#such as ctubbo killing caimsey. he has it in him!
dyketubbo · 2 years
the thing is in my mind i have such a clear way of how to properly incorporate ctubbo killing c!aimsey into the story in my head and i have like a whole dynamic in there but it makes me feel so incredibly insane because all there is in canon is just. ctubbo felt a little quirky that day killed a woman and laughed it off like.
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ranboo5 · 1 year
immediately after ctubbo killed caimsey there was sooo much discourse abt whether that was "in character" for him and ur post reminded me of that. so what s ur thoughts on that 1
Well as I said. ANYONE would commit manslaughter in his position
But also he would especially lowkey . I just fully don't understand the "it's not in character for him" argument because... are we talking about the same character? Tubbo_? Tubbo "taking notes from all the lash-outers around him" _? Tubbo "child soldier" _? Tubbo "fully OK with breaking into a guy's house, stealing his shit, and using it to publicly execute a different guy with 0 trial" _? Tubbo "PHILZA MINECRAFT YOU ARE UNDER HOUSE ARREST" _? Tubbo "well then he doesn't have a server anymore" _? Tubbo "ghast cannon" _? Tubbo "do you know what Gandhi does in Civ V" _?? THAT Tubbo_?? It's out of character for him to, while resolutely Not Dealing With the miserable futile anger and despair of getting everything torn out from under him again, lash out, try to threaten and goad a target provoking him into a fight, and then shove xem off a bridge demi-intentionally?? Like it's out of character for THIS GUY to do that????
Like oh yeah sorry I forgot Tubbo is never aggressive and has 0 incentive to threaten or executed violence when he sees fit to assert power he's been denied. Especially when he's snapping bc of long repressed anger. Y'know because he's been on this server with people, including people he looks up to, who act this way and been given no fitting counterexample but he's just so good at Dealing With Things that he's managed to refuse to absorb it <- Sarcasm
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tubbostim · 2 years
have u ever, thought that most of ctubbo's life has been, passed by grieving ? its his, normality by now . he has grieved his, home . his best friend ( three times ), he has grieved everything he has, lost . he, has grieved his husband and himself . he has, grieved so much but at, the same time never learnt how to cope with, it . every person that died, came back . he never had the, time to process death . he never went, over l'manberg's falling bc he feels like, he doesn't have a purpose no more .
so when cranboo didn't, come back it broke all of his, schemes . he should come, back like the others . Instead he never did, and he tried to follow the, grieving process like a textbook . checking off phases like a, grocery list . but grief doesn't, work like that and it bothers him .
so he started, ignoring . he started brushing, off their death like he did with, every issue he ever faced . Until he exploded to, caimsey and killed star in blinded, rage and feeling of being threatened .
He felt guilty . He feels guilty . He apologised to, caimsey and opened up about his trauma . In a fashion that is, kinda unusual for him . He is, so slowly trying to heal and, be better . He admits of being, scared by other being too close to, him ; either physically or emotionally .
He is still such a, hurt child that had to, grew up too fast .
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24-guy · 2 years
Best cTubbo moment with another character? Or favorite duo/trio with cTubbo in it? :o
Favourite moment with another character is the one with cAimsey. It shows how close to the end he is. Taunting them? Risking his own death? All over a flower and a house he doesn't even visit.
It shows how little people matter but how attached he's got to that house he is. It's the last thing he had of his husband. I bet he can barely look at it. But the fact that he calls cRanboo a dead man? Taking away any sense of attachment, nothing else. And I FUCKING LOVE the whole "angel of death" comment. Because he is that. He's the person who has lasted the longest with one life. He has survived off of everything he has, survived everything blowing up in his face twice at the least, all while he was in charge of it, has had his things stolen, his best friends killed, his son taken from him, no family that we know of, no more pets, nothing. He has no Disks as a symbol of hope, no daisy to get attached to. All he has is a house haunted by a dead man and his son who lives in that same Ghost's house.
I apologize for the rant. I love him so much.
Anyway, as for the duos/trios. I'll always be a cBench Trio lover.
But my favourite cTubbo duo has to be cFirework. They mean the world to me.
