic.)
"Well, you know..." Mcfuckhands waved his wine glass a little carelessly. Rusty watched with dull eyes as wine spilled over the lip and onto the floor. "You don't need condoms to have some fun, if you know what I mean."
"Well, the augmentations won't protect you from STIs, of course," Maeterlinck said evenly. She was a stronger soldier than Rusty, that was for sure, keeping such a straight face and bland voice. "They'll mitigate the worst of the symptoms, but it won't grant you immunity."
"Oh, er, of course, of course, but, you won't get someone pregnant?"
save me, Rusty begged whatever deity or demon was listening, save me from this hell.
His prayers were, amazingly, answered almost immediately.
With a chiming tune that was out of place of their swanky surroundings, Rusty's phone began to trill. Leaping upon this opportunity like a starving dog on a bull carcass, he slipped his phone out of his pocket and stepped back.
"Sorry, gotta take this. Important call," he said, ignoring Maeterlinck's dagger stare of 'you cowardly traitor'.
Sorry, Maeterlinck. It was every man for himself out here.
Preparing for it to be a spam call trying to sell him some kind of gizmo or whatever, Rusty answered the call without checking the ID as he strode with purpose towards the ballroom's doors.
"You just saved me from a really painful conversation from some dumbass executive so I'll listen to whatever you're peddling," Rusty said. "What is it this time? A roomba that'll clean your apartment and then suck you off once it's done?"
"...haven't got one of those in my toolbox, but now you've got me interested, V.IV."
Rusty froze comically.
"C-Commander?" he half-squeaked, mortified when Freud started sniggering in that low, throaty way of his. "What- I thought you were a telemarketer! Why're you-"
"...why're you calling me?" Rusty asked dumbly. Hesitantly, he started walking again, his confusion eclipsing his mortification. "Is V.II not picking up?"
"Why would I call Snail?"
Because you're the commander and he's your deputy bitch, Rusty did not say.
"To torment him," he said instead.
"...okay, fair," Freud conceded. "But I called you intentionally. You need to ditch that party and return to HQ."
"Is there an emergency deployment?" Rusty asked, easily slipping into business mode. He exited the ballroom, the music and chatter cutting off when the doors shut behind him. The entrance hallway was far quieter and cooller.
"Emergency deployment... eh, yeah, something like that..." Freud said vaguely. "Just hurry up to the hangar. I'll be waiting, V.IV."
He hung up without much as a goodbye, and Rusty pocketed his phone with a frown. He wondered what kind of mission this was, to have Freud directly calling him and circumventing Snail. It must be pretty bad. Maybe Balam had finally managed to reclaim Pluto from Arquebus? They'd been duking it out over that planetoid's chunked remains ever since it had blown up.
(Why had it blown up? Rusty had no idea. Any details pertaining to "Pluto's Cracking" were very vague and buried under impenetrable black ink. Must've been some UEG experiment that went horribly wrong, was Rusty's theory.)
But if it wasn't Pluto... Rusty couldn't think of anything else urgent enough to warrant Freud's calling him during a work function. Well, even if it was something as mundane as acting as his punching bag in simulated spars, it was leagues better than suffering stupid questions from equally moronic executives...
And Freud was a good excuse to hold up if Snail cottoned onto his early departure. Yes, whatever Freud wanted will be worth it.
Two hours later and standing outside of the London's city limits in STEEL HAZE, Rusty reassessed his earlier sentiments.
Upon arriving at the hangar after switching out his suit and tie for the Vesper flight suit, Freud had all but chivvied him into STEEL HAZE and ordered him to follow him to a set of coordinates outside of London's city limits. All flight clearances had been given for them to travel in flight configuration over the city, Freud assured, and Rusty, unsure but curious, did as he was told.
The coordinates led them both to a large stretch of absolute nowhere deep in the irradiated wastelands of Earth. The ground was rocky and uneven, large fissures gaping where the crust had split open with tremendous force, and so deep that not even STEEL HAZE's sensors could detect the bottom. A flashing alert for unsafe levels of radiation blinked at the bottom of his HUD, the value registering around 7Gy - potent enough to give him acute radiation poisoning if he opened his cockpit hatch. The sky as well was an unsettled shade of rust, the reddish brown dust that coated everything hazing the air due to the constant blistering winds.
It boggled the mind to think some humans did actually live out in these wastelands, somehow, and even more boggling that the Rejuvenated cities were functioning oases where it was easy to forget the state of the world beyond their towering walls.
Honestly, looking at the wasteland around him, Rusty couldn't help but feel relief that Rubicon wasn't this bad. Yeah, the climate was stuck in the middle of an ever deepening ice age in some parts, and majority of life had been rendered extinct... but the atmosphere was irradiated, plants still grew without aid, there was still rain and groundwater and other signs of defiant life. Earth didn't have that. Outside of its fake movie sets that were those cities, the whole planet was straight up dead.
Just completely, totally, utterly dead.
"Right, yeah, this'll do..." Freud hummed. "Some good cover, wide open space, far away enough that those Peacekeepers won't get involved..."
Ominous words.
"Hey, Commander?" Rusty said.
"Are you planning on murdering me out here or something?"
Freud didn't immediately answer. Slowly, LOCKSMITH swivelled around to face STEEL HAZE, but its weapons remained inactive and the Scudder rifle was pointing downwards towards the ground. Rusty still kept his finger close to his trigger, though, his implants ready to engage his FCS the second LOCKSMITH so much as twitched wrong.
"......is that what you're into?" Freud finally asked.
What. "What?"
"Hey, no judgement on my part. I get that there's a bit of excitement at consensual attempted murder-"
"Uh- no? No??" Rusty stuttered, unsure on how Freud even made that bizarre leap of logic. "I'm not- that's not why I asked! You just-"
Freud cut him off with a horribly obnoxious laugh. "You're so easily flustered, V.IV! I'm just yanking your chain. I know you're a good little tamed wolf."
Rusty huffed, his face feeling uncomfortably hot. "With someone like you, it's hard to tell, commander. You've always had unique tastes."
"Ooooh, looks like this wolf's muzzle can slip loose," Freud purred. "Perfect. That'll make this more... fun."
STEEL HAZE's sensors picked up LOCKSMITH's weapon systems coming online. Functioning purely off instinct, Rusty activated his own and snapped STEEL HAZE's arm right up, its SAMPU machine gun aimed squarely at LOCKSMITH's Core - just as LOCKSMITH's Scudder rifle pointed at him.
"You didn't even blink," Freud murmured. "Good."
"I've always been quick on the draw, commander," Rusty said lightly, maintaining V.IV Rusty's confident, airy mein all while his mind raced frantically, trying to figure out if he had slipped up somewhere, if Freud had cottoned onto his true nature. Had he really called him out here to get rid of him? Well, least Freud offered him a fighting chance - better than being vanished by the Peacekeepers in the middle of the night.
"Yeah. Your reaction times in the sims were always somewhat impressive..."
LOCKSMITH started to sidestep. STEEL HAZE matched it. They began to circle each other.
"But sims are rarely indicative of a pilot's true skill," Freud said conversationally, like they weren't holding guns in each other's faces. "It's only when they're really under pressure that they show their true abilities."
"Is that what this is?" Rusty asked, unable to keep the disbelief out of his voice. "You want to see me perform under pressure?"
"You half-ass your spars in the sims." Freud's voice went flat - almost cold. "You can clearly do better, but you don't. You pretend to be less skilled than you really are, and it really, really, really pisses me off. So this is what we're going to do."
With its free hand, LOCKSMITH gestured to their surroundings. "We're going to fight here and now. If you don't give me your all, I'm going to crack your cockpit open like an egg. What's the ambient radiation level right now? 7Gy?"
"Yeah," Rusty said flatly.
"Hm, that means you'd have about ten minutes before you start vomiting your guts out and your intestines try to escape your body through your asshole," Freud said, so matter-of-fact. "I think it'd take, what, a few hours before you start bleeding from every orifice?"
It'd be a horrible way to go. Rusty felt his pulse pick up a little. "Did Arquebus HQ authorise this 'test', commander?"
"I always ask for forgiveness than permission from HQ, and they always forgive me," Freud laughed, but there was something strangely bitter about it. "You can be replaced, anyways. Now."
LOCKSMITH's head tilted fractionally.
"Fight like the cornered wolf that you are, V.IV," Freud murmured. "Let me see those fangs of yours."
And before Rusty could respond, LOCKSMITH fired.
In the end, the decision was easy to make.
Though Rusty had told himself he'd try to conceal his true skill as much as possible, even at risk to himself, when his back was really pushed to the wall and he had to choose between dying and keeping his cover, or fighting back like a cornered animal desperate to live and blowing everything, Rusty didn't really have to think about it.
He fought back with everything he had. He bared those fangs. He pushed himself to his very limits, Freud matching him every step of the way, pushing him and pushing him, until their ammunition was spent and the generators were close to overheating, their battle tearing up new scars along the cracked earth and leaving chunks of of themselves behind.
The fight didn't end in a draw so much as they wordlessly came to a mutual halt several tens of metres apart. LOCKSMITH was missing an arm - a casualty to Rusty's laser slicer shearing the limb off at the shoulder - and parts of its armour was warped and dented from STEEL HAZE's plasma missiles eating through the military grade steel. The Scudder rifle had been tossed aside a while back, and LOCKSMITH's fingers on that hand were partially crushed from where it had slugged STEEL HAZE in the gut at full force. Rusty was still feeling the ache from that even now.
He wished he could say STEEL HAZE was in a better state, but the fact was the AC was barely functioning. Its right arm was useless - Freud's revenge for LOCKSMITH's dismembered arm - and STEEL HAZE's ablative armour was stripped down to nothing, revealing the dull, gunmetal grey base armour underneath, scorched and scratched from deflected rounds or glancing blows from the MORLEY grenade launcher. Rusty had sacrificed many of STEEL HAZE's functionality to defend the Core at all costs, knowing it would take only one minor breach of the Core block to have him dying from acute radiation poisoning.
If they continued to fight, Rusty would lose. That was cold, hard fact, and he was braced for it, braced for overloading his own generator and latching onto LOCKSMITH if need be, if only to drag Freud into his grave with him, but instead after a long, charged pause, LOCKSMITH's weapon systems deactivated.
Rusty kept STEEL HAZE's active.
"...that's more like it," Freud murmured. His voice had a distinct breathlessness to it that Rusty tried to ignore. "You were glorious, V.IV. Vicious, fast, and decisive. You almost killed me a few times, might've if luck had been on your side."
"You sound disappointed," Rusty gritted out, not bothering to pretend to be V.IV Rusty. "Don't tell me this was some fucking convoluted suicide attempt."
Freud laughed - no, cackled. "Suicide attempt? You still think you can beat me right now?"
Rusty swallowed down his pride, sensing a trap in Freud's breathless, wild voice. He clenched his jaw, bared his fangs in a snarl that Freud couldn't see but definitely hear as he growled: "Not right now. But one day."
"One day. One day, you might be able to." Freud inhaled deeply, and let it out slow. "Yeah, one day."
Rusty waited, his pulse still thumping like a drum in his ears, STEEL HAZE poised to lunge, teetering on a tripwire. After a long, long pause, where Freud audibly pulled himself back under control, folding back his wild, deranged true self into the far more socially acceptable lines of V.I Freud, Vesper, LOCKSMITH turned away.