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xmaruu11 · 2 years
so all in all cTubbo actions come from grief/anger, feeling replaced, kinda self hatred, and just projecting into cAimsey everything that has gone wrong w him
He bottled everything up for so long That crossing to someone like himself was the thing that broke him And he let everything out, he let all the anger and frustration out to someone who wouldn’t even get angry
tubbo BEGGED to start a fight, for aimsey to hate him, but aimsey showed him compassion, and that made him feel weak, that made him feel pitied And that’s what threw him more over the edge more, he got more angry
And what hurts more, is that he never planned on killing Aimsey, it was a mistake, an accident, but he tries to play it off as if it doesn't care... but im sure that will haunt him
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doodlebloo · 2 years
sorry i know this was ages ago but I agree so much on tubbo not knowing it would be/is a canon death
DW you're good! But yeah I think it works a lot better for him because like, cTubbo intentionally killing cAimsey relatively unprovoked is very unlike him - not that I see him as "gentle uwu bee boy" or whatever, but because he's always been extremely security conscious and hasn't really been shown as someone who goes around making enemies. Quite the opposite - he literally lies to people to make them like him more, etc. So like killing someone he just met, who for all he knows is allied with much stronger people ? It doesnt really fit as well imo.
But also! cTubbo's narrative has historically involved a lot of him Losing, all the time, at every turn - he REALLY has to work for his wins. If cTubbo just... Killed cAimsey in cold blood, then that's kind of a Win for him - not really of course, but in the sense that he achieved exactly what he set out to do, which was to murder. But I feel like him trying to fuck with cAimsey and then killing him by accident works a lot better because it's another failure/loss for cTubbo. It's him trying to lash out emotionally and sort of force the kindness out of cAimsey the way it was forced out of cTubbo years ago, and then even that backfires spectacularly and bloodies his hands for the first time.
Tldr, cTubbo surviving war after war without ever taking a canon life and then killing cAimsey on purpose with no real reason is a lot weaker to me narratively than cTubbo surviving everything he's survived without taking a life and then taking an innocent's life through reckless endangerment and having to live with the guilt.
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xpoolboy · 2 years
both tubbo and purpled hurt people who didn't deserve it because of their trauma, so why does the fandom treat purpled's actions differently to tubbo's, despite being very similar?
i think a lot of it comes from cc bias and more history and connection with ctubbo than with cpurpled. i'm not really one to talk, seeing as my cc bias towards purpled has pushed me to be one of the biggest cpurp apologists to ever walk the planet, but there definitely is a difference between "my blorbo murdered someone" and "this character murdered someone". and ctubbo is a LOT of people's blorbo, or blorbo-adjacent. he's been around for basically the entire dsmp and has a long history and has built up a huge fanbase regarding his character. purpled, on the other hand, has been around for as long as tubbo on the dsmp, but his character isnt nearly as prominent, doesn't have nearly the same amount of history and involvement in lore, and therefore has a far smaller fanbase.
related to this, i think the fandom knows that tubbo's been through a lot of trauma during his time on the smp, especially because of his proximity to tommy and his higher viewercounts. purpled's trauma, on the other hand, often goes unnoticed past the very obvious. sometimes interpretations of his trauma are just completely incorrect (quackity manipulated him, etc).
finally, i think who they killed plays a part. again, cc bias and blorbos 4ever. c!slime? everyone's blorbo. or almost everyone's blorbo. c!aimsey? yes, he has a lot of fans, but her character is very new and hasn't reached the level of fan-favorite that cslime had. despite cslime having actual (minor) involvement in quackity's attempts to manipulate purpled, and caimsey having nothing to do with what tubbo's been through, the takes i've seen on ctubbo's recent actions are analysis posts on why he did it, at worst minor crit of his character, or people feeling bad and understanding why he did what he did, while not supporting it. on the other hand, for weeks after cpurpled's murder of slime, i saw a handful of analysis posts and a whole lot of (maintagged) "oh my god FUCK cpurpled for what he did to slime i hate him i hope he dies".
this isn't intended to be fandom critical, i'm just very curious on the reason behind the differences between how they reacted to purpled and tubbo's similar actions. feel free to add on!