"Well, I think we've been gone long enough. Come on, V.IV. Let's go back."
Freud didn't wait. He launched LOCKSMITH upwards and boosted back towards the city, the AC travelling at a much slower speed than its flight-configuration allowed. Its armour integrity was likely hanging on by a thread, much like STEEL HAZE's.
Rusty reluctantly followed him but kept his distance, still trying to figure out what the fuck that had been about. Freud had always been a bit of a mystery, but it turned out he was fucking insane and couldn't be trusted to be normal at all. Who the hell invited someone out into the middle of nowhere to goad them into a fight to the death?! What was wrong with this guy?!
i better be careful around him, Rusty thought agitatedly. Freud now knew his true skill - had known he'd been holding back for a long while, it seemed. Had he shared this information with anyone else? Was he onto Rusty, or was he so fucking nuts that he only cared about being cheated out of a good spar in the sims? Was Rusty going to be called out into the irradiated wastelands to fight him again? Should he complain to Snail about this?! Would Snail side with him out of his hatred for Freud, or with Freud out of his hatred for Rusty???
And more importantly...
Who was going to authorise STEEL HAZE's repairs... since this wasn't an official sortie, then... then this might come out of... Rusty's wages...
i'm definitely going to kill him, he decided, cold with an intense, deep fury, maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day, i'm going to fucking kill him.
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vintage-tech · 1 year
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Old box of Snickers bars, which says that Mars would be happy to provide you with an assortment of 24 candies in a box. Listed as choices are Milky Way, Snickers, Forever Yours, Mars Bars, Dr. I.Q., and Three Musketeers. All but two of these went out of mass production, but through the wonder of the Internet here is info on those two...
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The Mars subsidary Ethel M (which I visited when I was in Henderson, Nevada years ago) has brought back the Forever Yours. They describe it as being a precursor to the Milky Way Midnight.
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The Dr. I.Q. candy was based on a radio and stage gameshow Mars sponsored. The package described it as "a delicious treat of nougat and smooth rich caramel, toasted peanuts, all covered with finest milk chocolate -- The Answer To Your Taste Question."
Bonus: The wrapper above also mentions they made a candy named Ping. That was a coconut and chocolate thing.
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emmashouldbewriting · 8 hours
“This book is not about the fact his sister is the future Queen.”
James Middleton has every right to tell his story. Hopefully he has told it well and hopefully the title matches up to the way he has chosen to focus his memoir ie it indeed pivots around Ella.
That’s said, Catherine has been his sister longer than she has been Williams’s wife. Any family history on the Middleton side is, in my opinion, not exploiting Royal connection in the least.
I would also say that William is his brother-in-law so mentions and recollections there are also not exploitative.
Mentions of the late Queen and the wider family maybe so, but I expect they very few and in my opinion as long as the book stands on its own paws the rest is fandom being fandom.🇬🇧
His book is being published by Radar, an imprint of Octopus, a subsidary of Hachette UK (welcome to the Hachette fam, James!) and they're non-fiction focused. Neither the description of his book nor his author profile have any reference to his sister beyond a last name she hasn't gone by since 2010. Even The Bookseller announcement focused on his story.
The only photos in the A+ content on Amazon are of him and his dogs. One family photo used by the One Show is not the exploitation people think it is.
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faresong · 9 months
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reference page for one of his casual outfits.
+ misc. clarification on his 'ranking' below
KAI SATOU (27) — he/hir — Japanese & Wa Chinese ASU-NARO: Technical division (special operation unit) — Level 3 Clearance Ex-patriarch and consultant of the Satou Family. Asunaro Alliance (Chidouin Clan) subsidary.
{ Technical Division } — Double-meaning in both medical developments/research, but additionally important in the technological aspect of weaponry (which inevitably leads into trade.) The Satou Family specializes in this division and, due to the Family's high status, any acting within this department will ultimately defer to Gashu. However, even among valued researchers (ie. those who work with repairing/building obstructors), there are very few new recruits into the Family through this department as the candidate requirements for its trust are extremely strict under his ruling. Rarely anyone is involved in the AI development; with those who breach confidentiality being met with death.
{ Special Operation Unit } — Subtly referring to its 'less savory' practices; though managed by the Hiyori House, there are units within other Families. In recent years, Kai has been referred to reconnaissance work rather than assassination targets once his inability to kill was revealed. Despite punishment and expected execution, they instead elected to utilize him for gathering information on the Chidouins (at least, that is what the order claims). Everyone within these units are aware of the Death Game in some capacity.
As seen in { Level 3 Clearance } ... Kai is only given very limited information on this project after his disobedience. He was once permitted Level 4—alongside those such as HIyori, Emiri, Michiru, & various old guard—but Kai has completely broken Asunaro's trust and shown himself to be a willing, dangerous traitor if he deems it necessary. The only details he holds were through his father and what little was revealed in the Death Game's beginnings, as well as Gashu's interest in replacing Kai with Michiru and Emiri (now his superiors, despite his seniority); as development continued, other candidates have been completely omitted from report requests. The bulk of this work is instead entrusted to those working under the Hiyoris at Levels 3/4.
In more distinct detail, as applied to its medical field:
— Level 1: Simply citizens with which Asunaro holds no further interest. Unaware of the scope of Asunaro; follows typical confidentiality required by government. — Level 2: Involved in upcoming projects to varying degrees, with signed confidentiality for all patented projects. Primarily excused as typical medical research and development; no peek into AI, obstructor work, etc. Coincides with security detail (at least, those who weren't raised in Asunaro), who are the only few who interact with Level 3 agents to convey orders & information. — Level 3: Reserved for those who have caught Asunaro's interest or were born in Asunaro but haven't yet completed their training... or, simply, those they cannot fully trust. Prior to Gashu's induction, he was placed here—as was Emiri and Michiru. Those in this level are slightly more aware of the depths of Asunaro in terms of the eerie amount of information they gather on each volunteer/patient's personal lives alongside medical records... these extensive profiles, which will make their assignments easier to complete, but will nonetheless leave people on-edge. At this point, the only 'out' is either death or dismissal (with lasting negative impact on one's future work.) Many working here are involved in finding human candidates for trial tests, engineering obstructors, etc. and will defer to Gashu Satou. Their yakuza roots begin to seep into daily life; as Megumi and Hayasaka particularly bear the brunt of, though Hayasaka's been given Level 4 for divulging technical information. They are under heavy surveillance and scrutiny. — Level 4: Trusted agents who know of the Death Game in detail and are actively contributing to it; involved in artificial intelligence, organizing (re)construction of the DG grounds, managing the specific candidates involved, so on and so forth. As stated above, those under the Hiyori name are sent to gather basic information—however, it is Sou Hiyori (Midori) himself who gathers most of the details beneath for AI purposes. The Chidouins are an exception, given to Kai as per the Godfather's request... Everyone on this level is aware of the Chairman, but have rarely spoken to him personally; only a select few know his family name, and perhaps that is the extent of it. Many others only refer to Asunaro as the clan they work for, rather than a particular Family name (successor of the Hades Incident) ...Kai is included, left unaware of the true nature of the family he now loves so dearly. — Level 5: Those who know the Godfather/Chairman Chidouin personally. The Floormasters belong here.
{ Ex-patriarch } — As Kai was intended to bear the mantle of leading the Satou Family established upon being the victor of the Assassin's Trial; the Godfather's strong right hand. However... Kai never proved himself past the Trial and was thereby never given the opportunity, once of-age, to succeed Gashu for the title's claim & responsibility. Gashu simultaneously acts as a supervisor of Asunaro's medical branch and manages its yakuza involvement as { Chidouin Clan subsidaries } beneath this front. Kai has been all but expelled from his own Family.
{ Consultant } is simply meant to clarify Kai's role as an assassin beneath flowery language. As all assassins loyal to Asunaro, they are allowed a certain level of freedom; 'do as you please, so long as you hit the mark' ... Kai managed to abuse this to keep himself alive for so long, using lies and certain manipulative tactics (not only in adjusting records on these victims, but at times... electing them for any other punishment beside death. to give them time) to keep his targets alive & fuel the hope that Asunaro would find some use in him despite initial reluctance to kill.
Assassins are given the general rundown and then left to use their own discretion. Naturally, there are suggestions Asunaro may offer for when and where to kill, a deadline by which this person can no longer interfere, but they are given permission to scout on their own rather than rely on informants. The only word of caution is to not get caught; despite the teachings to withstand torture, any rescue mission is less than ideal and will certainly leave questions on one's performance. Ultimately, Asunaro's only request of their assassins is to kill or retrieve these targets. Anything more raises undue suspicion, and Kai was forced to balance this for much of his life and work as a yakuza agent.
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starbcrnes · 10 months
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( ib : @/glasshcvse + @/alfealabs )
˖ ✧ ⸻ STARBORN CREATIVE is a fictional company based in South Korea formed in 2007 to house K-Pop artists. It was originally formed as CASSIOPEIA MEDIA by PARK YOUNGSOO.
In 2008, CASSIOPEIA MEDIA debuted its first group, STAR☆GIRLS, a nine membered girl group that almost immediately became popular due to their fresh and mysterious sound, almost beating groups like GIRL'S DAY and SISTAR. Unfortunately, due to a major scandal surrounding the off-screen behaviors of member DEEDEE and accusations of her bullying her fellow members and staff alike, the girl group disbanded in 2016. CASSIOPEIA MEDIA almost shut down after this scandal due to many netizens having boycotted the group prior to disbandment and for YOUNGSOO stepping down as CEO due to health issues. However, under the new CEO, LEE JUNGHOON, CASSIOPEIA MEDIA managed to rise to fame again with the debut of ACID FLOWER and its rebrand to STARBORN CREATIVE.
To this day, STARBORN CREATIVE remains one of the most respected and (sometimes) controversial companies in the K-pop industry.
NAME › STARBORN CREATIVE (formerly Cassiopeia Media)
DATE FOUNDED › April 22nd, 2007
FOUNDER › Park Youngsoo
CEO › Lee Junghoon
HEADQUARTERS › Seoul, South Korea
SUBSIDARY LABELS › Pandora Labels, House of Scorpio
WEBSITE › starborncreative.com
PANDORA LABELS is a fictional company based in South Korea formed in 2010 to house K-Pop artists. It was originally formed as SUNRISE ENTERTAINMENT. 
In 2015, SUNRISE ENTERTAINMENT debuted its first group, DREAM STATE, a seven membered girl group that did not do as well as the company hoped. With little attention paid to the girl group in favor of other groups, SUNRISE ENTERTAINMENT tried again soon after with BOMBSHELL!, a female duo who did significantly better and helped bring money to the company. 
In 2018, STARBORN CREATIVE would acquire SUNRISE ENTERTAINMENT as its second and last subsidiary label and rebrand it to PANDORA LABELS, disbanding BOMBSHELL! and moving many of their groups over to the label. Many protested this plan, stating that the trainees who were already at PANDORA LABELS would potentially be kicked out to make room for the groups. This turned out to be half true, with fifteen trainees leaving the company soon after the rebranding. However, STARBORN CREATIVE did not stop, continuing to move their groups to the label and eventually debuting PANDORA LABELS' first group, FLEURSHINE, in 2021. 