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metfell · 2 years
everyones asking whats going on on stream and idk how to like. explain it there was a confrontation with ctubbo and caimsey and tubbo told him that ranboo has been dead this whole time and aimsey is like why would he lie to me abt being dead. and then tubbo tried baiting aimsey into attacking him but pearled out and... killed aimsey. and now is saying he wants to be the bad guy and is getting a fake daisy to give back to aimsey and aimsey is moving out of the mansion and into his tree house. I THINK THATS IT....?
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Ok breaking my silence it's mildly upsetting how much of season 4 cTubbo is ruled by meta issues (? That's the wrong term but you'll see what I mean)
1. Has to go look for his missing son and gets called a terrible father because Sapnap (whose character wouldn't know Michael exists) broke into c!Tubbo's house (while Tubbo was literally live doing an IRL stream) threatening to kill Michael_B (no character motive given + as we have established that's a real ass toddler he's trying to kill) and Eret to moved him to keep him safe. This was likely meant to be an ooc stream but it got turned into a plot point Later to help with
2. c!Ranboo's death, which is now being used to say c!Tubbo is a Bad Husband for not trying to revive him. Like I get it if Ghostboo is meant to be an unreliable narrator but the unreliable narrator trope doesn't work if we aren't ever shown that the narrator is wrong. The explanation for why cTubbo hasn't visited or interacted is bc PLANS CHANGED and cRanboo went from "he'll be revived in a week" to now, it's because of meta reasons and there isn't really an in-character explanation that we have been given, only speculation from fans
3. cTubbo just got his first canon kill because he was messing around with cAimsey and the death got canonized after the fact. Not trying to accuse anyone of anything & I'm sure ccTubbo doesn't mind, he can speak for himself when it comes to lore. I'm not trying to say he's a victim here or that the ccs aren't allowed to make this kind of writing decision but it sucks to see such a huge moment like that which does not make sense for his character (unless it was an accident) come out of nowhere.
Not to mention his alliance with cTechnoblade was also set in motion by the Michael thing, + how c!clingyduo is notably and confusingly missing from the current plot purely because cc!clingyduo just Don't do lore together, & there hasn't been any in-universe explanation for that.
I'm not saying the dsmp has never run into problems like this before, I'm not saying that this is anyone in particular's fault, and I'm not saying that ccTubbo is bothered by this or trying to victimize him or whatever. All I'm saying is that as a long time fan it's hard to watch this character who has been fairly consistent have ooc thing after ooc thing pop up in canon and for it to seem to largely be caused by a lack of communication. If you can think of perfectly logical explanations for each of the things on this list that's awesome for you, but the point I'm trying to make here is that even if we as fans can come up with in-universe explanations for why it may make sense it kind of sucks to know from an out of universe standpoint how much of it has been at least partially accidental and therefore mildly ooc for c!Tubbo.
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doodlebloo · 2 years
the other thing that kind of throws me off about ctubbo intentionally killing a person is how careful he was to avoid actually hurting people during Snowchester era. like.. the nukes weren’t ever supposed to be used! he has a keycard and needs jack manifold’s approval to use them! he constantly questioned whether it was right for them to have that power! when he built his interrogation room he actively insisted it was just supposed to be scary and that he wasn’t going to hurt anyone! and I feel like so many people focus on him actively threatening cquackity during the cookie outpost arc that they forget immediately after that he told cranboo he didn’t want to and probably wouldn’t use them anyway. like ppl forget the whole point of the nukes was so that he had power to back up his demands so ppl like cdream would think twice about wronging him not for him to actually use them
so much of ctubbo’s arc has been around being a good person despite everything. and he doesn’t always get it right. but I feel like him doing a complete 180 straight away and intentionally murdering caimsey is a bit too far outta character even if I can rationalise his turn to “being a bad guy”. it being an accident after he finally lashed out is so much more compelling imo
YES EXACTLY!!! Like of course characters can change, but it feels strange for cTubbo to have such a core part of his personality flipped on its head with no explanation/buildup besides "I'm grieving + I'm a bad guy now"
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