HOUSE OF SCORPIO is a fictional subsidiary label under STARBORN CREATIVE. 
In 2017, it was announced that STARBORN CREATIVE would open its first subsidiary label, HOUSE OF SCORPIO, to serve as a music production company. It would also serve as an acting agency for the actors under STARBORN CREATIVE. HOUSE OF SCORPIO was received with open arms and warm welcomes by many fans, and many producers and actors who were once under the main company were moved to HOUSE OF SCORPIO.
Today it houses many successful producers and actors such as producer VO!D and Japanese actor FURUKAWA EITO.
Star☆Girls — GIRL GROUP ( 2008 – 2016 )
Point of View / POV — BOY GROUP ( 2008 – 2015 )
solarism — COED GROUP ( 2012 – 2018 ) 
Twilight Zone — BOY GROUP ( 2016 – Present )
Acid Flower — GIRL GROUP ( 2017 – Present ) ...... Find them @/killcrqueenz
VARSITY — BOY GROUP ( 2017 – Present ) ...... Find them @/ncrdyboyz
Royale / 4Kings — BOY GROUP ( 2017 – Present ) 
ASTRALIS — GIRL GROUP ( 2017 – Present )
Valley of the Dolls / VOD — COLLABORATIVE GIRL GROUP W/ REDRUM RECORDS ( @redrumrecords ) ( 2018 – Present ) ...... Find them @/dcllfaced
S3ABORN3 — BOY GROUP ( 2018 – Present ) ...... Find them @/s3aborn3
MORNINGSTAR — COED GROUP ( 2018 – Present ) ...... Find them @/mcurningstar
Cerise — FEMALE SOLOIST ( 2019 – Present )
NineTales — GIRL GROUP ( 2019 – Present ) 
PHOENIX — FEMALE SOLOIST ( 2020 – Present )
GAMEPLAY — BOY GROUP ( 2020 – Present )
DREAM STATE — GIRL GROUP ( 2015 – Present ) 
BOMBSHELL! — FEMALE DUO ( 2015 – 2020 ) 
BRIGHTSTAR — BOY GROUP ( 2017 – Present ) 
BRIGHTBURN — GIRL GROUP ( 2018 – Present ) 
CARAVAL — COED GROUP ( 2017 – Present ) ...... Find them @/misfitcpia 
BLOODY MARY — COED GROUP ( 2018 – Present ) ...... Find them @/bloodiimarys 
MAD HATTER — BOY GROUP ( 2018 – Present ) ...... Find them @/madhcuse  
WANDERLUST — BOY GROUP ( 2018 – Present ) ...... Find them @/paradiiseblu
NEBULA / NΣBUL∆ — GIRL GROUP ( 2019 – Present )  
NIBIRU — BOY GROUP ( 2019 – Present ) ...... Find them @/planctx 
STAR — FEMALE SOLOIST ( 2019 – Present ) 
MONOBEBE — COED DUO ( 2019 – Present ) 
FLASHBACK — BOY GROUP ( 2019 – Present ) 
NAMELESS — BOY GROUP ( 2017 – Present ) 
SPOTLITE — BOY GROUP ( 2019 – Present ) 
Fleurshine — GIRL GROUP ( 2021 – Present ) 
C-Lover ( pronounced as "clover" ) — FEMALE PRODUCER ( 2017 – Present ) 
CYRUS — MALE PRODUCER ( 2017 – Present ) 
VO!D — FEMALE PRODUCER ( 2017 – Present ) 
2hL — MALE PRODUCER ( 2017 – Present ) 
Yoon Jaeho — MALE ACTOR ( 2018 – Present ) 
Jessica Kang / Kang Youngmi — FEMALE ACTOR ( 2018 – Present ) 
O. Ryan — MALE PRODUCER ( 2018 – Present ) 
Furukawa Eito — MALE ACTOR ( 2018 – Present ) 
MAEV ( pronounced as "Maeve" ) — FEMALE PRODUCER ( 2019 – Present ) 
C. Seok — MALE PRODUCER ( 2019 – Present ) 
Kang Hyunsik — MALE ACTOR ( 2019 – Present ) 
Dog Zeus — MALE PRODUCER ( 2020 – Present ) 
KAEDE — FEMALE PRODUCER ( 2020 – Present ) 
Minty — FEMALE PRODUCER ( 2021 – Present )
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dellovestorant · 5 months
If you want to read it all good luck.
For all we talk about Mercedes is doing this, Toto should stop doing this, why are they doing that or not doing that, it is all speculation at the end of the day and we really do not have a say in how they operate. A lot of people underestimate the mental strengths athletes and especially F1 drivers have these days, especially with the additional media scrutiny. George yes will have bad days and good days that's just part of being human but after everything he's gone through in terms of contract negotiations and the scare of being dropped when he was with Williams he's got the mental strength and right mentality to bounce back from a lot. Not to mention that man knows how to network. Toto might be the most outspoken person about George and his performances and whatnot due do their closeness from George's younger years and whatever but there are connections being made behind the scenes that go beyond Toto that we don't see. There are people with very sharp eyes that will pick out the 'secret' meetings here and there but at the end of the day there's even more behind that we don't know. Toto's relationship with the board just by looking at who's attending what sponsorship events is also somewhat starting to deteriote. The relationships between George/Toto, George/Leiws, Lewis/Toto and George/Toto/Lewis has definitely changed, it is blantly obvious through their actions and statements, but at the end of the day there is a line of professionalism that hasn't been crossed yet no matter how many lines their media team has already crossed. However,there has been a shift in how George reflects on a session or a race weekend from the start of this season to now. We're a quarter of the way through the season, nearly half way through the year, the way the media team and Toto treats him and his performances week in week out is becoming more and more obvious for everyone (well everyone but the demons). The obvious thing now though is to wait and see what the board of management at Mercedes Benz is going to do. You can't trust INEOS to actually do something about this as they are literally there to pay someone's salary and get their dividends. Someone on the board that's part of INEOS also looks AI generated but that's a topic for another day. The board has to do something soon to get this team on track and I don't mean just having Markus or Britta turn up inconspicuously at a race weekend to control Toto's yapping. Someone needs to stop that man from saying everything on his mind sure but overall the car is currently the most important thing. We're a quarter of the way through the season, nearly half way through the year and no one on the board is going to say anything publicly? Sure privately there definitely has to be talks going on but without public acknolwedgement you're letting TW control the narrative within F1 media. Yeah sure the european elections are from what i've heard are rightly so important but I would also say as CEO of a massive automotive company you're also not supposed to be letting someone who is technically considered your subordinate just runaway with this nonsense yapping. You can not want to interfere with immediate team dynamics sure but at the end of the day Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team could and would/is been considered a subsidary of Mercedes as long as it carries the Mercedes name. The F1 team's performance is going to bleed into the reputation of Mercedes Benz whether you like it or not. Not to the extent of affecting car sales or anything major I'm not that delusional unlike some people but something will bleed over.
As for whether George will actually leave if given the chance? At the current moment in time I doubt it. No matter how many jokes we make here and there about oh Toto stop yapping about Max and Kimi you'll loose both your star drivers, at the end of the day again the board of management has majority of the say in driver line-up. The conversation of that bloody 10-year contract is about to expire might be true but honestly with the way George's network is going I don't think a contract with Toto is the thing we should be the most worried about. If Mercedes as a company don't want you there anymore you'll know it. It'll be blantly obvious. That whole Lewis situation I am sorry to say is half a product of his own fault. Who tf asks for a raise during a worldwide pandemic where the entire automotive industry is suffering from supply and sales issues not to mention the middle of freaking legal investigations/lawsuits still ongoing left by the previous CEO. With the amount of events and pr both online and offline that George is currently doing for Mercedes (the main company not the F1 team), the board still wants him. and they're not going to let him go very easily even if that contract with Toto runs out. Take a look at CH and HM's statements back in 2020/2021 about him only being on the Mercedes market. At the current moment yeah there's all that talk about oh George's contract is up again next year and CH is taking digs at Toto about taking George but realistically think about it. CH and TW have been going at it forever and ever taking digs at each other even when one of them is fighting the goddamn midfield. Unless the board at Mercedes gets involved in this little pissing contest these two are having I wouldn't be too sure about George leaving. And whilst Oliver Mintzlaff's comments for Toto are most definitely true I would say that man also has more to worry about. It might not be car performance but for rbr atm there worry is not car performance.
At the end of the day if the board still wants him, George is staying. Lando stayed with McLaren through all the shit they've been through and Charles and Ferrari. As much as this team is currently giving everyone a headache if you truly think George is leaving this project at the end of next year just because Toto can't stop yapping you haven't been paying that much attention. Rumours are just that. Rumours.
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
The fact that Green stans are throwing trantums because even TG actors couldn’t say why people should be on their side.
There’s no such thing as “Black propaganda” bffr it’s not medieval times, TG actors are not traditionalist Catholics losers who live in the 15th century like their fans, like besides the far-right and male supremacists, who will willingly admit that usurping women & preventing them from ruling on the sole basis of their gender is the right thing to do ? Especially in a favor of a drunkard rapist ? Besides incels and religious fanatics, how many in 2024 are like: “she’s an evil slut for having sex outside marriage, that’s why she doesn’t deserves to rule, and natural children are inherently evil & don’t deserve rights.” They are not awful people like y’all who support femicide.
Professionally, they are all at some level trying to play into their character and for the viewership's primary mindset towards the situations the story on-screen present/how they interpret them. Most of the audience are "team black" /Team Rhaenyra/team woman or just see through the greens' bullshit. Fandoms are also notoriously much more aggressive, acerbic, and defensive in online fandom and public spaces.
At the same time, you see the actors overwhelmingly seem inclined to not bring up the core of the greens' cause/reason to start a war: women and girls should not be allowed to rule before an available male relative, as direct as possible but unnecessary. Such an idea may be valid or the God's truth for some in the fandom (which has been notoriously and sexistly & vocal since GoT ended) but thankfully, we're in a place in time where people are also very upfront and assertive about their progressive politics, at least the younger generations. And women have much more autonomous legal rights than they have had in past centuries. More people conceive as women as their own unique persons, too, even though yes women's rights are being rolled back in the U.S. as we speak. A lot of that expression is geared towards the absurdity of those rights being rolled back and giving historical/contemporary contextual context or just plain reasoning to de0naturalize those acts.
People are speaking up more about IPV, public day rapes, orchestrated and planned femicides, women getting punched in the face. Women online are expressing their own styles, dreams, and humor, as well as telling women and femme-presenting people to decenter men (or to stop attaching everything they do or think they have to do from the prospect or presence of a man/boy).
So I think that they simply couldn't gun for the slogan of "men-first" without getting positively reamed. Plus, the 1st season really didn't lean into the greens' canonically uber-sexist personas bc the show writers wanted to "equalize" the moral characterizations of the two sides. To either/both the greens as sympathetic or to try to insert more complexity to them than what the already-green-leaning F&B book had down as them being mostly ultra-misogynist advocates for self-ambition and hypocrisy. Even Ewan--Aemond's actor--kept to the eye bit instead of Aemond's "cunny", "whore" comments because of these two things. SO while I think it is fair to not hear the actors as themselves play into the sexism in the promos [bc an actor vs character are two different beings and I don't necessarily want to hear a 21st century famous person say sexist shit], I wish the show and its writing itself played more into more of the expressed sexism rather than just the subtle and one instance of Otto's words to Alicent. again, the show did this to make a "balance" b/t the groups and one glaring effect that happened was that it provided a mask for sexists, pick mes, and dudebros to argue for the greens without just coming out and saying they think girls and women should remain subsidary to men/boys in all aspects of life. Especially as candidates for leadership roles. I've had countless anons try to argue that Rhaenyra wasn't a good enough leader and so she should never had gone to war to reclaim her throne, that Aegon at least had a council he'd listen to and would rule in his name...um, hello, I though that the best sort of ruler was one who had the wherewithal to actually rule?!?! Plus, Aegon's moral character has always been inferior to Rhaenyra and you basically admitting that his leadership qualities is nothing to smile at is you basically whittling down the reason he should be king is bc he happens ot have a penis! Especiaally considering Rhaenyra's supporters outnumbered Aegon's and passionately fought for her even after death. Whereas Aegon was poisoned by his own people. Tg just needs to let things go, for everyone's sake.
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lgcmanager · 5 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: VARIABLE SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS:  - members taking part in WORKSHOP 002 CANNOT do the regular TRAINEE MISSION - members NOT in the workshop this trimester are expected to take part in the TRAINEE MISSION
the five trainees are back in the meeting room and just as last time,  KIM HYUNCHEOL (the trainees' head manager), SEO YOUNGJAE (kim hyuncheol's assistant), PARK JEONGAN (current CEO), LEE ISEUL (head creative director) and LEE YONGSEOK (DBSD DAEHYUN's manager) are present with them. shortly after they are seated, 3 new trainees are hearded in:
HWANG MINKI ( @lgcminki )
MAE JASPER ( @lgcxjasper )
SUNG HANEUL ( @lgchxneul )
HYUNCHEOL and YONGSEOK are the first to get up and introduce them as the new TRIAL MEMBERS. congratulations on passing the audition to all three of you !
CORE MEMBERS (BAEK BYEONGKWAN, HAN NOEUL, KURAMOTO MISAKI, LAI WENJUN, XUE YICHEN): members currently set to be part of the debut group. as long as you do the requirements for NKND, you'll be kept in the group. should you want to drop out, simply ignore the requirements. one missed trimester will move your character to the TRIAL MEMBERS group.
TRIAL MEMBERS (HWANG MINKI, MAE JASPER, SUNG HANEUL): members currently on trial, should their performance during the trimester satisfy the coaches, they will be moved to the core group. to be moved to core members, trial members must do the requirements for NKND as well as the trainee mission/wokshop 002 this trimester. if you wish to drop out of the project, simply ignore the NKND requirements for a trimester and the character will be dropped
shortly after, none other than CHOI DAEHYUN of DBSD himself enters the room. his presence seems to fill it as soon as he steps in. after exchanging greetings, PARK JEONGAN addresses the people present. "as you've surely heard, we are opening a new subsidary, and from today on, CHOI DAEHYUN will be your boss." the last word is followed by a short amused chuckle. "DBSD, when founding USGEN, had a clear view of the company and what they want to achieve. and the 8 of you have been carefully picked by all the people present here with this view in mind. in the next couple of months, you'll be moving to the 7th floor, which will be fully dedicated, and only accessible to USGEN staff. don't worry, the rest of the building - except LGC AGENCY's foor - will still be accessible for you." he further explains. "this will be the last meeting that ISEUL and myself will be attending. Creative control will be handled by DBSD members themselves, while HYUNCHEOL, YOUNGJAE and YONGSEOK will be here to support you on the day to day matters until further notice."
once he's done talking, DAEHYUN finally speaks. "the members and i have been reviewing the content you've filmed so far. 'USGEN CHANNEL' will launch on MAY 1. i'll be introducing the company, our goals and plans on that day, as well as the NEWKIDS NEWDREAMS project. the first episodes of the show will actually be dedicated to reviewing your performances, for those who have filmed them. and, for those who havent, it's coming soon enough." his grin makes his words further more omnious for some reason. "our goal is to officially shift the videos to you 8 only on MAY 22, when NEW KIDZ ON THE BLOCK will be released digitally.
the basis of a new group is to introduce those part of it and this is what the first tasks of the boys will be about ! as this is content for a YOUTUBE CHANNEL, the tasks are divided in 'videos' that the boys will have to film:
NEW KIDZ ON THE BLOCK (TAKE 2): DBSD'S DAEHYUN has produced and written the THEME SONG for the youtube channel, titled NEW KIDZ ON THE BLOCK, it has already been recorded with the five first members, now that three more have joined, it will be rerecorded with them. The 8 MEMBERS audio and video performance will be the ones released to the public.
DOOM DUM DOOM: DBSD'S SEOHAN was tasked to compose, write and choreograph an anthem-sounding song that would show the future group's colors. the song titled 'DOOM DU DOOM' is the result. the group will be learning an practicing the song for the next month before they will be evaluated by a panel composed of DAEHYUN, SEOHAN and various coaches. if they should pass this evaluation, they will be filming the music video of the song some time in JUNE, with a digital release around JULY 8. all the lyrics for this trimester can be found HERE
SHOW US YOUR BEST (TRIAL MEMBERS ONLY): each members will record a solo performance* demonstrating what they are best at in terms of skills (singing, dancing, rapping and/or instuments are accepted)
SOLO PRACTICE (CORE MEMBERS ONLY): each member will be tasked to film themselves during their solo practice for about 1 hour. the skills they are practicing are up to them. this is to show the viewers and fans a window into their lives as trainees.
LANGUAGE BOOTCAMP: due to having less than 70 KOREAN LANGUAGE POINTS, KURAMOTO MISAKI and MAE JASPER have to participate in the language bootcamp, while LAI WENJUN will take part in it since he has less than 30 ENGLISH LANGUAGE POINTS. information on these bootcamps will be released later.
*only songs released by legacy artists or released by any artists BEFORE january 2022 are eligible
as written in the article, USGEN aims to be setting trends, and what better way to do so than use YOUTUBE SHORTS and TIKTOK. for fans to know them better, the members will be filming a 'SHALL WE KNOW' short (see JULIE and NATTY filming one HERE). each member will have to pick a LOCATION and OUTFIT that fits their IMAGE and PERSONALITY. if the location is outside of LEGACY, USGEN will book the location for a one hour shoot. another member will be in charge of FILMING the short and GIVING QUESTIONS. none of them will know the questions that will be asked prior to the short being filmed as the answers and actions need to be spontaneous. daehyun has only advice for the boys; go all out without shame !
BAEK BYEONGKWAN's video will be filmed/interviewed by XUE YICHEN
HAN NOEUL video will be filmed/interviewed by BAEK BYEONGKWAN
KURAMOTO MISAKI video will be filmed/interviewed by SUNG HANEUL
LAI WENJUN video will be filmed/interviewed by HAN NOEUL
HWANG MINKI video will be filmed/interviewed by KURAMOTO MISAKI
SUNG HANEUL video will be filmed/interviewed by MAE JASPER
MAE JASPER video will be filmed/interviewed by HWANG MINKI
XUE YICHEN video will be filmed/interviewed by LAI WENJUN
following stage name submissions, here are how the core members will be referred to in public releases from here on:
the trial members will also be allowed to submit 3 STAGE NAME SUGGESTIONS if you wish for your muse to have a stage name! also, please note that the current members have all moved DORMS (again, for some) !
on a final note, we are in the process of picking a leader of the final group. as it stands SUNG HANEUL and HAN NOEUL are the only one to have shown interest in the role. the second part of the mission that'll come later in the trimester will pertain to group leader trials. other than HANEUL, if your muse is interested in the role, please kindly let us know through direct message. i want to make it clear that the muse will need to VOLUNTEER for the role as, ic wise, none of them would be forced into this position.
SHORTS: write a 6 (six) replies (minimum 8 lines) thead with your assigned partners making the shorts for +6 SKILL POINTS and +8 NOTORIETY !  ** this should be claimed twice **
SOLO PRACTICE: write a 300+ words solo about your muse filming their hour solo practice for +5 SKILL POINTS, +5 NOTORIETY !
PERFORMANCE: write a 300+ words solo or headcanon about which song they picked for the performance and why they made that choice for +2 SKILL POINTS, +2 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:nknd on your threads and solos ! to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before JULY 6, 2024 11:59 EDT.
MUSE NAME ∙ NKND 002 - SHORTS (muse's video): +6 SKILL POINTS DISTRIBUTION + 8 notoriety [ LINK ] - SHORTS (filming/interviewing other muse): +6 SKILL POINTS DISTRIBUTION + 5 notoriety [ LINK ] - SOLO PRACTICE (core members): +5 SKILL POINTS DISTRIBUTION + 5 notoriety [ LINK ] - PERFORMANCE (trial members): +3 SKILL POINTS DISTRIBUTION + 2 notoriety [ LINK ] - STAGE NAME SUGGESTIONS (trial members): (give 3 suggestions of stage names)
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wtchnghrs · 7 months
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#BONNIE is a fictional k-pop soloist under SOURCE MUSIC, a subsidary of HYBE LABELS. She made her debut on 19 April 2021 with the title track STRANGER DANGER from the EP, WITCHING HOUR.
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chevvy-yates · 1 month
🍓 🍓 🍓 for who inspires you (i love them all, i will read <33)
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🍓 Loreley is a very skilled netrunner – offensive too, using Mantis Blades like Ryder. She may not be as smart and skilled in it as Vijay and Jaysen are but she's mostly trained by Arasaka and Militech so do not underestimate her power.
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🍓 Thyjs got his optics already changed or more or less modified when he was still a young boy starting Militech trainee school. He would have never been able to join the military with his real eyes — at least not modified — that have inherent blurred vision and nystagmus. His left organic one got merged together with micro hightech military cyberware — a more advanced version of Times Square Marquee. It works like a contact lens placed over the real eye but connected to his visual nerve and (besides that the lens is able to receive data information, messages and analytics). It projects the vision directly onto a screen on the lens so Thyjs is able to see it sharp. Without any helping cyberware Thyjs was only able to see things more clearly the nearer he wet to the objects. He used to have the same eye on the right as well but decided in his young career he needed to exchange at least one into a cybernetic optic so he has 100% vision as his left needs regular check ups to work appropriately. So the right one was added with rainbow-like colors of his choice. It's not only fashionable and can let Thyjs see heat patterns and temperature readings (Thermograph Sensor) and he also got the Anti-Dazzle installed on this one as well, so he's immune do flash and laser blindingo n the right (but needs to close his left for that or it will mix up). If you look Thyjs into his eyes (friendly or romantically) you will experience his left organic eye is unable to really "focus" on one spot as it jitters from left to right through the nystagmus. It doesn't bother him, he doesn't notice it either, only his opponent will see it and find it weird at first.
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🍓Most of Vijay's earned money flows into food ordered from outside Night City. He pays attention that his food is organic and of good quality. You will see him rarely to never eat cheap stuff when outside. He also doesn't touch anything that comes from Biotechnica and its subsidaries (e.g. All Foods). He digged a little too far into conspiracy theories in the past about Biotechnika and therefore avoids it entirely.
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